The Environment of Management.ppt




1. Overview of ADB Loan Project 亚行贷款项目概述
Environmental Safeguard Policy Experience 环境保障政策经验
ADB's "Environmental Policy" makes sure the principles of integrating environmental protection into ADB's various operations. 亚行的《环境政策》确定了将环境保护融入亚行各项业务的原则。
ADB Loan Project Environmental Management Manual
亚行贷款项目 环境管理工作手册
*本课程材料中所述观点为作者观点,不一定代表亚洲开发银行、亚行理事会或其代表的政府的观点和政策。亚 洲开发银行不担保本课件中所含数据的准确性,而且对使用这些数据所产生的后果不承担责任。使用术语“国别” 不代表作者或亚洲开发银行对任何地域实体的合法性或其它法律地位的任何判断。
1. Overview of ADB Loan Project 亚行贷款项目概述
Current Safeguard Policy 现行保障政策
Impacts are identified and assessed early in the project cycle 在项目早期阶段识别和评估项目影响
In the early stage of project implementation, the construction unit needs to carry out field investigations and survey research, and prepare well-conceived construction plan to ensure the successful project implementation. 项目实施前期,施工单位需要深入开展实地勘察和调查研 究,并制订周密的施工计划,保证项目成功实施。



Risk control
Analyze potential risks, develop response measures, and ensure organizational safety.
Feedback and improvement
Collect feedback information, continuously improve management methods and processes.
Managerial Skills
Strategic vision
With a broad vision and the ability to plan for the long term.
Decision making ability
Scientifically analyze problems and make decisive decisions.
Communication and coordination skills
Good at communication and able to coordinate the interests of all parties.
Unleash team potential and lead the team to grow together.
Establish an effective information communication mechanism to ensure the accuracy and timeliness of information transmission.
Motivation and Communication


The Yellow River is under the double pressure of pollution and disconnection. 66.7% of the rivers monitored were of class Ⅳ water quality. The main pollution indexes are ammonia nitrogen, volatile phenol, permanganate index and biochemical oxygen demand.
1. Pollution status
According to the Bulletin of China's Environmental conditions, air quality in cities in China was still in a relatively heavy level of pollution in 1997, while cities in the north were heavier than those in the south (see figure 3-1). The annual average concentration of sulfur dioxide is in the range of 3 ~ 248 μ g / m ~ (-3), and the national annual average is 66 μ g / m ~ (-3). More than half of the cities in the north and the top 1/3 cities in the south have an annual average of more than 60 micrograms per meter. The annual average of north city is 72 μ g / m ~ (-3) and that of southern city is 60 μ g / m ~ (3). The pollution of sulfur dioxide in cities of southwest high sulfur coal region represented by Yibin, Guiyang and Chongqing, and the cities of Shanxi, Shandong, Hebei, Liaoning, Inner Mongolia, Henan and Shaanxi provinces with large energy consumption in the north are more serious.

02.Environmental Planning and Management

02.Environmental Planning and Management

1) biophysical environment;
2) socio-economic environment; and
3) built environment.
Elements of Environmental Planning (1/3) Environmental Planning concerns itself with the decision-making processes where they are required for managing relationships that exist within and between natural systems and human systems.
Environmental Planning & Manronmental Planning Elements of Environmental Planning Environmental Management Elements of Environmental Management
Environmental Planning endeavors to manage these processes in an effective, orderly, transparent and equitable manner for the benefit of all constituents within such systems for the present and for the future.
Environmental Management (2/4) Environmental management involves the management of all components of the biophysical environment, both living and nonliving. The environment management also involves the relationships of the human environment, such as the social, cultural and economic environment with the biophysical environment. Three main issues are politics (networking), programs (projects), and resources (money, facilities, etc.).

罗宾斯管理学章节课件 (4)

罗宾斯管理学章节课件 (4)
Commodity costs are just one of the many volatile economic factors facing organizations. Managers need to be aware of the economic context so they can make the best decisions for their organizations.
3 -5
In reality, managers are neither all-powerful nor helpless. But their decisions and actions are constrained.
As you can see in Exhibit 3-1, external constraints come from the organization’s environment and internal constraints come from the organization’s culture.
posters, pictures, photos, style of dress, etc. How would you characterize the people who work there ? Are they
formal? Casual? Serious? Jovial? Open?
➢The demographic component is concerned with trends in population characteristics such as age, race, gender, education level, geographic location, income, and family composition.


空气污染水污染大气污染的介 绍英文
Ecological environment 生态环境 Desertification 荒漠化 Salinization 盐碱化 Offscum 废渣 Mining 采矿业 Biological chain 生物链 Biodiversity 生物多样性 Wastewater 污水
ozone depletion 臭氧枯竭 Afforestation 造林
Adsorption 吸附
Photosynthesis 光合作用
photochemical smog光化雾 Phosphorus 磷
Filtration 过滤
sulfur dioxide: from burning of coal and oil. nitrogen dioxide: from high temperature combustion. Carbon monoxide: incomplete combustion
of fuel such as natural gas, coal or wood. Vehicular exhaust is a major source. Carbon dioxide: a greenhouse gas emitted from combustion. Chlorofluorocarbons含氟氯烃: harmful to the ozone layer emitted from products banned from use. Particulate matter: produced by gaseous primary pollutants and compounds in photochemical smog.



Part 4 Organizing
Chapter 10 Organizational Structure and Design
Defining organizational structure Organizational design decisions Common organizational designs
The decision-making process The pervasiveness of decision making The manager as decision maker
Part 3 Planning(Cont’d)
Chapter 7 Foundations of Planning
Part 5 Leading(Cont’d)
Chapter 15 Understanding Groups and Teams
Understanding group behavior Turning group into effective teams Developing and managing effective teams
Part 6 Controlling(Cont’d)
Chapter 20 Controlling for Organizational Performance
Organizational performance Tools for monitoring and measuring



Environmental protection is crucial for maintaining the health and well being of humans and other living organizations A clean and safe environment is necessary for basic human needs such as clean water, air, and land
The main sources of radio active contamination are nuclear power plants, nuclear weapons testing, and the proposal of radio active waste
Radioactive coordination has caused serious damage to human health and has become a global environmental issue
Avoiding buying products made from endangered animals or plants
Support companies that use sustainable practices in their operations
Participate in local wildlife protection programs or events
Environmental protection has been an ongoing concern for many disciplines The first Earth Day was cellular in 1970, sparking a wave of environmental activism and promoting governments to pass environmental laws and regulations to address pollution and resource exploration


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Exhibit 1-8 Changes Facing Managers
Exhibit 1-8 shows some of the most important changes facing managers.
Types of Roles
• Interpersonal – Figurehead, leader, liaison
• Informational – Monitor, disseminator, spokesperson
• Decisional – Entrepreneur, disturbance handler, resource allocator, negotiator
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Exhibit 1-1 Levels of Management
Exhibit 1-1 shows that in traditionally structured organizations, managers can be classified as first-line, middle, or top.
Exhibit 1-2 Characteristics of Organizations
Exhibit 1-2 shows the three common characteristics of organizations: distinct purpose, deliberate structure, and people.
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Environmental Protection is crucial for safeguarding the health of ecosystems, maintaining biodiversity, and ensuring sustainable development It also plays a vital role in addressing the impact of human activities on the environment and mitigating the negative sequences of climate change
Strengthening noise management, optimizing urban planning, promoting low-noise equipment, etc. are effective measures to control noise pollution.
Ecological protection and sustainable development
PPT courseware for Environmental Protection Englis
Overview of Environmental ProtectionEnvironmental pollution and controlEcological protection and sustainable developmentEnvironmental laws, regulations, and policiesPublic participation and environmental education

management 企业管理类英文版PPT课件 (9)

management 企业管理类英文版PPT课件 (9)

“General Welfare” Clause
• Originally controversial, the “General
Welfare” clause conferred on Congress broad powers to tax and spend for the general welfare of the United States.[1]
Chapter 3 Legal Framework for Financing Public Education
Federal Role in Education
• The federal government has a
long precedent of providing education programs, funds, & initiatives to the states • Without federal intervention, many initiatives may not have been started, and many injustices would have continued longer
• • •

• •
A Historical & Legal perspective and Guiding principles regarding Taxation Equal protection State & Federal Constitutional language Adequacy Vouchers and charter schools Tuition tax credits
Federal Involvement in Education ONLY When…



Introduction to the Environmental Management System Mode What is an Environmental Management System (EMS)? An EMS is a system that uses comprehensive, systematic, planned and documented management processes and procedures that allow a school district to identify, analyze, control and reduce the impact of its activities and services on human health and the environment. An EMS provides a systems approach based on the Deming model of “plan, do, check and act”.The model provided in this IPM module is based on the EMS standard developed by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) for the ISO 14001 Standard. Established in 1996, this framework is the official international standard and the most commonly used framework for an EMS. The model was used for industry and businesses.In 2006, as part of a national effort by EPA and a statewide effort by MassDEP, Lynn Rose worked with Madeline Snow of the University of Massachusetts Lowell, PEER Center1 to adapt this model for use by schools and municipalities in Massachusetts. We are using this modified version to guide the design of this IPM Module.1 The PEER Center at UMass is one of several centers across the country funded by the U.S. EPA to assist the implementation of EMSs.What are the Three Key EMS Commitments?What are the basic activities involved in developing and implementing the framework of an EMS?∙analyzing the environmental impacts of a facility’s operations;∙identifying environmental legal and compliance requirements of the facility’s processes, and benchmarking the status of the facility’s compliance;∙setting environmental objectives and targets to reduce environmental impacts and comply with legal and compliance requirements;∙identifying roles and responsibilities to ensure employees’ awareness and competence and integration into all aspects of operations;∙establishing environmental management plans and a training program to meet these objectives and targets;∙monitoring and measuring progress in achieving the objectives and targets;∙auditing progress of the EMS and making improvements.This framework helps a school achieve its environmental goals through consistent control of its operations. It addresses immediate and long-term impacts of its services and processes on the environmentHow can we use the EMS framework to address IPM in our schools?The EMS process guides participants to develop Environmental Management Plans (EMP) for each of the environmental media it has to address. Thus, this Integrated Pest Management (IPM) module can fit into the framework of an existing EMS or be used as a stand alone management plan.What are the main phases of an EMS that have been utilized in this module?1. Commitment and PolicyAdministration commits to environmental improvement and establishes anenvironmental policy which is the foundation of the EMS. Each environmentalmanagement plan (see below) also has a policy (e.g. IPM Policy) which guidesthe activities in the plan.2. Planning – Developing Environmental Management Plans (EMP)The school identifies a stakeholder group, develops a policy, benchmarks theschool district’s compliance and related issues, and identifies objectives andtargets to address. An objective is an environmental goal (e.g., minimize use ofpesticides). A target is a detailed, quantified requirement that arises from theobjectives (e.g., reduce use of pesticides by 25% by September 2014).The final part of the planning stage is developing an action plan called an EMP(e.g. IPM Environmental Management Plan), for meeting the objectives andtargets. This involves designating responsibilities, establishing a schedule, andoutlining clearly defined steps to meet the targets.3. ImplementationThe EMP is implemented using the necessary resources (human, financial, etc.).It involves:a.employee training and awarenessb.operational controls (e.g. standard operating procedures, vendorcontracts, etc.) to plan and manage your operations and activities in linewith your policy, objectives and targetsc.emergency preparedness and response for identifying potentialemergencies, and developing procedures for preventing and respondingto them.d.documentation of activities and datae.recordkeepingf.internal and external lines of communication.4. Monitoring and EvaluationThis involves monitoring key activities and tracking performance to determineif specific targets are being met.For an IPM Environmental Management Plan, this can involve assessment ofboth the IPM Plan and the conditions related to pest management in thebuilding, for example:a.An annual building inspection to determine if the IPM plan is beingfollowed, and to identify structural, sanitary and behavioral problemsthat need to be addressed.b.An annual review of the IPM Plan, IPM contractor services andservice reports etc. to determine if the IPM strategy is beingimplemented as planned and what the outcome of that strategy is. Arepests being reduced? Are identified necessary building improvementsbeing remediated? Are staff members following policy and workpractices? Is the IPM contractor complying with the contract and anyinvolved regulations?5. Periodic Audit and ReviewAdministrators review the results of monitoring and evaluation data to see ifthe EMS is working and to determine whether the original environmentalpolicy is meeting the goal. Aspects of the program or systems are then revisedto optimize the effectiveness of the EMS. The review stage creates a loop ofcontinuous improvement for a school.6. Corrective and Preventative ActionThrough the use of data from inspections, monitoring, and periodic EMS auditand review; you identify and correct problems, and prevent their recurrence.The goal is to ensure your EMS and EMPs are operating as intended, and thatthere is continual improvement.What are the benefits of an EMS? An EMS provides tools to help manage your organization's environmental impacts efficiently and effectively and to improve environmental stewardship across the entire organization. Organizations who have implemented an EMS have realized the following benefits:∙cost savings;∙reduced risk;∙increased operational efficiency;∙positive external relations and public image;∙improved communication;∙greater employee stewardship;shared environmental solutions.Resources Environmental Protection Agency - /ems/2.Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection –/dep/about/priorities/overview.htm3.Wikipedia - /ems/4.Environmental Management Systems: An Implementation Guide for Small andMedium Sized Organizations (PDF)。


• Explain the four steps in managing external stakeholder relationships.
The Manager: Omnipotent or Symbolic?
• Omnipotent View of Management管理万能论
– Managers are directly responsible for an organization’s success or failure.
• 文化力作为个人之魂、群体组织之魂、国 家之魂的外化,既是国家精神力量和智力 水平的综合反映,又是群体组织精神力量 和智能水准的有力表征;既是综合国力的 重要构成要素,又是综合群体组织力的重 要组成部分。无论对群体组织和整体社会 来讲,文化力都是一种内在的强大的驱动 力。
L E A R N I N G O U T L I N E (cont’d)
• Current Organizational Cultural Issues Facing Managers
• Describe the characteristics of an ethical culture, an innovative culture, and a customer-responsive culture.
managers. • Explain the source of an organization’s culture. • Describe how culture is transmitted to employees. • Describe how culture affects managers.
– “The way we do things around here.” • Values, symbols, rituals, myths, and practices价 值观、信条、意识、神化、惯例

环境工程 英文PPT

环境工程 英文PPT

然而,今天的工程师不再是不受关注的伦理问 题。科学家和工程师看待世界与客观的技术工 具,但往往面临需求的响应其技术工具可能不 足的问题。在某些情况下,所有的选择一个特 定的工程解决方案包括“不道德”的元素。工 程师从事污染控制,或以任何的活动,撞击在 自然的环境中,环境伦理接口。环境伦理学本 身涉及的人对其他生物和对自然环境,以及与 他们对彼此的态度的态度。
Natural environment
Built environment
Ethics: 伦理

Today, however, the engineer is no longer free from concern for ethical questions. Scientists and engineers look at the world objectively with technical tools, but often face questions that demand responses for which technical tools may be insufficient. In some cases all the alternatives to a particular engineering solution include “unethical” elements. Engineers engaged in pollution control, or in any activity that impinges on the natural environment, interface with environmental ethics. An environmental ethic concerns itself with the attitude of people toward other living things and toward the natural environment, as well as with their attitudes toward each other.



Assessment by yourself 自我评估
Describe your organization
Efficiency? Effectiveness? Successful?
Discussion 讨论
Mintzberg’s roles 明茨伯格角色论
Interpersonal 人际关系



Informational 信息沟通
Monitor 信息收集人

top managers
work teem
work teem
work teem
work teem
work teem
work teem
The horizontal corporation
Organization structure depends on work processes not function departments
Vertical structure flattening, only a few senior managers in traditional function departments such as financial and human resource sections.


• Challenges and solutions for garbage classification: raising public awareness, improving regulatory systems, and strengthening regulatory efforts.
The development of environmental protection
With the continuous progress of technology and the improvement of environmental awareness, environmental protection has gone through a development process from end of pipe governance to source control, from single means to comprehensive implementation.
Basic knowledge of environmental protection
Ecosystem and Biodiversity
The composition and function of ecosystems
including biological communities, non biological environments, and their interactions.
At the same time, with the rapid development of clean energy, circular economy, green technology and other fields, new solutions and development opportunities have been provided for environmental protection.

环境保护Environment(PPT 35页)

环境保护Environment(PPT 35页)

Now !
The rainforest is being destroyed!
o One reason is the The ther one is the
forest fire.
Human destruction of
They wanted to exploit more arable land to supply them with food and also many people wanted to make money
The end
• Social services: Conversion to agricultural lห้องสมุดไป่ตู้nd,
Cultivated foods and spices, Pharmaceutical and biodiversity resource, Tourism
Some kinds of the species
by the charcoal left after the fire
This fire was made by
people who lived
Thick smoke hang over the forest
This series of images
shows aerosols over the Amazon
rainforest contains the uncountable kinds
of species.
Rainforest is the lung of the earth
This is the distribution of the rainforest onEarth



Loss of soil fertility and productivity
Changes in soil chemistry and biology
Groundwater pollution and soil erosion
Global Warming
Causes of Global Warming Emission of greenhouse gases: CO2, methane, nitrogen oxide
The industrial revolution has broken about rapid economic
growth, but also caused environmental pollution and
resource waste
The large amount of emissions from factories and power plants has serially pooled the air, water,
Importance of environmental protection
Environmental protection is crucial for safeguarding human health and well being
It attributes to the conservation of natural resources and biodiversity, ensuring sustainable use of ecosystems
Background of the issue
The global community has recognized the urgent need to address environmental challenges to ensure sustainable development
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– Rise of the factory system
– Issues regarding structure, training, and employee satisfaction
• Large, complex organizations required new approaches to coordination and control
Scientific Manage来自ent• Improve efficiency and labor productivity through scientific methods
• Frederick Winslow Taylor proposed that workers “could be retooled like machines”
2.4 Theory X and Theory Y
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Humanistic Perspective: Behavioral Sciences Approach
organizing, commanding, coordinating, and controlling • 14 general principles of management; many still used today:
– Unity of command – Division of work – Unity of direction – Scalar chain
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2.2 Characteristics of Scientific Management
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Bureaucratic Organizations
• Max Weber, a German theorist, introduced the concepts
• Manage organized on an impersonal, rational basis • Organization depends on rules and records • Managers use power instead of personality to
Copyright © 2012 by South-Western, a division of Cengage Learning. All rights reserved.
Recent Trends: Systems Thinking
• The ability to see the distinct elements of a situation as well as the complexities
Chapter 2
The Evolution of Management Thinking
Management and Organization
Studying management history helps your conceptual skills
• Social Forces – influence of culture that guides people and relationships
Humanistic Perspective: Human Resources Perspective
• From worker participation and considerate leadership to managing work performance
• Combine motivation with job design
– The relationship among the parts form the whole system
• Other strategies based on behavioral science:
– Matrix Organizations – Self-Managed Teams – Corporate Culture – Management by Wandering Around
Copyright © 2012 by South-Western, a division of Cengage Learning. All rights reserved.
performance • Employees performed better when managers
treated them positively • Strongly shaped management practice and
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2.3 Characteristics of Weberian Bureaucracy
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Administrative Principles
Quantitative Perspective
• Also referred to as management science • Use of mathematics and statistics to aid
management decision making
– Enhanced by development and growth of the computer
• Management decisions would be based on precise procedures based on study
• Henry Gantt developed the Gantt Chart to measure and plan work
• The Gilbreth’s pioneered time and motion studies to promote efficiency
• Political Forces – influence of political and legal institutions
• Economic Forces – the availability, production, and distribution of resources
Copyright © 2012 by South-Western, a division of Cengage Learning. All rights reserved.
• Maslow and McGregor extended and challenged current theories
– Maslow’s Hierarchy
– Theory X and Theory Y
Copyright © 2012 by South-Western, a division of Cengage Learning. All rights reserved.
• Three subfields: scientific management, bureaucratic organizations, and administrative principles
Copyright © 2012 by South-Western, a division of Cengage Learning. All rights reserved.
• Operations Management focuses on the physical production of goods and services
• Information technology focuses on technology and software to aid managers
Copyright © 2012 by South-Western, a division of Cengage Learning. All rights reserved.
Humanistic Perspective: Early Advocates
• Mary Parker Follett and Chester Barnard • Understand human behaviors, needs, and
• Focused on the entire organization • Henri Fayol, a French mining engineer, was a major
contributor • Identified five functions of management: planning,
attitudes in the workplace • Importance of people rather than engineering
techniques: contrast to scientific management • Empowerment: facilitating instead of controlling • Recognition of the informal organization • Introduced acceptance theory of authority