二、安全须知1. 在骑乘前,请确保您已经熟悉并理解车辆的操作手册和安全须知。
2. 戴上符合安全标准的头盔,并确保扣紧。
3. 骑乘时请选择专用道路,并遵守交通规则,注意他人安全。
4. 注意保持适当的车速,避免超速行驶,特别在弯道和湿滑路面上。
5. 骑乘摩托车时,请使用合适的鞋子,避免穿着拖鞋或高跟鞋等不安全的鞋款。
6. 在行驶过程中,保持警觉以应对其他车辆或行人的突然变化。
三、启动与熄火1. 关闭燃油开关,并将车辆置于充足的通风区域,确保没有火源附近。
2. 检查油箱燃油是否充足,如需加油,请按照车辆说明手册的指引进行加油操作。
3. 按下刹车拨片,将两脚放在脚踏上,保持稳定状态。
4. 轻坐于驾驶座位上,将钥匙插入点火锁孔,逆时针拧动至“ON”档位。
5. 左手拉起油门手把,同时右手握紧转速手柄,并将开关置于“启动”位置。
6. 发动机启动后,保持适当怠速,听到引擎平稳运转声后,轻轻松开转速手柄。
7. 当需要关闭发动机时,将开关转至“OFF”位置,待发动机停止运转后,将钥匙拔出。
8. 熄火后,务必确认所有开关处于关闭状态,并将踏板摩托车停放在安全地带。
四、行车操作1. 右手掌握转速手柄,通过旋转调节车速,初次学习骑乘时,建议保持低速行驶。
2. 左手握紧限速刹车手柄,通过向内拉动刹车实现减速和停车操作。
3. 脚踩刹车踏板可实现减速和停车操作,同时两脚还可用于平衡保持稳定状态。
4. 转向时,通过转动车把实现方向盘的转动,务必确保平滑过渡和适当的转速。
5. 注意观察前方和周边交通状况,确保安全变更道路或超越其他车辆。
概述..................................................................................................................................................... 8 安全注意事项总则............................................................................................................................... 8 安全设备..............................................................................................................................................9
“以人为本”是我公司一贯遵循的原则,您在使用中有何问题或建议请及时反馈我公司,我们会一如既往地诚心诚意 接受,不断地改进、提高我们的产品质量,更好的满足您的期望和要求。
金龙联合汽车工业(苏州)有限公司 二○一一年四月
201105 版
一、整车概述........................................................................................................................ 1
機 車使用說明書低功率電波輻射性電機管理辦法第十二條經型式認證合格之低功率射頻電機,非經許可,公司、商號或使用者均不得擅自變更頻率、加大功率或變更原設計之特性及功能。
NCC聲明NCC標籤資訊Noodoe NCC 資料請參考附件CCAN17LP0261T2前 言親愛的愛用者:Famous名流 125承蒙選購光陽系列謹致萬分謝忱。
Famous名流 125本使用手冊是將光陽系列之正確操作方法與保養調整方法、要領等加以詳細說明以期耐久安全舒適的使用。
13 2重要資訊車輛識別號碼資訊重要資訊機車資料記錄收集此機型的ECU可收集及記錄該機車之運轉相關資訊,用以協助車輛故障診斷及排除。
轻骑铃木骏威GSX125-3H 摩托车的详细信息
轻骑铃木骏威GSX125-3H 摩托车的详细信息款式: 街车品牌: 轻骑型号: GSX125-3H排量: 125CC外表颜色: 红色蓝色黑色发动机型式: 自然风冷制动方式: 前碟后鼓名称:国Ⅲ骏威开发理念:新骏威GSX125是为适应国三标准,在未来版骏威基础上进行的改型,属于铃木跨骑系列的高端产品。
1.采用SFE平衡轴发动机,代表铃木未来发动机发展方向2、双色涂装,油箱部分和尾翼护板部分底漆颜色不同,彰显运动风格3、新贴花图案4、新黑色涂装消音器5、分体式手把6、多孔径向运动碟刹对应国三:精控化油器、二次进气系统、触媒催化器、活性碳罐4项技术保证基本参数QS125-3H长×宽×高(mm)1990 × 770 × 1067发动机类型单缸、四冲程、风冷气缸总工作容积(cc)124.5缸径×行程(mm)57 × 48.8最大功率Kw/(r/min)8.0/9000最大扭矩Nm/(r/min)9.0/6000制动器操纵方式前手刹盘式;后脚刹鼓式轮胎最大载荷(kg)前150,后195点火方式电感放电式QS125-3G长×宽×高(mm)1990 × 740 × 1075发动机类型单缸、四冲程、风冷气缸总工作容积(cc)124.5缸径×行程(mm)57 × 48.8最大功率Kw/(r/min)8.0/9000最大扭矩Nm/(r/min)9.0/6000制动器操纵方式前手刹盘式;后脚刹鼓式轮胎最大载荷(kg)前150,后195点火方式电感放电式启动方式电启动压缩比9.3:1轴距(mm)1270润滑方式压力飞溅式变速器形式5档离合器形式湿式多片式整备质量(kg)125最小离地间隙(mm)167化油器真空膜片式启动方式电启动压缩比9.3:1轴距(mm)1270润滑方式压力飞溅式变速器形式5档离合器形式湿式多片式整备质量(kg)125最小离地间隙(mm)167化油器真空膜片式。
金龙联合汽车工业(苏州)有限公司 二○一一年四月
3906_UM0002C 中巴使用操作与维护说明书
201105 版
一、整车概述........................................................................................................................ 1
三陽車主保養手冊1.目錄1.目錄 (1)2.四行程速克達系列機車定期保養檢查表(250cc以下機種適用) (2)3.四行程速克達系列機車定期保養檢查表(含250cc以上機種適用) (4)4.四行程打檔車系列機車定期保養檢查表(250cc以下機種適用) (7)5.四行程打檔車系列機車定期保養檢查表(含250cc以上機種適用) (9)6.保養項目說明 (12)7.保證辦法實施注意事項 (15)8.三陽機車經銷商(SBC、EFi專修、到府服務、充電站、定檢站) (16)9.三陽機車專銷商(EFi專修、到府服務、充電站、定檢站) (31)10. 附 錄 (76)080道路救援服務 (76)公路監理資訊 (77)機車排氣定期檢驗重要法規 (79)代碼保養里程300km 3,000km 5,000km 6,000km 9,000km 10,000km備註說明保養項目保養週期初次或3個月或5個月或6個月或9個月或10個月1 機油濾清器(濾網式) C C<250系列2 引擎機油及洩油螺絲墊片 R R (每1,000km 注意: 4)<250系列3 齒輪油及洩放螺栓墊片 R R (每3,000km )<250系列4 檢查齒輪箱及引擎是否漏油 I I I I<250系列5 ☆排氣管 I I I I<250系列6 ☆點火正時 I I I I<250系列7 凸輪鍊條 I I<250系列8 ☆汽門間隙 I I/A I/A I/A<250系列9 ☆火星塞檢查及更換 I I I/R I<250系列10 ☆怠速廢氣檢查(定檢站廢氣檢測) I <250系列11 引擎螺絲扭力 I I<250系列12 ☆CVT傳動裝置-皮帶、滾子…I <250系列13 ☆空氣濾清器濾芯 I R(注意: 2) R(注意: 2) <250系列14 ☆汽油泵濾網(添加燃油系統清淨劑)I C R<250系列15 ☆燃油管路更換、燃油壓力檢查 I <250系列16 輪胎氣壓與胎紋深度(>0.8mm)I I I I<250系列17 ☆油門作動 I L<250系列18 鼓煞作動間隙檢查與調整 I/A I/A I/A I/A <250系列19 碟煞液面與油管檢查與更換 I I I I <250系列20 轉向把手鬆動情況檢查 I I <250系列21 各部位之螺絲鎖緊檢查 I I<250系列22 主腳架/側支架及彈簧 I L<250系列23 避震器作動性能及漏油檢查 I I I I<250系列24 車體各部位潤滑 L L L<250系列25 ☆左曲軸箱室空氣濾清器 C 有此配備者備26 電瓶/燈光/電器設備/儀表I I I I<250系列27 ☆二次空氣噴射系統(濾清器)I C 有此配備者備28 ☆蒸發油氣回收裝置檢查 I I<250系列29 ☆曲軸箱吹漏氣回收系統(洩漏管)I 每次更換機油後排空溢油全系列30 ☆節流閥體積碳I C(注意: 6.b.)<250系列31 ☆噴油嘴(添加燃油系統清淨劑) I C(注意: 6.b.)<250系列32 ☆ECU控制器輸入電壓訊號 D D D<250系列33 ☆燃油噴射系統各感應器接頭 D D D <250系列34 ☆含氧量感知器、三元觸媒轉化器 D D D <250系列35 ☆二次空氣控制閥及單向閥 I I有此配備者備36 冷卻系統管路、接頭 I I (每1,000公里檢查) 有此配備者備37 副水箱水位/冷卻液 I I I I 有此配備者備註:A-調整C-清潔D-電腦診斷器診斷I-檢查L-潤滑R-更換S-定檢站檢測請按保養週期或保養計畫里程赴三陽經銷商做作檢查、調整並實施保養記錄之登錄,以保持最佳之車況。
1830×684×1095 1805×685×1050
1900×685×113 5
1、铃木UU125是首款达到日本QSIS-A认证标准,返销日本行销全球的电 喷踏板车。
超级“芯” 超燃高效
需发动机转速太高即可加速,既实现了低油耗,又能兼顾 加速性能。
超级“芯” 超燃高效 最佳冷却系统
发动机内部过 滤功能
Other Technology
减小活塞裙部面积、 活塞销、曲柄销轴承尺寸
采用了低刚性配气链 条涨紧板
优友 ● 从 开始
SUZUKI UU125i 超级芯 动力
UU125i 商品介绍
开发 理念
产品经日本铃木QSIS-A标准严苛 认证,成功返销日本,并行销全球!
铃木全新125cc超级芯动力,超 级新外观,超级心配置。
超级“心” 智慧选择
目录一、客户端下载 (1)二、客户端安装 (1)三、客户端使用 (2)1、程序运行 (2)2、登录 (3)3、常见地图操作 (3)4、车队管理 (5)5、车辆管理 (6)6、远程下发指令 (14)4)远程控制 (17)7、实时监控车辆 (17)8、历史轨迹查询 (18)1)车辆轨迹 (18)9、实时报警处理 (19)10、历史报警统计 (20)11、里程统计 (22)12、搜索周边车辆 (22)13批量操作 (23)14、其它设置功能 (25)通天星客户端使用说明一、客户端下载客户端是为车队用户以上权限的管理者使用的,个人用户不能使用客户端。
AuraStar 說明書说明书
AuraStar說明書繁體中文Instruction manualEN This product is a stroller with Intelligent Auto-Brake device. Operation of the Intelligent Auto-Brake function is conditional. Please read this manual for details. ■Before use, please read this instruction carefully and use it correctly. ■Please keep this manual for future reference. ■Follow the instructions in this manual when assembling the required parts. ■Please also attach this manual if you transfer this product to others. 本產品是附帶自動刹車輔助裝置的嬰兒手推車。
Please read this instruction manual carefully and keep it for future reference. The safety of the child may be seriously endangered if the instructions are not followed. You are personally responsible for the safety of your child.• The stroller is suitable for children from newborn 1 month to 15kg.(approximately 3 years old) under EN 1888-1:2018 safety standard and CNS 12940.• Always apply the parking brake when you are stationary.• Do not rely too much on the stopper even when the stroller is parked empty.• Even with all stopper engaged, always stay close to the stroller when it is carrying a child, in case of any danger.• Keep all small parts away from children as they are choking hazard.• To prevent the risk of suffocation, always keep the plastic bags out of the reach of children.• Overloading, incorrect folding and the use of non-approved accessories may damage this stroller.• Make sure to use the seat belt (crotch belt, waist belt and shoulder belt) when the child is seated. The front guard is not designed to prevent the child from standing up. Check if the seat belt fits properly, otherwise the baby may fall off from the stroller.• Pay attention to child even when seat belt is in use in case of any sudden movement of child causing it to fall off.• Do not cross the shoulder belts with each other when securing the shoulder belts to the insert plastic. Otherwise excessive pressure may be caused to child’s neck.• Do not use the seat cushion on which rift is found. Otherwise the seat cushion may not function as designed or the child may have chance to swallow the material inside the cushion.• Seat cushion can play a protective role. When the stroller is not installed with a seat cushion, please stop using the stroller. Otherwise, there may be risk of injury.• Do not leave the stroller when the child is seated.• Make sure the open-fold lock is engaged completely before use. Otherwise the stroller may fold suddenly in use.• Do not let the child operate the front guard. It may make the child to fall off from the stroller.• Do not allow your child to stand in or on the stroller, it may be dangerous.• Do not lean on or hang loads on the handle.• Do not hang parcels or accessory items (except Combi original accessories) on the stroller, otherwise tipping over may happen to stroller.• Never carry more than one child in the stroller. Do not allow a child to ride or sit on any area other than the seat.• Excessive weight may cause a hazardous and unstable condition exist.(Maximum load:15kg. Basket maximum load:5kg)• Do not use the stroller on stairs.• Do not let children operate the baby stroller to avoid tipping over or accident.• Be careful of those around you to avoid pinching their fingers when you are opening or folding the stroller or adjusting the seat angle.• Keep your child’s fingers/hands away from moving/folding parts when folding or unfolding or adjusting the stroller.• Do not apply a lifted seat to baby who cannot sit straight by itself, the most reclined seat must be used.• When pushing the stroller, please walk slowly to avoid any damage to the stroller swivel wheels or any tipping over.• Don’t let others touch when you open the stroller to avoid accidental injuries.• The used insert outlet from base seat and the cushion should be matched. (e.g. upperinsert outlet of base seat should match with upper insert outlet of cushion) . Otherwise, the shoulder belt may not be long enough to harness the baby.• It is extremely dangerous to adjust the seat angle when pushing the stroller. Stop thestroller first before operation.• Mind the road when move the stroller and prevent any wheel get stuck in the gap of the drainage ditch cover(s).• Never leave the child unattened. It may be dangerous to leave your child unattended.• Ensure that all the locking devices are engaged before use. Such as adjust yourseat belt length, fasten your seat belt correctly and the stroller is fully opened.• Always use the restraint system to avoid any possible accident.• Do not use in a reclined angle less than 150° for a child under 6 months old.• Any loading attached to the handle affects the stability of the stroller.• Please always fasten the five-point seat belt to ensure the baby's safety.• Check that the stroller body or seat unit attachment devices are correctly engaged before use.• This product is not suitable for running or skating.• Do not let the child play with this product.• To avoid injury ensure that your child is kept away when unfolding and foldingthis product.• Do not place the stroller near fire, high temperature, pool, or electric source.• Only replacement parts supplied or recommended by the manufacturer/distributorshall be used. Only use original accessories and parts that have been approved bythe manufacturer. Do not make any modifications to the product.• For low-power RF motors that have obtained the type approval, the company, store or user is not allowed to change its frequency, increase its power or change characteristics and functions of the original design without permission.• Usage of the low-power RF motors must not affect flight safety and interfere with legalcommunications; if any interference is found, stop using it immediately and improve toclear the interference before continuing to use it. The foregoing legal communication refers to the radio communication operated in accordance with the provisions of thetelecommunications laws. Low-power RF motors must tolerate the interference from legal communications or from industrial, scientific and medical motor equipment with radioradiation.• Excessive collision may cause failure in component.• Do not charge the Main battery in high temperature (such as in the sun).• To fold the main body, you need to fold the handle first, and then fold the stroller frame. • Charge the Main battery regularly. Otherwise the function may be failed and cannot be used normally (it is recommended to charge the Main battery at least once every month).• If the Main battery will not be used for a long time, turn off the power switch of it.• Do not disassemble the Main battery by yourself or pierce or cut it with a sharp object. Otherwise liquid leakage may be caused.• If leakage, smoking or burning occur to the Main battery, please keep it away from children, prevent children from touching and contact the after-sales service.• It is forbidden to throw the Main battery into fire or place it in a high temperatureenvironment. Otherwise an explosion may be caused.• Children are prohibited from playing with the Main battery to avoid accidents or damage.• During use, if the rear wheel, Main battery or front pedal is submerged in water completely, the circuit board may be damaged and the functions may be failed. Please stop usingfunctions of the Intelligent Auto-Brake and front pedal light, and contact after-sales service.• Make sure all snaps are secured when attach the seat cushion to stroller. Otherwise accident or damage to stroller may happen.• Loosen the shoulder belts and support the backrest with the other hand before lowering the seat angle with a child seated. Do not suddenly change the seat angle while a child is seated.• Adjust the length of seat belt properly after change of the backrest angle.• Please do not touch the folding lever except when folding the stroller.• When opening or folding up the stroller, be careful and avoid the seat cushion, seat belt, blanket and toys, etc., being pinched into the stroller body.• If one gives excessive shock to the front wheels when getting over the step, stroller may fall down and cause damages. When stepping over, such as a curb, please slow down even a slight difference level, pull downward the handle and step on the foot-step, and make sure to pass the front wheels to get over the step. When going over any step, be cautious of the bumping of the self-supporting rod against the step.• Never lift the stroller or use it on escalators or stairs when your child is sitting or lying in the stroller.• This stroller requires regular maintenance by the user.• Before use, check that the product and all its components have not been damaged during transportation.• Please do not use the stroller in whatever purposes other than seating a baby. Failure to comply may result in damage of the stroller.• Do not pull or twist or forcibly press down the front guard hardly. Otherwise the stroller may be damaged.• Lift the backrest a little to use if the seat is found too narrow when fully reclined. However, the baby should be able to sit straight when stroller is used in such way.• Do not let an adult sit on the stroller, or add loading on the stroller to avoid any damage to it.• When used in summer, outdoor weather and road conditions will increase the temperature of the stroller, that using for a long time should be avoided.• Avoid storing the stroller in places under high temperature, near a heat source or inside a car. Exposure to high temperature may damage or deform the stroller.• Check regularly that all screws, bolts and nuts are engaged tightly.• For use on trains:This product is not designed to be used on trains. When user attempts to use the product at his /her own risk, please lock stopper in case of sudden brake or turning. Otherwise stroller may fall off.• Do not press on the folding lever while lift the stroller to avoid damage to the part.• Make sure the basket is empty before folding up the stroller.• Make sure the canopy is completely folded up before folding the stroller to avoid damage of the parts.• Do not lay down the stroller and do not put things on the canopy to avoid deformation.• Do not get hold of an opened front guard to pull the baby stroller.• Even have stopper, this stroller may also be accidentally slip or overturned.• Do not leave baby stroller at road side or slope even when it is not in use.• Do not use the stroller on steep slopes, stairs, escalators, rough roads, beaches, mud, etc.• When pushing the stroller, please pay attention to any hole or track on the ground to avoid the front wheel from accidentally getting jammed and tipping over.• In the event of damage or operation problems, stop using the stroller immediately and keep it out of reach of children.• Never leave the stroller close to stairs or steps.• In the event of damage or operation problems, please contact customer service center (or local distributor).• Only use on a flat, relatively smooth, stable and non-slippery surface. Do not use the stroller in snowy, windy days or wet road to avoid the stroller or guardian from slipping.• Do not use the stroller in lightning days to avoid thunder stroke.• Do not attach other accessory like buggy board on the main body during a child being carried in stroller, otherwise accident or damage to stroller may happen.• Do not use the stroller on public vehicles.• Lift front wheels and pay particular attention to gaps or ditch when crossing rail road and the intersection of the motor road to avoid the front wheels from accidentally getting to jammed and tipping over.• No continuous use for a long period: Continuous use for a long period of time may exhaust baby. No continuous use of more than 2 hours for a baby in a reclined seat and 1 hour in an upright seat.• When feel jammed, please do not forcibly fold the stroller to prevent from any damage. You should reopen the stroller to check and operate again.• Do not put things that are too sharp or too large into the basket since it may cause damage to the basket.• Please regular cleaning and checking the stroller. Only use neutral detergent to clean the stroller body.• Make sure no oil or lubricant is left on parts such as front guard or armrest where baby may have chance to lick.• Please contact customer service center (or local distributor) for replacement if you find the tyre wear seriously affect movement.• Parking device shall be engaged when placing and removing the children.• Any load attached to the handle and/or on the back of the backrest and/or on the sides of stroller will affect the stability of the stroller.• Fasten the safety belt securely, but do not have it too tight.• Do not hold the front guard to lift the stroller while a child seated. Failure to comply may cause the stroller to fold up suddenly, release the front guard accidentally, or cause the stroller to slip off.CAUTION (Incorrect operation may cause injury or component damage)• When traveling on vehicles such as subways / high-speed rails, please mind that the wheels of your baby strollers are not caught by the door, and please mind the gap between the platform and the train.• When the child’s foot comes into contact with the floor or the wheel, stop using the stroller lest it be hurt.• Do not use in a lying angle if the child’s head is beyond the backrest.• After the Intelligent Auto-Brake is started, be sure to put your hand on the handle light strip. The stroller cannot be pushed normally until the light strip lights in blue.• The Intelligent Auto-Brake assist system is not applicable to all situations. Therefore, do not rely too much on it.• When the Intelligent Auto-Brake is off, use the manual brake.• If rechargeable batteries or a mix of used and new batteries are used in the handle dry cell compartment, the voltage may be insufficient. Using zinc-manganese batteries may cause dry cell leakage and thus damage the dry cell compartment.• No matter whether the Intelligent Auto-Brake function is activated or not, do not release your hands on a slope to prevent any danger.• When the handle light is lighting in red, stop using the electronic functions and check the status of the dry cell and the Main battery.• Follow the instructions of the airline when taking this product along on the aircraft.• This product generates 2.4GHz frequency band radio wave used by industrial, chemical and medical equipment such as microwave ovens. When there is a equipment using the same frequency band radio wave nearby, radio waves may not be received or transmitted normally.警告(錯誤操作可能引致重大傷害或死亡)不按照本使用說明書指引使用手推車,可能對幼兒造成重大傷害。
1. 启动功能铃木300船外机操控盒具有启动功能,可以通过按钮或开关控制船外机的启动。
2. 加减速控制操控盒还能够帮助船员对船外机进行加减速的控制。
3. 方向转换铃木300船外机操控盒还具有控制船只方向转换的功能。
1. 操作规范船员在使用操控盒时,要按照操作手册中的规范进行操作,不得过度操控或使用不当,以免影响操控盒的正常功能,甚至造成故障和安全隐患。
2. 定期维护定期对操控盒进行维护保养是非常重要的。
3. 防潮防水操控盒在使用过程中要注意防潮防水,避免将操控盒长时间暴露在潮湿环境中,以免影响操控盒的正常使用寿命。
4. 养成良好习惯船员在使用时要养成良好的操作习惯,不得在使用时粗暴操控,要轻柔平稳地操作操控盒,以避免对操控盒造成损坏。
SQ1、SQ2为小车前后限位开关,SQ3、SQ4为大车左右限位开关,SQa 、SQb为主、副钩超高限位开关, SQc为楼梯安全开关,SQe 为天桥门安全开关,SQd为司机室门安全开关,SA为紧急停止开关。
1、大车电路工作准备合上电源开关QF1线路通入电源,合上紧急开关SA,在所有凸轮控制器及主令控制器均在“0”位,司机室门、楼梯门、天桥门均关好,相应的安全开关SQc 、SQe、SQd均闭合,所有的过电流继电器均未动作的情况下,按下启动按钮SB,接触器KM线圈得电吸合,并通过联锁触点SA3—5与SQ4或SA3—6与SQ3组成自锁电路。
若限位开关被压切断自锁电路, KM 失电使电动机停止转动,此时应使大车向相反的方向运动,则必须先将大车凸轮控制器SA3手柄回到“0”位,才能使KM线圈重新通电吸合。
篇二:电喷-豪爵走近豪爵关于豪爵企业简介豪爵历程企业理念生产基地制造系统产品研发质量管理信息系统营销服务走近豪爵产品世界公益活动汶川地震捐赠玉树地震捐赠中华慈善奖豪爵慈善音乐会豪爵荣誉全国销量十连冠顾客满意五颗星我们共同的荣誉人才招聘公告招聘职位薪酬福利应聘指南联系地址豪爵产品跨骑车踏板车弯梁车back bonescooterunder bone铃木产品跨骑车踏板车弯梁车back bonescooterunder bone产品世界国ⅲ技术走进国ⅲ什么是国ⅲ标准为什么环保技术 dcp-fi智能电喷系统精控化油器技术选择国ⅲ车豪爵铃木的国ⅲ理念贵金属触媒燃油蒸发控制技术不锈钢消声器国ⅲ技术发动机技术en3动力平台 yg3动力平台 um动力设计优化技术防盗设计耐用设平台 ua动力平台天鹰动力平台喜运动力平台计安全设计舒适设计装载设计豪爵服务服务指南服务理念及承诺保修细则服务体验使用&保养使用·保养指南摩托车知识abc 正品验证请选用纯正部品整零件目录营销服务网络销售网服务在线在线注册在线回执安全驾驶常见问题处理车验证配件验证查询点服务网点在线留言下载服务豪爵服务新闻动态新闻报道新闻媒体报道车展活动新车上市&促销新车上市摩托车下乡图库&下载豪爵产品铃木产品车展活动新闻动态首页国ⅲ技术环保技术 dcp-fi智能电喷系统追求一丝不苟的精确,只为了一鸣惊人的瞬间超越。
GPS车辆防盗追踪器安装使用指南(版本T 1.9)GPS定位防盗一体替代传统防盗器手机就是你的遥控器绑定激活说明(必须要做,否则无法进行其它操作)车主手机给追踪器手机号码发送绑定激活短信。
(注:发短信前先确定开机状态,并可正常接收短信)短信格式:SZMM,老密码,新密码, 定位器手机号码其中初始密码为123456,新密码由用户自己设置。
【举例】注:(隔开符号为:逗号)SZMM,123456,123456,138XXXXXXXX 其中“138XXXXXXXX”为定位器内所插卡的手机号码。
(需要修改密码也同上操作)注:车主号码只能绑定一个,最后一次绑定的车主号码有效常用控制短信代码:(车主编辑代码发送到定位器手机卡号)短信中文地址定位:DW 短信经纬度回复:DWJW短信设防:SF 短信撤防:CF短信断油:DY 短信开油:KY关闭追踪:GBZZ 开启追踪:KQZZ例如:车主手机发送短信“DW”到追踪器手机卡号码上,追踪器将回复中文短信,短信中描述车辆当前所处的位置。
【注】:离线状态回复经纬度定时设防短信:SZCS,密码,SFT=23:30注:SFT=定时设防时间,如设置参数值为23:30 就是在每天23:30自动设防定时撤防短信:SZCS,密码,CFT=08:30注:CFT=定时撤防时间,如设置参数值为08:30 就是在每天08:30自动撤防手机遥控设防、撤防功能拨打定位器手机卡号时长15秒(嘟三声左右挂机就是设防)再次拨打定位器卡号时长5秒(嘟一声左右挂机就是撤防)以此循环开通方法:出厂默认设置只需把定位器内卡号开通来电显示即可短信代码: SZCS,密码, CALLDISP=1 (出厂默认值)(车主号码拨打有效,但定位器卡号需开通来电显示!)短信代码: SZCS,密码, CALLDISP=0 (需车主自己设置)(任意号码拨打有效,定位器卡号无需开通来电显示!)设防状态车辆有震动立即拨打车主手机报警(☆★☆:报警电话勿接,可直接挂机,以免产生话费)手机遥控/ 电话报警/ 无距离限制/ 无需费用手机就是你的遥控器被剪线,超速,震动,移位短信提醒车主!设置参数短信:(车主手机发送短信代码给定位器手机号)例如:(注:隔开符号为逗号)开启震动短信报警:SZCS,密码,VIB =1关闭振动短信报警:SZCS,密码,VIB =0 (默认)开启震动电话报警:SZCS,密码,VIBCALL=1 (默认)关闭震动电话报警:SZCS,密码,VIBCALL=0设置移位报警半径距离(出厂设置为300 单位:米)SZCS,密码,RADIUS =300(最小值200最高不限制)注意:(移位报警后会自动撤防,防止一直报警浪费短信费)【注】:短信通知每次短信费0.1元电话报警直接挂机零费用以上需定位终端设防状态下才会报警!开启自动休眠:SZCS,密码,SLEEP=1关闭自动休眠:SZCS,密码,SLEEP=0 (默认)自动休眠说明:静止超过30分钟自动进入休眠省电状态,有震动立即唤醒,或者车主拨打定位器卡号即唤醒关闭超速短信通知:SZCS,密码,SPEED =0 (默认)开启超速短信通知:SZCS,密码,SPEED =130(超速130公里即短信报警,数值自由设定)产品组件图一、技术参数1.GPS性能跟踪灵敏度:<-160dBm启动时间:冷启动45秒、热启动3秒定位精度: 10米速度精度: 0.3米/秒2.GSM性能频率: GSM 900/1800最大发射功率: 1W3.整机主要技术参数整机尺寸:90mm×53mm×14mm工作电压: 9V~30V最大工作电流: < 250mA(12V)普通模式工作电流: < 15mA(12V)工作温度: -20 ℃~ +70 ℃工作湿度: 20 ~ 95%二、断油断电安装示意图三、状态指示四、安装方法a)安装SIM卡及电池打开电池仓盖,插入SIM卡并扣紧,正确安装电池后关闭电池仓盖。