



Susan: Thank you! The same to you.
Husband’s translation: 谢谢妈妈,我祝您身体健康。
Mother: 谢谢,谢谢。
Activity 1 Forms of address
Doctor, Professor, Judge, Preseident, Senator, Governer, Mayor, Colonel, Captain, etc.
By the end of this chapter, you should be able to:
1. have a better understanding of the conventions and expectations of different cultures in areas such as:

2. be more aware of your own behavior patterns and how they are shaped by Chinese culture.
3. know how to avoid or lessen misunderstanding in intercultural communication and be able to convey your ideas more successfully.
C. We Chinese routinely use many position-linked or
occupation-linked titles to address people, such as wang
jinling (王经理), ma juzhang (马局长), zhang zhuren (张主



Case Three: Cultural Misunderstandings in International Tourism
• Summary: Cultural Misunderstandings in International Tourism
Case Three: Cultural Misunderstandings in International Tourism
• Detailed description • Catering habits: ts from different cultural backgrounds may have
different dining habits and preferences. For example, some cultures may prefer spicy food, while others may place more emphasis on a light and healthy diet. • Etiquette and Customs: During the tourism process, tourists need to understand and abide by local etiquette and customs. For example, in some cultures, touching someone's head or using the left hand is considered impolite and disrespectful behavior. • Language expression: In cross-cultural communication, differences in language expression may lead to misunderstandings and conflicts. For example, some languages may have specific expressions or implicit meanings, which may lead to communication barriers if not understood.


Key words:
4. Defining Culture from the Intercultural Perspective
“Culture is a system of shared beliefs, values, customs, behaviors and artifacts that are transmitted from generation to generation through learning.”
3. Culture Is Like the Water a Fish Swims In
“Out of water” = Out of Context
As a schooled fish… “Water” is my culture Other Waters or Air are
3. Summarize the process of the formation of cultural identity.
Chapter Outline
The Nature of Definitions Characteristics Cultural
How can we recognize it i精n选opptth课e件r2s02?1
Can you tell which of the following are above the water and which are below?
What and how people eat How to keep healthy How to raise children How to do business How to use time How to introduce people How to participate in ceremonies Rules for gestures Rules for facial expressions and eye contact Etiquette Work speed What is right or wrong, beautiful or ugly, clean or dirty, good or


In American culture, the topic of compliments can be varied. Their response to compliments is positive. Chinese people are shy to compliment others and also shy to accept compliments.
2. be more aware of your own behavior patterns and how they are shaped by Chinese culture.
3. know how to avoid or lessen misunderstanding in intercultural communication and be able to convey your ideas more successfully.
Activity 1 Forms of address
A. The young lady Marilyn in America addresses her
mother-in-law by her first name, Ellen. How do you account for this? Could the same thing happen in China? Why?
Activity 3
“Good-bye” or “Bye-Bye” is acceptable both in English and Chinese, and it is a very formal way. English people also say “See you”, “See you later”, “Good night”, and “Have a nice day”.

跨文化交际案例分析 英文 PPT

跨文化交际案例分析 英文 PPT

Cultural analysis
M-time vs. P-time Future-oriented vs. present-oriented
感谢您的聆听 !
Combine the theory with the
Thus, in this case, Koreans tried their best to take the peacemaking approach to de-escalate conflicts, so that harmony between members would be maintained as long as possible. However, Jim, from individualistic culture, considered it strange that his Korean colleagues would rather hide the problems to the last moment than solve the conflicts. In his view, suspending the conflicts wouldn’t release tensions and solidify the relationship but to potentially destruct the relationship.
“If you don’t acknowledge the problems”, he complained to one of the managers, “how do you expect to be able to solve them?” And then to further exasperate him, just today when a problem was finally brought to his attention, it was not mentioned until the end of the workday when there was no time left to solve it.


Case study
More exercises
Case 1
Jim Ellis, vice president of a North Carolina knitwear manufacturer, was sent by his company to observe firsthand how operations were proceeding in their Korean plant and to help institute some new managerial procedures. Before any changes could be made, however, Jim wanted to learn as much as possible about the problems that existed at the plant.
Cultural Analysis
High-context/ low-context culture Individualistic/ collectivistic culture Attitude towards bad news
Cultural analysis
In individualistic culture, they view conflict as fundamentally a good thing. Working through conflict can gain new information about members, defuse more serious conflict, and increase group cohesiveness. Individuals should be encouraged to think of creative, even farreaching solutions to conflicts. There is also value in direct confrontation, recognizing conflict and working through it in an open, productive way.


People from collectivistic culture view conflict as ultimately destructive for relationships, thinking that when members disagree they should adhere to the consensus of the group rather then engage in conflict. In culture like these, silence and avoidance may be used to manage conflict.
Cultural Analysis
High-context/ low-context culture Individualistic/ collectivistic culture Attitude towards bad news
Cultural analysis
In individualistic culture, they view conflict as fundamentally a good thing. Working through conflict can gain new information about members, defuse more serious conflict, and increase group cohesiveness. Individuals should be encouraged to tlutions to conflicts. There is also value in direct confrontation, recognizing conflict and working through it in an open, productive way.

跨文化交际案例分析 ppt课件

跨文化交际案例分析 ppt课件

During his first week he was met with bows, polite smiles, and the continual denial of any significant problems. But Jim was enough of a realist to know that he had never heard of any manufacturing operation that didn’t have some problems. So after some research, he uncovered a number of problems that the local manager and staff were not acknowledging. None of the problems were particularly unusual or difficult to solve, but Jim was frustrated that no one would admit that any problems existed.
Case study
More exercises
Case 1
Jim Ellis, vice president of a North Carolina knitwear manufacturer, was sent by his company to observe firsthand how operations were proceeding in their Korean plant and to help institute some new managerial procedures. Before any changes could be made, however, Jim wanted to learn as much as possible about the problems that existed at the plant.



Cultural Analysis
High-context/ low-context culture Individualistic/ collectivistic culture Attitude towards bad news
Cultural analysis
In individualistic culture, they view conflict as fundamentally a good thing. Working through conflict can gain new information about members, defuse more serious conflict, and increase group cohesiveness. Individuals should be encouraged to think of creative, even farreaching solutions to conflicts. There is also value in direct confrontation, recognizing conflict and working through it in an open, productive way.
During his first week he was met with bows, polite smiles, and the continual denial of any significant problems. But Jim was enough of a realist to know that he had never heard of any manufacturing operation that didn’t have some problems. So after some research, he uncovered a number of problems that the local manager and staff were not acknowledging. None of the problems were particularly unusual or difficult to solve, but Jim was frustrated that no one would admit that any problems existed.


teacher. Li: No, no. I am just a newcomer, I should learn from you old
teachers. Maggy looks surprised and thinks,” Am I really so old?"
Case analysis: a poor example
Case analysis: a better example
To avoid miscommunication, Li Hong and Maggy should learn more about each other’s culture and adjust their behaviors accordingly. When Maggy complimented Li on her sweater and herself, Li could simply reply “thank you”. She could use her nonverbal language to show her respect to Maggy, for instance, with a smile, a handshake, etc. (2 points) As to Maggy, she could use fewer complimentary words or more objective questions to reduce Li’s nervousness. She should also understand that one of the key values in collectivism is deference paid to experience and old age.


A_____ P_____
Can you tell which of the following are above the water and which are below?
What and how people eat How to keep healthy How to raise children How to do business How to use time How to introduce people How to participate in ceremonies Rules for gestures Rules for facial expressions and eye contact Etiquette Work speed What is right or wrong, beautiful or ugly, clean or dirty, good or
3. Defining Culture from the Sociological Perspective
According to the social scientists: “Culture is defined as a pattern of learned, group-related perception—including both verbal and nonverbal language attitudes, values, belief system, disbelief systems, and behavior”.
1. Defining Culture from the Anthropological Perspective



Case study
• Typical sections:
– case summary – Cultural reasons – alternatives – conclusion
Suggested answer
Case summary
Jim was sent to Korean plant to help people there with some new managerial procedures, though Jim was welcomed with great hospitality, only to find that his Korean colleagues tried to avoid acknowledging any significant problems, let alone solving them. Jim couldn’t understand the way that Korean solved the problem. To his exasperation, a problem was mentioned when there was no time left to solve it.
During his first week he was met with bows, polite smiles, and the continual denial of any significant problems. But Jim was enough of a realist to know that he had never heard of any manufacturing operation that didn’t have some problems. So after some research, he uncovered a number of problems that the local manager and staff were not acknowledging. None of the problems were particularly unusual or difficult to solve, but Jim was frustrated that no one would admit that any problems existed.


51、 天 下 之 事 常成 于困约 ,而败 于奢靡 。——陆 游 52、 生 命 不 等 于是呼 吸,生 命是活 动。——卢 梭
53、 伟 大 的 事 业,需 要决心 ,能力 ,组织 和责任 感。 ——易 卜 生 54、 唯 书 籍 不 朽。——乔 特
55、 为 中 华 之 崛起而 读书。 ——周 恩来
大学英语跨文化交际案例分析 课堂PPT演示样本
11、战争满足了,或曾经满足过人的 好斗的 本能, 但它同 时还满 足了人 对掠夺 ,破坏 以及残 酷的纪 律和专 制力的 欲望。 ——查·埃利奥 特 12、不应把纪律仅仅看成教育的手段 。纪律 是教育 过程的 结果, 首先是 学生集 体表现 在一切 生活领 域—— 生产、 日常生 活、学 校、文 化等领 域中努 力的结 果。— —马卡 连柯(名 言网)
13、遵守纪律的风气的培养,只有领 导者本 身在这 方面以 身作则 才能收 到成效 。—— 马卡连 柯 14、劳动者的组织性、纪律性、坚毅 精神以 及同全 世界劳 动者的 团结一 致,是 取得最 后胜利 的保证 。—— 列宁 摘自名言网


Case study
More exercises
Case 1
Jim Ellis, vice president of a North Carolina knitwear manufacturer, was sent by his company to observe firsthand how operations were proceeding in their Korean plant and to help institute some new managerial procedures. Before any changes could be made, however, Jim wanted to learn as much as possible about the problems that existed at the plant.
Cultural Analysis
High-context/ low-context culture Individualistic/ collectivistic culture Attitude towards bad news
Cultural analysis
In individualistic culture, they view conflict as fundamentally a good thing. Working through conflict can gain new information about members, defuse more serious conflict, and increase group cohesiveness. Individuals should be encouraged to think of creative, even farreaching solutions to conflicts. There is also value in direct confrontation, recognizing conflict and working through it in an open, productive way.

跨文化交际Unit 4(大二英语)PPT课件

跨文化交际Unit 4(大二英语)PPT课件
Title +Surname
Neutral Relationship Surname +Title
Title +Surname Given Name
Close Relationship /Informal Situation
Given Name
Given Name
III. Apologizing
• When to apologize • Who to apologize • How to apologize and how to respond
[Case 1] A calls B, but B doesn’t answer the Conversation 1 cal l A: Why didn’t you take upitmhe mphoenedjiuast tneowl?y. Compare the f o l l o w i n g t wo B: I just came in. I was in the office downstairs. c o n ve r s a ti ons . A: Sorr y, I should have phoned your office first.
I. Addressing
• A: Teacher Liu, could you come over to our par ty this Saturday? • A: Manager Smith, could I schedule your presentation on our new design for Friday
• Jennifer: I am really sorry for all this. • 此种情景若发生在一个中国家庭?……
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Holding and attending a party is taken seriously, so people must show their respect and good manners to the host.
Holding and attending a party is common in American families, people don’t need to act so politely and formally.
not to disturb the host’s rest.
Individualism: people tend to attend collectivity: people tend to attend and and leave a party on their own. leave a party together.
Zhang Xiaoxia: As far as I am concerned, American people think many people leave at the same time didn’t show the respect for the family host. What’s more, 10:00 p.m is so early for a party to end.
Question :
Group Discussion:
Fan Yanming: From the case I think Japanese is always on punctual, and when they think it’s time for the host to rest, they will leave together. This is common in Asian countries.
In this case, Japanese students showed their respect to Jane in the way of their tradition. As we know, Japanese attach importance to their etiquette(礼仪) and respect when contact with others, this is why they arrived together at exactly 8:00 p.m. They were unwilling to disturb their teacher, so they left together.
Li Na: Yes, and Japanese people think people go and leave the host family on time shows the respect for the host family.
Group Discussion:
Gao Rui: In my opinion, Americans are typical individualisms, while Japanese are obviously collectivity. That’s why Jane didn’t understand why all the students were gonna leave at the same time.
Case Analysis
——By Group 5
思考:当老师邀请你和你的几位同学 到家里做客时,你会怎么做?
A.在约好的时间独自赴约; B.与同学一起,在约好的时间准时到达。
A.自己决定,想什么时候走就什么时候走; B.当同伴起身告别时,与同伴一起走。
Case 1
Jane, an American teacher in the US, had just started teaching English to a group of Japanese students. She wanted to get to know the students more formally, so she invited them to her house for party. The students all arrived together at exactly 8:00 p.m. They seemed to enjoy the party: they danced, sang, and ate most of the food. At about 10:00 pm, one of the students said to the teacher, “I think it’s time for me to leave. Thank you very much for the party.” Then all the other students got up to go, and all left at the same time. Jane decided she would never invite them again!
Talk and do important things to at dinner.
Leave the important things to talk and d to leave the party early in order It’s common for a party to last till late
He Lixia: I agree. And in my view, the Japanese students may think it’s impolite to stay so late that they would disturb their teacher.
Li Xuesong: Yes, all of these cultural differences finally led to Jane’s misunderstanding.