TFT-LCD Approval Spec G104X1-L03 奇美10.4寸规格书-杭州旭虹科技




4.3寸TFT显示器 SM.04TL/C使用手册出版状态:标准产品版本: V1.0上海新时达电气股份有限公司版权所有,保留一切权利在没有得到本公司许可时,任何单位和个人不得擅自摘抄、复制本书(软件等)的一部分或全部,不得以任何形式(包括资料和出版物)进行传播。



Copyright© by Shanghai STEP Electric Co., Ltd.All rights reservedThe information in this document is subject to change without notice . No partof this document may in any form or by any means(electronic,mechanical,micro-coping,photocopying,recording or otherwise)be reproduced,stored in a retrival system or transmitted without prior writtenpermission from Shanghai STEP Electric Corporation一、外形图片及尺寸图1 4.3寸TFT显示器外形图(竖显和横显)图2 4.3寸TFT显示器尺寸(mm)二、功能特点1、适用于新时达串行通讯系统;2、采用4.3寸TFT作为显示界面,真彩色显示(16位色),分辨率为480×272;3、能够显示电梯楼层、运行方向和背景图片;4、显示内容均存储在显示器内,可通过USB端口对其进行更新;5、即可做横显,也可以做竖显,通过拨码开关设置;6、显示界面尺寸:97mm×55mm。

三、端口定义图3 SM.04TL/C端子端子定义如下表所示:端子号端子定义插座型号插头型号JP1 电源与通讯 S4B-XH-A XHP-4JP2 上召按钮接口CH2510-4AW CH2510-4YJP3 下召按钮接口JP4 锁梯JP1为电源和通讯线接口,其接线示意图如图4所示:图4 电源和通讯接线示意图JP2、JP3和JP4的1脚和2脚接按钮灯,3脚和4脚接按钮的输入,如图5所示:图5 按钮接线示意图拨码开关说明如下:序号位号功能SW1.1 拨到“ON”,进入楼层设置状态,用于设置当前楼层,按上召按钮楼层值增加,按下召按钮楼层值减少,设置完毕后将其拨到“OFF”状态。



WIFI模块硬件设计规格书版本: 1.0目录1 模块总体介绍(Gerneral introduction) (4)1.1 概述及实物图片(Description) (4)1.2 应用领域(Application) (6)1.3 产品特性 (Main feature) (6)2 模块电气特性(Electric Characteristics) (8)2.1 极限条件(Absolute Maximum Ratings) (8)2.2 工作条件(Recommended Operate Range) (8)2.3 电气特性(General Electric Characteristics)............................... (8)2.4 拼脚定义(Pin Assignment and Description) (9)3 模块应用设计指导(Application note) (14)3.1 功能框图(Function Block description) (14)3.2 工作状态描述(state descriptions) (14)3.3 硬件应用接口概述 (15)3.4 电源和驱动应用接口 (16)3.4.1 电源和驱动管脚定义 (16)3.4.2 主电源供电特性Vbat (17)3.4.3 备用电池RTC................................................................................. ........................... (18)3.4.4 开关机及复位(Power ON/OFF and Reset) (19)3.4.5 充电输入口VCHGIN............................ ................................. .. (20)3.4.6 充电输出口VCHGOUT........................... ................................. . (21)3.4.7 电池检测专用ADC口ADC3/BAT_ID ........................... .. (21)3.4.8 4路LDO输出.................................................... .. (22)3.4.9 LED-驱动 (22)3.4.10 KEY_ LED-驱动 (23)3.4.11电源电路参考设计 (23)3.5 按键接口........................................... . (24)3.6 语音接口........................................... (25)3.6.1模拟音频差分输入主MIC0和辅助MIC1.................................................................................. . (25)3.6.2 模拟音频差分输出受话器REC (26)3.6.3 模拟音频差分输出喇叭SPK (26)3.7 UART 接口 (27)3.8 IIC 接口 (28)3.9 LCD IO驱动为2.8V SPI 接口 (28)3.10 LCD IO驱动为1.8V SPI 接口 (29)3.11 USB 接口..................................... . (30)3.12 SIM 卡接口 (31)3.13 T-F卡接口 (32)3.14 F M 接口 (34)3.15 BT 接口 (34)3.16 通用GPIO接口 (35)3.17 中断口EINT (35)3.18 模拟输入ADC (35)3.19 射频天线接口 (36)4硬件设计指南 (37)4.1 PCB板布局说明 (37)4.2 PCB 关键走线说明......................................................... (37)5 机械特性 (38)5.1 模块机械尺寸 (38)5.2 模块产品 Top-View 视图.......................................... (39)5.3模块供电要求及接法 (41)5.4下载软件 (41)5.5模块开机 (41)5.6 RF测试连接 (41)6 附录 (42)6.1 射频指标 (42)6.2 通信专用术语 (42)1 模块总体介绍1.1 概述及实物图片GW01_GSM&WIFI是一款GSM/GPRS/WIFI无线四频(GSM850/GSM900/DCS1800/PCS1900)工业模块,可以覆盖全球通用GSM频段。

A060SE02 V1 TFT Spec 091014_1

A060SE02 V1 TFT Spec 091014_1

CUSTOMER APPROVAL SHEETCompany NameMODEL A060SE02 V1CUSTOMERAPPROVED□ APPROVAL FOR SPECIFICATIONS ONLY (Spec. Ver. 0.5)□ APPROVAL FOR SPECIFICATIONS AND ES SAMPLE (Spec. Ver. 0.5)□ APPROVAL FOR SPECIFICATIONS AND CS SAMPLE (Spec. Ver. 0.5)□ CUSTOMER REMARK :AUO PM : YW LiuP/N :Comment :1 Li-Hsin Rd. 2. Science-Based Industrial ParkHsinchu 300, Taiwan, R.O.C.Tel: +886-3-500-8899Fax: +886-3-577-2730Doc. version : 0.5Total pages : 24Date : 2009/10/14Product Specification6" EPD MODULE Model Name:A060SE02 V1 Planned Lifetime: From 2009/Jul. To2011/Jul. Phase-out Control: From 2011/Mar. To2011/Jul.EOL Schedule: 2011/Jul.< >Preliminary Specification◆< >Final SpecificationNote: The content of this specification is subject to change.© 2009 AU Optronics All Rights Reserved, Do Not Copy.Record of RevisionVersion Revise Date Page Content0.0 2009/05/04 All First Draft.7、9 Update VCOMDC、VCOMH、VCOML、VDPS、VDNS pin define16 Add VCOM relationship.0.1 2009/07/0617~18 Update power on/off sequence19 Update reflectance21 Update RA condition10 Add I/O pin sturcture0.2 2009/07/0919 Update Optical condition21 Update RA condition3 Update thickness4 Update module drawing0.3 2009/09/0410 Update power consumption17 Update optical performance19 Update RA condition0.4 2009/09/08 17 Update optical performance10 Update Power Consumption15 Update Power On/Off Characteristics0.5 2009/10/1418~19 Update RA conditions24 Update application CircuitContentsA.General Information (3)B.Outline Dimension (4)C.Electrical Specifications (5)1.Pin Assignment (5)2.Absolute Maximum Ratings (9)D.Electrical Characteristics (10)E.Input timing AC Characteristics (11)1. Horizontal input timing (11)1.1 Relation ship of input data and source output voltage (12)2. Vertical input timing (13)3. VCOM voltage definition (14)4. VCOM relationship (14)F.Power On/Off Characteristics (15)G.Optical Specification (16)H.Reliability Test Items (18)I.Packing and Marking (20)1. Packing Form (20)2. Module/Panel Label Information (21)3. Carton Label Information (21)J.Application Note (22)1. Application Circuit (22)A. General InformationThis product is for Electric Book application.NO. Item Unit Specification Remark1 Screen Size inch 6 (Diagonal)2 Display Resolution dot 800 (H)× 600(V)3 Overall Dimension mm 130.4(H) × 104.6(V) × 1.33(T) Note 14 Active Area mm 122.4(H)×90.6(V)5 Dot Pitch mm 0.153 (H)x 0.151(V)6 Gray level -- 167 Weight g (34.3)Note 1: Not include FPC but include sealant. Refer next page to get further information.ALL RIGHTS STRICTLY RESERVED. ANY PORTION OF THIS PAPER SHALL NOT BE REPRODUCED, COPIED, OR TRANSFORMED TO ANY OTHER FORMSWITHOUT PERMISSION FROM AU OPTRONICS CORP.B. Outline DimensionC. Electrical Specifications1. Pin AssignmentRecommended connector : FH12-50S-0.5SH.Pin No. Symbol I/OI/OStructureDescription Remark1 Dummy -- -- Dummy pin2 VCOM O -- VCOM polarity output signal3 VCOM_BOT I -- VCOM signal setting pin4 VCOMDC P Type2 External voltage for VCOMDC power.5 VCOMH P -- External voltage for VCOM high power.6 VCOML P -- External voltage for VCOM low power.7 RST_N I Type 3 Global reset pin. Low reset.8 SHD_N I Type 3 DC-DC converter shut down pin. “0” : Enable.(Panel shut down;Default) “1” : Disable.9 PWR_RDY O Type 1 Power ready output.When SHD_N from “1” to “0”: PWR_RDY will become “0”.When SHD_N from “0” to “1”: after 100ms, PWR_RDY willbecome “1”.Note110 VCOMIN_0 I Type 2 Logic Input for VCOM voltage generate.11 VCOMIN_1 I Type 2 Logic Input for VCOM voltage generate.12 YOE I Type 3 Vertical output enable pin. Note213 YCLK I Type 3 Vertical clock. input Note214 UD I Type 3 Vertical (up/down) scan direction. U/D = "L": Shift up to down. Default U/D = "H": Shift down to up.15 YDIOD I/O Type 516 YDIOU I/O Type 5 Vertical start pulse input/output.These pins are used to input and output shift data. These pins are switched as input or output by setting the UD pin as follow.UD YDIOU YDIODL Output InputH Input Output17 XDIOL I/O Type 518 XDIOR I/O Type 5 Horizontal start pulse input/output.These pins are used to input and output shift data. These pins are switched as input or output by setting the SHL pin as follow.SHL XDIOL XDIORL Input OutputH Output Input19 LD I Type 3 Latch data.20 D0 I Type 3 Data input, First pixel LSB21 D1 I Type 3 Data input, First pixel MSB22 D2 I Type 3 Data input, Second pixel LSB23 D3 I Type 3 Data input, Second pixel MSB24 D4 I Type 3 Data input, Third pixel LSB25 D5 I Type 3 Data input, Third pixel MSB26 D6 I Type 3 Data input, Forth pixel LSB27 D7 I Type 3 Data input, Forth pixel MSB28 SHL I Type 3 Horizontal (left/right) scan direction. SHL = “L”: Shift right to left.SHL = “H”:Shift left to right. Default29 XCLK I Type 3 Horizontal Clock input.. Note330 VREF C -- For power setting capactor connected pin.31 VR P -- VCOMDC reference voltage32 AVDD C -- For power setting capactor connected pin.33 C1P C -- For charge pump capactor connected pin.34 C1N C -- For charge pump capactor connected pin.35 VSS P -- Digital ground36 VSSA P -- Analog ground.37 VDD P -- Analog power.38 VREF_POS C -- For power setting capactor connected pin.39 VREF_NEG C -- For power setting capactor connected pin.40 VDDX8 P -- DCDC positive voltage41 NVDDX8 P -- DCDC negative voltage42 VDD_DRV P -- DCDC power.43 ADRVU O Type 1 PWM output for DCDC converter.44 ADRVD O Type 1 PWM output for DCDC converter.45 VSS_DRV P -- DCDC ground.46 VDPS P -- External voltage for source postive power.47 VDNS P -- External voltage for source negative power.48 VDPG C -- For power setting capactor connected pin.49 VDNG C -- For power setting capactor connected pin.50 Dummy D -- Dummy pinI: Input pin; O:output pin, I/O: Input / Output; P: Power pin; C: capacitor pin; D:Dummy Note 1: Please reference chapter FNote 2: Please reference chapter ENote 3: Please reference chapter EI/O Pin Structure:2. Absolute Maximum RatingsItem Symbol Condition Min. Max. Unit Remark Power voltage VDD VSSA=VSS=0 -0.3 +5.0 VPower voltage VDD_DRV VSS_DRV=0 -0.3 +5.0 VVDPS VSSA=VSS=0 +20 V Source voltageVDNS VSSA=VSS=0 -20 VVDPG VSSA=VSS=0 -0.3 VDNG+40Gate voltageVDNG VSSA=VSS=0 VDPG-40 +0.3Storage temperature Tstg - -25 70 ℃Operating Topa - 0 50 ℃D. Electrical CharacteristicsItem Symbol Condition Min. Typical Max. UnitVDD VSSA=VSS=VSS_DRV=0V -- 3.3 -- V Supply VoltageVDD_DRV VSSA=VSS=VSS_DRV=0V -- 3.3 -- Low Level InputVoltageVil Digital input pins GND - 0.3xVDD V High Level InputVoltageVih Digital input pins 0.7xVDD - VDD V OperatingtemperatureT op- -- - °COperation Power Dissipation VDD=VDD_DRV=3.3VVDNS=-15VVDPS=15VVCOMH=11.5V,VCOML=-18.5V-- (21) (28) mAStandby Power Dissipation VDD=VDD_DRV=3.3VVDNS=0VVDPS=0VVCOMH=0V,VCOML=0V-- (0.2) (1) mAE. Input timing AC Characteristics1. Horizontal input timingFigure 1: LD input timingN=800Figure 2: Horizontal data Input timing(VDD=VDD_DRV=3.3V, VSSA=VSS=VSS_DRV=0V, TA=25℃)PARAMETER SYMBOL MIN. TYP. MAX. UNIT Clock pulse width T WXDCLK13 nsData setup time T setup 2 - - nsData hold time T hold 2 - - nsLD pulse width T WLD 1 - - XCLKTime from LD to XDIOL/XDIOR T LD_DIO 5 - - XCLK1.1 Relation ship of input data and source output voltageThe source driver output voltage will base on input 2 bits data, and the relationship is as below:MSB LSB Function0 0 Source output is 0V0 1 Source output is VDPS(+15V)1 0 Source output is VDNS(-15V)1 1 Source output is floating2. Vertical input timingYCLKYDIOU/YDIOD (Input)YDIOU/YDIOD (Output)YOEG1G212N3G3GNN=600Figure 3: Vertical input timing3. VCOM voltage definitionThe VCOM output voltage will base on input pins VCOMIN[1:0], and the relationship is as below:VCOMIN[1 :0] Function00 VCOM output is (-VDC) v01 VCOM output is (VDPS-VDC) v10 VCOM output is (VDNS-VDC) v11 VCOM output is floating4. VCOM relationshipVCOM will change while VOCMIN changeSource output will change while LD signal falling edge.F. Power On/Off Characteristics1. Recommended Power On/off SequenceThe suggested power on/off sequence is below:2. Power off sequence:G. Optical SpecificationAll optical specification is measured under typical condition (Note 1, 2)Item Symbol Condition Min. Typ. Max. Unit Remark Reflectance R white 30 33 -- %Note1,4Contrast RatioCRAt optimized viewing angle56--Note1, 5Response timeT r T f 30V 30V(300)(300)ms Note 3Note 1. Ambient temperature =25℃Note 2. Reflectance and constrast ratio are measured by KONICA MINOLTA spectrophotometerCM-2600d.Note 3. Definition of response time:The response time is defined as the time from image load to full updated display.The output signals of photo detector are measured when the input signals are changed from “black” to “white”(raising time) and from “white” to “black”(falling time), respectively. Refer to figure as below.Note 4. Definition of Reflectance:The Reflectance is expressed as:R = Reflectance Factor white board x (L center / L white board )L center is the luminance measured at center in a white area. L white board is the luminance of a standard white board.Note 5. Definition of contrast ratio:The contrast ratio (CR) is the ratio between the reflectance in a full white area (Rl) and reflectance in a dark area (Rd).RdRl(CR) ratio Contrast =S i g n a l (R e l a t i v e V a l u e )"Black"0 %90 %100 %H. Reliability Test ItemsTest Condition Condition Remark1 High-TemperatureOperationTamb=+50℃, RH=30% for 240hrs IEC 60068-2-2BpAt the end of the test electric,mechanical,and optical specifications shall besatisfied.2 Low-TemperatureOperationTamb=0℃for 240hrs IEC 60068-2-2AbAt the end of the test electric,mechanical,and optical specifications shall besatisfied.3 High-TemperaturefunctionalTamb=+60℃, RH=26% for 240hrs IEC 60068-2-2BpAt the end of the test electric,mechanical,specifications shall be satisfied.4 Low-TemperaturefunctionalTamb=-10℃for 240hrs IEC 60068-2-2AbAt the end of the test electric,mechanical,specifications shall be satisfied.5 High-TemperatureStorageTamb=+70℃, RH=23% for 240hrs IEC 60068-2-2BpAt the end of the test electric,mechanical,and optical specifications shall besatisfied.6 Low-TemperatureStorageTamb=-25℃for 240hrs IEC 60068-2-2AbAt the end of the test electric,mechanical,and optical specifications shall besatisfied.7 High-Temperature,High-HumidityOperationTamb=+40℃, RH=90% for 168hrs IEC 60068-2-3CAAt the end of the test electric,mechanical,specifications shall be satisfied.8 High-Temperature,High-HumidityStorageTamb=+60℃, RH=80% for 240hrs IEC 60068-2-3CAAt the end of the test electric,mechanical,specifications shall be satisfied.9 Temperature Cycle 1 Cycle:[-25∘C 30min] ->[+70∘C 30min]:100 cyclesIEC 60068-2-14At the end of the test electric,mechanical,specifications shall be satisfied.10 Sunlight effect1120mW/cm2 for 168hrs, 40℃IEC 60068-2-5Sa At the end of the test electric,mechanical, and optical specifications shall be satisfied.11 Package Vibration 1.04G, Frequency:10 ~ 500HZDirection:X, Y, ZDuration: 1 hours in eachdirectionAt the end of the test electric,mechanical,and optical specifications shall besatisfied.12 Package Drop Impact Drop from height of 100 cm onconcrete surface.Drop sequence:1 corner, 3edges, 6 faces one drop for each.At the end of the test electric,mechanical,and optical specifications shall besatisfied.13Electrostatic discharge Air-mode : +/- 8kV Contact-mode : +/- 4kV IEC 61000-4-2At the end of the test electric,mechanical, specifications shall be satisfied. (Note. 3) 14 Altitude test Operation700hPa(=3,000m) 48hrsAt the end of the test electric,mechanical, specifications shall be satisfied.15 Altitude test Storage 260hPa(=10,000m) 48hrsAt the end of the test electric,mechanical, specifications shall be satisfied.16FPC Soldering StrengthPull the FPC soldered part with a force of 500g in the horizontal and vertical directionsAt the end of the test electric,mechanical, specifications shall be satisfied.17FPC bending PerformanceApply MIT method.Bending rate radius :1.0mm Weight 500gf, Bending angle :±135∘Bending cycle :20 timesAt the end of the test electric,mechanical, specifications shall be satisfied.18Stylus TappingPOLYACETAL Pen :Top R0.8mmLoad :300gf Speed :3 times/sec Total 13,500 timesPass criteria - no glass breakage or damage to microcapsules.Note 1. Tamb: Ambient Temperature = 25℃Note 2. In the standard conditions, there is not display function NG issue occurred. All the cosmetic specification is judged before the reliability stress.Note 3. ESD testing method.1. Ambient: 24~26℃, 56~65%RH, atmospheric pressure : 940~960hPa2. Instruments:NoisekenESS-2000,3. Operation System: AUO pattern generator4. Test Mode: Non-operating mode, test pattern: chess5. Test Method:a. Contact Discharge: 150pF(330Ω) 1sec, 8 points, 25 times/pointb. Air Discharge: 150pF(330Ω) 1sec, 8 points, 25 times/point6. Test point:I. Packing and Marking1. Packing Form2. Module/Panel Label InformationThe module/panel (collectively called as the “Product”) will be attached with a label of Shipping Number which represents the identification of the Product at a specific location.Refer to the Product outline drawing for detailed location and size of the label. The label is composed of a 22-digit serial number and printed with code 39/128 with the following definition:3. Carton Label InformationThe packing carton will be attached with a carton label where packing Q’ty, AUO Model Name, AUO Part Number, Customer Part Number (Optional) and a series of Carton Number in 13 or14 digits are printed. The Carton Number is apparing in the following format:Refer to the drawing of packing format for the location and size of the carton label.J. Application Note1. Application CircuitPrecautions1. Do not twist or bend the module and prevent the unsuitable external force for display moduleduring assembly.2. Adopt measures for good heat radiation. Be sure to use the module with in the specifiedtemperature.3. Avoid dust or oil mist during assembly.4. Follow the correct power sequence while operating. Do not apply the invalid signal, otherwise,it will cause improper shut down and damage the module.5. Less EMI: it will be more safety and less noise.6. Please operate module in suitable temperature. The response time & brightness will drift bydifferent temperature.7. Be sure to turn off the power when connecting or disconnecting the circuit.8. Display surface never likes dirt or stains.9. A dewdrop may lead to destruction. Please wipe off any moisture before using module.10. High temperature and humidity may degrade performance. Please do not expose themodule to the direct sunlight and so on.11. Acetic acid or chlorine compounds are not friends with display module.12. Static electricity will damage the module, please do not touch the module without anygrounded device.13. Do not disassemble and reassemble the module by self.14. Be careful do not touch the rear side directly.15. No strong vibration or shock. It will cause module broken.16. Storage the modules in suitable environment with regular packing.17. Be careful of injury from a broken display module.18. Please avoid the pressure adding to the surface (front or rear side) of modules, because itwill cause the display non-uniformity or other function issue.。



深圳市中恒盛大科技开展高清广告机解码驱动一体板T10使用说明书目录1.产品概述12.使用说明22.1遥控器说明22.2设置菜单32.2.1通用设定32.2.2播放设定42.2.3字幕设定62.2.4时钟设定62.2.5屏幕显示设置72.2.6存储器文件管理73.滚动字幕文件制作84. USB拷贝及文件名要求84.1文件拷贝84.2文件制作要求95. 工厂菜单96.软件升级107. 文件支持格式108. 播放列表与分屏工具使用说明:128.1播放列表使用说明128.2分屏使用说明128.3参数设置131.产品概述该主板可以直接驱动LVDS接口的液晶屏。

CPU为A9单核,主频1G, 内存:256M DDR3 1600M1支持完全无缝切换〔目前市面上的同类产品两个视频切换时有一到两秒的黑屏或需做停顿处理〕。

2通过USB拷贝播放内容,拷贝速度可达10M/S以上,内置8G 〔7.1G可用〕内置存储空间。




2.使用说明2.1遥控器说明本产品使用的遥控器如下列图:遥控器各按键功能:电源键:电源键,控制开关机静音:静音功能按一次往前跳3秒按一次往后跳3秒:暂停/播放功能向上移动光标向左移动光标: 向右移动光标: 向下移动光标MENU :进入设定菜单,进入菜单后是确认功能VOL+:音量加VOL-:音量减播放类型为图片或视频模式下一曲播放类型为图片或视频模式上一曲E*IT :退出菜单或退出播放DEL:光标停留在文件上时,按该键删除选中文件2.2设置菜单菜单主界面如下列图:2.2.1通用设定1.菜单语言:中文:设定菜单语言为中文;英文:设定菜单语言为英文2.机器编号:设置本机的编号,为5位数字;在该项上面按遥控器中间的MENU 键进入设置界面,设置每个数字。



( V ) Preliminary Specifications( ) Final SpecificationsModule 10.4 Inch Color TFT-LCD Model Name G104STN01.0Customer Date Checked &Approved by Approved by DateGrace Hung 2013/08/16 Prepared byJohnson Lin 2013/08/16 General Display Business Division / AU Optronics corporationContents1. Operating Precautions (4)2. General Description (5)2.1 Display Characteristics (5)2.2 Optical Characteristics (6)3. Functional Block Diagram (9)4. Absolute Maximum Ratings (10)4.1 Absolute Ratings of TFT LCD Module (10)4.2 Absolute Ratings of Environment (10)5. Electrical Characteristics (11)5.1 TFT LCD Module (11)5.2 Backlight Unit (13)6. Signal Characteristics (14)6.1 Pixel Format Image (14)6.2 Scanning Direction (14)6.3 TFT-LCD Interface Signal Description (15)6.4 The Input Data Format (16)6.5 TFT-LCD Interface Timing (17)6.6 Power ON/OFF Sequence (18)7. Connector & Pin Assignment (19)7.1 TFT-LCD Signal (CN1): LVDS Connector (19)7.2 LED Backlight Unit (CN2): Driver Connector (19)7.3 LED Backlight Unit (CN4): Light bar Connector (19)8. Reliability Test Criteria (20)9. Mechanical Characteristics (21)9.1 LCM Outline Dimension (Front View) (21)9.2 LCM Outline Dimension (Rear View) (22)10. Label and Packaging (23)10.1 Shipping Label (on the rear side of TFT-LCD display) (23)10.2 Carton Package (23)11 Safety (25)11.1 Sharp Edge Requirements (25)11.2 Materials (25)11.3 Capacitors (25)11.4 National Test Lab Requirement (25)Record of RevisionVersion and Date Page Old description New Description1. Operating Precautions1) Since front polarizer is easily damaged, please be cautious and not to scratch it.2) Be sure to turn off power supply when inserting or disconnecting from input connector.3) Wipe off water drop immediately. Long contact with water may cause discoloration orspots.4) When the panel surface is soiled, wipe it with absorbent cotton or soft cloth.5) Since the panel is made of glass, it may be broken or cracked if dropped or bumped onhard surface.6) To avoid ESD (Electro Static Discharde) damage, be sure to ground yourself before handlingTFT-LCD Module.7) Do not open nor modify the module assembly.8) Do not press the reflector sheet at the back of the module to any direction.9) In case if a module has to be put back into the packing container slot after it was takenout from the container, do not press the center of the LED light bar edge. Instead, press at the far ends of the LED light bar edge softly. Otherwise the TFT Module may be damaged.10) At the insertion or removal of the Signal Interface Connector, be sure not to rotate nortilt the Interface Connector of the TFT Module.11) TFT-LCD Module is not allowed to be twisted & bent even force is added on module in a veryshort time. Please design your display product well to avoid external force applying to module by end-user directly.12) Small amount of materials without flammability grade are used in the TFT-LCD module. TheTFT-LCD module should be supplied by power complied with requirements of Limited Power Source (IEC60950 or UL1950), or be applied exemption.13) Severe temperature condition may result in different luminance, response time and lampignition voltage.14) Continuous operating TFT-LCD display under low temperature environment may acceleratelamp exhaustion and reduce luminance dramatically.15) The data on this specification sheet is applicable when LCD module is placed in landscapeposition.16) Continuous displaying fixed pattern may induce image sticking. It’s recommended to usescreen saver or shuffle content periodically if fixed pattern is displayed on the screen.2. General DescriptionThis specification applies to the Color Active Matrix Liquid Crystal Display G104STN01.0composed of a TFT-LCD display, a driver and power supply circuit, and a LED backlight system. The screen format is intended to support SVGA (800(H) x 600(V)) screen and 16.2M (RGB 8-bits) or 262k colors (RGB 6-bits).LED driving board for backlight unit is included in G104STN01.0 and the LED unit is replaceable. All input signals are LVDS interface and compatible with G104SN02 V2.G104STN01.0 designed with wide viewing angle; wide temperature and long life LED backlight is well suited for industial applications. G104STN01.0 is a RoHS product.2.1 Display CharacteristicsThe following items are characteristics summary on the table under 25 ℃ condition: ItemsUnitSpecifications Screen Diagonal [inch] 10.4Active Area [mm] 211.2 (H) x 158.4 (V) Pixels H x V 800 x 3(RGB) x 600 Pixel Pitch [mm] 0.264 x 0.264 Pixel Arrangement R.G.B. Vertical Stripe Display ModeTN, Normally White Nominal Input Voltage VDD [Volt] 3.3 (typ.) Typical Power Consumption [Watt] 2.88WAll black pattern Weight [Grams] 365(Typ.)Physical Size [mm] 243.0(H) x 184.0(V) x 6.5(D)(Typ.) Electrical Interface 1 channel LVDS Surface Treatment Anti-glare, Hardness 3H Support Color16.2M / 262K colors Temperature Range OperatingStorage (Non-Operating) [o C] [o C]-20 to +80 -20 to +80 RoHS ComplianceRoHS Compliance2.2 Optical CharacteristicsThe optical characteristics are measured under stable conditions at 25 (Room Temperature):℃Item Unit Conditions Min. Typ. Max. RemarkWhite Luminance[cd/m2] I F = 50mA/1 LED Line (center point) 300 400 -1 Uniformity % 5 Points 65 75 -2,3 Contrast Ratio500 700 - 4[msec]Rising - 10 20 [msec] Falling- 5 15 Response Time[msec] Raising + Falling - 15 35 5 [degree] [degree] Horizontal (Right) CR = 10 (Left) 70 70 80 80 - - Viewing Angle[degree] [degree]Vertical (Upper) CR = 10 (Lower) 50 60 60 70 - - 6 Red x - TBD - Red y - TBD - Green x- TBD - Green y - TBD - Blue x - TBD - Blue y - TBD - White x 0.28 0.31 0.34 Color / ChromaticityCoordinates (CIE 1931)White y0.30 0.33 0.36 Color Gamut%50-Note 1: Measurement method Equipment Pattern Generator, Power Supply, Digital Voltmeter, Luminance meter (SR_3 or equivalent) Aperture1with 50cm viewing distance ∘Test Point CenterEnvironment < 1 luxModule Driving EquipmentNote 2: Definition of 5 points position (Display active area: 211.2mm (H) x 158.4mm (V))Note 3: The luminance uniformity of 5 points is defined by dividing the minimum luminance values by the maximum test point luminanceNote 4: Definition of contrast ratio (CR):Note 5: Definition of response time:The output signals of photo detector are measured when the input signals are changed from “White” to “Black” (falling time) and from “Black” to “White” (rising time), respectively. The response time interval isNote 6: Definition of viewing angleViewing angle is the measurement of contrast ratio 10, at the screen center, over a 180° horizontal and ≧180° vertical range (off-normal viewing angles). The 180° viewing angle range is broken down as below: 90° (θ) horizontal left and right, and 90° (Φ) vertical high (up) and low (down). The measurement direction is typically perpendicular to the display surface with the screen rotated to its center to develop the desiredMinimum Brightness of five pointsδW9 = Maximum Brightness of five points Contrast ratio (CR)=Brightness on the “White” stateBrightness on the “Black” statemeasurement viewing angle.3. Functional Block DiagramThe following diagram shows the functional block of the 10.4 inch color TFT/LCD module:4. Absolute Maximum Ratings4.1 Absolute Ratings of TFT LCD ModuleItem Symbol Min Max Unit Logic/LCD Drive Voltage Vin -0.3 +4.0 [Volt]4.2 Absolute Ratings of EnvironmentItem Symbol Min Max Unit Operating Temperature TOP -20 +80 [o C] Operation Humidity HOP 5 95 [%RH] Storage Temperature TST -20 +80 [o C] Storage Humidity HST 5 95 [%RH] Note: Maximum Wet-Bulb should be 39℃ and no condensation.5. Electrical Characteristics 5.1 TFT LCD Module5.1.1 Power SpecificationSymbol Parameter Min Typ Max Units RemarkVDD Logic/LCD Input Voltage 3.0 3.3 3.6 [Volt]I VDD LCD Input Current - 320 - [mA]VDD=3.3V at 60 HZ, all Black PatternP VDD LCD Power comsumption - - 1.5 [Watt] VDD=3.3V at 60 HZ, all Black Pattern I rush LCDLCD Inrush Current-1.06-[A] Note 1; VDD=3.3VBlack Pattern, Rising time=470usVDD rpAllowable Logic/LCDDrive Ripple Voltage- -100 [mV] p-pVDD=3.3V at 60 HZ, all Black PatternNote 1: Measurement condition:VDD rising time0V3.3V5.1.2 Signal Electrical CharacteristicsInput signals shall be low or Hi-Z state when VDD is off.Note: LVDS Signal Waveform.Symbol ItemMin. Typ.Max. Unit RemarkVTH Differential Input High Threshold - - 100 [mV] VCM=1.2V VTL Differential Input Low Threshold 100 - - [mV] VCM=1.2V |VID |Input Differential Voltage100 400 600 [mV] VICMDifferential Input Common Mode Voltage1.1251.251.375[V]VTH/VTL=+-100mV5.2 Backlight Unit5.2.1 Parameter guideline for LED backlightFollowing characteristics are measured under a stable condition using a inverter at 25℃. (Room Temperature): Symbol Parameter Min.Typ.Max.Unit RemarkVCC Input Voltage 10.8 12 12.6 [Volt]I VCC Input Current - 0.32 - [A] 100% PWM DutyP VCC Power Consumption - 2.88 - [Watt] 100% PWM DutyF PWM Dimming Frequency 200 - 20K [Hz]Swing Voltage 3 3.3 5.5 [Volt]Dimming duty cycle 5 - 100 %I F LED Forward Current-50 -[mA] Ta = 25o C- 27.2 - [Volt]I F = 50mA, Ta = -30o C V F LED Forward Voltage- 26.4 28.8 [Volt]I F = 50mA, Ta = 25o C- 25.6 - [Volt]I F = 50mA, Ta = 85o C P LED LED Power Consumption- 2.72 - [Watt]Operation Life 50,000 - - Hrs I F=50mA, Ta= 25o CNote 1: Ta means ambient temperature of TFT-LCD module.Note 2: VCC, I VCC, I rush LED, P VCC are defined for LED backlight.(100% duty of PWM dimming)Note 3: I F, V F are defined for one channel LED. There are two LED channel in back light unit.Note 4: If G104STN01.0 module is driven by high current or at high ambient temperature & humidity condition. The operating life will be reduced.Note 5: Operating life means brightness goes down to 50% initial brightness. Minimum operating life time is estimated data.6. Signal Characteristics6.1 Pixel Format ImageFollowing figure shows the relationship between input signal and LCD pixel format.1st2nd799th800th1stLine600thLin6.2 Scanning DirectionThe following figures show the image seen from the front view. The arrow indicates the direction of scan.Fig. 1 Normal scan (Pin4, DPS = Low or NC) Fig. 2 Reverse scan (Pin4, DPS = High)6.3 TFT-LCD Interface Signal DescriptionThe module using a LVDS receiver embaded in AUO’s ASIC. LVDS is a differential signal technology for LCD interface and a high-speed data transfer device.Input Signal Interface Pin No. SymbolDescription 1 VDD Power Supply, 3.3V (typical) 2 VDD Power Supply, 3.3V (typical) 3 GND Ground4 DPS Reverse Scan Function [H: Enable; L/NC: Disable]5 RxIN0-6 RxIN0+ LVDS receiver signal channel 0LVDS Differential Data Input (R0, R1, R2, R3, R4, R5, G0)7 GND Ground8 RxIN1- 9 RxIN1+ LVDS receiver signal channel 1LVDS Differential Data Input (G1, G2, G3, G4, G5, B0, B1) 10 GND Ground11 RxIN2- 12 RxIN2+ LVDS receiver signal channel 2LVDS Differential Data Input (B2, B3, B4, B5, DE)13 GNDGround14 RxCLKIN- 15 RxCLKIN+ LVDS receiver signal clock 16 GND Ground17 RxIN3- 18 RxIN3+ LVDS receiver signal channel 3, pin17=3.3V&pin 18=GND for 6bit LVDS InputLVDS Differential Data Input (R6, R7, G6, G7, B6, B7, RSV)19 RSVReserved for AUO internal test. Please treat it as NC.20SEL68 6/8bits LVDS data input selection [H: 8bits L/NC: 6bit]Note 1: Input Signals shall be in low status when VDD is off.Note 2: High stands for “3.3V”, Low stands for “0V”, NC stands for “No Connection”. Note 3: RSV stands for “Reserved”.6.4 The Input Data Format6.4.1 SEL68SEL68 =“Low” or “NC” for 6 bits LVDS InputSEL68 = “High” for 8 bits LVDS InputNote1: Please follow PSWG.Note2: R/G/B data 7:MSB, R/G/B data 0:LSBSignal Name DescriptionRemarkR7R6R5R4R3R2R1R0Red Data 7 Red Data 6 Red Data 5 Red Data 4 Red Data 3 Red Data 2 Red Data 1 Red Data 0 Red-pixel DataFor 8Bits LVDS input MSB: R7 ; LSB: R0For 6Bits LVDS input MSB: R5 ; LSB: R0G7G6G5G4 G3G2G1 G0Green Data 7 Green Data 6 Green Data 5 Green Data 4Green Data 3 Green Data 2 Green Data 1Green Data 0 Green-pixel DataFor 8Bits LVDS input MSB: G7 ; LSB: G0For 6Bits LVDS input MSB: G5 ; LSB: G0B7 B6 B5 B4 B3 B2 B1 B0 Blue Data 7 Blue Data 6 Blue Data 5 Blue Data 4 Blue Data 3 Blue Data 2 Blue Data 1 Blue Data 0 Blue-pixel DataFor 8Bits LVDS input MSB: B7 ; LSB: B0For 6Bits LVDS input MSB: B5 ; LSB: B0 RxCLKIN LVDS Data ClockDE Data Enable SignalWhen the signal is high, the pixel data shall be valid to be displayed.Note: Output signals from any system shall be low or Hi-Z state when VDD is off.NS-like format6.5 TFT-LCD Interface Timing6.5.1 Timing CharacteristicsSignal Symbol Min. Typ. Max. Unit Clock Frequency 1/ T Clock 30 40 50 MHzPeriod T V 608 628 1024 Active T VD -- 600-- Vertical SectionBlankingT VB 8 28 424 T Line Period T H 960 1056 1060Active T HD -- 800 -- Horizontal SectionBlankingT HB 160 256 260 T ClockFrame RateF 506075Hz Note : DE mode.6.5.2 Input Timing DiagramDOTCLKDEHT HBDET VDInput Timing Definition ( DE Mode)Input Data Invaild Data Invaild Data6.6 Power ON/OFF SequenceVDD power and lamp on/off sequence is as below. Interface signals are also shown in the chart. Signals from any system shall be Hi-Z state or low level when VDD is off.Power ON/OFF sequence timingValue UnitsParameterMin. Typ. Max.T10.5 - 10 [ms]T2 30 40 50 [ms]T3 200 -- -- [ms]T4 0.5 -- 10 [ms]T5 10 - - [ms]T6 10 - - [ms]T7 0 - - [ms]T8 10 - - [ms]T9 -- -- 10 [ms]T10 110 -- -- [ms]T11 0 16 50 [ms]T12 - - 10 [ms]T13 1000 - - [ms]The above on/off sequence should be applied to avoid abnormal function in the display. Please make sure to turn off the power when you plug the cable into the input connector or pull the cable out of the connector.7. Connector & Pin AssignmentPhysical interface is described as for the connector on module. These connectors are capable of accommodating the following signals and will be following components.7.1 TFT-LCD Signal (CN1): LVDS ConnectorConnector Name / Designation Signal ConnectorManufacturer STM or compatibleConnector Model Number MSB24013P20HA or compatibleAdaptable Plug P24013P20 or compatiblePin No. Symbol Pin No. Symbol1 VDD2 VDD3 GND4 DPS5 RxIN0-6 RxIN0+7 GND 8 RxIN1-9 RxIN1+ 10 GND11 RxIN2- 12 RxIN2+13 GND 14 RxCKIN-15 RxCKIN+ 16 GND17 RxIN3- 18 RxIN3+19 RSV 20 SEL687.2 LED Backlight Unit (CN2): Driver ConnectorConnector Name / Designation Lamp ConnectorManufacturer ENTERY or compatibleConnector Model Number 3808K-F05N-12R or compatibleMating Model Number H208K–P05N-02B or compatiblePin No. symbol descriptionPin1 VCC 12V inputPin2 GND GNDPin3 On/OFF 5V-ON,0V-OFFPin4 Dimming PWMPin5 NA7.3 LED Backlight Unit (CN4): Light bar ConnectorConnector Name / Designation Lamp ConnectorManufacturer ENTERY or compatibleConnector Model Number H208K–P03N-02B or compatibleMating Model Number(CN3) 3808K-F03N-12R or compatiblePin No. symbol description ColorPin1 H LED anode RedPin2 L LED cathode WhitePin3 L LED cathode Black8. Reliability Test CriteriaItems Required Condition Note Temperature Humidity Bias 40℃, 90%RH, 300 hoursHigh Temperature Operation 80℃, 300 hoursLow Temperature Operation -20℃, 300 hoursHot Storage 80,℃ 300 hoursCold Storage -20,℃ 300 hoursThermal Shock Test -20/℃ 30 min, 60/℃ 30 min, 100cycles, 40℃minimun ramp rateHot Start Test 80℃/ 1Hr min. power on/off per 5 minutes, 5 timesCold Start Test -20℃/ 1Hr min. power on/off per 5 minutes, 5 timesShock Test (Non-Operating) 50G, 20ms, Half-sine wave, ( ±X, ±Y, ±Z)Vibration Test (Non-Operating) 1.5G, (10~200Hz, Sine wave)30 mins/axis, 3 direction (X, Y, Z)On/off test On/10 sec, Off/10 sec, 30,000 cyclesESD Contact Discharge: ± 8KV, 150pF(330Ω ) 1sec, 8 points, 25 times/ pointAir Discharge: ± 15KV, 150pF(330Ω ) 1sec, 8 points, 25 times/ pointNote 1EMI 30-230 MHz, limit 40 dBu V/m, 230-1000 MHz, limit 47 dBu V/mNote1: According to EN61000-4-2, ESD class B: Some performance degradation allowed. No data lost Self-recoverable. No hardware failures.Note2:Water condensation is not allowed for each test items.Each test is done by new TFT-LCD module. Don’t use the same TFT-LCD module repeatedly for reliability test. The reliability test is performed only to examine the TFT-LCD module capability.To inspect TFT-LCD module after reliability test, please store it at room temperature and room humidity for 24 hours at least in advance.G104STN01.09. Mechanical Characteristics工业液晶屏:www.hzxuhong.com杭州旭虹科技有限公司G104STN01.09.2 LCM Outline Dimension (Rear View)工业液晶屏:www.hzxuhong.com杭州旭虹科技有限公司G104STN01.010. Label and Packaging10.1 Shipping Label (on the rear side of TFT-LCD display)10.2 Carton PackageNote:Max capacity :20 TFT-LCD module per cartonMax weight: 11.5 kg per cartonOutside dimension of carton: 477mm(L)* 290mm(W)*360mm(H)Pallet size : 1180 mm * 980 mm * 135mmBox stackedModule by air :(2 *4) *4 layers ,one pallet put 32 boxes ,total 640pcs module Module by sea :(2 *4) *4 layers + (2 *4) *1 layers , two pallet put 40 boxes ,total 800pcs module Module by sea_HQ :(2 *4) *4 layers+(2 *4) *2 layers, two pallet put 48 boxes, total 960pcs module工业液晶屏:www.hzxuhong.com杭州旭虹科技有限公司杭州旭虹科技有限公司11 Safety11.1 Sharp Edge RequirementsThere will be no sharp edges or comers on the display assembly that could cause injury.11.2 Materials11.2.1 ToxicityThere will be no carcinogenic materials used anywhere in the display module. If toxic materials are used, they will be reviewed and approved by the responsible AUO toxicologist.11.2.2 FlammabilityAll components including electrical components that do not meet the flammability grade UL94-V1 in the module will complete the flammability rating exception approval process.The printed circuit board will be made from material rated 94-V1 or better. The actual UL flammability rating will be printed on the printed circuit board.11.3 CapacitorsIf any polarized capacitors are used in the display assembly, provisions will be made to keep them from being inserted backwards.11.4 National Test Lab RequirementThe display module will satisfy all requirements for compliance to:UL 1950, First EditionU.S.A. Information Technology Equipment杭州旭虹科技有限公司。



TFT LCD Approval SpecificationMODEL NO.: V420H1 – L15TV Head DivisionApproved ByLY ChenQA Dept. Product Development Div.Reviewed ByKc_KoWT LinLCD TV Marketing and Product Management Div.Prepared ByWang-Yang Li Sisley WuCONTENTSREVISION HISTORY (4)1. GENERAL DESCRIPTION (5)1.1 OVERVIEW (5)1.2 FEATURES (5)1.3 APPLICATION (5)1.4 GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS (5)1.5 MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS (6)2. ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (7)2.1 ABSOLUTE RATINGS OF ENVIRONMENT (7)2.2 PACKAGE STORAGE (8)2.3 ELECTRICAL ABSOLUTE RATINGS (8)2.3.1 TFT LCD MODULE (8)2.3.2 BACKLIGHT INVERTER UNIT (8)3. ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (9)3.1 TFT LCD MODULE (9)3.2 BACKLIGHT CONNECTOR PIN CONFIGURATION (11)3.2.1 LAMP SPECIFICATION (11)3.2.2 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATION (11)3.2.3 INVERTER INTERFACE CHARACTERISTICS (13)4. BLOCK DIAGRAM OF INTERFACE (15)4.1 TFT LCD MODULE (15)5. INPUT TERMINAL PIN ASSIGNMENT (16)5.1 TFT LCD Module Input (16)5.2 BACKLIGHT UNIT (18)5.3 INVERTER UNIT (18)5.4 BLOCK DIAGRAM OF INTERFACE (18)5.5 LVDS INTERFACE (22)5.6 COLOR DATA INPUT ASSIGNMENT (23)6. INTERFACE TIMING (24)6.1 INPUT SIGNAL TIMING SPECIFICATIONS (24)6.2 POWER ON/OFF SEQUENCE (26)7. OPTICAL CHARACTERISTICS (27)7.1 TEST CONDITIONS (27)7.2 OPTICAL SPECIFICATIONS (28)8. PRECAUTIONS (31)8.1 ASSEMBLY AND HANDLING PRECAUTIONS (31)8.2 SAFETY PRECAUTIONS (31)9. DEFINITION OF LABELS (32)9.1 CMO MODULE LABEL (32)10. PACKAGING (33)10.1 PACKAGING SPECIFICATIONS (33)10.2 PACKAGING METHOD (33)11. MECHANICAL CHARACTERISTICS (36)REVISION HISTORYVersion Date Page(New) Section DescriptionVer. 0.0 Nov. 06, 2008 All All The tentative specification was first issued. Ver. 1.0Dec. 19, 2008 9 11 11-12 1318 22-23 26 28 33 5.3 5.5 6.2 7.2 10.2Updated TFT LCD Module Parameter Updated Lamp SpecificationUpdated BL Electrical Specification Updated Internal PWN Control Voltage Updated Pin 12 define Updated LVDS InterfaceUpdated Power ON/OFF Sequence Updated Optical SpecificationsUpdated Figure.10-1 packing method Ver. 1.0 Dec. 23, 2008 18 5.3 Updated inverter pin 12 define Ver. 1.1 Dec. 31, 2008 13 3.2.3 add note(4)14 3.2.3 Updated power sequence and control signal timing fig. Ver. 2.0Feb. 16. 2009 9 11 16 21 24 27 28~30 33~34 36~38 5.5.1 5.4 6.6.1 7.1 7.2 10.1 11Update Power Supply CurrentUpdate Lamp Specification & Electrical specification Update Input Terminal Pin Assignment Update Block Diagram of Interface note 3 Input Signal Timing Specifications update Updated optical measurement condition Optical Specifications updateUpdate Mechanical Characteristics Update Packaging specifications1. GENERAL DESCRIPTION1.1 OVERVIEWV420H1-L15 is a 42” TFT Liquid Crystal Display module with 12-CCFL Backlight unit and 2ch-LVDS interface.This module supports 1920 x 1080 Full HDTV format and can display 16.7M colors (8-bit/color). The inverter module for backlight is built-in.1.2 FEATURESЁHigh brightness (500 nits)ЁHigh contrast ratio (4000:1)ЁFast response time (Gray to gray average 6.5 ms)ЁHigh color saturation (NTSC 72%)ЁFull HDTV (1920 x 1080 pixels) resolution, true HDTV formatЁDE (Data Enable) only modeЁLVDS (Low Voltage Differential Signaling) interfaceЁOptimized response time for 60 Hz frame rateЁUltra wide viewing angle : Super MVA technologyЁRoHS compliance1.3 APPLICATIONЁStandard Living Room TVs.ЁPublic Display Application.ЁHome Theater Application.ЁMFM Application.1.4 GENERAL SPECIFICATIONSItem Specification Unit Note Active Area 930.24(H) x 523.26 (V) (42.02” diagonal) mm(1)Bezel Opening Area 937.24 (H) x 530.26 (V) mmDriver Element a-si TFT active matrix - -Pixel Number 1920 x R.G.B. x 1080 pixel -Pixel Pitch(Sub Pixel) 0.1615 (H) x 0.4845 (V) mm -Pixel Arrangement RGB vertical stripe - -Display Colors 16.7M color -Display Operation Mode Transmissive mode / Normally black - -Surface Treatment Anti-Glare coating (Haze 11%) - (2)Note (1) Please refer to the attached drawings in chapter 9 for more information about the front and back outlines.Note (2) The spec. of the surface treatment is temporarily for this phase. CMO reserves the rights to change this feature.1.5 MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONSItem Min. Typ. Max. Unit NoteHorizontal (H) - 983.0 - mm(1), (2)Module SizeVertical (V) - 576.0 - mmDepth (D) - 50.8 - mm Weight - (10400) - g - Note (1) Please refer to the attached drawings for more information of front and back outline dimensions.Note (2) Module Depth is between bezel to T-CON cover.2. ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS2.1 ABSOLUTE RATINGS OF ENVIRONMENTValueUnit NoteItem SymbolMin. Max.Storage Temperature TST -20 +60 ºC (1)Operating Ambient Temperature TOP 0 50 ºC (1), (2)Shock (Non-Operating) SNOP - 50 G (3), (5)Vibration (Non-Operating) VNOP - 1.0 G (4), (5) Note (1) Temperature and relative humidity range is shown in the figure below.(a) 90 %RH Max. (Ta Љ40 ºC).(b) Wet-bulb temperature should be 39 ºC Max. (Ta > 40 ºC).(c) No condensation.Note (2) The maximum operating temperature is based on the test condition that the surface temperature of display area is less than or equal to 65 ºC with LCD module alone in a temperature controlled chamber.Thermal management should be considered in final product design to prevent the surface temperature ofdisplay area from being over 65 ºC. The range of operating temperature may degrade in case ofimproper thermal management in final product design.Note (3) 11 ms, half sine wave, 1 time for ± X, ± Y, ± Z.Note (4) 10 ~ 200 Hz, 10 min, 1 time each X, Y, Z.Note (5) At testing Vibration and Shock, the fixture in holding the module has to be hard and rigid enough so that the module would not be twisted or bent by the fixture.2.2 PACKAGE STORAGEWhen storing modules as spares for a long time, the following precaution is necessary.(a) Do not leave the module in high temperature, and high humidity for a long time, It is highly recommended tostore the module with temperature from 0 to 35 кat normal humidity without condensation.(b) The module shall be stroed in dark place. Do not store the TFT-LCD module in direct sunlight or fluorescentlight.2.3 ELECTRICAL ABSOLUTE RATINGS2.3.1 TFT LCD MODULEValueUnit Note Item SymbolMin. Max.Power Supply Voltage VCC -0.3 13.5 V(1)Logic Input Voltage VIN -0.3 3.6 V2.3.2 BACKLIGHT INVERTER UNITValueUnit Note Item SymbolMin. Max.Lamp Voltage VW Ё3000 VRMSPower Supply Voltage VBL 0 30 V (1)Control Signal Level Ё-0.3 7 V (1), (3)Note (1) Permanent damage to the device may occur if maximum values are exceeded. Function operation should be restricted to the conditions described under Normal Operating Conditions.Note (2) No moisture condensation or freezing.Note (3) The control signals include On/Off Control and Internal PWM Control.3. ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS3.1 TFT LCD MODULE(Ta = 25 ± 2 ºC)Value ParameterSymbolMin.Typ. Max. UnitNotePower Supply VoltageVCC 10.81213.2 V(1) Rush CurrentI RUSH - - 4.3 A (2)White Pattern- - 0.84 1.1 A Vertical Stripe - - 0.83 - A Power Supply CurrentBlack Pattern- - 0.48 - A (3) Common Input Voltage V LVC 1.125 1.25 1.375 V LVDS interface Terminating Resistor R T - 100 - ohm Input High Threshold Voltage V IH 2.7 - 3.3 V CMOS interface Input Low Threshold VoltageV IL-0.7VNote (1) The module should be always operated within the above ranges. Note (2) Measurement condition:Vcc rising time is 470usNote (3) The specified power supply current is under the conditions at Vcc = 12 V, Ta = 25 ± 2 ºC, f v = 60 Hz,whereas a power dissipation check pattern below is displayed.Active Areac. V ertical Stripe PatternActive AreaActive Areaa. White Patternb. Black Pattern3.2 BACKLIGHT CONNECTOR PIN CONFIGURATION 3.2.1 LAMP SPECIFICATION(Ta = 25 ± 2 ºC)ValueParameterSymbol Min. Typ. Max. Unit Note Lamp Input Voltage VL - (1090) - Lamp Input Voltage VL Lamp Current IL 9.7 (10.2) 10.7 Lamp Current IL - - (1910) Lamp Turn On Voltage VS Lamp Turn On Voltage VS - - (1560)Operating Frequency FL 35 - 70 Operating Frequency FL Lamp Life Time LBL50,000--Lamp Life TimeLBL3.2.2 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICA TION(Ta = 25 ± 2 ºC)ValueParameterSymbolMin. Typ. Max. UnitNote- 130 - (5), IL = 10.2 mA Power Consumption P BL - 110 - W (5), IL = 8.7 mA Power Supply Voltage V BL 22.8 24.0 25.2 VDC- 5.4 - Power Supply Current I BL 4.6 ANon DimmingInput Ripple Noise - - - 912 mVP-P VBL=22.8V Oscillating Frequency F W 39.5 42.5 45.5 kHz Dimming Frequency F B 150 160 170 Hz Minimum Duty RatioD MIN1020-%(6)Note (1) Lamp current is measured by utilizing AC current probe and its value is average by measuring masterand slave board. VIPWM : 3V is 100%,V ADIM = HI : Lamp current is 10.2mA; V ADIM = LO : Lamp current is 8.7mA.Note (2) The lamp starting voltage V S should be applied to the lamp for more than 1 second after startup.Otherwise the lamp may not be turned on.Note (3) The lamp frequency may produce interference with horizontal synchronous frequency of the display inputsignals, and it may result in line flow on the display. In order to avoid interference, the lamp frequencyshould be detached from the horizontal synchronous frequency and itó harmonics as far as possible. Note (4) The life time of a lamp is defined as when the brightness is larger than 50% of its original value and the effective discharge length is longer than 80% of its original length (Effective discharge length is defined as an area that has equal to or more than 70% brightness compared to the brightness at the center point of lamp.) as the time in which it continues to operate under the condition at Ta = 25 ±2кand IL =9.7~10.7 mArms..Note (5) The measurement condition of Max. value is based on 42” backlight unit under input voltage 24V, average lamp current 10.2 mA and 8.7 mA ,lighting 30 minutes later.Note (6) 10% minimum duty ratio is only valid for electrical operation.3.2.3 INVERTER INTERFACE CHARACTERISTICSValueParameterSymbolTestConditionMin. Typ.Max. Unit NoteON Ё 2.0 Ё 5.0 V On/Off Control Voltage OFF V BLON Ё 0 Ё 0.8 VMAX Ё3.15Ё5.0V Max. Duty Ratio Internal PWM Control VoltageMIN V IPWMЁ Ё0 ЁV Min. Duty RatioHI Ё 3.0 3.33.6 V Normal Status Signal LOStatus Ё 0 Ё 0.8V AbnormalVBL Rising Time Tr1 Ё 30 Ё Ё ms VBL Falling TimeTf1 Ё 30Ё Ёms See as belowControl Signal Rising Time Tr Ё Ё Ё 100 ms Control Signal Falling Time Tf Ё Ё Ё 100 ms PWM Signal Rising Time T PWMR Ё Ё Ё 50 us PWM Signal Falling Time T PWMF Ё ЁЁ 50usInput Impedance R IN Ё 1 Ё Ё M Ω PWM Delay Time T PWM Ё 100 Ё Ё ms BLON Delay Time T onЁ 300 Ё Ё ms BLON Off TimeT on1Ё300ЁЁmsNote (1) The dimming signal should be valid before backlight turns on by BLON signal. It is inhibited tochange the internal/external PWM signal during backlight turn on period.Note (2) The power sequence and control signal timing are shown in the following figure. For a certainreason, the inverter has a possibility to be damaged with wrong power sequence and control signal timing.Note (3) While system is turned ON or OFF, the power sequences must follow as below descriptions: Turn ON sequence: VBL Ш PWM signal Ш BLONTurn OFF sequence: BLOFF Ш PWM signal Ш VBLNote (4) When the Dynamic CR has been turned on, the skipped range of VIPWM, 2.85V ~ 3.15V, issuggested to avoid the abnormal phenomenon.4. BLOCK DIAGRAM OF INTERFACE 4.1 TFT LCD MODULE5. INPUT TERMINAL PIN ASSIGNMENT5.1 TFT LCD Module InputPin Name Description Note1 GND Ground2 N.C. No Connection3 N.C. No Connection4 N.C. No Connection5 N.C. No Connection6 N.C. No Connection (1)7 SELLVDS LVDS data format Selection (2)8 N.C. No Connection (1)9 ODSEL Overdrive Lookup Table Selection(3)10 N.C. No Connection (1)11 EN_DCR Enable Dynamic Backlight (4)12 ERX0- Even pixel Negative LVDS differential data input. Channel 013 ERX0+ Even pixel Positive LVDS differential data input. Channel 014 ERX1- Even pixel Negative LVDS differential data input. Channel 115 ERX1+ Even pixel Positive LVDS differential data input. Channel 116 ERX2- Even pixel Negative LVDS differential data input. Channel 217 ERX2+ Even pixel Positive LVDS differential data input. Channel 218 GND Ground19 ECLK- Even pixel Negative LVDS differential clock input20 ECLK+ Even pixel Positive LVDS differential clock input21 GND Ground22 ERX3- Even pixel Negative LVDS differential data input. Channel 323 ERX3+ Even pixel Positive LVDS differential data input. Channel 324 N.C. No Connection25 N.C. No Connection26 N.C. No Connection (1)27 N.C. No Connection (1)28 ORX0- Odd pixel Negative LVDS differential data input. Channel 029 ORX0+ Odd pixel Positive LVDS differential data input. Channel 030 ORX1- Odd pixel Negative LVDS differential data input. Channel 131 ORX1+ Odd pixel Positive LVDS differential data input. Channel 132 ORX2- Odd pixel Negative LVDS differential data input. Channel 233 ORX2+ Odd pixel Positive LVDS differential data input. Channel 234 GND Ground35 OCLK- Odd pixel Negative LVDS differential clock input.36 OCLK+ Odd pixel Positive LVDS differential clock input.37 GND Ground38 ORX3- Odd pixel Negative LVDS differential data input. Channel 339 ORX3+ Odd pixel Positive LVDS differential data input. Channel 340 N.C. No Connection41 N.C. No Connection42 N.C. No Connection (1)43 N.C. No Connection (1)44 GND Ground45 GND Ground46 GND Ground47 GND Ground48 VCC +12V power supply49 VCC +12V power supply50 VCC +12V power supply51 VCC +12V power supplyNote (1) Reserved for internal use. Please leave it open.Note (2)Low : VESA LVDS Format (default), High : JEIDA Format.Note (3) Overdrive lookup table selection. The overdrive lookup table should be selected in accordance with the frame rate to optimize image quality.ODSEL NoteL Lookup table was optimized for 60 Hz frame rate.H Lookup table was optimized for 50 Hz frame rate.Note ( 4) Low=Open or Connect to GND, High = Connect to +3.3V5.2 BACKLIGHT UNITThe pin configuration for the housing and the leader wire is shown in the table below.Pin Name Description Wire Color 1 HV High Voltage White 2HVHigh VoltagePink5.3 INVERTER UNITCN1: S14B-PH-SM4-TB(D)(LF)(JST) or equivalentPin № Symbol Feature 1 234 5VBL +24V6789 10GND GND 11 STATUSNormal (3.3V)Abnormal(GND)12 A_DIM Amplitude Dimming ControlHI (2.0V ~ 5.0V)LO(0V~0.8V)13 I_PWM Internal PWM Control Signal 14 BLON BL ON/OFF CN2-CN7: SM02 -BDAS-3-TB(JST) or equivalent Pin No. Symbol Description1 CCFL HOT CCFL high voltage2 CCFL HOT CCFL high voltageHV(White)HV(White) HV(White)CN8: 528520870 (Molex) or equivalent Pin No. Symbol Description1 Board to Board2 Board to Board3 Board to Board4 Board to Board5 Board to Board6 Board to Board7 Board to Board 8Control SignalBoard to BoardNote (1) Floating of any control signal is not allowed.5.4 BLOCK DIAGRAM OF INTERFACEER0-ER7 EG0-EG7 EB0-EB7DEHost Graphics Controller TxINPLL PLLER0-ER7EG0-EG7EB0-EB7DETimingControllerERx0+ERx0-ERx1+ERx1-ERx2+ERx2-ECLK+ECLK-RxOUT51Ө51Ө51Ө51Ө51Ө51Ө51Ө51Ө51Ө51Ө100pF100pF100pF100pF100pFERx3-ERx3+PLL PLLLVDS Transmitter THC63LVDM83A (LVDF83A)LVDS Receiver ORx0+ORx0-ORx1+ORx1-ORx2+ORx2-OCLK+OCLK-51Ө51Ө51Ө51Ө51Ө51Ө51Ө51Ө51Ө100pF100pF100pF100pF100pFORx3-ORx3+OR0-OR7 OG0-OG7 OB0-OB7DCLK OR0-OR7 OG0-OG7 OB0-OB7 DCLKER0~ER7: Even pixel R dataEG0~EG7: Even pixel G dataEB0~EB7: Even pixel B dataOR0~OR7: Odd pixel R dataOG0~OG7: Odd pixel G dataOB0~OB7: Odd pixel B dataDE: Data enable signalDCLK: Data clock signalNotes (1) The system must have the transmitter to drive the module.Notes (2) LVDS cable impedance shall be 50 ohms per signal line or about 100 ohms per twist-pair line when it is used differentially.Notes (3)Two pixel data send into the module for every clock cycle. The first pixel of the frame is even pixel and the second pixel is odd pixel.5.5 LVDS INTERFACEVESA LVDS forma ̇ΚʻRXCLK ̈́JEDIA LVDS forma ̇ΚʻRXCLK ̈́G3R2G5G4G6R7G2R6R5R4R3B2G7B3B4B6B5B7VS HS DE R0G0R1G1B1B0RSVDERX0̈́ERX1̈́ERX3̈́ERX2̈́R0~R7: Pixel R Data (7; MSB, 0; LSB) G0~G7: Pixel G Data (7; MSB, 0; LSB) B0~B7: Pixel B Data (7; MSB, 0; LSB) DE : Data enable signal DCLK : Data clock signalNotes: (1) RSVD (reserved) pins on the transmitter shall be “H” or “L”.5.6 COLOR DATA INPUT ASSIGNMENTThe brightness of each primary color (red, green and blue) is based on the 10-bit gray scale data input for the color. The higher the binary input, the brighter the color. The table below provides the assignment of the color versus data input.Data SignalRedGreen Blue ColorR7 R6 R5 R4 R3 R2 R1 R0 G7 G6 G5 G4 G3 G2 G1 G0 B7 B6 B5 B4 B3 B2 B1 B0Basic Colors Black Red GreenBlue CyanMagenta Yellow White0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1GrayScaleOfRedRed (0) / Dark Red (1)Red (2)::Red (253)Red (254) Red (255)0 0 0 : : 1 1 1 0 0 0 : : 1 1 1 0 0 0 : : 1 1 1 0 0 0 : : 1 1 1 0 0 0 : : 1 1 1 0 0 0 : : 1 1 1 0 0 1 : : 0 1 1 0 1 0 : : 1 0 1 0 0 0 : : 0 0 0 0 0 0 : : 0 0 0 0 0 0 : : 0 0 0 0 0 0 : : 0 0 0 0 0 0 : : 0 0 0 0 0 0 : : 0 0 0 0 0 0 : : 0 0 0 0 0 0 : : 0 0 0 0 0 0 : : 0 0 0 0 0 0 : : 0 0 0 0 0 0 : : 0 0 0 0 0 0 : : 0 0 0 0 0 0 : : 0 0 0 0 0 0 : : 0 0 0 0 0 0 : : 0 0 0 0 0 0 : : 0 0 0GrayScaleOfGreenGreen (0) / Dark Green (1)Green (2)::Green (253)Green (254) Green (255) 0 0 0 : : 0 0 0 0 0 0 : : 0 0 0 0 0 0 : : 0 0 0 0 0 0 : : 0 0 0 0 0 0 : : 0 0 0 0 0 0 : : 0 0 0 0 0 0 : : 0 0 0 0 0 0 : : 0 0 0 0 0 0 : : 1 1 1 0 0 0 : : 1 1 1 0 0 0 : : 1 1 1 0 0 0 : : 1 1 1 0 0 0 : : 1 1 1 0 0 0 : : 1 1 1 0 0 1 : : 0 1 1 0 1 0 : : 1 0 1 0 0 0 : : 0 0 0 0 0 0 : : 0 0 0 0 0 0 : : 0 0 0 0 0 0 : : 0 0 0 0 0 0 : : 0 0 0 0 0 0 : : 0 0 0 0 0 0 : : 0 0 0 0 0 0 : : 0 0 0GrayScaleOfBlueBlue (0) / Dark Blue (1)Blue (2)::Blue (253)Blue (254) Blue (255) 0 0 0 : : 0 0 00 0 0 : : 0 0 00 0 0 : : 0 0 00 0 0 : : 0 0 0 0 0 0 : : 0 0 0 0 0 0 : : 0 0 0 0 0 0 : : 0 0 0 0 0 0 : : 0 0 0 0 0 0 : : 0 0 0 0 0 0 : : 0 0 0 0 0 0 : : 0 0 0 0 0 0 : : 0 0 00 0 0 : : 0 0 00 0 0 : : 0 0 0 0 0 0 : : 0 0 0 0 0 0 : : 0 0 0 0 0 0 : : 1 1 1 0 0 0 : : 1 1 1 0 0 0 : : 1 1 1 0 0 0 : : 1 1 10 0 0 : : 1 1 1 0 0 0 : : 1 1 1 0 0 1 : : 0 1 1 0 1 0 : : 1 0 1Note (1) 0: Low Level Voltage, 1: High Level Voltage6. INTERFACE TIMING6.1 INPUT SIGNAL TIMING SPECIFICATIONS(Ta = 25 ± 2 ºC)The input signal timing specifications are shown as the following table and timing diagram.SignalItemSymbol Min. Typ. Max. Unit Note Frequency1/Tc 60 74.25 80 MHz - LVDS Receiver Clock Input cycle tocycle jitter Trcl - - 200 ps - Setup Time Tlvsu 600 - - ps - LVDS Receiver DataHold Time Tlvhd 600 - - ps - Fr5 47 50 53 Hz (1) Frame RateFr6 57 60 63 Hz (1)Total Tv 1115 1125 1135 Th Tv=Tvd+TvbDisplay Tvd 1080 1080 1080 Th - VerticalActive Display TermBlankTvb 35 45 55 Th -Total Th 1050 1100 1150 Tc Th=Thd+ThbDisplay Thd 960 960 960 Tc - Horizontal Active Display TermBlankThb90140190Tc-Note (1) : (ODSEL) = (H) , (L). Please refer to 5.1 for detail informationNote (2) : Since the module is operated in DE only mode, Hsync and Vsync input signals should be set to lowlogic level. Otherwise, this module would operate abnormally.6.2 POWER ON/OFF SEQUENCE(Ta = 25 ± 2 ºC)To prevent a latch-up or DC operation of LCD module, the power on/off sequence should be as the diagram below.Power ON/OFF SequenceNote (1) The supply voltage of the external system for the module input should follow the definition of Vcc.Note (2) Apply the lamp voltage within the LCD operation range. When the backlight turns on before the LCD operation or the LCD turns off before the backlight turns off, the display may momentarily becomeabnormal screen.Note (3) In case of Vcc is in off level, please keep the level of input signals on the low or high impedance. If T2<0,that maybe cause electrical overstress failure.Note (4) T4 should be measured after the module has been fully discharged between power off and on period.Note (5) Interface signal shall not be kept at high impedance when the power is on.7. OPTICAL CHARACTERISTICS7.1 TEST CONDITIONSItem Symbol Value Unit Ambient Temperature Ta 25±2 oCAmbient Humidity Ha 50±10 %RHSupply Voltage VCC 12 VInput Signal According to typical value in "3. ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS"Lamp Current IL 8.7/10.2 mAOscillating Frequency (Inverter) FW 10.2 KHzVertical Frame Rate Fr 120 HzThe LCD module should be stabilized at given temperature for 1 hour to avoid abrupt temperature change during measuring. In order to stabilize the luminance, the measurement (CS-1000 or CA-210 calibrated by CS-1000) should be executed after lighting backlight for 1 hour in a windless room.7.2 OPTICAL SPECIFICATIONSThe relative measurement methods of optical characteristics are shown in 7.2. The following items should be measured under the test conditions described in 7.1 and stable environment shown in 7.1.ItemSymbol ConditionMin.Typ.Max. Unit Note Contrast Ratio CR (3000) (4000) - - Note (2) Response TimeGray togray - (6.5) (12) msNote (3) Noraml mode LC (400) (500) - cd/m 2 Note (4) Center Luminance ofWhiteECO mode LC (350) (450) - cd/m 2 Note (4), (7) White Variation δW - - (1.3) - Note (6) Cross TalkCT -- (4)% Note (5)Rx (0.652) - RedRy (0.333) - Gx (0.270)-GreenGy (0.617) - Bx (0.149) - BlueBy (0.063) - Wx (0.280) - White Wy Typ. -0.03(0.285) Typ. +0.03--ColorChromaticityColor Gamut C.G θx=0°, θy =0° Viewing angle at normal direction- (72) - % NTSCθx+ 80 88 - Horizontalθx- 80 88 - θY+ 80 88 - Viewing AngleVerticalθY- CR ≥2080 88 - Deg. Note (1)Gamma-(2.2)-- -Note (1) Definition of Viewing Angle (θx, θy):Viewing angles are measured by Eldim EZ-Contrast 160RThe driving signal means the signal of gray level 0, 31, 63, 95, 127, 159, 191, 223 and 255.Gray to gray average time means the average switching time of gray level 0, 31, 63, 95, 127, 159, 191, 223 and 255 to each other.Note (4) Definition of Luminance of White (L C , L AVE ):Measure the luminance of gray level 255 at center point and 5 pointsL C = L (5), where L (X) is corresponding to the luminance of the point X at the figure in Note (6).Note (5) Definition of Cross Talk (CT):CT = | YB – YA | / YA × 100 (%)Where:YA = Luminance of measured location without gray level 0 pattern (cd/m2)YB = Luminance of measured location with gray level 0 pattern (cd/m2)8. PRECAUTIONS8.1 ASSEMBLY AND HANDLING PRECAUTIONS[ 1 ] Do not apply rough force such as bending or twisting to the module during assembly.[ 2 ] It is recommended to assemble or to install a module into the user’s system in clean working areas. The dust and oil may cause electrical short or worsen the polarizer.[ 3 ] Do not apply pressure or impulse to the module to prevent the damage of LCD panel and Backlight.[ 4 ] Always follow the correct power-on sequence when the LCD module is turned on. This can prevent the damage and latch-up of the CMOS LSI chips.[ 5 ] Do not plug in or pull out the I/F connector while the module is in operation.[ 6 ] Do not disassemble the module.[ 7 ] Use a soft dry cloth without chemicals for cleaning, because the surface of polarizer is very soft and easily scratched.[ 8 ] Moisture can easily penetrate into LCD module and may cause the damage during operation.[ 9 ] When storing modules as spares for a long time, the following precaution is necessary.[ 9.1 ] Do not leave the module in high temperature, and high humidity for a long time. It is highly recommended to store the module with temperature from 0 to 35кat normal humidity withoutcondensation.[ 9.2 ] The module shall be stored in dark place. Do not store the TFT-LCD module in direct sunlight or fluorescent light.[ 10 ] When ambient temperature is lower than 10ºC, the display quality might be reduced. For example, the response time will become slow, and the starting voltage of CCFL will be higher than that of roomtemperature.8.2 SAFETY PRECAUTIONS[ 1 ] The startup voltage of a Backlight is approximately 1000 Volts. It may cause an electrical shock while assembling with the inverter. Do not disassemble the module or insert anything into the Backlight unit.[ 2 ] If the liquid crystal material leaks from the panel, it should be kept away from the eyes or mouth. In case of contact with hands, skin or clothes, it has to be washed away thoroughly with soap.[ 3 ] After the module’s end of life, it is not harmful in case of normal operation and storage.V420H1 -L15Rev. XXX X X X X X X Y M D L N N N NV420H1 -L15Rev. XXX X X X X X X Y M D L N N N NModel Name: V420H1-L15Revision: Rev. XX, for example: A0, A1… B1, B2… or C1, C2…etc. Serial ID: X X X X X X X Y M D L N N N NSerial No.Product LineManufactured Date:Year: 0~9, for 2000~2009Month: 1~9, A~C, for Jan. ~ Dec.Day: 1~9, A~Y, for 1st to 31st, exclude I ,O, and U. Revision Code: Cover all the changeSerial No.: Manufacturing sequence of productProduct Line: 1 -> Line1, 2 -> Line 2, …etc.10. PACKAGING10.1 PACKAGING SPECIFICATIONS(1) 4 LCD TV modules / 1 Box(2) Box dimensions : 1100(L)x317(W)x670(H)mm(3) Weight : Approx. 53.17Kg(4 modules per carton)10.2 PACKAGING METHODFigures 10-1 and 10-2 are the packing methodFigure.10-1 packing methodSea / Land Transportation(40ft Container)Air TransportationFigure.10-2 packing method11. MECHANICAL CHARACTERISTICS。

SLATE 10英寸彩色触屏显示R8001K1010说明书

SLATE 10英寸彩色触屏显示R8001K1010说明书

SLA TE™10” Color Touch Screen Display R8001K1010INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONSScan for more informationApplicationSLATE™ brings configurable safety and programmable logic together into one single platform. The platform can easilybe customized for almost any requirement or application–offering virtually limitless development opportunities with far less complexity.The R8001K1010 SLATE 10” Color Touch Screen Display provides users with the ability to create vivid application displays using web technology. The screen is web enabled and with the SLATE Web Editor tool creating screens is simple and easy.Features• Display screens are web pages served from SLATE Base Module• Integrated view of SLATE system• Standard Honeywell pages for Burner Control, Fuel Air Ratio, Limit and Base modulesSLATE™10” COLOR TOUCH SCREEN DISPLAY3 R8001K1010SpecificationsElectrical Ratings:Voltage and Frequency: 24 VAC, 50/60Hz; 24AC/DCEnvironmental RatingsAmbient Temperature:Operating: 32° F to 158° F (0° C to 70° C)Shipping: -40° F to 158° F (-40° C to 70° C)Humidity: 95% continuous, noncondensing.Dimensions: See Fig. 1.Weight: 4 lb 5 oz (1.5 Kg)Panel MountingThe display can be mounted through a cutout in the panel door, using four #4 thread-forming Plastite screws. See Fig. 3.For standard panel thicknesses of 0.060”–0.090” Honeywell recommends screw length of 3/8”. See Fig. 2 for hole spacing.Required ComponentsR8001A1001 SLATE Base ControllerPower Plug RecommendationsThe SLATE 10 inch color touch screen display will notcome with a power plug connector. The following are recommendations for the power connection. See Fig. 4 for plug locations.• 24VAC Wall Plug-in Transformer(Input Voltage: 120VAC, 60HZ – Output Voltage: 24VAC±5%). Honeywell p/n 32006131 or equivalent.• 18AWG wire• Plug-in connectors (or equivalent) NOT INCLUDED:–Phoenix - p/n 1757019–EBY Electro - p/n EB1508-02-500–Dinkle – p/n 2ESDV-02P–Molex – p/n 03953000024 32-00095—03SLATE ™ 10” COLOR TOUCH SCREEN DISPLAY 5R8001K1010Fig. 1.3/4Dimensions in in. (mm).Fig. 2. Mounting dimensions of color touch screen display in in. (mm).Fig. 3. Panel mounting of color touch screen display.Fig. 4. Touch screen display inputs.Note:SD card slot for future display firmware updates. Principal Technical FeaturesThe R8001K1010 color touch screen display provides a web-based user interface for viewing system status, and viewing, creating, or modifying configurations. Communications and NetworkingThe R8001K1010 color touch screen display interfaces directly with the SLATE system using a standard Ethernet connection, and can connect directly to the Base module or via an Ethernet switch.The R8001K1010 color touch screen display locates all base modules on an IP subnet using a subnet broadcast message, and once located allows users to select one to initiate a connection to that SLATE system.User Interface and TechnologyThe R8001K1010 color touch screen display is based on the Google Chrome™ browser and supports HTML5.A double tap on any web screen activates the Home, Back, and Help buttons, URL address bar, plus other controlsthat are normally hidden from view. Double tapping again deactivates these controls.6 32-00095—03InstallationWARNINGFire or Explosion Hazard Can cause severe injury,death, or property damage.Verification of safety requirements must be performedeach time a control is installed on a burner to preventpossible hazardous burner operation.When Installing This Product1. Read these instructions carefully. Failure to follow themcould damage the product or cause a hazardous condition.2. Check the ratings given in the instructions and on theproduct to make sure the product is suitable for yourapplication.WARNINGElectrical Shock Hazard.Can cause severe injury, death or equipment damage.1. Disconnect the power supply before beginning installationto prevent electrical shock and equipment damage. More than one power supply disconnect can be involved.2. Wiring must comply with all applicable codes, ordinancesand regulations.SLATE™10” COLOR TOUCH SCREEN DISPLAY7 R8001K1010Honeywell Process SolutionsHoneywell Thermal Solutions (HTS)1250 West Sam Houston ParkwaySouth Houston, TX ® U.S. Registered Trademark. © 2018 Honeywell International Inc. 32-00095—03 M.S. 05-18 Printed in U.S.A.For more information and detailed instructions on the SLATEdisplay please refer to the SLATE User Guide document located on our website at /SLATE32-00095-03IMPORTANT1. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with these instructions, may cause interference for radio communications. It has been tested and found to comply with the limits of a ClassA computing device of part 15 of FCC rules, which are designed to provide reasonable protection against such interference when operated in a commercial environment. Operation of this equipment in a residential area may cause interference; in which case, the user, at their own expense, may be required to take whatever measures are required to correct this interference.2. This digital apparatus does not exceed the Class A limits for radio noise, set out in the Radio Interference Regulations of the Canadian Department of Communications.WARNINGElectrical Shock Hazard. Can cause severe injury, death or equipment damage.Disconnect the power supply from the main disconnectbefore beginning installation to prevent electrical shockand equipment damage. More than one disconnect can be required.。

TFT 4.3寸彩屏 规格书

TFT 4.3寸彩屏 规格书

CLK frequency
DEV perio0
DEV display area
DEV blanking
DEH period time
DEH display area
Hr Note 1
Note 1: The “LED life time” is defined as the module brightness decrease to 50% original brightness that the ambient temperature is 25℃ and IL =20mA. The LED lifetime could be decreased if operating IL is lager than 20 mA.
Data Setup Time
Data Hold Time
DE Setup Time
DE Hold Time
% % ns ns ns ns ns ns
DEH blanking

MT8103iE1 10.1英寸TFT显示屏说明书

MT8103iE1 10.1英寸TFT显示屏说明书

MT8103iE1DisplayDisplay 10.1” TFT Resolution1024 x 600Brightness (cd/m 2) 350 Contrast Ratio 500:1 Backlight Type LED Backlight Life Time 50,000 hrs. Colors16.7M LCD Viewing Angle (T/B/L/R) 70/70/80/80Pixel Pitch (mm) 0.2175(H)x0.2088(V) Touch PanelType4-wire Resistive TypeAccuracy Active Area Length(X)±2%, Width(Y)±2%MemoryFlash128 MB RAM128 MBProcessor32-bit RISC 600MHzI/O PortSD Card Slot N/A USB Host USB 2.0 x 1USB Client N/AEthernet 10/100 Base-T x 1 WiFiIEEE 802.11 b/g/n 802.11b: max 19.76 dBm 802.11g: max 14.07 dBm 802.11n: max 15.41 dBmCOM PortCon.A: COM1 RS-485 2W, COM2 RS-485 2W/4W, COM3 RS-485 2W/4W *1Con.B: COM1 RS-232 4W, COM3 RS-232 2W *2RS-485 Dual Isolation N/A CAN Bus N/A Audio Output N/A Video InputN/A RTCBuilt-in PowerInput Power 24±20%VDC Power Isolation Built-inPower Consumption650mA@24VDC Voltage Resistance 500VAC (1 min.)Isolation Resistance Exceed 50M at 500VDCVibration Endurance 10 to 25Hz (X, Y , Z direction 2G 30 minutes)SpecificationPCB Coating Yes EnclosurePlasticDimensions WxHxD271 x 213 x 36.4 mmPanel Cutout 260 x 202 mm Weight Approx. 1 kg MountPanel mountEnvironment Protection StructureUL Type 4X (indoor use only) NEMA4 / IP65 Compliant Front PanelStorage Temperature-20° ~ 60°C (-4° ~ 140°F) Operating Temperature 0° ~ 50°C (32° ~ 122°F) Relative Humidity 10% ~ 90% (non-condensing)CertificateCECE marked ULcULus ListedSoftwareEasyBuilder Pro V6.01.01 or later versions*1 COM 3 RS-485 4W will not be available when COM 1 RS-485 2W is used.*2 Only Tx & Rx (no RTS/CTS) may be used for COM1 RS-232 when COM3 RS-232 is also used.HMI with 10.1" TFT Display Feature● 10.1" 1024 x 600 TFT LCD, LED Backlight ● Fan-less Cooling System● COM2 and COM3 RS-485 support MPI 187.5K, please use one at one time● PCB coating process ensures high reliability to resist from corrosion in harsh environment ● Built-in Power Isolation● NEMA4 / IP65 Compliant Front Panel ● WiFi compatible with 802.11 b/g/n ●Built-in EasyAccess 2.0 LicenseMT8103iE1DimensionsPin Assignment: Con.B: COM1/COM3 [RS232] D-sub 9Pin Male PIN# COM1 [RS232] 4WCOM3 [RS232] 2W12 RxD 3TxD45 GND67 RTS TxD8 CTSRxD9GNDCon.A: COM1 / COM2 / COM3 [RS485] 9 Pin, Female, D-sub PIN# COM1 [RS485] 2WCOM2 [RS485] COM3 [RS485]2W 4W 2W 4W 1 Data- Rx- 2 Data+ Rx+ 3 Tx- 4 Tx+5 GND6 Data- Rx-7 Data- Tx-8 Data+ Tx+ 9Data+Rx+Contact: WEINTEK LABS., INC. TEL: +886-2-22286770 Web:MT8103iE1_Datasheet_ENG_20210625R2mm [R0.08"]260mm [10.24"] W x 202mm [7.95"] H260mm [10.24"]202m m [7.95"]英文版Cutout Dimensions271mm [10.67"]213m m [8.38"]4.5mm [0.18"]23.5mm [0.93"]8.36mm [0.33"]36.4m m [1.43"]258.6mm [10.18"]200.6m m [7.90"]ba de fc Top ViewFront View Side ViewRear ViewBottom Viewa. Fuseb. Power Connectorc. Con.A: COM1 RS-485 2W, COM2 RS-485 2W/4W, COM3 RS-4852W/4Wd. Con.B: COM1 RS-232 4W, COM3 RS-232 2We. USB Host Portf. LANOrdering Information❑ MT8103iE1:10.1" 1024 x 600 TFT LCD HMI, Built-in 128 MB flash memory / 128 MB DDR2 RAM on board, Built-in EasyAccess 2.0 License ❑ RZUSK7010 (included in package) USB Clamp & Tying Strap。



CUSTOMER APPROVAL SHEETCompany NameMODEL A104SN03 V1CUSTOMER APPROVED Title : Name :□ APPROVAL FOR SPECIFICATIONS ONLY (Spec. Ver. )□ APPROVAL FOR SPECIFICATIONS AND ES SAMPLE (Spec. Ver. )□ APPROVAL FOR SPECIFICATIONS AND CS SAMPLE (Spec. Ver. )□ CUSTOMER REMARK :AUO PM :P/N :Comment :1 Li-Hsin Rd. 2. Science-Based Industrial ParkHsinchu 300, Taiwan, R.O.C.Tel: +886-3-500-8899Doc. version : 0.7Total pages : 34Date : 2009/04/27Product Specification10.4" COLOR TFT-LCD MODULE Model Name:A104SN03 V1Planned Lifetime: From 2008/Dec To 2010/Dec Phase-out Control:From 2010/Jul To 2010/Dec EOL Schedule: 2010/Decary Specification< >Final SpecificationNote: The content of this specification is subject to change.© 2009 AU Optronics All Rights Reserved, Do Not Copy.Page: 1/34Record of RevisionVersion Revise Date Page Content0.0 2008/10/29All First Draft0.1 2008/11/1224 Update Response time29 Update drawing0.2 2009/01/07 4 Update drawing17 Update Register Table18 Delete R1 setting0.3 2009/1/16 4 Update drawing10 Delete extra Electrical DC Characteristics32 Add Application Circuit0.4 2009/02/048 Delete extra note0.5 2009/03/1512 Add VCOMin22 Delete Power on R133 Update Application Circuit0.6 2009/03/3125 Update Contrast ratio0.7 2009/4/27 19 Update Register Table & Register DescriptionPage: 2/34ContentsA.General Information (3)B.Outline Dimension (4)1.TFT-LCD Module (4)C.Electrical Specifications (6)1. TFT LCD Panel Pin Assignment (6)2. Backlight Pin Assignment (9)3. Absolute Maximum Ratings (9)3. Electrical DC Characteristics (10)4. Electrical AC Characteristics (14)5. Serial Interface Characteristics (17)6. Power On/Off Characteristics (22)D.Optical Specification (25)E.Reliability Test Items (28)F.Packing and Marking (31)1. Packing Form (31)2. Module/Panel Label Information (32)3. Carton Label Information (32)G.Application Note (33)Application Circuit (33)H.Precautions (34)Page:3/34A. General InformationThis product is for portable DVD and digital photo frame application.NO. ItemUnit SpecificationRemark1 Screen Sizeinch 10.4(Diagonal)2 Display Resolutiondot800RGB(W)x600(H)3 Overall Dimensionmm 228.4(W)x175.4(H)x6.2(D)Note 1 4 Active Area mm211.2(W)x158.4(H)5 Pixel Pitchmm 0.264(W)x0.264(H) 6 Color Configuration-- R. G. B. Stripe Note 27 Color Depth -- 16.7M ColorsNote 3 8 NTSC Ratio% 509Display Mode-- Normally White 10 Panel surface Treatment --Anti-Glare, 3H11 Weightg400±2012 Panel Power ConsumptionW 0.43Note 4 13 Backlight Power Consumption W 2.97 14 Viewing direction6 o’clock (gray inversion)Note 1: Not include blacklight cable and FPC. Refer next page to get further information. Note 2: Below figure shows dot stripe arrangement.Note 3: The full color display depends on 24-bit data signal (pin 4~27). Note 4: Please refer to Electrical Characteristics chapter.( 1…………...……………..600 )V e r s i o n :0.7P a g e : 4/34I G H T S S T R I C T L Y R E S E R V E D . A N Y P O R T I O N O F T H I S P A P E R S H A L L N O T B E R E P R O D U C E D , C O P I E D , O R T R A N S F O R M E D T O A N Y O T H E R F O W I T H O U T P E R M I S S I O N F R O M A U O P T R O N I C S C O R P .O u t l i n e D i m e n s i o n1. T F T -L C D M o d u l eV e r s i o n :0.7P a g e : 5/34I G H T S S T R I C T L Y R E S E R V E D . A N Y P O R T I O N O F T H I S P A P E R S H A L L N O T B E R E P R O D U C E D , C O P I E D , O R T R A N S F O R M E D T O A N Y O T H E R F O W I T H O U T P E R M I S S I O N F R O M A U O P T R O N I C S C O R P .Page: 6/34 C. Electrical Specifications1. TFT LCD Panel Pin AssignmentRecommended connector : HRS FH28-60S-0.5SHPin no Symbol I/O Description Remark1 AGND P Ground for analog circuit2 AVDD P Analog power supply voltage3 VDDIO P Digital interface supply voltage4 R0 I Red data input (LSB)5 R1 I Red data input6 R2 I Red data input7 R3 I Red data input8 R4 I Red data input9 R5 I Red data input10 R6 I Red data input11 R7 I Red data input (MSB)12 G0 I Green data input (LSB)13 G1 I Green data input14 G2 I Green data input15 G3 I Green data input16 G4 I Green data input17 G5 I Green data input18 G6 I Green data input19 G7 I Green data input (MSB)20 B0 I Blue data input (LSB)21 B1 I Blue data input22 B2 I Blue data input23 B3 I Blue data input24 B4 I Blue data input25 B5 I Blue data input26 B6 I Blue data input27 B7 I Blue data input (MSB)28 DCLK I Data clock input29 DE I Data enable signal30 HSYNC I Horizontal sync input. (Negative polarity)31 VSYNC I Vertical sync input. (Negative polarity)32 SCL I Serial communication clock input33 SDA I Serial communication data input34 CSB I Serial communication chip selectPage:7/3435NC-For test, do not connect (Please leave it open)36 VDDIO P Digital interface supply voltage 37 NC - For test, do not connect (Please leave it open)38 GND P Ground for digital circuit 39 AGND P Ground for analog circuit 40 AVDDP Analog power supply voltage41VCOMin IFor external VCOM DC input 42 DITH IDithering setting DITH = "L" 6bit resolution(LSB last 2 bits of input data turncated)DITH = "H" 8bit resolution(Default setting)43 NC- For test, do not connect (Please leave it open) 44 VCOM O connect a capacitor 45 V10 I Gamma correction voltage reference 46 V9 I Gamma correction voltage reference 47 V8 I Gamma correction voltage reference 48 V7 I Gamma correction voltage reference 49 V6 I Gamma correction voltage reference 50 V5 I Gamma correction voltage reference 51 V4 I Gamma correction voltage reference 52 V3 I Gamma correction voltage reference 53 V2 I Gamma correction voltage reference 54 V1IGamma correction voltage reference55 NC - For test, do not connect (Please leave it open)56 VGH P Positive power for TFT57 VDDIO P Digital interface supply voltage 58 VGL P Negative power supply for Gate driver.59 GND P Ground for digital circuit 60 NC-For test, do not connect (Please leave it open)I: Input; P: PowerPage: 8/34.Page:9/342. Backlight Pin AssignmentRecommended connector : JOIN TEK JT1025-1021Pin no Symbol I/O Description Remark1 VLED+ P Backlight LED anode2VLED-PBacklight LED cathode3. Absolute Maximum RatingsItemSymbol Conditio Min. Max. Unit Remark VDDIO GND=0 -0.5 5 V Digital Power Supply AVDDAGND=0 -0.5 15 VAnalog power supplyVGH -0.3 42 V Gate driver supply voltage VGL GND=0-20 0.3 V Gate driver supply voltage Power voltageVGH -VGL- 40V Gate driver supply voltageV I -0.3 VDDIO+0.3 VNote 1 Input signal voltageVCOMin 0 5 VVCOM DC VoltageOperating Topa -10 60 StorageTstg-2070Note 1: Functional operation should be restricted under ambient temperature.Note 2: Maximum ratings are those values beyond which damages to the device may occur. Functional operation should be restricted to the limits in the Electrical Characteristics chapter.Page: 10/343. Electrical DC Characteristicsa. Typical Operation Condition (AGND =GND = 0V)Item Symbol Min. Typ.Max. Unit RemarkVDDIO 3.0 3.3 3.6 V Digital Power SupplyAVDD 10.5 11 11.5 V Analog Power Supply Power VoltageVGH 14 15 16 V Positive power supply for gatedriverVGL -7.5 -7 -6.5 V Negative power supply forgate driver InputH Level VIH 0.7xVDDIO-- VDDIO VSignal Voltage L Level VIL GND -- 0.3xVDDIO VGamma referenceV1 ~ V5AVDD/2 - AVDD – 1V Note 1 voltage V6 ~ V10 1 - AVDD/2 VVCOMin V CDC 3.75 3.95 4.15 V Note 2 Note 1: Gamma suggested circuit is as followsPage: 11/34 Pin Voltage(V)AVDD 11V1 10V2 8.5V3 8V4 7.57V5 6.7V6 4.3V7 3.43V8 3V9 2.5V10 1Page: 12/34 Note2: Based on recommended Gamma 2.2 voltage.Page: 13/34b. Current Consumption (AGND=GND=0V)Parameter Symbol Condition Min. Typ. Max. Unit Remark Input current for VDDIO IVDDIO VDDIO = 3.3V 10 20 m A Note 1, 2 Input current for AVDD IAVDD AVDD = 11V 24 30 mA Note 1, 2 Input current for VGH IVGH VGH = 15V -- 0.4 0.6 mA Note 1, 2 Input current for VGL IVGL VGL = -7V -0.6 -0.4 -- mA Note 1, 2 Note 1:Test Condition is under typical Eletrical DC and AC characteristics.Note 2: Test pattern is the following picture.c. Backlight Driving ConditionsThe backlight (LED module, Note 1) is suggested to drive by constant current with typical value.Parameter Symbol Min. Typ. Max. Unit Remark LED light bar Current I L-- 300 -- mAPower Consumption P -- 3 3.21 W Note 1 LED Life Time L L10,000 -- -- Hr Note 2, 3 Note 1: The LED driving condition is defined for LED module (36 LED). The Voltage range will be 8.8V to 10.7V based on suggested driving current set as 300mA.Note 2: Define “LED Lifetime”: brightness is decreased to 50% of the initial value. LED Lifetime is restricted under normal condition, ambient temperature = 25℃and LED lightbar current =300mA.Note 3: If it uses larger LED lightbar current more than 300mA, it maybe decreases the LED lifetime.Page: 14/344. Electrical AC Characteristicsa. Signal AC CharacteristicsParameter Symbol Min. Typ. Max. Unit Remark DCLK duty cycle -- 40 50 60 % t cw / t DCLK x100% VSYNC setup time t vst0 -- -- nsVSYNC hold time t vhd 2 -- -- nsHSYNC setup time t hst 5 -- -- nsHSYNC hold time t hhd10 -- -- nsData setup time t dst 5 -- -- nsData hold time t dhd10 -- -- nsData enable set-up time t est 4 -- -- nsData enable hold time t ehd 2 -- -- nsPage:15/34b. Input TimingHS R[7:0]G[7:0]B[7:0]DCLKHorizontal input timing. (HV mode)DCLK DER[7:0]G[7:0]B[7:0]Horizontal TimingParameter Symbol Min. Typ. Max. Unit. RemarkDCLK frequency F DCLK 25 40 45 MHz DCLK periodT DCLK 22 25 40 ns Hsync period (= T HD + T HBL )T H 1026 1056 1183 DCLK Active AreaT HD - 800 - DCLK Horizontal blanking (= T HF + T HE )T HBL 226 256 383 DCLK Hsync front porchT HF 10 40 167 DCLK Delay from Hsync to 1st data input(= T HW + T HB )T HE216DCLKPage: 16/34 Hsync pulse width T HW 1 128 136 DCLKHsync back porch T HB80 88 215 DCLKHorizontal input timing (HV mode)Horizontal input timing (DE mode)Vertical TimingParameter Symbol Min. Typ. Max. Unit. Remark Vsync period (= T VD + T VBL) T V- 628 635 ThActive lines T VD- 600 - Th Vertical blanking (= T VF + T VE) T VBL- 28 35 ThVsync front porch T VF- 1 8 ThGD start pulse delay T VE- 27 - ThVsync pulse width T VW 1 3 16 ThHsync/Vsync phase shift T VPD 2 320 - DCLKPage: 17/34Vertical timing (HV mode)Vertical timing (DE mode)5. Serial Interface Characteristicsa. Serial Control Interface AC CharacteristicParameter Symbol Min. Typ. Max. Unit. Remark Serial data setup time T IST120 - - nsSerial data hold time T IHD120 - - nsCSB setup time T CST120 - - nsCSB hold time T CHD120 - - nsSerial clock high/low T SSW120 - - nsSerial clock T SCK320 - - nsDelay from CSB to VSYNC T CV 1 - - usChip select distinguish T CD 1 - - usSerial data output delay T ID- - 60 ns CL=20pFPage: 18/34b Serial Interface TimingThere is a total of 6 registers each containing several parameters. For a detailed description of the parameters refer to register table. The serial register has read/write function. D[15:12] are the register address, D[11] defines the read or write mode and D[10:0] are the data.Serial Interface Write sequence1. At power-on, the default values specified for each parameter are taken.2. If less than 16-bit data are read during the CS low time period, the data is cancelled.a. The write operation is cancelled.3. All items are set at the falling edge of the vertical sync, except R0[1:0].4. When GRB is activated through the serial interface, all registers are cleared, except the GRB value.5. The register setting values are valid when VCC already goes to high and after VSYNC starts.6. It is suggested that VSYNC, HSYNC, DCLK always exists in the same time. But if HSYNC, DCLK stops,only VSYNC operating, the register setting is still valid.7. If the chip goes to standby mode, the register value will still keep. MCU can wake up the chip only bychanging standby mode value from low to high.8. The register setting values are rewritten by the influence of static electricity, a noise, etc. to unsuitable value,incorrect operating may occur. It is suggested that the SPI interface will setup as frequently as possible.Page:19/34c. Register Table (Default Value)RegADDRESSR/WDATA No. D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9D8D7D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1D0R0 0 0 0 0 0 (01)(01) (1)(0)(1) (1)(0)GRB (1)STB (1)R2 0 0 1 0 0 × × × HDL(80h)R3 0 0 1 1 0 × × (0) (0) (0) (0) (0) VDL(1000)R4 0 1 0 0 0 × × (1)(0) (0)(0) (1) (1111)R6 011×(0)EnGB12 (1)EnGB11 (1)EnGB10 (1)(0)(0)EnGB5 (1)EnGB4 (1)EnGB3 (1)(0)X: Reserved. Please set to “0”.<Note>:Sending serial commands periodically is recommended to improve ESD protection ability.d. Register Descriptiona. R0 setting AddressBitDescriptionDefault 0000 [10..0] Bits 10-9 AUO Internal Use 01 Bits7-8AUO Internal Use 01 Bit6 (DITH) Dithering function. 1 Bit5 AUO Internal Use 0 Bit4 AUO Internal Use 1 Bit3 AUO Internal Use. 1 Bit2 AUO Internal Use 0 Bit1 (GRB) Global reset.1Bit0 (STB) Standby mode setting.1Bit6 DITH function0 DITH off.1DITH on. (default)Bit1GRB function0 The controller is reset. Reset all registers to default value. 1Normal operation. (default)Bit0STB function0 T-CON and source driver are off. All outputs are set to GND.1Normal operation. (default)Address Bit Description Default 0010 [7..0] Bit7-0(HDL) Horizontal start pulse adjustment function80H Bit7-0 HDL function00h T HE = T HEtyp - 128 CLK period.80h T HE = T HEtyp. (default)FFh T HE = T HEtyp + 127 CLK period.c. R3 settingAddress Bit Description Default 0011[8..0]Bit8 AUO Internal Use0Bit7 AUO Internal Use0Bit6 AUO Internal Use 0Bit5 AUO Internal Use 0Bit4 AUO Internal Use 0Bit3-0(VDL) Vertical start pulse adjustment function 1000Bit3-0 VDL function0000 T VE = T VEtyp – 8 Hs period.0001 T VE = T VEtyp – 7 Hs period.0010 T VE = T VEtyp – 6 Hs period.0011 T VE = T VEtyp – 5 Hs period.0100 T VE = T VEtyp – 4 Hs period.0101 T VE = T VEtyp – 3 Hs period.0110 T VE = T VEtyp – 2 Hs period.0111 T VE = T VEtyp – 1 Hs period.1000 T VE = T VEtyp. (default)1001 T VE = T VEtyp – 1 Hs period.1010 T VE = T VEtyp – 2 Hs period.1011 T VE = T VEtyp – 3 Hs period.1100 T VE = T VEtyp – 4 Hs period.1101 T VE = T VEtyp – 5 Hs period.1110 T VE = T VEtyp – 6 Hs period.1111 T VE = T VEtyp – 7 Hs period.Address Bit Description Default 0110 [9..0] Bits9 AUO Internal Use 0Bits8(EnGB12)Gamma buffer Enable for V9 1Bits7(EnGB11)Gamma buffer Enable for V8 1Bits6(EnGB10)Gamma buffer Enable for V7 1Bits5 AUO Internal Use 0Bits4 AUO Internal Use 0Bits3(EnGB5) Gamma buffer Enable for V4 1Bits2(EnGB4) Gamma buffer Enable for V3 1Bits1(EnGB3) Gamma buffer Enable for V2 1Bits0 AUO Internal Use 0 Bitx EnGBx function0 Gamma buffer for VX is disabled (High Z).1 Gamma buffer is enabled. VX must be connected externally.Page: 22/346. Power On/Off Characteristicsa. Recommended Power On Register SettingADDRESS R/W DATARegNo.D15D14D13D12D11D10 D9 D8 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 R00000010 01 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 R2001000 0 0 80hR3001100 0 0 0 0 0 0 1000R4010000 0 1 1 00 1 1111R6011000 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0Note : Start to provide SPI commend at least after 2 frame.1. Send R15 : 000h(Normal register bank) at first.2. Wait at least after more than one frame, send R0 : 4D1h(Global Reset)3. After send Global Reset, start to send R0 to R6 recommend register value.V e r s i o n :0.7P a g e : 23/34G H T S S T R I C T L Y R E S E R V E D . A N Y P O R T I O N O F T H I S P A P E R S H A L L N O T B E R E P R O D U C E D , C O P I E D , O R T R A N S F O R M E D T O A N Y O T H E R F O R M S W I T H O U T P E R M I S S I O N F R O M A U O P T R O N I C S C O R P .R e c o m m e n d e d P o w e r O n S e q u e n c eV e r s i o n :0.7P a g e : 24/34G H T S S T R I C T L Y R E S E R V E D . A N Y P O R T I O N O F T H I S P A P E R S H A L L N O T B E R E P R O D U C E D , C O P I E D , O R T R A N S F O R M E D T O A N Y O T H E R F O R M S W I T H O U T P E R M I S S I O N F R O M A U O P T R O N I C S C O R P .P o w e r O f f S e q u e n c ePage:25/34D. Optical SpecificationAll optical specification is measured under typical condition (Note 1, 2)Item Symbol Condition Min. Typ. Max. Unit Remark Response TimeRise FallTr Tfθ=0°-- --307 33ms ms Note 3 Contrast ratioCR At optimizedviewing angle 400 500 -- Note 4TopBottom Left Viewing AngleRight4050 65 6550 60 75 75 -- -- -- -- deg. Note 5BrightnessY Lθ=0° 250300 --cd/m 2 Note 6X θ=0° 0.28 0.33 0.38 White Y θ=0° 0.30 0.35 0.40 X θ=0° 0.550 0.600 0.650 RedY θ=0° 0.324 0.374 0.424 X θ=0° 0.306 0.356 0.406 Green Y θ=0° 0.531 0.581 0.631 X θ=0° 0.094 0.144 0.194 ChromaticityBlueY θ=0° 0.043 0.093 0.143 UniformityΔY L%7580--Note 7Note 1: Ambient temperature =25℃, and LED lightbar current I L = 300mA. To be measured in the dark room.Note 2: To be measured on the center area of panel with a viewing cone of 1° by Topcon luminance meterBM-5A, after 15 minutes operation.Page:26/34The output signals of photo detector are measured when the input signals are changed from “black” to “white”(falling time) and from “white” to “black”(rising time), respectively.The response time is defined as the time interval between the 10% and 90% of amplitudes. Refer to figure as below.Note 4.Definition of contrast ratio:Contrast ratio is calculated with the following formula.statusBlack"" at is LCD when output detector Photo statusWhite"" at is LCD when output detector Photo (CR) ratio Contrast =Note 5. Definition of viewing angle, θ, Refer to figure as below.Note 6. Measured at the center area of the panel when all the input terminals of LCD panel are electrically opened.Note 7: Luminance Uniformity of these 9 points is defined as below:Page: 27/34Page: 28/34 E. Reliability Test ItemsNo.Test items Conditions Remark1 High Temperature Storage 240Hrs2 Low Temperature Storage Ta= -2240Hrs3 High Ttemperature Operation Tp= 240Hrs4 Low Temperature Operation Ta=-1240Hrs5 High Temperature & High Humidity Tp240Hrs Operation6 Heat Shock -Non-operation7 Electrostatic Discharge Contact = ± 4 kV, class BAir = ± 8 kV, class B Note 58 Image Sticking 254hrs Note 6Frequency range : 10~55HzStoke : 1.5mmSweep : 10 ~ 55 ~ 10Hz2 hours for each direction of X,Y,Z 9 Vibration(6 hours for total)Non-operation JIS C7021, A-10 condition A : 15 minutes10Mechanical Shock 100G . 6ms, ±X,±Y,±Z3 times for each direction Non-operation JIS C7021,A-7 condition C11Vibration (With Carton)Random vibration:0.015G2/Hz from 5~200Hz–6dB/Octave from 200~500HzIEC 68-3412Drop (With Carton) Height: 60cm1 corner, 3 edges, 6 surfaces13Pressure 5kg, 5sec Note 7 Note 1: Ta: Ambient Temperature. Tp: Panel Surface TemperatureNote 2: In the standard conditions, there is not display function NG issue occurred. All the cosmetic specification is judged before the reliability stress.Note 3: All the cosmetic specification is judged before the reliability stress.Note5 : All test techniques follow IEC6100-4-2 standard.Page:29/34Contact Discharge :330Ω, 150pF, 1sec, 8 point, 10times/pointAir Discharge :330Ω, 150pF, 1sec, 8 point, 10times/point Then judge with 50% gray level, the mura is less than JND 2.5Note 7: The panel is tested as figure. The jig isψ10 mm made by Cu with rubber and the loadingspeed is 3mm/min on position A~E. After the condition, no glass crack will be found and panelfunction check is OK.( no guarantee LC mura 、LC bubble)Page: 30/34Page: 31/34 F. Packing and Marking1. Packing FormPage: 32/342. Module/Panel Label InformationThe module/panel (collectively called as the “Product”) will be attached with a label of Shipping Number which represents the identification of the Product at a specific location. Refer to the Product outline drawing for detailed location and size of the label. The label is composed of a 22-digit serial number and printed with code 39/128 with the following definition:Example:501M06ZL06123456781Z05:Product Manufacturing Week Code: WK50Product Version: Version 1Product Manufactuing Factory: M063. Carton Label InformationThe packing carton will be attached with a carton label where packing Q’ty, AUO Model Name, AUO Part Number, Customer Part Number (Optional) and a series of Carton Number in 13 or 14 digits are printed. The Carton Number is apparing in the following format:Refer to the drawing of packing format for the location and size of the carton label.V e r s i o n :0.7P a g e : 33/34R I G H T S S T R I C T L Y R E S E R V E D . A N Y P O R T I O N O F T H I S P A P E R S H A L L N O T B E R E P R O D U C E D , C O P I E D , O R T R A N S F O R M E D T O A N Y O T H E R F O R M S W I T H O U T P E R M I S S I O N F R O M A U O P T R O N I C S C O R P .A p p l i c a t i o n N o t ep p l i c a t i o n C i r c u i tVersion: 0.7Page: 34/34H. Precautions1. Do not twist or bend the module and prevent the unsuitable external force for display module duringassembly.2. Adopt measures for good heat radiation. Be sure to use the module with in the specified temperature.3. Avoid dust or oil mist during assembly.4. Follow the correct power sequence while operating. Do not apply the invalid signal, otherwise, it willcause improper shut down and damage the module.5. Less EMI: it will be more safety and less noise.6. Please operate module in suitable temperature. The response time & brightness will drift by differenttemperature.7. Avoid to display the fixed pattern (exclude the white pattern) in a long period, otherwise, it will causeimage sticking.8. Be sure to turn off the power when connecting or disconnecting the circuit.9. Polarizer scratches easily, please handle it carefully.10. Display surface never likes dirt or stains.11. A dewdrop may lead to destruction. Please wipe off any moisture before using module.12. Sudden temperature changes cause condensation, and it will cause polarizer damaged.13. High temperature and humidity may degrade performance. Please do not expose the module to thedirect sunlight and so on.14. Acetic acid or chlorine compounds are not friends with TFT display module.15. Static electricity will damage the module, please do not touch the module without any groundeddevice.16. Do not disassemble and reassemble the module by self.17. Be careful do not touch the rear side directly.18. No strong vibration or shock. It will cause module broken.19. Storage the modules in suitable environment with regular packing.20. Be careful of injury from a broken display module.21. Please avoid the pressure adding to the surface (front or rear side) of modules, because it will causethe display non-uniformity or other function issue.22. Please use SSCG(Spread Spectrum Clock Generator) at system for EMI reduction.。

G121X1-L02奇美12.1寸宽温全视角工业液晶屏 -G121X1-L02奇美工控屏

G121X1-L02奇美12.1寸宽温全视角工业液晶屏 -G121X1-L02奇美工控屏

四、奇美 12.1 寸工业液晶屏 G121X1-L02 发光系统
TFT 液晶屏: 灯管位置 光源类型 灯管数量 灯管形状 光源寿命 接口类型 单灯电压 单灯电流 灯管频率 灯管总功率 背光电路 侧入式光源(顶部和底部) CCFL 2 pcs 直条 50K(Min..)(小时) 端子 500± 50V 2.0/8.0/8.5mA (Min./Typ./Max.) 45/80KHz (Min./Max.) 8.0W (Typ.) 无
二:奇美 12.1 寸工业液晶屏 G121X1-L02 结构特征 液晶屏尺寸 点分辨率 像素密度 像素排列 宽高比 点间距 像素间距 面板重量 表面处理 显示区域 可视区域 外观尺寸 外观尺寸 触摸屏 12.1 英寸 1024(RGB)*768(SVGA) 105PPI RGB 垂直条状 4:3 宽:高) 0.080*0.240mm(横*竖) 0.240*0.240mm(横*竖) 700g(Max.) 镜面(Haze 0%),Hard coating (3H) 245.76×184.32 mm (横*竖) 249.0×187.5 mm (横*竖) 260.5×204.0 mm (横*竖) 12.2± 0.5 mm (厚度) 无
TFT 液晶屏:
G121X1-L02 奇美 12.1 寸宽温全视角工业液晶屏 -G121X1-L02 奇美工控屏
一:奇美 12.1 寸工业液晶屏 G121X1-L02 基本信息 面板品牌 液晶屏型号 工作温度 存储温度 作业湿度 保存湿度 当生产状态 奇美(CMO) G121X1-L02 -30~80° C -40~85° C 5-95 (%RH) 5-9 (%RH) 已停产(兼容替代型号可以咨询在线客服)
五、奇美 12.1 寸工业液晶屏 G121X1-L02 信号接口 信号大类 信号小类 面板电压 面板电流 面板功率 接口类型 接口脚距 接口数量 接口脚数 LVDS LVDS (1 ch, 6-bit) 3.3V (Typ.) 510mA (Typ.) 1.68W (Typ.) 端子 1.25mm 1 pcs 20 pins

TFT-LCD Approval Spec G104X1-L04 奇美10.4寸规格书-杭州旭虹科技

TFT-LCD Approval Spec G104X1-L04  奇美10.4寸规格书-杭州旭虹科技

Note (1) Temperature and relative humidity range is shown in the figure below.
(b) Wet-bulb temperature should be 39 ºC Max. (Ta > 40 ºC). (c) No condensation
Item Horizontal (H) Module Size Vertical (V) Depth (D) Weight Min. 225 175.8 8.2 380 Typ. 225.5 176.3 8.7 430 Max. 226 176.8 9.2 480 Unit mm mm mm g
Item Converter Voltage Enable Voltage Backlight Adjust Symbol Vi EN ADJ Value Min. -0.3 ----Max. 18 5.5 3.3 Unit V V V Note (1), (2)
Customer: Approved by: Note:
®Ö-ã ɶ¡ 2010-09-24 17:56:08
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Version 2.3
Issued Date: Sep. 10, 2010 Model No.: G104X1-L04

奇美47液晶屏手册V470H1-L02_TFT LCD Approval Spec_Ver[1].2.0

奇美47液晶屏手册V470H1-L02_TFT LCD Approval Spec_Ver[1].2.0

TFT LCD Approval SpecificationMODEL NO.: V470H1 - L02LCD TV Head Divisionv od A- CONTENTS -REVISION HISTORY ------------------------------------------------------- 3 1. GENERAL DESCRIPTION ------------------------------------------------------- 41.1 OVERVIEW1.2 FEATURES1.3 APPLICATION1.4 GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS1.5 MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS2. ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS ------------------------------------------------------- 52.1 ABSOLUTE RATINGS OF ENVIRONMENT2.2 ELECTRICAL ABSOLUTE RATINGS2.2.1 TFT LCD MODULE2.2.2 BACKLIGHT INVERTER UNIT3. ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS --------------------------------------------------------73.1 TFT LCD MODULE3.2 BACKLIGHT UNIT3.2.1 CCFL (Cold Cathode Fluorescent Lamp) CHARACTERISTICS3.2.2 INVERTER CHARACTERISTICS3.2.3 INVERTER INTERTFACE CHARACTERISTICS4. BLOCK DIAGRAM -------------------------------------------------------134.1 TFT LCD MODULE5. V470H1-L02 LCD INPUT TERMINAL PIN ASSIGNMENT --------------------------------------------------------145.1 TFT LCD MODULE LVDS input5.2 TFT LCD MODULE Power input5.3 BACKLIGHT UNIT5.4 INVERTER UNIT5.5 BLOCK DIAGRAM OF INTERFACE5.6 LVDS INTERFACE5.7 COLOR DATA INPUT ASSIGNMENT6. INTERFACE TIMING -------------------------------------------------------226.1 INPUT SIGNAL TIMING SPECIFICATIONS6.2 POWER ON/OFF SEQUENCE7. OPTICAL CHARACTERISTICS -------------------------------------------------------257.1 TEST CONDITIONS7.2 OPTICAL SPECIFICATIONS8. PRECAUTIONS -------------------------------------------------------298.1 ASSEMBLY AND HANDLING PRECAUTIONS8.2 SAFETY PRECAUTIONS`9.PACKAGING ------------------------------------------------------3010. MECHANICAL CHARACTERISTICS ------------------------------------------------------32REVISION HISTORYVersion Date Page(New)Section DescriptionVer. 2.0 Mar.01,’06 All All Approval Specification was first issued.1. GENERAL DESCRIPTION1.1 OVERVIEWV470H1-L02 is a 47” TFT Liquid Crystal Display module with 24-CCFL Backlight unit and 2ch-LVDSinterface. This module supports 1920 x 1080 HDTV format and can display true 16.7M colors (8-bit/color).The inverter module for backlight is built-in.1.2 FEATURES- High brightness (500 nits)- High contrast ratio (1200:1)- Fast response time (Gray to Gray average 6.5 ms)- High color saturation (NTSC 75%)- Full HDTV (1920 x 1080 pixels) resolution, true HDTV format- DE (Data Enable) only mode- LVDS (Low Voltage Differential Signaling) interface- Optimized response time for 50/60 Hz frame rate- Ultra wide viewing angle : Super MVA technology- 180 degree rotation display option1.3 APPLICATION- Standard Living Room TVs.- Public Display Application.- Home Theater Application.- MFM Application.1.4 GENERAL SPECIFICATI0NSItem SpecificationUnitNote Active Area 1042.56(H) x 586.44(V) (47” diagonal) mmBezel Opening Area 1050.6(H) x 594.4(V) mm(1)Driver Element a-si TFT active matrix - -Pixel Number 1920x R.G.B. x 1080 pixel -Pixel Pitch(Sub Pixel) 0.543(H) x 0.543(V) mm -Pixel Arrangement RGB vertical stripe - -Display Colors 16.7M color -Display Operation Mode Transmissive mode / Normally black - -Surface Treatment Anti-Glare coating (Haze 25%)Hard coating (3H)- (2)Note (1) Please refer to the attached drawings in chapter 9 for more information about the front andback outlines.Note (2) The spec of the surface treatment is temporarily for this phase. CMO reserves the rights tochange this feature.1.5 MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONSItem Min.Typ.Max.UnitNoteHorizontal (H) - 1096 - mmVertical (V) - 640 - mmModule SizeDepth (D) - 48.1 - mm(1), (2)Weight -18500-g- Note (1) Please refer to the attached drawings for more information of front and back outline dimensions.Note (2) Module Depth does not include connectors.2. ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS2.1 ABSOLUTE RATINGS OF ENVIRONMENTValueItem Symbol Min. Max.Unit NoteStorage Temperature T ST -20 +60 ºC (1) Operating Ambient Temperature T OP 0 45 ºC (1), (2)X, Y axis - 50 G (3), (5)Shock (Non-Operating) S NOPZ axis - 35 G (3), (5)Vibration (Non-Operating) V NOP - 1.0 G (4), (5) Note (1) Temperature and relative humidity range is shown in the figure below. (a) 90 %RH Max. (Ta 40 ºC).(b) Wet-bulb temperature should be 39 ºC Max. (Ta > 40 ºC).(c) No condensation.Note (2) The maximum operating temperature is based on the test condition that the surface temperature ofdisplay area is less than or equal to 65 ºC with LCD module alone in a temperature controlled chamber. Thermal management should be considered in your product design to prevent the surface temperature of display area from being over 65 ºC. The range of operating temperature may degrade in case of improper thermal management in your product design.Note (3) 11 ms, half sine wave, 1 time for ± X, ± Y , and ± Z. Note (4) 10 ~ 200 Hz, 10 min, 1 time each X, Y , Z.Note (5) At testing Vibration and Shock, the fixture in holding the module has to be hard and rigid enough so thatthe module would not be twisted or bent by the fixture. The module would not be twisted or bent by the fixture.102.2 ELECTRICAL ABSOLUTE RATINGS2.2.1 TFT LCD MODULEValueUnit Note Item SymbolMin. Max.Power Supply Voltage V CC -0.3 20 V(1)Logic Input Voltage V IN -0.3 3.6 V2.2.2 BACKLIGHT INVERTER UNITValueItem SymbolUnit NoteMin.Max.Lamp Voltage V W3000 V RMSPower Supply Voltage V BL 0 30 V(1)Control Signal Level -0.3 7 V(1), (3)Note (1) Permanent damage to the device may occur if maximum values are exceeded. Function operation should be restricted to the conditions described under Normal Operating Conditions.Note (2) No moisture condensation or freezing.Note (3)The control signals include On/Off Control, Internal PWM Control, External PWM Control and Internal/External PWM Selection.3. ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS3.1 TFT LCD MODULE (Ta = 25 ± 2 ºC)ValueParameter SymbolMin. Typ. Max.Unit NotePower Supply Voltage V CC 10.8 12 13.2 V (1) Power Supply Ripple Voltage V RP - - 200 mV Rush Current I RUSH - - 4.5 A (2)White - 1.5 2.0 ABlack - 0.7 -APower Supply Current Vertical Stripe I CC - 1.2 - A(3) Differential Input HighThreshold VoltageV LVTH - - +100 mVDifferential Input LowThreshold VoltageV LVTL -100 - - mV Common Input Voltage V LVC 1.125 1.25 1.375 V LVDSInterfaceTerminating Resistor R T - 100 - ohmInput High Threshold Voltage V IH 2.7 - 3.3 V CMOS interface Input Low Threshold Voltage V IL 0 - 0.7 VNote (1) The module should be always operated within the above ranges. Note (2) Measurement condition:SWVccVccNote (3) The specified power supply current is under the conditions at Vcc = 12V, Ta = 25 ± 2 ºC, f v = 60 Hz,whereas a power dissipation check pattern below is displayed.Active Areac. Vertical Stripe PatternActive AreaVcc rising time is 470usActive Areaa. White Patternb. Black Pattern3.2 BACKLIGHT UNIT3.2.1 CCFL (Cold Cathode Fluorescent Lamp) CHARACTERISTICS (Ta = 25 ± 2 ºC)ValueParameter Symbol Min. Typ. Max.Unit NoteLamp Input Voltage V L - 1530 - V RMS - Lamp Current I L 5.0 5.5 6.0 mA RMS (1)- - 1915 V RMS (2), Ta = 0 ºCLamp Turn On Voltage V S- - 1742 V RMS (2), Ta = 25 ºCOperating Frequency F L 40 - 70 KHz (3) Lamp Life Time L BL 50,000 - - Hrs (4)3.2.2 INVERTER CHARACTERISTICS (Ta = 25 ± 2 ºC)ValueParameter Symbol Min. Typ. Max.Unit NotePower Consumption P BL - 211 221 W (5), I L = 5.5mA Power Supply Voltage V BL 22.8 24 25.2 V DC Power Supply Current I BL - 8.8 - A Non Dimming Input Ripple Noise - - - 500 mV P-P V BL =22.8V1915 - - V RMS Ta = 0 ºC Backlight Turn onVoltage V BS1742 - - V RMS Ta = 25 ºC Oscillating Frequency F W 46 47 48 kHz Dimming frequency F B 150160170Hz Minimum Duty Ratio D MIN - 20 - % Note (1) Lamp current is measured by utilizing AC current probe and its value is average by measuringmaster and slave board.:Note (2) The lamp starting voltage V S should be applied to the lamp for more than 1 second after startup.Otherwise the lamp may not be turned on.Note (3) The lamp frequency may produce interference with horizontal synchronous frequency of thedisplay input signals, and it may result in line flow on the display. In order to avoid interference, the lamp frequency should be detached from the horizontal synchronous frequency and its harmonics as far as possible.Note (4) The life time of a lamp is defined as when the brightness is larger than 50% of its original value andthe effective discharge length is longer than 80% of its original length (Effective discharge length is defined as an area that has equal to or more than 70% brightness compared to the brightness at the center point of lamp.) as the time in which it continues to operate under the condition at Ta = 25 2¢J and I L = 5 ~ 6 mArms.Note (5) The power supply capacity should be higher than the total inverter power consumption P BL . Sincethe pulse width modulation (PWM) mode was applied for backlight dimming, the driving current changed as PWM duty on and off. The transient response of power supply should be considered for the changing loading when inverter dimming.Note (6) The measurement condition of Max. value is based on 47" backlight unit under input voltage 24V,average lamp current 5.8 mA and lighting 30 minutes later.3.2.3 INVERTER INTERTFACE CHARACTERISTICSValueParameter SymbolTestConditionMin.Typ.Max.Unit NoteON 2.0 5.0VOn/Off Control VoltageOFF V BLON00.8VHI 2.0- 5.0VInternal/External PWM Select Voltage LO V SEL 00.8VMAX 3.0V maximum duty ratioInternal PWM Control Voltage MIN V IPWM V SEL = L0V minimum duty ratio HI 2.0 5.0V duty on External PWM Control Voltage LO V EPWM V SEL = H00.8V duty off Control Signal Rising Time Tr100 msControl Signal Falling Time Tf100 ms PWM Signal Rising Time T PWMR50 us PWM Signal Falling Time T PWMF50 usInput impedance R IN 1M£[ BLON Delay Time T on 1 ms BLON Off Time T off 1msNote (1) The SEL signal should be valid before backlight turns on by BLON signal. It is inhibited to changethe internal/external PWM selection (SEL) during backlight turn on period.Note (2) The power sequence and control signal timing are shown in the following figure.Note (3) The power sequence and control signal timing must follow the figure below. For a certain reason,the inverter has a possibility to be damaged with wrong power sequence and control signal timing.4. BLOCK DIAGRAM OF INTERFACE 4.1 TFT LCD MODULE5. INPUT TERMINAL PIN ASSIGNMENT 5.1 TFT LCD ModulePin Name DescriptionNote1 GND Ground2 N.C. No Connection (2)3 N.C. No Connection (2)4 N.C. No Connection (2)5 N.C. No Connection (2)6 N.C. No Connection (2)7 NC No Connection(2)8 RPF Display Rotation (3)9 ODSEL Overdrive Lookup Table Selection(4)10 LCS Low color shift (5)11 GND Ground12 ORX0- Odd pixel, Negative LVDS differential data input. Channel 013 ORX0+ Odd pixel, Positive LVDS differential data input. Channel 014 ORX1- Odd pixel, Negative LVDS differential data input. Channel 115 ORX1+ Odd pixel, Positive LVDS differential data input. Channel 116 ORX2- Odd pixel, Negative LVDS differential data input. Channel 217 ORX2+ Odd pixel, Positive LVDS differential data input. Channel 218 GND Ground19 OCLK- Odd pixel, Negative LVDS differential clock input.20 OCLK+ Odd pixel, Positive LVDS differential clock input.21 GND Ground22 ORX3- Odd pixel, Negative LVDS differential data input. Channel 323 ORX3+ Odd pixel, Positive LVDS differential data input. Channel 324 N.C. No Connection (2)25 N.C. No Connection (2)26 N.C. No Connection (2)27 N.C. No Connection (2)28 ERX0- Even pixel, Negative LVDS differential data input. Channel 029 ERX0+ Even pixel, Positive LVDS differential data input. Channel 030 ERX1- Even pixel, Negative LVDS differential data input. Channel 131 ERX1+ Even pixel, Positive LVDS differential data input. Channel 132 ERX2- Even pixel, Negative LVDS differential data input. Channel 233 ERX2+ Even pixel, Positive LVDS differential data input. Channel 234 GND Ground35 ECLK- Even pixel, Negative LVDS differential clock input.36 ECLK+ Even pixel, Positive LVDS differential clock input.37 GND Ground38 ERX3- Even pixel, Negative LVDS differential data input. Channel 339 ERX3+ Even pixel, Positive LVDS differential data input. Channel 340 N.C. No Connection (2)41 N.C. No Connection (2)42 N.C. No Connection (2)43 N.C. No Connection (2)44 GND Ground45 GND Ground46 GND Ground47 GND Ground 48 VCC Power input (+12V) 49 VCC Power input (+12V) 50 VCC Power input (+12V) 51 VCC Power input (+12V)Note(1) Connector part no. : FI-RE51S-HF (JAE) or equivalent. Note (2) Please be reserved to open.Note (3) Low : normal display (default), High : display with 180 degree rotationNote(4) Overdrive lookup table selection. The overdrive lookup table should be selected in accordance to the frame rate to optimize image quality. ODSEL NoteL Lookup table was optimized for 60 Hz frame rate.H Lookup table was optimized for 50 Hz frame rate.Note (5) Low : normal display (default), High : Low Color Shift function enable. 5.2 BACKLIGHT UNITThe pin configuration for the housing and the leader wire is shown in the table below.CN3-CN26: BHR-04VS-1 (JST).Pin Name Description Wire Color 1 HV High Voltage Pink 2 HV High Voltage WhiteNote (1) The backlight interface housing for high voltage side is a model BHR-04VS-1,manufactured by JST. The mating header on inverter part number is SM02(12.0)B-BHS-1-TB(LF).2 HV(White)1 HV(Pink) 1 HV(Pink)2 HV(White)2 HV(White) HV(White)HV(Pink)HV(White)HV(Pink)1 HV(Pink)HV(White)5.3 INVERTER UNITCN1 (Header): S14B-PH-SM3-TB (D)(LF)(JST) or equivalent.Pin No. Symbol Description 1 234 5 VBL +24V DC power input 6 789 10GND GND 11 SEL Internal/external PWM selectionHigh : external dimmingLow : internal dimming12 E_PWM External PWM control signalE_PWM should be connected to ground when internal PWM was selected(SEL = Low).13 I_PWMInternal PWM Control SignalI_PWM should be connected to ground when external PWM was selected (SEL = High).14 BLON Backlight on/off controlCN2 (Header): S12B-PH-SM3-TB (D)(LF)(JST) or equivalent.Pin No. Symbol Description1 234 5 VBL +24V DC power input 6 789 10 GND GND 11 NC NC 12 NC NCCN3-CN26 (Header): SM02(12.0)B-BHS-1-TB (LF)(JST) or equivalentPin No. SymbolDescription 1 CCFL HOT CCFL high voltage 2 CCFL HOT CCFL high voltageCN27-CN30 (Header): LM113P-020-TF1-3(Unicorn) or equivalentPin No. Symbol Description 1 Board to Board 2 Board to Board 3 Board to Board 4 Board to Board5 Board to Board6 Board to Board7 Board to Board8 Board to Board9 Board to Board 10 Control Signal Board to BoardNote (1) Floating of any control signal is not allowed.5.4 BLOCK DIAGRAM OF INTERFACEER0-ER7 EG0-EG7 EB0-EB7DEHost Graphics Controller TxINPLL PLLER0-ER7EG0-EG7EB0-EB7DETimingControllerERx0+ERx0-ERx1+ERx1-ERx2+ERx2-ECLK+ECLK-RxOUT51£[51£[51£51£[51£[51£[51£[51£[51£[51£[100pF100pF100pF100pF100pFERx3-ERx3+PLL PLLLVDS Transmitter THC63LVDM83A (LVDF83A)LVDS Receiver ORx0+ORx0-ORx1+ORx1-ORx2+ORx2-OCLK+OCLK-51£[51£[51£51£[51£[51£[51£[51£[51£[100pF100pF100pF100pF100pFORx3-ORx3+OR0-OR7 OG0-OG7 OB0-OB7DCLK OR0-OR7 OG0-OG7 OB0-OB7 DCLKER0~ER7 : Even pixel R dataEG0~EG7 : Even pixel G dataEB0~EB7 : Even pixel B dataOR0~OR7 : Odd pixel R dataOG0~OG7: Odd pixel G dataOB0~OB7 : Odd pixel B dataDE : Data enable signalDCLK : Data clock signalNotes: (1) The system must have the transmitter to drive the module.(2) LVDS cable impedance shall be 50 ohms per signal line or about 100 ohms per twist-pair linewhen it is used differentially.(3) Two pixel data send into the module for every clock cycle. The first pixel of the frame is even pixeland the second pixel is odd pixel.5.5 LVDS INTERFACETRANSMITTER THC63LVDM83AINTERFACE CONNECTORRECEIVERTHC63LVDF84ASIGNAL PIN INPUT Host TFT-LCD PIN OUTPUTTFT CONTROLINPUTR0 R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 G0 G1 G2 G3 G4 G5 B0 B1 B2B3B4 B5 DE R6 R7 G6 G7 B6 B7 RSVD 1 RSVD 2 RSVD 3 51 52 54 55 56 3 4 6 7 11 12 14 15 19 20 22 23 24 30 50 2 8 10 16 18 25 27 28 TxIN0 TxIN1 TxIN2 TxIN3 TxIN4 TxIN6 TxIN7 TxIN8 TxIN9 TxIN12 TxIN13 TxIN14 TxIN15 TxIN18 TxIN19 TxIN20 TxIN21 TxIN22 TxIN26 TxIN27 TxIN5 TxIN10 TxIN11 TxIN16 TxIN17 TxIN23 TxIN24 TxIN25TA OUT0+TA OUT0-TA OUT1+TA OUT1-TA OUT2+TA OUT2-TA OUT3+TA OUT3- Rx 0+ Rx 0- Rx 1+ Rx 1- Rx 2+ Rx 2- Rx 3+ Rx 3-27293032333537383943454647515354551673441424950235Rx OUT0 Rx OUT1 Rx OUT2 Rx OUT3 Rx OUT4 Rx OUT6 Rx OUT7 Rx OUT8 Rx OUT9 Rx OUT12 Rx OUT13 Rx OUT14 Rx OUT15 Rx OUT18 Rx OUT19 Rx OUT20 Rx OUT21 Rx OUT22 Rx OUT26 Rx OUT27 Rx OUT5 Rx OUT10 Rx OUT11 Rx OUT16 Rx OUT17 Rx OUT23 Rx OUT24 Rx OUT25 R0 R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 G0 G1 G2 G3 G4 G5 B0 B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 DE R6 R7 G6 G7 B6 B7Not connect Not connect Not connect 24bit DCLK 31 TxCLK IN TxCLK OUT+TxCLK OUT-RxCLK IN+RxCLK IN-26RxCLK OUTDCLKR0~R7: Pixel R Data (7; MSB, 0; LSB) G0~G7: Pixel G Data (7; MSB, 0; LSB) B0~B7: Pixel B Data (7; MSB, 0; LSB) DE : Data enable signal DCLK : Data clock signalNotes: (1) RSVD (reserved) pins on the transmitter shall be “H” or “L”.5.7 COLOR DATA INPUT ASSIGNMENTThe brightness of each primary color (red, green and blue) is based on the 8-bit gray scale data input for thecolor. The higher the binary input, the brighter the color. The table below provides the assignment of thecolor versus data input.Data SignalRed Green Blue ColorR7R6 R5 R4 R3R2R1R0G7G6G5G4G3G2G1G0 B7 B6 B5 B4 B3B2B1B0Basic Colors BlackRedGreenBlueCyanMagentaYellowWhite111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111Gray Scale Of Red Red (0) / DarkRed (1)Red (2)::Red (253)Red (254)Red (255)::111::111::111::111::111::1111::111::11::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::Gray Scale Of Green Green (0) / DarkGreen (1)Green (2)::Green (253)Green (254)Green (255)::::::::::::::::::111::111::111::111::111::1111::111::11::::::::::::::::Gray Scale Of Blue Blue (0) / DarkBlue (1)Blue (2)::Blue (253)Blue (254)Blue (255)::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::111::111::111::111::111::1111::111::11Note (1) 0: Low Level Voltage, 1: High Level Voltage6. INTERFACE TIMING6.1 INPUT SIGNAL TIMING SPECIFICATIONSThe input signal timing specifications are shown as the following table and timing diagram .Signal Item Symbol Min. Typ. Max. Unit NoteFrequency 1/Tc 60 74 80 MH Z -LVDS Receiver Clock Input cycle tocycle jitter Trcl - - 200 ps -Setup Time Tlvsu 600 - - psLVDS Receiver DataHold Time Tlvhd 600 - - psFr 5 47 50 53Hz(1)Frame RateFr 657 60 63 Hz (2) Total Tv 1115 1125 1139 Th Tv=Tvd+TvbDisplay Tvd 1080 1080 1080 Th - Vertical Active Display Term Blank Tvb 35 45 59 Th - Total Th 2100 2200 2300 Tc Th=Thd+ThbDisplay Thd 1920 1920 1920 Tc -Horizontal Active Display Term Blank Thb 180 280 380 Tc -Note (1) (ODSEL) = (H). Please refer to 5.1 for detail information. (2) (ODSEL) = (L). Please refer to 5.1 for detail information.INPUT SIGNAL TIMING DIAGRAMLVDS INPUT INTERFACE TIMING DIAGRAMRXCLK+/-RXn+/-1T‘ 14 3T‘145T‘147T‘149T‘1411T‘1413T‘146.2 POWER ON/OFF SEQUENCETo prevent a latch-up or DC operation of LCD module, the power on/off sequence should follow the diagram below.Power ON/OFF SequenceNote.(1) The supply voltage of the external system for the module input should follow the definition of Vcc.(2) Apply the lamp voltage within the LCD operation range. When the backlight turns on before theLCD operation or the LCD turns off before the backlight turns off, the display may momentarily become abnormal screen.(3) In case of VCC is in off level, please keep the level of input signals on the low or high impedance.(4) T4 should be measured after the module has been fully discharged between power off and onperiod.(5) Interface signal shall not be kept at high impedance when the power is on.7. OPTICAL CHARACTERISTICS7.1 TEST CONDITIONSItem Symbol Value UnitAmbient Temperature Ta 25±2 oC Ambient Humidity Ha 50±10 %RH Supply Voltage V CC 12V V Input Signal According to typical value in "3. ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS" Lamp Current I L 5.5±0.5 mA Oscillating Frequency (Inverter) F W 47±1 KHz Vertical Frame Rate Fr 60 Hz7.2 OPTICAL SPECIFICATIONSThe relative measurement methods of optical characteristics are shown in 7.2. The following items should be measured under the test conditions described in 7.1 and stable environment shown in Note (6).Item Symbol Condition Min. Typ. Max. Unit Note Contrast Ratio CR 900 1200- - Note (2)Response TimeGray to gray - 6.5 12 ms Note (3)Center Luminance of White L C400 500 -cd/m 2Note (4)White Variation δW- - 1.3 - Note (7)Cross TalkCT - - 4 % Note (5)Rx 0.6220.6520.682 - Red Ry 0.3010.3310.361 - Gx 0.2470.2770.307 - GreenGy 0.5670.5970.627 -Bx 0.1130.1430.173 - Blue By 0.0350.0650.095 - Wx 0.2550.2850.315 - White Wy 0.2630.2930.323 -Note (6)ColorChromaticityColor Gamutθx =0°, θY =0°Viewing Normal Angle72 75 - % NTSC θx +80 88 - Horizontal θx -80 88 - θY +80 88 - Viewing Angle VerticalθY -CR ≥2080 88 - Deg. Note (1)Note (1) Definition of Viewing Angle (θx, θy):Viewing angles are measured by Eldim EZ-Contrast 160RNote (2) Definition of Contrast Ratio (CR):The contrast ratio can be calculated by the following expression. Contrast Ratio (CR) = L255 / L0 L255: Luminance of gray level 255 L 0: Luminance of gray level 0CR = CR (5), where CR (X) is corresponding to the Contrast Ratio of the point X at the figure in Note (7)Note (3) Definition of Gray to Gray Switching Time :The driving signal means the signal of gray level 0, 63, 127, 191, and 255.Gray to gray average time means the average switching time of gray level 0 ,63,127,191,255 to each other .Optical Response100%90%10%0%switching timeswitching timeNote (4) Definition of Luminance of White (L C ):Measure the luminance of gray level 255 at center point.L C = L (5), where L (x) is corresponding to the luminance of the point X at the figure in Note (7).Note (5) Definition of Cross Talk (CT):CT = | Y B – Y A | / Y A × 100 (%) Where:Y A = Luminance of measured location without gray level 0 pattern (cd/m 2) Y B = Luminance of measured location with gray level 0 pattern (cd/m 2)Note (6) Measurement Setup:The LCD module should be stabilized at given temperature for 1 hour to avoid abrupt temperature change during measuring. In order to stabilize the luminance, the measurement should be executed after lighting backlight for 1 hour in a windless room.(D/2,W/8)(7D/8,W/2)Y A, DY A, L (D/2,W/8)(7D/8,W/2)Y B, D Y B, LNote (7) Definition of White Variation (δW):Measure the luminance of gray level 255 at 5 pointsδW = Maximum [L (1), L (2), L (3), L (4), L (5)] / Minimum [L (1), L (2), L (3), L (4), L (5)]Active AreaV e r t i c a l L i n e: Test Point X=1 to 58. PRECAUTIONS8.1 ASSEMBLY AND HANDLING PRECAUTIONS(1) Do not apply rough force such as bending or twisting to the module during assembly.(2) It is recommended to assemble or to install a module into the user’s system in clean working areas. Thedust and oil may cause electrical short or worsen the polarizer.(3) Do not apply pressure or impulse to the module to prevent the damage of LCD panel and Backlight.(4) Always follow the correct power-on sequence when the LCD module is turned on. This can prevent thedamage and latch-up of the CMOS LSI chips.(5) Do not plug in or pull out the I/F connector while the module is in operation.(6) Do not disassemble the module.(7) Use a soft dry cloth without chemicals for cleaning, because the surface of polarizer is very soft andeasily scratched.(8) Moisture can easily penetrate into LCD module and may cause the damage during operation.(9) High temperature or humidity may deteriorate the performance of LCD module. Please store LCDmodules in the specified storage conditions.(10) When ambient temperature is lower than 10ºC, the display quality might be reduced. For example, theresponse time will become slow, and the starting voltage of CCFL will be higher than that of room temperature.8.2 SAFETY PRECAUTIONS(1) The startup voltage of a Backlight is approximately 1000 Volts. It may cause an electrical shock whileassembling with the inverter. Do not disassemble the module or insert anything into the Backlight unit.(2) If the liquid crystal material leaks from the panel, it should be kept away from the eyes or mouth. Incase of contact with hands, skin or clothes, it has to be washed away thoroughly with soap.(3) After the module’s end of life, it is not harmful in case of normal operation and storage.。

ST7703 数据手册:TFT 移动单片机驱动器,适用于 720RGB x 1280 点,a-Si

ST7703 数据手册:TFT 移动单片机驱动器,适用于 720RGB x 1280 点,a-Si

ST7703 Data SheetTFT Mobile Single Chip DriverFor 720RGB x 1280 dot, a-Si TFT LCD, 16.7M color With MIPI InterfaceVersion 01 PreliminaryOctober 2015List of Contents1. function (56)5.8.1Standard Command Default Value (56)5.8.2Input Pins (57)5.8.3Output or Bi-directional Pins (57)5.9OTP Sequence (58)5.9.1OTP Sequence (58)5.9.2OTP Standard Programming Table (59)5.10CABC (60)mand Description (62)6.1Command Table (62)6.2Command description (79)6.2.1NOP (00h) (79)6.2.2Software reset (01h) (80)6.2.3Read Display ID (04h) (81)6.2.4Read Display Power Mode (0Ah) (82)6.2.5Read Display MADCTR (0Bh) (83)6.2.6Read Display Pixel Format (0Ch) (84)6.2.7Read Display Image Mode (0Dh) (85)6.2.8Read Display Signal Mode (0Eh) (86)6.2.9Read Display Self-Diagnostic Result (0Fh) (87)6.2.10Sleep In (10h) (88)6.2.11Sleep Out (11h) (89)9293949596979899100102103104105106107108109111120121122123124125127128 6.2.48Read ID2 Value (DBh) (129)6.2.49Read ID3 Value (DCh) (130)6.2.50SETEXTC (B9h) (131)6.2.51SETDISP (B2h) (132)6.2.52SETRGBIF (B3h) (134)6.2.53SETCYC (B4h) (135)6.2.54SETBGP (B5h) (136)6.2.55SETVCOM (B6h) (137)6.2.56SETOTP (B7h) (140)6.2.57SETPOWER_EXT (B8h) (142)6.2.58SETMIPI (BAh) (144)6.2.59SETVDC (BCh) (146)6.2.60SETSCR (C0h) (147)6.2.61SETPOWER (C1h) (149)6.2.62SETID (C3h) (152)6.2.63SETDDB (C4h) (152)6.2.64SETIO (C7h) (153)6.2.65SETCABC (C8h) (154)6.2.66SETPANEL (CCh) (154)6.2.67DGC_R (CDh) (155)6.2.68DGC_G (CEh) (156)6.2.69DGC_B (CFh) (157)6.2.70SETGAMMA (E0h) (158)161162163170173174176 7.1777.11777.21781781797.3181181182186 8.1878.11878.21888.31891891901918.41921921931941958.5196 (46)Figure 5.34: Case 2: RESX line is held low by host at power on (54)Figure 5.35: Power flow chart for different power modes (55)Figure 5.36: Two kinds of CABC Architecture (60)Figure 7.1: Input glitch rejections of low-power receivers (179)Figure 7.2: Differential voltage range and Command mode voltage (180)Figure 7.3: Serial Interface Characteristics (181)Figure 7.4: DSI clock timing Characteristics (182)Figure 7.5: Rising and falling time on clock and data channel (182)Figure 7.6: BTA from HOST to Display Module Timing (183)Figure 7.7: BTA from Display Module Timing to HOST (183)Figure 7.8: Reset input timing (186)Figure 8.1: Interfacing for MIPI by Setting Lane [1:0]=”11” (187)Figure 8.2: Source Pin Connection for Panel (188)Figure 8.3: Using External Power IC Application (189)Figure 8.4: Using PFM - Type C Application (190)Figure 8.5: Using Three Power Mode Application (191)Figure 8-6: DSI Power On Sequence of Power IC Mode (192)Figure 8-7: DSI Power Off Sequence of Power IC Mode (193)Figure 8-8: DSI Power On Sequence of 3 Power Mode (194)Figure 8-9: DSI Power Off Sequence of 3 Power Mode (195)dots at The driveimageand⏹⏹⏹⏹⏹⏹- Three-Power Mode:●I/O and interface power supply (IOVCC):1.65V to 2.0V●Analog power supply (VSP):4.5V to 6.0V●Analog power supply (VSN):-4.5V to -6.0V⏹Output voltage:Positive source output voltage level: VSPR=3.3V to 5.6VNegative source output voltage level: VSNR=-5.6V to -3.3V Positive gate driver output voltage level: VGH=+10V to +20V Negative gate driver output voltage level: VGL=-7.5V to -15V VCOM=-3.5V to 0VIM1~0CSX DCX SCL SDA SDO DSI_CP DSI_CN DSI_D0P DSI_D0N DSI_D3~1DSI_VSSNote: “X” = Don’t care.5.5.1 5.1.1Figure 5.1: DBI Type C interface Option 1 write modeSDASCLCSX 1SDA SCLCSX 1SDASCL CSX15.1.3sentFigure 5.4: Break during parameterSDA SCL CSX 2. Between frameWith breakThelow5.2The and DSI setvisibleHighis5.2.1.1Low Power Mode (LP-11: Stop) DSI-C2.Ultra Low Power Mode (LP-00: ULPM)DSI-CLK+/- lanes can be driven to the Ultra Low power Mode (ULPM), when DSI-CLK lanes are entering LP-00 State. The entering way is from the Low Power Mode (LPM, LP-11 State) =>LP-10 =>LP-00 (ULPM). This sequence is illustrated below.Figure 5.9: From LPM mode to ULPMCLK+ CLK- LP10 LP00 LP11ThisFigure 5.11: Switching the Clock Lane between HSCM and LPMD0+ D0-ESCAPE MODEData lanes (DSI-D0+/-) can be used in different Escape Modes when data lanes are in Low Power (LP) mode.Figure 5.13: DSI Data Lane D0 general escape mode sequenceD0+ D0-LP11 LP10 LP00 LP01 LP00Time LP10 LP11 LP00 Escape Mode EntryST7703 can support three different Escape Commands. The commands (EC) can be divided 2Figure 5.14: DSI Data Lane D0 LPDT sequenceUltra Low Power State (ULPS)Remote Application Reset (RAR)Tearing Effect (TEE)aAcknowledge (ACK)byHigh Speed Data TransmissionThe ClockFigure 5.20: DSI Data Lane Entering High Speed Data TransmissionD0+ D0- If the last bit is HS-0, the transmitter changes from HS-0 to HS-1If the last bit is HS-0, the transmitter changes from HS-1 to HS-0Bus Turnaround (BTA)D0+D0- The 6 toDI (Data ID):Contain Virtual Channel Identifier and Data Type.WC (Word Count):8+8 bits The receiver use WC to define packet end.ECC (Error Correction Code):The Error Correction Code allows single-bit errors to be corrected and 2-bit errors to be detected in the Packet Header. PF(Packet Footer):Mean 16-bit Checksum.Figure 5.24: Structure of the long packetHeader (PH)Footer (PF)Packet Data (Payload)Table 5.7: Data Types from the Driver IC to Host• PLong5.2.2.2IC. TheDisplay Command Set Write, 1 Parameter, Data Type = 01 0101 (15h)Display Command Set (DCS) Write, 1 Parameter is always using a Short Packet from the HOST to the driver IC. The content of 2 payload bytes is “command” and“parameter”.Display Command Set Long Write, Data Type = 11 1001 (39h)Display Command Set (DCS) Long Write is always using a Long Packet from the HOST to the driver IC.The content can include Command (No Parameters) or Command with 1 or more parameters.Display Command Set (DCS) Read, No Parameter, Data Type = 00 0110 (06h)Display Command Set (DCS) Read, No Parameter is always using a Short Packet, from the HOST to the driver IC. The HOST has to define to the driver IC, what is the maximum size of the return packet. A command, what is used for this purpose, is “Set Maximu m Return Packet Size”, which Data Type is 11 0111 and which is using Short Packet before the HOST can send “Display Command Set (DCS) Read, No Parameter” to the driver IC.Null Packet, No Data , Data Type = 00 1001 (09h)mode to normal display operation.Shutdown Peripheral Command, Data Type = 10 0010 (22h)Shutdown Peripheral command is a Short packet command that turns off the display in a Video Mode driver IC for power saving. Note the interface shall remain powered in order to receive the turn-on, or wake-up command.Turn On Peripheral Command, Data Type = 11 0010 (32h)Turn On Peripheral command is Short packet command that turns on the display in a Video Mode driver IC for normal display operation.Figure 5.26: 16-bit RGB Color Format, Long packetPacked Pixel Stream, 18-bit Format, Long packet, Data type = 01 1110 (1Eh)Pixel Stream, 18-bit Format in Three Bytes, Long packet, Data Type = 101110 (2Eh)Packed Pixel Stream, 24-bit Format, Long packet, Data Type = 11 1110 (3Eh)when a corrandDCS Read Long Response is always using a Long Packet, from the driver IC to the Host. “DCS Read Long Response” is used when the driver IC wants to response a DCS Read command, which the Host has sent to the driver IC.DCS Read Short Response, 1 Byte Returned, Data Type = 10 0001(21h)DCS Read Short Response, 1 Byte Returned is always using a Short Packet from the driver IC to the Host. “DCS Read Short Response, 1 Byte Returned” is used when the driver IC wants to response a DCS Read command, which the Host has sent to the driver IC.DCS Read Short Response, 2 Bytes Returned, Data Type = 10 0010(22h)DCS Read Short Response, 2 Bytes Returned is always using a Short Packet from the driver IC to the Host. “DCS Read Short Response, 2 Bytes Returned” is used when the driver IC wants to response a DCS Read command, which the Host has sent to the driver IC.Generic to the to the5.3of IntheS1S2401G 2Figure 5.27: Source channels of ZigZag inversion modeFigure 5.28: Gamma adjustments different of source driver with digital gamma correctionVV0 VV4 VV8 VV12VV28 VV52 VV76 VV100 VV131 VV155VV179 VV203 VV227VV243 VV247 VV251 VV2555.4.2RGB. Figure 5.30: Sleep out flow chart–command and self-diagnostic functions。



Power Supply Voltage
Note (1)
Converter Voltage
Enable Voltage
Unit inch mm mm
pixel mm
4 / 27
Version 2.0
Issued Date: Feb 23, 2010 Model No.: G121X1-L04
Director Accept
1 / 27
Version 2.0
Issued Date: Feb 23, 2010 Model No.: G121X1-L04
Backlight Adjust
Note (1) , (2)
Note (1) Permanent damage to the device may occur if maximum values are exceeded. Function



亮度 400 400 500 500 200 200 250 350 320 450 230 200 250 225
视角 60/60/70/70 60/60/70/70 60/60/70/70 60/60/70/70 70/70/70/70 50/65/65/65 75/75/75/75 75/75/75/75 45/65/65/65 55/65/70/70 55/65/70/70 50/60/70/70 65/55/65/65 70/60/70/70
2CCFL 电话亭、游戏机、股票机 LED 游戏机、航空航天
2CCFL 游戏机、航空航天 2CCFL 游戏机、电话亭、POS机、车载、工业 2CCFL 游戏机、电话亭、POS机、车载、工业 2CCFL 游戏机、电话亭、POS机、车载、工业 CCFL TFT笔记本 数字标牌、电话亭、POS机、LCD面板 TFT显示器、工业、娱乐 2CCFL 数字标牌、电话亭、POS机、车载、工业 阳光下可视,背光源可替换 阳光下可视,背光源可替换
1024 x 768 1024 x 768
1100 1010
G150X1 –L02 G150X1-L03 G154I1 - L01 友达AUO彩色屏
3.3 3.3 3.3
-30℃ ~ 70℃ -30℃ ~ 80℃ -30℃ ~ 80℃ 是
2CCFL 显示器、电视、工业、娱乐、车载 2CCFL 数字标牌、电话亭、POS机、娱乐、车载 阳光下可视,背光源可替换 2CCFL 数字标牌、电话亭、POS机、娱乐、车载 阳光下可视,背光源可替换
点间距(mm) 0.36 x 0.36 0.18 x 0.18 0.207 x 0.207 0.207 0.1905 ×0.1905 0.2025 x 0.2025 0.213 0.213 0.2745x0.2745 0.264 0.264 0.264 0.297 x 0.297 0.297 x 0.297



Version 0.0
Issued Date: Aug. 17, 2009 Model No.: G104X1-L04
Operating Ambient Temperature Storage Temperature
QRA Division.
OA Head Division.
Version 0.0
Issued Date: Aug. 17, 2009 Model No.: G104X1-L04
1.2 FEATURES - Excellent brightness (500 nits) - Ultra high contrast ratio (1200:1) - Fast response time (Ton+Toff average 25 ms) - High color saturation NTSC 57% - XGA (1024 x 768 pixels) resolution - DE (Data Enable) only mode - LVDS (Low Voltage Differential Signaling) interface - Ultra wide viewing angle: 176(H)/ 176(V) (CR>10) Super MVA technology -180 degree rotation display option -LED Light Bar Replaceable -Wide operation temperature



DATE 2012/4/27 2012/6/20
LD-10421B- 2
This module is a color active matrix LCD module incorporating amorphous silicon TFT (Thin Film Transistor). It is composed of a color TFT-LCD panel, driver ICs, control circuit, power supply circuit and a White-LED Backlight unit. Graphics and texts can be displayed on a 800×RGB×600dots panel with about 262,144 million colors by using LVDS (Low Voltage Differential Signaling) and supplying +3.3V DC supply voltages for TFT-LCD panel driving and supply voltage for backlight.
Electrical Characteristics ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 7,8 Timing characteristics of input signals ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ ・・ 9 10

Digilent VmodTFT 4.3 英寸彩色 TFT LCD 触摸屏说明书

Digilent VmodTFT 4.3 英寸彩色 TFT LCD 触摸屏说明书
Power-Up Sequence
The LCD has a specific power-up sequence that needs to be followed for proper operation.
The VmodTFT should only be attached to the system board once the signals driven by the system board are defined.
In analog mode, the backlight intensity is set by the voltage divider formed by R7 and R10. Valid values are 0.7V (dimmest) to 1.4V (brightest).
In digital mode, the FPGA can drive this pin with a PWM signal of 100Hz-50kHz.
VmodTFT Reference Manual
layers form plates X and Y. Each plate has electrodes on opposite sides and a constant resistance.
Figure 3 AC Characteristics
Figure 2 Video Timing
Video data is sent on a parallel interface synchronous to CLK. The table below lists the timing parameters of this interface. “Data” refers to the combined pixel data from the R, G, and B pins.
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Relative Humidity (%RH)
100 90 70
Operating Range
20 10
Storage Range
Temperature (ºC)
Issued Date: Sep. 10. 2010 Model No.: G104X1-L03
G104X1- L03 is a 10.4” TFT Liquid Crystal Display module with LED backlight unit and 30-pin-and-1ch LVDS interface. This product supports 1024 x 768 XGA format and can display true 16.2M colors (6-bits colors with FRC). The converter module for LED backlight is built-in.
Unit ºC ºC
Note (1) Temperature and relative humidity range is shown in the figure below.
(b) Wet-bulb temperature should be 39 ºC Max. (Ta > 40 ºC). (c) No condensation
Issued Date: Sep. 10. 2010 Model No.: G104X1-L03
Version 2.0 2.1 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 Date 2009/10/15 2009/12/28 2010/01/04 2010/04/15 2010/07/15 2010/09/10 Page (New) All 5 6 10 13 8 Section All 2.1 3.1 5.1 7.2 3.2 Description Approval spec was first issued Change Storage Temperature from 80¢J to 70¢J Updated power supply current Note 1 Modified Optical specification Modified Note 2
Issued Date: Sep. 10. 2010 Model No.: G104X1-L03
TFT LCD Approval Specification
MODEL NO.: G104X1 - L03
Customer: Approved by: Note:
Item Power Supply Voltage Symbol VCC Value Min. -0.3 Max. 7 Value Min. -0.3 ----Max. 22 5.5 5.5 Unit V Note (1)
Issued Date: Sep. 10. 2010 Model No.: G104X1-L03
22 23
Note (1) Please refer to the attached drawings for more information of front and back outline dimensions.
Issued Date: Sep. 10. 2010 Model No.: G104X1-L03
Note (1) -
Note (1) Please refer to the attached drawings for more information of front and back outline dimensions.
Item Horizontal (H) Module Size Vertical (V) Depth (D) Weight Min. Typ. 238.6 175.8 7.5 280 Max. Unit mm mm mm g
TFT LCD monitor for Industrial applications Slim design display for portable applications Digitizer Applicable Design
Value Min. -20 -20 Max. +70 +70
Item Operating Ambient Temperature Storage Temperature (a) 90 %RH Max. (Ta ¡Ø
Symbol TOP TST 40 ºC).
- Excellent brightness (350 nits) - Ultra high contrast ratio (1200:1) - Fast response time (Ton+Toff average 25 ms) - High color saturation NTSC 57% - XGA (1024 x 768 pixels) resolution - DE (Data Enable) only mode - LVDS (Low Voltage Differential Signaling) interface - Ultra wide viewing angle: 176(H)/ 176(V) (CR>10) Super MVA technology -180 degree rotation display option -Color reproduction (Nature color) -Wide operation and storage temperature range