P. Managing Class Names in Java Component Systems with Dynamic Update
3.javap的基本语法为:javap [options] [classes]其中,options为可选参数,用于控制输出结果的格式和内容;classes为要反汇编的类名或类文件。
2.例如,输入javap ng.String,即可查看String类的所有成员信息。
2.例如,输入javap -c ng.String,即可查看String类的字节码指令。
3.例如,输入javap -v ng.String,即可查看String类的常量池信息。
3.例如,输入javap -S ng.String,即可查看String类的反汇编结果。
3.可以通过javap -h命令查看所有可用的选项和其详细说明。
properties⽂件是Java平台默认的配置⽂件格式,其优点是格式清晰,简单易懂,使⽤commons-configuration读取properties ⽂件也⽐较简单,代码如下:基本⽤法:1.加载jar包,我使⽤maven⾃动加载,pom.xml配置如下:<dependency><groupId>commons-configuration</groupId><artifactId>commons-configuration</artifactId><version>1.9</version></dependency><!-- commons-configuration ⾃动加载的是2.1的版本,编译时会报错,所以再加上这个 --><dependency><groupId>commons-lang</groupId><artifactId>commons-lang</artifactId><version>2.6</version></dependency>common-lang这个包要⽤新版的,如果不写这个依赖,commons-configuration会下载⼀个2.1旧版,导致编译出错2.java代码:PropertiesConfiguration config = new PropertiesConfiguration(“/database.properties”);String userName = config.getString("name");除了getString()⽅法外,还有getBoolean,getDouble,getInteger等不同返回类型的⽅法可以调⽤。
javap的各种命令用法 -回复
javap的各种命令用法-回复Javap是Java Development Kit(JDK)中的一个命令行工具,用于反编译Java字节码文件。
本文将一步一步介绍javap 的各种命令用法,帮助读者更好地了解和使用这个强大的工具。
一、安装和配置Javap首先,我们需要安装Java Development Kit(JDK)并将其配置到系统的环境变量中。
二、基本命令用法1. 命令格式javap命令的基本格式如下:javap [options] [classes]2. 帮助命令如果你对javap的命令选项不熟悉,可以使用以下命令获取帮助信息:javap -help3. 查看类结构如果你想查看一个类的结构,可以使用以下命令格式:javap -c [fully-qualified-class-name]其中,-c选项用于显示字节码指令的编译版本。
4. 查看常量池常量池是一个存储Java字节码中常量的table,包括类和接口的全限定名、字段和方法的名称和描述符、字面量、符号引用等信息。
你可以使用以下命令来查看一个类的常量池:javap -verbose [fully-qualified-class-name]该命令会输出常量池的详细信息,包括常量池中的项数量、类型、内容等。
5. 查看方法签名要查看一个类的方法签名,可以使用以下命令:javap -s [fully-qualified-class-name]该命令会显示每个方法的签名,包括参数类型、返回类型、异常类型等。
6. 查看字段信息要查看一个类的字段信息,可以使用以下命令:javap -verbose -private [fully-qualified-class-name]该命令会显示每个字段的修饰符、名称、类型等信息。
java 项目取名规则 -回复
java 项目取名规则-回复Java 项目取名规则在开发Java项目时,项目的命名是一个非常重要的环节。
1. 遵循命名规范Java开发社区有一套约定俗成的命名规范,这套规范被广泛应用于各种Java项目中。
下面是一些常用的命名规范:- 包名:使用小写字母,并使用域名的逆序,例如:com.example.projectname。
- 类名:使用驼峰命名法,即每个单词的首字母大写,例如:ProjectName。
- 方法名和变量名:使用驼峰命名法,首字母小写,例如:getProjectName()。
- 常量名:全大写,多个单词间用下划线分隔,例如:PROJECT_NAME。
2. 选择具有描述性的名称一个好的项目名称应该能够准确地描述项目的功能和目的。
以下是一些选择描述性名称的建议:- 避免使用过于简单的名称,例如:Project1、Test等。
- 使用项目的实际功能或目标进行命名。
- 如果项目是为特定领域设计的,可以考虑在名称中包含该领域的关键词。
3. 避免使用缩写和简写在命名Java项目时,尽量避免使用缩写和简写。
以下是一些建议:- 避免使用难以理解的缩写和不常见的简写。
java 多模块项目同名类 匹配原则
四、解决方案针对多模块项目中同名类的问题,可以采取以下几种解决方案:1. 包命名规范在设计多模块的Java项目时,可以通过合理的包命名规范来避免同名类的问题。
2. 类加载器隔离可以采用类加载器隔离的方式来解决同名类的问题。
3. 模块化的设计合理地将项目进行模块化设计,将重复的类进行合并或者重新设计,避免出现同名类的冲突。
类加载机制-字段解析(同名字段)原创:转载需注明原创地址 JVM 类加载机制中字段解析中--⼦类和⽗类和接⼝同名字段解析情况。
⾸先贴出我的验证类:package interfaces;/*** 字段解析(⽗类和接⼝中的字段调⽤顺序)*/public class FieldResolution {interface Interface0 {//Error:(5, 21) java: 此处不允许使⽤修饰符private//接⼝⾥⾯的字段和⽅法只能为公共的//private int A = 0;int A = 0;}interface Interface1 extends Interface0{int A = 1;}interface Interface2{int A = 2;}static class Parent implements Interface1{public static int A = 3;}static class Sub extends Parent implements Interface2{public static int A = 4;}public static void main(String[] args){System.out.println(Sub.A);}} 此时,可以打印出如下信息: 修改⼀下代码:注释掉Sub中的变量,运⾏⼀下static class Sub extends Parent implements Interface2{//public static int A = 4;} 控制台报如下异常: 提⽰Error,⽗类和实现接⼝中都有变量A,不知道该解析哪⼀个了。
再修改⼀下代码,把Parent类中的变量也注释掉:再运⾏⼀下static class Parent implements Interface1{//public static int A = 3;}static class Sub extends Parent implements Interface2{//public static int A = 4;} 提⽰Error,接⼝1和接⼝2⾥⾯都有变量A,不知道解析哪个了。
mvn class和java文件混合编译
一、介绍Maven(全称Apache Maven)是一个基于Java的项目管理工具,可以帮助开发人员管理项目的构建、报告和文档生成。
二、MVN编译Java文件1. 在Maven项目中,我们可以使用mvn命令编译Java文件。
在项目的根目录下,使用命令行工具输入以下命令:```bashmvnpile```2. 上述命令将会触发Maven对整个项目进行编译,找到所有的Java 源文件,并将其编译成class文件。
3. 除了编译Java文件外,mvnpile命令还会执行项目所需的依赖项的编译,以确保项目的依赖关系得到满足。
4. 如果项目中存在多个模块,mvnpile命令将会对每个模块进行独立的编译,确保各个模块间的相互依赖关系得到满足。
5. 使用mvnpile命令可以使我们轻松地编译Java文件,并生成项目所需的class文件。
三、混合编译1. 在实际的项目开发中,我们可能会遇到一些特殊情况,需要同时使用Maven进行编译和手动编译Java文件。
2. 对于需要进行混合编译的情况,我们可以先使用mvnpile命令对项目进行编译,然后手动编译一些特殊的Java文件。
3. 进行混合编译时,需要注意手动编译的Java文件不要与Maven编译的文件产生冲突,否则会导致编译失败或者运行时异常。
4. 混合编译在项目的调试和优化阶段非常有用,可以帮助开发人员更好地控制项目的构建过程,并且可以针对特定的文件进行调试和优化。
四、结论1. Maven是一个非常强大的项目管理工具,通过mvnpile命令可以轻松地对Java文件进行编译,并生成项目所需的class文件。
java metrics 使用方式
java metrics 使用方式摘要:1.Java Metrics 简介2.Java Metrics 使用方法3.Java Metrics 的优势和应用场景正文:【Java Metrics 简介】Java Metrics 是一个用于收集、聚合和报告Java 应用程序性能指标的工具。
Java Metrics 可以与多种数据收集工具,如JMX、VisualVM 等,进行集成,也可以通过Java API 进行编程使用。
【Java Metrics 使用方法】Java Metrics 的使用方法分为以下几个步骤:1.添加Java Metrics 依赖在Maven 项目中,添加以下依赖:```xml<dependency><groupId>org.java_metrics</groupId><artifactId>java-metrics</artifactId><version>1.5.0</version></dependency>```在Gradle 项目中,添加以下依赖:```groovyimplementation "org.java_metrics:java-metrics:1.5.0"```2.配置Java Metrics在项目中创建一个配置类,用于设置Java Metrics 的各项参数,如数据收集器、报告间隔等。
例如:```javaimport org.java_metrics.Metrics;import org.java_metrics.config.Config;public class MetricsConfig {public static Config createConfig() {Config config = new Config();config.setCollector(new JmxCollector());config.setReportInterval(5000); // 设置报告间隔为5 秒return config;}}```3.初始化Java Metrics在项目的启动类中,初始化Java Metrics,并启动数据收集器。
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Java虚拟机(Java Virtual Machine,JVM)是一个软件虚拟环境,用于在特定平台上运行Java程序。
JVM会负责将字节码翻译为特定机器指令集,并运行这些指令以实现Java 代码。
1. 加载(Loading):JVM通过类的全限定名,到文件系统中查找生成的二进制class文件,找到后就把它们装入内存,此过程叫做类的加载。
同时一个类的加载其实也发生了一些额外的操作,如:将class 文件的数据验证、准备、解析,并建立好对应方法区中该类的运行时数据结构。
2. 连接(Linking):在类的连接见,JVM会对已加载的类进行验证操作。
3. 初始化(Initialization):类被正式初始化后,会执行类的初始化代码段,也就是类中定义的静态变量和静态块代码。
java源程序文件命名,编译知识面点java 程序源文件的命名不是随意的,java 文件的命名必须满足如下规则。
1、java 程序源文件的后缀必须是 .java,不能是其他文件后缀名。
2、如果 java 程序源代码里定义了一个 public 类,则该源文件的主文件名必须与该 public 类(也就是该类定义使用了 public 关键字修饰)的类名相同。
3、如果 java 程序源代码里没有定义任何 public 类,那么java 程序源程序的主文件名可以是任意的。
由于 java 程序源文件的文件名必须与 public 类的类名相同,因此,一个 java 源文件里最多只能定义一个 public 类。
注意:一个 java 源文件可以包含多个类定义,但最多只能包含一个 public 类定义;如果 java 源文件里包含 public 类定义,则该源文件的文件名必须与这个 public 类的类名相同。
虽然 java 源文件例没有包含 public 类定义时,这个源文件的文件名可以是随意的,但推荐让 java 源文件的主文件名与类名相同,这可以提供更好的可读性。
通常有如下建议:1、一个 java 源文件只定义一个类,不同的类使用不同的源文件定义。
2、让 java 源文件的主文件名与该源文件中定义的 public 类同名。
举例说明上面的规则:第一条:Java 程序源文件的后缀名必须是".java",这个不用解释。
第二条:如果 Java 程序源代码中定义了 public 类,那么文件名字必须与 public 类名相同。
HelloWorld 类是 public 修饰的,文件名 HelloWorld 与类名HelloWorld 相同。
3.使用作用域解析运算符(scope resolution operator):作用域解析运算符是一种用于直接访问特定作用域内的代码元素的机制。
二、JavaConfig的基本概念1. 传统的Spring配置传统的Spring配置通常使用XML文件来配置应用程序的Bean及其依赖关系。
2. JavaConfig的优势相比之下,JavaConfig使用纯Java代码来配置Spring容器,提供了更加灵活和可读性强的配置方式。
三、JavaConfig的使用案例在实际的项目开发中,JavaConfig可以应用于以下几个方面:1. 配置Bean通过JavaConfig,开发人员可以使用Configuration注解标记一个类,并在其中使用Bean注解来定义Bean的创建方式。
2. 配置依赖关系在JavaConfig中,开发人员可以使用Autowired注解来注入Bean之间的依赖关系。
3. 配置资源通过JavaConfig,开发人员还可以使用PropertySource和Value注解来配置应用程序所需的外部资源,比如数据库连接信息、日志级别等。
四、JavaConfig在实际项目中的应用1. 项目环境介绍我们以一个简单的Web应用为例,来演示JavaConfig的具体应用场景。
假设我们有一个基于Spring MVC的Web应用,需要配置数据源、事务管理器和控制器等组件。
Java 同名方法冲突解决方法当 Java 程序中存在两个或多个方法具有相同的名称时,会发生同名方法冲突。
这种情况下,Java 编译器无法明确哪一个方法应该被执行,因此需要开发者采取特定的解决方法来解决这个问题。
以下是 Java 同名方法冲突的三种常见解决方法:1. 重写 (Override) 方法:在具有同名方法的类中,覆盖(Override) 另一个方法,并在覆盖方法中包含执行原始方法的逻辑。
例如:```public class MyClass {public void myMethod() {// 覆盖这个方法,执行原始方法的逻辑originalMyMethod();}public void originalMyMethod() {System.out.println("Original myMethod called");}}```2. 使用不同的名称:为具有同名方法的两个类分别定义两个不同的方法名称,这种方法适用于不需要修改原始方法的情况下。
例如:```public class MyClass {public void myMethod() {System.out.println("MyClass.myMethod called");}}public class MyOtherClass {public void otherMethod() {System.out.println("MyOtherClass.otherMethod called"); }}```3. 使用名称修饰符:为具有同名方法的两个类分别定义两个不同的方法名称,并使用名称修饰符来区分它们。
例如:```public class MyClass {@Overridepublic void myMethod() {System.out.println("MyClass.myMethod called");}}public class MyOtherClass {@Overridepublic void otherMethod() {System.out.println("MyOtherClass.otherMethod called"); }}```以上是 Java 同名方法冲突的三种常见解决方法。
java map的class方法
java map的class方法Java Map的Class方法在Java编程语言中,Map是一种常用的数据结构,它提供了一种键值对的映射关系。
这个方法的定义如下:```Set<Class<?>> Class()```在调用这个方法时,返回的Set集合中的元素是Class对象,表示了Map中所有键值对所属的类。
这样一来,我们就可以通过Class 方法来获取Map中所有键值对的类信息。
我们可以通过以下代码来获取这些键值对的类名:```Map<String, Integer> map = new HashMap<>();map.put("A", 1);map.put("B", 2);map.put("C", 3);Set<Class<?>> classes = map.Class();for (Class<?> clazz : classes) {System.out.println(clazz.getName());}```上述代码中,我们创建了一个HashMap对象,并向其中添加了三个键值对。
javamelody原理 -回复
Javamelody的原理可以分为以下几个步骤:1. 类加载和字节码插装:当Java应用程序启动时,Javamelody的Agent 会自动加载并监听Java虚拟机(JVM)。
它会通过Java Instrumentation API(代理API)来获取应用程序的ClassLoader,并对应用程序的所有类进行字节码插装。
2. 数据收集和统计:一旦Javamelody的Agent完成字节码插装,它就开始收集和统计性能数据。
3. 数据存储和呈现:Javamelody将收集到的性能数据存储在内存中,并使用一个定时任务将数据写入磁盘中的文件。
4. 监控和告警:Javamelody还提供了一些额外的功能,用于监控应用程序的性能和健康状况。
类名.方法名(参数1, 参数2, ...);
Calculator.add(2, 3);
- 1 -。
西南大学Java期末考试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. Java语言是______。
A. 编译型语言B. 解释型语言C. 编译型和解释型D. 以上都不是2. 下列哪个是Java的关键字?A. classB. functionC. defineD. option3. Java程序的执行入口是:A. main()B. start()C. run()D. execute()4. Java中,哪个是正确的数据类型?A. int8B. longC. doubleD. all of the above5. 下列哪个是Java中的控制流语句?A. if-elseB. switch-caseC. forD. all of the above...(此处继续列出剩余的选择题)二、填空题(每空2分,共20分)1. Java是一种______语言,它具有______、______和______的特点。
2. 在Java中,所有的类都是从______类直接或间接继承的。
3. Java的异常处理机制包括______和______两个关键字。
4. Java的集合框架中,List接口的实现类有______、______和______等。
5. 一个Java程序可以包含多个类,但只能有一个______类。
...(此处继续列出剩余的填空题)三、简答题(每题10分,共20分)1. 简述Java的垃圾回收机制。
2. 描述Java中接口和抽象类的区别。
四、编程题(每题15分,共30分)1. 编写一个Java程序,实现简单的学生管理系统,包括学生信息的添加、删除和显示功能。
2. 编写一个Java程序,实现一个简单的计算器,可以进行加、减、乘、除等基本运算。
要求:- 能够添加、删除、查找和显示图书信息。
- 图书信息包括书名、作者、ISBN号和价格。
- 系统应提供图形用户界面(GUI)。
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Managing Class Names in Java ComponentSystems with Dynamic UpdatePetr Hnětynka, Petr TůmaCharles UniversityDepartment of Software EngineeringDistributed System Research GroupMalostranské náměstí 25,118 00 Prague 1, Czech Republichnetynka@nenya.ms.mff.cuni.cz petr.tuma@mff.cuni.cz Abstract: This paper deals with class and interface name clashes in Java component systems that occur because of evolutionary changes during the lifecycle of a component application. We show that the standard facilities of the Java type system do not provide a satisfactory way to deal with the name clashes, and present a solution based on administering the names of classes and interfaces with a version identifier using a byte code manipulation tool. The solution is demonstrated on a proof of concept implementation.Keywords: Components, Java, versioning, classes, interfaces, name clashes.1 IntroductionThe introduction of components into the software engineering process brings the benefits of easier reuse and dynamic integration. Being elements of reuse and integration, the components follow the typical lifecycle of applications [9] and are therefore subject to evolutionary changes that may change both their internals and their interfaces.Because of features such as platform independence, type safety, garbage collection, dynamic loading and others, both the component platforms and the components themselves are often developed in Java [8]. The components are typically sets of Java classes and interfaces, evolutionary changes to the internals and interfaces of components thus require changes of the corresponding Java classes and interfaces.Some evolutionary changes lead to a situation that requires different versions of a class or an interface to coexist in one application. This is difficult to do in Java, where two classes or interfaces with the same name cannot coexist unless loaded by unrelated classloaders. In this paper, we describe how to deal with such a situation without resorting to an elaborate naming scheme or an elaborate classloader hierarchy, which we show to be worse than our solution.2 Petr Hnětynka, Petr TůmaIn section 2, we detail the context in which the name clashes appear and explain why some of the apparently straightforward solutions such as naming schemes or classloader hierarchies do not work well. In section 3, we outline our approach to avoiding the name clashes and illustrate it on a proof of concept implementation. In section 4, we show how our approach differs from that of other Java component systems. Section 5 concludes the paper.2 Java Component Systems2.1 Components, Classes, InterfacesA software component is an independent unit in a sense that its interface, which includes both the offered services and the context dependencies, is specified explicitly. This facilitates an easy reuse of components without knowledge of their internals. In contemporary Java component systems [2,6,13,15], the offered services are represented by a set of interfaces that a component provides, and the context dependencies are represented by a set of interfaces that a component requires. Given the provided and required interfaces, a component is represented by a set of classes that implement the provided interfaces and call the required interfaces.Besides being implemented directly as a set of Java classes, a component can also be composed from other components. We term these components composed, as opposed to primitive. A composed component is created by connecting other components through their provided and required interfaces. The connections can be described in an architecture description language, which will then provide information necessary for generating parts of the composed component implementation such as component bindings and factories. The composition of components forms a hierarchical structure that can be represented as a tree or, in a component system that allows sharing of components, an acyclic graph.2.2 Sources of Name ClashesBy a name clash, we understand a situation where a class or an interface cannot be loaded by the Java virtual machine because its name is the same as a name of another class or interface that has already been loaded. The name clashes that are of interest to us are related to the evolutionary changes that can occur during the lifecycle of a component application, namely changes to classes that make up the component and changes to interfaces that make up the component.1The first source of name clashes is a situation where the classes that make up a component are replaced by a new version while the component application that uses 1 For sake of brevity, we omit the discussion of the likelihood that the situations described here as sources of name clashes will occur in practice. For readers that will not find the practicality of the situations evident, good arguments can be found in [1,9,11,14].Managing Class Names in Java Component Systems with Dynamic Update 3 the component is running. This can lead to a name clash between the old and the new version of the classes. As an example, consider a component with a class LoggerImpl that is to be updated.2An attempt to replace this class by a new version will cause a name clash because the Java virtual machine will refuse to load the new LoggerImpl class after the old one has been loaded.The second source of name clashes is a situation where the interfaces that make up the component are replaced by a new version but the component application that uses the component does not change and an adapter is used to bridge the mismatch. This can lead to a name clash inside the adapter, which needs to access both the old and the new version of the interfaces. As an example, consider a component with an interface Log that is to be updated. An attempt to create an adapter between the old and the new version will cause a name clash because both versions of the interface will use the same name.The third source of name clashes is a situation where a single Java virtual machine is used to run several component applications to avoid redundant loading of shared code. This can lead to a name clash when the component applications use different versions of the same component.2.3 Straightforward Solutions Do Not Work WellUnique names: Probably the most straightforward solution that helps to avoid the name clashes is to use unique names for each version of the classes and interfaces that make up a component. The obvious disadvantage of this approach is the need to change the names with each new version of the class and the interface. This disadvantage is further aggravated when the change is not confined to the component itself, but also needs to be made in the component application that uses the component. The use of unique names also leads to using longer names with prefixes or suffixes, which inconveniences the programmer.Different classloaders: Another straightforward solution is to use different classloaders to load classes and interfaces of different components. Each classloader is associated with a namespace and can therefore load a class or an interface even when another class or interface with the same name was already loaded by a different classloader. Using a distinct classloader for each component will therefore avoid name clashes because the names of classes and interfaces that make up each component will belong to a different namespace. Unfortunately, this solution makes the Java virtual machine see the interfaces of different components as incompatible even when they have the same definition. This is a problem when the components are to be connected to each other, because it is impossible to connect the incompatible interfaces directly through Java references.Java reflection: One way to avoid the problem of connecting seemingly incompatible interfaces is to use the Java reflection API. The references used to connect the interfaces can be passed as of the ng.Object type rather than their most 2 For more details on the components considered in the examples, see section 3.2.4 Petr Hnětynka, Petr Tůmaderived type, and the Java reflection API can be used to invoke methods on the interfaces. To invoke a method through the Java reflection API, an instance of the ng.reflect.Method class must be obtained to represent the method, and all arguments of the method that are of primitive types must be stored in corresponding wrapper classes. Although the code to do this can be generated from the interface description and therefore be no burden to the programmer, it slows down the invocations considerably. Table 1 illustrates this by comparing the times of a direct method invocation with the times of a method invocation through the Java reflection API on a dual CPU 360MHz UltraSparc machine with Java 1.4.no arguments single Stringargumentfive intargumentsDirect invocation 11.22µs 11.22µs 22.35µs Java reflection 872.4µs 803.3µs 1643µsTable 1. Times of method callsHierarchy of classloaders: Another way to avoid the problem of connecting seemingly incompatible interfaces is to use a hierarchy of classloaders. A classloaderhas exactly one parent, which is set during its creation and cannot be changed. Typically, a classloader delegates requests to load a class or an interface to its parentand only if the parent cannot load the class or the interface, the classloader tries toload it by itself. Classloaders that share a parent therefore also share parts of their associated namespaces.In addition to using different classloaders to load classes and interfaces of different components, the classloaders can be set up so that whenever two components are to be connected to each other, the loading of their interfaces will be delegated to the same parent classloader. The resulting hierarchy of classloaders willmirror the hierarchy formed by the composition of components. This solution makesthe Java virtual machine see the interfaces of components that are to be connected toeach other as compatible, because they were loaded by the shared parent classloader.Unfortunately, even this solution fails when the interfaces that make up a component are replaced by a new version and an adapter is used to bridge the mismatch between the component and the component application that uses the component. The interfaces that make up the adapter necessarily belong to a single namespace and because the adapter needs to access both the old and the new versionof the interfaces, a name clash will occur.Modified Java virtual machine: Albeit not so straightforward, the third solution to be mentioned is to modify the Java virtual machine. This solution is used by some systems described in section 4. Without going into detail, we just note that this solution requires the component application to run on a nonstandard Java virtual machine and may interfere with mechanisms such as just in time compilation, which makes it generally less flexible.Managing Class Names in Java Component Systems with Dynamic Update 5 3 Removing Name Clashes in Byte Code3.1 Byte Code ManipulationThe Unique names solution from section 2.3, which rested in using unique names for each version of the classes and interfaces that make up a component, is attractive in that it does not require changes to the Java virtual machine, does not incur performance penalty, and works for all the sources of name clashes considered in section 2.2. The problem rests with the convenience of its usage. Ideally, the programmer should be able to use the same names for different versions of the classes and interfaces, but the executable code of the component application should use unique names for each version. A solution to this problem rests with byte code manipulation of the executable code of the component application.Several tools for byte code manipulation are available [3,4,5,17]. Usually, they are used for performance optimizations, for extending functionality by intercepting method invocations, or for generating code in adaptable systems. In our solution, the byte code manipulation is used to augment the names of classes and interfaces that make up a component by adding a unique version identifier, and to rename the references to these classes and interfaces to use the augmented names. That way, the programmer can use the same names for different versions of the classes and interfaces in a convenient way, without running into name clashes.With this solution, an associated problem appears when the standard classloader of the Java virtual machine is used to load the classes or interfaces whose names were augmented by the byte code manipulation. The standard classloader expects the files that contain the classes and interfaces to be named the same as the classes and interfaces themselves, which means that renaming and repackaging of the files is also required. Alternatively, remote loading of classes from a version aware class server can be used.3.2 Proof of ConceptAs a proof of concept, we have implemented the approach to avoid name clashes through byte code manipulation in SOFA [15,7]. SOFA is a project of our research group that provides a platform for component applications that supports a construction of hierarchic components connected by potentially complex connectors. The components are described in a component description language (CDL), which can include a description of the component behavior by protocols [16]. The components are fully versioned [12] and can be updated while the component application that uses them is running.In SOFA, the components are stored in a template repository together with the necessary metadata that describe their classes and interfaces, including versions. When running, the components reside inside a deployment dock, which provides the necessary deployment and execution facilities. A single deployment dock can run6 Petr Hnětynka, Petr Tůmaseveral component applications. Implemented in Java, it is therefore a platform where all the sources of name clashes that were outlined in section 2.2 can occur.When a component application is being launched in SOFA, the classes and interfaces are loaded by the deployment dock using a single classloader. To obtain the byte code of the classes and interfaces, the classloader contacts the template repository, which acts as a class server for the deployment dock. The template repository looks up the classes and interfaces by the names used in CDL. The names of the classes and interfaces in the byte code are then augmented using the ASM tool [3] and the augmented version is sent to the deployment dock. The augmentation is done using the ASM tool [3]. The only exception to this mechanism is the case of components that serve as adapters and therefore use several versions of the same interface. In this case, the programmer has to use different names for different versions of the interface simply to be able to write the adapter. The template repository therefore requires an additional translation table that maps the names used by the programmer to the augmented names.The ASM tool uses the visitor pattern for byte code manipulation. The template repository implements a class visitor with the visit, visitField, visitMethod and visitInnerClass methods. The visit method is called once for each visited class and augments the name of the class and the references to the parent class and the implemented interfaces. The visitField, visitMethod and visitInnerClass methods are called once for each field, method and inner class of the visited class. The visitMethod method instantiates a method visitor to modify the byte code of the visited methods.The method visitor iterates through all instructions of a method and augments the type names in all instructions that refer to type names. Similar to the class visitor, the code visitor has a separate method for visiting related groups of instructions. The instructions that need to be augmented are handled by the visitFieldInsn (instructions for loading or storing a field of an object), visitLocalVariable (a local variable declaration), visitMethodInsn (an instruction that invokes a method), visitMultiANewArrayInsn (the multianewarray instruction), visitTryCatchBlock (an exception handling block) and visitTypeInsn (instructions that take a type descriptor as an argument) methods.As an example, consider a primitive component of type Logger with a single provided interface of type Log for logging events. The component has the following CDL description:struct Event { … };interface Log {void log (Event e);};frame Logger {provides:Managing Class Names in Java Component Systems with Dynamic Update 7Log log;};architecture CUNI Logger implements Logger primitive;As the CDL description is compiled, the symbols in it are assigned a unique version identifier. In SOFA, a version identifier is globally unique, constructed from the name of the SOFA node and a sequence number. In our example, let us presume that the particular version identifier assigned to the symbols is nenya!0.As a next step of the compilation, a Java mapping for the described types and a component factory is generated. In our example, the generated interface is Log and the generated classes are Event and LoggerBuilder.When the CDL description is compiled and the mapping generated, the programmer provides the implementation of the component. In our example, it is the LoggerImpl class, which implements the Log interface. When writing the class, the programmer uses the same names as in the CDL description. Here is a fragment of the code of LoggerImpl:public class LoggerImpl implements Log {public void log (Event e) {...}}When the component is launched, the template repository augments the names of all the classes and interfaces that make up the component by the version identifier, in this example nenya_E_0.3If the programmer had to achieve the same result without byte code manipulation, the fragment of the code of LoggerImpl above would have to look like this:public class LoggerImpl_nenya_E_0implements Log_nenya_E_0 {public void log (Event_nenya_E_0 e) {...}}To extend our example further, let us presume that during the lifecycle of the component application that uses the Logger component, another method will be added to the Log interface. The symbols in the CDL description of the new version will be assigned a new version identifier nenya!1. When providing the new implementation of the component, the programmer will simply add the new method to the old LoggerImpl class, without modifying the names of the classes and3 The exclamation mark in nenya!0 is replaced because it is not allowed in class names.8 Petr Hnětynka, Petr Tůmainterfaces. When the new component will be launched, the template repository will augment the names of all the classes and interfaces by the version identifier nenya_E_1, which will make them different from the names used by the old component and therefore avoid name clashes.4 Related WorkRelated to our work are the systems that address the need for coexistence of several versions of a class or an interface in a single Java virtual machine, or the need to dynamically update a Java application. One such system is described in [14], where the authors provide a dynamic environment for distributed Java applications that supports hosting multiple applications within a single JVM. The environment manages classes and objects in distinct class and object spaces, which allows hosting multiple applications without running into name clashes. The disadvantage of the system is that the applications must communicate with each other using only the types from the core of the system.The Java Distributed Runtime Updating Management System (JDRUMS) [1] allows updating Java classes at runtime. The name clashes are removed by using a modified Java virtual machine that can load a new version of a class with the same name as the old version. The first version of JDRUMS allows only limited changes of classes and objects. The second version, JDRUMS 2, provides more options for dynamic changes, but also brings security problems as during the update, it is possible to retrieve secret information that is not available during normal program execution. JDRUMS also disables the just in time compilation.The Dynamic Java Classes (DJC) [11] also allow updating Java classes at runtime. Again, the name clashes are removed by using a modified Java virtual machine with a dynamic classloader that allows a class to be defined multiple times. DJC also extend the Java security mechanism to cope with dynamic updates, and disable the just in time compilation.Many other Java component systems that exist today simply do not support the dynamic updates or coexistence of several versions of a class or an interface with the same name. One such system is the Enterprise Java Beans (EJB) framework from Sun [6]. The components in EJB are called enterprise beans or beans for short. There is no support for dynamic updates of beans in EJB.Fractal [2] from ObjectWeb is a general software composition framework that supports components. Fractal supports an explicit definition of provisions and requirements of a component, composed components with a formal architecture description, component bindings, component sharing and other features. Fractal itself is an abstract framework and serves as a base for a reference implementation called Julia. Fractal and Julia support dynamic updates through reconfiguration, which can add new components, change bindings and remove old components, but cannot handle dynamic updates that involve different versions of the same classes or interfaces.Managing Class Names in Java Component Systems with Dynamic Update 9 5 ConclusionIn this paper, we have pointed out the problem of name clashes that occur in Java component systems because of evolutionary changes during the lifecycle of a component application, and explained the sources of these name clashes. We have shown that the standard facilities of the Java type system do not provide for a satisfactory solution, and explained how solutions such as naming schemes or classloader hierarchies may lead to performance penalties and inconvenience the programmer.We have proposed a solution to the problem of name clashes based on administering the names of classes and interfaces with a version identifier using a byte code manipulation tool. Through a proof of concept implementation, we have also demonstrated that our solution integrates smoothly with a Java component system. We have shown that our solution differs from and is superior to the solutions used in contemporary Java component systems.AcknowledgementsThe authors would like to thank František Plášil, Vladimír Mencl and Jiří Adámek for valuable comments. This work was partially supported by the Grant Agency of the Czech Republic in grants number 102/03/0672 and 201/03/0911.References1. 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