Cheri Cheri Lady
1: YMCA-VILLAGE PEOPLEVILLAGE PEOPLE(村民乐队)1978年经典劲歌,提起YMCA,估计8 0年代以后出生的朋友们大多不甚了了;而对于生于70年代或者更早一些的朋友来说,印象最深的大概莫过于那首存在众多不同语言翻唱版的Y-M-C-A以及那双手高高举过头顶(Y)、双手弯曲置于双肩(M)、双手向右(C)、双手面前交叉(A)的标志性集体舞蹈动作。
2:RASPUTIN-BONEY MBONEY M(波尼曼)乐队,70.80年代西德传奇DISCO组合,这首RASPUT IN30年来被无数人翻唱,高凌风翻唱为《心上人》,80年代初,国内青少年“地下DISCO”舞场热翻天的经典舞曲,保证你跳到脚软!3:ONE WAY TICKET- ERUPTIONONE WAY TICKET(单程车票),与BONEY M(波尼曼)系出同门的ERU PTION跳舞组合,80年代国内最风靡的一首西洋舞曲,1978年冠军舞曲。
4:GIMME!GIMME! GIMME!—ABBA瑞典一代传奇组合ABBA(阿巴乐队),中学时代的最爱,乐队在80年代虽已解散,但这首1979年的GIMME!GIMME! GIMME!却早已成为乐迷们心中永恒的经典,费翔在80年代把它翻唱为《恼人的秋风》,相信你还记得歌词“为什么一阵恼人的秋风,把你的人......”5:DISCO-OTTAWAN还记得当年舞场里一致齐吼“D!I!S!C!O!”吗?对了这就是OTTAWA N(奥塔万)在1981年的著名水晶球舞曲“DISCO”,加拿大著名二人组合,带给你前所未有的激情碰撞。
6:BED BOYS—WHAM1983年的英国金牌榜单曲BED BOYS(坏男孩),英国WHAM(威猛)乐队,当年带给我们的冲击和震撼,是我们这代人永远不会忘记的。
女子英文名英文:,中文:来源:涵意常见女英文名中英对照【常见女英文名的义意一览】A开头的女英文名:Aaliyah 地位/身份极高的,上升女性阿拉伯Aasia 女性印度Aba 周四出生的女性非洲Abbra 范例,教训女性Abby 修道院院长,寺庙住持女性拉丁语Abby艾比 (Abigail的简写)Abella 孩子女性亚述Abeni 受到祈福的女孩女性非洲Abey 叶子女性美洲土著Abha 光彩夺目的美人女性印度Abhilasha 女性印度Abia 伟大的女性阿拉伯Abiba 祖母去世后出生的孩子女性非洲Abigail 艾比盖/阿(艾)比盖尔希伯来[希伯来语] 父亲感到欣喜、高兴、得意的父亲;英语:贵妇人的使女.Abigail 修道院院长,父亲的开心果女性拉丁语Abina 周二出生的女性加纳Abiona 旅途中出生的女性约鲁巴Abira 强壮的女性希伯来Abra 民众之父女性希伯来Acacia 多刺的,天真的女性希腊Acadia 下级法官,球童女性加拿大Acanit 艰难时世女性乌干达Acantha 多刺的女性希腊Accalia 罗马建国之王的养母女性拉丁语Acedia 女性捷克Acelin 高贵的女性条顿Achal 坚固的,多山的女性印度Achazia 上帝掌控女性希伯来Achen 双胞胎女性乌干达??Achit? 女性印度??Achlys 雾,黑暗女性希腊??Ada 艾妲(达) 英国(希伯来语) 增光、增光的人快乐的美丽(Adelaide的简写)。
Ada 装饰女性希伯来Ada 装饰女性希伯来Adah 装饰女性未知Adah 艾达 [希伯来语]增光的人;[日耳曼语]尊贵的Adalgisa 崇高的誓约女性古德语Adalia 上帝是我的依靠,高贵的人女性希伯来Adamina 大地之女女性希伯来Adara 美女,处女女性希腊Addie 欢喜的,亲切的女性Addisyn 女性Adela 艾迪拉/爱得拉德国[日耳曼语] 尊贵的优雅的。
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查泰来夫人的情人-读书笔记(Lady Chatterley's Lover)
Title: Lady Chatterley’s lover.Author:David Herbert Richards Lawrence (11 September 1885 –2 March 1930) was an English novelist, poet, playwright, essayist, literary critic and painter who published as D. H. Lawrence. Lawrence was born in the Midland-mining village of Eastwood, Nottingham. His father was a miner and his mother was better educated and genteel. Later he escaped from the mining world through education. In 1914, he married Fried in GermanyD.H. Lawrence & Lady Chatterley’s Lover.D.H. Lawrence was one of the most controversial English writers of the 20th century because of his being audacious in the erotic writing and original in describing sexual relationship. Many critics on D.H. Lawrence…s Lady Chatterley‟s Lover have focused their atten tion on the novel‟s social critique, gender issues, and the main characters‟ mental and psychological development, pointing out this novel has criticized the western industrial society and explored the ideal relationship between sexes and the irrational aspects of human mind.About Lady Chatterley’s Lover & Plot summary.Lady Chatterley's Lover was first published in 1928. And it‟s the last long novel of Lawrence‟s.The story concerns a young married woman, Constance, Lady Chatterley, whose upper-class husband, Clifford Chatterley, has been paralyzed and rendered impotent. Though they live carelessly, Life in their splendid house is like dead as a doornail. Lady Chatterley‟s sexual frustration leads her into an affair with the gamekeeper, Oliver Mellors, which arouses her passion for love and life. She often goes on a date with Mellors stealthily in his cottage and enjoys the original and energetic sexual life. Later, Constance gets pregnant and goes to Vince on vacation in order to deceive the public. At that time the gamekeeper‟s undivorced wife comes back and discloses the affair between them. Constance is force to marry other man in order to give birth to the baby under the great pressure of status distance. After that, Constance goes to Scotland and Mellors finds another job in countryside, and both of them are looking forward the coming soon together.Character analyzing--Lady Chatterley.Connie, Lady Chattery, the main character of the novel, her emotions variation is the main clue of the whole story. She has been an unconventional woman since she was a fifteen years old girl. Before her marriage, she is simply Constance Reid, anintellectual and social progressive from a Scottish bourgeois family, the daughter of Sir Malcolm. When she marries Clifford Chatterley, a minor nobleman, Connie gets lot of changes.At first, she is not that women who tend to abandon her husband easily. She does not complain her paralyzed husband and company him everyday. She developed a habit of listening his husband‟s handwriting every night and gets used to taking part in her husband‟s so called gathering of literature in Wragby. But soon she got tired of such substantial mentality life. She gradually became negative and heavyhearted with her body getting thinner and t hinner. It driving her mad, She began weeping and don‟t participate the gathering any more. Everyday she wondered that whether her life came to an end.Connie herself was not that a woman who really stood a dull and plain life though she was a lady, an upper-class woman as her natural instincts was fixed when she was a girl.At that time, her father Sir Malcolm Reid and her sister Hilda Reid played important roles in that period for they egged Connie on finding a lover. so her first lover Michaelis, a successful Irish playwright came to her life. Michaelis asked Connie to marry him, but she decided not to, realizing that he was like all other intellectuals: a slave to success, a purveyor of vain ideas and empty words, passionless.Then Connie turned to Mellors. She got what she wanted from Mellors that‟s love. She was so lonely for a long time. She treated Mellors as her real husband even wanted to marry him or eloped. During this furtive time, her character had a great change which belonged to her nature. She was no longer the woman who wept in the living room and sighed in despair.When Connie introduced Mellors to her sister, she showed her determination thoroughly. Hilda was not satisfied with her sister‟s lover. She thought Mellors was inferior to Connie and Connie would lose everything then became a average people if Connie chose to get together with Mellors. But Connie firmly thought that she had got a real life and she would not let it go. After a deliberate travel that Connie found an excuse to travel to Venice and decided not to go back Wragby any longer.She broke the conception‟s constraint and managed to pursue freedom. It‟s not a shameful thing to lust for one‟s physical desire. She thought so, she did so.My general feeling about this novel.The book I read in the first half of this semester is Lady Chatterley’s Lover. According to liter ary critics, it is a book of “perverse, sensual and adultery”. What is more interesting is that Lawrence was no afraid of portraying in those unprintable words. what really interested me was the great thoughts appeared in the book. They are thoughts on love, moral, mind and so on. They inspire me to think much. Maybe, many people, especially the male, blame Connie for her adultery with the gamekeeper, Mellors. They think she is not loyal to her marriage or her husband, Clifford. That seems to be self evident. But what I want is to expose those people toanother challenging opinion. Is Clifford loyal to Connie? I am not referring to Clifford‟s relationship with Bolton, her nurse. I am referring to Clifford‟s impotence. Though some may still argue, I debt most, especially the women, will admit that Clifford is not loyal to Connie. His impotency makes Connie suffer widowhood in a so called marriage. In the book Clifford is all devoted to his career and doesn’t think sex is an essential part of marriage, however, that is just his view not Connie‟s opinion. It is unequal to require other people give up their innate rights for the reason that we have given up our rights.We all admit that everyone has right to pursuit happiness, and creature comfort is also kind of happiness. Having this premise, it is not wrong for a woman, Connie, to pursuit her own happiness.Actually, the wrong thing is their mirage. Clifford is impotent but he still marries Connie. Their marriage is doomed to be imperfect. Of course, I am not saying that impotent person should not get married. They could, but only if the couple love each o ther. However, that is not Clifford and Connie‟s case. With such an absolutely wrong beginning, how can we demand the result to be right?。
爱丽丝梦游仙境2:镜中奇遇记主题曲《Just Like Fire》歌曲介绍《Just Like Fire》是美国女歌手红粉佳人演唱的歌曲,词曲由红粉佳人、马克斯·马丁、希尔贝克及奥斯卡·霍特创作。
《Just Like Fire》创作背景《Just Like Fire》为电影《爱丽丝梦游仙境2:镜中奇遇记》的主题曲,由歌手红粉佳人的长期合作者马克斯·马丁和希克贝尔所创作,此前二者曾为红粉佳人合作创作了歌曲《So What》。
而制作人马克斯·马丁则同时参与了红粉佳人《U + Ur Hand》、《Who Knew》以及《Raise Your Glass》三首歌曲的创作过程。
除此曲外,红粉佳人同时为这部电影翻唱了杰弗逊·艾尔普兰的迷幻摇滚作《White Rabbit》作为插曲。
《Just Like Fire》歌曲歌词英文I know that I'm running out of time(I want it all, mmm, mmm)And I'm wishing they'd stop tryna turn me offI want it all, mmm, mmmAnd I'm walking on a wire, trying to go higherFeels like I'm surrounded by clowns and liarsEven when I get it all the way(I want it all, mmm, mmm)We came here to run it, run it, run itWe came here to run it, run it, run itJust like fire, burning out the wayIf I can light the world up for just one dayWatch this madness, colorful charadeNo one can be just like me any wayJust like magic, I'll be flying freeI'mma disappear when they come for meI kick that ceiling, what you gonna take?No one can be just like me any wayJust like fire, uh...And people like to laugh at you cause they are all the same (mmm, mmm)See I would rather we just go our different way than play the gameAnd no matter the weather, we can do it betterYou and me together forever and everWe don't have to worry about a thing about a thingWe came here to run it, run it, run itWe came here to run it, run it, run itJust like fire, burning out the wayIf I can light the world up for just one dayWatch this madness, colorful charadeNo one can be just like me any wayJust like magic, I'll be flying freeI'mma disappear when they come for meI kick that ceiling, what you gonna take?No one can be just like me any wayJust like fire, fire, fireRunning, running, runningWe can get 'em running, running, runningSo I can get it runningJust cause nobody's done itY'all don't think I can run itBut look, I've been here, I've done itImpossible? PleaseWatch, I do it with easeYou just gotta believeCome on, come on with meOh, what you gonna do?(What, what!?)Oh, what you gonna do?(What, what!?)Oh, what you gonna do?(What, what!?)Oh, what you gonna do?Just like fire, burning out the wayIf I can light the world up for just one day Watch this madness, colorful charade No one can be just like me any wayJust like fire, burning out the wayIf I can light the world up for just one day Watch this madness, colorful charade No one can be just like me any wayJust like magic, I'll be flying freeI'mma disappear when they come for me I kick that ceiling, what you gonna take? No one can be just like me any wayJust like fire, fire!Running, running, runningJust like fire(Running, running, running...)译文眼看时间已经所剩不多我还是希望一切都尽在我掌握而他们最好也别再那么做是的我希望他们一无所获我即使一路上如履薄冰如走钢索也想要尽力再往前一步即使周围满是小丑和伪君子等着看我丑态百出虽然一直以来我都能如愿得到我想要的但我还是想让一切都尽在我掌握我们能得到我们希望的想要的并将一切掌握我们能让所有心愿都实现让明天近在眼前如同星星之火顺势燎原就在今夜留下属于我的绚烂点亮这世界看透所有疯狂而看似美好的假面以独一无二的方式宣告世界如魔法般无法熄灭的火焰自由飞翔跳跃当他们想要将我熄灭我便隐藏在烟雾之间或愤怒腾起不惧他们的欲望会将我威胁告诉他们我能有多特别如无法熄灭的火焰如果人们总喜欢嘲笑你那他们也都是为了掩饰被嘲笑的命运(嗯嗯)所以为何不就做我们自己怎样都好过有天泯然众人的命运无论逐梦路上几多阴雨把握住自己就总能挺过去只要你和我我和你未来就能无限延续别担心明天别因为任何不确定而自己吓自己我们会如愿以偿让所有美梦都照进现实里我们能得到我们希望的想要的将未来无限延续如同无法熄灭的火焰顺势燎原就在今夜留下属于我的绚烂点亮这世界看透所有疯狂而看似美好的假面以独一无二的方式宣告世界如魔法般无法熄灭的火焰自由飞翔跳跃当他们想要将我熄灭我便隐藏在烟雾之间或愤怒腾起不惧他们的欲望会将我威胁告诉他们我能有多特别如无法熄灭的火焰(向前高飞向前)向前高飞向前直至所有心愿实现我相信我能将未来握在手里面就因为没人成功没人做到你就断定我也别妄想能做到但是现在呢睁眼看看吧我已经做到了你说不可能? 哦别这样啊亲爱的好好看着这对我而言并不费力也由不得你不信来吧让我再证明给你看看我做到了所以你能怎样(你说什么我听不到)除了气得跺脚你又能怎样(什么我听不到你说什么)噢你是说你什么都做不了?(你说什么能不能大声点)承认吧你什么都做不了而我却可以成为无法熄灭的火焰顺势燎原留下属于我的绚烂点亮这世界哪怕只有一天看穿所有疯狂而看似美好的假面以独一无二的方式宣告世界我就是那无法熄灭的火焰顺势燎原留下属于我的绚烂点亮这世界哪怕只有一天看穿所有疯狂而看似美好的假面以独一无二的方式宣告世界如魔法般无法熄灭的火焰自由飞翔跳跃当他们想要将我熄灭我便隐藏在烟雾之间或愤怒腾起不惧他们的欲望会将我威胁告诉他们我能有多特别由秋上尉提供的翻译I know that I am runnin' out of time我知道所剩时间已尽I want it all mmm可我还要寰瀛And I'm wishin' they'd stop tryin' to turn me off 我建议你们不要试图让我音喑I want it on mmm我将继续奔跑不停And I'm walkin' on a wire即使一路胆战心惊如履薄冰Tryin' to go higher也想要尽力向上飞行Feels like I'm surrounded看来我像是个小小飞禽By clowns and liars打算东施效颦Even when I give it all away即便当我放弃一切I want it all mmm我希望拥有整个寰瀛We came here to run it run it run it我们都将征服征服征服We came here to run it run it run it我们都将征服征服征服Just like fire就像烈火Burning up the way一切成烬If I could light the world up for just one day 我只希望某天照耀寰瀛Watch this madness目睹世界理智已经售罄Colorful charade像一个色彩斑斓的难题No one can be just like me anyway独一无二我是那天才女婧Just like magic像是魔法I'll be flyin' free我将翱翔上行I'm a disappear when they任他们追寻无凭Come for me我将消散甚清I kick that ceiling我将杀一百儆What you gonna say而你还需邀请No one can be just like me anyway独一无二我是那玉立娉婷Just like fire就像烈火People like to laugh at you 'cause they人们总是嘲笑您Are all the same mmm因为他们软弱似萍See I would rather we just go a different way 明白吗我宁愿另辟蹊径Than play the game mmm而非守旧寻因And no matter the weather无论是雨是晴We can do it better我们能再起瑟琴You and me together只需你我一起Forever and ever永世长青We don't have to worry 'bout a thing我们什么也不必担心'Bout a thing no没什么可担心We came here to run it run it run it我们都将征服征服征服We came here to run it run it run it我们都将征服征服征服Just like fire如同烈火Burnin' up the way一切燃尽If I could light the world up for just one day 我只希望某天照耀寰瀛Watch this madness目睹世界理智已经售罄Colorful charade像一个色彩斑斓的难题No one can be just like me anyway 独一无二我是那天才女婧Just like magic像是魔法I'll be flyin' free我将翱翔上行I'm a disappear when they任他们追寻无凭Come for me我将消散甚清I kick that ceiling我将杀一百儆What you gonna say而你还需邀请No one can be just like me anyway 独一无二我是那玉立娉婷Just like fire就像烈火Run it run it run it炙热燃烧We came here to run it run it run it 我们都将征服征服征服So look I came here to run it所以我燃烧只为激情Just cause nobody's done it因为没人能万人慕钦Y'all don't think I can run it but你就断定我也是疯狂乱行Look I been here I done it睁大双眼大地已经躬倾Impossible please不可能? 可别乱说Watch I do it with ease好好看着我使力如蜻You just gotta believe我想你最好相信Come-a come uh with me随我一起前行What's a girl to do一个女孩如何前行What's a girl to do一个女孩如何前行Hey what's a girl to do一个女孩如何前行What's a girl to do一个女孩如何前行Just like fire就像烈火Burning up the way一切成烬If I could light the world up for just one day 我只希望某天照耀寰瀛Watch this madness目睹世界理智已经售罄Colorful charade像一个色彩斑斓的难题No one can be just like me anyway独一无二我是那天才女婧Just like fire就像烈火Burning up the way一切成烬If I could light the world up for just one day 我只希望某天照耀寰瀛Watch this madness目睹世界理智已经售罄Colorful charade像一个色彩斑斓的难题No one can be just like me anyway独一无二我是那天才女婧Just like magic像是魔法I'll be flyin' free我将翱翔上行I'm a disappear when they任他们追寻无凭Come for me我将消散甚清I kick that ceiling我将杀一百儆What you gonna say而你还需邀请No one can be just like me anyway独一无二我是那玉立娉婷Just like fire就像烈火Run it run it run it炙热燃烧Just like fire就像烈火Run it run it run it炙热燃烧《Just Like Fire》歌曲鉴赏歌曲以吉他的弹奏声作为开场,并很快增强到了Dubstep风格的副歌部分。
changed her name to Terasa.
• In October 1950, mother Teresa founded the missionaries of charity (仁爱之家) with other 12 nuns. • In 1979, She got the Noble Peace Price. • In 1997, she died in India.
In 1979, got the Nobel Peace Prize.
October 2003, was included in the list of the Catholic Church declared a blessing Beatification.
the poor saints.
Honors :
• • • •
In 1971, the "Pope John XXIII" award and
the Kennedy prize for peace. In 1975, Albert Schweitzer international prize. In 1985, got the Presidential Medal of freedom. In 1994, the United States Congress gold medal. Became Honorary citizen of the United States in November 16, 1996, and honorary degrees from many universities.
Saint of the Poor ——ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱother Teresa of Calcutta
Top 3 1.Clive Davis选曲2.自选3.评委 Randy Jackson选曲 1."Crying"2."Making Love out of Nothing at All"3."Man! I Feel Like a Woman!" 1.Roy Orbison 2.Air Supply 3.Shania Twain 安全
2001年Carrie从Checotah高中毕业,并获得了在毕业典礼上致辞的荣誉。之后她进入了俄克拉荷马东北州立大学,2006年同样以优等生身份本科毕业,专业是大众传媒,辅修新闻学。Carrie是Sigma姊妹会Alpha Iota分会会员。大学期间有两年夏天她都在学校位于Tahlequah的Downtown Country show上演出。她也参加了学校里的诸多选美比赛并在2004年夺得了“东北大学小姐”的亚军。
2004年夏,Carrie在密苏里州圣路易斯市参加了《美国偶像》的海选。她在TOP 12女歌手之夜里唱了Tiffany的<Could’ve Been>之后,首席评委Simon Cowell评价说,Carrie将是本届最有希望夺冠的选手之一。在2005年3月22日Top 11决战中Carrie演唱了Heart乐队80年代红极一时的冠军单曲《Alone》,Simon对此预言道Carrie不仅将赢得冠军,还会比之前所有往届选手卖出更多唱片。Carrie是迄今“美国偶像”比赛中五位从来没被票选进高危Bottom 3区的冠军之一(其他四位是Kelly Clarkson, Taylor Hicks, Jordin Sparks和David Cook)。之后一位节目的制作人回忆说Carrie当时在整个投票过程中有压倒性的优势,拿下每周票选简直是手到擒来。在“美国偶像”中Carrie也赢得了一个忠实的歌迷根基,她的粉丝团叫做“Carrie's Care Bears”。2005年5月25日,Carrie成为了“美国偶像”的第四季冠军。
这个女人-秘密花园-歌词 韩语 罗马音 中文翻译 全
【那个女人그여자】白智英한여자가그대를사랑합니다han yeojaga geudaereul saranghamnida有个女人爱着你그여자는열심히사랑합니다geu yeojaneun yeolsimhi saranghamnida那个女人努力的爱着你매일그림자처럼그대를따라다니며maeil geurimjacheoreom geudaereul ttaradanimyeo 每天像影子一样跟着你그여자는웃으며울고있어요geu yeojaneun useumyeo ulgo isseoyo那个女人微笑着流泪얼마나얼마나더너를eolmana eolmana deo neoreul还需要多久多久이렇게바라만보며혼자ireoke baraman bomyeo honja一直这样只是凝望着你独自이바람같은사랑이거지같은사랑i baram gateun sarang i geoji gateun sarang这如风般的爱这糟糕的爱계속해야네가나를사랑하겠니gyesokhaeya nega nareul sarang hagenni继续下去你会爱上我吗조금만가까이와조금만jogeumman gakkai wa jogeumman稍微靠近我一点就一点한발다가가면두발도망가는hanbal dagagamyeon du bal domangganeun靠近一步却又逃开两步널사랑하는난지금도옆에있어neol saranghaneun nan jigeumdo yeope isseo爱着你的我现在依然就在身边그여잔웁니다geu yeojan umnida那个女人在哭그여자는성격이소심합니다geu yeojaneun seonggyeogi sosimhamnida那个女人的性格很谨慎그래서웃는법을배웠답니다geuraeseo utneun beobeul baewotdamnida所以说要学习微笑的方法친한친구에게도못하는얘기가많은chinhan chinguegedo motaneun yaegiga manheun 有很多对好朋友也不能说的话그여자의마음은눈물투성이geu yeojaui maeumeun nunmultuseongi那个女人的心充满泪水그래서그여자는그댈geuraeseo geu yeojaneun geudael所以那个女人说널사랑했대요똑같아서neol sarang haetdaeyo ttokgataseo爱上了你因为一样또하나같은바보또하나같은바보tto hanagateun babo tto hanagateun babo又是一样的傻瓜又是一样的傻瓜한번나를안아주고가면안돼요hanbeon nareul anajugo gamyeon an dwaeyo 就一次抱抱我再走可以吗난사랑받고싶어그대여nan sarangbatgo sipeo geudaeyeo我想得到爱你啊매일속으로만가슴속으로만maeil sogeuroman gaseum sogeuroman每天只在心里只在内心소리를지르며그여자는오늘도sorireul jireumyeo geu yeojaneun oneuldo大声呼喊那个女人今天也그옆에있대요geu yeope itdaeyo在你的身边그여자가나라는건아나요geu yeojaga naraneun geon anayo你知道那个女人是我吗알면서도이러는건아니죠almyeonseodo ireoneun geon anijyo不会是明明知道却还这样吧모를거야그댄바보니까moreul geoya geudaen babonikka你不会知道的因为你是傻瓜얼마나얼마나더너를eolmana eolmana deo neoreul还需要多久多久이렇게바라만보며혼자ireoke baraman bomyeo honja一直这样只是凝望着你独自이바보같은사랑이거지같은사랑i babo gateun sarang i geoji gateun sarang这如风般的爱这糟糕的爱계속해야네가나를사랑하겠니gyesokhaeya nega nareul sarang hagenni继续下去你会爱上我吗조금만가까이와조금만jogeumman gakkai wa jogeumman稍微靠近我一点就一点한발다가가면두발도망가는hanbal dagagamyeon du bal domangganeun 靠近一步却又逃开两步널사랑하는난지금도옆에있어neol saranghaneun nan jigeumdo yeope isseo 爱着你的我现在依然就在身边그여잔웁니다geu yeojan umnida那个女人在哭。
凯蒂·佩里(Katy Perry),1984年10月25日出生于美国加利福尼亚州圣巴巴拉,美国流行女歌手、演员兼词曲创作者。
2007年凭借歌曲《Ur So Gay》成名。
2008发行首张专辑《One of the Boys》。
2010年发行第二张专辑《Teenage Dream》,专辑包括《California Gurls》、《Firework》、《E.T》等歌曲,成为首位在美国公告牌热门单曲榜中有5首冠军单曲来自同一专辑的女歌手。
2012年发行专辑《Teenage Dream》的改版专辑《Teenage Dream:TCC》,获得美国公告牌该年年度女性和全美音乐奖最受欢迎流行女歌手奖。
中文名凯蒂·佩里外文名Katy Perry别名水果姐国籍美国星座天蝎座血型O型身高173cm体重52出生地美国加利福尼亚州圣巴巴拉出生1984年10月25日经纪公司EMI、Warner Music Group代表作品Ur So Gay、I Kissed a Girl、Teenage Dream、Firework、E.T、Part Of Me、Wide Awake、Roar 主要成就第32全英音乐奖最佳女歌手第17届MTV欧洲音乐奖最佳录影带第37届人民选择奖最受欢迎女歌手第28届MTV年度音乐录影带大奖一张专辑里诞生五首冠军单曲2001年,16岁的凯蒂以凯蒂·哈德森这个名字在Red Hill Records发行的一张基督徒唱片2003年,19岁时凯蒂在格林·巴拉德的指导下开始学习写歌[2] ,格莱美奖提名的音乐制作团队Matrix计划录制他们自己的专辑[3] ,并邀请凯蒂成为团队两名主唱之一,但最终项目被搁置。
2006年,凯蒂创作了一首名为《Goodbye For Now》的歌[4] 。
I will be here dreaming in the past
until you come
until we close our eyes
your very voice is in my heartbeat
sweeter than my dream
we were there, in everylasting bloom
eath the stars
shaded by the flowers
kiss me in the summer gloom, my love
you are all my pleasure, my hope and my song
your very voice is in my heartbeat
sweeter than despair
we were there, in everylasting bloom
roses die,
the secret is inside the pain
winds are high up on the hill
I cannot hear you
2006-5-28 09:30回复此发言
Foo’s Garden -- Lemon Tree
《Lemon Tree》的原唱者Fool’s Garden是一支名不见经传的德国乐队。他们的这首歌被台湾歌手苏慧伦翻唱为同名歌曲《柠檬树》后,乐队在东南亚国家获得了较高的知名度。这支远在德国小城Magstadt的5人乐队虔诚的承传了The Beatles的遗风,无论歌曲的旋律、节奏,还是演唱表演风格,都模仿得维妙维肖。
Boney m -- Rasputin
而今刚过而立之年的男同胞们I当年都会哼上两句“我的心上人,请你不要走,音乐正悠扬,鼓声伴着好节奏……”这首被高凌风翻唱为《我的心上人》的歌曲,便是来自于前西德波尼M演唱组的《Rasputin》。波尼·M曾是上世纪七八十年代非常受人瞩目的一个演唱组。1977年他们以一曲《Daddy Cool》走红,特有的迪斯科韵味,加之当时美国风行迪斯科热潮,因而乐队大受欢迎。他们不仅仅只是一支曾经红透一时的POP乐队,从某种程度上看他们是整个DISCO历史的缩影和代表。他们在European Charts上有8次单曲第一,同时在欧洲市场上也有3张专辑排行年度销量冠军。他们还是第一支前往前苏联演出的西方演出团体。此外他们演唱的《巴比伦河》、《梦中的妈妈》、《小雨沙拉拉》等也为广大中国乐迷所熟悉。
2006-5-28 09:35回复此发言
he Cranberries -- Dreams
The Cranberries乐队成立于1990年,这支来自爱尔兰的乐队在音乐风格上受史密斯乐队晚期的风格影响颇深,并融合了一些梦幻似的流行曲风和少许爱尔兰民谣的色彩。爱情、背叛、政治一直是the cranberries音乐的主题,他们以爱尔兰式neo-folk的音乐风格,细腻的舒情歌,忧虑愁怅的旋律,唱出他们崇尚和平,关怀世界的理念。主唱Dolores时而轻柔高亢,时而茫然若失的唱腔,成为许多港台艺人模仿的对象。这首Dreams就是王菲翻唱的《梦中人》英文原版。晓风,
human sacrifice—sweet box 非主流经典
罗百吉 - 10 - feel the music cuda
东方 bad apple
la lune DJ 同声 一般
乌孜别克语 senikorsam 一般
djolengayitpapa 同声 非常一般
doo be di boy
hollaback girl - gwen stephani
la club king
sweet box - don't push me - 别碰我
wet wet wet - 舞曲大帝国 - x one
this is how we do it-dj总统
modern talking - cheri cheri lady - 荷东的士高
scooter - weekend - radio edit
blue foundation - as i moved on - 舞动精灵王族
solid base stars in the night
day dj sanny
Alright dj
by my side - the produxer mix 杀马特
Hung Up dj—麦当娜
ke ha - take it off — 俄罗斯 女生一பைடு நூலகம்dj
she is my sin 巨大气的音乐
Crazy Baby
baby one more time 慢摇
适合人群: 女士 香调:清新花果香调
前味:柠檬、金盏花、哈密瓜 中味:黑醋栗、菠萝 后味:白雪松、琥珀、白麝香
在香氛的调配表现上,半透明的香水宛如精灵的翅膀, 迷幻的香气宛如身在月光照耀的森林中,Secret Wish 许愿精灵让神话故事中的愿望实现了。转开水晶球瓶 盖的剎那,便充满神奇魔力般地散发出令人着迷的花 果香:新鲜沁凉的柠檬,夏季成熟的哈蜜瓜以及如丝 锻般柔软的金盏花散发出诱人的杏桃花香。香氛的漫 延就像精灵们快速地拍动翅膀,飞向这儿,飞向那儿; 令人惊奇的转眼间,世界已充满芬芳。接着,幽幽传 出一股令人陶醉,又似乎在与人调情般的菠萝香,融 合着黑醋栗的果香,使得香气带着一丝神秘感。香味 在后段以温暖的白雪松以及诱发欲望的琥珀,加强热 情和魔力诱惑的特质;最后以轻抚似的、犹如掉落的 星尘的白麝香作为结尾,留下令人回味不舍的回忆。
适合人群: 女士 香调:清新花果香调
前味:柠檬、金盏花、哈密瓜 中味:黑醋栗、菠萝 后味:白雪松、琥珀、白麝香
在香氛的调配表现上,半透明的香水宛如精灵的翅膀, 迷幻的香气宛如身在月光照耀的森林中,Secret Wish 许愿精灵让神话故事中的愿望实现了。转开水晶球瓶 盖的剎那,便充满神奇魔力般地散发出令人着迷的花 果香:新鲜沁凉的柠檬,夏季成熟的哈蜜瓜以及如丝 锻般柔软的金盏花散发出诱人的杏桃花香。香氛的漫 延就像精灵们快速地拍动翅膀,飞向这儿,飞向那儿; 令人惊奇的转眼间,世界已充满芬芳。接着,幽幽传 出一股令人陶醉,又似乎在与人调情般的菠萝香,融 合着黑醋栗的果香,使得香气带着一丝神秘感。香味 在后段以温暖的白雪松以及诱发欲望的琥珀,加强热 情和魔力诱惑的特质;最后以轻抚似的、犹如掉落的 星尘的白麝香作为结尾,留下令人回味不舍的回忆。
黑森林的女巫 海伦娜
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Байду номын сангаас
二零一零年《爱丽丝梦游仙境》上映,海伦娜 带着片中的造型登上了《名利场》杂志。正如导演蒂 姆·伯顿所评价的那样,当她的造型出来的第一刻, 那一瞬间我就知道,她就是我想要的红桃皇后。
二零一零年,她获得第64届BAFTA奖最佳女配 角伦娜迎来了自己事业的又一个高峰,在奥斯卡热门 《国王的演讲》中出演温柔贤惠的伊丽莎白皇太后, 即当前英国女王伊丽莎白的母亲。她曾是大英古装戏 当之无愧的女台柱,拒斥着“古装名伶”的外号,和 鬼才伯顿双宿双飞,开始一直浓妆艳抹扮怪女人。
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Copyright©博看网. All Rights Reserved.
她其实是个勇敢的女演员,她不惧 怕这个恶魔般的角色。最妙的是,她用娃 娃般的感觉演绎了这个魔鬼。巨大的脑 袋、火红的头发和蓝色的油彩都覆盖在 脸上,而她偏偏有足够的气场赋予这面 具以灵魂的光芒——矜持、高傲、滑稽、 暴躁,就在紧绷下垂的嘴角和冷酷的眼 睛里呼之欲出 。
我 始 终不 能 忘怀 的 是《 理 发师 陶 德》里,海伦娜饰演杀人不眨眼的人肉 店老板娘,成为银幕上少见的女性悍妇 角色。浓重的妆裹着摄魄的眼神,殷艳 的唇漫不经心地夹着香烟。彼时的她如 同蜕掉外壳惊绝而出的黑色凤蝶,妖娆 翅膀上金粉闪烁。
海伦娜其实叫海伦娜·伯翰·卡特。 她出生于伦敦,父亲是英国银行家,爷 爷阿榨斯奎逊斯勋爵拥有世袭男爵爵 位,母亲爱琳拥有西班牙贵族血统,再 追溯上去,她祖母的父亲甚至曾担任英 国首相。
Cheri LadyOh, I can not explain every time it's the same Oh, I feel that is real, take my heartI have been lonely too longOh, I can't be so strongtake the chance for romance, take my heartI need you so, there is no time I' ll never go*Cheri,cheri lady,going through the sotion love is where you find it, listen to your heart Cheri,cheri lady,living in the motionIt's always like the first time, let me take a part Cheri,cheri lady,like there is no tomorrow take my heart ,don't lose it,listen to your heart Cheri,cheri lady,to know you is to love youIf you call me baby,I'll be always yours*I get up, I get downAll my world turn aroundWho is right?Who is wrong?I don't know.I've got pain in my heart,got a love in my soul Easy come, but I think ,easy goI need you so,although times ,I move so slow{*repeat}雪莉女郎我无法用言语来表明每次感觉都是那样的一致,那样的真实你——带走了我的心我已经孤寂很久,也无法再那样的坚韧请抓住机遇,为了这难得的缘分,带走我的心!我非常需要你,我们已经没有太多的时间去浪费我不会放手。
Barbara['ba:bərə]芭芭拉……外地来的人异乡人异族人Beatrice['biətris; ’bi:tris]碧翠丝……为人祈福使人快乐的女孩Belinda[bə’lində]贝琳达……有智慧又长寿的人Bella[’belə]贝拉……美丽的Belle[bel]贝拉……美丽的上帝的誓约聪明高贵Bernice[bə:'nis]柏妮丝……带着胜利讯息来的人Bertha['bə:θə]柏莎……聪明美丽灿烂的Beryl[’beril]百丽儿……绿宝石幸运Bess[bes]贝丝……上帝是誓约Betsy[’betsi]贝琪……上帝是誓约Betty['beti]贝蒂……上帝是誓约Beverly[’bevəli]贝芙丽……有海狸的小河Blanche[’bla:ntʃ]布兰琪- 纯洁无暇的白种人的白皙美丽的Blythe['blaiθ]布莱兹……无忧无虑的快乐的Bonnie[’bɔni]邦妮……甜美漂亮优雅而善良的人Bridget[’bridʒit]布丽姬特……强壮力量Camille[kə’mi:l]卡蜜拉……好品性的高贵女子Candice['kændis]坎蒂丝……热情坦诚纯洁的Cara['kærə]卡拉……朋友亲爱的人Carol['kærəl]卡萝……欢唱悦耳欢快的歌Caroline[’kærəlaiŋ]卡洛琳……骁勇刚健和强壮的Catherine['kæθərin]凯瑟琳……纯洁的人Cathy ['kæθi:]凯丝……纯洁的人Cecilia[si'siljə]塞西莉亚……视力朦胧的人失明的Celeste[si’lest]莎莉丝特……最幸福的人天国的Charlotte['ʃɑ:lət]夏洛特……身体强健女性化的Cherry['tʃeri]绮莉……仁慈像樱桃般红润的人Cheryl[’ʃeril]绮丽儿……珍爱的人Chloe[’kləui]克洛怡……青春的美丽的Christine[’kristi:n]克莉丝汀……基督的追随者门徒Claire[klεə]克莱儿……灿烂的明亮的聪明的Clara['klεərə]克莱拉……明亮的聪明的Constance[’kɔnstəns]康斯坦丝……坚定忠实的人Cora['kɔ:rə]柯拉……处女少女Coral[’kɔ:rəl]卡洛儿……珊瑚或赠品彩石Cornelia[kɔ:'ni:ljə]可妮莉雅……山茱萸树Crystal[’kristəl]克莉斯多……晶莹的冰透明的灵魂没有欺瞒Cynthia ['sinθiə]辛西亚……月亮女神黛安娜的称号Daisy[’deizi]黛西……雏菊Dale[deil]黛儿……居住在丘陵间之山谷中者Dana['deinə]黛娜……来自丹麦的人神的母亲聪明且纯洁的Daphne['dæfni]黛芙妮……月桂树桂冠阿波罗的最爱Darlene[da:’li:n]达莲娜……温柔可爱体贴地爱Dawn[dɔ:n]潼恩……黎明唤醒振作Debby[’debi]黛碧……蜜蜂蜂王Deborah[’debərə]黛博拉……蜜蜂蜂王Deirdre[’diədri]迪得莉……忧愁的Delia[’di:ljə]迪丽雅……牧羊女Denise[də’ni:s;—ni:z]丹尼丝……代表花Diana[dai’ænə]黛安娜……光亮如白画月亮女神Dinah[dainə]黛娜……被评判的人雅各的女儿Dolores[də'ləuris]多洛莉丝……悲伤痛苦遗憾Dominic['dɔminik]多明尼卡……属于上帝的Donna['dɔnə, ’dɔ:nnɑ:]唐娜……贵妇淑女夫人Dora[’dɔ:rə]多拉……神的赠礼Doreen[dɔ:’ri:n,’dɔ:ri:n]多琳……神的赠礼Doris['dɔris]多莉丝……来自大海的海洋女神Dorothy[’dɔrəθi]桃乐斯……上帝的赠礼Laura[’lɔ:rə]萝拉……月桂树胜利Laurel[’lɔrəl, 'lɔ:—]萝瑞尔……月桂树胜利Lauren['lɔ:rən]萝伦……月桂树Lee[li:]李……草地的居民庇护所Leila['li:,lə; ’lɑ:lə]莉拉……黑发的美女子夜晚出生的Lena[’li:nə]莉娜……寄宿寓所Leona[li:'əunə]李奥娜……狮Lesley[lesli]雷思丽……来自老的保垒Letitia[li'tiʃiə]莉蒂西雅……快乐的欣喜的Lilith[’liliθ]莉莉斯……属于晚上的Lillian[’liliən]丽莲……一朵百合花代表纯洁上帝的誓约Linda['lində]琳达……美丽的人Lindsay['lindzi]琳赛……来自海边的菩提树Lisa[li:zə]丽莎……对神奉献Liz[liz]莉斯……上帝就是誓约Lorraine[lɔ’rein]洛伦……来自法国洛林小镇的人Louise[lu:’i:z]璐易丝……着名的战士Lucy['lu:si]露西……带来光明和智慧的人Lydia[’lidiə]莉蒂亚……来自里底亚的人财富Lynn[lin]琳……傍湖而居的人Sabina[sə’bainə;sə'bi:nə]莎碧娜……出身高贵的人Sally['sæli]莎莉……公主Sabrina[sə’bri:nə]莎柏琳娜……从边界来的人Salome[sə’ləumi]莎洛姆……和平的宁静的Samantha[sə’mænθə]莎曼撤……专心聆听教诲的人Sandra['sændrə;,sɔn—]珊朵拉……人类的保卫者Sandy[’sændi]仙蒂……人类的保卫者Sara[’sɑ:rə]莎拉……公主Sarah[’sεərə]赛拉……公主Sebastiane 莎芭丝提妮……受尊重的受尊崇的Selena[si’linə]萨琳娜……月亮月光Sharon[’ʃærən]雪伦……很美的公主平原Sheila['ʃi:lə]希拉……少女年轻女人盲目的Sherry['ʃeri]雪莉……来自草地的Shirley[’ʃə:li]雪丽……来自草地的Sibyl['sibil]希贝儿……女预言家Sigrid[sigrid]西格莉德……最被喜爱的人胜利的Simona[’simכnə]席梦娜……被听到Sophia[sə'faiə]苏菲亚……智慧的人Spring[spriŋ]丝柏凌……春天Stacey[’steisi]史黛丝……会再度振作起来之人Setlla[’stelə]丝特勒……星星Stephanie['stefəni]丝特芬妮……王冠花环荣誉的标志Susan['su:zən]苏珊……一朵小百合Susanna[su:’zænə]苏珊娜……百合花Susie['su:zi]苏西……百合花Suzanne[su'zæn]苏珊……一朵小百合Sylvia['silviə]西维亚……森林少女。
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Going through emotion
Love is where you find it
Listen to your heart
Cheri cheri lady
Living in devotion
It's always like the first time
Listen to your heart
Cheri cheri lady
To know you is to love you
If you call me baby I'll be always yours
I get up - I get down
All my world turns around
Listen to your heart
Cheri cheri lady
Living in devotioቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
It's always like the first time
Let me take a part
Cheri cheri lady
Like theres no tomorrow
Take my heart - don't lose it
Take the chance for romance take my heart
I need you so
There's no time
I'll ever go
Cheri cheri lady
Going through emotion
Love is where you find it
Let me take a part
Cheri cheri lady
Like theres no tomorrow
Take my heart - don't lose it
Listen to your heart
Cheri cheri lady
To know you is to love you
Who is right who is wrong
I don't know
I've got pain in my heart
Got some love in my soul
Easy come but I think easy go
I need you so
Although times
I move so slow
Cheri Cheri Lady
Oh I cannot explain
Every time its the same
More I feel that its real
Take my heart
I've been lonely to long
Oh I can't be so strong