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最新-刘亚平 专业英语 toward a new public administration-精选文档-PPT文档资料
Toward a New Public Administration
George Frederickson
Present the author’s interpretation as it emerged at the Minnowbrook Conference on New Public Administration. Describe how this interpretation and synthesis of new Public Administration relates to the wider world of administrative thought and practice. Interpret what new Public Administration means for organization theory and vice versa.
A fundamental commitment to social equity means that new Public Administration is anxiously engaged in change. Simply put, new Public Administration seeks to change those policies and structures that systematically inhabit social equity. This is not seeking change for change’s sake, but seeking the changes which would enhance its objectives—good management, efficiency, economy, and social equity.

刘亚平 专业英语 刘亚平 专业英语(第十周)bureaucratic structure and personality

刘亚平 专业英语 刘亚平 专业英语(第十周)bureaucratic structure and personality
Bureaucratic Structure and Personality
Rohe Structure of Bureaucracy The Dysfunctions of Bureaucracy Structural Sources of Overconformity Primary versus Secondary Relations Problems for Research
• Formality is manifested by means of a more or less complicated social ritual which symbolizes and supports the pecking order of the various offices. Such formality, which is integrated with the distribution of authority within the system, serves to minimize friction by largely restricting official contact to modes which are previously defined by the rules of the organization. Ready calculability of others’ behavior and a stable set of mutual expectations is thus built up. • Moreover, formality facilitates the interaction of the occupants of offices despite their private attitudes toward one another.

刘亚平 专业英语 the study of administration

刘亚平 专业英语 the study of administration
• It is this even more reasonable preference which impels us to discover what there may be to hinder or delay us in naturalizing this much-to-be-desired science of administration.
What is there to prevent us from entering it?
• The field of administration is a field of business. It is removed from the hurry and strife of politics. It is a part of political life only as the methods of the counting-house are a part of the life of society; only as machinery is part of the manufactured product. But it is, at the same time, raised very far above the dull level of mere technical detail by the fact that through its greater principles it is directly connected with the lasting maxims of political wisdom, the permanent truths of political progress.
• Why until now? • Political writers care only about the constitution

刘亚平 专业英语 public administration theory and separation of powers

刘亚平 专业英语 public administration theory and separation of powers

View of individual
View the individual as part of an aggregate group.
Identifies the individuals interests as being similar or identical to those of others considered to be within the same group or category.
Clients: at the intake level of the bureaucracy, individual personalities are converted into cases. Only if a person can qualify as a case, is he or she allowed treatment by the bureaucracy.
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Origins and values
Origins 1. administrative law 2. judicialization of pa 3. constitutional law
1. administrative law
It tells public administrator what the legislature expects him to accomplish, fixes limits to his authority, and sets forth the substantive and procedural rights of the individual and group
2. judicialization of pa
Brings not only law but legal procedures as well to bear upon administrative decision making.

刘亚平 专业英语 the study of administration21页PPT

刘亚平 专业英语 the study of administration21页PPT
constitution than to frame one.
• In brief, if difficulties of governmental action are to be seen gathering in other centuries, they are to be seen culminating in our own.
• 1. To take some account of what others have done in the same line; that is to say, of the history of the study.
• 2. To ascertain just what is its subject matter.
• Why until now? • Political writers care only about the constitution
of government. • Why? • In early tstion was:
who shall possess power? • In our time, it is getting to be harder to run a
• Where has this science grown up?
• Europe. It has been developed by French and German professors. Not including England.
• Why first in Europe?
– In Europe, just becaue government was independent of popular assent, there was more governing to be done; and second, that the desire to keep government a monopoly made the monopolists interested in discovering the least irritating means of governing.

刘亚平 专业英语 刘亚平 专业英语ower and administration

刘亚平 专业英语 刘亚平 专业英语ower and administration

• It is clear that the American system of politics does not generate enough power at any focal point of leadership to provide the conditions for an even partially successful divorce of politics from administration. Subordinates cannot depend on the formal chain of command to deliver enough political power to permit them to do their jobs. Accordingly they must supplement the resources available through the hieraver, its political meaning must be explored by the diverse leaders in the executive and legislative branches. Since the parties have failed to discuss issues, mobilize majorities in their terms, and create a working political consensus on measures to be carried out, the task is left for others– most prominently the agencies concerned. The agencies to which tasks are assigned must devote themselves to the creation of an adequate consensus to permit administration. the mandate that the parties do not supply must be attained through public relations and the mobilization of group support.

刘亚平 专业英语 public administration theory and separation of powers

刘亚平 专业英语 public administration theory and separation of powers

Organizational structure
The managerial approach to pa promotes organization essentially along the lines of Max Weber’s ideal-type bureaucracy. It stresses the important of functional specialization for efficiency.
The political approach developed from an analysis of an approach empirical reality.
Origins and values(cont’)
Values: the doctrine of the separation of power was adopted by the connection of 1787, not to promote efficiency but to preclude the exercise of arbitrary power. The purpose was, not to avoid friction, but, by means of the inevitable friction incident to the distribution of governmental powers among 3 departments, to save the people from autocracy.
What civil service reform demanded was that the business part of the government shall be carried on in a sound business like manner.

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The Study of Administration
Woodrow Wilson
• President of Princeton University
• President of United States
Key Point
• We need to study administration. • Administration is the most obvious part of
– They made themselves too efficient to be dispensed with, too smoothly operative to be noticed, too enlightened to be inconsiderately questioned, too benevolent to be suspected, too powerful to be coped with.
constitution than to frame one.
why administration is needed now?
• In brief, if difficulties of governmental action are to be seen gathering in other centuries, they are to be seen culminating in our own.
• It is this even more reasonable preference which impels us to discover what there may be to hinder or delay us in naturalizing this much-to-be-desired science of administration.

刘亚平 专业英语 刘亚平 专业英语bureaucratic structure and personality

刘亚平 专业英语 刘亚平 专业英语bureaucratic structure and personality

• A formal rationally organized social structure involves clearly defined patterns of activity in which, ideally, every series of actions is functionally related to the purposes of the organization.
• Formality is manifested by means of a more or less complicated social ritual which symbolizes and supports the pecking order of the various offices. Such formality, which is integrated with the distribution of authority within the system, serves to minimize friction by largely restricting official contact to modes which are previously defined by the rules of the organization. Ready calculability of others’ behavior and a stable set of mutual expectations is thus built up.
• Each of these offices contains an area of imputed competence and responsibility.
• Authority, the power of control which derives from an acknowledged status, inheres in the office and not in the particular person who performs the official tic offices involve the expectation of life-long tenure, in the absence of disturbing factors which may decrease the size of the organization. bureaucracy maximizes vocational security. The function of security of tenure, pensions, incremental salaries and regularized procedures for promotion is to ensure the devoted performance of official duties, without regard for extraneous pressures. The chief merit of bureaucracy is its technical efficiency, with a premium placed on precision, speed, expert control, continuity, discretion, and optimal returns on input. The structure is one which approaches the complete elimination of personalized relationships and nonrational considerations.

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刘亚平 专业英语 刘亚平 专业英语bureaucratic structure and personality
• More and more people discover that to work, they must be employed. For to work, they must have tools and equipment. And the tools and equipment are increasingly available only in bureaucracies, private or public. Consequently, one must be employed by the bureaucracies in order to have access to tools in order to work in order to live. It is in this sense that bureaucratization entails separation of individuals from the instruments of production.
• Official action ordinarily occurs within the framework of preexisting rules of the organization.
• The system of prescribed relations between the various offices involves a considerable degree of formality and clearly defined social distance between the occupants of these positions.
• A formal rationally organized social structure involves clearly defined patterns of activity in which, ideally, every series of actions is functionally related to the purposes of the organization.

刘亚平 专业英语 toward a new public administration

刘亚平 专业英语 toward a new public administration

Classic Public Administration emphasizes developing and strengthening institutions which have been designed to deal with social problems. The Public Administration focus, however, has tended to drift from the problem to the institution.
A fundamental commitment to social equity means that new Public Administration attempts to come to grips with Dwight Waldo’s contention that the field has never satisfactorily accommodated the theoretical implications of involvement in “politics” and policy-making.
New Public Administration seeks not only to carry out legislative mandates as efficiently and economically as possible, but to both influence and execute policies which more generally improve the quality of life for all.
Toward a New Public Administration
George Frederickson

刘亚平 专业英语 public administration theory and separation of powers

刘亚平 专业英语 public administration theory and separation of powers

2. judicialization of pa
Brings not only law but legal procedures as well to bear upon administrative decision making.
3. constitutional law
There was a vast expansion in the requirement that public administrators afford constitutional procedural due process to the individuals upon whom they specifically acted.
The political approach to PA
Origins and values Organizational structure View of individual
Origins and values
Origins: Pa is ultimately a problem in political theory: the fundamental problem in a democracy is responsibility to popular control; the responபைடு நூலகம்ibility and responsiveness of the administrative agencies and the bureaucracies to the elected officials is of central importance in a government based increasingly on the exercise of discretionary power by the agencies of administration.
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– One reason people are shouting so loudly today is that it’s far from where they are to where the power is. Power should be brought closer to them rather than exercised from remote centers.
– Rationalizing, enlarging and strengthening the executive-office staffs of the heads of governmental units at all levels; building up the staffs of the administrators who report directly to the heads.
– The pluralistic nature of the political system provides abundant opportunities for vetoes by opponents of change.
– The scale of organization in our society has grown so large that only through large-scale organization does it seem possible to have a significant impact.
– War on poverty: run by the poor, not merely for the poor
– Education – Public housing, hospitals, police – Not confined to public agencies, it reached into
Current Dissatisfaction
• America is not wanting in arrangements for representation.
• Why is there dissatisfaction with these arrangements?
– Fundamentally because substantial (though minority) segments of the population apparently believe the political, economic, and social systems have not delivered to them fair shares of the system’s benefits and rewards and because they think they cannot win their appropriate shares in those benefits and rewards through the political institutions around the country as these are now constituted.
More Representative Administrative Agencies
• One type of proposal for making administrative agencies more representative is traditional in character: situating spokesmen for the interests affected in strategic positions within the organizations.
• Just as the adaptation of governmental design during the past century has gravitated toward furnishing expertise and leadership, so it is now under pressure from several quarters to accord a greater role to representativeness.
• Only a specialized fulltime official, wise in the ways of bureaucracy, having a vested interest in correcting its errors, and supported by adequate staff and authority
• Three characteristics of the system contribute heavily to this impression on the part of the deprived:
– Existing representative organs are capable of giving only quite general mandates to administrative agencies, yet it is in the day-to-day decisions and actions of officials and employees in the lower levels that individual citizens perceive the policies.
More Representative Administrative
• More unorthodox, but swiftly gaining acceptance, is the concept of a centralized governmental complaint bureau, clothed with legal powers of investigation, to look into citizen complaints against administrative agencies and to correct inequities and abuses.
– Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental Relations: Authorizing counties and large cities to establish, and at their discretion to abolish, neighborhood subunits endowed with limited powers of taxation and local self-government.
– New modes of representation to keep pace with new economic, social and political development
– Burgeoning of large-scale organizations in every era of life
• It takes a bureaucrat to control a bureaucrat.
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More Representative Administrative
• The most sweeping expression of the unrest over lack of representativeness is the growing demand for extreme administrative decentralization, frequently coupled with insistence on local clientele domination of the decentralized organizations.
• Recent years have witnessed an upsurge of a sense of alienation on the part of many people, to a feeling that they as individuals can not effectively register their own preferences on the decisions emanating from the organs of government.
colleges and universities
• But it is government sphere that the tendency has been winning widest endorsement.
– American Political Science Association :Discover viable smaller units within which citizens can from time to time formulate and express their desires, consult with officials, and in some cases participate even more fully in decisions.
• Chief Executive are increasingly concerned about the unresponsiveness of agencies to their leadership.
• New waves of administrative reorganization proposals.
• Reformers of earlier generations succeeded in raising the level expertise and professionalism in the bureaucracies, and to a lesser extent, in improving capacity of chief executives to control the administrative arms of government.