安徽省普通高中学业水平测试题 (高二会考)(英语卷)--精校,编辑,
第I卷注意事项:1. 答题前,请将自己的姓名、座位号用钢笔或圆珠笔填写在答题卡上,并用2B铅笔在答题卡规定位置上将自己的座位号、考试科目涂黑。
2. 请将所有选择题的答案涂在答题卡上。
1. A. lecture B. picture C. letter2. A. strict B. straight C. street3. A. tower B. shower C. power4. A. project B. progress C. product5. A. hold on B. rely on C. 1ive onⅡ. 短对话理解(共5小题:每小题1分,满分5分)听下面五段对话。
6. When could the man go to the woman’s office?A. At 1: 20.B. At 2:30.C. At 3: 40.7. What’s the woman?A. A patient.B. A lawyer.C. A doctor.8. Where is Fred now?A. At lunch.B. In class.C. At home.9. How did the woman find the show?A. Boring.B. Moving.C. Funny.10. What does the woman mean?A. They could go there on foot.B. They could take a taxi there.C. The cinema is too far away.III. 长对话和独白理解(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)听下面三段对话或独白。
马鞍山二中2015—2016学年度高二第二学期开学测试英语试题第Ⅰ卷(选择题,共115分)第一部分听力理解(共两节, 满分30分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分, 满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。
每段对话后有一个小题, 从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项, 并标在试卷的相应位置。
听完每段对话后, 你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。
1. What will Dorothy do on the weekend?A. Go out with her friend.B. Work on her paper.C. Make some plans2. What was the normal price of the T-shirt?A. $15.B. $30.C. $50.3. What has the woman decided to do on Sunday afternoon?A. To attend a wedding.B. To visit an exhibition.C. To meet a friend.4. When does the bank close on Saturday?A. At 1:00 pm.B. At 3:00 pm.C. At 4:00 pm.5. Where are the speakers?A. In a store.B. In a classroom.C. At a hotel.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。
6. What do we know about Nora?A. She prefers a room of her own.B. She likes to work with other girls.C. She lives near the city center.7. What is good about the flat?A. It has a large sitting room.B. It has good furniture.C. It has a big kitchen.听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。
第一节(共5 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分7.5 分)听下面 5 段对话,每段对话后有一个小题。
从题中所给的A,B,C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。
听完每段对话后,你都有10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。
1.What did Susan use to be like?A. Popular.B. Unhealthy.C. Overweight.2.What is the man most probably going to do?A. Take a few days off.B. Go out with the woman.C. Work overtime this weekend.3.Why was the woman’s application refused?A. She doesn’t write well enough.B. She doesn’t have professional experience.C. She didn’t perform well in the interview.4.When do the two speakers decide to have the meeting?A. At 9:10 am.B. At 10:30 am.C. At 2:30 pm.5.What does the man mean?A. He has already bought something special.B. He doesn’t want to go shopping.C. He will attend the birthday party.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。
备战2020高考黄金100题解读与扩展系列之解三角形:专题3 已知三角形中的边角关系、解三角形
I .题源探究·黄金母题【例1】在△ABC 中,如果有性质B b A a cos cos =,试问这个三角形具有什么特点?【解析】根据余弦定理的推论由B b A a cos cos =得,ac b c a b bc a c b a 22222222-+⨯=-+⨯,即)()(22222222b c a b a c b a -+=-+,即0422422=+--b c b a c a ,即0))(()(2222222=+---b a b a b a c ,即0))()((222=--+-c b c b a b a ,∴b a =或222b ac +=,∴这个三角形是等腰三角形或直角三角形.精彩解读【试题来源】人教版A 版必修5第10页习题1.1B 组第2题.【母题评析】本题考查利用正余弦定理判定三角形的形状,是常见题型.【思路方法】对已知三角形的边角关系判定三角形形状问题,先用余弦定理的推论将等式的两边的角余弦化为边,再化简即可找出边的关系,即可判定出三角形的形状.【变式】在△ABC 中,求证:22b a -=)cos cos (A b B a c -(人教版A 版必修5第20页习题1.2A 组第14)II .考场精彩·真题回放【例2】【2016高考浙江理数】在△ABC 中,内角A ,B ,C 所对的边分别为a ,b ,c .已知b +c =2a cos B.(I )证明:A =2B ;(II )若△ABC 的面积2=4a S ,求角A 的大小.【解析】(I )由正弦定理得sin sin C 2sin cos B +=A B ,故2sin cos A B =()sin sin B +A +B =sin sin cos cos sin B +A B +A B ,于是()sin sin B =A -B .又A ,()0,πB∈,故0π<A -B <,所以()πB =-A -B 或B =A -B ,因此πA =(舍去)或2A =B ,所以,2A =B .(II )由24a S =得21sin C 24a ab =,故有1sin sin C sin 2sin cos 2B =B =B B ,因sin 0B ≠,得sin C cos =B .又B ,()C 0,π∈,所以C 2π=±B .当C 2πB +=时,2πA =;当C 2π-B =时,4πA =.综上,2πA =或4πA =.【例3】【2016高考山东文数】ABC △中,角A ,B ,C 的对边分别是a ,b ,c ,已知22,2(1sin )b c a b A ==-,则A =( )(A )3π4 (B )π3 (C )π4 (D )π6【答案】C【例4】【2016高考浙江文数】(本题满分14分)在△ABC 中,内角A ,B ,C 所对的边分别为a ,b ,c .已知b +c =2a cos B .(Ⅰ)证明:A =2B ;(Ⅱ)若cos B =23,求cos C 的值.【解析】(I )由正弦定理得sin sin 2sin cos B C A B +=,故2sin cos sin sin()sin sin cos cos sin A B B A B B A B A B =++=++,于是,sin sin()B A B =-,又,(0,)A B π∈,故0A B π<-<,所以()B A B π=--或B A B =-,因此,A π=(舍去)或2A B =,所以,2A B =.(II )由2cos 3B =,得sin B =,21cos 22cos 19B B =-=-,故1cos 9A =-,sin A =,22cos cos()cos cos sin sin 27C A B A B A B =-+=-+=.【例5】【2016高考四川】在△ABC 中,角A ,B ,C 所对的边分别是a ,b ,c ,且cos cos sin A B Ca b c+=.(I )证明:sin sin sin A B C =;(II )若22265b c a bc +-=,求tan B .【例6】 【2016高考天津文数】在ABC ∆中,内角C B A ,,所对应的边分别为a,b,c ,已知sin 2sin a B A =.(Ⅰ)求B ;(Ⅱ)若1cos A 3=,求sinC 的值.【解析】(Ⅰ)在ABC ∆中,由BbA a sin sin =,可得A b B a sin sin =,又由A b B a sin 32sin =得B a A b B B a sin 3sin 3cos sin 2==,所以23cos =B ,得6π=B ;(Ⅱ)由31cos =A 得322sin =A ,则)sin()](sin[sinB A B AC +=+-=π,所以)6sin(sin π+=A C 6162cos 21sin 23+=+=A A 【例7】 【2015高考山东,文17】 ABC ∆中,角ABC ,,所对的边分别为,,a b c .已知cos ()B A B ac =+==求sin A 和c 的值.【命题意图】本题主要考查正余弦定理、三角形面积公式及诱导公式、两角和与差三角函数公式、二倍角公式等恒等变形公式,考查运算求解能力和转化与化归思想.【考试方向】这类试题在考查题型上,通常以选择题或填空题或解答题的形式出现,难度中等偏易,考查考查运算求解能力和转化与化归思想.【难点中心】解答此类问题的关键是正确选择利用正余弦定理将已知的边角的边角关系化为纯边关系或纯角关系,再利用多项式化简或三角函数公式、配凑角方法解对应的边角关系.III .理论基础·解题原理一、对已知三角形的边角关系解三角形问题,若所给条件即含边又含角,若含边或含角的余弦的齐次式,则常用正弦定理将边化成角化成纯角问题,利用三角公式求角或把角化成边利用余弦定理求边或角.二、若条件给出三角形面积,则利用三角形面积公式化为边角问题处理.三、若以向量运算的形式给出条件,则利用向量运算的相关知识化为边角关系,再利用余弦定理求解.IV .题型攻略·深度挖掘【考试方向】这类试题在考查题型上,通常以选择题或填空题或解答题的形式出现,难度中等偏易,考查考查运算求解能力和转化与化归思想.【技能方法】1.如果已知边角关系中含有角的余弦或边的二次式,要考虑用余弦定理,常利用222()2b c b c bc +=+-对余弦定理作如下:22222cos ()2(1cos )a b c bc A b c bc A =+-=+-+;如果已知边角关系中含有角的正弦或边的齐次式时,则考虑用正弦定理将边化为纯边或纯边问题求解;3.三角形内角和定理:π=++C B A 及其余诱导公式结合导出的如下结论:sin()sin A B C +=、cos()cos A B C +=-、tan()tan A B C +=-sincos 22A B C+=、2sin 2cos ,2cos 2sinCB AC B A =+=+是沟通三角形内角之间和消去角的重要工具.【易错指导】在已知三角形的边角关系解三角形问题中,注意利用三角形内角和定理、已知条件及不等式性质缩小角的范围,避免出现增根,若式子两边出现相同因式,要先判断式子是否为0,若不为0约去,若可以为0不能约去,否则要失去一种情况.V .举一反三·触类旁通考向1 已知三角形角的关系解三角形【例8】【2016届广西南宁市高三第二次模拟考试数学(文)】已知AD 是ABC ∆中A ∠的角平分线,且cos 25cos 2A A +=,ADC ∆与ADB ∆的面积之比为1:2.(1)求sin A ∠的值;(2)求sin ADC ∠的值.(2)∵12ADC ADB S S ∆∆=,∴12CD BD =.∵AD 是ABC ∆中A ∠的角平分线,∴12AC AB =.设,CD m AC n ==,由余弦定理得:2222cos 60CB AC AB AC AB =+-∙∙ .即得:n =,∵由正弦定理得:sin sin CD ACCAD ADC=∠∠,∴sin ADC ∠=【方法总结】对三角形中已知角的关系解三角形问题,若是某一个角或可化为某一个角的关系式,利用该关系和相关三角公式求出该角;若是关于两个或两个以上角的其次时,可利用正弦定理化为边,在用正弦定理或余弦定理求解.【跟踪练习】 【2016届广西五市高三5月联合模拟数学(文)】在 ABC ∆中,sin :sin :sin 2:A B C =cos C =( )ABC .13D .14【答案】D【解析】sin :sin :sin 2:3:A B C =,由正弦定理可知::2:a b c =()2,3,,0a k b k c k ===>,则由余弦定理可得2221cos 24a b c C ab +-===,选D考向2 已知三角形边的关系解三角形【例9】 【2016届山西省高三高考适应性演练三数学(文)】在ABC ∆中,角C B A ,,的对边分别是c b a ,,, 60=C ,b c 32=.(1)求角B A ,的大小;(2)若D 为边AC 上一点,且4=a ,BCD ∆的面积为3,求BD 的长.【方法总结】对已知三角形的边的关系解三角形问题,若边的关系是一次其次式,常用正弦定理求角;若是关于边的二次其次式,根据条件与余弦定理的相似性,常用余弦定理求角.【跟踪练习】1.【2015-2016学年山西省长治一中高二(下)期中】在△ABC 中,内角A ,B ,C 所对的边分别是a ,b ,c ,已知b﹣c =a ,2sinB=3sinC ,则cosA 的值为 .【答案】﹣【解析】在△ABC 中,∵2sinB=3sinC,由正弦定理得,∴2b=3c① ,又∵b﹣c= a ②∴由①②可得a=2c ,b=.再由余弦定理可得 cosA===﹣,2.【2015-2016学年安徽省马鞍山二十二中高二下学业水平模拟】在△ABC 中,若)())((c b b c a c a +=-+,则A =( )A .90°B .60°C .120°D .150°【答案】C考向3已知三角形的边角关系解三角形【例10】 【2016届山西太原市高三第二次模拟考试数学】在ABC ∆中,角,,A B C 的对边分别是,,a b c ,若2sin sin a bc B A+=,则C ∠的大小是__________.【答案】2π【解析】∵在ABC ∆中,2sin sin a bc B A+=,∴由正弦定理和基本不等式可得:2sin sin sin sin sin 2≥+=ABB AC ,当且仅当A B B A sin sin sin sin =即B A sin sin =时取等号,∴1sin ≥C ,由1sin ≤C ,故1sin =C ,∴2π=∠C .【方法总结】对已知三角形的边角关系解三角形问题,若给出的边角关系是关于边或角的正弦的齐次式,可以利用正弦定理化为纯边或纯角的关系式再求解.【跟踪练习】【2015-2016学年贵州思南中学高二下学期期末】在锐角ABC ∆中,,,a b c 分别为角,,A B C 2sin c A =.(1)确定角C 的大小;(2)若c =ABC ∆a b +的值.【解析】(12sin c A =及正弦定理得,sinsina Ac C==,∵sin0A≠,∴sin C=.∵ABC∆是锐角三角形,∴3Cπ=.(2)∵3c Cπ==,由面积公式得1sin23abπ=,即6ab=....①由余弦定理得222cos73a b abπ+-=,即227a b ab+-=,∴()273a b ab+=+....②,由①②得()225a b+=,故5a b+=.考向4 已知三角形的面积关系解三角形【例11】【2016届山西晋城市高三下学期三模考试】在ABC∆中, 内角A,B,C的对边分别为a,b,c,且22cosc a B b-=.(1)求角A的大小;(2)若ABC∆,且22cos4c ab C a++=,求a.(2)22cos4c ab C a++=①,又由余弦定理得222cos2a b cab C+-=,代入①式得22283b c a+=-,由余弦定理222222cosa b c b A b c bc=+-=+-.221sin1,8312ABCS bc A bc a a∆==∴=∴=--,得a=.【方法总结】本题首先利用正弦定理、三角形内角和定理以及两角和的正弦函数公式化简已知条件式,由此求得cos A的值,从而求得角A的大小;再根据条件等式结合余弦定理得到,,a b c的关系式,然后根据三角形面积公式求得bc的值,从而求得a的值.【跟踪练习】【2017届贵州遵义市南白中学高三第一次联考】已知在ABC∆中,角A、B、C的对边分别为a、b、c,且()22sin3cos0A B C++=.(1)求角A的大小;(2)若ABC∆的面积S a==,求sin sinB C+的值.【解析】(1)由()22sin 3cos 0A B C ++=,得22cos 3cos 20A A +-=,即()()2cos 1cos 20A A -+=,解得1cos 2A =或cos 2A =-(舍去),因为0,3A A ππ<<∴=.(2)由11sin 22S bc A bc bc ====,得20bc =.由余弦定理,得()22222cos 321,9a b c bc A b c bc b c =+-=+-=∴+=.由正弦定理,得()sin sin sin sin sin 9b c A B C A A b c a a a +=+=⨯+==考向5 用向量形式给出边角关系解三角形【例12】 【2016届内蒙古赤峰市高三4月统一能力测试】在ABC ∆中,内角,,C A B 对边分别为,,a b c ,且c a <,已知2CB BA =-A ,tan b 3B ==.(1)求a 和c 的值;(2)求()sin BC -的值.(2)在ABC ∆中,sin B ===,sin 2sin 3c B C b ===,a b c =>,C 为锐角.7cos 9C ===,()71sin sin cos cos sin 93B C B C B C -=-=-=A 【方法总结】对以向量形式给出的三角形的边角问题,常利用向量的有关知识,将条件化为三角形边角关系,再利用正弦定理或余弦定理化为纯边或纯角问题,通过解方程解三角形.【跟踪练习】【2016届云南省高三第二次统一检测】ABC ∆的内角A 、B 、C 对的边分别为a 、b 、c ,()sin ,5sin 5sin m B A C =+ 与()5sin 6sin ,sin sin n B C C A =--垂直.(1)求sin A 的值;(2)若a =求ABC ∆的面积S 的最大值.(2)由(1)知22265bc b c a +-=.2222625bcb c a bc a ∴=+-≥-.又10.a bc ABC =∴≤∆ 的面积sin 24,25bc A bcS ABC ==≤∴∆的面积S 最大值为4.。
安徽省马鞍山市2015-2016学年高二英语下学期期初考试试题(高中 高二 英语试题)
安徽省马鞍山市22中高二第二学期初考考试英语试题(时间:120分钟满分:150分)第Ⅰ卷第一部分听力(共两节, 满分30分)听下面5段对话。
1.What time is it now?A.8:25B. 8:35C. 8:302.Where does the m an want to go?A. To the shopB. To the restaurantC. To their home3.What’s the relationship between the two speakers?A. NeighborsB. FriendsC. Classmates4.What’s the women doing?A. Ordering some foodB. Paying her billC. Complaining about her drink5.How long will the woman take time off work after she has her baby?A. For three weeksB. For twelve weeksC. For two months第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。
听第六段材料,回答第6、7题6.What’s the weather like today?A. RainyB. SnowyC. Sunny7.What are the speakers going to do?A. lean up the kitchenB. Look after the twinsC. Prepare breakfast听第七段材料,回答第8、9题8.How is the boy feeling now?A. TiredB. NervousC. Excited9.What’s the boy going to do?A. Order a robotB. Work in the museumC. Buy a ticket听第八段材料,回答第10至12题10.What was the weather like when the woman was in Berlin?A. It’s rainyB.It’s windyC.It’s sunny11.How long did the woman stay in Italy?A. For three daysB. For two daysC. For one day12.Where did the woman go after she left Italy?A. To the UKB. To FranceC. To Spain听第九段材料,回答第13至16题13.What will the weather be like in London this week?A. SunnyB. CloudyC. Rainy14.What are the two speakers doing now?A. Buying airline ticketsB. Waiting for a planeC. Checking their tickets15.Why is the man nervous?A. He is scared of taking the planeB. He is afraid of missing the planeC. He wants to get on the plane early16.When will their flight leave?A. At 10:00B. At 9:30C. At 10:10听第十段材料,回答第17至20题17.When does the museum close?A. At 5:00pmB. At 7:00pmC. At 6:00pm18.What may children do on the first floor?A. Watch a filmB. See a model of a spaceshipC. Play computer games19.How can listeners get free film tickets?A. By calling the museumB. By e-mail ing the museumC. By visiting the museum20.When can listeners watch the film?A. At 12:00,SaturdayB. At 6:00,SundayC. At 3:00,Sunday第二部分阅读理解(共两节, 满分40分)第一节(共15小题; 每小题2分, 满分30分)阅读下列短文, 从每题所给四个选项(A、B、C和D)中, 选出最佳选项。
2016年安徽省马鞍山市中考英语二模试卷一、第一部分听力(共五大题,满分5分)I.关键词语选择(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)你将听到五个句子.请在每小题所给地A、B、C三个选项中选出一个你所听到地单词或短语.每个句子读两遍.1.(1分)A.rainsB.rainyC.raining.2.(1分)A.guideB.guardC.guitar.3.(1分)A.parentB.presentC.patient.4.(1分)A.strictB.strongC.straight.5.(1分)A.stand upB.set upC.sent up.二、n.短对话理解(共io小题;每小题1分,满分io分)你将听到十段对话,每段对话后有一个小题.请在每小题所给地A、B、C三个选项中选出一个最佳选项.每段对话读两遍.6.(1分)What is the man's job?A XBC JC7.(1分)What is the man going to do?A. 8.■ B.M C (1分)Which animal is mentioned in the conversation?9.(1分)What sport will the man do this Saturday?10.(1分)Which festival does Daniel like best?11.(1分)Whose bicycle is broken?A.Tina's.B.John's.C.Jeff's.12.(1分)How will the speakers go to Shanghai?A.By car.B.By train.C.By plane.13.(1分)When did Bill begin to collect coins?A.At the age of6.B.At the age of10.C.At the age of16.14.(1分)How much will the man pay?A.£15.B.£30.C.£50.15.(1分)How often does Jerry telephone his mother?A.Once a day.B.Once a week.C.Once a month.三、m.长对话理解(共2小题;每小题2分,满分5分)你将听到两段对话,每段对话后有几个小题.请在每小题所给地A、B、C三个选项中选出一个最佳选项.每段对话读两遍.16.(2分)听下面一段对话,回答第16至17小题.16.What day is coming soon?A.Mother's Day.B.Father's Day.C.Children's Day.17.Who will help Frank wash the car?A.His brother.B.His father.C.His mother.18.(3分)听下面一段对话,回答第18至20小题.18.What is the most probable relationship between the two speakers?A.Teacher and student.B.Waiter and customer.C.Father and daughter.19.Where does the man want to sit?A.Beside the window.B.In the center.C.Near the door.20.How soon will the man get his food?A.In ten minutes.B.In twelve minutes.C.In twenty minutes.四、IV.短文理解(共1小题;每小题5分,满分5分)你将听到一篇短文,短文后有五个小题.请根据短文内容,在每小题所给地A、B、C三个选项中选出一个最佳选项.短文读两遍.21.(5分)21.Which country is showing a couple of white baby lions?A.South Korea.B.New Zealand.C.South Africa.22.How many white lions are there in the world?A.Only303.B.Only313.C.Only330.23.Why don't the baby lions stay with their family?A.They can easily get hurt.B.They can't find their family.C.They can easily get hungry.24.Where do the baby lions live now?A.In a shop window.B.In a small place.C.In a small palace.25.What colour are the baby lions'noses?A.They are purple.B.They are black.C.They are pink.五、V,信息转换(共1小题;每小题5分,满分5分)你将听到一篇短文.请根据短文内容,填写下面表格中所缺地单词,每空仅填一词.短文读两遍. 26.(5分)American CampingWho Almost all people in the USA have a(26)_________camping trip every year.Camping is an(27)_________activity.What[There are usually(28)_________common activities on a camping trip.They can also cook the(29)_________they catch.How Why not go and relax yourself by staying close t(30)_________.六、第二部分英语知识运用(共两大题,满分15分)VI.单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)从每小题所给地A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个可以填入空白处地最佳选项.31.(1分)The cotton shirts online are much cheaper than in shops.()A.theseB.themC.thoseD.they32.(1分)The students were all reading in the classroom quietly a boy suddenly laughed out.()A.whileB.afterC.sinceD.when33.(1分)-Could you show me how to take photos with the smart phone,Bill?一Oh,it's so strange to me that I can use it.()A.hardlyB.nearlyC.reallyually34.(1分)Leaving the keys at home,Tom had to get in the window.()A.acrossB.throughC.overD.between35.(1分)They changed their minds at the last and refused to go.()A.marketB.memoryC.momentD.museum36.(1分)Kate May is able to skate,but Nora is.()A.Both;andB.Either;orC.Neither;norD.not;but37.(1分)-Our monitor is good at all his subjects,but he never.-What a modest student.()A.gets offB.puts offC.shows offD.takes off38.(1分)-Will we have cleaner water to drink in the future?-Well,I don't think we will unless something.()A.is doneB.was doneC.has doneD.had done39.(1分)一Tony can't join us in the school trip because he has gone to his hometown.-.The trip won't be perfect without him.()A.Never mindB.It's a pityC.It doesn't matterD.That's OK40.(1分)-Will Andy pass the driving test?-I am that he will make it.He always learns quickly.A.sorryB.afraidC.excitedD.certain41.(1分)If you have something important to do,you_________waste any time.()A.can'tB.mustn'tC.needn'tD.won't42.(1分)People____—_Moy a n as one of the most successful writers of his time.()A.regretB.regardC.replyD.require43.(1分)Teenagers like to get something has a great influence on them.()A.thatB.whoC.whatD.which44.(1分)Mr.Wu is still working in his office because he his work yet.()A.didn't finishB.doesn't finishC.hasn't finishedD.won't finish45.(1分)-English is not easy,but I never lose hope.-.You can do well in it!()A.Better later than neverB.The early bird catches the wormC.Many hands make light workD.Where there is a will,there is a way七、vn.完形填空(共2小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每小题所给地A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳选项.46.(15分)What's your idea about success?Some people say that beginners have all the luck,while others believe that success(46)only with practice.In fact, I feel both of these statements(陈述)are not true all the time.Each is true in some ways(47)not in others.For example,I went to a drawing competition many years ago and(48)surprisingly.As a prize,I got a film ticket to see Titanic.I was really(49) because it was the first time I had taken part in a competition.Thinking that I might be lucky again,I(50)oining in other art competitions.But the result was that I(51)won again.I accepted the fact that the other people had a(52) artistic ability than I did.Art was not something I was especially interested in and I had never practiced different art skills,so my(53)were not of a very high standard.These experiences taught me a lot.Although I was lucky(54),I also need to put in hard work.As we know,(55)makes perfect.So I believe success builds on less luck and chance.46. A.moves es C.returns D.leaves47. A.or B.so C.and D.but48. A.won B.began C.failed D.ended49. A.sorry B.active C.lucky D.nervous50. A.tried B.forgot C.stopped D.remembered51. A.often B.ever C.seldom D.never52. A.greater B.faster C.lower D.slower53. A.results B.films C.prizes D.drawings54. A.at last B.at most C.at first D.at least55. A.chance B.practice C.exercise D.difference56.(15分)"It's raining cats and dogs!"Grandpa shouted.Little Ritchie came running to the window.He wanted to see the(56)falling from the sky.He looked out of the window,but it was(57)that there were no cats or dogs.He only saw small pools of water on the ground."Man,it's really coming down out there!"Uncle Bob agreed(58)he looked out of the window,too.Ritchie scratched his head(挠头).What was coming down?First they talked about cats and dogs that(59)be seen.Now someone said"it".What was going on with these(60)?"Wow!"Aunt Susie shouted as she looked out of the window."It's raining really hard.Ritchie(61)his aunt."It's raining hard,"he agreed,"but(62)are the cats and dogs?"Grandpa laughed."Ritchie,that just(63)it's raining really hard." "So why didn't you just say that?"Ritchie(64).It was irritating(恼人地) when people spoke like they were not speaking English at all."We did.You just didn't understand these(65)."Ritchie's cousin said with a big smile."Well,now I do."Ritchie said.56. A.tigers and lions B.pigs and sheep C.cats and dogs D ・chicksand ducks57. A.important B.possible C.necessary D.strange58. A.unless B.after C.till D.though59. A.couldn't B.shouldn't C.needn't D.mustn't60. A.days B.animals C.ideas D.people61. A.shouted at B.looked at ughed at D.pointedat62. A.what B.how C.where D.who63. A.explains B.proves C.means D.shows64. A.ordered B.thought C.repeated D.asked65. A.sayings B.questions C.objects D.stories八、第三部分阅读理解(共两大题,满分5分)vin.补全对话(共1小题;每小题5分,满分5分)根据对话内容,从方框内地选项中选出能填入空白处地最佳选项,其中有两个为多余选项.66.(5分)A.I can borrow a car from my uncle.B.Why don't we have a day outtogether?C.OK,but how can we get there?D.I hope you will have a good time.E.Everyone says it's lovely.F.When will you go there?G.We don't have enough time.A:What are you going to do on Sunday,anything interesting?B:(66)We are always saying we're going to,but we never do.A:I'd like to go to Shanghai Disneyland.(67)B:Yes,it is,but it's a long way.It takes about3hours to get there by High-speed Train.(68)A:How about Caishi Park?I'd love to go there.It looks so beautiful in photos,and it's not too far.B:Yeah,I'd really like to go there,too.We can climb the hill and enjoy the beauty of the Changjiang River.A:(69)B:Don't worry about that.(70)I'll drive us there.A:Oh,great!Let's go there then.九、IX.阅读理解(共5小题;每小题10分,满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每小题所给地A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳选项.71.(10分)The junior high school graduates(毕业生)have to take a very important P. E.test in many places around Cna.The full marks are usually50points and it counts for much in the senior high school entrance exam.In Maanshan,the test is usually held in April.Students have the test in No.22Senior High School these years.Each student is tested on three sports.They can choose two among standing jump,throwing solid ball(实心球),basketball dribbling(运球) or football,rope skipping,50-meter running.Both boys and girls must have a long -distance running(800meters for girls;1,OOOmeters for boys).Most students find the test easy.They can get high marks and even about20%of them can get full marks.That's because they have trained for it during the past three years.Students in Grade9usually do lots of practice in P. E.classes.The training makes the test easier than it seems to be.Students in Maanshan must do lots of running for the test.Running is one of thesports in the test.So in P. E.classes,students usually run a lot.Sometimes they have to run1,000meters in one class.Most teachers and parents welcome the P. E.test.They say it helps students build up their health.71.The important P. E.test in Maanshan includes all of the following sports except.A.runningB.basketballC.footballD.volleyball72.The underlined words"rope skipping"means""in Chinese.A.引体向上B.俯卧撑C.跳绳D.仰卧起坐73.The junior high school graduates in Maanshan have the important P. E.test in.A.springB.summerC.autumnD.winter74.How many sports should each student be tested?A.Two.B.Three.C.Four.D.Five.75.What do most teachers and parents think of the P. E.test?A.It's difficult.B.It's easy.C.It's bad.D.It's good.76.(8分)One day when Jack was walking in the park,he saw a woman he knew sitting on a bench with a dog beside her.The dog was looking up at the woman. Jack walked up to the woman and said,"Hello,Sue,how are you?May I sit and talk with you for a while?""Of course,please sit down,"Sue said.Jack sat down next to Sue on the bench,and they talked quietly together.The dog continued to look up at Sue,as if waiting to be fed."That's a nice dog,"Jack said,pointing at the animal."Yes,he's handsome.He's a bit of a mixture(混合),but that's a bad thing.He's strong and healthy.""And hungry,"Jack said."He hasn't taken his eyes off you.He thinks you've got some food for him.""That's true,"Sue said."But I haven't."The two friends laughed and then Jack said,"Does your dog bite?""No,"Sue said."He's never bitten anyone.He's always gentle and good-tempered (好脾气).“Hearing this,Jack decided to pet the dog.He put out his hand and touched the animal's head.Immediately it jumped up and bit him."Hey!"Jack shouted."You said he didn't bite.""No,I didn't,"Sue replied."You asked if my dog bit,and I said no..."76.What did Jack do when he saw the woman?A.He walked past her.B.He spoke to her dog.C.He spoke angrily to her.D.He asked to sit next to her.77.Jack thought that the dog.A.was terribleB.was illC.was Sue'sD.was his78.The underlined word"pet"means""in Chinese.A.抱起B.按住C.拍打D.抚摸79.From the story,we can know.A.Jack didn't know SueB.Sue talked with Jack quietlyC.Jack was bitten by Sue's dogD.Sue didn't answer Jack's question.80.(10分)Are you still doing the V for victory sign?It's out.The latest popular hand gesture(手势)is to curl(卷曲)both of your hands and put them together to make a heart shape.Known as"Hand heart",many young stars in the US including Justin Bieber,Blake Lively and Taylor Swift have done the gesture in recent photos."The heart hand gesture means something between I love you and thank you."said the country singer Taylor Swift.It's a sweet,easy message which you can send without saying a word."Taylor Swift often puts her hands above her head in the heart shape at her concerts.And she is believed to be the first to make the gesture st month during a charity show,Justin Bieber and his superstar friends did the hand heart and put the photo online.They did it to help three kids whose parents were killed in a car accident.The gesture became more popular after that."It used to take longer for nonverbal(不用语言地)culture to move.But now,with smart phones and the Internet,it's much faster,"said Patti Wood,an American language expert(专家).In our neighbor country-South Korea,the hand heart has been popular for a long time.In a different way,people there like making a"bigger heart"by putting their hands above their heads and making a heart shape with their arms.It means"!love you.80.What is the meaning of doing the V gesture?A.We have won.B.Good luckC.Best wishes.D.That is OK.81.Among the young stars,is the first to make the hand heart gesture popular.A.Justin BieberB.Blake LivelyC.Taylor SwiftD.Patti Wood82.A charity show is a show that is put on to.A.make a gesture popularB.help people in needC.express your love or thanksD.show your special gesture83.From the passage we can learn that.A.the V gesture is not popular nowB.the hand heart gesture only means-I love youC.it takes longer for nonverbal culture to move nowD.people in South Korea don't like the gesture84.The best title of this passage may be.A.The Heart GestureB.A sweet GestureC.Nonverbal cultureD.Smart phones.85.(6分)100,OOOpeople have learned to speakanother language withPARLAThe"Rarla"method allows you to study where and when you want to.We send you CDs and books,and by listening,repeating and reading,you can be fluent(流利地)in your chosen language in a month!There are20languages to choose from.To find out more,call our training center at662-867-8548or visit.One week free trial(试用)Rules for residents(住宿者)1.You may make tea and coffee in your rooms,but cooking is not allowed.2.Visitors are welcome to stay in your rooms until lip.m,but please do not playloud music afterlOp.m.3.There is a TV in the Students'Lounge(休'息、室)for students to watch in their freetime.4.There are washing machines on every floor for washing your clothes.Please don'thang clothesout of the window to dry.5.Each floor has a telephone for making calls.No international calls,please.85.How soon can you be fluent in your chosen language?A.In a day.B.In a week.C.In a month.D.In a year.86.The rules above are made for.A.farmersB.patientsC.workersD.students87.According to the rules,the residents can.A.make tea and cook mealsB.watch TV in their free timeC.play loud music at lip.mD.hang clothes out of the window.88.(6分)阅读下面短文,并用英语回答问题(请注意每小题后面地词数要求)What can you do when someone hurts you?Most people may be angry or even fight with the one who hurts him or her.But it's not a good idea.The best way is to forgive him or her.Although it is not easy for us to forgive people who hurt us,it is possible, "Forgiveness makes people hopeful.And it is good for our health,"says Fredric, Ph. D.the writer of the book called Forgive for God.But how can we forgive others?First,think of something beautiful and try to get yourself happy.Second,don't wait for others to say sorry to you.If the people hurt you,he or she won't say sorry to you.They may just want to hurt you or they just don't see things the same way.Third,try to see things in others'shoes.You can write a letter to yourself from the offender's(冒才口者)point.That can make you understand others better and make yourself happier.Finally, don't forget to forgive yourself.For some people,forgiving themselves is the biggest challenge(初L战).And it also makes you more confident.88.When someone hurts you,what should you do?(不超过10个单词)89.What makes people hopeful?(不超过5个单词)90.How many ways does the writer offer us?(不超过5个单词)十、X.单词拼写(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)根据首字母及汉语提示,完成下列单词地拼写,使句意明确,语言通顺.91.(1分)Only eight people a(参加)the meeting in the end.92.(1分)It's three b(街区)to the shopping mall from our school.93.(1分)Later the leader realized the problem and took action to i(改善)the situation.94.(1分)We'd better check on the soccer match in the I(当地)newspaper.95.(1分)The government made another s(调查)of the population of the city in2015.十一、XI.书面表达(共1小题,满分25分)96.(25分)英语老师让同学们每人写一篇英语演讲稿,介绍自己平时是如何使用电脑地,并对同学们使用电脑提出建议.请你根据下面要点,用英语写一篇演讲稿.你地电脑用途:(1)用于娱乐:玩游戏,看电影,听歌曲,网上聊天,网上旅游;(2)用于学习:经常收发电子邮件,查询信息;(3)用于购物:购买书籍,学习用品.你地建议:(至少一条)要求:(1)词数:80—100;(2)演讲稿必须包含所有提示内容,可适当发挥;(3)开头已给出,不计入总词数.Hi,everyone.I am Wu Jun.Let me tell you how I use the computer.2016年安徽省马鞍山市中考英语二模试卷参考答案与试题解析一、第一部分听力(共五大题,满分5分)I.关键词语选择(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)你将听到五个句子.请在每小题所给地A、B、C三个选项中选出一个你所听到地单词或短语.每个句子读两遍.1.(1分)A.rainsB.rainyC.raining.【解答】略2.(1分)A.guideB.guardC.guitar.【解答】略3.(1分)A.parentB.presentC.patient.【解答】略4.(1分)A.strictB.strongC.straight.【解答】略5.(1分)A.stand upB.set upC.sent up.【解答】略二、n.短对话理解(共io小题;每小题1分,满分io分)你将听到十段对话,每段对话后有一个小题.请在每小题所给地A、B、C三个选项中选出一个最佳选项.每段对话读两遍.6.(1分)What is the man's job?【解答】略7.(1分)What is the man going to do?【解答】略8.(1分)Which animal is mentioned in the conversation?【解答】略9.(1分)What sport will the man do this Saturday?【解答】略10.(1分)Which festival does Daniel like best?B一【解答】略11.(1分)Whose bicycle is broken?A.Tina's.B.John's.C.Jeff's.【解答】略12.(1分)How will the speakers go to Shanghai?A.By car.B.By train.C.By plane.【解答】略13.(1分)When did Bill begin to collect coins?A.At the age of6.B.At the age of10.C.At the age of16.【解答】略14.(1分)How much will the man pay?A.£15.B.£30.C.£50.【解答】略15.(1分)How often does Jerry telephone his mother?A.Once a day.B.Once a week.C.Once a month.【解答】略三、m.长对话理解(共2小题;每小题2分,满分5分)你将听到两段对话,每段对话后有几个小题.请在每小题所给地A、B、C三个选项中选出一个最佳选项.每段对话读两遍.16.(2分)听下面一段对话,回答第16至17小题.16.What day is coming soon?A.Mother's Day.B.Father's Day.C.Children's Day.17.Who will help Frank wash the car?A.His brother.B.His father.C.His mother.【解答】略18.(3分)听下面一段对话,回答第18至20小题.18.What is the most probable relationship between the two speakers?A.Teacher and student.B.Waiter and customer.C.Father and daughter.19.Where does the man want to sit?A.Beside the window.B.In the center.C.Near the door.20.How soon will the man get his food?A.In ten minutes.B.In twelve minutes.C.In twenty minutes.【解答】略四、IV.短文理解(共1小题;每小题5分,满分5分)你将听到一篇短文,短文后有五个小题.请根据短文内容,在每小题所给地A、B、C三个选项中选出一个最佳选项.短文读两遍.21.(5分)21.Which country is showing a couple of white baby lions?A.South Korea.B.New Zealand.C.South Africa.22.How many white lions are there in the world?A.Only303.B.Only313.C.Only330.23.Why don't the baby lions stay with their family?A.They can easily get hurt.B.They can't find their family.C.They can easily get hungry.24.Where do the baby lions live now?A.In a shop window.B.In a small place.C.In a small palace.25.What colour are the baby lions'noses?A.They are purple.B.They are black.C.They are pink.【解答】略五、V,信息转换(共1小题;每小题5分,满分5分)你将听到一篇短文.请根据短文内容,填写下面表格中所缺地单词,每空仅填一词.短文读两遍. 26.(5分)American CampingWho Almost all people in the USA have a(26)camping trip every year.Camping is an(27)略activity.What[There are usually(28)common activities on a camping trip.They can also cook the(29)略they catch.How Why not go and relax yourself by staying close t(30)略.【解答】略六、第二部分英语知识运用(共两大题,满分15分)VI.单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)从每小题所给地A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个可以填入空白处地最佳选项.31.(1分)The cotton shirts online are much cheaper than in shops.()A.theseB.themC.thoseD.they【解答】答案:C.these这些;them宾格;those那些;they主格.根据The cotton shirts online are much cheaper than in shops.可知网上地棉衬衫比商店地便宜得多,可知这里应该指地是那些棉衬衫,是复数形式,所以这里用those.指在商店里地那些.故选C.32.(1分)The students were all reading in the classroom quietly a boy suddenly laughed out.()A.whileB.afterC.sinceD.when【解答】答案:D;根据语境推测句意是”当一个男孩突然大笑地时候,学生们都在教室里安静地读书.”,由于设空处所在地时间状语从句用了一般过去时,所以用when表示“当…时“;注意while也表示“当…时“,通常与延续性动词连用,且用于进行时中,故选D33.(1分)-Could you show me how to take photos with the smart phone,Bill?一Oh,it's so strange to me that I can use it.()A.hardlyB.nearlyC.reallyually【解答】答案:A.考查副词词义辨析.句意”--你能告诉我如何用智能手机拍照吗,比尔?--哦,对于我它是如此地陌生,我几乎不会使用它・"hardly几乎不;nearly几乎;really真地;usually iM常.根据题干it's so strange to me.对于我它是如此地陌生,可知是说我几乎不会使用它.故选A.34.(1分)Leaving the keys at home,Tom had to get in the window.()A.acrossB.throughC.overD.between【解答】答案:B考查常用介词地辨析.根据题干,across横穿;从事物外部…边到另一边,through穿过,从事物内部穿过,over越过,between在两者之间,结合句意考查汤姆不得不从窗户进去,可知是从窗户钻过,所以选择B.35.(1They changed their minds at the last and refused to go.()A.marketB.memoryC.momentD.museum【解答】答案:C.market"市场",memory"记忆”,moment”时刻",museum"博物馆”.根据题干结构可知,本处应用表示时间地时间状语,at the last moment”在最后时刻”,为固定短语,符合句意;其他选项都与句意不符.故选C.36.(1分)Kate May is able to skate,but Nora is.()A.Both;andB.Either;orC.Neither;norD.not;but【解答】答案:C;根据语境以及上下文,本题考查地是连词地用法.根据语境but Nora is推测设空处句子表达地意思是”Kate和May都不会滑冰,但是Nora会・”,表示”既不…也不用短语neither...nor...,注意:either...or...则表示"或者…或者both...and...表示“…和…都(两者)";not...but...,表示“不是…而是...”都不符合句意.故选C.37.(1分)-Our monitor is good at all his subjects,but he never.-What a modest student.()A.gets offB.puts offC.shows offD.takes off【解答】答案:C.考查动词短语.A离开;下(车、马等).B延期;敷衍.C 炫耀,卖弄.D起飞.结合语境”--我们班长擅长所有科目,但他从不—・--多么谦虚地学生・”,可知,应该是”炫耀“shows off.答案是C.38.(1分)-Will we have cleaner water to drink in the future?-Well,I don't think we will unless something.()A.is doneB.was doneC.has doneD.had done【解答】答案:A根据题干I don't think we will unless something.可知主句we will为一般将来时态,根据”主将从现”原则可知unless引导地条件状语从句为一般现在时态,结合从句地主语something是谓语动词do地承受者二者形成被动关系故确定为被动语态,故从句地谓语动词为一般现在时态地被动语态,其结构为is/am/are+过去分词,故填is done,故选A39.(1分)一Tony can't join us in the school trip because he has gone to his hometown.-.The trip won't be perfect without him.()A.Never mindB.It's a pityC.It doesn't matterD.That's OK【解答】答案:B.考查交际用语・A没关系.B很遗憾・C没关系.D没关系.结合语境”没有他,这次旅行不会完美・”,可知,应该是”很遗憾”,选B.40.(1分)-Will Andy pass the driving test?-I am that he will make it.He always learns quickly.A.sorryB.afraidC.excitedD.certain【解答】答案:D.考查形容词词义辨析.句意”--安迪会通过驾驶考试吗?--我确信他会考过.他总是学地很快・“sorry对不起;afraid害怕地;excited激动地;certain确定地.根据题干he will make it.He always learns quickly.他会考过.他总是学地很快.可知是说我确信他会考过.他总是学地很快.故选D.41.(1分)If you have something important to do,you waste any time.()A.can'tB.mustn'tC.needn'tD.won't【解答】答案:B.can't不可能,mustn't不可以;needn't不必;won't将不会.根据If you have something important to do,you waste any time,可矢口如果你有一些重要地事要做,你不可以浪费时间.这里应该要mustn't表示不准做某事.故选B.42.(1分)People Moy a n as one of the most successful writers of his time.()A.regretB.regardC.replyD.require【解答】答案:B.考查动词词义辨析.句意”人们把莫言作为他那个时代最成功地作家之一・“regret后悔;regard看待,regard as把…作为、看待;reply回复;require要求.木艮据题干People Moyan as one of the most successful writers of his time.可知是说人们把莫言作为他那个时代最成功地作家之一.故选B.43.(1分)Teenagers like to get something has a great influence on them.()A.thatB.whoC.whatD.which【解答】答案:A.that意思是“那",可以指人也可以指物,在定语从句中可以作主语也可以作宾语;who意思是”谁”只指人,作主语;which意思是”哪一个,'只能指物,在定语从句中可以作主语也可以作宾语;what不能引导定语从句.通过分析句子结构,可知"has a great influence on them"是定语从句,something是先行词,因为先行词是不定代词something,这时必须要用that来引导定语从句,故选A.44.(1分)Mr.Wu is still working in his office because he his work yet.()A.didn't finishB.doesn't finishC.hasn't finishedD.won't finish【解答】答案:C,结合句意可知没完成这个动作发生在过去,对现在造成一定地影响,故用现在完成时have/has+过去分词,主语he故has,故答案是C.45.(1分)-English is not easy,but I never lose hope.-.You can do well in it!()A.Better later than neverB.The early bird catches the wormC.Many hands make light workD.Where there is a will,there is a way【解答】答案:D.考查谚语.A迟做总比不做强.B早起地鸟儿有虫吃・C人多好办事.D有志者事竟成.结合语境”英语不容易,但我永远不会失去希望.,你能够做得更好!”,可知,应该是”有志者事竟成”,选D.七、vn.完形填空(共2小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每小题所给地A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳选项.46.(15分)What's your idea about success?Some people say that beginners have all the luck,while others believe that success(46)B only with practice.In fact, I feel both of these statements(陈述)are not true all the time.Each is true in some ways(47)D not in others.For example,I went to a drawing competition many years ago and(48)_A surprisingly.As a prize,I got a film ticket to see Titanic.I was really(49)_C because it was the first time I had taken part in a competition.Thinking that I might be lucky again,I(50)A j oining in other art competitions.But the result was that I(51)D won again.I accepted the fact that the other people had a(52)_A artistic ability than I did.Art was not something I was especially interested in and I had never practiced different art skills,so my (53)D were not of a very high standard.These experiences taught me a lot.Although I was lucky(54)C,I also need to put in hard work.As we know,(55)B makes perfect.So I believe success builds on less luck and chance.46. A.moves es C.returns D.leaves47. A.or B.so C.and D.but48. A.won B.began C.failed D.ended49. A.sorry B.active C.lucky D.nervous50. A.tried B.forgot C.stopped D.remembered51. A.often B.ever C.seldom D.never52. A.greater B.faster C.lower D.slower53. A.results B.films C.prizes D.drawings54. A.at last B.at most C.at first D.at least55. A.chance B.practice C.exercise D.difference【解答】46.B考查动词辨析.A表示移动;B表示来自;C表示归还;D表示离开.此处表示然而其他人觉得成功只是来自于实践,选B.47.D考查连词辨析.A表示或者;B表示所以;C表示和;D表示但是.结合语境可知此处表示每一点在某些方面都是正确地,但在其他方面并不正确,选D.48.A考查动词辨析.A表示赢;B表示开始;C表示失败;D表示结束.由As a prize,I got a film ticket to see Titanic可知我是意外地赢了,选A.49.C考查形容词辨析.A表示抱歉地;B表示活跃地;C表示幸运地;D表示紧张地.由Thinking that I might be lucky again可知此处选C,表示我真地很幸运,选C.50.A考查动词辨析.A表示尝试;B表示忘记;C表示停止;D表示记得.由下文地But the result was that I(51)won again可知我是尝试参加了另一个比赛,选A.51.D考查副词辨析.A表示经常;B表示曾经;C表示几乎不;D表示从不.由but可知此句与上文是转折关系,上面讲地是我第一次比赛幸运地赢了,此处应该表示结果是我再也没有赢过,选D.52.A考查形容词辨析.A表示更好地;B表示更快地;C表示更低地;D表示更慢地.由我再也没有赢和我接受了这个事实可知,此处表示这个事实指地是其他人比我有更高地艺术能力,选A.53.D考查名词辨析.A表示结果;B表示电影;C表示奖励;D表示画画.由Art was not something I was especially interested in and I had never practiced different art skills可知此处表示我地绘画没有很高地水平,选D.54.C考查短语辨析.A表示最后;B表示最多;C表示首先;D表示至少.由上文地I was really(49)C because it was the first time I had taken part in a。
从消费者角度看,实施低碳经济应A.转变经济发展方式 B..保护环境,绿色消费 C..推动区域协调发展 D.量入为出,适度消费32.据报道,2015年,全国国有及国有控股企业经济运行稳中向好,部分指标出现回暖迹象,但下行压力依然较大,2015年我国国有企业利润总额为23027.5亿元,同比下降6.7%。
你认为,一个企业经营成功主要取决于①企业制定正确的经营战略②企业不能被兼并或者淘汰破产③企业提高自主创新能力④企业树立良好的信誉和形象A.①②③ B.①②④ C.①③④ D.②③④33.国家财政在我国社会经济生活中发挥着重要作用。
表现为①国家财政在资源配置中起决定性作用②国家财政是促进社会公平、改善人民生活的物质保障③国家财政具有促进资源合理配置的作用④国家财政具有促进国民经济平稳运行的作用A.①②③ B.①②④ C..①③④ D.②③④34.印度尼西亚雅加达至万隆(雅万)高速铁路开工仪式于2016年1月21日在西爪哇省瓦利尼举行:这条由中国参与建没的高铁,将连接首都雅加达与该国第四大城市万隆。
这体现了中国高铁A.实施“走出去”战略 B.实施“引进来”战略 C.坚持自力更生的原则 D.垄断了世界铁路市场35.有人认为:“在微博中个人可以随心所欲地发表自己的言论,我的地盘我作主。
这表明全国人民代表大会行使A.立法权 B.决定权 C.任免权 D.监督权37.2015年9月8日,西藏各族各界干部群众隆重集会,热烈庆祝西藏自治区成立50周年。
一、〔12分〕1.以下词语中,没有错别字的一组是〔〕〔3分〕A.渲泄为虎作伥不可明状 B.通辑明火执仗明辨是非C.膨胀绵里藏针绿草如茵 D.骄健针砭时弊惮精竭虑2.以下句中加点的成语,使用恰当的一句是〔〕〔3分〕A.他们差强人意....的效劳质量,不仅给社区居民的生活带来诸多不便,而且有损职能部门在公众中的形象。
A.8-2πB.8-πC.8-D.8-马鞍山第二十二中学2015―2016学年高二下学期期初考试数学(理)第Ⅰ卷(选择题,共60分)一、选择题(60分)1.已知命题“若p,则q”是真命题,则下列命题一定是真命题的是()A.若q,则pB.若p,则﹁qC.若﹁p,则﹁qD.若﹁q,则﹁p2.l,l表示空间中的两条不同直线,命题p:“l,l是异面直线”;q:“l,l不相交”,则p是q121212的()A.充分不必要条件B.必要不充分条件C.充分必要条件D.既不充分也不必要条件3.已知m,n表示两条不同直线,α表示平面,则下列说法正确的是()A.若m∥α,n∥α,则m∥nB.若m⊥α,nα,则m⊥nC.若m⊥α,m⊥n,则n∥αD.若m∥α,m⊥n,则n⊥α4.若直线l的方向向量为a,平面α的法向量为n,则满足l∥α的向量a与n可能为()A.a=(1,3,5),n=(1,0,1)B.a=(1,0,0),n=(-2,0,0)C.a=(1,-1,3),n=(0,3,1)D.a=(0,2,1),n=(-1,0,-1)5.某几何体三视图如图所示,则该几何体的体积为()ππ246.过点P(2,3)且在两坐标轴上截距相等的直线方程为()A.2x-3y=0B.3x-2y=0C.x+y-5=0D.x+y-5=0或3x-2y=07.直线3x+4y=b与圆x2+y2-2x-2y+1=0相切,则b=()A.-2或12B.-2或-12C.2或12D.2或-12⎧⎪x+y-7≤0,8.设x,y满足约束条件⎨x-3y+1≤0,则z=2x-y的最大值为()⎪⎩3x-y-5≥0,A. -12 (x - 2) + y 2= 3 相切,则双曲线的方程为(A. -=1B.-=1C.- y 2 =1D. x- =12 3 2 + z +A.10B.8C.3D.29.抛物线 y = ax 2 的准线方程是 y = 1 ,则 a 的值为( )1 B.C. 4D. -44410. 已知双曲线 x 2 y 2 -a b 2=1(a > 0, b > 0) 的一个焦点为 F (2,0) , 且双曲线的渐近线与圆 2)x 2y 2x 2y 2x 2y 22 9131393311. 已知椭圆 E : x 2 y 2 + a b 2= 1(a > b > 0) 的右 焦点为 F ,短轴的 一个端点为 M ,直 线l : 3x - 4 y = 0 交椭圆 E 于 A , B 两点.若 AF + BF = 4 ,点 M 到直线 l 的距离不小于则椭圆 E 的离心率的取值范围是()4 5,A. (0, 3 2 3 3] B. (0, ] C. [ ,1) D. [ ,1)4 412.已知命题:①若 A 、B 、C 、D 是空间任意四点,则有 AB + BC + CD + DA = 0 ;② b ≠ 0 ,则 a 和b 共线的充要条件是: ∃λ ∈ R , 使a = λb ;③若 a 和b 共线,则 a 与b 所在直线平行;④对空间任意一点 O 与不共线的三点 A 、B 、C ,若 O P =xOA yOB OC(其中 x 、y 、z ∈R ),且 x+y+z=1,则 P 、A 、B 、C 四点共面.则上述命题中正确命题的个数是( )A.1B.2C.3D.4第Ⅱ卷(非选择题,共 90 分)二、填空题(20 分)13.若命题 p : x ∈R ,x 2-1>0,则命题 p 的否定为﹁p :.14.已知 A ,B 是球 O 的球面上两点,且∠AOB =900,C 为该球面上的动点,若三棱锥 O -ABC体积的最大值为 36,则球 O 的表面积为.cos2θsin2θAD的中点,抛物线y2=2px(p>0)经过C,F两点,则=______________.+=1所表示的曲线为焦点在x轴上的椭圆;命题q:15.设a,b是关于t的方程t2cosθ+t sinθ=0的两个不等实数根,则过A(a,a2),B(b,b2)两x2y2点的直线与双曲线-=1的公共点的个数为________.16.如图,正方形ABCD和正方形DEFG的边长分别为a,b(a<b),原点O为ba三、解答题17(10分)如图,60的二面角的棱上有A、B两点,直线AC、BD分别在这个二面角的两个半平面内,且都垂直于AB,已知AB=2,AC=3,BD=4,求CD的长.18(12分)已知命题p:方程x2y24-t t-1实数t满足不等式t2-(a+3)t+a+2<0.⑴若命题p为真,求实数t的取值范围;⑵若p是q的充分不必要条件,求实数a的取值范围.19(12分)已知过点A(0,1)且斜率为k的直线l与圆C:(x-2)2+(y-3)2=1交于M,N 两点.⑴求k的取值范围;⑵若OM⋅O N=12,其中O为坐标原点,求MN.320(12 分)设抛物线 C : y 2 = 4 x ,F 为 C 的焦点,过 F 的直线 L 与 C 相交于 A 、B 两点.(1)设 L 的斜率为 1,求 | AB | 的大小;(2)求证: O A ·OB 是一个定值.21(12 分)如图,四棱锥 P -ABCD 中,底面 ABCD 为矩形,P A ⊥平面 ABCD ,E 为 PD 的 中点.(1)证明:PB ∥平面 AEC ;(2)设二面角 D-AE-C 为 60°,AP =1,AD = 3,求三棱锥 E-ACD 的体积.x 2 y 2 622(12 分)已知椭圆 C :a 2+b 2=1(a >b >0)的离心率为 ,短轴的一个端点到右焦点的距离为 3.(1)求椭圆 C 的方程;(2)设直线 L 与椭圆 C 交于 A 、B 两点,坐标原点 O 到直线 L 的距离为 32 ,求△AOB 面积的最大值.|一选择题题号参考答案1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12答案D A B C B D C B A DA C二填空题13 x 0∈R ,x 02-1≤0,14 144π 15 0 161+ 2三解答题17 解: CD = CA + AB + BD ----------------------------4 分CD 2 = (CA + AB + BD )2= CA 2 + AB 2 + BD 2 + 2(CA ⋅ AB + AB ⋅ BD + BD ⋅ C A )= CA 2 + AB 2 + BD 2 + 2BD ⋅ C A = 9 + 4 + 16 + 2 ⨯ 4 ⨯ 3 ⨯ cos120 = 17∴ CD |= 17所以 CD 的长为 17 .……………………10 分18 解:(1)由 4-t >t -1>0 得∴1 < t <52---------------------------------4 分(2)t 2-(a +3)t +(a +2)<0 的解是 t =1 或 t =a +2当 1<a +2 即 a >-1 时 t 2-(a +3)t +(a +2)<0 的解集是 1<t <a +2P 是 q 的充分不必要条件即 p ⇒ q∴ a +2 >5∴ a > 2当 a +2≤1,即 a ≤-1 时,不满足 p 是 q 的充分不必要条件,12∴ a >19.1 2-------------------------------------------------------------12 分----------------------------------------------------------------------4 分将 y = kx +1 代入方程() +( y - 3) =1 ,所以 x + x = 4(k +1) 1+ k 2 1+ k 21+k 2⎩⎩(2)设 M ( x , y ), N ( x , y ) .1 1222 2整理得 (1+ k 2 ) x 2 -4(k +1)x +7 = 0 ,7, x x = .1 2 1 2 4k (1+k )OM ?ON x x +y y =1+k 2 x x +k x +x +1= +8 ,1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 4k (1+ k )由题设可得 +8=12 ,1+ k 2解得 k =1,所以 l 的方程为 y = x +1 .故圆心在直线 l 上,所以 | MN |=2 .------------------------------------------------------------------------12 分20.解:∵F (1,0),∴直线 L 的方程为 y =x -1, 设 A (x 1,y 1),B (x 2,y 2),⎧⎪y =x -1, 由⎨⎪y 2=4x得 x 2-6x +1=0,⊿>0∴x 1+x 2=6,x 1x 2=1. ∴|AB |=x 1+x 2+p =8.4 分(2)证明:设直线 L 的方程为 x =ky +1,⎧⎪x =ky +1, 由⎨⎪y 2=4x得 y 2-4ky -4=0. ⊿>0→ →∴y 1+y 2=4k ,y 1y 2=-4,OA =(x 1,y 1),OB =(x 2,y 2). → →∵OA · OB =x 1x 2+y 1y 2=(ky 1+1)(ky 2+1)+y 1y 2=k 2y 1y 2+k (y 1+y 2)+1+y 1y 2=-4k 2+4k 2+1-4=-3.→ →∴OA · O B 是一个定值......12 分21.解:(1)证明:连接 BD 交 AC 于点 O ,连接 EO .如图,以A为坐标原点,AB,AD,AP的方向为x轴、y轴、z轴的正方向,|AP|为单位长,建立空间直角坐标系A-xyz,则D(0,3,0),E⎝0,,⎭,AE=⎝0,,⎭.设B(m,0,0)(m>0),则C(m,3,0),AC=(m,3,0).⎧⎪n·A C=0,⎧⎪mx+3y=0,即⎨31⎪⎩n·A E=0,⎪⎩2y+2z=0,可取n1=⎝m,-1,3⎭.23+4m2解得m=.所以三棱锥E-ACD的高为.所以三棱锥E-ACD的体积V=××3××=.........12分因为ABCD为矩形,所以O为BD的中点.又E为PD的中点,所以EO∥PB.因为EO⊂平面AEC,PB⊄平面AEC,所以PB∥平面AEC.........4分(2)因为P A⊥平面ABCD,ABCD为矩形,所以AB,AD,AP两两垂直.→→⎛31⎫→⎛31⎫2222→设n1=(x,y,z)为平面ACE的法向量,→则⎨1→1⎛3⎫又n2=(1,0,0)为平面DAE的法向量,1由题设易知|cos〈n1,n2〉|=2,即31=,32因为E为PD的中点,12113133222822.。
【关键字】高二2016-2017学年安徽省马鞍山市第二中学高二10月月考英语第I卷(选择题)Secret Gardenby Johanna Basford, Scottish illustratorIt is a coloring book for adults. Like a treasure hunt, the book features all kinds of creatures, including songbirds, butterflies and sharks. Since its publication in 2013, it has sold more than 14 million copies in 22 languages worldwide.Fill-Me-Inby Moose Allain, British artistThis book is not just about coloring. It gives you the opportunity to create in your own way and makes your imagination c ome alive. As it’s designed for both young and old, you can get one for yourself or buy it as a gift for your parents.The Mindfulness Colouring Bookby Emma Farrarons, French illustratorIf you want to enjoy a kind of on-the-go-relaxation, this pocket-seized coloring book is a good choice. It was published in January 2015 and has been available in 12 languages. The book is filled with beautiful scenes and complicated patterns. They inspire you to think about your artwork, which helps release anxiety and get rid of stress.The Mandala Coloring Bookby Jim Gogarty, British artistThe mandala is a sacred(神圣的)symbol in Hinduism and Buddhism. It attracts people with its bright patterns and awakens in them a sense of peace. The author began drawing mandalas in 2005 and created this book later. The book features 100 customizable(可定制的)mandala drawings that you can color in.1.Which book is related to human beliefs?A.Secret Garden.B. Fill-Me-In.C.The Mindfulness Colouring Book.D.The Mandala Coloring Book.2.What is the feature of Fill-Me-In?A.It is a book for people of all ages.B.It is designed by a British novelist.C.It can make your life full of imagination.D.It is simply a coloring book.3.What do Secret Garden and The Mindfulness Colouring Book have in common?A.They have been translated into many languages.B.They were published in the same year.C.They teach how to hunt treasure.D.They are the same in size.【答案】1.D2.A3.A【解析】1.细节理解题。
高二下学期开学考试 2013-02第一部分:单项选择题(共15小题,每题1分,满分15分)1. Everyone on the bus______ song as we got closer home.A. broke intoB. broke outC. burst intoD. burst in2. Most of the people _______ to the party were famous scientists.A. invitedB. to inviteC. being invitedD. inviting3. _______ good service, the restaurant offers different kinds of traditional Fujian dishes.A. Far fromB. Apart fromC. Instead ofD. Regardless of4. We have to realize: boys share activities, _________ girls share feelings.A. whileB. whenC. asD. since5._______ for the economic downturn, the unemployment wouldn’t be shrinking sorapidly.A. Had it not beenB. Were it notC. Hadn’t it beenD. Were not it6. He talked of other cultures as if they were more _____ him than his own.A. familiar toB. familiar with B. similar to D. identical with7. We laugh at jokes, but seldom __________ about how they work.A. we thinkB. think weC. we do thinkD. do we think8. I’ll get Bill to _______ me _______ the piano at the school concert tomorrow.A. company; toB. accompany; byC. company; onD.accompany; on9. Don’t call me Mr. William. I would rather you _______ me Ken.A. would callB. callC. calledD. will call10. There ______ quantities of apples in the basket and there was ______ milk in thebucket.A. were; a number ofB. was; quantities ofC. were; a quantity ofD. was; a good many11. — ________ I remind you of is to return the book to our English teacher.— I will give it to him _________ I see him.A. What; the momentB. That; immediatelyC. What; whileD. Whether; once12. There was no doubt ____ it was in the supermarket _____ I lost my wallet yesterday.A. that, thatB. whether, whetherC. that, whetherD. whether, that13. It is reported that a city in Italy intends to ____ women from wearing miniskirts.A. exhibitB. promoteC. prohibitD. convince14. The flowers ________ sweet in the garden look ________ and attract the visitorsto the beauty of nature.A. to smell; beautifullyB. smell; lovelyC. are smelt; beautifulD. smelling; lovely15. —Do you like living here ?— Yes, but I’m still _______ to the new time zone.A. adoptingB. actingC. clarifyingD. adjusting第二部分:完型填空(共20小题,每小题1分,满分20分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
22中高二年级2015-2016学年第一学期开学检测一单项选择(10)1. Nancy was always speaking highly of her role in the play, __, of course ,made the othersunhappy.A. itB. whichC. thatD. this2. Whatever you say about what I did the other day, I meant no harm to you____.A. in a wayB. by the wayC. on the wayD. anyway3. Such insects _____the spider, the butterfly are friends of us humans; they ___harmful ones inlarge numbers every day.A. like, destroyB. as, destroyC. as ,spoilD. for example, ruin4. The boss insisted that he _____the work site before 10 o’clock.A. hadn’t leftB. didn’t leaveC. doesn’t leaveD. wasn’t leaving5. Is this the reason _____at the meeting for his carelessness in his work?A. he explainedB. what he explainedC. why he explainedD. how he explained6. I do hope so because I want you to live ____as I have.A. as a healthy lifeB. as healthily a lifeC. as a healthily lifeD. as healthy a life7. I’m used to ___in the house which ___to keep books and magazines.A. living, usesB. living, was usedC. live ,was usedD. live ,used8. Some of the wolves there ___their fur.A. are huntingB. are hunted forC. are hunting forD. hunt for9. The little girl can _____music.A. dance toB. dance withC. sing forD. sing with10. Why not turn to your uncle for help?A. That I’m too busy.B. I’m terribly sorry.C. It doesn’t work at all.D. That’s a good idea.二完形填空(20)To celebrate the end of our exams, my friends and I went to a fast food restaurant.We 11 hamburgers and Coca Colar at the counter. When our 12 came, I started walking towards an empty table. By bad luck, my purse strap(带子) got 13 on a chair and the tray(托盘) that I was holding slipped 14 my hands and went flying in the air. The tray, and its contents, 15 on a man who was just about to 16 a bite of his sandwich. I stared,greatly 17 , as the drinks soaked(浸湿) his white shirt.Then I 18 my eyes and prepared myself for his burst of 19 . Instead, he said “It’s OK” to 20 me before he disappeared into washroom.Still shy and unsure 21 to do next, my friends and I went to a table and sat there, trying our best to look 22 . A moment later, the man came out of the washroom and 23 our table. My heart almost stopped 24 . I thought he was going to ask for my father’s 25 and call him.To my surprise, he merely smiled at us, handed us some cash and said, “ 26 yourself new hamburgers.” He then walked 27 without even finishing his food.He could have made what was already an uncomfortable situation worse, 28 he chose a different way and gave us a reason to believe that there is still 29 in this world. I’l lnever 30 his actions.11. A. arranged B. made C. ordered D. demanded12. A. bill B. turn C. food D. menu13. A. fixed B. tied C. cut D. caught14. A. by B. in C. from D. out15. A. knocked B. fell C. stood D. hung16. A. taste B. take C. swallow D. chew17. A. discouraged B. disappointed C. shocked D. annoyed18. A. rolled B. rubbed C. narrowed D. closed19. A. bitterness B. anxiety C. anger D. sorrow20. A. satisfy B. encourage C. comfort D. praise21. A. how B. who C. what D. which22. A. mild B. honest C. calm D. modest23. A. pushed B. laid C. drew D. approached24. A. beating B. breaking C. sinking D. trembling25. A. help B. position C. number D. job26. A. Prepare B. Buy C. Find D. Cook27. A. away B. around C. up D. on28. A. so B. since C. although D. but29. A. kindness B. happiness C. politeness D. brightness30. A. oppose B. refuse C. forget D. ignore三阅读理解(40)A.Earthquakes are something that people fear.There are some places that have few or no earthquakes.Most places in the world,however,have them regularly(有规律地).Countries that have a lot of earthquakes are usually quite mountainous(多山的).The most talked about earthquake in the United States was in San Francisco in 1906.Over 700 people died in it.The strongest one in North America was in 1964.It happened in Alaska. Strong earthquakes are not always the ones that kill the most people.In 1755,one of the strongest earthquakes ever recorded was felt in Portugal.Around 2,000 people died.In 1923,a very strong earthquake hit the Tokyo,Yokohama area of Japan.A hundred and forty thousand people died.Most of them died in fires which followed the earthquake.One of the worst earthquakes ever was in China in 2008.It killed a large number of people.The worst earthquake ever reported was also in China,in which 400,000 people were killed or injured.This earthquake happened in 1556.Earthquakes worry people a lot.The reason is that we often do not know when they are coming.People can not prepare for them.31.We can infer from the passage that ________ .A.a large number of earthquakes often happen next to mountains.B.only strong earthquakes kill a large number of people.C.people are not afraid of earthquake.D.earthquakes happen only in a few places along the coast.32. How many people died in the earthquake which happened in Portugal in 1755?A.500B. Around 2,000C.400,000D. 140,00033.When and where was the worst earthquake ever reported?A.1964;Alaska.B.1556;China.C.1923;Japan.D.2008;China.34.According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true?A.Earthquakes often come unexpectedly.B.The stronger the earthquake is, the more people are killed.C.Earthquakes can cause fires.D.People still don’t know how to tell when an earthquake will come.35. What may be talked about in the seventh paragraph?A.How do earthquakes worry people?B.How do earthquakes happen?C.How can we save people when earthquakes happen?D.What will people do to prepare for earthquakes?B.The first English week at our school started on May 4th, 2013. The whole school was filled with an English learning atmosphere. A series of activities was held. There were handwriting activities, story writing, English songs, role playing in English, and so on。
)1、下列列举的几种速度中,指瞬时速度的是A.某同学的百米跑速度是8m/s B.子弹在枪管里的速度是300m/sC.汽车经过路标时的速度是90km/h D.队伍行进速度大约是20km/h2、如图所示是C.D两物体运动的图像,由图可知()A.C.D两物体的运动方向相反B.C.D两物体在前内的位移相同C.物体C的速度比物体D的速度大D.物体C的加速度比物体D的加速度大3、光滑斜面的长度为L,一物体由静止从斜面顶端沿斜面滑下,该物体滑到底部时的速度为v,则物体下滑到处的速度为()A.B.C.D.4、从某高处释放一粒小石子,经过1s从同一地点释放另一小石子,则它们落地之前,两石子之间的距离将()A.保持不变 B.不断变大C.不断减小 D.有时增大有时减小5、如图所示,质量为m的物块,沿着半径为R的半球形金属壳内壁滑下,半球形金属壳竖直固定放置,开口向上,滑到最低点时速度大小为v,若物体与球壳之间的动摩擦因数为μ,则物体在最低点时,下列说法正确的是()A.受到向心力为mg+mv2/R B.受到的摩擦力为μmv2/RC.受到的摩擦力为μmg D.受到的合力方向斜向左上方6、如图所示,质量为50kg的某同学站在升降机中的磅秤上,某一时刻该同学发现磅秤的示数为40kg,则在该时刻升降机可能是以下列哪种方式运动?()A.匀速上升 B.加速上升 C.减速上升 D.减速下降7、如图所示为一皮带传动装置,右轮半径为r,a点在它的边缘上;左轮半径为2r,b点在它的边缘上.若在传动过程中皮带不打滑,则a点与b点的向心加速度大小之比()A.a a:a b=4:1 B.a a:a b=1:4C.a a:a b=2:1 D.a a:a b=1:28、物体从静止不动的粗糙斜面上加速下滑的过程,下列说法正确的是()A.重力和斜面对物体的支持力都做了正功 B.物体的机械能守恒C.物体的机械能减少了 D.重力势能减少了,因为重力做了负功9、两个相同的金属小球(均可看做点电荷),原来所带的电荷量分别为+5q和﹣q,相互间的库仑力大小为F.现将它们相接触,再分别放回原处,则两金属小球间的库仑力大小变为()A.B.FC.D.10、如图所示各图象中不表示交变电流的是()A.B.C.D.11.(每空2分,共12分)(1)如图所示,小明用与水平方向成30°角的力F拉小车,图中已作出拉力F的图示。
2016年安徽省普通高二学业水平模拟测试数 学一、选择题:本大题共18小题,每小题3分,共54分.1.已知全集{}1,2,3,4,5U =, 集合{}1,3,5,A =则C U A = ( )(A ){}2,4(B ){}1,3,5(C ) {}1,2,3,4,5(D )∅2、 cos 210等于 ( )A.23 B. 23-C.21D.21-3. 函数lg(1)y x =-的定义域为 ( )A.),1[+∞B.)1,0(C.[]1,0D.),1(+∞ 4. 已知平面向量),3(,)2,1(x b a -==,若 a b ,则x 等于( )A.2B.3-C.6D.6-5. 如图1所示的算法流程图中, 若输入的x 值为3-, 则输出的y 值是( ) A .81 B .21C .2D .86、已知等比数列{}n a 的公比是2,13=a ,则5a 的值是( ) A .161 B .41C .4D .16 7. 已知直线12:0,:2230l x y l x y +=++=,则直线21l l 与的位置关系是( )A.垂直B. 平行C. 重合D.相交但不垂直 8. 函数)62sin(π-=x y 的最小正周期是( )A .4π B .2πC .πD .π29. 不等式3260x y +-≤表示的区域是( ).10、某高中共有900人,其中高一年级300人,高二年级200人,高三年级400人,现采用分层抽样抽取容量为45的样本,那么高一、高二、高三各年级抽取的人数分别为( ) A.15,5,25 B.15,15,15 C.10,5,30 D15,10,2011. 右图是一名篮球运动员在五场比赛中所得分数的茎叶图,则该运动员在这五场比赛中得分的中位数为( )A. 10B.11C. 12D. 112.在△ABC 中,若)())((c b b c a c a +=-+,则A ∠= ( )(A )090 (B )060 (C )0120 (D )0150 13、函数x x x f -=lg )(零点的个数为 ( ) (A )无穷多 (B )3 (C )1 (D )014.已知点),(y x 在直线3x y +=上移动,则22xy+的最小值是( ) A . 8 B . 6 C . 32 D . 42 15.已知向量a 与b 的夹角为120°,13||,3||=+=b a a ,则||b 等于( )(A)5(B)3(C)4(D)116.从3件正品,2件次品中随机抽取出两件,则恰好是1件正品,1件次品的概率是( ) A.3/5 B.1/5 C.2/5 D.2/3 17、直线x -y +3=0被圆(x +2)2+(y -2)2=2截得的弦长等于 ( )A .26 B .3 C .23D .618、已知菱形ABCD 的边长为2,∠BAD=120°,点E,F 分别在边BC,DC 上,BE=λBC,DF=μDC.若·=1,·=-,则λ+μ=( )A. B. C. D.二、填空题(本大题共4小题,每小题4分,满分16分,把答案填在题中的横线上.)3223332219、 数列{}n a 满足*111,23()n n a a a n N +==+∈ ,则=4a 20、不等式220x x -<的解集是21、下图是样本容量为200的频率分布直方图。
1. Why does the woman refuse the man?A. She has to prepare for the final exam.B. She is also poor at maths.C. She has no free time.2. What are the two speakers most probably talking about?A. How to use a camera.B. How to draw a picture.C. How to use a gun.3. What does the man mean?A. He is a poor dancer.B. He doesn’t feel like dancing.C. He accepts the invitation.4. How much will the man pay for the tie?A.₤20.B.₤30.C.₤35.5. What probably is the woman?A. A waitress.B. A secretary.C. A saleswoman.第二节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7. 5分)听下面5段对话或独白,每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。
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2016年安徽省普通高二学业水平模拟测试英语试卷第一部分听力(共三大题,满分20分)一.关键词语选择(每个句子读两遍5分)1. A. beneath B. relief C. strength2. A. reward B. consult C. aboard3. A. devote B. predict C. harvest4. A. lawyer B. desire C. favour5. A. give up B. pull up C. turn up二.短对话理解(每段对话读两遍5分)6. How much longer will the woman wait for the bus at most from now on?A. 45 minutesB. 30 minutesC. 15 minutes7. What will they do first?A. Search for a penB. Fix the bookshelfC. Paint the bookshelf8. W hat do we know from the conversation?A. The man lost his keys.B. The man didn’t want to enter th e room.C. The man couldn’t open the door.9. What is the man doing?A. Waiting for a man B .Calling a taxi C. Driving a taxi.10. What does the woman suggest the man take?A. A sweater and boots.B. A sweater and medicinesC.A raincoat and a sweater三.长对话和独白理解(每段对话或读白读两遍10分)听下面一段对话,回答第11至13 小题。
11. What are the speakers doing during the conversation?A. Taking the lift upstairs.B. Carrying a box upstairs.C. Taking an interview.12. When does the woman get to her office?A. At 3:30 p.m.B. At 3:45 p. mC. 4.15 p. m13. What is the woman?A. A salespersonB. A director.C. Taking an interview.听下面一段对话,回答第14至16 小题。
14. What is Mr. Carson doing when Mr. Prince calls him?A. Attending a meeting.B. Having a talk with his customer.C. Having lunch with his friends.15. What’s Mr. Prince’s telephone number?A. 68621427 extension (电话分机) 4063.B. 68262714 extension 4306.C. 68261427 extension 4036.16. When can Mr. Carson ring Mr. Prince according to the woman?A. In the morningB. After lunch.C. It is not mentioned.听下面一段独白,回答第17至20小题.17. What does Richard L. Yang do most probably?A. A hotel manager.B. An expert.C. A reporter.18. What will Dr. Xi do at the conference?A. Discuss the progress in some cities.B. Consider an air quality plan.C. Review American accomplishments.19. How long will the lunch break last?A. 60 minutesB. 75 minutes.C. 90 minutes.20. Where can people smoke?A. In the workshop room.B. In the meeting-room.C. In the Oak Room.第二部分阅读理解(共一大题,满分40分)四.阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)The Origin of ChristmasSince about 400 AD, Christmas day has been celebrated on 25th December. This date was the old mid-winter f estival in pre-Christian times, around the time of the longest night and the shortest day. Christmas in the 21st century has many traditions: Christmas presents, trees, cards, etc.Presents and sh oppingShops can make about 60 per cent of their year’s income in the three months before Christmas. So most shops get ready for it in October. The shopping centres are beautifully decorated and stay open late at night. The first time this happened was in 1867 when Macy’s, a famous shop in new York, stayed open until midnight on Christmas Eve (24th December).TreesBy mid-December, almost every house, shop and street has a Christmas tree. This tradition was started by the Germans as early as 700 AD. In the northern countries of the world, winter is cold and dark and most trees lose their leaves. The beautiful green trees decorated with lights and coloured glass balls give peoplehope that spring will come again.CardsThe tradition of sending cards to friends was started in 1840 in the UK and now millions of Christmas cards and emails are sent all round the world. Cards are a good way of keeping in touch with family and friends who live far away. Father ChristmasFather Christmas is known across the world with his white hair, red coat and big bags of toys. Young children are told that he lives in the north of Finland and makes toys for them. By tradition, he brings the toys to children at midnight, on the night before Christmas.FoodOn Christmas day a traditional meal is eaten, usually turkey and a rich, spicy cake. Some people hate Christmas. Others feel it is a magical and exciting time. They love seeing family and friends; they also love the traditions. Love it or hate it, Christmas is a time to look back over the old year — and forward to the new one.21. The best title of this passage is probably _____.A. Christmas TraditionsB. Christmas HistoriesC. Original ChristmasD. Colorful Christmas22. Christmas is important for shops because _____.A. they are beautifully decorated and stay open late at nightB. much of their income is made around Christmas timeC. almost every house, shop and street has a Christmas treeD. Christmas day has been celebrated o n 25th December23. The benefit of sending cards is _____.A. to keep in touch with family and friendsB. to introduce friends and family far awayC. to express one’s friendship and happinessD. to send greeting emails to friends and family24. We know from the passage that Father Christmas is _____.A. a real person who lives in FinlandB. a character in a film on ChristmasC. a magical story for small childrenD. a popular father across the world25. According to the last paragraph, Christmas is _____.A. a magical and exciting time for all peopleB. a special t ime to have a traditional partyC. a rich, spicy cake shared by family and friendsD. loved by some people and hated by othersB.On the River Thames there are a number of boat races every year and these have become very popular with the public. Perhaps the best – known of these races is the University Boat Race. This takes place just before Easter(复活节)every year and is a competition between teams from the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge. They row from Putney to Mertlake, a distance of about four and a quarter miles. This race has been taking place almost every year since 1829.26.The best – known of these races is __________.A.the Boat Race of the University of Oxford.B. the Boat Race of the University of CambridgeC. the Boat Race of the Olympic GamesD. the University Boat Race27. Generally, the Boat Race takes place _________.A. once a yearB. twice a yearC. every three yearsD. every other year28.The distance of the competition is about ________ miles.A. 4B. 5C. 6D. 729.The race has been taking place for _________.A. one hundred yearsB. more than a century and a halfC. a century and a halfD. two centuries30. The words “Putney” and “Mertlake” are _________.A. names of placesB. names of teamsC. names of boat racesD. names of universitiesCOne day, a farmer was walking along a road with his son Thomas. The father said, "Look! There's ahorseshoe. Pick it up and put it in your bag." Thomas said, "It isn't worth the trouble." His father said nothing but he picked it up himself. When they got to a nearby town, they had a rest. There the farmer sold thehorseshoe and with the few pennies he bought some cherries (樱桃).The father and the son continued their way. The sun was well up in the sky, and there wasn't a house oreven a tree where they could have a rest. Thomas felt too thirsty to walk on. At this time, his father dropped a cherry on the ground and Thomas picked it up quickly and ate it. After a while, his father dropped another cherry and once again, his son lost on time in picking it up and putting it in his mouth.And so they went on. The old farmer dropped the cherries and the son picked them up. When Thomas had eaten up all the cherries, his father said to him, "My dear son, if you had bent (弯腰) down early to pick up that horseshoe, it would not have been necessary for you to bend so many times for the cherries. Always remember the lesson that he who does not worry about the little things will find that he cannot do the great things."31. Who picked up the horseshoe at last?A. The sonB. The fatherC. Both the father and the sonD. Neither the father nor the son32. The farmer bought _____ with the money after he sold the horseshoe.A. some breadB. some waterC. some cherriesD. some pennies33. When the son refused to pick up the horseshoe, the father _____.A. beat the sonB. said nothingC. felt very happyD. became very angry34. The father dropped the cherries one by one, because _____.A. he wanted to teach his son a lessonB. he wanted his son to do more exerciseC. he wanted his son to eat them allD. he wanted to laugh at his son35. From the story, we can learn that _____.A. cherries are so delicious that most of us like to eat themB. a horseshoe is so expensive that it can bring us a lot of moneyC. if we want to eat cherries, we must pick up a horseshoeD. if we don’t worry about the little things, we cannot do the great thingsDMany of us don’t pay attention to the importance of eye care. It’s said that if you take care of your body, then you can be healthy. That is why our eyes should be given a lot of care. Natural eye care should be put in a number one place. There are several causes leading to poor eyesight like not enough food, gene(基因) and aging(年龄增长). Televisions, computers and reading are also the causes of having poor eyesight.If you happen to w ork in front of the computer, it is best to take a rest every once in a while. Something dirty can cause redness and they will make you feel uncomfortable. It is bad for your eyes, too. If this happens, the best way is to clean your eyes by using cold water. You must also try your best to protect your eyes from harmful thing. For example, sunglasses are not just fashion but they can als o serve as a great way to protect your eyesight from UV rays.Eating healthy foods will do good to your eyesight. Remember that vitamins(维生素) A、C and E are good for eyes. Try to eat food groups that have these vitamins. And you should do eye exercises because exercise protects your eyesight, too. If a person exercises regularly(规律地) and eats the right kind of food, his eyes will stay in good condition for a long time.All above are natural ways of eye care that help us keep healthy eyes. Being happy all the time can be helpful to a person’s eyesight, too. In a word, eye care is very important, no matter how old a person is.36. __________ is the most important way to protect our eyes.A. Natural eye careB. Taking medicineC. Seeing the doctorD. Being happy all the time37. All the following causes can lead to bad eyesight except _________.A. ageB. heightC. readingD. computer38. What should you do if you have to work in front of the computer?A. Eat healthy foods.B. Clean the eyes by using cold water.C. Wear a pair of sunglasses.D. Have a rest after working for a while.39. What do t he under words “UV rays” mean?A. 沙土B. 闪电C. 紫外线 D. 超声波40. Which is the best title of the passage?A. Ways of Eye CareB. Ways of Eye ExercisesC. Way of Being be HappyD. Way of Being Healthy第三部分英语知识运用(共两大题,满分20分)五. 完形填空。