法学专升本试题及答案一、单项选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 根据《中华人民共和国宪法》,国家的根本制度是:A. 社会主义制度B. 资本主义制度C. 封建制度D. 共产主义制度答案:A2. 我国刑法规定的完全刑事责任年龄是:A. 14周岁B. 16周岁C. 18周岁D. 20周岁答案:B3. 下列哪项不属于民事权利的范畴?A. 财产权B. 人身权C. 行政权D. 知识产权答案:C4. 根据《中华人民共和国民法典》,婚姻自由原则包括:A. 禁止包办、买卖婚姻B. 禁止借婚姻索取财物C. 禁止重婚D. 所有选项答案:D5. 我国刑法中规定的犯罪预备行为,是指:A. 已经实施犯罪行为B. 已经完成犯罪行为C. 准备实施犯罪行为D. 犯罪行为已经造成后果答案:C二、多项选择题(每题3分,共15分)6. 根据《中华人民共和国合同法》,以下哪些行为可以构成合同的无效?A. 以欺诈手段订立的合同B. 以胁迫手段订立的合同C. 损害社会公共利益的合同D. 违反法律、行政法规的强制性规定的合同答案:ABCD7. 根据《中华人民共和国劳动法》,劳动者享有以下哪些权利?A. 获得劳动报酬的权利B. 休息休假的权利C. 接受职业培训的权利D. 参加工会的权利答案:ABCD8. 下列哪些行为属于行政复议的受理范围?A. 对行政机关作出的行政处罚决定不服的B. 对行政机关作出的行政强制措施决定不服的C. 对行政机关作出的行政许可决定不服的D. 对行政机关作出的行政裁决不服的答案:ABCD三、判断题(每题1分,共10分)9. 我国实行的是两审终审制。
()答案:正确10. 行政诉讼法规定,行政诉讼的原告必须是公民、法人或其他组织。
()答案:正确四、简答题(每题5分,共10分)11. 简述我国刑法中关于正当防卫的法律规定。
重庆专升本试题及答案解析一、选择题1. 根据题目要求,下列哪个选项是正确的?A. 重庆是中国的首都B. 重庆是中国的直辖市之一C. 重庆是中国最大的省份D. 重庆是中国最小的城市答案:B解析:重庆是中国的直辖市之一,与北京、上海、天津并列。
选项A 错误,因为中国的首都是北京。
2. 以下哪个历史事件与重庆有关?A. 南京条约B. 辛亥革命C. 重庆谈判D. 抗日战争胜利答案:C解析:重庆谈判是指1945年8月,国共两党在重庆进行的一系列和平谈判,与重庆有直接关系。
选项A和B与重庆没有直接联系,选项D 虽然与重庆有关,但并非特指重庆。
二、填空题1. 重庆是中国西部地区的重要城市,也是长江上游地区唯一的_________。
2. 重庆的气候属于_________气候。
三、简答题1. 简述重庆的地理位置和主要特点。
四、论述题1. 论述重庆在国家发展战略中的地位和作用。
以下是一份模拟的往年重庆专升本试题及答案,供参考:一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 计算机中,1GB等于多少MB?A. 1024MBB. 1000MBC. 1024KBD. 1000KB答案:A2. 以下哪个选项是正确的IP地址格式?A.答案:B3. 在英语中,“apple”的中文意思是:A. 香蕉B. 苹果C. 橙子D. 梨答案:B4. 根据题目所给的数学公式:\( y = 3x + 2 \),当 \( x = 1 \) 时,\( y \) 的值是:A. 4B. 5C. 2D. 3答案:B5. 以下哪个不是中国四大名著之一?A. 《红楼梦》B. 《西游记》C. 《水浒传》D. 《聊斋志异》答案:D二、填空题(每题2分,共20分)6. 重庆是中国的直辖市之一,其简称是______。
答案:渝7. 计算机的中央处理器简称为______。
答案:CPU8. 在英语中,“Thank you”的中文意思是______。
答案:谢谢9. 根据题目所给的数学公式:\( y = x^2 - 4x + 3 \),当 \( x =2 \) 时,\( y \) 的值是______。
答案:-110. 重庆的著名景点之一是______。
答案:解放碑三、简答题(每题10分,共20分)11. 简述计算机网络的三个主要功能。
答案:计算机网络的三个主要功能包括:- 数据通信:计算机网络允许不同计算机之间交换信息。
- 资源共享:网络中的资源,如打印机、存储设备等,可以被网络中的多个用户共享。
- 分布式处理:网络中的不同计算机可以协同工作,处理复杂的任务。
12. 描述重庆的地理位置和气候特点。
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I. onetics (5 points) Directions: In each of the following groups of words, there are four underlined letters or letter combinations marked A,B,C,D. Compare the underlined parts and identify the one that is different from the others in pronunciation. Mark you answer by blackening the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet. 1.【题⼲】_____ 【选项】 A.vital B.silent C.collide D.fierce 【答案】A 2.【题⼲】_____ 【选项】 A.taught B.caught ugh D.fault 【答案】B 3.【题⼲】_____ 【选项】 A.reception B.receipt C.capture D.concept 【答案】A 4.【题⼲】_____ 【选项】 A.boom B.goose C.flood D.gloom 【答案】B 5.【题⼲】_____ 【选项】 A.finger B.singer 【答案】B II. Vocabulary and Structure (15 points) Directions: There are 15 incomplete sentences in this section. For each sentence there are four choices marked A,B,C and D. Choose one answer that best completes the sentence and blacken the corresponding letter on the Answer sheet. 6.【题⼲】As a child I used to wash my parents' car to earn some _____ money. 【选项】 A.paper B.easy C.private D.** 【答案】C 7.【题⼲】After the busy day I've had, I need a _____ drink. 【选项】 A.heavy B.sharp C.strong D.powerful 【答案】B 8.【题⼲】If you _____ stayed at home, this would never have happened. 【选项】 A.have B.had C.will have D.would have 【答案】B 9.【题⼲】—How much this set of furniture cost? —I forgot _____. 【选项】 A.how much it costs B.how much did it cost C.how much it cost D.how much does it cost 【答案】A 10.【题⼲】We had a long way to go ** to_____ early. C.set off D.put off 【答案】A 11.【题⼲】_____ it is not his responsibility to do that, he said he would help. 【选项】 A.Although B.As C.Since D.Unless 【答案】A 12.【题⼲】One of the strongest hurricanes _____ was the Florida Keys Storm of 1935, during which 500 people were killed. 【选项】 A.to record B.recorded C.recording D.being recorded 【答案】D 13.【题⼲】Ms. Jolie is _____ beautiful and very talented, and in control of her own career. 【选项】 A.basically B.remarkably C.perfectly D.actively 【答案】B 14. 【题⼲】When John left the office, Amy _____ at her desk. 【选项】 A.is still working B.has still working C.had still worked D.was still working 【答案】A 15. 【题⼲】You should learn through failures. Why don't you _____ your plan or try a new approach? 【选项】 D.refuse 【答案】A 16. 【题⼲】The carpet has so many stains on it that it needs _____. 【选项】 A.replace B.to replace C.being replace D.to be replaced 【答案】D 17. 【题⼲】I sent him the package yesterday. He _____ it by now. 【选项】 A.might have received B.received C.will receive D.receives 【答案】A 18.【题⼲】Is this the factory _____ you visited the other day? 【选项】 A.what B.where C.that D.when 【答案】B 19.【题⼲】To make the fish _____ nice, she put in some sugar and wine vinegar. 【选项】 A.taste B.to taste C.tasted D.tasting 【答案】B 20.【题⼲】My daughter runs faster than _____ in her class, She runs the fastest. 【选项】 C.some boys D.most boys 【答案】B III. Cloze(30 points) Directions:For each blank in the following passage, there are four choices marked A,B,C and D. Choose one answer that is most suitable and mark your answer by blackening the corresponding letter on the Answer sheet. Insomnia, or “poor sleep”, can have bad effects on a person's health and general well-being. It can_____(21)on both our physical and mental health and can lead to other health_____(22). Insomnia can be traced to many different reasons, but what is_____(23)to many sufferers is their inability to relax fully and "switch the mind_____(24)". Constant thoughts. _____(25)around and around in the mind, moving from one_____(26)to the next, prevent stillness and peace and_____(27)a sufferer extremely tired. In order to treat insomnia_____(28), it is first necessary to allow a sufferer to re-experience_____(29)real relaxation feels like. It's almost as though they've forgotten how to relax. Once this has been_____(30)by the brain, then fast andeffective_____(31)can be made to re-educate the unconscious towards allowing the person to relax_____(32)and to allow a natural state of Sleep to_____(33). Hypnotherapy (催眠疗法)is one of the fastest and most effective ways of_____(34)this goal for long-lasting results. Sleeping pills, is used at all, should only be a short-term_____(35)as their effect is soon reduced and their side effects can be deep and far-reaching. 21.【题⼲】_____ 【选项】 A.harm B.affect C.change D.impact 【答案】D 22.【题⼲】_____ 【选项】 A.demands B.concerns C.reasons D.questions 【答案】D 23.【题⼲】_____ 【选项】 A.interesting B.same C.cammon 【选项】 A.on B.off C.up D.down 【答案】B 25.【题⼲】_____ 【选项】 A.getting B.taking C.going D.pulling 【答案】D 26.【题⼲】_____ 【选项】 A.image B.dream C.concept D.thought 【答案】D 27.【题⼲】_____ 【选项】 A.cause B.leave C.disturb D.** 【答案】A 28.【题⼲】_____ 【选项】 A.carefully B.casily C.effectively 【选项】 A.if B.how C.where D.what 【答案】B 30.【题⼲】_____ 【选项】 A.remembered B.pulled C.changed D.printed 【答案】A 31.【题⼲】_____ 【选项】 A.scales B.steps C.methods D.techniques 【答案】C 32.【题⼲】_____ 【选项】 A.fully B.recently C.silently D.actively 【答案】A 33.【题⼲】_____ 【选项】 A.appear B.show C.occur 【选项】 A.achieving B.targeting C.keeping D.aiming 【答案】A 35.【题⼲】_____ 【选项】 A.object B.system C.result D.strategy 【答案】B IV. Reading Comprehension(60 points) Directions: There are five reading passages in this part. Each passage is followed by four questions. For each questions there are four suggested answers marked A,B,C and D. Choose one answer that best completes the sentence and blacken the corresponding letter on the Answer sheet. Passage one Alexia Sloane, a 10-years-old girl, los her sight when she was two following a brain disease .But despite her disability she has excelled at languages and is already fluent in English, French, Spanish and Chinese-and is learning German. Now she has experienced her dream job of working as an interpreter after East of England MEP(欧盟议员)Robert Sturdy invited her to the parliament in Brussels, thus becoming the youngest interpreter to work at the European Parliament. "She was given a special permit to get into the building, where there is usually a minimum age requirement of 14, and sat in a booth listening and interpreting," said her mother ,Isabelle, "The other interpreters were amazed at how well she did as he debate was quite complicated and many of the words were rather technical." Alexia has been tri-lingual since birth as her mother, as her mother, a teacher, is half French and half Spanish, while her father ,Richard, is English. She started talking and communicating in all three languages before she lost her sight but adapted quickly to her blindness. By the age of four, she**reading and writing in the Braille(盲⽂). When she was six, Alexia began to learn Chinese. The **now learning German at school in Cambridge. VI.Writing(25 points) Directions: For this part, you are supposed to write an essay in English in about 100~120 words based on the following information. Remember to write it clearly. 61.你(LI yuan)是班长,准备周末组织全班同学参观历史博物馆(the museum of History)。
Part II Vocabulary&Structure(20points)Directions:This part is to test your ability to use words and phrases correctly to construct meaningful and grammatically correct sentences.There are20incomplete statements here.You are required to complete each statement by choosing the appropriate answer from the4choices marked A,B,C and D.Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.16.I won’t lend you my computer________you promise to take care of it.A.asB.whileC.unlessD.if17.Our department has a large collection of books,________are in English.A.many of whichB.many onesC.much of themD.their many18.I have found some articles________the harmful effects of drinking.A.being concernedB.concernedC.to concernD.concerning19.Most of the people who are visiting Britain________about the food and weather there.A.are always to complainB.always complainC.have always complainedD.will always complain20.________man must fear when traveling in space is radiation from the sun.A.WhatB.HowC.WhichD.That21.The cost of traveling around the eight European countries can run________$2,000.A.as high forB.as high asC.as high toD.as high by22.After________for the job,you will be required to take a language test.A.being interviewedB.interviewingC.being interviewingD.having interviewed23.Johnson is used to flying by air and on no occasion________frightened.A.he has ever feltB.ever does he feelC.has he ever feltD.he ever feels24.News came from the general manager________our product hadbeen sold badly in the local market.A.whoseB.whichC.whatD.that25.That T-shirt was so tight that he decided to have it________.A.be enlargedB.enlargedC.enlargeD.to enlarge26.________all these books,the red one is the most popular among youngsters.A.WithB.InC.OfD.By27.________is known to all,Mark Twain is a great American writer.A.ThatB.AsC.WhichD.It28.Mr.Smith preferred________heavier work to do.A.to be givenB.to have givenC.to be givingD.having given29.I have kept that picture________I can see it every day,as it always reminds me of my university days in London.A.whichB.whetherC.whereD.when30.It’s reported by the end of this year the output of cars in the factory________by about15%.A.will have risenB.will be risingC.has risenD.has been rising31.The________was distributed to the participants ten days before the conference.A.menuB.agendaC.minutesD.summary32.It is important to________the important points of meeting so that everybody will be able to understand what the problem is.A.highlightB.distributeC.suggestD.drag on33.Before you________the problem and find a solution,you have to know all the facts.A.respectB.displayC.distributeD.evaluate34.Our part of the mission is nearly complete and the new crew________from us.A.take outB.take offC.take overD.take in35.You can sometimes________a point you want to make with a short personal story.A.tellB.paintC.contributeD.illustratePartⅢReading Comprehension(40points)Directions:This part is to test your reading ability.There are4tasks for you to fulfill.You should read the reading materials carefully and do the tasks as you are instructed.Task1Directions:After reading the following passage,you will find5questions or unfinished statements,numbered 36to40.For each question or statement there are4choices marked A,B,C and D.You should make the correct choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.Robot Revolution?Scientists Teach Robots to LearnWould the robot serving you coffee in bed make waking up easier on weekend mornings?Could a household robot help elderly relative who is living alone?How would you like to climb into a robotic car and eat breakfast with kids while you’re all driven to school and work?These scenarios(情况)may sound like science fiction,but experts say they’re a lot closer to become reality than you probably think.Brown University roboticist Chad Jenkins expects a near-term robot revolution that will echo the computing revolution of recent decades.And he says it will be driven by enabling robots to learn more like humans do-by watching others demonstrate behaviors and asking questions.“The robots you’re seeing now mostly are analogous(相似的)to the mainframe computer of the1970s,”Jenkins said,“but you’re starting to see things develop.The vacuum cleaners(真空吸尘器),the drones(无人机),those are the initial steps,”he said,referring to iRobot’s Roomba vacuum cleaner,which has autonomously cleaned millions of homes since its2002debut(初次露面).“And these platforms are going to get cheaper while becoming more capable and more compact,”he added.And entrepreneurs like Dmitry Grishin,founder of a major Russian investment firm desiccated to personal robotics,have taken notice.He says the industry could be worth$18billion by2015.And to really transform,roboticists say,robots will have to evolve from machines that can perform only the tasks that they’re programmed to do into automatons that can truly learn.That’s because it’s impossible to pre-program a robot for everything it will encounter in the ever-changing real world.“If you look at where robots are successful right now,it’s primarily in applications where the environmentis very controlled,like an assembly line where everything is the same,or in the hands of experts with PhDs, where we see them on Mars.”said Chernova.“To really get them to handle the complexities of our real world,”she said,“they are going to have to be customized onside.It’s not going to happen tomorrow,but it’s very close.”Such a leap could help bring robots into the mainstream.36.According to his passage,a robot in the future can________.A.wake you up earlier on Saturday and Sunday morningsB.serve you coffee in the bedC.build the helpful house for homeless elderly peopleD.pick up your children from school when you have your breakfast37.Chad Jenkins believes that________.A.a robot revolution will happen before the computing revolutionB.a robot revolution will be driven by making robots like humansC the robot revolution happened in the1970sD.drones are the initial steps of development38.Dmitry Grishin________.A.is a major Russian investment firmB.is an entrepreneur who works in a Robot companyC.established an investment firmD.established a Robot company39.Robots have to become automatons that can truly learn because________.A.they are going to be cheaperB.they are ever-changing machinesC.it’s impossible to pre-program a robot for everything it will meet withD.the robots can perform only tasks that they’re programmed to do40.Which of the following statement is not true?A.They drones are the initial steps of the robot revolution.B.The robot platforms are going to be invaluable.C.Robots will learn more like humans do in the future.D.Robots can work successfully where the environment is very controlled.Task2Directions:After reading the following passage,you will find5questions or unfinished statements numbered 41to45.For each question or statement there are four choices marked A,B,C and D.You should make the correct choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.Wanted Your Laugh Lines!Have you read or heard something interesting or amusing you would like to share?Reader’s digest welcomes the following contributions,and payment is made,on publication,at these rates:$400for Life in The United States,contribution must be true,unpublished story from your own experience,and providing appealing for humorous sidelight on the American scene.Maxium:300words.Address:life in U.S Editor.$300for true,unpublished stories used in Humor in Uniform(experiences in the army services),Campus Comedy(life in college).Maximum length:300words.$35to the first contributor of each item from a published source.Address:Humor in Uniform,Campus Comedy Editor.For a short time anecdotes(趣闻)and quotations,the most likely sources are books,magazines of limited circulation and local newspapers.So many duplicates of items from major magazines are received that the chance of being the first contributor is slim.Original poetry is not demanded,except for short,light one.Your name,address,telephone number and the mailing date should be on all items.Published material should have the source’s name,date and page number.Contributions cannot be acknowledged or returned.PLEASE SEND TO THE APPROPRIATE EDITOR.Reader’s Digest,Pleasantville.N.Y.10570.41.The aim of the article is to________.A.ask people to contribute moneyB.invite people to send articlesC.require people to buy magazinesD.advise people to join a club42.If you want to share your life in army,you may send it to________.A.life in These United StatesB.humor in UniformC.campus ComedyD.local newspapers43.________will be given to the first contributor of a published story.A.$400B.$300C.$100D.$3544.The best sources for you to quote your stories are________.A.a very popular bookB.a poetryC.a magazine with a large circulationD.books,local newspapers and magazines45.Any contributions will be________.A.attached with the way to contact sendersB.returned or acknowledgedC.transferred to the right editor by Reader’s DigestD.paid within a short timeTask3Directions:The following is a news report.After reading it you should complete the information by filling inthe blanks marked46through50in the table below.You should write your answers in no more than3words on the Answer Sheet correspondingly.Learning Business Skills through Junior AchievementJunior Achievement is an international movement to educate young people about business and economics for the purpose of helping them prepare to succeed in the world economy.The organization is the largest of its kind.Junior Achievement has gone through different stages in its development.It was started by the business leader,Horace Moses and Theodore Vail,and Senator Murray Crane in1919in Springfield,Massachusetts.The organization started with a small number of children aged ten to twelve.For more than50years,Junior Achievement programs met after school as a group of business clubs.But in1975,Junior Achievement began to offer classes during school hours.Many more young people joined the organization once it began to teachbusiness skills as part of the school day.In2004,Junior Achievement Worldwide was formed.The Junior Achievement programs teach about businesses,how they are organized,and how products are made and sold.The programs also teach about the American and world economics and business operations. Young people can learn how entrepreneurship works by operating their own companies.For instance,the students develop a product and sell shares in their company.They use their money to buy the materials they need to make their product,which they then sell.Finally,they return the profits to the people who bought shares in the company.It is reported that in the United States alone,there are more than22,000places that hold Junior Achievement events currently.According to Junior Achievement,about287,000volunteers support its Programs around the world.Learning Business Skills through Junior Achievement46.The purpose of Junior Achievement is to teach young people how to be successful in________.47.Junior Achievement began to offer classes during school hours in________.48.How products are made is taught in________program.49.Volunteers of Junior Achievement________the American and world economicsand business operations.50.Now more than22,000places in________hold Junior Achievement events.Task4Directions:In this part,you are going to read a passage with5statements attached to it.Each statement contains information given in one of the paragraphs.Identify the passage from which the information is derived. You may choose paragraph more than once.The5statements are numbered51to55.Each paragraph is marked with a letter.You should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.Prepare for Your Career at College[A]College is about many things,from learning about special subjects and the word in general,to increasing your breadth through a broad range of new and different experiences.But for almost everybody, college is at its core,mainly concerned with one thing:preparing you for a career.[B]“Prepare”is a qualified word.College in no way makes you an expert in any field.Only experience will do that.But what college can do is to make you qualified to begin to gain that experience.It gives you the necessary skills to start on a journey that probably would not have been an option had you not taken time to get your degree.[C]But the degree alone is not enough to ensure that such a journey will begin any time soon.What you need,in addition to a diploma(along with the knowledge and skills it embodies),is a plan.Without a plan, you’re leaving your fate up to chance,which means you could end up anywhere.There are over-qualified, under-employed college grads waiting tables in every city in the country,especially during tough economic times.But even during tough times,there are also grads from every college and university who end up on excellent career paths,immediately upon leaving school.[D]What is the difference between the two?Talent?Connection?Luck?Yes,sometimes.But,there is one thing that makes it different between those who let life happen to them and those who takes active control over their own careers,lives,and destinies.To get where you want to go,you must make some decisions,and then make a plan.[E]A student without a post-college plan is much less likely to get off to an early start than a student with a plan.Indeed,freshmen year is not too early to be thinking about your first job out of school.This is because college affords many opportunities to increase your chances of getting a great job.Opportunities include summer jobs,internships,extracurricular activities,and even the specific courses you take.[F]Planning is not only important for increasing your odds of getting any job but it’s also important for getting the right job.So start preparing your career now.51.The difference between under-employed and over-qualified college grads is that the former let life happen to them while the latter make good career plans at college.52.Whether or not your career journey will begin anytime depends on not only a college degree,but also a plan.53.Summer jobs and internships can increase your of getting a great job.54.Basically what college should do is to help you for a career.55.College can bring you many benefits except making you an expert in any field.Part IV Translation(25points)Directions:This part,numbered56to66,is to test your ability to translate Chinese into English or English into Chinese.Each of ten sentences(No.56to No.65)is followed by four choice of suggested translation marked A,B,C and D.Make the best choice and write the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.Write your translation of the paragraph(No.66)in the corresponding space on the Answer Sheet.56.实施儿童保健项目需要资金。
1. 管理类专业- 工商管理类:国际经济与贸易、市场营销、人力资源管理、电子商务等。
- 会计学类:会计学、财务管理等。
- 旅游管理类:旅游管理与服务、酒店管理等。
2. 工学类专业- 电子信息工程:电子信息科学与技术、通信工程等。
- 机械工程:机械设计制造及其自动化、工业工程等。
- 建筑工程:建筑学、土木工程等。
3. 文学与艺术类专业- 汉语言文学:汉语言文学、新闻学等。
- 广播电视编导:广播电视编导、动画等。
- 艺术设计:视觉传达设计、环境设计等。
4. 经济学类专业- 金融学:金融学、证券投资与理财等。
- 经济学:经济学、经济与贸易等。
- 保险学:保险学、保险精算等。
5. 医学类专业- 临床医学:临床医学、中西医临床医学等。
- 儿科学:儿科学、儿科护理学等。
- 中医学:中医学、中药学等。
6. 教育类专业- 学前教育:学前教育、特殊教育学等。
- 高职教育:高等职业教育、职业技术教育学等。
- 教育技术学:教育技术学、远程教育等。
7. 法学类专业- 法学:法学、社会工作等。
- 政治学:政治学与行政学、公共事业管理等。
- 民族学:民族学与社会学等。
8. 科学类专业- 数学与应用数学:数学与应用数学、信息与计算科学等。
- 物理学:物理学、光电信息科学与工程等。
- 化学:化学、应用化学等。
2016年河南省普通高等学校选拔优秀专科毕业生进入本科阶段学习考试法学一、单选题(共55题,55分)1. “继承”属于()A、主体概念B、义务概念C、客体概念D、事实概念2. 我国的立法体制是()A、多元制B、复合制C、一元两级多层次D、制衡制3. 法律规范逻辑结构的完整表现形式是()A、如果……则B、如果……否则C、如果……则……否则D、则……否则4. 法学是以()为研究对象的学科的总称。
A、法律现象B、法律问题C、法D、法律实践5. 现行宪法是于()12月由五届全国人大五次会议通过的。
A、1982年B、1988年C、1993年D、1999年6. 我国现行的政党制度是()A、一党制B、多党合作C、多党制D、共产党领导下的多党合作制7. 我国宪法规定,下列哪项只能属于国家所有()A、矿藏B、自留山C、草原D、宅基地8. 甲公司与乙公司签订买卖合同。
甲公司的行为是()A、违约行为B、行使同时履行抗辩权C、行使先诉抗辩权D、行使不安抗辩权9. 债权人转让债权()A、应通知债务人B、应取得债务人的同意C、未通知债务人的,转让行为无效D、以上均不正确10. 民法调整平等主体的自然人、法人、其他组织之间的人身关系和()A、经济关系B、社会关系C、财产关系D、物质关系11. 继承开始的原因限于()A、自然人死亡B、买卖C、分家析产D、夫妻离婚12. 公司股东与公司对公司债务所承担的责任分别是()A、有限责任、无限责任B、无限责任、有限责任C、有限责任、有限责任D、无限责任、无限责任13. 在民事活动中,法人作为独立的民事主体,其独立性表现为()A、独立生产经营B、只独立享有民事权利C、独立享有民事权利和承担民事义务D、只独立承担民事责任14. 可变更、可撤销的民事行为,自行为成立时起超过()当事人才请求变更或撤销的,人民法院不予保护。
重庆专升本考试试题一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 下列关于重庆地理特征的描述,哪一项是不正确的?A. 重庆是中国四个直辖市之一B. 重庆有“山城”之称C. 重庆是中国最大的工业城市D. 重庆位于长江和嘉陵江的交汇处2. 重庆的市花是什么?A. 牡丹B. 菊花C. 山茶花D. 杜鹃花3. 重庆话属于汉语方言中的哪一类?A. 吴语B. 粤语C. 湘语D. 官话4. 下列哪项不是重庆的著名景点?A. 洪崖洞B. 武隆天生三桥C. 长江三峡D. 故宫5. 重庆的气候类型是什么?A. 温带季风气候B. 亚热带湿润气候C. 热带雨林气候D. 寒带气候6. 重庆的轨道交通系统简称是什么?A. CRTB. CTRC. MTRD. DTR7. 重庆的直辖市地位是在哪一年确定的?A. 1996年B. 1997年C. 1998年D. 1999年8. 下列哪项不是重庆的非物质文化遗产?A. 川江号子B. 火锅制作技艺C. 龙门阵D. 京剧9. 重庆的总面积大约是多少?A. 8万平方公里B. 10万平方公里C. 12万平方公里D. 14万平方公里10. 重庆的市树是什么?A. 柳树B. 银杏C. 松树D. 榕树二、填空题(每题2分,共20分)11. 重庆是中国最年轻的直辖市,其简称为“________”,别称“渝”。
12. 重庆的主城区被________山脉和嘉陵江、长江两江环抱。
13. 重庆的火锅以其独特的________和多样的食材而闻名。
14. 重庆的轻轨穿楼而过的奇观位于________站。
15. 重庆的________是全国著名的红色旅游景点。
16. 重庆的________是长江上游最大的内河港口。
17. 重庆的________是全国最大的商品批发市场之一。
18. 重庆的________是全国著名的历史文化名街。
19. 重庆的________是全国著名的自然风景区。
20. 重庆的________是全国著名的现代建筑群。
重庆数学专升本试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 已知函数f(x) = x^2 + 3x + 2,求f(x)的最小值。
A. -1B. 0C. 1D. 22. 一个圆的半径为5,求该圆的面积。
A. 25πB. 50πC. 75πD. 100π3. 已知等差数列的首项a1=3,公差d=2,求第10项的值。
A. 23B. 21C. 19D. 174. 一个直角三角形的两条直角边长分别为3和4,求斜边的长度。
A. 5B. 6C. 7D. 85. 已知一个函数g(x) = 2x - 5,求g(x)的反函数。
A. x/2 + 5/2B. (x + 5)/2C. (x - 5)/2D. (x + 2)/26. 一个正弦函数sin(x)的周期是多少?A. πB. 2πC. 3πD. 4π7. 求极限lim (x→0) (sin(x)/x)的值。
A. 0B. 1C. πD. 无法确定8. 已知一个向量a = (3, 4),向量b = (2, -1),求向量a与向量b 的点积。
A. 5B. 7C. 9D. 119. 一个二次方程x^2 - 5x + 6 = 0的根是什么?A. x = 2, 3B. x = 1, 6C. x = 3, 4D. x = 2, 410. 已知一个矩阵A = [[1, 2], [3, 4]],求矩阵A的行列式。
A. 0B. 1C. 2D. 7二、填空题(每题2分,共20分)11. 一个函数y = x^3 - 2x^2 + 3x - 4的导数是_________。
12. 一个圆的周长公式是_________。
13. 一个函数y = sin(x) + cos(x)的最小正周期是_________。
14. 一个函数y = 2^x的反函数是_________。
15. 一个向量a = (1, 2, 3)与向量b = (4, 5, 6)的叉积是_________。
16. 一个二次方程x^2 + 4x + 4 = 0的判别式是_________。
2024年重庆专升本考试真题选择题1:在计算机网络中,以下哪个协议负责数据的可靠传输?A. TCPB. HTTPC. FTPD. UDP选择题2:在HTML中,用于创建超链接的标签是?A. <link>B. <a>C. <img>D. <div>选择题3:在C++中,以下哪个关键字用于声明一个类?A. structB. unionC. enumD. class选择题4:在经济学中,以下哪个术语指的是一个国家或地区在一定时期内所有常住单位的生产活动的最终成果?A. GDPB. CPIC. PPID. GDP平减指数选择题5:在Word中,要设置段落的行距,应该选择哪个选项卡?A. “开始”B. “插入”C. “页面布局”D. “视图”选择题6:在Windows操作系统中,用于管理计算机硬件和软件资源的核心组件是?A. 控制面板B. 文件资源管理器C. 任务管理器D. Windows资源管理器选择题7:在教育学中,以下哪个术语指的是教师根据学生的个体差异和特点,采用不同的教育方法和手段进行教学的原则?A. 因材施教B. 启发式教学C. 直观性教学D. 系统性教学选择题8:在心理学中,以下哪个术语指的是个体对自己存在的体验和认知?A. 自我概念B. 自我意识C. 自我效能D. 自我调节请注意,这些题目和选项是基于对相关学科知识的理解和假设而设计的,并不代表真实的2024年重庆专升本考试真题。
重庆市普通高校“专升本”分校分专业选拔指标及本专科专业对照情况一览表选拔学校(盖章)西南大学填表时间:2010年4月26日2010年重庆市普通高校“专升本”分校分专业选拔指标及本专科专业对照情况一览表选拔学校(盖章):西南政法大学填表时间:2010年4月 26 日2010年重庆市普通高校“专升本”分校分专业选拔指标及本专科专业对照情况一览表选拔学校(盖章):重庆医科大学填表时间:2010年4月26日2010年重庆市普通高校“专升本”分校分专业选拔指标及本专科专业对照情况一览表选拔学校(盖章):重庆师范大学填表时间:2010年4月29日2010年重庆市普通高校“专升本”分校分专业选拔指标及本专科专业对照情况一览表选拔学校(盖章):重庆邮电大学填表时间:2010年 3月 29日2010年重庆市普通高校“专升本”分校分专业选拔指标及本专科专业对照情况一览表(校内高职毕业班)选拔学校(盖章):重庆交通大学填表时间:2010年4月28 日选拔学校(盖章):重庆工商大学填表时间:2010年 4月25日备注:1. 艺术设计专业在南岸主校区兰花湖片区建筑装饰学院就读,其他专业在江北校区应用技术学院就读。
5、联系电话:62769053选拔学校(盖章):重庆理工大学填表时间:2010年 4月25日选拔学校(盖章):四川外语学院填表时间:2010年4月26日2010年重庆市普通高校“专升本”分校分专业选拔指标及本专科专业对照情况一览表选拔学校(盖章):四川美术学院填表时间:2010年 4月 28日2010年重庆市普通高校“专升本”分校分专业选拔指标及本专科专业对照情况一览表选拔学校(盖章):重庆三峡学院填表时间:2010年4月26日2010年重庆市普通高校“专升本”分校分专业选拔指标及本专科专业对照情况一览表选拔学校(盖章):重庆文理学院填表时间:2010年4月26日选拔学校(盖章):长江师范学院填表时间:2010年4月26日选拔学校(盖章):重庆科技学院填表时间:2010年4月26日注:1、本校各选拔专业均对外校招生。
专升本《法理学》一、(共75题,共150分)1. 我国法学研究的方法论原则是()(2分)A.形而上学B.辩证唯物主义与历史唯物主义C.唯心主义D.历史与逻辑相结合标准答案:B2. 法与其他社会规范的最重要区别,就在于()(2分)A.法体现了国家意志,具有国家意志属性B.法调整人的行为C.法以权利义务为机制调整社会关系D.法具有国家强制力标准答案:D3. 有选择地借鉴吸收其他国家或地区的法律的方法,在法学上一般称为()(2分)A.法的全球化B.法的移植C.法的现代化D.法的国际化标准答案:B4. 判例法在下列国家中是一种重要的法律渊源形式()(2分)A.中国B.美国C.德国D.日本标准答案:B5. 我国贯彻“以事实为根据,以法律为准绳”这一司法原则时()(2分)A.可以不再以党的政策为指导B.仍然要以党的政策为指导C.有时也要以党的政策为指导D.由司法机关决定是否受党的政策指导标准答案:B6. 在下列关于法律关系的表述中,正确的是()(2分)A.法律关系是法律规范产生的前提B.法律关系是一种物质社会关系C.法律关系是不以人的意志为转移的社会关系D.法律关系是以人的意志为转移的社会关系标准答案:D7. 下列法律制裁中,属于行政处罚的有()(2分)A.记过B.记大过C.开除公职D.行政拘留标准答案:D8. 在人民法院审判过程中具体运用法律时,由()进行解释(2分)A.审理案件的人民法院B.全国人民代表大会C.最高人民法院D.审理案件的人民法院的同级人民代表大会标准答案:C 9. 在下列关于社会主义法与社会主义道德的区别的表述中,不正确的是()(2分)A.二者的形成不同B.二者的作用机制不同C.二者的调整对象D.二者的理论基础不同标准答案:C10. 将法律意识分为占统治地位的法律意识和不占统治地位的法律意识,其标准是()(2分)A.法律意识的政治属性及其在社会中的地位B.法律意识的主体C.人们认识法律的过程和水平D.法律意识是否具有专业性标准答案:A11. 将社会调整分为正是的社会调整和非正式的调整,依据是()(2分)A.社会调整是否普遍适用的规则B.发生纠纷后解决冲突是否需要第三方的干预C.社会调整是否由正是的社会组织实施D.评价方式是正面积极的还是负面消极的标准答案:C12. 将法律意识分为职业法律意识和群众法律意识,根据是()(2分)A.人们认识法律的过程和水平B.法律意识的主体不同C.法律意识是否具有专业性D.法律意识的政治属性标准答案:C13. 将法律事实分为法律事件和法律行为,依据是()(2分)A.法律事实的发生是否以主体意志为转移B.产生法律后果是否要求某些现象存在C.作用时间的长短D.产生法律后果所需法律事实的数量标准答案:A14. 下列调解中具有法律效力的是()(2分)A.村民委员会或居民委员会的调解B.工会的调解C.人民法院的调解D.妇联的调解标准答案:C15. 最严厉的法律制裁方式是()(2分)A.民事制裁B.行政制裁C.违宪制裁D.刑事制裁标准答案:D16. 关于司法机关依法独立行使职权,下列错误的观点是()(2分)A.司法权职能由人民法院和人民检察院统一行使B.不受中国共产党、立法机关、行政机关、社会团体和公民个人的影响C.司法机关严格依照法律行使职权,正确合法第处理案件D.不受行政机关、社会团体和公民个人的影响标准答案:B17. 在我国,由()根据全国人民代表大会的决定和全国人民代表大会常务委员会的决定,公布法律。
专升本自考法学试题及答案一、单项选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 法学是一门研究什么的学科?A. 法律条文B. 法律现象及其规律性C. 法律案例D. 法律职业答案:B2. 下列哪项不属于法律关系的构成要素?A. 主体B. 客体C. 权利D. 道德规范答案:D3. 根据我国《宪法》,全国人民代表大会的常设机关是?A. 最高人民法院B. 最高人民检察院C. 全国人民代表大会常务委员会D. 国务院答案:C4. 法律规范的逻辑结构通常包括哪些部分?A. 假定、处理、制裁B. 权利、义务、责任C. 事实、理由、结论D. 行为模式、法律后果答案:D5. 我国《刑法》规定的完全刑事责任年龄是?A. 14周岁B. 16周岁C. 18周岁D. 20周岁答案:B6. 法律关系客体中的“物”是指?A. 自然物B. 人造物C. 可以为人们控制和支配的财产D. 所有有形物品答案:C7. 下列哪项不属于我国法律体系中的三大基本法律部门?A. 宪法及宪法相关法律B. 民法商法C. 行政法D. 社会法答案:D8. 根据我国《民法典》,以下哪项不属于民事权利?A. 财产权B. 人身权C. 知识产权D. 行政权答案:D9. 我国《刑法》规定的犯罪构成要件不包括以下哪项?A. 犯罪客体B. 犯罪客观方面C. 犯罪主体D. 犯罪动机答案:D10. 法律关系的内容是指?A. 法律关系中的权利和义务B. 法律关系中的主体和客体C. 法律关系中的法律规范D. 法律关系中的法律事实答案:A二、多项选择题(每题3分,共15分)11. 以下哪些属于法律关系中的主体?A. 自然人B. 法人C. 非法人组织D. 国家答案:A, B, C, D12. 我国《刑法》规定的刑罚种类包括?A. 管制B. 拘役C. 罚金D. 没收财产答案:A, B, C, D13. 以下哪些可以成为法律关系的客体?A. 信息B. 行为C. 智力成果D. 人身利益答案:A, B, C, D14. 根据我国《民法典》,以下哪些属于民事法律行为?A. 合同B. 遗嘱C. 婚姻D. 收养答案:A, B, C, D15. 以下哪些属于我国《刑法》中规定的犯罪排除事由?A. 正当防卫B. 紧急避险C. 被害人承诺D. 犯罪预备答案:A, B, C三、判断题(每题1分,共10分)16. 法律规范是国家制定或认可的行为规则,具有普遍性、强制性和规范性。
法学专升本河北试题及答案一、单项选择题(每题1分,共10分)1. 我国《宪法》规定,国家的根本制度是:A. 社会主义制度B. 资本主义制度C. 共产主义制度D. 封建制度答案:A2. 我国《刑法》规定,刑事责任年龄的起点是:A. 14周岁B. 16周岁C. 18周岁D. 20周岁答案:B3. 根据我国《民法典》,以下哪项不属于民事权利?A. 财产权B. 人身权C. 选举权D. 知识产权答案:C4. 我国《行政诉讼法》规定,行政诉讼的原告是:A. 行政机关B. 行政机关工作人员C. 公民、法人或其他组织D. 法律顾问答案:C5. 我国《合同法》规定,合同的成立需要:A. 双方当事人的口头协议B. 双方当事人的书面协议C. 双方当事人的一致意思表示D. 双方当事人的签字盖章答案:C6. 我国《劳动法》规定,劳动者享有的休息权利包括:A. 法定节假日休息B. 工作日的午休C. 每周至少休息一天D. 所有选项答案:D7. 我国《婚姻法》规定,结婚的法定年龄是:A. 男22周岁,女20周岁B. 男20周岁,女18周岁C. 男23周岁,女21周岁D. 男25周岁,女23周岁答案:B8. 我国《继承法》规定,法定继承的顺序是:A. 配偶、子女、父母B. 子女、配偶、父母C. 父母、子女、配偶D. 兄弟姐妹、父母、子女答案:A9. 我国《公司法》规定,公司的注册资本最低限额是:A. 10万元人民币B. 50万元人民币C. 100万元人民币D. 200万元人民币答案:B10. 我国《著作权法》规定,著作权的保护期限为:A. 作者终生及其死亡后50年B. 作者终生及其死亡后70年C. 作者终生及其死亡后100年D. 永久性保护答案:B二、多项选择题(每题2分,共10分)11. 我国《宪法》中规定的公民基本权利包括以下哪些选项?A. 言论自由B. 宗教信仰自由C. 选举权和被选举权D. 财产权答案:ABCD12. 我国《刑法》中规定的犯罪构成要件包括:A. 犯罪主体B. 犯罪客体C. 犯罪主观要件D. 犯罪客观要件答案:ABCD13. 根据我国《民法典》,以下哪些行为属于民事法律行为?A. 买卖合同B. 赠与合同C. 租赁合同D. 遗嘱答案:ABCD14. 我国《行政诉讼法》中规定的行政诉讼类型包括:A. 行政处罚B. 行政强制C. 行政确认D. 行政裁决答案:ABCD15. 我国《合同法》中规定的合同无效的情形包括:A. 违反法律、行政法规的强制性规定B. 以欺诈、胁迫的手段订立的合同C. 恶意串通,损害国家、集体或者第三人利益的合同D. 以合法形式掩盖非法目的的合同答案:ABCD三、简答题(每题5分,共20分)16. 简述我国《宪法》的基本原则。
我为人谦虚谨慎,思路开阔,办事沉稳;关心集体,责任心强;待人诚恳,工作主动认真,富有敬业精神.在大学中, 我认真学习很好的掌握了专业知识.在学有余力的情况下,我阅读了大量书籍,以丰富自己的各种知识。
虽然在专科阶段自己是非XX专业,但是我在进入XX大学后,我一直坚持通过业余时间自学XX的主要课程,坚持每天看一个案例来培养自己的XX思维,努力使自己成为一名合格的XX 专业的大学生。
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