CU2000控制模块使 用说明书_0_













1.1 基本功能1.1.1 检修运行系统具有三个检修开关。





1.1.2 自动运行(无司机运行)将控制柜内的检修盒紧急电动运行开关设置为“自动”、操纵厢上的开关设置为“自动”、轿顶检修盒的开关设置为“自动”的情况下,电梯将工作在自动状态。




RS485RS485+ AGND AGND 电压调整 模块存在 屏蔽地 屏蔽地
接触器旁路 供电开关
( 第 一次 下电 ) LVLD

1 2 —
DOUT14 环境温度告警输出

模块通信方式 均流方式 模块电流 熔丝告警方式 LVD控制方式

告警模块CU2000H与SMPS2000H的通信 依靠系统的硬件地址 地址安装在分架后板上 地址用4位的开关表示

采用二进制表示 开关ON表示二进制0 开关OFF表示二进制1 地址转换公式(二进制与十进制)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
XS3 红 黑
XS11 XS11 环境温度 电池温度
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
负 载熔 丝告 警输 入接 口 1-12
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
1 2 —

K CU 主控制器模块使用说明书

K CU 主控制器模块使用说明书

HOLLiAS MACS -K系列模块2014年5月B版HOLLiAS MAC-K系列手册- K-CU01 主控制器模块使用说明书重要信息危险图标:表示存在风险,可能会导致人身伤害或设备损坏件。



目录1.概述 (1)2.接口说明 (2)2.1主控单元结构示意图 (2)2.2底座接口说明 (4)2.3地址跳线 (8)2.4IO-BUS (11)3.状态灯说明 (12)4.其他特殊功能说明 (14)4.1短路保护功能 (14)4.2诊断功能 (15)4.3冗余功能 (15)4.4掉电保护 (16)5.工程应用 (18)5.1底座选型说明 (18)5.2应用注意事项 (18)6.尺寸图 (19)6.1K-CU01尺寸图 (19)6.2K-CUT01尺寸图 (19)7.技术指标 (20)7.1K-CU01主控制器模块 (20)7.2K-CUT01 4槽主控器底座 (21)K-CU01主控制器模块1.概述K-CU01是K系列硬件的控制器模块,是系统的核心控制部件,主要工作是收集I/O模块上报的现场数据,根据组态的控制方案完成对现场设备的控制,同时负责提供数据到上层操作员站显示。








目录第一章产品概述 (1)1.1功能 (1)1.2一般规格 (1)1.3各部分名称 (2)1.4外型尺寸及安装方法 (4)第二章编辑软件HollySys HD2000 (5)2.1 HollySys HD2000基本概述 (5)2.2编辑用户画面 (5)2.3保存工程 (30)2.4下载画面 (31)第三章操作方法 (32)3.1联机通讯 (32)3.2切换画面 (32)3.3系统口令 (32)3.4修改数据 (33)3.5开关量控制 (34)第四章与PLC的连接方法 (35)4.1 HOLLYSYS LM系列 (35)4.2三菱FX系列 (35)4.3西门子S7-200系列 (36)4.4欧姆龙C系列 (37)4.5施耐德NEZA/TWIDO系列 (38)4.6 台达DVP系列 (38)4.7松下FP系列 (39)4.8 LG Master-K CNet系列 (40)4.9 LG系列 Modbus 协议 (41)4.10 LG Master-K 120S 编程口通讯 (42)4.11 FACON永宏系列 (42)4. 12 光洋S系列 (43)4.13 ECOSTEP 系列 (44)4.14 AB Micrologix系列 (45)4.15 MODBUS RTU/ASCII/EMERSON/RTU EXTEND (46)4.16 MODBUS SERVER (47)4.17 SAIA PCD S-BUS协议 (48)4.18 VIGOR PLC (49)4.19 EMERSON EC20系列PLC (49)4.20 KEYENCE KV系列PLC (50)附录:注意事项 (1)第一章产品概述1.1功能HD2400L是一个小型的人机界面,主要与各类PLC(或带通信口的智能控制器)配合使用,以文字或指示灯等形式监视、修改PLC内部寄存器或继电器的数值及状态,从而使操作人员能够自如地控制机器设备。

HD2400L可编程文本显示器有以下特点:通过编辑软件HollySys HD2000在计算机上制作画面,自由输入汉字及设定PLC地址,使用串口通讯下载画面通讯协议和画面数据一同下载到显示器,无须PLC编写通讯程序对应机种广泛,包括和利时,西门子、三菱、欧姆龙、松下、施耐德、永宏、LG、台达、AB等主流PLC,包括Modbus RTU、自由通讯等通用协议具有密码保护功能具有报警列表功能,逐行实时显示当前报警信息具有可选的具有时钟模块的型号,可以提供实时时钟20个按键可被定义成功能键,有数值输入小键盘,操作简单,可替代部分控制柜上机械按键自由选择通讯方式,RS232/RS422/RS485任选带背景光STN液晶显示,可显示24个英文字符×4行,即12个汉字×4行显示器前表面符合IP65构造,防水、防油1.2一般规格电气规格警告!如果输入电压超出范围或正负极错接,将可能损坏产品。

Eurotherm 2000系列控制器产品介绍说明书

Eurotherm 2000系列控制器产品介绍说明书

imagine making theimpossible possible2000Series controllersBuilt on our experience of design and applications knowledge spanning more than 40 years, the Eurotherm®2000 series brings you performance you can rely on and accuracy you can trust.At the same time no other range of controllers makes operation so easy. Menu driven operation provides easy intuitive and consistent access to all the controller functions.Simply imagine process excellence…and with Eurotherm you will achieve it. Our ranges of controllers provide world class control and versatility with clear, user friendly, operator interfaces. Add to this, a strong sales team of qualified engineers who understand your process, an absolute commitment to innovation by continuously re-investing in research and development; we can and do imagine making the impossible possible for our customers.Internal timer– A 5 mode timer suitable for simple time based profiling applications Universal input–9 different thermocouples, PT100, DC linear and a downloadable customcurveFour outputs–up to 4 outputs including 2 modular with many options including DCoutputsCommunication protocols–Modbus RTU, EI-Bisynch, DeviceNet®Three internal alarms–Configurable as High, Low, Deviation and Deviation High or Low alarms Two outputs– 1 relay and 1 logic (can be used as a relay with an external module)Suitable for•Small ovens •Chillers •Sterilisers •Trace heating •Heat sealing •Dwell timer–simple ramp dwell profile applicationsFour internal alarms–configurable as High, Low, Deviation,Deviation High, Deviation Low, Highand Low current alarmsSuitable for•Cold stores •Ovens and furnaces •Plastic extrusion •Packaging machines •Food and brewing applications •Every 2000 Series controller can be tailored to provide thecontrol solution you need. Modular design and easy, on-site configuration matches application requirements andgives you a temperature and process control solution that’sready to run the first time you switch it on.The 2000 Series provides control strategies ranging fromsimple ON/OFF to PID with advanced overshoot protection, providing the best control for the widest range of applications including valve positioning. Within the 2000Series there is also the 2500 Modular Controller and the 2604/2704 Controllers which, with their enhanced functionality and multiloop capability, offer a powerful addition to the range. Please consult Eurotherm sales for more information on these products.requirements Programming –up to 20, 16 segment programs (4 in the 2416) are available with 8 digital event outputs Four internal alarms –configurable as High, Low, Deviation,Deviation High or Low, high and Low Current alarms high and low output,high and low input 2, High and low setpoint and one Rate of change alarmModular –up to 4 outputs of which 3 aremodular with many different optionswithin the different modulesModules –up to 16 different types of moduleare availableCommunication protocols –Modbus RTU, EI-Bisynch, DeviceNet,Profibus DP Suitable for •Single and multi-zone furnaces •Kilns •Environmental chambers •Simple ratio •Humidity •Chemical and pharmaceutical •Applications •Glass furnaces and lehrs •Set p o in t FFOP Flow Meter FTAT Analytical Sensor PID Loo pPV +2400Dosing Pump Setpoint Easy to use controllers for greater flexibilityT im e Te mp e ra t ur e Setpoint Dwell time Switch off Ramp controlDwell Timer FunctionalityTe mp e ra t ur eEnd Type = DwellT im e End Type = Off Holdback atstart of dwellMaster ProgrammerSlave ControllersPDS communications M P gSC mmunic c ations PDS com In 2000 Series controllers it is possible to use the PDS communication link tosend a setpoint from one controller to a network of slave devices - providingthe economical creation of multi-zone temperature control solutions.PDS setpoint retransmissionRatiometric PyrometerThermocouple Output Switchover between two points 4-20mAmocouple Master Output Slave PDS Retransmission with FeedforwardModbus RTU Modbus Master The 2000 Series uses industry standard protocols such as Modbus RTU, DeviceNet or Profibus DPto communicate with supervisory systems andPLCs over EIA232, EIA485 (2 wire) or EIA422 (4wire). This carries the information and overallcontrol into the supervisory system whilemaintaining local access to the local equipmentensuring overall plant integrity in all situations.CommunicationSometimes it is desirable to control a process using two separate inputs toderive the PV (process value). This could be based on a highest wins, lowestwins, some function of the two inputs, or switching between the two inputs atsome pre-determined point in the process.For example, an application could consist of a thermocouple for measuring upto 800°C and a Ratiometric Pyrometer for measuring the range between700°C and 1,400°C.Typically when the temperature is below 740°C the thermocouple providesthe PV and, when between 740°C and 780°C the controller switches gentlyfrom the thermocouple to the Pyrometer which provides the PV up to 1,400°C.Derived inputsUsing Eurotherm setpoint retransmission over PDScommunications it is possible to use two 2400 controllersas a cascade control system with the output of the first (ormaster controller) forming the setpoint of the second (orslave controller).Eurotherm advanced algorithms enable the use of eithersetpoint or PV feedforward to limit the slave setpoint - forexample ±10% of the master setpoint or PV.Cascade control iTools configuration software enables you to store and clone controller configurations, as well as commission your process control system. This facility significantly reduces installation and commissioning time while commissioning timeEurotherm flexible 2000 Series offers a truly versatilesolution to all your requirements.Selection guide Features Panel size (DIN)IP Rating Single LoopDisplay TypeSupply Voltage Input Type PV Accuracy Control Types SP ProgrammerAnalogue IP/OP Digital IP/OPDigital Comms Alarm TypesPC Configuration21161/321/16IP6521002216e 2208e 1/16DIN rail 1/8IP6522002204e 1/4TC, RTD, mV, mA, V 1 x 4 dig LED TC, RTD, mV, mA, Volts 2 x 4 dig LED <0.25%On/Off. PID none In: 1 Out: 0In: 1 Out: 2none none none none none none none none none none none none none List based <0.25%On/Off. PID, VP none none none In: 1 Out: 1In: 3 Out: 4Modbus, DeviceNet List based 24V dc/ac 85-264V ac 85-264V ac 2132Dual input control Hi, Lo, Dev,Sensor break,Event, Heater failHi, Lo, Dev, Sensor break, Event, Heater fail Hi, Lo, Dev, Sensor break, 2416240824041/161/81/4IP652400TC, RTD, mV,mA, Volts 2 x 4 dig LED <0.2%On/Off. PID, VP 20 x 16 segments In: 2 Out: 3In: 11 Out: 11List based 24V dc/ac 85-264V ac Modbus, DeviceNet, Profibus Special FeaturesMaths EquationCombinational LogicTimers/Counters/TotalsReal Time Clock© Copyright Eurotherm Limited 2011Invensys, Eurotherm, the Eurotherm logo, Chessell, EurothermSuite, M ini8, Eycon, Eyris, EPower, nanodac and Wonderware are trademarks ofInvensys plc, its subsidiaries and affiliates. All other brands may be trademarks of their respective owners.All rights are strictly reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced, modified, or transmitted in any form by any means, nor may it be stored in a retrieval system other than for the purpose to act as an aid in operating the equipment to which the document relates, withoutthe prior written permission of Eurotherm limited.Eurotherm Limited pursues a policy of continuous development and product improvement. The specifications in this documentmay therefore be changed without notice. The information in this document is given in good faith, but is intended for guidance only.Eurotherm Limited will accept no responsibility for any losses arising from errors in this document.Bermuda Bolivia Bosnia and Herzegovina Botswana Brazil Brunei Darussalam Bulgaria Cambodia Cameroon Canada Central African Republic Chad Chile Colombia Congo Costa Rica Côte d’Ivoire Croatia Cyprus Czech Republic Denmark Djibouti Ecuador Egypt El Salvador Eritrea Estonia Ethiopia Fiji Finland Georgia Ghana Greece Greenland Guinea Hungary Iceland Indonesia Iraq Israel Jamaica Japan Jordan Kazakhstan Kenya Kuwait Kyrgyzstan Laos MozambiqueMyanmarNamibiaNicaraguaNigerNigeriaNorwayOmanPakistanPalestinian TerritoryPapua New GuineaParaguayPeruPhilippinesPolandQatarRomaniaRussiaRwandaSaudi Arabia Senegal Serbia and Montenegro Sierra LeoneSingapore Slovakia Slovenia Somalia South AfricaSri Lanka SudanSwaziland SyriaTajikistanTanzania Thailand The GambiaTunisia TurkeyTurkmenistanUganda Ukraine United Arab Emirates Uruguay UzbekistanVenezuelaVietnam Yemen Zambia ZimbabweAUSTRALIA Melbourne Invensys Process Systems Australia Pty. Ltd.T (+61 0) 8562 9800F (+61 0) 8562 9801E info.*************************AUSTRIA Vienna Eurotherm GmbH T (+43 1) 7987601F (+43 1) 7987605E info.*************************BELGIUM & LUXEMBOURG Moha Eurotherm S.A/N.V.T (+32) 85 274080F (+32) 85 274081E info.*************************BRAZIL Campinas-SP Eurotherm Ltda.T (+5519) 3707 5333F (+5519) 3707 5345E ******************************CHINA Eurotherm China T (+86 21) 61451188F (+86 21) 61452602E info.*************************Beijing Office T (+86 10) 5909 5700F (+86 10) 5909 5709/5909 5710E info.*************************FRANCE Lyon Eurotherm Automation SA T (+33 478) 664500F (+33 478) 352490E ******************************GERMANY Limburg Eurotherm Deutschland GmbH T (+49 6431) 2980F (+49 6431) 298119E info.*************************INDIA Mumbai Invensys India Pvt. Ltd.T (+91 22) 67579800F (+91 22) 67579999E info.*************************IRELAND Dublin Eurotherm Ireland Limited T (+353 1) 4691800F (+353 1) 4691300E info.*************************ITALY Como Eurotherm S.r.l T (+39 031) 975111F (+39 031) 977512E info.*************************KOREA Seoul Invensys Operations Management Korea T (+82 2) 2090 0900F (+82 2) 2090 0800E info.*************************NETHERLANDS Alphen a/d Rijn Eurotherm B.V.T (+31 172) 411752F (+31 172) 417260E ******************************POLAND Katowice Invensys Eurotherm Sp z o.o.T(+48 32) 7839500F (+48 32) 7843608/7843609E info.*************************SPAIN MadridEurotherm España SA T(+34 91) 6616001F (+34 91) 6619093E info.*************************SWEDEN MalmoEurotherm AB T(+46 40) 384500F (+46 40) 384545E ******************************SWITZERLAND Wollerau Eurotherm Produkte (Schweiz) AG T (+41 44) 7871040F (+41 44) 7871044E info.*************************UNITED KINGDOM Worthing Eurotherm Limited T (+44 1903) 268500F (+44 1903) 265982E info.*************************U.S.A.Ashburn VA Eurotherm Inc.T (+1 703) 724 7300F (+1 703) 724 7301E info.*************************ED63。













●读卡器接口连接Wiegand26 格式读卡器或指纹仪(距离≤50m)。











Table of ContentsTable of Contents (1)Chapter 1 Introduction of the Functions of BL2000 Serial Control System (5)1.1.List of Basic Functions (5)Automatically stop for fault (7)1.2. Special Functions (8)Cancel mistake operating (8)Rear opening control (9)Encoder evaluation (10)Evaluation of the interference on input port (10)The direct display of electric level interference of the input circuit (10)1.3. List of Safety Protection Functions (12)1.4. List of selectable functions (13)Chapter 2 Types of BL2000 Serial Control System Computer Boards (13)2.1. Designation of product models (13)1. Basic regulation (13)2. Designation of main board, car board and car expansion board (13)3. Designation of elevator call and display boards (13)2.2. Table of computer board types (14)Chapter 3 Combination and components of BL2000 serial control system (15)3.1. Schematic diagram of system composition (15)Diagram 3-1: Schematic diagram of BL-2000 serial control System composition (15)3.2. Performance of the main parts of the system (15)3.2.1 Description of features: (16)3.2.2. Scope of application: (16)3.2.3. Standards for reference (16)3.2.4. Power supply specification (16)3.2.5. Working temperature (16)3.2.6. Inspection standards (16)3.3. Introduction of system main parts with classification (17)3.3.1. Main board BL2000-STB (17)3.3.2. Car board BL2000-CZB (22)3.3.3. Car expansion board BL2000-CEB (26)3.3.4. Divided COP of Elevator Controller----Car Top Board BL2000-JDB-V1.2 (27)3.3.5 Divided COP of Elevator Controller----Car Command Board BL2000-ZLB-V1.2 (31)3.3.6 Call (landing call) and display board BL2000-Hxx (33)3.3.7. Group control and call (landing call) board BL2000-HQK (39)3.3.8. Group control board BL2000-QKB-V1 (41)3.3.9. Introduction of load inspection device SJT-150 (43)3.3.10. Introduction of voice synthesizer SJT-YBA (44)3.4. BL2000 Serial Control System Typical Schematic Diagram (45)Chapter 4 The Installation of BL2000 Serial Control System (66)4.1. Important Notes (66)4.2. Incoming Inspection (66)4.3. System Installation (66)4.3.1. Technical requirements of installation (66)4.3.2 Installation of BL2000 Series Parts (67)4.3.3. Installation of the system and other parts (67)4.3.4. Grounding of the control system (70)Chapter 5 Parameter setup of BL2000 serial control system (71)5.1. General (71)5.2. Menu structure and flowchart (72)5.2.1. Main menu (72)5.2.2. Communication menu (73)5.2.3. Password verifies (74)5.2.4. Monitor menu and parameter setting menu (74)5.2.5. Notice of menu setup (76)5.3. Setup and operation of monitor parameter menu (76)5.3.1. Monitor menu: all the interfaces are read only except floor select menu and close/open door menu (76)5.3.2. Setup and operation (77)5.4. General parameters menu setting and operation (83)5.4.1. General parameters list (83)5.4.2. Setting and operation (83)5.5. The setting and operation of run parameter menu (95)5.5.1. Table of run parameter (95)5.6. The setting and operation of special parameters menu (102)5.6.1. Special parameter table (102)5.6.2. Setting and operation (103)5.7. The menu setting and operation of other parameters (113)5.7.1. Hoistway self learning (113)5.7.2. Parameter saving (114)5.7.3. Password setting (115)Chapter 6 Debug and Operation of BL2000 Serial Control System (116)6.1. Significant notice (116)6.2. Inspection before power-up (116)6.3. Power-up and inspection (117)6.3.1. Confirmation before power-up (117)6.3.2. Inspection after power-up (117)6.4. Setting of system parameters (118)6.5. Trial Run at Lower Speed (118)6.5.1. Inspection Run of Machine Room (118)6.5.2. Inspection Running of Car Top and Car (119)6.6. Hoistway Self-learning (119)6.7. Trail Run at high speed (119)6.8. Elevator Comfort Adjustment (120)6.8.1. Adjustment of Startup and Brake Curves (120)6.8.2. Adjustment of Running Curve Tracing (121)6.8.3. Adjustment of Elevator Running Control Timing & Sequence (121)6.8.4. Adjustment of Multi-speed Mode (122)6.9. Adjustment of Leveling Precision (125)6.10. Confirmation of Terminal Installation Position (127)Chapter 7 BL2000 Serial Control System Failures Analysis (128)7.1 Running State during Inspection (128)7.2 The low traveling speed and the heavy current during inspection (128)7.3 The speed displayed by the main board is incorrect. (128)7.4 Check on the abnormity of communication (128)7.5 Abnormity of switching power supply (5V/24V) (129)7.6 Checks on no direction and brake output signal (129)7.7 Unlock of the door (130)7.8 Malfunction of elevator arisen from wrong setting of switching value output of load test device (130)7.9 The running direction of elevator is contrary to the instruction (ER04) (131)7.10 Failure on brake on (ER05) (131)7.11 Small number of pulse or no pulse input (ER07) (131)7.12 The output of KDY contactor is inconformity to the feedback result ER09) (132)7.13 The mistake of building floor counter (ER14) (132)7.14 The main board’s not receiving feedback of transducer (ER17) (132)7.15 The value of floor counter is wrong (ER18) (132)7.16 The low-speed adjusting distance is longer than the interval of a single floor (ER19) (132)7.17 Thermal Switch Protection, the brake resistor overheated, or the electric motor overheated (ER25) (133)7.18 The state of contact of gate interlock is inconformity with the state of the coil (ER26) (133)7.19 The inconformity between state of emergency stop contactor and the state of the coil (ER27) (133)7.20 Top or bottom terminal switches adhesion fault (ER28) (133)7.21. Excessive Communication Interference(ER29) (134)7.22. Star-Sealed contactor fault(ER33) (134)7.23. Braking Force Self-testing fault(ER39) (134)Appendix 1 Connection Diagram and Parameter Setting for Inverters Controlled by Asynchronous Motor (135)1.Connection graph and parameter setup menu of Y ASKAWA 616G5, 676GL5-JJ Transducer (135)2.Connection graph and parameter setup menu of Y ASKAWA G7A Transducer (137)3.Connection graph and parameter setup 3.0 version of KEB F4 Transducer (141)4.Wiring diagram and parameter setup menu of FUJI G11UD Transducer (143)5. Wiring diagram and parameter setup menu of FUJI FRENIC-LIFT transducer (146)6.Wiring diagram and parameter setup menu of SIEI Transducer (149)7. Parameter setup menu of WVF5 Asynchronous System Equipping YASKAWA L7B Transducer(Multi-segment) (152)Appendix 2 Connection Diagram and Parameter Settings List of the Inverter Selected for Synchronous Motor Control (156)1.Connection Diagram and Parameter Settings List of Yasukawa 676GL5-IP Inverter (156)2.KEB F4 Inverter Connection Diagram and Parameter Setting 3.0 Version (160)3.KEB F5 Inverter Diagram and Parameter Setting (162)4.Fuji G11UD-4C4 Inverter Connection Diagram and Parameter Setting Table (165)5.Fuji FRENIC-LIFT Inverter Connection Diagram and Parameter Setting Table (168)6.Fuji VG7S Inverter Connection Diagram and Parameter Setting Table (171)7.CT Inverter Connection Diagram and Parameter Setting Table (174)8. SIEI Inverter Connection Diagram and Parameter Setting Table (multi speed) (176)9. Parameter Setting Table for the Yaskawa Inverter for WVF5 Synchronous System (180)10. L7B synchronous motor self-learning method and magnetic pole detection method when self-learning 182 Appendix 3 Reference list of fault codes (184)1. List of system fault codes (184)2. List of hoistway learning fault codes (185)Appendix 4 Operating Instructions of SJT-YY Lift Emergency Automatic Leveling Control Device (187)1. Overview (187)2. Scope of Application (187)3. Model/Specification (187)4. Working Principle and Functions (187)5. Installation and Adjustment (188)6. Fault Analysis and Troubleshooting (190)7. Technical Parameters (191)8. Service and Maintenance (191)Appendix 5 Advance Door Opening/Re-Leveling Instruction (192)1. Safety Circuit Board (SJT-ZPC-V2) Schematic Diagram (192)2. Safety Circuit Board Definition (192)3. Wiring Diagram When BL2000-STB-V2 Main board is used in Advance Door Opening/Re-LevelingFunction (Elevator speed is less than 2 m/sec.) (193)4. Wiring Diagram When BL2000-STB-V9 is used in Advanced Door Opening/Re-leveling Function (194)5. Installation Instructions of Re-Leveling Landing Sensor and Landing Sensor (194)6. Mainboard Parameter Setting (195)7. Hall door and car door separate inspection function (196)Appendix 6 BL2000Floor/Car Door Short-circuited Detection and the Plan for Bypass Operation Alarm (197)1.Rules for type test of control cabinet: (197)2.Testing Plan for Single Door Elevator (197)3.Testing Plan for Double Door Elevator (198)4.Pattern test rules for the new type control cabinet: (200)5. SJT-PLB-V1 bypass circuit board (200)6.Floor/car-door bypass plan (203)Chapter 1 Introduction of the Functions of BL2000Serial Control System1.1.List of Basic Functions1.2. Special Functions1.4. List of selectable functionsChapter 2 Types of BL2000 Serial Control System Computer Boards2.1. Designation of product models1. Basic regulationBL2000—□□□—V□2. Designation of main board, car board and car expansion board(1)Main board BL2000-STB-Vn (2)Car board BL2000-CZB-Vn (3)Car expansion board BL2000-CEB-Vn (4)Group control board BL2000-QKB-Vn(5)For other types, please refer to table of computer board types of 2.2. 3. Designation of elevator call and display boards(1)Code of features: The first H represents call and display boardThe second A: point array vertical display, B: point array horizontal display, C: 7segment vertical display, D: 7 segment horizontal display. The third H: high light, S: over light and R: over high light (2)Version code:The first code represents luminescent diode parameters of digital displaying block.A: 1357 B: 1057 C: 1257 D: 1067VERSION No.: product version upgrade, represented by: V + number ". FUNCTION No.: usages and main technical features of products, represented by the abbreviation of initial alphabet. SERIAL No.E: 2058F: BS252G: BS402The second code means version upgrade, represented by numbers. (3)For the object, please refer to Diagram 3-13.2.2. Table of computer board typesChapter 3 Combination and components of BL2000 serial control system3.1. Schematic diagram of system composition3.2. Performance of the main parts of the systemThe main parts of the system related in the manual means the boards composing of BL2000 serial control system, which consists of: main board, car board, car expansion board, call and display board, group control board, groupcontrol call and display board, voice synthesizer and load inspection device. The serial products of control cabinet with BL2000 serial control system and the other components in BL2000 serial control system are not contained.3.2.1 Description of features: industrial control single chip computer; plate binding process with CAN bus serial communications; intelligence, strong resistance to interference, and high reliability; operation and liquid crystal display; of elevator operating curve and the leveling precision ≤ 3mm when landing directly; parallel connection, group control, monitoring and intelligent management; Provided with RS-485 communication interface (which can be connected with weight inspectingdevice made by Blue Light to improve elevator startup) ; Use portable computer to connect with RS232 interface, being able to choose velocity of elevator incar to comfort passenger.3.2.2. Scope of application: selective-collective operation, two elevators parallel connection and group control of 3-8elevators; of speed: 0.5-4m/s; story: below 64 floors. elevator, freight elevator, ward elevator and residential elevator; weighting inspecting compensation and fire control linked interface; wired video monitoring, remote monitoring and wireless remote monitor; to gear towing machine and gearless permanent magnetic towing machine.3.2.3. Standards for reference3.2.3.1.Elevator Manufacture and Installation Regulation (GB7588-2003) Serial BL2000Elevator Control System (Q1SL.J02.01-2003)3.2.4. Power supply specificationV oltage: DC24V ±1.2V;current: 2A;V oltage: DC5V ±0.1V;current: 1 A.▲Note: Increa se the power capacity when the building is more than 20 stories. For each story, the increasing value should be ≧100mA.3.2.5. Working temperatureWorking temperature of devices: -40ºC ~ +80ºC (except LCD)3.2.6. Inspection standards3.2.6.1.Inspecting according to GB/T17626.2-1998 Electromagnetic Compatibility- Testing and MeasuringTechniques-Static discharging interference test to make sure the requirements are met (contactdischarging: 8kV;test grade: 4). according to GB/T17626.3-1998 Electromagnetic Compatibility- Testing and MeasuringTechniques-Radiated, radio-frequency, electromagnetic field immunity test to ensure therequirements are met (frequency domain: 80~1000MHz, filed density: 10V/m, signal: 1kHz sinewave, modulation percentage: 80% and test grade: 3). according to GB/T17626.4-1998 Electromagnetic Compatibility- Testing and Measuring Techniques-Electrical fast transient/burst immunity test to ensure the requirements are met (power and grounding port-test voltage: 4kV , repetition rate: 2.5kHz) (I/O signal, data, control port-test voltage: 2kV, repetition rate: 5kHz and test grade: 4) according to GB/T17626.8-1998 Electromagnetic Compatibility-Testing and Measuring Techniques-Power frequency magnetic field immunity test to ensure the requirements are met (field density: 10V/m and test grade: 3).3.3. Introduction of system main parts with classification3.3.1. Main board BL2000-STB1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 101 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 101 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 101 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 101 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 101 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 101 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10J1J8J7J6J5J4J3J24 - Ф3.52312412156157166液晶显示器LED X00~X21LED X22~X23操 作 键 盘衬 板12312345J10J96 75 84 93 A 2 1J11120269252LED Y00~Y154 - 5×10Ф5172Diagram 3-2 Appearance and layout installation dimension of main board BL2000-STB1.Plug specifications(1)rated voltage of J1~J8 multi-wire dipsocket DK5EHDRC-10P: 300V , rated current: 15A, voltage resistance: 4KV, pitch: 5mm (2)J9 single-row pin 2.54/5P (3)J10single-row pin 2.54/3P(4)J11 double-row connector 2.54/10P2.Port circuit Please refer to: Diagram 3-3 Diagram 3-4KeyboarLCD Lining boardDiagram 3-4 Main board BL-2000-STB port circuit3.Definition and specification of portsTable 3-1 Definition and specification of main board BL2000-STB●X15/X28 input: when braking feedback inspection enable is set on “Yes”, X15 is defined to be left brakefeedback input; X28 is defined to be right brake feedback input.●When special function FU-30 is ON, X29 is Star-Sealed contactor feedback input, Y17 is Star-Sealedcontactor control output.●Hall and car door respective inspection functionInspect hall door circuit reply contact with high-voltage input X23+ (J5-3) and X23- (J5-4); inspect car door circuit reply contact with X14 (J2-5); meanwhile, modify the drawing of door circuit reply contact needed to be serial or parallel connected to inspect hall and car doors circuit respectively. (For detailed drawings, please contact the technical office of our company.)3.3.2. Car board BL2000-CZB模式跳线Mode Selection JumperDiagram 3-5 Appearance and layout installation dimension of car board BL2000-CZB 1.Instruction(1) Internal selecting and responseBesides basic input and output ports, Car board BL2000-CZB is provided with internal selecting button and response port of 8 floors. When it is connected to car expansion board, the control of 64 floors can be achieved.(1)Car internal displayCar internal display can be achieved by call and display board. For the layout of its ports, refer to Diagram 3-8. When call and display board is used for internal display, J1 is connected to car board J1, J2 and J3 are di sconnected with wires, as well as the story address is set on “0” (please refer to the setup of call and display board address).2.Connector specification (BL2000-CZB-V7)(1)J1 single-row socket 3.96/4P(2)J2~J6, JN1~JN8 single-row pin 2.54/4P (single jacket)(3)J7 single-row socket 2.54/5P(4)J8 double-row hole 2.54/10P(5)J9~J11 multi-wire swan neck socket DK5EHDRC-10PRated voltage: 300V, rated current: 15A, voltage resistance: 4KV, pitch: 5mm.(6)J12 double-row socket 2.54/14P3Port circuit4definition and specification of portContinue Table 3-23.3.3. Car expansion board BL2000-CEBDiagram 3-9 Appearance and layout installation dimension of car expansion board BL2000-CEB1. InstructionCar board BL2000-CZB itself can connect with car call and response command signal; when the number of floors exceeds 8, it concatenates the car expansion board BL2000-CEB by port J12. Each car expansion board can increase the car call command for 8 floors. The car expansion boards themselves are cascade connection. The maximum number of the concatenatedboards is 7.2. connector specification (BL2000-CEB-V1/V2)(1)J1~J2 double-row socket 2.54/14P(DC2-04) (2)JE1~JE8 single jacket andsingle-row pin 2.54/4P (2510-4P) 3. Port circuit4. Definition and specification of portLining boardTable 3-3 Definition and specification of ports on car expansion board BL2000-CEB3.3.4. Divided COP of Elevator Controller----Car Top Board BL2000-JDB-V1.2Shape and flat setting size of Car Top Board BL2000-JDB-V1.2 is shown below in Figure 3.11.F IGURE 3.11 C ALL TOP B OARD BL2000-JDB-V1.2 S HAPE & D IMENSION1. FunctionCar Top board is installed on car top. It mainly achieves car door information collection & load weigh collection & door control output. Car Top board and Car Command board are connected by DB9 cable. Car Top board can only connect to main Car Command board, and also can connect to both main Car Command board and sub Car Command board.Through DIP switch SW1 on Car Top board, you can select functions. First, power off, set DIP switch as requirement, then power on and Car Top board will enter program with corresponding function. While actual operation, select function according to actual configuration (with or without sub Car Command board).Chart 3.4 Function SettingNote: Main Command board & Sub Command board & Sub Command board of rear door are all BL2000-ZLB-V1.2.2.Function description:This program support IC Card Function and visitor function of COP board. According to configuration of sub command board, it can be divided to such following types:(1) Standard Program: Suit for single door or whole two-door (No sub command board or connect to rear door command board).(2) Sub (front door) command board Program: Suit for no sub command board or connect to normal sub command board. This mode support interlaced two doors.(3) CAN Communication COP Program: No command board in car, but Car Operation board (BL2000-CZB) in car for information exchange with CAN Bus.Terminal SpecificationBL2000-JDB-V1.2 Board Terminal Specification:1.J1 Single Pin Bar 3.96/4P2.J2 Straight pin socket 5.08/10P3.J3 Straight pin socket 5.08/5P4.J4 Straight pin socket 5.08/10P5.J5 Straight pin socket 5.08/10P6.J6 Single Pin Bar 3.96/10A;7.J7 D-Type 9 pin socket;8.J8 D-Type 9 pin socket;3.Terminal Definition & SpecificationChart 3.5 Car Top Board BL2000-JDB-V1.2 Terminal Definition/Specification ListNote:[1] If using both safety plate and light curtain at same time, J2-4 and J2-8 will be safety plate input, J2-5and J2-9 will be light curtain input; If only using safety plate or light curtain, J2-4 and J2-8 will be their input.[2] Connect to J1 of command board through communication cable (DB9 female cable).3.3.5 Divided COP of Elevator Controller----Car Command Board BL2000-ZLB-V1.2Shape and flat setting size of Car Top Board BL2000-ZLB-V1.2 is shown below in Figure 3.12.F IGURE 3.12C ALL TOP B OARD BL2000-ZLB-V1.2S HAPE &D IMENSION1.Function descriptionCar Command Board is installed in COP box. It mainly achieves information collection of car call input & answer and open/close door input & answer and inspection box. Car Top board and car command board are connected through DB9 cable. Car top board can connect only main command board, or both main and sub command board.SW.1 and SW.2 DIP switch on main command board BL2000-ZLB-V1.2 can be used as IC Card enable control or turn ON/OFF IC card control function of some floor. The detail is in Chart 3.6.Chart 3.6 IC card control setting1. IC card control enable (All Floors use IC card control) :While elevator run without fault in normal mode, IC card control of COP will be enabled, and elevator start to work in IC card mode.2. Some floor turn ON/OFF IC card control function:(1) When elevator is in inspection mode and stop at door zone, switch DIP and jumper to “Some floor turn ON/OFF IC card control function” status, the buzzer will sound for one time, it means elevator enter to “Some floor turn ON/OFF IC card control f unction” setting status. In this status, car call buttons indicate setting value and open-door button indicates visitor function setting.(2) If a car call button light on, it means IC card function of this floor is ON. If a car call button lights off, itmeans IC card function of this floor is OFF, this floor can be visited without IC card. You may press car call button to switch between ON and OFF.(3) If open door button light on, it means visitor function is ON; If open door button lights off, it means visitor function is OFF.(4) Default setting is IC card of all floors are ON and no visitor function.(5) Turn DIP switch back to “IC card control enable”, it will save setting automatically. After 3 times flicker, elevator turn to normal mode.Note:(1) In default setting, IC card of all floors are ON. If you want base floor out of IC card control, it must be set before using.(2) If there’s rear door command board, you need to set both main and sub command board.(3) While program function is selected to “Work with BL2000-CZB board”, “Some floor turnsON/OFF IC card control function” will be operated by BL2000-CZB board, please check BL2000-CZB manual for detail setting.Terminal SpecificationBL2000-ZLB-V1.2 Board Terminal Specification:1.J1 D-Type 9 pin socket;2.J2~J8 straight pin socket 5.08/4P;3.JN1~JN16 straight pin socket 5.08/4P;4.J9 Double Pin Bar DC3/14P.2.Terminal Definition & Specification3.3.6 Call (landing call) and display board BL2000-HxxSome of BL2000 series call (landing call) and display board is shown in picture 3.13.BL2000-HAH-N1.1BL2000-HAH-B9BL2000-HEH-M11.instruction Array call and display board BL2000-Hxx-xn can be classified to be a lot of kinds: vertical display type and horizontal display type according to alignment of running direction display block and floor display block; point array display and 7-segment display according to the lighting of display block; big point array, small-point array, square-point array, high light, over light and over high light types according to the size, appearance and lightness of the point.2.Specification of connector (BL2000-Hxx) (1)J1, single-row socket3.96/4P port circuit (2)J2, J3single-row pin 2.54/4P (single –jacket) (3)J4 double-row hole 2.54/10P(4)S1, CZ, JC skip wire 2P3.port circuitShown in diagram 3-14.4.definition and specification of port5.The setup of call and display board addressBecause of the serial communication management for each unit in the system, each communication unit can have only one address. Address setup can be enabled with the inspection of the display of point array digital code block and AN key: car display panel address is set to 0, call and display board can set address according to the absolute floor (1-64 floor); the bottom floor can be set to 1, the second bottom address set to 2 and so on.(1)Press button AN for seconds to display the set unit address. After 5 second, it can enter the address setup state.(2)In the address setup state, address will increase by 1 if AN button is pressed one time until the address is 64;then it recycles.(3)Release the button 2 seconds later when the address is set, the address indicator will be twinkling, and the setup will be saved.(4)Skip wire S1 being short connected by short circuit block means communication terminal resistor is connected.▲Attention: only the call and display board of the bottom floor (address number is 1) can be connected with terminal resistor.▲Attention: because of the different types, please refer to the supplied documents as the standard.6.Appearance and layout installation dimensionDiagram 3-15 BL2000-HAH-A4.0 Diagram 3-16 BL2000-HAH-M2.1Appearance and layout installation dimension Appearance and layout installation dimension65552215014039392222Ø455442213712031312222Ø4Diagram 3-17 BL2000-HAH-B9 Diagram 3-18 BL2000-HAH-N1.1 Appearance and layout installation dimension Appearance and layout installation dimension9098B L 2000-H A x -E 240(34)40(34)Diagram 3-19 BL2000-HAR-E4.1 Diagram 3-20 BL2000-HBH-C1&N2 Appearance and layout installation dimension Appearance and layout installation dimension150140100706040Ø4645650170162114Ø450674-Φ496.5136.51612020Diagram 3-21 BL2000-HEH-K9.1 Diagram 3-22 BL2000-HEH-L2.3Appearance and layout installation dimension Appearance and layout installation dimension122Ø4Diagram 3-23 BL2000-HEH-M1 Diagram 3-24 BL2000-HEH-M1 Appearance and layout installation dimension Appearance and layout installation dimension142Diagram 3-26 FJ-HPI-V9Appearance and layout installation dimensionDiagram 3-25 FJ-HTB-V9Appearance and layout installation dimension 7. List of types and specificationare for indication.63552314914133332323Ø43.3.7. Group control and call (landing call) board BL2000-HQKDiagram 3-27 Appearance and layout installation dimension of group control and call boardBL2000-HQK1.InstructionWhen BL2000 control system is of group control, group control call board BL2000-HQK particularly for group control can be used without display outside the hall.2.Specification of connector (BL2000-HQK-V1/V2)(1)J1 single-row socket 3.96/4P(2)SH, XH single-row socket 2.54/4P (single jacket)(3)J4 double-row hole 2.54/10P(4)J5 terminal DG301-7P(5)S1 skip wire 2P3.Port circuitPlease refer to Diagram 3-28 Wiring diagram of ports on BL2000-HQK 4.Definition and specification of ports。


已设置的参数、已设置的用户卡以 及所有的通行数据将丢失。请慎重 使用!
1、当控制器非脱机独立操作, 需与计算机联网时,采用 RS485 工 业总线通讯方式联网,一个网络需
配置一个 RS485/RS232 通讯转换 器,如下示意图接线:
当多台控制器联网时,以序列号 来区分每台控制器的身份,序列号 可以通过按两次[ESC]键、再按两 次数字键 8 后长按[ENT]键查看。
11、 系 统 图 示 可 导 入 电 子 地 图,自由设定门的名称、数
12、 考勤软件功能强大,自定 义考勤规则及班次设定等
13、 排班灵活实用、解决了加 班、三班倒、跨日考勤等问 题
14、 自动统计迟到、早退、缺 勤的次数及时间
15、 考勤结果可打印成报表或 按 Excel、Access 格式输出
4、 读卡器不读卡:连接线不正常
本系统提供了一种智能化的出 入口控制及考勤管理方式,适用于 需要控制人员出入的通道、商务机 构、政府机关以及考勤管理人员较 多的企事业单位。
1、 中英文液晶显示屏,带冷 色调蓝背光,可修改屏幕显 示,读卡时显示持卡人姓名
2、 系统自带中英文菜单,可 脱机操作,人性化设计
4、防潜回:开启防潜回功能时, 进门读卡后出门读卡才有效,相 应地出门读卡后进门才有效。
5、个性化禁行时段:禁行时段设 置成功后,需在授权时选中某人 不同的时段,方可限制用户在该 时间段通行。
6、个性化节假日管制:添加节假 日后(可设任意日期或星期几),
需在授权时选中某人是否受节 假日管制。
7、下载数据:读卡信息等所有事 件平时都是存在控制器中,必须 按时下载到计算机中保存后,才 能进行考勤分析处理系统设置 菜单中点击指纹采集进入用户 指纹备份(备份前控制器必须已 注册指纹;备份在计算机中的指 纹可像 ID 卡门禁中的发卡一样

富力电气 2000C 控制器 使用说明书

富力电气 2000C 控制器 使用说明书

目录一、产品简介 (1)1.1产品型号命名规则 (1)1.2选配功能代号命名规则 (2)1.3产品铭牌 (3)1.4产品外观 (4)1.5技术规范 (5)1.6产品设计执行标准 (6)1.7安全事项 (6)1.8注意事项 (8)1.9日常检查和保养 (10)二、控制面板介绍 (11)2.1控制面板概述 (11)2.2控制面板及安装支架结构尺寸 (12)2.3控制面板操作说明 (13)2.4参数设置方法 (13)2.5功能码区内与区间的切换方法 (14)2.6四行液晶界面切换操作说明 (16)2.7面板显示内容介绍 (18)三、安装接线 (19)3.1变频器安装 (19)3.2接线 (19)3.3主回路的电压、电流和功率的测量方法 (24)3.4控制端子功能简介 (26)3.5功率回路推荐配线(铜材质) (30)3.6保护导体(地线)的截面积 (30)3.7总体接线示意图 (31)3.8传导和辐射干扰对策 (32)四、简易操作与运行指南 (38)4.1产品基本知识 (38)4.2简易操作指南 (39)4.3基本控制运行指南 (42)五、功能参数 (49)5.1基本参数 (49)5.2运行控制 (60)5.3多功能输入输出端子 (68)5.4模拟量输入输出 (80)5.5脉冲输入输出控制 (85)5.6多段速度控制 (89)5.7辅助功能 (94)5.8故障与保护 (103)5.9电机参数区 (109)5.10通讯参数 (114)5.11PID参数区 (118)5.12保留参数区 (125)5.13转矩控制参数区 (125)5.14显示参数区 (128)附录1 常见故障处理 (130)附录2 供水系统参考连线图 (133)附录3 产品一览表及结构型式一览表 (136)附录4 制动电阻选型表 (140)附录5 通讯手册 (141)附录6 功能码速查表 (153)附录7 主/从控制调试 (191)升级记录: (200)敬告用户: (201)产品简介一、产品简介本使用手册简要介绍了EP66系列变频器的安装接线、参数设定及操作使用的有关事项,务请妥善保管。



5 控制功能算法块(CONTROL)从菜单项【功能模块】中选择【控制功能模块】,或者从工具条中选择控制功能模块项,在主屏幕左侧出现控制功能模块工具条,如下图所示。






5、算法说明在自动时,Y(s)=在跟踪时,Y(s) = TR(s)然后,将Y限制在HighRange和LowRange之间。









5、算法说明在自动时,Y(s)=在跟踪时,Y(s) = TR(s)然后,将Y限制在HighRange和LowRange之间。























二、使用环境控制屏系户内装置,应满足以下工作环境要求:1. 海拔高度不超过1000m。

2. 周围介质温度-15℃~40℃。

3. 空气相对湿度不大于85%。

4. 无导电尘埃及能腐蚀金属和破坏绝缘的气体。

5. 无易燃或爆炸危险的场所。

6. 垂直倾斜度不超过5度的场所。

三、结构及外形尺寸1、结构特点1.1 屏体采用MNS交流低压配电柜的通用形式,有专用的母线区、仪表区、断路器区。



1.3 侧板或隔板用螺钉固定在框架上,可拆卸。





1.1 机组群的有功功率、功率因数控制部分主要由机组群主控制器IM_CU、负荷控制模块IM-PSLSM、通讯模块IG-COM及CAN总线等组成。



• 外形尺寸:600mmX600mmX2000mm • 质量: 整流模块:10Kg 机架(包括16个整流模块):250Kg
• 采用SMPS2000整流模块 • PRS2000/-48V系统
– 50~800A – 宽.深.高=600×600×2000mm
– 市电输入:125-300Vac,过压保护
• 暂停门禁告警
• 告警复位 • 告警声暂停 • 系统信息 • 系统参数
• 告警状态
• 告警历史 • 电池测试报告
• 系统程序 • 电池监控 • 参数设置 • 系统控制 • 设置协议地址
• 设置时间 • 校准
1、 市电电压 3、电池充电电流 5、电池温度 2、 输出电压 4、整流器总电流 6、环境温度
第一章 PRS2000系统简介
PRS2000系列电源系统采用了先进 的相移谐振高频开关技术,专门为中小型 分散分布的通信设备设计,具有高效率、 宽输入电压范围、高功率因数、结构紧凑 等特点,性能价格比高。
第一节 PRS2000系统简介
相移谐振技术 系统结构 各种特点
• 关闭整流模块的交流输入开关,将整流模 块从分架中拔出,注意保持与机架导轨平 行,以免将模块后部的插针弄变形。确认 新的整流模块交流输入开关处于关闭状态, 推入机架,再打上交流输入开关。
• SMPS2000:100mV/1A 测量时,应该将四位半的万用表打到V 档,测量出来的数值乘以10就是电流值
• 效率:大于91%



2105称重显示控制仪使用说明书VER1.0目录第一章前言 (2)1、概述 (2)2、环境参数 (2)3、电源 (2)4、称重传感器 (2)5、主板数字输入端口 (2)6、主板数字输出端口 (2)7、通讯板 (2)8、主要性能 (3)9、主要功能 (3)第二章安装 (5)1、总述 (5)2、安装 (5)3、安全警示 (5)4、接线 (5)5、仪表初始设置 (5)第三章操作明细 (12)1、前面板 (12)2、LED状态指示 (12)3、键盘 (12)4、菜单显示 (12)5、运行显示 (13)第四章菜单 (15)1、主菜单1 (15)2、主菜单2 (18)3、主菜单3 (23)4、主菜单4 (23)5、主菜单5 (28)6、主菜单6 (29)第一章前言1、概述2000系列秤重控制控制器,是以微机为基础的动态皮带秤及配料控制用仪表。



2、环境参数1. 储存温度 - 40%—— +70%;运行温度 -10℃—— +50℃;2. 最大相对湿度:95%;3、电源·220VAC+10%—15% 50HZ·保险丝 0.5A·EMI/RFI 滤波器4、称重传感器·仪表提供10VDC,200mA激励电源,可并联4个称重传感器·灵敏度,0.5mV/V-3.5mV/V·最大输入信号33mV·称重传感器屏蔽接地·电缆距离大于60米(不超过900米)时采用激励补偿电路跳线选择本地或远程补偿5、主板数字输入端口仪表主板提供3个可编程输入端口,接收干触点开关信号。




沪制号MODEL LC2000 LIQUID CHROMATOGRAPHY SYSTEMLC2000 液相色谱仪使用说明书请认真阅读并妥善保管本使用说明书。



上海天美科学仪器有限公司TECHCOMP目 录前言 (1)产品的保修 (2)安装、迁移和售后服务 (3)其他注意事项 (4)通用的安全指导 (5)第一章 安 装 ........................................................................................................................... 7 1 安装要求 (8)1.1 环境要求 (8)1.2 电源要求........................................................................................................................... 9 2拆箱及清点附件 ................................................................................................................ 10 3 仪器安装 . (10)3.1 进样器、柱架部件的安装 (10)3.2 仪器放置 (11)3.3 连接 (11)3.3.1 电源线及信号连接 (11)3.3.2 液体管路的连接 (12)第二章 操作及验收 ................................................................................................................. 14 1 基本操作 . (14)1.1 紫外检测器的操作 (14)1.2 输液泵的操作................................................................................................................. 14 2 LC2000系统技术指标 .. (16)2.1 LC2030紫外可见检测器技术指标 (16)2.2 LC2130输液泵技术指标 (16)3系统性能和技术参数的验收 (18)3.1 检测器性能检查 (18)3.2 输液泵的性能检查 ........................................................................................................ 20 第三章 紫外检测器 ................................................................................................................. 21 1 键盘功能及信号输出 .. (21)1.1 键盘功能 (21)1.2 信号输出端口................................................................................................................. 22 2工作原理 ............................................................................................................................ 22 3 操作 (23)3.1 操作注意事项 (23)3.2 开机初始化 (23)3.3工作模式 (24)3.3.1 参数设置 (24)3.3.2 波长程序(波长扫描) (25)3.3.3 时间程序(波长时间程序) (31)3.3.4 检查程序 (35)第四章输液泵 (39)1概述 (39)1.1前面板介绍 (39)1.2后面板 (40)1.3屏幕显示 (41)1.4仪器键盘 (43)2基本操作 (46)2.1恒流工作模式 (46)3测量操作 (50)3.1基本的操作 (51)3.2分析操作 (51)3.3Utility工能的设定 (58)3.3.1 压力零点调节 (58)3.3.2 泵电机控制方法 (59)3.3.3 清洗流速的设定 (60)3.3.4 流量校准 (61)3.3.5 压力校准 (62)3.3.6 压力单位的设定 (63)3.3.7 设置色谱柱冲洗冲洗程序 (64)3.3.8 泵的自动停止及色谱柱自动冲洗 (65)3.3.9 设定漏液传感器 (67)3.3.10 键盘锁定 (67)第五章使用液相色谱注意事项 (68)1流动相的选择和操作注意事项 (68)2不宜使用的流动相 (69)2.1作为流动相可能受到限制的试剂 (70)2.2有机溶剂的特性表 (70)2.3有机溶剂的吸收光谱 (72)3小心静电 (73)4流动相的处理 (73)4.1流动相的在使用前要除去气泡 (73)4.2给流动相除气 (74)4.2.1 使用超声波除气(当流动相是有机溶剂时) (74)4.2.2 通过减压来去除气泡 (75)4.3除去流动相的微小颗粒(过滤) (76)5样品的处理 (77)第六章维护与故障处理 (78)1紫外检测器的日常维护与简单维修 (78)1.1流通池的清洗 (78)1.1.1流通池的保养 (78)1.2氘灯更换方法 (79)1.3检测保险丝更换方法 (81)2输液泵的维护 (83)2.1定期维护 (83)2.2更换泵密封 (84)2.3更换排放阀的密封 (85)2.4清洗流路过滤器 (86)2.5清洗溶剂过滤器 (88)2.6清洗单向阀 (89)2.7泵单向阀的部件更换 (91)3易耗件及备品备件 (93)3.1紫外可见检测器备件表 (93)3.2输液泵 (94)3.2.1 易耗件和备件 (94)3.2.2 流路中的管道部件 (95)前言LC2000液相色谱系统被设计提供给具有化学分析基本知识的人使用。

KCU-02 Monitoring Module RS485 Module说明书

KCU-02 Monitoring Module   RS485 Module说明书

KCU-02Monitoring Module / RS485 ModuleTel : + 886-7-8121771Fax : + 886-7-8121775URL : ______________________________________________________________________________________ 2SECTION 1 : INTRODUCTIONThe KCU-02 is the RS485 module that is designed to enable the Kutai Electronics genset controllers (AMF-10, GCU-100, GCU-3000) to be operated and monitored remotely.Via the designated operation software (Please reference from KCU-02 software user manual) user can program and change parameters remotely instead of accessing program through the controller in person.To access KCU-02 from the PC, user must be equipped with a RS232 – RS485 adapter or USB – RS485 adapter.MAIN CHARACTERISTICS :● The KCU-02 software interface is user friendly which makes it easy for user to monitor and change program setting remotely. ● The RS485 programmable range from local connection (Slave Address) is 1 ~ 99. ● During communication with the controller, the KCU-02 automatically programs the RS485 protocol slave address and transmitting rate according to the controller ’s system parameter setting.SECTION 2 : DIMENSIONSECTION 3 : INSTALLATIONDisconnect controller power source and follow the below illustrations to complete the installation of KCU-02.Step 1:Remove slot cover from the back ofcontroller.Step 2:Insert KCU-02 into the designated slot.Step 3:Tighten the screw.______________________________________________________________________________________3Step 4:Start up the controller and operate through the controller front panel and enter system setting to program corresponding startup settings (Remote operation activation).The KCU-02 currently supports AMF-10, GCU-100, GCU-3000, ATS-22, ATS-33, ATS-34 and ATS-PLC etc. controllers. The followings are the basic description of operation settings. For more detail information, please reference from the controller ’s operation manual.Remark :If remote access is programmed to“Remote access cancelled" or “turn OFFATS-PLC communication interface “, user can only execute monitoring and changing system parameter and unable to execute controller command.SECTION 4 : OPERATIONFor more information on KCU-02 Data link status LED indicator, please reference from chapter 5.It is strongly suggested to use insulated dual-corebraided harness for RS485 wiring connection with insulated grounding harness on one side.When more than one controller are connected in a closed area network, the slave address setting on each controller can not be identical (0 = Cancelled, 1 ~ 99) but the transmission rate needs to be the same (Factory original setting recommended Program setting table item 03:38400).From the system connection example, theconnection between the PC RS485 device to the KCU-02 should be A+ to D+ and B- to D-. A 120Ω (1/4W) terminal resistor is to be connected to the KCU-02 terminal on the farthest Controller in the connection.System connection example :SECTION 5 : STATUS INDICATOR & TROUBLESHOOTINGS5.1 Through the KCU-02 LED status indicator user can understand the current operatingstatus5.2 Trouble shootingsLED Indicator______________________________________________________________________________________ 4。



2.4 电源
电源需符合以下指标: ⊙输出电压:直流电 24V DC ⊙输出功率:100W。 ⊙符合 IEC61010-1 的要求。
±最大 10%(含波动)
(EPC-2000 后面板)
! Notice
*This machine used DC24V power only.
*Input voltage polarity can't answer the reverse,corrugated acuities 5%.
型号 检测方式 检测元件 检测距离
BC-51 对边
PS-C2 对边
TL-46W 对边、对线 CDS
其工作原理是:EPC-2000 控制器实时采集传感器的检测信号,与设定位置 的检测信号值比较计算,将偏差量放大来驱动电机正反转,拉动纠偏辊架,直至 物料恢复到设定起始位置。
1.2 系统标准配置
bc-51(U 型超声波)一只;
EPC-2000 控制器 一台;
dc-150w 推动器
6.2 手动方向确定
手动状态,按左键 、右键 ,检查与推动器运行方向的对应关系。
如果方向不对应,请按方向键 改变让其对应。
6.3 设定传感器感应值
进入设置状态, 请参照 5.2 设置读入传感器值。数值差越大工作越稳定。
6.4 自动方向确定
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第二章 CU2000 控制模块的组成与功能....................................................................................................................4 2.1 CU2000 控制模块的组成................................................................................................................................4 2.2 CU2000 控制模块的功能..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................4 2.2.2 电池管理................................................................................................................................................5 2.2.3 告警 .......................................................................................................................................................6 2.2.4 其他功能................................................................................................................................................6
CU2000 控制模块使用说明书
CU2000 控制模块

第一章 概述 .................................................................................................................................................................2 1.1 引言 ..................................................................................................................................................................2 1.2 CU2000 控制模块概况.....................................................................................................................................2 1.3 注意事项 ..........................................................................................................................................................2 1.4 本书常见缩写 ..................................................................................................................................................3
第三章 CU2000 控制模块的接口................................................................................................................................8 3.1 CU2000 接口简介............................................................................................................................................8 3.2 CU2000 与 PC 的连接 .....................................................................................................................................8 3.2.1 CU2000 与 PC 机直接连接 ...................................................................................................................8 3.2.2 控制模块与 PC 机远程连接(PRS-MODEM-MODEM-PC) ..........................................................8 3.2.3 MODEM 的设置 ....................................................................................................................................8
第四章 CU2000 控制模块的操作与使用..................................................................................................................10 4.1 CU2000 操作概述..........................................................................................................................................10 4.1.1 面板操作...............................................................................................................................................10 4.1.2 终端操作...............................................................................................................................................10 4.2 控制模块键盘 .................................................................................................................................................10 4.3 控制模块上的显示 .........................................................................................................................................10 4.4 电源系统的开关 ............................................................................................................................................11 4.5 主菜单 ............................................................................................................................................................11 4.5.1 概述 ......................................................................................................................................................11 4.5.2 控制模块的操作...................................................................................................................................11 4.6 运行数据菜单 ................................................................................................................................................12 4.6.1 概述 ......................................................................................................................................................12 4.6.2 控制模块操作.......................................................................................................................................12 4.7 维护功能菜单 .................................................................................................................................................20 4.7.1 概述 .....................................................................................................................................................20 4.7.2 控制模块操作......................................................................................................................................20