


1. Tom's knowing English helps him in learning French.

That _________ helps him in learning English.

2. Her being out of work was unexpected.

____________ was unexpected.

3. I remember having paid him for his work.

I remember that___________________.

4. He suggests our making better use of the school library.

He suggests _________________________.

5. Our worry is your depending too much on him.

Our worry is that ___________________

6. The question is many people's being trapped in the fire.

The question is _______________________.

7. We will study in the house facing south.

We will study in the house that / which____________

8. The man talking to my teacher is my father.

The man __________________ is my father.

9. On arriving there, I will telephone you.

__________________, I will telephone you.

10. While waiting for the bus, I caught sight of her.

__________, I caught sight of her.

11. He died, leaving his daughter much money.

He died, and (he) __________________.

He died, with__________(With短语)

12. The question discussed yesterday is very important.

The question that / which ______is very important.

13. The boy lost in thought is my brother.

The boy _______________is my brother.

14. I found the room broken into and a lot of things stolen.

I found (that) ___________ and ____________

15. (If) heated, water will turn into steam.

________________, water will turn into steam.

16. Don't speak until spoken to.

Don't speak _____________________

17. When and where (for us) to hold the meeting is unknown yet.

When and where _________ is unknown yet.

18. They seemed to be eating something cooked on the fire.

It seemed ______________________

19. I don't know what to do with the matter.

I don't know ______________

20. I warned him not to drive the car after drinking.

I warned _______________________.

21. My wish is to become a pilot after graduation.

My wish is ________________________.

22. My only worry was for her not to have enough experience in it.

My only worry was________________

23. The meeting to be held tomorrow is of great importance.

The meeting ________ is of great importance.

24. He was the first to arrive and the last to leave.

He was the first__________ and the last__________

25. They started off early in order / so as to arrive in time.

They started off early____________________

26. She was so excited as not to go to sleep. She was too excited to go to sleep. She was___ excited ________________


1.I have many letters which I should type.

I have many letters_______

2. I havemanyletterswhich areto be typed by other.

I have many letters _________

3. The people who were standing shouted at the dean.

The people_________ shouted at the dean

4. Mother got up early so that(in order that)she might catch the early bus

→Mother got up early __________

5. She is so young that she cannot join the army.

She is_________

6. When he saw those pictures, he couldn't help thinking of the days in New York.

→ _________, he couldn't help thinking of the days in New York.

7. When and where We will hold the meeting is unknown yet

→___________ is unknown yet.

8. I don't know what I should do with the matter.

→I don't know ____________ with the matter.

9. The man who/that is talking to my teacher is my father.

10. while I was waiting for the bus,I caught sight of her.

11. I found that he was waiting for a bus at the station.



1.The shower being over,we continued our journey.


2.All the tickets having been sold out,they went away disappointed .→

3.All things considered,her paper is better than yours.

4.He went to the front door,his students following him.


1.As Mother is ill in bed,I can 't go to school

2.He went away,and not a word was spoken.

3.If we judge from his face, he must be ill


定语从句和非谓语动词是高中阶段重要的两大语法项目。定语从句的应用可以使语言表达更精确更生动,显得使用者具有较高的英语文化底蕴,但也是中学英语的难点语法项目,许多同学在学习和运用定语从句时,感到很难理解。若将其简化,理解起来就比较简单了。而非谓语动词的正确使用,就可以使定语从句的理解容易化,简单化,而且使语句简练、更有文采。掌握二者的转换,有助于我们更好的理解其用法,并能够自如地运用。下面我就着重谈谈如何将定语从句转换成非谓语动词以及转换时应注意的事项。 1定语从句转换成不定式“to do”。 定语从句的谓语动词是将来时或含有情态动词或含有序数词the next,the last等时,该定语从句转换为不定式“to do”. (1)The plane which will arrive is from Hubei. →The plane to arrive is from Hubei。 (2)The students will go to a party that will be held in our class at 7:45. →The students will go to a p arty to be held in our class at 7:45. (3)He was the first boy who came to school. →He was the first boy to come to school. .2定语从句可转换成为“介词+关系代词或副词+不定式”。“介词+关系代词”引导的定语从句和“介词+关系代词或副词+不定式”充当的定语,可以相互转换。被这种定语修饰的名词往往在逻辑上充当不定式动作的地点、时间或工具。例: (1)She wanted a room in which she could do her homework. →She wanted a room in which to do her homework. (2)She had only a pen with which she can write. →She had only a pen to write with.或She had only a pen with which to write. 注:定语从句转换成“介词+ 关系代词+不定式”时,此时的不定式一定是及物动词,如是不及物动词,则需在动词后面加上相应的介词。这个介词可提前到关系代词前面,也可留在句尾。前者是正式说法后者是非正式说法。而且上例中动词不定式与句子主语之间存在着逻辑上的主谓关系,否则就不能简单地把作定语的不定式都变成此结构。 “He is looking for a place for his friend to live in”这句话。我们就不能将句中的a place for his friend to live in改为a place to live in或a place in which to live。 3.1定语从句可以转换为现在分词(短语) 如果定语从句的谓语是主动语态,且发生的时间与主句的谓语所表示的动作所发生的时间同时,此时可以将定语从句转换成现在分词短语)。 (1)Have you ever talked to the girl who is dancing to music over there?→Have you ever talked to the girl dancing to music over there? (2)The question that is being discussed is about how to improve living conditions. →The question being discussed is about how to improve living conditions. .2定语从句可以转化为过去分词(短语) 如定语从句的谓语是被动语态,或是“系动词+过去分词(表语)”结构,且从句的谓语动词所表示的动作或状态是在主句的谓语之前发生或无明确的时间。此时,我们可以将定语从句转换成过去分词(短语)。有时定语从句谓语虽然是主动语态.但它表示的动作在主句谓语之前就已经完成,这时我们可以将定语从句转换成过去分词(短语)。 (1)The report that was made yesterday will be discussed today. →The report made yesterday will be discussed today. (2)The dictionary which my mother bought for me is very useful.


二.定语从句: 定语从句三步:第一找出先行词(被修饰的那个名词或代词);第二看从句缺少什么成份(如主语、宾语或状语);第三选择合适的引导词。 注意:引导词在介词后,指人只能用whom 指物只能用which 高考对定语从句的考查常涉及以下几个方面: 【考点6】正确区别限制性定语从句与非限制性定语从句的结构;理解关系代词和关系副词在定语从句中的作用;特别注意指代整个主句内容的关系代词which引导的非限制性定语从句。非限制性定语从句,从意义上来说,是对主语的补充说明,从结构上来看,先行词和定语从句之间用逗号隔开,He makes great progress in his English learning, which makes his mother very happy. ⑧I shall never forget the day _____ Shenzhou V was launched, _____ has a great effect on my life. A. when; which B. that; which C. which; that D. when; that (2004北京东城) 【考点7】关系代词that,who,which以及as的用法区别。 指人时常只用who不用that的情况; 指物时只用which不用that的情况; 只用that不用which的情况; 关系代词as与which的用法区别; the same … that … 与the same … as …的区别: 1 其中that, who(whom),都可以指人,那么他们在指人时有什么区别呢。[本条记忆技巧:用who 不用that 的情况 “there be” “one,ones,anyone,nobody, those ” 被分割。那里有(there)很多万(one)被那些人(those)分割。] <1>先行词为those, one, anyone, nobody 等词时,用who不用that,例如:The one who knows me well is Tom. <2>在分隔型定语从句中,若先行词是人,用who不用that, 例: A new teacher will come who will teach you German. 在本句中,先行词“teacher”和修饰限定它的从句“who will teach you German ”分离,所以我们用who 不用that。 <3>先行词为“there be”结构的主语时,例如 There is a man who wants to see you. 在本句子当中a man是There is a man 这句当中的主语,所以用who不用that 2其中,that 和which 都可以指物,它们在指物时的区别: 用that不用which <1>先行词前有形容词最高级,序数词,all, every, little, no, any, much, the only, the very, the last 等修饰时,例如: I have read all the books that you gave me. <2>先行词为all, few, nothing, everything, little, much等不定代词时: He did all that he could do to help us. <3>主语以who或which开头时 Who is the man that just called you just now? <4>关系代词在从句中做表语时 China is not the country that is was. <5>既指人又指物时 He talked about the teachers and schools that he had visited. 2, 先行词表示物时, 用which不用that 的情况 <1> 引导非限制性定语从句时,例如: She heard a terrible noise, which brought her heart to her mouth. <2>当关系代词做介词宾语时,例如:


非谓语动词和从句的转换---- 一.不定式(短语)与从句的关系 1.不定式(短语)在句中作主语,其功能相当于一个主语从句,因此二者之间可以转换。 (1).To be able to help you is really an honor.(=That I’m able to help you) (2).He seemed to know the way.(=It seemed that he knew the way.) (3).Bush is said to have decided to attack North Korea. (= It is said that Bush has decided to attack North Korea.) 2.不定式(短语)在句中作宾语或宾补,相当于一个宾语从句 (1).We still don’t know when and where to build a school.(宾语) (=when and where we should build a school) (2).I advised him to go and see the doctor.(宾补)(=that he should go and see) (3).He thought it a great pity not to have invited her. .(宾语)(=That he hadn’t invited her.) 3不定式(短语)在句中作表语.,相当于一个表语从句 (1).My suggestion is for them to leave as soon as possible.(=that they should leave) (2).My chief purpose has been for them to get a good understanding. (=that they can get a good understanding) 4.不定式(短语)在句中作定语.,相当于一个定语从句 (1).The question will be discussed at the conference shortly to open in Beijing. (=that is shortly to open in Beijing) (2).All dead, I was the only one to grow up. (=that grew up) 5.不定式(短语)在句中作目的.结果状语.,相当于一个目的.结果状语从句 (1).He came to the area in order/so as to study the folk music there.(=in order/so that) (2).The lady was so excited as not to say a word.(=so excited that she couldn’t…)


高考写作一非谓语动词与从句的转换 知识讲解 知识点1:不定式(短语)与从句的关系 1.【考查点】:不定式(短语)在句中作主语,其功能相当于一个主语从句,因此二者之间可以转换。 (1).To be able to help you is really an honor. (=That I’m able to help you) (2).He seemed to know the way. (=It seemed that he knew the way.) (3).Bush is said to have decided to attack North Korea. (= It is said that Bush has decided to attack North Korea.)

2.【考查点】:不定式(短语)在句中作宾语或宾补,相当于一个宾语从句(1).We still don’t know when and where to build a school.(宾语) (=when and where we should build a school) (2).I advised him to go and see the doctor.(宾补) (=that he should go and see) (3).He thought it a great pity not to have invited her. .(宾语) (=That he hadn’t invited her.)

3.【考查点】:不定式(短语)在句中作表语.,相当于一个表语从句(1).My suggestion is for them to leave as soon as possible. (=that they should leave) (2).My chief purpose has been for them to get a good understanding. (=that they can get a good understanding)


非谓语动词与从句之间的关系及转换 非谓语动词与从句间的相互关系及转换:英语中的非谓语动词是整个英语语法当中非常重要的部分,也是英语学习的一个难点。非谓语动词作句子成分时与相应的从句有着千丝万缕的联系,它们之间可以有条件的进行相互转换。 一、非谓语动词与从句的相互关系 (一)不定式和分词作定语相当于定语从句 不定式通常位于被修饰名词后。与该名词构成逻辑上的动宾关系。如果不定式与所修饰名词在意思上是被动且逻辑上的主语不出现时,要用不定式的被动式,与所修饰名词构成逻辑上的主谓关系。分词作定语时,单个分词置于名词之前,分词短语置于名词之后,与名词构成主谓关系或被动主谓关系。定语从句和不定式、分词作定语只是两种不同的表达方式,本质是相同的。 例如:I have many letters to type.(动宾关系) →I have many letters which I should type. I have many letters to be typed.(被动主谓关系) →I have many letters which are to be typed by others. The standing people shouted at the dean.(主谓关系) (二)不定式和分词作状语相当于状语从句 1.不定式多作目的状语和结果状语.故可以转化为相应的目的状语从句和结果状语从句。 例如:Mother got up early to catch the early bus.(目的状语) →Mother got up early 80 as to (in order to) catch the early bus. →Mother got up early 80 that (in order that) she might catch the early bus. 【注意】80 as to和80 that不可放在句首。 She is too young to join the army.(结果状语) She is 80 young that she cannot join the army. 2.分词作状语可以表示时间、原因、条件、方式和让步等,相当于相应状语的从句。如果分词的逻辑主语与主句主语一致,则用现在分词;如果分词的逻辑主语与主句是被动关系且主语一致时,则用过去分词。分词作状语时,如果其带有逻辑的主语,称为分词的独立主格结构。分词的逻辑主语与句子的主语无语法联系。 例如:Seeing those pictures.he couldn't help thinking of the unforgettable days in New York.(时间状语) →When he saw those pictures.he couldn’t help thinking of the unforgettable days in New Y0rk.


非谓语动词和从句 1.非谓语动词 谓语(狭义):主要指动词,关于主语的情况,可表示动作,也可以表示状态,受主语的人称和数的限制。 Time flies. She doesn’t like the idea. You shouldn’t look down upon this kind of work. 非谓语动词:在句中不能单独作谓语的动词,主要包括不定式、动名词和分词(现在分词和过去分词)。它不受主语的人称和数的限制,但有语态(主动与被动)和时态(一般式;完成式;进行式)的变化;否定式一般将not 直接放在非谓语动词之前。 1.1动词不定式 肯定形式: A 主动语态 B 被动语态 一般式 完成式 进行式 完成进行式 否定形式:not/never to do 1.1.1不定式有两种,即带to的不定式和不带to的不定式。 I’ve come to seek your advice. What you said made me think. 大多数情况下,不定式都带to, 但在特殊情况下,动词不定式的to要省略。 1.1.2动词不定式的用法: 主语(it作形式主语): To cheat in exams is punishable. 注意:此时,动词不定式常常放在句子后面,而用it 作形式主语。 It is punishable to cheat in exams. 宾语:动词宾语:I hope to be back in a couple of days. 介词宾语:They desire nothing but to go home. 宾补:I want him to be my assistant. I ordered him not to enter this room without permission. 表语:His wish was to be a skillful worker. 定语:Do you have anything to say? 状语:I was delighted to receive your letters. (原因) We started early to avoid being late. (目的)


非谓语动词相关从句 非谓语动词概述: 非谓语动词与名词性从句 非谓语动词与定语从句 非谓语动词与状语从句 There are some people insisting that they shouldn’t learn English. 非谓语动词概述:动名词Ving;现在分词Ving; 过去分词ved; to do不定式 分词短语从本质上而言:是由动词派生而来的形容词。如,a sleeping baby, a used car, a frightening experience, a frightened child, etc. A baby who is sleeping. A car which is used ving形式由动词的主动形式派生而来;表示主动的动作或正在进行的动作 Ved形式由动词的被动形式派生而来:表示被动的动作或已完成的动作 The fallen leaves The falling leaves The custom fascinates me.

The fascinating custom has been the subject of many books. The baby will sleep until eight. Try not to wake a sleeping baby. Some movies are rated X. Children shouldn’t see X-rated movies. My leg was broken in three places. My broken leg is healing slowly. The sinking ship= the ship that was sinking The sunken ship=the ship that has sunken. Falling leaves= Fallen leaves= 现在分词的完成时态:表示分词的动作发生在主句谓语动词动作之前。Having done The students had solved most of the problems without any help. Having solved most of the problems without any help, the students were exhilarated. After they have solved most of the problems without…………………………..


谓语动词与非谓语动词的区别 首先你要明白在一个英语的单句中只有一个谓语,那么你就要学会怎样划分英语句子中的结构。 先说下什么是单句,单句就是只有一个完整句子结构(句号才是整个句子结束的标志)的句子,没有连词和引导词(像and,what,where,这些的词都没有)。具体的单句结构(五个)就不用我说吧。 eg: ①I love my mother.就是一个单句。 ②English is my best subject which i like.这就是一个复合句(which引导的限制性定语从句),在主语中,english是主语,is是系动词,my best subject 是表语。在从句中(引导词后边的是从句),which作宾语指代subject(subject 是从句的先行词),I作主语,like在这里是行为动词(vt.)作谓语。 给你一个划分简单句结构的例子: eg:I like playing basketball. 这个句子中,I是主语,like是谓语,playing basketball是动名词做宾语,在宾语中playing是非谓语动词,因为我刚刚说过了,一个单句中只有一个谓语,所以like做了谓语,playing就一定是非谓语动词了。

现在和你说下最简单的分辨谓语和非谓语的方法:划分句子的结构。 每个句子首先找到主语,然后是谓语,谓语一般都会和主语靠近(有特殊的情况),那么除去谓语之外的其他动词,都是非谓语动词了。 谓语动词:有以下几种分类 ①行为动词:行为动词又可分为及物(vt.)与不及物(vi.) 那么vi.和vt.的区别可以通过造句的方式来确定。 及物动词:可直接接宾语。(如果不接宾语,那么句意会不完整) 不及物动词:不可以直接接宾语,需借用介词。 eg: I go to school by bus.(go不及物动词,但是和home连接时为go home)He drinks water.(drink是及物动词,中文翻译为他喝水,如果没有宾语water,就成了他喝,那他喝什么呢?句意就不完整了。) ②系动词:be动词(is,am,are,were,was)表主语状态,感官动词(hear,look,listen,tast,sound,appear,seem等),持续性动词(keep,stay,lie,remind等),变化动词(become,go,get,turn等)... ③情态动词:could,should,can,must,may等。


动词的形式 -----谓语动词和非谓语动词 突破点(一) --如何确定非谓语动词还是谓语动词 若句中找不到谓语,则所给动词就作谓语 (1)一个句子无论是主句还是从句,必须要有谓语,一般,空格所在的句子中无其他动词,那么这个空就应该填谓语动词。谓语动词要考虑时态语态主谓一致等。 例如 2016全国 Then, handle the most important tasks so you will feel a real sense of achievement .Leaving the less important things until tomorrow ---63 (be) often acceptable. 分析:该句中主语为动名词 leaving -----,故所给动词作谓语,谓语动词为第三人称单数形式,且根据语境知时态为一般现在时故填 is 例二 2016四川高考 The giant panda ---61 (love) by people through the world. 分析:句中没有谓语故空格处应该做谓语。大熊猫为世界各地人们所喜爱是个客观事 实,应用一般现在时,且 panda 与 love 间是被动关系,用被动语态故填 is loved (2)若句中找到了谓语动词,而又找不到连词(并列连词或从句连词)时,则所给动词 一定用作非谓语动词。非谓语动词需要确定是 vIng 形式, Ved 形式还是不定式。 例 1 2016全国 Skilled workers also combine various hardwoods and metal-----43 (create) special designs. 分析:本句已有谓语动词 combine 且空处不作并列谓语,故应填非谓语动词,此处为不 定式作目的状语故填 to create 例二 2016 全国 My ambassadorial duties will include ----67(introduce) British visitors to the 120 plus panda at Chengdu and others at a research center in the misty mountains of Bifengxia. 分析:句中已有谓语动词 include 且无其他连词,故空处应填非谓语动词。 Include 及 物动词其后加名词或动名词作宾语再结合提示 Introduce 和空后的名词 visitors ,此处应用动名词作宾语故填introducing. (3) 排除干扰,切忌只见树木不见森林 例 1 2016 全国 Confucius believed knives would remind people of killings and ----49 (be) too violent for use at the table.


状语从句与非谓语动词的转化 一、非谓语动词与时间状语从句间的转换。 1.当主、从句的主语一致,主、从句的谓语动作同时或几乎同时发生时,且从句中谓语动词是主动语态,可用现在分词的一般式转换。 如: When they heard the news,they jumped with joy. Hearing the news,they jumped with joy. 2.当主、从句的主语一致,从句中的动作发生在主句的动作之前或从句中谓语动词是完成时,可用现在分词的完成式转换。 如: After he(had)returned home,he began to work. Having returned home,he began to work. 3.当主、从句主语一致时,由after,before,since,as soon as等引导的从句可分别用after/before/since/on加动名词短语转换。 如: Since I saw you last,I have been ill. Since seeing you last,I have been ill. As soon as he heard this,he couldn’t help crying. On hearing this,he couldn’t help crying. 4.当主、从句主语一致时,以when,while引导的从句,也可用when /while加现在分词短语转换。 如While we were walking along the river, we heard someone shouting.


非谓语动词与从句之间的关系及转换非谓语动词与从句间的相互关系及转换:英语中的非谓语动词是整个英语语法 当中非常重要的部分,也是英语学习的一个难点。非谓语动词作句子成分时与相应的从句有着千丝万缕的联系,它们之间可以有条件的进行相互转换。 一、非谓语动词与从句的相互关系 (一)不定式和分词作定语相当于定语从句 不定式通常位于被修饰名词后。与该名词构成逻辑上的动宾关系。如果不定式与所修饰名词在意思上是被动且逻辑上的主语不出现时,要用不定式的被动式,与所修饰名词构成逻辑上的主谓关系。分词作定语时,单个分词置于名词之前,分词短语置于名词之后,与名词构成主谓关系或被动主谓关系。定语从句和不定式、分词作定语只是两种不同的表达方式,本质是相同的。 例如:I have many letters to type .(动宾关系) f I have many letters which I should type . I have many letters to be typed .(被动主谓关系) f I have many letters which are to be typed by others . The standing people shouted at the dean .(主谓关系) (二)不定式和分词作状语相当于状语从句 1. 不定式多作目的状语和结果状语.故可以转化为相应的目的状语从句和结果状语从句。 例如:Mother got up early to catch the early bus .(目的状语) f Mother got up early 80 as to (in order to) catch the early bus . f Mother got up early 80 that (in order that) she might catch the early bus 【注意】80 as to和80 that不可放在句首。 She is too young to join the army .(结果状语) She is 80 young that she cannot join the army . 2. 分词作状语可以表示时间、原因、条件、方式和让步等,相当于相应状语的 从句。如果分词的逻辑主语与主句主语一致,则用现在分词;如果分词的逻辑主 语与主句是被动关系且主语一致时,则用过去分词。分词作状语时,如果其带有 逻辑的主语,称为分词的独立主格结构。分词的逻辑主语与句子的主语无语法联系。 例如:Seeing those pictures . he could n't help thinking of the un forgettable days in New York .(时间状语) f When he saw those pictures . he couldn ' t help thinkin g of the un forgettable


非谓语动词相关从句 1. 非谓语动词概述: 2. 非谓语动词与名词性从句 3. 非谓语动词与定语从句 4. 非谓语动词与状语从句 There are SOme people inSiSting that they shouldn ' t learn English. 一、非谓语动词概述:动名词Ving ;现在 分词Ving; 过去分词ved; to do 不定式 1. 分词短语从本质上而言:是由动词派生而来的形容词。如,a SIeePi ng baby, a USed car, a frightening experience, a frighte ned child, etc. A baby who is sleep ing. A Car WhiCh is USed 2. Ving形式由动词的主动形式派生而来;表示主 动的动作或正在进行的动作 Ved形式由动词的被动形式派生而来:表示被动的动作或已完成的动作 The falle n IeaVeS

The falli ng IeaVeS The CUStOm fasc in ates me. The fasc in ati ng CUStOm has bee n the SUbjeCt of many books. The baby WiIl sleep Un til eight. Try not to Wake a sleep ing bab y. Some movies are rated X. ChiIdre n should n ' t See X-rated movies. My leg WaS broke n in three PIaCeS. My broke n leg is heali ng slowly. The Sinking ShiP= the ShiP that WaS Sinking The SUnken ship=the ShiP that has sunken. Falli ng IeaVeS= Falle n IeaVeS= 3. 现在分词的完成时态:表示分词的动作发生在主句谓语动词动作之前。HaV ing done


非谓语动词与从句的相互转换 一、如何把复合句改为简单句呢? 首先,分清主从复合句,先要取消从句,一般要把引导从句的连词去掉。例如: When he was waiting for the bus, he saw a dog. →Waiting for the bus, he saw a dog. 其次,如果从句的谓语动词是主动式,就要把谓语动词改为现在分词;如果从句的谓语动词是被动式就要把谓语动词改为过去分词;并且要注意时态的变化。 例如: 1. After he had finished his homework , he went home. →Having finished his homework, he went home. 2. Because I have promised to meet my friend at the airport, I can’t accept your invitation. →Having promised to meet my friend at the airport, I can’t accept your invitation. 3. As he was deeply moved by the story, he couldn’t keep back his tears. →Deeply moved by the story, he couldn’t keep back his tears. 4. As he was born into a tenant farmer family, he had only two years of schooling. →Born into a tenant farmer family, he had only two years of schooling. 另外,还要注意在用分词短语作状语时,它逻辑上的主语必须与句子的主语一致。如果主从句的主语不一致,在取消掉从句变为-ing 或-ed形式时,要把从句的主语保留,其它部分和以前的改法一样。 例如:As it was hot, we went swimming. →It being hot, we went swimming. 注意:在用分词短语作状语时,它也可以有自己独立的逻辑上的主语,这种结构称为独立主格结构。在很多的情况下它都表示一种伴随的动作或表示一种原因。例如: 1. If weather permits, I will go there. →Weather permitting, I will go there. 2. After the shower was over, we continued to march. →The shower being over, we continued to march. 3. Late that autumn, when his work was finished, he prepared to return to his institute. →Late that autumn, his work finished, he prepared to return to his institute. 4. As so many comrades were absent, we decided to put the meeting off. →So many comrades being absent, we decided to put the meeting off. 通过上面的例句我们可以看出,v-ing的一般式所表示的动作大都和句子中的谓语动词所表示的动作同时发生或动作正在进行。v -ing的完成式表示的动作在句子中谓语动词所表示的动作或状态之前发生。这时它在句子中多作状语,表示时间和原因。表示时间时,常放于句首;表示原因时,常放在句末或句首。 现在分词和过去分词一样,也可以作状语,很多都说明动作发生的背景或情况;所不同的是现在分词所表示的是主动而过去分词表示的是被动。


非谓语动词相关从句 1.非谓语动词概述: 2.非谓语动词与名词性从句 3.非谓语动词与定语从句 4.非谓语动词与状语从句 There are some people insisting that they shouldn’t learn English. 一、非谓语动词概述:动名词Ving;现在分词Ving; 过去分词ved; to do不定式1.分词短语从本质上而言:是由动词派生而来的形容词。如,a sleeping baby, a used car, a frightening experience, a frightened child, etc. A baby who is sleeping. A car which is used 2.ving形式由动词的主动形式派生而来;表示主动的动作或正在进行的动作 Ved形式由动词的被动形式派生而来:表示被动的动作或已完成的动作 The fallen leaves The falling leaves The custom fascinates me.

The fascinating custom has been the subject of many books. The baby will sleep until eight. Try not to wake a sleeping baby. Some movies are rated X. Children shouldn’t see X-rated movies. My leg was broken in three places. My broken leg is healing slowly. The sinking ship= the ship that was sinking The sunken ship=the ship that has sunken. Falling leaves= Fallen leaves= 3.现在分词的完成时态:表示分词的动作发生在主句谓语动词动作之前。Having done The students had solved most of the problems without any help. Having solved most of the problems


非谓语动词与状语从句的转化 状语从句是同学们在初中就掌握的内容,笔者现将非谓语动词与状语从句之间转换的规律作一归纳,帮助大家更好地掌握非谓语动词。 一、非谓语动词与时间状语从句间的转换。 1.当主、从句的主语一致,主、从句的谓语动作同时或几乎同时发生时,且从句中谓语动词是主动语态,可用现在分词的一般式转换。 如:When they heard the news,they jumped with joy. Hearing the news,they jumped with joy.当他们听到这则消息时, 高兴得跳了起来。 2.当主、从句的主语一致,从句中的动作发生在主句的动作之前或从句中谓语动词是完成时,可用现在分词的完成式转换。 如:After he(had)returned home,he began to work. Having returned home,he began to work.回到家以后, 他开始工作。 3.当主、从句主语一致时,由after,before,since,assoon as等引导的从句可分别用after/before/since/on 加动名词短语转换。 如:Since I saw you last,Ihavebeen ill. Since seeing you last,Ihavebeen ill.自从我上次见你后, 就一直在生病。 As soon as he heard this,he couldn’t help crying. On hearing this,he couldn’t help crying.他一听到这事, 不禁哭了起来。 4.当主、从句主语一致时,以when,while 引导的从句,也可用when /while加现在分词短语转换。 如While we were walking alongtheriver, weheard someoneshouting. While walking along the river,we heard someone shouting.当我们正沿着河走时,我们听到有人喊叫。 5.当主、从句的主语一致,且从句的谓语动词是被动语态时,可用过去分词短语转换。 如:Aftertheyweresenttothezoo, themonkeyshad good health. Senttothezoo, themonkeyshad good health. 这些猴子送到动物园后, 健康状况都很好。 6.当主、从句的主语不一致时,时间状语从句可转换成分词的独立主格结构,即名词/主格代词+分词。Afterthe meetingwasover,thestudentswentoutofthehall. The meeting being over,the studentswentoutofthe hall.会议结束后, 学生们走出了礼堂。 Afterhermother hadpassed away,shehad totakecareofhersister. Her mother having passed away,she had to take care ofhersister.她妈妈去世后, 她只好照顾她妹妹。 二、非谓语动词与原因状语从句间的转换 1.当主、从句的主语一致时,可将原因状语从句转换成现在分词短语。 如:Becauseshewasill,she couldn’t gotoschool. Beingill,she couldn’t gotoschool.因为她病了, 所以没能去上学。 Ashehad worked amongtheworkers,heknew them verywell. Havingworked amongtheworkers,heknew them verywell.由于他曾在工人中工作过, 因此对他们很了解。2.当主、从句主语一致,且从句的谓语是被动语态,可用过去分词短语转换。 如:Ashe wasborn in Shanghai,heknew thecityverywell. Born in Shanghai,heknew thecityverywell.由于他出生于上海, 他对这座城市很熟悉。 3.当主、从句的主语不一致时,可把从句转换成分词的独立主格结构。 如:Because everyone in this city knew the teacher,we had no trouble in findinghishouse. Everyone in thiscity knowing the teacher,we had no trouble in finding hishouse.因为这座城市的每个人都认识这位老师, 所以我们没费事就找到了他的住处。 Asthekeywaslost,she couldn’t entertheroom . Thekeylost,she couldn’t entertheroom .由于丢了钥匙, 她进不了房间。
