Noninvasive mechanical ventilation with high pressure strategy remains a “double edged sword”



Friendship Hospital,2010 Jun,24(3):l33—135 Abstract 0bject ive:To evaluate the efficiency of early use of noninvasive mechanical ventilation(NMV)with Bi-level positive airway pressure(BiPAP)ventilator in treatment of acute cardiogenic pulmonary edema(ACPE). M ethods:In 36 ACPE patents with SpO2<90% ,24 patents were directly treated with NMV (NMV group), compared wit h 12 patents treated with conventional oxygen therapy(conventiona l group).The vita l signs(HR,R, BP,SpO2),blood gas (pH,PO2,PCO2)and lactate were obtained in the beginning and after 4-6 houm’ treat- ment.Results:All the vital signs (HR,R,BP,SpO2)and blood gas (pH,PO2,PCO2)in NMV group and R,BP, SpO2 and PO2 in conventional group were sign ificantly improved (P<0.05).NMV led to rapid improvement of HR,R,SpO2,pH,PO2(P<0.05),and significant reduce of the r ise of blood lactate in ACPE patents (P<0.05).





















四、呼气末正压水平的调节呼气末正压(positive end-expiratory pressure,PEEP)是NIMV中的另一种模式,其通过在呼气末期给予一定的正压,以保持肺泡的通气性,减少肺泡塌陷和肺不张。



减少机械通气相关肺炎的发生 痛苦小,易接受 保留正常的生理功能
腹胀 不利于气道分泌物引流 加温加湿氧浓度调节不充分
COPD急性加重期 无创通气的选择标准 中至重度呼吸困难,伴有辅助呼吸肌肉的参与和腹部矛盾运动 中至重度酸中毒(Ph7.30-7.35)和高碳酸血症(PaCO245-60mmHg) 呼吸频率>25次/分 COPD稳定期 中至重度进行包括无创通气在内的康复治疗
短期目标: 缓解呼吸困难 改善患者舒适度 降低呼吸功 改善或维持气体交换 降低并发症 防止器官插管或延缓器官插管 长期目标: 改善症状 改善或维持气体交换度 增加睡眠的时间和质量 改善生活质量 改善呼吸功能 延长生命
NIV Protocol vs. Conventional Weaning Methods
Duration of Invasive Mechanical ventilation
20.1 20
Hospital Stays
45 36 27.8 27 40.8
p =0.003
p = 0.026
16 12 8 4 0 9.5

无创通气(Non-invasive Ventilation,NIV) 除气管插管、气管切开以外的、无创伤的机械通气 人工呼吸 铁肺 无创正压通气(Non-invasive Positive Pressure Ventilation, NIPPV): 以鼻罩或口鼻罩的形式连接呼吸机,在上呼吸道加以正压来改善肺泡 通气



血清胆碱酯酶在慢性阻塞性肺疾病伴呼吸衰竭行无创呼吸机辅助呼吸患者中的变化及意义王艳;王阿梅【期刊名称】《海南医学》【年(卷),期】2016(0)17【摘要】Objective To discuss the changes and clinical significance of Cholinesterase (ChE) in patients of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) complicated with respiratory failure treated with noninvasive ventila-tor-assisted ventilation. Methods A total of 104 cases of patients with COPD complicated with respiratory failure, who&nbsp;admitted to Department of Respiratory Medicine of our hospital from February 2014 to January 2015, were selected and divided into the observation group (n=45, conventional drug treatment) and the control group (n=59, conventional drug treatment and noninvasive ventilator-assisted ventilation) according to whether undergoing noninvasive mechanical ventila-tion treatment. The curative effect and the preoperative and postoperative changes of butyrylcholinesterase (blChE), eryth-rocyte cholinesterase (eChE) and serum pseudocholinesterase (pChE) in the two groups were compared. Results The to-tal effective rate in the observation group was 100.00%, which had no significant differences with 98.31%in the con-trol group (P>0.05). The preoperative levels of blChE, eChE and pChE in the observation group [(3.82 ± 1.26) × 1012/L, (3.08 ± 0.76) × 1012/L, (0.56±0.21) × 1012/L, respectively] were significantly lower than those in the control group [(5.08±1.35)×1012/L, (3.72±0.83)×1012/L,(0.83±0.26)×1012/L, respectively], P<0.05. There was no significant difference between the observation group [(4.96±1.33)×1012/L,(3.69±0.84)×1012/L, (0.71±0.25)×1012/L, respectively] and the con-trol group [(5.12 ± 1.27) × 1012/L, (3.81 ± 0.72) × 1012/L, (0.75 ± 0.29) × 1012/L, respectively] in the postoperative levels of blChE, eChE and pChE (P>0.05). Compared with before treatment, the postoperative levels of blChE, eChE and pChE significantly increased (P<0.05), but there was no significant difference in the control group (P>0.05). Conclusion The ChE levels of patients with COPD complicated with respiratory failure have decreased significantly, which increase with the treatment of non-invasive ventilation. So ChE could be used as the clinical efficacy evaluation index of noninvasive ventilator-assisted ventilation in the treatment of patients with COPD complicated with respiratory failure.%目的:探讨血清胆碱酯酶(ChE)在慢性阻塞性肺疾病(COPD)伴呼吸衰竭需经无创呼吸机辅助呼吸治疗患者中的变化特点,并分析其临床意义。












指南涉及的文献按照研究方法和结果分成5个层次,推荐意见的推荐级别按照Delphi分级分为A E级,其中A 级为最高。

表1 Delphi分级标准一、危重症患者人工气道的选择 人工气道是为了保证气道通畅而在生理气道与其他气源之间建立的连接,分为上人工气道和下人工气道,是呼吸系统危重症患者常见的抢救措施之一。






现任中华医学会肾脏病学分会青年委员、中国重症血液净化中青年协作组成员、中国中药协会肾病中药发展研究委员会委员、中国毒理学会中毒与救治委员会委员、非公肾脏病透析专业委员会AKI 及CRRT 学组总干事、四川省医师协会肾脏内科医师分会委员;任Precision Clini⁃cal Medicine 及《西部医学》《西南医科大学学报》青年编委。


共发表论文150余篇,以第一作者及通信作者发表SCI 论文40余篇。




E-mail :**********************体外二氧化碳清除技术的临床应用进展张凌1,2,李明鹏1,2,31.四川大学华西医院肾脏内科(成都610041);2.四川大学华西医院肾脏病研究所(成都610041);3.简阳市人民医院肾内科(简阳641400)【摘要】体外二氧化碳清除技术(extracorporeal carbon dioxide removal,ECCO 2R )旨在去除血液中二氧化碳,以缓解高碳酸血症和相关酸中毒的不良影响,为保护性甚至超保护性机械通气提供条件,有助于减少有创呼吸机使用,缩短呼吸机带机时间。

近年来,该技术在急性呼吸窘迫综合征(acute respiratory distress syndrome,ARDS )、慢性阻塞性肺疾病急性加重(acute exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary dis-ease,AECOPD )、新冠肺炎及等待肺移植手术等患者中发挥了重要作用。


T模式(Timed时间控制模式):又称被动模式或时间控制模 式。就是机器根据设定的参数控制人的呼吸,人只能被动的跟随机 器的工作。
此模式主要适用于呼吸触发能力微弱的患者及无自主呼吸或自 主呼吸弱的病人。
S/T 模式(Spontaneous/Timed自主呼吸与时间控制自动切换模式):就是患 者的呼吸周期小于后备通气频率对应的周期时,机器工作在S模式;当患者的呼吸周期 大于后备通气频率时,机器工作在 T 模式。
➢ 1950年,第一台容量切换型呼吸机研制成功,能控 制/监测气体的压力和容量及带简单报警功能的呼 吸机。
➢ 80年代后,人们对呼吸生理的了解更加深入,此 时电子传感技术,电动或电磁阀/计算机技术发展 成熟,使呼吸机的性能进入新的阶段。呼吸机从 走上了数字化的道路。
机械通气是在呼吸机的帮助下来代替、控制或改变自主呼吸运动的一种通气方式, 以维持气道通畅、改善通气和氧合、防止机体缺氧和二氧化碳蓄积,为使机体有可能 度过基础疾病所致的呼吸功能衰竭,为治疗基础疾病创造条件。


无创机械通气的适应症及禁忌症 无创机械通气常用的模式
呼吸机分类目前尚无统一标准,一般均根据通气方式分为有创正压通气和无创正压 通气
如(举例):BPM=10次/分,呼吸周期=60秒/10=6秒,则呼吸机等待6秒,如病 人能在6秒内触发呼吸机,呼吸机则为S工作模式,相反则为T模式。



有研究评价了活血化瘀类中药注射剂的不良反应, 结果显示该药物的主要不良反应涉及循环系统、神 经系统和消化系统,分别占总不良反应类别的 15.3%,13.3%和19.4%,并且随着患者年龄的增 长,身体机能的下降,药物的不良反应发生率随之 增长何。活血化瘀类中药注射剂在临床的应用非常 广泛,包括冠心病、高血压、糖尿病、风湿病等疾病 的治疗,用药过程中是否存在因过度使用而增加不 良反应的情况,需要进一步进行药物监测,规范中 药注射剂的合理使用。PPI制剂因为其确切的疗 效,在临床上被广泛使用,同时存在感染、骨折、营 养缺乏的潜在用药风险,这些风险与长疗程、大剂 量用情况的调査,结果显示预 防性药物使用占比77.67%,其中43.19%无预防用 药指征,该结果说明PPI制剂在临床使用中存在一 定程度不合理用药的情况,需要持续关注。介于以 上的实际情况,本院处方点评小组计划针对中药注 射剂和PPI制剂展开专项医嘱点评工作,了解2类 药品院内实际使用情况,并进行干预,规范临床合 理使用,减少用药错误,确保用药安全。
Key words: bedside ultrasonic; gastric antral cross-sectional area; gastric residual volume; mechanical ventilation
重症监护室(ICU)机械通气患者消化道动力障 碍是常见的,可导致喂养不耐受并可增加感染风险忙 胃残余量测定是评价胃排空功能最常用的工具,目 前临床常用注射器抽吸法测定胃残余量 (GRV, gastric residual volume),评估患者对肠道喂养的耐 受程度,预测返流与误吸,但测量值受胃管直径及 尖端位置、患者体位、胃和唾液分泌等因素的影响 较大叫 本研究发挥超声无创、便于操作、可重复性 好的优势采用胃窦单切面法检测胃残余量指导机



机械通气最基础的名词解释机械通气最基础的名词解释1.机械通气支持Mechanically ventilatory support(或机械通气mechanical ventilation):当呼吸器官不能维持正常的气体交换,即发生呼吸衰竭时,以机械装置代替或辅助呼吸肌的工作,称为机械通气支持。


2.人工气道artificial airway:是将导管直接插入气管或经上呼吸道插入气管所建立的气体通道,为气道的有效引流、通畅及机械通气提供条件。


3.正压通气positive pressure ventilation:在机械通气过程中呼吸机提供的通气压力高于大气压。


4.负压通气negative pressure ventilation:是无创性通气技术的一种,通过将负压周期性地作用于体表(主要是胸部和上腹部),使肺内压降低而产生通气。


5.吸气峰压peak inspiratory pressure,PIP:呼吸机送气过程中的最高压力。

6.平台压力plateau pressue,Ppl:平台压力是指吸气末屏气0.5秒(吸气和呼气阀关闭,气流为零)时的气道压力,与肺泡峰值压力较为接近。


7.平均气道压mean airway pressure,MAP:是指整个呼吸周期的平均气道压力,在正压通气时与肺泡充盈效果和心脏灌注效果相关,直接受吸气时间影响。


【关 键 词】 有创 一无 创 序 贯 通 气 ;重 症肺 炎 ;呼 吸 衰竭 ;心 钠 肽 ;B型 氨 基 端 利 钠 肽 原 【中 图 分 类 号 】 R563.1 【文 献 标 志 码 】 A doi:10.3969/j.issn.1672—3511.2018.05.024
Effect of invasive—noninvasive sequential m echanical ventilation on plasm a ANP and NT—proBN P in patients with severe pneum onia com plicated with respiratory failure
[Abstract] Objective To investigate the effect of invasive-noninvasive sequential mechanical ventilation on plasma atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) and B N—terminal pro brain natriuretic peptide (NT—proBNP) in patients with severe
pneum onia and respiratory failure. M ethods 98 patients w ith severe pneum onia com plicated w ith respiratory failure w ere divided into the sequential group (invasive-noninvasive sequential m echanical ventilation)and the routine group (tradition— a1 invasive m echanical ventilation) according to different m ethods of m echanical ventilation. The changes of indexes of blood gas analysis,respiratory rate(RR)and heart rate(H R)before and after treatm ent were compared between the two groups. The total time of mechanical ventilation,duration of ventilation,length of intensive care unit(ICU )stay,total hospitalization time,the incidence of ventilator-associated pneum onia(VAP),the success rate of weaning and in-hospital m ortality rates in tw o groups w ere statistically analyzed. After 3 days of treatm ent,the peripheral blood of patients w as collected to determi inflammatory factors and cardiac i ̄ury associated indexes.Results Af— ter treatment,RR ,H R and partial pressure of carbon dioxide (PaCO2)in the two groups were significantly decreased, while partial pressure of oxygen (PaO2)and pH were increased significantly (P< 0.05). The above indexes showed no significant differences between the tWO groups(P> O.05).The total time of mechanical ventilation,duration of invasive









关键词:蛇咬伤;呼吸衰竭;有创-无创序贯机械通气中图分类号:R563.8文献标志码:A doi:10.3969/j.issn.1671-3826.2013.02.07文章编号:1671-3826(2013)02-0128-02Clinical research on treatment for respiratory failure in snake bite patients using sequential invasive followed by non-inva-sive mechanical ventilation Chen Yi-tan,Chen Guang,Chen Zhi-bin,Li Fa-gen,Xie Shu-hua(Department of Respiratory Medicine,PLA92nd Hospital,Nanping Fujian353000,China)Abstract:Objective To discuss the clinical therapeutic effect of sequential invasive and non-invasive mechanical ventilation in snake bite patients with respiratory failure.Methods A total of22snake bite patients insulting respiratory failure were randomly selected,and then underwent sequential invasive and non-invasive mechanical ventilation.Another19patients underwent conven-tional invasive mechanical ventilation.Results Sequential invasive and non-invasive mechanical ventilation in snake bite patients insulting respiratory failure brought about more significant therapeutic effect on shortening invasive mechanical ventilation time,re-spiratory intensive care unit(RICU)stay time and total time length of hospitalization(P<0.05).The incidence of ventilator asso-ciated pneumonia(VAP)in sequential invasive and non-invasive mechanical ventilation was significantly lower than that in conven-tional treatment(P<0.05).Reintubation was unnecessary in both the two groups.There was no difference in mortality between the two groups.Conclusion After venomous snake bite was controlled and respiratory muscle paralysis was gradually improved,se-quential invasive and non-invasive mechanical ventilation had superiority.Key words:snake bite;respiratory failure;sequential invasive and non-invasive mechanical ventilation银环蛇毒主要为神经毒,一般咬伤后当时无明显不适感,伤后1 3h出现全身中毒症状,往往引起呼吸肌麻痹导致急性呼吸衰竭而死亡。



2023年11月第10卷第11期November.2023,Vol.10,No.11世界睡眠医学杂志WorldJournalofSleepMedicine2723睡眠呼吸病学SleepApnea分析基于保护动机理论的针对性护理干预对无创呼吸机治疗阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停低通气综合征患者的睡眠质量影响魏玉娟 施文雯 罗 璐(福建省厦门弘爱医院,厦门,362000)摘要 目的:探讨对无创呼吸机治疗阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停低通气综合征(OSAHS)患者予以基于保护动机理论(PMT)的针对性护理对睡眠质量的影响。



结果:干预后,观察组AHI、血氧饱和度<90%时间占总睡眠时间比例以及ESS评分较对照组低,夜间最低SpO2较对照组高,观察组自我管理评分显著高于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0 05)。


关键词 无创呼吸机治疗;阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停低通气综合征;常规护理;基于保护动机理论;睡眠质量;自我管理AnalyzingtheImpactofTargetedNursingInterventionsBasedonProtectiveMotivationTheoryontheSleepQualityofPatientswithObstructiveSleepApneaHypopneaSyndromeTreatedwithNon invasiveMechanicalVentilationWEIYujuan,SHIWenwen,LUOLu(XiamenHongaiHospital,FujianProvince,Xiamen362000,China)Abstract Objective:Toexploretheimpactoftargetednursingbasedonprotectivemotivationtheory(PMT)onsleepqualityinpatientswithobstructiveinsomniaapneahypopneasyndrome(OSAHS)treatedwithnon invasiveventilation Methods:Atotalof64OSAHSpatientsadmittedtoXiamenHongaiHospitalfromJanuary2019toDecember2021wereselectedasthestudysub jects Theywererandomlydividedintoanobservationgroup(n=32)andacontrolgroup(n=32)usingarandomnumbertablemethod Thecontrolgroupreceivedroutinenursingintervention,whiletheobservationgroupreceivedtargetednursinginterventionbasedonPMTinadditiontothecontrolgroup Detailedstatisticswereconductedontheparametersofpolysomnography(PSG)intwogroupsofpatients,andthesleepqualitybeforeandafterinterventionwascomparedbetweenthetwogroups TheEpworthSleepinessScale(ESS)wasusedtoevaluatethesleepqualityofthetwogroupsofpatientsbeforeandafterintervention,andaquestionnairesurveywasconductedontheirself managementstatus Results:Afterintervention,theAHI,proportionofsleeptimewithbloodoxygensaturation<90%,andESSscoreoftheobservationgroupwerelowerthanthoseofthecontrolgroup,andthelowestSpO2atnightwashigherthanthatofthecontrolgroup Theself managementscoreoftheobservationgroupwassignificant lyhigherthanthatofthecontrolgroup,andthedifferencebetweenthetwogroupswasstatisticallysignificant(P<0 05).Conclu sion:TargetednursingbasedonPMTforOSAHSpatientstreatedwithnon invasiveventilationcannotonlyimprovetheirsleepquality,butalsostrengthentheirself managementlevel,effectivelyconsolidatetheeffectivenessofnon invasiveventilationtreat ment,promoteefficacyimprovement,andhavehigheffectiveness,whichisworthyofpromotionanduse.Keywords Non invasiveventilationtherapy;Obstructiveinsomnia,apneahypopneasyndrome;Routinecare;Basedonthethe oryofprotectivemotivation;Sleepquality;Selfmanagement中图分类号:R338 63;R714 253文献标识码:Adoi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-7130.2023.11.068 阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停低通气综合征(OSAHS)是因睡眠过程中反复出现气道完全或不完全阻塞所致的通气减低或频繁呼吸暂停的睡眠呼吸障碍疾病之一,该病不仅危害性较大,且具有较高发病率[1]。



China &Foreign Medical Treatment中外医疗DOI:10.16662/ki.1674-0742.2021.03.049老年肺动脉高压患者呼吸衰竭采用无创机械通气的效果高辉,杨丰鹤,高炜北京市仁和医院呼吸科,北京102600[摘要]目的分析无创机械通气在老年肺动脉高压患者呼吸衰竭中的应用效果。


结果观察组患者治疗后的血气分析动脉血氧分压(87.6±4.5)mmHg、动脉血二氧化碳分压(45.2±1.1)mmHg、肺功能FEV1/FVC(88.2±3.8)%、PEF(5.9±1.2)L/s 指标及肺动脉压(PASP)(42.9±3.2)cmH 2O 与对照组患者血气分析动脉血氧分压(69.8±2.8)mmHg、动脉血二氧化碳分压(55.3±1.5)mmHg、肺功能FEV1/FVC(72.6±2.9)%、PEF(5.1±0.9)L/s 指标及肺动脉压(PASP)(54.2±4.6)cmH 2O 数据比较存在显著优势,且观察组患者最终治疗总有效率达到了95.0%,不良反应发生率仅为5.0%,与对照组指标的80.0%和20.0%存在显著优势,组间数据差异有统计学意义(t=21.241、34.341、20.640、3.373、12.754,χ2=4.114、4.114,P<0.05)。


[关键词]老年;肺动脉高压;呼吸衰竭;无创机械通气;效果分析[中图分类号]R[文献标识码]A[文章编号]1674-0742(2021)01(c)-0049-03Effect of Non -invasive Mechanical Ventilation in Elderly Patients with Pulmonary Hypertension with Respiratory FailureGAO Hui,YANG Feng-he,GAO WeiDepartment of Respiratory Medicine,Beijing Renhe Hospital,Beijing,102600China[Abstract]Objective To analyze the effect of non-invasive mechanical ventilation in the treatment of respiratory failure in elderly patients with pulmonary hypertension.Methods A random selection of 80elderly patients with pulmonary hypertension and respiratory failure in the hospital from July 2016to July 2019were randomly selected and divided into observation and control groups with 40cases in each group.The control group adopted invasivemechanical ventilationtreatment,the observation group was treated with non-invasive mechanical ventilation,and the clinical effects of different treatment methods were compared between the two groups.Results Blood gas analysis of the observation group after treatment.Arterial partial oxygen pressure (87.6±4.5)mmHg,arterial carbon dioxide partial pressure (45.2±1.1)mmHg,lungfunction FEV 1FVC(88.2±3.8)%,PEF (5.9±1.2)L/s index and pulmonary arterial pressure (PASP)(42.9±3.2)cmH 2O and control group blood gas analysis arterial partial oxygen pressure (69.8±2.8)mmHg,arterial carbon dioxide partial pressure (55.3±1.5)mmHg,lung function FEV1/FVC (72.6±2.9)%,PEF (5.1±0.9)L/s index,and pulmonary artery pressure (PASP)(54.2±4.6)cmH 2O data had significant advantages,and the total effective rate of the final treatment of the observation group reached 95.0%,and adverse reactions incidence rate was only 5.0%,which was significantly superior to the 80.0%and 20.0%of the control group indicators.The data difference between the groups was statistically significant (t=21.241,34.341,20.640,3.373,12.754,χ2=4.114,4.114,P<0.05).Conclusion The clinical effect of noninvasive mechanical ventilation in the treatment ofelderly patients with pulmonary hypertension and respiratory failure is significant.It can effectively improve the clinical treatment effect and the patient's pulmonary function indexes,reduce the pulmonary artery pressure and the incidence of adverse reactions.It is recommended to be popularized.[Key words]Elderly;Pulmonary hypertension;Respiratory failure;Non-invasive mechanical ventilation;Effect analysis[作者简介]高辉(1983-),男,本科,主治医师,研究方向为慢阻肺。








[关键词]无创呼吸机;有创呼吸机;机械通气;慢性阻塞性肺疾病急性加重;切换时机[中图分类号]R563.9[文献标识码]A[文章编号]1674-4721(2021)3(b)-0066-04Clinical study on the switching timing of sequential treatment of non-in-vasive and invasive mechanical ventilationXU Jin-quan GANG Li银ZHANG Xin-liEmergency ICU,Dalian Zhongshan HospiLal AffiliaLed Lo Dalian UniversiLy,Liaoning Province,Dalian116001,China [Abstract]Objective To explore Lhe switching Lime of sequential wiLh non-invasive and invasive mechanical venLila-Lion.Methods A LoLal of80cases wiLh acuLe exacerbaLion of chronic obsLrucLive pulmonary disease(AECOPD)admiL-Led Lo Zhongshan HospiLal from January2019Lo May2020were selecLed as research objecLs and divided inLo Lwo groups according Lo random number Lable meLhod,wiLh40cases in each group.The conLrol group was LreaLed wiLh ex­perience,while Lhe observation group was LreaLed wiLh Lhe swiLch poinL beLween invasive breaLhing and non-invasive breaLhing in Lhe conLrol window of lung infecLion.The levels of inflammation-relaLed facLors,pulmonary funcLion,S l.George's respiraLory questionnaire(SGRQ)scores before and afLer LreaLmenL and complications of Lhe Lwo groups were compared,Lhe main complications included venLilaLor-associated pneumonia,pneumoLhorax and hearL failure.Results The levels of Lumor necrosis facLor-琢(TNF-琢)and hypersensitive C-reacLive proLein(hs-CRP)in Lhe observation group were lower Lhan Lhose in Lhe conLrol group afLer LreaLmenL,and Lhe differences were sLaLisLically significanL(P<0.05).The levels of forced expiraLory volume in one second(FEV1)and forced expiraLory volume in one second/forcedviLal capacity(FEV/FVC)in Lhe observation group were higher Lhan Lhose in Lhe conLrol group,and Lhe differences were sLaLisLically significanL(P<0.05).The SGRQ scores of Lhe Lwo groups were lower Lhan Lhose aL48h and7d afLer LreaLmenL before LreaLmenL,Lhe SGRQ score of Lhe observaLion group was lower Lhan LhaL of Lhe conLrol group,and Lhe differences were sLaLisLically significanL(P<0.05).The LoLal incidence of complicaLions in Lhe observaLion group was lower Lhan LhaL in Lhe conLrol group,and Lhe difference was sLaLisLically significanL(P<0.05).Conclusion The application of pulmonary infecLion conLrol window as Lhe swiLching poinL can effecLively reduce Lhe inflammaLory response,improve respiraLory funcLion and reduce Lhe complicaLions incidence wiLh noninvasive-invasive venLilaLor sequenLially.[Key words]Non-invasive venLilaLor;Invasive venLilaLor;Mechanical venLilaLion;AcuLe exacerbation of chronic ob- sLrucLive pulmonary disease;SwiLching opporLuniLy慢性阻塞性肺疾病急性加重(AECOPD)是导致慢性阻塞性肺疾病患者临床死亡的最主要原因,亦为慢性阻塞性肺疾病患者医疗费用支出的关键部银通讯作者66CHINA MODERN MEDICINE Vol.28No.8March2021分[1-役对于AECOPD患者,目前临床上使用无创呼吸机的主要目的在于改善患者临床症状,但部分患者存在无创呼吸机使用时间过长,因此错过最佳撤机时机,过早或过长使用有创呼吸机导致患者耐受度降低造成机械性肺损伤、相关性感染、营养不良等[汽故如何准确把握无创-有创呼吸机通气切换的理想时机,对于提高治疗效果、减少并发症、改善患者预后具有重要意义[5]o本研究旨在寻找相对明确且易于掌握的无创-有创呼吸机切换指标,现报道如下。



无创机械通气的临床应用无创机械通气的临床应用1. 简介1.1 定义:无创机械通气是指通过口鼻面罩或鼻罩,将氧气和正压通气应用于患者的呼吸道,以改善呼吸功能和治疗呼吸衰竭的一种方法。

1.2 优势:相比有创机械通气,无创机械通气具有以下优势:- 减少呼吸道感染的风险- 提高患者的舒适度和合作性- 降低氧气护理的费用- 减少患者住院时间2. 适应症2.1 慢性阻塞性肺疾病(COPD)- COPD急性加重期- COPD在基线状态下的通气障碍2.2 心力衰竭- 心衰伴有CO2潴留或通气不足2.3 肺水肿- 不伴有严重意识障碍的急性肺水肿2.4 睡眠呼吸暂停综合征(SAS)- 中度至重度SAS患者无法耐受持续气道正压通气时- 无法接受或无法持续使用CPAP治疗的SAS患者2.5 其他适应症- 严重哮喘- 神经肌肉疾病导致的呼吸衰竭- 重症肌无力等3. 设备选择与应用3.1 设备选择- 正压通气机:根据患者的需要,选择合适的正压通气机器。

- 口鼻面罩或鼻罩:根据患者的面部形态和舒适度选择合适的面罩。

- 雾化器:根据患者的需要选择是否需要雾化治疗。

3.2 使用方法- 将患者舒适地安置于床上或椅子上,保持正确的体位。

- 适当调整面罩或鼻罩,确保与面部的贴合度。

- 设置合适的正压通气机参数,包括压力、流量和氧气浓度等。

4. 患者监测与护理4.1 监测指标- 血氧饱和度:使用脉搏氧饱和度仪(SpO2)监测患者的血氧水平。

- 呼吸频率:观察患者的呼吸频率是否正常。

- 平均气道压:根据患者的需要,调整正压通气机的平均气道压。

4.2 护理措施- 定期检查面罩或鼻罩的密封情况,确保气密性。

- 定期清洁设备,包括面罩、鼻罩、管道等。

- 监测患者的症状和呼吸情况,及时调整正压通气机参数。

5. 风险与合并症5.1 压疮:由于长时间佩戴面罩或鼻罩,容易造成面部压疮。

5.2 通气不耐受:部分患者可能无法耐受正压通气,需要酌情调整或停止应用。


全国无创机械通气协作组.以“肺部感染控制窗”为切换点行有创与无 创序贯机械通气治疗慢性阻塞性肺疾病所致严重呼吸衰竭的多中心前 瞻性随机对照研究.中华结核和呼吸杂志,2006,29:13-17.
Ferrer M, Esquinas A, Arancibia F, et al. Noninvasive ventilation during persistent weaning failure: a randomized controlled trial. Am J Respir Crit
无创通气的应用使序贯通气 的实施具有可能性
• 有创通气的撤离是讨论和关注的焦点 • 撤机的时机判断成为难题
– 长期上机带来明显不利影响
• 上机时间越长,副作用越大
– VAP→Artificial Airway Associated Pneumonia – 过早撤机也有问题
• 将人工气道与正压通气的作用区分开
– 有创人工气道的治疗作用
• 气道保护(气道分泌物引流、防止误吸) • 保证强有力的通气支持
– 正压通气的治疗作用
• 从“插管-上机、撤机-拔管” 到“上机不插管、拔管不撤机”
– “拔管不撤机”即为序贯通气
• 同时至少伴有下述指征中的1项
– 外周血白细胞计数低于10000个/mm3 或较前下降2000个/mm3以上
– 体温较前下降并低于38C
*姜超美, 白淑玲, 孙继红,等. 建立人工气道后痰液粘稠度的判别方法及临床意义. 中华护理杂志, 1994,29:434.
以肺部感染控制窗为切换点 行序贯通气的要点









关键词:蛇咬伤;呼吸衰竭;有创-无创序贯机械通气中图分类号:R563.8文献标志码:A doi:10.3969/j.issn.1671-3826.2013.02.07文章编号:1671-3826(2013)02-0128-02Clinical research on treatment for respiratory failure in snake bite patients using sequential invasive followed by non-inva-sive mechanical ventilation Chen Yi-tan,Chen Guang,Chen Zhi-bin,Li Fa-gen,Xie Shu-hua(Department of Respiratory Medicine,PLA92nd Hospital,Nanping Fujian353000,China)Abstract:Objective To discuss the clinical therapeutic effect of sequential invasive and non-invasive mechanical ventilation in snake bite patients with respiratory failure.Methods A total of22snake bite patients insulting respiratory failure were randomly selected,and then underwent sequential invasive and non-invasive mechanical ventilation.Another19patients underwent conven-tional invasive mechanical ventilation.Results Sequential invasive and non-invasive mechanical ventilation in snake bite patients insulting respiratory failure brought about more significant therapeutic effect on shortening invasive mechanical ventilation time,re-spiratory intensive care unit(RICU)stay time and total time length of hospitalization(P<0.05).The incidence of ventilator asso-ciated pneumonia(VAP)in sequential invasive and non-invasive mechanical ventilation was significantly lower than that in conven-tional treatment(P<0.05).Reintubation was unnecessary in both the two groups.There was no difference in mortality between the two groups.Conclusion After venomous snake bite was controlled and respiratory muscle paralysis was gradually improved,se-quential invasive and non-invasive mechanical ventilation had superiority.Key words:snake bite;respiratory failure;sequential invasive and non-invasive mechanical ventilation银环蛇毒主要为神经毒,一般咬伤后当时无明显不适感,伤后1 3h出现全身中毒症状,往往引起呼吸肌麻痹导致急性呼吸衰竭而死亡。


[关键词]摇 低氧血症;经鼻导管高流量湿化氧疗;无创辅助通气
Comparison of the therapeutic effect of nasal catheter high-flow humidified oxygen therapy and non鄄 invasive assisted ventilation in patients with hypoxemia after cardiac bypass摇 摇 HUANG Wei,CHENG Guo
25郾 97依1郾 02 21郾 71依1郾 32
5郾 12
4郾 78
0郾 619
0郾 483
吸烟史( 例)

3郾 14
0郾 455
乳酸值 血氧饱和度
( x依s,mmol / L) ( x依s,% )
1郾 1依0郾 7
99依0郾 8
0郾 9依0郾 9
99依0郾 6
2郾 51
1郾 97
1摇 资料与方法 1郾 1 摇 一般资料:回顾性查阅在高州市人民医院心外科 2016 年 1 月 ~ 2019 年 12 月我院行体外循环下停跳行 CABG 手术 患者的资料,收集患者基本信息如性别、年龄、体重指数、基础 疾病情况、吸烟史、术前动动脉血气分析、是否有其他基本疾 病,以及术后氧疗和有创通气情况。 比较两组患者搭桥术后 拔除气管插管后的血氧状态,通过不同的给氧方式,比较其临 床效果。 病例查阅收集标准:淤术后患者吸氧浓度>50% ,氧 流量> 10 L / min, 氧合指数 < 200; 于 血液 中 二 氧 化 碳 分 压 臆 45 mm Hg( 1 mm Hg = 0郾 133 3 kPa) ; 盂 吸 氧 后 呼 吸 频 率 > 30 次 / min;榆术后能顺利拔除气管插管;虞心功能芋级以上患 者;愚术前胸片未见明显基础性病变,术后胸片提示两肺轻度 存在渗出性病变。 排除病例指标:淤术前存在严重的肺疾病; 于术前存在其他器官功能不全者;盂术后发生 2 型呼吸衰竭; 榆术后无法拔除气管插管。 1郾 2 摇 方法:按照患者术后的吸氧方式,分为经鼻导管高流量 湿化氧疗( HFNC 组) ,和无创辅助通气( NIMV 组) 。 每组各










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© 2013 Esquinas et al, publisher and licensee Dove Medical Press Ltd. This is an Open Access article which permits unrestricted noncommercial use, provided the original work is properly cited.International Journal of COPD 2013:8 255–258International Journal of COPDNoninvasive mechanical ventilation with high pressure strategy remains a “double edged sword”?Antonio M Esquinas 1Gherardo Siscaro 2Enrico M Clini 21Intensive Care Unit, Hospital Morales Meseguer, Murcia, 2Department of Medical and Surgical Sciences, University of Modena, Pavullo-Modena, ItalyCorrespondence: Antonio M Esquinas Intensive Care Unit, Hospital Morales Meseguer, Avenida Marques Velez s/n, Murcia, 30008, SpainEmail antmesquinas@Dear editorWe read with great interest the original work by Murphy et al analyzing the effects of two treatment strategies for delivery of noninvasive mechanical ventilation in hypercapnic patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.1 High pressure and high intensity noninvasive mechanical ventilation were compared in a short-term crossover trial to assess whether high intensity noninvasive mechanical ventilation (inspiratory pressure 25 cm H 2O associated with a high backup ventilator rate) may improve adherence, physiological, and subjective outcomes when compared with delivery of high pressure noninvasive mechanical ventilation (without elevated backup respiratory rate). The authors concluded that both strategies are equivalent in all the recorded outcomes, showing thus that driving pressure, but not backup respiratory rate, is essential to gain physiological and clinical benefits in this population when in a chronic stable condition.Despite previous randomized studies showing the potential benefits of long-term noninvasive mechanical ventilation in hypercapnic patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, current research has still not clearly indicated the best strategy to improve the patient’s adherence with treatment.2,3 Overall, dropout during noninvasive mechanical ventilation remains a serious clinical problem.4 This study provides valuable information in this regard, suggesting that sufficiently high-pressure delivery is enough to achieve useful clinical and physiological goals.This notwithstanding, we believe that some of the expectations following the adoption of these different noninvasive mechanical ventilation strategies have not been adequately addressed in the present study. Therefore, we consider that it would be useful, from a practical point of view, to underline some points in this regard.First, the authors did not determine what effects the highest respiratory backup rate used in their study may have had. Although there have been no major studies published on application of high levels of backup that have proved to be useful in patients with severe chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, this is the best indication for hypoventilation syndromes, ie, obesity and overlap syndromes. In fact, we cannot exclude that addition of a high backup respiratory rate may help to resolve “overlap” when present at a subclinical level in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, or that it has not been adequately assessed before. However, it seems that the authors selected backup respiratory rate levels on a clinical basis without any physiological assessment in their study population. Despite patients in the presentDove presssubmit your manuscript | Dove press255L E T T E ropen access to scientific and medical researchOpen Access Full Text Article./10.2147/COPD.S42239Number of times this article has been viewedThis article was published in the following Dove Press journal: International Journal of COPD 24 May 2013International Journal of COPD 2013:8study not appearing to show any abnormal increase in their body mass index, the extrapolated conclusion of a lack of additional benefit from a well assessed strategy, including adequate backup respiratory rate, cannot be firmly excluded in such “extreme” cases.5Second, there was a lack of complementary tests in this study that might have helped in analysis of the data. Indeed, the authors selected patients with a FEV 1 (forced expiratory volume in one second) that could worsen with high backup and pressure, especially with the auto-positive end-expiratory pressure mechanism. It is not clear how selection of expiratory-positive airway pressure was made in the study population. Similarly, the authors did not take into account any potential auto-positive end-expiratory pressure effects during the 6-week period of observation.Third, the authors arbitrarily selected a population of hypercapnic patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (daytime PaCO 2 6 kPa) which would not be universally recognized as the most appropriate in terms of risk of frequency of exacerbations and clinical instability, and it is not clear whether any other additional clinical factors behind cardiac dysfunction may have interfered at admission or over the study period.6 Indeed, three of the five patients who withdrew did so because of factors other than mere mask/pressure intolerance (see Table E1).1Final, there was no analysis of potential implications of air leakage in the observed results. No mention was made of measurement or monitoring of leakage during application of noninvasive mechanical ventilation. This aspect could have been potentially relevant and interfered with the results, especially during application of such high-pressure delivery, which is known to increase mask leakages.4To conclude, we recognize that the paper by Murphy et al 1 will add information to the complex process of setting and titration of noninvasive mechanical ventilation in the population of stable hypercapnic patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. However, given the observations discussed, we are convinced that further studies of longer duration and including larger numbers of patients are needed to determine which physiological effects should be assessed and expected during application of both strategies. Currently, high-pressure strategies remain a “double edged sword” in daily practice.DisclosureThe authors report no conflicts of interest in this communication.References1. Murphy PB, Brignall K, Moxham J, Polkey MI, Davidson AC, Hart N. High pressure versus high intensity noninvasive ventilation in stable hypercapnic chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: a randomized crossover trial. Int J Chron Obstruct Pulmon Dis . 2012;7:811–818.2. Clini E, Sturani C, Rossi A, et al; Rehabilitation and Chronic Care Study Group, Italian Association of Hospital Pulmonologists (AIPO). The Italian multicentre study on noninvasive ventilation in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients. Eur Respir J . 2002;20:529–538.3. McEvoy RD, Pierce RJ, Hillman D, et al; Australian trial of non-invasive Ventilation in Chronic Airflow Limitation (AVCAL) Study Group. Nocturnal non-invasive nasal ventilation in stable hypercapnic COPD: a randomised controlled trial. Thorax . 2009;64:561–566.4. Dreher M, Ekkernkamp E, Walterspacher S, et al. Noninvasive ventilation in COPD: impact of inspiratory pressure levels on sleep quality. Chest . 2011;140:939–945.5. Porta R, Vitacca M, Clini E, Ambrosino N. Physiological effects of posture on mask ventilation in awake stable chronic hypercapnic COPD patients. Eur Respir J . 1999;14:517–522.6. De Backer L, V os W , Dieriks B, et al. The effects of long-term noninvasive ventilation in hypercapnic COPD patients: a randomized controlled pilot study. Int J Chron Obstruct Pulmon Dis . 2011;6:615–624.submit your manuscript | Dove pressDove press256Esquinas et alInternational Journal of COPD 2013:8Authors’ replyPatrick B Murphy 1Kate Brignall 1John Moxham 2Michael I Polkey 3A Craig Davidson 1Nicholas Hart 1,41Lane Fox Clinical respiratory Physiology Group, Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust, 2Department of Thoracic Medicine, King’s College Hospital, 3Sleep and Ventilation Unit, royal Brompton and Harefield NHS Foundation Trust, 4Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust and Kings College London NIHr Comprehensive Biomedical research Centre, London, UKCorrespondence: Patrick MurphyLane Fox respiratory Unit, St Thomas’ Hospital, Westminster Bridge road, London, SE1 7EH, UK Tel +44 20 7188 8070 Fax +44 20 7188 6116Email patrick.b.murphy@Dear editorWe thank Esquinas et al for their thoughtful comments on our recent published trial. We acknowledge that the set backup rate in the high-intensity group was determined clinically. However, the low triggering rate recorded in the high-intensity arm indicates that these patients were largely in mandatory ventilation, ie, by definition, they received high-intensity ventilation. Further, we consider that the high backup rate would be expected to contribute further to intrinsic positive end-expiratory pressure because the lung emptying at the end of expiration would be incomplete as the ventilator cycles from expiration to inspiration early, which would contribute greater patient-ventilator asynchrony. Patients with obstructive sleep apnea and/or obesity hypoven-tilation syndrome were excluded from the study because this is the group most likely to benefit from addition of a backup rate, a point highlighted by Esquinas et al. In a post hoc analysis of another recently published trial, a backup rate of 14 breaths per minute in obese patients was more important in controlling nocturnal hypoventilation than the mode of ventilation per se.1The expiratory-positive airway pressure setting in the study was selected according to the ventilation setup algo-rithm provided in Figure E1.2 The major clinical drive to undertake this trial was a physiological concern that use of high-intensity noninvasive mechanical ventilation in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease would exacerbate intrinsic positive end-expiratory pressure and subsequently have anadverse effect on outcome. Although the high-intensity mode has been shown to provide superior control of nocturnal hypoventilation compared with the low-intensity mode,3 it has not been compared with a high-pressure strategy alone until the current published trial. The authors considered that this would have a lesser impact on patient-ventilator asynchrony, although we acknowledge that we did not make detailed physiological measurements in this randomized, controlled clinical trial. However, the expected adverse clinical impact of intrinsic positive end-expiratory pressure would be a worsening of patient-ventilator synchrony, and this would be reflected in a reduction in patient subjective or objective assessment of sleep, recorded in the study by visual analog score and actigraphy, respectively. Neither marker indicated a treatment effect in the current study. The earlier work by Dreher et al, which compared a high-intensity versus low-intensity approach, again failed to show a difference in sub-jective or objective sleep during application of noninvasive mechanical ventilation.4Earlier work using low-pressure strategies has failed to demonstrate unequivocally a clinical benefit of noninvasive mechanical ventilation in hypercapnic chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and, as such, there is debate as to the phenotype of patient that will benefit most from domiciliary noninvasive mechanical ventilation. Thus, the current inclusion criteria are to some extent arbitrary, and the selection of patients was clearly described in the methods. Currently, there is a great deal of interest in which patients benefit most from domiciliary noninvasive mechanical ventilation, and this is the focus of ongoing European trials (HoT-HMV UK, NCT00990132, NCT00710541). On a related point, we agree with Esquinas et al that patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and a significantly elevated PaCO 2 are most likely to benefit, as was shown in the current trial, given that the mean PaCO 2 was 8.5 ± 1.8 kPa.Finally, measurements of air leak were not performed in the current trial, and addition of these data could have enhanced the paper and provided useful information for the clinician when applying the study conclusions in clinical practice. The authors acknowledge that ventilator settings and higher pressure may well be associated with higher levels of leak and that these may interfere with patient-ventilator synchrony and thus adherence with noninvasive mechanical ventilation.5The data from the current study add to the previously published data to allow the clinician greater scope in the management of these complex and challenging patients.submit your manuscript | Dove pressDove press 257Pros and cons of noninvasive mechanical ventilation with high pressureInternational Journal of COPDPublish your work in this journalSubmit your manuscript here: /international-journal-of-copd-journalThe International Journal of COPD is an international, peer-reviewed journal of therapeutics and pharmacology focusing on concise rapid reporting of clinical studies and reviews in COPD. Special focus is given to the pathophysiological processes underlying the disease, intervention programs, patient focused education, and self management protocols.This journal is indexed on PubMed Central, MedLine and CAS. The manuscript management system is completely online and includes a very quick and fair peer-review system, which is all easy to use. Visit /testimonials.php to read real quotes from published authors.International Journal of COPD 2013:8In essence, control of nocturnal hypoventilation should be the therapeutic goal of noninvasive mechanical ventilation in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. The ventilation strategy requires a personalized approach that is modeled for the individual patient and, as such, the clinician must always remember that there is “more than one way to skin a cat”.AcknowledgmentThis letter is published on behalf of the UK HoT -HMV Trial (UK CRN Trial 8059)DisclosureThe authors report no conflicts of interest in this communication.References1. Murphy PB, Davidson C, Hind MD, et al. V olume targeted versus pres-sure support non-invasive ventilation in patients with super obesity and chronic respiratory failure: a randomised controlled trial. Thorax . 2012;67:727–734.2. Murphy PB, Brignall K, Moxham J, Polkey MI, Davidson AC, Hart N. High pressure versus high intensity noninvasive ventilation in stable hypercapnic chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: a randomized crossover trial. Int J Chron Obstruct Pulmon Dis . 2012;7:811–818.3. Dreher M, Storre JH, Schmoor C, Windisch W . 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