【最新推荐】职称英语卫生类概括大意考试模拟题精选-实用word文档 (3页)




职称英语试题《卫生A》概括大意练习题Things to Know about the U.K.(1) From Buckingham Palace to Oxford, the U.K. is loaded with wonderful icons (标志) of past eras. But it has also modernized with confidence. It's now better known for vibrant (充满活力的) cities with great nightlife and attraction. Fashions, fine dining, clubbing, shopping—the U.K. is among the world's best.(2) Most people have strong preconceptions about the British. But if you're one of these people,you'd be wise to abandon those ideas. Visit a nightclub in one of the big cities, a football match, or a good local pub and you might more readily describe the English people as humorous and hospitable. It's certainly true that no other country in the world has more bird-watchers, sports supporters, pet owners and gardeners than the U.K.(3) Getting around England is pretty easy. Budget (廉价的) airlines like Easyjet and Rynnair fly domestically. Trains can deliver you very efficiently from one major city to another. Long distance express buses are called coaches. Where coaches and btises run on the same route,coaches are more expensive (though quicker) than buses. London's famous black cabs are excellent but expensive. Minicabs are cheaper competitors, with freelance (个体的) drivers.But usually you need to give a call first. London's underground is called the Tube. It's veryconvenient and can get you to almost any part of the city.(4) The U.K. is not famous for its food. But you still need to know some of the traditional English foods. The most famous must be fish and chips. The fish and chips are deep fried in flour.English breakfast is something you need to try. It is fried bacon, sausages, flied eggs, black pudding, flied tomatoes, flied bread and baked beans, with toast and a pot of tea. Other things like shepherd's pie and Yorkshire pudding are also well-known as a part of English food culture.(5) Pubbing and clubbing are the main forms of English nightlife, especially for the young. Pubbing means going to a pub with friends, having drinks, and chatting. Clubbing is different from pubbing and includes going to a pub, or a place of music, or a bar, or any other places to gather with friends.Clubbing can be found everywhere. Usually there is some kind of dress code for clubbing, such as no jeans, no sportswear, or smart clubwear, while pubbing is much more casual.23. Paragraph 2__________24. Paragraph 3 __________25. Paragraph 4 __________26. Paragraph 5 __________A. EducationB. PeopleC. TransportD. DrinksE. FoodF. Nightlife27. The U.K. is a country that is __________.28. The British people are __________.29. Coaches in the U.K. are__________.30. Fish and chips are__________.A. faster but more expensive than busesB. both ancient and modemC. humorous and hospitableD. cheap and efficientE. traditional and famousF. clever and hardworking答案及解析23.B。

【最新推荐】职称英语卫生类A级概括大意的模拟题-实用word文档 (3页)

【最新推荐】职称英语卫生类A级概括大意的模拟题-实用word文档 (3页)

本文部分内容来自网络整理,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即删除!== 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑和修改! ==职称英语卫生类A级概括大意的模拟题Stanford UniversityStanford University, famous as one of northern California’s several institutions of higher learning, is sometimes called "the Harvard of the West." The closeness of Stanford to San Francisco, a city thirty-two miles to the north, gives the university a decidedly cosmopolitan flavor. www.ExamW.CoMThe students are enrolled mainly from the western United State. But most of the fifty states send students to Stanford, and many foreign students study here, as well. And standards for admission remain high. Young men and women are selected to enter the university from the upper fifteen percent of their high school classes.Not only because of the high caliber of its students but also because of the desirable location and climate, Stanford has attracted to its faculty some of the world’s most respected scholars. The university staff has included many Nobel Prize winners such as Dr. Felix Bloch, Dr. Robert Hofstadter, and Dr. William Shockley in physics, Dr. Author Kornberg and Dr. Joshua Lederberg in medicine, and Dr. Paul J. Flory and Dr. Linus Pauling in chemistry. The Russian novelist Aleksander Solzhenistsyn has been in residence. Stanford’s undergraduate school of engineering and its graduate schools of business, law, and medicine are especially well-regarded.What is student life like on "The Farm"? Culturally, the campusis a magnet for both students and citizens of nearby communities. Plays, concerts, and operas are performed in the university’s several auditoriums and in its outdoor theater, where graduations are also held. Several film series are presented during the school year. Guest lecturers from public and academic life frequently appear on campus. In the evenings, many students gather to socialize in the Student Union’s coffee house; here the beverages an the atmosphere both have a decidedly European flavor. For the sports-minded, the Stanford campus offer highly developed athletic facilities. Teamsports, swimming, and track and field activity are all very much part of the Stanford picture. So are bicycling and jogging.In addition to financial support from alumni, Stanford receives grants from the government and from private philanthropic foundations. In recent years, government grants have made possible advancedstudies in the fields of history, psychology, education, and atomic energy. At presents Stanford is carrying out an ambitions building program, financed in part by the Ford Foundation’s 25 million grant. Recently added to the campus are a new physics building, new schoolof business, new graduate school of law, new student union, and undergraduate library.EXERCISE:1. Paragraph 2______ 外语2. Paragraph 3______3. Paragraph 4______4. Paragraph 5______A Colorful life on the campusB Intelligent student bodyC School administrationD Distinguished facultyE Substantial financial supportF The Harvard of the west1. Paragraph 12. Paragraph 33. Paragraph 44. Paragraph 65. Those high school graduates who can enter Stanford University ______.。

2019年职称英语卫生类概括大意考试模拟题精选-word范文模板 (3页)

2019年职称英语卫生类概括大意考试模拟题精选-word范文模板 (3页)

本文部分内容来自网络整理,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即删除!== 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑和修改! ==职称英语卫生类概括大意考试模拟题精选Museums in the Modern WorldMuseums have changed. They are no longer places for theprivileged few or for bored vacationers to visit on rainy days. Action and democracy are words used in descriptions of museums now.At a science museum in Ontario, Canada, you can feel your hair stand on end as harmless electricity passes through your body. At the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City, you can look at 17th century instruments while listening to their music. At the Modern Museum in Sweden, you can put on costumes provided by the Stockholm Opera. As these examples show, museums are reaching out to new audiences, particularly the young, the poor, and the less educated members of the population. As a result, attendance is increasing.More and more, museums directors are realizing that people learn best when they can somehow become part of what they are seeing. In many science museums, for example, there are no guided tours. The visitor is encouraged to touch, listen, operate, and experiment so as to discover scientific principles for himself. He can have the experience of operating a spaceship or a computer. He can experiment with glass blowing and paper making. The purpose is not only to provide fun but also to help people feel at home in the world of science. The theory is that people who do not understand science will probably fear it, and those who fear science will not use it to best advantage. Many museums now provide educational services and children’s departments. In addition to the usual displays, they also offer film showings and dance programs. Instead of being places that one "should" visit, they are places to enjoy.One cause of all these changes is the increase in wealth and leisure time. Another cause is the rising percentage of young people in the population. Many of these young people are college students or college graduates. They are better educated than their parents. They see things in a new and different way. They are not content to standand look at works of are; they want art they can participate in. The same is true of science and history. In the US, certain groups who formerly were too poor to care about anything beyond the basic needs of daily life are now becoming curious about the world around them. The young people in these groups, like young people in general, have benefited from a better education than their parents received. All these groups, and the rest of the population as well, have been influenced by television, which has taught them about other places and other times.The effect of all this has been to change existing museums and to encourage the building of new ones. In the US and Canada alone, there are now more than 6,000 museums, almost twice as many as there were 25 years ago. About half of them are devoted to history, and the rest are evenly divided between the arts and sciences. The number of visitors, according to the American Association of museums, has risen to more than 700 million a year. In fact, the crowds of visitors at some museums are creating a major problem. Admission to museums has always been either free or very inexpensive, but now some museums are charging entrance fees for the first time or raising their prices. Even when raised, however, entrance fees are generally too low to support a museum, with its usually large building and its highly trained staff.1. Paragraph 2________.2. Paragraph 3________.3. Paragraph 4________.4. Paragraph 5________.A Causes of changesB Increasing number of museums and visitorsC Museums getting closer to more spectatorsD Movies shown in museumsE New notions about the management of museumsF Places to visit5. Now museums are no longer restricted to the privileged few, but________.。



XX年职称英语试题《卫生C》概括大意练习题概括大意与完成句子是的第三大题型,共有8道小题,每题l 分,总计8分。



1 The aging process is not easy for anyone. While some people aept getting older and do everything within their power to keep the mind and body active, others adopt a negative attitude and give in to the effects of aging. However, the key to feeling young is maintaining a young mental state. Moreover, simple lifestyle changes can make you feel years younger.2 Keeping the mind active is the best medicine against aging. Studies have shown that persons who remain active following retirement live longer. Brainpower and physical fitness go hand-in-hand. When minds are sharpened or active, we are more likely to be physically active.Even if aging results in slight memory loss or a little confusion, brain exercises such as crossword puzzles (填字字谜) can improve memory.3 Some persons are naturally introverted (内倾性格的)or shy, which can result in isolation. If you want to livea long life, avoid isolation. Maintaining healthy relationships has lasting benefits. Establishing strong relationships could lower blood pressure, promoterelaxation,ease pain, and may even strengthen the immune system (免疫系统).4 Too much stress can quickly age people. Completely ridding (使摆脱) our lives of stress is impossible. On the other hand, we can adopt simple techniques for better coping with life's problems, including reducing chaos, setting realistic goals, and relaxing.5 If you think that you are old, you feel old. Try to be cheerful and avoid developing a negative attitude towards life. Sometimes, this involves changing our association.Surrounding yourself with plainers will start to influence your attitude to life. We all experience hardships. Rather than focusing on the unpleasant, reflect on the positive things about life.1. Paragraph 22. Paragraph 33. Paragraph 44. Paragraph 5A. Avoid IsolationB. Adopt a Positive Attitude to LifeC. Keep Your Mind ActiveD. Maintain BalanceE. Aept FailureF. Reduce Stress5. There is no better medicine against aging than .6. Isolation may keep a person from .7. Relaxation is one of the techniques for better .8. It is wise of us to avoidA. dealing with life's problemsB. keeping the mind activeC. changing our associationD. living a long lifeE. setting realistic goalsF. focusing on the unpleasant1. C。




以下是店铺为大家搜索整理的职称英语卫生类概括大意专项练习题,希望对正在关注的您有所帮助!第一篇Music Used as a Healing Therapy1 Music has long been used to treat patients suffering from different problems. In 400BC, its healing properties were documented by the ancient Greeks. More recently, in both world wars in the last century, medical workers used music therapy (疗法) with people suffering from trauma (外伤). Currently, it is used as a treatment for many diseases, such as cancer, and it has also been used by patients with long-term pain and learning disabilities.2 There is growing evidence that music can cause physical changes to the body which can improve our health. In the Welcome Trust Study, which took place over three years at the Chelsea and Westminster hospital in London, patients were asked to listen to musical performances. As a result, it was found that stress levels were significantly reduced, recovery times were improved, and fewer drugs were needed.3 These very positive results are partly due to general well-being (良好的健康状况). It is already accepted that when people feel happy and have a positive approach to life. They are more likely to feel better and recover from disease quickly. Music increases this feeling of joy and adds to the recovery process.4 However, not all these benefits can be attributed to an increase in general well-being. Music has other effects whichhave not yet been understood. According to Professor Robertson, a scientist and musician, some effects of music are mysterious and are, therefore, being investigated further. It has been suggested that the sounds and rhythms of music help stimulate the brain and send electrical messages to the muscles.5 Science, however, demands facts and hard evidence. Many in the medical profession have not yet recognized the healing benefits of music, since reports have been based mainly on various stories of evidence. These new studies could provide proof to doctors that music is a suitable treatment for many conditions. One day doctors may even "prescribe" (开处方) music, but that could be a long time in the future.1. Paragraph 1 __________2. Paragraph 2__________3. Paragraph 3 __________4. Paragraph 4 __________A. Potential dangers of music therapyB. Increase in general well-beingC. History of music therapyD. Other mysterious effects of musicE. Positive physical changes caused by musicF. Music and your body5. Researchers have found that patients' stress levels decrease when they __________.6. Music can treat patients partly because __________.7. Those who always look on the bright side of life are more likely to __________.8. Many doctors don't believe that music can treat diseases because __________.A. recover from disease quicklyB. there is not enough hard evidenceC. use their minds activelyD. it improves general well-beingE. listen to musical performancesF. it brings many other benefits第二篇Anti-Aging Secrets: Four Ways to Stay Young1 The aging process is not easy for anyone. While some people accept getting older and do everything within their power to keep the mind and body active, others adopt a negative attitude and give in to the effects of aging. However, the key to feeling young is maintaining a young mental state. Moreover, simple lifestyle changes can make you feel years younger.2 Keeping the mind active is the best medicine against aging. Studies have shown that persons who remain active following retirement live longer. Brainpower and physical fitness go hand-in-hand. When minds are sharpened or active, we are more likely to be physically active.Even if aging results in slight memory loss or a little confusion, brain exercises such as crossword puzzles (填字字谜) can improve memory.3 Some persons are naturally introverted (内倾性格的) or shy, which can result in isolation. If you want to live a long life, avoid isolation. Maintaining healthy relationships has lasting benefits. Establishing strong relationships could lower blood pressure, promote relaxation,ease pain, and may even strengthen the immune system (免疫系统).4 Too much stress can quickly age people. Completely ridding (使摆脱) our lives of stress is impossible. On the other hand, we can adopt simple techniques for better coping withlife's problems, including reducing chaos, setting realistic goals, and relaxing.5 If you think that you are old, you feel old. Try to be cheerful and avoid developing a negative attitude towards life. Sometimes, this involves changing our association.Surrounding yourself with complainers will start to influence your attitude to life. We all experience hardships. Rather than focusing on the unpleasant, reflect on the positive things about life.1. Paragraph 2__________2. Paragraph 3__________3. Paragraph 4 __________4. Paragraph 5 __________A. Avoid IsolationB. Adopt a Positive Attitude to LifeC. Keep Your Mind ActiveD. Maintain BalanceE. Accept FailureF. Reduce Stress5. There is no better medicine against aging than __________.6. Isolation may keep a person from __________.7. Relaxation is one of the techniques for better __________.8. It is wise of us to avoidA. dealing with life's problemsB. keeping the mind activeC. changing our associationD. living a long lifeE. setting realistic goalsF. focusing on the unpleasant第三篇The Drink Your Body Needs Most1 Our bodies are estimated to be about 60% to 70% water. Blood is mostly water and our muscles, lungs, and brain all contain a lot of water. Water is needed to regulate body temperature and to provide the means for nutrients (滋养物) to travel to all our organs. Water also transports oxygen to our cells, removes waste, and protects our joints and organs.2 We lose water through urination (排尿), respiration (呼吸), and by sweating. If you are very active, you lose more water than if you do not take much exercise. Symptoms of mild dehydration (脱水) include chronic pains in joints and muscles, lower back pain, headaches,and constipation (便秘) A strong smell to your urine, along with a yellow color indicates that you are not getting enough water. Thirst is all obvious sign of dehydration and in fact, you need water long before you feel thirsty.3 A good rule of thumb (好的做法) is to take your body weight in pounds and divide that number in half. That gives you the number of ounces (盎司) of water per day that you need.For example, if you weigh 160 pounds, you should drink at least 80 ounces of water per day.If you exercise you should drink another 8-ounce glass of water for every 20 minutes you are active. If you drink coffee or alcohol, you should add at least an equal amount of water.When you are traveling on an airplane, it is good to have 8 ounces of water for every hour you are on board the plane.4 It may be difficult to drink enough water on a busy day. Be sure you have water handy at all times by keeping a bottle for water with you when you are working, traveling, or exercising. If you get bored with plain water, add a bit of lemon for a touch of flavor. There are some brands of flavored water available, but some of them have sugar or artificial sweeteners that you don'tneed.1. Paragraph 1 __________2. Paragraph 2 __________3. Paragraph 3 __________4. Paragraph 4 __________A. Ounces of water needed per dayB. Importance of waterC. Composition of waterD. Signs of dehydrationE. Supply of waterF. Necessity for bringing a bottle for water5. You can't live6. Dehydration may occur if there is a shortage of water__________.7. The amount of water your body needs per day is closely related __________.8. Don't forget to drink enough water evenA. in your bodyB. without waterC. before longD. for a changeE. on a busy dayF. to your weight答案与解析第一篇1. C。



职称英语卫生A概括大意真题及答案第3部分:概括大意与完成句子(第23——30题,每题1分,共8分) 下面的短文后有2项测试任务:(1)第23——26题要求从所给的6个选项中为第2——5 段每段选择1个标题;(2)第27——30题要求从所给的6个选项中为每个句子确定1个选项。

SleepWell to Be Well1 Doyou often feel tired in the morning even though you’ve been in bed for seven oreight hours the night before? Like many people, you are not sleeping as much asyou think you are. In other words, your sleep efficiency is not that good.2 Sleepexperts define “sleep efficiency” as the percentage of time lying down that youare actually sleeping. According to explanatory journalism website , thescience of sleep efficiency is still young. There is no specific number forefficiency that’s been proven as linked to poor health. However, according to aNew York Times report about sleep quality, some experts estimate a roughballpark (范围) of 85 percent or above as a decent place to be.3 Shortwavelength blue light, emitted (放出) by the sun and by the screens of computers, iPads and smartphones,stops production of the sleep-inducing hormone melatonin (褪黑素) andmakes you feel more alert. Blue light tells your brain it’s daytime. Expertssuggest turning off your computers and smartphones one hour or at least 30minutes before bed.4 Goto bed and wake up at the same time, or relatively the same time, every day.Avoid binge sleeping (狂睡) on the weekend. Consistency is key to a good night’s sleep,especially when it comes to waking up. When you have a consistent wake-up time,your brain acclimates to this and moves through the sleep cycle in preparationforyou to feel rested and alert at your wake-up time.5 Oneof the biggest peaks in melatonin production happens during the 1 to 3 pm timeframe, which explains why most people feel sleepy in the afternoon. If youaren’t getting enough sleep at night, you’re likely going to feel anoverwhelming desire to sleep in the afternoon. When this happens, you’re betteroff taking a short nap (less than 30 minutes) than resorting to caffeine orstrong tea to keep you awake. A short nap will give you the rest you need toget through the rest of the afternoon, and you’ll sleep much better in theevening than if you drink caffeine or take a long afternoon nap.23. Paragraph 2 A24. Paragraph 3 F25. Paragraph 4 D26. Paragraph 5 BA. Definethe sleep related termsB. TakenapsC. Turnoff the devices emitting blue lightD. Keepa consistent sleep scheduleE. Improvesleep qualityF. Avoidblue light at night27. The tiredness in the morning even aftermany hours in bed is due to D28. Sleeping less than 85% of the timespent lying in bed might cause C29. A lower production of the hormone melatoninis due to F30. A strong desire to sleep in theafternoon is the result of BA. along afternoon napB. thepeak production of melatoninC. poorhealthD. lowsleep efficiencyE. goodsleep efficiencyF. exposureto blue light。





The Drink Your Body Needs Most1.Our bodies are estimated to be about 60% to 70% water. Blood is mostly water and our muscles, lungs, and brain all contain a lot of water. Water is needed to regulate body temperature and to provide the means for nutrients (滋养物) to travel to all our organs. Water also transports oxygen to our cells, removes waste, and protects our joints and organs.2.We lose water through urination (排尿), respiration ( 呼吸 ), and by sweating. If you are very active, you lose more water than if you do not take much exercise. Symptoms of mild dehydration (脱水) include chronic pains in joints and muscles, lower back pain, headaches,and constipation (便秘). A strong smell to your urine, along with a yellow color indicates that you are not getting enough water. Thirst is all obvious sign of dehydration and in fact, you need water long before you feel thirsty.3.A good rule of thumb (好的做法) is to take your body weight in pounds and divide that number in half. That gives you the number of ounces (盎司) of water per day that you need.For example, if you weigh 160 pounds, you should drink at least 80 ounces of water per day.If you exercise you should drink another 8-ounce glass of water for every 20 minutes you are active. If you drink coffee or alcohol, you should add at least an equal amount of water. When you are traveling on an airplane, it is good to have 8 ounces ofwater for every hour you are on board the plane.4. It may be difficult to drink enough water on a busy day. Be sure you have water handy at all times by keeping a bottle for water with you when you are working, traveling, or exercising. If you get bored with plain water, add a bit of lemon for a touch of flavor. There are some brands of flavored water available, but some of them have sugar or artificial sweeteners that you don't need.23. Paragraph 1 __________24. Paragraph 2__________25. Paragraph 3__________26. Paragraph 4__________A. Ounces of water needed per dayB. Importance of waterC. Composition of waterD. Signs of dehydrationE. Supply of waterF. Necessity for bringing a bottle for water27. You can't live __________28. Dehydration may occur if there is a shortage of water _ __________29. The amount of water your body needs per day is closely related__________30. Don't forget to drink enough water even__________A. in your bodyB. without waterC. before longD. for a changeE. on a busy dayF. to your weight答案与解析:23.B。




概括大意与完成句子题ZYBAN Tablets(药片)1 ZYBAN is a prescription (处方) medicine to help people quit smoking. Studies have shown that more than one third of people quit smoking for at least one month while taking ZYBAN. For many patients, ZYBAN reduces withdrawal symptoms (脱瘾过程中产生的病症) and the strong wish to smoke.4 It takes about 1 week for ZYBAN to reach the right levels in your body to be effective So, to increase your chance of quitting as much as possible, you should not stop smoking until you have been takingZYBAN for 1 week. You should set a date to stop smoking during the second week you're taking ZYBAN.5 The side effects (副作用) associated with ZYBAN are generally mild and often disappear after a few weeks. The most mon side effects are dry mouth and difficulty in sleeping. If you have difficulty sleeping, avoid taking your medicine too close to bedtime1 Paragraph 2__________ .2 Paragraph 3__________ .3 Paragraph 4__________ .4 Paragraph 5__________ .A How should I take ZYBAN?B What is ZYBAN?C What are the side effects of taking ZYBAN?D Who invented ZYBAN?E How long should I take ZYBAN?F How long does it take for ZYBAN to work?5 For the first 3 days, ZYBAN should betaken__________ .6 To quit smoking for good, you should take ZYBAN for__________ .7 The time it takes for ZYBAN to be effectiveis__________ .8 The side effects of taking ZYBAN often goaway__________ .A only once a dayB around 8 hoursC at least 7 to 12 weeksD on the fourth dayE about 1 weekF after a few weeks【参考答案】1. A2. E3. F4. C5. A6. C7. E8. F。




职称英语考试《卫生类》概括大意练习题附答案职称英语考试《卫生类》概括大意练习题附答案Messages from the Media1. The weather forecast,a story about the candidates in an election,and movie reviews are examples of messages from the media. A communication medium,of which the plural (复数的)form is media,is a means of communicating a message. Examples of media are television,radio,newspapers and books and the telephone. The media that can reach many people at once are called mass media.2. It is not difficult to think of other messages we receive through the mass media. Every day we get hundreds of them. Think about advertisements,for example. We see and hear these messages almost everywhere we go. Advertisements are important messages,even though they are sometimes annoying. They help us compare and evaluate products.3. Most of us get more information from the media than from the classroom. Think,for a moment,about how you learn about local news and events. Do you depend on other people or the media?What about international news?What is the most important source of information for you?People who are asked this question usually answer,Television.4. Think of all the messages you received today. Perhaps you read a newspaper during breakfast,or maybe you read第1页/共3页千里之行,始于足下。



概括大意卫生类职称英语考试1 Hospitals are places where sick and hurt people are given special care.People who have been in bad aidents are taken there.People who need special doctors or certain machines to make them better go to hospitals.Any person who cannot get better at home may be tested and treatedthere.There is only room for the sickest people.2 There are many kinds of hospitals.Those that take care of all sick or hurt people are called general hospitals.Special hospitals care for people with certain problems.For example,some hospitals take onlychildren.Others treat only people with hearttrouble.Teaching hospitals have people in training who work there.They are learning.They want to be doctors or nurses and help the patients.Research hospitals just study andtest ways to help the sick get well.3 Hospitals are the ideal places for the sick ones to turn to or stay at, but who owns hospitals? Most are owned by their towns or cities.A country or state may also own hospitals.Private hospitals may be owned by special groups or panies.4 People who work in a hospital do many things.Some work in the emergency room, where they can deal with some urgent cases. Some work in the X-ray room,where they take pictures of parts of the body.Some work in the surgery roomwhere they can perform operations on the patients. Others work in the kitchen.They prepare all different kinds of meals.People with special training give blood tests.Doctors and nurses form the largest group of hospital workers.5 Many people are given the special care in hospitals that they cannot get at home.This care can help hurt or sick people bee better.1 Paragraph 12 Paragraph 23 Paragraph 34 Paragraph 4A.Division of jobs in hospitalsB. Function of hospitalsC. Function of special hospitalsD. Classification of hospitalsE. Ownership of hospitalsF. Achievements of hospitals答案:BDEA5 Hospitals provide rooms for6 General hospitals take care of7 Research hospitals are established to explore8 The staffs in the X-ray room are in charge ofA.the most serious casesB. all sick or injured patientsC. taking pictures for different parts of human bodiesD. performing modern operationsE. more private and munity hospitals to treat people betterF. the ways to help people recover from illness答案:ABFC。



2023年职称英语试题卫生类概括大意练习2023年职称英语试题卫生类概括大意练习Life is beautiful for some people, these peoples lives are for a goal.以下是我为大家搜寻整理的`2023年职称英语试题卫生类概括大意练习,期望对正在关注的您有所帮忙!更多精彩内容请准时关注我们应届毕业生考试网!ArchitectureArchitecture is to building as literature is to the printed word. The best buildings are often so well constructed that they outlast their original use. They then survive not only as beautiful objects, but as documents of the history of cultures. These achievements are never wholly the work of individuals. Architecture is a social art.The renaissance brought about an entirely new age, not only in philosophy and literature but in the visual arts as well. In architecture, the principles and styles of ancient Greece and Rome were brought back to life and reinterpreted. They remain dominant until the 20th century.Many kinds of stone are used as building materials. Stone and marble were chosen for important monuments because they are not burnable and can be expected to endure. Stone architecture was often blended with stone sculpture. The use of stone has declined, however, because a number of other materials are more adaptable to industrial use.The complexity of modern life calls for a variety of building. More people live in mass housing and go to work in large office buildings; they spend their income in large shopping centers, send their children to many different kinds of schools, and when they are sick they go to specialized hospitals and clinics. All theses different types of buildings accumulated experiences needed by their designers.By the middle of the 20th century, modern architecture,which was influenced by new technology and mass production,was dealing with increasingly complex social needs. Important characteristics of modern architectural works are expanses of glass and the use of reinforced concrete. Advances in elevator technology, air conditioning, and electric lighting have all had important effects.EXERCISE:1. Paragraph 2_____________.2. Paragraph 3_____________.3. Paragraph 4_____________.4. Paragraph 5_____________.A Building materialsB Need of greater building varieties in modern lifeC Restoration of ancient civilizationsD Evolution in styleE factors affecting modern architectureF A social art5.Some buildings are so well constructed that they are not only useful______.6.Ancient Greek and Roman architectural styles, which were restored during renaissance, were still influential _____.7. As modern life becomes more complex, people have to put up many different kinds of buildings _____.8. The use of new building materials and the introduction of such new technology as the elevator and the air-conditioner have played an important role ______.A to meet their needsB but also beautiful to look atC in the development of modern architectureD to design more buildingsE even in the 20th centuryF to outlast their original useKEY: C A B E B E A C文档内容到此结束,欢迎大家下载、修改、丰富并分享给更多有需要的人。



2020年职称英语考试卫生类模拟套题一:概括大意第三部分:概括大意与完成句子 (第23~30题,每题1分,共8分)阅读下面这篇短文,短文后有2项测试任务:(1)第23~26题要求从所给的6个选项中为第2~5段每段选择1个准确的小标题;(2)第27~30题要求从所给的6个选项中选择4Global Warming1 Smoke is clouding our view of global warming,protecting the planet from perhaps three-quarters of the greenhouse (温室) effect. That might sound like good news, but experts say that as the cover diminishes in coming decades, we are facing a dramatic increase of warming that could be two or even three times as great as official best guesses. 2 This was the dramatic conclusion reached last week at a workshop in Dahlem, Berlin, where top atmospheric scientists got together, including Nobel prize winner Paul Crutzen and Swedish 4scientist Bert Bolin, former chairman of the UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). 3 IPCC scientists have suspected for a decade that aerosols (浮质)of smoke and other particles from burning rainforest, crop waste and fossil fuels are blocking sunlight andcounteracting the warming effect of carbon dioxide (二氧化物)emissions. Until now, they reckoned that aerosols reduced greenhouse warming by perhaps a quarter, cutting increases by 0.2℃. So the 0.6℃ of warming over th e past century would have been 0.8℃ without aerosols. 4 But the Berlin workshop concluded that the real figure is even higher-aerosols mayhave reduced global warming by as much as three-quarters, cutting increases by 1.8℃. If so, the good news is that aerosols have prevented the world getting almost two degrees warmer than it is now. But the bad news is that the climate system is much more sensitive to greenhouse gases than previously guessed. 5 As those gases are expected to continue accumulating in the atmosphere while aerosols stabilize or fall, that means "dramatic consequences for estimates of future climate change", the scientists agreed in a draft report from the workshop.23 Paragraph 2_______24 Paragraph 3_______25 Paragraph 4 ______26 Paragraph 5_______A Atmospheric ScientistsB The Calculations Made at the Berlin WorkshopC The Previous Calculations of the Effect of AerosolsD The Scientists' AgreementE The Authoritative ConclusionF Greenhouse Gases27 When the cover diminishes in the coming decades, temperature__________ . 28 The conclusion reached at the Berlin workshop__________. 29 The Berlin workshop concluded that the real figure__________. 30 The increase of greenhouse gases__________.A will influence future climate changeB was somewhat surprisingC will rise rapidlyD was known to us allE was much higher than had been expectedF will drop dramatically参考答案:23 E 第二段讲了在柏林的达勒姆的一个研讨会上得到了这个引人注目的结论。




历年职称英语卫生A精选概括大意练习题历年职称英语卫生A精选概括大意练习题A child is not a vase to filled but a fire to be lit.以下是我为大家搜寻整理的历年职称英语卫生A精选概括大意练习题,期望能给大家带来帮忙!更多精彩内容请准时关注我们应届毕业生考试网!Work and CareersSometimes we say that someone we know is a square peg in a round hole(1). This simply means that the person we are talking about is not suited for the job he is doing. He may be a bookkeeper who really wants to be an actor or a mechanic who likes cooking. Unfortunately, many people in the world are square pegs; they are not doing the kind of work they should be doing, for one reason or another. As a result they probably are not doing a very good job and certainly they are not happy.Choosing the right career is very important. Most of us spend a great part of our lives at our jobs. For that reason we should try to find out what our talents are and how we can use them. We can do this through aptitude test, interview with specialists, and study of books in our field of interest.There are many careers open to each of us. Perhaps we like science. Then we might prepare ourselves to be chemists, physicists, or biologists. Maybe our interests take us into the business world and such work as accounting, personnel第1页/共3页千里之行,始于足下。



xx年职称英语卫生类考试概括大意习题Exercising Your Memory1 Aging does not mean a dramatic decline in memory power,unless you help it happen by letting your mind go.2 That's not to say that memory doesn't change throughout life.Researchers divide memory into categories based on the length of time when memories are stored.One system divides it up as short-term (less than one minute; remembering a telephone number while you dial,for instance),long-term (over a period of years) and very long-term memory (over a lifetime).3 Short-term memory isn't mastered until about age7,but after that you never 10se it.Long-termmemory,however,involves more effort and skill and changes more through life.It's not until the early teens (十几岁) that most people develop a mature long-term memory.4 First,we must get information into our heads through learning.Learning strategies can get rusty (生锈) without constant use.High school and college students,who are forced to repeatedly exercise their long-term memory abilities (at least long-term enough to get them through a final exam),usually do well on memory tests.The longer you stay in school,the more chance you get to polish your learning skills.It's no wonder that more highly educated people have more effective memory skills throughout life.5 Although older people in general learn somewhat more slowly than they did when younger,a dramatic difference exists between those who stay intellectually active m reading,discussing,taking classes,thinking —— and those who do not.Giving the brain daily workout (锻炼) is just as important as exercising your muscles.Brainwork keeps your learning strategies in shape,and this helps your memory to function at full capacity.6 The next part of a healthy long-term memory is retention (记忆力),the ability to store what you have learned.Memory researchers still do not know whether memories are lost ——whether they still exist in the brain but our mental searching cannot turn them up,or have disappeared entirely as our brain ages.7 The third necessity for memory is recall,the ability to bring to mind the memories we have stored.Again,while aging has widely different effects on the recall abilities of different people,research indicates that the older we get,the longer it takes to recall facts But slower recall is still recall,in fact,aging does not seem to have any effect on forgetting at all,which takes place at the same rate in younger and older people.23 Paragraph 3 .24 Paragraph 4 .25 Paragraph 5 .26 Paragraph 6 .A Importance of staying intellectually activeB Effects of aging on a person's recall abilityC Short-term memory versus long-term memoryD Retention as the second necessity for memoryE Link between learning strategies and effective memory skillsF Significance of exercising your muscles27 Retention refers to .28 The rate of forgetting is the same .29 Remembering something all your life .30 Exercising your brain every day is beneficial .A for younger and older peopleB to the proper function of your memoryC is called long-term memoryD the capacity to store what you have learnedE belongs to very long-term memoryF the ability to remain mentally healthy参考答案:CEAD DAEB。




下面的短文后有2 项测试任务:(1)第23-26 题要求从所给的6 个选项中为第1-4 段每段选择1个标题;(2)第27 -30 题要求从所给的6 个选项中为每个句子确定1个选项。

Multiple Sclerosis(多发性硬化症)1 Multiple Sclerosis (MS)is a disease in which the patient's immune(免疫的)system attacks the central nervous system. This can lead to numerous physical and mental symptoms, as the disease affects the transmission of electrical signals between the body and the brain. However, the human body, being a flexible, adaptable system, can compensate for some level of damage, so a person with MS can look and feel fine even though the disease is present.2 MS patients can have one of two main varieties of the disease:the relapsing form (复发型)and the primary progressive form. In the relapsing form, the disease progresses in a series of jumps;at times it is in remission(减轻)。



2020职称英语《卫生类C级》模拟试卷:概括大意第三部分:概括大意与完成句子(第23——30题,每题1分,共8分)阅读下面这篇短文,短文后有2项测试,任务:(1)第23——26题要求从所给的4个选项中为每段选择1个准确的小标题 ;(2)第27——30题要求从所给的5个选项中选择4个准确选项,分别完成每个句子。


Estee Lauder Died1 The child of Central European immigrants who created an international cosmetics(化妆品)empire and became one of the most influential women in US, died on Saturday.Estee Lauder died at her home in Manhattan, New York City, a company spokeswoman said. She was 97.2 Born in Queens, New York in 1908, Lauder was the daughter of a Hungarian mother and a Czech father.3 Lauder began her business career by selling skincare products developed by her uncle John Schotz, a chemist, to beauty salons (美容院) and hotels. In 1930, she married Joseph Lauder who became her partner. The company, which became known as Estee Lauder, took off after World War II.4 In 1953, the company introduced its first perfume (香水), Youth Dew, the first of a range of fragrances that has now grown to more than 70. They include: Aramis, a line of products forb men, launched in 1964; and Clinique, a range of odourless (无臭的) cosmetics, which followed in 1968.5 By the time she retired in 1995, Lauder was presiding over a multibillion-dollar enterprise,which now ranks number 349 in the Fortune 500 list of largest US companies. In 1998, she was the only woman to feature in Time magazine'sselection of the 20 most important business geniuses of the last century. There were two secrets to her success: hergift for selling things and her tireless energy and determination never to accept second best.6 Even after her retirement at the age of 89, Lauder remained closely involved. Beauty, Lauder believed, was the most important thing in life.7 She wrote in her 1985 autobiography, "Estee, a Success Story" : "In a perfect world, we'd all be judged on the sweetness of our souls. But in our less than perfect world, the woman who looks pretty has a distinct advantage and, usually, the last word. "Paragraph 2 __________.A: Early careerB: ChildhoodC: ProductsD: RetirementE: Cosmetics EmpressF: Birth答案:F解析:第二段没有明确的段落主题句。

职称英语卫生类概括大意模拟试卷 3

职称英语卫生类概括大意模拟试卷 3


每个题一分,共计8分Ginseng Shows Benefit in Cancer Treatment1. Flaxseed slowed the growth of prostate tumors in men, while ginseng helped relievethe fatigue that cancer patients often feel, US researchers reported on Saturday in two of the first scientifically rigorous looks at alternative medicine1.2. The studies reflect doctors' efforts to explore the risks and benefits of foods and supplements that are routinely taken by their patients with little scientific proof they help. 2 Americans spend between $ 36 billion and $47 billion a year on complementary and alternative therapies, according to the National Center for Health Statistics3. "Patients are taking these compounds but we need to know if they are doing any good or any harmt4" said Dr. Bruce Cheson of Georgetown University Hospital in Washington, who led a panel on alternative therapies at a meeting of the American Society ofClinica Oncology5.3. In the flaxseed study, researchers at Duke University Medical Center in North Carolina and colleagues evaluated the seed's role as a food supplement in 161 men who were scheduled to undergo surgery for prostate cancer. "The growth rate was decreased in the men who got flaxseed,"said Dr. Nancy Davidson, an oncologist at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore who is president-elect of ASCO. "I think this is fascinating." Flaxseed is rich in omega-3 fatty acids and lignins, a fiber found on the seed coat. "We were looking at flaxseed because of its unique nutrient profile," said Wendy Demark-Wahnefried, a researcher in Duke's School of Nursing, who led the study.4. Half of the men in the study added 30 grams of flaxseed daily to their diets for about 30 days. Half of the flaxseed group also went on a low-fat diet. After the surgery, the researchers looked at the men's tumor cells to see how quickly the cancer had multiplied. The cancer ceils in both the flaxseed groups grew about 30 to 40 percent slower than the control group6.5. But Demark-Wahnefried is not ready to prescribe flaxseed. "It's a healthy food. It has a lot of vitamins and a lot offiber. But we can not definitively say at this point you should take flaxseed because it is protective against prostate cancer," she said, adding that flaxseed now needed to be studied to see if it can prevent prostate cancer.6. In the ginseng trial, Debra Barton of the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, and colleagues tested three different doses of the herb on patients with a variety of cancers who were expected to live at least six months. Twenty-five percent of patients taking a 1,000-rug dose and twenty-seven percent of patients taking a 2,000-mg dose said their fatigue symptoms were "moderately better" or "much better." Only 10 percent of those taking a 750-mg dose reported an improvement, which was about the same as the placebo group. Patients in the trial took Wisconsin ginseng from a single crop that was tested for uniform potency. It was powdered and given in a capsule form. "I wouldn't have predicted this, I have to admit," Davidson said in an interview. "We might want to test this on a large scale7."7. The flaxseed study was funded by the National Institutes of Health8 and the ginseng study was supported by US Public Health Service9 grants.【备注说明,非正文,实际使用可删除如下部分。

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本文部分内容来自网络整理,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即删除!== 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑和修改! ==职称英语卫生类概括大意考试模拟题精选Museums in the Modern WorldMuseums have changed. They are no longer places for theprivileged few or for bored vacationers to visit on rainy days. Action and democracy are words used in descriptions of museums now.At a science museum in Ontario, Canada, you can feel your hair stand on end as harmless electricity passes through your body. At the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City, you can look at 17th century instruments while listening to their music. At the Modern Museum in Sweden, you can put on costumes provided by the Stockholm Opera. As these examples show, museums are reaching out to new audiences, particularly the young, the poor, and the less educated members of the population. As a result, attendance is increasing.More and more, museums directors are realizing that people learn best when they can somehow become part of what they are seeing. In many science museums, for example, there are no guided tours. The visitor is encouraged to touch, listen, operate, and experiment so as to discover scientific principles for himself. He can have the experience of operating a spaceship or a computer. He can experiment with glass blowing and paper making. The purpose is not only to provide fun but also to help people feel at home in the world of science. The theory is that people who do not understand science will probably fear it, and those who fear science will not use it to best advantage. Many museums now provide educational services and children’s departments. In addition to the usual displays, they also offer film showings and dance programs. Instead of being places that one "should" visit, they are places to enjoy.One cause of all these changes is the increase in wealth and leisure time. Another cause is the rising percentage of young people in the population. Many of these young people are college students or college graduates. They are better educated than their parents. They see things in a new and different way. They are not content to standand look at works of are; they want art they can participate in. The same is true of science and history. In the US, certain groups who formerly were too poor to care about anything beyond the basic needs of daily life are now becoming curious about the world around them. The young people in these groups, like young people in general, have benefited from a better education than their parents received. All these groups, and the rest of the population as well, have been influenced by television, which has taught them about other places and other times.The effect of all this has been to change existing museums and to encourage the building of new ones. In the US and Canada alone, there are now more than 6,000 museums, almost twice as many as there were 25 years ago. About half of them are devoted to history, and the rest are evenly divided between the arts and sciences. The number of visitors, according to the American Association of museums, has risen to more than 700 million a year. In fact, the crowds of visitors at some museums are creating a major problem. Admission to museums has always been either free or very inexpensive, but now some museums are charging entrance fees for the first time or raising their prices. Even when raised, however, entrance fees are generally too low to support a museum, with its usually large building and its highly trained staff.1. Paragraph 2________.2. Paragraph 3________.3. Paragraph 4________.4. Paragraph 5________.A Causes of changesB Increasing number of museums and visitorsC Museums getting closer to more spectatorsD Movies shown in museumsE New notions about the management of museumsF Places to visit5. Now museums are no longer restricted to the privileged few, but________.6. With the development of society, people, especially the young people, _________.7. To meet the needs of society, more museums________.8. Two major problems for museums are that they have too many visitors and they ________.A have higher demands of museumsB are open to more people with different social backgroundC to lengthen their opening hoursD charge too little for admissionE have been built and open to publicKEY: CEABBAED以下文字仅用于测试排版效果, 请使用时删除!冬是清寒的。







