New Zealand


高一英语必修四知识点重点解析:New Zealand

高一英语必修四知识点重点解析:New Zealand

高一英语必修四知识点重点解析:New Zealand【导语】心无旁骛,全力以赴,争分夺秒,坚强拼搏脚踏实地,不骄不躁,长风破浪,直济沧海,我们,注定成功!作者高一频道为大家推荐《高一英语必修四知识点重点解析:New Zealand》期望对你的学习有帮助!一、课文背景知识“新西兰人分别来自许多不同的文化背景,同时以热情和友善而享誉国际,美丽的田园、清洁的环境、健康的生活方式以及多元文化社区使新西兰成为来自世界各地移民的理想国家。


1997年,在一项对全球高级管理人员进行的调查中,新西兰的奥克兰市在最爱好居住的城市中名列第二;一项由全球的人力资源公司william M. Mercer 进行的全球生活素养城市的研究报告中指出,新西兰的奥克兰市的生活素养排名全球第五,与悉尼、日内瓦、哥本哈根等齐名;另外,由加拿大 Fraser Institute 研究所、美国和新加坡并列为全球最自由的经济体,而新西兰则紧随其后,名列第二,第三到第十位分别是:美国、英国、爱尔兰、加拿大、澳大利亚、荷兰、卢森堡及瑞士。





New Zealand英文介绍

New Zealand英文介绍

New ZealandNew Zealand is an island that lies off the eastern(southeast) coast of Australia.It is made up of two large islands:North Island and South Island.New Zealand is surrounded by the Pacific Ocean to the north and east,and the Tasman Sea to the south and west.It is about the same size as the Philippines.Wellington,the capital city,lies on the North Island.Other important cities are Auckland in the north,Christchurch on the South Island and Queenstown,further to the south.New Zealand has a mild sea climate,while the north is subtropical.It rains quite a lot.The warmest months are December to February.The coldest months are June to August.The ocean and seas surrounding the islands are deep blue and many of New Zealand's cities lie on a bay and have a natural deep harbour.The sand beaches in New Zealand are also very clean.New Zealand has a very beautiful natural landscape with green hills and mountains.Some of the mountains are dead volcanoes.The North Island is famous for an area of hot springs,some of which throw hot water high into the air.Some of this heat near the earth's surface is used to make electricity.There are many plants and animals that only live in New Zealand.The most famous animal is a little bird that cannot fly.It is called a kiwi and it is New Zealand's national bird.The Maori were the earliest people to come to New Zealand.When they discovered it about 1000 years ago,they called it Aotearoa,which means ‘Land of the long white cloud'.The Maori came from the islands of Polynesia in the Pacific.It is some 3500 kilometers from Polynesia to New Zealand,which they traveled in narrow boats.They brought dogs,rats and plants with them and settled mainly on the North Island where the weather was warmer.Around 1421,Chinese sailors discovered the islands on one of their voyages around the world.The Dutchman Abel Tasman named the islands New Zealand in 1642.More than 120 years later,Captain James Cook took possession of the islands in 1769 and from that time British people started to settle in New Zealand.By 1840 about 2000 Europeans,mainly British,had come to settle in New Zealand and the Maori signed an agreement with these settlers.That day is still celebrated as a national holiday.It is every year on the sixth of February.Today there are still many people in New Zealand who call England ‘the home country',although it is a place where most of them have never been.400 words.。

New Zealand 新西兰简介 英语国家概况

New Zealand 新西兰简介 英语国家概况

Voted for Change: John Key celebrates National Party's victory during New Zealand General election in Auckland, Nov. 8, 2008.
John Key
The economy of New Zealand largely relies on overseas trade because it lacks many mineral resources and has only discovered small reserves of oil. It needs to import minerals to keep its economy running. Other
The Clutha : the largest river, 336 km long in the South Island.
Lady Knox Geyser: The
north central region of New Zealand’s North Island is an area of active volcanism. In addition to three active volcanoes, there are geysers, like the Lady Knox Geyser, mud pools, and hot springs.
The European history begins in the 17th century. Abel Tasman: a Dutch navigator, the first European to visit New Zealand in 1642



New Zealand is a developed country with a market economy. New Zealand is a high-income economy and ranks highly in international comparisons of national performance, such as health, education, economic freedom and quality of life. The Prime Minister, is currently John Key. Queen Elizabeth II is the country's head of state and is represented by a Governor-General.
$10 – Kate Sheppard and the Whio ( Blue Duck ) $20 – Queen Elizabeth II and the Karearea ( New Zealand Falcon ) $50 – Sir Apirana Ngata and the Kokako ( Blue Crow ) $100 – Lord Rutherford of Nelson and the Mohua ( Yellowhead )
3. Landforms
Diversity of physical geography a.wide variation in landscape glaciers, fiords, mountains, plains, hillsides, forests, plateau, beaches
b.Mountains: 1/5 of North Island & 2/3 of South Island volcanoes: Extinct Ruapehu the highest Mount Cook (the highest mountain)



新西兰介绍英文带翻译Introduction to New Zealand。

New Zealand is a country located in the southwestern Pacific Ocean. It is made up of two main islands, the North Island and the South Island, as well as numerous smaller islands. The country has a diverse landscape, ranging from snow-capped mountains to sandy beaches, and is known forits stunning natural beauty.新西兰介绍。




New Zealand is located in the southern hemisphere and is situated approximately 1,500 kilometers east ofAustralia. The country has a total land area of 268,021 square kilometers, with a coastline that stretches for15,134 kilometers. The North Island is the smaller of the two main islands, with a land area of 113,729 square kilometers, while the South Island is larger, with a land area of 151,215 square kilometers.地理。

7.New Zealand

7.New Zealand

Social and Economic Changes in 1880s and 1890s
Economic depression in 1880s brought about social and economic changes. ---the first country granting votes to women in 1893. ---Wages were regulated and old-age pensions began in 1898. ---Maori political leaders started a Maori renaissance under the influence of the Maori King Movement and religious prophets. ---health and welfare of the Maori were improved and the Maori population rose.
The North Island is known for its active volcanic mountains and its hot springs. Ruapehu reaches its highest peak at 2797m
The South Island has the Southern Alps along its west coast, with Mount Cook (3754 m) the highest point, which lies in the centre of the southern Alps.
New Zealand: population density
A traditional Māori village



说一说:新西 兰的自然地理 环境特征?
总的来说,新西兰的气 候比较温和湿润。 南岛的内陆高山地区冬 季可达到零下10度左右。 1月份和2月份是全年最 温暖的月份,而7月份则是 最冷的月份。
新西兰位于两大地 理板块――太平洋板 块和印度洋板块交界 线上。整个北岛和南 岛的一部分坐落在印 度洋板块上,南岛的 其它部分则位于太平 洋板块上。由于这些 板块不断移动,相互 碰撞,因此新西兰的 地质活动十分活跃。
(冰川徒步 ) ( 冰川近景 )
新西兰喜欢与客人谈论有关国内外政治、天气和体育等话题。 他们喜欢那些了解他们文化的来访者。应回避的话题是种族 问题。不要把新西兰作为澳洲或“澳大利亚”的一部分。
新西兰人在社交场合与客人相见 和分手时都握手。和妇女相见时,要 等对方伸出手再施握手礼。他们也施 鞠躬礼的,不过鞠躬方式独具一格, 要抬头挺胸地鞠躬。新西兰的毛利人 会见客人的最高礼节是施“碰鼻礼”, “碰鼻礼”在毛利语里叫作“洪吉”。 碰鼻子的次数越多,时间越长,礼就 越重。
天空塔坐落在奥克兰的市中心 是南半球的最高建筑
充满碎冰的冰河 新 西兰的南阿尔卑斯山上有许多条冰河,数 千年以来,移动的冰块形成了壮观的冰河, 近距离观赏这些冰河对登山者和徒步者来 说并非难事。作为游客,您可以步行走上 冰河,也可以乘直升飞机登上冰河,然后 再慢慢走下来。新西兰奶源目前是世界上 最安全的奶源,无口蹄疫、疯牛症,饲料 也是天然的草料,无添加激素。牛羊初乳、 深海鱼油、海洋胶原蛋白、越橘、葡萄籽、 奶蓟、鲍鱼精、螺旋藻、角鲨烯等产品, 均与其地方物产有直接关系由各式的钟乳 石和石笋以及萤火虫来点缀装饰。



第六部分新西兰 Part Six New ZealandChapter33.New Zealand(capital: Wellington)惠灵顿1)新西兰的地理位置New Zealand’s geography:新西兰地处南太平洋,位于赤道和南极之间New Zealand is in the Southern Pacific Ocean,halfway between the equator and the South Pole.新西兰的面积与英国和日本相近。

它有2个主要的岛,北岛和南岛The size of the country is similar to Britain or Japan.It has two main islands:North Island and South Island新西兰位于国际日期变更线以西,所以它是世界上第一个迎接新一天到来的国家。

New Zealand is just west of the Internationnal Date Line,so it is the first country to get the new day.最高的山峰是库克山,海拔3764米。


The highest peak is Mt Cook,3764M. Lake Taupo is the largest lake in New Zealand 南岛最大的河流是克鲁沙河,北岛最大的河流有2个,是怀卡托河和黄加雷河。

The largest rivers in South Island is the Clutha,and in the North Island is the Waikato and the wanganui.地震和火山是新西兰最严重的自然灾害。

Earthquakes and volcanoes are the most serious potential natural disasters.2)气候特征Characteristics of New Zealand’s climate;①气候温和generally temperates.②多样,最北端是亚热带气候,南岛一些山区则是亚寒带气候varied climate: In the far north it is subtropical and in some mountainous areas of South Island it is subarctic③.常年下雨Rain falls all year round新西兰阳光最充足的城镇是纳尔逊,西海岸的降雨量最大。

New Zealand

New Zealand

Lemon & Paeroa -- New Zealand's World Famous Drink柠檬和
Paeroa——纽西兰闻名世界 的饮料
• The economy of New Zealand is a market economy which is greatly dependent on international trade, mainly with Australia, the European Union, the United States,
New Zealand
• • • • • 1. Introduction 2. Geography 3. Brief History 4. Politics 5. Culture 6. Food 7. Economy 8. Tourism 9. Education 10. Diplomacy
外汇赢利。下面的图表显示了如何 感受旅游及其贡献国家、区域和地 方各级整个新西兰的经济。
Mt Taranaki
Lake Rotorua
• ● 殖民时期以前(before the Colonial Period): • 在欧洲人到来之前,毛利人(Maori)居住 在新西兰。

殖民地时期(Colonial Period):
1840年2月6日,英国与毛利人酋长签订《怀唐伊条约》 (Treaty of Waitangi),并将其归入英帝国版图。
• The New Zealand GDP per capita is for instance less than that of Spain and about 60% that of the United States. Income inequality has increased greatly, implying that significant portions of the population have quite modest incomes. Further, New Zealand has a very large current account deficit of 8-9% of GDP.

高一英语 UnitNew Zealand

高一英语 UnitNew Zealand

照对市爱民阳光实验学校高一语文第一册 Unit 18 New Zealand【本讲信息】一. 教学内容:Unit 18 New Zealand〔一〕单词〔二〕短语〔三〕句型二.本周〔一〕单词:1. New Zealand is an island that lies off the eastern coast of Australia.西兰是澳大利亚岸以外的一个岛国。

要注意和coast搭配的介词off ;其在此的意思是“与……有一的距离〞;off the coast 表示:在靠近海岸线以外的海上。

此外,介词on和along 也常与coast搭配使用;表示“在岸上,沿海岸线〞。

如:→There are a lot of islands off the Chinese coast.中国沿海有很多岛屿。

→He would take a walk along the coast after supper.他过去常在吃过晚饭之后沿海岸散步。

→There is a hotel on the coast.这里有一个旅馆。

即学即用:①〔对介词的考查〕There are many beautiful islands ______ the east coast of the country.A. offB. alongC. onD. from②〔对名词的考查〕There are a large number of islands off the Chinese______ .A. beachB. bankC. bayD. coast答案:AD2. It is some 3,500 kilometres from Polynesia to New Zealand, …从波利尼西亚到西兰大约有3500 公里的距离,……△ some 用在数字前,作副词;表示“大约〞。

→ That was some twenty years ago.那大约是二十年前的事。

New Zealand

New Zealand


New Zealand is a constitutional monarchy with a parliamentary democracy,although its constitution is not codified. Queen ElizabethⅡis the Queen of New Zwaland and the head of state, The Queen is represented by the Governor-General, whom she appoints on the advice of the Prime Minister. The Governor-General can exercise the Crown's perogative powers and rare situations, the reserve powers. The powers of the Queen and the Governor-General are limited by constitutional constraints and they cannot normally be exercised without the advice of Cabinet.
Southern Alps 新西兰最高的山脉
克鲁萨河(Clutha River):新西兰水量最大的河流。 怀卡托河(Waikato River):新西兰最长的河流。
库克海峡(Cook Strait)
Major Cities
惠灵顿市(Wellington):新西兰首都,全国第二大城市。 奥克兰市(Auckland):新西兰第一大城市。
Capital :Wellington



• New Zealand Airline's symbol use is also one of maori marks “tests Lu” (one kind of fern immature bud, is symbolizing hope).
About the film
• The Hobbit • Narnia Koku Monogatari Lion to Majo
• The first known European is arrived in New Zealand by the Dutch (Abel Tasman Janszoon Tasman) leads the fleet, in 1642, north and south west of the island is air.
• Agricultural products mainly in the economic country means beef, lamb, pork and chicken are can reasonable price for the kid sou have no deceit.
• . In addition, many international food imports, in compliance with the immigration habits and taste, especially from Asian immigrants.
• The country is famous for its natural beauty and scenic attractions, from snow-capped mountains, glaciers and fiords to thermal geysers, volcanoes, sub-tropical rainforests and magnificent sandy beaches.

新西兰new zealand

新西兰new zealand



New Zealand is a country of racial diversity, New Zealand's ethnic groups, including European descent, Asian and Pacific island residents, they form a harmonious and colorful New Zealand culture. New Zealand people come from many different cultural backgrounds, the New Zealand society advocates freedom of expression, freedom of religion and equality of all.作为一个英语国家,新西兰也具有浓烈的毛利文化色彩。











介绍新西兰的英语作文全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1Introduction to New ZealandNew Zealand is a country located in the southwestern Pacific Ocean, with a population of approximately 5 million people. It is known for its stunning natural landscapes, friendly locals, and unique Maori culture.GeographyNew Zealand is made up of two main islands, the North Island and the South Island, as well as numerous smaller islands. The country is known for its diverse landscapes, which include beaches, mountains, forests, and lakes. Some of the most famous natural attractions in New Zealand include Milford Sound, Mount Cook, and Tongariro National Park.ClimateNew Zealand has a temperate maritime climate, with mild temperatures and moderate rainfall throughout the year. The summers are warm and the winters are cool, making it a populardestination for outdoor activities such as hiking, skiing, and water sports.CultureNew Zealand has a rich cultural heritage, with a strong influence from the Maori people, who are the indigenous inhabitants of the country. Maori culture is celebrated throughout New Zealand, with traditional arts, language, and customs being preserved and passed down through generations.LanguageThe official language of New Zealand is English, but Maori is also recognized as an official language. English is widely spoken throughout the country, with most people being fluent in the language.EconomyNew Zealand has a stable and prosperous economy, with a strong focus on agriculture, tourism, and international trade. The country is known for its high quality dairy products, wine, and meat, which are exported to countries around the world.TourismTourism is a major industry in New Zealand, with millions of visitors flocking to the country every year to experience its natural beauty and outdoor activities. Some of the most popular tourist attractions in New Zealand include Queenstown, Rotorua, and the Bay of Islands.In conclusion, New Zealand is a beautiful and diverse country that offers something for everyone. Whether you are a nature lover, adventure enthusiast, or culture buff, there is no shortage of things to see and do in this amazing country. Come and experience the magic of New Zealand for yourself!篇2Introduction to New ZealandNew Zealand, located in the southwestern Pacific Ocean, is a spectacular country with stunning natural landscapes and a unique culture. It is made up of two main islands, the North Island and the South Island, as well as numerous smaller islands. With a population of around 5 million people, New Zealand is known for its laid-back lifestyle, friendly locals, and love for outdoor activities.One of the first things that come to mind when thinking about New Zealand is its breathtaking scenery. Fromsnow-capped mountains and sparkling glaciers to pristine beaches and lush forests, the country is a paradise for nature lovers. The North Island is home to geothermal wonders like Rotorua and the vibrant city of Auckland, while the South Island is famous for its fjords, lakes, and mountains, including the iconic Milford Sound and Mount Cook.In addition to its natural beauty, New Zealand is also a melting pot of cultures. The indigenous Maori people have a rich history and traditions that are still celebrated today through performances, art, and language. New Zealand is also home to a diverse population of immigrants from around the world, adding to the country's vibrant and eclectic culture.One of the most unique aspects of New Zealand is its commitment to sustainability and protecting the environment. The country is known for its clean air, fresh water, and pristine landscapes, and efforts are constantly being made to preserve and conserve these natural resources for future generations. Eco-tourism is a booming industry in New Zealand, with opportunities for hiking, skiing, surfing, and wildlife watching that allow visitors to connect with the natural world.In terms of language, English is the primary language spoken in New Zealand, but Maori is also an official languageand is often used in official ceremonies and documents. The local accent and slang can sometimes be difficult for visitors to understand, but Kiwis (as New Zealanders are affectionately known) are generally friendly and welcoming to newcomers.Overall, New Zealand is a country that offers a unique blend of natural beauty, culture, and adventure. Whether you're exploring the vibrant cities, embarking on outdoor adventures, or immersing yourself in Maori culture, there is something for everyone to enjoy in this beautiful corner of the world. So pack your bags, grab your camera, and get ready for the trip of a lifetime in New Zealand!篇3Introduction to New ZealandNew Zealand is a beautiful country located in the southwestern Pacific Ocean. It is famous for its stunning natural landscapes, friendly locals, and unique Maori culture. With a population of around 5 million people, New Zealand is a relatively small country but it has plenty to offer visitors from around the world.One of the most iconic features of New Zealand is its breathtaking scenery. From the snow-capped Southern Alps tothe pristine beaches of the North Island, the country is a paradise for nature lovers. Visitors can explore lush forests, crystal-clear lakes, and rugged coastlines that offer endless opportunities for outdoor activities such as hiking, skiing, and surfing.In addition to its natural beauty, New Zealand is also known for its vibrant cities. Auckland, the largest city in the country, is a bustling metropolis with a diverse population and a thriving arts and culture scene. Wellington, the capital, is home to the country's government and is known for its quirky cafes, galleries, and museums. Christchurch, on the South Island, is a charming city with a strong English heritage and beautiful gardens.Another highlight of New Zealand is its unique Maori culture. The indigenous people of the country have a rich history and tradition that is celebrated throughout the country. Visitors can experience traditional Maori performances, art, and cuisine, and learn about the customs and beliefs of these fascinating people.In terms of language, English is the main language spoken in New Zealand. However, Maori is also an official language of the country and is widely spoken in certain regions. Many New Zealanders are bilingual and are proud of their ability to speak both Maori and English fluently.Overall, New Zealand is a diverse and welcoming country that offers something for everyone. Whether you are interested in exploring the great outdoors, immersing yourself in a vibrant city, or learning about a unique culture, New Zealand has it all. So why not plan a trip to this beautiful country and experience everything it has to offer for yourself?。


新西兰有三个国际机场,分别位于奥克兰、惠灵顿和基督城。有三个 主要国内航空公司:新西兰航空公司(Air New Zealand)、新西兰安捷航 空公司(Ansett New Zealand)以及连接较小城镇的通勤航空公司。中国 内地公民前往新西兰旅游,可途经香港或澳大利亚前往。 私人小型飞机空中观光,约90新元。新西兰旅游通行证(Visit New Zealand Passes)优惠高达30%。各个航空公司的促销价格,便宜10%到 50%左右(须提前预订)。新西兰航空公司负责运营新西兰国内航线。
新西兰(New Zealand)
新西兰东接太平洋, 西临隔塔斯曼海,澳大利 亚的东南,西距澳大利亚 1600公里,东邻汤加、斐 济,海岸线长6900千米。 新西兰主要由南岛和北岛 组成,库克海峡将两岛分
新西兰还有许多较小的岛屿,全境多 山,山地面积占全国面积的50%。南岛西部 绵亘着雄伟的南阿尔卑斯山脉。库克峰海 拔3764米,为全国最高峰。山区多冰川和 湖泊;西部是丘陵,西南部是高原。北岛 东部地势较高,多火山,中部多湖泊。湖 的周围为平原,在平原上耸立着高达2797 米的鲁阿佩胡火山,是北岛的最高点。
新西兰(New Zealand)
新西兰(New Zealand)
新西兰(New Zealand)
新西兰(New Zealand)
七次,即早茶、早餐茶、午餐茶、午后茶、下午茶、晚餐茶和晚茶,茶馆遍布各地。 新西兰大小城镇遍布餐厅、酒吧等食肆,这里的粤菜、韩菜、西菜都具备一流水准。想 找寻新口味,可到访郊外农庄,享受热情农庄主人为你准备的地道乡村美食,别具风味。 如果觉得餐馆花费昂贵,那么还有遍布的快餐店如麦当劳、肯德基、比萨店,还有一些 外带的速食店如炸鱼块拼土豆条、中式外带店等都可以解决饮食问题。



新西兰(New Zealand)
到新西兰的各大城市住宿都很方便:想入住高档酒店的可以选 择凯(Hyatt),南太平洋(Southern Pacific),喜来登 (Sheraton)和泛太平洋(Pan Pacific)等国际连锁大酒店, 但新西兰的高级酒店不 多,motel比较多, (相当于国 内三星级)有单人 间,双人间, 三人的,还可以加 床,里面有浴 室。和国内不同, 每套房都有厨 房。住厌了城市的 话,在城郊各 大度假村还有设施 豪华、环境幽 静的度假山庄, 在这里还可以 格便宜、房间整 洁,还是结识 当地居民、体验乡村风情的好地方。 注意:新西兰的酒店都不提供毛巾、拖鞋、洗漱用品之类的日 用品,所以一定要自己带好。
新西兰有三个国际机场,分别位于奥克兰、惠灵顿和基督城。有三个 主要国内航空公司:新西兰航空公司(Air New Zealand)、新西兰安捷航 空公司(Ansett New Zealand)以及连接较小城镇的通勤航空公司。中国 内地公民前往新西兰旅游,可途经香港或澳大利亚前往。 私人小型飞机空中观光,约90新元。新西兰旅游通行证(Visit New Zealand Passes)优惠高达30%。各个航空公司的促销价格,便宜10%到 50%左右(须提前预订)。新西兰航空公司负责运营新西兰国内航线。
新西兰(New Zealand)
气候:新西兰四面环海,山峦起伏。 全境属海洋性温带阔叶林气候。 由于西风影响,西海岸年平均降 水量为1000一3000毫米,南岛西 南沿海地区可达5000毫米以上; 东海岸仅500毫米。附近没有大片 陆地影响气候变化,故冬夏季的 气温相差甚少,仅10度左右。北 岛的年平均气温大约为15℃,南 岛的年平均气温大约为10℃。不 同地区的气候特徵也各不相同, 总的说来,越往北气温越高。北 岛气候温和,常年绿草如茵。南 岛气温较低,四季景色分明。新 西兰的年平均降雨量在一千至两 千毫米之间。新西兰地处南半球, 季节变化与中国正好相反,九月 至十一月为春季,十二月至下一 年二月位夏季,三月至五月为秋 季,六月至八月为冬季。

Unit 19 New Zealand(新西兰)

Unit 19  New Zealand(新西兰)

【同步教育信息】一. Unit 19 New Zealand背景资料:新西兰是太平洋西南部的岛国, 由两个大岛和许多小岛组成, 面积约27万平方公里,首都惠灵顿。

新西兰人口约340万,其中82% 是英国移民的后裔,主要语言为英语。


毛利人是波利尼西亚人的一部分,约于公元10—14 世纪来到新西兰定居,现为新西兰的少数民族,约占全国总人口的13%。


二. 本周学习重点难点:Unit 19 New Zealand 新西兰(一) 有用短语:1. handed down from generation to generation 一代一代流传下去2. sign an agreement with 与……签订协议3. make up 构成;组成4. relate to 与……有关5. marked with 标有6. out of work 失业7. at festivals 过节8. apart from 除……外(二) 重点语法:本单元语法复习为宾语。


如:They raise pings on the farm. (名词)How do you like the color ? (名词)The boy has a lot of friends and he is going to invite all of them to his birthday party. (代词)The young should show respect to the old. (形容词)How many books have you read this month ? (疑问词) About ten. (数词)Do you like swimming ? (动词ing形式)Have you decided where to spend your holiday ? (不定式)I don’t think it righ t that they separate people by the color of their skin. (从句)(三) 重点词汇及句型:1. The language which the Maori speak is related to the languages of Tahiti and Hawaii.毛利人所说的语言同塔希提岛和夏威夷的语言是有关的。



Kiwi Fruit
3 periods
Maori came between 1,000 and
3,000 years ago → Europeans
came in the 17th century → Signing of the Treaty of Waitangi 1840 → After 1840
Famous Cities:
Wellington, the capital of
the New Zealand.
Auckland, the largest
and most populous urban area in the country.
Animals and plants
A rich variety of trees, treeferns, ground ferns, mosses and other plants make up “the bush”, as New Zealanders call their forests.
Who is Maori??
The Maori were part of the spread of Polynesian peoples 玻利尼西亚人 across the far-flung islands of the Pacific Ocean between 1,000 and 3,000 years ago.
Mount Ruapehu, the highest active volcano in New Zealand
Lake Taupo sits in central North Island. It covers 606 sq km; it is 40 km long and 27 km wide. In the surrounding area are numerous geysers and hot springs.

New Zealand

New Zealand

Chapter33.New Zealand(capital: Wellington)惠灵顿1)New Zealand‟s geography:①New Zealand is in the Southern Pacific Ocean,halfway between the equator and the South Pole. 新西兰地处南太平洋,位于赤道和南极之间。

②The size of the country is similar to Britain or Japan.It has two main islands:North Island and South Island 新西兰的面积与英国和日本相近。

它有2个主要的岛,北岛和南岛②Hilly and 3/4 land more than 200 meters above sea level③Three volcanic mountains in North Island: Ruapebh, Ngeaurohoe and Tongariro.④the largest lake: Lake Taupo(托波湖) ⑤the highest peak: Mt Cook in South Island. 3764M⑥the largest river:the Clutha(克鲁沙河) in S.I. and Waikato and the Wanganui in N.I. 1.由2岛组成:北岛和南岛2.多山,3/4地区海拔200米以上3.3座火山在北岛:鲁阿佩胡火山,扭鲁货伊火山和汤加里4.最大的湖:托波湖5.最高峰:南岛的库克山,海拔3764米6最大河流:克鲁沙河在南岛,怀卡托河和黄加雷河在北岛。

New Zealand is just west of the International Date Line,so it is the first country to get the new day.新西兰位于国际日期变更线以西,所以它是世界上第一个迎接新一天到来的国家。

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The name māori is said to mean "natural" or "ordinary ". When asked by the Pake ha (first white visitors) who they were, the answer was "māori". However, māori of -ten identify themselves according to their tribe, a ncestral or regional affiliations. For example, being Ngapuhi identifies you as coming from the upper reg -ions of the North Island.
Maori Tattoo
Maori people traditionally have tattoo artwork on th eir bodies to tell their family story. On one side of t heir body, they will have their mother’s family and on the other they will have their father‘s.
Maori Facts
• Their official language is Maori. • They arrived in New Zealand 1000 years ago. Many believe they came from Russia, America, and the Asian Pacific islands. • Maori people love to dance and sing! In fact, singing and dancing still remains part of their greetings. • Maori touch noses to say hello. • A majority of Maori people have tattoos!
New Zealand
A Brief History
The first people to settle New Zealand were the Maori people, about 1000 years ago. They came from three different continents! It was only about 500 years later that a European named Abel Janszoon Tasman, in 1642, first “discovered” it. He didn’t discover much because the Maori people attacked his boats before they landed, killing several of his crew. It wasn’t until 1769 that Captain James Cook “rediscovered” it and began trading with Maori.
• • • • • • • • • • • • • NAMES : New Zealand or Aotearoa CAPITAL: Wellington TOTAL AREA: 270,534 POPULATION: 4.14 million people HEAD OF STATE: Queen Elizabeth II represented by Governor-Gene ral FORM OF GOVERNMENT: Constitutional Monarchy MAIN ISLANDS: North Island, South Island TOTAL NUMBER OF ISLANDS: 33 CLIMATE: Mild, not too hot and not too cold! NATURAL RESOURCES: Agriculture and Horticulture MONEY: basic unit – New Zealand dollar Native People : The Maori TWO NATIONAL ANTHEMS!
Women should not have a tattoo below her waist!
Maori language
• Kia ora • Tēnā tātou katoa • • • • E noho rā Haere rā Ka kite ano Ka kite Hello Hello ( many people) Goodbye Goodbye See you later See you
Within A Few Years…
• Ships from Europe began trading regularly with the Maori. • 40% of the Maori people died due to the guns and diseases Europeans brought. • Settlers from Europe began taking land from the Maori people. • In 1840, Great Britain signed the Treaty of Waitangi with the Maori leaders. This treaty gave New Zealand to the British.
4,296,756 40,000,000
Hale Waihona Puke uller GorgeMatamata
Population – 389700 Island – North Known For – “The Coolest Capital” Government Cruises Rich Clean
Population – 1,354,900
Great educational opportunities, the most jobs in New Zealand, and sailing!
Mt Aoraki / Mt Cook
Mt Ruapehu - Volcano
• • • •
Lord of the Rings was filmed here because of the beautiful lands!
The New Zealanders – Kiwis
The majority of people in New Zealand ar e white people with British origins. Just like their Australian brothers, most of the people in New Zealand have customs Very similar to the British. The main difference between the Australians and the Kiwis are that the Kiwis are slightly more formal. They share the same dimensions of culture with Australians.
The New Zealand Flag
• New Zealands flag is almost the same as the Australia flag. What is different?
The Maori Flag
• Who are the Maori?
Simple Facts