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旁白:In the beautiful forest,a tiger is the king of the forest, and many lovely animals live there. One sunny afternoon,the tiger just wake.(在一个美丽的森林,老虎是森林之王,许多可爱的动物住在里面。一个阳光明媚的下午,老虎醒了。)

老虎:I’m a great tiger. I’m the king of forest. I’m strong and brave.(我是一只伟大的老虎,我是森林之王,我很强壮,很勇敢。)

动物们:Are you hungry,are you hungry,King tiger,King tiger?Are you hungry,are you hungry,King tiger,King tiger?(你饿了吗,你饿了吗,大王?)老虎:Hum,I’m so hungry,I must find something to eat at once. Oh,there’s nothing here. Oh,there’s nothing here.(哼,我很饿了,我必须马上找一些吃的东西。但是,这儿没东西吃,这儿没东西吃。)

旁白:it’s very quiet in the forest. There are not many animals. Here comes the fox. (森林里很安静,没有很多动物,这时,一只狐狸走了出来。)

狐狸:I am a fox. I’m good at cheating and telling lies. I am the

cleverest animal in the forest. I always have something to eat.(我是一只狐狸。我很擅长撒谎欺骗别人。我是森林里最聪明的动物。我经常有东西吃。)

老虎:a fox,a fox,good meal,good meal.


狐狸:oh,my god. What should I do?yes,I have a good idea. Hello,Mr tiger,how are you?

(噢,天啊,我该怎么办?对了,我有一个好主意。喂,老虎先生,你好吗?)老虎:not very good. I’m very hungry. I want to eat you now.(不好,我现在很


狐狸:oh,my dear. How dare you say that? I’m the king of the forest. If you want to eat me, I will let you die right now.(噢,亲爱的,你怎么敢那样子说?我是森林之王,如果你要吃了我,我会立刻让你死掉。)

老虎:are you the king of the forest?you’re cheating me?I’m the king of forest here.(你是森林之王?你在开玩笑吗?我才是森林之王。)

狐狸:haha,you don’t believe me?follow me,come and see.


老虎:OK! Let’s go.(好的,走吧。)

旁边:the tiger and the fox,go to the lake together. Near the lake,a lovely rabbit is looking for food.(老虎和狐狸,来到了一个湖的附近。一只可爱的兔子正在寻找食物。)

兔子:I’m the rabbit. I like eating carrots. Ah,a big carrot. Oh,it’s too heavy. I can’t pull it out. Hello,my friends,come and help me.(我是兔子,我喜欢吃胡萝卜。哇,这么大一个萝卜,哦,它太重了,我拔不出来。喂,朋友们,来帮一下我的忙。)

小鸟:I’m a bird. Hello,rabbit,can I help you?(我是小鸟。兔子,我可以帮你吗?)


青蛙:I’m a frog. Hello,rabbit,can I help you?(我是青蛙。兔子,我可以帮你吗?)


熊:I’m a bear. I’m very strong. Can I help you?(我是熊,我非常强壮,我可




狐狸:hello,my friends!(喂,朋友们。)

动物们:hi,fox。Oh,tiger,run fast!(你好啊,狐狸。哦,老虎!快跑。)狐狸:Mr tiger,you see. They’re so frightened。They all run away.(老虎先生,你看到了?他们这么怕我,全部都跑光了。)

老虎:yes,you’re right。It’s true. I’m very sorry. You’re the king of the forest. I will run away。He is the king,he is the king。(是的,你是对的。我非常抱歉,你才是森林之王,我会离开。他才是森林之王,他才是森林之王)

狐狸:wow,there’s a big carrot. Now it belongs to me.(哇,有一只大萝卜,现在它属于我了)

旁白:oh,poor tiger。He didn’t know the fox was cheating him. He’s so foolish.(可怜的老虎,他不知道狐狸欺骗了他,他真愚蠢。)
