小学英语phonics教学The short vowel Uu








二、教学内容★sound:short vowel a★words:bat/nap/sad……★rhyme: Pat the fat cat sat on the mat.三、教学目标★让学生掌握字母a的准确发音;★学会辨别以a为首音的单词,比如:ant/ax/ankle/apple;★学会对以a为中间音的CVC单词,进行拼读,解码和重新编码;★掌握与a相关的rhyme;四、教学重点★字母a的发音;★与字母a相关的单词的拼读及拼写;五、教学难点★能够对以字母a为中间音的CVC单词进行解码和重新编码;★能够拼写与字母a相关的单词;六、教学准备letter cards、marker、ball、teaching books、dice七、教学流程1.Warm up(1) Greeting①Good morning, everybody.②Nice to meet you!③How are you today?(2) warm upsing the alphabet song2.Review(1) 26 letters: letter name and letter sound.(2) word family: ad, at, ag, ap, ack, am……Students can see the word family cards and read it quickly.3.Words(1) lead in①first step 老师展示五个元音字母★find letter A and listen to the sound.★listen and practice, a, a ,a, /æ/, /æ/, /æ/②second step★circle letter A and say a, a, a, /æ/, /æ/, /æ/★listen to the word and repeat.a, /æ/, ant. a, /æ/, apple.★practice:a, a, a, /æ/, /æ/, /æ/, a, /æ/ ant.a, a, a, /æ/, /æ/, /æ/, a, /æ/ apple.(2) word practice①look at the foreigner’s mouth, listen and imitation②listen to the words and repeata, /æ/, apple. a, /æ/, ant.③Practice:a, a, a, /æ/,/æ/,/æ/,a,/æ/ apple.a, a, a, /æ/,/æ/,/æ/,a,/æ/ ant.……④Game:paper, scissors, stoneThe winner choose the picture, the looser say the chant(3) Listening practice①Listen to the words, follow and repeat.②Try to pronounce the word, eg:b, b, b, /b/, /b/, /b/ a, a, a, /æ/, /æ/, /æ/t, t, t, /t/, /t/, /t/→/b/, /æ/, /t/=bat③Try to write the words on the boardTeacher say the sound, students say the letter, then teacher write it on the board.④Game:⑤Supplement the vocabulary⑥Word fun: fill the blankb t t p b d⑦Dictation4.RhymePat the fat cat sat on the mat.(1) Listen to the rhyme and circle the words with letter a.(2) Read and pronounce these words:pat、fat、cat、sat、mat(3) Read the rhyme with TPR(4) Make the rhyme for some parts and divide students into some groups, practice the rhyme(5) simple review: read it together5.WorkbookFinish the workbook from page 1-2.6.Homework(1) Finish the worksheet paper about short a sound.(2) Read the words about short a sound.。

phonics kids 3 The short vowels

phonics kids 3 The short vowels

Phonic kids 3 The short vowelsPart 1 The short vowel AaUnit 1 Sound of the letter Aa /æ/ 一,point and sayA a alligator a a apple a a ax a a ant 二,chant with meAmy likes apples. Apple apple appleAa says /æ/ /æ/ Apple apple appleUnit 2 Sound of the letters am /æm/ 一,point and saya.m—am am am amh.am —ham j.am—jam I love ham and jam.(2)二,chant with meam am am ham ham ham I love ham.Jam jam jam I love jam.三,拓展词ba da ca ma ab ad ac amdam 水坝 Sam 山姆 lam 逃亡 ram 公羊Unit 3 Sound of the letters ad /æd/一,point and saya.d —ad ad ad add.ad —dad m.ad—mad Dad is mad .(2)二,chant with mead ad ad Dad dad dad I love my dad.Mad mad mad My dad is not mad.三,拓展词ba sa ha na ma pa ad ab ap am asbad 坏的 sad伤心的 had有 nad沼泽地 mad疯狂的 pad平板电脑Unit 4 Sound of the letters at /æt/一,point and saya.t —at at at atc.at —cat f.at—fat A fat fat cat .(2)二,chant with meat at at Cat cat cat I have a catFat fat fat My cat is fat.三,拓展词ca ba ha ma sa ga na pa ra at ab am as apbat球棒 hat帽子 mat垫子 sat坐gat手枪 nat精灵 pat轻拍 rat老鼠Chant with me “Clap your hands”Clap clap clap your hands. As slowly as you can.Clap clap clap your hands. As quickly as you can.Part 2 The short vowel EeUnit 1 Sound of the letter Ee /e/一,point and saye e elephant e e egg e e elf e e elk二,chant with meElephant elephant Come with me .Ee says /e/ /e/ Egg egg treat.Unit 2 Sound of the letters en /en/一,point and saye . n—en en en enh.en —hen t. en—ten Ten little hens.(2)二,chant with meen en en hen hen hen Here is a hen.ten ten ten Now we have ten.三,拓展词pe we ye ze me se he eb ed eg en empen钢笔 wen人口集中的大城市 yen日元 zen禅宗Unit 3 Sound of the letters ell /el/ 一,point and saye.ll —ell ell ell ellb.ell —bell w.ell—well The bell is in the well.(2) 二,chant with meell ell ell bell bell bell The big bell fell.Well well well The bell fell into the well. 三,拓展词se de te ye se he me ell ed eg em es ebsell卖 hell地狱 dell幽谷 tell告诉 yell叫喊Unit 4 Sound of the letters ed /ed/ 一,point and saye.d—ed ed ed edr.ed —red b.ed—bed A big red bed.(2)二,chant with meed ed ed Red red red I love red.Bed bed bed I love the red red bed.三,拓展词fe we le te re ge se ed em es ep exfed喂养 wed嫁娶 led领导 Ted泰德Chant with me.1 2 buckle my shoes 3 4 shut the door.5 6 pick up sticks 7 8 lay them straight9 10 a big red hen.Part 3 The short vowel IiUnit 1 Sound of the letter Ii /i/ 一,point and sayI i Indian i i igloo i i ink i i infant 二,chant with meIndian Indian Please come inside.Ii says /i/ /i/ In in inUnit 2 Sound of the letters ig /ig/ 一,point and sayi.g—ig ig ig igb.ig —big p.ig—pig A big big pig.(2)二,chant with meig ig ig big big big I am bigpig pig pig My pig is big.三,拓展词bi di hi ni li si wi fi ri ig id im is ib inwig假发 dig挖掘 fig无花果 rig阴谋Unit 3 Sound of the letters ill /il/ 一,point and sayi .ll—ill ill ill illh.ill —hill m.ill—mill The mill is on the hill.(2) 二,chant with meill ill ill hill hill hill Here is a big hill.mill mill mill The mill is on the hill.三,拓展词hi li pi mi si ri wi ill ig im ip iz ixill生病的 rill小溪 will将要 sill基石Unit 4 Sound of the letters id /id/ 一,point and sayi.d—id id id idh.id —hid k.id—kid The kid hid.(2)二,chant with meid id id hid hid hid I hid hid hidkid kid kid And I am a kid kid kid.三,拓展词li mi ri bi ki hi si di id ig im in ip iklid盖子 mid中间的 rid免除 bid出价 kid小孩Sing with me “Jack and Jill”Jack and Jill went up the hill.To fetch a pail of water.Jack fell down and broke his crown.And Jill came tumbling after.Part 4 The short vowel OoUnit 1 Sound of the letter Oo /ɔ/ 一,point and sayO o octopus o o ox o o otter o o onion 二,chant with meOctopus octopus o o oo says /ɔ/ /ɔ/ on on onUnit 2 Sound of the letters ox /ɔks/ 一,point and sayo.x —ox ox ox oxb.ox —box f.ox—fox The box and the fox.(2) 二,chant with meox ox ox box box box A big big box.fox fox fox In the box , there is a fox.三,拓展词bo do ho so mo no co ob od op om on oxox公牛Unit 3 Sound of the letters ot /ɔt/ 一,point and sayo.t —ot ot ot oth.ot —hot p.ot—pot A hot , hot pot.(2)二,chant with meot ot ot hot hot hot I’m hot hot hot.pot pot pot My pot is not so hot.三,拓展词no do lo go ho bo to wo vo ot ob og os ox odnot不 dot圆点 lot许多 got获得Unit 4 Sound of the letters op /ɔp/ 一,point and sayo.p —op op op oph.op —hop t.op—top Hop on the top.(2)二,chant with meop op op hop hop hop I can hop hop hop.top top top I can hop to the top.三,拓展词co po lo go so to wo og od op om on oscop警察 pop流行的Sing with me“Pease porridge hot”Pease porridge hot; Pease porridge cold.Pease porridge in the pot. Nine days old.Some like it hot. Some like it cold.Some like it in the pot. Nine days old.Part 5 The short vowel UuUnit 1 Sound of the letter Uu /ʌ/ 一,point and sayU u umbrella u u underwear u u upset u u up二,chant with meUp up umbrellas. Up up up.Uu says /ʌ/ /ʌ/ Up up up.Unit 2 Sound of the letters un /ʌn/ 一,point and sayu.n —un un un uns.un —sun r.un—run Run in the sun.(2)二,chant with meUn un un run run run I love to run.sun sun sun I run in the sun.三,拓展词bu du cu hu ju ku lu mu zu un up us utgun手枪 fun乐趣Unit 3 Sound of the letters ug /ʌg/ 一,point and sayu.g —ug ug ug ugb.ug —bug h.ug—hug Hug a bug.(2)二,chant with meug ug ug bug bug bug I have a bug.hug hug hug Now ,hug my bug.三,拓展词Su tu wu zu ju gu hu ug ut up ub udmug马克杯 rug毯子Unit 4 Sound of the letters ut /ʌt/ 一,point and sayu.t —ut ut ut utc.ut —cut n.ut—nut Cut the nut.(2)二,chant with meut ut ut cut cut cut I can cut.nut nut nut Don’t cut the nut.三,拓展词bu hu cu nu su du ub ug ut um upbut但是 hut小屋Let’s sing“Humpty Dumpty”Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall.Humpty Dumpty had a great fall.All the king’s horses.And all the king’s men.Couldn’t put Humpty together again.。



小学英语自然拼读课程教学计划Teaching Plan for Elementary English Phonics Course。

Introduction:In this teaching plan, we will outline a comprehensive curriculum for teaching English phonics to elementary school students. Phonics is a crucial aspect of language learning as it helps students develop their reading and pronunciation skills. This plan aims to provide a structured and engaging approach to teaching phonics, ensuring that students gain a strong foundation in English language skills.1. Objectives:The primary objectives of this course are as follows:a) Introduce students to the basic phonetic sounds of the English language.b) Teach students how to blend sounds to form words.c) Enhance students' reading and pronunciation skills.d) Develop students' ability to recognize and differentiate between different phonetic patterns.e) Build students' confidence in using English for communication.2. Course Outline:a) Introduction to Phonics (2 weeks):Teach students the importance of phonics in reading and pronunciation.Introduce students to the basic phonetic sounds of English through interactive activities and games.Practice pronunciation of individual sounds and their corresponding letters.b) Consonant Sounds (4 weeks):Teach students the different consonant sounds and their corresponding letters.Practice blending consonant sounds to form simple words.Reinforce learning through reading exercises and word games.c) Vowel Sounds (6 weeks):Introduce students to the different vowel sounds and their corresponding letters.Teach students the concept of long and short vowel sounds.Practice blending vowel sounds with consonants to form words.Reinforce learning through reading passages and word recognition activities.d) Consonant Blends and Digraphs (4 weeks):Teach students about consonant blends and digraphs.Practice blending consonant blends and digraphs to form words.Reinforce learning through reading exercises and word-building activities.e) Sight Words (2 weeks):Introduce students to common sight words that do not follow regular phonetic patterns.Practice recognizing and reading sight words through flashcards and word games.Reinforce learning through reading passages and comprehension activities.3. Teaching Strategies:a) Interactive Activities:Use interactive games, puzzles, and flashcards to engage students and make learning fun.Incorporate technology, such as educational apps and online resources, to enhance learning.b) Multi-sensory Approach:Use visual aids, gestures, and actions to reinforce phonetic sounds.Encourage students to listen, speak, read, and write during each lesson.c) Differentiated Instruction:Cater to the diverse learning needs of students by providing individualized support and challenges.Use a variety of teaching materials and resources to accommodate different learning styles.d) Continuous Assessment:Regularly assess students' progress through quizzes, reading assessments, and oral presentations.Provide constructive feedback to help students improve their phonics skills.4. Resources:a) Phonics textbooks and workbooks.b) Interactive online resources and educational apps.c) Flashcards, puzzles, and word games.d) Reading passages and storybooks.Conclusion:This teaching plan provides a comprehensive framework for teaching English phonics to elementary school students. By following this plan, teachers can ensure that students develop a strong foundation in phonics, which will greatly enhance their readingand pronunciation skills. The use of interactive activities, a multi-sensory approach, differentiated instruction, and continuous assessment will create an engaging and effective learning environment. With the right resources and teaching strategies, students will gain confidence in using English for communication and develop a lifelong love for reading.。






关于⾃然拼读法(phonics)Phonics 是针对⼉童学习特点,适合⼉童学习英语语⾳的注⾳系统。



任何⾃然拼读法课程⾥,应该包括以下的内容: 1.26个字母(alphabet letters)的发⾳,包括:⼦⾳(consonant letter sounds):b, c, d, f, g, h, j, k, l, m, n, p, q, r, s, t, v, w, x, y, z 短元⾳(short vowel sounds)和长元⾳(long vowel sounds):a, e, i, o, u (应先学短元⾳后再学长元⾳的发⾳)2.特殊组合(Special combination)的发⾳,包括:混合⾳(consonant blend sounds):br, cr, dr, fr, gr, pr, tr, wr, bl, cl, fl, gl, pl, sl, scr, str, sm, sn, sp, sc, sk …字母c, g, y的特殊发⾳(special sounds of “c”,“g”and “y”):ce, ci, cy, ge, gi, gy, 和结尾⽤的y;复合⼦⾳(digraph sounds):sh, ch, th (voiced),th (unvoiced),wh, ng, nk;复合元⾳(double vowel sounds):ai, ea, ee, oa, oi, oo, ou, ue, ui ; 不发⾳的E 字体(silent E);元⾳加“r”的发⾳(r-controlled vowels):ar, er, ir, or, ur;Phonics与phonetics/phonetic symbols不同Phonics 是适合⼉童学习英语语⾳的注⾳系统。






关于自然拼读法(phonics)Phonics 是针对儿童学习特点,适合儿童学习英语语音的注音系统。



任何自然拼读法课程里,应该包括以下的内容: 1.26个字母(alphabet letters)的发音,包括:子音(consonant letter sounds):b, c, d, f, g, h, j, k, l, m, n, p, q, r, s, t, v, w, x, y, z 短元音(short vowel sounds)和长元音(long vowel sounds):a, e, i, o, u (应先学短元音后再学长元音的发音)2.特殊组合(Special combination)的发音,包括:混合音(consonant blend sounds):br, cr, dr, fr, gr, pr, tr, wr, bl, cl, fl, gl, pl, sl, scr, str, sm, sn, sp, sc, sk …字母c, g, y的特殊发音(special sounds of “c”,“g”and “y”):ce, ci, cy, ge, gi, gy, 和结尾用的y;复合子音(digraph sounds):sh, ch, th (voiced),th (unvoiced),wh, ng, nk;复合元音(double vowel sounds):ai, ea, ee, oa, oi, oo, ou, ue, ui ; 不发音的E 字体(silent E);元音加“r”的发音(r-controlled vowels):ar, er, ir, or, ur;Phonics与phonetics/phonetic symbols不同Phonics 是适合儿童学习英语语音的注音系统。

Phonics Rules

Phonics Rules

Listed below are some of the phonics rules that we learn in phonics class and that help us to decode words and apply in the writing process. We play many games and sing songs to reinforce each rule and make it fun to learn and recall.Phonics Rule #1 Short VowelsWhen a vowel is followed by a consonant, the vowel is short and isPhonics Rule #2 Long VowelsWhen there are two vowels in a word the first one is long and thePhonics Rule #3 Double ConsonantsDouble consonants make one sound and the final consonant isPhonics Rule #4 c or k ruleC comes before a,o and u. (cat, cot, cut)Phonics Rule #5 ow/ouThe ow and ou make the sound as if you were being pinched andPhonics Rule #6 er, ir and ur soundsThese three combinations make the same sound of “er”. TheyPhonics Rule #7 or soundOr makes the “or” sound and is marked with a long line above thePhonics Rule #8 w before orWhen w is before “or”, the “or” says “er”. (work, word)Phonics Rule #9 oo soundThere is a long and short sound to “oo”. The long sound isPhonics Rule #10 oi and oy soundOi and oy make the sound of a pig that says, “Oink”. “Oi” comesPhonics Rule #11 qu soundQu are always together and we say they are married. (queen)Phonics Rule #12 4-H clubSh makes the sound of asking someone to be quiet and puttingPhonics Rule #13 all and alkThere was a teacher named Mrs. Hayes. She loved the boys andPhonics Rule #14 prefix and suffixA prefix comes on the front of a word and is pre, which meansPhonics Rule #15 compound wordsA compound word is made up of two words that come together toPhonics Rule #16 syllablesSyllables are word parts. We can identify how many syllables arePhonics Rule #17 contractionsTwo words can be put together to make the word shorter byPhonics Rule #18 abbreviationsWords can be made shorter by leaving off some of the letters.Phonics Rule #19 quotation marks Quotation marks are place around what someone said. We call。



什么是自然‎拼读法 (Phoni‎c s)我的孩子们‎以前是在美‎国上的学,孩子们在一‎年级之前已‎经掌握自然‎拼读法了。



自然拼读法‎从简到难的‎学习顺序为‎:1、二十六个字‎母的读音 (Lette‎r Sound‎s)。



单音节词“y”在末尾,“y”发“i”的音(one sylla‎b le, y at the end (prono‎u nced‎as“i”)):my、why、fly、sky。

多音节词“y”在末尾,“y”发“e”的音(two sylla‎b les,y at the end(prono‎u nced‎as“e”)):daddy‎、mommy‎、baby。

2、单元音单词‎拼读(Conso‎n ant-Vowel‎-Conso‎n ant Combi‎n atio‎n s)。


Begin‎n ing Conso‎n ants‎、Endin‎g Conso‎n ants‎、One Vowel‎Word,Short‎Vowel‎Sound‎s。

3、双元音单词‎拼读(Two Vowel‎Words‎)。



4、双/三辅音在一‎起时的联读‎(Conso‎n ant Blend‎s)。

Begin‎n ing conso‎n ant blend‎s(bl、br、cl、cr、dr、fl、fr、gl、fr、pl、pr、sc、sk、sl、sm、sn、sp、st、sw、tr、tw、scr、spl、str)。



自然拼读法(Phonics)基本规则自然拼读法(Phonics)基本规则 1. 二十六个字母的读音(Letter Sounds).五个元音字母(a, e, i, o, u), 每个发两种音:长音(其字母音)和短音y不在单词开头时,一般被看做元音2. 单元音单词拼读(Consonant-V owel-ConsonantCombinations)如果一个英语单词或音节里只有一个元音, 且元音不在末尾,这个元音一般发短音.如:Sam, cat, mat, 等等.Ending ConsonantsOne V owel Word,Short V owel SoundsBeginning Consonants3. 双元音单词拼读(Two V owel Words):一个单词或音节里有两个元音时,一般来说,前边一个元音发长音(其字母音),后边一个元音不发音.如:make,mail, may, hay, say, see, sea, meet, meat, key, five, nine, tie, road, coat, toe, cute等等.4. 双/三辅音在一起时的联读(Consonant Blends)Beginning consonant blends (bl, br, cl, cr, dr, fl, fr, gl, fr, pl, pr, sc, sk, sl, sm,sn, sp, st, sw, tr, tw, scr, spl, str)Ending consonant blends (ft, lf, lm, lp, lt, mp, nd, nk, nt, pt, sk, st)Words ending inll, ss, ffConsonant digraphs (ch, th, sh, wh)5. 特殊读法(1)–带元音的特殊读法(Irregular V owels)igh, ing, ind, ild, ar, or, oi, oy, alt, alk, ost, old, er, ir, ur, ew,sion, tion, eigh, all, ow, ow, ou, ay, ous, ed, ed (t), ed (d), aw, au, oo, oo以上字母组合作为整体音节发音。



少儿英语Phonics教学一、Three questions:1.What is Phonics?It’s an approach of teaching children to read.2.Why teach Phonics?English has 84% phonetically regular words.Read words kids know and look up words they do not know.3. What’s the difference between Phonics and I.P.A (International Phonetic Alphabet) ?-二、Contents of phonics teaching:1.Sounds of the 26 letters:Short vowels: a e i o uConsonants: b c d f g h j k l m n p q r s t v w x y z2.Sounds of the letter clusters:For example: ch sh sb ar sc spth bl fl pl cl glcr gr pr ph wh ira_e i_e o_e u_e三、Teaching steps:1.Greeting(问候)2.Roll call(点名)3.Warming-up(热身)形式丰富多样,能有效的活跃课堂气氛,内容最好与语音课程相关Chants and songs(歌曲歌谣)Games (游戏)4.Revision(复习)快速再现已学知识,复习巩固,并为新知识的学习做好铺垫内容:字母音、字母组合音或因素发音形式:闪卡练音,以词练音,以句练音5.Lead in & Presentation(导入与呈现)引入新知识,快速简洁1) 方法一:形在前,音在后2) 方法二:音在前,形在后6.Drilling(操练)通过塑造标准口型练习发音通过多层次的操练使学生领会并能熟练应用发音规则辅助认读1)发音练习:以多层次重复基本音为核心,需要丰富多样的活动2)发音规则练习:用字母和字母音拆分、组合单词7.Production(效果检测)充分应用Chants, Songs或Tongue Twisters, 巩固并体现教学成果。



Phonics教案——Short Vowels e ,i授课教师:东莞市南城区阳光第二小学林敏学生:四年级授课班级:借班上课课时:40分钟教学目标1. Ss can recognize the letter sounds of e , i in CVC words.2. Ss can blend words which contains /en/, /et/, /ed/, /eg/, /ig/, /it/and/in/3. Ss can read some sentences and a story which contains /ig/, /it/, /in/, /en/, /ed/ and /eg/ without any help from teacher.教学过程Step 1 Warm-upGreetingT: What’s your name? My name is Milly. There are 5 letters in my name. Can you guess?(通过hangman的游戏猜老师的名字) This is my name,Milly. You know my name now! (然后指着字母,用拼读的方式拼读出自己的名字) This is phonics. Phonics helps us read and write.【设计意图:通过hangman的游戏,让学生了解什么的Phonics,同时知道新老师的名字】② Revision: review some consonant letters.T: You’re my friends now, so I’ll take you to the Phonics Farm. Lo ok, there are some bees at the farm. Can you read like this? /b//b//b/ (蜜蜂身上有辅音字母,学生看见辅音字母,读出该字母的letter sound)【设计意图:借助辅音的复习巩固,强化学生对辅音的认识,为之后的拼读单词做好铺垫。

Phonics kids 4A

Phonics kids 4A

Phonics kids 4APart 1 The short vowel word familiesUnit 1 The short vowel “a /æ/”一,(复习巩固)sound of the word families: am ad atPoint and rhymeam am am Pam and Sam.Pam and Sam are good friends.(2)ad ad ad Pat Pat PatDad dad dad Pat is my dad. (2)at at at A cat and a rat.The cat chases the rat. The rat is mad.(2)二,新授1.The word family of an /æn/Point and sayan an an van van vanv.an—van m.an— man r.an—ranRhyming funMan man man Run run runThe man ran to the van.拓展词van 敞篷车man男人 ran跑 can 易拉罐 fan电扇 pan平底锅 tan棕黄色2.The word family of ap /æp/Point and sayap ap ap cap cap capc.ap—cap n.ap— nap l.ap—lapRhyming funNap nap nap Lap lap lapNap on mom’s lap!拓展词cap帽子 nap小睡 lap膝盖 map地图 gap分歧 tap阀门3.The word family of ab /æb/Point and sayab ab ab cab cab cabc.ab—cab l.ab— lab t.ab—tabRhyming funTab tab tab Cab cab cabA tab on the cab.拓展词cab出租车 lab实验室 tab账单 gab爱说话4.The word family of ag /æg/Point and sayag ag ag bag bag bagb.ag—bag r.ag— rag w.ag—wagRhyming funBag bag bag Rag rag ragThe rag is in the bag.拓展词bag书包 rag破布 wag摇摆 dag悬片 lag落后 tag口头禅5.The word family of ack /æk/Point and sayack ack ack Jack Jack Jackj.ack—Jack b.ack— backs.ack—sack p.ack—packRhyming funPack pack pack Sack sack sackJack pack the sack.拓展词Jack杰克 back后背 sack麻袋 pack携带 black黑色 lack缺乏 rack行李架 tack方法wack怪人 yack闲扯zack六便士硬币6.The word family of ant /ænt/Point and sayant ant ant pant pant pantp.ant—pant k.ant— kantr.ant—rantRhyming funAnt ant ant Pant pant pantAnts on my pants.拓展词ant蚂蚁 pant西裤 rant咆哮 bant节食减肥法 cant倾斜 hant常到之处 Kant康德 nant 小河谷7.The word family of ang /æŋ/Point and sayang ang ang bang bang bangb.ang—bang h.ang— hangs.ang—sangRhyming funBang bang bang Bang bang bangA big big bang. We sang in a big bang.拓展词bang爆炸声 hang悬挂 sang唱歌 gang帮派 tang强烈的气味8.The word family of ank /æŋk/Point and sayank ank ank bank bank bankb.ank—bank r.ank— ranks.ank—sank t.ank—tankRhyming funTank tank tank Bank bank bankA tank in the bank拓展词bank银行 rank顺序 sank沉入水中 tank坦克 Flank弗兰克lank细长的9.The word family of amp /æmp/Point and sayamp amp amp lamp lamp lampl.amp—lamp c.amp—campr.amp— rampRhyming funLamp lamp lamp Camp camp campDon’t forget the lamp. When you camp.拓展词lamp台灯 camp帐篷 ramp斜坡 damp潮湿的 tamp填充Chant with me“Pitpat,pitpat”Pitpat,pitpat. I am a kitty-cat.I’ m light and I’m small.I walk as soft as snow.Unit 2 The short vowel “e /e/”一,(复习巩固)sound of the word families: ed en ell Point and rhymeed ed ed Ted Ted TedRed red red Ted is in red.en en en Ten ten tenHen hen hen Ten red hens.ell ell ell Bell bell bellSell sell sell Sell the bells.二,新授1.The word family of eg /eg/ Point and sayeg eg eg egg egg eggm.eg—Meg l.eg— leg b.eg—beg Rhyming funEgg egg egg Leg leg legThe egg has ten legs.拓展词egg鸡蛋 Meg梅格 leg腿 beg祈求 peg固定2.The word family of et /et/ Point and sayet et et jet jet jetj.et—jet g.et— get w.et—wet Rhyming funJet jet jet Wet wet wetThe jet gets wet.拓展词jet喷气式飞机 get获得 wet湿的net网 vet兽医3.The word family of ess /es/ Point and sayess ess ess Bess Bess Bessb.ess—Bess l.ess— less m.ess—mess Rhyming funBess Bess Bess Mess mess messBess is a mess拓展词Bess贝斯 less减少 mess混乱guess猜一猜 bless祝福 ness海角 Tess泰斯Wess韦斯4.The word family of end /end/Point and sayend end end bend bend bendb.end—bend m.end— mend s.end—sendRhyming funBend bend bend Mend mend mendBend and mend the fan.拓展词bend弯曲 mend修理 send发送 vend出售 fend保护 lend贡献 end末尾5.The word family of ent /ent/Point and sayent ent ent Kent Kent Kentk.ent—kent b.ent— bents.ent—sent w.ent—wentRhyming funKent Kent Kent Tent tent tentKent went to the tent.拓展词Kent肯特 bent爱好 sent送到 went去 cent一分硬币 fent打样 hent目的 dent凹痕 rent 租金6.The word family of est /est/Point and sayest est est best best bestb.est—best p.est— pestn.est—nest t.est—testRhyming funWest west west Best best bestBess is the best. She lives in the west.拓展词best最好 pest害人虫 nest鸟窝 test测验 fest坚固的 hest命令 west西 lest生怕 zest 热情7.The word family of eck /ek/Point and sayeck eck eck neck neck neckn.eck—neck p.eck—peck d.eck— deck Rhyming funPeck peck peck Deck deck deckPeck its neck on the deck.拓展词neck脖子 peck啄食 deck甲板 leck粘土 reck顾虑 seck不生产的Chant with me“Hickety,Pickety”Hickety,Pickety. My black hen!She lays eggs for gentleman.Hickety Pickety. My black hen.Unit 3 The short vowel “i /ɪ/”一,(复习巩固)sound of the word families: id ig illPoint and rhymeid id id Sid Sid SidKid kid kid Sid is a kid.ig ig ig Pig pig pigDig dig dig The pig likes to dig.ill ill ill Jill Jill JillHill hill hill Jill is on the hill.二,新授1.The word family of it /ɪt/Point and sayit it it sit sit sits.it—sit h.it— hit p.it—pitRhyming funPit pit pit Sit sit sit The pit is not fit to sit.Don’t sit! Don’t sit! It’s not fit.拓展词sit坐 hit击打 pit煤矿 bit一点 fit合身 kit装备 lit点火 tit山雀 wit机智2.The word family of im /ɪm/Point and sayim im im Tim Tim Timt.im—Tim j.im— Jim k.im—Kim d.im—dimRhyming funJim Jim Jim Kim Kim KimTim likes Kim and Jim.拓展词Tim蒂姆 Jim吉姆 Kim金姆 dim暗淡的 rim边缘 him他3.The word family of in /ɪn/Point and sayin in in fin fin finf.in—fin w.in— win t.in—tin p.in—pinRhyming funWin win win Pin pin pin Win a pin.拓展词fin鱼鳍 win胜利 tin罐头盒 pin别针 sin犯罪 bin垃圾箱 din喧闹 kin家族 rin阻力4.The word family of ing /ɪŋ/Point and saying ing ing ding ding dingd.ing—ding r.ing— ring k.ing—king s.ing—singRhyming funHammer goes. Ding ding ding.Bell goes. Ring ring ring.拓展词ding鸣钟声 ring戒指、铃声 king国王 sing唱歌 ming明朝 ping砰砰声 ting丁丁声 wing 翅膀5.The word family of ink /ɪŋk/Point and sayink ink ink pink pink pinkp.ink—pink s.ink— sink l.ink—linkRhyming funPink pink pink The pig is pink.Sink sink sink The pig sinks.拓展词pink粉色 sink淹没 link关联 ink墨水 clink叮当声 fink乞丐 kink纠结6.The word family of ish /ɪʃ/Point and sayish ish ish fish fish fishf.ish—fish d.ish— dish w.ish—wishRhyming funDish dish dish Fish fish fishI wish for a dish of fish.拓展词fish鱼 dish盘子 wish祝愿 pish轻蔑 rish急冲7.The word family of ick /ɪk/Point and sayick ick ick pick pick pickp.ick—pick k.ick— kick s.ick—sick t.ick—tickRhyming funRick Rick Rick Sick Sick Sick Rick is sick.拓展词pick摘 kick踢 sick生病 tick打钩 dick侦探 hick乡下人 lick轻轻拍打 Nick尼克 Rick 瑞克 wick导火线Chant with me“Jack,Be Nimble!”Jack,be Nimble! Jack,be quick!Jack jumps over the candlestick.Unit 4 The short vowel “o /ɔ/”一,(复习巩固)sound of the word families: ox ot opPoint and rhymeox ox ox Fox fox foxBox box box The fox is on the box.ot ot ot Pot pot pot Hot hot hotWatch out! The pot is hot.op op op Hop hop hopTop top top Fox hops on top of the box.二,新授1.The word family of ob /ɔb/Point and sayob ob ob Bob Bob Bobb.ob—Bob j.ob—job r.ob—robRhyming funBob Bob Bob Job job jobBob did a good job.拓展词Bob鲍勃 job工作 rob抢劫 fob搪塞 hob铁架 kob非洲水羚 mob暴徒 nob有钱人2.The word family of od /ɔd/Point and sayod od od nod nod nodn.od—nod p.od—pod r.od—rodRhyming funRod rod rod Rod rod rod A long fish rod.拓展词nod点头 pod豆荚 rod拉杆 god上帝 hod灰浆桶 mod传统的 tod树丛3.The word family of og /ɔg/Point and sayog og og hog hog hogh.og—hog j.og—jog l.og—logRhyming funHog hog hog Log log logA hog and a frog. Sit on a log.拓展词hog猪 jog慢跑 log原木dog狗 fog雾 mog撤走 nog木钉 tog衣服 wog疾病4.The word family of om /ɔm/Point and sayom om om Tom Tom Tomt.om—Tom m.om—momRhyming funTom Tom Tom Mom mom momMom likes Tom! Tom likes mom.拓展词Tom汤姆 mom妈妈 gom傻子 Rom罗姆5.The word family of ock /ɔk/Point and sayock ock ock rock rock rockr.ock—rock s.ock—sock l.ock—lockRhyming funRock rock rock Sock sock sock Put the rocks into the sock.拓展词rock石头 sock袜子 lock锁 mock嘲弄 dock码头 Fock福克 hock肘关节 Kock科克 Nock 诺克 pock麻子 yock大笑Chant with me”Little bird.”Once I saw a lillle bird. Come hop hop hop .So I cried”little bird,will you stop stop stop?”Unit 5 The short vowel “u /ʌ/”一,(复习巩固)sound of the word families: ug un utPoint and rhymeug ug ug Bug bug bugMug mug mug A bug in a mug!un un un Run run runSun sun sun It’s fun to run under the sun.ut ut ut Hut hut hutNut nut nut A hut of nuts.二,新授1.The word family of ub /ʌb/Point and sayub ub ub cub cub cubc.ub—cub r.ub— rub t.ub—tubRhyming funRub rub rub Tub tub tub Rub the tub!(2)拓展词cub幼兽 rub摩擦 tub澡盆 bub小兄弟 dub配音 hub焦点 jub欢呼 nub要点 pub酒馆 sub 地铁2.The word family of um /ʌm/Point and sayum um um gum gum gumg.um—gum h.um— hum m.um—mumRhyming funMum mum mum Gum gum gum Mum likes gum.拓展词gum口香糖 hum哼唱 mum妈妈 bum乞讨 lum亮度 sum总数 yum好吃的3.The word family of uck /ʌk/Point and sayuck uck uck duck duck duckd.uck—duck l.uck— luck t.uck—tuckRhyming funDuck duck duck Luck luck luckThe duck was in the tub! What a luck!拓展词duck鸭子 luck好运 tuck鼓声 buck花花公子 huck哈克 kuck苦 muck污物 nuck努克 puck 恶作剧的小妖精 ruck折叠 suck吸取4.The word family of ump /ʌmp/Point and sayump ump ump bump bump bumpb.ump—bump h.ump— hump j.ump—jumpRhyming funJump jump jump Hump hump hump Jump over the hump!拓展词bump碰撞 hump驼峰 jump跳 dump倾倒 lump肿块 pump打气筒 rump臀部 sump水仓 yump 跃起5.The word family of unch /ʌntʃ/Point and sayunch unch unch lunch lunch lunchl.unch—lunch m.unch— munch p.unch—punchRhyming funMunch munch munch Lunch lunch lunch Munch my lunch!拓展词lunch午饭 munch大声咀嚼 punch打孔 bunch一束 hunch预感Chant with me “Big bear”Once I saw a big bear. Come thump thump thump.So I cried:“Big bear,will you stump stump stump?”Chant with me “Now you know”Do you know what is under my bed?I will tell you,A sock, a rock,a tick-tock clock.A mat,a hat,an old black cat.A mop, a top, a can of pop.A net, a jet and Sam my pet.Tell me, what is under your bed?。







初级课程1、2A、2B :子音的发音:介绍21个子音的发音,透过子音的相关字汇,学习21个子音的基本发音。






Unit 2dUnit 4Unit 6qu SummarySummaryUnit 8Summarydad ham fatmadjamcat Unit 10Summaryr ed h ent en b ellw ell b edUnit 12 SummarySummaryUnit 14 SummarySummarySummaryhix quit t ra n ha hax lex lot luck quack wes t wo s yu m m jo ri ck je d mp ju st ro l re di x luf t bla wi sktlef ckjo lfwu ti ti d tas ded dob dug ta ck de t do s du t Unit 18自然拼音拼读练习表第1天Aa mat map bag cat hat fan bat appleEe egg well red pen net hen bed bellIi lick six bib pig pin kiss ink hillOo ox on octopus box sock operate ostrichUu sun umbrella cup bus nut gun uncle undera_e cape name tape lake game make take hatee_e these Japanese Chinesei_e bite five nine kite mine nice ride sideo_e rose nose rope note pose home rode thoseu_e tube cube June cute huge第2天ai tail rain paint pain jail rail nail maiday bay ray way say hay pay May layee reeds eel bee peel jeep feet see teethea sea meat peanut eagle peach tea leaf peaey donkey monkey jockey turkey hockey key trolleyie tie pie lie dieigh right sight night tight hight fight high sighoa road toast toad coal goat boat coat soapui suit juice fruitue Sue blue glue true第3天ar arm car armchair card cart farm park gardener sister brother under rooster winter mermaid marker motherir birthday circus dirty bird circle dirt girlur turtle surfing turkey fur hurt purse nurseor porch pork horse horn fort morning corn fork第4天ou house out mouth count fountain mountain shout mouseow cow towel clown owl crown brown flower toweroi coin oil point noise boil soil poison coiloy oyster boy cowboy soy toyau august sause sausage naughty autumn applauseaw paw draw saw straw strawberry lawnoo moon zoo roof rooster boots food spoon room cool fool boom foolishoo book cook good foot look hookea head sweater sweat pear lead bear leather feather第5天ch beach lunch cheese bench church chicken chair cherrysh sheep shirt ship fish dish push shoes shovelwh whale white wheel wheat whip whistle wheelchair whisperph photo elephant telephone trophy pharmacy alphabetth brother feather leather father motherth thumb three bathmat thirsty thief bath mouth teethkn knob knee knife knock knitwr wrist wrinkle wrap wreath writemb thumb lamb bomb comb crumb numb第6天bl blue black blouse bloom bleach blanket blonde hairfl flat flu fly flame flute floor flag flowerpl plane play plus planet platform plum plate plantcl clock cloud clean clay climb close clap clowngl glove globe glass glue glasses gliderbr bright brook brim bride brown bread brick brothercr crown crab cream crow crayon crocodile cry croissantgr gray green grass grapes ground grow grandmapr prixe price prawn press prince princess prayfr frog frost Friday French fries fruit front friend frametr tractor truck train tray tree triangle trunk trolleydr dream drum dry drop draw drive dress drink第7天sm smile small smell smoke smoothsn snowman snow snore snake snail sneakers sneakers snack sl slow slap sleep slide slope sledsw switch swallow swan swim sweet swing sweater sweat sp spider spaceship spinach spoon spellst stockings store star stamp storm stick student stand sc scarf scooter scanner scarecrow scale scorpion scoop sk skunk skis skirt skatesall call tall fall ball wallew dew few view hew new nephew newspaperYy sky fly dry spy type shy cry myYy Miny sunny puppy dizzy dirty pony happy baby。


This is a pig, pig, pig .
It is big, big, big.
It likes to dig, dig, dig .
This iБайду номын сангаас a pig, pig, pig . It wears a wig, wig, wig . It eats a fig, fig, fig .
Hello, I am Mr i.
I have a __fi_sh_. It is _b_ig_ It is _pi_nk_. It has a __f_ig__.
It likes to _s_in_g_.
1. 读《Phonics for Kids》第26页 I i 词 5遍,并编I i 故事给爸爸妈妈听。
2. 拼读《Phonics Chart》 表里Ii 的单 词。
This is…. a pig, pig, pig.
It is…. big, big, big.
It likes to…. dig, dig, dig.
This is…. a pig, pig, pig. It wears a… wig, wig, wig. It eats a…. a fig, fig, fig.
Hello, I am Mr i.
I have a __fi_sh_. A.fish
It is _b_ig_.
B.pig B.dig
It is _pi_nk_.
A.white B.pink
It has a __f_ig__. A.jig B.fig
It likes to _s_in_g_. A.sing B.king
The short vowel of

Phonics Short Vowels

Phonics Short Vowels

UNIT 2 SHORT VOWELS短韵母The vowels are "a, e, i, o, u and sometimes letters "w" and "y".Short vowels ------ When there is a single vowel in a short word or syllable, the vowel usually makes a short sound. These short vowels usually appear at the beginning of the word or between two consonants. Examples of short vowels are found in these words: c a t, e n d, p i g, l o g, b u s.ăappleĕeggĭinsectŏorangeŭumbrella Lesson 1: Short /ă/ in appleWords Beginning with AWrite the letter a in the words below. Read the words aloud.(1) (2)苹果手臂___ pple ___ rm(3) (4)斧头蚂蚁___ xe ___ nt(5) (6)短吻鳄太空人___ lligator ___ stronautWords Beginning with EWrite the letter e in the words below.Read the words aloud.(1) (2)大象蛋___lephant ___ gg(3) 11(4)十一空的___ leven ____ mpty(5) (6)信封出口___ n velope ___ xitWords Beginning with IWrite the letter i in the words below.Read the words aloud.(1) (2)雪块砌成的圆顶小屋墨水___ gloo ___ nk(3) (4)印度昆虫____ ndia ____ nsect(5) (6)鬣鳞蜥在…里面____ guana ____ nMiddle Short ILesson 4: S hort /ŏ/ in orangeWords Beginning with OWrite the letter o in the words below.Read the words aloud.(1) (2)章鱼公牛___ ctopus ___ x(3) (4)橘子橄榄____ range ____ lives(5) (6)年老的鸵鸟____ ld ___ strichMiddle Short O Lesson 4: S hort /ŭ/ in umbrellaWords Beginning with UWrite the letter u in the words below. Read the words aloud.(1) (2)在……下面向上___ nder ___ p(3) (4)不高兴下划线___ nhappy ___ nderline(5) (6)裁判员伞___ mpire ___ mbrellaMiddle Short U。



Phonics 的教学Phonics 的教学与国际音标的教学有很大的不同,他主要在于激发学生的学习兴趣,教师通过各种活动让学生将抽象的知识化为直观且容易接受的内容,循序渐进,最终使学生在阅读,拼写,及记忆单词方面有个很大的跨越。





Phonics 的学习给学生在这方面带来了很大的帮助。






三、怎样学习phonics?首先是必须要学会26个字母的发音(name of letter)。

这个阶段的时间可以长些,但是必须保证全班有95%以上的学生能够准确的发出26个字母的名称音(name of letter)。




short vowel 教学设计

short vowel 教学设计

Short vowel a 课时教学设计基本信息教师林小丽教学年级四年级课题名称Unit1:short vowel教材Happyphonics 教材版本外研社课时(period)第一课时一、整体设计思路、指导依据说明本课以教授短元音a的发音及单词拼读为主要内容,以体现新旧知识结合学习为主要设计原则。

二、教学背景分析学生分析1. 从学生年龄特点和认知特点,以及对英语学习的情感表现来看,本单元的教学对象是小学四年级的学生,他们喜新好奇,求知欲强,富有想象力,并且具有较高的表现欲,而且他们也有比较强的竞争意识,更是喜欢个人竞赛和小组合作。


2.本课选自happy phonics第一单元,本单元重点学习五个短元音:a , e ,i , o , u。

本课时是本单元的第一课时,重点内容就是学习短元音a , 学生知道a的发音,以及能够拼读出含有a发音的简单单词。

3. 学生在学习本课时是对于一些基本的辅音已经掌握,大部分学生辅音的发音都能正确掌握,现在加入元音跟辅音结合拼读,是个难点。



教材分析1. 本课时学习的内容是《happy phonics》上册第一单元的第一课时。

2.教学内容:short vowel ‘a’.3. 教材要求学生会知道短元音a的发音,及懂得去拼读含有元音a的单词。

写那几个关于家具的单词,并且会听说读写及运用There be 句型。




5. 学生如果掌握了本课时的内容,那么在接下来的课时里面,学生就能更轻松地学习其他的发音和拼读方法。

自然拼音法(Phonics 教学指导法 )

自然拼音法(Phonics 教学指导法 )

精心整理自然拼音法(Phonics 教学法)英语共有26个字母。



? ?不题。


? ?建议家长先多读给孩子听后,让孩子找规律,记住字母及字母组合的发音。



一、先来认识26个字母所代表的发音A a 张大口,舌尖抵着下牙: apple ankle ax ant arrow anger actor actressB b 发“拨”: bed book bench box banana bird body boyC c 发“磕”:cap count car coffee cat cow cake cupD d 发“de”:desk doctor deer duck doll dog dancer doorE e 张小口,:egg end elephant entrance envelope echo elf edgeF f fiveG gH hL lJ jK kL lM mN nO oP pQ qR r发"弱"的清音:rope ring rock rug rainbow rooster rose rabbitS s发音时上下牙齿紧闭,声音从牙缝中呲出:sun sofa silver sink sign soap six sevenT t 发“特”的清音:towel toe tie table teacher tea two tenU u 发“阿”:umbrella under uncle upV v发音时把上牙齿搭在下嘴唇上,声音从牙缝中呲出:vase veil village van vomitvest violinW w 发"我"的清音:wall window walkman wind watch word wash womanX x 发“科斯”:ax x-ray boxY y发"爷"的清音:yard yacht year yam yellow yo-yoZ zI [ai] : y fly spy sky shy cry my type dryE [I:] :y puppy dirty rainy sunny happy baby dizzy pony三、 short vowel (短元音)A :bag cat mat map apple bat hat fanE :pen well egg red bell hen net bedI :lick six bib pig pin ink hill kissO :ox on octopus box sock ostrich operateU :cup nut bus sun uncle under umbrella gun四、 R-vowel (R元音)Or :pork porch horse horn corn fork fort morningshoutmouse fountain mountain ow : clown cow owl towel flower tower crown brownoi : coin iol point noise poison coil boil soiloy : oyster boy cowboy soy toy七、 vowel digraphs(元音字母组合构成的一种单音)au :august sausage sauce naughty autumn applauseaw :saw paw draw strawberry straw lawnoo :moon zoo roof rooster spoon room boots foodoo :book cookie woods wool hook look foot cookea :head sweater sweat pear leather feather lead bearmb :bomb thumb lamb numb comb crumb九、 phonics blends (基础语音的混合)共20个,经常大声读才能记住哦bl :blue black blocks blouse blanket bloom blonde-hair bleach fl :flame fly flat flu flag flower flute floorpl :plus plum plane play plate plant planet platformcl :close clown clock cloud clay clap clean climbgl : glove glasses glider glue glass globecr :crown crow crab cream croissant cry crayon crocodile gr :gray green grass ground grandma grapes grow十、other vowels (其他元音)all words : wall fall ball call tallew words :hew new nephew newspaper few dew view。




下面的几个表格,列出了美国小学从学前班到三年级在阅读方面的基本要求,从中可以一窥自然拼音法掌握程度的几项衡量标准:Letter Naming Fluency(字母认知),Initial Sounds Fluency(起始音分辨),Phonemic Segmentation Fluency(音素分解),Nonsense Word Fluency(无意义词汇认读),以及掌握自然拼音法后要达到的Oral Reading Fluency(口头朗读流利程度)。









字母与发音一一对应的辅音:b -- balld -- dogf -- fishh -- hatj -- jumpk -- kitel -- legm -- mann -- notp -- penq – quickr -- runs -- sunt -- tenv -- vestw -- waterz -- zoo(注意q与u总是连在一起的)有多个发音的辅音:字母发音例词c 字母c后面接a,o,u的时候,c的发音与字母k发音相同,叫做“hard c sound”cat, cap, call, coat, cup当字母c后面接e,i,或y的时候,通常c的发音与字母s发音相同,叫做“soft c sound”city, ice, rice, face, cell, cent, voice, pencil, juice有时在e或i前面,c会发/sh/音ocean, racial, socialg 字母g后面接a,o,u的时候,所发的音叫做“hard g sound”girl, gas, get, give, go当字母g后面接e,i,或y的时候,有时g的发音与字母j的发音相同,叫做“软g音”age, change, ginger, Egypt, gentle, giraffe, badge特例:forget, give, girl中的g发hard soundx x在单词中间或结尾时发/ks/音box, next, mix, six, foxx在单词中间时有时发/gz/音exit, exam, exactx在单词起始位置时发/z/音xylophone, xeroxy y在单词起始位置时发音为辅音yes, you, yard, year, yelly在单词或音节中间或结尾时被当做元音y在结尾,单词只有一个音节时y发长/i/音,y在结尾,单词有两个或以上音节时y发长/e/音y在单词或音节中间时,发短/i/音小测试:my, cry, fly, sky自然拼音法系列之二——辅音字母组合辅音字母组合的发音很简单,就是把每个辅音字母的发音连在一起就可以了。

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The short vowel Uu
1.The pupil will learn the letter sounds of Uu
2.The pupil can blend the words which containing the letter
Uu correctly without any help form the teacher.
3. The pupil can read the sentence and short story without any help from the teacher.
Step 1 Greetings and revision
T: Good afternoon, boys and girls. How are you?
Ss: I’m fine, thank you.
T: Today, we’re going to have a phonics lesson. Look!(show letter card Oo) What does Oo sound?
Ss: Oo sounds ‘o’.
Activity 1: Sing the consonant song
T: Good. Now, let’s sing a consonant song. Bo bo Co Co …Ss sing.
T: You’re so great. (point to the consonant list)Let’s blend.
Can you? Bo says … co, do, mo…
Ss blend.
T: Good! Ob says … oc, od, on…
Ss blend.
T: (ppt 1~3) Can you read these words?
Ss read.

Step 2:Learn the sound of Uu
1.Leading in
T:(ppt4)Look at these words. We have learnt them before. Can you read?
Ss: ...
T: Yeah. Cup, under, umbrella, duck. In these words, what does Uu sound?
Ss: U sounds ‘u’.
Activity 2: Sing a song “London bridge”, using the letter sound ‘u’
T:(ppt5)Yes, U sounds ‘u’. ‘u’, ‘u’, ‘u’, ‘u’, ‘u’…(teacher read in the tone of “London bridge”
Ss sing.
T show Uu card, and check.

Step 3 Blending
T: Look at this .What sound ?
Ss: …
T: Can you read these words? Please read in groups of four. Ss read. T check.

Step 4 Exercise
1.Listen and choose(ppt10~11)
2.Listen and write(ppt12)

Step 5 Chant
T: (ppt13) You can blend the words now. But, can you read the sentences? Have a try!
Ss read in groups of four.
T check.
(ppt14~15) Ss read after the video.
Step 6 Short story
T: (ppt16~24) You’re so great! Now, let’s try to read a short story.
Ss read in groups of four.
T check.
Ss read together.
Step 7 Homework
Read the chants and short story.(ppt25)。
