初中英语 福建厦门初三短文填词专项训练习题和答案

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Sometimes we have disagreement with people. When this (81) ________ (happen), the important thing is to try not to let a calm discussion turn into a heated argument. Here (82) ________ my suggestions for you.

The first thing I would say is that the way you begin the (83) ________ [kɒnvə'seɪʃ(ə)n] is very important.

Imagine you are a student and you share an apartment (公寓) (84) ________ another student who you

think isn’t doing her share of the housework. If you say, “Look, you never do your share of the housework. (85)

________ are you going to do about it?” the discussion will very soon turn into an argument. It’s much more (86) ________(help) to say something like, “I think we had better have another look about how we divide up the housework. Maybe there is a better way of (87) ________ (deal) with it.”

My second piece of (88) ________ (建议) is simple. If you’re the person (89) ________ is in th e wrong, just admit (承认) it! This is the easiest and best way to avoid an argument. Just say sorry, and move on. The other person will have more respect for you (90) ________ the future if you do that.


Hedy Lamarr was born in 1914. When she was young, she fell in love with (81) ________ (act). Soon she was found by an American (82) ________ [də'rektə(r)]. At the age of 18, she appeared in her first

film and began to get a lot of attention. Years later, she became (83) ________ a popular

Hollywood star that even her hairstyle was widely followed by the fans. At that time she was

honored (84) ________ “the mo st beautiful woman in the world”. Many people pay (85)

________ attention to her beauty than her acting skills. This (86) ________ (bring) her too

much pain, so she gave up acting and started a new life. Then she decided to invent something

(87) ________ (use). You must be very surprised. What could an actress invent? But we’d like to say people (88) ________ have used a mobile phone should thank her. Because without her (89) ________ [tek'nɒlədʒi] of FHSS (跳频扩频), today we would not have GPS, Bluetooth, mobile phones or Wi-Fi networks. So she was called “Wireless Goddess”. Now, people regard her not only as one of the most talented actresses but also a great (90) ________ (invent).


Abing was a folk musician who was born in the city of Wuxi. He lived a very hard life. For (81)________/ˈsevrəl/ years he (82)________(表演) on the streets to make money. Abing’s amazing (83)________ (music) skills made him very popular during his lifetime. He played music (84)________ could touch the hearts of people. Erquan Yingyue is his most well-known work and has become one of China's national (85)________(财富). When we listen to his music, we can (86)________(感觉到) both the beauty and the sadness in it. It makes us think about the pain and (87)________/wu:nds/ we have experienced in the past. (88)________this reason, many people (89)________ him as the musician who has greatly influenced erhu music. So it is really a pity that not many pieces of his music were (90)________(record).
