Evaluation of a Particle-Enhanced Turbidimetric




第9卷㊀第1期2024年1月气体物理PHYSICSOFGASESVol.9㊀No.1Jan.2024㊀㊀DOI:10.19527/j.cnki.2096 ̄1642.1073深空再入飞行器烧蚀粗糙表面高超声速转捩预测李㊀齐1ꎬ㊀赵㊀瑞2ꎬ㊀陈㊀智3ꎬ㊀郭㊀斌1ꎬ㊀王㊀强1(1.北京空间飞行器总体设计部ꎬ北京100094ꎻ2.北京理工大学ꎬ北京100081ꎻ3.中国航天空气动力技术研究院ꎬ北京100074)PredictionofHypersonicBoundaryLayerTransitiononAblativeRoughSurfacesofDeepSpaceReentryCapsulesLIQi1ꎬ㊀ZHAORui2ꎬ㊀CHENZhi3ꎬ㊀GUOBin1ꎬ㊀WANGQiang1(1.BeijingInstituteofSpacecraftSystemEngineeringꎬBeijing100094ꎬChinaꎻ2.BeijingInstituteofTechnologyꎬBeijing100081ꎬChinaꎻ3.ChinaAcademyofAerospaceAerodynamicsꎬBeijing100074ꎬChina)摘㊀要:深空再入飞行器为提高气动减速效率ꎬ一般采用大钝度迎风外形以及烧蚀降热型防热结构ꎮ而扁平的前体外形与气动加热烧蚀导致表面粗糙度急剧增加等因素ꎬ极易造成飞行器迎风面流动失稳ꎬ流动出现转捩甚至演化为湍流ꎬ使表面热流分布发生巨大变化ꎬ给飞行器安全带来极大挑战ꎮ国内以往对大钝头再入器微观形貌变化下高超声速边界层失稳机制和转捩模拟的研究开展很少ꎮ以大钝头防热罩与沙粒式分布粗糙元为研究对象ꎬ分别利用基于高超声速与粗糙元修正的γ ̄Reθ转捩模式和k ̄ω ̄γ转捩模式ꎬ分析了高超声速来流条件下分布粗糙元等效粗糙高度㊁来流Reynolds数㊁攻角以及化学非平衡基本流对大钝头迎风表面的间歇因子分布和边界层转捩位置以及热流分布的影响ꎬ研究了深空再入飞行器烧蚀粗糙表面的高超声速边界层转捩发展规律与气动热影响规律ꎮ关键词:深空再入飞行器ꎻ大钝头防热罩ꎻ分布式粗糙元ꎻ转捩模式ꎻ化学非平衡㊀㊀㊀收稿日期:2023 ̄07 ̄18ꎻ修回日期:2023 ̄09 ̄08基金项目:国家自然科学基金(11902025)第一作者简介:李齐(1985 )㊀女ꎬ研究员ꎬ主要研究方向为深空探测进/再入航天器气动设计与分析ꎮE ̄mail:qi ̄ge ̄ge@中图分类号:V211.3㊀㊀文献标志码:AAbstract:Inordertoimproveaerodynamicdecelerationefficiencyꎬdeepspacereentrycapsulesgenerallyadoptlargebluntwindwardshapeandablativeheatprotectionsystem.Howeverꎬfactorssuchastheflatforebodyshapeandthesharpincreaseinsurfaceroughnesscausedbyaerothermodynamicheatingandablationeasilyleadtotheinstabilityofthewindwardflow ̄fieldofthecapsuleꎬresultinginthetransitionorevenevolutionintoturbulenceꎬwhichgreatlychangesthedistributionofthesurfaceheatfluxandbringsgreatchallengestothesafetyofthecapsule.Formerlythestudiesontheinstabilitymecha ̄nismandsimulationforthetransitionofhypersonicboundarylayerunderthechangeofmicroscopicmorphologyoflargebluntheatshieldarerelativelyunexplored.Usingtheγ ̄Reθtransitionmodelandk ̄ω ̄γtransitionmodelbasedonhypersonicandroughelementcorrectionꎬtheintermittentfactorsofroughelementequivalentroughnessheightꎬincomingReynoldsnumberꎬangleofattackandchemicalnon ̄equilibriumbasicflowonthewindwardsurfaceofthelargebluntheatshieldwereanalyzed.Thedevelopmentlawofhypersonicboundarylayertransitionandaerothermodynamiceffectonablativeroughsur ̄facesofdeepspacereentrycapsuleswerestudied.Keywords:deepspacereentrycapsuleꎻlargebluntheatshieldꎻdistributedroughelementꎻtransitionmodeꎻchemicalnon ̄equilibrium第1期李齐ꎬ等:深空再入飞行器烧蚀粗糙表面高超声速转捩预测引㊀言人类自开启航天事业以来ꎬ探索地外天体的目标从未停止ꎬ并且越来越深远ꎮ20世纪50~60年代ꎬ美国与苏联分别提出了各自的月球探测计划ꎬ并先后实现了月球采样返回和载人登月返回[1]ꎮ20世纪90年代ꎬ美国和日本等国家又先后启动了彗尘[2]㊁太阳风[3]㊁小行星[4]等探测取样返回计划ꎬ并于2004 2010年期间先后实现了样品取样返回ꎮ2014年11月ꎬ我国首次实施月地高速再入返回获得圆满成功ꎬ掌握了第二宇宙速度再入返回技术[5]ꎬ并以此为基础于2020年12月成功实现了月球取样返回目标[6]ꎮ2017年12月ꎬ时任美国总统特朗普签署白宫1号太空政策指令ꎬ重启登月计划ꎬ目标在2025年前后重返月球ꎬ实现新世纪载人月球探测[7]ꎮ2022年1月28日由中华人民共和国国务院新闻办公室发布的«2021中国的航天»白皮书中提出ꎬ未来五年要 发射小行星探测器㊁完成近地小行星采样和主带彗星探测 ꎬ并 深化载人登月方案论证ꎬ组织开展关键技术攻关 [8]ꎮ由此可见ꎬ月球与深空地外天体探测(含载人探测)是未来世界各国空间探测与科学研究的热点项目ꎮ而开展月球与深空地外天体探测ꎬ必然少不了样品或载人返回再入飞行器ꎮ由于深空再入飞行器再入速度大ꎬ为提高气动减速效率ꎬ一般采用大钝度球冠或球锥迎风外形[9]ꎮ而大钝头迎风外形与超高速来流相互作用ꎬ加之高温真实气体效应ꎬ导致钝头表面热流高㊁加热量大ꎮ为有效降低气动加热对主体结构㊁舱体设备和航天员安全性带来的影响ꎬ防热结构须采用碳基烧蚀型材料ꎮ而碳基防热材料密度低㊁易烧蚀ꎬ在高焓高热流长时间气动加热下会造成防热结构表面粗糙度急剧增加ꎬ形成分布式粗糙元表面ꎮ扁平的迎风前体与粗糙元结构结合ꎬ极易造成深空再入飞行器迎风面在高超声速下出现流动失稳ꎬ导致流动转捩甚至演化为湍流ꎬ使表面热流分布发生巨大变化ꎬ给飞行器安全带来极大挑战ꎮ其中的典型案例包括:Genesis返回舱防热罩对接孔凹坑后缘流动转捩造成的局部过热问题[10]ꎬ以及NASA对Artemis1号飞行试验返回后的猎户座飞船开展技术分析时发现了 大底隔热板烧蚀量大于地面设计预估值 的问题[11]ꎮ为适应深空探测复杂系统与运载能力之间的匹配[12]ꎬ再入飞行器质量约束是系统设计必须满足的关键条件ꎬ因此防热结构设计必须做到节约而高效ꎮ由此可见ꎬ深空再入飞行器高超声速边界层失稳机制分析和转捩位置的准确预测是影响深空再入返回飞行安全性的关键难题ꎮ高超声速边界层转捩研究一般主要面向尖前缘的高超声速飞行器外形ꎬ国内外学者曾在失稳特征㊁转捩机理㊁感受性特征以及转捩预测方法等方面取得了一些研究成果[13]ꎮ对于再入飞行器大钝头前体造成的流动转捩及其热影响问题ꎬ早期在Apollo[14]㊁Galileo和PioneerVenus等[15]进/再入器上都发现过转捩现象ꎬ但由于条件限制等问题ꎬ未见深入的分析研究ꎮEdquist等[16]首次针对火星探测器MSL(Marssmartlander)的大钝头前体外形利用地面试验确定的动量Reynolds数半经验工程方法来预测流动转捩的发生位置ꎬ但后来与飞行试验结果对比发现有相当大的出入[17]ꎮ此外ꎬHorvath等[18]分别利用细长锥外形㊁MSL和Genesis号外形[19]ꎬ通过开展高超声速风洞试验和PSE方法的稳定性分析ꎬ研究了对应外形下不同形式的表面粗糙度结构对钝头再入器迎风锥表面转捩模式的作用ꎬ并综合了磷光测热结果和数值模拟结果ꎬ确定了转捩发展造成的气动热分布变化ꎬ提出了基于工程拟合的粗糙度转捩预测模型ꎮ综上所述ꎬ目前大部分对于高超声速边界层转捩的计算研究都是单独针对宏观外形或粗糙表面微观外形而开展的ꎬ且大部分是基于地面试验数据进行转捩准则的建立与修正ꎮ对于大钝头宏观外形与分布式粗糙表面微观外形结合下的高超声速转捩问题ꎬ转捩机制与基于转捩模式的数值预测研究较为少见ꎮ本文拟用适用于深空再入返回的大钝头迎风大底外形与沙粒式分布粗糙烧蚀表面为研究对象ꎬ分别基于高超声速与粗糙元修正的γ ̄Reθ转捩模式和k ̄ω ̄γ转捩模式ꎬ开展高超声速边界层转捩位置预测㊁机制分析和参数影响规律研究ꎮ1㊀数值方法1.1㊀控制方程与数值格式考虑量热完全气体ꎬ对三维非定常可压缩Navier ̄Stokes(N ̄S)方程进行Favre平均ꎬ得到可压缩湍流的Reynolds平均N ̄S方程∂ρ-∂t+∂(ρ-u~j)∂xj=031气体物理2024年㊀第9卷∂(ρ-u~i)∂t+∂(ρ-u~iu~j)∂xj=-∂p-∂xi+∂∂xj(τ~ij-ρuᵡiuᵡj)∂∂t(ρ-E~)+∂∂xj((ρ-E~+p-)u~j)=∂∂xj[u~i(τ~ij-ρuᵡiuᵡj)-q-j-ρuᵡjhᵡ]式中ꎬuiꎬpꎬEꎬh分别为速度分量㊁压力㊁总能㊁焓ꎮ且τ~ij=2μlS~ij-13∂u~k∂xkδijæèçöø÷q-j=-κl∂T-∂xj其中ꎬTꎬμlꎬκl分别为温度㊁分子黏性系数㊁分子热交换系数ꎮ考虑高温真实气体效应的流动控制方程为积分形式的多组分化学非平衡N ̄S方程[20]ꎬ忽略辐射以及彻体力的影响ꎬ方程形式如下∂ρs∂t+∂ρsuj∂xj=∂∂xjDs∂ρs∂xjæèçöø÷+ωi∂ρui∂t+∂ρuiuj∂xj=-∂p∂xi+∂σij∂xj∂ρe∂t+∂∂xj(ρe+p)uj=∂∂xi(qj+σijui)其中ꎬρs=(ρ1ꎬρ2ꎬ ꎬρns)Tꎬns为气体组元的个数ꎬ气体总密度ρ=ðnsi=1ρiꎻuiꎬuj为速度分量ꎻp为压强ꎬe为单位质量的总能量ꎮ其中qj=κ∂T∂xj+ðsρDshs∂Ci∂xj本文针对高温真实气体效应ꎬ采用了基于5组分的Dunn ̄Kang模型[21]ꎬ考虑了完全催化壁模型[22]ꎬ采用了AUSM+up格式[23]进行数值解算ꎮ1.2㊀湍流模型采用基于涡黏性假设的两方程剪切应力输运(shear ̄stress ̄transportꎬSST)湍流模型ꎬ在边界层的黏性底层和对数律层采用k ̄ω模型ꎬ在边界层的亏损律层采用k ̄ω模型和k ̄ε模型的混合ꎬ在自由剪切层中采用k ̄ε模型[24]ꎮ控制方程为∂∂t(ρk)+∂∂xi(ρkui)=∂∂xj(μl+σkμt)∂k∂xjéëêêùûúú+Pk-Dk∂∂t(ρω)+∂∂xi(ρωui)=∂∂xj(μl+σωμt)∂ω∂xjéëêêùûúú+γνtPk-Dω+2(1-F1)σω2ρω∂k∂xj∂ω∂xj其中Pk=minτtij∂ui∂xjꎬ20β∗ρωkæèçöø÷ꎬDk=β∗ρωkꎬDω=βρω2湍流运动黏性系数μt和动力黏性系数νt为μt=ρa1kmax(a1ωꎬΩF2)ꎬνt=μtρ模型常数由两部分混合求得φ=F1φ1+(1-F1)φ2混合函数F1及其他函数定义如下F1=tanh(arg41)ꎬF2=tanh(arg22)arg1=minmaxkβ∗ωdꎬ500νd2ωæèçöø÷ꎬ4ρσω2kCDkωd2éëêêùûúúꎬν=μρCDkω=max2σω2ρω∂k∂xj∂ω∂xjꎬ10-20æèçöø÷arg2=max2kβ∗ωdꎬ500νd2ωæèçöø÷1.3㊀转捩模式1.3.1㊀γ ̄Reθ转捩模式γ ̄Reθ转捩模式通过联立求解间歇因子与转捩动量厚度Reynolds数的输运方程ꎬ根据局部涡量Reynolds数和临界动量厚度Reynolds数的比值判断转捩[25]ꎮγ ̄Reθ关联模型的间歇因子γ与动量厚度Reynolds数Reθ的方程分别为∂(ργ)∂t+∂(ρujγ)∂xj=∂∂xjμ+μtσfæèçöø÷∂γ∂xjéëêêùûúú+Pγ-Dγ∂(ρRe~θt)∂t+∂(ρujRe~θt)∂xj=∂∂xjσθt(μ+μt)∂Re~θt∂xjéëêêùûúú+Pθt式中ꎬPγ和Dγ分别为间歇因子输运方程的生成项与耗散项ꎬρ为密度ꎬuj为速度分量ꎬxj为坐标轴方向ꎬμ和μt分别为层流㊁湍流黏性系数ꎬRe~θt为当地转捩开始时的动量厚度Reynolds数ꎬPθt为方程的源项ꎮ其中Pγ=Flengthca1ρS(γFonset)0.5(1-ce1γ)Dγ=ca2ρΩγFturb(ce2γ-1)式中ꎬca1ꎬca2ꎬce1ꎬce2均为模型常数ꎬS为剪应力张量的模ꎬΩ为涡量ꎮFlength用于控制转捩区长度ꎬ由实验数据拟合得到ꎻFonset为Re~θt的函数ꎬ用于控制边界层转捩起始位置ꎮ为适应高超声速转捩流动Flength=20ꎬce2=2041第1期李齐ꎬ等:深空再入飞行器烧蚀粗糙表面高超声速转捩预测为考虑表面粗糙度对边界层转捩的影响ꎬ对转捩模型中的经验关系式进行修正[26]ꎮ引入等效沙粒高度ks和当地边界层位移厚度对转捩动量厚度Reynolds数进行修正ꎬ建立粗糙表面条件下转捩动量厚度Reynolds数Reθt_roughꎬ表达式如下Reθt_rough=Reθtꎬks/δ∗ɤ0.011Reθt+0.0061 fΛksδ∗-0.01æèçöø÷fTuéëêêùûúú-1ꎬks/δ∗>0.01ìîíïïïï其中fTu=max[0.9ꎬ1.61-1.15 e-Tu]fΛ用于描述粗糙度的形状㊁排列规律等几何构型ꎬ本文取1ꎮ此外ꎬ为考虑表面粗糙度对流动转捩后湍流边界层的影响ꎬ对SST湍流模型中比耗散率ω进行表面粗糙度修正[27]ꎬ具体形式如下ωrough=u2τ SRυ其中ꎬSR定义如下SR=50/k+sꎬ㊀k+sɤ25100/k+sꎬ㊀k+s>25{k+s为无量纲后的表明等效沙粒粗糙度高度k+s=uτks/υ1.3.2㊀k ̄ω ̄γ转捩模式k ̄ω ̄γ转捩模式以SST湍流模型为基础ꎬ由关于湍动能k㊁比耗散率ω以及间歇因子γ的3个输运方程构成ꎬ可以在有效黏性系数中考虑非湍流脉动影响ꎬ并借鉴Langtry等[25]和Langel等[26]构造的转捩模型基于当地变量的优点ꎬ构造了间歇因子γ输运方程耦合层㊁湍流计算ꎮ其总体框架为∂(ρk)∂t+∂(ρujk)∂xj=∂∂xj(μ+μeff)∂k∂xjéëêêùûúú+Pk-Dk∂(ρω)∂t+∂(ρujω)∂xj=∂∂xj(μ+σωμeff)∂ω∂xjéëêêùûúú+Pω-Dω+Cdω∂(ργ)∂t+∂(ρujγ)∂xj=∂∂xj(μ+μeff)∂γ∂xjéëêêùûúú+Pγ-Dγ式中ꎬPγ和Dγ分别为γ输运方程的生成项和耗散项ꎬ基于量纲分析构造ꎬ具体表达式为Pγ=C4ρFonset㊀-ln(1-γ)1+C5k2Euéëêêùûúúdν|ÑEu|Dγ=γPγ式中ꎬFonset为转捩起始位置函数ꎬd为物面距离ꎬEu为当地流体相对壁面的平均流动动能ꎬν为分子运动黏性系数ꎮ有Fonset=1-exp-C6ζeff㊀k|Ñk|ν|ÑEu|æèçöø÷Eu=0.5(U-Uw)2i其中ꎬζeff为有效长度尺度防热结构烧蚀导致的表面粗糙ꎬ可简化为等效沙粒分布式粗糙度ꎬ在k ̄ω ̄γ转捩模式中引入粗糙度放大因子Ar输运方程来描述壁面粗糙度对边界层转捩的影响机理和作用效果[28]ꎬ具体构造如下∂(ρAr)∂t+∂(ρujAr)∂xj=∂∂xj(μ+μeffσAr)∂Ar∂xj{}Ar的壁面边界条件以Sigmoid函数给定Ar|wall=1001+e-0.16k++6-1001+e6下式中ꎬk+是无量纲的等效沙粒粗糙度高度ꎬ由壁面摩擦速度uτ和等效粗糙度高度ks共同决定k+=ρwuτksμw=τwρwksνw1.4㊀方法验证为验证本文转捩模式能否正确预测壁面粗糙度对边界层转捩的影响ꎬ采用美国NASA兰利实验室[29]在20in(1in=25.4mm)ꎬMa=6风洞中采用的带有分布式沙粒粗糙度的半球头模型进行验证ꎬ如图1所示ꎬ半球模型的直径为152.4mmꎮ(a)Obliqueview㊀㊀㊀(b)Sideview㊀(c)Frontview㊀㊀㊀(b)Close ̄upview图1㊀NASA半球头模型Fig.1㊀NASAhemispheremodelphotographs51气体物理2024年㊀第9卷来流条件为:Mach数6.04ꎬ攻角0ʎꎬ壁面温度300Kꎬ单位Reynolds数2.18ˑ107/mꎮ选取80 ̄mesh粗糙元结构来考察粗糙诱导转捩模式的预测精度ꎬ该粗糙元均方根粗糙高度RRMS=0.03mmꎮ采用文献中90%粗糙度包络曲线ꎬ并根据Dassler等[30]的经验公式ꎬ有ks=4.33RRMSꎬ可得等效粗糙高度ks为0.13mmꎮ图2给出了分别采用两种转捩模式考虑与不考虑粗糙度放大因子计算得到的传热系数h/href㊀分布与地面测试结果的对比ꎮ其中ꎬ后缀为orig表示不考虑粗糙放大因子的转捩模式计算结果ꎬ后缀为rough表示考虑粗糙放大因子的转捩模式计算结果ꎬexp为地面测试结果ꎮ由图可知ꎬ在给定来流条件下ꎬ不考虑粗糙元诱导时半球头表面流动不发生转捩ꎬ热流由头部向肩部逐渐减小ꎮ而考虑粗糙元诱导后ꎬ两种转捩模式计算结果均显示s/R=0.2~0.3位置边界层流动由层流转捩为湍流ꎬ热流显著增大ꎮ由于h/href㊀是判别流动转捩的重要宏观物理量ꎬ由图中对比可见ꎬ本文采用的两种粗糙元诱导转捩模式数值结果与实验测得的转捩起始位置和转捩后最高热流吻合良好ꎮ其中ꎬk ̄ω ̄γ模式对应转捩位置与实验值吻合度更高ꎬ而γ ̄Reθ模式对应转捩后热流与实验值更为接近ꎬ这与γ ̄Reθ模式的转捩区模型参数由地面实验修正而来有关ꎮ图2㊀不同转捩模式下半球头80 ̄mesh粗糙模型热流密度计算值与实验值对比Fig.2㊀Comparisonofcalculatedheatfluxbydifferenttransitionmodesandexperimentalheatfluxof80 ̄meshroughmodel2㊀几何模型与计算状态如图3所示ꎬ本次研究选取的几何模型为球锥大钝头迎风大底外形ꎬ球头半径370mmꎬ迎风半锥角63ʎꎮ采用分区多块对接结构网格ꎬ不考虑侧滑角影响ꎬ计算网格为半模ꎬ总网格量1ˑ106ꎬ沿法向进行网格加密ꎬ首层网格高度为0.03mmꎬ以保证y+ɤ1ꎮ(a)Symmetryplane㊀㊀㊀㊀(b)Objectplane㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀图3㊀几何模型与网格结构示意Fig.3㊀Geometricmodelandgridstructure本文计算状态如表1所示ꎬ取典型深空再入飞行器高超声速状态ꎬ高度/Mach数组合关系分别为52km/Ma25ꎬ49.3km/Ma20ꎬ45km/Ma13ꎬ42km/Ma10ꎬ根据气动加热状态分别设定壁面温度为3400ꎬ3000ꎬ2500ꎬ2100Kꎬ考虑了1.5ꎬ3mm两种等效粗糙度高度ꎮ此外ꎬ由于返回舱采用自旋弹道式再入飞行ꎬ从宏观时间来看表面相同轴向位置的气动加热相等ꎬ另外考虑大钝头迎风面热流均匀化与三维烧蚀传热的拉平效应等ꎬ本文设置整个迎风大底表面采用相同的等效粗糙高度ꎮ表1㊀再入飞行器来流条件与壁面条件Table2㊀InflowandwallconditionsforthereentrycapsuleNo.H/kmMaRe/Dˑ10-5/m-1Tw/Kα/(ʎ)ks/mm152.0254.034000/103249.3205.030000/103345.0135.825000/101.5/3442.0106.021000/101.5/33㊀计算结果分析3.1㊀粗糙高度对转捩模拟影响分析采用k ̄ω ̄γ转捩模式对1.5ꎬ3mm等效粗糙高度的几何模型迎风大底表面间歇因子γ进行模拟分析ꎬ图4和图5分别显示了0ʎ攻角下状态2和状态3对应等效粗糙高度ks=1.5ꎬ3mm大底表面间歇因子γ的分布ꎮk ̄ω ̄γ模式计算将间歇因子γ开始显著增长的位置定义为转捩起始位置ꎬ将γ在(0.1~1)的范围定义为转捩区ꎬγ>1为湍流区ꎮ由两图对比可见ꎬ同样的来流状态下ꎬ随着等效粗糙61第1期李齐ꎬ等:深空再入飞行器烧蚀粗糙表面高超声速转捩预测高度的增加ꎬ壁面间歇因子增长起始点逐渐由肩部向中心推进ꎮ当等效粗糙高度ks=1.5mm时ꎬ两个状态的大底表面流动均为层流ꎻ当粗糙高度增长为3mm时ꎬ两状态的大底表面在球锥面交界处开始发生转捩ꎬ锥面大面积流动已发展为湍流ꎮ粗糙元高度通过增加当地边界层厚度而提高了当地Reynolds数ꎬ从而促使大底表面转捩提前发生ꎮ图4㊀壁面间歇因子分布云图(ks=1.5mmꎬα=0ʎ)Fig.4㊀γdistributiononthewall(ks=1.5mmꎬα=0ʎ)图5㊀壁面间歇因子分布云图(ks=3mmꎬα=0ʎ)Fig.5㊀γdistributiononthewall(ks=3mmꎬα=0ʎ)3.2㊀来流Reynolds数对转捩模拟影响分析采用k ̄ω ̄γ转捩模式对不同来流Reynolds数条件下3mm等效粗糙高度的几何模型迎风大底表面间歇因子γ进行模拟分析ꎬ图6显示了0ʎ攻角状态的间歇因子γ分布云图ꎮ整体来看ꎬ在粗糙高度3mm表面形貌下ꎬ当前计算的所有状态下大底表面均存在转捩与湍流区ꎮ随着飞行高度的减小ꎬ来流单位Reynolds数逐渐增大ꎬ转捩起始位置由肩部逐渐向头部中心即上游移动ꎻ转捩区宽度随着来流Reynolds数的增加而逐渐收缩ꎬ而湍流区则逐渐增大ꎮ与粗糙高度影响不同的是ꎬ来流Reynolds数不是通过增加当地边界层厚度而是通过直接提高当地Reynolds数水平诱导转捩提前ꎮ与粗糙高度相比ꎬ来流Reynolds数对转捩起始位置与转捩区的影响线性度更强ꎮ(a)Re/D=4.0ˑ105/m㊀㊀㊀㊀(b)Re/D=5.0ˑ105/m(c)Re/D=5.8ˑ105/m㊀㊀㊀㊀(d)Re/D=6.0ˑ105/m图6㊀不同来流Reynolds数下壁面间歇因子分布云图(ks=3mmꎬα=0ʎ)Fig.6㊀γdistributiononthewallatdifferentinflowReynoldsnumbers(ks=3mmꎬα=0ʎ)3.3㊀攻角对转捩影响分析图7为状态4㊁10ʎ攻角㊁等效粗糙高度ks=3mm条件下返回舱壁面间歇因子分布云图ꎮ与图6(d)对比可知ꎬ由于攻角的存在ꎬ转捩起始位置提前ꎬ驻点向迎风面移动ꎬ转捩区不再关于y=0对称ꎬ而是大部分位于迎风面ꎮ图8为状态4㊁10ʎ攻角㊁等效粗糙高度ks=3mm条件下层流与转捩模式计算所得大底子午线壁面热流分布曲线的对比ꎮ与图7相对应ꎬ由于攻角的存在ꎬ子午线壁面热流分布曲线结果没有关于y=0对称ꎬ转捩模式背风面热流值大于迎风面ꎬ转捩后背风肩部热流甚至与迎风肩部相当ꎬ可达当地层流热流的2倍以上ꎮ由上述结果分析可知ꎬ由于攻角的存在ꎬ大底背风面转捩位置提前ꎬ湍流区扩大ꎬ热流增长效应显著增加ꎮ在一般认识下ꎬ当有攻角存在时ꎬ大底迎风面密度应大于背风面密度(图9(a))ꎬ因而迎风面动量厚度Reynolds数应大于背风面ꎮ但据上述计算结果可知ꎬ大底背风面反而转捩提前ꎮ从大底迎背风面动量厚度对比(图9(b))可知ꎬ虽然大底迎风面的边界层外缘密度是背风面的2~3倍ꎬ但背风面的动量厚度为迎风面的3倍以上ꎬ且动量厚度增加导致背风面边界层外缘速度也远大于迎风面ꎬ由71气体物理2024年㊀第9卷此导致背风面的动量厚度Reynolds数是迎风面的1.5倍以上(图9(c))ꎮ由此可见ꎬ有攻角情况下ꎬ大底背风面动量厚度大大增加ꎬ从而导致背风面动量厚度Reynolds数增大ꎬ因此转捩位置提前ꎬ湍流区扩大ꎮ图7㊀壁面间歇因子分布云图(42km/Ma10ꎬα=10ʎꎬks=3mm)Fig.7㊀γdistributiononthewall(42km/Ma10ꎬα=10ʎꎬks=3mm)图8㊀大底子午线壁面热流分布曲线(42km/Ma10ꎬα=10ʎꎬks=3mm)Fig.8㊀Wallheatflowdistributionalongthemeridianofheatshield(42km/Ma10ꎬα=10ʎꎬks=3mm)(a)Densitydistribution(b)Momentumthicknessdistribution(c)MomentumthicknessReynoldsnumberdistribution图9㊀有攻角下大底表面特征参数分布(42km/Ma10ꎬα=10ʎ)Fig.9㊀Featureparameterdistributionoftheheatshieldwithattackangle(42km/Ma10ꎬα=10ʎ)3.4 化学非平衡对转捩模拟影响分析采用γ ̄Reθ转捩模式ꎬ分别基于完全气体和化学非平衡两种气体模型的基本流ꎬ对不同高度状态下3mm等效粗糙高度的几何模型迎风大底表面的热流密度分布进行模拟计算ꎬ图10给出了状态1和状态2不同气体模型对应的层流/转捩模式下粗糙大底表面热流密度分布曲线的对比ꎮ由图可见ꎬ在所计算状态下ꎬ完全气体基本流计算所得热流在球锥交界位置即开始高于层流热流ꎬ且随着高度的降低和来流Reynolds数的增加ꎬ完全气体模型在转捩与湍流区的热流可达1.4倍以上的当地层流热流ꎻ而化学非平衡基本流所得热流在不同高度下与层流热流则没有明显变化ꎮ由此可见ꎬ化学非平衡基本流可有效抑制高超声速边界层转捩的发展及对热流的影响ꎮ81第1期李齐ꎬ等:深空再入飞行器烧蚀粗糙表面高超声速转捩预测(a)52km/Ma25perfectgas(b)52km/Ma25chemicalnon ̄equilibrium(c)49.3km/Ma20perfectgas(d)49.3km/Ma20chemicalnon ̄equilibrium图10㊀不同气体模型下大底子午线壁面热流分布曲线(α=0ʎꎬks=3mm)Fig.10㊀Wallheatflowdistributionalongthemeridianofheatshieldwithdifferentgasmodels(α=10ʎꎬks=3mm)4㊀结论本文以典型深空再入飞行器迎风大底外形为研究对象ꎬ以分布式粗糙元结构为表面特征ꎬ采用基于粗糙放大因子修正的γ ̄Reθ与k ̄ω ̄γ转捩模式ꎬ对深空再入高超声速典型状态开展了边界层转捩预测模拟研究ꎬ分析了粗糙高度㊁来流Reynolds数㊁攻角以及化学非平衡基本流对深空再入飞行器高超声速边界层转捩位置与转捩热效应的影响规律ꎮ主要结论如下:1)对于本次研究的小尺寸大钝头迎风前体外形ꎬ分布式粗糙元与来流Reynolds数的增加都会通过增大当地Reynolds数从而诱导转捩ꎬ使转捩起始位置逐渐向上游发展ꎮ其中ꎬ粗糙元诱导转捩效应更为明显ꎬ非线性度更强ꎮ2)攻角可使得背风面动量厚度Reynolds数大大增加ꎬ从而导致转捩位置提前ꎬ湍流区扩大ꎬ背风面热流显著增长ꎮ3)化学非平衡基本流可有效抑制高超声速边界层转捩的发展ꎮ后续ꎬ对于深空再入飞行器烧蚀粗糙表面高超声速边界层转捩预测与影响分析的研究ꎬ可围绕粗糙度对流动稳定性的影响机制分析㊁建立基于粗糙元感受的流动稳定性分析模型㊁建立多种分布式粗糙元等效粗糙因子数学模型等方面来开展ꎮ参考文献(References)[1]㊀叶培建ꎬ彭兢.深空探测与我国深空探测展望[J].中国工程科学ꎬ2006ꎬ8(10):13 ̄18.YePJꎬPengJ.DeepspaceexplorationanditsprospectinChina[J].EngineeringScienceꎬ2006ꎬ8(10):13 ̄18(inChinese).[2]DuxburyTC.NASAstardustsamplereturnmission[C].35thCOSPARScientificAssembly.Parisꎬ2004.[3]LoMWꎬWilliamsBGꎬBollmanWꎬetal.GEenesismissiondesign[R].AIAA1998 ̄4468ꎬ1998.[4]KawaguchiJI.TheHayabusamission ̄itssevenyearsflight[C].2011SymposiumonVLSICircuits ̄DigestofTechnicalPapers.Kyoto:IEEEꎬ2011:2 ̄5.[5]杨孟飞ꎬ张高ꎬ张伍ꎬ等.探月三期月地高速再入返回飞行器技术设计与实现[J].中国科学:技术科学ꎬ2015ꎬ45(2):111 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化工进展Chemical Industry and Engineering Progress2024 年第 43 卷第 2 期低强度超声波对高负荷厌氧氨氧化EGSB 反应器运行性能的影响杨杰源1,朱易春1,赖雅芬1,张超1,田帅2,谢颖1(1 江西理工大学赣州市流域污染模拟与控制重点实验室,江西 赣州 341000;2 江西理工大学资源与环境工程学院,江西 赣州 341000)摘要:研究了低强度超声波对厌氧氨氧化EGSB 反应器处理无机高氨氮废水的影响,考察了超声波处理对反应器脱氮性能、厌氧氨氧化颗粒污泥特征、胞外聚合物以及微生物菌群的变化情况。

结果表明,低强度超声波可提高厌氧氨氧化反应器脱氮效能,在进水氮负荷为6.03kg N/(m³·d)时,总氮去除率提高了11.40%,抵抗氮负荷冲击能力也得到了增强。

周期性超声波辐照后,颗粒污泥粒径维持在1.0~1.5mm ,有利于改善传质效率,提升厌氧氨氧化颗粒污泥活性和减少颗粒漂浮。

污泥EPS 总量有显著增加,其中紧密结合型胞外聚合物(TB-EPS )增加较为明显,有助于维持颗粒污泥的结构稳定性。


颗粒污泥的比厌氧氨氧化活性提高了33.2%,通过简化的Gompertz 方程模型发现超声组的厌氧氨氧化菌生长速率(0.0127d -1)高于对照组(0.0107d -1)。

高通量测序显示,超声波促进了厌氧氨氧化菌及其共生菌,其中Candidatus Brocadia 提升了22.03%。


关键词:低强度超声波;厌氧氨氧化;颗粒污泥;微生物群落;氮负荷中图分类号:X703.1 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1000-6613(2024)02-1098-11Effect of low intensity ultrasound on operation performance of high loadAnammox-EGSB reactorYANG Jieyuan 1,ZHU Yichun 1,LAI Yafen 1,ZHANG Chao 1,TIAN Shuai 2,XIE Ying 1(1 Ganzhou Key Laboratory of Basin Pollution Simulation and Control, Jiangxi University of Science and Technology,Ganzhou 341000, Jiangxi, China; 2 School of Resources and Environmental Engineering, Jiangxi University of Science andTechnology, Ganzhou 341000, Jiangxi, China)Abstract: The effect of low intensity ultrasound on the treatment of high-ammonia-nitrogen wastewater by Anammox-EGSB reactor was studied. The effects of ultrasound treatment on the nitrogen removal performance of the reactor, characteristics of Anammox granular sludge, extracellular polymer and microbial flora were investigated. The results showed that low intensity ultrasound could improve the nitrogen removal efficiency of Anammox reactor, and the nitrogen load of influent was 6.03kg N/(m³·d), the total nitrogen removal rate of ultrasonic group was increased by 11.40%, and the impact resistance of nitrogen load was also enhanced. After periodic ultrasonic irradiation, the particle size of granular sludge研究开发DOI :10.16085/j.issn.1000-6613.2023-0315收稿日期:2023-03-02;修改稿日期:2023-04-02。

EU GMP 附录1:无菌药品的生产-英文

EU GMP 附录1:无菌药品的生产-英文

PrincipleThe manufacture of sterile products is subject to special requirements in order to minimize risks of microbiological contamination, and of particulateand pyrogen contamination. Much depends on the skill, training and attitudes ofthe personnel involved. Quality Assurance is particularly important, and this type of manufacture must strictly follow carefully established and validated methods of preparation and procedure. Sole reliance for sterility or other quality aspects must not be placed on any terminal process or finished product test.Note: This guidance does not lay down detailed methods for determining the microbiological and particulate cleanliness of air, surfaces etc. Reference should be made to other documents such as the EN/ISO Standards.General1. The manufacture of sterile products should be carried out in clean areas entry to which should be through airlocks for personnel and/or for equipment and materials. Clean areas should be maintained to an appropriate cleanliness standard and supplied with air which has passed through filters of an appropriate efficiency.2. The various operations of component preparation,product preparation and filling should be carried out in separate areas within the clean area. Manufacturing operations are divided into two categories; firstly those where the product is terminally sterilised, and secondly those which are conducted aseptically at some or all stages.3. Clean areas for the manufacture of sterile products are classified according to the required characteristics of the environment. Each manufacturing operation requires an appropriate environmental cleanliness level in the operational state in order to minimise the risks of particulate or microbial contamination of the product or materials being handled.In order to meet “in operation” conditions these areas should be designed to reach certain specified air-cleanliness levels in the “at rest” occupancy state. The “at-rest” state is the condition where the installation is installed and operating, complete withproduction equipment but with no operating personnel present. The “in operation” state is the condition where the installation is functioning in the defined operating mode with the specified number of personnel working.The “in operation” and “at rest” states should be defined for each clean room or suite of clean rooms.For the manufacture of sterile medicinal products 4 grades can be distinguished.Grade A: The local zone for high risk operations, e.g. filling zone, stopper bowls, open ampoules and vials, making aseptic connections. Normally such conditions are provided by a laminar air flow work station. Laminar air flow systems should provide a homogeneous air speed in a range of 0.36 – 0.54 m/s (guidance value) at the workingposition in open clean room applications. The maintenance of laminarity should be demonstrated and validated.A uni-directional air flow and lower velocities may be used in closed isolators and glove boxes.Grade B: For aseptic preparation and filling, this is the background environment for the grade A zone.Grade C and D: Clean areas for carrying out less critical stages in the manufactureof sterile products.Clean room and clean air device classification4. Clean rooms and clean air devices should be classified in accordance with EN ISO 14644-1. Classification should be clearly differentiated from operationalprocess environmental monitoring. The maximum permitted airborne particle concentration for each grade is given in the following table.5. For classification purposes in Grade A zones, a minimum sample volume of 1m should be taken per sample location. For Grade A the airborne particle classification is ISO 4.8 dictated by the limit for particles ≥5.0 µm. For Grade B (at rest) the airborne particle classification is ISO 5 for both considered particle sizes. . For Grade C (at rest & in operation) the airborne particle classification is ISO 7 and ISO 8 respectively. For Grade D (at rest) the airborne particle classification is ISO 8. For classification purposesEN/ISO 14644-1 methodology defines both the minimum number of sample locations and the sample size based on the class limit of the largest considered particle size and the method of evaluation of the data collected.6. Portable particle counters with a short length of sample tubing should be used for classification purposes because of the relatively higher rate of precipitation of particles ≥5.0µm in remote sampling systems with long lengths of tubing. Isokinetic sample heads shall be used in unidirectional airflow systems.7. “In operation” classification may be demonstrated during normal operations, simulated operations or during media fills as worst-case simulation is required for this. EN ISO14644-2 provides information on testing to demonstrate continued compliance with the assigned cleanliness classifications.Clean room and clean air device monitoring8. Clean rooms and clean air devices should be routinely monitored in operation and the monitoring locations based on a formal risk analysis study and the results obtained during the classification of rooms and/or clean air devices.9. For Grade A zones, particle monitoring should be undertaken for the full duration of critical processing, including equipmentassembly, except where justifiedby contaminants in the process that would damage the particle counter or present a hazard, e.g. live organisms and radiological hazards. In such cases monitoring during routine equipment set up operations should be undertaken prior to exposure to the risk. Monitoring during simulated operations should also be performed. The Grade A zone should be monitored at such a frequency and with suitable sample size that all interventions, transient events and any system deterioration would be captured and alarms triggered if alert limits are exceeded. It is accepted that it may not always be possible to demonstrate low levels of ≥5.0 µm particles at the point of fill when filling is in progress, due to the generation of particles or droplets from the product itself.10. It is recommended that a similar system be used for Grade B zones although the sample frequency may be decreased. The importance of the particle monitoring system should be determined by the effectiveness of the segregation between the adjacent Grade A and B zones. The Grade B zone should be monitored at such a frequency and with suitable sample size that changes in levels of contamination and any system deterioration would be captured and alarms triggered if alert limits are exceeded.11. Airborne particle monitoring systems may consist of independent particle counters; a network of sequentially accessed sampling points connected by manifold to a single particle counter; or a combination of the two. The system selected must be appropriate for the particle size considered. Where remote sampling systems are used, the length of tubing and the radii of any bends in the tubing must be considered in the context of particle losses in the tubing. The selection of the monitoring system should take account of any risk presented by the materials used in the manufacturing operation, for example those involving live organisms or radiopharmaceuticals.12. The sample sizes taken for monitoring purposes using automated systems will usually be a function of the sampling rate of the system used. It is not necessary for the sample volume to be the same as that used for formal classification of clean rooms and clean air devices.13. In Grade A and B zones, the monitoring of the ≥5.0 µm particle concentration count takes on a particular significance as it is an important diagnostic tool for early detection of failure. The occasional indication of ≥5.0 µm particle counts may be false counts due to electronic noise, stray light, coincidence, etc. However consecutive or regular counting of low levels is an indicator of a possible contamination event and should be investigated.Such events may indicate early failure of the HVAC system, filling equipment failure or may also be diagnostic of poor practices during machine set-up and routine operation.14. The particle limits given in the table for the “at rest” state should be achieved after a short “clean up” period of 15-20 minutes (guidance value) in an unmanned state after completion of operations.15. The monitoring of Grade C and D areas in operation should be performed in accordance with the principles of quality risk management. The requirementsand alert/action limits will depend on the nature of the operations carried out, but the recommended “clean up period” sh ould be attained.16. Other characteristics such as temperature and relative humidity depend on the product and nature of the operations carried out. These parameters should not interfere with the defined cleanliness standard.17. Examples of operations to be carried out in the various grades are given in the table below (see also paragraphs 28 to 35):18. Where aseptic operations are performed monitoring should be frequent using methods such as settle plates, volumetric air and surface sampling (e.g. swabs and contact plates). Sampling methods used in operation should not interfere with zone protection. Results from monitoring should be considered when reviewing batch documentation for finished product release. Surfaces and personnel should be monitored after critical operations. Additional microbiological monitoring is also required outside production operations, e.g. after validation of systems, cleaning and sanitisation.19. Recommended limits for microbiological monitoring of clean areas during operation:Notes (a) These are average values. (b) Individual settle plates may be exposed for less than 4 hours.20. Appropriate alert and action limits should be set for the results of particulate and microbiological monitoring. If these limits are exceeded operating procedures should prescribe corrective action.Isolator technology21. The utilisation of isolator technology to minimize human interventions in processing areas may result in a significant decrease in the risk of microbiological contamination of aseptically manufactured products from the environment. There are many possible designs of isolators and transfer devices. The isolator and the background environment should be designed so that the required air quality for the respective zones can be realised. Isolators are constructed of various materials more or less prone to puncture and leakage. Transfer devices may vary from a single door to double door designs to fully sealed systems incorporating sterilisation mechanisms.22. The transfer of materials into and out of the unit is one of the greatest potential sources of contamination. In general the area inside the isolator is the local zone for high risk manipulations, although it is recognised that laminar air flow may not exist in the working zone of all such devices.23. The air classification required for the background environment depends on the design of the isolator and its application. It should be controlled and for aseptic processing it should be at least grade D.24. Isolators should be introduced only after appropriate validation. Validation should take into account all critical factors of isolator technology, for example the quality of the air inside and outside (background) the isolator, sanitisation of the isolator, the transfer process and isolator integrity.25. Monitoring should be carried out routinely and should include frequent leak testing of the isolator and glove/sleeve system.Blow/fill/seal technology26. Blow/fill/seal units are purpose built machines in which, in one continuous operation, containers are formed from a thermoplastic granulate, filled and then sealed,all by the one automatic machine. Blow/fill/seal equipment used for aseptic production which is fitted with an effective grade A air shower may be installed in at least a grade C environment, provided that grade A/B clothing is used. The environment should comply with the viable and non viable limits at rest and the viable limit only when in operation.Blow/fill/seal equipment used for the production of products which are terminally sterilised should be installed in at least a grade D environment.27. Because of this special technology particular attention should be paid to, at least the following:•equipment design and qualification•validation and reproducibility of cleaning-in-place and sterilisation-in-place •background clean room environment in which the equipment is located •operator training and clothing•interventions in the critical zone of the equipment including any aseptic assembly prior to the commencement of filling.Terminally sterilised products28. Preparation of components and most products should be done in at least a grade D environment in order to give low risk of microbial and particulate contamination, suitable for filtration and sterilisation. Where the product is at a high or unusual risk of microbial contamination, (for example, because the product actively supports microbial growth or must be held for a long period before sterilisation or is necessarily processed not mainly in closed vessels), then preparation should be carried out in a grade C environment.29. Filling of products for terminal sterilisation should be carried out in at least a grade C environment.30. Where the product is at unusual risk of contamination from the environment, for example because the filling operation is slow or the containers are wide-necked or are necessarily exposed for more than a few seconds before sealing, the filling should be done in a grade A zone with at least a grade C background. Preparation and filling of ointments, creams, suspensions and emulsions should generally be carried out in a grade C environment before terminal sterilisation.Aseptic preparation31. Components after washing should be handled in at least a grade D environment. Handling of sterile starting materials and components, unless subjectedto sterilisation or filtration through a micro-organism-retaining filter later in the process, should be done in a grade A environment with grade B background.32. Preparation of solutions which are to be sterile filtered during the process should be done in a grade C environment; if not filtered, the preparation of materials and products should be done in a grade A environment with a grade B background.33. Handling and filling of aseptically prepared products should be done in a grade A environment with a grade B background.34. Prior to the completion of stoppering, transfer of partially closed containers, as used in freeze drying should be done either in a grade A environment with grade B background or in sealed transfer trays in a grade B environment.35. Preparation and filling of sterile ointments, creams, suspensions and emulsions should be done in a grade A environment, with a grade B background, when the product is exposed and is not subsequently filtered.Personnel36. Only the minimum number of personnel required should be present in clean areas; this is particularly important during aseptic processing. Inspections and controls should be conducted outside the clean areas as far as possible.37. All personnel (including those concerned with cleaning and maintenance) employed in such areas should receive regular trainingin disciplines relevant to the correct manufacture of sterile products. This training should include reference to hygiene and to the basic elements of microbiology. When outside staff who have not received such training (e.g. building or maintenance contractors) need to be brought in, particular care should be taken over their instruction and supervision.38. Staff who have been engaged in the processing of animal tissue materials or of cultures of micro-organisms other than those used in the current manufacturing process should not enter sterile-product areas unless rigorous and clearly defined entry procedures have been followed.39. High standards of personal hygiene and cleanliness are essential. Personnel involved in the manufacture of sterile preparations should be instructed to report any condition which may cause the shedding of abnormal numbers or types of contaminants; periodic health checks for such conditions are desirable. Actions to be taken about personnel who could be introducing undue microbiological hazard should be decided by a designated competent person.40. Wristwatches, make-up and jewellery should not be worn in clean areas.41. Changing and washing should follow a written procedure designed to minimize contamination of clean area clothing or carry-through of contaminants to the clean areas.42. The clothing and its quality should be appropriate for the process and the grade of the working area. It should be worn in such a way as to protect the product from contamination.43. The description of clothing required for each grade is given below:•Grade D: Hair and, where relevant, beard should be covered. A general protective suit and appropriate shoes or overshoes should be worn. Appropriate measures should be taken to avoid any contamination coming from outside the clean area.•Grade C: Hair and where relevant beard and moustache should be covered. A single or two-piece trouser suit, gathered at the wrists and with high neck and appropriate shoes or overshoes should be worn. They should shed virtually no fibres or particulate matter.•Grade A/B: Headgear should totally enclose hair and, where relevant, beard and moustache; it should be tucked into the neck of the suit; a face mask should be wornto prevent the shedding of droplets. Appropriate sterilised, non-powdered rubber or plastic gloves and sterilised or disinfected footwear should be worn. Trouser-legs should be tucked inside the footwear and garment sleeves into the gloves. The protective clothing should shed virtually no fibres or particulate matter and retain particles shed by the body.44. Outdoor clothing should not be brought into changing rooms leading to grade B andC rooms. For every worker in a grade A/B area, clean sterile (sterilised or adequately sanitised) protective garments should be provided at each work session. Gloves should be regularly disinfected during operations. Masks and gloves should be changed at least for every working session.45. Clean area clothing should be cleaned and handled in such a way that it does not gather additional contaminants which can later be shed. These operations shouldfollow written procedures. Separate laundry facilities for such clothing are desirable. Inappropriate treatment of clothing will damage fibres and may increase the risk of shedding of particles.Premises46. In clean areas, all exposed surfaces should be smooth, impervious and unbroken in order to minimize the shedding or accumulation of particles or micro-organisms and to permit the repeated application of cleaning agents, and disinfectants where used.47. To reduce accumulation of dust and to facilitate cleaning there should be no uncleanable recesses and a minimum of projecting ledges, shelves, cupboardsand equipment. Doors should be designed to avoid those uncleanable recesses; sliding doors may be undesirable for this reason.48. False ceilings should be sealed to prevent contamination from the space above them.49. Pipes and ducts and other utilities should be installed so that they do not create recesses, unsealed openings and surfaces which are difficult to clean.50. Sinks and drains should be prohibited in grade A/B areas used for aseptic manufacture. In other areas air breaks should be fitted between the machine or sink and the drains. Floor drains in lower grade clean rooms should be fitted with traps or water seals to prevent back- flow.51. Changing rooms should be designed as airlocks and used to provide physical separation of the different stages of changing and so minimize microbial and particulate contamination of protective clothing. They should be flushed effectively with filtered air. The final stage of the changing room should, in the at-rest state, be the same grade as the area into which it leads. The use of separate changing rooms for entering and leaving clean areas is sometimes desirable. In general hand washing facilities should be provided only in the first stage of the changing rooms.52. Both airlock doors should not be opened simultaneously. An interlocking system or a visual and/or audible warning system should be operated to prevent the opening of more than one door at a time.53. A filtered air supply should maintain a positive pressure and an air flow relative to surrounding areas of a lower grade under all operational conditions and should flush the area effectively. Adjacent rooms of different grades should have a pressure differential of 10 - 15 pascals (guidance values). Particular attention should be paid to the protection of the zone of greatest risk, that is, the immediate environment to which a product and cleaned components which contact the product are exposed. The various recommendations regarding air supplies and pressure differentials may need to be modified where it becomes necessary to contain some materials, e.g. pathogenic, highly toxic, radioactive or live viral or bacterial materials or products. Decontamination of facilities and treatment of air leaving a clean area may be necessary for some operations.54. It should be demonstrated that air-flow patterns do not present a contamination risk,e.g. care should be taken to ensure that air flows do not distribute particles from a particle- generating person, operation or machine to a zone of higher product risk.55. A warning system should be provided to indicate failure in the air supply. Indicators of pressure differences should be fitted between areas where these differences are important. These pressure differences should be recorded regularly or otherwise documented.Equipment56. A conveyor belt should not pass through a partition between a grade A or B area anda processing area of lower air cleanliness, unless the belt itself is continually sterilised (e.g. in a sterilising tunnel).57. As far as practicable equipment, fittings and services should be designed and installed so that operations, maintenance and repairs can be carried out outside the clean area. If sterilisation is required, it should be carried out, wherever possible, after complete reassembly.58. When equipment maintenance has been carried out within the clean area, the area should be cleaned, disinfected and/or sterilised where appropriate, before processing recommences if the required standards of cleanliness and/or asepsis have not been maintained during the work.59. Water treatment plants and distribution systems should be designed, constructed and maintained so as to ensure a reliable source of water of an appropriate quality. They should not be operated beyond their designed capacity. Water for injections should be produced, stored and distributed in a manner which prevents microbial growth, for example by constant circulation at a temperature above 70°C.60. All equipment such as sterilisers, air handling and filtration systems, air vent and gas filters, water treatment, generation, storage and distribution systems should be subjectto validation and planned maintenance; their return to use should be approved. Sanitation61. The sanitation of clean areas is particularly important. They should be cleaned thoroughly in accordance with a written programme. Where disinfectants are used, more than one type should be employed. Monitoring should be undertaken regularly in order to detect the development of resistant strains.62. Disinfectants and detergents should be monitored for microbial contamination; dilutions should be kept in previously cleaned containers and should only be stored for defined periods unless sterilised. Disinfectants and detergents used in Grades A and B areas should be sterile prior to use.63. Fumigation of clean areas may be useful for reducing microbiological contamination in inaccessible places.Processing64. Precautions to minimize contamination should be taken during all processing stages including the stages before sterilisation.65. Preparations of microbiological origin should not be made or filled in areas used for the processing of other medicinal products; however, vaccines of dead organisms or of bacterial extracts may be filled, after inactivation, in the same premises asother sterilemedicinal products.66. Validation of aseptic processing should include a process simulation test using a nutrient medium (media fill).Selection of the nutrient medium should be made based on dosage form of the product and selectivity, clarity, concentration and suitability for sterilisation of the nutrient medium.67. The process simulation test should imitate as closely as possible the routine aseptic manufacturing process and include all the critical subsequent manufacturing steps. It should also take into account various interventions known to occur during normal production as well as worst-case situations.68. Process simulation tests should be performed as initial validation with three consecutive satisfactory simulation tests per shift and repeated at defined intervals and after any significant modification to the HVAC-system, equipment, process and number of shifts. Normally process simulation tests should be repeated twice a year per shift and process.69. The number of containers used for media fills should be sufficient to enable a valid evaluation. For small batches, the number of containers for media fills should at least equal the size of the product batch. The target should be zero growth and the following should apply:•When filling fewer than 5000 units, no contaminated units should be detected.•When filling 5,000 to 10,000 units:a) One (1) contaminated unit should result in an investigation, includingconsideration of a repeat media fill;b) Two (2) contaminated units are considered cause for revalidation, followinginvestigation.•When filling more than 10,000 units:a) One (1) contaminated unit should result in an investigation;b) Two (2) contaminated units are considered cause for revalidation, followinginvestigation.70. For any run size, intermittent incidents of microbial contamination may be indicative of low-level contamination that should be investigated. Investigation of gross failures should include the potential impact on the sterility assurance of batches manufactured since the last successful media fill.71. Care should be taken that any validation does not compromise the processes.72. Water sources, water treatment equipment and treated water should be monitored regularly for chemical and biological contamination and, as appropriate,for endotoxins. Records should be maintained of the results of the monitoring and of any action taken.73. Activities in clean areas and especially when aseptic operations are in progress should be kept to a minimum and movement of personnel should be controlled and methodical, to avoid excessive shedding of particles and organisms due to over-vigorous activity. The ambient temperature and humidity should not be uncomfortably high because of the nature of the garments worn.74. Microbiological contamination of starting materials should beminimal. Specifications should include requirements for microbiological quality when the need for this has been indicated by monitoring.75. Containers and materials liable to generate fibres should be minimised in clean areas.76. Where appropriate, measures should be taken to minimize the particulate contamination of the end product.77. Components, containers and equipment should be handled after the final cleaning process in such a way that they are not recontaminated.78. The interval between the washing and drying and the sterilisation of components, containers and equipment as well as between their sterilisation and use should be minimised and subject to a time-limit appropriate to the storage conditions.79. The time between the start of the preparation of a solution and its sterilisation or filtration through a micro-organism-retaining filter should be minimised. There should be a set maximum permissible time for each product that takes into account its composition and the prescribed method of storage.。

1.U.S. EPA OTM-036 “Wet” Particle Sizing Test Method Promises Lower PM 2.5 Reportable Emissions

1.U.S. EPA OTM-036 “Wet” Particle Sizing Test Method Promises Lower PM 2.5 Reportable Emissions

WPCA NEWSA Bi-Annual Newsletter Sponsored by the WPCA Winter 2016U.S. EPA OTM-036: “Wet”Particle Sizing Test Method Promises Lower PM 2.5 Reportable EmissionsWritten By Jim Guenthoer, Clean Air Engineering美国环境保护局发布其他测试方法-36 :“湿”粒子测试PM2.5 排放方法报告作者Jim Guenthoer,清洁空气工程Although the National Ambient Air Quality Standard (NAAQS) for particulate matter 2.5 microns and smaller (PM 2.5 ) was promulgated in 1997 and last updated in 2012, a method for measuring filterable PM 2.5 emissions from regulated sources with wet stack gas streams has yet to be promulgated by the U.S. EPA. On April 11, 2016 EPA issued method OTM-036. CleanAir believes with more R&D and field testing to further develop this method, sources with entrained water droplets will have an alternative test approach to help to minimize PM 2.5 emission over reporting.Full Story….虽然1997年颁布了颗粒物质2.5微米和更小(PM 2.5)的国家环境空气质量标准(NAAQS),并且最近一次更新于2012年,一种用于测量来自湿烟囱气流的可调节源的可过滤PM 2.5排放的方法尚未由美国环保署颁布。



一维拓扑超导体的化学势英文回答:The chemical potential in one-dimensional topological superconductors plays a crucial role in understanding their electronic properties. The chemical potential, denoted by μ, represents the energy required to add or remove a particle from the system. It determines the occupation of energy levels and influences the transport properties of the superconductor.In a one-dimensional topological superconductor, the chemical potential determines the presence or absence of Majorana zero modes (MZMs) at the ends of the system. MZMs are localized states that emerge due to the topological properties of the superconductor. They possess non-Abelian statistics and are potential building blocks fortopological quantum computation.The chemical potential can be controlled throughvarious means. One common approach is to use gate electrodes to electrostatically tune the Fermi level. By applying a gate voltage, the chemical potential can be shifted, allowing for the manipulation of MZMs. This technique has been demonstrated in various experimental setups, such as semiconductor-superconductor hybrid structures.Another way to control the chemical potential is by doping the superconductor. By introducing impurities or defects, the number of charge carriers can be modified, thus changing the chemical potential. This approach has been employed in materials like carbon nanotubes and nanowires, where the doping level can be controlled by chemical or electrochemical methods.The chemical potential also affects the superconducting gap and the critical temperature of the one-dimensional topological superconductor. As the chemical potential increases, the superconducting gap decreases, and the critical temperature may also be affected. This dependence on the chemical potential provides a way to tune andmanipulate the superconducting properties of the material.In summary, the chemical potential in one-dimensional topological superconductors plays a crucial role in determining the presence of Majorana zero modes and influencing the electronic and transport properties of the system. It can be controlled through gate electrodes or doping, allowing for the manipulation of these exotic states and the tuning of superconducting properties.中文回答:一维拓扑超导体中的化学势在理解其电子性质方面起着关键作用。



Answer three key issue questions in R&D @CDR

Occupancy: at inner diameter

Low occupancy Overlapping tracks Background at IP
TPC as one option for CPEC YES or NO?
Evaluation of track distortions due to space charge effects of positive ions -6-
Investigation of IBF study with module
Test of the new module

Test with GEM-MM module

New assembled module Active area: 100mm×100mm X-tube ray and 55Fe source Bulk-Micromegas from Saclay Standard GEM from CERN Additional UV light device Avalanche gap of MM:128μm Transfer gap: 2mm Drift length:2mm~200mm Mesh: 400LPI
Drift velocity with Ed correction
- 12 -
Signal of the laser with Ф1mm @266nm
Reference from ALICE TPC
Triple GEMs detector
Signal with AMP(mV)



改进粒子群算法英文The particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm is a popular optimization technique that is inspired by thesocial behavior of birds flocking or fish schooling. It isa population-based stochastic optimization algorithm thatis commonly used to solve various optimization problems.The algorithm starts with a population of potential solutions, called particles, which move through the search space to find the optimal solution.There are several ways to improve the performance ofthe particle swarm optimization algorithm. One approach isto fine-tune the algorithm parameters, such as the inertia weight, acceleration coefficients, and population size, to better suit the specific problem being solved. Additionally, researchers have proposed various modifications to the standard PSO algorithm, such as incorporating local search techniques, hybridizing PSO with other optimization algorithms, and introducing adaptive mechanisms to dynamically adjust algorithm parameters during theoptimization process.Another avenue for improvement is the use of advanced techniques to handle constraints and multi-objective optimization problems within the PSO framework. This may involve the development of specialized constraint-handling mechanisms, such as penalty functions or repair operators, as well as the integration of Pareto-based approaches for handling multiple conflicting objectives.Furthermore, the performance of the PSO algorithm can be enhanced by addressing its limitations, such as premature convergence and poor exploration of the search space. This can be achieved through the development of diversity maintenance strategies, intelligentinitialization methods, and the incorporation of problem-specific knowledge to guide the search process.In addition to algorithmic improvements, the parallelization of the PSO algorithm can also lead to significant performance gains by harnessing the computational power of modern multi-core processors anddistributed computing environments.Overall, the continuous research and development efforts in the field of particle swarm optimization have led to a wide range of techniques and strategies for improving the algorithm's performance, robustness, and applicability to diverse optimization problems. By leveraging these advancements, practitioners and researchers can effectively apply the PSO algorithm to tackle complex real-world optimization challenges.。

2004_Lovejoy_Atmoshperic ion induced nucleation of sulfuric acid and water

2004_Lovejoy_Atmoshperic ion induced nucleation of sulfuric acid and water

Atmospheric ion-induced nucleation of sulfuric acid and waterE.R.LovejoyAeronomy Laboratory,NOAA,Boulder,Colorado,USAJ.CurtiusInstitut fu¨r Physik der Atmospha¨re,Universita¨t Mainz,Mainz,GermanyK.D.Froyd1Aeronomy Laboratory,NOAA,Boulder,Colorado,USAReceived17December2003;revised24February2004;accepted3March2004;published22April2004.[1]Field studies show that gas phase nucleation is an important source of new particles inthe Earth’s atmosphere.However,the mechanism of new particle formation is not known.The predictions of current atmospheric nucleation models are highly uncertain because themodels are based on estimates for the thermodynamics of cluster growth.We havemeasured the thermodynamics for the growth and evaporation of small cluster ionscontaining H2SO4and H2O,and incorporated these data into a kinetic aerosol model toyield quantitative predictions of the rate of ion-induced nucleation for atmosphericconditions.The model predicts that the binary negative ion H2SO4/H2O mechanism is anefficient source of new particles in the middle and upper troposphere.The ion-inducedHSO4À/H2SO4/H2O mechanism does explain nucleation events observed in the remotemiddle troposphere,but does not generally predict the nucleation events observed in theboundary layer.I NDEX T ERMS:0305Atmospheric Composition and Structure:Aerosols and particles(0345,4801);0317Atmospheric Composition and Structure:Chemical kinetic and photochemical properties;0335Atmospheric Composition and Structure:Ion chemistry of the atmosphere(2419,2427);0365Atmospheric Composition and Structure:Troposphere—composition and chemistry;K EYWORDS:nucleation,ions,sulfuric acidCitation:Lovejoy,E.R.,J.Curtius,and K.D.Froyd(2004),Atmospheric ion-induced nucleation of sulfuric acid and water, J.Geophys.Res.,109,D08204,doi:10.1029/2003JD004460.1.Introduction[2]Aerosol is ubiquitous in the Earth’s lower atmosphere. It affects human health,visibility,atmospheric chemistry, and climate.Aerosol influences climate directly by scatter-ing and absorbing radiation,and indirectly by acting as cloud droplet nuclei and affecting cloud properties.Gas phase nucleation is an important source of particles in the Earth’s atmosphere[Kulmala et al.,2004].New particle formation is correlated with enhanced levels of gas phase sulfuric acid[Weber et al.,1995,2001a]and low aerosol surface area(the dominant sulfuric acid sink)[Clarke,1992; de Reus et al.,1998;Hegg et al.,1993;Perry and Hobbs, 1994;Hoppel et al.,1994;Clarke,1993;Covert et al., 1992;Keil and Wendisch,2001].Water is also implicated in the formation of new particles because it is abundant and it significantly suppresses the vapor pressure of sulfuric acid. Nucleation in the background troposphere is common in regions of cloud outflow[Weber et al.,2001b;Clarke et al.,1998a;Hegg et al.,1990;Keil and Wendisch,2001].These regions are favorable for nucleation due to enhanced solar radiation,high relative humidity(RH),and reduced particle surface area.In the middle and lower troposphere,nucle-ation frequently occurs where classical binary H2SO4/H2O nucleation theory does not predict new particle formation [Weber et al.,2001a;Clarke et al.,1998b;Weber et al., 1997,1999].This has led to the suggestions that other species(e.g.,NH3)are involved[Weber et al.,1998; Kulmala et al.,2000;Coffman and Hegg,1995;Marti et al.,1997],or that an ion mechanism is important[Yu and Turco,2001].Ion-induced nucleation(IIN)may explain a possible connection between the flux of galactic cosmic rays(the main source of ions in the background atmosphere) and global cloudiness[Carslaw et al.,2002;Harrison and Carslaw,2003].Field measurements of the mobility spec-trum of air ions[Ho˜rrak et al.,1998]show bursts of intermediate ions(1.6–7.4nm)that may be associated with ion-induced nucleation.Eichkorn et al.[2002]have detected large positive ions in the upper troposphere that they attribute to ion-mediated nucleation.1.1.Atmospheric Ions[3]Wilson’s[1911]early work showed that ions are effective nucleating agents.Ions are likely aerosol pre-JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH,VOL.109,D08204,doi:10.1029/2003JD004460,2004 1Also at Cooperative Institute for Research in the EnvironmentalSciences and Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry,University ofColorado,Boulder,Colorado,USA.Copyright2004by the American Geophysical Union.0148-0227/04/2003JD004460cursors because they form very stable clusters,due to the strong electrostatic interaction with polar ligands.Ions are formed by cosmic rays at the rate of1–30ion pairs cmÀ3sÀ1in the background lower atmosphere with maximum rates at about10km[Rosen et al.,1985]. Other ion sources,such as radioactive decay,lightning, transmission lines,and combustion,can produce locally elevated ion concentrations.The reactive ions(e.g.,N2+, O2+,N+,O+)and electrons produced in the initial ioniza-tion of air are converted rapidly to cluster ions of proton-ated bases(e.g.,H3O+(H2O)n,(CH3)2COH+(H2O)n,and NH4+(H2O)n)and of the conjugate bases of strong acids (e.g.,NO3À(HNO3)x(H2O)y)[Ferguson,1979].In the pres-ence of the strong acid H2SO4,NO3À(HNO3)x(H2O)y ions are converted to cluster ions of HSO4À.Ions are lost by recombi-nation with ions of the opposite polarity,and by reaction with aerosol.Ion-ion recombination is the dominant ion loss process for aerosol surface areas below about10m m2cmÀ3. For an ion production rate of5pair cmÀ3sÀ1and no background aerosol,the steady state ion concentration is about1800ions cmÀ3,and the ion lifetime with respect to recombination is about350s.The ion production rate ultimately limits the maximum nucleation rate for IIN.1.2.Gas Phase Nucleation:Neutrals and Ions[4]At the molecular level,gas phase homogeneous nucleation involves a series of reversible elementary reactions leading from the gas phase molecules through molecular clusters to stable drops or crystals.The spon-taneity of gas phase homogeneous nucleation is deter-mined by the Gibbs free energy for formation of the relevant clusters from their gas phase constituents.Small clusters are generally less stable than the bulk because of limited solvation.Therefore,for moderate supersatura-tions,there is often a barrier on the Gibbs free energy surface for cluster growth.Gibbs free energy surfaces for the H2SO4/H2O neutral and negative ion systems calcu-lated with our kinetic model(vide infra)are shown for a specific set of conditions in Figure1.For these conditions there is a significant barrier on the neutral coordinate,and no barrier on the negative ion coordinate.In this case, growth of the cluster ions is mostly limited by the rate of H2SO4addition,whereas the initial growth of the neutral clusters is strongly inhibited due to efficient evaporation of the small clusters.The critical cluster,which sits on top of the barrier,has an effective vapor pressure equal to the partial pressure of the ligand(in this case,H2SO4). Clusters larger than the critical cluster grow spontaneously because the partial pressure of the ligand exceeds the effective vapor pressures of the clusters.The clusters that are smaller than the critical cluster have effective vapor pressures greater than the partial pressure of the ligand, and evaporation is spontaneous.Ion cluster growth will generally have smaller Gibbs free energy barriers than the corresponding neutral system due to the strong electro-static interactions between the ion and the ligands. The height and position of the barrier are functions of the supersaturation.The barrier generally moves toward smaller clusters and decreases in height as the supersaturation increases.The rate of nucleation increases exponentially as the height of the barrier decreases.[5]For atmospheric conditions(ion production rate= 1–30ion pairs cmÀ3sÀ1,[H2SO4]<5Â107molecule cmÀ3),cluster ions accumulate less than100sulfuric acid molecules before they are lost to recombination.Therefore the pathway for IIN involves ion cluster growth followed by recombination that produces a stable neutral cluster,larger than the critical cluster,that continues to grow[Arnold, 1980;Turco et al.,1998].This is an effective mechanism to bypass a nucleation barrier on the neutral coordinate(see pathway b in Figure1).[6]In classical nucleation theory,the thermodynamics of clusters are approximated with the liquid drop model [Seinfeld and Pandis,1998]that assumes that the molecular clusters are spherical drops with surface tension and density equal to the bulk liquid.These assumptions are inappropri-ate for small molecular clusters,and lead to large uncer-tainties in nucleation rates derived from classical theory.For ionic clusters,the thermodynamics are calculated with the Thomson equation[Holland and Castleman,1982],which approximates the ionic clusters as charged dielectric spheres with surface tension and density of the bulk liquid.Exper-imental studies have confirmed that the Thomson equation is generally not accurate for small ion clusters[Holland and Castleman,1982].[7]Yu and Turco[2001]and Laakso et al.[2002]have recently modeled the role of ions in the formation of particles in the troposphere.They conclude that the ionic mechanism is capable of explaining observations of tro-pospheric nucleation.However,their predictions have large uncertainties because the calculations are not based on accurate clustering thermodynamics.2.Kinetic Model of Ion-Induced Nucleation [8]An accurate kinetic treatment of atmospheric nucle-ation has not been possible due to a lack ofthermody-Figure1.Gibbs free energy curves for the formation of neutral and ionic H2SO4/H2O clusters for T=253K,RH= 0.55,and[H2SO4]=1.0Â107molecule cmÀ3.Energies are averages over the H2O coordinate,assuming that the clusters are equilibrated with H2O.In pathway a,recombi-nation of the cluster ion produces a neutral cluster smaller than the critical cluster,leading to cluster evaporation. Pathway b shows the IIN mechanism in which recombina-tion produces a neutral cluster larger than the critical cluster, and growth is spontaneous.namic data for the relevant clusters.We have implemented the following approach to significantly reduce uncertainties in the prediction of IIN rates in the H 2SO 4/H 2O system.(1)We have measured thermodynamics for the binding of H 2SO 4and H 2O to cluster ions of the formHSO 4À(H 2SO 4)x (H 2O)y and H +(H 2SO 4)n (H 2O)m .(2)We have connected the measured small cluster thermodynamics to the bulk liquid drop limit to yield thermodynamic predictions for all cluster sizes and compositions.(3)We have developed a nucleation model that treats the kinetics of growth and evaporation of neutral and ionic clusters explicitly.2.1.Model Details[9]Modeling H 2SO 4/H 2O binary nucleation is simpli-fied by noting that the atmospheric water concentration is at least 104times greater than the sulfuric acid concen-tration,so that the clusters equilibrate with water,and the growth and evaporation of the clusters is limited by addition and loss of H 2SO 4.Our thermodynamic measure-ments indicate that the positive ions are less likely to nucleate than the negative ions [Froyd and Lovejoy ,2003a],so the positive ions are treated as a single species,and the neutral and negative ion clusters are treated explicitly.The structure of the model is depicted schematically in Figure 2.For the neutral and negative clusters,the model uses 20–40bins that increment by one sulfuric acid molecule,representing hydrated (H 2SO 4)n and HSO 4À(H 2SO 4)n-1,respectively.The molec-ular resolution of these bins gives a full kinetic treatmentof nucleation.In the next 40–60bins the number ofsulfuric molecules increases geometrically,typically by a factor of 1.5in order to account for particles up to about 1m m diameter.[10]All clusters equilibrate with water and grow and evaporate by addition and loss of H 2SO 4.Negative clusters coagulate with neutral clusters,recombine with positive ions,and are formed by the coagulation of smaller negative and neutral clusters.Neutral clusters coagulate with both neutral and negative clusters,and are formed by the recom-bination of cluster ions and by the coagulation of smaller neutral clusters.The differential equations describing con-densation and evaporation of H 2SO 4and coagulation are similar to the ones presented by Raes and Janssens [1986].The temporal evolution of the neutral clusters starting with (H 2SO 4)2is given by@i ½ @t ¼k d i þ1n i þ1Àn i i þ1½ Àk d i n i Àn i À1i ½ þk a i À1H 2SO 4½ i À1½ n i Àn i À1Àk a i H 2SO 4½ i ½ n i þ1Àn iþX lX j k c j ;l j ½ l ½Án l þn j ÀÁÀn i À1ÀÁn i Àn i À1ðÞd n l þn j ;n i À1;n i ½þX lX j k c j ;l j ½ l ½ n i þ1Àn l þn j ÀÁÀÁn i þ1Àn i ðÞd n l þn j ;n i ;n i þ1½ÀX jk c i ;j i ½ j ½ ÀX Jk c i ;J i ½ J ½ þk r I I ½ pos ½ð1ÞFigure 2.Schematic of the kinetic aerosol model depicting the time dependent evolution of ionic and neutral clusters in the H 2SO 4coordinate.Arrows between adjacent bins represent H 2SO 4condensation and evaporation.Clusters in each bin equilibrate with gas phase water.The kinetics for ion cluster growth and evaporation are derived from experimental thermodynamics for the small clusters (HSO 4À(H 2SO 4)m (H 2O)n ,m <6)and the Thomson equation for large clusters (m >30).The kinetics for the intermediate cluster ions are derived by interpolation.The delta function is defined byd nl þn j;n iÀ1;n i½¼0if n lþn j2n iÀ1;n i½1if n lþn j2n iÀ1;n i½ð2Þwhere n i is the number of H2SO4molecules in cluster i. Lowercase indices refer to neutral clusters,and uppercase indices refer to negative cluster ions.The first term on the right-hand side of equation(1)describes the production of neutral cluster i by the loss of an H2SO4molecule from the next larger cluster(i+1).The second term accounts for the loss of i due to evaporation of one H2SO4molecule.The third term is the production of i by addition of H2SO4to the next smaller cluster,and the fourth term is the loss of i by reaction with H2SO4.The fifth and sixth terms describe the production of i by coagulation of smaller neutral clusters. The seventh term is the loss of cluster i by coagulation with all other clusters,and the eighth term accounts for the loss of cluster i by coagulation with all of the negative clusters. The last term describes the gain of cluster i due to recombination of negative ion cluster I with a positive ion. It is assumed that the positive ions do not contain H2SO4,so that recombination of ion cluster I produces a neutral cluster i with the same number of H2SO4.Neutralization converts HSO4Àto H2SO4.[11]The evolution of the negative clusters starting with HSO4ÀH2SO4is given by@I½ @t ¼k dIþ1n Iþ1Àn IIþ1½ Àk dIn IÀn IÀ1I½ þk aIÀ1H2SO4½ IÀ1½n IÀn IÀ1Àk aIH2SO4½ I½Iþ1IþXlXJk cJ;lJ½ l½Án lþn JðÞÀn IÀ1ðÞI IÀ1d nlþn J;n IÀ1;n I½þXlXJk cJ;lJ½ l½n Iþ1Àn lþn JðÞðÞn Iþ1Àn IðÞd nlþn J;n I;n Iþ1½ÀXjk cI;jI½ j½ Àk rII½ pos½ ð3Þwhere the H2SO4association and decomposition terms are similar to those of the neutrals.In contrast to the neutrals, the negative ions are produced by coagulation of negative with neutral clusters and lost by coagulation with only the neutrals.The negative clusters are also lost by recombina-tion with positive ions.[12]The temporal variation of the H2SO4concentration is given by@H2SO4½¼P H2SO4þ2k d H2SO4ðÞ2H2SO4ðÞ2ÂÃþXjk djj½þXJ k dJJ½ À2k aiH2SO4½ 2ÀXjk ajH2SO4½ j½ÀXJ k aJH2SO4½ J½ þk r HSOÀ4HSOÀ4ÂÃpos½Àk a NOÀ3NOÀ3ÂÃH2SO4½ ð4ÞThe first term on the right-hand side is the photochemical production rate of H2SO4(see below).The second term describes the production of H2SO4from decomposition of the H2SO4dimer.The third term describes the production from the evaporation of neutral clusters larger than the dimer, and the fourth term is the production from decomposition of the negative cluster ions.The fifth term accounts for the loss due to dimerization.The sixth and seventh terms describe the loss of H2SO4due to condensation on neutral and negative clusters.The eighth term is the production of H2SO4by neutralization of HSO4Àand the last term is the loss of H2SO4 by reaction with the NO3Àcluster ions.[13]In the troposphere,the rate-limiting step for the production of gas phase H2SO4is the reaction of OH with SO2.The rate of production of H2SO4(k OH+SO2[OH][SO2]) is closely coupled to the solar flux through the OH produc-tion.We use the OH+SO2rate coefficient recommended by DeMore et al.[1997].The H2SO4production rate is modeled with half a sinusoidal period extending from sunrise to sunset.The production rate of H2SO4is given by P H2SO4¼d t;iD;iDþL½M sinp tÀiDðÞLð5ÞThe delta function ensures that the photochemical produc-tion of H2SO4is zero at night,and is defined byd t;iD;iDþL½¼0if t2iD;iDþL½1if t2iD;iDþL½ for i¼0;1;2;3...ð6Þwhere M is the maximum H2SO4production rate,L is the time between sunrise and sunset,D is the length of the day(i.e.,24hours),and i is the day index.Sunrise is at t=iD.[14]As described in the introduction,atmospheric ion-ization produces unstable ions that rapidly convert to clusters based on the NO3Àcore ion.The model assumes that ion production starts with the NO3Àcluster,which reacts with H2SO4to produce the hydrated HSO4Àion.The variation of the NO3Àcluster ions is given by@NOÀ3ÂÃ@t¼S ionÀk r NOÀ3NOÀ3ÂÃpos½ Àk aNOÀ3H2SO4½ NOÀ3ÂÃÀXjk cNOÀ3;jNOÀ3ÂÃj½ ð7Þwhere S is the ion pair production rate,the second term is the NO3Àcluster loss due to recombination,the third term accounts for loss via reaction with H2SO4,and the last term is the loss of NO3Àby coagulation with the neutral clusters.[15]The temporal variation of the HSO4Àconcentration is given by@HSOÀ4ÂÃ@t¼k a NOÀ3NOÀ3ÂÃH2SO4½ þk d HSOÀ4H2SO4HSOÀ4H2SO4ÂÃÀk a HSOÀ4H2SO4½ HSOÀ4ÂÃÀXjk cHSOÀ4;jHSOÀ4ÂÃj½Àk r HSOÀ4HSOÀ4ÂÃpos½ ð8Þ[16]Here the first and second terms on the right-hand side are the production of HSO4Àby reaction of NO3Àclusterswith H2SO4and by decomposition of HSO4ÀH2SO4.The third term is loss of HSO4Àby association with H2SO4,the fifth term is loss by coagulation with all the neutral clusters starting with(H2SO4)2,and the last term is loss due to recombination with positive ions.[17]H2SO4evaporation/decomposition rate constants(k d) were calculated from the H2SO4clustering thermodynamics and the condensation/association rate coefficient(k a).For example,for the following reactionHSOÀ4H2SO4ðÞx H2OðÞyþH2SO4ÐHSOÀ4H2SO4ðÞxþ1H2OðÞyð9Þthe H2SO4condensation/association and evaporation/de-composition rate coefficients are related to the Gibbs free energy change byk ak¼K c¼RTeÀD G RTð10Þwhere K c is the equilibrium constant in concentration units and D G°is the Gibbs free energy change for the reaction. For each cluster,the equilibrium water distribution was calculated based on the ambient temperature,relative humidity,and measured water clustering thermodynamics. The effective H2SO4condensation and evaporation rate coefficients were calculated by averaging the individual rate coefficients(e.g.,for reaction(9))over the equilibrium water distributions.k a x ¼Xyf x;y k ax;yð11Þwhere f x,y is the fraction of the equilibrium distribution of a cluster with x H2SO4that has y waters,and k x,y a is the corresponding condensation rate coefficient.Similar aver-aging was performed to derive evaporation rate constants.[18]Brownian coagulation coefficients(k c)for neutral and charged particles were calculated by using Fuch’s approach[Fuchs,1964;Seinfeld and Pandis,1998;Yu and Turco,1998].The ion-neutral coagulation coefficients were matched to the Su and Chesnavich[1982]prediction for the HSO4À+H2SO4rate coefficient(k298K=2Â10À9cm3moleculeÀ1sÀ1)by scaling the ion/dipole term in the interaction potential.Recombination coefficients were calculated with Fuch’s Brownian coagulation formula for oppositely charged particles[Fuchs,1964].A value of1.6Â10À6cm3moleculeÀ1sÀ1was used for the small cluster limiting recombination coefficient[Bates,1982].Accomo-dation coefficients were typically set to 1.0for H2SO4 condensation on neutral and negative clusters,and for coagulation of all clusters.Rate coefficients for association of H2SO4to neutral and charged clusters,coagulation of neutral and charged clusters,ion-ion recombination,and decomposition are shown as a function of cluster size in Figure3.Ion production rates as a function of altitude were taken from Rosen et al.[1985].The set of differential equations describing cluster growth,evaporation,and coag-ulation was integrated by using a semi-implicit extrapola-tion method suitable for stiff sets of equations[Press et al., 1992].2.2.Cluster Thermodynamics[19]The growth and evaporation kinetics for the clusters were calculated from the cluster thermodynamics as de-scribed above.The enthalpy and entropy changes for the clustering reactionsHSOÀ4H2SO4ðÞx H2OðÞyÀ1þH2OÐHSOÀ4H2SO4ðÞx H2OðÞyð12Þfor x6and y10were derived from the temperature dependence of the equilibrium constants measured in an ion-molecule flow reactor coupled to a quadrupole mass spectrometer[Froyd and Lovejoy,2003b].The enthalpy changes for the sulfuric acid clustering reactionsHSOÀ4H2SO4ðÞxÀ1þH2SO4ÐHSOÀ4H2SO4ðÞxð13Þfor x5were derived from a master equation analysis of the temperature and pressure dependence of thethermal Figure3.Model rate coefficients as a function of cluster size.Solid lines are for300K,1013mbar,and RH=0.5, and dashed lines are for220K,200mbar,and RH=0.5.(a)Ion-ion recombination,H2SO4condensation,and coagulation rate coefficients for ionic and neutral clusters. The‘‘ion+neutral’’and‘‘neutral+neutral’’values are for clusters with an equal number of H2SO4molecules.(b)Rate coefficients for evaporation of H2SO4as a function of cluster size at220and300K.decomposition reactions(13)measured in a quadrupole ion trap mass spectrometer[Curtius et al.,2001;Lovejoy and Curtius,2001].Reaction entropies were calculated with standard formulae by using ab initio(HF/6À31+ G(d))geometries and scaled vibrational frequencies [Curtius et al.,2001].The reaction enthalpies and entropies for sulfuric acid clustering to the hydrated clustersHSOÀ4H2SO4ðÞxÀ1H2OðÞyþH2SO4ÐHSOÀ4H2SO4ðÞx H2OðÞyð14Þwere derived from the experimental results for reactions (12)and(13)by using thermodynamic cycles.The experimental thermodynamics for the small cluster ions deviated significantly from the Thomson predictions,but converged towards the Thomson predictions for the larger clusters.The Thomson equation over predicted the water binding for the small clusters by up to7kcal molÀ1, and under predicted the sulfuric acid binding by up to 11kcal molÀ1.The set of experimental cluster ion thermodynamics was connected to the Thomson predic-tions for larger clusters by adding small terms to the Thomson equation that decayed exponentially with cluster size.The details of the interpolation scheme are described by Froyd[2002].This analysis yielded a complete set of H2SO4and H2O binding thermodynamics extending from molecular cluster ions to the bulk,based on experimental thermodynamics for the small clusters.Bulk liquid H2SO4/ H2O thermodynamics were derived from vapor pressures calculated with the On-line Aerosol Inorganics Model [Carslaw et al.,1995].The thermodynamics,density [Perry and Chilton,1973],and surface tension[Sabinina and Terpugow,1935]of bulk sulfuric acid-water solutions were parameterized as a function of composition and temperature.[20]The thermodynamics of the neutral clusters are evaluated with the liquid drop model modified to give nucleation rates consistent with the experimental results of Ball et al.[1999].The terms,4exp(Àx/5)and5exp(Ày/5) (units of kcal molÀ1),are added to the liquid drop Gibbs free energies for the addition of sulfuric acid and water, respectively,to the clusters(H2SO4)x(H2O)y.These terms systematically decrease the bond energies of H2SO4and H2O and inhibit the neutral nucleation relative to predic-tions based on the liquid drop model.With these mod-ifications,nucleation of the neutrals is negligible for the conditions examined in this study.The Ball et al.[1999] experiments were performed with H2SO4concentrations significantly higher than found in the atmosphere.There-fore the predictions of the direct neutral nucleation with our model are quite uncertain due to the exponential dependence of the nucleation rate on the cluster thermo-dynamics.Conversely,the IIN rate is significantly less sensitive to the neutral thermodynamics.The IIN rate is sensitive to the position of the neutral nucleation barrier, which is a relatively weak function of the cluster thermo-dynamics(vide infra).The present modified liquid drop thermodynamics predict a neutral critical cluster containing 5H2SO4molecules for1Â107H2SO4cmÀ3,RH=0.5, and240K,which is consistent with measurements by Eisele and Hanson[2000],who report a critical cluster ‘‘near’’4H2SO4molecules.3.Model Predictions for the Atmosphere[21]Nucleation contour plots were generated by run-ning the model from sunrise until sunset for a range of relative humidities,sulfuric acid source strengths,and preexisting aerosol surface areas.Results from about 1000model runs were used to generate particle produc-tion contours for a given temperature.At a specific temperature,the particle production is most sensitive to RH and H2SO4concentration.The H2SO4concentration is a function of the H2SO4production rate and the aerosol surface area,which is an important H2SO4sink.To reduce the dimensionality of the system we plot the particle production contours as a function of RH and the average maximum daytime[H2SO4].The averaging facilitates the representation of the data and introduces uncertainties in the particle production of typically less than20%.We define the particle production as the sum of new particles greater than3nm diameter because this coincides with the minimum detectable size of the particle counters deployed in the field.[22]Particle production contours for a range of temper-atures characteristic of the troposphere are plotted in Figure 4.The concentration of H2SO4is typically less than108molecule cmÀ3in the boundary layer,and less than107in the middle and upper troposphere(see,e.g., Table1).Based on these[H2SO4],it is apparent that the HSO4À/H2SO4/H2O nucleation mechanism has the potential to produce more than104particles>3nm per cubic centimeter in a day in the middle and upper troposphere.[23]The rate of nucleation depends strongly on the thermodynamics for cluster growth.The position and height of the nucleation barrier is sensitive to the temperature,RH and[H2SO4].Low temperatures,high RH,and high [H2SO4]decrease the height of the barrier and facilitate nucleation.Figure5shows the conditions where the nucle-ation barrier for the ion coordinate is eliminated and the growth of all cluster ions is spontaneous.For example,for temperatures below240K and RH greater than0.3there is no barrier to ion growth for[H2SO4]greater than about 106molecule cmÀ3.[24]The minimum[H2SO4]required to produce 100particles in12hours of daylight is around2Â106molecule cmÀ3under the most favorable nucleation conditions(e.g.,220K,see Figure4).There is no barrier to IIN for these conditions(see Figure5)and the particle production is determined by the rates of ion production and H2SO4condensation.In the warm humid boundary layer, greater than108H2SO4molecule cmÀ3are required to make just100particles cmÀ3in a day.There are barriers to nucleation for these conditions,and the particle production is a stronger function of temperature,RH,and[H2SO4]. [25]The particle production by IIN is self-limiting.As the production rate increases,the surface area increases and eventually reaches levels where small particles are effectively scavenged and3nm particle production is suppressed.The maximum particle production rates are about40,000particle cmÀ3dayÀ1with diameters greater than3nm for the conditions of Figure4.。



装备环境工程第20卷第12期·26·EQUIPMENT ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING2023年12月涡轴发动机燃气涡轮叶片热腐蚀机理分析与改进叶飞,况侨,李军,滕官宏伟(陆装驻株洲地区航空军代室,湖南 株洲 412000)摘要:目的提高航空发动机燃气涡轮工作叶片的结构完整性、安全性和可靠性。







关键词:涡轴发动机;涡轮叶片;热腐蚀;疲劳失效;机理分析;改进建议中图分类号:TG171 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1672-9242(2023)12-0026-09DOI:10.7643/ issn.1672-9242.2023.12.004Hot Corrosion Analysis and Improvement of Gas Turbine RotorBlades of Turboshaft EnginesYE Fei, KUANG Qiao, LI Jun, TENG Guan-hong-wei(Zhuzhou Regional Aviation Military Office, Hunan Zhuzhou 412000, China)ABSTRACT: In order to improve the structural integrity, safety, and reliability of the working blades of aviation engine gas turbines. This paper studied the hot corrosion-fatigue failure mechanisms of gas turbine rotor blades, including the structural failure mode, the distribution law of corrosion pits, as well as the erosion and oxidation mechanisms of thermal barrier coating and blade superalloy. The results showed that the surface coating corrosion spalling occurred in the high friction coefficient area of the gas turbine blade under the action of high temperature gas scour effect and hot salt corrosion. The corrosion pit was formed after the blade alloy substrate of the spalling part of the coating was oxidized and eroded by high temperature gas. The protrusions or depressions on the surface of corrosion pits caused stress concentration, which accelerated the initiation of fatigue cracks and finally lead to fatigue fracture of blades. The chemical nature of corrosion and oxidation of high temperature resistant coating and nickel-based alloy matrix on gas turbine rotor blades caused by typical corrosive substances is investigated. Finally, suggestions for improving the thermal corrosion of gas turbine rotor blades are put forward, which can provide useful reference收稿日期:2023-10-23;修订日期:2023-11-17Received:2023-10-23;Revised:2023-11-17引文格式:叶飞, 况侨, 李军, 等. 涡轴发动机燃气涡轮叶片热腐蚀机理分析与改进[J]. 装备环境工程, 2023, 20(12): 26-34.YE Fei, KUANG Qiao, LI Jun, et al. Hot Corrosion Analysis and Improvement of Gas Turbine Rotor Blades of Turboshaft Engines[J]. Equipment Environmental Engineering, 2023, 20(12): 26-34.第20卷 第12期 叶飞,等:涡轴发动机燃气涡轮叶片热腐蚀机理分析与改进 ·27·for preventing the thermal corrosion of aviation turboshaft engines.KEY WORDS: turboshaft engine; turbine blade; hot corrosion; fatigue failure; mechanism analysis; improvement measures航空发动机主要热端部件燃气涡轮的工作叶片不仅要承受高速旋转时的离心力、气动力、振动负荷,还可能因燃烧室出口温度场不均匀而出现热应力、热变形、热腐蚀等特殊问题[1-2]。



2021 年第50 卷第 1 期石油化工PETROCHEMICAL TECHNOLOGY·55·纳米三元复合聚合物驱油剂驱油效果评价曹孟菁1,郭光范1,闫方平1,陈颖超1,张玉平1,杨火海2(1. 承德石油高等专科学校 石油工程系,河北 承德 067000;2. 西南石油大学 油气藏地质及开发工程国家重点实验室,四川 成都 610500)[摘要]以丙烯酰胺、2-丙烯酰胺基-2-甲基丙磺酸和N ,N'-亚甲基双丙烯酰胺为单体,采用蒸馏沉淀法合成了一种纳米聚合物微球,利用SEM ,FTIR 等方法对结构进行了表征,同时研究了聚合物微球的抗温抗盐性、渗流规律、渗流特征及驱油影响因素等。


聚合物微球分散体系在渗透率为8.85×10-3~29.87×10-3 μm 2的岩心中流动时,表现出非达西渗流特征,其膨胀体系在岩心上可起到封堵效果。



[关键词]三元复合;纳微聚合物颗粒;驱油剂;提高采收率[文章编号]1000-8144(2021)01-0055-06 [中图分类号]TE 357.4 [文献标志码]AOil displacement effect of nano ternary polymer flooding agentCao Mengjing 1,Guo Guangfan 1,Yan Fangping 1,Chen Yingchao 1,Zhang Yuping 1,Yang Huohai 2(1. Department of Petroleum Engineering ,Chengde Petroleum College ,Chengde Hebei 067000,China ;2. State Key Laboratoryof Oil and Gas Reservoir Geology and Exploitation ,Southwest Petroleum University ,Sichuan Chengdu 610500,China )[Abstract ]A polymer microsphere was synthesized with acrylamide ,2-acrylamide-2-methylpropane sulfonic acid and N ,N'-methylene double acrylamide as monomer by distillation precipitation. The structure was characterized by SEM and FTIR. The temperature resistance ,salt resistance ,ruleof seepage flow ,water/oil two-phase seepage characteristics and influencing factors of oil displacement were studied. The experimental result shows that the polymer microspheres have good properties of water absorption ,salt resistance and temperature resistance. When the polymer microsphere dispersion system flows in the core with a permeability of 8.85×10-3-29.87×10-3 μm 2,it shows non-Darcy seepage characteristics ,and its expansion system can play a blocking effect on the core. The dispersion of polymer microspheres after expansion reduces the relative permeability of water phase. The temperature and the size of injected particle slug affect the enhanced oil recovery of polymer microspheres.[Keywords ]ternary composite ;nano polymer particles ;oil displacement agent ;enhanced oil recoveryDOI :10.3969/j.issn.1000-8144.2021.01.010[收稿日期]2020-07-29;[修改稿日期]2020-10-05。



改进粒子群优化算法(英文)Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) is a metaheuristic optimization algorithm that simulates the collective behavior of birds in a flock, leveraging continuous self-adaptation and information sharing to search for optimal solutions. While PSO has been widely applied in various optimization problems, it still has certain limitations that need improvement to enhance its performance.Here are several directions to improve the Particle Swarm Optimization algorithm:1. Enhancing Particle Movement Strategy: Traditional PSO relies on random velocity and position update strategies, which may lead to convergence to local optima. By introducing nonlinear and adaptive movement strategies such as exponential inertia weight and adaptive acceleration coefficients, the global search capability of particles can be enhanced, improving the convergence speed and accuracy of the algorithm.2. Introducing Multi-Objective Optimization: PSO was originally designed for solving single-objective optimization problems, yet many real-world problems involve conflicting objectives. By improving the Multi-Objective Particle Swarm Optimization algorithm, incorporating the computation of multi-objective fitness functions and updating strategies specifically tailored for multi-objective optimization, the algorithm can identify a set of best feasible solutions, forming a Pareto front.3. Considering Constraint Handling: When dealing with constrained optimization problems, the traditional PSO algorithm may generate solutions that do not satisfy the constraints. By introducing constraint handling approaches such as penalty function methods or improved constraint saturation functions, the offending solutions can be penalized and pushed towards feasible regions, thereby increasing the feasibility of the search process.4. Adapting Parameter Adjustment: The parameter settings in Particle Swarm Optimizationalgorithm significantly impact its performance. Traditional PSO often utilizes statically set parameters, which may not adapt to the problem characteristics and variations. By introducing adaptive parameter mechanisms, such as adaptive inertia weight and dynamically adjusted acceleration coefficients, the parameters can be adaptively tuned based on the progress of the search, enhancing the robustness and global search capability of the algorithm.5. Global Convergence Analysis: The global convergence of the Particle Swarm Optimization algorithm is a crucial factor in ensuring its performance. Conducting detailed theoretical analysis of the algorithm's global convergence and designing corresponding convergence proofs or convergence rate analysis methods can improve the interpretability and controllability of the algorithm.In practical applications, improving the Particle Swarm Optimization algorithm can be tailored to specific problem characteristics and requirements. By optimizing the algorithm's design and parameter adjustments, the global search capability, convergence speed, and stability can be improved, making it applicable to more complex optimization problems.。



第52卷第4期2021年4月中南大学学报(自然科学版)Journal of Central South University (Science and Technology)V ol.52No.4Apr.2021颗粒形状对烧结矿填充床内渗透系数和阻力系数的影响张四宗,温治,刘训良,张辉,刘晓宏,王帅(北京科技大学能源与环境工程学院,北京,100083)摘要:为了分析烧结矿竖罐式冷却工艺的可行性,有必要研究不规则烧结矿颗粒填充床内的气体流动特性。



此外,由于颗粒形状不规则,床层内的气体流动大部分处于过渡区和湍流区;ERGUN 方程的预测平均值低于实测值69.03%,表明ERGUN 方程不适合预测不规则颗粒床层内的流动阻力,但利用本文形状因子修正的阻力关联式可以较好地预测烧结矿填充床内的气体流动阻力,平均相对误差为3.65%。

关键词:颗粒形状;渗透系数;阻力特性;流动状态;烧结矿;填充床中图分类号:TK11+5文献标志码:A开放科学(资源服务)标识码(OSID)文章编号:1672-7207(2021)04-1066-10Effects of particle shape on permeability and resistancecoefficients of sinter packed bedZHANG Sizong,WEN Zhi,LIU Xunliang,ZHANG Hui,LIU Xiaohong,WANG Shuai(School of Energy and Environmental Engineering,University of Science and Technology Beijing,Beijing 100083,China)Abstract:To analyze the feasibility of the sinter vertical tank cooling process,it was necessary to study the gas flow characteristics in the packed bed with irregular sinter particles.Firstly,the particle characteristics of sinter were characterized by the drainage method,equal volume method,and weighing method,etc.Secondly,the gas flow resistance in the sinter packed bed was measured by the self-made experimental apparatus,and the influence of the particle shape on resistance characteristics,permeability and gas flow regime was analyzed.The results show that the irregularity of sinter particles increases with the increase in the particle size,which leads to theDOI:10.11817/j.issn.1672-7207.2021.04.003收稿日期:2020−05−20;修回日期:2020−07−03基金项目(Foundation item):国家重点研发计划项目(2017YFC0210304)(Project(2017YFC0210304)supported by the National KeyResearch &Development Program of China)通信作者:刘训良,博士,教授,从事冶金工程中低温余热利用研究;E-mail :*************引用格式:张四宗,温治,刘训良,等.颗粒形状对烧结矿填充床内渗透系数和阻力系数的影响[J].中南大学学报(自然科学版),2021,52(4):1066−1075.Citation:ZHANG Sizong,WEN Zhi,LIU Xunliang,et al.Effects of particle shape on permeability and resistance coefficients of sinter packed bed[J].Journal of Central South University(Science and Technology),2021,52(4):1066−1075.第4期张四宗,等:颗粒形状对烧结矿填充床内渗透系数和阻力系数的影响increase of the bed voidage.The gas flow resistance per unit bed height decreases exponentially with the increase of the particle irregularity.The bed permeability increases with the increase of the particle irregularity,whereas the inertial resistance effect is opposite.The particle shape has a significant effect on the gas flow regime in the sinter packed bed,especially at the low gas velocity.Moreover,the gas flow in the sinter bed is mostly in the transition and turbulent regimes due to the irregularity of the particle shape.The predicted value of the Ergun equation is on average69.03%lower than the measured value,which indicates that the Ergun equation is not suitable for predicting the flow resistance in the packed bed with irregular particles.However,the resistance correlation modified by the shape factor can well predict the gas flow resistance in the sinter packed bed with the mean relative error of3.65%.Key words:particle shape;permeability coefficient;resistance characteristics;flow regime;sinter;packed bed高能耗和高排放是钢铁工业的两大特点[1−3]。

eaa 粒子 硬度

eaa 粒子 硬度

eaa 粒子硬度英文回答:The hardness requirements for EAA particles can vary depending on the specific application and industry standards. In general, EAA particles need to have a certain level of hardness to ensure their durability and resistance to wear and tear.One common method to measure the hardness of EAA particles is through the use of the Mohs scale. The Mohs scale is a scale of mineral hardness that ranks minerals based on their ability to scratch another mineral. The scale ranges from 1 (the softest mineral, talc) to 10 (the hardest mineral, diamond). EAA particles typically need to have a hardness of at least 7 on the Mohs scale to meet the requirements of most applications.Another way to assess the hardness of EAA particles is through the use of the Vickers hardness test. This testinvolves applying a known force to the surface of the particle and measuring the indentation left by the force. The Vickers hardness test provides a numerical value that represents the hardness of the particle. The specific hardness requirements will depend on the application, but a higher Vickers hardness value generally indicates a harder particle.To illustrate the importance of hardness in EAA particles, let's consider an example. Imagine a companythat manufactures cutting tools for the automotive industry. These cutting tools are used to shape and form metal components. The EAA particles used in the cutting toolsneed to be extremely hard to withstand the high pressures and temperatures generated during the cutting process. If the EAA particles are not hard enough, they may wear down quickly, resulting in a shorter tool lifespan and decreased cutting efficiency. In this case, the hardness requirements for the EAA particles would be quite high, potentially requiring a hardness of 9 or 10 on the Mohs scale.中文回答:EAA颗粒的硬度要求因特定应用和行业标准而异。



粒子治疗设备英语作文Particle Therapy EquipmentParticle therapy, a revolutionary approach in cancer treatment, has gained significant attention in the medical community in recent years. This innovative technology utilizes charged particles, such as protons or carbon ions, to precisely target and destroy cancer cells while minimizing damage to surrounding healthy tissues. The development of particle therapy equipment has been a remarkable feat of engineering and scientific advancement, offering hope and improved outcomes for patients battling various forms of cancer.The fundamental principle behind particle therapy lies in the unique properties of charged particles. Unlike traditional radiation therapy, which employs high-energy X-rays or gamma rays, particle therapy uses protons or heavier ions, such as carbon ions, to deliver their energy more precisely to the tumor site. These charged particles possess a distinct energy deposition profile, known as the Bragg peak, which allows for the majority of their energy to be deposited within the targeted tumor, minimizing the exposure of surrounding healthy tissues.The design and construction of particle therapy equipment require meticulous engineering and technological advancements. At the core of these systems are powerful particle accelerators, such as cyclotrons or synchrotrons, which are responsible for accelerating the charged particles to the desired energy levels. These accelerators are carefully engineered to ensure the precise control and delivery of the particle beams, enabling clinicians to tailor the treatment plan to the individual patient's needs.One of the key components of particle therapy equipment is the treatment nozzle, also known as the gantry. The gantry is a complex mechanical structure that allows for the precise positioning and delivery of the particle beam to the targeted tumor. The gantry is designed to rotate around the patient, enabling the beam to be directed from multiple angles, further enhancing the precision and conformity of the treatment.Alongside the particle accelerator and gantry, particle therapy equipment also incorporates advanced imaging and treatment planning systems. These systems utilize state-of-the-art imaging modalities, such as computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), to accurately visualize the tumor and surrounding anatomy. The treatment planning software then integrates this information to create a personalized treatment plan, optimizing the particle beam delivery to maximize the therapeuticeffect while minimizing the risk of side effects.The development of particle therapy equipment has been a collaborative effort involving multidisciplinary teams of physicists, engineers, and medical professionals. These teams work tirelessly to push the boundaries of technology, constantly seeking to improve the efficiency, precision, and safety of particle therapy systems.One of the key challenges in the development of particle therapy equipment is the sheer size and complexity of the systems. Particle accelerators, such as cyclotrons and synchrotrons, can occupy a significant amount of space, often requiring dedicated facilities to house the equipment. This spatial requirement has led to the development of more compact and efficient designs, making particle therapy more accessible to a wider range of medical institutions.Another crucial aspect of particle therapy equipment is the need for robust safety measures. The high-energy particle beams used in this treatment modality require stringent safety protocols to protect both patients and medical staff. This includes extensive shielding, advanced beam monitoring systems, and comprehensive safety interlocks to ensure the safe operation of the equipment.The advancements in particle therapy equipment have also paved the way for the development of more specialized treatmenttechniques, such as intensity-modulated particle therapy (IMPT) and pencil beam scanning. These techniques allow for even greater precision in beam delivery, further enhancing the ability to target tumors while sparing healthy tissues.As the field of particle therapy continues to evolve, the development of more compact and cost-effective particle therapy equipment has become a primary focus. The emergence of smaller, more versatile accelerator designs, such as dielectric wall accelerators and laser-driven particle acceleration, holds the promise of making particle therapy more accessible to a broader range of healthcare facilities, ultimately benefiting more patients in need of this advanced cancer treatment.In conclusion, the development of particle therapy equipment has been a remarkable achievement, driven by the relentless efforts of scientists, engineers, and medical professionals. This innovative technology has the potential to revolutionize cancer treatment, offering patients more precise and effective therapies with reduced side effects. As the field continues to advance, the ongoing refinement and optimization of particle therapy equipment will undoubtedly lead to even greater improvements in patient outcomes and quality of life.。



关于粒子群优化的英文摘要范文Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO): A Comprehensive Literature Review.Abstract.Particle swarm optimization (PSO) is a metaheuristic algorithm inspired by the social behavior of bird flockingor fish schooling. It has been widely applied to solve various optimization problems in engineering, science, and business. This paper provides a comprehensive literature review of PSO, covering its history, variants, applications, and challenges.Introduction.PSO was first proposed by Kennedy and Eberhart in 1995. It is a population-based algorithm, where each particle represents a potential solution to the optimization problem. Particles move through the search space, guided by theirown experience (individual best) and the experience of the entire swarm (global best).Variants of PSO.Since its inception, PSO has been extensively modified and improved, resulting in numerous variants. Some of the most notable variants include:Binary PSO: Designed for problems with binary variables.Multi-Objective PSO: Handles optimization problems with multiple objectives.Hybrid PSO: Combines PSO with other optimization algorithms, such as genetic algorithms or simulated annealing.Applications of PSO.PSO has been successfully applied to a wide range ofoptimization problems, including:Engineering design.Machine learning.Supply chain management.Financial modeling.Image processing.Challenges in PSO.Despite its success, PSO faces several challenges:Premature convergence: The swarm may prematurely converge to a local optimum.Parameter tuning: The algorithm's parameters (e.g., inertia weight, acceleration coefficients) can significantly affect its performance.High computational cost: PSO can be computationally expensive for large-scale optimization problems.Recent Advancements.Recent research has focused on addressing these challenges and further improving PSO's performance:Adaptive parameter tuning: Automates the adjustment of PSO parameters.Ensemble PSO: Utilizes multiple PSO runs to enhance robustness and exploration.Cognitive and social components: Explores the balance between individual and swarm behavior.Conclusion.Particle swarm optimization is a powerful and versatile metaheuristic algorithm that has been successfully appliedto a wide range of optimization problems. It is continuously being improved and adapted, with recent advancements addressing challenges and enhancing its capabilities. PSO remains a valuable tool for researchers and practitioners seeking efficient and effective solutions to complex optimization problems.。





关键词:激光散射技术;浊度法;气相SiO2;胶体电池;胶体电解质中图分类号:O648文献标识码:ARapid evaluation of the distribution uniformity of fumed SiO2in gelled battery by turbidity methodZHENG Ou1,2*,Cai Xiao-xiang2(1.Department of Chemistry,College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering,Fuzhou UniVersity,Fuzhou350002,China;2.New Energy Technology Research Institute,Zhejing Chilwee Power Co.,Ltd,Changxing313100,China)Abstract:In this paper,the laser light scattering technology has been used to investigate the turbidity(T)of fumed SiO2dispersionsystems with different SiO2content(m).The results showed that the value of T and m satisfied a linear relationship with a coeffi-cient of62.44.The rapid evaluation of fumed silica content with turbidity method was thus founded using this working curve.Thevalue of SiO2content(m)of gel electrolyte in the separator,soaked with known SiO2content electrolyte in advance,is gained byturbidity measurement.The value of m0obtained fit well with the theoretical value.The SiO2content of electrolyte in the separator ofreal battery cell can also be quickly and accurately determined by this method.Thus,the turbidity method has been confirmed to be an effective way to evaluate the uniformity of the gel electrolyte in the separator of batteries.Key words:laser light scattering technology;turbidity method;fumed silica;gelled-batteries;gelled-electrolyte胶体蓄电池中,气相SiO2与硫酸溶液按一定比例形成均匀的凝胶,从而实现了电解液的固定[1,2]。

Investigations of Particle Velocities in a Slurry Pump Using PIV

Investigations of Particle Velocities in a Slurry Pump Using PIV

Jaikrishnan R.Kadambi Pathom CharoenngamAmirthaganeshSubramanian Department of Mechanical and AerospaceEngineering,Case Western Reserve University,10900Euclid Ave.,Cleveland,OH44106Mark P.Wernet National Aeronautics and Space Administration,John H.Glenn Research Center,21000Brookpark Rd.,Cleveland,OH44135John M.Sankovic Department of Biomedical Engineering,Case Western Reserve University and National Aeronautics and Space Administration,John H.Glenn Research Center,21000Brookpark Rd.,Cleveland,OH44135Graeme AddieRobert CourtwrightGIW Industries,5000Wrightsboro Rd.,Grovetown,GA30813-9750Investigations of Particle Velocities in a Slurry Pump Using PIV:Part1,The Tongue and Adjacent Channel FlowTransport of solid-liquid slurries in pipeline transport over short and medium distances is very important in many industries,including mining related processes.The particle image velocimetry technique was successfully utilized to investigate the velocities and kinetic energyfluctuations of slurry particles at the tongue region of an optically-clear centrifu-gal pump.The experiments were conducted using500micron glass beads at volumetric concentrations of2.5%and5%and at pump speeds of725rpm and1000rpm.The fluctuation kinetic energy increased approximately200%to500%as the pump speed was increased from725rpm to1000rpm.The directional impingement mechanism is more significant at the pressure side of the blade,tongue and the casing.This mechanism becomes more important as the speed increases.This suggests that the impeller,tongue and the casing of the slurry pump can wear out quickly,especially with an increase in speed.In this paper the emphasis is on the tongue region.The random impingement mechanism caused by thefluctuation kinetic energy of the solids can play an important role on the erosion of the tongue area.͓DOI:10.1115/1.1786928͔IntroductionThe transport of solid-liquid slurries over short and medium distances via pipelines is very important in many industrial,min-ing,and fossil-energy related processes.The pump is a critical component of the slurry transport system.In most applications a centrifugal pump is used.Theflow of concentrated slurry is very complicated.Wear and corrosion in centrifugal pumps make it the most vulnerable component of the slurry pipeline.To improve the longevity and performance of the slurry pumps it is important to understand theflow through them.Due to the inherent difficulties associated with makingflow measurements in solid-liquid slurries only non-intrusive techniques can be used.These non-intrusive measuring techniques include acoustic ultrasound,magnetic reso-nance imaging,X-ray tomography,neutron radiography,particle image velocimetry͑PIV͒,laser Doppler anemometry͑LDA͒and holographic interferometry.However,some of the techniques used to visualize theflow have significant limitations.Miner͓1͔modeled theflowfield within the impeller volute using potentialflow theory and also conducted experiments using LDA.Water was used as thefluid.The comparison of blade to blade velocity profiles between the theoretical and the experimen-tal results were good.Liu et al.͓2,3͔used LDA and refractive index matching technique to measure velocity vectors in a cen-trifugal pump.A mixture of tetraline and turpentine was used as a workingfluid to match the refractive index of the pump casing made from acrylic.They observed that unlike a general well-guidedflow at close to designflow rate condition,the impeller flow departs from the curvature of the blade surfaces at off-design conditions which increases blade to blade variations of relative velocity.Dong et al.͓4,5͔used Particle Displacement Velocimetry ͑PDV͒technique to visualize theflow within the volute of a cen-trifugal pump.Neutrally buoyant particles of30␮m mean diam-eter were used as seed.They observed that although most of the blade effects occur near the impeller tip,they are not limited to this region.In addition they stated that the entireflux pulsating within the volute reaches a maximum when the blade lines up with the tip of the tongue.Paone et al.͓6͔used Particle Image Displacement Velocimetry͑PIDV͒to measure theflowfield in a diffuser of a centrifugal pump with clear plexiglas®casing and impeller.Experiments were performed with water as thefluid and metallic coated microspheres͑diameter4␮m,density2.6g/cm3) were used as seed particles.They identified the blade wake path. Oldenburg and Pap͓7͔also used PIV to study theflowfield in the impeller and casing of a plexiglas®casing centrifugal pump.The vanes of the impeller were cylindrically curved to obtain two-dimensionalflow in the impeller.Because of the difficulties associated with measurements in solid-liquid slurryflow in pumps only a few experimental studies are available in the open literature.Roco͓8͔obtained LDA mea-surements of two-phaseflow in a centrifugal slurry pump at low concentrations͑1%͒.Micron size tracers and0.8mm glass beadsContributed by the Petroleum Division for publication in the J OURNAL OF E N-ERGY R ESOURCES T ECHNOLOGY.Manuscript received by the Petroleum Division October2002;revised manuscript received November2003.Associate Editor: S.Shirazi.were used.Fluctuations in angular velocity up to 20%,radial ve-locity up to 90%and axial velocity up to 200%from their mean velocity components over various impeller angular positions were observed.Altobelli et al.͓9͔used nuclear magnetic resonance ͑NMR ͒for measuring velocity in slurry with solid concentration up to 39%by volume.However,the maximum flow velocity that could be measured was 0.25m/s.Roco and Addie ͓10͔developed a numerical model to calculate velocity,concentration and erosion wear in the casing of a centrifugal slurry pump.Empirical param-eters such as a slip factor of the impeller and the experimental ratio of erosion rate for the model were obtained from the avail-able experimental data.Some other studies of solid-liquid slurry flow in centrifugal pumps and pipelines include Roco et al.͓11–14͔,Wilson et al.͓15–17͔Shook and Roco ͓18͔,Addie ͓19͔,and Cader et al.͓20͔.It is an important,but challenging,task to obtain experimental data for higher solid concentration in a centrifugal slurry pump which will result in a better understanding of the flow behavior,pump performance and wear and erosion characteristics.Aslurry flow loop with an optically clear casing and impeller that facili-tates the use of non-intrusive laser based PIV for making two-phase flow measurements in the blade passages and the casing has been developed.In this paper the test results in the tongue region of the pump for a slurry made up of spherical glass particles at 2.5%and 5%volumetric concentrations in sodium iodide solution are presented.The Experimental Set-UpSlurry Pump Loop Facility.The slurry pump loop facility ͑developed by GIW Industries,Inc.͒is located in the Laser Flow Diagnostics Laboratory,Case Western Reserve University,Cleve-land,Ohio,U.S.A.The slurry pump loop facility,described in detail by Charoenngam ͓21͔,consists of 50.8mm I.D.tygon®tubing closed loop,except for a 2.1meter long,75mm I.D.PVC straight section upstream of the pump inlet that provides a swirl free inlet flow to the pump,a 0.6meter long,51mm I.D.PVC straight section at the pump discharge,and a 4.6-meter high,63mm I.D.vertical loop for measuring average concentration deliv-ered by the pump.In order to minimize particle deposition and unnecessary pump head loss in the system,there are no sharp sudden flow area changes.The flow in the loop is delivered by an optically clear centrifu-gal slurry pump.The pump has a transparent casing and a trans-parent three-blade impeller.Control of the timing of the PIV laser firing as a function of impeller blade position was provided by a combination of an optical encoder placed 5mm away from the shaft of the centrifugal pump and a reflective surface marker on the shaft and aligned with one of the blades of the impeller.A digital magnetic flowmeter with an accuracy of Ϯ2%and located downstream of the pump discharge provided the flow rate in theloop.A type K thermocouple was located in the fluid reservoir was used to monitor the fluid temperature to within Ϯ0.5°C.The Optically Clear Centrifugal Slurry Pump.The prime mover for driving the flow in the loop is a single stage,radially split centrifugal pump.The pump was specially designed to pro-vide optical access.The casing of the pump and the impeller ͑Fig.1͒are made from optically transparent acrylic.The ratio of pump casing inlet diameter to the discharge diameter is 2.35.The single-or end-suction impeller with shroud on both sides to enclose the liquid passages was installed in a semi volute casing,specially designed for slurry handling.The impeller has three blades.The ratio of the impeller diameter to the eye tip diameter is 2.49.PIV System.Figure 2shows the PIV setup.The PIV hard-ware consists of a 50mJ/pulse Nd:YAG laser ͑532nm wave-length ͒,laser light sheet optics,a charge coupled device ͑CCD ͒camera ͑Dantec®DoubleImage 700cross-correlation camera;resolution:768ϫ484pixels)equipped with a 60mm Micro Ni-kkor lens ͑Nikon ͒.The laser beam ͑3.5mm diameter ͒is formed into a light sheet ͑0.37mm thick;256mm wide ͒using a combi-nation of cylindrical and spherical lenses.The central 70mm of the light sheet width illuminates the plane of interest in the pump.The CCD camera is mounted on a 3-D traverse with a translation accuracy of Ϯ0.0254mm in each direction,and has its focal axis perpendicular to the plane of the laser light sheet to acquire flow images.A pair of single exposure image frames is required to enable cross-correlation data processing.The image pairs are pro-cessed into vector maps,in real-time,by the DantecFlowMap®PIV 2000processor.The image pair acquisition was synchronized to the impeller rotation using a once per revolution signal.An optical encoder located at the pump shaft generates a signal when the impeller blade reaches a desired location which then triggers the digital delay generator ͑DDG ͒.The DDG in turn sends a sig-nal to the PIV 2000processor,which then fires the laser and acquires the images from the PIV camera.The camera lens is operated at f/#8and the field of view ͑FOV ͒is 54ϫ39.9mm yielding an optical magnification of 0.165.The images were analyzed using a subregion size of 64ϫ64pixels with 50%overlap.This resulted in 23ϫ14vectors in the FOV with a spatial resolution of 2.25ϫ2.64mm/vector.Test set-up de-tails are provided in Charoenngam ͓21͔.Tests were conducted with sodium iodide as the working fluid,which matches the refractive index of the acrylic pump to obtain flow images without any optical distortion.The particles in sus-pension are spherical glass beads of 500micron size ͑density2.5Fig.1Centrifugal slurry pump with clear casing and clearimpellerFig.2The PIV setupg/cc ͒at a volumetric concentration of 2.5%and 5%Ϯ0.05%͑corresponding to 3.7%and 7.2%weight concentration ͒.At these concentration levels,particle interactions may not be ignored.Fig-ure 3shows the regions of interest in the casing and impeller of the centrifugal slurry pump selected for the investigation as well as the laser light sheet plane location.The light sheet is off the center plane by 1mm to avoid the joint between the two parts of the casing.The measurements were conducted at flow rates of 120͑725rpm ͒and 170͑1000rpm ͒gallons per minute.The corre-sponding Reynolds number ͑based on the impeller diameter and linear velocity of the impeller tip ͒were 3.1ϫ106and 4.3ϫ106,for these two flow rates.The frame grabber and the pump impeller were synchronized so that the images could be captured at a specific blade position.The effect of blade angular position is studied by acquiring the images at different blade angular positions varying from 0to 120degrees in increment of 5degrees.Figure 4shows the convention of the position of the blade ͑counter-clockwise ͒.Uncertainty in blade position was estimated to be 2%.Results and DiscussionThe velocity distribution for the particles and the fluctuation kinetic energy maps were obtained at three locations,which cover the discharge region ͑location 0͒,the tongue region ͑location 1-1͒and the impeller passage region ͑location 1-2͒.Measurements were obtained at particle volumetric concentrations of 2.5%and 5%.Five hundred image frame pairs were acquired for each op-erating condition.Cross-correlation processing and Chauvenet’s criterion were used to obtain the ensemble averaged velocity vec-tor maps for particle flow.The fluctuation kinetic energy was then calculated using the velocity vector data.The uncertainties in the measurements of velocity and kinetic energy fluctuation were de-termined to be Ϯ5.1%and Ϯ7.8%,respectively.Themeasure-Fig.3Locations of the field of view in the centrifugal slurry pump and the laser light sheetplaneFig.4Blade angularpositionFig.5Velocity field for particle flow ...00blade position ...,2.5percent volumetric concentration,...a ...725rpm....b (1000)rpmFig.6Fluctuation kinetic energy map …00blade position …,2.5percent volumetric concentration,…a …725rpm.…b …1000rpmment uncertainties reported are to a confidence level of 95%.They were computed by taking a quadrature of the random error and the full-scale bias error associated with the PIV measurements,further details of the uncertainty analysis are provided in Charoennegam͓21͔.The velocities obtained from this study are the velocity fields for the solid particle flow.The particle settling velocity is com-paratively high ͑9.62cm/s ͒as compared to normal 15␮m mean diameter seed particle ͑0.0086cm/s ͒.Because of the large inertia,the particles do not follow the flow verywell.Fig.7Streamlines and stagnation point for various operating conditions.…a …725rpm,2.5percent concentration,…b …1000rpm,2.5percent concentration,…c …725rpm,5percent concentration,…d …1000rpm,5percentconcentration.Fig.8Velocity field for particle flow ...00blade position ...,5per-cent volumetric concentration,...a ...725rpm....b (1000)rpm Fig.9Fluctuation kinetic energy map …00blade position …,5percent volumetric concentration,…a …725rpm.…b …1000rpmBlade Position at 0Degrees2.5%Volumetric Concentration.Figure 5shows the particle flow fields for 725rpm and 1000rpm pump speeds respectively,while the fluctuation kinetic energy map of the solid particles is provided in Fig.6.The fluctuation kinetic energy was determined by finding the mean of the square of the individual fluctuations at each subregion.Only the fluctuation kinetic energy in the x-direction is reported,since it is assumed to be isotropic.The flow is separated by the tongue into two streams and is similar for both pump speeds.The stagnation point occurs on the tongue.Location of the stagnation point virtually remains the same for both pump speeds as shown in Figs.7͑a ͒and 7͑b ͒.The large impact angle of the particles on the tongue may result in substan-tial erosion,since the material of an actual industrial pump would be brittle,and brittle materials have been found to be more sus-ceptible to erosion at high impingement angles ͓18͔.The particle velocities in the impeller passage area ͑between the passing and the up-coming blade ͒are high compared to that of the particles moving out to the discharge region.This suggests that the lower part of tongue region could wear out quicker relative to upper part of the tongue because of the frictional ͑cutting ͒wear due to solid particles,and the higher pump speed may result in greater wear as higher velocities are observed.The tangential component of the velocity vector is dominant in the discharge region resulting in a predominantly horizontal flow as the particles move out through the discharge region.The fluctuation kinetic energy of solid par-ticles relates to the random impingement wear mechanism.The contour plot in the fluctuation kinetic energy map is smaller than velocity vector field in the particle velocity map due to the inter-polation technique.As the pump speed increases to 1000rpm,the fluctuation kinetic energy increases approximately 300%.The highest fluctuation kinetic energy is observed at the lower part of tongue as well as the impeller passage area.This could imply that the lower part of tongue region may erode faster than other areas due to the random impingement particle mechanism.5%Volumetric Concentration.From Fig.8,it can be ob-served that the flow patterns for a 5%volumetric concentration are similar to those described for the 2.5%concentration case at both pump speeds.The difference is in the magnitudes of the particle velocities,which are slower for higher concentration due to supplementary inertial effects.Figures 7͑c ͒and 7͑d ͒show that the stagnation point still occurs on the tongue,and the change in location is insignificant with respect to speed and concentration.From Fig.9,it can be noted that the highest fluctuation kinetic energy was obtained at the lower part of the tongue and is higher than that for the 2.5%concentration,approximately 300%–450%.This may be attributed to higher particle interactions,which are possibly caused by higher local volumetric concentration.Local concentration becomes higher when the total concentration in-creases as shown by Charoenngam ͓21͔.The wearmechanismFig.10Velocity field for particle flow,725rpm,5percent volu-metric concentration,…a …500blade position,…b …600bladepositionFig.11Velocity field for particle flow,1000rpm,5percent volumetric concentration,…a …500blade position,…b …600blade positioncaused by directional and random impingement also occurs in the tongue region,similar to the 2.5%volumetric concentration case.Blade Positions at 50°and 60°.Because the velocity and the fluctuation kinetic energy of the solid particles at the lower region of the tongue were found to be higher than the other regions at a 0degree blade angle,further investigations were conducted in this specific region to examine the effects of blade angular position at a volume concentration of 5%.Figure 10shows the particle ve-locity fields for a pump speed of 725rpm at blade angular posi-tions of 50and 60degrees.Figure 11presents the particle veloci-ties for the same location at 1000rpm at identical blade angular positions.For both pump speeds,higher velocities were observed on the suction side of the blade as well as in the blade trailing edge region as the blade swept through the field of view.Unlike the discharge region ͑upper half ͒,the flow in the impeller passage ͑lower half ͒has substantial radial and tangential velocity compo-nents.The impact of particles on the tongue may cause erosion.On the pressure side of the blade,the frictional wear pattern can be caused by the particles that can not be maintained in the sus-pension and accumulate into sliding layers.Particle velocities on this side are slower than the blade tip velocity–e.g.,8.96m/s for 725rpm pump speed and 12.36m/s for 1000rpm pump speed.The directional impingement wear mechanism can also occur on the pressure side of the blade,resulting from the particles with velocities that are slower than the blade velocity.At pump speeds of 725rpm and 1000rpm,the high fluctuation kinetic energy was observed in the impeller passage area for all blade angular positions.Figures 12and 13show that at 725rpm,the fluctuation kinetic energy is very low compared to 1000rpm for all areas.The high fluctuation kinetic energy occurs on the suction side and at the lower area near the tongue.At 725rpm,the wear mechanism due to the random impingement of particles could occur on the suction side of the blade at 60°blade position as shown in Fig.12.However,Fig.13shows that at 1000rpm,the fluctuation kinetic energy in the impeller passage region and in the discharge region increases approximately 250%–500%on the pressure side and on the suction side of the blade,for all observed blade positions.This can result in greater wear on both sides of the blade.The erosion due to the random impingement on the suction side could be higher than other regions and may increase as the speed increases.The random impingement may result in a greater wear on the pressure side of the blade and at the lower region of the tongue when the speed increases from 725rpm to 1000rpm.From the data provided in Figs.10–13,it is possibletoFig.12Fluctuation kinetic energy map 725rpm,5percent volumetric concentration,…a …500blade position …b …600bladeposition Fig.13Fluctuation kinetic energy map 1000rpm,5percent volumetric concentration,…a …500blade position,…b …600blade positionestimating the velocityfluctuation magnitude from the ratio of the square root of the kinetic energyfluctuation and the mean veloc-ity.The maximum value occurred on the suction side of the blade and was determined to be0.37,showing significant velocityfluc-tuations in that region.ConclusionsThe particle image velocimetry technique was successfully uti-lized to investigate the velocities and kinetic energyfluctuations of slurry particles at the tongue region of an optically-clear cen-trifugal pump.The tongue region separates theflow into two streams where the location of the stagnation point on the tongue was not significantly affected by either the pump speed or the solid concentration in the ranges tested.In the impeller passage region,the highest velocities are generated on the suction side of the blade and in the blade trailing edge region as the blade sweeps through.However,these particle velocities are slower than the circumferential velocity of the blade tip͑8.96m/s for725rpm pump speed and12.36m/s for1000rpm pump speed͒.The tan-gential velocity component and the radial velocity component are significant in this region.In contrast,the particles that are moving through the discharge region are much slower and are nearly tan-gential͑horizontal͒.The up-coming blade does not appear to sub-stantially affect theflow velocity.Thefluctuation kinetic energy increased approximately200%to500%as the pump speed was increased from725rpm to1000rpm.The maximumfluctuation kinetic energy typically occurs on the suction side of the blade. The directional impingement mechanism is more significant at the pressure side of the blade,tongue and the casing.This mechanism becomes more important as the speed increases.This suggests that the impeller,tongue and the casing of the slurry pump can wear out quickly,especially with an increase in speed.The random impingement mechanism caused by thefluctuation kinetic energy of the solids can play an important role on the blade surface͑pres-sure side and suction side͒and the casing wall erosion.Frictional wear mechanisms can be caused by the particles that do not stay suspended in theflow and accumulate into sliding beds along the pressure side of the blade.PIV measurements in the slurry pump model can add significantly to the understanding of theflow through the pump.The information aids in the understanding of the wear mechanisms in such pumps and can be used for the design,modification,and calibration of computer codes for the development of long-life,efficient slurry pumps. AcknowledgmentsThe assistance of Mr.D.Conger of the Dept.of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering,Case Western Reserve University,in making the experimental apparatus operational is greatly appreci-ated.The support provided by GIW Industries Inc.,Grovetown, Georgia,U.S.A.is gratefully acknowledged.The support of NASA Glenn Research Center and the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at Case Western Reserve University is also acknowledged.References͓1͔Miner,S.M.,1988,‘‘Potential Flow Analysis of a Centrifugal Flow:Compari-son of Finite Element Calculation and Laser Velocimetry Measurement,’’Uni-versity of Virginia.University of Virginia Report No-UV A/643092/MAE88/ 369,Charlottesville,V A.͓2͔Liu,C.H.,Nouri,J.M.,Vafidis,C.,and Whitelaw,J.H.,1990,‘‘Experimental Study of Flow in a Centrifugal Pump,’’5th Intl.Symp.Application of Laser Techniques to Fluid Mechanics,Lisbon,Portugal.pp.114–129.͓3͔Liu,C.H.,Vafidis,C.,and Whitelaw,J.H.,1994,‘‘Two-Phase Velocity Dis-tributions and Overall Performance of a Centrifugal Slurry Pump,’’ASME J.Fluids Eng.,116͑2͒,pp.303–309.͓4͔Dong,R.,Chu,S.,and Katz,J.,1992,‘‘Quantitative Visualization of the Flow Within the V olute of a Centrifugal Pump.Part A:Technique,’’ASME J.Fluids Eng.,114͑3͒,pp.390–395.͓5͔Dong,R.,Chu,S.,and Katz,J.,1992,‘‘Quantitative Visualization of the Flow Within the V olute of a Centrifugal Pump.Part B:Results and Analysis,’’ASME J.Fluids Eng.,114͑3͒,pp.396–403.͓6͔Paone,N.,Riethmuller,M.L.,and Van den Braembussche,R.A.,1988,‘‘Ap-plication of Particle Image Displacement Velocimetry to a Centrifugal Pump,’’Proc.4th Intl.Symp.Applications of Laser Techniques to Fluid Mechanics, Lisbon,Portugal.͓7͔Oldenburg,M.,and Pap,E.,1996,‘‘Velocity Measurement in the Impeller and in the V olute of a Centrifugal Pump by Particle Image Velocimetry,’’Proc.8th Int.Symp.Applications of Laser Techniques to Fluid Mechanics,Lisbon,Por-tugal,pp.8.2.1–8.2.5.͓8͔Roco,M.C.,1993,‘‘Particulate Two-Phase Flow,’’Butterworth-Heinemann, Boston,Chapter10:Instrumentation.͓9͔Altobelli,S.A.,Givler,R.C.,and Fukushima,E.,1991,‘‘Velocity and Con-centration Measurements of Suspensions by Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Im-aging,’’J.Rheol.,35͑5͒,pp.721–772.͓10͔Roco,M.C.,and Addie,G.R.,1983,‘‘Analytical Model and Experimental Studies on Slurry Flow and Erosion in Pump Casings,’’Proc.8th Intl.Tech-nical Conf.on Slurry Tech.,Slurry Transport Association,Washington,DC,p.263.͓11͔Roco,M.C.,Addie,G.R.,Danis,J.,and Nair,P.1984,‘‘Modeling Erosion Wear in Centrifugal Pumps,’’Proc.9th Intl.Conf.Hydraulic Transport of Solids in Pipes,pp.291–316.͓12͔Roco,M.C.,Addie,G.R.,and Visintainer,R.,1985,‘‘Study on Casing Per-formances in Centrifugal Slurry Pumps,’’Part.Sci.Technol.,3,pp.65–88.͓13͔Roco,M.C.,Addie,G.R.,Visintainer,R.,and Ray,L.,1986,‘‘Optimum Wearing High Efficiency Design of Phosphate Slurry Pumps,’’Proc.11th Intl.Conf.Slurry Technology,Hemisphere,Washington,DC,pp.65–88.͓14͔Roco,M.C.,Marsh,M.,Addie,G.R.,and Maffett,J.R.,1986,‘‘Dredge Pump Performance Prediction,’’J.Pipelines,5͑3͒,pp.171–190.͓15͔Wilson,K.C.,1986,‘‘Effect of Solid Concentration on Deposit Velocity,’’J.Pipelines,5͑4͒,pp.251–257.͓16͔Wilson,K.C.,Addie,G.R.,and Clift,R.,1992,Slurry Transport Using Centrifugal Pumps,Elsevier,New York.͓17͔Wilson,K.C.,Addie,G.R.,Sellgren,A.,and Clift,R.,1997,Slurry Transport Using Centrifugal Pumps,2ed,Blackie Academic and Professional,London, UK.͓18͔Shook, C.,and Roco,M.,1991,Slurryflow:Principles and Practice, Butterworth-Heinemann,Boston.Chapter8:Wear in Slurry Equipment.͓19͔Addie,G.R.,1996,‘‘Slurry Pipeline Design for Operation with Centrifugal Pumps,’’Proc.13th Intl.Pump Users Symposium,College Station,TX,pp.193–211.͓20͔Cader,T.,Masbernet,O.,and Roco,M.C.,1994,‘‘Two-Phase Velocity Dis-tributions and Overall Performance of a Centrifugal Slurry Pump,’’ASME J.Fluids Engineering Conf.,Washington,DC,June20–24.116͑2͒,pp.176–186.͓21͔Charoennegam,P.,2001,‘‘Particle Image Velocimetry Investigations of a Slurry Flow in a Centrifugal Pump,’’M.S.Thesis,Case Western Reserve Uni-versity,Cleveland,Ohio.Dr.Jaikrishnan R.Kadambi is Professor of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at Case Western Reserve University,Cleve-land,Ohio.Prior to joining Case,he was a Senior Research Engineer in the Fluid Mechanics branch at the Westinghouse Research Laboratories,Pittsburgh,Pa from1971to1985.He received his Ph.D.in Mechanical Engineering from University of Pittsburgh.His primary areas of interest include turbomachinery,cardiovascular biofluid mechanics,multiphaseflow in porous media,laser basedflow diagnostic techniques(PIV,LDA)and geological sequestration of carbon dioxide.Mr.Pathom Charoenngam is a graduate student at Case Western Reserve University,Cleveland,Ohio.He completed his M.S. (Mechanical Engineering)degree in2001and is now pursuing his Ph.D.Dr.A.Subramanian received his Ph.D.from the Indian Institute of Science,India.He was Senior Research Associate and Manager of Laser Flow Diagnostics Laboratory in the Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Department at Case Western Reserve University,Cleveland,Ohio from1998through2001.At present he is a Research Scientist at B.D.Biosciences Inc.,San Francisco,Ca.。



燃气轮机词汇表(A-I)英文索引A 验收实验Acceptance test 验收实验实际焓降(焓增)Actual enthalpy drop (enthalpy rise) Actuating oil system 压力油系统航空衍生(派生)型燃气Aero-derivative gas turbine, aircraft-derivative gas turbine 机轮Air charging system 空气冲气系统Air film cooling 气膜冷却Air intake duck 进气道Alarm and protection system 报警保护系统环行燃烧室Annular combustor 环行燃烧室Annulus drag loss 环壁阻力损失Area heat release rate 面积热强度展弦比Aspect ratio 展弦比Atomization 雾化Atomized particle size 雾化细度燃气机轮的自动起动时间Automatic starting time of gas turbine 辅助负荷Auxiliary loads 辅助负荷Availability 可用性Average continuous running time of gas turbine 燃气机轮平均连续运行时间Axial displacement limiting device 轴向位移保护装置Axial flow compressor 轴流式压气机Axial flow turbine 轴流式透平轴向推力Axial thrust 轴向推力B  Base load rated output 基本负荷额定输出功率黑起动Black start 黑起动Blade 叶片Blade 叶片叶(片)高(度)Blade height 叶(片)高(度)Blade inlet angle (叶片)进口角Blade outlet angle (叶片)出口角Blade profile 叶型叶型Blade profile thickness 叶型厚度叶根Blade root 叶根Bleed air/extraction air 抽气Blow-off 放气放气阀Blow-off value 放气阀Burner outlet temperature 透平进口温度旁路控制By-pass control 旁路控制旁路控制By-pass control 旁路控制C 叶型转折角Camber angle 叶型转折角中弧线Camber line 中弧线Can annular combustor 环管型燃烧室分管型燃烧室Can-type combustor 分管型燃烧室Carbon deposit 积碳积碳Casing 气缸Cascade 叶栅Catalytic combustion 催化燃烧催化燃烧Center support system 定中系统径流式压气机Centrifugal compressor 径流式压气机向心式(透平)Centripetal turbine 向心式(透平)Choking 堵塞阻塞极限Choking limit 阻塞极限Chord 弦长Closed-cycle 闭式循环Cogeneration 热电联供冷态起动Cold starting 冷态起动联合循环Combined cycle 联合循环多压朗肯循环的联合循环Combined cycle with multi-pressure level Rankine cycle 单压朗肯循环的联合循环Combined cycle with single pressure level Rankine cycle 增压锅炉型联合循环Combined supercharged boiler and gas turbine cycle Combustion chamber 燃烧室燃烧室燃烧强度Combustion intensity 燃烧强度火焰筒Combustion liner/combustor can/combustor basket/flame tube 燃烧稳定性Combustion stability 燃烧稳定性燃烧区Combustion zone 燃烧区燃烧室效率Combustion efficiency 燃烧室效率燃烧室检查Combustion inspection 燃烧室检查Combustion outer casing 燃烧室外壳Combustion outlet temperature 透平进口温度Combustion specific pressure loss 燃烧室比压力损失紧凑系数Compactness factor 紧凑系数Compressor 压气机Compressor characteristic curves 压气机特性线压气机轮盘Compressor disc 压气机轮盘Compressor input power 压气机输入功率Compressor intake anti-icing system 压气机进气防冰系统压气机转子Compressor rotor 压气机转子Compressor turbine 压气机透平压气机透平Compressor washing system 压气机清洗系统压气机叶轮Compressor wheel 压气机叶轮Constant power operation 恒功率运行Constant temperature operation 恒温运行控制系统Control system 控制系统对流冷却Convection cooling 对流冷却冷却叶片Cooled blade 冷却叶片冷却盘车Cooling down 冷却盘车折算流量Corrected flow 折算流量折算输出功率Corrected output 折算输出功率折算转速Corrected speed 折算转速Corrected thermal efficiency 折算热效率Counter flow combustor 逆流式燃烧室临界转速Critical speed 临界转速Critical speed of rotor 转子临界速度联烟管Cross flame tube/inter-connector/cross fire tube/cross light tube confidence interval 置信区间置信区间D 迟缓率Dead band 迟缓率死点Dead center 死点渐进失速Deep stall 渐进失速Degree of reaction 反动度设计工况Design condition 设计工况Deviation angle 落后角落后角Diaphragm 隔板Diffuser 扩压器Dilution of rotation 旋转方向轮系振动Disc-coupled vibration 轮系振动轮盘摩擦损失Disc-friction loss 轮盘摩擦损失Dual fuel nozzle 双燃料喷嘴Dual fuel system 双燃料系统动平衡Dynamic balancing 动平衡E Electro-hydraulic control system 电液调节系统Enclosures 罩壳End plate 端板端板能量有效度Energy effectiveness 能量有效度Equivalence ratio 当量比当量比Evaporative 蒸发冷却器Excess air ratio 过量空气比Exhaust casing(plenum)(for a turbine)/discharge casing(plenum)(for a compressor) 排气缸(室)排气道Exhaust duct 排气道Exhaust gas flow 排气流量Exhaust combustion gas turbine 外燃式燃气轮机外损失External loss 外损失抽气式燃气轮机Extraction gas turbine/bled gas turbine F 快速起动Fast start 快速起动给水加热型联合循环Feed-water heating heat recovery combined cycle Final temperature difference 端差火焰检测器Flame detector 火焰检测器Flame failure limit 熄火极限Flame-failure tripping device 火焰失效遮断装置Flame-holder 火焰稳定器Flame-out ripping device 熄火遮断装置Flexible rotor 挠性(柔性)转子挠性(柔性)转子流量系数Flow coefficient 流量系数Flow inlet angle 进气角Flow outlet angle 出气角通流部分Flow passage 通流部分流型Flow pattern 流型Flow turning angle 气流转折角Fluidized-bed combustion combined cycle 流化床联合循环Free piston turbine 自由活塞燃气轮机Front 额线燃料系数Fuel coefficient 燃料系数燃料消耗量Fuel consumption 燃料消耗量Fuel control system 燃料控制系统Fuel flow control valve 燃料流量控制阀Fuel injection pressure 燃料喷嘴压力Fuel injection pump 燃料注入泵燃料喷嘴Fuel injector 燃料喷嘴Fuel shut-off valve 燃料流量控制阀Fuel supply system 燃料供给系统Fuel treatment equipment 燃料处理设备Fuel-air ratio 燃料空气比燃料空气比Fuel fired combined cycle 排气全燃型联合循环 G Gas expander turbine 气体膨胀透平Gas flow bending stress 气流弯应力Gas fuel nozzle 气体燃料喷嘴燃气发生器Gas generator 燃气发生器Gas temperature controller 燃气温度控制器燃气轮机Gas turbine 燃气轮机Gas turbine power plant 燃气轮机动力装置Governing system 调节系统调节系统H Header 联箱Heat balance 热平衡热平衡热耗Heat consumption 热耗Heat exchanger plant 换热器板Heat exchanger tube 换热器管热损失Heat loss 热损失热耗率Heat rate 热耗率Heat recovery steam generator/HRSG 余热锅炉受热表面的传热率Heat transfer rate of heating surface 热能利用率Heat utilization 热能利用率Heater 加热器Heating surface area 受热面积(润)滑油温过高保护装置High oil temperature protection device High pressure compressor 高压压气机High pressure turbine 高压透平空心叶片Hollow blade 空心叶片热腐蚀Hot corrosion 热腐蚀Hot section inspection 热通道检查热态起动Hot starting 热态起动I 惰转时间Idle time 惰转时间Idling speed 空负荷转速Ignition 点火点火装置Ignition equipment 点火装置点火转速Ignition speed 点火转速冲击冷却Impingement cooling 冲击冷却冲动式透平Impulse turbine 冲动式透平Incidence 冲角Inlet air flow 进口空气流量进气缸(室)Inlet casing(plenum) 进气缸(室)进气参数Inlet condition 进气参数Inlet guide vanes 进口导叶进口压力Inlet pressure 进口压力进口温度Inlet temperature 进口温度内气缸Inner casing 内气缸Intake air filter 进口过滤器Integral(tip)shroud 叶冠Integrated coal-gasification combined cycle 整体煤气化联合循环中间冷却循环(间冷循环)Intercooled cycle 中间冷却循环(间冷循环)Intercooler 中间冷却器Intermediate pressure compressor 中压压气机Intermediate pressure turbine 内燃式燃气机轮内效率Internal efficiency 内效率内损失Internal loss 内损失等熵效率Isentropic efficiency 等熵效率等熵效率Isentropic efficiency 等熵效率等熵功率Isentropic power 等熵功率L Lagging 保温层Leaving velocity loss 余速损失Level pressure control 基准压力调节Light-off 着火极限功率Limit power 极限功率Load dump test 甩负荷试验Load rejection test 甩负荷试验加载时间Loading time 加载时间锁口件Locking piece 锁口件Logarithmic-mean temperature difference 对数平均温差Long shank blade root 长颈叶根燃料压力过低保护装置Low fuel pressure protection device (润)滑油压力过低保护装置Low oil pressure protection device Low pressure compressor 低压压气机Low pressure turbine 低压透平Lower emissions combustors 低排放燃烧室Lubrication system 润滑油系统润滑油系统M 负荷齿轮箱(主齿轮箱)Main gear 负荷齿轮箱(主齿轮箱)关键(部件)检查Major inspection 关键(部件)检查大修Major overhaul 大修Manual tripping device 手动遮断装置Mass to power ratio(mobile applications) 质量功率比(用于移动式燃气机轮)Matrix 蓄热体Maximum continuous power 最大连续功率Maximum momentary speed 飞升转速机械效率Mechanical efficiency 机械效率机械效率Mechanical efficiency 机械效率Mechanical loss 机械损失机械损失Method of modelling stage 模型级法Method of plane cascade 平面叶栅法Mobile gas turbine 移动式燃气机轮Moving blade/rotor blade 动叶片Multi-shaft gas turbine 多轴燃气机轮Multi-shaft type combined cycle 多轴联合循环Multi-spool gas turbine 多转子燃气机轮N New and clean condition 新的和清洁的状态空负荷运行No-load operation 空负荷运行Normal start 正常起动正常起动Number of starts 起动次数O 变工况Off-design condition 变工况Open-cycle 开式循环运行点Operating point 运行点外壳Outer casing 外壳外壳Outer casing 外壳出气参数Outlet condition 出气参数Outlet guide vanes 出口导叶Outlet pressure 出口压力出口压力Outlet pressure 出口压力出口压力Outlet pressure 出口压力出口温度Outlet temperature 出口温度出口温度Outlet temperature 出口温度Outlet temperature/burner outlet temperature 燃烧室出口温度极限输出功率Output limit 极限输出功率Output performance diagram 输出功率性能图Overspeed control device 超速控制装置Overspeed trip device 超速遮断装置Overtemperature control device 超温控制装置Overtemperature detector 超温检测器超温检测器Overtemperature protective device 超温保护装置 P  Packaged gas turbine 箱式燃气轮机Particle separator 颗粒分离器颗粒分离器Peak load rated output 尖峰负荷额定输出功率Performance map/characteristic map 特性图Pitch 节距Plate type recuperator 板式回热器多变效率Polytropic efficiency 多变效率多变效率Polytropic efficiency 多变效率Power recovery turbine 能量回收透平动力透平Power turbine 动力透平功热比Power-heat ratio 功热比Precooler 预冷器Pressure level control 压力控制膨胀比(压比)Pressure ratio 膨胀比(压比)膨胀比(压比)Pressure ratio 膨胀比(压比)一次空气Primary air 一次空气一次燃烧区Primary zone 一次燃烧区型面损失Profile loss 型面损失Protection system 保护系统保护系统Protective device test 保护设备试验Purging 清吹R  Radial flow compressor 径流式压气机Radial flow turbine 径流式透平Rate of load-up 负荷上升率额定工况Rated condition 额定工况额定输出功率Rated output 额定输出功率Rated speed 额定转速额定转速反动失透平Reaction turbine 反动失透平Recirculating zone 回流区回流区Recuperator 表面式回热器折算输出功率Referred output 折算输出功率折算转速Referred speed 折算转速Referred thermal efficiency 折算热效率Regenerative cycle 回热循环回热循环Regenerator 回热器Regenerator 回热器Regenerator effectiveness 回热度回热度再热燃烧室Reheat combustor 再热燃烧室再热燃烧室Reheat combustor 再热燃烧室再热循环Reheat cycle 再热循环重热系数Reheat factor 重热系数Reheat Rankine combined cycle 再热朗肯联合循环Relative dead center 相对死点Reliability 可靠性Reserve peak load output 备用尖峰负荷额定输出功率(应急尖峰符合额定输出功率)刚性转子rigid rotor 刚性转子回转式回热器(再生式回热器)Rotating regenerator 回转式回热器(再生式回热器)旋转失速Rotating stall 旋转失速Rotor blade loss 动叶损失Rotor blade/rotor bucket 动叶片Rotor without blades 转子体S Sealing 气封Secondary air 二次空气二次空气Secondary flow loss 二次流损失二次燃烧区Secondary zone 二次燃烧区Self-sustaining speed 自持转速自持转速Semi-base-load rated output 半基本负荷额定输出功率(中间负荷额定输出功率)Semiclosed-cycle 半闭式循环轴输出功率Shaft output 轴输出功率轴系振动Shafting vibration 轴系振动Shell 壳体Shell and tube recuperator 壳管式回热器Silencer 消音器筒形燃烧室Silo combustor 筒形燃烧室简单循环Simple cycle 简单循环Single-shaft gas turbine 单轴燃气机轮Single-shaft type combined cycle 单轴联合循环现场条件Site conditions 现场条件Site rated output 现场额定输出功率吹灰器Soot blower 吹灰器Spacer 隔叶块Specific combustion intensity 比热燃烧强度Specific fuel consumption 燃料消耗率比功率Specific power 比功率转速变换器Speed changer 转速变换器转速变换器Specific changer/synchronizer 转速变换器转速调节器Speed governor 转速调节器Speed governor droop 转速不等率Spray cone angle 雾化锥角Stabilization time 稳定性时间稳定性时间Stage 级级效率Stage efficiency 级效率安装角Stagger angle 安装角Stall 失速Standard atmosphere 标准大气标准大气Standard rated output 标准额定输出功率Standard reference conditions 标准参考条件start 起动起动机脱扣Starter cut-off 起动机脱扣Starting characteristics diagram 起动特性图Starting characteristics test 起动特性试验起动设备Starting equipment 起动设备起动时间Starting time 起动时间Static balancing 静平衡静平衡静叶片Stationary blade 静叶片Stationary blade loss 静叶损失Stationary gas turbine 固定式燃气机轮Stator 静子Steady-state incremental speed regulation 稳态转速增量调节Steady-state speed 静态转速静态转速Steady-state speed droop 静态转速不等率Steady-state speed regulation 静态转速调节Steam and/or water injection 蒸汽和/或水的喷注Steam injection gas turbine 注蒸汽燃气机轮Steam/water injection equipment 注蒸汽/注水设备蒸汽空气比Steam-air ratio 蒸汽空气比Steam-gas power ratio 蒸燃功比Stoichiometric fuel-air ratio 理论(化学计量)燃烧空气比直叶片Straight blade 直叶片顺流式燃烧室Straight-flow combustor 顺流式燃烧室Supplementary fired combined cycle 补燃型联合循环Surge 旋转失速喘振边界Surge limit 喘振边界喘振裕度Surge margin 喘振裕度防喘装置Surge-preventing device 防喘装置Swirler 旋流器T Temperature effectiveness 温度有效率Temperature pattern factor 温度场系数温比Temperature ratio 温比Theoretical combustion Temperature 理论燃烧温度热(悬)挂Thermal blockage 热(悬)挂热效率Thermal efficiency 热效率热疲劳Thermal fatigue 热疲劳热冲击Thermal shock 热冲击Thermodynamic performance test 热力性能试验(叶栅)喉部面积Throat area (叶栅)喉部面积轮毂比Tip-hub ratio 轮毂比Total pressure loss coefficient 全压损失系数空气侧压全损失Total pressure loss for air side Total pressure loss for gas side 燃气侧压全损失Total pressure recover factor 全压恢复系数发散冷却Transpiration cooling 发散冷却Tube bundle/tube nest 管束管板Tube plate 管板Turbine 透平Turbine characteristic curves 透平特性线透平隔板Turbine diaphragm 透平隔板透平轮盘Turbine disc 透平轮盘Turbine entry temperature 透平进口温度透平喷嘴Turbine nozzle 透平喷嘴Turbine power output 透平输出功率Turbine reference inlet temperature 透平参考进口温度透平转子Turbine rotor 透平转子Turbine rotor inlet temperature 透平转子进口温度Turbine trip speed 燃气轮机跳闸转速Turbine trip speed 燃气轮机跳闸转速Turbine washing equipment 透平清洗设备Turbine wheel 透平叶轮透平叶轮盘车装置Turbine gear 盘车装置Turning/barring 盘车扭叶片Twisted blade 扭叶片U Un-fired combined cycle 无补燃型联合循环V V ane 静叶V ane 静叶Variable stator blade 可调静叶片Variable stator blade 可调静叶片Variable-geometry gas turbine 变几何燃气机轮Velocity coefficient 速度系数Velocity ratio 速比Velocity triangle 速度三角形V olumetric heat release rate 容积热强度W 轮周效率Wheel efficiency 轮周效率Working fluid heater 工质加热器Working fluid heater efficiency 工质加热器效率。

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Evaluation of a Particle-Enhanced Turbidimetric Immunoassay for the Measurement of Ferritin:Application to Patients Participating in an AutologousBlood Transfusion ProgramFREDERIC GO´MEZ,JOSEP M a SIMO ´,JORDI CAMPS,XAVIER CLIVILLE ´,NU ´RIA BERTRAN,NATA `LIA FERRE ´,CLAUDI BOFILL,and JORGE JOVEN Centre de Recerca Biome `dica and Unitat de Medicina Transfusional,Hospital Universitari de Sant Joan,Carrer Sant Joan s/n,43201-Reus,Catalunya,SpainObjectives:To evaluate a turbidimetric immunoassay for the mea-surement of ferritin,and to assay this method in a group of patients undergoing an autologous blood transfusion program.Design and methods:We used an ILab 900analyzer.This instru-ment automates a particle-enhanced immunoturbidimetric assay with an analysis time of 9min.This technique was compared with a microparticle immunoassay.The turbidimetric assay was used to measure ferritin in a group of 30patients undergoing an autologous blood transfusion program.Results:The assay was linear in the range 3–1400␮g/L (r ϭ0.9999).The intra-and inter-assay imprecision (CV)at 20,97and 469␮g/L were Ͻ3.0and Ͻ5.0%,respectively.Recovery was 88.7to 97.4%.The detection limit was 3␮g/L.Hemoglobin (Յ4g/L),mild hyperbilirubi-linemia (bilirubin Յ50␮mol/L),triglycerides (Յ10mmol/L)and my-eloma paraproteins did not interfere with the assay.The assay showed good correlation with a microparticle enzymoimmunoassay (r ϭ0.994)with a mean difference between methods of Ϫ6Ϯ16␮g/L.This method was sensitive,accurate,and fast enough for an efficient follow-up of autologous blood transfusion patients.Conclusions:The new automated serum assay for ferritin is an attractive alternative that avoids the need for dedicated instrumen-tation.Copyright ©2000The Canadian Society of Clinical ChemistsKEY WORDS:anemia;autologous blood transfusion;automation;ferritin;turbidimetric immunoassay.IntroductionFerritin measurement in serum is considered to be the most reliable method for the evaluation of iron stores (1,2).The specificity and sensitivity of this measurement are greater to those of total iron or transferrin determi-nations (3–5).The clinical consequences of ferropenic anemia,the increasing practice of autologous blood transfusion (ABT,6–8)and the therapeutic use of re-combinant human erythropoietin (9–12)have generated considerable demand for a sensitive,convenient,and inexpensive assay of ferritin.Several methods for measuring serum ferritin have been reported.These include immunoradiometric as-say (13),radioimmunoassay (14),enzyme-linked im-munosorbent assay (ELISA)(15),microparticle enzy-moimmunoassay (MEIA),and chemiluminiscence assay (16,17).These methods accomplish the rigorous requirements for sensitivity and specificity that allow the detection of a few ␮g/L of ferritin,which are often found in patients with low iron stores.However,they may be time-consuming and need special,often dedi-cated,instruments.Conversely,turbidimetric immunoassay is a well-established technique for the rapid quantification of analytes at concentrations of mg/L (18).The concen-tration range for turbidimetric assays may be ex-tended by using the light-scattering properties of the immunoaggregates obtained by attaching the anti-body to latex particles;termed particle-enhanced turbidimetric immunoassay (PETIA,19–22).These techniques do not require specific instruments,merely a general automated analyzer,and have the advantages of decreased operating time,reduced costs together with an overall integration with other clinical chemistry analyses.The present study has been aimed to (a)evaluate a PETIA for the measurement of ferritin adapted for use in an ILab 900automatic analyzer (Instrumentation Lab-oratories,Milan,Italy);and (b)assay this method in a group of patients participating in an ABT program.Methods A PPARATUSFerritin measurements were performed in an ILab 900(Instrumentation Laboratories),an auto-Correspondence:Dr.J.Camps,Centre de Recerca Bio-me `dica,Hospital Universitari de Sant Joan,C/.Sant Joan s/n,43201-Reus,Catalunya,Spain.Fax:ϩ34-977-31-25-69;E-mail:jcamps@Manuscript received January 4,2000;revised March 2,2000;accepted March 2,2000.Clinical Biochemistry,Vol.33,No.3,191–196,2000Copyright ©2000The Canadian Society of Clinical ChemistsPrinted in the USA.All rights reserved0009-9120/00/$–see front matterPII S0009-9120(00)00064-3mated,random-access,discrete clinical chemistryanalyzer.This instrument facilitates the perfor-mance of spectrophotometric and turbidimetric re-actions at37°C,using one or two reagents,inbar-code primary tubes.Up to50different tech-niques can be processed simultaneously on-line inthe same sample.For comparison studies we usedthe MEIA technique from Abbott Diagnostics(Ab-bott Park,IL,USA)in an AxSYM௡immunoassayautomatic analyzer(Abbott).The analyzer is a ran-dom-access immunoassay system capable of per-forming20techniques simultaneously,at an ap-proximate speed of40results per hour.The MEIAtechnique is a type of enzymoimmunoassay in whichthe sample reacts with antibody-coated latex micro-particles and after incubation,the bound and un-bound components are separated into a glass-fibermatrix(23).R EAGENTS AND PROCEDURESThe ferritin PETIA assay was performed withcommercial reagents obtained from Biokit(QuantexFerritin kit,Biokit,S.A.,Barcelona,Spain).Theassay required two reagents.In the first step,3␮Lof serum were diluted with190␮L of100mMHEPES buffer(pHϭ7.5)with NaCl(0.5M)andsodium azide(0.9g/L)and incubated for3.4min.Inthe second step,the diluted sample reacted with asuspension of60␮L of polystyrene latex particles ofuniform size(200nm diameter)coated with antihu-man ferritin monoclonal antibody.The resultantagglutination was read at570nm twice,at36s andat5.4min after the addition of the latex reagent.Both reagents are liquid and do not require anypreparation prior to the analysis.MEIA technique was performed according to themanufacturer’s instructions.S TANDARD AND CONTROL MATERIALSThe calibrators of the PETIA assay were alsosupplied by Biokit(Quantex Ferritin Standard mul-tipoint)and consisted of five vials of liquid stan-dards from human source,with0,25,100,200,and500␮g/L of ferritin.Ferritin values higher than500␮g/L were automatically flagged and diluted one-fourth by the analyzer.A sixth standard with aferritin concentration of1000␮g/L was used as aprozone control.The standards were calibratedagainst the World Health Organization3rd Interna-tional Reference Preparation of Human Serum Fer-ritin(94/572).The calibration of the MEIA assay has been pre-viously described(24).Control levels2(ferritinϭ115Ϯ29␮g/L)and3(ferritinϭ458Ϯ92␮g/L)were from Biokit.Control1was the Immunoassay Control,level1(ferritinϭ34Ϯ1␮g/L)from Dade Behring(Newark,DE,USA).Three pools of sera were also used for performancestudies and were designated as“low”(20Ϯ2␮g/L),“medium”(97Ϯ1␮g/L)and“high”(469Ϯ3␮g/L). The sera were obtained from routine clinical sam-ples,mixed and frozen.When required they were thawed and mixed gently for20min on a Coulter mixer(Coulter Electronics Ltd.,Hialeah,FL,USA). S AMPLESFor comparison purposes,blood samples were obtained from100patients referred to the Clinical Laboratory of Hospital Universitari de Sant Joan de Reus.We chose samples from patients with a range of clinical conditions to include low,normal,and high concentrations of serum ferritin.Blood was allowed to clot at37°C and serum was obtained by centrifugation at1000g for10min and processed the same day.The measurements of ferritin in subjects benefit-ing from ABT were performed in30patients(12 men,18women),aged between24and78years. They were scheduled for major orthopedic surgery (nϭ15),hysterectomy(nϭ12),and prostatectomy (nϭ3).There was one visit in our outpatients clinic before each of the donations that were scheduled at 4-day intervals(up to4visits),one visit24h after the last donation(24h before surgery),one visit immediately before surgery,and the last one was performed20days after discharge(7).The fre-quency of blood donation was decided according the clinical evaluation,the predicted needs,and if a hemoglobin level of at least11g/dL was maintained. The amount of blood donated in each visit was450Ϯ30mL,which was expected to significantly deplete iron stores(6).Patients were fully aware of the study protocol as approved by the Bioethics Commit-tee of our Institution,and all patients gave informed consent.S TATISTICAL METHODSData are presented as meansϮSD.Mean values for ferritin by the two methods were compared by Student’s t test.Intragroup comparisons of ferritin means were performed by one-way ANOVA.The association between variables was measured by lin-ear regression analysis.The degree of agreement between both methods of measurement was esti-mated by the Bland-Altman graphical procedure (25).Statistical calculations were performed with the SPSS statistical program(26).ResultsP ERFORMANCE EVALUATION OF FERRITIN MEASUREMENTKinetic curves.Kinetic studies for a200␮g/L calibrator,for Control level3and for a reagent blank are shown in Figure1.The best-fit model(rՆ0.999) for these curves was quadratic(curves with the general model:yϭb0ϩb1xϩb2x2).The upper limit of the assay was set at1000␮g/L.Samples withGO´MEZ ET AL.higher ferritin values were automatically flagged and diluted (1/4)by the analyzer.Imprecision.Intra-assay imprecision was deter-mined with 15replicate analyses of the three com-mercial controls and the three pools.To assess inter-assay imprecision,aliquots of these controls stored at Ϫ20°C were analyzed over 15consecutive days.The CV values are shown in Table 1.Recovery.Recovery was estimated by spiking the three pools with the World Health Organizationstandard at a ratio of nine parts of pool and 1part of ferritin solution (500␮g/L).The percentage recover-ies (calculated as measured ferritin/theoretical fer-ritin ϫ100)from triplicate measurements were 90.2Ϯ3.0%for the low pool,88.7Ϯ2.3%for the medium pool and 97.4Ϯ3.1%for the high pool.Linearity and detection limit.Linearity was as-sessed by measuring serial dilutions of three high samples (valued at 1417,1413,and 1320␮g/L)in physiological saline solution from neat up to a dilu-tion of 1/128.The assessment of linearity took into account the automatic dilution one-fourth of the high samples by the analyzer.The regression line of observed vs expected values was y ϭ(0.99Ϯ0.01)x ϩ(11.7Ϯ3.1)(r ϭ0.9999Ϯ0.0001).To determine the detection limit,the absorbance of the reagent blank was measured 15times,the mean ϮSD was calculated and the detection limit was de-fined as the ferritin concentration corresponding to an absorbance equal to the mean of the reagent blank value ϩ2SD.The detection limit thus calcu-lated was 3␮g/L.Interference.Assessment of interference from trig-lycerides,hemoglobin and bilirubin was performed as previously described (2).The medium sera pool was supplemented with chylomicrons,hemoglobin or bilirubin at varying concentrations.Results are shown in Figure 2.There was no substantial inter-ference from hemoglobin up to 4g/L nor from mild hyperbilirubinemia (bilirubin Յ50␮mol/L)and mild hypertrigliceridemia (triglycerides Յ10mmol/L).Effect of paraproteinemia.The effect of nonspecific aggregation and/or cross-reactivity from parapro-teinemia on the ferritin determination was assessed as described (2).Serial dilutions (300␮L)in physi-ological saline of sera from a patient with IgA myeloma (IgA ϭ27.0g/L)were added to identical volumes of the medium pool,gently mixed on a Coulter mixer for 20min and subsequently ana-lyzed.The regression line of the observed (y )versus the expected (x )ferritin values was y ϭ0.99x ϩ0.01(r ϭ0.999).These results indicate that ferritin measurements were not influenced by the parapro-tein concentration.Comparison of methods.For 100samples,the mean values for ferritin were 67Ϯ119␮g/L for the PETIA assay and 73Ϯ128␮g/L for the MEIA assay.The equation of the regression line was y ϭ0.92x ϩ0.99;r ϭ0.994(Figure 3A).The degree of agreement between methods was assessed using the Bland-Altman graphical technique (Figure 3B).The mean difference was Ϫ6Ϯ16␮g/L.Results showed a tendency of the PETIA assay to undervalue ferritin concentrations with respect to MEIA.Nevertheless,only 3samples had ferritin values Ͼ2SD from the mean difference,and all of them were Ͼ350␮g/L,indicating a proportionally low percentage of error.Ferritin measurements in patients receiving an ABT.Results are presented in Table 2.As expected,there was a significant decrease in serum ferritin concentrations throughout the donation period,re-flecting the depletion of iron stores secondary totheFigure 1—Kinetics of the agglutination reaction.The increase in absorbance at 3.4min corresponds to the latex addition.ŒϭControl 3;ᮀϭ200␮g/L calibrator;●ϭreagent blank.T ABLE 1Analytical imprecision of the PETIA for ferritinContral material a Mean (␮g/L)IntraassayInterassay SD (␮g/L)CV,%SD (␮g/L)CV,%Control 134 1.1 3.3 1.2 3.6Control 2115 2.1 1.8 4.5 3.8Control 345810.4 2.38.8 1.8Low pool 200.6 3.0 1.0 5.0Medium pool 97 1.3 1.3 3.8 3.9High pool4698.71.812.62.7aAliquots of the three controls and pools were kept at Ϫ20°C until analyzed (n ϭ15).MEASUREMENT OF FERRITIN BY PETIArepeated bleeding.In all the subjects studied,serum ferritin concentrations remained always between the range 3–346␮g/L.DiscussionResults of all the performance characteristics of the PETIA were acceptable when compared with recommended values (1,27).The determination of ferritin concentrations in serum by this assay is an efficient and convenient alternative to MEIA.As demonstrated,this assay may be easily adapted to general analyzers,reducing the needs for dedicated instruments and allowing a much faster laboratoryresponse (9vs.20min to process a single sample).This possibility is of a great interest for Transfu-sional Medicine Units,since it facilitates the achievement of ferritin results within the time frame of patients clinic visits,thereby improving clinical decisions for blood donors and forautologousFigure 2—Interference of hemoglobin (●),bilirubin (Œ),and triglycerides (s )in the ferritin assay.The figure shows the effects on the medium pool (ferritin ϭ97Ϯ1␮g/L)of serial dilutions of free hemoglobin (up to 32g/L),bilirubin (up to 100␮mol/L)and chylomicrons (triglycer-ides up to 10mmol/L).Hemoglobin presented with a progressive negative interference from dilution one-fourth (8g/L)to undiluted (32g/L).Bilirubin presented with a positive interference when undiluted (100␮mol/L).Figure 3—Regression (A)and Bland-Altman plot (B)forferritin in the subjects studied.In (B),the dashed lines represent Ϯ2SD of the mean difference.T ABLE 2Ferritin concentrations (␮g/L)in ABT patients Visit No.A B C 148Ϯ4878Ϯ64132Ϯ96237Ϯ3466Ϯ56114Ϯ843—63Ϯ5295Ϯ964——75Ϯ62a 34Ϯ3149Ϯ3969Ϯ50b 33Ϯ2848Ϯ3669Ϯ52c49Ϯ5154Ϯ35101Ϯ88A:Patients with 2blood donations.B:Patients with 3blood donations.C:Patients with 4blood donations.a:24h before surgery.b:immediately before surgery.c:20days after discharge.In all the groups ferritin concentration significantly decreased from visit 1to b (p Ͻ0.001by ANOVA).GO´MEZ ET AL .blood handling.Readily available serum ferritin determinations may be used to regulate oral iron supplementation(28)in these patients,or to contrib-ute together with hemoglobin to determine the fre-quency and number of blood donations. Comparison with MEIA showed an acceptable degree of agreement,specially at low and normal ferritin concentrations.The agreement was not so good in samples with high ferritin levels and we do not know the reason for this discrepancy.This fact has little relevance in the study of patients with low iron stores,but it implies that high ferritin levels, which are commonly found in patients with hemo-siderosis,chronic diseases,or several types of can-cer,should be interpreted with caution when mea-sured by this method.The sensitivity of the PETIA assay is sufficient to accurately measure ferritin concentrations in ABT patients.Ferritin can be measured together with other general chemistry tests decreasing the total volume of blood that must be drawn from a patient;an aspect that has a special relevance in anemic pa-tients or in subjects submitted to repeated phlebot-omies.In addition,in our laboratory,this method has decreased by35%the reagent cost(compared to MEIA)of performing any one,single ferritin mea-surement.In conclusion,the present study demonstrates that this PETIA is an effective,reliable and a readily automated method for measuring ferritin concentra-tions in serum.Together these add a significant contribution to reducing laboratory costs and ratio-nalizing sample processing.AcknowledgementsThe authors thank Izasa S.A and Biokit S.A.for gifts of reagents and financial support.Nata`lia Ferre´was in receipt of a grant from Fundacio´Privada Reddis(1998). 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