让患者闭目辨认不同形状模型块用于评定触觉失认的A.辨质觉B.形态觉C.实体觉D.形状觉E.触摸觉 某患者半日前在田间为果树喷洒农药氧乐果时,昏倒在地,现场人员将其急送至附近卫生院。查体:血压90/60mmHg,呼吸24次/分,昏迷,角膜反射消失,瞳孔缩小如针尖大,两肺布满湿啰音。在用药过程中病人病情好转,意识转清醒,但突然病人出现烦躁不安、谵妄、瞳孔明显扩大,病人 生了A.阿托品用量不足B.阿托品中毒C.阿托品化D.短暂性脑缺血E.脑梗死 定时散射比浊分析采用的是A.免疫扩散与散射比浊分析相结合的技术B.免疫吸附与散射比浊分析相结合的技术C.免疫沉淀与散射比浊分析相结合的技术D.区带免疫分析与散射比浊相结合的技术E.凝集与散射比浊分析相结合的技术 医疗卫生工作者整体素质的核心内容是A.专业技能素质和人文素质B.医学道德素质和人文素质C.专业技能素质和医学道德素质D.医学理论素质和医学技能素质E.医学道德素质和医学法学素质 患者的现病史不包括下列哪项内容()A.开始发病的部位B.自觉症状C.药物过敏史D.皮损变化规律 生物风化作用 以下哪项是行为治疗的技术A.厌恶疗法B.自由联想C.释义D.检查负性自动想法E.共情 一致百虑 在阴阳失调中,最易导致实寒证的是A.阳偏盛B.阴偏盛C.阳盛格阴D.阳损及阴E.阳胜阴病 《计划生育药具工作管理办法(试行)》(简称《办法》)哪年开始施行? 最能准确反映肾小球滤过率的指标是()A.血肌酐(Scr)B.内生肌酐清除率(Ccr)C.尿溶菌酶D.血尿素氮(BUN)E.N-乙酰-β-D-葡萄糖苷酶(NAG)和γ﹣谷氨酰胺转移酶(γ-GT) 曲柄连杆机构由机体组、三大部分组成。A.活塞连杆组、气缸B.活塞、曲轴C.活塞连杆组、曲轴飞轮组D.气缸体、活塞 患者,男,45岁,咳嗽、咳痰,痰中带血丝,做痰液脱落细胞检查。涂片检查见到体积较大,胞质丰富,核卵圆形略偏位,染色质均匀细致偶见核仁的细胞,涂片中且有尘细胞、泡沫细胞,提示此细胞最可能为()A.鳞状上皮化生细胞B.增生的细支气管上皮细胞C.肺泡吞噬细胞D.鳞状上皮退化 E.肺泡管上皮细胞 心理学家哈博特•赛蒙有一次在沙滩边观察蚂蚁时发现:为了适应地形,沙滩蚂蚁的巢穴相当复杂。经过研究和观察,他发现尽管是同一种蚂蚁,如果它的巢穴在干燥的地方,巢穴的结构就比较简单。这是因为___。A.蚂蚁有较强的耐挫力B.蚂蚁有较强的环境适应力C.蚂蚁有较强的心理调适 很聪明 慢性化脓性中耳乳突炎分型包括A.单纯型B.肉芽肿型C.胆脂瘤型D.弥漫型E.坏死型 设是AX=b的三个解,则下列也是AX=b的解.ABCD 某公司从本年度起每年年初存入银行一笔固定金额的款项,若按复利计息,用最简便算法计算第n年年末可以从银行取出的本利和,则应选用的时间价值系数是()。A、复利终值系数B、复利现值系数C、普通年金终值系数D、普通年金现值系数 重型肝炎肝性脑病患者口服乳果糖是为了A.预防消化道出血B.防止腹泻C.预防肠道真菌感染D.加速黄疸消退E.降低肠道pH值,保持大便通畅,减少氨的形成和吸收 电力系统暂态稳定是指。A.电力系统受到事故扰动后,保持稳定运行的能力B.电力系统受到大扰动后,各同步电动机保持同步运行并过渡到新的或恢复到原来稳态运行方式的能力C.电力系统受到小的或者大的干扰后,在自动调节和控制装置的作用下,保持长过程的运行稳定性的能力D.电力系统受到 后,不发生非周期性失步 世界渔业生产从上世纪50年代以来,大约每10年为一个发展阶段,如50年代为恢复阶段;60年代为发展阶段;90年代以来为阶段。A.新的徘徊阶段B.进入新的发展阶段C.进入渔业资源管理阶段D.以上都不是 是一种单纯的提供配送服务的合同,双方当事人仅就货物的交接、配货、运送等事项规定各自的权利和义务,不涉及货物所有权。A、配送服务合同B、销售配送合同C、配送合同D、配送仓储合同 颤证的临床表现为A.头部摇振B.关节屈伸不利C.肢颤动不止D.角弓反张E.肢节拘急 DSA检查的禁忌证不包括A.严重的心、肝、肾功能不全B.高热、急性感染及穿刺部位感染C.肺炎治疗后D.女性月经期及妊娠3个月以内者E.严重的动脉血管硬化 更换加强型塑料板件时,对车身上原位置的黏合剂要。A.清洁干净后,方可继续使用B.把黏附不牢的清除掉C.全部清除 已知主从JK触发器的初始状态为0态,当J=0,K=1时,CP脉冲作用后,Q端状态应为。A.0状态B.1状态C.保持D.翻转 排烟管道必须采用制作。A、不燃材料B、可燃材料C、易燃材料D、难燃材料 用于沥青混合料的配比设计及沥青路面施工质量检验的试验是。A.密度试验B.马歇尔稳定度试验C.强度试验D.铺砂法试验 医疗机构医技人员是指A.除医师之外从事其他技术服务的卫生专业技术人员B.除医师、护士之外从事其他技术服务的卫生专业技术人员C.除医师、药学技术人员之外从事其他技术服务的卫生专业技术人员D.除医师、护士、药学技术人员之外从事其他技术服务的卫生专业技术人员E.以上都不对 男性,26岁。因车祸股骨骨折和胸部挫伤入院,经外科处理病情趋于稳定,但气急和紫绀渐渐加重,PaO降至6kPa(45mmHg)。诊断急性呼吸窘迫综合征(ARDS)。其低氧血症的产生是由于A.通气不足B.换气功能障碍C.氧耗量增加D.骨折致肺脂肪栓塞,死腔增大E.胸部挫伤致肺气体交换面积 一患者颈部被重物砸伤2小时,拍片诊断C5、C6椎体脱位,查体双下肢感觉无力,活动可,排尿正常。牵引时间为A.15天B.2~4周C.2~3周D.40天E.3个月 下图所示为详图符号,下面关于该符号的论述正确的是。A."3"表示图纸页数B."3"表示被索引的图纸编号C."4"表示本页图纸编号D."4"表示被索引的图纸编号 肝细胞性黄疸在胆管系统显像中一般来说下列哪个表现是错的A.心区放射性增高B.肝显影差C.肝显影增大D.胆管系统显影不佳E.肠道持续无放射性 麻疹最易并发A.喉痹B.惊厥C.肺炎喘嗽D.心悸E.小便难 证见高热烦躁,神昏谵语,痉厥,斑疹吐衄,口渴引饮,唇焦齿燥,尿赤便秘,舌红绛,苔黄燥,脉数有力成弦,治宜首选A.安宫牛黄丸B.紫雪C.至宝丹D.苏合香丸E.行军散 社会主义初级阶段的主要矛盾是无产阶级同资产阶级之间的矛盾。A.正确B.错误 科学实验加盟
点 (九上)
by April
Unit 5
praise n.赞扬;称赞
1. 动词表扬 过去式___p_r_a_i_s_e_d____ 短语 表达赞扬__e_x_p_r_e_ss__p_r_a_is_e__ 因某事赞扬某____p_r_a_is_e__s_b_f_o_r _s_th__ 题 1.He __p_ra_i_s_e_d__ her for her courage.(赞扬) 2.His new movie got high p__r_a_is_e_d
2.Our school football team__b_e_a__t_ the team. (win beat ) 3.Although we _w__a_s__b_e__a_t_e_n_, we must hang on. 4. Have you ever _w_o__n_(赢) a Math competition .
contestant n. 比赛者
❖ 1.复数_c_o_n__te_s_t_s____________ 名词(比赛)_m_a__tc_h____=__g_a_m__e_/_c_o_m__p_e_t_it_i_o_n__
❖ 题 What happened on the stage?-One of the
A. failure B. victory C. successful D. loss
1. 在英格兰
England n. 英格兰
in England
lucky adj. 幸运的
1.lucky (反义词)_______u_n_l_u_c_ky 2.lucky(同义词)_______fo_r_t_u_n_a_te__ 3.lucky(名词)_____l_u_c_k______ 4.lucky(副词)______lu_c_k_i_ly________ =___f_o_r_tu__n_a_te_l_y________________ 短语 今晚的幸运赢家__t_o_n_i_g_h_t_’s__lu_c_k_y__winner 祝你好运 _g__o_o_d_l_u_c_k_t_o__y_o_u
Unit 5 Vocabulary单词知识点课件-高中英语人教版(2019)必修第一册
(n. 纬度)
gratitude (n. 感激之情,感谢)
We each should develop a positive attitude to life.
单句语法填空 ① It was your bad attitude _t_o_w_a_r_d_s_/_to__ your life that made your parents angry. [链接写作] 补全句子 ② T_r_y__to__h_a_v_e_a__p_o_s_it_i_v_e_a_t_ti_t_u_d_e_t_o_/t_o_w__a_rd__s_e_v_e_r_yt_h_i_n_g and stop complaining. 尽力对每件事情都持积极的态度,停止抱怨。
特点;特性 adj. 独特的,特有的
8. _d_e_m__a_n__d_ v. 强烈要求 n. 要求;需求→_d_e_m__a_n_d__in_g_
adj. 要求高的
9. __r_e_l_a_t_e__v. 联系;讲述→ __r_e_l_a_t_i_o_n___n. 关系;联系 → __r_e_l_a_t_e_d__adj. 相关的;有联系的→ __r_e_la_t_i_v_e__n.
an attitude to/towards... 对……的态度/看法
have/take/show a(n) ... attitude to/toward ...
an attitude of mind
(n. 海拔,高处)
longitude (n. 经度)
As China plays a greater role in global affairs, an increasing number of
look down upon/on 看不起,轻视
look forward to 盼望;期望
look through
look up 往上看;查阅
look up to 尊敬,敬仰
P128 investigation n.调查
(1)conduct/carry out an investigation 开展调查
retreat /rɪˈtriːt/ v.后退;离开;退避
advance v.(使)前进;发展;预付;提前; 提拔 advance (on/towards sb/sth) (为了进攻、威胁等)前进, 行进 advance sth (to sb) = advance (sb) sth 预付
subdue /səbˈdjuː/ v. 克制,抑制(情绪);镇压,制服 defeat v. 击败;难住;使失败;反对 suppress v.(尤指用武力)镇压,压制; 克制(感情或反应)
check up 核对;检验
(2)pay by check
make/have a check (of) 核对
P127 set out 动身踏上(漫长的)旅途,出发,开始
set out to do sth
set down 记下,写下,放下
set aside 把……放到一旁;留出(钱或时间)
Unit 5 Vocabulary
civilisation=civilization /ˌsɪvɪlaɪˈzeɪʃən/ n.文明(社会)
civilize /ˈsɪvəlaɪz/ v. 教化,熏陶;改善;使文明 civilized adj.文明的;有道德的;有礼貌的,
intrigue /ɪnˈtriːɡ/ v. 激起……的兴趣,引起……的好奇心; 密 谋 intrigue (with sb) (against sb) 秘密策划(加害他人);密谋
invasion of prʊɪɡˈzɪst/ v.共存,共处 coexistence /ˌkəʊɪɡˈzɪstəns/ n.共处;共存
翻译:The cost of living has increased dramatically.
3. heritage /ˈherɪtɪdʒ/ n.遗产;传统
the World Heritage Sites the World Heritage List
翻译:The building is part of our national heritage. 这个建筑是我们民族遗产的一部分。
30. dissolve /dɪˈzɒlv/ v.(使)溶解
31. nutrient /ˈnjuːtriənt/ n.养分,营养物
nutrition /njuˈtrɪʃn/ n.营养; 滋养 nutritious /njuˈtrɪʃəs/ adj.有营养的 nutritionist /njuˈtrɪʃənɪst/ n.营养学家
12. erosion /ɪˈrəʊʒn/ n. 侵蚀,腐蚀 翻译: Soil erosion decreased their crop production.
13. parakeet /ˈpærəkiːt/ n.长尾(小)鹦鹉
14. chaos /ˈkeɪɒs/ n. 大混乱,紊乱,无秩序状态; in chaos 混乱;纷乱
Unit 5 Vocabulary
1. halfway /ˌhɑːfˈweɪ/ adj. 半途的;中间的 adv. 在中间,在中途
[单选]关于抑郁发作的临床表现,下列说法正确的是()。A.心情不好即抑郁发作B.症状持续至少2周C.不会出现幻觉D.多数伴有自罪妄想E.自杀是重度抑郁发作的标准之一 [单选]()反映的是企业的经营业绩情况,是业绩考核的重要指标。A.资产B.利润C.收入D.所有者权益 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]预防佝偻病应特别强调的是()。A.合理喂养B.经常口服鱼肝油C.经常口服钙片D.经常晒太阳E.多吃含维生素D的食物 [单选]()是使用公共仓库的最大优点。A.节省资金投入B.缓解存储压力C.降低投资风险D.具有较高的柔性化水平 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]()是历史最为悠久,也是最受到人们关注的医学伦理关系。A.医患关系B.医医关系C.医社关系D.以上全部 [单选]船舶防污染的重要法律文件是()。A.油类记录薄B.防污染证书C.轮机日记D.A或B [单选]企业月末在产品数量较多、各月在产品数量变化不大时,最适宜将产品生产费用在完工产品和月末在产品之间分配的方法是()。A.定额比例法B.不计算在产品成本法C.约当产量比例法D.在产品按固定成本计算法 [单选]以下植物中,不以观叶为主的是()A.彩叶草B.风铃草C.鸭跖草D.吊兰 [判断题]装卸货时发生大火,首先向舱内施放二氧化碳和灌水.A.正确B.错误 [单选]利用谷物为原料,主要成分是葡萄糖、麦芽糖、糊精的()呈浓厚粘稠状,甜度不如蔗糖。A、麦芽糖B、糖浆C、蜂蜜D、饴糖 [单选,A1型题]以下哪个选项是阳和汤的主治病证()A.五更泻B.阴疽C.大头瘟D.丹毒E.喑痱 [问答题,简答题]简述电力机车空气管路系统的组成和作用。 [单选]用以计算某项经济活动中所费与所得的比例,反映投入与产出关系的比率是()。A.绝对数比较分析B.构成比率C.相关比率D.效率比率 [单选]对以下()项权利侵犯后的损害赔偿不属于国家赔偿范围。A.财产权B.生命健康权C.政治权利D.人身自由权 [单选]在积累与消费关系的处理上,企业应贯彻积累优先的原则,合理确定提取盈余公积金和分配给投资者利润的比例。这样的处理体现的利润分配基本原则是()。A、依法分配的原则B、资本保全的原则C、充分保护债权人利益的原则D、多方及长短期利益兼顾的原则 [单选]下列关于胰岛素的叙述,错误的是()A.NPH或长效胰岛素也可以用于静脉滴注B.目前可以使用的胰岛素制品需要冷藏C.NPH的作用时间16~24小时D.皮下注射的常规胰岛素其作用高峰在注射后2~3小时E.胰岛素的血浆半衰期是7~10分钟 [单选]在什么速度时增加俯仰姿态将引起飞机爬升?()A.低速B.高速C.任何速度 [单选]一般情况下问卷应在多长时间内完成,否则会影响应答的效率()A.20分钟B.30分钟C.40分钟D.50分钟E.1小时 [单选]间接反映骨盆入口前后径的径线()A.髂棘间径B.髂嵴间径C.骶耻外径D.出口横径E.出口后矢状径 [问答题,案例分析题]背景材料:某道路改建工程A合同段,道路正东西走向,全长973.5m,车行道宽度15m,两边人行道各3mபைடு நூலகம்道路中心线平行且向北,需新建DN800mm雨水管道973m。新建路面结构为150mm厚砾石砂垫层,350mm厚二灰混合料基层,80mm厚中粒式沥青混凝土,40mm厚SMA改性沥青混 [单选]直连螺旋桨并装有极限调速器的船舶主机运转中油门一定时,若海面阻力降低,该主机的运转工况变化是()。A.转速降低后稳定工作B.减少油门后稳定工作C.转速增加后稳定工作D.增大油门后稳定工作 [单选]能量不仅有数量的多少之分,更有品位高低之分,现有3种能量,分别是电能、500℃热能、300℃热能,它们品位高低的排序为:()。(“>”表示高于)A.电能>500℃热能>300℃热能B.500℃热能>300℃热能>电能C.300℃热能>500℃热能>电能D.500℃热能>电能&g [问答题,简答题]简述物料衡算的方法和步骤。 [单选]2级高血压,血压水平为()A.收缩压140~149mmHg,舒张压90~99mmHgB.收缩压160~179mmHg,舒张压100~109mmHgC.收缩压150~159mmHg,舒张压90~109mmHgD.收缩压170~189mmHg,舒张压90~109mmHgE.收缩压160~179mmHg,舒张压109~119mmHg [单选]肺癌锁骨上野与纵隔野相邻时,下列哪项设计是正确的()A.锁骨上野与纵隔野共用一条分野线,不需间隔B.两野共用并拉开一定距离,使两照射野在50%等剂量深度相交C.两野可在相临处重叠0.5cmD.两野边界相接时,可用铅块挡掉一个照射野的扩散区,不需间隔E.两野可在相临处拉开2 [填空题]客运经营者在旅客运输途中擅自变更运输车辆或者将旅客移交他人运输的,由()责令改正,处1000元以上3000元以下的罚款;情节严重的,由原许可机关吊销《道路运输经营许可证》。 [单选]关于胎儿窘迫,下列描述正确的是().A.宫缩时胎心音110次/分B.羊水呈浅黄色C.胎动于右侧卧位时增多D.多次出现晚期减速E.胎儿头皮血pH为7.25 [单选,A1型题]前置胎盘的主要临床特征是()。A.腹部小于妊娠月份B.无痛性反复阴道出血C.突然发生持续性腹痛或腰酸D.恶心、呕吐E.贫血 [单选]流行性腮腺炎的传染期是()A.腮腺开始肿大至消退B.腮腺肿大前7日至肿大后7日C.腮腺开始肿大至肿大后7日D.腮腺肿大前9日至肿大后7日E.腮腺肿大前7日至肿大后9日 [单选]血液循环将激素输送到()。A.静脉B.淋巴结C.淋巴管D.全身 [名词解释]非法变阵易位 [名词解释]联机分析处理 [单选]应当在海上打桩活动开始之目的()天前向所涉及海区的主管机关递交发布海上航行警告、航行通告的书面申请。A.3B.7C.15D.30 [单选]海陆热力差异直接影响气压系统的年变化,有利于高压系统发展的情况是()。A.冬季海洋、夏季大陆B.夏季大陆、夏季海洋C.冬季海洋、冬季大陆D.冬季大陆、夏季海洋 [填空题]()是指两枚邮票(或多枚邮票)之间相连着一段非邮票的特殊连票。 [问答题,论述题]试述番茄高密度一穗果栽培要点。 [单选]信息产业分为()部门。A.1个B.2个C.3个D.4个 [单选]下列哪一项不属于新感温病的初起表现?()A.发热恶寒B.头身疼痛C.咳嗽鼻塞D.苔黄尿赤 [多选]下列关于SC的叙述,哪一些是正确的()A.能抵抗蛋白酶对分泌型IgA的降解作用B.介导分泌型IgA的转运C.IgA缺陷者可合成SCD.由粘膜上皮细胞合成E.辅助分泌型IgA与特异性抗原结合 [问答题,简答题]清洁生产与可持续发展的关系是什么?
book4 Unit5 Vocabulary Part1
• 11. intense adj.强烈的;激烈的;热切的--intensity n.强烈;紧张;剧烈 • intense heat/cold/pain/anger/competition • The President is under intense pressure to resign. • 总统承受着沉重的辞职压力。 • an intense look热切的神情 • She disliked him intensely. • 她非常讨厌他。
• 8. attain vt. (通常经过努力)获得,得到 • Most of our students attained five “A” grades in their exams. • 我们多数学生的考试成绩是五个优。 • Students with high hope set themselves higher goals and know
根据所给提示,将下列句子译成英语。 1. 要不是老师们的支持,我无法克服这个困难。(2017 江苏) Were it not for the support of the teachers, _I_c_o_u_l_d_n_o_t__o_v_e_rc_o_m__e_t_h_e__d_if_f_ic_u_l_ty________________. 2. 她终于克服了上课时的羞怯。(manage) _E_v_e_n_tu__a_ll_y_s_h_e_m__a_n_a_g_e_d__to__o_v_e_r_c_o_m_e__h_e_r_s_h_y_n_e_s_s_in__c_l_a_ss_._____ 3. 她激动得难以自持,有好几分钟说不出话来。(emotion) _O_v_e_r_c_o_m_e__w_i_th__/_b_y__e_m_o_t_io_n______, she found herself unable to speak for a few minutes.
7. prove v. 证明; 展现 ; 证明是
① She has proved her innocence to us. prove sth to sb 向某人证明某事
② The fingerprints on the knife proved him (to be) the murderer. prove sb/sth (to be) +adj./n. 证明某人或某事是······
perform well/badly 表现很好/很差
(2) performer n. 表演者;演员
performance n. [C]表演;表现; U]执行
put on/ give a performance 表演节目
academic performance
语段填空: ①The __p_e_r_f_o_r_m__er_s_'_ wonderful __p_e_r_fo_r_m__a_n_c_e_s__ made the
did his best _t_o_p__er_f_o_r_m_ (perform) his duty.
5. ordinary adj. 普通的;平凡的
ordinary common
(事)每天发生,平淡无奇 extraordinary /ɪkˈstrɔːdnri/ (人)无特别之处,普通人 adj.不平常的,非凡的 (多指物)很常见,不稀奇
a good impression on them.
A 关系、照顾; B 利用;
C 掌管、负责; D 代替; 句意:你应该利用这个机
会尽量给他们留下好的印 象。故B正确。
新课标人教版必修三Book3 Unit5 Vocabulary
3. rather than 表示客观事实,意为“是……而不是……;与其
……不如……”。它连接的并列成分可以是名词、代词、形 容词、介词(短语)、动名词、分句、不定式、动词等。
__________________________________________________ He is an adventurer rather than a sailor.
1.他的家乡四面环山。 His hometown is surrounded by mountains. 2.他说的话给我留下了深刻的印象。 What he said made a deep impression on me. 3.我在10分钟内能够赶到火车站。
I managed to arrive at the train station within 10 minutes.
传统;风俗 8. tradition n. ______________ traditional adj._____________ 根据传说 by tradition______________ 做某事是一个传统。 It is a tradition to do sth._____________________ e.g. 这一决定完全打破了以往的传统。 ______________________________________________ This decision broke the tradition completely. 我的父母为了保持家庭的传统竭尽全力。 My parents did their best to keep up the family tradition. ______________________________________________
新课标人教版必修一Book1 Unit5 Vocabulary
2.equal adj. 平等的;相等的;胜任的 equally adv.相等地
equality n.平等
be equal to+n./doing sth.与……相等; 平等胜任 (1)I am sure he is equal to this job.
(他胜任这件工作) (2)A pound is roughly(大致) equal to 500 grams
(1)He just laughed and said something about my being
in trouble
他只是笑笑并且说一些有关我处于困境时的事情。 (2)他说的话使他陷入麻烦中。
What he said got him into trouble.
(3)Can you imagine the trouble I had in settling problem? 你能想象出解决这个问题时我遇到的困难吗? the
4.He made his escape (逃跑) on a rainy night. 5.We will offer a(n) reward (奖励) of ten thousand dollars for information about the case.
Ⅱ.单项填空 1. B to his research,he spared no time to spend a weekend with us. A.Devoting C.Caught B.Devoted D.Lost
Learn the new words by heart, or we’ll have trouble in learning the text.
8.be sentenced to 被判处„„ (1)sentence sb. to sth.给某人判„„刑,宣判某人„„罪 刑(常用被动语态) be sentenced to death/three years in prison 被判死刑/ (2) serve a sentence 服刑
nutrient /ˈnjuːtriənt/ n.养分,营养物 adj.营养的,滋养的
nutrition /njuˈtrɪʃn/ n.营养; 滋养 nutritious /njuˈtrɪʃəs/ adj.有营养的 nutritionist /njuˈtrɪʃənɪst/ n.营养学家 nutritive /ˈnjuːtrɪtɪv/ adj.有关营养的;营养价值高的
翻译:The storms and torrential(倾泻的) rain caused traffic chaos across the country. 暴风雨和倾盆大雨造成了全国的交通混乱。
conservation /ˌkɒnsəˈveɪʃn/ n.保护;保存;节约
conserve /kənˈsɜːv / v.节省; 保护 n. 果酱,蜜饯 conservationist /ˌkɒnsəˈveɪʃənɪst/ n.自然环境保护主义者 conservatism /kənˈsɜːvətɪzəm/ n.保守; 保守主义 conservative /kənˈsɜːvətɪv/ adj.保守的; 不时兴的 n. (英国)保守党党员; 保守者
Unit 5
halfway /ˌhɑːfˈweɪ/ adj. 在中途的;不完全的 adv. 在中间,在中途;还可以,过得去
meet sb. halfway 对某人作出让步 be halfway there 成功了一半 be/come/go halfway to doing sth. 完成某事的一半
unit 5 vocabulary
V ocabulary1.penetrate verb ( MOVE INTO )[I or T] to move into or through somethingAmazingly, the bullet did not penetrate his brain.In a normal winter, the frost penetrates deeply enough to kill off insect eggs in the soil.The organization had been penetrated by a spy.The company has been successful in penetrating overseas markets this year.[T] If your eyes penetrate somewhere dark, you manage to see through itOur eyes couldn't penetrate the dark/the gloom of the inner cave.penetrate verb ( UNDERSTAND )[I or T] to study or investigate something in order to understandIt's hard to penetrate her mind.He penetrates deeper into the artist's life in the second volume of his autobiography.2.thence adverb old-fashioned or formalfrom thereWe travelled to my parents' home and thence to my sister's.3.intuition noun [C or U](knowledge from) an ability to understand or know something immediately without needing to think about it, learn it or discover it by using reasonOften there's no clear evidence one way or the other and you just have to base your judgment on intuition.[+ (that)] I can't explain how I knew - I just had an intuition that you'd been involved in an accident4.infallible adjectivenever wrong, failing or making a mistakeEven the experts are not infallible.infallibility nounfallible adjectiveable or likely to make mistakesWe place our trust in doctors, but even they are fallible.A fallible object or system is likely not to work satisfactorilyThis method is more fallible than most because it depends on careful and accurate timing.fallibility noun5. fluff noun ( SOFT MASS ) [U]small loose bits of wool or other soft material, or the down (= soft new hairs) on a young animalE.g. He brushed the fluff off his coat.fluff noun ( ENTERTAINMENT ) [U]US entertainment that is not serious or valuablefluff verb [T] (US also flub) informalto fail something or do it badlyE.g. I fluffed my driving test three times before I finally got it.All the time I was acting with him, I never once heard him fluff his lines (= say something wrong when acting).6. trick of the tradea clever method used by people who are experienced in a particular type of work or activitye.g. Newspapers often improve photographs before they print them - it's one of the tricks of the trade.7. say exclamationused to express surprise or pleasure, or to attract attention to what you are about to sayUS Say, that's really good of you!US Say, how about going out tonight?UK old-fashioned or humorousI say, what a splendid hat you're wearing!8. taboo noun [C] (plural taboos)(an action or word) avoided for religious or social reasonsIn this society there is a taboo on/against any sort of public display of affection.For some people, death is a taboo subject.9. sinew noun[C] a tendon (= strong band of tissue in the body connecting a muscle to a bone)[C usually plural] a part of a structure or system that provides support and holds it together These steel posts form the sinews of the building.10. cast noun ( SHAPE )[C] an object made by pouring hot liquid into a container and leaving it to become solid11. jumble noun ( MIXTURE )[S] an untidy and confused mixture of things, feelings or ideasHe rummaged through the jumble of papers on his desk.a jumble of thoughts/ideasjumble sale noun [C] UK (US rummage sale)a sale of a mixed collection of things that people no longer want, especially in order to make money for an organization12. spin verb ( MAKE THREAD )(spinning, spun, spun, UK ALSO span)[I or T] to make thread by twisting fibres, or to produce something using threadThe final stage of the production of cotton is when it is spun into thread.Spiders spin webs.spin verb ( TURN )[I or T] to (cause to) turn around and around, especially fastThe Earth spins on its axis.The roulette players silently watched the wheel spin around/round.He was killed when his car hit a tree and spun off the road.Spin the ball (= Make it turn around and around as you throw it) and it will change direction when it hits the ground.head/room spinsIf your head or the room spins you feel as if it is turning around and around, and you cannot balanceThe room started spinning and I felt faint.spin verbspin (sb) a story/tale/yarnto tell a story, either to deceive someone or for entertainmentHe spun some tale about needing to take time off work because his mother was ill.[+ two objects] They spun us a story about being in desperate need of money.13. substantiate verb [T] formalto show something to be true, or to support a claim with factsWe have evidence to substantiate the allegations against him.Reports that children had been hurt have not been substantiated.substantiation noun [U] formalThe company produced receipts in substantiation of (= to support) its claim.substantial adjective ( LARGE )large in size, value or importanceThe findings show a substantial difference between the opinions of men and women.She inherited a substantial fortune from her grandmother.The first draft of his novel needed a substantial amount of rewriting.substantial adjective ( GENERAL )[before noun] formal relating to the main or most important things being consideredThe committee were in substantial agreement (= agreed about most of the things discussed).14. deflate verb ( MAKE SMALLER )[I or T] If something which has air or gas inside it deflates, or is deflated, it becomes smaller because it loses the air or gasto deflate a balloon/tyredeflate verb ( WEAKEN )[T often passive] to cause something to become weakerThe party's ambitions have been rather deflated by the two recent by-election defeats.deflate verb ( LESS CONFIDENT )[T often passive] to make someone lose confidence or feel less importantThey were totally deflated by losing the match.deflate verb ( MONEY )[T] to reduce the supply of money in an economy15. ecstasy noun ( EMOTION )[C or U] a state of extreme happiness, especially when feeling pleasureShe threw her head back as if in ecstasy.ecstasy noun ( DRUG )[U] (abbreviation E) a powerful drug which makes you feel very active and can cause you to hallucinate (= see or hear things that do not exist)16. pronouncement noun [C] formalan official announcementThe treasurer has been taking a more optimistic view of economic recovery in his recent public pronouncements.17. zest noun ( EXCITEMENT )[S or U] enthusiasm, eagerness, energy and interestIt's wonderful to see the children's zest for life.He approached every task with a boundless zest.The recording captures the zest of this live concert performance.zest noun ( FRUIT SKIN )[U] the skin of an orange, lemon or lime, used to add flavor to foodgrated lemon zest18.subdue verb [T]to reduce the force of something, or to prevent something from existing or developingThe fire burned for eight hours before the fire crews could subdue it.He criticized the school for trying to subdue individual expression.19. languor noun [U] literarypleasant mental or physical tiredness or lack of activityShe missed Spain and the languor of a siesta on a hot summer afternoon.languorous adjectivelanguorously adverb20. modest adjective ( NOT LARGE )not large in size or amount, or not expensiveThey live in a fairly modest house, considering their wealth.There has been a modest improvement/recovery in housing conditions for the poor.The party made modest gains in the elections, but nothing like the huge gains that were predicted. Just a modest portion for me, please.modest adjective ( QUIETL Y SUCCESSFUL )approving not usually talking about or making obvious your own abilities and achievementsHe's very modest about his achievements.21.speck noun [C]a very small mark, piece or amountHe'd been painting the door and there were specks of paint all over the floor.There's not a speck of (= not any) dust/dirt in their house.We could see a speck (= a small amount) of light at the end of the tunnel.22. keen adjective ( SHARP )literary very sharpa keen north windkeen adjective ( STRONG )extreme or very strongMany people are taking a keen interest (= a very great interest) in the result of the vote.very good or well developeda keen sense of smellkeen adjective ( EAGER )very interested, eager or wanting (to do) something very muchThey were very keen to start work as soon as possible.Joan wanted to go to a movie but I wasn't keen (= I didn't want to go).She's a keen tennis playerShe's keen on (playing) tennis.UK My son's mad keen on cycling.He's rather keen on a girl in his school (= he is very attracted to her).keen verb [I] literaryto make a loud, long, sad sound, especially because someone has diedkeenness noun [U]the quality of being keen(as) keen as mustardUK old-fashionedvery eager and interested in everything23. -dimensional suffixhaving measurements in the stated directionsa three-dimensional figuremulti-dimensional adjectivehaving many different featuresCrime is a multi-dimensional problem.two-dimensional adjective ( SHAPE )flat, having width and length but not depthtwo-dimensional adjective ( TOO SIMPLE )(disapproving) A person or story which is two-dimensional is too simple, showing little deep, serious thought and understandingI didn't believe in any of the characters in the book - they were somehow two-dimensional.one-dimensional adjective ( MEASURE )having height or width or length, but not two or all of theseone-dimensional adjective ( BORING )boring or showing no varietyThe characters in his novels tend to be rather one-dimensional.24. intractable adjective formalvery difficult and seeming to be impossible to control, manage or solveWe are facing an intractable problem.intractably adverban intractably violent relationshipintractability noun [U]25.immune adjectiveprotected against a particular disease by particular substances in the bloodMost people who've had chicken pox once are immune to it for the rest of their lives.He seems to be immune to colds - he just never gets them.[after verb] not affected or upset by a particular type of behavior or emotionThe press had criticized her so often that in the end she had become immune (to it).[after verb] not able to be punished or damaged by somethingJournalists, he insisted, must be immune (= protected) from prosecution.26. much lessand certainly notTony can barely boil an egg, much less cook dinner.27. predetermine verb [T] slightly formalto decide or arrange something at an earlier timeIt's impossible to say how much a person's behavior is predetermined by their genes. predetermination noun [U] formalpredetermined adjectiveAt a predetermined time, we'll all shout 'Happy Birthday, Dave'.28. crystalline adjective ( CLEAR )literary clear and bright like crystal (= transparent rock)Her singing voice has a pure, crystalline quality.crystalline adjective ( SHAPE )specialized describes a substance which has become solid, with regular shapescrystalline deposits29.array noun [C usually singular]a large group of things or people, especially one which is attractive or causes admiration and often one which has been positioned in a particular wayThere was a splendid array of food on the table.They sat before an array of microphones and cameras.array verb [T usually passive]to arrange a group of things in a particular wayA large number of magazines were arrayed on the stand.Arrayed (= Standing in a group) before him were 40 schoolchildren in purple and green.to arrange a group of soldiers in a position for fighting30. alternate verb[I usually + adverb or preposition] to happen or exist one after the other repeatedlyShe alternated between cheerfulness and deep despair.[T usually + adverb or preposition] to make something happen or exist one after the other repeatedlyHe alternated working in the office with long tours overseas.alternate adjective [before noun]with first one thing, then another thing, and then the first thing againa dessert with alternate layers of chocolate and creamIf something happens on alternate days, it happens every second dayPrivate cars are banned from the city on alternate days.US (UK alternative) An alternate plan or method is one that you can use if you do not want to use another one.alternately adverbThe film is alternately depressing and amusing.alternating adjective31.specify verb [T]to state or describe something clearly and exactlyHe said we should meet but didn't specify a time.The peace treaty clearly specifies the terms for the withdrawal of troops.[+ question word] The newspaper report did not specify how the men were killed.[+ (that)] My contract specifies (that) I must give a month's notice if I leave my job.The loan must be repaid within a specified period/by a specified date.specification noun [C or U] (informal spec)a detailed description of how something should be done, made, etc.All products are made exactly to the customer's specifications.A specification has been drawn up for the new military aircraft.a job specificationThe cars have been built to a high specification (= a high standard).32. sheet noun [C]a large thin flat especially rectangular piece of something, especially a piece of cloth used for sleeping onI've put clean sheets on the bed.a sheet of glassThey fixed a polythene/plastic sheet over the broken window.a piece of papersome sheets of wrapping paperThe application form was a single sheet of paper.a piece of paper with something printed on itThe tourist office provides a weekly information sheet about things that are happening in the town.sheet of stha large wide mass of something such as fire or ice A sheet of flame shot up into the air immediately after the explosion.A thick sheet of ice had formed over the water.sheetsa large quantity of rain The rain was coming down in sheets.33.strain verb ( SEPARA TE )[T] to separate liquid food from solid food, especially by pouring it through a utensil with small holes in itCould you strain the vegetables, please.I usually strain the juice off the pineapple and use it in another recipe.strain verb ( PRESSURE )[I or T] to become stretched or to experience pressure, or to make something do or experiencethisI've put on such a lot of weight recently - this dress is straining at the seams.I strained a muscle in my back playing squash.Don't watch TV in the dark - you'll strain your eyes![+ to infinitive] figurative I really had to strain (= try very hard) to reach those top notes.(figurative) I was straining (my ears) (= listening hard) to hear what they were saying.Compare: restrainrestrain verb [T]to control the actions or behavior of someone by force, especially in order to stop them from doing something, or to limit the growth or force of somethingWhen he started fighting, it took four police officers to restrain him.She was so angry that she could hardly restrain herself.You should try to restrain your ambitions and be more realistic.Growth in car ownership could be restrained by increasing taxes.34. motivate verb[T often passive] to cause someone to behave in a particular wayLike so many people, he's motivated by greed.He is genuinely motivated by a desire to help people.[T] to make someone want to do something well[+ to infinitive] Teaching is all about motivating people to learn.motivated adjectivea racially-motivated murderOur staff are hard-working and highly motivated (= enthusiastic).35.muddle noun [S or U]an untidy or confused stateThe documents were in a muddle.Whenever I go abroad I get in a muddle about/over (= become confused about) the money.muddle-headed adjectivenot thinking clearly or in an organized waymuddle along phrasal verbto continue doing something with no clear purpose or planDecide what you want in life - don't just muddle along.muddle through phrasal verbto manage to do something although you are not organized and do not know how to do it I'm afraid I can't help you - you'll just have to muddle through on your own.muddle sth up phrasal verbto arrange things in the wrong orderI've arranged the books alphabetically so don't muddle them up.muddle sb/sth up phrasal verbto think that a person or thing is someone or something else because they are very similar I often muddle up Richard with his brother.It's easy to muddle up some Spanish and Italian words.36.peril noun formalgreat danger, or something that is very dangerousI never felt that my life was in peril.The journey through the mountains was fraught with peril (= full of dangers). Teenagers must be warned about the perils of unsafe sex.do sth at your perilto do something that might be very dangerous for youWe underestimate the destructiveness of war at our peril.37.I would guess that this is not really much of a coincidence.: not a coincidenceI'm not much of a businessman.He is not much of a scholar.I'm not much of an interpreter, I'm afraid.I'm not much of an athlete, but I enjoy watching sports show.。
人教 七下 Unit 5 vocabulary讲解
Unit 5 Why do you like pandas(重点词汇讲解)词汇一、be from /come frombe from与come from的用法:be from = come from都表示“来自于……”,区别在于:1. be from强调状态,be动词有am/is/are等形式;肯定句结构:主语+be from +地点.如:Lily is from Japan.否定句结构:主语+be not +from +地点.如:Lily is not from Japan.一般疑问句结构:Be+主语+from+地点?如:Is Lily from Japan?2. come from强调动作。
肯定句结构:主语+come from +地点.如:He comes from the countryside.否定句结构:主语+don' t/doesn't +come from +地点.如:He doesn’t come from the countryside.一般疑问句结构:Do/Does+主语+come from+地点?如:Does he come from the countryside?词汇二、interesting/interested辨析:interesting interested①interesting用来表示“令人感兴趣的”,所修饰或说明的对象是物(sth.)例如:A koala is a kind of interesting animal. 考拉是一类很有趣的动物。
The film is very interesting. 这部电影非常有趣。
②interested 用来表示对某事物的兴趣。
主语通常为人,通常与in连用,构成短语be in terested in “……对……感兴趣”。
例如:He is interested in math. 他对数学感兴趣。
词汇三、kind/kind of/ a/all kind(s) ofkind of/a kind of/all kinds of的用法课文原句:-Why do you like pandas?-Because they are kind of interesting.讲解:kind作名词讲时意为“种类”,常见用法如下:1. a kind of意为“一种……”。
[单选]家庭承包的承包方是()。A.本集体单位以外的个人B.本集体经济组织的农户C.本集体单位以外的单位D.既可以是本集体经济组织的农户,也可以是本集体经济组织以外的单位或个人 [多选]构成现代市场经济社会调整经济关系的两大法律体系是()。A.婚姻法B.民商法C.经济法D.民事诉讼法E.其他法律 [名词解释]预舾装 [填空题]超声诊断胆囊内结石是在胆囊内显示出______。 [单选]美国著名心理学家赫茨伯格提出的理论是()。A.双因素理论B.X—Y理论C.人类需要层次理论D.成熟度理论E.以人为本理论 [单选,A1型题]下列除哪项外都是得神的表现()A.两目精彩B.面色荣润C.肌肉不削D.面色潮红E.运动自如 [填空题]水准仪的操作步骤为粗平、()、精平、读数。 [单选]CA安全认证中心可以()。A.用于在电子商务交易中实现身份认证B.完成数据加密,保护内部关键信息C.支持在线销售和在线谈判,认证用户的订单D.提供用户接入线路,保证线路的安全性 [单选]贫液流量通过()调节的。A.FV-0703B.FV-0704C.FV-0705D.FV-0707 [单选]当乘客被困电梯时,消防监控室应仔细观察电梯内情况,通过对讲系统询问被困者并予以安慰,立即通知到达现场救助被困者的是()。A.消防人员B.电梯专业人员C.公安人员D.物业维修人员 [多选]慢性浅表性胃炎的胃镜下表现为A.黏膜呈颗粒状B.红斑C.黏膜血管显露D.出血点E.色泽灰暗 [单选]不是Apgar评分范畴的体征是().A.体温B.喉反射C.心率D.呼吸E.肌张力 [单选,A1型题]最宜治湿浊中阻之呕吐的药物是()A.苏叶B.香薷C.生姜D.黄连E.藿香 [单选]监理合同的有效期是指()。A.合同约定的开始曰至完成日B.合同签订日至合同约定的完成日C.合同签订日至监理人收到监理报酬尾款日D.合同约定的开始日至工程验收合格曰 [单选]交接班时间为下班时间前()分钟到达岗位。A.15B.20C.30D.10 [单选]卫星通信中,监视和控制卫星轨道位置及姿态的是()A.地球站分系统B.跟踪遥测指令分系统C.监控管理分系统 [单选]根据矿山工程造价费用定额现行规定,施工方利用永久建筑工程和设备的费用来源由发包方负责支出的是()。A."四通一平"工程费用B.属于临时设施费范围内的永久工程发生的费用费C.利用属于直接费项下的永久工程和设备而发生的费用D.利用永久设备,其费用来源由直接定额中的机械 [单选]相同浓度的下列四种溶液,()溶液的沸点最高。Al2(SO4)3B.CaCl2C.MgSO4D.HAc [名词解释]唤醒理论 [单选]下列有关国务院行政机构的说法哪一项是错误的?()A.国务院办事机构协助国务院总理办理专门事项B.国务院直属机构主管国务院的某项专门业务C.在特殊情况下,国务院议事协调机构有权自行规定采取临时性行政管理措施D.国务院组成部门管理的国家行政机构主管特定业务 [单选,A1型题]下列有关认知训练的表述正确的是()A.治疗师使用模仿、角色扮演帮助患者演示未来生活B.治疗师帮助患者在情景中学会应对策略C.认知训练能够改变患者的自动思维D.通过认知训练治疗师能够发现患者的歪曲认知E.通过认知训使患者掌握更合理的思维和行为方式 [单选]疲劳极限σ-1一般相当于极限强度σb的()。A、30%B、50%C、70%D、80% [单选]关于胎动次数,下述哪项提示胎儿缺氧()A.胎动<30次/12hB.胎动<25次/12hC.胎动<20次/12hD.胎动<15次/12hE.胎动<10次/12h [判断题]银行卡按币种不同,可分为人民币卡、外币卡。A.正确B.错误 [单选,A1型题]人体消灭结核杆菌主要依靠的细胞是()A.中性粒细胞B.嗜酸性粒细胞C.浆细胞D.B淋巴细胞E.巨噬细胞 [单选]下列指标中,属于分析企业资产流动情况的是()。A.应收账款周转率B.资产净利润率C.已获利息倍数D.市盈率 [单选]气体分馏装置四停事故中,()对装置威胁最大。A、停电B、停汽C、停水D、停风 [填空题]自匈奴以来,先后统治过蒙古草原的()、()、()、()等,都没有留下来成为当地的主体民族。 [单选,A1型题]维生素D缺乏性佝偻病最可靠的早期诊断指标是()A.日光照射不足及维生素D摄入不足的病史B.烦躁不安、夜惊、多汗等神经精神症状C.血钙、磷、碱性磷酸酶水平异常D.长骨X线检查异常及骨骼畸形E.血25-(OH)-VD3与1,25-(OH)2-VD3水平下降 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]药物A的血浆蛋白结合率(fu)为0.02,恒速滴注达稳态后的血中药物浓度为2μg/ml。这时联用药物B,当A、B药都达稳态时,药物A的fu上升到0.06,其血中药物总浓度变为0.67μg/ml,已知药物A的药理效应与血中非结合型药物浓度成比例,药物A、B之间没有药理学 [单选]无土栽培时,水基质的一大缺点是()。A、使用方便B、pH值适中C、水质较纯净D、通气条件差,含氧量不够 [单选]餐饮、商店等商业设施通过有顶棚的步行街连接,步行街两侧的建筑利用步行街进行安全疏散,且步行街采用自然排烟设施。自然排烟口的有效面积不应小于其地面面积的()%。A.2B.5C.10D.25 [单选]装置1.0Mpa和0.3MPa蒸汽同时中断的处理方法,下列哪项是正确的()。A、降量维持操作B、装置紧急停工C、停进出物料,装置改全回流操作D、正常操作没有影响 [单选]在销售人员管理的决策中,企业要解决的首要问题是()A、设计销售队伍策略和结构B、招募和选拔销售人员C、培训销售人员D、奖励销售人员 [单选]平面投影又称方位投影,其中透视点在球心的心射投影在航海上常被用来绘制()。A.大圆海图B.大比例尺港湾图C.极区海图D.以上都是 [填空题]在大约1400万年前,由于气候和地质条件的变化,森林地带的树木大批死亡,使一部分古猿不得不改变生活方式,下到地面寻找食物,逐渐能够(),并开始使用石块和木棒等天然工具。 [单选]关于胰岛素治疗糖尿病,下列何者是错误的()A.适用于1型糖尿病B.适用于2型糖尿病饮食控制和口服降糖药物仍控制不良者C.是抢救急性严重代谢紊乱中的关键药物D.适用于有严重急慢性并发症者E.妊娠时糖尿病病情减轻,不需要用胰岛素或减少剂量 [单选]用三针测量法可测量螺纹的()。A、大径B、小径C、中径D、螺距 [单选,A型题]下列关于药典叙述错误的是()A、药典是一个国家记载药品规格和标准的法典B、药典由国家药典委员会编写C、药典由政府颁布施行,具有法律约束力D、药典中收载已经上市销售的全部药物和制剂E、一个国家药典在一定程度上反映这个国家药品生产、医疗和科技水平 [单选]政府对于未来的谋划、安排和部署被称为()。A.统筹B.计划C.规划D.展望
新unit 5 vocabulary
recover v. 恢复,痊愈; recoverable adj. 可重新获得的,可找回的。
Recovery:恢复, 痊愈, 防御
---ry 名词后缀,表示 ①行为状态、情况性质; rivalry 竞争; outlawry 逍遥法外; artistry 艺术性; gentry 绅士阶级; ②…学、术、行业; forestry林业学; dentistry 牙医术;carpentry 木工业; machinery机械类; ③场所,工作处,library; bakery面包店; laundry 洗衣房;dormitory 宿舍;
The company _____ the rock group's new record by playing it often on the radio. A. promised B. promoted C. progressed D. proceeded
答案B。公司在电台反复播放摇滚乐队新唱片以 进行促销。promote 促进,促销。
Jack talks about his trip to China all the time (at all times) , and his friends are tired of it. 杰克总是谈论他 的中国之行,他的朋友都听厌了。
for the sake of …
1) in
pro-British 亲英的。
para2: 例: Routine: regular 日常例行的 a. We spend a lot of time
performing mindless routine tasks. 我们花费大量的时间完成毫无意义的 例行任务。
Unit5-Reading-vocabulary1.o nline article网络文章2.g et used to the magic of virtual reality习惯于虚拟现实的魔力3.s tep inside a computer world走进一个计算机的世界4.t hanks to sth.多亏某事5.a s if it were…就好像是……6.a special laptop一个特殊的手提7.p ut on the headset戴上耳机8.s ee the image as one picture把图像看成是一幅图9.w ear a special data glove戴上一个特殊数据手套10.r each out and touch things售出手臂去碰物体11.a rtificial world人造的世界12.e nable sb. to do使某人有能力干……13.i n the future未来14.i n future从今往后15.d istinguish A from B区分A和B16.n ot just for entertainment不只是娱乐17.d elighted children高兴的孩子们18.b e thrilled to learn geography兴奋地学习地理19.o bserve and inspect sth.观察和检查某物20.t he pyramids of Egypt埃及金字塔21.h and-feeding friendly dinosaurs用手喂养友善的恐龙in addition而且22.d esign a car设计一辆车23.v irtual machines虚拟汽车24.b e manufactured in metal用金属来生产25.d espite sth.尽管某事26.c oncerned critics and architects忧虑的批评家和建筑师27.p owerful new medium强有力的性手段28.c ommit crimes犯罪29.r eturn to reality回到现实30.o n the other hand,在另外一方面31.i mprove the world改善世界32.b y experimenting…通过做实验33.h armlessly adv.无害地34.a void doing避免干……35.t here is no doubt that…毫无疑问……36.t here are some problems with sth.某物有问题……37.o ne thing is for sure有一件事确定无疑38.s th. is here to stay某物已经存在了39.g et ready to do…愿意干……;准备好干……40.c onstruct v.-construction n.建造。
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9. passers-by 合成词构成复数是一般 在前面加复数: lookers-on 旁观者 sons-in-law 女婿 ※但是由man或woman构成的合成 词, 复数前后的词都要加复数。
men-doctors women-servants
10. earn vt. 赚, 获得 He has earned a lot of money this month. You have earned a holiday!
6. honest adj. 诚实的
dishonest adj.不诚实的
n. 忠实
be honest with sb.
I will be honest with you.
to be honest 说实在的,老实说
7. attach vt. 1) 装上,贴上,系上[(+to)] He'll attach the label to your luggage. 他会把标签系在你的行李上。 2) 使依附;使附属[(+to)] This hospital is attached to the medical college nearby.
You can't rely on the weather. 这天气可靠不住。
信任: You may rely on me to help you. 你可以信赖我,我会帮助你的。
18. be/get familiar with 对...熟悉起来 I’m familiar with this song.
3. musician 音乐家 (person who makes music by playing or conducting) music → musical → musician 音乐n. 音乐的adj. 音乐家n.
4. dream of / about (doing) sth 梦见, 梦想…
13. performance n. 表演,演出 performer n. 表演者 perform v. 表演,履行,执行,表现 They put on a performance last night. What play will be performed tomorrow? Perform your promise One should perform one’s duty.
earn one’s livingቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ= make one’s living 谋生 他不得不靠写作为生。
11. extra adj. 额外的, 特别的 I have extra work to do on Sunday. I want clothes of extra fine quality. adv. 额外地, 特别地 我今天早上起的特别早。 I got up extra early this morning.
The band is formed of one girl and two boys. =The band is made up of one girl and two boys.
Ice, snow and steam are different forms of water. Please fill the form.
Unit 5 Vocabulary
1. roll v. 翻身, 打滚, 卷起 n. 卷状物 We’re just going to roll our sleeves ___ and get on with it. A. over B. up C. down D. out
The dog rolled on the floor.
15. play jokes / a joke on … 开玩笑, 戏弄某人 He is a serious man, don’t play jokes on him. play tricks/ a trick on… make fun of… laugh at…
17. rely on/upon v. 依赖, 依靠
attached middle school
attach importance to 重视,看重 Her parents attach great importance to education.
to 是介词,后面接名词词组或动名词。
8. form v. 组成, 制作, 养成, 培养 n.形状,外形,形式,表格 常用结构: form the habit of 养成……的习惯 in the form of 以……形式
dream of a better future dream of becoming famous When she was young, she dreamt of being a
doctor in the future.
5. pretend vt.
假扮;假装;[+ (not) to-v][+(that)] He pretended that he was innocent. 他假装无辜。 He pretended to be friendly with me. 他假装对我友善。
在体育老师的帮助下我们组成了一 支篮球队。 With the help of our PE teacher, we form a basketball team. 结果, 他养成了周末去打猎的习惯。 As a result, he forms the habit of hunting on weekends.
be familiar to sb. This song is familiar to me.
The surgeon has performed the operation.
14. pay (sb.) in cash (for sth.) 给现金; 现金支付
Can I pay you in cash for my meal? 我可以用现金付饭钱吗?
How are you going to pay, in cash or by credit card?