



















可按实际需要组合,以实现最佳性能.2、型号规格1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9GM8803A —☐☐☐☐☐ B☐ S☐☐☐1:面板形式H:横式 S:竖式2:显示方式1:单显示 2:双显示3:输入信号M:直流mV V:直流V I:直流mA4:报警输出方式,无报警可省略TR:继电器输出 TO:OC门输出5:变送输出A:表示带变送输出功能,不带可省略6:外供传感器、变送器电源规格B1:外供24V DC B2:外供12V DC B3:外供精密10V桥压B4:外供精密1mA恒流源 B5:其它7:通讯接口S0:无通讯接口 S1:RS-232接口S2:RS—485接口 S3:RS—422接口S4:BCD码接口8:打印功能P:表示带打印功能,不带可省略9:非标准功能N:表示非标准功能。


• •UA •UB •UC •AA
± 3.4 x 10-6 / -40 ºC ~ +85 ºC 商
± 5.0 x 10-6 / -40 ºC ~ +85 ºC 商 ± 5.0 x 10-6 / -30 ºC ~ +70 ºC (+5 ± 5.0) x 10-6 / +25 ºC


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-15 Tuning fork X'tal
-30 -45 -35 -25 -15 -5 5 15 25 35 45 55 65 75 85 Temperature (ºC)
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在环境管理体系的运行方面,使用 ISO14001 国际环境标准,通过“计 划-实施-检查-验证(PDCA)的循环来实现持续改进。公司位于日本和 海外的主要制造基地已取得了 ISO14001 资格认证。





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指纹机工作的温度范围为0-400C ,长期在室外使用,加上设备本身的发热,容易导致设备工作受到影响,反应可能会变慢,通过率降低。





3. 按压指纹的方式安装好指纹机后,再进行指纹登记及比对操作安装 登记 识别登记 安装 识别推荐使用食指、中指或无名指;避免大拇指和小拇指(因为它们按压采集窗口时通常很笨拙)。

按压指纹的方式使用须知1) 正确的手指按压示意图:2) 几种错误的按压方式:●由于产品的不断更新,本公司不能承诺实际产品与该资料一致,同时也不承担由于实际技术参数与本资料不符所导致的任何争议,任何改动恕不提前通知。

● 本手册中 ★ 标示的功能并非所有机器具备。



关于本手册手指平压于指纹采集窗口上 指纹纹心尽量对正窗口中心倾斜太靠下垂直 太偏各机型的按键功能不一样,请首先阅读附录中的键盘说明。





Seiko Epson RTC-4543SA SB实时时钟模块应用手册说明书

Seiko Epson RTC-4543SA SB实时时钟模块应用手册说明书

ETM09E-03Real Time Clock ModuleRTC-4543SA/SB•These products are intended for general use in electronic equipment. When using them in specific applications that require extremelyobtain permission from Seiko Epson in advance./ Space equipment (artificial satellites, rockets, etc.) / Transportation vehicles and related(automobiles, aircraft,Submarine transmitters / Power stations and related / Fire work equipment and securityequipment / traffic control equipment / and others requiring equivalent reliability.•All brands or product names mentioned herein are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of their respective.CONTENTS1. OVERVIEW (1)2. BLOCK DIAGRAM (1)3. PIN CONNECTIONS (2)4. PIN FUNCTIONS (2)5. ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (3)5-1.A BSOLUTE M AXIMUM R ATINGS (3)5-2.O PERATING C ONDITION (3)5-3.F REQUENCY C HARACTERISTICS (3)5-4.DC C HARACTERISTICS (3)5-5.AC C HARACTERISTICS (4)5-6.T IMING C HARTS (5)6. TIMER DATA ORGANIZATION (6)7. DESCRIPTION OF OPERATION (7)7-1.D ATA READS (7)7-2.D ATA WRITES (7)7-3.D ATA WRITES (D IVIDER R ESET) (8)7-4.FOUT OUTPUT AND 1H Z CARRIES (8)8. EXAMPLES OF EXTERNAL CIRCUITS (9)9. EXTERNAL DIMENSIONS (10)10. LAYOUT OF PACKAGE MARKINGS (10)11. REFERENCE DATA (11)12. APPLICATION NOTES (12)32-kHz Output Serial RTC ModuleRTC - 4543 SA/SBBuilt-in crystal permits operation without requiring adjustmentBuilt-in time counters (seconds, minutes, hours) and calendar counters (days, days of the week months, years)Operating voltage range: 2.5 V to 5.5 VSupply voltage detection voltage: 1.7 ±0.3 VLow current consumption: 1.0 µA/2.0 V (Max.)Automatic processing for leap yearsOutput selectable between 32.768 kHz/1 Hz1. OverviewThis module is a real-time clock with a serial interface and a built-in crystal oscillator. This module is also equipped with clock and calendar circuits, an automatic leap year compensation function, and a supply voltage detection function.In addition, this module has a 32.768 kHz/1 Hz selectable output function for hardware control that is independent of the RTC circuit.This module is available in a compact SOP 14-pin package (RTC-4543SA) and a thin SOP 18-pin package (RTC-4543SB).4. Pin FunctionsSignalPin No.SOP-14pin(SOP-18pin)I/O FunctionGND1( 9 )Connects to negative (-) side (ground) of the power supply.CE3( 8 )InputChip enable input pin.When high,the chip is enabled. When low,the DATA pin goes tohigh impedance and the CLK,DATA,and WR pins are not able toaccept input.In addition, when low,the TM bit is cleared.FSEL4( 7 )InputSerect the frequency that is output from the FOUT pin.High : 1 HzLow : 32.768 kHzWR5( 6 )InputDATA pin input/output switching pin.High : DATA input (when writing the RTC)Low : DATA output (when reading the RTC)FOE6( 5 )InputWhen high, the frequency selected by the FSEL pin is output fromthe FOUT pin.When low, the FOUT pin goes to high impedance.V DD9( 14 )Connects to positive (+) side of the power supply.CLK10( 12 )InputSerial clock input pin.Data is gotten at the rising edge during a write, and data is outputat the rising edge during a read.DATA11( 11 )Bi-directional Input/outout pin that is used for writing and reading data.FOUT14( 10 )OutputOutputs the frequency selected by the FSEL pin. 1 Hz output issynchronized with the internal one-second signal.This output is not affected by the CE pin.N.C.2,7,8,12,13( 1,2,3,4,13,15,16,17,18 )Although these pins are not connected internally,they shouldalways be left open in order to obtain the most stable oscillationpossible.* Always connect a passthrough capacitor of at least 0.1 µF as close as possible between V DD and GND.5. Electrical Characteristics5-1. Absolute Maximum RatingsItem Symbol Conditions Min. Max. Unit Supply voltage V DD-0.3 7.0 VInput voltage V I Ta=+25 °C GND-0.3 V DD+0.3 VOutput voltage V O GND-0.3 V DD+0.3 V Storage temperature T STG- -55 +125 °C5-2. Operating ConditionItem Symbol Conditions Min. Max. Unit Operating supplyV DD- 2.5 5.5 V voltageData holding voltage V CLK- 1.4 5.5 VOperating temperature T OPR No condensation-40 +85 °C5-3. Frequency CharacteristicsItem Symbol Conditions Max. Unit Frequency tolerance ∆f/f O Ta=+25 °C , V DD=5.0 V 5 ± 23 * ×10-6Frequency temperatureT op-10to+70 °C +25 °C ref + 10 / - 120 ×10-6 characteristicsFrequency voltagef/V Ta=+25 °C , V DD=2.0 to 5.5 V ± 2 ×10-6/V characteristicsOscillation start time t STA Ta=+25 °C , V DD=2.5 V 3 s Aging fa Ta=+25 °C , V DD=5 V , first year ± 5 ×10-6 * Monthly deviation: Approx. 1 min.5-4. DC CharacteristicsUnless specified otherwise: V DD = 5 V ± 10 %, Ta = - 40 to +85 °C Item Symbol Conditions Min. Typ. Max. Unit Current consumption(1) I DD1 V DD=5.0 V CE=L , FOE=L 1.5 3.0 µA Current consumption(2) I DD2 V DD=3.0 V FSEL=H 1.0 2.0 µA Current consumption(3) I DD3 V DD=2.0 V 0.5 1.0 µA Current consumption(4) I DD4 V DD=5.0 V CE=L , FOE=H 4.0 10.0 µA Current consumption(5) I DD5 V DD=3.0 V FSEL=L 2.5 6.5 µA Current consumption(6) I DD6 V DD=2.0 V No load on the1.5 4.0 µAFOUT pinInput voltage V IH WR,DATA,CE,CLK, 0.8 V DD VV IL FOE,FSEL pins 0.2 V DD V0.5 µAInput off/leak current I OFF WR,CE,CLK,FOE,FSEL pinsV IN = V DD or GNDV OH(1)V DD=5.0 V I OH=-1.0 mA 4.5 V Output voltage V OH(2)V DD=3.0 V DATA , FOUT pins 2.0 VV OL(1)V DD=5.0 V I OL= 1.0 mA 0.5 VV OL(2)V DD=3.0 V DATA , FOUT pins0.8 VOutput load conditionN / CL FOUT pin 2 LSTTL / 30 pF Max.( fanout )Output leak current I OZH V OUT=5.5 V DATA , FOUT pins-1.0 1.0 µAI OZL V OUT=0 V DATA , FOUT pins-1.0 1.0 µASupply voltage detectionV DT- 1.4 1.7 2.0 V voltage5-5. AC CharacteristicsUnless specified otherwise: Ta = - 40 to +85 °C, CL = 50 pF Item Symbol V DD=5 V ± 10 % V DD=3 V ± 10 % UnitMin. Max. Min. Max.CLK clock cycle t CLK0.75 7800 1.5 7800 µsCLK low pulse width t CLKL0.375 3900 0.75 3900 µsCLK high pulse width t CLKH0.375 3900 0.75 3900 µs CLK setup time t CLKS25 50 nsCE setup time t CES0.375 3900 0.75 3900 µsCE hold time t CEH0.375 0.75 µsCE enable time t CE0.9 0.9 s Write data setup time t SD0.1 0.2 µsWrite data hold time t HD0.1 0.1 µs WR setup time t WRS100 100 nsWR hold time t WRH100 100 ns DATA output delay time t DATD0.2 0.4 µsDATA output floating time t DZ0.1 0.2 µs Clock input rise time t r150 100 nsClock input fall time t f150 100 ns FOUT rise time (CL=30 pF) t r2100 200 ns FOUT fall time (CL=30 pF) t f2100 200 ns Disable time (CL=30 pF) t XZ100 200 nsEnable time (CL=30 pF) t ZX100 200 nsFOUT duty ratio (CL=30 pF) Duty 40 60 40 60 % Wait time t RCV0.95 1.9 µs5-6. Timing Charts[]Duty t t100%H=×( 4 ) Disable/enable6. Timer Data Organization• The counter data is BCD code.• Writes and reads are both performed on an LSB-first basis.MSBLSBSecond ( 0 to 59 )FDTs40s20s10s8s4s2s1Minutes ( 0 to 59 ) * mi40mi20mi10mi8mi4mi2mi1Hour ( 0 to 23 ) * *h20h10h8h4h2h1Day of the week( 1 to 7 )*w4w2w1Day ( 1 to 31 ) * *d20d10d8d4d2d1Month ( 1 to 12 ) TM **mo10mo8mo4mo2mo1Year ( 0 to 99 )y80y40y20y10y8y4y2y1• Calendar counter. From 1 Jan 2001 to 31 Dec 2099, it is updated by an automatic calendar function.If a year is 4 multiples, it is a leap year, then date is updatedin order to 28 Feb, 29 Feb, Mar 1.Because there is the case that a leap year does not match when using data of year of except the Christian era, please be careful.Data of a day of the week run in cycles with 7 from 1.A recommended example are 1=Sun, 2=Mon,,,6=Fri, 7=Sat.• Clock counter. Only 24 hours system is supported. • ∗bits. These bits are used as memory.• TM bit. This is a test bit for shipping test. Always clear this bit to “0”.• FDT bit: Supply voltage detection bit• This bit is set to “1” when voltage of 1.7 ±0.3 V or less is detected between V DD and GND. • The FDT bit is cleared if all of the digits up to the year digits are read.• Although this bit can be both read and written, clear this bit to "0" in case of the write cycle.if the supply voltage is lower than the detection voltage value, the FDT bit is set to “1”.7. Description of Operation2) At the first rising edge of the CLK signal, the clock and calendar data are loaded into the shiftregister and the LSB of the seconds digits is output from the DATA pin.3) The remaining seconds, minutes, hour, day of the week, day, month, and year data is shifted out,in sequence and in synchronization with the rising edge of the CLK signal, so that the data isoutput from the DATA pin.The output data is valid until the rising edge of the 52nd clock pulse; even if more than 52 clockpulses are input,the output data does not change.4) If data is required in less than 52 clock pulses, that part of the data can be gotten by setting theCE pin low after the necessary number of clock pulses have been output.Example: If only the data from “seconds” to “day of the week” is needed:After 28 clock pulses, set the CE pin low in order to get the data from “seconds” to “day ofthe week.”5) When performing successive data read operations, a wait (tRCV) is necessary after the CE pinis set low.6) Note that if an update operation (a one-second carry) occurs during a data read operation,the data that is read will have an error of -1 second.7) Complete data read operations within tCE (Max.) = 0.9 seconds, as described earlier.1) RTC 4543 shifts to data input state by condition of WR terminal ="H",CE terminal ="H".2) Writing-data synchronize to a rising edge of CLK, and it inputs into an RTC from LSB of sec.3) Inside counter less than second is reset between falling edges of first CLK from a rising edge of next CLK.And update of Clock register is prohibited by the first falling edge of CLK.4) In writing of data to RTC, all 52 clock is necessary.When CE goes to LOW before the 52 bits transmission is completed, there is the possibilitythat * ,FDT and a year digit were destroyed.If a serial communication break occurs, do verify 8 bits of* bit andFDTbit and year data.5) In a rising edge of 52 clock, all data is written to RTC. Data after 53 bits is ignored.6) When CE goes to LOW, RTC re-starts update.Please finish write access within 0.9 second = tCE (Max.).7) Between write access and read access, recovery timing(tRCV) is necessary.Please do not set the time and date which is non-existence.7-3. Data writes (Divider Reset)After the counter is reset, carries to the seconds digit are halted.After the data write operation,the prohibition on carries to the seconds counter is lifted by setting the CE pin low.Complete data write operations within tCE (Max.) = 0.9 seconds, as described earlier.7-4. FOUT output and 1 Hz carriesDuring a data write operation, because a reset is applied to the Devider counter (from the 128 Hzlevel to the 1 Hz level) after the CE pin goes high during the time between the falling edge of the first clock cycle and the rising edge of the second clock cycle, the length of the first 1 Hz cycle after thedata write operation is 1.0 s +0 / −7.8ms +t CES+t CLK. Subsequent cycles are output at1.0-second intervals.The 1-Hz signal that is output on FOUT is the internal 1-Hz signal with a 15.6-ms shift applied.8. Examples of External Circuits11. Reference DataNote : This data shows values obtained from a sample lot.12. Application notes1) Notes on handlingThis module uses a C-MOS IC to realize low power consumption. Carefully note the following cautions when handling.(1) Static electricityWhile this module has built-in circuitry designed to protect it against electrostatic discharge, the chip could still be damaged bya large discharge of static electricity. Containers used for packing and transport should be constructed of conductive materials.In addition, only soldering irons, measurement circuits, and other such devices which do not leak high voltage should be used with this module, which should also be grounded when such devices are being used.(2) NoiseIf a signal with excessive external noise is applied to the power supply or input pins, the device may malfunction or "latch up."In order to ensure stable operation, connect a filter capacitor (preferably ceramic) of greater that 0.1 µF as close as possible to the power supply pins (between VDD and GNDs). Also, avoid placing any device that generates high level of electronic noise near this module.* Do not connect signal lines to the shaded area in the figure shown in Fig. 1 and, if possible, embed this area in a GND land.(3) Voltage levels of input pinsWhen the input pins are at the mid-level, this will cause increased current consumption and a reduced noise margin, and can impair the functioning of the device. Therefore, try as much as possible to apply the voltage level close to VDD or GND.(4) Handling of unused pinsSince the input impedance of the input pins is extremely high, operating the device with these pins in the open circuit state can lead to unstable voltage level and malfunctions due to noise. Therefore, pull-up or pull-down resistors should be provided for all unused input pins.2) Notes on packaging(1) Soldering heat resistance.If the temperature within the package exceeds +260 °C, the characteristics of the crystal oscillator will be degraded and it may be damaged. The reflow conditions within our reflow profile is recommended. Therefore, always check the mounting temperature and time before mounting this device. Also, check again if the mounting conditions are later changed.* See Fig. 2 profile for our evaluation of Soldering heat resistance for reference.(2) Mounting equipmentWhile this module can be used with general-purpose mounting equipment, the internal crystal oscillator may be damaged in some circumstances, depending on the equipment and conditions. Therefore, be sure to check this. In addition, if the mounting conditions are later changed, the same check should be performed again.(3) Ultrasonic cleaningDepending on the usage conditions, there is a possibility that the crystal oscillator will be damaged by resonance during ultrasonic cleaning. Since the conditions under which ultrasonic cleaning is carried out (the type of cleaner, power level, time, state of the inside of the cleaning vessel, etc.) vary widely, this device is not warranted against damage during ultrasonic cleaning.(4) Mounting orientationThis device can be damaged if it is mounted in the wrong orientation. Always confirm the orientation of the device before mounting.(5) Leakage between pinsLeakage between pins may occur if the power is turned on while the device has condensation or dirt on it. Make sure the device is dry and clean before supplying power to it.Application ManualElectronic devices information on WWW serverDistributor/en/quartz/index.html。



(请进入本公司网页会员中心下载 ) 适 用 晶 片: 1. Date Code 为 0415 之后的 RA8822/8803 芯片 2. 2004 年 3 月 20 日之后出货的 RA8822/8803 芯片 状 况 说 明: RA8822 及 RA8803 用于某些 240x128 点阵和 160x128 点阵模块时,显示效果不够理想。 1. 请在缓存器的初始设定时,将缓存器[81h]的值有设成40h。 2. 如果缓存器[81h]的值有设成00h(初始值) ,显示画面会不均匀,同时显示一段时间后画面变 淡。 建 3. 不论使用的模块分辨率为何,都建议进行此设定。 议 及 解 决 方 式 :
产 品 名 称: 通 报 对 象: 参 考 文 件: RA8803/8822 代理商、模块厂、系统厂 Data Sheet V2.2 之后的版本(含 2.2 版) AP Note V2.3 之后的版本(含 2.3 版) RA8803_8822_DS_v22_GB.pdf RA8803_8822_AP_v23_GB.pdf 日 期: April 22, 2005




















RX6110频率输出功能:能选择输出频率,有32.768kHz, 1024Hz, 1Hz。




Version 2.6
双图层中文文字/图形 LCD 控制器

1. 简介................................................................................................... 5 2. 特性................................................................................................... 5 3. 系统方块图.......................................................................................... 6 4. 脚位定义............................................................................................. 8
5-1 缓存器总表 ............................................................................................................................................... 13 5-2 缓存器内容描述 ........................................................................................................................................ 14 5-3 窗口大小设定缓存器................................................................................................................................. 29



Eaton PDG53P0800P5DNEaton Power Defense molded case circuit breaker, Globally Rated, Frame 5, Three Pole, 800A, 100kA/480V, PXR25 ARMS LSIG w/ Modbus RTU, CAM Link and Relays, No TerminalsEaton Power Defense molded case circuit breakerPDG53P0800P5DN 786679291481139.7 mm 406.4 mm 209.5 mm 21.32 kg Eaton Selling Policy 25-000, one (1) year from the date of installation of theProduct or eighteen (18) months from thedate of shipment of the Product,whichever occurs first.RoHS Compliant IEC 60947-2CCC MarkedUL 489CSAProduct NameCatalog Number UPCProduct Length/Depth Product Height Product Width Product Weight WarrantyCompliancesCertificationsModbus / Relays / CAM100 kAIC at 480 Vac5600800 AThree-pole600 VPD5 Global100 kAIC Icu/ 50 kAIC Ics/ 220 kAIC Icm @380-415V (IEC)85 kAIC Icu/ 40 kAIC Ics/ 187 kAIC Icm @480V Brazil (IEC)200 kAIC @240V (UL)100 kAIC Icu/ 50 kAIC Ics/ 220 kAIC Icm @440V (IEC)100 kAIC @480/277V (UL)35 kAIC Icu/ 18 kAIC Ics/ 73.5 kAIC Icm @690V (IEC)200 kAIC Icu/ 150 kAIC Ics/ 440 kAIC Icm @240V (IEC)40 kAIC Icu/ 25 kAIC Ics/ 84 kAIC Icm @525V South Africa (IEC) 65 kAIC @600/347V (UL)ElectronicClass AComplete breakerNo Terminals600 Vac Eaton Power Defense MCCB PDG53P0800P5DN 3D drawingConsulting application guide - molded case circuit breakersPower Xpert Protection Manager x64Power Xpert Protection Manager x32StrandAble terminals product aidPower Defense brochurePower Defense molded case circuit breaker selection posterPower Defense technical selling bookletPower Defense molded case circuit breakers - Frame 5 product aid Power Xpert Release trip units for Power Defense molded case circuit breakersMolded case circuit breakers catalogPDG5 CSA CertificationPDG5 CB reportEU Declaration of Conformity - Power Defense molded case circuit breakersPDG5 UL authorizationPower Defense Declaration concerning California’s Proposition 65PDG6 CCC certificatePDG6 CSA certificationPDG5 CCC certificationPower Defense Frame 5 walking beam installation instructions -IL012290ENPower Defense Frame 5 key interlock installation instructions -IL012294ENPower Defense Frame 5 breaker status module installation instructions – IL012307ENPower Defense Frame 4_5 flex shaft handle mech assembly instructions - IL012284ENPower Defense Frame 5 interphase barrier kit 3 pole installation instructions - IL012293ENPower Defense Frame 4_5_6 high performance flex shaft handle mechSpecial featuresInterrupt ratingFrameRated operation voltage (Ue) at AC - max Amperage RatingNumber of polesVoltage rating - maxCircuit breaker typeInterrupt rating rangeSwitch off techniqueClassCircuit breaker frame typeTerminalsVoltage rating 3D CAD drawing package Application notesBrochuresCatalogsCertification reports Installation instructionsPXR 25 LSIG w/ARMS Modbus RTU and CAM Link assembly instructions - IL012296ENPower Defense Frame 5 vertical padlockable handle lock hasp installation instructions - IL012283ENPower Defense Frame 2/3/4/5/6 voltage neutral sensor module wiring instructions – IL012316ENPower Defense Frame 5 aux, alarm, shunt trip and uvr instructions(IL012201EN).pdfPower Defense Frame 5 Trip Unit Upgrade Relays Board, Animated Instructions.rhPower Defense Frame 5 Trip Unit Replacement Animated Instructions Power Defense Frame 5 Shunt Trip, Aux and Alarm Trip How-To Video Power Defense Frame 5 Aux, Alarm, ST and UVR Animated Instructions.rh1Power Defense Frame 5 UVR Trip How-To VideoPower Defense Frame 5 Trip Unit Upgrade Wire Harnesses, Animated Instructions.rhPower Defense Frame 6 Trip Unit How-To VideoPower Defense BreakersPower Defense Frame 2 Variable Depth Rotary Handle Mechanism Installation How-To VideoPower Defense molded case circuit breakersPower Defense Frame 5 Trip Unit How-To VideoPower Defense Frame 3 Variable Depth Rotary Handle Mechanism Installation How-To VideoEaton Power Defense for superior arc flash safetyEaton Specification Sheet - PDG53P0800P5DNPower Defense time current curve Frame 5 - PD5Selling Policy 25-000 - Distribution and Control Products and ServicesImplementation of arc flash mitigating solutions at industrial manufacturing facilitiesSingle and double break MCCB performance revisitedMolded case and low-voltage power circuit breaker healthMaking a better machineIntelligent circuit protection yields space savingsTrip TypeCommunicationInstallation videosMultimediaSpecifications and datasheetsTime/current curvesWarranty guidesWhite papersEaton Corporation plc Eaton House30 Pembroke Road Dublin 4, Ireland © 2023 Eaton. All Rights Reserved. Eaton is a registered trademark.All other trademarks areproperty of their respectiveowners./socialmediaIntelligent power starts with accurate, actionable data Safer by design: arc energy reduction techniques Molded case and low-voltage breaker health。

精工爱普生选择赛普拉斯的可编程时钟发生器裸片 用于小尺寸晶振

精工爱普生选择赛普拉斯的可编程时钟发生器裸片 用于小尺寸晶振

赛普拉斯半导体公司日前宣布,精工爱普生(Seiko Epson)在其广受欢迎的SG-8003系列的新成员----SG-8003CG可编程晶振中,选用了赛普拉

型可编程晶振,封装尺寸为2.5 mm x 2.0 mm x 0.8 mm。







Epson America, Inc. GPS Multisport Watch 说明书

Epson America, Inc. GPS Multisport Watch 说明书

Safety SymbolsThe following symbols are used in this guide to indicate possible dangerous operations or handling. Make sure you understand these warnings before using the product.Safety Instructions•Make sure you read the manuals (this Notices sheet,the Quick Start Guide and the online User’s Guide ) first to use this product safely. This product is equipped with Bluetooth® Smart technology as a built-in wireless function. See the section “Notes on Electromagnetic Waves” in the online User’s Guide for more information.•The product may malfunction, or an accident may occur if it is handled incorrectly.•Keep the manuals handy to help you resolve any problems.•When taking this product out of the country of purchase, check the laws and regulations in the destination country before you travel.•This product is not a medical device. Use this product to track physical exercise.FCC ID: BKMAP009CAN ICES-3(B)/NMB-3(B)IC: 1052F-AP009This transmitter must not be co-located or operated in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter.This device complies with Part 15 of FCC Rules and Industry Canada licence-exempt RSS standard(s). Operation is subject to the following two conditions:(1) this device may not cause interference, and(2) this device must accept any interference, including interference that may cause undesired operation of this device.Caution: Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.This equipment complies with FCC/IC radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment and meets the FCC radio frequency (RF) Exposure Guidelines and RSS-102 of the IC radio frequency (RF) Exposure rules. This equipment has very low levels of RF energy that are deemed to comply without testing of specific absorption ratio (SAR).Note: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designedto provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee thatinterference will not occur in a particular installation. Ifthis equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:•Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.•Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.•C onnect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.•Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.Epson America, Inc., 3840 Kilroy Airport Way, Long Beach, CA 90806, Tel: (562) 981-3840.One-Year Limited WarrantyWhat Is Covered: Epson America, Inc. (“Epson”) warrantsto the original retail purchaser of the Epson product enclosed with this limited warranty statement that the product, if purchased new and operated in the United States, Canada, or Puerto Rico will be free from defects in workmanship and materials for a period of One (1) year from the date of original purchase. For warranty service, you must provide proof of the date of original purchase. What Epson Will Do To Correct Problems: If your product requires service during the limited warranty period, please call the Epson Connection SM at the number on the bottom of this statement and be prepared to provide the model, serial number, and date of original purchase. An Epson service technician will provide telephone diagnostics to determine whether the product requires service. If the product requires service, Epson will, at its option, repair or replace the defective unit, without charge for parts or labor. When Epson authorizes an exchange for the defective unit, Epson will ship a replacement product to you, freight prepaid, so long as you use an address in the United States, Canada, or Puerto Rico. You are responsible for securely packaging the defective unit and returning it to Epson within Five (5) working days of receipt ofthe replacement. Epson requires a debit or a credit card number to secure the cost of the replacement product in the event that you fail to return the defective one. When warranty service involves the exchange of the product or of a part, the item replaced becomes Epson property. The exchanged product or part may be new or equivalent to new in reliability and performance, and at Epson’s option, the replacement may be another model of like kindand quality. Exchange or replacement products or parts assume the remaining warranty period of the product covered by this limited warranty.What This Warranty Does Not Cover: This warranty covers only normal use in the United States, Canada or Puerto Rico. This warranty does not cover normal wear and tear; including nicks and scratches, and battery life, unlessthe damage was caused by a manufacturing defect in materials and workmanship. This warranty does not cover damage caused by parts or services not manufactured, distributed, or certified by Epson nor any losses attributable to the loss or restoration of customer data. Epson does not warrant that the operation of the product will be error-free, that we will correct errors, or your use of the product and software will be uninterrupted. This warranty does not cover misuse caused by high impact wear or damage caused by exposure to water as specified in the product user manual. This warranty does not cover skin irritation arising from wear. See the ProSense online User’s Guide and Quick Start Guide for wear and care instructions. This warranty is not transferable. Software for this product is not covered under this warranty. See the Epson View website for software warranties. Epson is not responsible for warranty service should the Epson labelor logo or the rating label or serial number be removed. Epson is not responsible for warranty service should the product fail to be properly maintained or fail to function properly as a result of misuse, abuse, improper installation, neglect, improper shipping, damage caused by disasters such as fire, flood, and lightning, improper electrical current, software problems, interaction with non-Epson products, or service other than by Epson or an Epson Authorized Servicer. Postage, insurance, or shipping costs incurred in presenting your Epson product for warranty service are your responsibility. If a claimed defect cannot be identified or reproduced in service, you will be held responsible for costs incurred.DISCLAIMER OF OTHER WARRANTIES: THE WARRANTY AND REMEDY PROVIDED ABOVE ARE EXCLUSIVE AND IN LIEU OF ALL OTHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, NONINFRINGEMENT OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. SOME LAWS DO NOT ALLOW THE EXCLUSION OF IMPLIED WARRANTIES.IF THESE LAWS APPLY, THEN ALL EXPRESS AND IMPLIED WARRANTIES ARE LIMITED TO THE WARRANTY PERIOD IDENTIFIED ABOVE. UNLESS STATED HEREIN, ANY STATEMENTS OR REPRESENTATIONS MADE BY ANY OTHER PERSON OR FIRM ARE VOID.EXCLUSION OF DAMAGES; EPSON’S MAXIMUM LIABILITY:IN NO EVENT SHALL EPSON OR ITS AFFILIATES BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY LOST PROFITS RESULTING FROMTHE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE EPSON PRODUCT, WHETHER RESULTING FROM BREACH OF WARRANTY OR ANY OTHER LEGAL THEORY. IN NO EVENT SHALL EPSON OR ITS AFFILIATES BE LIABLE FOR DAMAGES OF ANY KIND IN EXCESS OF THE ORIGINAL RETAIL PURCHASE PRICE OF THE PRODUCT.Arbitration, Governing Laws: Any dispute, claim or controversy arising out of or relating to this warranty shall be determined by arbitration in Los Angeles County, California before a single arbitrator. The arbitration shall be administered by JAMS pursuant to its Comprehensive Arbitration Rules and Procedures. Judgment on the award may be entered in any court having jurisdiction. Any action must be brought within three months of the expiration of the warranty. This clause shall not preclude parties from seeking provisional remedies in aid of arbitration from a court of appropriate jurisdiction. This warranty shall be construed in accordance with the laws of the State of California, except this arbitration clause which shall be construed in accordance with the Federal Arbitration Act.Other Rights You May Have: This warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may also have other rights which vary from jurisdiction to jurisdiction. Some jurisdictions do not allow limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts, or allow the exclusion or limitation of incidentalor consequential damages, so the above limitations or exclusions may not apply to you.In Canada, warranties include both warranties and conditions.To find the Epson Authorized Reseller nearest you, please visit in the U.S. or www.epson.ca in Canada.For product support, please visit/support in the U.S. orwww.epson.ca/support in Canada.To contact the Epson Connection, please call(800) 241-5789 or (562) 276-4394 in the U.S. and (905) 709-3839 in Canada or write to Epson America, Inc., P.O. Box 93012, Long Beach, CA 90809-3012.。



3.0 3.0 3.0 +25 ±3.41 ±8.02 ±5.03 ±8.02
5.5 5.5 5.5 +105
Frequency tolerance ( ×10 )
Frequency temperature characteristics
5 32.768 kHz DTCXO 0 -5 -10 -15 Tuning fork X'tal -20 -25
2. 3. 4. 5.
8. T2 7.
2.5 ± 0.2
电气特征 项目
电源电压 温度补偿电压 计时器电压 工作温度
32.768 kHz-DTCXO Frequency temperature characteristics (Example)
V V ºC
f/f XB
功耗(1) 功耗(2)
1)相当于每月 9 秒偏差
fSCL=0Hz, /INT=VDD, VDD = 5V FOE =GND VDD=VBAT FOUT: 输出 OFF VDD = 3V 温度补偿间隔 2s
Seiko Epson Corporation
ISO 14000 是国际标准化组织于 1996 年在全球化变暖、 臭 氧层破坏、以及全球毁林等环境问题日益严重的背景下提 出的环境管理国际标准。

EPSON EMP-835 830投影机 说明书

EPSON EMP-835 830投影机 说明书

使用说明书只需简单地连上电源线就可以打开投影机电源并准备投影映像在会议室这种电源集中控制的地方您只需打开集中控制处的电源就可以打开投影机s77页关闭投影机电源后您可以立刻断开电源线搬动投影机您也可以在关闭投影机电源后立即打开电源重新启动投影机另外您也可以不按[Power]键直接关闭电源当投影机安装在会议室内时它可以使您能够通过操作断路器开关集中关闭电源s41页投影开始时立刻进行自动聚焦操作从而使映像能正确地聚焦可以自动校正因投影机上下倾斜而引起的梯形失真s34页下列简易设定键位于投影机操作面板的顶部只需按这些键即可方便快捷地将投影映像调节至最佳效果Quick Setup轻轻一按即可以优化投影屏s39页可以同时执行下面的这些功能来优化投影区您也可以设定此时执行哪些功能• 自动聚焦调节聚焦• Auto Quick Corner该项调节从侧面投影映像时产生的失真使映像为矩形(4:3长宽比)如果使用投影屏(4:3)映像可以精确地适合屏幕区• Wall Shot即使没有投影屏您也可以将映像投影在某些其他表面上而不会损失映像的颜色即使在黑板和墙壁这样的表面上投影本投影机也会自动将映像调节到自然色彩Source Search便于选择投影的映像s35页该项检测来自所连接设备的映像信号每次按该键可以改变投影的映像Zoom便于调节映像的大小s38页只需按某个键即可调节投影映像的大小投影机出现故障时例如主灯在工作期间破裂投影机可以通过电子邮件通知您出了问题另外如果您使用EMP-835EasyMP可让您• 通过无线LAN与电脑进行简易的网络连接• 通过网络投影电脑上的映像s有关EasyMP的使用说明请参阅EasyMP网络设定手册和EasyMP操作说明书您既可以使用USB兼容的数码相机也可以使用USB兼容的硬盘和USB兼容的存储设备这使您能够用大容量的存储器以脚本进行上演s30页EasyMP操作说明书中的显示上演 (使用CardPlayer)您可以将投影机操作面板和遥控器上的键锁定在展示过程中只需进行投影而不进行其他操作时或在学校等场所需要对可操作键的范围进行限制时该功能非常有用锁定遥控器键可有效防止上演时的误操作s61页(仅EMP-835)投影机的功能 (1)使用前的准备工作各部件的名称和作用 (6)前面/上面/侧面 .....................................................................6底座 ............................................................................................7后面 ............................................................................................7遥控器 ........................................................................................8操作面板 ....................................................................................9输入/输出端口 . (10)使用遥控器之前 (11)装入电池 ..................................................................................11使用遥控器及遥控操作范围 . (12)投影机的设定安装 (14)设定安装方法 ..........................................................................14投影屏尺寸和投影距离 (15)插入和移除卡仅(仅EMP-835) (16)安装 ..........................................................................................16移除 ..........................................................................................17读取灯状态 (18)与电脑的连接 (19)符合使用条件的电脑 ..............................................................19连接到电脑上 ..........................................................................20使用遥控器操作鼠标指针(无线鼠标功能) (21)与外部监视器的连接 .....................................................23网络电缆的连接 (24)与视频源的连接 (25)投影复合视频映像 ..................................................................25投影S-视频映像 ....................................................................26投影分量视频映像 ..................................................................26投影RGB 视频映像 . (27)播放视频设备的声音 .....................................................28播放外部扬声器的声音 .................................................29连接USB 设备(数码相机硬盘驱动器或存储设备)(仅EMP-835) (30)连接USB 设备 ........................................................................30从投影机上断开USB 设备的连接 . (31)基本操作篇接通投影机电源 (33)接上电源线 ..............................................................................33接通电源开始投影 ..............................................................34调节投影区的位置和大小 ......................................................37投影区的单触调节(Quick Setup) (39)关闭投影机电源 ............................................................41调节音量 .......................................................................43防盗(密码保护) . (44)启用密码保护时 ......................................................................44用遥控器输入密码 ..................................................................45设定密码保护 .. (46)高级操作篇增强投影效果的功能 (49)在浏览投影映像的同时选择映像源(预览功能) ................49不用投影屏投影易于观看的映像(Wall Shot) ......................50A/V 无声功能(A/V Mute) ......................................................51冻结功能(Freeze) ...................................................................52E-变焦功能(E-Zoom) ............................................................52画中画功能(PinP) ..................................................................53指针功能 ..................................................................................54预设功能(Preset) ....................................................................55改变切换尺寸/长宽比 ..........................................................57投影机识别号/遥控器识别号 ..............................................59操作键锁定功能 ......................................................................61手动调节投影的映像 (63)对焦屏幕映像(焦距调节) ....................................................63手动校正投影区的失真 .........................................................63电脑映像的调节 ......................................................................68选择投影质量(颜色模式选择) .. (70)配置菜单 .......................................................................71配置菜单命令列表 (72)使用配置菜单 (79)通过网络监控投影机(适用于EMP-830) (81)EMP-830可用的网络功能 .....................................................81投影机的网络连接设定(EMP-830) .. (82)故障排除利用帮助菜单 ...............................................................85认为出了故障时 (87)读懂指示灯 ..............................................................................87看了指示灯仍不明白时 . (90)附录保养的方法 (108)清洁 ........................................................................................108消耗品的更换 (109)保存用户标识 .............................................................114选购件和消耗品 . (117)选购件 ....................................................................................117消耗品 (117)用语解说 .....................................................................118ESC/VP21命令一览表 .. (121)命令表 ....................................................................................121通信协议 ................................................................................121电缆配线 ................................................................................121设定USB 接口 . (122)受支持的监视器显示一览表 ........................................123规格 ............................................................................124外形尺寸图 .. (126)使用前的准备工作这里就投影机使用前对其进行设定的方法进行说明各部件的名称和作用 (6)前面/上面/侧面 (6)底座 (7)后面 (7)遥控器 (8)操作面板 (9)输入/输出端口 (10)使用遥控器之前 (11)装入电池 (11)使用遥控器及遥控操作范围 (12)投影机的设定安装 (14)设定安装方法 (14)投影屏尺寸和投影距离 (15)插入和移除卡仅(仅EMP-835) (16)安装 (16)移除 (17)读取灯状态 (18)卡插槽读取灯状态.................................................................18无线LAN卡读取灯状态 (18)与电脑的连接 (19)符合使用条件的电脑 (19)连接到电脑上 (20)监视器端口为微型D-Sub 15针端口(实例) (20)使用遥控器操作鼠标指针(无线鼠标功能) (21)与外部监视器的连接 (23)网络电缆的连接 (24)与视频源的连接 (25)投影复合视频映像 (25)投影S-视频映像 (26)投影分量视频映像 (26)投影RGB视频映像 (27)如果RGB输出端口是微型D-Sub 15针端口(实例) (27)播放视频设备的声音 (28)输入分量视频信号时 (28)播放外部扬声器的声音 (29)连接USB设备(数码相机硬盘驱动器或存储设备)(仅EMP-835) (30)连接USB设备 (30)从投影机上断开USB设备的连接 (31)前面/上面/侧面•提手提起及搬运投影机时握住此提手•撑脚调节键 s 37页另一撑脚调节键位于右侧伸出或缩回前撑脚时拉动这两个撑脚调节键•操作面板 s 9页•遥控受光部/传感器 s 12页接收遥控信号也根据Auto Quick Corner 和Wall Shot 操作检测投影区的状态•排风口由于投影期间或投影刚结束后投影机非常热因而切勿触摸•镜头盖不使用投影机时装上镜头盖以防止镜头的污损•前撑脚 s 37页投影机放在搁板之类的表面上时伸出和缩回前撑脚以调节投影角度•空气过滤器(进风口)s 108页113页防止灰尘和其他外界杂质进入投影机定期清洁空气过滤器•主灯盖 s 109页更换投影机内的主灯时打开此盖•扬声器底座后面•悬吊支架固定点(4点)s14页117页将投影机悬吊在天花板上时请将选购的吊架安装在这里•空气过滤器s108页113页防止灰尘和其他外界杂质进入投影机定期清洁空气过滤器•进风口s108页定期清洁空气过滤器•镜头盖系带固定装置在天花板上安装投影机时将其取下抓住止动器并将其拉出以取下镜头盖•前撑脚•撑脚调节键•输入/输出端口s10页用于将投影机连接到各种设备(如电脑或视频设备)上•电源插座s33页连接电源线•遥控受光部s12页接收遥控器的信号•防盗锁() s119页•后撑脚s37页•后撑脚s37页投影机放在搁板之类的表面上时伸出和缩回前撑脚以调节投影角度•网络端口s24页将网络电缆连接到这里•卡插槽(仅EMP-835)s16页使用EasyMP时将无线LAN卡或记忆卡插入这里遥控器如果您将放在键图标或键名上将显示该键的功能描述•遥控发光部 s 12页•指示灯•[E-Zoom]键 s 52页•[Power]键 s 34页41页•[R/C]开关 s 12页•[]键 s 22页79页85页•[Menu]键 s 80页•[Enter()]键 s 22页79页85页•[Pointer]键 s 54页•[](照明)键•[Quick Setup]键 s 39页•[Esc()]键 s 22页80页85页•[Help]键 s 85页•数字键盘 s 45页60页•[ID]键 s 60页•[Remote]端口 s 117页•[Preview]键 s 49页•[Preset]键 s 55页•[Focus]键 s 63页•[Wall Shot]键 s 50页•Source 键 s 36页•[Color Mode]键 s 70页•[A/V Mute]键 s 51页•[Resize]键 s 57页•[Freeze]键 s 52页•[PinP]键 s 53页•[Num]键 s 45页•[Volume]键 s 43页•[Page]键 s 21页•[Auto]键 s 68页•[Zoom]键 s 38页操作面板没有说明的键与遥控器的键相同有关细节请参阅遥控器的描述•[Source Search]键 s 35页操作方法与遥控器上的[Search]键相同•[Quick Setup]键 s 39页•[Power]键 s 34页41页•[Wall Shot]键 s 50页•状态状态指示灯指示灯 s 87页•[Resize]键 s 57页•[Help]键 s 85页•[A/V Mute]键 s 51页•[Volume]键 s 43页•[Focus]键 s 63页•[Source]键 s 36页[Computer/Component]键每次按该键按[Computer1/Component]端口[Computer2/Component]端口EasyMP 仅EMP-835的顺序改变输入源[Video/S-Video]键每次按该键输入源按[S-Video]端口[Video]端口的顺序改变•[Zoom]键 s 38页•[Menu]键 s 79页•[Esc]键 s 80页85页操作方法与遥控器上的[Esc]键相同•[Shift]键 s 58页68页69页该键本身不起任何作用但可在调节同步和跟踪及使用切换尺寸功能时使用•[Enter]键 s 68页80页85页显示配置菜单或帮助画面时其操作方法与遥控器上的[Enter]键相同•[]和[]键 s 64页66页69页80页85页使用这些键进行上下梯形校正和Quick Corner 校正如果在按住[Shift]键的同时按这些键之一可以调节电脑映像的同步g 在显示配置菜单或帮助菜单时按下这些键其功能与[]和[](上和下)键相同用于选择菜单中的选项•[]和[]键 s 65页66页68页80页使用这些键进行左右梯形校正和Quick Corner 校正如果在按住[Shift]键的同时按这些键之一可以调节电脑映像的跟踪g 在显示配置菜单或帮助菜单时按下这些键其功能与[]和[](左和右)键相同用于选择菜单中的选项10各部件的名称和作用使用说明书输入/输出端口•[USB TypeB]端口 s 21页122页当电脑和投影机用电脑电缆连接时用USB 电缆连接到电脑上以使用无线鼠标功能•[Control (RS-232C)]端口s 121页用RS-232C 电缆将投影机连接到电脑上该端口用于控制用户不应使用该端口•[Audio Out]端口 s 29页将所选视频源的音频信号输出到外部扬声器•[Monitor Out]端口 s 23页将电脑通过电脑电缆连接的模拟RGB 映像和视频设备的RGB 视频映像输出到外部监视器上不支持视频映像和EasyMP 仅EMP-835•[USB TypeA]端口(仅EMP-835) s 30页连接数码相机或USB 支持硬盘/存储器以投影其中的映像/短片文件或脚本•[Video]端口 s 25页输入视频源的复合视频g 信号•[Audio]端口(对[Video]端口) s 28页输入连接到[Video]端口信号源的音频信号如果信号是分量视频信号则也输入连接到[Computer2/Component]端口的设备的音频信号•[S-Video]端口 s 26页输入视频源的S-视频g 信号•[Audio]端口(对[S-Video]端口) s 28页输入连接到[S-Video]端口信号源的音频信号如果信号是分量视频信号则也输入连接到[Computer1/Component]端口的设备的音频信号•[Computer1/Component]端口[Computer2/Component]端口s 20页26页27页输入电脑的模拟RGB 映像信号及视频设备的RGB 视频信号和分量视频信号•[Audio]端口(对[Computer1(或2)/Component]端口) s 28页直接输入上述的连接到[Computer1(或2)/Component]端口的设备的音频信号•[Remote]端口s 117页连接选购的遥控电缆套件以便从遥控器输入信号11使用说明书使用使用遥控器之前遥控器之前装入电池购置投影机时电池尚未装入遥控器在使用遥控器前您必须将随投影机附送的电池装入遥控器取下电池盖一边向下推电池盖上的凸缘一边沿箭头方向滑动电池盖装入电池核对电池仓内(+)(–)极标志的位置以确保电池以正确的方式装入重新盖上电池盖滑入电池盖直到凸起锁定到位注意在装卸电池前请务必阅读安全使用须知/全球保修条款1凸缘23要点如果遥控器的反应滞后或是遥控器在使用一段时间后不起作用在可能是电池没电了如果出现这种情况请用两节新的AA 碱性电池予以更换使用遥控器及遥控使用遥控器及遥控操作范围操作范围将[R/C]开关设为ON将遥控发光部对准投影机的遥控受光部并操作遥控器键12遥控受光部遥控发光部约30约30约30约30操作范围(水平)操作距离约10 m约15约15约15约15操作范围(上下)悬吊在天花板上时的情况约15约15操作距离约10 m操作距离约10 m操作距离约10 m操作距离约10 m要点请注意不要让直射阳光或荧光灯光等直接照射到投影机的遥控受光部否则有可能无法接受来自遥控器的信号不使用遥控器时请将遥控器上的[R/C]开关设在OFF位置如果让[R/C]开关处在ON位置它将消耗电池的电力[R/C]开关在ON位置时按下遥控器上的某个键超过1分钟将停止发送该键的操作信号(遥控器将转入睡眠模式)这样做的目的是为了防止由于某物放在遥控器上面时消耗电池的电力释放该键时将恢复正常的遥控操作如果从遥控器到投影屏的距离加上从投影屏到投影机的距离的和在10m之内则可以将遥控器对准投影屏进行操作因为信号可以从投影屏反射回来并发送给投影机但操作范围取决于投影屏的状态如果您想保证遥控器远距离操作工作正常请使用选购的遥控器电缆套件连接遥控器的[Remote]端口及投影机的[Remote]端口附录选购件和消耗品s117页14使用说明书投影机的设定安投影机的设定安装装设定安装方法本投影机的投影方法有下述4种您可选择显示您的映像最佳方法从天花板上悬吊投影机需要特殊的安装方法要使用此种安装方法时请向经销商咨询将投影机安装到天花板上时需要选购的中的吊架s 117页注意安装投影机前务必先阅读单独的安全使用须知/全球保修条款从正面投影使用半透明投影屏从后面投影悬吊在天花板上从正面投影悬吊在天花板上使用半透明投影屏从后面投影要点投影机吊顶安装时或从投影屏后面投影时请将扩展-投影设定改为适当的设定s 76页15投影机的设定安装使用说明书投影屏尺寸和投影屏尺寸和投影距离投影距离镜头到投影屏之间的距离决定了实际映像的尺寸下面给出的推荐距离值和投影距离值用于配备标准镜头的投影机如果投影机配备某些其他的选购镜头则请参考随镜头提供的书面资料参考下表安装投影机使映像能以最佳尺寸投影在投影屏上表中的值应作为安装投影机的指导使用实际值将随投影条件和变焦设定而变设定在靠墙安装时投影机和墙面之间应有20cm 以上的间隔推荐距离范围861473 cm单位: (cm )4:3投影屏尺寸投影距离从镜头中心到投影屏底部的垂直距离最近(广角)最远(远距离)30英寸61 × 4686142440英寸81 × 61117192650英寸100 × 76147241760英寸120 × 90178290880英寸160 × 12023938911100英寸200 × 15030048714150英寸 300 × 23045273421200英寸410 × 30060498028250英寸510 × 380756122635300英寸610 × 460909147342镜头中心投影屏90要点标准镜头的最大变焦率约为1.6 最大变焦率设定时的映像大小约为最小变焦率设定时的1.6倍进行梯形校正时投影的映像变小如有必要请用变焦功能调节映像的尺寸s 38页您可以在EMP-835上使用PC 卡(如无线LAN 卡和记忆卡)这里将以附带的无线LAN 卡为例说明如何插入和移除PC 卡使用其它卡或在计算机的 PC 卡槽中插入或移除卡时请参阅该卡附带的文档安装将PC 卡面朝上插入卡面朝上插入卡插槽卡插槽用力插入卡槽直到完全到位为止无线LAN 卡完全插入卡槽后卡的后沿会露出槽外以下的PC 卡也能插入投影机的卡插槽无线LAN 卡(只能与包含的附件兼容)内存卡 s 规格124页要点注意将PC 卡正面朝右插入前后倒置或颠倒地安装设备可能导致故障或损坏投影机运输前必须将卡取出顶部移除按卡插槽右侧的按卡插槽右侧的弹出键弹出键弹出键将弹出来再次按弹出键PC 卡被弹出足够多您可以抓住卡的边缘直着将卡从卡槽中拉出注意当无线LAN 卡的读取灯闪烁绿色时请勿移除无线LAN 卡否则可能会损坏无线LAN 卡当投影机卡插槽的读取灯正闪烁绿色时或正在投影脚本时请勿移除存储卡否则可能损坏存储卡或破坏存储卡上的数据在投影机使用过程中及刚用完后PC 卡变热从卡插槽中取出PC 卡时拿卡时要小心若想在使用 CardPlayer 时移除内存卡请务必在取出前先关闭 CardPlayer 若在取出内存卡前不先关闭 CardPlayerCardPlayer 可能会发生故障s EasyMP 操作说明书中的关闭CardPlayer1弹出键卡槽访问灯2注意务必将弹出键按回去以防折断或损坏读取灯状态如下所述当记忆卡插入投影机的卡插槽中时可以通过观察读取灯是否点亮及点亮什么颜色来检查记忆卡的读取状态无线LAN卡插入投影机时卡插槽的读取灯不亮如下所述您可以通过观察无线LAN卡读取灯的状态检查网络通信状态卡插槽读取灯状态点亮熄灭主灯状态读取灯状态绿色正在从卡上读取数据熄灭存储卡处于待机状态红色从记忆卡上读取数据时发生错误无线LAN卡读取灯状态点亮闪烁灯主灯状态通信状态LINK绿色投影机连接到网络上且可以进行通信绿色正在连接到有效的网络上ACT绿色正在传输或接收数据LINKACT19使用说明书与电脑的连接符合使用条件的电脑在这里说明如何通过电缆将投影机连接到电脑有关与电脑的网络连接请参阅下面的文档如果使用EMP-835s EasyMP网络设定手册如果使用EMP-830s通过网络监控投影机(适用于EMP-830)82页有些电脑不能连接有些电脑虽能连接但无法投影确保您打算使用的电脑满足下列条件条件1要连接的电脑上应有视频信号的输出端口请确认电脑上是否有RGB 端口监视器端口或CRT 端口等输出视频信号的端口如果电脑有内置的监视器或使用便携式电脑可能无法将电脑连接到投影机上或者您可能需要购买单独的外部输出端口有关细节请参阅电脑随附文档中有连接外部监视器或类似标题的内容条件 2要连接的电脑的显示分辨率和频率应在受支持的监视器显示一览表范围内s123页某些电脑允许您改变输出分辨率因此如有必要请参阅电脑随附文件将分辨率改为与受支持的监视器显示器一览表中设定值相匹配的分辨率注意将投影机连接到电脑上时请务必检查下列各项在连接前关闭投影机和电脑的电源如果连接时任何一台设备的电源开着可能会引起损坏在连接前先检查电缆连接器和设备端的形状如果试图强行将连接器插入形状或针数不同的设备端口中可能会引起连接器或端口的故障或损坏请勿将电源线和连接电缆捆扎在一起如果电源线和连接电缆捆扎在一起可能会在操作中造成映像干扰或错误要点根据电脑端口的形状您可能需要购买市售的适配器有关细节请参阅电脑随附的文档如果电脑和投影机彼此相距太远附带的电脑电缆无法够及请使用选购的VGA-HD15 PC电缆请参阅附录选购件和消耗品s117页连接到电脑上电脑监视器端口的形状和规格决定了使用哪种类型的电缆根据所使用的电脑选择端口和电缆请用附送的电脑电缆进行连接监视器端口为监视器端口为微型微型D-Sub 15针端口(实例)接到监视器端口到[Computer1/Component]端口(蓝色)或[Computer2/Component]端口蓝色电脑电缆(本机附件)使用使用遥控器操作遥控器操作遥控器操作鼠标指针鼠标指针(无线鼠标功能)使用附件USB g 电缆将电脑的USB 端口连接到投影机后面的[USB TypeB] 端口您就可以将遥控器用作无线鼠标来控制投影屏上的鼠标指针用遥控器作为无线鼠标时在投影PowerPoint 解说时遥控器上的[]和[]键可用来在页面中上下翻页电脑使用的鼠标可用的电缆Windows 98/2000/Me/XP Home Edition/XP Professional USB 鼠标USB 电缆(本机附件)Macintosh (OS 8.69.2/10.110.3)USB 鼠标USB 电缆(本机附件)USB 电缆(本机附件)接到[USB TypeB]端口接到USB 端口要点如果投影机是EMP-835则投影机背面的[USB TypeA]端口不能起USB 集线器的作用USB 电缆只能与有标准USB 接口的电脑连接如果使用运行Windows 系统的电脑则电脑必须安装完整版的Windows 98/2000/Me/XP Home Edition/XP Professional 的完整版如果电脑运行在从早期Windows 版本升级到Windows 98/2000/Me/XP Home Edition/XP Professional 系统的电脑则不能保证正确地操作Windows 和Macintosh 均因操作系统版本的关系有时无法使用无线鼠标功能为了使用鼠标功能有时需要在电脑一侧改变设定有关细节请参阅电脑的使用手册一旦进行了连接就可按下面所述操作鼠标指针移动鼠标指针倾斜遥控器上的[]键沿倾斜的方向移动鼠标指针左击按 [Enter()]键如果您快速连续按 [Enter()]键两次其效果如同双击右击按 [Esc()]键拖放当您按住 [Enter()]键约1.5秒钟该键将点亮并启用拖放模式在该模式下您可以倾斜[] 键进行拖动操作在想要的位置按 [Enter()]键放下所拖动的选项也可以用同样的方法按[Esc()]键约1.5秒启用拖放功能该操作允许右键点击拖放要点在电脑上将鼠标指针的左右进行相反的设定遥控器操作也会相反正显示警告讯息或正使用下列功能时不能使用遥控器的无线鼠标功能· 正在运行Quick Setup时· 正在设定密码保护时· 显示配置菜单时· 显示帮助菜单时· 正在使用指针功能时· 已用画中画功能设定子画面时· 使用E-变焦功能时· 进行Quick Corner设定时· 当用切换尺寸功能的实际尺寸显示映像时· 使用预览功能时· 捕获用户标识时· 启用Wall Shot时与外部监视器的连接23使用说明书投影电脑通过电脑电缆连接的模拟RGB映像或投影视频设备的RGB视频映像时可以在连接到投影机上的外部监视器上查看映像的上演使用随附的电缆和监视器连接到监视器端口监视器随附电缆接到[Monitor Out] 端口(黑)要点复合视频映像S-视频映像和EasyMP 映像仅EMP-835不能输出到外部监视器上梯形失真校正的定位规配置菜单和帮助菜单不输出到外部监视器可以将分量视频映像输出到外部监视器上但可能无法正确显示颜色这是正常的并不表示有问题网络电缆的连接24使用说明书用市售的100baseTX或10baseT网络电缆连接到网络端口到网络端口网络电缆(市售)注意为防止出现可能的误操作您应该使用5类屏蔽电缆投影复合视频g 映像使用市售的RCA 视频电缆进行连接注意连接其他视频源时请注意以下几点连接前请关闭投影机和视频源的电源在接入电源的状态下连接会引起故障连接前请确认电缆的端子形状和设备连接端口的形状若试图将不同形状或针数的端子插入设备连接端口会损坏端子或连接端口请勿将电源线和连接电缆捆扎在一起如果电源线和连接电缆捆扎在一起可能会在操作中造成映像干扰或错误接到视频输出端口(黄)接到[Video]端口(黄)RCA 视频电缆(市售)投影S-视频映像请用市售的S-视频g 电缆进行连接投影分量视频g 映像使用选购的组合视频电缆进行连接s 选购件和消耗品117页S-视频电缆(市售)接到[S-Video]端口接到S-视频输出端口组合视频电缆(选购)接到分量视频输出端口到[Computer1/Component]端口(蓝色)或或[Computer2/Component]端口(蓝色)。

EPSON 实时时钟芯片RX-8010SJ Application Manual介绍

EPSON 实时时钟芯片RX-8010SJ Application Manual介绍
,没有和 YEAR,MONTH,DAY 寄存器相关联, 因此,如果对应日期发生变化,那么该寄存器需要重新设定。 4) [DAY],[MONTH]寄存器,根据实际的闰年,闰月 进行自动调节。
概述 这是一款内置 32.768k 晶体单元的实时时钟模块。除了具有计时、日历的基本功能以外, 还具有定时中断、固定周期中断、频率缺失检测、频率输出、用户 RAM 等功能。8 Pin 的 SOP 封装使之适合于多种小型化电子设备的应用。 2. 结构框图
RX-8010SJ 12.3 寄存器介绍及使用
12.3.1 时钟日历寄存器 在通讯开始后,时钟和日历的数据会保持不变,等到通讯结束后会自动更新。因此推荐 使用连续访问的方式一次性读取时间数据。 设置举例: 88 年 2 月 29 日 星期天 17:39:45
1) 2) 3)
[SEC],[MIN] 寄存器使用 60 进制的 BCD 码,数据范围 00 – 59 [HOUR]寄存器使用 24 进制 BCD 码,时间采用 24 小时格式。 [WEEK]寄存器用单独的一位来表示对应的星期。见下表:
3. 引脚定义
3.1 引脚功能描述
4. 外观尺寸
5. 推荐操作条件
6. 频率特性
7. 电器特性 (直流)
8. IIC 总线时序特性
9.使用中特别注意事项 9.1 上电 9.1.1 供电电压特性 * tR1 作为上电复位的限制条件,当不能满足这个条件时,不能正常实现上电复位。 必须通过软件对系统进行初始化设置。 *在短时间内电源频繁 ON/OFF 变化,会导致上电复位不可靠。在掉电以后,要保持 VDD= GND 这种状态 60 s 以上的时间以保证上电复位的可靠性。如果不能满足这个条 件,请通过软件的初始化来设置系统。


●SAW 谐振器
型号 FS-335 FS-555 FS-585 NS-21R NS-32R 数量 (件/卷筒) 4000 4000 4000 3000 4000 1000 3000 3000 3000 1000 1000 2000 1000 2000 2000 2000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 2000 1000 1000 1000 2000 1000 2000 3000 1000 2000 1000 1000 2000 1000 1000 1000 1000 2000 1000 1000 1000 1000 12000 2000 2000 12000 1000 1000 1000 1000 a Φ330 Φ330 Φ330 Φ180 Φ330 Φ254 Φ180 Φ180 Φ180 Φ330 Φ254 Φ180 Φ330 Φ180 Φ180 Φ180 Φ180 Φ330 Φ330 Φ254 Φ254 Φ180 Φ254 Φ180 Φ180 Φ180 Φ180 Φ180 Φ180 Φ180 Φ180 Φ180 Φ180 Φ254 Φ180 Φ330 Φ330 Φ254 Φ254 Φ254 Φ180 Φ180 Φ254 Φ254 Φ254 Φ330 Φ254 Φ330 Φ330 Φ254 Φ180 Φ180 Φ254 Φ180 Φ180 Φ180 Φ330 Φ180 Φ180 Φ330 Φ180 Φ180 Φ254 Φ180 卷筒尺寸 b Φ80 or Φ100 Φ80 or Φ100 Φ80 or Φ100 Φ60 Φ80 or Φ100 Φ100 Φ60 Φ60 Φ60 Φ80 or Φ100 Φ100 Φ60 Φ80 or Φ100 Φ60 Φ60 Φ60 Φ60 Φ80 or Φ100 Φ80 or Φ100 Φ100 Φ100 Φ60 Φ100 Φ60 Φ60 Φ60 Φ60 Φ60 Φ60 Φ60 Φ60 Φ60 Φ60 Φ100 Φ60 Φ80 or Φ100 Φ80 or Φ100 Φ100 Φ100 Φ100 Φ60 Φ60 Φ100 Φ100 Φ100 Φ80 or Φ100 Φ100 Φ80 Φ80 Φ100 Φ60 Φ60 Φ100 Φ60 Φ60 Φ60 Φ100 Φ60 Φ60 Φ100 Φ60 Φ60 Φ100 Φ60 W 13.5 13.5 13.5 9.0 13.5 17.5 9 9 13 17.5 17.5 13 17.5 13 9 9 13 25.5 17.5 17.5 17.5 17 17.5 13 13 13 17 17 17 17 13 17 13 17.5 9 25.5 17.5 17.5 13.4 17.5 9 9 17.5 13.4 17.5 17.5 13.4 25.5 25.5 17.5 13 9 17.5 17 13 17 9.4 9 9 9.4 13 13 17.5 17 A 8.0 8.0 8.0 4.0 8.0 8 4 4 4 8 8 4 8 4 4 4 8 12 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 4 12 8 8 8 8 4 4 8 8 8 8 8 12 12 8 8 4 8 8 8 8 4 4 4 4 8 8 8 8 职业磁带尺寸 B C 7.25 12.0 7.25 12.0 7.25 12.0 5.25 8.0 7.25 12.0 9.25 5.25 5.25 7.25 9.25 9.25 7.25 9.25 7.25 5.25 5.25 7.25 13.25 9.25 9.25 9.25 9.25 9.25 7.25 7.25 7.25 9.25 9.25 9.25 9.25 7.25 9.25 7.25 9.25 5.25 13.25 9.25 9.25 7.5 9.25 5.25 5.25 9.25 7.5 9.25 9.25 7.5 13.25 13.25 9.25 7.25 5.25 9.25 9.25 7.25 9.25 5.25 5.25 5.25 5.25 7.25 7.25 9.25 9.25 16 8 8 12 16 16 12 16 12 8 8 12 24 16 16 16 16 16 12 12 12 16 16 16 16 12 16 12 16 8 24 16 16 12 16 8 8 16 12 16 16 12 24 24 16 12 8 16 16 12 16 8 8 8 8 12 12 16 16

RX-8801SAUB3 PURE SN;中文规格书,Datasheet资料

RX-8801SAUB3 PURE SN;中文规格书,Datasheet资料

In order to meet customer needs in a rapidly advancing digital,
broadband and ubiquitous society, we are committed to offering products
Function * Use by the manufacture for testing. ( Do not connect externally.)
Serial clock input pin The pin outputs the refarence clock signal. ( CMOS output ) * Use by the manufacture for testing. ( Do not connect externally.)
that are one step ahead of the market and a rank above the rest in quality.
To achieve our goals, we follow a “3D (three device) strategy” designed to
drive both horizontal and vertical growth. We will to grow our three device
∆f /f
Current consumption (1)
Current consumption (2)
Condition Interface voltage

培星 Series 880 价值PPVOT型画中画彩打印器说明书

培星 Series 880 价值PPVOT型画中画彩打印器说明书

Epson Stylus™ Pro 4880/7880/9880 Be Inspired with More Coloursand Higher Image Quality2880 x 1440dpiThe Epson Stylus™ Pro 880 series offers industry-leading output quality, with print resolutions of up to 2880 x 1440dpi. This is achieved as the result of technologies including Variable Sized Droplet Technology, which supports ink droplets as small as 3.5pl, and Advanced Meniscus Control, which enables the printer to deliver sharp, accurately placed spherical ink droplets with high levels of precision.New Image Processing TechnologyEpson large format printers have long been regarded as leaders in delivering exceptional quality prints. With the introduction of the Epson Stylus Pro 880 series, this leadership has been given even greater emphasis. Featuring new algorithms for improved dot placement, the Epson Stylus Pro 880 series delivers higher image quality than previous models, in both high and low print resolution modes. Micro Piezo™ Print HeadUnderpinning the Epson Stylus Pro 880 series industry-leading quality is the incredible control over ink droplet size, shape and placement. This is achieved by means of the printer’s Micro Piezo™ print head, which uses a unique method of controlling the ink meniscus (surface) in each of the eight colour channels. The result is perfectly rounded ink droplets of various sizes – larger sizes for solid colour areas and smaller droplets for gradation, toning and detail – delivered with absolute precision.Superior Image QualityWithout ImageProcessing TechnologyWith New ImageProcessing TechnologyHigh Capacity 110 / 220ml Ink CartridgesWith high-capacity pressurised 110 and 220ml inkcartridges, the Epson Stylus™ Pro 880 series is suitablefor high volume print environments. The pressurisedcartridges reduce ink wastage and provide a consistentfl ow of ink to each of the print head’s eight channels.Permanent Print HeadA major advantage of the Epson Stylus Pro 880 series is its permanent print head which, aside from improving the overall performance of the printer, minimises the amount of time and effort required for maintenance. By avoiding the unnecessary cost of frequently replacing print heads, the Epson permanent print head assists in reducing the printer’s overall cost of ownership. True BorderFree™ PrintingThe Epson Stylus Pro 880 series printers deliver true borderfree printing. This innovative feature supports various media widths and saves on valuable post-production time by printing without margins. Finish print jobs more accurately and safely than manual fi nishing techniques by letting the printer do it for you.Powerful ConnectivityRegardless of your network environment, the Epson Stylus Pro 880 series can be easily and quickly connected with built-in High Speed USB 2.0 (compatible with USB 1.1) or 10/100 Base-T Ethernet. Along with this is full driver and software support for the latest Windows® and Mac OS X® operating systems.By ensuring the Epson Stylus Pro 880 series has broad connectivity and operating system support, Epson has created an advanced series of large format printers that operate brilliantly in virtually any standalone or network environment. As a result, the Epson Stylus Pro 880 series meets the connectivity requirements of today’s high-demand professional print solutions.High ProductivityUltraChrome K3 VM/VLM*Epson UltraChrome ™ K3 Ink with Vivid MagentaIn building on the enormous advances made with EpsonUltraChrome K3 Ink, Epson scientists developed two new inks – Vivid Magenta and Vivid Light Magenta – which utilise a new high-density form of magenta pigment inks.With the introduction of the two new inks to the EpsonUltraChrome K3 ink family, the Epson Stylus ™ Pro 880 series eight-colour ink set, gives it the ability to generate prints using a signifi cantly expanded colour gamut that has advantages over conventional 12 colour ink sets.An additional benefi t of the new Epson UltraChrome K3 Ink with Vivid Magenta is a reduction in the metamerism effect, thereby delivering an overall improvement in colour reproduction accuracy.Wide Colour GamutThe Ultimate in Colour ConsistencyTo achieve the ultimate in colour consistency between printers, each Epson Stylus Pro 880 series printer is colorimetric calibrated at the factory using high precision spectrophotometers.In using spectrophotometers, each individual printer is measured against a predetermined value and, where necessary, the printers are re-calibrated to ensure consistency with each colour. As a result, colour proofs, photographic prints and fi ne-art prints from different printers of the same model remain totally consistent.* Conceptual images for reference onlyUltraChrome K3 InkUltraChrome K3 Ink withVivid MagentaPowerful Media Versatility* Pertains to information on the specifi cations pageExcellent Short and Long Term StabilityWhen Epson UltraChrome ™ K3 Ink with Vivid Magenta is fi red onto the media by the Micro Piezo ™ print head, it is rapidlyabsorbed deep into the substrate and as a result, colours become resistant to change and stabilise quickly. With genuine Epson media, the new ink delivers prints with:• Stable colour in just 30 minutes.• L ightfastness ratings of up to 75 years* for colour and up to 200 years* for black-and-white prints • Excellent water resistance • Improved scratch resistanceThree Level Black Ink TechnologyEpson UltraChrome K3 Ink with Vivid Magenta eliminates the colour twist and short tonal gradation problems traditionally faced by black-and-white photographers using digital printers, delivering black-and-white prints that rival those created with silver-halide processes. A three level black ink technology – Black, Light Black and Light Light Black – gives the Epson Stylus ™ Pro 880 series black-and-white prints:• S mooth tonal gradation with no colour twist • R ich shadow and highlight detail • H igh, black D-max with glossy media • U nrivalled neutral grey tonesThe use of three black inks also allows for a more stable and accurate grey balance which provides professional users with accurate colour control due to the smaller quantity of colour inks used.Automatic Media CutterAn automatic media cutter on the Epson Stylus Pro 880 series helps streamline the production and post-production processes by accurately and cleanly cutting roll media prints. By taking advantage of the printers True BorderFree ™ printing and automatic media cutter, prints can be delivered ready for immediate mounting.Thick Media Support up to 1.5mmAdding signifi cantly to the versatility of the Epson Stylus Pro 880 series is its ability to handle media up to 1.5mm in thickness. With this ability, the printer can produce high quality output ready for story-board presentations, signage or photographic images for immediate framing – eliminating the need for mounting.Options and ConsumablesProduct DescriptionCodeOptions2/3 Inch Dual Roll Feed SpindleC12C8111512/3 Inch Dual Roll Feed Spindle High Tension C12C811152Take Up Reel Core C12C815121Auto Take Up Reel Unit C12C815251Manual Cutter Unit C12C815182Manual Cutter Spare Blade C12C815192Auto Cutter Spare Blade C12C815291Roll Paper Belt C12C890121Maintenance Tank C12C890191Warranty1 Year Extended Warranty 1YWPRO98802 Year Extended Warranty 2YWPRO9880Software Epson PageProofer 3100026Epson CopyFactory3100027Ink Cartridges110ml UltraChrome ™ K3 Ink with Vivid Magenta Photo Black C13T602100Cyan C13T602200Vivid Magenta C13T602300Yellow C13T602400Light Cyan C13T602500Vivid Light Magenta C13T602600Light Black C13T602700Light Light Black C13T602900Matte BlackC13T611800Ink Cartridges220ml UltraChrome K3 Ink with Vivid Magenta Photo Black C13T603100Cyan C13T603200Vivid Magenta C13T603300Yellow C13T603400Light Cyan C13T603500Vivid Light Magenta C13T603600Light Black C13T603700Light Light Black C13T603900Matte BlackC13T612800Product DescriptionCodeOptions2/3 Inch Dual Roll Feed SpindleC12C8111612/3 Inch Dual Roll Feed Spindle High Tension C12C811155Manual Cutter Unit C12C815231Manual Cutter Spare Blade C12C815192Auto Cutter Spare Blade C12C815291Roll Paper Belt C12C890121Maintenance Tank C12C890191Warranty1 Year Extended Warranty 1YWPRO78802 Year Extended Warranty 2YWPRO7880Software Epson PageProofer 3100026Epson CopyFactory3100027 Ink Cartridges110ml UltraChrome ™ K3 Ink with Vivid Magenta Photo Black C13T602100Cyan C13T602200Vivid Magenta C13T602300Yellow C13T602400Light Cyan C13T602500Vivid Light Magenta C13T602600Light Black C13T602700Light Light Black C13T602900Matte BlackC13T611800Ink Cartridges220ml UltraChrome K3 Ink with Vivid Magenta Photo Black C13T603100Cyan C13T603200Vivid Magenta C13T603300Yellow C13T603400Light Cyan C13T603500Vivid Light Magenta C13T603600Light Black C13T603700Light Light Black C13T603900Matte BlackC13T612800Product DescriptionCodeOptions2/3 Inch Dual Roll Feed SpindleC12C8111712/3 Inch Dual Roll Feed Spindle High Tension C12C811191Auto Cutter Spare Blade C12C815291Roll Paper Belt C12C890121Maintenance Tank C12C890191Borderless Print Spacer C12C811201 for 420mm and 8” Roll Paper Printer Cabinet7100321Warranty1 Year Extended Warranty 1YWPRO48802 Year Extended Warranty 2YWPRO4880Software Epson PageProofer 3100026Epson CopyFactory3100027 Ink Cartridges110ml UltraChrome ™ K3 Ink with Vivid Magenta Photo Black C13T605100Cyan C13T605200Vivid Magenta C13T605300Yellow C13T605400Light Cyan C13T605500Vivid Light Magenta C13T605600Light Black C13T605700Light Light Black C13T605900Matte BlackC13T613800Ink Cartridges220ml UltraChrome K3 Ink with Vivid Magenta Photo Black C13T606100Cyan C13T606200Vivid Magenta C13T606300 Yellow C13T606400Light Cyan C13T606500Vivid Light Magenta C13T606600Light Black C13T606700Light Light Black C13T606900Matte BlackC13T614800CUT SHEET High capacity paper tray with automatic sheet feed(up to 250 pcs of Plain Paper)Manual insertion feeder for media up to 1.5mmMedia width: Size: A4 / LTR - A2 / C, (210mm - 431.8mm)Media length: 279mm - 610mmMedia thickness: 0.08mm - 1.50mmPAPER OUTPUT CAPABILITY Single roll system, Auto media cutterPRINTING AREA (WIDTH)Max. 432mm [(Borderless Printing width: 8"(*1), 10", 12", 14", 16",17", 210mm, 257mm, 297mm, 300mm, 329mm, 400mm, 420mm(*1)] *1: 8" and 420mm requires spacerPRINT MARGINSROLL MEDIA 4 modes available;mode 1: 3mm on all edges (top, sides, bottom)mode 2: 15mm (top and bottom), 3mm (sides)mode 3: 15mm (top, sides, bottom)mode 4: 25mm (top and bottom) 3mm (side)SHEET MEDIA 2 modes available;mode 1: 3mm (top, sides, bottom)mode 2: 3mm (top and sides) 14mm (bottom)TOTAL PRINT VOLUME 20,000 A2 sheetsCONSUMABLE PARTS Cutter blade, maintenance tankMAINTENANCE PARTS Pump unit, flushing box, head cleaner, cap assembly RELIABILITYCUTTER BLADE Coat paper, approx. 2,000 cutsFILM Approx. 1,000 cutsCARRIAGE MOTOR Approx. 20,000 A2 sheetsROLL DIMENSIONS Core diameter 2" or 3", Max. Outside Diameter Ø 150mm MEMORY 64MBLANGUAGES ESC / P2 RasterINTERFACES (STANDARD) USB2.0 (Compatible with 1.1), Epson 10/100 Base Ethernet VOLTAGE / CURRENT / FREQUENCY 100 - 120V version, 220 - 240V versionPOWER CONSUMPTION PRINTING: 59W or less STANDBY: 5W or less POWER OFF :1W or less DIMENSIONS848mm(W) x 765mm(D) x 354mm(H) (Paper Tray Storage Min. Size)848mm(W) x 1105mm(D) x 354mm(H) (Paper Tray Expand Max. Size) WEIGHT Approx. 39.4kg (excluding Ink and Media)UTILITY SOFTWARESTANDARD Epson LFP Remote Panel, Epson ColorBaseOPTIONAL Epson PageProofer, Epson CopyFactoryEPSON STYLUS PRO 7880 Product code: Pro7880SIZE24 inch wide (A1+)INK MODE 8colourRESOLUTION 2880dpi x 1440dpi Epson Variable-sized Droplet TechnologyINK SYSTEM9-Colours pigment ink [(C, VM, Y, LC, VLM, LLK, Photo K, Matte K) with8 slots)] only one of Matte K and Photo K could be used for a print.Ink conversion cartridges are required for ink change between MatteK and Photo K. Individual high capacity ink cartridge. Ink Capacity110ml or 220ml (Different ink as Pro 4000 / 7600 / 9600) PRINTER SPEED A1 size, Colour360dpi x 360dpi : Approx. 2.2 minutes (Plain Paper : Draft Mode)360dpi x 360dpi : Approx. 4.2 minutes (Plain Paper : Fast Mode)720dpi x 360dpi : Approx. 5.0 minutes (Plain Paper : Quality Mode)720dpi x 360dpi : Approx. 4.2 minutes (Coated Media : Fast Mode)720dpi x 720dpi : Approx. 9.9 minutes (Coated Media : Quality Mode)1440dpi x 720dpi : Approx. 14.3 minutes (Photo Mode)*15.8 minutes in case of the Advanced B&W Photo Mode2880dpi x 1440dpi : Approx. 26.9 minutes (Super Photo Mode) PRINTER DRIVER Windows® 2000 / XP, XP x64, Vista, Vista x64, Mac® OS X 10.2.8 or later HEAD CONFIGURATION180 nozzles x 8 with VSDTMEDIA DIMENSIONSROLL MEDIA Single roll: 1 roll < 150mm / Outside diameterMedia width: 203.2mm - 610mm (8" - 24")Minimum media: length 279mmMedia thickness: 0.08mm - 0.50mmCUT SHEET Manual insertion feeder for media up to 1.5mmMedia width: Size: A4 / LTR - A1+ / 24", (210mm - 610mm)Media thickness: 0.08mm - 1.50mmPAPER OUTPUT CAPABILITY Output bin, Single roll system, Auto media cutterPRINTING AREA (WIDTH)Max. 610mm (Borderless Printing width: 10", 13", 14",16", 17", 515mm, 594mm, 609.6mm)1178mm(W) x 745mm(D) x 1180mm(H) (with optional stand)WEIGHT Approx. 48.9kg (excluding Ink and Media) / Stand approx. 10.5kgUTILITY SOFTWARESTANDARD Epson LFP Remote Panel, Epson ColorBaseOPTIONAL Epson PageProofer, Epson CopyFactoryEPSON STYLUS PRO 9880 Product code: Pro9880SIZE 44 inch wide (B0+)INK MODE 8colourRESOLUTION 2880dpi x 1440dpi Epson Variable-sized Droplet TechnologyINK SYSTEM9-Colours pigment ink [(C, M, Y, LC, LM, LLK, Photo K, Matte K) with8 slots)] only one of Matte K and Photo K could be used for a print.Ink conversion cartridges are required for ink change betweenMatte K and Photo K, Individual high capacity ink cartridgeInk Capacity 110ml or 220ml (Different ink as Pro 4000 / 7600 / 9600)PRINTER SPEED B0+ size, Colour360dpi x 360dpi : Approx. 5.1 minutes (Plain Paper : Draft Mode)360dpi x 360dpi : Approx. 10.9 minutes (Plain Paper : Fast Mode)720dpi x 360dpi : Approx. 13.6 minutes (Plain Paper : Quality Mode)720dpi x 360dpi : Approx. 10.9 minutes (Coated Media : Fast Mode)720dpi x 720dpi : Approx. 29.0 minutes (Coated Media : Quality Mode)1440dpi x 720dpi : Approx. 42.5 minutes (Photo Mode)*47.3 minutes in case of the Advanced B&W Photo Mode2880dpi x 1440dpi : Approx. 81.7 minutes (Super Photo Mode)PRINTER DRIVER Windows® 2000 / XP, XP x64, V ista, Vista x64, Mac® OS X 10.2.8 or laterHEAD CONFIGURATION180 nozzles x 8 with VSDTMEDIA DIMENSIONSROLL MEDIA Single roll: 1 roll < 150mm / Outside diameterMedia width: 203.2mm - 1118mm (8" - 44")Minimum media legnth: 279mmMedia thickness: 0.08mm - 0.50mmCUT SHEET Manual insertion feeder for media up to 1.5mmMedia width: Size: A4 / LTR - A0+ / 44", (210mm - 1118mm)Media thickness: 0.08mm - 1.50mmPAPER OUTPUT CAPABILITY Output bin, Single roll system, Auto media cutterPRINTING AREA (WIDTH)Max. 1118mm (Borderless Printing width: 10", 13", 14", 16", 17",515mm, 594mm, 609.6mm, 728mm, 914.4mm, 1117.6mm)PRINT MARGINSROLL MEDIA 3 modes available;mode 1: 3mm on all edges (top, sides, bottom)mode 2: 15mm (top and bottom), 3mm (sides)mode 3: 15mm (top, sides, bottom)SHEET MEDIA 2 modes available;mode 1: 3mm(top, sides, bottom)mode 2: 3mm (top and sides) 14mm (bottom)TOTAL PRINT VOLUME20,000 B0+ sheetsCONSUMABLE PARTS Cutter blade, maintenance tankMAINTENANCE PARTS Pump unit, flushing box, head cleaner, cap assemblyRELIABILITYCUTTER BLADE Coat paper, approx. 2,000 cutsFILM Approx. 1,000 cutsCARRIAGE MOTOR Approx. 20,000 B0+ sheetsROLL DIMENSIONS Core diameter 2" or 3", Max. Outside Diameter Ø 150mmMEMORY 128MBLANGUAGES ESC / P2 RasterINTERFACES (STANDARD)USB2.0 (Compatible with 1.1)Epson 10/100 Base EthernetVOLTAGE / CURRENT / FREQUENCY100 - 120V version, 220 - 240V versionPOWER CONSUMPTION PRINTING: 50W or less STANDBY: 6W or less POWER OFF :1W or lessDIMENSIONS 1702mm(W) x 678mm(D) x 1196mm(H) (stand included)WEIGHT Approx. 90kg (excluding Ink and Media)UTILITY SOFTWARESTANDARD Epson LFP Remote Panel, Epson ColorBaseOPTIONAL Epson PageProofer, Epson CopyFactoryAs an International ENERGYSTAR Partner, Epson hasdetermined that this productmeets the International ENERGYSTAR guidelines for energyefficiency. Epson is theregistered trademark of SEIKOEpson Corporation. Epson Stylus,PerfectPicture, MicroPiezo,AcuPhoto Halftoning, QuickDryare the trademarks of SEIKOEpson Corporation. All othernames and company namesused herein are for identificationpurpose only and may be thetrademarks or registeredtrademarks of their respectiveowners. Epson disclaims any andall rights in those marks. All printsamples shown herein aresimulations. Specifications aresubject to change without notice.* LIGHTFASTNESS TESTCRITERIA (INDOOR DISPLAYCONDITION)Test Conditions1. Under fluorescent light(Indoor Display Condition)with glass mount2. The data is calculated byEpson’s accelerated test and itdoes not mean Epsonguarantees periods.3. The estimated longevity doesnot indicate the colour changingand the durability of thepaper itself.Light Source: Fluorescent LightIntensity: 70,000 luxTemperature: 24°CHumidity: 60%RHGlass mount: 2mm, soda limeFade criteria:Pure YMC 30% loss at OD = 1Display-life calculation: Totalilluminance/ (500lux x 10hours x365days = 1year) 848mm1105mm。



·低于 1 秒计时器重置待命
Reg(2F)h←(41)h Write
Reg(6)h←(14)h Write[年]
Reg(5)h←(04)h Write[月]
Reg(4)h←(18)h Write[日]
很多爱普生的实时时钟模块搭载了 RESET 功能,可使用软件对上述低于 1 秒的误差进行调节。但是,使用软件调节时间的方 法会因软件处理时间而产生时间偏差。这对需要以精确时间实现同步的用户来说,这个误差也须解决。为此,4803 系列和 8803 系列又搭载了使用硬件调节时间的 ERST 功能。
本次说明内建 TCXO 数字式实时时钟模块 4803 系列与 8803 系列所搭载的用于调节低于 1 秒时间的 RESET 功能及 ERST 功 能,并使用时序图等以具体实例进行说明。
【序文】 近年,随着电波手表的普及以及可从 NTP 时间服务器获取标准时间等,获取极为准确的时间已不再繁琐劳神。因此,用于金
融、交通管理、电力控制、安全及体育等应用系统设计一般均以可参照正确时间为基础。这类处理系统在数据输入、输出部分必 须设置为数众多的终端设备,且这些终端设备也需要有正确的时间。为了回应上述需求,爱普生向市场提供了内建以高稳定频率 振荡的石英晶体单元的实时时钟模块。
·SEC 寄存器的设定(清除进位信息) [Bank1] Reg(0)h←(00)h Write[秒]
·低于 1 秒计时器重置待命

EPSON 实时时钟芯片RX-8010SJ Application Manual介绍

EPSON 实时时钟芯片RX-8010SJ Application Manual介绍

根据实际功能设置 1F[h]寄存器 使 STOP=‘0’
RX-8010SJ 13
通过 I2C 总线接口读写数据
器件地址(Device Address/Slave Address) 所有的通讯操作都是以 [START 条件] + [从设备地址 + (R/W 读写选择)开始的。 从设备地址如下:
12.3.2 固定周期定时中断寄存器 相关寄存器:
* 在进入操作设定之前,建议将 TE 位 清 0。 * 在不用该功能的时候,计数器 0,1 可以作为 RAM 来使用,但需要将 TE 和 TIE 清 0。 1)用于固定定时器的递减计数器 0,1 该寄存器用来设定定时器的默认值, 从 0 到 65535。 在写入预设值之前请确认 TE 位 为’0’。 *TE 为‘0’时读出来的值是预设值, ‘1’时读出来的值是计数值。 2)TSEL0,TSEL1,TSEL2 这三个位的组合用来设置倒数计数的周期(时钟源)
  1. 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
  3. 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
RA8803 SA
• 32.768 kHz
•1/100s •
: I2C-Bus (400kHz)

: 1.6 V ~ 5.5 V

: 2.2 V ~ 5.5 V

: 1.6 V ~ 5.5 V

32.768 kHz, 1024 Hz, 1Hz.

32.768 kHz
5 32.768 kHz DTCXO
-15 Tuning fork X'tal
-30 -45 -35 -25 -15 -5 5 15 25 35 45 55 65 75 85 Temperature (ºC)
推进环境管理体系 符合国际标准
在环境管理体系的运行方面,使用 ISO14001 国际环境标准,通过“计 划-实施-检查-验证(PDCA)的循环来实现持续改进。公司位于日本和 海外的主要制造基地已取得了 ISO14001 资格认证。
( N-ch

• •UA •UB •UC •AA
± 3.4 x 10-6 / -40 ºC ~ +85 ºC 商
未对任何专利或知识版权的许可权进行授权。 ·本材料中规格表中的数值大小通过数值线上的大小关系表示。 ·当出口此材料中描述的产品或技术时,你应该遵守相应的出口管制法律和法规,并按照这些法律和法规的要求执行。
请不要将产品(以及任何情况下提供任何的技术信息)用于开发或制造大规模杀伤性武器或其他军事用途。还要求,不要将产品提供给任何 将产品用于此类违禁用途的第三方。 ·此类产品是基于在一般电子机械内使用而设计开发的,如将产品应用于需要极高可靠性的特定用途,必须实现得到弊公司的事前许可。若 无许可弊公司将不负任何责任。
±5.0 ∗2
× 10-6
AA Ta = +25 ºC
5 ±5.0 ∗3
, VDD = 5V
/INT = VDD FOUT output : OFF
VDD = 3V
∗1 )
∗2 )
∗3 )
Frequency tolerance ( ×10-6 )
3.2 ± 0.1
10.1 ± 0.2
14. N.C. 13. SDA 12. T2(VPP) 11. GND 10. / INT
9. EVIN 8. N.C.

32.768 kHz-DTCXO Frequency temperature characteristics (Example)

• AEC-Q200 * I2C-Bus NXP Semiconductor

RA8803SA UA : X1B0002B000262A00200
RA8803SA UC : X1B000262A00300
RA8803SA AA : X1B000262A00600
Frequency temperature characteristics

UA Ta = -40 ºC ~ +85 ºC
±3.4 ∗1
∆ f / f UB UC
Ta = -40 ºC ~ +85 ºC Ta = -30 ºC ~ +70 ºC
1.太空设备(人造卫星、火箭等) 2.运输车辆机器控制装置(汽车、飞机、火车、船舶等) 3.用于维持生命的医疗器械 4.海底中转设备 5.发电站控制机器 6.防灾防盗装置 7.交通设备 8.其他,用于与 1~7 具有同等可靠性的用途。
Seiko Epson Corporation
• • • • EVIN
1/4096 ,,
4095 .
• 1PPS

32.768kHz .
( :mm)
1. T1(CE) 2. SCL 3. FOUT 4. N.C. 5. TEST 6. VDD 7. FOE
RA8803 SA
5.0 7.4 ± 0.2 SOP − 14 pin
± 5.0 x 10-6 / -40 ºC ~ +85 ºC 商 ± 5.0 x 10-6 / -30 ºC ~ +70 ºC (+5 ± 5.0) x 10-6 / +25 ºC


• 32.768 kHz • FOUT •
(CMOS ), CL=30 pF 32.768 kHz, 1024 Hz, 1 Hz.
ISO 14000 是国际标准化组织于 1996 年在全球化变暖、臭 氧层破坏、以及全球毁林等环境问题日益严重的背景下提
Seiko Epson 为了向顾客提供高品质、卓越信赖性的产品、服务,迅 速着手通过 ISO 9000 系列资格认证的工作,其日本和海外工厂也在通 过 ISO 9001 认证。同时,也在通过大型汽车制造厂商要求规格的 ISO/TS 16949 认证。
·本材料如有变更,恕不另行通知。量产设计时请确认最新信息。 ·未经 Seiko Epson 公司书面授权,禁止以任何形式或任何方式复制或者发布本材料中任何部分的信息内容。 ·本材料中的书面信息、应用电路、编程、使用等内容仅供参考。Seiko Epson 公司对第三方专利或版权的侵权行为不负有任何责任。本材料
ISO/TS16949 是一项国际标准,是在 ISO9001 的基础上增 加了对汽车工业的特殊要求部分。
●符合欧盟 RoHS 指令。 欧盟 RoHS 指令免检的含铅产品。 (密封玻璃、高温熔化性焊料或其他材料中包含铅。)