




I used to be ashamed of my grandma. I know that's a36thing to say, but it was true until today, so I have to 37it.

The38started when my friend Katy found Grandma's false teeth floating in a glass on the bathroom sink. I was so used to seeing them that I39took notice of them. But Katy shouted, laughing and40to talk to them. I had to get down on my knees and41her to shut up so my grandma wouldn't42and get hurt. After that happened, I43there were a million things about Grandma that were embarrassing(令人窘迫). Once she took Jill and me out to Burger King.44ordering our hamburgers well-done, she told the person behind the counter, "They'll have two Whoppers (巨无霸) well-to-do. " Jill burst out laughing, but I almost 45.



Many countries are increasing their use of natural gas,
wind and other forms of ________.
人教版 ·高考一轮总复习(天津、山东专用)
路漫漫其修远兮 吾将上下而求索
走向高考 ·高考一轮总复习 ·外研版 ·英语(天津、山东专用)
走向高考 ·高考一轮总复习 ·外研版 ·英语(天津、山东专用)
高考专项突破(一) 单项填空与完形填空
走向高考 ·高考一轮总复习 ·外研版 ·英语(天津、山东专用)
选修八 高考专项突破(一)
走向高考 ·高考一轮总复习 ·外研版 ·英语(天津百度文库山东专用)
2.考查内容灵活,体现课改精神。 考生平时除了要复习考纲所列的词汇和语法知识外,还 要注意理解中英文化背景的差异,熟悉平时总结的习惯用 法,进一步提高解题的能力。
选修八 高考专项突破(一)
走向高考 ·高考一轮总复习 ·外研版 ·英语(天津、山东专用)
走向高考 ·高考一轮总复习 ·外研版 ·英语(天津、山东专用)

三年(2021-2023)高考英语真题精编 4完形填空(20空)

三年(2021-2023)高考英语真题精编 4完形填空(20空)



To become the Olympic champion in the individual (个人) all-around event, Gabby Douglas had to leave everything she 1 best. She had to 2 her bedroom in Virginia. She had to say 3 to her two dogs and to the beach, where she loved to 4 waves on her board. But it was 5 to take the leap (飞跃), however 6 it would be. Even at 14, Douglas knew that. So she 7 about 1,200 miles away from home, to 8 with a coach from China. She lived with a family she had never 9 and everything was new to her.

As it turned out, Douglas did 10 what she needed to do to become Olympic champion when she 11 two Russians. The Chinese coach 12 Douglas into one of the best gymnasts in the 13 , helping her skyrocket from an 14 member of the national team to the top of the sport. By 15 the Olympic all-around title, she became the first black woman to do so. She 16 the competition from beginning to end. She said she had felt 17 all along that she would win.




阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A A 、B 、C 和D )中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上


My wife Julie and I were out on the road that runs around where we live, when we saw an old worn-out dog stumbling (蹒跚蹒跚) )

painfully up the road. We stopped, bent down, talked gently to the dog and patted it. I checked and there was a collar with

a phone number. I called but no one answered.

The dog was painfully thin. So Julie ran home to get some of our dog’s food while I tried to encourage the dog. After Julie came back, we sat down on the sidewalk

while our new friend made short work of the food. Eventually we got her home. After trying for many times we got a response from the number. A lady came around


house and saved ten old people. We admire their _________(勇敢). 15. On _____(代表)of my hometown,I express my sincere
appreciation to those who have come to treat affected
_____(责备) the owner for setting the dog free . 12 He is _________(失明) in both the eyes, so he has to live
a _________(痛苦的) life.
7. During the epidemic prevention,some coming back from abroad behaved badly (举止不得体), and refused to drink boiledwater (开水), which raised a storm of
• 11. broadcast _______ _________
• 12. burst ________ ____________
3500 B 词汇复习
• 1. bite
• 2. bend
bent bent
• 3. blow
blew blown

2020版高考英语二轮新考势突破检测:2-3-1 完形填空——记叙文+即学即练+Word版含解析

2020版高考英语二轮新考势突破检测:2-3-1 完形填空——记叙文+即学即练+Word版含解析


I will never forget one summer in my childhood.While walking in the attic (阁楼), I stepped on something and __1__ down, with my hand landing on a floorboard that popped up and almost hit me in the head.When I__2__ and looked inside the open space, I could not believe my eyes: There was gold in there! I __3__ a handful of shining gold cubes, ran to the bottom stair and__4__,“Mama,I found gold up here under the floor!”

Back up the stairs I dashed,__5__ my brothers almost knocked me back down as they ran right by me.When Mama opened the door and __6__ her head in, she __7__ said, “Honey, that's insulation (隔热材料).Now put it all back.”

高中英语 高考读后续写专项训练一(含答案)

高中英语 高考读后续写专项训练一(含答案)





读后续写(满分25 分)

阅读下面材料, 根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段, 使之构成一篇完整的短文。续写的词数应为150 左右。

After watching my son Todd run in an annual race, I made my usual comment, “Todd, I could walk faster than those women run." Todd laughed as he knew I wasn't a runner."Listen, Mom, I want you to show by your actions. How about you running with me next year at this race?” Without thinking, I quickly agreed to this challenge.

But when it was almost time for this race to occur, Todd wasn't going to be

running. He was sent to Africa as a soldier for three years. A few of his friends knew this “challenge" I had agreed to with Todd. They started to encourage me to run the race. I hadn't trained or anything. Quite frankly, I had almost forgotten I said I would do it.

2024年高考真题和模拟题英语分类汇编:专题10 完形埴空(新高考15空) (解析版) (全国通用)

2024年高考真题和模拟题英语分类汇编:专题10 完形埴空(新高考15空) (解析版) (全国通用)

专题10 完形埴空(新高考15空)


Close 1

【新课标Ⅰ卷】I’ve been motivated — and demotivated — by other folks’ achievement s all my life.

When I was a teenager, a neighborhood friend ____41____ a marathon race. Feeling motivated, I started running ____42____, but then two things happened. First, a girl I met one day told me she was ____43____ for a “super,” referring to a 52.4-mile double marathon. Then, the next day I went on my longest run — 15 miles. To be honest, I ____44____ it! Between the girl making my ____45____ seem small and the pure boredom of jogging, I decided that the only ____46____ I’d ever run again is if a big dog was running after me!

So I ____47____ cycling. I got a good bike and rode a lot. I ____48____ of entering cycle races until I flew to San Diego to visit my sister. While she was at work one day, I ____49____ her bike and went for a ride. The ____50____: The roads there went through large valleys where I’d be riding uphill for miles at a time. I’d never faced such ____51____. That day, I got ____52____ by about 100 “local” bikers who were used to such roads. When I got back home, suddenly riding my bike didn’t seem quite as ____53____.




My kids sat on Gee’s living room floor and respectfully lifted Christmas decorations out of a cardboard box. They shouted with delight when they discovered a tiny toy cat. Finally, my son was __1__ about a tiny modern helicopter, just on the contrary, my daughter with a traditional Mickey Mouse.

Gee stood beside them, __2__ each treasure. She turned to me and continued to say she and Tom built their collections over time by buying one or two nice ones each year in the

after-Christmas sales. Eventually, we left, with boxes in my arms and she was smiling. Her __3__ belongings, gathered over a lifetime, found a new home.

We first met Tom and Gee in the early days of our marriage. Jim and I worked full-time, and in the morning we __4__ our garbage cans on the roadside, which would have to wait the long, lonely 10 hours there until we returned to __5__ them. Every day we’d come home to find them neatly __6__ in their spot next to our garage. Finally we saw an old couple who lived with his







授课类型 C 专题 -完型填空考情分析 C 专题 -完型填空之解题技巧T 能力 -完型填空之能力提高授课日期及时段



知识点 1:近五年高考完形考情分析








知识点 2:高考完形填空必备词汇



expense similarity poverty prospect priority principle

budget friendship conflict description


名词loyalty donation population gossip

passion reality victim outcome motivation


agreement inspection


emphasize refuse contribute confirm impose reject investigate

overlook deserve define

outline diagnose

专题05 哲理感悟类-2022年高考英语完形填空突破(原卷版)

专题05 哲理感悟类-2022年高考英语完形填空突破(原卷版)

Simply saying thank you doesn't seem enough in certain situations. I was considering


1. A. cleaner B. chemist C. nurse D. doctor

2. A. grades B. meanings C. needs D. expectations

3. A. brushed aside B. put to the test C. brought under discussion D. taken into account

4. A. departing B. escaping C. retiring D. recovering

5. A. attempting B. choosing C. pausing D. promising

6. A. eventually B. fortunately C. casually D. secretly

7. A. assessing B. requiring C. forming D. proving

8. A. slightly B. accidentally C. slowly D. happily

9. A. grateful B. thoughtful C. sorrowful D. fearful

10. A. surprise B. delight C. curiosity D. disappointment

11. A. operating B. thinking C. hesitating D. leaving

2020届高考英语完形填空精细讲解 (共70张PPT)

2020届高考英语完形填空精细讲解 (共70张PPT)

一般说来,能说明论点的主要内容的答案可以在论据里得到印证,且论 点里某些答案也可以与论据有机地结合起来,使论点论据形成相辅相成的 关系,从而使整篇文章内容上下一致。如果我们所选的答案前后矛盾,论点 与论据相悖,最后的结论与论点相矛盾,那就说明我们对文章的把握还欠条 理性和系统性,这时我们需要重新理顺文章中的各部分,直到条理清晰为止, 然后再依据自己对文章的把握及各部分的逻辑关系选出答案。
完形填空的解题方法 总的原则: 先完意,后完形。 十六字方针:上下通气 ,瞻前顾后, 左顾右盼,前后照应。 三步曲: 读——填——读 完形填空具体解题步骤 1.通览---选填---复核 跳格快速阅读一下全文,通过通览全文、领会大意,概 略地了解文章的体裁、背景、内容等等。 2.选填---紧扣文意,瞻前顾后,先易后难,逐层深入。紧扣全文内容,联系上 下文和语境,展开逻辑推理,注意从上下文中寻找线索,注意词汇的意义、搭 配,惯用法,语法,常识等多个角度进行综合考,选项入格。 3.复核---全面检查,确保语意连贯,用词准确。 复读全文验证答案。带着答 案把全文再通读一遍 ,注意看所选答案填入空白处后能否做到文章意思通顺、 前后连贯、逻辑严谨、结构完整、首尾呼应。
记叙文型完形填空可分为记事和记人两种形式。 在记事型记叙文的完形填空中,作者在文章的第一句就已经把事件及其发生的时间、地 点、人物交代清楚了,然后对这件事情的发生、发展进行陈述。通过对事件的叙述,反映出作 者的某种思想,最后得出事件产生的结果。 记叙文在高考中占了很大的比例: 人物故事、历史故事、励志故事。 作者入手的角度也是各有千秋:社会、家庭、历史、文化、健康、社会科学的最新发展 ,作为每年高考的一个主打体裁,命题人在选材上是绞尽了脑汁,但总体来讲它一般有以下两个 特点:











2024年高考真题和模拟题英语分类汇编:专题10 完形埴空(新高考15空) (解析版) (全国通用)

2024年高考真题和模拟题英语分类汇编:专题10 完形埴空(新高考15空) (解析版) (全国通用)

专题10 完形埴空(新高考15空)


Close 1

【新课标Ⅰ卷】I’ve been motivated — and demotivated — by other folks’ achievement s all my life.

When I was a teenager, a neighborhood friend ____41____ a marathon race. Feeling motivated, I started running ____42____, but then two things happened. First, a girl I met one day told me she was ____43____ for a “super,” referring to a 52.4-mile double marathon. Then, the next day I went on my longest run — 15 miles. To be honest, I ____44____ it! Between the girl making my ____45____ seem small and the pure boredom of jogging, I decided that the only ____46____ I’d ever run again is if a big dog was running after me!

So I ____47____ cycling. I got a good bike and rode a lot. I ____48____ of entering cycle races until I flew to San Diego to visit my sister. While she was at work one day, I ____49____ her bike and went for a ride. The ____50____: The roads there went through large valleys where I’d be riding uphill for miles at a time. I’d never faced such ____51____. That day, I got ____52____ by about 100 “local” bikers who were used to such roads. When I got back home, suddenly riding my bike didn’t seem quite as ____53____.





Cloud ( 2021全国新课改省区TS联考〉




坚持钢琴梦想 5 5 4 0 0 1 0 291 14分钟When I asked my mom for piano lessons in 20 I 0, we were in the fallout of the recession (经济衰退).She said a polite”N。”.

That dido 't stop me. I searched for the一」一_fo1 a k巳yboard on the Intemet, drew the keys on a pi巳ce of paper and一主一it on my desk. I would click not巳s on an online一立_and ”play”them back on my paper one -keeping阳一-全_they made on the computer in my head. O nce my mom saw that I was __2_, she borrow巳d money and bought m巳JO lessons.

I still remember the仙st one. I was _Q_ by how real th巳sound of th巳piano was. I __]_ my grad巳on巳test after eight lessons. But when I started secondary school, we couldn’t一�lessons again. I passed grade live, practicing only on my piece of paper.

精品新高考之快速突破完形填空专题3 高仿真经典模拟练1记叙文(教师版)

精品新高考之快速突破完形填空专题3 高仿真经典模拟练1记叙文(教师版)




When I was 14, I invited some friends for a party at our home out in the country.

I planned it well, but something ____21____ happened.

When it was time for us to ride the bus, Nora, one of my friends, didn’t ____22____ I felt ____23____ Why would she tell me she’d come to the party and then ____24____ without letting me know? So, I decided to call Nora and get some ____25____, I needed no apologies but I demanded to know why.

Nora ____26____ she had to stay away from school because she was sick. Anger still seized me and I

____27____ to listen, “What kind of friend are you?”Nora began crying on the phone, hurt and surprised. For the rest of the school year, we ____28____ hung around again, and I forgot about my ____29____ call with Nora.

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I was born legally blind. Of all the stories of my early childhood, the one about a tree is my mother’s favorite.

I was only two when the incident occurred. We had just arrived home from a trip. Mom lifted me out of the car and turned to speak to the driver. I took advantage of my brief freedom to dash across the lawn (草坪) — and hit a large maple tree! I was running so fast that I bounced off the trunk and landed on my backside. Mom expected me to start crying, but I just sat there for a minute. Then I picked myself up and kept right on going. Mom always adds (又说到) here that, as many times as I zoomed快速移动,迅速前往 across the lawn after that, I never again crashed into that tree.

Mom loves to use this story as an example . It reminds her that children don’t enter life afraid to take risks or unwilling to try again when they fall down. She never wanted me to lose that toughness 坚韧不拔as I grew older. When I made my major life decisions, I was still that little girl tearing full-speed across the lawn. I studied abroad and later moved away from my parents’ home to look for a job. Through years of efforts, I have become a respected teacher in a school serving high-need students.

We are almost certain to get knocked down at some point during the process of achieving our goal. When that happens, don’t si t in the grass and cry. Just get up and keep on going. It will all be worth it in the end.


Every year about 40,000 people attempt to climb Kilimanjaro, the highest mountain in Africa.They bring with them lots of waste. The crowds might damage the beauty of the place. The glaciers(冰川)are disappearing, changing the face of Kilimanjaro.Hearing the se stories, I’m skeptical about the place —other destinations are described as “purer” natural experiences.However, I soon discover that much has changed since the days of disturbing reports of camps among tons of rubbish. I find a clean mountain, with toilets at camps and along the paths. The environmental challenges are significant but the efforts made by the Tanzania National Park Authority seem to be paying off .The best of a Kilimanjaro experience , in my opinion, isn’t reaching the top. Mountains are regarded as spiritual places by many cultures.This view is especially evident on Kilimanjaro as climbers go through five ecosystems(生态系统)in the space of a few kilometers. At the base is a rainforest. It ends abruptly at 3, 000 meters, giving way to(被…代替)lands of low growing plants. Further up, the weather changes — low clouds envelope the mountainsides, which are covered with thick grass. I count twelve shades of green from where I stand. Above 4, 000 meters is the highland desert : gravel(砾石), stones and rocks. Finally you climb into an arctic-like zone with permanent snow and the glaciers that may soon disappear.

Does Kilimanjaro deserve its reputation as a crowded mountain with lines of tourists ruining the atmosphere of peaceI found the opposite to be true.


Wildlife has been greatly threatened in the modem age. There are species(物种)that are disappearing every day. The white-naped crane is a typical example. So scientists are trying their best to save the species from going out of existence.

Chris and Tim work at a zoo, helping endangered cranes with their reproduction . Emma, a female crane, has been in their care since she arrived in 2004.Born at an international crane foundation, Emma was raised by human caretakers. This led to an unexpected consequence , though she had a wonderful time there. Emma had never taken herself as a crane and become deeply attached to humans. She refused to live with male cranes, and even had a reputation for killing some of them, which made it impossible for her to become a mother. However , the two zookeepers didn’t want to see the extinction(灭绝)of this precious species. With their patience and efforts, they successfully developed a combination of artificial breeding(人工繁殖)and natural reproduction. This enabled Emma to give birth to five baby cranes.The two keepers are proud of their productive work. But before they can be assured , more efforts must be made, because the population of the crane in the wild is on the decline , and many other species appear headed toward extinction. After all , not everyone has realized that wildlife has thoughts, feelings, and most importantly, equal rights to survive.

How can we bridge(弥合差距,消除分歧)the ever-widening gap that separates us from other animals

Chris and Tim offered us the answer : human beings took it for granted that their brains held all the solutions, but maybe their hearts can be a better guide .


I was ready to pay for my bananas at the grocery one night, when fear seized me. My wallet was gone. I could only have left it on the G9 bus, which was now speeding in the dark to some unknown station.

The heart-stopping(令人十分担忧的) moment was quickly followed by mental math. How much time and money would it cost to replace the contents of that little wallet

The credit cards, the driver’s license, the cash, all lost to the bus.

Two hours later, back at my house, I heard a knock on the door. My husband answered it while I was on the phone in the dining room. "Does Jennifer live here" I heard a lady say.In my husband’s hand was my wallet, with not a penny missing . She left before I could even make it to the door to offer my thanks.

After sharing the story online, I heard from someone, who identified the lady as Erin Smith. Without delay, I called to thank her. She said she spotted (发现) my wallet on a bus seat.She calculated that going to a stranger’s house was a risky move, but she decided to take the chance. "If I were in that situation . I would want someone to try to find me," she said.

This one stranger responded beautifully to my small crisis , but she actually wasn’t the only one. Right after Erin took possession of my wallet on the bus, she posted a picture of my driver’s license to an online forum(论坛), trying to see if anyone knew me. No sooner did she leave my doorstep than I had emails from two women whose kids go to my son’s nursery and who recognized my face.I’ve never ex changed words with those moms beyond small tall, but they wanted to help.I read that people are more divided than ever, but that’s not how the people I encounter(意外遇见) tend to act.

Looking back , I feel blessed someone had wanted to help a stranger. Erin had gone beyond what almost anyone would have done, finding my house on a bitterly cold night, and for that I was extremely grateful .


It’s about 250 miles from the hills of west-central Iowa to Ehlers’ home in Minnesot a. During the long trip home, following a weekend of hunting, Ehlers thought about the small dog he had seen trembling alongside the road. He had tried to coax(哄)the dog to him but, frightened, it had run off .

Back home, Ehlers was troubled by that lost dog. So, four days later, he called his friend Greg, and the two drove back . After a long and careful search , Greg saw, across a field, the dog moving cautiously away. Ehlers eventually succeeded in coaxing the animal to him. Nervousness and fear were replaced with joy . It just started licking(舔)Ehlers’ face.
