Unit_1_Great_scientists 定稿


2019-2020学年高中英语 Unit1 Great scientists教案5 新人教版必修5.doc.doc

2019-2020学年高中英语 Unit1 Great scientists教案5 新人教版必修5.doc.doc
When training the Ss’ listening ability, teachers should start with pre-listening, that is, lead-in. If it is necessary, teachers had better introduce some background knowledge about the listening material. Later, let the Ss listen to it. At the same time, teachers should design some simple questions. After that, the Ss have known about the listening material, and then teachers can ask them to listen to it again to be ready for more difficult questions. If necessary, the Ss can be given another time to listen. While practicing, teachers had better offer students some advice on how to do it well. Especially, train the students to predict what to be talked about according to the hints and limited information and let them form the good listening habit of listening with the purpose of finding useful information and to summarize. Certainly, suppose there are many new words and expressions, teachers should help them to deal with them at the first place. All the listening practice should focus on developing the students’ listening skill.



Unit 1 Great scientists〖课标导航〗【课文导读】The Four Great Inventions of ancient ChinaThe Compass: Scientist Shen Kuo in the Song Dynasty in Its "Meng Xi Bi Tan" in the records he introduced how to make the needle pointGunpowder : originated in ancient Chinese alchemy.Papermaking : Yuanxing the first year of the Eastern Han ( 105), Cai Lun invented paper making operation. Printing : During the Song dynasty, Bi Sheng invented the moveable type of printingOther world famous scientistsThomos A. Edison : inventor of the light bulb“Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety nine percent perspiration”Galilleo Galilei: inventor of the telescope“You cannot teach a man anything; you can only help him to find it within himself.”Marie Curie: discover of the radium“Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood.”Charles Darwin: The Origin of Species.【课标要求】知识与技能本单元主要话题是“科学家如何以探索,钻研,无谓的科研精神验证未知的科学真理。

高中英语 Unit1 Great scientists教案5 新人教版必修5

高中英语 Unit1 Great scientists教案5 新人教版必修5
(1)I still well remember that when I….
1.(总起)I hada similarexperience.
2.(时间、地点、人物、事件)LastMid-autumn Festival I spent alone at school.
3.(经过)At that time,I was busy preparing for an important exam.
At the beginning of this period, the teacher should (can) design some exercises to review what the students learned in the last period.The teacher can begin with asking some questions or having a competition to make some sentences with“John Snow”according to the passage.
Train the students’ listening ability. Especially listen and understand what the speakersmean beyond words.

人教版高中英语必修一《Unit 1 Great scientists》教案

人教版高中英语必修一《Unit 1 Great scientists》教案
D.immediate4.lookat...carefullyinordertolearnaboutorfrom... plete5.ofgreatvalue,worthoruse F.valuable6.havingallitsparts;whole;finished G.announce7.makeknown eorbringtoanend I.positive9.powertoorderordirect J.conclude10.quitecertainorsure 【讲授】useful sentences learning (Thesentencesarepickedfromthetext.)
Askthestudentstothinkofsomegreatinventionsandinventorsinhis tory.
精心整理 T:Welcomebacktoschool,everyone.Iguessmostofyouhaveenjoyedyo urholiday.MaybeIshouldsayeveryonehasenjoyedascientificlife. Why?Becauseyouhaveenjoyedtheresultsofthescienceandscientist s.Nowcanyoutellmethescientistswhoinventedthelights,thegramo phoneandthecomputer?
S3:AIDS,SARSareinfectiousdiseases. S4:Infectiousdiseasesaredifficulttocure. Sampleanswer2: S1:CholeraiscausedbyabacteriumcalledVariancholera.

人教版高中英语必修一《Unit 1 Great scientists》 教案

人教版高中英语必修一《Unit 1 Great scientists》 教案

人教版高中英语必修一《Unit 1 Great scientists》教案自己整理的人教版高中英语必修一《Unit 1 Great scientists》教案相关文档,希望能对大家有所帮助,谢谢阅读!教案【一】教学准备教学目标1.学生学习一些新的词汇和表达来描述人,尤其是名人;2.鼓励学生提供更多关于他们熟悉的名人的信息:3.学生可以意识到是科学精神让那些科学家成功。

教学重难点1.本单元的单词和短语2.一些著名科学家以前的知识3.理解课文教学过程【导入】单词学习(学生被指定学习本单元的新单词,并找出新单词的英语解释) 定义或解释1 .艺术或科学的一般原理重复2。

再说一遍或做一遍c .理论3 .马上;毫不延迟直接4 .看.仔细地为了了解或者从.完成;完成;完成;完成。


整体;完成了的宣布,公布h .控制8 .到来或结束一。

积极9 .命令或指挥的权力十分确定或肯定【讲授】有用的句子学习(句子选自课文。

















高中英语:Unit1 (Great Scientists )教案新人教版必修5 教案

高中英语:Unit1 (Great Scientists )教案新人教版必修5 教案

Unit 1 Great ScientistsReading1.Teaching Aims①Get Ss to improve their reading abilities.②Let Ss know the topic “Great scientists”③Know some important phrases occurring in this reading2.Teaching ProceduresStep 1 Lead inCheck Ss’ knowledge about some scientists and their discoveries.①Who discovered that objects in water are lifted up by a force that helps them float?Archimedes②Who wrote a book explaining how animals and plants developed as the environment changed?Charles Darwin③Who invented the first steam engine?Thomas Newen④Who used peas to show how physical characteristics are passed form parents to their children?Gregor Mendel⑤Who discovered radium?Maries Curie⑥Who invented the way of giving electricity to everybody in large cities?Thomas Edison⑦Who was the painter that studied dead bodies to improve his painting of people?Leonardo da Vinci⑧Who invented a lamp to keep miner safe underground?Sir Humphrey Davy⑨Who invented the earliest instrument to tell people where earthquakes happened?Zhang Heng⑩Who put forward a theory about black holes?Stephen HawkingAfter all the questions, then lead in the passage with a picture. Ask ss if they know the map and what it is used for. Give them the answer later “It is a map to find out the cause of Cholera. ”Step 2 Skim and ScanMore questions are given to get the general ideas of this passage and some obvious facts.Who defeats “King Cholera“?John SnowWhat happened in 1854?Cholera outbreak hit London.How many people died in 10 days?500Why is there no death at No. 20 and 21 Broad Street as well as at No. 8 and 9 Cambridge Street?These families had not drunk the water from the Broad Street pump.Step 3 Reading for details1 Why couldn’t the cholera be under control at first?Neither its cause, not its cure was understood.2 Which theory did John Snow believe in?People absorbed cholera into their bodies with their meals.3 John Snow finally proved the theory he believed by ________.gathering information with the help of a maplooking into the source of the water for Broad Street and Cambridge Street Separating those who suffered cholera from those who didn’tBoth A and B (right choice)4 To prevent the cholera from spreading again, what did John Snow do?Suggested that the source of all water supplies be examine. Suggested that new methods of dealing with polluted water be found. Instructed the water panies not to expose people to the polluted water anymore.Step 4 Mind map of the passageParagraph 1: Introduction of John Snow and CholeraParagraph 2: Two theoryParagraph 3-5: Study of the breakout in 1854Paragraph 3: Think of a method: Test two theoryCollect the result: Mark the deathAnalyze the result: Reason for death and no deathParagraph 4: Analyze the result: Find the resource of the waterParagraph 5: Repeat if necessary: Find more evidence.Draw a conclusion: Cholera was spread by germPolluted water carried choleraParagraph 6: Prevention of CholeraStep 5 Retell the passageProvide ss with a summary with some blanks. Let them retell the passage as well as pay attention to some important words.Read the passage again and fill in the blanks:John Snow was a well-known ____ in London in the ___ century. He wanted to find the ______ of cholera in order to ______ it. In 1854 when a cholera ____ out, he began to gather information. He _____ on a map where all the dead people had lived and hefound that many people who had drunk the dirty water from the ______ died. So he decided that the polluted water carried cholera. He suggested that the _____ of all water supply be _______ and new methods of ________ with polluted water be found. Finally, “King Cholera” was defeated.Step 6 HomeworkRead the whole passage and retell.Go to the net to get more information about UK.。

英语优秀教案(人教版):必修五(Unit 1 Great scientists Period 1)

英语优秀教案(人教版):必修五(Unit 1 Great scientists Period 1)

Unit 1Great scientistsBrief Statements Based on This UnitThis unit centers on Great scientists, including some scientists both at home and abroad like John Snow and Copernicus.The students should be encouraged to practise talking about these scientists.The whole unit can be divided into seven parts: warming up, reading, listening and speaking, language focusing, reading and writing, grammar, and assessment.In warming up, there is a quiz for the students to do, which will arouse the students’ interest in knowing about the famous scientists and help the students to know science is very important in our daily life.Group discussion and brainstorming will be used in this period to help the students to communicate with each other using their previous knowledge.In the reading passage, the students will learn about John Snow, who defeats“King Cholera”, and get a general idea about how to examine a new scientific idea.This will help the students to form their own attitude towards science.In learning about language, the students are encouraged to learn the following words and expressions: engine, characteristic, radium, theory, scientific, examine, conclude, analyze repeat, defeat, attend, expose, cure, control, absorb, severe, valuable, blame, immediately, handle, announce, instruct, virus, construction, contribute, positive, movement, backward, complete, enthusiastic, spin, reject, view, steam engine, put forward, draw a conclusion, in addition, link...to..., be strict with, lead to, make sense, point of view.While practising using the language, the students will learn about Copernicus’ Revolutionary Theory, and their skills of reading, speaking and writing will be improved.In listening and speaking, more chances will be given to the students to learn about other scientists and their spirit.The students are encouraged to make up their mind to make contributions to science.The students will be asked to write a letter to Copernicus on the basis of the understanding of the text.The letters are sure to be full of imagination and creativity.Assessment will help the students to look back what they have learned and focus on the difficult and important points.So, this unit will be divided into seven periods as follows:Period 1Welcome to the UnitPeriod 2ReadingPeriod 3Listening and SpeakingPeriod 4Reading and WritingPeriod 5 GrammarPeriod 6Language FocusingPeriod 7AssessmentKnowledge aims:Key words in this unit: engine, characteristic, radium, theory, scientific, examine, conclude, analyze, repeat, defeat, attend, expose, cure, control, absorb, severe, valuable, blame, immediately, handle, announce, instruct, virus, construction, contribute, positive, movement, backward, complete, enthusiastic, spin, reject, view.Key phrases in this unit: put forward, know about, look into, in addition, prevent sth.fromdoing, lead to, make sense, punish sb.for, suggest doing sth.steam engine, draw a conclusion, link...to..., be strict with, lead to, point of view.Key sentence patterns:1 But he became inspired when he thought about helping ordinary people exposed to cholera.2 He got interested in two theories explaining how cholera killed people.3 Only if you put the sun there did the movements of the other planets in the sky make sense.Grammar in this unit:Past participle used as attribute and predicativeAbility aims:1.To talk about great scientists and their great achievements.2.To guess what will be talked about in the listening materials.3.To improve their reading skills.4.To learn to use past participle as attribute and predicative.Emotion aims:To encourage the students to learn about some great scientists and their great achievements and how science helps to improve our society and change our life.Meanwhile, inspire the students to learn from the scientists and form their positive attitude towards science.Period 1Welcome to the UnitThe General Idea of This PeriodThe uni t centers on“great scientists”.This is the first period of this unit.During this period, the students should be encouraged to give their previous knowledge of some of the famous scientists, participate in the activities in class and try to get more information from the discussion.They will take part in different forms of activities, including pair work, group work, competition, and quiz.Group competition will be carried out all through the class.Words and expressions in this unit will help the students to talk about the topic“great scientists”.So at the beginning of this period, the teacher should spend some time training the students to read them and help the students pronounce them correctly.The students are encouraged to learn the new words in groups by themselves, using dictionaries and other reference books.Then more time should be given to the students to get familiar with the words and stly, several sentences will be given to the students to help them to know how to use some of the phrases.This unit is about“great scientists”, so from the very beginning, the teacher can encourage the students talk about their dreams in the future.Then the teacher can let the students brainstorm something about great scientists.The students are free to say anything that they know.The students will be quite interested in this topic.This activity gives the students a chance to express their feelings about their favorite scientist.At the same time, this activity can stir the students’ enthusiasm in science.Then the teacher can have the students match the famous scientists with their discoveries, inventions or theories, making sure that they have some common sense about some world-famous scientists.Later the students will be divided into several groups, describe one of the great scientists and let other students guess who he or she is talking about.In this way, the students should learn to organize their own sentences and express their ideas clearly.After that, the students will feel comfortable to do the quiz in the text.The students should beencouraged to give more information about these ten scientists.Meanwhile, the students’ interest in scientists and science should be cultivated.So two topic discussion questions, as well as the practice exercises are designed.The post-class activities are designed to arouse the students’ interest in science and encourage them to“DIY—do it yourself” in their daily life if they have some doubt in some areas.T eaching Important PointsHave the students discuss great scientists.Encourage the students to hold their views about their future career.Understand and learn the following words and expressions: engine, characteristic, radium, theory, scientific, examine, conclude, analyse, repeat, defeat, attend, expose, cure, control, absorb, severe, valuable, blame, immediately, handle, announce, instruct, virus, construction, contribute, positive, movement, backward, complete, enthusiastic, spin, reject, view, steam engine, put forward, draw a conclusion, in addition, link...to..., be strict with, lead to, make sense, point of view.T eaching DifficultiesWhat can we learn from the scientists?What should we do in our daily life to develop our interest and love for science?T eaching AidsCAI equipment with a Multi-media classroom and other normal teaching tools.Three Dimensional T eaching AimsKnowledge AimsLearn something about some famous scientists in the world.Know about the outstanding discoveries, inventions and theories from some well-known scientists.Try to understand and learn the important words and expressions.Ability AimsDevelop the students’ ability of speaking.Encourage the students to give more information about the great scientists.Emotional AimsEncourage the students to learn more about the great scientists and learn from them.Help the students to form the good habit in learning and encourage the students to take part in social practice.Help the students to realize that it is scientific spirit that makes those scientists successful.Encourage the students to develop their love for science.T eaching ProcedureStep 1 GreetingTeacher: Hello, everyone.Teacher: Hello, Mr.../Ms...Step 2 Lead inT: I’m very glad to see you all here.After a long holiday, all of you look energetic and happy.I hope that we will work hard together happily all through the year.I do believe that a bright future is waiting for you.We are sure to realize our dreams in the near future.By the way, I’d like to know what you would like to be in the future.Let me share your dreams.Anyone who gives your idea will get a star for your group.Ready?Go!S: I admire Y ang Liwei very much, who is a great honour to our motherland.I’d like to be an astronaut like him.T: Y eah, the spacecraft, Shenzhou V, orbited the earth 14 times in 21 hours, making China the third country to have successfully sent an astronaut into space.I hope you will realize your dream.S: I want to be a doctor.I hope I’ll be an outstanding one and be expert in finding cures for different kinds of cancers.T: That’s a good idea.There are so many patients with cancers in the world, who are suff ering a lot.Thank you!S: I want to be an English teacher like you.For one thing, I like English very much; for another, you are not only strict with us but also patient with us.Y ou are just our friends and maybe more than our friends sometimes.T: I’m really glad to hear that.It’s my great honor to be your friends and I like my job very much.S: I’d like to be an expert in environment.Y ou see, with the development of industry, our globe is seriously polluted.Dirty water, polluted air, and loud noise make our living conditions worse.I think we should leave a beautiful world to the next generation.T: Y es, someone predicted that the last drop of water in the world would be the tear of human being’s.I think all of us should pay attention to our environment, and make our contributions to improving the environment.S: I’m so interested in physics.And I have read Stephen Hawking’s A Brief History of Time twice.I hope I will be a scientist like him.As we all know, the development of our society will go hand in hand with the development of science.T: Y eah, I can’t agree with you more.Science plays an i mportant part in the development of our society.There are so many examples in the history of human beings.Ss: ...T: I’m so glad to share your dreams.Y our ambition and careful thoughts really leave a good and amazing impression on me.I like them.In this unit, you will learn something about“Great scientists”.Maybe you will know what you need in your efforts to realize your dreams after we talk about some world-famous scientists.Before we come to“Warming up”, I’d like you to come to the new words in this unit, which will help you to learn this unit.Step 3 Word puzzlesT: Open your books and turn to Page 92.Let’s read the words and expressions together.(Let the students read the words and expressions together.Help them pronounce the new words and expressions ter give them some time to practise reading and remember some easy and important ones.Give more help to those who are poor in pronunciation.) T: Here are some definitions of some of the words from this unit.Please work in pairs and match the words with their definitions.(group competition)Words Definitions or explanationsA.examine 1.general principles of an art or scienceB.repeat 2.say or do againC.theory 3.at once; without delayD.immediately 4.look at...carefully in order to learn about or from...plete 5.of great value, worth or useF.valuable 6.having all its parts; whole; finishedG.announce 7.make knownH.control e or bring to an endI.positive 9.power to order or directJ.conclude 10.quite certain or sureT: Now, let’s check the answers.A—4, B—2, C—1, D—3, E—6, F—5, G—7, H—9, I—10, J—8. Y ou have done a good job.I will give you some more minutes to go over all the words and expressions and then fill in the blanks with proper forms of some of them from this unit.1.“All roads lead to Rome, ”he encouraged me after I failed the entrance examination.2.This sentence doesn’t make any sense.3.Our English teacher is not only strict with us but also friendly to us.4.He is good-looking, apart from his nose.5.It is announced that the spacecraft, Shenzhou Ⅵ, landed on the earth successfully.6.It is not Tom but you who are to blame.7.In 1995, the Chinese government put forward a plan for“rejuvenating the nation by relying on science and education”.And it has helped Chinese scientists make m any breakthroughs.8.Have you drawn any conclusion after you read this passage?T: Well done.So much for the learning of the new words and expressions.Step 4 BrainstormingT: Now let’s come to the title of this unit Great scientists.When we talk about g reat scientists, what will come into your mind(s)?We will go on our competition.S1: Madame Curie, who got two Nobel Prizes, one for physics and the other for chemistry, is really outstanding among all the women scientists.S2: It reminds me of the great inventor named Thomas Alva Edison and one of his famous sayings“Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration.”S3: Y es, we lead a better life now with the help of science.Without Edison, maybe now we are still living in a dark world.They really make our life easier and more comfortable.S4: I also think of one of the quotes from Albert Einstein, “Imagination is more important than knowledge.”S5: All the scientists are devoted to the career that they choose, and they set good examples to us in our work.S6: Take all the scientists for example, if we want to be successful in the future, we should not only learn something from our textbooks, but also take part in social practice and get close to nature to learn more about it.S7: I like plants very much.I just think of the two key scientists in the field of botany, Carl Linnaeus and Joseph Banks.The former one laid the foundation for the classification of plants, while the latter one also made great contributions to the development and direction of botany.Ss: ...T: I’m glad to see that you have a great deal of previous knowledge of famous scientists in the world.Step 5 Previous knowledgeT: Now let’s match some of the great scientists with their famous discoveries, inventions or theories.Let me see who is the quickest in mind and action and can get all the answers correct.Famous scientists Discoveries/Inventions/TheoriesA.Isaac Newton 1.Evolution (进化论)B.Charles Darwin 2.Discovery of Radium(镭)C.Madame Curie 3.Newton’s LawD.Albert Einstein 4.Electric bulbE.Thomas Alva Edison 5.Theory of RelativityF.Nicolaus Copernicus 6.SeismographG.Stephen Hawking7.A Brief History of TimeH.Zhang Heng8.The earth moves around the sun.(Check the answers with all the students: A—3, B—1, C—2, D—5, E—4, F—8, G—7, H—6.)T: Since you have a better understanding of some of the great scientists, let’s play a game. Please work in groups and describe one of the great scientists, and then let other students guess who you are talking about.Group 1: In the eighteenth century, there lived a great scientist who conducted a number of experiments in which he showed what electricity is.Once he did a famous kite experiment on a stormy day, and proved that lightening and electricity are the same thing.S: Benjamin Franklin.Group 2: It is said that this English gentleman was sitting in his garden one day when suddenly he was hit by a falling apple.The story is probably not true, but this man did mention that he got one of his best-known ideas while watching apples fall from a tree.His name makes you think that he was not too interested in old things.He discovered the force of gravity, and he drew up a system of how objects move.His laws for motion are still used in physics today, at least in schools and universities.S: Sir Issac Newton.Group 3:Food is what sets this great mind on fire.Rice, to be exact.This great mind has spent most of his life looking for ways to help farmers grow more rice so that all of us will have enough food to eat.He is known as the father of modern rice, but because of his long friendship with all the farmers in China, he w ould rather be known as“the farmer”.S: Y uan Longping.Group 4:He was born on 8 January 1942 in Oxford, England.He has worked on the basic laws which govern the universe.He showed that Einstein’s General Theory of Relativity implied space and time would have a beginning in the Big Bang and an end in black holes.He has three popular books published: his best seller A Brief History of Time, Black Holes and Baby Universes and Other Essays and most recently in 2001, The Universe in a Nutshell.S: Stephen Hawking.Ss: ...T: Well done.Step 6 QuizT: Y ou have already known some information about some of the great scientists.Now let’s do a quiz, trying to find out who these scientists are.Quiz Questions1.Which scientist discovered that objects in water are lifted up by a force that helps them float?2.Who wrote a book explaining how animals and plants developed as the environment changed?3.Who invented the first steam engine?4.Who used peas to show how physical characteristics are passed form parents to their children?5.Who discovered radium?6.Who invented the way of giving electricity to everybody in large cities?7.Who was the painter that studied dead bodies to improve his painting of people?8.Who invented a lamp to keep miners safe underground?9.Who invented the earliest instrument to tell people where earthquakes happened?10.Who put forward a theory about black holes?Check the answers with the students.1.Archimedes2.Charles Darwin3.James Watt4.Gregor Mendel5.Madame Curie6.Faraday7.Leonardo davinci8.Humphrey Davy9.Zhang Heng 10.Stephen HawkingT: Please work in groups and have a discussion to find as much information as possible about these ten great scientists.(The teacher had better join in the discussion and give them some guidance whenever necessary.After the discussion, ask some students to give a short report about what the group have discussed.)(Refer to the information about these scientists below, and various answers are possible.) Step 7 PracticeT: Today we have learned a lot about great scientists in the world.We can learn from them to live our dreams.And we teachers are too willing to help you.In your opinion, what should our school /teachers/students do to tap the students’ potential?S: Our school should give the students more chances to take part in social practice.S: Our teachers should help the students use their imaginations.S: We students should solve the problems on our own.(Ask more students to give their opinions.The teacher should encourage them, join them, praise them, and make comments on their ideas.)Step 8 Discussion (Group Competition)T: Y our ideas are so wonderful and amazing.I admire them very much.Now let’s come to our topic.Topic 1: What can you learn from these scientists?Topic 2: What qualities should we have to be a successful man?(Give the students several minutes to have a discussion.Then let them have a group competition.)Step 9 Summing upT: In this period, we have talked a lot about great scientists.Y ou have a lot of previous knowledge and you are full of imagination and creativity.Those scientists set good examples to us.And I think all of us are happy about learning more of them.After class, it’s better to read some books about them and you can surf the Internet to get more information.And I’d like you to ma ke a“Scientists Album”in the following week.The Design of the Writing on the BlackboardUnit 1Great scientistsPeriod 1Welcome to the UnitBrainstormingResearch and ActivitiesDIY1.Cover a glass of water with a piece of thick paper.Put one hand on the paper and turn the glass upside down.Slowly take your hand away.What happens?Why?2.Fill one glass with fresh water and another glass with salt water. Put an ice cube in each glass.What happens?Why?3.Find out as many famous sayings from those scientists as possible.Reference for T eaching1.Charles Darwin was born in Shrewsbury(shropshire) to a moderately wealthy family with a strong intellectual heritage.His grandfather, Erasmus Darwin, was a physician, poet and biologist who laid some of the gr oundwork for the grandson’s revolutionary ideas.Charles attended Christ’s College at Cambridge with initial thoughts of entering the clergy, but soon took up studies in biology, zoology and geology.From 1831 to 1836, he served as a naturalist aboard the HMS Beagle on its scientific mission to South America and the Pacific.Back in England, he published a series of scientific treatises which established his reputation as one of the prominent thinkers of his day.From 1842 onwards, he lived on a country estate in Kent and pursued his studies among its gardens and livestock.By 1844, he had written the initial draft of his groundbreaking treatise on evolution and natural selection.However, he left this work unpublished for several years, preferring to refine and elaborate its core ideas.In 1858, he read a forthcoming paper by a fellow scientist Alfred Russell Wallace whose thesis closely paralleled Darwin’s own unpublished ideas, an event which pushed Darwin to go public with his own research.Both Wallace’s and Darwin’s papers were presented to the Linnean Society in a famous July, 1858 meeting. Darwin published The Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection in 1859, sparking decades of contentious debate which ultimately led to the universal scientific recog nition of Darwin’s thesis.In later years, he developed his ideas further in monographs on different types of plant and animal life.Notes:Shrewsbury: 什鲁斯伯里[英国英格兰西部城市]physician: 内科医生(注意区分physicist, 物理学家)revolutionary: 创新的HMS: (英国)皇家海军舰船(Her/His M ajesty’s Ship)treatises: 论文2.Stephen William Hawking was born on 8 January 1942 (300 years after the death of Galileo) in Oxford, England.His parents’ house was in north London, but during the Second World WarOxford was considered a safer place to have babies.When he was eight, his family moved to St Albans, a town about 20 miles north of London.At eleven Stephen went to St Albans School, and then on to University College, Oxford, his father’s old college. Stephen wanted to do Mathematics, although his father would have preferred medicine.Mathematics was not available at University College, so he did Physics instead.After three years and not very much work he was awarded a first class honours degree in Natural Science.Stephen then went on to Cambridge to do research in Cosmology, there being no-one working in that area in Oxford at the time.His supervisor was Denis Sciama, although he had hoped to get Fred Hoyle who was working in Cambridge.After gaining his Ph.D.he became first a Research Fellow, and later on a Professorial Fellow at Gonville and Caius College.After leaving the Institute of Astronomy in 1973 Stephen came to the Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics, and since 1979 has held the post of Lucasian Professor of Mathematic s.The chair was founded in 1663 with money left in the will of the Reverend Henry Lucas, who had been the Member of Parliament for the University.It was first held by Isaac Barrow, and then in 1663 by Isaac Newton.Stephen Hawking has worked on the basic laws which govern the universe.With Roger Penrose he showed that Einstein’s General Theory of Relativity implied space and time would have a beginning in the Big Bang and an end in black holes.These results indicated it was necessary to unify General Relativity with Quantum Theory, the other great Scientific development of the first half of the 20th Century.One consequence of such a unification that he discovered was that black holes should not be completely black, but should emit radiation and eventually evaporate and disappear.Another conjecture is that the universe has no edge or boundary in imaginary time.This would imply that the way the universe began was completely determined by the laws of science.His many publications include The Large Scale Structure of Spacetime with G F R Ellis, General Relativity: An Einstein Centenary Survey, with W Israel, and 300 Y ears of Gravity, with W Israel.Stephen Hawking has two popular books published: his best seller A Brief History of Time, and his later book, Black Holes and Baby Universes and Other Essays.Professor Hawking has twelve honorary degrees, was awarded the CBE in 1982, and was made a Companion of Honour in 1989.He is the recipient of many awards, medals and prizes and is a Fellow of The Royal Society and a Member of the US National Academy of Sciences.Stephen Hawking continues to combine family life (he has three children and one grandchild), and his research into theoretical physics together with an extensive programme of travel and public lectures.3.Humphry Davy, a woodcarver’s son, was born in Penzance in 1778. After being educated in Truro, Davy was apprenticed to a Penzance surgeon.In 1797 he took up chemistry and was taken on by Thomas Beddoes, as an assistant at his Medical Pneumatic Institution in Bristol.Here he experimented with various new gases and discovered the anesthetic effect of laughing gas (nitrous oxide).Davy published details of his research in his book Researches, Chemical and Philosophical (1799).This led to Davy being appointed as a lecturer at the Royal Institution.He was a talented teacher and his lectures attracted large audiences.In 1806 Davy published On Some Chemical Agencies of Electricity. The following year he discovered that the alkalis and alkaline earths are compound substances formed by oxygen unitedwith metallic bases.He also used electrolysis to discover new metals such as potassium, sodium, barium, strontium, calcium and magnesium.Davy was now considered to be Britain’s leading scientist and in 1812 was knight ed by George Ⅲ.With his assistant, Michael Faraday, Davy travelled abroad investigating his theory of volcanic action.In 1815 Humphry Davy invented a safety lamp for use in gassy coalmines, allowing deep coal seams to be mined despite the presence of firedamp (methane).This led to some controversy as George Stephenson, working in a colliery near Newcastle, also produced a safety lamp that year.Both men claimed that they were first to come up with this invention.One of Davy’s most important contributions to history was that he encourage manufacturers to take a scientific approach to production.His discoveries in chemistry helped to improve several industries including agriculture, mining and tanning.Sir Humphry Davy died in 1829.4.Leonardo da Vinci(b.1452, Vinci, Republic of Florence [now in Italy]—d.May 2, 1519, Cloux, Fr.), Italian painter, draftsman, sculptor, architect, and engineer whose genius, perhaps more than that of any other figure, epitomized the Renaissance humanist ideal.His Last Suppe (1495-1497) and Mona Lisa (1503-1506) are among the most widely popular and influential paintings of the Renaissance.His notebooks reveal a spirit of scientific inquiry and a mechanical inventiveness that were centuries ahead of his time.5.Madam Curie is a French professor of physics.She was born in Poland in 1867.In 1891 she went to study in Paris University because at that time women were not admitted to universities in Poland.When she was studying in Paris, she lived a poor life, but she worked very hard.In 1895 she married Pierre Curie, and then they worked together on the research into radioactive matter.They discovered two kinds of radioactive matter—polonium and radium.In 1904 she and her husband were given the Nobel Prize for physics.In 1906 Pierre died, but Marie went on working.She received a second Nobel Prize for Chemistry in 1911.So she became the first scientist in the world to win two Nobel Prizes.6.James Watt: British engineer and inventor who made fundamental improvements in the steam engine, resulting in the modern, high-pressure steam engine (patented 1769).7.Gregor Mendel was an Austrian botanist and founder of the science of genetics.Through years of experiments with plants, chiefly garden peas, he discovered the principle of the inheritance of characteristics through the combination of genes from parent cells.8.Archimedes: Greek mathematician, engineer, and physicist.Among the most important intellectual figures of antiquity, he discovered formulas for the area and volume of various geometric figures, applied geometry to hydrostatics and mechanics, devised numerous ingenious mechanisms, such as the Archimedean screw, and discovered the principle of buoyancy.9.Michael Faraday (September 22, 1791—August 25, 1867) was a British scientist(a physicist and chemist) who contributed significantly to the fields of electromagnetism and electrochemistry. He also invented the earliest form of the device that was to become the Bunsen burner, which is used almost universally in science laboratories as a convenient source of heat.Michael Faraday was one of the great scientists in history.Some historians of science refer to him as the greatest experimentalist in the history of science.It was largely due to his efforts that electricity became a viable technology.The SI unit of capacitance, the farad(symbol F) is named after him.。

高中Unit1 Great Scientists英文教案.doc

高中Unit1 Great Scientists英文教案.doc

Teaching plan of Book 5Unit 1 Great ScientistsTeaching Goals:1. Enable the Ss to familiar with some famous scientists and their contributions.2. Enable the Ss to learn how to organize a scientific research.3. Let the Ss learn the reading skill of getting the main idea of each para./ part & each passage .Difficult points1. How to grasp the main idea of each paragraph / part & each passage.2. How to help the Ss use what they’ve learnt to do first aid treatment for burns correctly.Teaching methods1. Skimming & scanning methods to make the Ss get a good understanding of the text.2.Discussion methods to make the Ss understand what they’ve learned in class.3.Pair work of group to get every student to take part in the teaching-and-learning activities.petition and role-play method to arouse the Ss’ interestTeaching process:Period 1 Word study, Warming up, pre-readingPre-class task:1. Preview new vocabulary of Unit 1, and especially pay attention to the pronunciation of the new word2. Finish the quiz in Warming up( p1) in groups of four by referring to books or surfing the net.Step 1 Learning GoalsGet Ss to go through the summing up form on p 8 in order to have a general idea of the learning goals of Unit 1Step 2 Word Study1. (Pair work) Get Ss to learn the new words and phrases on p92 within 3 mins, by reading them aloud to each other to make sure that they can pronounce the words correctly---- Get Ss to read aloud the words in pairs by turns, e.g. 1 pairs read 4 words then go to next pair2.1.Check the answers to the quiz to find out which group know the most .2.Introduce the great scientists.1) Archimedes (287—212 BC) Ancient Greek. He was a mathematician. He found that if you put an object into water the water pushes the object up. It rises and partly floats.“Give me a place to stand on, and I can move the earth.”----Archimedes2) Charlie Darwin(1808-1882) British naturalist. The Origin of Species was published in 1859. It explained how plants and animals had changed over time to fit in with a changing environment. His book showed that people had developed from apes.3) Gregor Mendel(1822—1884) Czech. The father of genetic. He grew pea plants and developed ideas on heredity (遗传) and inherited characteristics. Between 1856—1863 he grew 28,000 pea plants. He examined seven kinds of seed and plant characteristics and developed some laws of inheritance.4) Marie Curie ( Polish ) (1867-1934) was born in Poland, moved to Paris and studied chemistry and physics there. She married Pierre Curie and together they studied radioactive materials and discovered radium. In 1911 she received the Nobel Prize in Chemistry. Her death in 1934 was almost certainly due to radiation in her work.5) Thomas Edison(1847----1931) He was already an inventor of other electrical devices (phonograph, electric light bulb) when in 1882 he designed a system for providing New York with electricity from a central power station. This was a tremendous achievement, which had previously been thought impossible.6) Leonardo da Vinci (Italian) (1452-1519)He was a famous Italian artist whose skill for showing human skin tones made his paintings seem to come alive. He used to study dead people in order to make his paintings as accurate as possible. Some of his famous paintings include “The Adoration of the Magi”and the “The Last Supper”. Later in his life he lived in France where he designed a submarine (潜水艇) and a flying machine.7) British. He did research into different gases and discovered the medical value of nitrous oxide (laughing gas) as an anaesthetic.(麻醉药) In 1815 he developed a safety lamp for miners.8) Zhang Heng ,Chinese( 78-----139) He invented the first seismograph to indicate in the direction of an earthquake. It was in the shape of a cylinder with eight dragonheads round the top, each with a ball in its mouth. Around the bottom were eight frogs directly under a dragon’s head. When an earthquake occurred, a ball fell out of the dragon’s mouth, making a noise.9) Stephen Hawking,British(1942--- ) He has worked in astronomy and studied black holes in space. He has shown that black holes do not only absorb everything around them but, from time to time, throw out matter as well. This may mark the beginning of new galaxies. This is an advance on the old theory which said that black holes “eat”everything they come across.Step 4 Pre-reading1. (Pair work) What five most important qualities do you think a scientist should have? Give reasons.clever/talented strict patient creative determined/strong-willed positive honest energetic intelligent/hard-working ambitious careful co-operative confident brave2. (Group work) Ex2, p1Do you know how to prove a new idea in scientific research? Discuss in groups the stages in examining a new scientific idea. What order would you put them in?8)Draw a conclusion 3)Think of a method 4)Collect results 5)Make up a question1)Find a problem 5)Analyse the results 6)find supporting evidence 7)Repeat if necessaryStep 5. SummarySeeing much, suffering much, and studying much are three pillars (支柱,要素) of learning.learning without thought is a labour lost; thought without learning is perilous(危险的)3. To know the disease is half the cure. 找出病根等于医治了一半。

新课标unit1Great Scientists整套教案The 2nd Period(新课标版高二英

新课标unit1Great Scientists整套教案The 2nd Period(新课标版高二英

新课标unit1Great Scientists整套教案The 2nd Period(新课标版高二英语必修五教案教学设计)Unit1 Module 5 Great ScientistsTeaching aims:1. Learn some new words and expressions .2. Improve the students’ reading skills.3. Know how to prove a new idea in scientific research. Difficult and Important Points:1)Reading comprehension2)What did John Snow do to prove a new idea in scientific research?Teaching Methods:1. Group work2. Competition3. Illustration4. Deductive MethodTeaching Procedures:Step I Warming upDo you know these famous scientists?( Show the Ss some pictures of great scientists and have them say what achievements they have made.)Step II. Pre-reading1.Background introduction to John SnowJohn Snow (1813-1858) was born and worked as a doctor in Great Britain. He was originally an anesthetist(麻醉师).He was so famous that he became the doctor for Queen Victoria at the births of her many children.Four outbreaks of cholera in the 1830s and 1840s killed many people in England. In 1854, “the most terrible outbreak of cholera which ever occurred in the kingdom” began. It wa s so violent and sudden that 127people died in the first three days.2.Make up a questionName of illness cholera (霍乱)Symptom(症状) severe vomit (呕吐) and diarrhea (腹泻)Aftereffect Die quickly from a loss of liquidWhat was the cause of this illness ? How did John Snow find it out? (Deductive thinking)Step III. New words studyShow the Ss a picture of “Water pump”, teach the new words pump handle and have a brief introduction to it.(e.g. There were some water pumps in different districts in England in the 1850s.. People could use them to pump the water for daily life, but if someone removed the handle from the water pump, it could not be used.Step IV. ReadingFast-reading:Read the passage quickly and find the number below and the relevant happenings in the passage.(Competition among groups)Two theories The first suggested that…multiplied in the air;. The second suggested…absorbed this disease into their bodies with their meals.In 1854Another outbreak hit London.500 , 10More than 500people had died in 10 days.16, 37, 38 and 40These numbers in Broad Street near the water pump had many of the deaths20 ,21; 8,920 and 21 Broad Street and 8 and 9 Cambridge Street had no deaths….They didn’t drink the water from the Broad Street pump.7These families worked in the pub at 7 Cambridge Street. They didn’t drink the water from the pump.Careful readingRead each paragraph and find out what evidence or approach is JohnSnow used in the stage of experiment, then fill in the chart below.Paragraph Stages in an experiment Example in this investigation1 Find a problem What causes cholera?2 Make up a question Which theory is correct?3 Think of a method Collect data on those who were ill or died and where they got their water.4 Collect results Plot information on a map to find outwhere people died or did not die.5 Analyze results Analyze the water to see if that is the cause of the illness.6 Repeat if necessary Find other evidence to confirm your conclusion.7 Make a conclusion The water is to blame. The source of all drinking water should be examined so that it is safe.Step V. Discussion1.What’s the significance of Snow’s famous cholera map ?2.If you were John Snow, how would you investigate the cholera?Step VI. SummaryStep VII. Homework assignment1.Finish Ex.1 on P42.2. Retell the story.3. Prepare for tomorrow’s dictation.文档内容到此结束,欢迎大家下载、修改、丰富并分享给更多有需要的人。

高中英语 Unit 1 Great scientists Period 4 优秀教案 新人教版必修5

高中英语 Unit 1 Great scientists Period 4 优秀教案 新人教版必修5

Period 4 Reading and WritingThe General Idea of This PeriodIn this period the teaching and learning will center on reading and writing.As usual, the teacher can begin the teaching with reviewing the former knowledge.The following part is the lead-in—talking about some scientists, because this unit talks about great scientists and thisAs to reading training, the teacher should still develop the students’ ability of scanning and skimming.So at the beginning, get the students to prepare some knowledge for reading. For that purpose, the teacher will firstly ask for information about Copernicus according to whatThen the teacher can have the students listen to the tape and find out whether the statements are true or false.It is designed to train the students’ listening and to check whether the students have previewed the passage ter, the teacher will ask the students to skim it and find out the main idea for each part.The purpose of doing these is to help the students to form the good habit of reading with some strategy.When reading a passage, we had better first read it as a whole, that is, understand the structure of the passage and catch the main idea with the help of the structure and title.The following step is to read the passage for the details.The teacher can design some teaching activities to help the students to know about more and more information by taking part in the reading activities.As a result, the teacher should be careful, cautious and creative when designing the reading activities.The reading activities had better be various, which can catchmore students’ attention.At the end of reading, some activities should be designed to check the students’and his friend.The practicing helps the students improve their speaking and arouse their creativity.The competition is held to make the students take part in the class activities actively.At the same time, let the students consider the writing purpose.Besides reading, the students are also expected to learn and practise their writing skill.By studying the passage, the students should learn to do persuasive writing to change someone else’s decision.The teacher should give the students some advice on how to plan the writing and develop the writing—beginning, body and conclusion.Teaching Important PointsTeaching AidsMulti-media classroomThree Dimensional Teaching AimsKnowledge AimsAbility AimsDevelop the students’ reading abiliEmotional AimsTeaching ProcedureStep 1 GreetingStep 2 ReviewingT:them?S: Qian Xuesen made great contributions to spaceS: Carl Linnaeus developed a system to classify plant species according to the male and femaleStep 3 Pre-readingT: You have done a good job.So we have learned about a lot about great scientists, such asS1: I’d like to know something about Madame Curie, because she was one of the great womenS2: I’d like to know abo ut Albert Einstein, because he plays an important part in theS3Ss: ...T: I find you are interested in science and scientists.But today we are goS1S2S3T: Do you want to know more about him?Step 4 ListeningT: First I’d like you to listen to the tape and find out whether the statements are T or( ) 1.When Copernicus found that the earth was not the center of the solar system,( ) 2.Some astronomers found it strange that some planets appeared brighter at( ) 3.Copernicus worked out th(((A few minuteT: Are you ready?Who’d like to have a try.If the sentence is true, please read it.If it is false, correct it.S 1: The first sentence is false.When Copernicus found that the earth was not the center ofS 2: ThS3S 4: The fourth statement is false.Copernicus didn’t publish his ideas until he lay dying in 1543.S5Suggested answers:Step 5 Gist ReadingT: You have done a good job.In think you previewed the passage well.To understand the passage better, I divide the passage into four parts.Read the passage quickly and find out the main ideaof each part.T: Have you got it?Generally speaking, if we want to introduce something, first, we usually give a brief introduction.What about the main ideas of other parts?(Ask the students to give their opinions and in the end the teacher gives them the answer.) Suggested answers:Para 1 Brief introductionParas 3-Step 6 Detailed readingT: This passage mainly talks about Copernicus’ theory.So let’s compare his theory and theS: Before Copernicus’ theory, they believed God had made the earth, so it was the centerS: Copernicus found that the sun is the center of the solar system and the planets go roundS: He also found the earth is spinniT: Great!(Show the complete form to the students and let them read it.) Just now, we knewS: Because he didn’t want to be attacked by the Chris tian Church.He published it many years later.T: Yes.At that time, anyone who wanted to challenge the theory of the Christian Church would be punished, even sometimes be sentenced to death.If you were Copernicus, would you have hidden your theory so for many years?Please give a reason.(Two minutes later.)S: If I were Copernicus, I would have done the same, because at that time, people didn’t enjoy the freedom of speech.Whoever challenged the Christian Church would be punished.While thereS: If I were Copernicus, I would have published my ideas as soon as I found them.Since I found my ideas were right, I would make them known to more people, regardless of danger. As aStep 7 PractisingT: Sin2.Make up a dialogue between Copernicus and one of his friends.Copernicus showed his ideasS1: Copernicus is a PolS2S3S4T: I’m deeply impressed by your sentences.You are excellent.From the passage we know Copernicus showed his theory to his friends and his friends encouraged him to publish his theory.Please make up a dialogue in pairs based on this situation.We will hold a competition(After a few minutes, the teacher gets several pairs to act it out and decides which groupStep 8 WritingT: Just now we learned that Copernicus didn’t publish his ideas as soon as he found his theory.We also talked about what you would have done if you were Copernicus.Now write a short letter asking Copernicus to publish his ideas so everyone can read them.First you need to collect your ideas.There are some suggested information on Page 7.Then you need to arrange these ideas.There is a plan for it.Beginning:Paragraph 2:Paragraph 3:Summing up:(Give Ss some time to do it.Ask them to draw an outline first, and it will help them to develop their writing skill.The passage will be clear.If they have finished writing, get them to exchange with their desk mates.Finally ask some to read their writings to the whole class.While doingthStep 9 Homework1.Preview the reading passage and underline the phrases you think important and useful.2.Finish the writingThe Design of the Writing on the BlackboardUnit 1 Great scientistsPeriod 4 Reading and WritingCopernicus’ revolutionary workParas 3-Research and ActivitiesThe theme of the activity is“a great scientist in our eyes”.Get the students to work in groups and introduce a great scientist in their minds.First, they need to decide which scientist they think is the greatest.Then, collect as much information as possible about the scientist, such as his/her life, achievements, and so on.In the end, each group presents it to the whole class.The activity is designed to arouse the students’ interest in science, cultivate their team spirit and learn something from these great scientists.It also helps them learn to search for information and organize it well.Reference for TeachingNicolaus CopernicusBorn on Feb.19, 1473, in Thorn (Torun), Poland, Nicolaus Copernicus was destined to become,through the publication of his heliocentric theory 70 years later, one of the seminal figures in the history of scientific thought.The son of a prosperous merchant, he was raised after his father’s death by a maternal uncle, who enabled him to enter the University of Krakow, then famous for its mathematics, philosophy, and astronomy curriculum.This experience stimulated the young Copernicus to study further liberal arts at Bologna (1496-1501), medicine at Padua, and law at the University of Ferrara, from which he emerged in 1503 with the doctorate in canon law.Shortly afterward he returned to Poland and eventually settled permanently at the cathedral i n Frauenberg (Frombork), less than 100 miles from his birthplace.Through his uncle’s influence he had been elected a canon of the church even before his journey to Italy.Copernicus not only faithfully performed his ecclesiastical duties, but also practiced medicine, wrote a treatise on monetary reform, and turned his attention to a subject in which he had long been interested-By May 1514 Copernicus had written De revolutionibus orbium coelestium (On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres, 1543).This classic work challenged the geocentric cosmology that had been accepted since the time of Aristotle.Copernicus proposed that the earth goes round the sunThe new theory that Copernicus espoused in De revolutionibus exhibits a peculiar mixture of both radical and conservative elements.In the midst of his radical reordering of the structure of the universe, Copernicus still adhered to the ancient Aristotelian doctrines of solid celestial spheres and perfect circular motion of heavenly bodies, and he held essentially intact the entire Aristotelian physics of motion.Moreover, with significant innovations, he clung to the Ptolemaic representation of planetary motion by means of complicated combinations of circles called epicycles.Although Copernicus realized that his theory implied an enormous increase in the size of the universe, he declined to pronounce it infinite.These aspects of the Copernican treatise do not mitigate the novelty or the impact of the final theory, or the author’s firm conviction that his system was an accurate representation of physical reality.Rather, they indicate the scope of the work that lay ahead and that was effectively addressed in the next century when Kepler determined the ellipticity of planetary orbits, Galileo formulated his new concept of motion, and Newton espoused his theory of universal gravitation.The enunciation of the heliocentric theory by Copernicus marked the beginning of the scientific revolution, and of a new view of a greatly enlarged universe.It was a shift away from the comfortable anthropocentrism of the ancient and medieval world.A scientific theory that reflected so profoundly on humanity was not welcomed by the church, and it was only after the publication (1540) of Narratio prima (A First Account), by an enthusiastic supporter named Rheticus, that the aged Copernicus agreed to commit to print the theory already outlined in 1514.An undocumented, but often repeated, story holds that Copernicus received a printed copy of his treatise on his deathbed.He died on May 24, 1543.Shenzhou Ⅵ touches downBEIJING, Oct.17 (Xinhua/)—The return module of China’s second mannedThe module and astronauts touched down in the main landing field in Central Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region at 4: 33 A.M.Monday after a five-The two said they were in good conditioThe two People’s Liberation Army colonels received a hero’s welcome.Jubilant residents in Nie’s home town in central Hubei province set off firecrackers and performed traditional lion dances.Fei’s mother wept on learning of his safe return, and his father declared, “The motherland is so great!”State television showed the astronauts emerging from Shenzhou Ⅵ unaided, pausing atop theChen Bingde, chief of Chin a’s manned space project, declares the mission a complete success.The return moduel landed one kilometer away from the target, and six kilometers from theThe two men are expected to be taken by a helicopter to a local airport to board a flight to Beijing.Both will be in isolation for observation for 14 days after the mission, but familyFei and Nie blasted off Wednesday on China’s second manned space mission.It came almostChina is only the third country to send humans into orbit on its own, after Russia and the United States.State television showed scores of technicians monitoring the landing at computer screens at a Beijing control center.They showed no reaction when an announcer said the capsule had landed but broke into cheers after word came that the astronauts were safe, the Associated Press reported.Chinese leaders including theThe mission had“accomplished the planned experiments and accumulated valuable technical“We feel good, our work is going smoothly and our life is happy, ”Fei was quoted as saying Sunday evening before the craft began its re-entry maneuvers.“We will do our utmost to fulfill“We’re grateful for the deep love and concern by all Chinese people, the Hong Kong, Macao and TaShenzhou 6 orbited the Earth 76 times and traveled more than 1.9 million miles.The mission was substantially longer and more complex than the 2003 flight, when astronaut Yang Liwei orbited for 21 1/2 hours before his capsule l。

21版:Unit 1 Great scientists(创新设计)

21版:Unit 1 Great scientists(创新设计)

②potential n. 潜力 ④virtue n. 美德;品行 ⑥reliable adj. 可信赖的 ⑧confident adj. 自信的 ⑩courage n. 勇气 ⑫outstanding adj. 杰出的
强化积累背诵 · 夯基
要点层级讲练 · 突破
强化积累背诵 · 夯基
要点层级讲练 · 突破
1.____a_t_te_n_d____ vt.照顾;护理;出席 2.____e_x_p_o_se____ vt.暴露
3.____fo_r_e_s_e_e___ vt.预见;预知
4.____b_l_am__e____ vt.责备;谴责n.过失;责备
all over the year.昆明是个美丽的地方,
强化积累背诵 · 夯基
要点层级讲练 · 突破
2.So many thousands of
every time作 I do hope that you can pay a visit to Tianjin
二、拓展词汇 1.challenge n.&v.挑战→__c_h_al_l_en_g_i_n_g__ adj.挑战性的 2.cautious adj.小心的;谨慎的→___c_a_u_ti_o_n____ n.小心;警告 3.pollute vt.污染;弄脏→___p_o_ll_u_ti_o_n___ n.污染 4.instruct vt.命令;指示;教导→__i_n_s_tr_u_c_ti_o_n__ n.说明;传授→__i_n_st_r_u_c_ti_o_n_s_ pl.用法

2019-2020年高中英语 (Unit1 Great scientists Period 1)优秀

2019-2020年高中英语 (Unit1 Great scientists Period 1)优秀

2019-2020年高中英语(Unit1 Great scientists Period 1)优秀教案新人教版必修5This unit centers on Great scientists, including some scientists both at home and abroad like John Snow and Copernicus.The students should be encouraged to practise talking about these scientists.The whole unit can be divided into seven parts: warming up, reading, listening and speaking, language focusing, reading and writing, grammar, and assessment.In warming up, there is a quiz for the students to do, which will arouse the students’ interest in knowing about the famous scientists and help the students to know science is very important in our daily life.Group discussion and brainstorming will be used in this period to help the students to municate with each other using their previous knowledge.In the reading passage, the students will learn about John Snow, who defeats“King Cholera”, and get a general idea about how to examine a new scientific idea.This will help the students to form their own attitude towards science.In learning about language, the students are encouraged to learn the following words and expressions: engine, characteristic, radium, theory, scientific, examine, conclude, analyze repeat, defeat, attend, expose, cure, control, absorb, severe, valuable, blame, immediately, handle, announce, instruct, virus, construction, contribute, positive, movement, backward, plete, enthusiastic, spin, reject, view, steam engine, put forward, draw a conclusion, in addition, link...to..., be strict with, lead to, make sense, point of view.While practising using the language, the students will learn about Copernicus’ Revolutionary Theory, and their skills of reading, speaking and writing will be improved.In listening and speaking, more chances will be given to the students to learn about other scientists and their spirit.The students are encouraged to make up their mind to make contributions to science.The students will be asked to write a letter to Copernicus on the basis of the understanding of the text.The letters are sure to be full of imagination and creativity.Assessment will help the students to look back what they have learned and focus on the difficult and important points.So, this unit will be divided into seven periods as follows:Period 1 Wele to the UnitPeriod 2 ReadingPeriod 3 Listening and SpeakingPeriod 4 Reading and WritingPeriod 5 GrammarPeriod 6 Language FocusingPeriod 7 AssessmentKnowledge aims:Key words in this unit: engine, characteristic, radium, theory, scientific, examine, conclude, analyze, repeat, defeat, attend, expose, cure, control, absorb, severe, valuable, blame, immediately, handle, announce, instruct, virus, construction, contribute, positive, movement, backward, plete, enthusiastic, spin, reject, view.Key phrases in this unit: put forward, know about, look into, in addition, prevent sth.from doing, lead to, make sense, punish sb.for, suggest doing sth.steam engine, draw a conclusion, link...to..., be strict with, lead to, point of view.Key sentence patterns:1 But he became inspired when he thought about helping ordinary people exposed to cholera.2 He got interested in two theories explaining how cholera killed people.3 Only if you put the sun there did the movements of the other planets in the sky make sense.Grammar in this unit:Past participle used as attribute and predicativeAbility aims:1.To talk about great scientists and their great achievements.2.To guess what will be talked about in the listening materials.3.To improve their reading skills.4.To learn to use past participle as attribute and predicative.Emotion aims:To encourage the students to learn about some great scientists and their great achievements and how science helps to improve our society and change our life.Meanwhile, inspire the students to learn from the scientists and form their positive attitude towards science.Period 1 Wele to the UnitThe General Idea of This PeriodThe unit centers on“great scientists”.This is the first period of this unit.During this period, the students should be encouraged to give their previous knowledge of some of the famous scientists, participate in the activities in class and try to get more information from the discussion.They will take part in different forms of activities, including pair work, group work, petition, and quiz.Group petition will be carried out all through the class.Words and expressions in this unit will help the students to talk about the topic“great scientists”.So at the beginning of this period, the teacher should spend some time training the students to read them and help the students pronounce them correctly.The students are encouraged to learn the new words in groups by themselves, using dictionaries and other reference books.Then more time should be given to the students to get familiar with the words and stly, several sentences will be given to the students to help them to know how to use some of the phrases.This unit is about“great scientists”, so from the very beginning, the teacher can encourage the students talk about their dreams in the future.Then the teachercan let the students brainstorm something about great scientists.The students are free to say anything that they know.The students will be quite interested in this topic.This activity gives the students a chance to express their feelings about their favorite scientist.At the same time, this activity can stir the students’ enthusiasm in science.Then the teacher can have the students match the famous scientists with their discoveries, inventions or theories, making sure that they have some mon sense about some world-famous scientists.Later the students will be divided into several groups, describe one of the great scientists and let other students guess who he or she is talking about.In this way, the students should learn to organize their own sentences and express their ideas clearly.After that, the students will feel fortable to do the quiz in the text.The students should be encouraged to give more information about these ten scientists.Meanwhile, the students’ int erest in scientists and science should be cultivated.So two topic discussion questions, as well as the practice exercises are designed.The post-class activities are designed to arouse the students’ interest in science and encourage them to“DIY—do it your self” in their daily life if they have some doubt in some areas.Teaching Important PointsHave the students discuss great scientists.Encourage the students to hold their views about their future career.Understand and learn the following words and expressions: engine, characteristic, radium, theory, scientific, examine, conclude, analyse, repeat, defeat, attend, expose, cure, control, absorb, severe, valuable, blame, immediately, handle, announce, instruct, virus, construction, contribute, positive, movement, backward, plete, enthusiastic, spin, reject, view, steam engine, put forward, draw a conclusion, in addition, link...to..., be strict with, lead to, make sense, point of view.Teaching DifficultiesWhat can we learn from the scientists?What should we do in our daily life to develop our interest and love for science?Teaching AidsCAI equipment with a Multi-media classroom and other normal teaching tools.Three Dimensional Teaching AimsKnowledge AimsLearn something about some famous scientists in the world.Know about the outstanding discoveries, inventions and theories from some well-known scientists.Try to understand and learn the important words and expressions.Ability AimsDevelop the students’ ability of speaking.Encourage the students to give more information about the great scientists.Emotional AimsEncourage the students to learn more about the great scientists and learn from them.Help the students to form the good habit in learning and encourage the students to take part in social practice.Help the students to realize that it is scientific spirit that makes those scientists successful.Encourage the students to develop their love for science.Teaching ProcedureStep 1 GreetingTeacher: Hello, everyone.Teacher: Hello, Mr.../Ms...Step 2 Lead inT: I’m very glad to see you all here.After a long holiday, all of you look energetic and happy.I hope that we will work hard together happily all through the year.I do believe that a bright future is waiting for you.We are sure to realize our dreams in the near future.By the way, I’d like to know what you would like to be in the future.Let me share your dreams.Anyone who gives your idea will get a star for your group.Ready?Go!S: I admire Yang Liwei very much, who is a great honour to o ur motherland.I’d like to be an astronaut like him.T: Yeah, the spacecraft, Shenzhou V, orbited the earth 14 times in 21 hours, making China the third country to have successfully sent an astronaut into space.I hope you will realize your dream.S: I want to be a doctor.I hope I’ll be an outstanding one and be expert in finding cures for different kinds of cancers.T: That’s a good idea.There are so many patients with cancers in the world, who are suffering a lot.Thank you!S: I want to be an English teacher like you.For one thing, I like English very much; for another, you are not only strict with us but also patient with us.You are just our friends and maybe more than our friends sometimes.T: I’m really glad to hear that.It’s my great honor to be your friends and I like my job very much.S: I’d like to be an expert in environment.You see, with the development of industry, our globe is seriously polluted.Dirty water, polluted air, and loud noise make our living conditions worse.I think we should leave a beautiful world to the next generation.T: Yes, someone predicted that the last drop of water in the world would be the tear of human being’s.I think all of us should pay attention to our environment, and make our contributions to improving the environment.S: I’m so interested in physics.And I have read Stephen Hawking’s A Brief History of Time twice.I hope I will be a scientist like him.As we all know, the development of our society will go hand in hand with the development of science.T: Yeah, I can’t agree with you more.Science plays an important part in the development of our society.There are so many examples in the history of human beings.Ss: ...T: I’m so glad to share your dreams.Your ambition and careful thoughts really leave a good and amazing impression on me.I like them.In this unit, you will learn something about“Great scientists”.Maybe you will know what you need in your efforts to realize your dreams after we talk about some world-famous scientists.Before we e to“Warming up”, I’d like you to e to the new words in this unit, which will help you to learn this unit.Step 3 Word puzzlesT: Open your books and turn to Page 92.Let’s read the words and expressions together.(Let the students read the words and expressions together.Help them pronounce the new words and expressions ter give them some time to practise reading and remember some easy and important ones.Give more help to those who are poor in pronunciation.)T: Here are some definitions of some of the words from this unit.Please work in pairs and match the words with their definitions.(group petition) Words Definitions or explanationsA.examine 1.general principles of an art or scienceB.repeat 2.say or do againC.theory 3.at once; without delayD.immediately 4.look at...carefully in order to learn about or from...Eplete 5.of great value, worth or useF.valuable 6.having all its parts; whole; finishedG.announce 7.make knownH.control 8e or bring to an endI.positive 9.power to order or directJ.conclude 10.quite certain or sureT: Now, let’s check the answers.A—4, B—2, C—1, D—3, E—6, F—5, G—7, H—9, I—10, J—8. You have done a good job.I will give you some more minutes to go over all the words and expressions and then fill in the blanks with proper forms of some of them from this unit.1.“All roads lead to Rome, ”he encouraged me after I failed the entrance examination.2.This sentence doesn’t make any sense.3.Our English teacher is not only strict with us but also friendly to us.4.He is good-looking, apart from his nose.5.It is announced that the spacecraft, Shenzhou Ⅵ, landed on the earth successfully.6.It is not Tom but you who are to blame.7.In 1995, the Chinese government put forward a plan for“rejuvenating the nation by relying on s cience and education”.And it has helped Chinese scientists make many breakthroughs.8.Have you drawn any conclusion after you read this passage?T: Well done.So much for the learning of the new words and expressions.Step 4 BrainstormingT: Now let’s e t o the title of this unit Great scientists.When we talk about great scientists, what will e into your mind(s)?We will go on our petition.S1: Madame Curie, who got two Nobel Prizes, one for physics and the other for chemistry, is really outstanding among all the women scientists.S2: It reminds me of the great inventor named Thomas Alva Edison and one of his famous sayings“Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration.”S3: Yes, we lead a better life now with the help of science.Without Edison, maybe now we are still living in a dark world.They really make our life easier and more fortable.S4: I also think of one of the quotes from Albert Einstein, “Imagination is more important than knowledge.”S5: All the scientists are devoted to the career that they choose, and they set good examples to us in our work.S6: Take all the scientists for example, if we want to be successful in the future, we should not only learn something from our textbooks, but also take part in social practice and get close to nature to learn more about it.S7: I like plants very much.I just think of the two key scientists in the field of botany, Carl Linnaeus and Joseph Banks.The former one laid the foundation for the classification of plants, while the latter one also made great contributions to the development and direction of botany.Ss: ...T: I’m glad to see that you have a great deal of previous knowledge of famous scientists in the world.Step 5 Previous knowledgeT: Now let’s match some of the great scientists with their famous discoveries, inventions or theories.Let me see who is the quickest in mind and action and can get all the answers correct.Famous scientists Discoveries/Inventions/TheoriesA.Isaac Newton 1.Evolution (进化论)B.Charles Darwin 2.Discovery of Radium(镭)C.Madame Curie 3.Newton’s LawD.Albert Einstein 4.Electric bulbE.Thomas Alva Edison 5.Theory of RelativityF.Nicolaus Copernicus 6.SeismographG.Stephen Hawking7.A Brief History of TimeH.Zhang Heng8.The earth moves around the sun.(Check the answers with all the students: A—3, B—1, C—2, D—5, E—4, F—8, G—7, H—6.)T: Since you have a better understanding of some of the great scientists, let’s play a game. Please work in groups and describe one of the great scientists, andthen let other students guess who you are talking about.Group 1: In the eighteenth century, there lived a great scientist who conducted a number of experiments in which he showed what electricity is.Once he did a famous kite experiment on a stormy day, and proved that lightening and electricity are the same thing.S: Benjamin Franklin.Group 2: It is said that this English gentleman was sitting in his garden one day when suddenly he was hit by a falling apple.The story is probably not true, but this man did mention that he got one of his best-known ideas while watching apples fall from a tree.His name makes you think that he was not too interested in old things.He discovered the force of gravity, and he drew up a system of how objects move.His laws for motion are still used in physics today, at least in schools and universities.S: Sir Issac Newton.Group 3:Food is what sets this great mind on fire.Rice, to be exact.This great mind has spent most of his life looking for ways to help farmers grow more rice so that all of us will have enough food to eat.He is known as the father of modern rice, but because of his long friendship with all the farmers in China, he would rather be known as“the farmer”.S: Yuan Longping.Group 4: He was born on 8 January 1942 in Oxford, England.He has worked on the basic laws which govern the universe.He showed that Einstein’s General Theory of Relativity implied space and time would have a beginning in the Big Bang and an end in black holes.He has three popular books published: his best seller A Brief History of Time, Black Holes and Baby Universes and Other Essays and most recently in xx, The Universe in a Nutshell.S: Stephen Hawking.Ss: ...T: Well done.Step 6 QuizT: You have already known some information about some of the great scientists.Now let’s do a quiz, trying to find out who these scientists are.Quiz Questions1.Which scientist discovered that objects in water are lifted up by a force that helps them float?2.Who wrote a book explaining how animals and plants developed as the environment changed?3.Who invented the first steam engine?4.Who used peas to show how physical characteristics are passed form parents to their children?5.Who discovered radium?6.Who invented the way of giving electricity to everybody in large cities?7.Who was the painter that studied dead bodies to improve his painting of people?8.Who invented a lamp to keep miners safe underground?9.Who invented the earliest instrument to tell people where earthquakes happened?10.Who put forward a theory about black holes?Check the answers with the students.1.Archimedes2.Charles Darwin3.James Watt4.Gregor Mendel5.Madame Curie6.Faraday7.Leonardo davinci8.Humphrey Davy9.Zhang Heng10.Stephen HawkingT: Please work in groups and have a discussion to find as much information as possible about these ten great scientists.(The teacher had better join in the discussion and give them some guidance whenever necessary.After the discussion, ask some students to give a short report about what the group have discussed.)(Refer to the information about these scientists below, and various answers are possible.)Step 7 PracticeT: Today we have learned a lot about great scientists in the world.We can learn from them to live our dreams.And we teachers are too willing to help you.In your opinion, what should our school /teachers/students do to tap the students’ potential?S: Our school should give the students more chances to take part in social practice.S: Our teachers should help the students use their imaginations.S: We students should solve the problems on our own.(Ask more students to give their opinions.The teacher should encourage them, join them, praise them, and make ments on their ideas.)Step 8 Discussion (Group petition)T: Your ideas are so wonderful and amazing.I admire them very much.Now let’s e to our topic.Topic 1: What can you learn from these scientists?Topic 2: What qualities should we have to be a successful man?(Give the students several minutes to have a discussion.Then let them have a group petition.)Step 9 Summing upT: In this period, we have talked a lot about great scientists.You have a lot of previous knowledge and you are full of imagination and creativity.Those scientists set good examples to us.And I think all of us are happy about learning more of them.After class, it’s better to read some books about them and you can surf the Internet to get more information.And I’d like you to make a“Scientists Album”in the following week.The Design of the Writing on the BlackboardUnit 1 Great scientistsPeriod 1 Wele to the UnitBrainstormingResearch and ActivitiesDIY1.Cover a glass of water with a piece of thick paper.Put one hand on the paper and turn the glass upside down.Slowly take your hand away.What happens?Why?2.Fill one glass with fresh water and another glass with salt water. Put an ice cube in each glass.What happens?Why?3.Find out as many famous sayings from those scientists as possible.Reference for Teaching1.Charles Darwin was born in Shrewsbury(shropshire) to a moderately wealthy family with a strong intellectual heritage.His grandfather, Erasmus Darwin, was a physician, poet and biologist who laid some of the groundwork for the grandson’s revolutionary ideas.Charles a ttended Christ’s College at Cambridge with initial thoughts of entering the clergy, but soon took up studies in biology, zoology and geology.From 1831 to 1836, he served as a naturalist aboard the HMS Beagle on its scientific mission to South America and the Pacific.Back in England, he published a series of scientific treatises which established his reputation as one of the prominent thinkers of his day.From 1842 onwards, he lived on a country estate in Kent and pursued his studies among its gardens and livestock.By 1844, he had written the initial draft of his groundbreaking treatise on evolution and natural selection.However, he left this work unpublished for several years, preferring to refine and elaborate its core ideas.In 1858, he read a forthing paper by a fellow scientist Alfred Russell Wallace whose thesis closely paralleled Darwin’s own unpublished ideas, an event which pushed Darwin to go public with his own research.Both Wallace’s and Darwin’s papers were presented to the Linnean Society in a famous July, 1858 meeting. Darwin published The Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection in 1859, sparking decades of contentious debate which ultimately led to the universal scientific recognition of Darwin’s thesis.In later years, he developed his ideas further in monographs on different types of plant and animal life.Notes:Shrewsbury: 什鲁斯伯里[英国英格兰西部城市]physician: 内科医生 (注意区分physicist, 物理学家)revolutionary: 创新的HMS: (英国)皇家海军舰船(Her/His Majesty’s Ship)treatises: 论文2.Stephen William Hawking was born on 8 January 1942 (300 years after the death of Galileo) in Oxford, England.His parents’ house was in north London, but during the Second World War Oxford was considered a safer place to have babies.When he was eight, his family moved to St Albans, a town about 20 miles north of London.At eleven Stephen went to St Albans School, and then on to University College, Oxford, his father’s old college. Stephen wanted to do Mathematics, although his father would have preferred medicine.Mathematics was not available at University College, so he did Physics instead.After three years and not very much work he was awarded a first class honours degree in Natural Science.Stephen then went on to Cambridge to do research in Cosmology, there being no-one working in that area in Oxford at the time.His supervisor was Denis Sciama, although he had hoped to get Fred Hoyle who was working in Cambridge.After gaining his Ph.D.he became first a Research Fellow, and later on a Professorial Fellow at Gonville and Caius College.After leaving the Institute of Astronomy in 1973 Stephen came to the Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics, and since 1979 has held the post of Lucasian Professor of Mathematics.The chair was founded in 1663 with money left in the will of the Reverend Henry Lucas, who had been the Member of Parliament for the University.It was first held by Isaac Barrow, and then in 1663 by Isaac Newton.Stephen Hawking has worked on the basic laws which govern the universe.With Roger Penrose he showed t hat Einstein’s General Theory of Relativity implied space and time would have a beginning in the Big Bang and an end in black holes.These results indicated it was necessary to unify General Relativity with Quantum Theory, the other great Scientific development of the first half of the 20th Century.One consequence of such a unification that he discovered was that black holes should not be pletely black, but should emit radiation and eventually evaporate and disappear.Another conjecture is that the universe has no edge or boundary in imaginary time.This would imply that the way the universe began was pletely determined by the laws of science.His many publications include The Large Scale Structure of Spacetime with G F R Ellis, General Relativity: An Einstein Centenary Survey, with W Israel, and 300 Years of Gravity, with W Israel.Stephen Hawking has two popular books published: his best seller A Brief History of Time, and his later book, Black Holes and Baby Universes and Other Essays.Professor Hawking has twelve honorary degrees, was awarded the CBE in 1982, and was made a panion of Honour in 1989.He is the recipient of many awards, medals and prizes and is a Fellow of The Royal Society and a Member of the US National Academy of Sciences.Stephen Hawking continues to bine family life (he has three children and one grandchild), and his research into theoretical physics together with an extensive programme of travel and public lectures.3.Humphry Davy, a woodcarver’s son, was born in Penzance in 1778. After b eing educated in Truro, Davy was apprenticed to a Penzance surgeon.In 1797 he took up chemistry and was taken on by Thomas Beddoes, as an assistant at his Medical Pneumatic Institution in Bristol.Here he experimented with various new gases and discoveredthe anesthetic effect of laughing gas (nitrous oxide).Davy published details of his research in his book Researches, Chemical and Philosophical (1799).This led to Davy being appointed as a lecturer at the Royal Institution.He was a talented teacher and his lectures attracted large audiences.In 1806 Davy published On Some Chemical Agencies of Electricity. The following year he discovered that the alkalis and alkaline earths are pound substances formed by oxygen united with metallic bases.He also used electrolysis to discover new metals such as potassium, sodium, barium, strontium, calcium and magnesium.Davy was now considered to be Britain’s leading scientist and in 1812 was knighted by George Ⅲ.With his assistant, Michael Faraday, Davy travelled abroad investigating his theory of volcanic action.In 1815 Humphry Davy invented a safety lamp for use in gassy coalmines, allowing deep coal seams to be mined despite the presence of firedamp (methane).This led to some controversy as George Stephenson, working in a colliery near Newcastle, also produced a safety lamp that year.Both men claimed that they were first to e up with this invention.One of Davy’s most important contributions to history was that he encourage manufacturers to take a scientific approach to production.His discoveries in chemistry helped to improve several industries including agriculture, mining and tanning.Sir Humphry Davy died in 1829.4.Leonardo da Vinci(b.1452, Vinci, Republic of Florence [now in Italy]—d.May 2, 1519, Cloux, Fr.), Italian painter, draftsman, sculptor, architect, and engineer whose genius, perhaps more than that of any other figure, epitomized the Renaissance humanist ideal.His Last Suppe (1495-1497) and Mona Lisa (1503-1506) are among the most widely popular and influential paintings of the Renaissance.His notebooks reveal a spirit of scientific inquiry and a mechanical inventiveness that were centuries ahead of his time.5.Madam Curie is a French professor of physics.She was born in Poland in 1867.In 1891 she went to study in Paris University because at that time women were not admitted to universities in Poland.When she was studying in Paris, she lived a poor life, but she worked very hard.In 1895 she married Pierre Curie, and then they worked together on the research into radioactive matter.They discovered two kinds of radioactive matter—polonium and radium.In 1904 she and her husband were given the Nobel Prize for physics.In 1906 Pierre died, but Marie went on working.She received a second Nobel Prize for Chemistry in 1911.So she became the first scientist in the world to win two Nobel Prizes.6.James Watt: British engineer and inventor who made fundamental improvements in the steam engine, resulting in the modern, high-pressure steam engine (patented 1769).7.Gregor Mendel was an Austrian botanist and founder of the science of genetics.Through years of experiments with plants, chiefly garden peas, he discovered the principle of the inheritance of characteristics through the bination of genes from parent cells.8.Archimedes: Greek mathematician, engineer, and physicist.Among the most important intellectual figures of antiquity, he discovered formulas for the area。

高中英语 Unit 1 Great scientists Period 1优秀教案 新人教版必修5

高中英语 Unit 1 Great scientists Period 1优秀教案 新人教版必修5

Unit 1 Great scientistsBrief Statements Based on This Unit This unit centers on Great scientists, including some scientists both at home and abroad like John Snow and Copernicus.The students should be encouraged to practise talking about these scientists.The whole unit can be divided into seven parts: warming up, reading, listening and speaking, language focusing, reading and writing, grammar, and assessment.In warming up, there is a quiz for the students to do, which will arouse the students’ interest in knowing about the famous scientists and help the students to know science is very important in our daily life.Group discussion and brainstorming will be used in this period to help the students to communicate with each other using their previous knowledge.In the reading passage, the students will learn about John Snow, who defeats“King Cholera”, and get a general idea about how to examine a new scientific idea.This will help the students to form their own attitude towards science.In learning about language, the students are encouraged to learn the following words and expressions: engine, characteristic, radium, theory, scientific, examine, conclude, analyze repeat, defeat, attend, expose, cure, control, absorb, severe, valuable, blame, immediately, handle, announce, instruct, virus, construction, contribute, positive, movement, backward, complete, enthusiastic, spin, reject, view, steam engine, put forward, draw a conclusion, in addition, link...to..., be strict with, lead to, make sense, point of view.While practising using the language, the students will learn about Copernicus’ Revolutionary Theory, and their skills of reading, speaking and writing will be improved.In listening and speaking, more chances will be given to the students to learnabout other scientists and their spirit.The students are encouraged to make up their mind to make contributions to science.The students will be asked to write a letter to Copernicus on the basis of the understanding of the text.The letters are sure to be full of imagination and creativity.Assessment will help the students to look back what they have learned and focus on the difficult and important points.So, this unit will be divided into seven periods as follows:Period 1 Welcome to the UnitPeriod 2 ReadingPeriod 3 Listening and SpeakingPeriod 4 Reading and WritingPeriod 5 GrammarPeriod 6 Language FocusingPeriod 7 AssessmentKnowledge aims:Key words in this unit: engine, characteristic, radium, theory, scientific, examine, conclude, analyze, repeat, defeat, attend, expose, cure, control, absorb, severe, valuable, blame, immediately, handle, announce, instruct, virus, construction, contribute, positive, movement, backward, complete, enthusiastic, spin, reject, view.Key phrases in this unit: put forward, know about, look into, in addition, prevent sth.from doing, lead to, make sense, punish sb.for, suggest doing sth.steam engine, draw a conclusion, link...to..., be strict with, lead to, point of view.Key sentence patterns:1 But he became inspired when he thought about helping ordinary people exposed to cholera.2 He got interested in two theories explaining how cholera killed people.3 Only if you put the sun there did the movements of the other planets in the sky make sense.Grammar in this unit:Past participle used as attribute and predicativeAbility aims:1.To talk about great scientists and their great achievements.2.To guess what will be talked about in the listening materials.3.To improve their reading skills.4.To learn to use past participle as attribute and predicative.Emotion aims:To encourage the students to learn about some great scientists and their great achievements and how science helps to improve our society and change our life.Meanwhile, inspire the students to learn from the scientists and form their positive attitude towards science.Period 1 Welcome to the UnitThe General Idea of This PeriodThe unit centers on“great scientists”.This is the first period of this unit.During this period, the students should be encouraged to give their previous knowledge of some of the famous scientists, participate in the activities in class and try to get more information from the discussion.They will take part in different forms of activities, including pair work, group work, competition, and quiz.Group competition will be carried out all through the class.Words and expressions in this unit will help the students to talk about the topic“great scientists”.So at the beginning of this period, the teacher should spend some time training the students to read them and help the students pronounce them correctly.The students are encouraged to learn the new words in groups bythemselves, using dictionaries and other reference books.Then more time should be given to the students to get familiar with the words and stly, several sentences will be given to the students to help them to know how to use some of the phrases.This unit is about“great scientists”, so from the very beginning, the teacher can encourage the students talk about their dreams in the future.Then the teacher can let the students brainstorm something about great scientists.The students are free to say anything that they know.The students will be quite interested in this topic.This activity gives the students a chance to express their feelings about their favorite scientist.At the same time, this activity can stir the students’ enthusiasm in science.Then the teacher can have the students match the famous scientists with their discoveries, inventions or theories, making sure that they have some common sense about some world-famous scientists.Later the students will be divided into several groups, describe one of the great scientists and let other students guess who he or she is talking about.In this way, the students should learn to organize their own sentences and express their ideas clearly.After that, the students will feel comfortable to do the quiz in the text.The students should be encouraged to give more information about these ten scientists.Me anwhile, the students’ interest in scientists and science should be cultivated.So two topic discussion questions, as well as the practice exercises are designed.The post-class activities are designed to arouse the students’ interest in science and encour age them to“DIY—do it yourself” in their daily life if they have some doubt in some areas.Teaching Important PointsHave the students discuss great scientists.Encourage the students to hold their views about their future career.Understand and learn the following words and expressions: engine, characteristic, radium, theory, scientific, examine, conclude, analyse, repeat, defeat, attend, expose, cure, control, absorb, severe, valuable, blame, immediately, handle, announce, instruct, virus, construction, contribute, positive, movement, backward, complete, enthusiastic, spin, reject, view, steam engine, put forward, draw a conclusion, in addition, link...to..., be strict with, lead to, make sense, point of view.Teaching DifficultiesWhat can we learn from the scientists?What should we do in our daily life to develop our interest and love for science?Teaching AidsCAI equipment with a Multi-media classroom and other normal teaching tools.Three Dimensional Teaching AimsKnowledge AimsLearn something about some famous scientists in the world.Know about the outstanding discoveries, inventions and theories from some well-known scientists.Try to understand and learn the important words and expressions.Ability AimsDevelop the students’ ability of spea king.Encourage the students to give more information about the great scientists.Emotional AimsEncourage the students to learn more about the great scientists and learn from them.Help the students to form the good habit in learning and encourage the students to take part in social practice.Help the students to realize that it is scientific spirit that makes those scientists successful.Encourage the students to develop their love for science.Teaching ProcedureStep 1 GreetingTeacher: Hello, everyone.Teacher: Hello, Mr.../Ms...Step 2 Lead inT: I’m very glad to see you all here.After a long holiday, all of you look energetic and happy.I hope that we will work hard together happily all through the year.I do believe that a bright future is waiting for you.We are sure to realize our dreams in the near future.By the way, I’d like to know what you would like to be in the future.Let me share your dreams.Anyone who gives your idea will get a star for your group.Ready?Go!S: I admire Yang Liwei very muc h, who is a great honour to our motherland.I’d like to be an astronaut like him.T: Yeah, the spacecraft, Shenzhou V, orbited the earth 14 times in 21 hours, making China the third country to have successfully sent an astronaut into space.I hope you will realize your dream.S: I want to be a doctor.I hope I’ll be an outstanding one and be expert in finding cures for different kinds of cancers.T: That’s a good idea.There are so many patients with cancers in the world, who are suffering a lot.Thank you!S: I want to be an English teacher like you.For one thing, I like English very much; for another, you are not only strict with us but also patient with us.You arejust our friends and maybe more than our friends sometimes.T: I’m really glad to hear that.It’s my great honor to be your friends and I like my job very much.S: I’d like to be an expert in environment.You see, with the development of industry, our globe is seriously polluted.Dirty water, polluted air, and loud noise make our living conditions worse.I think we should leave a beautiful world to the next generation.T: Yes, someone predicted that the last drop of water in the world would be the tear of human being’s.I think all of us should pay attention to our environment, and make our contributions to improving the environment.S: I’m so interested in physics.And I have read Stephen Hawking’s A Brief History of Time twice.I hope I will be a scientist like him.As we all know, the development of our society will go hand in hand with the development of science.T: Yeah, I can’t agree with you more.Science plays an important part in the development of our society.There are so many examples in the history of human beings.Ss: ...T: I’m so glad to share your dreams.Your ambition and careful thoughts r eally leave a good and amazing impression on me.I like them.In this unit, you will learn something about“Great scientists”.Maybe you will know what you need in your efforts to realize your dreams after we talk about some world-famous scientists.Before we c ome to“Warming up”, I’d like you to come to the new words in this unit, which will help you to learn this unit.Step 3 Word puzzlesT: Open your books and turn to Page 92.Let’s read the words and expressions together.(Let the students read the words and expressions together.Help them pronounce the new words and expressions ter give them some time to practise readingand remember some easy and important ones.Give more help to those who are poor in pronunciation.)T: Here are some definitions of some of the words from this unit.Please work in pairs and match the words with their definitions.(group competition) Words Definitions or explanationsA.examine 1.general principles of an art or scienceB.repeat 2.say or do againC.theory 3.at once; without delayD.immediately 4.look at...carefully in order to learn about or from...plete 5.of great value, worth or useF.valuable 6.having all its parts; whole; finishedG.announce 7.make knownH.control e or bring to an endI.positive 9.power to order or directJ.conclude 10.quite certain or sureT: Now, let’s check the answers.A—4, B—2, C—1, D—3, E—6, F—5, G—7, H—9, I—10, J—8. You have done a good job.I will give you some more minutes to go over all the words and expressions and then fill in the blanks with proper forms of some of them from this unit.1.“All roads lead to Rome, ”he encouraged me after I failed the entrance examination.2.This sentence doesn’t make any sense.3.Our English teacher is not only strict with us but also friendly to us.4.He is good-looking, apart from his nose.5.It is announced that the spacecraft, Shenzhou Ⅵ, landed on the earth successfully.6.It is not Tom but you who are to blame.7.In 1995, the Chinese government put forward a pl an for“rejuvenating the nation by relying on science and education”.And it has helped Chinese scientists make many breakthroughs.8.Have you drawn any conclusion after you read this passage?T: Well done.So much for the learning of the new words and expressions.Step 4 BrainstormingT: Now let’s come to the title of this unit Great scientists.When we talk about great scientists, what will come into your mind(s)?We will go on our competition.S1: Madame Curie, who got two Nobel Prizes, one for physics and the other for chemistry, is really outstanding among all the women scientists.S2: It reminds me of the great inventor named Thomas Alva Edison and one of his famous sayings“Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration.”S3: Yes, we lead a better life now with the help of science.Without Edison, maybe now we are still living in a dark world.They really make our life easier and more comfortable.S4: I also think of one of the quotes from Albert Einstein, “Imagination is more im portant than knowledge.”S5: All the scientists are devoted to the career that they choose, and they set good examples to us in our work.S6: Take all the scientists for example, if we want to be successful in the future, we should not only learn something from our textbooks, but also take part in social practice and get close to nature to learn more about it.S7: I like plants very much.I just think of the two key scientists in the field of botany, Carl Linnaeus and Joseph Banks.The former one laid the foundation for the classification of plants, while the latter one also made great contributions to the development and direction of botany.Ss: ...T: I’m glad to see that you have a great deal of previous knowledge of famous scientists in the world.Step 5 Previous knowledgeT: Now let’s match some of the great scientists with their famous discoveries, inventions or theories.Let me see who is the quickest in mind and action and can get all the answers correct.Famous scientists Discoveries/Inventions/TheoriesA.Isaac Newton 1.Evolution (进化论)B.Charles Darwin 2.Discovery of Radium(镭)C.Madame Curie 3.Newton’s LawD.Albert Einstein 4.Electric bulbE.Thomas Alva Edison 5.Theory of RelativityF.Nicolaus Copernicus 6.SeismographG.Stephen Hawking7.A Brief History of TimeH.Zhang Heng8.The earth moves around the sun.(Check the answers with all the students: A—3, B—1, C—2, D—5, E—4, F—8, G—7, H—6.)T: Since you have a better understanding of some of the great scientists, let’s play a game. Please work in groups and describe one of the great scientists, and then let other students guess who you are talking about.Group 1: In the eighteenth century, there lived a great scientist who conducted a number of experiments in which he showed what electricity is.Once he did a famous kite experiment on a stormy day, and proved that lightening and electricity are the same thing.S: Benjamin Franklin.Group 2: It is said that this English gentleman was sitting in his garden oneday when suddenly he was hit by a falling apple.The story is probably not true, but this man did mention that he got one of his best-known ideas while watching apples fall from a tree.His name makes you think that he was not too interested in old things.He discovered the force of gravity, and he drew up a system of how objects move.His laws for motion are still used in physics today, at least in schools and universities.S: Sir Issac Newton.Group 3:Food is what sets this great mind on fire.Rice, to be exact.This great mind has spent most of his life looking for ways to help farmers grow more rice so that all of us will have enough food to eat.He is known as the father of modern rice, but because of his long friendship with all the farmers in China, he would rather be kno wn as“the farmer”.S: Yuan Longping.Group 4: He was born on 8 January 1942 in Oxford, England.He has worked on the basic laws which govern the universe.He showed that Einstein’s General Theory of Relativity implied space and time would have a beginning in the Big Bang and an end in black holes.He has three popular books published: his best seller A Brief History of Time, Black Holes and Baby Universes and Other Essays and most recently in 2001, The Universe in a Nutshell.S: Stephen Hawking.Ss: ...T: Well done.Step 6 QuizT: You have already known some information about some of the great scientists.Now let’s do a quiz, trying to find out who these scientists are.Quiz Questions1.Which scientist discovered that objects in water are lifted up by a force thathelps them float?2.Who wrote a book explaining how animals and plants developed as the environment changed?3.Who invented the first steam engine?4.Who used peas to show how physical characteristics are passed form parents to their children?5.Who discovered radium?6.Who invented the way of giving electricity to everybody in large cities?7.Who was the painter that studied dead bodies to improve his painting of people?8.Who invented a lamp to keep miners safe underground?9.Who invented the earliest instrument to tell people where earthquakes happened?10.Who put forward a theory about black holes?Check the answers with the students.1.Archimedes2.Charles Darwin3.James Watt4.Gregor Mendel5.Madame Curie6.Faraday7.Leonardo davinci8.Humphrey Davy9.Zhang Heng10.Stephen HawkingT: Please work in groups and have a discussion to find as much information as possible about these ten great scientists.(The teacher had better join in the discussion and give them some guidance whenever necessary.After the discussion, ask some students to give a short report about what the group have discussed.)(Refer to the information about these scientists below, and various answers are possible.)Step 7 PracticeT: Today we have learned a lot about great scientists in the world.We can learnfrom them to live our dreams.And we teachers are too willing to help you.In your opinion, what should our school /teachers/students do to tap the students’ potential?S: Our school should give the students more chances to take part in social practice.S: Our teachers should help the students use their imaginations.S: We students should solve the problems on our own.(Ask more students to give their opinions.The teacher should encourage them, join them, praise them, and make comments on their ideas.)Step 8 Discussion (Group Competition)T: Your ideas are so wonderful and amazing.I admire them very much.Now let’s come to our topic.Topic 1: What can you learn from these scientists?Topic 2: What qualities should we have to be a successful man?(Give the students several minutes to have a discussion.Then let them have a group competition.)Step 9 Summing upT: In this period, we have talked a lot about great scientists.You have a lot of previous knowledge and you are full of imagination and creativity.Those scientists set good examples to us.And I think all of us are happy about learning more of them.After class, it’s better to read some books about them and you can surf the Internet to get more information.And I’d like you to make a“Scientists Album”in the following week.The Design of the Writing on the BlackboardUnit 1 Great scientistsPeriod 1 Welcome to the UnitBrainstormingResearch and ActivitiesDIY1.Cover a glass of water with a piece of thick paper.Put one hand on the paper and turn the glass upside down.Slowly take your hand away.What happens?Why?2.Fill one glass with fresh water and another glass with salt water. Put an ice cube in each glass.What happens?Why?3.Find out as many famous sayings from those scientists as possible.Reference for Teaching1.Charles Darwin was born in Shrewsbury(shropshire) to a moderately wealthy family with a strong intellectual heritage.His grandfather, Erasmus Darwin, was a physician, poet and biologist who laid som e of the groundwork for the grandson’s revolutionary ideas.Charles attended Christ’s College at Cambridge with initial thoughts of entering the clergy, but soon took up studies in biology, zoology and geology.From 1831 to 1836, he served as a naturalist aboard the HMS Beagle on its scientific mission to South America and the Pacific.Back in England, he published a series of scientific treatises which established his reputation as one of the prominent thinkers of his day.From 1842 onwards, he lived on a country estate in Kent and pursued his studies among its gardens and livestock.By 1844, he had written the initial draft of his groundbreaking treatise on evolution and natural selection.However, he left this work unpublished for several years, preferring to refine and elaborate its core ideas.In 1858, he read a forthcoming paper by a fellow scientist Alfred Russell Wallace whose thesis closely paralleled Darwin’s own unpublished ideas, an event which pushed Darwin to go public with his own research.Both Wall ace’s and Darwin’s papers were presented to the Linnean Society in a famous July, 1858 meeting. Darwin published The Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection in 1859, sparking decades of contentious debate which ultimately led to the universal scien tific recognition of Darwin’s thesis.Inlater years, he developed his ideas further in monographs on different types of plant and animal life.Notes:Shrewsbury: 什鲁斯伯里[英国英格兰西部城市]physician: 内科医生 (注意区分physicist, 物理学家)revolutionary: 创新的HMS: (英国)皇家海军舰船(Her/His Majesty’s Ship)treatises: 论文2.Stephen William Hawking was born on 8 January 1942 (300 years after the death of Galileo) in Oxford, England.His parents’ house was in north London, but during the Second World War Oxford was considered a safer place to have babies.When he was eight, his family moved to St Albans, a town about 20 miles north of London.At eleven Stephen went to St Albans School, and then on to University College, Oxford, his father’s old college. Stephen wanted to do Mathematics, a lthough his father would have preferred medicine.Mathematics was not available at University College, so he did Physics instead.After three years and not very much work he was awarded a first class honours degree in Natural Science.Stephen then went on to Cambridge to do research in Cosmology, there being no-one working in that area in Oxford at the time.His supervisor was Denis Sciama, although he had hoped to get Fred Hoyle who was working in Cambridge.After gaining his Ph.D.he became first a Research Fellow, and later on a Professorial Fellow at Gonville and Caius College.After leaving the Institute of Astronomy in 1973 Stephen came to the Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics, and since 1979 has held the post of Lucasian Professor of Mathematics.The chair was founded in 1663 with money left in the will of the Reverend Henry Lucas, who had been the Member of Parliament for the University.It was first held by Isaac Barrow, and then in 1663 by Isaac Newton.Stephen Hawking has worked on the basic laws which govern the universe.With Roger Penrose he showed that Einstein’s General Theory of Relativity implied space and time would have a beginning in the Big Bang and an end in black holes.These results indicated it was necessary to unify General Relativity with Quantum Theory, the other great Scientific development of the first half of the 20th Century.One consequence of such a unification that he discovered was that black holes should not be completely black, but should emit radiation and eventually evaporate and disappear.Another conjecture is that the universe has no edge or boundary in imaginary time.This would imply that the way the universe began was completely determined by the laws of science.His many publications include The Large Scale Structure of Spacetime with G F R Ellis, General Relativity: An Einstein Centenary Survey, with W Israel, and 300 Years of Gravity, with W Israel.Stephen Hawking has two popular books published: his best seller A Brief History of Time, and his later book, Black Holes and Baby Universes and Other Essays.Professor Hawking has twelve honorary degrees, was awarded the CBE in 1982, and was made a Companion of Honour in 1989.He is the recipient of many awards, medals and prizes and is a Fellow of The Royal Society and a Member of the US National Academy of Sciences.Stephen Hawking continues to combine family life (he has three children and one grandchild), and his research into theoretical physics together with an extensive programme of travel and public lectures.3.Humphry Davy, a woodcarver’s son, was born in Penzance in 1778. After being educated in Truro, Davy was apprenticed to a Penzance surgeon.In 1797 he took up chemistry and was taken on by Thomas Beddoes, as an assistant at his Medical Pneumatic Institution in Bristol.Here he experimented with various new gases and discovered the anesthetic effect of laughing gas (nitrous oxide).Davy published details of his research in his book Researches, Chemical and Philosophical (1799).This led to Davy being appointed as a lecturer at the Royal Institution.He was a talented teacher and his lectures attracted large audiences.In 1806 Davy published On Some Chemical Agencies of Electricity. The following year he discovered that the alkalis and alkaline earths are compound substances formed by oxygen united with metallic bases.He also used electrolysis to discover new metals such as potassium, sodium, barium, strontium, calcium and magnesium.Davy was now considered to be Britain’s leading scientist and in 1812 was knighted by George Ⅲ.With his assistant, Michael Faraday, Davy travelled abroad investigating his theory of volcanic action.In 1815 Humphry Davy invented a safety lamp for use in gassy coalmines, allowing deep coal seams to be mined despite the presence of firedamp (methane).This led to some controversy as George Stephenson, working in a colliery near Newcastle, also produced a safety lamp that year.Both men claimed that they were first to come up with this invention.One of Davy’s most important co ntributions to history was that he encourage manufacturers to take a scientific approach to production.His discoveries in chemistry helped to improve several industries including agriculture, mining and tanning.Sir Humphry Davy died in 1829.4.Leonardo da Vinci(b.1452, Vinci, Republic of Florence [now in Italy]—d.May 2, 1519, Cloux, Fr.), Italian painter, draftsman, sculptor, architect, and engineer whose genius, perhaps more than that of any other figure, epitomized the Renaissance humanist ideal.His Last Suppe (1495-1497) and Mona Lisa (1503-1506) are among the most widely popular and influential paintings of the Renaissance.His notebooks reveal a spirit of scientific inquiry and a mechanical inventiveness that were centuries ahead of his time.5.Madam Curie is a French professor of physics.She was born in Poland in 1867.In1891 she went to study in Paris University because at that time women were not admitted to universities in Poland.When she was studying in Paris, she lived a poor life, but she worked very hard.In 1895 she married Pierre Curie, and then they worked together on the research into radioactive matter.They discovered two kinds of radioactive matter—polonium and radium.In 1904 she and her husband were given the Nobel Prize for physics.In 1906 Pierre died, but Marie went on working.She received a second Nobel Prize for Chemistry in 1911.So she became the first scientist in the world to win two Nobel Prizes.6.James Watt: British engineer and inventor who made fundamental improvements in the steam engine, resulting in the modern, high-pressure steam engine (patented 1769).7.Gregor Mendel was an Austrian botanist and founder of the science of genetics.Through years of experiments with plants, chiefly garden peas, he discovered the principle of the inheritance of characteristics through the combination of genes from parent cells.8.Archimedes: Greek mathematician, engineer, and physicist.Among the most important intellectual figures of antiquity, he discovered formulas for the area and volume of various geometric figures, applied geometry to hydrostatics and mechanics, devised numerous ingenious mechanisms, such as the Archimedean screw, and discovered the principle of buoyancy.9.Michael Faraday (September 22, 1791—August 25, 1867) was a British scientist(a physicist and chemist) who contributed significantly to the fields of electromagnetism and electrochemistry. He also invented the earliest form of the device that was to become the Bunsen burner, which is used almost universally in science laboratories as a convenient source of heat.Michael Faraday was one of the great scientists in history.Some historians of science refer to him as the greatest experimentalist in the history of science.It。

高二英语 Unit 1 Great scientists[001]

高二英语 Unit 1 Great scientists[001]

高二英语Unit 1Great scientistsPeriod 1 Warming upTeaching goals:1.To talk about some great scientists and their achievements.Teaching procedures:Step 1 Greeting and Lead-inT: I’m very glad to see you all here. After a long holiday, all of you look energetic and happy. I hope that we will work hard together happily all through the year. I do believe that a bright future is waiting for you. We are sure to realize our dreams in the near future .1. What would you like to be in the future ?2. Do you want to be a scientist in the future ?3. Which scientists do you know ?Step 2 Previous knowledgeIntroduce some famous scientists and their achievements, and then do the quiz. There are some great scientific achievements that have changed the world. Can you name some of them?What kind of role do they play in the field of science? Do these achievements have anything in mon? Match the inventions with their inventors below before you answer all these questions.Alexander Bell electricityThomas Edison the First telephoneLaite Brothers the electric LampMadame Curie black holes in UniverseFranklin Theory of GravitySteven Hawking the First PlaneElbert Einstein RadiumIsaac Newton the Theory of RelativityStep 3 Playing a gameWork in groups and describe one of the great scientists, and then let other Ss guess who they are talking about.Step 4 Quiz( on page 1)Let the Ss do a quiz in Warming-up and try to find out if they know the scientists well.Step 5 Discussinon (Group petition)T: You ideas are so wonderful and amazing.I admire them very much. Now let’s e to our topic. Topic 1: What can you learn from these scientists?Topic 2: What qualities should we have to be a successful man?(Give the students several minutes to have a discussion. Then let them have a group petition.)Step 6 Words and expressionsStep 7 Summing upT: In this period, we have talked a lot about great scientists. You have a lot of previous knowledge and you are full of imagination and creativity. Those scientists set good examples to us. And I think all of us are happy about learning more of them. After class, it’s better to read some books about them and you can surf the Internet to get more information. And I’d like you to make a“scientists Album〞in the following week.Step 6 Homework。

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3.Think of a method 4.Collect rlesuts
Plot (绘制) information a map on________to find out where people died or did not die and why. Analyse water to see if it is the cause of cholera Find extra evidence ______________________support the analysis
Paragragh 4.Collect results:
Paragragh 5. Analyse the results:
Paragragh 6.Find supporting evident:
Paragragh 7.Draw a conclusion:
1.Find a problem
2.Make a question
What caused cholera? Which theory is correct?
Gather information on Who was ill or died and where they lived ______________________________ from another cholera outbreak to prove the second theory is correct.
The passage is written as a report of an experiment and there are 7 steps: Paragragh 1.Find a problem: Paragragh 2.Make a question: Paragragh 3.Think of a method:
4.Who used peas to show how physical characteristics are passed from parents to their children?
Gregor Mendel
Czech (捷克人)
5.Who discovered radium?
Marie Curie Polish and French, won two Nobel Prizes
The waterwas to blame . The source of all ___________ should be examined drinking water ______________________.
5. Analyse the results 6. find supporting evidence 7. Draw a conclusion
Stephen Hawking Gregor Mendel孟德尔
1.Which scientist discovered that objects in water are lifted up by a force that helps them float?
an ancient Greek mathematician & physicist
made a great contribution ( ) What made great achievements ( ) (qualities) succeeded in their scientific career ( ) overcome many difficulties ( ) do Generous ( ) honest ( ) they Dependable ( ) helpful ( ) have Strong-willed 意志坚定( ) powerful ( ) in Open-minded 思想开明的( ) funny ( ) Easy-going ( ) outgoing ( ) common Talented ( ) quiet ( ) modest( ) ? Ambitious ( ) persistent 坚持( )
6.Who invented the way of giving electricity to everybody in large cities?
Thomas Edison
an American inventor
7.Who was the painter that studied dead bodies to improve his painting of people?
Hard- working ( ) intelligent (
The Scientist I Like Most
The scientist I like most is.....? Where does he/she come from? When was he / she born? When did he / she die? What kind of family did he / she come from? What kind of education did he / she receive? What did he / she achieve in his / her scientific work? He/ She achieved his/her succuss because of his / her talent (才华)/ intelligence(聪明) / hard work / persistence (坚持)/ confidence / curiosity(好奇心) / enthusiasm or luck? Why do you like him/her the most? What do you learn from him/her?
British, improved the first steam pump and turned it into a steam engine for taking water out of mines in 1712. James Watt improved it and turned it into the first modern steam engine used on the railways.
1. 2. 3. 4.
What did John Snow do? What did he want to find? And why? Which theory did he believe? When and where did he begin his enquiry in order to test (验证)his idea ? 4. Where did he mark the places where peole died? 5. What did he find from his study? 6. What conclusion did he draw? 7. What did he suggest at last? 8. What is the result of his scientific research ?
Zhang Heng
Chinese, invented seismograph
10.Who put forward a theory about black holes?
Stephen Hawking
a British astronomer
1. Alexander Bell 2. Thomas Edison 3. Laite Brothers 4. Madame Curie 5. Franklin 6. Steven Hawking 7. Elbert Einstein 8. Isaac Newton
The scientist I like most is Albert Einstein, who was born in Germany in1879. Six weeks later the family moved to Munich, where he later on began his schooling at the Luitpold Gymnasium. Later, they moved to Italy and Albert continued his education at Switzerland and in 1896 he entered the Swiss Federal Polytechnic School in Zurich to be trained as a teacher in physics and mathematics. In 1901, the year he gained his diploma, he acquired Swiss citizenship and, as he was unable to find a teaching post, he accepted a position as technical assistant in the Swiss Patent Office. In 1905 he obtained his doctor‘s degree.
2.Who wrote a book explaining how animals and plants developed as the environment changed?
Charles Darwin British author of Origin of Species
3.Who invented the first steam engine? Thomas Newcomen
A electricity B the first telephone C the electric Lamp Dblack holes in Universe E Theory of Gravity F the first plane G the discovery of radium H the Theory of Relativity