Unit 8 介绍性口译
Unit 8 Interpreting Informative Speech 介绍性口译8--1 丝绸之路The Silk RoadVocabulary1、追溯date back2、朝廷使者official & envoy of the royal court3、西域Xiyu(western countries)4、河西走廊the Hexi ‘Corridor5、塔里木盆地The Tarim Basin6、帕米尔山区the Pamir mountain region7、阿富汗Af’ghanistan ‘A fghan 阿富汗的, 阿富汗人的8、伊朗Iran Iranian: 伊朗的,伊朗人/9、伊拉克Iraq Iraqi 伊拉克的,伊拉克人的10、叙利亚Syria11、地中海the Mediterranean Sea12、丝绸织物silk cloth & goods13、火药gunpowder14、造纸术paper making technique15、印刷术printing technique16、佛教Buddhism17、石榴pomegranate18、散居scatter19、少数民族ethnic minorities20、天方夜谭Arabian nights 一千零一夜的故事21、吐鲁番Tur’pan22、领略自然景观的魅力take pleasure in the charms of the natural landscape23、欣赏古代艺术家高超的工艺appreciate the superior workmanship of ancient artists24、品尝地方风味小吃enjoy local delicacies/snack food典型句型1丝绸之路的历史可以追溯到公元前2世纪,当时一名中国官员、朝廷的使者张骞沿着这条连接亚欧两大洲的贸易通道出使西域。
The Silk Road dates back to the second century BC. When a Chinese official and envoy of the royal court Zhang Qian embarked on his business trip to Xiyu following this trade thoroughfare(通路,大道,要道,a main road or public highway) linking Asia and Europe.典型句型2丝绸之路沿途的大批历史文物、引人入胜的自然风景以及富有情趣的地方文化,使这一长途远游成了世界了最精彩的旅游节项目之一。
口译UNIT8第八单元教案五篇范文第一篇:口译UNIT 8 第八单元教案UNIT 8 第八单元Interpreting Numeration数字口译Unit Objective(单元目标)After reading this unit you should☆ understand the difference between Chinese and English numerations.☆ master the stenography of figures or numbers.☆ master the skill of figure switching.Warm-up(准备)Two students are ordered to sit at the Interpreting Desk or Booth, acting as interpretors of the class.Their performance is evaluated and graded by instructor.Theory of Interpretation VIII(口译理论八)Instructor is to explain the First part, “Reading Prelude” of Unit 8 of the textbook.Students have been asked to read this part before the class.数字口译:一、中英两种语言在数字表达上的差异:数字位数表达的不同数字倍数表达的不同数字单位表达的不同二、数字的记录:缩略语记录法填空记录法分节号记录法三、多位整数的翻译利用小数点数字单位的缩略语四、倍数的翻译五、概数的翻译Explanations:掌握记录方法:采用自己熟悉的分节方式将转折数字记录下来,比如用’表示thousand,’’表示million,b表示billion, t表示trillion,或用“—”表示“000”等等(3,000,000可记录成“3 ——”或者“3,”).原则就是要方便并且不容易混淆。
8-1:丝绸之路 The Silk Road
• 我社安排的“丝绸之路游”,始于古城西安,止于 新疆首府乌鲁木齐,沿线游客可以领略自然景观的 魅力,欣赏古代艺术家的高超工艺,品尝地方风味 小吃,结识当地居民。
• The 7,000-kilometer-long “Silk Road”, whose history dates back to the second century B.C., is a trade thoroughfare linking Asia and Europe.
8-2:传统节日 Traditional Holidays
• 中国农历5月5日的端午节旨在纪念古代诗人 屈原。
• The Dragon Boat Festival on the 5th day of the 5th month of China’s lunar calendar is set aside and celebrated in memory of the ancient poet Qu Yuan.
Vocabulary Work
• 伊拉克:Iraq; • 叙利亚:Syria; • 地中海:the Mediterranean; • 丝绸织物:silk cloth and goods; • 火药:gunpowder; • 造纸术:paper making technique; • 印刷术:printing technique; • 佛教:Buddhism; • 伊斯兰教:Islam;
• 建议:可以做一下反向的练习,汉译英,再 把英语译成汉语,比较一下,看出差别在那 些地方。 2024/9/24
8-2:传统节日 Traditional Holidays
1. 学术领域专业词汇:在学术领域的口译中,需要熟悉并掌握该领
2. 商务领域专业词汇:商务领域的翻译需要熟悉各种商业术语,如
3. 法律领域专业词汇:法律领域的翻译需要对法律术语有深入了解。
4. 医学领域专业词汇:医学领域的翻译需要了解医学术语和医疗知识。
5. 多元文化背景下的专业词汇:在全球化时代,多元文化的交流日益频繁。
口译入门资料第八讲迎来送往Protocol routineTo claim baggage 提取行李To proceed through the customs进行海关检查To recover from the jet lag倒时差●Itinerary日程、活动安排●Thoughtful arrangement周到的安排●Souvenir纪念品●Farewell speech告别词●根据你们的要求At your request●为…设宴洗尘To hold a banquet/reception dinner in honor of sb.●欢迎词Welcome speech●向…告别To bid farewell to●不远万里来到…To come all the way to●小小意思,不成敬意This is a token of our appreciation.●您先请。
After you.●久仰大名I have long been looking forward to meeting you.●您慢走Take care.Sample sentencesIntroducing people●Mr. Johnson, I would like to introduce you to …, the CEO of ….●It is my honor to introduce …●I have the honor to introduce …●I would like to introduce the honored guests attending the party …Welcoming people●You must be our long-expected guest …●Excuse me, but I haven’t had the honor of meeting you.●对不起,还没有请教阁下的大名。
与英国不同,德国的球迷主要由中产阶 级组成。而意大利球迷更关注当地的职 业球队,而不是意大利国家队。
Contrary to Britain, most German football fans are from the middleclass. Italian fans care more for their local professional team instead of their national team.
Hale Waihona Puke 在中国,足球引起越来越多人的关注,成为人们讨 论的一个关键话题。中国国家队也不负众望。于 2001年10月7日创造历史,第一次进入世界杯决赛。
In China, football draws attention of an increasing number of people and has become a key topic for discussion. Chinese football team doesn’t disappoint us. It made history by entering the World Cup finals for the first time on 7th Oct., 2001.
英国拥有世界上最成功的足球运行机制, 最著名的英超联赛。英国举世闻名的足球 流氓让欧洲警察十分头疼。
Britain has the most successful marketing, the well-known British Premier League. The infamous football hooligans are great headaches to the European police.
作为世界文化的一部分,现代足球起源于 欧洲。现如今,每个国家都有自己独特的 足球文化。
译文(2):Since China carried out the policy of reform and opening advocated by Deng Xiaoping in 1978, unprecedented and profound changes have taken place in China.英汉Fra bibliotek英口译基础教程
视译前译员通常可以拿到讲话稿,多数情况下 译员需和说话人同时传递信息,也可称为有稿 同传。虽然比无稿同传要轻松,但译员的口译 要更加准备,信息要更加完整。
首先,时间充裕的情况下,可以通过不同渠道 如网络了解相关背景知识,查询所涉及的专业 词汇的表达方法。
另外,视译中要注意速度尽量均匀,而不是碰 到好表达的就速度加快,这样容易造成后面的 停顿过多。要注意注意力分配,口中在表达前 一句时,眼睛应尽量滑动到下一句了。
从句法的角度来看,视译(口译),尤 其是英译汉,通常遵循顺句驱动的原则。
原文:1978年实行邓小平先生倡导的改革开放政策以来, 中国发生了前所未有的深刻变革。
分析:整体上看,译文(1)为了实现顺句操作将 原文译成两个句子,并用since then连接,而 不是一个主从复合句。此外,译文(1)多处采
取了变通手段,如省略表达“倡导”,以名词 所有格的形式Deng Xiaoping’s来模糊处理,
英汉汉英口译基础教程Unit 8
在现在能吸引人,而且将来也能吸引人。 (1)回归大自然;(2)休闲度假;(3)
文化交流。 21世纪是一个诱人的世纪,世界旅游组织权
威专家预测:到2010年,中国可望成为世界 第一号旅游大国。
E. Group Work: Sight Interpretation
If you are in your room when your cleaning and pressing is delivered, however, tip $ 1 for the delivery of one or two items, more when several items are being delivered.
Text One Difficult Sentences There’s no sight in Sydney more iconic than
the glorious white-roofed Sydney Opera House, spreading majestically on 4.5 waterfront acres. 在悉尼,没有比白色穹顶绮丽的悉尼歌剧院更 具有标志性的风景了。悉尼歌剧院在滨海区绵 延伸展,占地4.5英亩。
D. Pair Work: Note-taking and Interpretation
Text one Note-taking
If you are visiting and have no luggage, you naturally do not tip him for simply opening the door for you.
unit 8英语口译
• 7. 只有当我们这样做了,我们才会在观念 上处于领先地位。 • 8. 我们必须率先把电子商务与化工和塑料 产品的生产及销售牢牢地结合起来。
• 7. Only then will we make the leap in perception. • 8. And we must make the leap to firmly engrain e-business into the production and sale of chemicals and plastics.
• 4. 正如历史上其他各技术领域一样,电子 商务所能产生的巨大影响须等到该领域的 技术被普通百姓所接受的时候才会充分显 示出来。
• 4. Like virtually every other field of technology in history, the full force of its impact will not be felt until the technology is used by ordinary people.
• 1. By posing the question, “what’s new and what’s next in implementing business solutions,” the conference organizers are, in some way, suggesting that we are at a crossroads.
• 5.每一代技术的出现都是如此,例如从印刷 出版业到传真、到无线电广播、到电视, 再到因特网。 • 6. 如何通过电子商务把我们的同事、雇员、 供应商、客户以及其他每一位与我们有业 务往来的人合理地联系在一起,这是我们 要做的事情。
• 5. That’s true with each generation of technology from the printing press to the telegraph, to radio, to television and to the Internet. • 6. It’s up to us to make e-business both relevant and sensible to our colleagues, our employees, suppliers, customers and everyone else we do business with.
口译Unit 8 Enterprise Introduction
2. We always put quality as the first consideration.
2. We always put quality as the first consideration. 我们总是把质量放在第一位来考虑。
3. The company engages mainly in domestic trade, exporting and importing.
III. Sentence Interpreting
1. Our company specializes in the production and marketing of telecommunication facilities.
1. Our company specializes in the production and marketing of telecommunication facilities.
Dr. Winkle also points out that preparing for sleeping is important. People who work late should try to give themselves a short break and do something restful before going to bed. This could be watching TV or listening to music.
4. All products have to pass strict inspection before they go out.
CHAPTER 8SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY科技____________________________________编者提示:科技类是笔试中阅读和听力中的一大话题.科普类在口试的口译中偶有出现.SECTION I: 英译中2D (Two dimensional graphics images and animated images) 平面3D (Three dimensional graphics images and animated images) 三维3D Rendering 三维渲染Aaerial top dressing [ ] 空中施肥advanced technology 先进技术analog electronic technology [ ] 模拟电子技术animation [ ] n. 动画片AOL (America Online) 美国在线Apple Corporation 苹果公司artificial intelligence (AI) n. 人工智能[详析] A field of science that has attempted to improve computers by trying to incorporate characteristics of human intelligence, such as the ability to understand natural language and to perform reasoning under certain conditions of uncertainty.artificial life (AL or Alife) n. 人工生命[详析] New discipline that studies "natural" life by attempting to recreate biological phenomena from scratch within computers and other "artificial" media. Alife complements the traditional analytic approach of traditional biology with a synthetic approach in which, rather than studying biologicalphenomena by taking apart living organisms to see how they work, one attempts to put together systems that behave like living organisms. ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange computer character set) 美国信息交换标准码ATM (Automatic Teller Machines) 自动柜员机audio card n. 声卡audio conference n. 音频会议; 电话会议BBiotechnology n. 生物工程Application which involves the deliberate manipulation of the DNA molecules, the substance within cells that carries the "recipe" for the organism and is inherited by offspring from parents.B2B and B2C 企业对企业(商家对商家),及企业对消费者的电子商务bandwidth [ ] 带宽bar codes n. 条形码[详析]Alternate standards for marking products or other items for reading by laser beamsBBS (Bulletin Board Systems) 公告板系统,论坛bookmark n. 电子书签browser n. 浏览器bullet train n. 子弹头列车Ccache memory [ ] n. 高速缓冲存储器caller ID display 来电显示camcorder [ ] n. 便携式摄像机CD Burning 光盘刻录CDMA/TDMA 码分多址 (一种扩频多址数字式通信技术 )[详析] Code Division Multiple Access and Time Division Multiple Access dual-mode cellular telephones that aid in the receiving of fax and computer network data on computers and PDAs.CD-RW or CD-Rewritable 可重刻chat lines or chat rooms n. 聊天室CPU (Central Processing Unit) n. 中央处理器cyberspace [ ] n. 电脑空间conductor n.导体convection n. 对流cortex [ ] n. 大脑皮层cryonics [ ] n. 人体冷冻法[详析] a branch of science that aims to develop reversible suspended animation.cutting-edge n. 优势;前沿,极其重要的状态或位置Ddatabase n. 数据库desktop videoconferencing [ ] n.(桌面)视频会议dial-up connection n. 拨号连接Digital Video (DV) / Camcorder n. 数码摄像机distance education (DE) n. 远程教育E, FE–Learning (or Web-based training) n. 电子学习encryption [ ] n. 加密firewall n. 防火墙Flash 由macromedia公司推出的交互式矢量图和 Web 动画的标准frontier science and technology 科技发展前沿FTP (File Transfer Protocol used for downloading files on the Internet) 文件传输协议genetic engineering n. 遗传工程[详析] the process of transferring DNA from one organism into another that results in a genetic modification; the production of a transgenic organism H, Ihacker (phreaker) n. 黑客,骇客hard drive n. 硬盘驱动器hemisphere [ ] n.大脑半球high scientific and technological content 科技含量高home page n. 主页insulator [ ] n. 绝缘体interactive television (ITV) n. 互动电视IBM=International Business Machines Corporation美国国际商用机器公司internet surfing [ ] n. 网上冲浪internet n. 互联网intranet [ ] n. 局域网ISO (International Organization for Standardization) 国际标准化组织J,K, Ljoystick [ ] (电脑游戏等) 操纵杆[详析]A remote control device that can be used in place of a keyboard or a mouse to allow for interactions between a computer and its user. Joysticks are commonly used for computer games and usually connect through a serial port.jukebox [ ] n. 自动点唱机Kiosk [ ] n. 多功能信息商亭[详析]A multimedia display system such as those used in marketing displays at conferences and in storesLCD (Liquid Crystal Display) 液晶显示器MMac (Macintosh) [ ] n. 苹果机maglev train (magnetic levitation train) [ ] n. 磁悬浮manned spaceflight n. 载人航天飞行MD (minidisk) n. 小型磁盘MIDI (Musical Instrument Digital Interface) n. 迷笛,数码音乐microcircuit [ ] n. 微电路modem [ ] n. ‘猫’,调制解调器multimedia n. 多媒体[详析]The ability to combine audio, visual, and possibly other types of hardware into a presentationmolecular science n. 分子科学Nnatural sciences n. 自然科学nerd [ ] n. 不善社交、专心致志搞科研或精于科研的人;书呆子[详析] A person with no social skills, usually obsessed with science or technology (geek is more computer specific). Nerds are known for their pocket protectors, taped glasses, and plaid shirts. Many nerds are also geeks, using the net as a safe screen to hide behind while practicing their socialskills.neuron [ ] n. 神经元new and high technology industries n. 高新技术产业notebook computer n. 笔记本电脑O,POmega point [ ] n. 欧米伽点[详析] a possible future state when intelligence controls the universe totally, and the amount of information processed and stored goes asymptotically towards infinity.P2P (Peer to Peer Networking) n. 对等网络PC (Personal Computer) n. 个人电脑PDA (Personal Digital Assistant) n. 个人数字助理,掌上电脑Pentium [ ] 奔腾, Intel公司生产的CPU芯片Plug and play 即插即用Plug-in n. 插件PPP (PowerPoint presentation) PowerPoint幻灯片讲座plastic beauty n. 人造美女plastic surgery n. 整形手术posthuman n. 后人类[详析] self-programming, self-constituting, potentially immortal, unlimited individuals of unprecedented physical, intellectual, and psychological powers.pseudo-science [ ] n. 伪科学R,SRAM (Random Access Memory) n. 随机存贮器,内存remote control v./n. 遥控robotics [ ] n. 机器人技术[详析] the engineering field that builds machine with the cognitive abilities necessary to interact with the real, physical world.research achievements n. 科技成果research institutions n.科研院所semi-conductor [ ]n. 半导体soil and pasture management n. 土壤和草场管理streaming media n. 流媒体synchronous [ ] adj. 同步scanner n. 扫描仪screen capturing n. 截屏search engine n. 搜索引擎ttechnological innovation n. 科技创新telecommunication n. 电迅teleconference [ ] 远程电信会议[详析] A telephone communication in which more than two people are simultaneously connected so they can exchange verbal comments as if they were in the same room having a face-to-face conference.touchscreen n. 触摸屏tablet computer n. 平板电脑tissue n. (生物) 组织UURL (Uniform Resource Locator) 互联网上的信息资源定位系统ubiquitous computer [ ] n. 无处不在的网络[详析] also known as "embodied virtuality". Computers that are an integral, invisible part of people's lives. in some ways the opposite of virtual reality, in which the user is absorbed into the computational world.virtual community [ ] n. 虚拟社区[详析] a community of persons not located in close physical proximity but forming a cultural community across computer networks.VR -- virtual reality (artificial reality) n. 虚拟现实[详析] the ultimate form of interaction between human and machine. In VR, everything you perceive is generated by a computer that responds to your movements with sights and sounds designed to make you think you are in another world.Wwater conservancy [ ]水利webcasting n. 网络广播[扩展] live web casting n. 网络直播World Wide Web 万维网SECTION II: 中译英中国热门科技词汇科学发展观 concept of scientific development全民科学文化素质 scientific and cultural qualities of the entire people 发展科技 scientific and technological advancement科教兴国 revitalize China through science and education农业技术 agricultural technology[扩展]白色农业white agriculture (microbiological agriculture and biological cell agriculture)超级杂交水稻 super-hybrid rice技术下乡spreading the application of science and technology in rural areas节水农业 water-saving agriculture立体农业 3-D agriculture农产品加工及转化the processing and commercialization of agro-products农业科技agro-science农作物良种seeds of high-quality crop农作物新品种选育the selection and breeding of new crops生态农业environmental-friendly agriculture无土栽培 soil -less cultivationBP机, 传呼 beeper, pager背投屏幕 rear projection screen不明飞行物 unidentified flying object (UFO)操作系统 operating system产品科技含量technological element of a product创新 innovation电话会议 teleconference电话留言机 answering machine对讲机 talkie and walkie多媒体 multimedia二期the second phase防抱死系统 ABS (anti-lock braking system)孵化器incubator高产优质 high yield and high quality高技术产业化 apply high technology to production高科技板块 high-tech sector高科技园 high-tech park个人数字助理 PDA (personal digital assistant)工业园区industrial park国家质量技术监督局 the State Bureau of Quality and Technical Supervision国家重点实验室 national key laboratories火炬计划Torch Program (a plan to develop new and high technology)计算机中央处理器 central processing unit(CPU)技术产权technology property right技术交底 confide a technological secret to someone.技术密集产品technology-intensive product交叉学科interdisciplinary branch of science科技成果转化为生产力transfer of scientific and technological achievements into productive forces科技含量 technology content科技基础设施science and technology infrastructure科技是第一生产力 Science and technology constitute a primary productive force科技体制改革reform of the science and technology management system科技与经济脱节 science and technology are out of line from the economy科教兴国rejuvenate the country through science and education可持续发展战略strategy of sustainable development纳米 nanometer三峡水利枢纽工程the key water control project at the Three Gorges on the Yangtze River物种起源 origin of species新兴学科 new branch of science研究成果 research results在孵企业incubated enterprises自动取款机 automatic teller machine (ATM)自然科学与社会科学的交叉融合integration of natural and social sciences IT 信息技术[扩展]信息港 info port信息高地 information highland信息高速公路information superhighway信息革命information revolution信息含量information content信息化 informationization信息技术处理ITA – Information Technology Agreement信息检索information retrieval办公自动化 OA (Office Automation)笔记本电脑 laptop / notebook / portable computer电脑病毒 computer virus电脑犯罪computer crime电子管理 e-management电子货币e-currency电子商务e-business; e-commerce电子商务认证e-business certification电子邮件 E-mail非对称数字用户环路 ADSL (Asymmetrical Digital Subscriber Loop)高速宽带互联网 high-speed broadband networks公告板BBS (bulletin board system)光盘杂志CD-ROM magazine广域网WAN (wide area net word)汉字处理软件 Chinese character processing software黑客hacker计算机2000年问题 Y2K problem计算机辅助教育CAI –computer assisted instruction计算机辅助设计 CAD-computer assisted design计算机合成制造 CAM-computer assisted manufacturing计算机中央处理器 CPU – central processing unit超文本传送协议 hypertext transfer protocol (HTTP)界面 interface金融电子化 computerized financial services局域网 LAN – local area network互联网服务提供商 ISP (Internet Service Provider)全球移动通信系统 ( 全球通) global system for mobile communications (GSM)刻录机 CD burner宽带接入 broadband access宽带网 broadband networks内联网、局域网 (计算机) Intranet垃圾邮件 junk mail千年问题、千年虫 millennium bug; Y2K bug人工智能 AI – artificial intelligence人机交互 human - computer interaction人机交互 human-computer interaction虚拟人 visual human虚拟网 virtual net虚拟网virtual net虚拟现实virtual reality虚拟银行 virtual bank因特网服务提供商ISP- internet service provider万维网 World Wide Web(WWW)应用软件internet applications域名 domain在线on line掌上电脑palm computer政府上网工程 Government Online Project只读存储器 read-only-memory (ROM)智能感知技术 perceptive technology智能终端 intelligent terminal中文信息处理系统 Chinese information processing system数码科技digital technology高保真 Hi-Fi ( High Fidelity)高清晰度电视 high definition TV (HDTV)光谷 optical valley光通讯optical communication蓝光光盘 Blue -ray Disc数码港 cyber port数字地球 digital globe数字蜂窝移动通信 digital cellular mobile telecommunications三维电影 three-dimensional movie三维动画 three-dimensional animation[详析] “蓝光光盘” 利用蓝色的激光束来刻录数据。
中译英: Unit 1: Passage 1 Unit 2: Passage 1第一句 Passage 2第一句 Unit 3: Passage 1,Passage 2(去除远排在艾滋病、结核病。。。。。等疾病之前),第三段最后一句。 Unit 4: Passage 1 最后两段 Unit 5: Passage 1 Passage 2第一句 最后一段 Unit 6: Passage 1 Unit 7: Passage 3,4 Unit 8: Passage 2 第三段的第一句 第四段第一句 Unit 9: Passage 1 Passage 2第一、二句 第三段 Unit 10: Passage 1 Passage 2前三句话 Passage 3前两句 最后一句 Unit 11: Passage 1 Passage 2最后一句 第三段 Unit 12: 前三段 最后一段第一句&最后一句 Unit 13: 前两段 Passage 3第一句 Passage 4第一句 第五段 Unit 14: Passage 1最后两句 Passage 2最后一句 Passage 3第一句 最后两段 Unit 15: Passage 1第一句 Passage 2第一句和最后一句 Unit 16: Passage 1
英译中: Unit 1: Passage 2 Unit 2 :Passage1, 2, 3 Unit 3 :Passage 2, 3 Unit 4 :Passage 3 Unit 5 :Passage 1,2,3 Unit 6 :Passage 2第二,三段, Passage 3 Unit 7 :Passage 2最后一段,Passage 3 Unit 8 :Passage 3 Unit 9 :Passage 3 Unit 10: Passage 1 Unit 11 :Passage 2 Unit 12 :Passage1, 2 Unit 13 :Passage 3 Unit 14 :Passage 1, Passage 2第一段 Unit 15 ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้Passage 2,3
商务英语口译Unit 8 Signing a contract
the variety of risks that are present.
Part Three
Unit 8 Signing a contract
Part Three
Part Three
Unit 8 Signing a contract
• Background Knowledge
In the course of business negotiation, an offer with
engagement or counter-offer is accepted, the transaction is
• 2. Skill aim: Students will be able to make their conversations according to the given situations.
Part Three
Unit 8 Signing a contract
• Core Skills • Students should know: • As importers, • How to check the terms of contract. • How to make some changes when necessary. • How to sign the contract agreed upon. • As exporters, • How to confirm the details before drafting a contract. • How to consult the changes raised by the importers. • How to make out the contract agreed upon.
大学英语口译Lesson 8
Lesson 8Mr.B : 很高兴见到你,Mr.A . 我是此次访问您的记者,Mr.B . 这是我的翻译。
翻译:Nice to meet you , Mr.A . I’m the reporter to interview you , Mr.B . I’m the interpreter .Mr.A : Nice to meet you , too . Mr.B . I’m the manager of our company.翻译:很高兴见到你,Mr.B . 我是我们公司的经理。
B:你可以给我们简要介绍一下你们公司的情况吗?翻译:Could you introduce the situation of your company for us ?A :It’s my pleasure. Our company is engaged in the production, sales and trade of women’s dresses. We give first priory to the development and welfare of our employee. And pour company’s philosophy is doing business with integrity and putting people first.翻译:我公司是一家集生产、销售、贸易于一体的女装企业,我们十分重视员工的培养,并为他们提供良好的福利。
B;可以和我们谈谈你们公司的未来计划吗?翻译:Could you tell me the future plans of your company?A;We will through attend the regular visits to the Chinese Export Commodities Fair in Guangzhou expand our business and make more friends. There will be a new product launch before the exhibition to extend our reputation.翻译:我们会通过定期参加广交会拓展我们的业务,并且认识更多的朋友。
E-C Interpretation (Passage 2)
eliminate:消除; intimidate:威胁; extinguish:消灭; equilibrium:均衡;
第八章 商务访谈 (Interview with Business Elites)
An interview is a highly intelligence-intensive work. It requires interviewers to be equipped with multi-facet
E-C Interpretation (Passage 2)
...and they've just learned how to do their task that much better because they know what it's like, or they have a
Madam Secretary:国务卿; percolate:渗透(这里指构思新作品)
建议:这里主要是记者提问时的口语表达,可以注 意一下英文和中文表达方式的区别。
Sentences in Focus (C-E)
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
经销商 dealer 女装 women dress 内外贸易 domestic and foreign trade 时尚 fashion 优雅 elegance 走向辉煌 achieve great success 眼光卓著 far-sighted 不虚ce 1
Vietnam 越南 调动员工积极性 motivate employees 全心全意 fully committed feedback system 反馈机制 舍得投入 be generous in investing
Practice 2
Memorizing with Image
Chapter 8
Interpreting skills
形象记忆是指以感知过的事物的形象为内容记忆,是 对事物的形状,体积,质地,颜色,运动状态等具体 形象的识记,保持和重现. 口译中的形象记忆分两类:静态形象记忆和动态形象 记忆. 静态形象记忆常用于语篇,适用于如空间结构,人物 景物等静态信息的记忆. 形象记忆要求译员有良好的形象思维能力,更重要的 是有充分的背景知识.译员平时要多看多学,扩大 自身知识积累.