



北京赛德凯斯电子有限责任公司KW系列匀胶机配件选型手册2014.11V1版SC-5-7(5mm-7mm)----------------------------------------1 SC-8-10(8mm-10mm)--------------------------------------2 SC-11-13(11mm-13mm)-----------------------------------3 SC-14-18(14mm-18mm)-----------------------------------4 SC-19-23(19mm-23mm)-----------------------------------5 SC-24-28(24mm-28mm一寸片托)-------------------------6 SC-29-33(29mm-33mm)-----------------------------------7 SC-34-38(34mm-38mm)-----------------------------------8 SC-39-43(39mm-43mm)-----------------------------------9 SC-44-48(44mm-48mm)----------------------------------10 SC-49-53(49mm-53mm二寸片托)------------------------11 SC-54-58(54mm-58mm)----------------------------------12 SC-59-63(59mm-63mm)----------------------------------13 SC-64-68(64mm-68mm)----------------------------------14 SC-70-74(70mm-74mm)----------------------------------15 SC-75-79(75mm-79mm三寸片托)------------------------16 SC-80-84(80mm-84mm)----------------------------------17 SC-85-89(85mm-89mm)----------------------------------18 SC-97-101(97mm-101mm四寸片托)----------------------19 SCS-9-13(9mm-13mm)------------------------------------20 SCS-14-18(14mm-18mm盖玻片)--------------------------21 SCS-19-23(19mm-23mm)----------------------------------22 SC-24-28-75-79(载玻片)------------------------------------23 SCL-5-44----------------------------------------------------24 SCH-44-68--------------------------------------------------25 SCH-70-84--------------------------------------------------26 SCH-80------------------------------------------------------27圆片直径:80-84mm 选择片托示意说明KW系列匀胶机配件内部编号i c s C o ., L t d适用于:方片边长范围85-89mm 圆片直径:85-89mm选择片托示意说明KW系列匀胶机配件内部编号n i c s C o ., L t dtL,.oCscino圆片直径:97mm-101mm标准4寸圆片片托选择片托示意说明KW系列匀胶机配件内部编号SC-97-101第 19 頁,共 27 頁适用于:方片边长范围19-23mmSCS-19-23选择片托示意说明KW系列匀胶机配件内部编号北京赛德凯斯电子有限责任公司 第 22 頁,共 27 頁适用于:用于客户定制 边长或直径44mm-68mm之间片子SCH-44-68选择片托示意说明KW系列匀胶机配件内部编号第 25 頁,共 27 頁SCH-70-84适用于:客户定制 边长或直径范围:70-84mm选择片托示意说明KW系列匀胶机配件内部编号第 26 頁,共 27 頁适用于:用于客户定制 边长或直径大于80mm以上片子SCH-80选择片托示意说明KW系列匀胶机配件内部编号第 27 頁,共 27 頁。



电流输出 HART
电流输出 HART
基金会现场总线 Ex i
83***-***********K 83***-***********S 83***-***********T 端子可变 83***-***********C 继电器输出 继电器输出 83***-***********D 状态输入 继电器输出 83***-***********E 状态输入 继电器输出 83***-***********L 状态输入 继电器输出 83***-***********M 状态输入 频率输出 83***-***********W 继电器输出 电流输出 83***-***********0 状态输入 电流输出 83***-***********2 继电器输出 电流输出
报警信号 电流输出 报警模式可选 脉冲/频率输出 报警模式可选 状态输出 Promass80 故障或电源故障时断开 继电器输出 Promass83 故障或电源故障时处于失电状态
负载 见"输出信号"
开关输出 状态输出 Promass80 集电极开路 max.30V DC / 2 5 0 m A 电气隔离 可设置为 故障信息 空管检测 EPD 流向
测量管材质 钛
测量变量 质量流量 流体密度 流体温度
与测量管振动的相位差成比例 与测量管共振频率成比例 利用温度传感器测量
测量范围 液体测量范围

Waukesha Cherry-Burrell W70系列防混阀说明手册说明书

Waukesha Cherry-Burrell W70系列防混阀说明手册说明书

斯必克流体公司611 Sugar Creek RoadDelavan,WI 53115 美国电话:(800) 252-5200 或(262) 728-1900 传真:(800) 252-5012 或(262) 728-4904电子邮件:***************网站:本手册中包含的信息如有变更,恕不另行通知,同时也不代表斯必克流体公司作出任何承诺。


版权所有© 2019斯必克流体(SPX FLOW)保留所有权利。

Tef-Flow 是斯必克流体公司的商标。

日期:06/2019出版:95-03087通过网络可以从下列网址上获取本手册的互动PDF 版本:该互动手册包含了在手册维护章节范围内采用以下符号标明的维护视频链接,可以帮助您对阀门进行更好的检修。


这种经过加强的操作和维护手册将向您显示有关于如何维护Waukesha Cherry-Burrell 品牌产品的分步视频。


第2 页95-0308706/2019质保 (5)装运损伤或损失 (5)质保索赔 (5)安全 (6)不锈钢保养 (7)不锈钢腐蚀 (7)在钝化之后的弹性密封件更换 (7)引言 (8)一般信息 (8)工厂检查 (8)型号与规格 (8)设备序列号 (8)工作参数 (9)密封相容性 (9)阀座选项 (10)压力额定值 (10)W70 系列防混阀执行机构空气容积 (10)安装 (11)定位 (11)焊接说明 (11)空气供应 (11)配件 (12)管线支撑 (12)安装阀箱 (12)安装阀门 (12)控制模块的控制空气质量 (13)外部冲洗――用液体冲洗通气腔 (13)只使用液体对通气腔进行冲洗 (13)使用液体冲洗通气腔和下阀杆 (13)外部冲洗――用蒸汽冲洗通气腔 (14)使用蒸汽冲洗通气腔、上阀杆和下阀杆 (14)安装 (14)功能 (14)操作 (16)电磁阀端口连接 (16)自动故障安全系统 (17)试验规程 (18)强制故障安全检测试验 (18)纠正措施 (18)阀门工作条件 (19)阀门打开 (19)阀门闭合 (19)阀门闭合、上阀座已提升 (19)阀门闭合、下阀座推动(仅适用于W72RS/W72RSP 系列) (20)阀门闭合、下阀座提升(仅适用于W71/W73 系列阀门) (20)维护 (21)维护间隔时间 (21)检查 (22)润滑 (22)清洗 (22)在线清洗(CIP) (22)阀座清洗调整 (24)下阀座 (24)06/201995-03087第3 页上阀座 (24)从系统中拆除阀门 (25)阀杆的拆卸 (26)转接器轴承和O 型圈 (26)内部O 型圈和轴承更换 (26)外部O 型圈更换 (27)Tri Ring 阀座更换 (27)径向阀座环更换 (28)(适用于W72RS 下阀杆) (28)连同W71 阀杆一起执行的Tef-Flow™ P 阀座更换 (29)上阀杆Tef-Flow™ P 阀座拆除 (29)上阀杆Tef-Flow™ P 阀座安装 (30)下阀杆Tef-Flow™ P 阀座拆除 (31)下阀杆Tef-Flow™ P 阀座安装 (32)下轴承座O 型圈和轴承更换 (33)执行机构O 型圈和轴承更换 (34)O 型圈和轴承的拆除――非阀座提升执行机构 (34)O 型圈和轴承的拆除――阀座提升执行机构 (35)使用适用于W71/W73 4 英寸直径执行机构的嵌入套筒安装活塞和弹簧组件 (36)阀杆的重新装配 (37)上阀杆装配 (37)下阀杆装配 (37)零件清单 (38)W71 阀座提升式防混阀 (38)配备外部冲洗的W71 阀座提升式防混阀 (40)配备蒸汽转接器的W71 阀座提升式防混阀 (42)W71 非阀座提升式防混阀 (44)配备外部冲洗的W71 非阀座提升式防混阀 (46)配备蒸汽转接器的W71 非阀座提升式防混阀 (48)W72RS 阀座提升式防混阀 (50)配备外部冲洗的W72RS 阀座提升式防混阀 (52)配备蒸汽转接器的W72RS 阀座提升式防混阀 (54)配备上平衡桶选件的W72RS 阀座提升式防混阀 (56)W72RS 非阀座提升式防混阀 (58)配备外部冲洗的W72RS 非阀座提升式防混阀 (60)配备蒸汽转接器的W72RS 非阀座提升式防混阀 (62)W72RS 阀座提升式罐体出口防混阀 (64)配备外部冲洗的W72RS 阀座提升式罐体出口防混阀............................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.W72RSP 阀座提升式防混阀 (66)配备外部冲洗的W72RSP 阀座提升式防混阀 (68)W73 阀座提升式转向防混阀 (70)配备外部冲洗的W73 阀座提升式转向防混阀 (72)适用于W71、W72RS、W72RSP 及W73 阀门的防混阀体 (74)W71/W73 阀座提升式执行机构 (76)W71/W73 阀座提升式执行机构 (77)W71/W73 非阀座提升式执行机构 (78)W72RS/W72RSP 阀座提升式执行机构 (80)W72RS 非阀座提升式执行机构 (82)安装工具 (84)故障检修 (88)第4 页95-0308706/2019质保有限质保:如未在出售时另行协商,则向原始购买者保证:斯必克流体有限责任公司(斯必克流体)的货物、辅助设备及其中零件,在自安装之日起十二(12)个月或者自出厂装运之日起十八(18)个月(以先到期者为准)的时间内不会出现存在缺陷的制造工艺和材料。



Mpac 开关型电液执行器操作手册Version 5.7 (03/08)目录:1概述 (1)1.1 引言 (1)1.2 维修周期 (1)1.3 需要的工具(仅仅指动力单元) (2)1.4 工作原理 (3)1.4.1 综述 (3)1.4.2执行器 (3)1.4.3 电控箱 (4)1.4.4 操作概述 (13)1.4.5 控制模式 (14)1.4.6 手动操作 (15)1.4.7 限位开关 (16)2 运输 (17)2.1 接收 (17)2.2 存储 (17)2.3 开箱 (17)3 油 (18)3.1 油位检查 (18)3.2 注油 (18)4 电控箱 (19)5 电气安装 (19)5.1 供电电源 (19)5.2 电缆 (19)5.2.1 电缆长度 (21)5.2.2 电缆走线 (21)5.3 挠性管及接头 (22)6. 执行器安装与调试 (23)6.1 安装前准备 (23)6.2 蓄能器充压 (23)6.3 安装 (23)6.4 开关极限位调整 (24)7 操作 (25)7.1 参数设置 (25)7.2 就地模式 (39)7.3 就地操作状态 (40)7.4就地状态下的阀门活动试验 (41)7.5 就地状态下的ESD (43)7.6 远控状态 (45)7.7远控状态下的活动试验 (46)7.8远控状态下的ESD (48)7.9 查询状态 (49)7.9.1 I/O状态查询 (49)7.9.2 参数查询 (50)7.9.3 指令历史查询 (51)7.9.4 故障解释 (52)7.9.5指令解释 (54)7.9.6 屏幕中的缩写 (54)安全注意事项电压冲击:执行器有可能产生电压冲击;只有有资质的安装和服务人员才能对设备进行安装和调整.对中:安装时执行器的轴孔和阀门的轴必须对中,若对中不良,将导致设备的损坏和人员的损伤。



Keep bystanders, children, and visitors away while operating a power tool. Distractions can cause you to lose control.
Electrical Safety Double insulated tools are equipped with a polarized plug (one blade is wider than the other.) This plug will fit in a polarized outlet only one way. If the plug does not fit fully in the outlet, reverse the plug. If it still does not fit, contact a qualified electrician to install a polarized outlet. Do not change the plug in any way. Double insulation eliminates the need for the three wire grounded power cord and grounded power supply system.
WARNING! Read and understand all instructions. Failure to follow all instructions listed below, may result in electric shock, fire and/or serious personal injury. Save these instructions.
Avoid accidental starting. Be sure switch is off before plugging in. Carrying tools with your finger on the switch or plugging in tools that have the switch on invites accidents.

CTEK SWEDEN AB ESES 21 新型专业电池充电器用户手册说明书

CTEK SWEDEN AB ESES 21 新型专业电池充电器用户手册说明书

E SETAPA 1 DESULFATACIÓNDetecta las baterías sulfatadas. Corrientes y tensiones pulsantes eliminan los sulfatos de las placas de plomo de la batería y restablecen su capacidad.ETAPA 2 INICIO SUAVEComprueba si la batería puede aceptar la carga. Esta etapa impide que continúe el proceso de carga si la batería está defectuosa.ETAPA 3 VOLUMENCarga con corriente máxima hasta aproximadamente el 80% de la capacidad de la batería.ETAPA 4 ABSORCIÓNCarga con corriente decreciente para maximizar hasta el 100% la capacidad de la batería.ETAPA 5 ANÁLISISComprueba si la batería puede retener la carga. Las baterías que no pueden retener la carga quizás deberán ser reemplazadas.ETAPA 6 REGENERACIÓNSeleccionar el programa Recond para agregar la etapa de regeneración al procesode carga. Durante la etapa Recond, la tensión aumenta para generar en la batería un desprendimiento controlado de gases. El gas emitido se combina con el ácido de la batería y hacer recuperar energía a la misma.ETAPA 7 FLOTANTEMantiene la tensión de la batería al nivel máximo mediante carga a tensión constante. ETAPA 8 PULSOSMantiene la batería al 95–100 % de su capacidad. El cargador monitorea la tensión de la batería y da un pulso cuando es necesario para mantener la batería completamente cargada.E SETAPA 1 ENCENDIDOLea la sección sobre baterías con “protección frente a bajas tensiones” en la página anterior.ETAPA 2 ADMISIÓNComprueba si la batería puede aceptar la carga. Esta etapa impide que continúe la carga si la batería está defectuosa.ETAPA 3 CARGA DE VOLUMENCarga con corriente máxima hasta aproximadamente el 90 % de la capacidad de la batería.ETAPA 4 ABSORCIÓNCarga con corriente decreciente para maximizar hasta el 100% la capacidad de la batería.ETAPA 5 ANÁLISISComprueba si la batería puede retener la carga. Podría ser necesario cambiar las baterías que no pueden retener la carga.ETAPA 6No aplicable.ETAPA 7 FLOTANTEMantiene la tensión de la batería al nivel máximo mediante carga a tensión constante. ETAPA 8 PULSOSMantenimiento de la batería al 95-100 % de su capacidad. El cargador controla la tensión de la batería y suministra un pulso para mantener la batería completamente cargada.LISTA PARA USOLa tabla muestra el tiempo estimado para cargar al 80% una batería descargada. TAMAÑO DE BATERÍA (Ah)TIEMPO HASTA EL 80% DE CARGA 5Ah2h10Ah4h15Ah6h20Ah7h25Ah9hESPECIFICACIONES TÉCNICASNúmero de modelo1087Tensión nominal CA220–240VAC, 50–60HzTensión de carga14,4V, 15,8V, 14,2VTensión de batería mín.Plomo: 2,0V, Litio: 5,0VCorriente de carga2,3A máx.Corriente, red0,6A rms (a plena corriente de carga)Pérdidas de contracorriente*< 1,5Ah/mesTensión de ondulación**<4%Temperatura ambiente-20°C a +50°CTipo de cargador De ocho etapas, ciclo de cargacompletamente automáticoTipos de batería Todos los tipos de baterías de plomo de 12 V (WET, MF,Ca/Ca, AGM, GEL)Baterías de litio 12 V (4 celdas) (LiFePO4, LiFe, Li-iron,LFP)Capacidad de batería 5 a 25AhDimensiones168 x 65 x 38 mm (Long. x Anch. x Alt.)Clase de aislamiento IP65Peso0,6kg*) La pérdida de contracorriente es la corriente que se pierde si el cargador no está conectado a la red. Los cargadores CTEK tienen una contracorriente muy baja.**) La calidad de la tensión de carga y de la corriente de carga son muy importantes. Una corriente de ondulación alta calienta la batería, lo cual tiene un efecto de envejecimiento en el electrodo positivo. Una tensión de ondulación alta puede dañar a otro equipo que esté conectado a la batería. Los cargadores de batería CTEK producen una tensión muy limpia y una corriente con una ondulación baja.GARANTÍA LIMITADACTEK SWEDEN AB, expide la presente garantía limitada al comprador original de este producto. Esta garantía limitada no es transferible. La garantía rige para defectos de fabricación y material durante 5 años a partir de la fecha de compra. El cliente debe devolver el producto junto con el recibo de compra al punto de compra. Esta garantíano es válida si el cargador de baterías se ha abierto, manejado descuidadamente o reparado por otros que no sean CTEK SWEDEN AB o sus representantes autorizados. Uno de los agujeros de tornillo en el fondo del cargador está sellado. La supresión o deterioro del sellado invalidará la garantía. CTEK SWEDEN AB no concede otra garantía que esta garantía limitada y no se hace responsable de otros costos que los arriba mencionados, es decir, no se hace responsable de daños consecuenciales. Además, CTEK SWEDEN AB no está obligada a otra garantía que la presente.ASESORAMIENTOCTEK ofrece asesoramiento profesional a los clientes: .Para la última revisión del manual vea . Por correo electrónico:************, por teléfono: +46(0) 225 351 80, por fax +46(0) 225 351 95.52345B。
















技术说明—新型切流式膜元件需使用内连接管—每支新型切流式膜元件的包装中均装备一支内连接管—SWC系列内连接管部件号码不同于其它苦咸水反渗透膜产品的内连接管部件号码—新切流式膜元件不能使用外连接管和外连接型端板接头—新型内连接管同时适用于新型切流式和传统膜元件—新切流式设计膜元件与市售的大多数公司的膜元件的连接管和端板接头完全兼容—标准中心管内径为1.125英寸,经压力容器制造商验证,端板接头可满足其要求—在新型内连接管上的O型圈(其型号为PARKER#2-119)可能不同于其他制造商的产品—对于目前采用外连接型端板接头的系统,需要从压力容器制造商处订购新的端板接头 —当传统膜元件被新型切流式膜元件取代时,每一压力容器需要两个端板接头—苦咸水膜元件连接管是一头逐渐变细的,以便需要探查时很容易地接入。



EH-750 Coin HopperWarning: This product contains unprotected moving parts and is intended for inclusion within a host machine. Manufacturers responsible for incorporating this Sub-assembly within a host machine must observe installation and safety instructions detailed in this document.CONTENTSSECTION Page Number1.0 INTRODUCTION (3)2.0 OPERATION (3)3.0 GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS3.1 Coin size range (4)3.2 Dispensing speed (4)3.3 Coin capacity (4)3.4 Counting method (4)3.5 Operating conditions (4)3.6 Weight and overall dimensions (4)4.0 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATION (5)4.1 Motor voltage options (5)4.2 Current consumption (5)4.3 Motor power connections (5)4.4 Over current protection (5)4.5 Proximity sensor CS-A9......................................................................5-64.6 DC motor brake connections (7)5.0 SAFETY AND MAINTENANCE (8)6.0 CONVERSION AND CALIBRATION (9)6.1 Size ranges (9)6.2 Conversion procedure.....................................................................10-117.0 DOCUMENT CONTROL (12)1.0 INTRODUCTIONThe EH-750 hopper has been developed from the very successful DH-750 hopper incorporating innovative features to simplify calibration to suit a wide range of coin sizes.There are only three coin specific parts and changing to a different coin size range is simply achieved with a single screwdriver. The coin diameter range from 20mm to38mm is achieved with only 3 sets of coin specific parts making this a unique product in the casino hopper market.Dispensing is by side exit and a proximity sensor is fitted as standard to ensure accurate coin counting. The position of the coin sensor to suit different diameter coins is readily achieved with an elliptical cam and lock pin.2.0 OPERATIONA rotating disc fitted with protruding pins and mounted at 30° to the vertical picks up coins from the base of the hopper bowl.As the disc rotates in an anti-clockwise direction (as viewed from the front), coins are raised to the top of the disc where they are guided to the exit chute by the raised central plate which replaces the knife used in the DH range.The count sensor is positioned in the exit chute ensuring all dispensed coins are counted. This proximity sensor has an additional check feature which allows the host machine to simulate a coin pulse prior to dispensing to ensure circuit integrity.3.1 Coin Size RangeDiameter20.0 – 38.0mmThickness 1.5 - 3.2mm (Note 1)Note1: Additional testing required to confirm suitability outside these limits.3.2 Dispensing SpeedThe dispensing speed of the DH-750 is 200 - 400 coins/minute. The numberof disc pins varies from small to large coins significantly affecting the dispensespeed3.3 Coin Capacity (approximate)COIN SIZES Capacity21.2mm Diameter 1,30024.3mm Diameter 1,00038.0mm Diameter 3003.4 Counting MethodProximity Sensor CS-A9(see Section 3.0 for specifications)3.5 Operating ConditionsTemperature: -10°C to +60°CHumidity: 85% RH (without condensation)Location: Indoors within cabinetCoin entry: Coin entry chutes should be positioned adjacent to the edgeof the bowl furthest from the disc face to minimise thepossibility of coin jams.Coin Exit: Coin exit chutes of the host machine should be designed andpositioned to avoid any possible interruption of coins exitingthe hopper. Any obstruction may cause jamming or damageto the mechanism.3.6 Weight and Overall DimensionsWeight: 4.7 Kg. (empty)Height: 234mmDepth: 318mmWidth: 243mm4.1 Motor Voltage Options24V DC ± 10% only4.2 Current ConsumptionNormal dispensing: 1.0APeak current: 5.0A4.3 Motor Power ConnectionsTo ensure correct directional rotation of the disc the red wire must beconnected to DC 24V+ve supply and the blue wire to 0V.4.4 Over current protectionCustomers control circuitry must be designed to ensure disconnection ofthe motor power supply within 5 seconds if a jam or stall situation occursto prevent motor damage.In addition to a software timeout it is advisable to fit a suitable value re-settable fuse (polyswitch) or conventional fuse in line with the powersupply.4.5 Proximity Sensor Type CS-A9JST Connector DescriptionPin 5 Check – drive lowPin 6 Supply +ve 4.5v ~ 28vPin 7 SignalPin 8 Supply 0vTable 4.5.1 Pin functionsFigure 4.5.3 – Check FunctionProximity Sensor CharacteristicsSupply Voltage 4.5v DC – 28v DC Current Consumption 13mA (vcc =28v) Output Voltage vcc less 1 Volt Rise Time 10µS Decay Time 10µS Output Impedance 4.7K Ω Signal Sense (when field disturbed) High Operating Temperature -10°C to +60°C Storage Temperature -20°C to +85°CTable 4.5.4 Sensor specificationsFigure 4.5.2 -output Circuit4.6 DC Motor Brake (DCMB) SpecificationThe DCMB-9101A is a brake circuit board which stops DC motors quickly by applying a short circuit to the windings. Electrical connection is by two AMP E1 series connectors.ConnectorPin Signal Name Signal Type DetailJ1 1 Motor On −ve Input Connect to 0V J1 2 Motor On +ve Input Pull up 5V – 12V J1 3 0VSupply Connect to 0VJ1 4 24V DC SupplyConnect to 24V DC* J2 1 Motor − Output Connect to motor J22Motor +OutputConnect to motor**Table 3.7 (Wiring details)* The unit draws 1mA(max) when idle and 25mA(max) when driving the motor.** Drive capability: 4A (max).Figure 3.7.1 (Motor brake circuit)DCMB - 9101A5.0 Safety and Maintenance5.1Control circuitry must be arranged to disconnect power to themechanism when the host machine is opened for servicing.5.2 Servicing and maintenance staff must be adequately trained and awareof the hazards presented by moving parts.Particular attention should be paid to the disc. Fingers, long hair and looseclothing must be kept clear at all times when the mechanism is powered up.5.3Handle the mechanism with a firm grip on the frame as it is heavy.Particularly avoid moving the mechanism when the bowl is full as injury ordamage could result. Do not lift by the top of the bowl/disc area5.4Avoid the inclusion of damaged coins and foreign objects such as matches,elastic bands, paper clips and screws during operation as these could causejams.5.5Wiring errors or incorrect supply voltages can seriously damage the motor orsensors (See Section 3.0 for wiring details).5.6Routine maintenance should undertaken every 2 months or after 50,000 coinshave been dispensed whichever is the sooner:• Examine the wiring and sensors for damage.• Tighten any loose fixings.• Clean the bowl with a damp cloth and detergent ensuring that it is fully dried.6.0 CONVERSION AND CALIBRATION6.1Size rangesThe coin diameter range 19.75mm to 38mm is covered with 3 sets of coin specific parts each comprising three parts and a calibration label. See figure 6.1.1.The diameter ranges covered by each set of parts are as follows:>20mm – 26mm (Parts stamped 21-26) >26mm – 32mm (Parts stamped 26-32) >32mm – 38mm (Parts stamped 32-38)Note: When calibrating for a specific coin, position the sensor adjuster lever to the nearest setting above the coin diameter i.e. when calibrating for a coin 25.2mm diameter set the adjuster to 26mm (see table 6.2.2)Figure 6.1.1 Conversion kit parts6.2 Conversion procedure (refer to figure 6.2.1.)1. Remove the bowl to gain access to the hopper mechanism. The bowl isretained by four special fixing screws and springs. It is important to notethat the two gold springs are fitted to the lower screws and the blacksprings are fitted to the upper screws.2. Remove the shute cover to gain access to the shute guide (3 x M4 screws)3. Detach the shute guide from the shute cover (2 x M3 screws) and place toone side.4. Remove the plastic stirrer from the centre plate (3 x M4 screws) and placeready for re-assembly.5. Remove the central plate located over the disc (3 x M4 countersunkscrews) and place to one side.6. Remove the disc (4 x M4 countersunk screws) and place to one side.7. Position the replacement disc on the drive gear and secure with the 4 xM4 countersunk screws.8. Position the replacement central plate over the disc and secure with 3 xM4 countersunk screws.9. Secure the replacement shute guide to the shute cover with 2 x M3screws.10. Replace the shute cover and secure with 3 x M4 screws with the longerscrew at the bottom.11. Replace the bowl using the 4 special screws and springs ensuring the goldsprings are fitted to the lower screws and the black springs to the upperscrews.12. Change the sensor guage on the chassis side plate to suit the coin diameterrange.13. Position the sensor adjusting arm to suit the coin/token diameter.Forexample: 21 is the correct setting for diameter 19.75mm – 21mm and 31is the correct setting for diameter 30mm – 31mm. (See table 6.2.2)14. Power the hopper and check for correct operation and counting.Figure 6.2.1 Hopper with bowl removedSensor Adjuster Position Coin size (mm)(18 Pin Disc kit)Coin size (mm)(15 Pin Disc kit)Coin size (mm)(11 Pin Disc kit)A 20.00-21.00 26.01-27.00 32.01-33.00B 21.01-22.00 27.01-28.00 33.01-34.00C 22.01-23.00 28.01-29.00 34.01-35.00D 23.01-24.00 29.01-30.00 35.01-36.00E 24.01-25.00 30.01-31.00 36.01-37.00F 25.01-26.00 31.01-32.00 37.01-38.00Table 6.2.2 Sensor adjuster position7.0 DOCUMENT CONTROLDate Issue No. Reason for Revision Page No. 25/03/04 EH750-Draft -01/03/06 EH750 Issue 1 Amended calibration detail 918/06/08 EH-750 Issue 2 Coin size amended 4,9,11.。

XELSIS 产品说明书

XELSIS 产品说明书

Cod.10003050-­51-­52-­53-­3250-­51-­52Cod.10003278-­79-­3314-­3450-­70-­71Cod.10003501-­3663-­3730-­31-­32-­33SUP038SUP038ZRI9943/11-­21-­41-­43RI9944/01-­04-­41-­43RI9946/01-­47345678POS POS CODE CODE DESCRIPTION DESCRIPTIONNOTENOTE12NC 12NC 01 15002162 996530009411 MANUAL V2 SAE SUP038 MYB9/H D/I 15002163 996530009412 MANUAL V2 SAE SUP038 MYB9/H GB/F 15002164 996530009413 MANUAL V2 SAE SUP038 MYB9/H E/P 15002165 996530009414 MANUAL V2 SAE SUP038 MYB9/H NL/PL 15002166 996530066721 MANUAL V2 SAE SUP038 MYB9/H CHN 15001810 996530009297 MANUAL SAE SUP038Z MYB9/T D/I ID 15001811 996530009298 MANUAL SAE SUP038Z MYB9/T GB/F ID 15001812 996530009299 MANUAL SAE SUP038Z MYB9/T E/PID 15001813 996530009301 MANUAL SAE SUP038Z MYB9/T NL/PL ID15002167 996530068484 MANUAL V2 SAE SUP038 MYB9/H BRA GB 15002723 996530068485 MANUAL V2 SAE SUP038 MYB9/H PT/BRA 02 146680850 996530016529 BLACK COFFEE MEASURE SMART 03 127390100 996530011867 BRUSH FOR CLEANING04 11028379 996530070318 PSA KLUBER TRIBOSTAR SIL 2 TUBE 5GR.05 21002051 996530071783 A CC PSA MAVEA WATER FILTER 1UNIT USA-­BRA06 0301.961 996530039604 STICKER FOR WATER HARDNESS TEST 07 183911050 996530025808 BLACK POWER CABLE SCHUKO L=1200 183930650 996530025858 POWER CABLE CH BLACK 3X1 H05VV-­F L=1200 183921950 996530025843 POWER CABLE SJT3 USA BLACK UL L=1200 183940650 996530025872 BLACK POWER CABLE A USTRALIA L=1200 11001985 996530001089 BLACK POWER CABLE KOREA L=1200 11004246 996530002166 BLACK POWER CABLE TAIWAN HVCTF L=1200 11004247 996530002167 BLACK POWER CABLE RVV 3X1 CHINA L=1200 17800024 996530009632 BLACK POWER CABLE JAPPON VCTF L=1200MM 17800019 996530009627 BLACK POWER CABLE BRAZIL L=1200 220V 17800330 996530069926 BLACK POWER CABLE BRAZIL L=1200 127V08 13001097 996530008404 BAND FOR LIFTING L=1800MM H=300MM 09 20006891 996530067538 KIT PS-­E INSERT FOR BOX MYB910 11022804 996530007446 SM/SS FRONT COVER CASING INS.MYB9/T A SSY ID 11 13000920 996530008348 DISPLAY BOX MYB9/H SAE XELSIS SS 13001110 996530008408 DISPLAY BOX MYB9/H SAE XELSIS CLASS 13001112 996530008411 DISPLAY BOX MYB9/T SAE XELSIS ID SS ID12 12000450 996530007819 SCREW TCBR TORX 10 3,5X12 PLAST.ZN-­N 13 11013210996530006691 SB/SS G ROUND C ONT .DOOR C OVER S /S.MYB9 A S UP TO S/N. TU90122710414011025978996530072657 SB/SS G ROUND C ONT .DOOR C OVER S /S.MYB9 A S FROM S/N TU90122710414111023203996530007597 SM/SS G ROUND C ONT .DOOR C OVER S /S.MYB9 A S ID14 11013148996530006653 SB/SS W A TER C ONT AIN.DOOR C OVER M YB9 A SSYUP TO S/N. TU90122710414011029403996530072665 SB/SS W A TER C ONT .DOOR C OVER V 2 M YB9 A SSYFROM S/N TU90122710414111029406 996530072983 BLACK W A TER C ONT .DOOR C OVER V 2 M YB9 A SSY 11029404 996530072937 WHITE W A TER C ONT .DOOR C OVER V 2 M YB9 A SSY11023196 996530007595 SM/SS W A TER C ONT AIN.DOOR C OVER M YB9 A SSY ID 15 17000101996530070341 SB/SS LEFT SIDE PANEL V2 MYB9/H-­T A SSY .UP TO S/N. TU90122710414011028790996530072664 SB/SS LEFT SIDE PANEL V2 MYB9/H-­T A SSY .FROM S/N TU90122710414111024524 996530070337 BLACK LEFT SIDE PANEL V2 MYB9/H-­T A SSY .11024523 996530070334 WHITE LEFT SIDE PANEL V2 MYB9/H-­T A SSY . 11024522 996530070338 SM/SS LEFT SIDE PANEL V2 MYB9/H-­T A SSY . ID16 11022426 996530007365 SS S PRING F OR W A TER C ONT AINER L EVER M YB917 12001263 996530008019 BLACK PUSH-­PUSH MYB918 11022425 996530007364 YELLOW L EVER F OR W A TER C ONT AIN.S/SC.MYB919 11012859996530006558 SB/SS CUP WARMING LID MYB9UP TO S/N. 9010SA4002675817000071996530066728 SB/SS CUP WARMING LID MYB9 A SSY .FROM S /N.9010SA40026759 T O S /N. 9010SA40120165 17000059996530067839 SB/SS CUP WARMING LID V2 MYB9FROM S /N 9010SA40120165 T O S /N. T U901227104140 11025965996530072656 SB/SS CUP WARMING LID V2 MYB9FROM S/N TU90122710414120007063996530071497 KIT B LK C UP W ARMING+CASING C OVER V 2 M YB9 IDUP TO S/N 9010SA4012016511024245996530070333 SM/SS CUP WARMING LID V2 MYB9IDFROM S/N 9010SA401201662011013149996530006654 SB/SS B EAN C ONTAIN.DOOR C OVER M YB9 A SSY .UP TO S/N. TU90122710414011029385996530072661 SB/SS BEAN CONT .DOOR COVER V2 MYB9 A SSY .FROM S/N TU90122710414111029388 996530072981 BLACK B EAN C ONT .DOOR C OVER V 2 M YB9 A SSY . 11029386 996530072982 WHITE B EAN C ONT .DOOR C OVER V 2 M YB9 A SSY . 11023198 996530007596 SM/SS B EAN C ONTAIN.DOOR C OVER M YB9 A SSY . ID 2112001330996530008026TRANSP .ROUND A DHESIVE FOOT SJ-­5382Cod.10003050-­51-­52-­53-­3250-­51-­52Cod.10003278-­79-­3314-­3450-­70-­71Cod.10003501-­3663-­3730-­31-­32-­33SUP038SUP038ZRI9943/11-­21-­41-­43RI9944/01-­04-­41-­43RI9946/01-­47345678POS POSCODE CODEDESCRIPTIONDESCRIPTIONNOTENOTE 12NC 12NC22 11022809996530007452 SB/SS R EAR C OVER C ASING I NSERT M YB9 A SSY UP TO S/N. TU901227104140 11025964996530072663 SB/SS R EAR C OVER C ASING I NSERT M YB9 A SSYFROM S/N TU90122710414111022821 996530007454 BLK REAR COVER CASING INSERT MYB9 A SSY . 11022820 996530007453 WHT REAR COVER CASING INSERT MYB9 A SSY . 11023105 996530007582 SM/SS R EAR C OVER C ASING I NSERT M YB9 A SSY ID23 17000205 996530066735 BLACK C OVER C ASING W /PROTECT .V2 M YB9/H-­T 24 11003232 996530001522 A S.CPU+SW WATER LEVEL SENSOR V2 25 11014017 996530006969 BLACK H ORIZONT AL M OUNTING P LA TE M YB9 A SS 26 11024263 996530067506 PWR BOARD MDS 230V230V 11021342 996530007079 PWR BOARD MYB9/MDS 120V120V27 11012035 996530006299 BLACK PWR BOARD COVER MYB928 17000123 996530067922 BLACK R EAR P ANEL W HIT L OGO S AECO V 2 M YB929 11023304 996530007613 PWR ELECTR.BOARD INSULATE SHEET MYB9 ONLY 120V 30 17000102996530070339 SB/SS RIGHT SIDE PANEL V2 MYB9/H-­T A SSY . UP TO S/N. TU90122710414011028791996530072662 SB/SS RIGHT SIDE PANEL V2 MYB9/H-­T A SSY . FROM S/N TU90122710414111024520 996530070336 BLACK RIGHT SIDE PANEL V2 MYB9/H-­T A SSY . 11024509 996530070335 WHITE RIGHT SIDE PANEL V2 MYB9/H-­T A SSY . 11024508 996530070231 SM/SS RIGHT SIDE PANEL V2 MYB9/H-­T A SSY . ID31 11022805996530007447 SB/SS FRONT COVER CASING INS.MYB9/H-­P A S UP TO S/N. TU90122710414011025962996530072659 SB/SS FRONT COVER CASING INS.MYB9/H-­P A S FROM S/N TU90122710414111022807 996530007449 BLK FRONT COVER CASING INS.MYB9/H-­P A SSY 11022806 996530007448 WHT FRONT COVER CASING INS.MYB9/H-­P A SSY 32 11013170 996530006676 BLACK STEEL CASING MYB9 A SSY .33 11021769 996530007136 BLACK RIGID FOOT FIXING PIN MYB934 11021829 996530007156 BLACK/TRANSP .RIGID FOOT MYB935 11022527 996530007397 BLACK DUMP BOX PROTECTION MYB936 11013595 996530006815 BLACK DUMP BOX MYB9 A SSY .37 11022169 996530007247 BLK DRIP TRAY COFF.BREW UNIT COVER MYB938 17001901 996530071992 BLACK COFFEE UNIT DRIP TRAY V2 MYB939 11013128 996530006642 40POLES FLAT CABLE BOARDS LINK MYB9 UL 4011013806996530006864 BLACK FLAT-­CABLE PROTECTION MYB941 W GA 4316031000 996530063553 A DHESIVE HEATING-­ELEMENT 230V 230V 11000791 996530000503 A DHESIVE HEATING-­ELEMENT 120V100V-­120V42 11008844 996530005056 2POLES C ONNECT .SUPPL Y C UPWARMING G 0053UL43 17000007 996530066726 COMPONENTS SUPPORT INSULATE SHEET MYB9 ONLY 120V 44 13001231 996530008429 PS-­E INSERT FOR BOX MYB945 17000420 996530067881 BLACK SLIM BOILER PROTECTION MYB9 WITH B OILER S LIM4612001728996530070321 SCREW TCBR TORX 10 3,5X12 PLAST.SSCod.10003050-­51-­52-­53-­3250-­51-­52Cod.10003278-­79-­3314-­3450-­70-­71Cod.10003501-­3663-­3730-­31-­32-­33SUP038SUP038ZRI9943/11-­21-­41-­43RI9944/01-­04-­41-­43RI9946/01-­47POS POS CODE CODE DESCRIPTIONDESCRIPTIONNOTENOTE12NC 12NC 01 11022728996530007422 SB/SS FRONTAL PANEL MYB9 A SSY .UP TO S/N.9009SA4029891611023318996530007614 SB/SS FRONT PANEL V2 MYB9 A SSY .FROM S /N.9009SA40298917 T O S /N. T U901227104140 11025938996530072976 SB/SS FRONT PANEL V2 N/S/SCR.MYB9 A SSY .FROM S/N TU90122710414111013277996530006719 BLACK FRONT PANEL N/S/SCREEN MYB9 A SSY .UP TO S/N.9009SA4029891611023522996530007634 BLK FRONTAL PANEL V2 S/SCREEN MYB9 A SSY .FROM S/N.9009SA4029891711013298996530006732 WHITE FRONT PANEL N/S/SCREEN MYB9 A SSY .UP TO S/N.9009SA4029891611023523996530007635 WHT FRONTAL PANEL V2 S/SCREEN MYB9 A SSY .FROM S/N.9009SA4029891711023319 996530007615 SM/SS FRONTAL PANEL V2 MYB9 A SSY . ID02 11011406 996530006054 ADHES.SILVER PLATE LOGO SAECO P005703 11022725 996530007418 ADHES.SILVER PLATE LOGO XELSIS04 11021449996530007103 CHROM.CONNECT .CAP F OR C ARAFE M YB9 A SSY .UP TO S/N.9009SA4029891611024247996530066715 CHROM.CONNEC.CAP F OR C ARAFE V 2 M YB9 A SSYFROM S/N.9009SA4029891705 12001369 996530008039 SCREW TSP TORX 10 5X35 PLAST.SS06 17000215 996530070073 BLACK DRIP T RAY SUPPORT V2 MYB9/H-­P A SSY 17000223 996530070223 BLACK DRIP TRAY SUPPORT V2 MYB9/T A SSY .07 11013143996530006649 CHROM.ZAMA FRONT FRAME MYB9UP TO S/N.9009SA4029891608 11001624 996530000929 BLACK STEAM TUBE WASHER P004909 NF11.084996530059199 PHOSPH/STEEL FOLK SPRINGUP TO S/N.9010SA4003648010 9011.144 996530048885 SS FORK FOR TUBE D=411 140328059996530013564 OR 2015 SILICONE PTFE/FDAUP TO S/N.9009SA4029891612 11013244 996530006708 TF/CHROM.-­ CHROM.STEAM TUBE MYB9 A SSY .13 11013215 996530006694 DOOR UPPER HINGE MYB914 11022860996530007469 BLACK CONNECTOR V2 FOR CARAFE MYB9UP TO S/N.9009SA402989161512001430996530008051SCREW TCBR TORX 20 4X10 PLAST.SS16 129573221 996530012922 SCREW TCB PH/TT 4X8 UNI 8112 SS17 11022870996530007476 STEEL S PRING F OR C ARAFE C ONNECTOR M YB9UP TO S/N.9009SA4029891618 11022853996530007466 BRASS I NSERT F OR S PRING C ARAFE C ONN.MYB9UP TO S/N.9009SA4029891619 12000450 996530007819 SCREW TCBR TORX 10 3,5X12 PLAST.ZN-­N 20 11014015996530006967 BLK C ARAFFE B OARD S UPPORT G EN.MYB9 A SSY .UP TO S/N.9009SA4029891621 12001431 996530008052 SCREW TCB TORX 10 3X12 PLAST.SS22 11013784 996530006855 BLACK TEFLON TUBES SUPPORT COVER MYB923 11013785 996530006856 STEEL T EFLON T UBES SUPPORT SPRING MYB924 11021692996530007111 PREFORMED T EFLON T UBES S UPPORT M YB9 A SSYUP TO S/N.9009SA4029891625 11013216 996530006695 DOOR LOWER HINGE MYB926 20006820 996530010248 KIT SPARES FRONT PLATE DISPLAY MYB9/H-­T 27 12001261 996530008018 DISPLAY 320x240 N O T OUCH B RIGHTNESS+MYB928 11013226 996530006702 BLACK DISPLAY SEAL MYB9/H-­T 29 11012889 996530006568 BLACK DISPLAY SUPPORT MYB9/H-­T 30 129913202 996530013156 SCREW TCB TORX 10 3X8 PLAST.ZN-­B 31 149450588 996530018311 65SH SILICONE BOILER SEALING VALVE 32 11012377996530006381 BLACK CPU BOARD COVER MYB9/H-­TUP TO S/N.9009SA4029891617000014996530009564 BLACK CPU BOARD COVER V2 MYB9/H-­TFROM S/N.9009SA4029891733 11014215 996530007042 BLACK BUTTON FOR DOOR RELEASE MYB934 11021976 996530007207 STEEL PLATE FOR DOOR CLOSURE MYB935 11024441996530067552 CPU+SW MYB9/H PSA A SSY .UP TO S/N TU901150186483 11026862996530070332 CPU+SW MYB9/H SLIM A SSY .FROM S/N TU901150186484 11024443996530067563 CPU+SW MYB9/T PSA A SSY .IDUP TO S/N TU901150186483 11026860996530070331 CPU+SW MYB9/T SLIM A SSY . IDFROM S/N TU90115018648436 11000651 996530000425 WATER LEVEL SENSOR BOARD P1243711001339996530000763TRANSP .INFRAREDS PLATE P0049Cod.10003050-­51-­52-­53-­3250-­51-­52Cod.10003278-­79-­3314-­3450-­70-­71Cod.10003501-­3663-­3730-­31-­32-­33SUP038SUP038ZRI9943/11-­21-­41-­43RI9944/01-­04-­41-­43RI9946/01-­47POS POS CODE CODE DESCRIPTIONDESCRIPTIONNOTENOTE12NC 12NC 38 11022583996530007412 BLK I NSIDE C OVER F RON.PANEL S /SCR.MYB9/HUP TO S/N.9009SA4029891617000021996530009568 BLK I NSIDE C OVER F RON.PANEL V 2 S /S.MYB9HFROM S/N.9009SA4029891739 129912521 996530013148 SCREW TCBR TORX 10 3,5X14 PLAST.SS 40 11014218 996530007043 BLACK C OVER B UTTON F OR D OOR R ELEASE M YB941 11021747 996530007128 SPRING FOR DOOR RELEASE BUTTON MYB942 128310402 996530012341 GALV.WASHER UNI 8842 A 443 11023393996530007625 CHROM.ZAMA FRONT FRAME V2 MYB9FROM S/N.9009SA4029891744 17000006996530009559 TWO W A Y T EFLON T UBES S UPPORT S PRING M YB9FROM S/N.9009SA4029891745 11023352996530066675 WHT P REFORM.TEFLON T UBES S UPP .MYB9 A SSY .FROM S/N.9009SA4029891746 11023251996530007606 BLACK FRONTAL PANEL INSERT MYB9FROM S/N.9009SA4029891747 11023423996530066676 BLK C ARAFFE B OARD S UPP .GEN.V2 M YB9 A SSY .FROM S/N.9009SA4029891748 12001330 996530008026 TRANSP .ROUND A DHESIVE FOOT SJ-­538249 17000055996530072431 GALVAN/STEEL FOLK SPRING W/FASTONFROM S/N. 9010SA4003648150 11006740996530003793 BRONZE SPRING FOR FRONT CASING G0053FROM S/N. 9010SA4003648151 17001306996530070328 BLACK FINGER PRINT COVER V2 MYB9/T ID52PARTICULAR NOT A VAILABLEID (SEE P ART .N°59)53 17000074 996530066729 BLK L OWER F INGERPRINT S ENS.SEAL V2 M YB9/T ID 54 11013309 996530006739 BLACK FINGER PRINT SUPPORT MYB9/T 55 129913702 996530013162 SCREW TCB TORX10 2,5X8 PLAST.ZN-­B 56 17001078996530070329 BLACK V 3 F INGERPRINT S ENSOR S EAL M YB9/T ID57PARTICULAR NOT A VAILABLEID (SEE P ART .N°59)58 17000022 996530009569 BLK I NSIDE C OVER F RON.PANEL V 2 S /S.MYB9T ID 59 20006871996530066745 KIT SPARES FINGERPRINT SENSOR MYB9/T IDWITH PART . N°31-­51-­52-­53-­54-­55-­56-­5760 11023238 996530007602 AS.SUPP .SCHEDA CARAF.V4 MYB9 NER.61 11013368 996530006754 MILKCARAFFE BOARD V2 MYB962 17000002 996530009555 BLACK CARAFE MICRO INSERT V2 MYB96317000019996530009566SS CARAFE MICRO INSERT SPRING MYB964 11013328 996530006745 BLACK CARAFFE BOARD COVER MYB965 17000045 996530009578 BLK P RESENCE C ARAFE M ICRO I NSERT V 2 M YB966 12000895 996530007951 SCREW TSP TORX 10 3X10 PLAST.SS67110131279965300066412POLES C ONNECT .SENSOR R EED D OOR M YB9 U LCod.10003050-­51-­52-­53-­3250-­51-­52Cod.10003278-­79-­3314-­3450-­70-­71Cod.10003501-­3663-­3730-­31-­32-­33SUP038SUP038ZRI9943/11-­21-­41-­43RI9944/01-­04-­41-­43RI9946/01-­4721POS POSCODE CODEDESCRIPTIONDESCRIPTIONNOTENOTE12NC 12NC01 11027228996530070234 CHROM.COFFEE DISPENSER V2 MYB9 A SSY . WITH PART . N° 02 -­ 03 -­ 04 -­ 05 -­ 06 -­ 0702 129570721 996530012907 SCREW TCB TORX 10 M3X8 A UTOFORMING SS 03 11013001 996530006579 BLACK REAR COVER COFFEE DISPENSER MYB904 11013003 996530006582 BLACK COFFEE DISPENSER INNER BODY MYB905 11013085 996530006614 WHITE COFFEE DISPENSER SLIDER MYB906 11013002 996530006581 BLACK C OF .DISPENSER E XT .MOBILE P ART M YB907 11013222996530006699 CHROM.FRONT C OFFEE D ISPENSER C OVER M YB9 UP TO S/N TU90112107104011027227996530070327 CHROM.FRONT C OFF .DISPENSER C OVER V 2 M YB9 FROM S/N TU90112107104108 11022128 996530007237 C HROM.CREAM A DJUSTMENT K NOB S /SCR.MYB909 126772518 996530011711 SS COFF .CREAM A DJUSTMENT SHAFT SPRING 10 11013324 996530006743 BLACK CREAM A DJUSTMENT KNOB RING MYB911 140326661 996530013546 OR ORM 0040-­20 BLACK EPDM12 140640200 996530013621 WHITE COFFEE CREAM A DJUSTMENT SHAFT 13 11013323 996530006742 CHROM.COFFEE DISPENSER SUPPORT MYB914 12000897 996530007953 SCREW TCB TORX 10 3,5X20 PLAST.SS 15 11013072 996530006604 BLACK SEAL FOR COFFEE DISPENSER MYB916 11013013 996530006585 BLACK COFFEE DISPENSER TUBE MYB917 12000070 996530007732 OR ORM 0060-­15 SILICONE18 12000450 996530007819 SCREW TCBR TORX 10 3,5X12 PLAST.ZN-­N 19 149360200 996530018269 SILICONE TUBE 5X8 70SR IN ROLL20 11013364 996530006752 BLACK DISPENSER COFF .INLET CONNECT .MYB92111012926996530006575 BLACK COFFEE DISPENSER CONNECTOR MYB9Cod.10003050-­51-­52-­53-­3250-­51-­52Cod.10003278-­79-­3314-­3450-­70-­71Cod.10003501-­3663-­3730-­31-­32-­33SUP038SUP038ZRI9943/11-­21-­41-­43RI9944/01-­04-­41-­43RI9946/01-­47POS POS CODE CODE DESCRIPTIONDESCRIPTIONNOTENOTE12NC 12NC 01 11013212 996530006692 NAT/GREY WATER CONTAINER MYB9 A SSY .02 11012738 996530006509 BLACK HANDLE WATER CONTAINER LID MYB903 140328461 996530013571 OR ORM 0190-­10 EPDM04 224640200 996530029115 WHITE WATER CONTAINER EXT.FILTER A SSY .05 140324362 996530013507 OR ORM 0060-­30 SILICONE06 126764718 996530011626 SS WATER CONTAINER VALVE SPRING 07 147660562 996530016894 GREY PISTON FOR WATER CONTAINER VALVE 0811012736996530006507NAT/GREY WATER CONTAINER LID MYB909 0701.031.150 996530044417 GREY WATER VALVE GACO DIM 14 SEAL COVER 10145842900996530015823NBR WATER CONT.VALVE GACO DIM14 SEAL 11 0701.014.150 996530044404 GREY WATER VALVE GACO DIM 14 SEAL CONT .12 140320461 996530013446 OR ORM 0080-­20 TERMOIL13 129535721 996530012898 SCREW TSP TORX 10 A B 3,5X9,5 SHEET SS 14 20006842996530066742 SPARES KIT BEAN COFFEE CONT .LID V2 MYB9UP TO S/N.9010SA4012016517000202996530066734 NAT/GREY BEAN COFF .CONT .LID V2 MYB9 A SSYFROM S/N.9010SA4012016615 149213059 996530018116 GREY CAP FOR KNOBS BEAN CONTAINER 16 129913902 996530013164 SCREW TCB TORX 10 3X12 PLAST.ZN-­B 17 20006843996530066743 SPARES K IT B EAN C OFFEE C ONTAINER V 2 M YB9UP TO S/N.9010SA4012016517000194996530066733 BLACK BEAN CONTAINER V2 MYB9FROM S/N.9010SA4012016618 11012852 996530006551 BLACK GRIND.ADJUSTMENT KNOB MBY919 11022528 996530007398 GREY G RIND.ADJUSTMENT K NOB W ASHER M YB920 145897300 996530016123 BLK I NSERT G RIND.ADJUSTMENT K NOB S MART121 11022803 996530007445 SS DRIP TRAY GRATE V2 MYB9/H-­P 11022385 996530007345 SS DRIP TRAY GRATE MYB9/TID22 17000147 996530066732 BLACK GRATE SEAL V3 MYB9/H-­P 23 11022802 996530007444 BLACK DRIP TRAY COVER V2 MYB9/H-­P 11022384 996530007344 BLACK DRIP TRAY COVER MYB9/TID24 11005388 996530002866 RED FLOAT FOR DRIP TRAY P124 17000001 996530009554 RED FLOAT FOR DRIP TRAY MDSID25 17800061 996530066741 5POLES C ONNECTOR M C S ENSORS V 2 M YB9 U L 26 11013214996530006693 SB/SS-­BLACK DRIP TRAY MYB9/H-­P A SSY .UP TO S/N. TU90122710414026 11025971996530072666 SB/SS-­BLACK DRIP TRAY MYB9/H-­P A SSY .FROM S/N TU90122710414111013281 996530006723 BLACK/BLACK DRIP TRAY MYB9/H-­P A SSY . 11013300 996530006734 WHITE/BLACK DRIP TRAY MYB9/H-­P A SSY .11022389996530007348SM/SS-­BLACK DRIP TRAY MYB9/T A SSY .IDCod.10003050-­51-­52-­53-­3250-­51-­52Cod.10003278-­79-­3314-­3450-­70-­71Cod.10003501-­3663-­3730-­31-­32-­33SUP038SUP038ZRI9943/11-­21-­41-­43RI9944/01-­04-­41-­43RI9946/01-­47POS POSCODE CODEDESCRIPTIONDESCRIPTIONNOTENOTE12NC 12NC01 11012845996530006545 TRANSP/CHROM.GEN.CARAFE M YB9 S AE A SSY .UP TO S/N.9009SA4029891602 11021984996530007208 CHROM.CARAFE C APP .COVER S /SC.MYB9 A SSY .UP TO S/N.9009SA4029891603 11022498 996530007389 CHR.CARAFE U PPER D ISPEN.SUPP .V2 S /S.MYB904 11012812 996530006527 VENTURI TUBE FOR CAPPUCCINATORE MYB905 11012678 996530006463 BLACK CARAFE MILK DISPENSER TUBE MYB906 11013163 996530006668 BLACK UPPER TUBE CARAFE CONNECT .MYB907 11022496 996530007388 CHRO.CARAFE L OWER D ISPENSER S UPP .V2 M YB908 11012816 996530006531 BLACK UPPER COVER PART CARAFE MYB909 12000550 996530007838 SCREW TCB TORX 10 3X25 PLAST.SS 10 11021893 996530007192 BLACK L OWER C OVER P ART C ARAFE M YB9 A SSY .11 11013466 996530006784 CHROM.CARAFE REAR PART HANDLE MYB912 11023158 996530007588 CHROM.CARAFE F RONT P ART H ANDLE V 2 M YB913 149360200 996530018269 SILICONE TUBE 5X8 70SRIN ROLL14 129911721 996530013137 SCREW TSP TORX 4X16 PLAST STEEL 15 11013164 996530006669 BLACK LOWER TUBE CARAFE CONNECT .MYB916 129910921 996530013128 SCREW TCB TORX 10 3X10 SS 17 9161.111 996530050555 MAGNET FOR FLOAT SUPERAUT.18 11014016 996530006968 SS.INSERT FOR MAGNET MYB919 12000895 996530007951 SCREW TSP TORX 10 3X10 PLAST.SS 20 11024104 996530007705 TRANSP .CARAFE V3 S/SCREEN MYB921 11012677996530006462 BLACK C ARAFE C APPUCCINA TORE C ASING M YB9UP TO S/N.9009SA4029891622 11026779 996530067887 WHITE MILK TUBE CONNECTOR V2 MYB923 11012814 996530067584 SILICONE TUBE 3,5X6 L=140 MM24 11013765 996530006849 STEEL SPRING FOR CARAFE LEVER MYB925 11022522 996530007393 BLACK CAM FOR CARAFE LEVERS V2 MYB926 11013832 996530006873 CARAFE SPRING WITH INSERT MYB9 A SSY .27 17000131 996530067459 BLACK LEVER FOR CARAFE CAM V3 MYB928 17000004996530009557 BLK C ARAFE C APPUCCIN.CASING W /CAPS M YB9FROM S/N.9009SA4029891729 11023235996530007599 CHR.CARAFE C APP .COVER V 2 S /SC.MYB9 A SSY .FROM S/N.9009SA4029891730 11023236996530007601 TRANSP/CHROM.GEN.CARAFE V 3 M YB9 S AE A SSYFROM S/N.9009SA4029891711023077996530067527TRANSP/CHROM.GEN.CARAFE M YB9/MDS A SSY . ONLY BRASILCod.10003050-­51-­52-­53-­3250-­51-­52Cod.10003278-­79-­3314-­3450-­70-­71Cod.10003501-­3663-­3730-­31-­32-­33SUP038SUP038ZRI9943/11-­21-­41-­43RI9944/01-­04-­41-­43RI9946/01-­47POS POS CODE CODE DESCRIPTIONDESCRIPTIONNOTENOTE 12NC 12NC 01 11012205 996530006316 BLACK COMPONENTS SUPPORT MYB902 11012412 996530006399 BLACK SOCKET-­SWITCH SUPPORT MYB9 11023406 996530007626 BLACK SOCKET-­SWITCH SUPPORT MYB9 UL 03 12001645 996530069782 CUP SOCKET V2 EN 60320 C 1304 NE03.038 996530058836 BIPOLAR SWITCH FUSIT C1250AR05 12000450 996530007819 SCREW TCBR TORX 10 3,5X12 PLAST.ZN-­N 06 12001212 996530008003 ULKA PUMP MF 230V-­50HZ 230V-­50HZ 12001346 996530008028 ULKA PUMP MF 120V-­60HZ 120V-­60HZ 12001348 996530008031 ULKA PUMP MF 220V-­50/60HZ 220V-­50/60HZ 12001347 996530008029 ULKA PUMP MF 100V-­50/60HZ100V-­50/60HZ07 11012194 996530006315 BLACK/SBR ULKA MF PUMP SUPPORT 08 11013116 996530006631 2POLES CONNECTOR STEAM PUMP MYB9 UL 09 11012193 996530006314 90° INLET CONNECTOR FOR PUMP ULKA MF 10 147920300 996530017351 TRANS.CONNECTOR D=8 A RT .80.26.047 KA.46111 JS01.022 996530057357 SILICONE TUBE 5X10 60SH IN ROLL IN ROLL 12 147920150 996530017348 90° INLET PUMP CONNECTOR 13 12000140 996530007753 ULKA PUMP EP5/S GW 230V-­50HZ 230V-­50HZ 12000142 996530007754 ULKA PUMP EAP5/S 120V-­60HZ 120V-­60HZ 12000182 996530007782 ULKA PUMP EP5/S GW 220V-­60HZ220V-­60HZ 12000130 996530007749 ULKA PUMP EP5/S GW 100V-­50/60HZ 100V-­50/60HZ14 11013076 996530006607 2POLES CONNECTOR COFFEE PUMP MYB9 UL 15 11022857 996530007468 BLACK PUMP SUPPORT GMYB 16 140321961 996530013471 O-­RING 2031 TERMOIL17 11001054 996530000624 BLK PUMP OUTLET 90°CONNECTOR P0049/B 18 12000781 996530007887 TURBINE D=1,2 932-­8521/90 A SSY .19 11013122 996530006635 6POLES CONNECTOR FLOWMETER MYB9 UL 20 11011341 996530006025 V4 TUB.BOILER 1300W 230V A SSY . 230V-­1300W 11011342 996530006026 V4 TUB.BOILER 1300W 120V A SSY . 120V-­1300W 11011346 996530006031 V4 TUB.BOILER 1100W 100V A SSY .100V -­1100W21 11007907996530004626 TUB.BOILER V5 SIDE THERMOS.FIXING SPRINGUP TO S/N.9009SA4026565711010164996530005641 TUB.BOILER V6 SIDE THERMOS.FIXING SPRINGFROM S/N.9009SA4026565822 12001715 996530069758 SCREW T CB T ORX 20 M 4X8 A UTOFORMING Z N-­B 23 190800100 996530026997 TEMPERATURE SENSOR NTC UL L=280MM 24 189428600996530026958 THERMOSTAT 175° 1NT-­08L-­5125UP TO S/N.9009SA40265657 12001034996530007974 THERMOSTAT ONE SHOT 175°FROM S/N.9009SA402656582512000892996530007947OETIKER CLAMP D=9,5 1670000426 16000380 996530009505 5X8,9 SILICONE TUBE IN ROLLIN ROLL27 11013034 996530006589 STEEL TUB.BOILER SUPPORT MYB928 11012214 996530006322 BLACK TUB.BOILERS SUPPORT MYB929 12001280 996530008024 SCREW TSP TORX 10 5X20 PLAST.ZN-­B 30 20006558 996530010201 BLOWDOWN VALVE CASING MYB9 A SSY .31129914302 996530013168 SCREW TORX M4X10 TESTA D=8X1,5 GALV 32 11022428 996530007366 BLK COF .BOILER INSULATING COVER MYB9/H-­T 33 184320200 996530025907 SPRING HOSE CLAMP D=9,5MM34 11012206 996530006317 BLACK BLOWDOWN VALVE SUPPORT MYB935 129913902 996530013164 SCREW TCB TORX 10 3X12 PLAST.ZN-­B 36 11013711 996530006834 BLACK VALVE FIXING FLANGE MYB937 11013165 996530006671 DIFFUSER VALVE MYB9 A SSY .38 11013528 996530006802 BLACK DIFFUSER PROTECT .VALVE MYB9 A SSY .3911021841 996530007157 SOLENOID VALVE CONNECT .INSUL.PLATE MYB940 11021842 996530007158 SOLENOID V AL VE C ONNECT .INSUL.WASHER M YB94120000590 996530009859 BLOWDOWN VALVE COIL P0049 230V A SSY . 230V 20000680 996530009874 BLOWDOWN VALVE COIL P0049 120V A SSY . 120V 20000920 996530009914 BLOWDOWN VALVE COIL P0049 220V-­60HZ A SSY 220V-­60HZ20000681 996530009875 BLOWDOWN VALVE COIL P0049 100V A SSY . 100V42 11007565 996530004421 BLACK B LOWDOWN V AL VE C ONNECTOR V 2 P 004943 11005096 996530002744 SS F ORK S PRING F OR B LOWDOWN V ALVE P 004944 12000620 996530007856 OR ORM 0130-­20 EPDM45 11021450 996530007104 TUB.BOILER STD C1 INSULATING46 144650300 996530015428 ASPIRATION FILTER GAUZE NET 500 (NEW)11006995996530003974 BLOWDOWN VALVE V2 MYB9 230V A SSY . 230VWITH PART . N°30-­41-­42-­43-­4411022038996530007215 BLOWDOWN VALVE V2 MYB9 120V A SSY . 120VWITH PART . N°30-­41-­42-­43-­4411021989996530007212 BLOWDOWN VALVE V2 MYB9 220V-­60HZ A SSY . 220V-­60HZWITH PART . N°30-­41-­42-­43-­4411022037996530066669 BLOWDOWN VALVE V2 MYB9 100V A SSY . 100VWITH PART . N°30-­41-­42-­43-­4411009776996530005509 TUB.BOILER STD C1 1300W 230V A SSY .WITH PART . N°20-­21-­22-­23-­2411009778996530005511 TUB.BOILER STD C1 1300W 120V A SSY .WITH PART . N°20-­21-­22-­23-­2411012032996530066667 TUB.BOILER STD C1 1100W 100V A SSWITH PART . N°20-­21-­22-­23-­24Cod.10003050-­51-­52-­53-­3250-­51-­52Cod.10003278-­79-­3314-­3450-­70-­71Cod.10003501-­3663-­3730-­31-­32-­33SUP038SUP038ZRI9943/11-­21-­41-­43RI9944/01-­04-­41-­43RI9946/01-­47916171810POS POSCODE CODEDESCRIPTIONDESCRIPTIONNOTENOTE12NC 12NC01 11011205 996530005991 TEA ZAMA INCREASE SCREW GRINDER 02 149198250 996530017951 BLK U PPER C OFFEEGRINDER G RINDER S UPPORT 03 140328960 996530013577 OR ORM 0530-­15 NBR FDA 04 146520100 996530016342 BAKED CLAY GRINDER 48X2805 149198350 996530017952 BLK L OWER C OFFEEGRINDER G RINDER S UPPORT 06 123030300 996530011183 A XIAL BEARING EKKO 342.3525207 140360500 996530013597 FELT RING 45,4X39,4X408 12000450 996530007819 SCREW TCBR TORX 10 3,5X12 PLAST.ZN-­N 09 11026355 996530068049 BLK G ROUND C OFF .OUTLET C ONVEYOR V 4 A SSY .10 11030459 996530072511 GRY G ROUND C OFFEE C ONT .LOWER S EAL S MART111 11012856 996530006555 COFFEE G RINDER S OUNDPROOFING C OVER M YB912 226000300 996530029609 GEAR SX Z=38 FOR GRINDER MOTION A SSY .13 149214800 996530018139 MC V 3 M OD=1,25 W ORM S CREW C ENTRING C AP 14 129661702 996530012992 SCREW TCB TORX 3,5X30 PLAST.ZN-­B 15 128381902 996530012375 STEEL FLAT WASHER DI=4,3 DE=14 SP=1,516 129574802 996530012928 SCREW TCB TORX 20 M4X30 ZN-­B17 11000597 996530000376 COFFEE GRINDER SUPPORT SPRING P12418 128310402 996530012341 GALV.WASHER UNI 8842 A 419 11002873 996530001389 INSULATOR BUSH FOR GRINDER MOTOR P12420 149199050 996530017963 BLK S ENSOR S UPPORT F OR C OF .GRINDER M OTOR 11000513 996530000317 MOTOR COFFEEGRINDER V3.1 230V A SSY . 230V 11000511 996530000315 MOTOR COFFEEGRINDER V3.1 120V A SSY . 120V 11000512 996530000316 MOTOR COFFEEGRINDER V3.1 100V A SSY . 100V22 11013079 996530006611 2POLES C ONNECTOR G RINDER M OTOR M YB9 U L 23 11000194 996530000115 BLACK C OFFEEGRINDER M OTOR S UPPORT P 12424 181540900 996530022784 ELECTR.BOARD WITH SENSOR HAL506 SF-­K 25 123030200 996530011182 RADIAL BEARING 61900.2RS126 128381800 996530012374 STEEL CRINKLE WASHER 21,8X14X0,2527 142905450 996530015258 BLK U PPER B ODY W ITH C OFFEE G ROUND O UTLET 28 149199850 996530017976 LOWER G EAR S UPPORT C OFFEEGRINDER S MART 29 126772918 996530011715 SPRING FOR A DJUSTMENT GRINDING GEAR 30 146002150 996530016264 COFFEE GRINDING A DJUSTMENT GEAR SMART 31 149199750 996530017975 UPPER G EAR S UPPORT C OFFEEGRINDER S MART 32 129914002 996530013165 SCREW TCB TORX 10 3,5X16 PLAST.ZN-­B 33 17001921 996530072477 BLK WIRING FIX INSERT FOR GRINDER BOARD 11013147 996530006652 GEN.MOTOR C OFFEE G RINDER M YB9 230V A SSY . 230V 11022036 996530007214 GEN.MOTOR C OFFEE G RINDER M YB9 120V A SSY . 120V11022035996530066668 GENERAL MOTOR MC MYB9 100V A SSY .100V。



Approval and Installation Booklet Rigid (Stationary) Ceiling ColumnOrder #:Project Name:Model Number: Quantity:Address:Amico Corporation has been a leading manufacturer of Medical Equipment since 1974, selling its products through a global distribution channel from six manufacturing facilities in Canada and the U.S.With a track record of exceeding expectations, Amico is dedicated to developing and manufacturing the most The Amico Group Manufactures the Building Blocks of the HospitalOne Point of Contact One Total SolutionPipelineClinical - ICU Furniture DiagnosticBedsLightsSourceSuction & OxygenArchitecturalAccessoriesMobility InteriorsTable of ContentsProduct Description 1 Cleaning 1 Inspection and Testing 1 Elevation View 2 Device and Accessory Chart 3 Device Placement (Bottom View) 4 Electrical Diagram (Bottom View) 5 Mounting Plate to Outlet Detail 6 Mounting Information 7 Typical Location View 8Product DescriptionThe Rigid ceiling column shall be an Amico Alert-1 series. The shroud is made of 16 gauge stainless steel with a #4 satin finish consisting of a removable access panel, stainless steel ceiling collar and a heavy gauge steel mounting plate.All electrical services are provided by means of EMT metal conduits and gas services are type L, oxygen cleaned copper pipes.NOTE: Nitrogen is type K oxygen cleaned copper pipe.Standard dimensions are 12" X 12" (304.8 mm x 304.8 mm).NOTE: Electrical devices are pre-wired to the electrical junction box at the mounting plate, unless otherwise stated. Gases will be manifolded for single point connections to the source. All pipes will extend 8" (203.2 mm) from the top of the mounting plate.CleaningThe Amico outlets are factory cleaned for oxygen service. Exposed surfaces of the outlet may be cleaned with a mild detergent solution or wiped with a disinfectant commonly used in patient rooms that is compatible with plastics, anodized aluminium and die cast zinc.Inspection and TestingMedical Gas Outlets should be inspected periodically or at least once a year. The test should be in accordance with NFPA 99 “Gas and Vacuum systems,” or CSA Z7396.1 “Nonflammable Medical Gas Piping System.”Test for Leaks: Ensure that no leaks exist, with or without the adapter inserted.Test for Indexing: Only a mating gas specific adapter should insert smoothly into the outlet, latch and be retained. Test for Flow:• Gas Outlets: 120 l/min (4.2 scfm) @ 345 kPa (50 psi), maximum allowable pressure drop is 28 kPa (4 psi).• Nitrogen Outlet: 400 l/min (14.1 scfm) @ 1,250 kPa (180 psi), maximum allowable pressure drop is 70 kPa (10 psi).• Vacuum Outlet: 30 l/min (1.1 scfm) @ 54 kPa (16 inHg), maximum allowable pressure drop is 13 kPa (4 inHg).Refer to the appropriate standards for the proper way of performing the flow test.NOTE: Amico medical gas and vacuum outlets meet and exceed these requirements at the time of manufacture. However, piping source capacity, sizing and restrictions may prevent outlets from attaining these values.Elevation ViewTo accommodate different ceiling heights, Amico Corporation has standardized three different variations. Please select the required nominal column height below:NOTE:Device and Accessory Chart6. British or German Receptacle cannot be positioned side byside ie: A1 and A2.Mounting InformationN OTES:1.2. 3. 4. Mounting plate to be mounted flush with finished ceiling.5. Mounting structure supplied by others.6. Gas pipes extend 8" above the column.Typical Location ViewApproval Signature Date Phone No. 8 Amico Corporation | 85 Fulton Way, Richmond Hill, ON L4B 2N4, Canada600 Prime Place, Hauppauge, NY 11788, USAC US LISTED Toll Free Tel: 1.877.462.6426 | Tel: 905.764.0800 | Fax: 905.764.0862Email:**************|ACA-IM-RIGID-STNRY-CEIL-COL 08.03.2021。



1Cleaning and Rotor ReplacementInstructionsHigh Temperature Valco Multiposition SelectorsAir and Electric ActuationCAUTION:Perform all other system checks before working on the valve. Since any contact between the interior of the valve body and the metal of the rotor is likely to cause damage, do not take the valve apart unless system malfunction is definitely isolated to the valve. If valve disassembly is absolutely necessary, carefully observe the instructions listed below for disassembly, cleaning, and reassembly.DisassemblyValves With External Spring HardwarePerform all disassembly operations in a clean, well-lighted area. Flush all hazardous or toxic materials from the valve before starting.1. Use a 7/64” hex driver to loosen the 6-32 x 5/8” socket head screw in the clamp ring on the end of the standoff (not the one which holds the standoff to the actuator) and remove the valve from the actuator/standoff assembly.2. Using a 7/16” open end wrench or nut-driver, loosen and remove the 10-32 hex nuts from the threaded seal shaft.3. Slide the coil spring and washers from the shaft, taking care to note their order for reassembly later.4. Grasp the valve firmly and give a slight rotation to the 1/4” shaft of the rotor to break apart the sealing surfaces. Alternatively, grip the valve with the 1/4” shaft pressed firmly into the palm of the hand to restrict its travel and tap the end of the threaded shaft.5. After the sealing surfaces are broken free in the above operation, carefully pull the rotor out of the tapered interior of the valve body.Valves With a Preload AssemblyPerform all disassembly operations in a clean, well-lighted area. Flush all hazardous or toxic materialsfrom the valve before starting.1. Unscrew the preload assembly from the valve body. Wrenchflats are provided for this purpose. (Figure 1)PRELOAD ASSEMBLY WRENCH FLATSSOCKET ADJUSTMENT SCREWFigure 1Technical Note 704Valco Instruments Co. Inc.22. Engage the end of the rotor (Figure 2) with a pencil-type magnet, availablefrom Valco or any electronic components supplier.3. Step the actuator through several positions to break apart the sealing surfacesand carefully withdraw the rotor from the valve body with the magnet.4. Use a 7/64" hex driver to loosen the 6-32 x 5/8" socket head screw in theclamp on the end of the standoff (not the one that holds the standoff to theactuator) and remove the valve body from the actuator/standoff assembly.Cleaning1. Using clean dry air, blow any loose debris from the valve body and the rotor.2. Using a strong solvent and an optical quality lint-free wiper such as a Kimwipe, wipe away anyloosely bound seal material which may have worn free and adhered to either surface. Avoid using halocarbon solvents if the valve is to be used in a system with electron capture detection, since some of the solvents may persist at the trace level. Consult the Manufacturer’s Data Safety sheet for whatever solvent is utilized.NOTE: If the valve has been used with aqueous buffer solutions and some leakage has occurred,wipe the sealing surfaces of the valve with a water-moistened Kimwipe before using a nonpolar solvent to clean any seal material still adhering to the valve’s interior.3. Visually inspect the interior of the valve body. The conical surface should appear uniform as well ashighly polished. If scratches are visible between the ports or anywhere which suggests a potential leakage path or wear source, the valve should be returned to the factory for regrinding. If the rotor’s sealing surface shows any scratches and/or a narrowing of the surface flow passages, replacement is necessary. If the valve body interior is in good condition, a field replacement of the rotor may be effected using the following procedure.Assembly and Alignment Procedure (New or Existing Rotor)The valve will have either one (SD and SC types) or two (SF and ST types) rows of ports evenly spaced around the circumference of the body. See Figure 3. In addition there will be one (SD and SF types) or two (SC and ST types) “common” ports offset to either side of these rows. The rotor will have either one or two flow appearing as engraved rings around the seal, which intersect the common port(s). Flow passages perpendicular to the ring(s) connecting the ring(s) to the selected port(s).STUWThe only configuration which does not fall within this description is the STUW. Unlike thestandard ST, these have one row of ports around the circumference, with two commonports offset in the same direction. The common ports are 180° apart, so only one showsin Figure 3. Special instructions and descriptions regarding STUW and/or SDUW valveswill be highlighted in this manner at several points in the procedures below.The alignment procedure is a way of centering the perpendicular engraving on the selected port by determining the point at which flow begins (when the engraving is just beginning to intersect the port)and the point at which flow ends (when the engraving has ceased to intersect the port), and centering the rotor between those two points.1. Make sure that all sealing surfaces are clean and dry.2. If a used rotor is to be reinstalled, clean it with a light solvent and blow the passages clean withcompressed air. Discard the rotor if any scratches are visible between ports.Figure 2:Valve viewed from preload endAsembly and Alignment Procedure(continued)3. Locate the common port offset toward the small end of the valve interior. (In SD and SC valves thisis the only common port.) This port, called the alignment inlet in Figure 3, will be the designated inlet throughout this procedure.STUWEither common port can serve as the alignment inlet.4. Put a nut in the port corresponding to the last or highest numbered position.For an electric actuator: With the valve oriented as in Figure 3, the nut goes in the first port above the alignment inlet.For an air actuator: With the valve oriented as in Figure 3, the nut goes in the first port below the alignment inlet.5. Locate the flow passage(s) perpendicular to the ring(s) that go around the seal. Note the pin whichpasses through the shaft. The end of the pin on the same side of the rotor as the flow passages(s) perpendicular to the ring(s) will be used as a pointer. (Figure 3)SDConfigurationSCConfigurationSFConfigurationENGRAVED RINGPERPENDICULARENGRAVINGSTFConfigurationSTUWConfigurationSTConfigurationENGRAVED RINGPERPENDICULARENGRAVINGPERPENDICULARENGRAVINGENGRAVED RING PERPENDICULARENGRAVINGENGRAVED RINGPERPENDICULARENGRAVINGENGRAVED RING PERPENDICULARENGRAVINGENGRAVED RINGALIGNMENT INLETALIGNMENT INLETALIGNMENT INLETALIGNMENT INLET ALIGNMENT INLET ALIGNMENT INLETFigure 3:Typical multiposition valve bodies and seals (external spring hardware rotor shown above preload rotor)Figure 436. Insert the rotor in the valve body with the pointer centered on the nut, being careful not to touch thepolished interior surface of the valve body with any of the metal parts of the rotor.7.If the valve has external spring hardware, slide the three washers (in this sequence: 3/4" ODwasher, polyimide washer, standard 1/2" OD stainless steel washer) over the 3/16" diameter threaded shaft while holding the rotor pressed firmly into the valve body. The flat side of the 3/4" back washer should rest on the rear collar of the valve. Next put the spring and the first stainless hex nut in place.Tighten the nut 1/2 turn beyond the point where the spring touches the hardware at both ends, and lock the second nut against it.STUW, SDUW, MWScrew the preload in fingertight.8. For an electric actuator: Plug the actuator in. If the position indicator doesn’t read “1”, flip theswitch to the HOME position.For an air actuator: Determine that the actuator is in Position 1. If necessary override or disable the means of pulsing the air to the actuator so that pressure is continuously applied to the actuator port nearest the valve.9. Place the valve on the actuator/standoff. By convention, the factory alignment places the commonport(s) at 12 o’clock. Re-orienting the standoff drive shaft on the square drive of the actuator allows three other possibilities.Make sure that the pin in the rotor is engaged by the slots of the standoff drive shaft, and tighten the standoff clamp screw. Loosen the screw in the clamp ring which holds the standoff to the actuator enough to allow the valve/standoff assembly to be turned during the alignment procedure.10. Establish a flow of clean gas (50 psi is adequate) into the alignment inlet.STUWEstablish gas flow into the common port at 6 o’clock (alignment inlet in Figure 3).NOTE: When listening for flow in the following steps, it is helpful if the fittings are removed from the port under consideration but left in the adjacent ports. If all the fittings have been removed, install a loop connecting the two ports adjacent to the target port to better isolate the sound of the flow.CAUTION:Up to this point the instructions have applied to both air and electrically actuated valves. Because the two types of actuators rotate in opposite directions, it is necessary for the instructions to diverge at this point. For an electrically actuated valve, proceed with the steps immediately following. For an air actuated valve, look for the heading on the next page.For Electrically Actuated Valves11.With the valve facing you and the actuator behind the valve, the port to the left of or counterclock-wise from the alignment inlet corresponds to Position 1.STUWWith the common port at 6 o’clock as the inlet, the port to the left of or counterclockwisefrom the common port at 12 o’clock corresponds to Position 1.If the assembly was done properly in Step 5, air will be coming out of the port to the right of the alignment inlet (or common port at 12 o’clock for STUW’s). If so, proceed to Step 12. If the initial alignment was off a little, grip the valve and rotate it slightly in either direction (the actuator keeps the rotor fixed) until gas flows from this port. This sets up the “staging area” for the approach to Position 1.4512.Slowly rotate the valve clockwise until the first traceof flow is heard from the port of Position 1.13.While holding the valve steady, use a soft pencil orink marker to make a mark on the standoff corre-sponding to the slot in the actuator clamp ring. Thisslot makes a clear fixed reference point for observingrelative rotational positions. (Figure 5)14.Continue the slow manual clockwise rotation of thevalve body through the point of peak flow and onuntil the flow stops or is barely perceptible, as inStep 12.15.Make another mark as in Step 13. (Figure 5)16.Make a third pencil mark centered between the first two and rotate the valve counterclockwiseuntil this midway mark is reached. (Figure 5)17.While holding the valve steady, firmly tighten the screw in the clamp ring. The rotor should beproperly positioned at the point of maximum flow when the actuator is stepped to the next position.It is a good idea to cycle the valve through all its positions to be certain everything is functioning properly. In some cases it is possible to do an additional alignment check by simply looking down the fitting detail and into the port as the valve is stepped from position to position. If it is a valve which has a relatively short distance from the bottom of the detail to the internal taper, the engraved “dimples”on the seal are visible as they come into alignment with the port.For Air Actuated Valves11.With the valve facing you and the actuator behind the valve, the port to the right of or clockwise from the alignment inlet corresponds to Position 1.STUWWith the common port at 6 o’clock as the inlet, the port to the right of or clockwise fromthe common port at 12 o’clock corresponds to Position 1.If the assembly was done properly in Assembly Step 5, air will be coming out of the port to the left of the alignment inlet (or common port at 12 o’clock for STUW’s). If so, proceed to Step 12. If it is not,grip the valve and rotate it counterclockwise until gas flows from this port. Depending on which way the initial alignment was off, this will take either a veryslight rotation or nearly a full revolution. (Even though flowmight have been achieved by a slight clockwise rotation, the air actuator will not keep the rotor fixed against a force in thatdirection.) This sets up the “staging area” for the approach to Position 1.12.Grip the valve and slowly rotate it counterclockwiseuntil the first traces of flow are heard from the port ofPosition 1.13.While holding the valve steady, use a soft pencil or inkmarker to make a mark on the standoff correspond-ing to the slot in the actuator clamp ring. This slotmakes a clear fixed reference point for observing rela-tive rotational positions. (Figure 6)CLAMP RING SCREW Figure 5: Marking valve or standoff during alignment procedureSECOND MARK CLAMP RING SCREW Figure 6: Marking valve or standoff during alignment procedure®®North America, South America, and Australia/Oceania contact:Europe, Asia, and Africa contact:Valco Instruments Co. Inc.VICI AG International Cheminert ® and VICI ® are registered trademarks of Valco Instruments Co. Inc. and VICI AG P .O. Box 55603Houston, TX 77255Sales:(800) 367-8424Tech:(713) 688-9345Fax:(713)**********************Parkstrasse 2CH-6214 Schenkon Switzerland Phone:+41 41 925 6200Fax:+***********************14. Continue the slow manual counterclockwise rotation of the valve body through the point of peakflow and on until the flow stops or is barely perceptible, as in Step 12.15. Make another mark as in Step 13. (Figure 6)16. Make a third pencil mark centered between the first two and rotate the valve clockwise until thismidway mark is reached. (Figure 6)17. While holding the valve steady, firmly tighten the screw in the clamp ring. The rotor should beproperly p os-itioned at the point of maximum flow when the actuator is stepped to the next position. It is a good idea to cycle the valve through all its p ositions to be certain everything is functioning properly. In some cases it is possible to do an additional alignment check by simply looking down the fitting detail and into the port as the valve is stepped from position to position. If it is a valve which has a relatively short distance from the bottom of the detail to the internal taper, the engraved “dimples” on the seal are visible as they come into alignment with the port.Conditioning Procedure Caution:This information applies only to valves with Valcon “T” rotors. Do not perform the conditioning procedure unless you are certain that the valve has a “T’ rotor.The assembly instructions above put a minimum amount of tension on the spring to facilitate the manual adjustments required in the alignment procedure. Before proceeding with this section, tighten the nuts on the spring an additional 1/2 turn. If the valve is a preload type, tighten the preload assembly until the threads bottom out.With carrier gas (oxygen-free) flowing through all the ports, rapidly heat the valve to 330°C. After this temperature is reached, actuate the valve through 2 or 3 complete revolutions. The valve may be slightly sticky or hard to turn on the first cycle, but should be free on subsequent actuations. The valve may then be cooled back to ambient temperature or to the actual usage temperature.Leak Detection1. The valve should be tested with a gas leak detector. If a leak detector is unavailable, an alternative is to pressurize the valve with an appropriate gas and immerse it in a solvent with low surface tension, e.g. 2-propanol. Be careful to test for gross leaks before immersing the valve.Wear eye protection .2. If the valve leaks, tighten the nuts in 1/4 turn increments, cycling the valve through a complete revo-lution between each 1/4 turn of tension, until the leaking stops. T est after each additional 1/4 turn. Never tighten the spring to the point where its windings touch one another.STUW, SDUW, MWIf the valve leaks, it must be returned to the factory for repair.Consult the factory if additional help is needed. TN-704 Rev 4/17。

Altiris CMS POC演示指导手册

Altiris CMS POC演示指导手册

Altiris CMS POC演示指导手册赛门铁克软件(北京)有限公司2013年07月文档信息文档编号:20100323文档版本: 1.0版本日期:2010-3-23文档状态:制作人:审阅人:版本变更记录目录第1章SYMANTEC终端管理套件(CMS)简介 (1)第2章演示步骤 (2)2.1A LTIRIS A GENT的安装部署过程 (2)2.2A LTIRIS I NVENTORY S OLUTION (7)2.3A LTIRIS D EPLOYMENT S OLUTION (13)2.4A LTIRIS P A TCH MANAGEMENT SOLUTION (15)2.5A LTIRIS S OFTWARE D ELIVERY S OLUTION (29)2.6A LTIRIS A PPLICATION METERING SOLUTION (37)2.7A LTIRIS远程控制 (40)第1章Symantec IT生命周期管理解决方案简介 Symantec终端管理产品由如下功能模块组成:1、客户端管理套件•备份与恢复模块•虚拟软件模块•系统实时管理模块•补丁管理模块•部署模块•远程控制模块•软硬件资产清单模块•应用软件测量模块•应用软件管理模块•软件分发模块安全管理模块•应用程序控制模块•本地密码管理模块2、服务器管理套件•系统实时管理模块•补丁管理模块•部署模块•软硬件资产清单模块•应用软件管理模块•软件分发模块•监控模块3、服务与资产管理套件•连接器模块•CMDB模块•条形码管理模块•资产管理模块•helpdesk模块-1--2-第2章 演示步骤2.1 Altiris Agent 的安装部署过程1. 在”主页”->”搜索清单”->” Network Discovery ”,启用一个设备搜索向导,通过Network Discovery 对于用户当前网段的设备做一个整体的扫描.搜索到的设备会分类显示在当前页面.2. 在”设置”->”代理/插件”->”所有代理插件中”->”Altiris agent ”->”设置”->”Altiris agent 安装”.将需要部署Altiris agent 客户端的机器名或者ip 地址填入,点击”添加”.-3-3. 选择要安装AGENT 的客户端,点击”安装ALTIRIS AGENT ”,选择相应设置(用户名/密码,是否显示图标,是否出现在添加/删除程序中,是否使用代理服务器…)-4-4. 选择继续安装, 观察ALTIRIS AGENT 的安装情况.注意:对于希望远程安装Altiris agent 的客户端,首先客户端的简单文件共享必须被关闭,服务器能够取得\\客户端\C$目录的访问权限.5. 远程安装适合域环境,因为可以用域管理员帐号统一推送ALTIRIS AGENT.对于没有加入域的客户端,很难统一administrator 的用户名/密码,建议使用”拉模式安装”.6. 对于不能满足上述要求的客户端,可以采用网页形式或者管理员统一分发安装软件包等形式安装客户端.-5-7. 演示ALTIRIS 各种SOLUTION 模块的安装,这里以INVENTORY SOLUTION为例.8. 在”设置”->”所有设置”->”代理/所有插件”->”搜索和清单”->”WINDOWS ”->”Windows 的清单插件安装”,选择要安装该插件的计算机集合,选择一个计划时间,启用该策略.-6-9. 客户端以DLL PLUG-IN 的形式加载该插件,加载后通过右键点击选择”altirisagent 设置”可以查看当前ALTIRIS AGENT 加载SOLUTION 模块的情况.-7-(这里需要和客户强调ALTIRIS 架构上的优势,通过单一的客户端,单一的控制台完成所有SOLUTION 的功能,而且相应的功能模块均是以DLL PLUG-IN 的方式插入客户端,灵活性很强,不白白浪费宝贵的终端资源)2.2 Altiris Inventory Solution1. 在”管理”->”任务和作业”->”系统任务和作业”->”搜索和清单”->”清单”中,对于客户端快速运行”收集完整清单任务”.2. 在”报表”->”搜索和清单”->”清单->”WINDOWS ”->”软件和应用程序”->”添加删除程序”中,查看”添加删除程序搜索报表”中客户端的软件安装基本情况.-8-(用户也许这时候会问,对于一些绿色软件,并没有在添加删除程序中出现,我们有什么对策呢,由此正好引出下面的功能)3. 在”报表”->”搜索和清单”->”清单->”跨平台”->”软件和应用程序”->”通用软件”中,点击”软件搜索报表”,查看软件的详细信息,它是通过扫描整个文件系统中的所有文件,,并且可以通过搜索功能准确定位你希望跟踪的软件.-9-4. 在”报表”->”搜索和清单”->”清单->”跨平台”->”硬件”中查看硬件信息(内存,硬盘,处理器,序列号,升级分析).(其中用户比较关心的可能是内存,我们的内存信息中不但包括当前内存大小,而且把用户机器中所有的插槽,已经使用的插槽全部列出来,便于用户做升级时候做评估和分析)-10-通过序列号查看,用户可以方便的统计所有IT 资产的序列号,省去了需要手工统计的麻烦.通过硬盘信息查看,可以评估一些服务器的硬盘使用状况,以便做升级或者扩容的决定. 而且报表中加入了升级成本分析的功能,用户可以评估当前机器从XP 升级到VISTA 的成本-11-5. 资产审计中还有一个亮点功能是,可以查看用户的硬件更改信息,比如示例中的CECV109,原先内存是1G 现在变成512M,有可能是内存被偷走或者坏了.便于用户审计资产的变更.做资产更改报表时,需要首先对于整个环境做一个基准扫描.然后定期做一个增量扫描,通过启用”策略”->”搜索和清单”->”清单”->”收集增量硬件清单”.可以将时间间隔设置为每天中午12:00,待策略执行成功后,在”报表”->”搜索和清单”->”清单->”跨平台”->”清单历史记录/更改”->”带有硬件更改的计算机”中可以查看到硬件信息的变化.-12--13-2.3 Altiris Deployment Solution1. 在”任务和作业”中,新建一个”备份磁盘镜像”的任务.2. 将其”快速运行”至要捕获磁盘镜像的机器上.3. LindonPC 端收到任务后,自动重启,进入WINPE 引导系统,利用GHOST 镜像磁盘镜像的捕获.-14-4. 备份完成后检查该任务的运行状态,”成功”.可以通过搜索.GHO 的方式找到已经成功备份的镜像文件.5. 在”任务和作业”中,新建一个”还原磁盘镜像”的任务,选择刚才已经备份成功的GHO 文件6. 将其”快速运行”至要还原磁盘镜像的机器上.7. LindonPC 端收到任务后,自动重启,进入WINPE 引导系统,利用刚才备份成功的GHO 文件进行还原.8. 还原完成后检查该任务的运行状态,”成功”. 9. 检查系统是否被正确还原.(用户也许会问我们是否存在裸机还原的解决方案,其实DS6.9平台通过WINPE 光盘或者PXE 网络启动可以做到裸机还原,硬件无关恢复,但是暂时还没有被集成到ALTIRIS 7的平台中,那部分内容会本文档暂时没包含,稍后补上).-15-2.4 Altiris Patch management solution1. 首先通过报表功能按漏洞,按计算机分别展现当前所有漏洞,以及企业环境中补丁安装情况2. 在”报表”->”软件”->”Patch management ”->”符合性”中选择”按更新排列的MICROSOFT 符合性”.展示当前所有微软发布的漏洞.这个是以漏洞为线索展示某个漏洞在当前环境中的适用情况,适合于对于关键漏洞的跟踪,比如MS08-67.3. 在”报表”->”软件”->”Patch management ”->”符合性”,中选择”按计算机排列的MICROSOFT 符合性”. 展示当前所有计算机的补丁安装情况.这个是以计算机为线索对于整个环境进行漏洞评估.-16-4. 接着可以给用户演示补丁的下载和安装过程5. 进入”策略”->”修补程序补救中心”,选择一个漏洞,点击STAGE,下载该漏洞相关的所有补丁.Altiris 初始时不会将所有补丁下载到本地.(此时用户可能会问,ALTIRIS 是否存在一些自动下载和安装补丁的办法,实际上我们是没有这个功能的,所以一定要让用户明白,在企业环境中,每一个补丁的安装和下载都是需要管理员干预的,而且当新补丁发布时,一定要选一些机器先安装这些补丁做实验,否则大规模部署导致的一些兼容性问题会引起很多不必要的麻烦)-17-6. 下载完毕后可以看到”更新”数和”已下载”数一致,右键点击该补丁,选择”软件更新策略向导”7. 选择发布该补丁的时间,由于POC 要求建议选择立即,选择要运用该补丁的计算机集合.-18-将策略打开,点击”分发软件更新”-19-8. 在客户端更新策略后,过一段时间观察补丁是否已经成功安装.-20-在补丁演示中经常碰到的问题是,补丁策略已经拿到,但是以”计划的更新”形式出现在”软件更新”中,比如到第二天临晨2点开始执行,而POC 又没有那么多时间等待它安装完成,可以在”设置”->”所有设置”->”代理/插件”->”软件”->”WINDOWS 软件更新代理”->”设置”->”默认软件更新代理策略”,将时间调整至一个比当前时间晚几分钟的时间.-21-对于一些网络环境比较封闭的测试,或者用户要求需要网络隔离,补丁无法从互联网获得更新,下面列出如何通过离线方式进行补丁的更新。

奥比诺克斯 EX 型刀片闸阀 技术手册说明书

奥比诺克斯 EX 型刀片闸阀 技术手册说明书

• Pulp and Paper • Wastewater treatment plants • Food and Beverage • Mining • Power plants• Chemical plants• Bulk handling• Etc.Working pressure:Reserves the right to change specifications without noticeDN 50 to DN 250DN 300 to DN 400 DN 450DN 500 to DN 600 DN 700 to DN 1200All valves are tested prior to shipping in accordance with the standard developed by the Quality Control Department at ORBINOX.Other flange connections available on requestSizes: DN 50 to DN 1200 (larger diameters on request) Standard flange connection:DIN PN 10 and ANSI B16.5 (class 150)DIN PN 6 BS “D” and “E” DIN PN 25DIN PN 16 ANSI 125Directives:STANDARD PARTS LISTFor EU Directives and other Certificates please see the document: Directives & Certificates Compliance - Knife Gate Valves – Catalogues and Datasheets10 bar 6 bar 5 bar 4 bar 2 barOBX 05/21The EX model knife gate is an uni-directional wafer valve designed for general industrial service applications. The design of the body and seat assures non-clogging shut off on suspended solids in industries such as:Unique design that mechanically locks the seal in the internal of the valve body with a stainless steel retainer ring. Standard EPDM also available in different materials such as Viton, PTFE, etc.PACKING:Long-life packing with several layers of braided fibre plus an EPDM o-ring, with an easy access packing gland ensuring a tight seal. Long-life braided packing is available in a wide range of materials. The standard stainlesssteel stem offers a long corrosion resistant life. For rising stem handwheel actuators only, a stem protector is provided for additional protection against dust while the valve is in the open position. STEM: ACTUATORS:YOKE or ACTUATOR SUPPORT:EPOXY COATING:The epoxy coating on all ORBINOX cast iron and carbon steel valve bodies and components isapplied by means of an electrostatic process, making the valves corrosion-resistant with a high quality finished surface.The ORBINOX standard colour is RAL-5015 blue. ORBINOX automated valves are provided with gate guards in accordance with EU SafetyStandards. The design feature prevents any objects from being caught accidentally while the gate is moving.Made of EPOXY coated steel (stainless steel available on request). Compact design makes it extremely robust even under the most severe conditions. All actuators supplied by ORBINOX are interchangeable, and supplied with a standard mounting kit for installation purposes on site. GATE SAFETY PROTECTION:DESIGN FEATURESBODY:Wafer style cast monoblock with raised faces and reinforcing ribs in large diameters for extra body strength. Internal cast-in gate wedges and guides allow for a tighter shut-off between gate and seat. Full port design for greater flow capacity and minimal pressure drop. The internal body design avoids any accumulation of solids that would prevent the valve from closing. GATE:Stainless steel gate. Gate is polished on both sides to avoid jamming and seat damage. Bottom of the gate edge is machined to a bevel to cut through solids for a tighter seal in the closed position. The thickness and/or material of the gate can be changed on request for higher pressure requirements. SEAT: (resilient)Flush ports (Fig.2):Allow for cleaning of solids trapped within the body cavities that can obstruct the flow or prevent the valve from closing. Depending on the process, purging can be made with air, steam, liquids, etc.Other materials of construction:Ductile iron, carbon steel, stainless steels (AISI 317, ...), special alloys(254SMO, Hastelloys, …), etc.ORBINOX designs, produces and delivers special fabricated valves for special process conditions (big sizes and/or high pressures).EXT (full lug design):Modified version of the EX model with full lug design for end of lineapplications. Standard flange connection from DIN PN 10, ANSI 150, to AS "D". Sizes available up to DN 600. Fig.1OTHER OPTIONS Bonnet (Fig.1):Assures tight sealing to atmosphere.Reduces packing maintenance.V-port:60 degree and pentagonal port design. Selection depends on the desired fluid control type.Fig.2SURFACE TREATMENTSValve components can be protected or coated for a longer life expectancy, depending on the application of the valves and the valve service conditions. At ORBINOX we can offer alternative treatments and coatings for the different valve components to improve their properties against abrasion (Stellite, Polyurethane…), against corrosion (Halar, Rilsan, Galvanised…) and against adherence (Polishing, PTFE…).We recommend to contact our technical department.Fabricated valves:Wide range of valve extensions availablePlease contact our Technical DepartmentStandard Handwheel (Rising Stem)Handwheel (Non Rising Stem)ElectricLeverACTUATOR TYPESMANUAL:Handwheel (rising stem) Handwheel (non-rising stem) Chainwheel LeverBevel GearOther (square nut)AUTOMATIC:Electric (rising & non-rising stem) Pneumatic (single & double-acting) HydraulicAll actuators supplied by ORBINOX are interchangeableACCESSORIES: Mechanical StopsActuator manual override PositionersProximity Switches Stem ExtensionsLocking device Solenoid valves Limit Switches Floor standsPneumatic Cylinder>250 120 120200 250 250SEAT TYPESMETAL/METALFor applications with: • High temperature• High density media application • In those cases when full tightness is not requiredRESILIENT TYPE "A" • Standard resilient seat.• Temperature limitations according to the selected seat material. Review the above chart or contact our Technical Department for more information.• Seat with replaceable retainer ringTYPE "B" SEAT (metal/metal) For applications with: • High temperature• High density media application • In those cases when full tightness is not required • Replaceable design without disassembling the valveNOTE: all types include an elastomere O-ring (same material as seal), excluding TH, GR and FC.pH2502-13 260 0-14 600 0-14 1200--TYPE "B" SEAT (resilient)• Temperature limitations according to the selected seat material. Review the above chart or contact our Technical Department for more information.• Replaceable and reinforced seat ring available in different materials such as: stainless steel, CA1 5, Ni Hard,…DEFLECTION CONE "C"• Deflects the media away from any valve internal exposed parts (gate, seat, .)• Material: AISI 316, CA15, Ni -Hard, etc. • Face -to-face dimension increases: DN 50 to DN 250 X = 9mm DN 300 to DN 600 X = 12mm Larger diameters on requestMore details and other materials under request Metal/MetalEPDM (E)NBR (N)FKM-FPM (V)VMQ (S)PTFE (T) High temp./Low tightness Acids and non mineral oilsResistance to petroleum productsChemical service/High temp.Food service/High temp.Corrosion resistance TEMPERATURE CHARTSEAT / SEALSPACKINGMaterialMax.T (ºC) MaterialApplicationsMax.T (ºC)PTFE impregn. synth. fibre (ST)Braided PTFE (TH)Graphited (GR)Ceramic fibre (FC)VALVE EXTENSIONSThe extension on a valve allows the operator to open or close the valve from a distance. Different types of extensions can be used depending on the application and the distance from the gate to the actuator.1- Floor stand• A pipe of the required length is added to the valve stem.• Stem and yoke assembly remain in the original position.• A floor stand is normally used at the top of the extension for actuator installationpurposes.• Required dimensions:H1: distance from centre line of the pipe to the base of the floor.d1: (wall bracket) distance from the wall to the face of the connecting flange.Notes:Fig.1Fig. AFig.2a- Any type of actuator can be mounted on the floor stand such as Handwheel, Gear,Electric, etc.b- A wall bracket (Fig. A) is recommended at every 1.5m. This prevents any deviation orbuckling of the extension rod.c- Standard construction of the floor stand is fabricated carbon steel. Other materials areavailable on request. (Fig. 1)d- A position indicator (optional) can be installed for easy visibility of the percentage ofopening of the valve.e- Availability of supports for actuator floor stands (Fig. 2) upon request.2- Tube• Stem and yoke assembly remains in its original position.• Handwheel is replaced by a tube, which rotates at the time of operating the valve.• Stem rises and lowers within the tube.• Ideal for surface box operation, valve can be operated with a T-bar and a square nut.• Required dimensions:H1: distance from centre line of the pipe to the base of the floor.d1: (wall bracket) distance from the wall to the face of the connecting flange.a- Handwheel or square nut operated only.b- A wall bracket (Fig. A) is recommended at every 1.5m. This prevents any deviation or buckling of the extension rod.c- Standard construction of the extension is carbon steel epoxy coated. Other materials are available on request.3- Universal joint 4 - Extended support plates• Universal joints are used in those cases where the alignment of the extension between valve and actuator is not feasible.• Please contact our technical department for more information. • Ideal where long extensions are not required.• Guide bearing is installed at the mid point to prevent any deflection of the rod.Notes:HANDWHEEL (rising stem)• Standard manual actuator• Consists of:- Handwheel: Epoxy coated Cast Iron - Stem- Stem nut- Stem protector• Available from DN 50 to DN 1000• Options:- Locking Device- ExtensionsDN A B C D E F ØG H50 40 119 100 105 129 47 225 420 7 65 40 134 100 115 146 47 225 450 8 80 50 149 100 124 162 47 225 475 9 100 50 169 100 140 187 47 225 520 11 125 50 180 100 150 211 47 225 600 15 150 60 210 100 175 237 47 225 652 18 200 60 262 119 205 309 67 310 822 30 250 70 318 122 250 364 67 310 1022 44 300 70 372 122 300 414 67 310 1122 58 350 96 431 197 338 486 66 410 1323 96 400 100 486 197 392 536 66 410 1427 124 450 106 540 201 432 588 66 550 1594 168 500 110 602 201 485 648 66 550 1707 192 600 110 708 201 590 748 66 550 2022 245 700 110 834 380 686 890 74 800 2778 405 750 110 884 380 760 945 74 800 2900 455 800 110 1015 320 791 989 74 800 2980 512 900 110 1040 320 895 1118 74 800 3215 680 1000 110 1146 320 975 1220 74 800 3400 865Weight (kg.)• Recommended for installation where space is limited.• Consists of:- Handwheel- DN 50-300: Aluminium- DN ≥ 350: GJS400 (GGG40)- Stem- Yoke bushing- Stem nut fixed to the gate• Available from DN 50 to DN 1000• Options:- Locking Device- Extension- Square Nut DriveDN A B C D E F ØG H 50 40 119 125 105 144 63 225 312 65 40 134 125 115 161 63 225 339 80 50 149 125 124 177 63 225 364 100 50 169 125 140 202 63 225 405 125 50 180 125 150 226 63 225 439 150 60 210 125 175 252 63 225 490 200 60 262 142 205 317 73 310 595 250 70 318 142 250 372 73 310 695 300 70 372 142 300 422 73 310 795 350 96 431 197 338 509 98 410 945 400 100 486 197 392 559 98 410 1049 450 106 540 201 432 611 98 550 1141 500 110 602 201 485 671 98 550 1254 600 110 708 201 590 771 98 550 1459 700 110 834 380 686 900 151 800 1737 750 110 884 380 760 945 151 800 1856 800 110 1015 320 791 997 151 800 1939 900 110 1040 320 895 1128 151 800 2174 1000 110 1150 320 975 1255 151 800 2381CHAINWHEEL• Recommended for elevated installations.- Chainwheel: Epoxy coated Cast Iron- Stem- Stem nut- Stem protector• Available from DN 50 to DN 600• Options:- Locking Device- Extension- Rising Stem and Non-rising StemDN A B C D E F ØG H 50 40 119 100 105 129 253 225 420 65 40 134 100 115 146 280 225 450 80 50 149 100 124 162 305 225 475 100 50 169 100 140 187 347 225 520 125 50 180 100 150 211 380 225 600 150 60 210 100 175 237 431 225 652 200 60 262 119 205 309 538 300 822 250 70 318 122 250 364 638 300 1022 300 70 372 122 300 414 738 300 1122 350 96 431 197 338 486 856 454 1323 400 100 486 197 392 536 960 454 1427 450 106 540 201 432 588 1052 454 1594 500 110 602 201 485 648 1165 454 1707 600 110 708 201 590 748 1370 454 2022LEVER Array• Recommended for quick opening and closing.• Consists of:- Lever- Stem- Yoke sleeve- Lever lock• Available from DN 50 to DN 300DN A B C D E F G H I 50 40 119 100 105 129 256 150 408 315 65 40 134 100 115 146 259 150 435 315 80 50 149 100 124 162 307 150 509 315 100 50 169 100 140 187 439 150 637 415 125 50 180 100 150 211 529 150 755 415 150 60 210 100 175 237 620 150 895 415 200 60 262 119 205 309 822 235 1038 620 250 70 318 122 250 364 995 235 1307 620 300 70 372 122 300 414 1166 235 1578 620GEAR• Recommended for valves larger than DN 350 and working pressures greater than 3.5 bar• Consists of: - Stem- Stem protector- Bevel Gear Actuator with Handwheel• Available from DN 200 to DN1200• Options:- Locking device - Extension - Chainwheel- Rising stem and non-rising stem• Standard reduction ratio of 4:1DN A B C D E F ØG H I 200 60 262 119 205 309 584 300 994 200 250 70 318 122 250 364 684 300 1094 200 300 70 372 122 300 414 784 300 1194 200 350 96 431 197 338 472 857 450 1657 262 400 100 486 197 392 522 961 450 1761 262 450 106 540 201 432 574 1053 450 1853 262 500 110 602 201 485 634 1166 450 1966 262 600 110 708 201 590 734 1371 450 2171 262 700 110 834 380 686 890 1623 450 2423 262 750 110 884 380 760 945 1755 450 2555 262 800 110 1015 320 791 993 1886 650 2926 260 900 110 1040 320 895 1123 2120 650 3160 288 1000 110 1146 320 975 1220 2302 650 3342 288 1200 15013904501037152226958503935365• The standard pneumatic actuator (double acting on-off cylinder) consists of: - Ø≤300: Aluminum barrels - Ø≥350: Composite barrels - Aluminum end covers- Stainless steel (AISI 304) piston rod - Nitrile coated steel piston • Available from DN 50 to DN 1000• Supply Pressure: min. 3.5 bar - max. 10 bar. Actuator designed with 6 bar air supply.• For valves installed in a horizontal position, we recommend Uand/or actuator support.• Options: - Hard anodized barrel and covers - Stainless steel barrel and covers - Over/Undersized cylinder - Manual override- Fail safe system (Page EX-14) - Limit switches • Instrumentation (on request): - Positioners- Solenoid valves - Flow regulators- Air preparation unitsDN A B C D E F G H50 40 119 100 105 129 178 115 412 9 C100/62 1/4" G 65 40 134 100 115 146 193 115 454 10 C100/77 1/4" G 80 50 149 100 124 162 211 115 497 11 C100/95 1/4" G 100 50 169 100 140 187 231 115 558 14 C100/115 1/4" G 125 50 180 100 150 211 271 140 632 20 C125/143 1/4" G 150 60 210 100 175 237 296 140 708 25 C125/168 1/4" G 200 60 262 119 205 309 358 175 872 44 C160/220 1/4" G 250 70 318 122 250 364 428 220 1042 67 C200/270 3/8" G 300 70 372 122 300 414 478 220 1192 82 C200/320 3/8" G 350 96 431 197 338 500 549 277 1387 135 C250/375 3/8" G 400 100 486 197 392 550 599 277 1541 165 C250/425 3/8" G 450 106 540 270 432 598 680 382 1710 220 C300/475 1/2" G 500 110 602 270 485 658 730 382 1873 280 C300/525 1/2" G 600 110 708 270 590 758 830 382 2178 330 C300/625 1/2" G 700 110 834 380 686 875 985 444 2546 520 C350/730 3/4” G 750 110 884 380 760 930 1035 444 2725 585 C350/780 3/4” G 800 110 1015 320 791 974 1085 444 2850 650 C350/830 3/4” G 900 1101040 320 895 1105 1202 515 3202 850 C400/930 3/4” G 1000 11011463209751217129651534881060C400/10303/4” GPNEUMATIC CYLINDERWeight (kg.)Standard Cyl.Connect.• This actuator (single acting cylinder) consists of: - Aluminum barrel and covers - Steel spring- Stainless Steel (AISI 304) piston rod - Nitrile coated steel piston• Available from DN 50 to DN 300• Supply pressure: min. 5 bar - max. 10 bar• Options:- Fail open - Fail closeDOUBLE ACTING WITH AIR TANK• Fail safe systems consists of: double acting pneumatic cylinder, air tank and all the neccessary elements according to the available options (solenoid valve, spool valve,…)• Different solution available (pressure switches,...)• Available for all diameters• Supply Pressure: min. 3.5 bar - max.10 barFAIL SAFE SYSTEMSINGLE ACTING (SPRING RETURN)Fail close in power failure shown in figureFail close shown in figureELECTRIC ACTUATOR• Consists of:- Electric actuator - Rising stem- Motor support yoke flange acc. to ISO 5210 / DIN 3338• The standard electric motor is equiped with: - Manual emergency operation - Limit switches (open/closed) - Torque switches• Available from DN 50 to DN 1200• Wide range of types and marks available to meet customer's needs.• Option:- Non rising stemDN A B C D E F ØG H I J L M50 40 119 100 105 129 377 160 547 265 249 62 238 20 x 4 10 65 40 134 100 115 146 404 160 574 265 249 62 238 20 x 4 10 80 50 149 100 124 162 429 160 599 265 249 62 238 20 x 4 10 100 50 169 100 140 187 470 160 640 265 249 62 238 20 x 4 10 125 50 180 100 150 211 504 160674265249 62 238 20 x 4 15 150 60 210 100 175 237 555 160 1055 265 249 62 238 20 x 4 20 200 60 262 122 205 309 669 160 1169 265 249 62 238 25 x 5 30 250 70 318 122 250 364 769 160 1269 265 249 62 238 25 x 5 45 300 70 372 122 300 414 869 160 1369 265 249 62 238 25 x 5 40 350 96 431 197 338 472940200 1440 283254 65 248 35 x 6 70 400 100 486 197 392 552 1044 200 1544 283 254 65 248 35 x 6 90 450 106 540 270 432 610 1172 200 1672 283 254 65 248 35 x 6 110 500 110 602 270 485 670 1280 200 1780 283 254 65 248 35 x 6 95 600 110 708 270 590 800 1565 315 2065 389 336 91 286 35 x 6 140 700 110 834 380 686 900 1763 315 2846 389 336 91 285 40 x 7 120 750 110884380760 945 1882 315 2965 389 336 91 286 40 x 7 140 800 110 1015 320 791980 1948 315 3031 389336 91 286 50 x 8 180 900110 1040 320895 1087 2157 400 3240 389 339 91 286 50 x 8 220 1000 110 1146 320 975 1200 2350 400 3431 389339 91 286 50 x 8 300 1200 150 1390 450 1037 1485 2732 500 4137 430 36511730360 x 9480Stem Ø xpich Torque (Nm)4 - 0 - 0(*) From DN 24”, acc. To MSS SP 44 (class 150)4 - 0 - 0BLIND TAPPED HOLES TAPPED THROUGH THROUGH HOLED。



ET2154用户手册V1.0深圳市芯海科技有限公司2004年06月11日目 录 ET2154的主要特征 (8)1.功能描述 (8)2.系统框图 (8)3.引脚定义 (10)引脚顶层图 (10)引脚描述 (10)4.寄存器映射表 (15)错误计数寄存器 (19)双极性(BPV)或编码错误(CV)计数器(VC1~2) (19)CRC错误计数器(CRCC1~2) (20)E-bit计数器(EBC1~2) (20)FAS错误计数器(FASC1~2) (21)状态及信息寄存器 (21)状态寄存器1(STATE1) (22)状态寄存器2(STATE2) (23)接收信息寄存器(RI) (23)ET2154版本寄存器(ID) (24)接收控制寄存器1(RC1) (24)接收控制寄存器2(RC2) (25)发送控制寄存器1(XC1) (26)发送控制寄存器2(XC2) (26)通用控制寄存器1(GCR1) (27)中断控制寄存器1(ICR1) (28)中断控制寄存器2(ICR2) (28)线缆接口控制寄存器(LIC) (29)通用控制寄存器2(GCR2) (30)通用控制寄存器3(GCR3) (31)Sa插入控制寄存器(XsaC) (32)同步状态寄存器(SYNCR) (32)接收非帧对位字寄存器(RNAF) (33)发送帧对位字寄存器名称(TAF) (33)发送非帧对位字寄存器(TNAF) (34)基于硬件的信令处理 (34)时钟阻塞寄存器 (35)发送时钟阻塞寄存器(XCB1~4) (35)单通道编码产生 (36)发送侧编码产生 (36)发送空闲寄存器(XI1~4) (36)发送空闲选择寄存器(XID) (37)接收时钟阻塞寄存器(RCB1~4) (37)基于双帧的内部寄存器操作 (37)接收帧对位字寄存器(RAF) (37)ET2154信令操作 (38)处理器方式信令操作 (38)接收信令寄存器(RS1~16) (38)发送信令寄存器(XS1~16) (39)CRC4复帧的内部寄存器操作 (40)发送信道控制寄存器(XC1~32) (40)接收信道控制寄存器(RC1~32) (41)发送数据插入控制寄存器(XCC1~4) (41)接收数据插入控制寄存器名(RCC1~4) (41)通用控制寄存器4(GCR4) (42)DS0监控寄存器 (42)发送端DS0监控寄存器(XDS0) (43)接收端DS0监控寄存器(RDS0) (43)通用控制寄存器5(GCR5) (43)弹存操作 (44)接收侧弹存操作 (44)发送侧弹存操作 (44)S A及S I比特操作 (44)Sa及Si比特操作硬件模式 (45)5.线路接口电路功能 (45)接收端时钟数据恢复 (45)发送脉冲成型 (45)抖动衰减 (47)6.ET2154的环回功能描述 (48)远端环回(Remote Loopback) (48)数字本地环回(Local Loopback) (49)7.ET2154接口时序 (49)接收侧时序图 (49)接收端基本时序图 (49)接收端边界时序1(接收弹性缓存禁止) (49)接收侧2.048MHz边界时序图2(接收端弹性缓存使能) (50)接收端接口时序特性 (50)接收端管脚时序 (51)接收端系统接口详细时序图 (51)接收端LIU接口时序 (52)发送端时序 (52)发送端基本时序图 (52)发送端边界时序1(发送弹性缓存禁止) (53)发送端2.048MHz边界时序(发送弹性缓存使能) (53)ET2154工作在G.802模式下的时序图 (53)发送端时序特性参数及时序图 (54)发送端详细时序 (54)发送端系统接口时序 (55)发送端线路接口时序 (55)CPU接口时序特性及时序图 (56)数据、地址总线复用接口特性及时序图 (56)总线复用模式时,INTEL、MOTORORA读写时序图 (56)数据总线、地址总线非复用CPU接口时序特性及时序图 (57)数据总线、地址总线非复用CPU接口读写时序图 (57)8.ET2154的同步搜索流程图 (59)9.ET2154发送成帧流程图 (59)10.ET2154极限工作条件及电气特性 (61)极限工作条件 (61)ET2154电气特性 (61)安全警告 (61)11.ET2154的封装 (62)12.附录1:缩略语 (64)表格 表1 引脚描述表10 表2 寄存器映射表15 表3 双极性/编码错误计数器(VC1~2)20 表4 CRC错误计数器(CRCC1~2) 20 表5 E-BIT计数器(EBC1~2)20 表6 FAS错误计数器(FASC1~2) 21 表7 状态寄存器1(STATE1)22 表8 接收报警检测标准22 表9 状态寄存器2(STATE2)23 表10 接收信息寄存器(RI)23 表11 ET2154标志寄存器(ID)24 表12 接收控制寄存器(RC1)24 表13 同步及再同步标准25 表14 接收控制寄存器2(RC2)25 表15 发送控制寄存器1(XC1)26 表16 发送控制寄存器2(XC2)26 表17 通用控制寄存器1(GCR1)27 表18 中断控制寄存器1(ICR1)28 表19 中断控制寄存器2(ICR2)29 表20 线缆接口控制寄存器29 表21 通用控制寄存器2(GCR2)30 表22 通用控制寄存器3(GCR3)31 表23 S A插入控制寄存器(X SA C)32 表24 同步状态寄存器(SYNCR)32 表25 接收非帧对位字寄存器(RNAF)33 表26 发送帧对位字寄存器名称(TAF)33 表27 发送非帧对位字寄存器(TNAF)34 表28 发送时钟阻塞寄存器(XCB1~4)35 表29 发送空闲寄存器(XI1~4)36 表30 接收时钟阻塞寄存器(RCB1~4)37 表31 接收帧对位字寄存器(RAF)37 表32 接收信令操作寄存器(RS1~16)38 表33 发送信令操作寄存器(XS1~16)39 表34 发送信道控制寄存器(XC1~32) 40 表35 接收信道控制寄存器(RC1~RC32) 41 表36 发送数据插入控制寄存器(XCC1~4)41 表37 接收数据插入控制寄存器名(RCC1~4)41 表38 通用控制寄存器4(GCR4)42 表39 发送端DS0监控寄存器(XDS0)43 表40 接收端DS0监控寄存器(RDS0)43 表41 通用控制寄存器5(GCR5)43 表40 E1脉冲波形模板要求45 表42 LIC寄存器设置与应用对应表46表43 接收端接口时序特性参数50 表44 发送端时序特性参数表54 表45 数据、地址总线复用时接口时序参数表56 表46 数据总线、地址总线非复用CPU接口时序特性参数表57 表47 ET2154电气特性参数61图 表 图1 ET2154系统框图9 图2 ET2154外部引脚的实际排列时序10 图3 输出波形模板46 图4 ET2154外部连接图46 图5 ET2154抖动衰减容限47 图6 抖动衰减性能47 图7 ET2154远端环回图48 图8 ET2154帧环回图48 图9 ET2154本地环回图49 图10 接收端时序图49 图11 接收端边界时序图1(接收侧弹存禁止)50 图13 接收端详细时序图51 图14 接收端系统接口详细时序图52 图15 接收端LIU接口详细时序图52 图16 发送端基本时序图52 图17 发送端边界时序1(发送端弹性缓存禁止)53 图18 发送端2.048MH Z边界时序图(发送弹性缓存使能)53 图19 ET2154工作在G.802模式时的时序图54 图20 发送端详细基本时序55 图21 发送端系统接口详细时序55 图22 发送端LIU接口时序55 图23 INTEL总线读时序(BTS=0/MUX=1)56 图24 INTEL总线写时序(BTS=0/MUX=1)57 图25 MOTOROLA总线时序(BTS=1/MUX=1)57 图26 INTEL总线读时序58 图27 INTEL总线写时序58 图28 MOTOROLA总线读时序58 图29 MOTOROLA总线写时序58 图30 ET2154接收同步过程图59 图31 ET2154发送数据流程图61 图30 封装尺寸图62ET2154用户手册 ET2154的主要特征 ET2154是一路的E1 PCM-30/ISDN-PRI收发器,集成时钟/数据恢复及发送E1脉冲成型的片内线路接口单元(LIU)及E1帧处理器(Framer)。



(德国)智宝社会环境监测方案非食品类业务伙伴供应商手册 3.00e 版目录1.为什么在非食品供应链中设有社会和环境标准?2.智宝社会与环境行为守则2.1合同义务2.2与工人沟通2.3申诉程序3.审核程序4.行为准则规定4.1强迫劳工4.2童工4.3歧视4.4纪律处罚措施4.5劳动合同4.6薪酬4.7工时4.8自由结社和集体谈判4.9健康与安全4.10环境保护4.11管理实践4.12雇佣关系5.其他类的认证和审核方案5.1商界遵守社会责任组织(BSCI)5.2玩具行业社会责任体系(ICTT)5.3 SA8000标准5.4服装行业行为标准6.持续改进:培训和资格认定7.附录7.1智宝社会与环境行为守则7.2重要文件的概述7.3智宝的联系方式7.4自我评估调查问卷1.为什么在非食品供应链中设有社会和环境标准?如今的消费者不仅仅要求产品的价格和质量达到他们的期望。












CTEK SWEDEN AB 专业型电池充电器设备用户手册说明书

CTEK SWEDEN AB 专业型电池充电器设备用户手册说明书

DE • 910 • DED EDE • 11STUFE 1 DESULPHATION (ENTSULFATIERUNG)Erkennt sulfatierte Batterien. Strom und Spannung pulsieren und entfernen auf diese Weise Sulfat von den Bleiplatten der Batterie, wodurch die Batteriekapazität wiederhergestellt wird.STUFE 2 SOFT START (SANFTSTART)Prüft, ob die Batterie Ladung aufnehmen kann. Diese Stufe verhindert, dass der Ladevorgang bei defekter Batterie fortgesetzt wird.STUFE 3 BULK (HAUPTLADUNG)Laden mit Maximalstrom bis zum Erreichen von ca. 80 % der Batteriekapazität. STUFE 4 ABSORPTIONLaden mit schwächer werdendem Strom bis zum Erreichen von bis zu 100 % der Batteriekapazität.STUFE 5 ANALYZEPrüft, ob die Batterie eine Ladung halten kann. Batterien, die ihre Ladung nicht halten können, müssen ggf. ersetzt werden.STUFE 6 RECOND (REKONDITIONIERUNG)Das Rekonditionierungsprogramm fügt dem Ladevorgang die Rekonditionierungsstufe hinzu. Während der Rekonditionierungsstufe wird die Spannung erhöht, um eine kontrollierteGasbildung in der Batterie zu erzeugen. Bei der Gasbildung wird die Batteriesäure vermischt, was der Batterie Energie zurückgibt. STUFE 7 FLOAT (ERHALTUNG)Die Batteriespannung wird auf ihrem Maximalwert gehalten, indem eine konstante Spannung angelegt wird. STUFE 8 PULSE (IMPULS)Die Batteriekapazität wird bei 95–100 % gehalten. Das Ladegerät überwacht die Batteriespannung und gibt, sobald erforderlich, einen Ladeimpuls, um die Batterie vollständig geladen zu halten.12 • DED EDE • 13STUFE 1 – WAKE UPLesen Sie bitte auf der vorherigen Seite den Abschnitt zu Batterien mit Unterspannungsschutz.STUFE 2 ACCEPT (BATTERIETEST)Prüft, ob die Batterie Ladung aufnehmen kann. Diese Stufe verhindert, dass der Ladevorgang bei defekter Batterie fortgesetzt wird.STUFE 3 BULK (HAUPTLADUNG)Laden mit Maximalstrom bis zum Erreichen von ca. 90% der Batteriekapazität.STUFE 4 ABSORPTIONLaden mit schwächer werdendem Strom bis zum Erreichen von bis zu 100% der Batteriekapazität.STUFE 5 ANALYZEPrüft, ob die Batterie eine Ladung halten kann. Batterien, die ihre Ladung nicht halten können, müssen ggf. ersetzt werden.STUFE 6Nicht anwendbar.STUFE 7 FLOAT (ERHALTUNG)Die Batteriespannung wird auf ihrem Maximalwert gehalten, indem eine konstante Spannung angelegt wird.STUFE 8 PULSE (IMPULS)Die Batterie auf 95 bis 100 % ihrer Kapazität halten. Das Ladegerät überwacht die Batteriespannung und hält durch bedarfsgerechte Pulsladung die Batterie vollständig geladen.EINSATZBEREITDie Tabelle zeigt die geschätzte Ladedauer, bis eine leere Batterie auf 80 % aufgeladen ist.BATTERIEGRÖSSE (Ah)ZEIT BIS ZU CA. 80 % LADUNG5Ah 2h 10Ah 4h 15Ah 6h 20Ah 7h 25Ah 9hTECHNISCHE DATENModellnummer1087Nennwechselspannung220–240VAC, 50–60HzLadespannung14,4V, 15,8V, 14,2VMin. Batteriespannung Blei-Säure: 2,0V, Lithium: 5,0VLadestrom2,3A max.Netzstrom0,3A rms effektiv (bei vollem Ladestrom)Rückentladestrom*< 1,5Ah/MonatWelligkeit**<4%Umgebungstemperatur-20°C bis +50°CLadegerät-Typ Achtstufiger, vollautomatischer Ladezyklus Batterietypen Alle Arten von 12-V-Bleibatterien (WET, MF, Ca/Ca,AGM, GEL)12-V-Lithiumbatterien (mit 4 Zellen) (LiFePO4, LiFe,Li-iron, LFP)Batteriekapazität 5 bis 25AhAbmessungen168 x 65 x 38mm (L x B x H)Isolationsklasse IP65Gewicht0,6kg*) Der Rückentladestrom ist der Strom, um den sich die Batterie entlädt, wenn das Ladegerät nicht an die Stromversorgung angeschlossen ist. CTEK-Ladegeräte haben einen sehr niedrigen Rückentladestrom.**) Die Qualität der Ladespannung und des Ladestroms ist sehr wichtig. Eine hohe Stromwelligkeit heizt die Batterie auf, wodurch die positive Elektrode altert. Eine hohe Spannungswelligkeit kann andere an die Batterie angeschlossene Ausrüstungen beschä-digen. CTEK-Batterieladegeräte erzeugen eine sehr saubere Spannung und einen sehr sauberen Strom mit niedriger Welligkeit.BEGRENZTE GARANTIECTEK SWEDEN AB gibt dem Ursprungskäufer dieses Produktes diese begrenzte Garantie. Diese begrenzte Garantie ist nicht übertragbar. Die Garantie deckt Herstellungs- und Materialfehler 5 Jahre ab dem Kaufdatum ab. Der Kunde muss das Produkt zusammenmit dem Kaufbeleg an der Verkaufsstelle einreichen. Diese Garantie wird ungültig, wenn das Ladegerät geöffnet, unsachgemäß behandelt oder von jemand anderem als von CTEK SWEDEN AB oder dessen autorisierten Stellvertretern repariert wurde. Eines der Schraubenlöcher an der Unterseite des Ladegerätes ist versiegelt. Ein Entfernen oder Beschädigen des Siegels führt zum Erlöschen der Garantie. CTEK SWEDEN AB gibt außer dieser begrenzten Garantie keine weiteren Garantien und übernimmt keine Haftung für weitere Kosten, die über die oben genannten Kosten hinausgehen; d. h. es wird keine Haftung für Folgeschäden übernommen. Des weiteren ist CTEK SWEDEN AB nicht dazu verpflichtet, andere Garantien als diese zu geben.KUNDENDIENSTCTEK bietet einen professionellen Kundendienst: .Die neueste Version des Benutzerhandbuchs finden Sie unter . Per E-Mail:************, per Telefon: +46(0) 225 351 80, per Fax +46(0) 225 351 95.52345B14 • DE。

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