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 杨 进1






(1.中国石油大学石油工程教育部重点实验室,北京 102249; 2.中国海洋石油研究中心,北京 100027;

3.中国海洋石油基地集团公司,天津 300452)

摘要:为研究隔水导管与水泥浆、水泥浆与海底土之间作用机理,在天津塘沽渤海湾海滨地区做了系列模拟试验,根据试验结果分析了隔水导管与水泥浆固结力随时间的变化规律以及水泥浆与海底土层固结强度随时间的变化规律。在海上隔水导管钻入法施工中,隔水导管的入泥深度确定与海底土性质及水泥浆固结质量有很大关系。隔水导管钻入法施工一般使用海水钻进,钻完固井后隔水导管外面与水泥浆直接接触,而水泥浆又与海底土层直接接触。通过模拟试验结果得出,水泥环强度突变点是发生在注入水泥浆后的48h 的时间段。该研究成果能够为海上隔水导管钻入法固井作业施工和钻井隔水导管入泥深度的确定提供科学依据。

关键词:钻入法;隔水导管;水泥环;胶结强度中图分类号:TE256.1 文献标识码:A

Ana lysis and research of cem en ti n g strength tests between wa ter isol a ti on tube and so il

ZHA I Huiying 1

,Y ANG Jin 1

,ZHOU Jianliang 2

,L I U Shujie 2

,Y ANG L iping 3

,CA I Zhansheng


(1.MO E Key Laboratory of Petroleum Engineering,China U niversity of Petroleum ,B eijing 102249,China;

2.China N ational O ffshore O il Co m pany R esearch Center ,B eijing 100083,China;

OOC,Tanggu 300452,China )

Abstract :I n order t o study the acti on mechanis m of water is olati on tube and cement slurry,ce ment slurry and sub marine s oil,se 2

ries si m ulati on tests are done in Bohai Bay beachside in Tanggu of Tianjin .According t o test results,the rule varying with ti m e of the force fixing the l oope bet w een water is olati on tube and ce ment slurry and the cons olidating strength bet w een ce ment slurry and subma 2rine s oil layer as well .I n constructi on of offshore riser burr owing int o method,the driving dep th deter m inati on of riser is greatly related with sub marine s oil p r operties and ce ment slurry cons olidati on quality .R iser drilling constructi on usually drills with sea water,after ce 2menting the outside of riser has direct contact with ce ment slurry,while ce ment slurry has direct contact with sub marine s oil layer .It concludes that catastr ophe point of cement ring strength occurs in 48h ti m e seg ment after ce ment slurry drilling in by si m ulati on test .The research result can p r ovide scientific basis for offshore ce menting operati on constructi on of riser drilling and driving dep th deter m i 2nati on of drilling riser .

Key words :burr owing int o method;water is olati on tube;ce ment ring;ce menting strength



1 试验准备

1.1 模型建立

1961年Bearden 和Lavne 就建立了一套简单的


,以确定水泥与管子之间的剪切胶结强度,如图1(a )所示。胶结强度是指水泥浆在环空中

第30卷第2期 石油钻采工艺 Vol .30No .2 2008年4月 O I L DR I L L I N G &PRODUCTI O N TECHNOLOGY Ap r .2008 


(编号:Z2006S LTJ -0135)部分内容。 作者简介:翟慧颖,1982年生。2005年毕业于中国石油大学(北京)土木工程专业,现在石油与天然气工程学院就读岩土工程硕士,主要

