
【答案】一、chén shān lūo pái huái zhē wǎn zhēng róng líng lì二、略三、1.比喻2.拟人3.反问4.排比5.设问四、散文朱自清匆匆时间流逝的踪迹《春》《背影》等第二课时一、照样子,写词语。
课时作业8:1.2.1 原子核外电子的排布

第1课时原子核外电子的排布1.某元素的原子核外有3个电子层,最外层有4个电子,该原子核内的质子数为()A.14 B.15C.16 D.172.原子核外的M电子层和L电子层最多容纳的电子数的关系是()A.大于B.小于C.等于D.不能确定3.X原子L层上的电子数等于次外层上的电子数、电子层数,X是元素。
4.根据中学化学教材所附元素周期表判断,下列叙述不正确的是()A.K层电子数为奇数的所有元素所在族的序数与该元素原子的K层电子数相等B.L层电子数为奇数的所有元素所在族的序数与该元素原子的L层电子数相等C.L层电子数为偶数的所有元素所在族的序数与该元素原子的L层电子数相等D.M层电子数为奇数的所有元素所在族的序数与该元素原子的M层电子数相等5.若a A n+与b B2-两种离子的核外电子层结构相同,则a的数值为()A.b+n+2B.b+n-2C.b-n-2D.b-n+26.某元素的核电荷数是电子层数的5倍,其质子数是最外层电子数的3倍,该元素的原子结构示意图为7.在离子化合物AB中,A离子和B离子的电子层结构相同,从原子的最外层电子数看A 比B少4,而次外层电子数A比B多6,则AB是()A.MgS B.KCl C.MgO D.CaO8.ⅡA、ⅡA主族金属元素的原子失去电子后,生成的阳离子的电子层结构( )A.与它同周期稀有气体元素原子的电子层结构相同B.与它上一周期稀有气体元素原子的电子层结构相同C.与它下一周期稀有气体元素原子的电子层结构相同D.以上说法都不全面9.核外电子层结构相同的一组粒子是()A.Mg2+、Al3+、Cl―、NeB.Na+、F―、S2―、ArC.K+、Ca2+、S2―、ArD.Mg2+、Na+、Cl―、S2―10.短周期中,原子的最外层电子数是次外层电子数2倍的是,3倍的是,4倍的是,1/2倍的是,1/4倍的是;原子最外层电子数等于次外层电子数的有;原子各电子层都满足2n2的有。
课时分层作业八) 充分条件与必要条件_1

课时分层作业(八) 充分条件与必要条件(建议用时:40分钟)一、选择题1.下面四个条件中,使a>b成立的充分不必要的条件是( )A.a>b B.a>b-1C.a>b+1 D.a2>b2C [a>b+1>b,反之不成立,所以选C.]2.a<0,b<0的一个必要条件为( )A.a+b<0 B.a-b>0C.>1 D.<-1A [a+b<0a<0,b<0,而a<0,b<0⇒a+b<0.故选A.] 3.设a,b∈R,则“a+b>4”是“a>2且b>2”的( )A.充分条件B.必要条件C.充分必要条件D.既不充分也不必要条件B [若a>2,b>2,则a+b>4,但当a=4, b=1时也有a+b>4,故选B.]4.下列命题中q是p的必要条件的是( )A.p:A∩B=A,q:A⊆BB.p:x2-2x-3=0,q:x=-1C.p:|x|<1,q:x<0D.p:x2>2,q:x>2A [由A∩B=A能得出A⊆B,其余选项都不符合要求.故选A.]5.设x∈R,则“x>”是“x<-1或x>”的( )A.充分不必要条件B.必要不充分条件C.充分必要条件D.既不充分也不必要条件A [“x>”是“x<-1或x>”的充分不必要条件.故选A.]二、填空题6.设a∈R,则“a<1”是“a2<1”成立的________条件.(填“充分”或“必要”)必要[由“a<1”推不出“a2<1”,而由“a2<1”能推出“a<1”,故“a<1”是“a2<1”成立的必要条件.]7.设集合M={x|0<x≤3},N={x|0<x≤2},那么“a∈M”是“a∈N”的________条件.(填“充分”或“必要”)必要[因为N M,所以“a∈M”是“a∈N”的必要条件.]8.已知条件p:1-x<0,条件q:x>a,若p是 q的充分条件,则a的取值范围是________.(-∞,1] [p:x>1,若p是q的充分条件,则p⊆q,即p对应集合是q对应集合的子集,故a≤1.]三、解答题9.指出下列各组命题中,p是q的什么条件.(1)p:a=3,q:(a+2)(a-3)=0;(2)p:a<b,q:<1.[解] (1)若a=3,则(a+2)(a-3)=0,但(a+2)(a-3)=0不一定a=3,所以p是q的充分条件但不是必要条件;(2)若a<b<0,则推不出<1,反之若<1,当b<0时,也推不出a<b,所以p既不是q的充分条件,也不是必要条件.10.已知命题p:实数x满足-a<x<3a(其中a>0),命题q:实数x满足1<x<4.(1)若a=1,且p与q都为真命题,求实数x的取值范围;(2)若p是q的必要不充分条件,求实数a的取值范围.[解] 记命题p:x∈A,命题q:x∈B,(1)当a=1时,A={x|-1<x<3},B={x|1<x<4},∵p与q均为真命题,则x∈A∩B,∴x的取值范围是(1,3).(2)A={x|-a<x<3a},B={x|1<x<4},∵p是q的必要不充分条件,∴集合B⊆A,∴解得a≥,综上所述,a的取值范围是.11.设x,y是两个实数,命题:“x,y中至少有一个数大于1”成立的充分不必要条件是( )A.x+y=2 B.x+y>2C.x2+y2>2 D.xy>1B [对于选项A,当x=1,y=1时,满足x+y=2,但命题不成立;对于选项C,D,当x=-2,y=-3时,满足x2+y2>2,xy>1,但命题不成立,也不符合题意.故选B.]12.命题“∀x∈[1,2],x2-a≤0”为真命题的一个充分不必要条件是( )A.a≥4B.a≤4C.a≥5D.a≤5C [命题“∀x∈[1,2],x2-a≤0”为真命题的充要条件是a≥4,故其充分不必要条件是集合[4,+∞)的非空真子集,正确选项为C.]13.命题p:x>a,命题q:-2<x≤1,若p是q的必要而不充分条件,则实数a的最大值是________.-2 [命题p:x>a,命题q:-2<x≤1,若p是q的必要而不充分条件,则实数a的取值范围是a≤-2.故a的最大值是-2.]14.已知命题p:1-c<x<1+c(c>0),命题q:x>7或x<-1,并且p是q的既不充分又不必要条件,则c的取值范围是________.(0,+∞)[命题p对应的集合A={x|1-c<x<1+c,c>0},同理,命题q对应的集合B={x|x>7或x<-1}.因为p是q 的既不充分又不必要条件,所以A∩B=或A不是B的子集且B不是A的子集,所以①或②解①得c≤2,解②得c≥-2.又c>0,综上得c>0.]15.判断下列各题中的条件p是结论q的什么条件.(1)条件p:a,b∈R,a+b>0,结论q:ab>0;(2)条件p:A B,结论q:A∪B=B.[解] (1)因为a,b∈R,a+b>0,所以a,b至少有一个大于0,所以p q.反之,若ab>0,可推出a,b同号.但推不出a+b>0,即q p.综上所述,p既不是q的充分条件,也不是必要条件.(2)因为A B⇒A∪B=B,所以p⇒q.而当A∪B=B时,A⊆B,即q p,所以p为q的充分不必要条件.课时分层作业(八) 充分条件与必要条件(建议用时:40分钟)一、选择题1.下面四个条件中,使a>b成立的充分不必要的条件是( )A.a>b B.a>b-1C.a>b+1 D.a2>b2C [a>b+1>b,反之不成立,所以选C.]2.a<0,b<0的一个必要条件为( )A.a+b<0 B.a-b>0C.>1 D.<-1A [a+b<0a<0,b<0,而a<0,b<0⇒a+b<0.故选A.]3.设a,b∈R,则“a+b>4”是“a>2且b>2”的( )A.充分条件B.必要条件C.充分必要条件D.既不充分也不必要条件B [若a>2,b>2,则a+b>4,但当a=4, b=1时也有a+b>4,故选B.]4.下列命题中q是p的必要条件的是( )A.p:A∩B=A,q:A⊆BB.p:x2-2x-3=0,q:x=-1C.p:|x|<1,q:x<0D.p:x2>2,q:x>2A [由A∩B=A能得出A⊆B,其余选项都不符合要求.故选A.]5.设x∈R,则“x>”是“x<-1或x>”的( )A.充分不必要条件B.必要不充分条件C.充分必要条件D.既不充分也不必要条件A [“x>”是“x<-1或x>”的充分不必要条件.故选A.]二、填空题6.设a∈R,则“a<1”是“a2<1”成立的________条件.(填“充分”或“必要”)必要[由“a<1”推不出“a2<1”,而由“a2<1”能推出“a<1”,故“a<1”是“a2<1”成立的必要条件.] 7.设集合M={x|0<x≤3},N={x|0<x≤2},那么“a∈M”是“a∈N”的________条件.(填“充分”或“必要”)必要[因为N M,所以“a∈M”是“a∈N”的必要条件.]8.已知条件p:1-x<0,条件q:x>a,若p是 q的充分条件,则a的取值范围是________.(-∞,1] [p:x>1,若p是q的充分条件,则p⊆q,即p对应集合是q对应集合的子集,故a≤1.]三、解答题9.指出下列各组命题中,p是q的什么条件.(1)p:a=3,q:(a+2)(a-3)=0;(2)p:a<b,q:<1.[解] (1)若a=3,则(a+2)(a-3)=0,但(a+2)(a-3)=0不一定a=3,所以p是q的充分条件但不是必要条件;(2)若a<b<0,则推不出<1,反之若<1,当b<0时,也推不出a<b,所以p既不是q的充分条件,也不是必要条件.10.已知命题p:实数x满足-a<x<3a(其中a>0),命题q:实数x满足1<x<4.(1)若a=1,且p与q都为真命题,求实数x的取值范围;(2)若p是q的必要不充分条件,求实数a的取值范围.[解] 记命题p:x∈A,命题q:x∈B,(1)当a=1时,A={x|-1<x<3},B={x|1<x<4},∵p与q均为真命题,则x∈A∩B,∴x的取值范围是(1,3).(2)A={x|-a<x<3a},B={x|1<x<4},∵p是q的必要不充分条件,∴集合B⊆A,∴解得a≥,综上所述,a的取值范围是.11.设x,y是两个实数,命题:“x,y中至少有一个数大于1”成立的充分不必要条件是( ) A.x+y=2 B.x+y>2C.x2+y2>2 D.xy>1B [对于选项A,当x=1,y=1时,满足x+y=2,但命题不成立;对于选项C,D,当x=-2,y=-3时,满足x2+y2>2,xy>1,但命题不成立,也不符合题意.故选B.]12.命题“∀x∈[1,2],x2-a≤0”为真命题的一个充分不必要条件是( )A.a≥4B.a≤4C.a≥5D.a≤5C [命题“∀x∈[1,2],x2-a≤0”为真命题的充要条件是a≥4,故其充分不必要条件是集合[4,+∞)的非空真子集,正确选项为C.]13.命题p:x>a,命题q:-2<x≤1,若p是q的必要而不充分条件,则实数a的最大值是________.-2 [命题p:x>a,命题q:-2<x≤1,若p是q的必要而不充分条件,则实数a的取值范围是a≤-2.故a的最大值是-2.]14.已知命题p:1-c<x<1+c(c>0),命题q:x>7或x<-1,并且p是q的既不充分又不必要条件,则c的取值范围是________.(0,+∞)[命题p对应的集合A={x|1-c<x<1+c,c>0},同理,命题q对应的集合B={x|x>7或x<-1}.因为p是q的既不充分又不必要条件,所以A∩B=或A不是B的子集且B不是A的子集,所以①或②解①得c≤2,解②得c≥-2.又c>0,综上得c>0.]15.判断下列各题中的条件p是结论q的什么条件.(1)条件p:a,b∈R,a+b>0,结论q:ab>0;(2)条件p:A B,结论q:A∪B=B.[解] (1)因为a,b∈R,a+b>0,所以a,b至少有一个大于0,所以p q.反之,若ab>0,可推出a,b同号.但推不出a+b>0,即q p.综上所述,p既不是q的充分条件,也不是必要条件.(2)因为A B⇒A∪B=B,所以p⇒q.而当A∪B=B时,A⊆B,即q p,所以p为q的充分不必要条件.。
语文人教部编版九年级上册课时作业 第8课:就英法联军远征中国致巴特勒上尉的信

A.②③④①B.①③②④C.②①③④D.①②③④5.将下面的四句话依次填入文中的横线处,顺序排列最恰当的一项是( )为了达到最佳的言语交际效果,大师往往不动声色,没有任何直接的揭露。
高中高中历史 第三单元 法律与教化 第8课 近代西方的法律与教化课时作业 新人教版选择性必修第一册-

课时作业8 近代西方的法律与教化一、选择题1.罗马的《十二铜表法》中有这样的规定:外国人永远不能因使用而取得罗马市民财产的所有权。
由此规定可知( B )A.《十二铜表法》具有万民法性质B.《十二铜表法》保护罗马公民财产权C.《十二铜表法》保护本国所有人D.《十二铜表法》标志罗马法体系完备解析:根据材料及所学知识,A错误,因为该法为公民法,《查士丁尼民法大全》才具有民法的性质。
这表明( B )A.《十二铜表法》完全摆脱了某某性B.《十二铜表法》是公民参与立法的结果C.《十二铜表法》的解释权掌握在公民手中D.《十二铜表法》具备了现代法律的一切特征解析:结合所学知识可知,《十二铜表法》是平民和贵族斗争的结果,B选项符合题意。
该材料强调( D ) A.罗马法违背了自然法B.《民法大全》侧重反对奴隶制度C.《民法大全》体系完善D.罗马法终究是一部奴隶制法典解析:由“奴隶制是违反自然法的”可知,罗马法中有关奴隶制的内容违反了自然法原理;“根据万民法,一个人成为另一个人的财产”说明罗马法又是维护奴隶制的法典,综合这两点可知,材料强调代表罗马法体系最终完成的《民法大全》违背自然法,这与它的性质密切相关,说明罗马法最终还是为了维护奴隶主利益服务的,答案为D;A项是对材料前半部分的理解,错误;B项不符合材料信息,排除;C项从材料中未能体现,排除。

课时分层作业(八)[基础运用层]1.下列各句中,不含通假字的一项是( )A.则无望民之多于邻国也B.涂有饿莩而不知发C.颁白者不负戴于道路矣D.数罟不入洿池D [A项,“无”通“毋”; B项,“涂”通“途”; C项,“颁”通“斑”。
]2.下列各句中,加点词的解释有误的一项是( )A.河内凶.,则移其民于河东凶:秩序不好B.弃甲曳兵而走.走:逃跑C.狗彘食人食而不知检.检:制止、约束D.王好战,请以战喻.喻:比喻,说明A [凶:谷物收成不好,荒年。
]3.下列句中加点词的用法,分类正确的一项是( )①填然鼓.之②树.之以桑③五十者可以衣.帛矣④谨.庠序之教⑤然而不王.者⑥王无罪.岁⑦是使民养生.丧死无憾也A.①②③⑤⑥/④/⑦B.①②③/④⑤⑦/⑥C.①②③⑥/④/⑤⑦D.②③⑤⑥/④/①⑦A [①②③⑤⑥名词作动词/④形容词作动词/⑦动词作名词。
]4.下列各句中,加点词的意义与用法和现代汉语相同的一项是( )A.王无罪..岁,斯天下之民至焉B.养生..丧死无憾,王道之始也C.河内..凶,则移其民于河东D.令初下,群臣进谏,门庭若市....D [A项,“无罪”此处是两个词,“不要归罪”;现代汉语是一个词。
]5.下列句子和例句句式相同的一项是( )例句:颁白者不负戴于道路矣A.非我也,岁也B.然而不王者,未之有也C.沛公安在D.申之以孝悌之义D [A项,判断句;B、C两项,宾语前置句;D项,状语后置句。
]6.下列各组句子中,加点词的意思相同的一组是( )A.①数.罟不入洿池②数.口之家可以无饥矣B.①非我也,兵.也②必以长安君为质,兵.乃出C.①谷不可胜.食也②日出江花红胜.火D.①斧斤以.时入山林②余船以.次俱进D [A项,细密/几,若干;B项,兵器/军队;C项,尽/超过;D项,按照。

GrammarⅠ.单句语法填空1. It was not just the size of the party last night but it meant to our company made it unique.2. He was so busy yesterday that it was not until late at night he finished his work.3. —I wonder it is that makes the video GangnamStyle so popular.—The unique dance moves and funny horse riding scenes.4. —When did you come back last night?—It was not until 11 o’clock the party ended.5. it on a lonely island that he was saved one month after the boat went down?6. It is five months my son went to America.7. It was five months ago my son went to America.8. It will be half a year my son comes back from America.9. It was midnight she was woken up by a phone call.10. It was at midnight she was woken up by a phone call.Ⅱ.强调下列各句中的黑体部分1. I was taught how to drive last year.→_____________________ I was taught how to drive.2. What he had said satisfied all the people present.→_____________________ satisfied all the people present.3. In the city where they spent their holiday,they had a quarrel for the first time.→__________________________________________ they had a quarrel for the first time.4. Where did the police find their missing child?→__________________________________________ the police found their missing child?5. They didn’t leave to travel until they finished the work.→__________________________________________ they left to travel.6. Not what you said but what you did matters much.→__________________________________________ matters much.7. Because they couldn’t stand the big noise, they decided to move out of the house near the railway.→__________________________________________ they decided to move out of the house near the railway.8. I lost all my keys because of my carelessness.→_____________________ I lost because of my carelessness.9. Have they decided to give up their chance to work for that company?→__________________________________________ they have decided to give up?10. Did Mary attend her friend’s party last night?→_____________________ Mary attended?Ⅲ.根据要求补全句子1. _____________________he realized it was very important.(强调时间状语)只有当他失去他所拥有的东西时他才意识到那很重要。

课时作业(八)Unit 3ComputersSection ⅢLearning about Language & Using Language(本栏目内容,在学生用书中以独立形式分册装订!) Ⅰ.单项填空1.Professor Smith is so busy with the research________ he has no time left for any other activity.答案:that2.________more and more forests destroyed,many animals are facing the danger of dying out.答案:With3.I like reading,________the help of which I can be provided with joy and ability.答案:with4.Never judge a man by his________(appear) alone—you might be fooled by what he looks like.答案:appearance5.We can always succeed in finding some more time,no matter________tight our schedule is in daily life.答案:how6.More problems like air pollution at the nuclear power plant are certain________(arise).答案:to arise7.It is not very effective to watch ________ our children by keeping an eye on what they are doing on the computer.答案:over8.His dream of going to Peking University has come into________(real).答案:reality9.I wish to work in my own________(person) company in the future.答案:personal10.If the opportunity________(arise),I’d love to go abroad for further study.答案:arises11.My father will buy me a(n) ________(electric) dictionary if I get good results in the final exam.答案:electronic12.She ________(signal) to the cars behind that they were going the wrong way.答案:signaled13.________the 1970s,computers have been used ________offices and homes.答案:Since;in14.My father was ________the city basketball team.答案:on15.From________on,I became more and more interested ________computer.答案:then;inⅡ.完成句子1.________________(在帮助下)his teacher,he made greater progress in his English.答案:With the help of2.The new teacher is fresh from university.He really doesn’t know how to______________(对付) the badly behaved students.答案:deal with3.Well,the story is too difficult for Mary.She can’t understand.______________(毕竟),she’s only two years old.答案:After all4.__________________(从某种程度上),his biology has improved,but there is still a long way to go.答案:In a way5.They told me it would be cheap,but__________________(实际上) it cost me nearly $500.答案:in fact6.He was________angry________(如此……以至于……) he left the room without saying a word.答案:so;that7.The driver who hurt himself in the accident ________________(被看护) in hospital all the time by the doctor yesterday.答案:was being watched over8.His wife died in 1992 and __________________(从那时起) he has lived alone.答案:from then on9.He didn’t work hard;________________(结果),he failed in the exam.答案:as a result10.You cannot expect her to do the housework________________(又) look after the children.答案:as well asⅢ.阅读理解The Internet brings us many advantages.With the Internet,people can send and receive e-mails.On the Internet,people can skim over ing the Telnet,the user anywhere on the Internet can log into any other machine on which he has an account.It is possible to use the FTP program to copy files from one machine on the Internet to another.But the Internet also brings us troubles.Internet use seems to cause a fall in psychological (心理的) health,according to research at Carnegie Mellon University.Even people who spent just a few hours a week on the Internet experienced more depression and loneliness than those who logged on less often,the two-year study showed.And it wasn’t that people who were already feeling bad spent more time on the Internet,but that using the Net actually seemed to cause the bad feelings.Researchers are puzzled over the results,which were completely opposite to what they had expected.They expected that the Net would prove socially healthier than television,since the Net allows users to choose their information and to communicate with others.The fact that Internet use reduces time used for family and friends may be the reason for the drop in health,researchers said.Faceless,bodiless “virtual” (虚拟的) communication may be less psychologically satisfying than actual conversations,and the relationships formed through it may not be so deep.Another possibility is that exposure to the wider world through the Net makes users less satisfied with their lives.“But_it’s_important_to_remember_this_is_not_about_the_technology;it’s_about_how_it_is_used,”said one of the researchers.“It really points to the need for considering social factors (因素) when you design new inventions.”1.The writer mainly wants to tell us that________.A.the Internet can bring people many advantagesB.the Internet use may cause psychological problemsC.the Internet users are not satisfied with their livesD.we shouldn’t use the Internet解析:文章虽然谈论了网络的优点,但从其篇幅和重点来看,文章侧重于谈论由于使用网络而产生的一些问题,主题句在第四段。
课时分层作业8 细胞呼吸的原理和应用

10.(2021·衡水中学检测)在自然界中,洪水、灌溉不均匀等 极易使植株根系供氧不足,造成“低氧胁迫”。不同植物品种对低 氧胁迫的耐受能力不同,研究人员采用无土栽培的方法,研究了低 氧胁迫对两个黄瓜品种(A、B)根系细胞呼吸的影响,测得第6天时 根系中丙酮酸和乙醇含量,结果如表所示。
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
[答案] (1)不能 (2)有氧呼吸与无氧呼吸 有氧呼吸 (3)A (4)无氧呼吸产生的能量少影响主动运输过程 无氧呼吸产生的酒精 对根细胞产生毒害作用
7.(2021·哈师大检测)如图所示为不同培养阶段酵母菌种群数量、葡 萄糖浓度和乙醇浓度的变化曲线,下列相关叙述错误的是( )
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
A.曲线 AB 段酵母菌呼吸发生的场所是细胞质基质和线粒体 B.曲线 BC 段酵母菌的呼吸作用中出现无氧呼吸 C.乙醇含量过高是酵母菌种群数量从 C 点开始下降的主要原因 之一 D.T1~T2 时间段消耗葡萄糖量迅速增加的原因是酵母菌进行有 氧呼吸
D [②处为线粒体基质,葡萄糖的分解发生在细胞质基质,A 错误;①中的 CO2 往线粒体外扩散,穿过外膜,B 错误; ②处为线 粒体基质, H2O 是在线粒体内膜上形成的,C 错误;③处为线粒体 内膜,此处[H]与 O2 结合生成水,D 正确。]
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
A [叶肉细胞中细胞呼吸产生的ATP用于除光合作用以外的生 命活动,暗反应所需要的ATP来源于光合作用的光反应,A正确; 哺乳动物成熟红细胞不能进行有氧呼吸,B错误;部分原核生物虽 无线粒体,但含有与有氧呼吸相关的酶,也能进行有氧呼吸,如好 氧细菌、蓝细菌,C错误;植物的根呼吸的是空气中的氧气,经常 松土,可以使土壤疏松,土壤缝隙中的空气增多,有利于根的有氧 呼吸;适时排水是避免植物进行无氧呼吸产生酒精;储藏粮食、蔬 菜的原理是降低植物细胞呼吸,三者依据的原理不同,D错误。]

B.疆域因实行德政而扩大 D.政治稳定,人民安居乐业
课时作业 (八)
解析:周人认为夏商灭亡的原因是他们不重视行德。《尚 书·梓材》中这句话大意是指,上天既然把中国的人民和疆土托 付给了我们的先王,所以先王就要实行德政,只有“敬德”, 才能长久维系家国,这反映了周王德治的治国理念,故A项正 确。B、D两项与材料主旨不符,排除;孔子生活于春秋时期, 孟子生活于战国时期,排除C项。
课时作业 (八)
6.唐太宗说:“朕所好者,唯尧、舜、周、孔之道,以为 如鸟有翼,如鱼有水,失之则死,不可暂无耳。”所以唐以儒 学为资政之术,同时把它作为科举考试的内容和标准。据此可
知科举制( D )
A.打破垄断,缓和激烈社会矛盾 B.选拔精英,优化传统社会结构 C.鼓励向学,营造向上社会风气 D.教化民众,引导社会文太宗推崇儒家对社会的教化功能, 故将儒家作为科举考试的主要内容,故D项正确。A、B、C三 项材料未体现,均排除。
课时作业 (八)
7.在朱熹等人影响下,南宋有相当多的通俗教育读本,如 《劝孝文》《劝学文》《劝农文》《谕俗文》等。这一现象反
映出( A )
A.理学思想世俗化的趋势 B.儒学统治地位的确立 C.君主专制制度不断强化 D.读书重学风尚的形成
课时作业 (八)
13.阅读下列材料,回答问题。 材料 西汉建立后,“约法三章”不再适应现实需要,新的 法令条文不断增加,形成《九章律》。汉武帝时,《九章律》 之外的“旁章科条”迅速增至359“章”,仅关于死罪的法律条 文便有1 000多条,“律令颇多,百有余万言”;具有法律意义 的案例汇编越编越多,《春秋》一书所记史事在判案时也用作 参考。三国魏初沿用的“秦汉旧律”竟多达906卷,770余万字,
——程鹏飞《王阳明“知行合一” 与〈南赣乡约〉》
人教统编版2020-2021学年度八年级下册语文寒假预习课时作业 第8课 《时间的脚印》


水生成的 HClO 漂白。C 项是 Cl2 与 H2O 反应生成的 HCl 具有酸性,HClO
具有漂白性。D 项的反应为 Cl2+2KI===2KCl+I2,说明 Cl2 具有氧化性。
新教材•化学(RJ)8.必用修下•第列一两册 种方法制取氯气:
新教材·化学(RJ) 必修·第一册
①用含氯化氢 146 g 的浓盐酸与足量的二氧化锰反应;
应中表现各自的性质,下列关于氯水的说法不正确的是( C )
A.氯水放置数天后 pH 将变小
B.加入有色布条,布条褪色,说明溶液中有 HClO
新教材•化学(RJ) 必修•第一册
新教材•化学(RJ) 必修•第一册
新教材·化学(RJ) 必修·第一册
解析:(1)MnO2 与浓盐酸在加热条件下发生反应 MnO2+4HCl(浓)==△===
新教材•化学(RJ) 必修•第一册
新教材·化学(RJ) 必修·第一册
(2)漂白粉将在 U 形管中产生,其化学方程式是__2_C_l_2_+__2_C_a_(_O__H_)_2_=_=_=_C__a_C_l_2_+___ ___C_a_(_C__lO__)_2+__2_H__2_O___。
(3)C 装置的作用是___吸__收__多__余___C_l_2,___防__止__空__气__污__染_____。
应,制得 Cl2 多。故产生 Cl2:②>①。

Lesson 8 课时作业-2022-2023学年冀教版英语七年级下册

Lesson 8 Marco Polo and the Silk RoadⅠ.根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成句子1.Tina came to China with her parents at the a____ of five.2.I don’t like blue. Do you have any o_____ colours?3.England is in E_______ and China is in Asia.4.As we all know, the Chinese _________(发明) paper in the Han Dynasty.5.To make the house warm, he put some more _____(煤炭)on the fire.Ⅱ.用所给单词的适当形式填空6.He opened the box and ___________(discover) a cute cat in it. What a surprise!7.I _____(meet) an old friend on my way home. We had a good talk.8.The meeting _________(last) three hours. Don’t wait for me.9.I hope _________(make) some new friends in this school.10.J.K. Rowling _______(write) the first Harry Potter in 1997.Ⅲ.单项选择11.The ______ in that supermarket are cheap and popular.So many people like shopping there.( )A. housesB. goodsC. groupsD. jokes12.When I first came to this city, everything was ______ to me. I felt a little sad.( )A. wideB. shortC. newD. quiet13.Aunt Mary ______ some fresh apples. Come and have a taste.( )A. bringingB. will bringC. broughtD. is bringing14.I ______ a book on the shelf. It’s about who ______ the telephone.( )A. discovered; inventedB. invented; discoveredC. discovered; discoveredD. invented; invented15.I didn’t get on the bus because there ______ so many people on it.( )A. isB. areC. wasD. wereⅣ.词语运用阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的单词(有提示词的,填入所给单词的正确形式)。

课时作业(八) 单元复习测试题Unit 2层级一语言知识训练Ⅰ.单词拼写1.He wrote the t________ on the blackboard, then copied out the text, sentence by sentence.2.We do not need to envy any other person, for our existence is u________.3.We're not Americans, a________. We're Canadians.4.Does this restaurant have a smoking s________?5.I i________ to visit him, but I was afraid I would disturb him.6.The math examination was ________ (相当) difficult; to our joy, a number of students passed it.7.We are doing our best with the limited ________ (资源) available.8.Some TV programs have a ________ (负面的) effect on children because they contain too much violence.9.It is very helpful to receive ________ (评论) from the public.Ⅱ.单句语法填空1.I must spend the weekend ________ (go) over the rest of the lessons.2.Hearing what the teacher said, I reflected ________ how to go.3.She cried when she spoke ________ Oliver.4.If you have trouble in ________ (remember) phone numbers, it can be really helpful to try this.5.Though I was told to perform ________ (calm) before the interview, his questions made me feel nervous.6.The annoying thing about the plan is that it is very ________ (confuse).7.His driver forgot to remind him of ________ (get) off at that stop.8.This toy will help children with their ________ (create).9.At our meeting we heard two ________ (oppose) opinions.10.________ (alarm) by the noise, the birds flew away.Ⅲ.请选用所给短语的适当形式填空look out of, wind up, become aware of, come across, be likely to, burn down, speaking of, according to1.I ____________ a group of children playing.2.More than one house was ____________ in the fire.3.The President is about to ____________ his visit to China.4.____________ Harry, have you seen him recently?5.I suppose you could ____________ the window and see lots of scenery.6.Unemployment ____________ go on rising this year.7.____________ the expert, the vase has a history dating from the early Tang Dynasty.8.We ____________ danger approaching us.Ⅳ.完成句子1.为了提醒学生们演讲时间改了,我们张贴了一个通知。

1.胰岛A细胞分泌的激素是( B )
A.胰岛素 C.生长激素
B.胰高血糖素 D.促胰液素
解析:胰岛素是胰岛B细胞分泌的激素,与题意不符,A错误; 胰高血糖素是胰岛A细胞分泌的激素,与题意相符,B正确;生 长激素是垂体分泌的激素,与题意不符,C错误;促胰液素是小 肠黏膜分泌的激素,与题意不符,D错误。
3.能分泌促甲状腺激素的内分泌腺是( A )
A.垂体 C.肾上腺
B.性腺 D.胰岛
解析:垂体能分泌生长激素和促甲状腺激素,A符合题意;性 腺能分泌性激素,B不符合题意;肾上腺分泌肾上腺素,C不符 合题意;胰岛A细胞分泌胰高血糖素,胰岛B细胞分泌胰岛素, D不符合题意。
4.有关促胰液素发现史的叙述,不正确的是( C )
120 3 mg
由表中数据可知,单独刺激迷走神经或注射促胰液素与二者 同时作用相比,__二__者__同__时__作__用____对胰腺分泌胰液的促进作用更 显著,表明调节胰液分泌的两种方式具有___协__同___作用。
(4) 分泌胰液的胰腺属于__外__分__泌__腺___(填“外分泌腺”或“内 分泌腺”),胰岛分泌的调节血糖的两种激素的化学本质为 _____蛋__白__质_______。
A.腺细胞分泌的化学物质叫激素 B.腺体分泌的物质经导管排出 C.腺细胞的分泌物参与体液调节 D.垂体的分泌物可调节其他腺体的分泌活动
解析:解析:由内分泌腺分泌的化学物质叫激素,A正确; 分泌腺产生的激素扩散到体液中,由血液来运输,B错误;腺细 胞分泌的激素参与体液调节,C正确;垂体分泌的激素可调节甲 状腺、性腺的分泌活动,D正确。
解析:(1) 结合分析可推断,该假设的①组实验中,效应器是 传出神经末梢及其支配的胰腺。根据④组的实验结果能否定题 中的胰腺分泌仅受神经调节支配的结论。
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课时作业(八)必修2Unit 4Cyberspace Ⅰ.完形填空(2012·山西六所重点中学高三联考) Long long ago,there was a small village.This village had a__1__tradition.At the beginning of every year,any boy who had reached the age of majority (成年) was given land and money to build a home.The boy had to__2__his home before winter.If his home failed to endure the cold weather in winter,the villagers could not__3__him in any way.One__4__,Paul and Marc reached their majority.They__5__their land and money and decided to search nearby villages for ideas on building their homes.In each village,they found the nicest __6__and talked to the owners.Each owner gladly offered__7__.After Marc saw several homes,he__8__the best ideas and went back to his own land.Paul,__9__,continued collecting more ideas.Soon he had so many great ideas that he began to__10__some of them.But he always believed he could find even better ideas in the next village.Marc began building his home.He had several false starts,__11__his home gradually rose from his land.By fall,Marc had finished his home.It wasn’t perfect,but it was strong and he could__12__it later.Paul enjoyed all the beautiful homes and__13__with home owners.The first snow came and Paul,realizing he was running out of time,__14__back to his land.He built the best home he could in the time he had,but it was__15__.The first winter storm destroyed his home and he froze to__16__.The villagers mourned for him.Marc__17__the winter.Each year,Marc searched for other good ideas he could use to make his own home look better.He became a leader in the village,__18__a family,and lived a happy,content life.We all build and improve our own mental homes.It’s__19__and fun for us to search for ideas from other mental home owners,but we only improve our own mental home if we actually__20__the best ideas.1.A.strange B.hopefulC.literary D.cultural2.A.find B.makeC.complete D.buy3.A.help B.encourageC.scold D.persuade4.A.winter B.summerC.autumn D.spring5.A.exchanged B.received C.recognized D.accepted 6.A.girls B.jobs C.houses D.presents 7.A.rooms B.drinks C.attention D.advice 8.A.expected B.gathered C.created D.understood 9.A.similarly B.finally C.however D.furthermore 10.A.forget B.believe C.replace D.doubt 11.A.because B.although C.but D.so12.A.repair B.rebuild C.sell D.improve 13.A.conversations B.achievements C.struggles D.arguments 14.A.drove B.rushed C.flew D.moved 15.A.weak B.funny C.small D.amazing 16.A.blindness B.death C.sadness D.illness 17.A.experienced B.loved C.survived D.spent 18.A.brought B.earned C.contacted D.raised 19.A.slow B.easy C.dangerous D.special 20.A.realise B.bring C.collect D.applyⅡ.阅读理解A(2013·东北三校第一次联考) When Taylor Swift first came to the attention of the public,she was a 17-year-old newcomer who loved singing to her guitar.She seemed far more enthusiastic than skillful.Four years later,Swift became a multi-award winner.This month,she was crowned “Woman of the Yea r”by Billboard magazine,the youngest singer-song-writer ever to receive the honor.“Aged only 21,Taylor has already made a maior impact on music and has been an unbelievable role model for hopeful artists and young women everywhere,” said Bill Werde,Billboard’s director.Werde’s_words_do_not_come_from_nowhere. Unlike many pop singers,especially those who do not write their own material,Swift has the power of turning her ideas into lyrics that will set people thinking.“Hidden beneath Taylor Swift’s not-a-girl,not-yet-a-woman sweetness is a very skillful songwriting technique,” wrote Leah Greenblatt in an American magazine.Songwriting,as Swift explains,is to cope with issues.“I tend to write about things that really impact me most.” There certainly seems to be something true and honest running through every one of the 14 songs on her album,Speak No w,about “the lessons and confusion and heartbreak and all the different things that go along with being 18,19 and 20.”“For the audience too young to have experienced real passion or heartbreak,Swift’s songs are like a potential road map,promising things will work out OK,” commented Dorian ynskey in a British newspaper.Now Swift is getting ready to go further and has so far written about 10 songs for her 2012 album,which is about feelings of growing up and becoming an adult.“They’re sad,if I’m being honest.”“They’re about my heartbreaks and my moving on.But more importantly,they are about achieving contentment.You’re not always going to be perfectly happy as you grow up.”1.What does the writer mean by saying “Werde’s words do not come from nowhere”?A.Swift stands out as a singer and songwriter.B.Only Swift writes her own songs.C.Swift begins to take interest in singing.D.Swift decides to deal with problems in her new album.2.Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage?A.Swift has the ability to write songs with deeper meanings.B.Swift is both enthusiastic and skillful now.C.Swift became a multi-award winner when she began to sing on the stage.D.Swift’s album Speak No w has 14 songs.3.Taylor Swift’s 2012 album mainly records________.A.dream and reality B.heartbreak and despairC.pain and growth D.problems and society4.What is the best title for the passage?A.Swift comes to people’s attentionB.Swift rises to fameC.Swift wins many awardsD.Swift experiences real passionB(2013·西安市第一次质量检测) More than half of rich Americans have not shown their full wealth to their children,a new survey showed last Tuesday.The survey,published by the Bank of America,studied the rich with $3 million or more in assets.It found that “surprisingly few of those surveyed have well-developed plans to preserve and pass on their assets to their children”.The majority of the 457 people surveyed are self-made,first-generation rich.Fifty-two percent of parents have chosen not to tell their children just how wealthy they are,and 15 percent have given away nothing about the family wealth.One in three parents said they had never thought to do it.They are worried that their children would become lazy,spend money freely,make bad decisions and even become a target for gold diggers.Only 34 percent strongly agreed that their children would be able to handle any inheritance (遗产) they plan to leave them.“There is an expectation about the wealthy parents that they have a responsibility to pass down their fortune to the next generation,”said Sallie Krawcheck,president of the Global Wealth and Investment Management of the Bank of America.“Our research,however,uncovered changing views of what one generation owes the next.”The trend is led by the world’s richest man Bill Gates,who promised in 2008 that he would leave his $58 billion fortune to the charity started by him and his wife,the Bill and Malinda Gates Foundation (基金会),and not to his children.“We want to give it back to society in the way that it will have the most positive impact,”he said.Of his plans for his children,Gates said:“I will give the kids some money but not a meaningful percentage...they will need to wo rk but they will feel reasonably taken care of.”5.We can learn from the passage that________.A.rich parents may not know how to manage their inheritanceB.rich parents don’t equal rich kids,at least in the USC.American children don’t get to inherit their parents’ wealthD.poor children don’t expect themselves to be as rich as their parents6.According to the survey,most rich Americans________.A.think they owe their children nothingB.think it best to give their money back to societyC.doubt their childr en’s ability to handle wealthD.are confident of their children’s ability to handle wealth7.The underlined word “they” in Paragraph 6 refers to________.A.responsible children B.Bill Gates and his wifeC.first-generation rich D.rich parents8.From the last paragraph,we can see that Bill Gates wants to show________.A.the trend of leaving no inheritance to childrenB.the positive impact of charity on societyC.the way of giving back to societyD.the importance of independence for children详解答案课时作业(八)Ⅰ.完形填空语篇解读:本文为夹叙夹议文。