

北师大版必修五 Unit 13 People 单元学案

北师大版必修五 Unit 13 People 单元学案

Unit 13 People 学案Warm upHow to describe the appearance of a person? Hair:Hair stylesAge:Special features:General:Clothing:Facial expressions:Face:Eye:Nose:Mouth & tooth:Look at the pictures and describe the person in it.根据句意,填入适当的词1. She will probably take great pride in wearing school u______________.2. Terry was so tired that he couldn’t walk _______________ (笔直地).3. I ended up in hospital with ______________ (face) injuries.4. He usually _______________ (戴) a gold chain round his neck.5. He seems very s_____________, but in fact he has a delightful sense of humour.6. There is only one dictionary. You two can _______ _______ (轮流) to use it.7. As a t_____________ he attended Tulse Hill Senior High School.8. Is there a _______________ (connect) between smoking and lung cancer?1. uniform2. straight3. facial4. wore/wears5. serious6. take turns7. teenager8. connection胡须淡黄色的墨镜制服长在上嘴唇上的小胡子鞋跟衣服袖子面部的表情,词语联系,连接链条,一连串的事物表示“人”的英语词缀和词汇1. -er:初学者,新手司机教师劳动者跑步者,信使滑雪者游泳者观测者,观察员旅客旅游者学习者爱好者工人研究员印刷工园艺工主人初学者,新手beginner 司机driver教师teacher劳动者labourer跑步者,信使runner滑雪者skier游泳者swimmer观测者,观察员observer 旅客passenger旅游者traveller学习者learner 爱好者lover工人worker研究员researcher 印刷工printer园艺工gardener 主人owner2. -or主任,导演收藏家指导者,教员售票员,指挥编辑来访者主任,导演director收藏家collector指导者,教员instructor 售票员,指挥conductor 编辑editor来访者visitor3. -ist艺术家科学家物理学家新闻记者乐器演奏家气象学家艺术家artist科学家scientist物理学家physicist新闻记者journalist乐器演奏家instrumentalist 气象学家meteorologist4. -ian政治家音乐家历史学家数学家技术员,技师素食者政治家politician音乐家musician数学家mathematician 历史学家historian技术员,技师technician 素食者vegetarian5. (–er/or)男性,-ess女性男服务员女服务员男演员女演员男主人女主人乘务员女乘务员男服务员waiter女服务员waitress 男演员actor女演员actress男主人host女主人hostess乘务员steward女乘务员stewardess6.- er,-ee表示主动,被动训练员接受培训者雇主雇员主考人,监考员参加考试者会见者被接见者训练员trainer接受培训者trainee雇主employer雇员employee主考人,监考员examiner 参加考试者examinee会见者interviewer被接见者interviewee7. -boy, -girl, -man, -woman牛仔花花公子女店员推销员工人邮递员劳动妇女警察女警察牛仔cowboy花花公子playboy女店员salesgirl推销员salesman工人workman邮递员postman劳动妇女workwomen 警察policeman女警察policewomanLesson 1 EQ:IQTest 1 :Try to answer the following questions:1. The farmers in this village used modern methods but harvested no apples this year. Why?2. My uncle hasn’t slept for many days but he isn’t tired at all. What’s his secret?3. What has four fingers and a thumb but no flesh and bones?4. Where did the egg floating down the Mississippi River come from?5. Lucky mouse fell off a 1000-step stair and was not hurt. Why?6. How can you put your left hand where your right hand can’t reach it?7. What do you have that you can’t lend to others?8. How can you throw a ball and have it return to you without hitting anything or having anyone throw it back to you?9. What would George Washington be most famous for if he were alive today?First readingRead and decide which is the main idea of Passage 1.a) EQ is less important than IQ.b) EQ is as important or more important than IQ.c) A person’s EQ equals to his IQ.Read Passage 2 and the general idea is EQ can be improved.Read the two passages again then decide whether the following sentences are true or false.1. The article is mainly talking about the relationship between EQ and IQ.2. Whether we can succeed or not more depends on IQ than EQ.3. High EQ can make people get along well with other people.4. High EQs can make you full of confidence for life since you face many difficulties.5. EQ is always the opposite of IQ.6. A person can’t have both high EQs and IQs.7. A person’s IQ can’t be improved while EQ can be changed.Vocabulary:1. gifted: adj. with great natural ability, intelligence, or talent有天赋的孩子____________________, 有才华的钢琴家___________________ gift: n. present; natural talent or ability一个慷慨的礼物___________________, 结婚礼品___________________有音乐天赋___________________, 他多才多艺__________________________.2. describe v, description n.Can you ________________ the picture? (描述)Can you give me a _____________________ of the thief? (描述)The scenery was beautiful ________________________. (难以形容)3. whileStrike while the iron is hot.While I admit his good points I can see his bad.Some people waste food while others haven’t enough.Phrases:在飞机上没有注意一个有天赋的学生说服某人做…提高分数整理某人的思绪相互认识做如下描述使某人得到雇佣预测某人未来的成功做错接受新想法对生活抱积极态度处理困难情况一个重要专家有残疾的学生尝试新事物与别人相处好被指控偷钱被闪电吓到飞机,航空器紧急情况祈祷,祷告有天赋的精确的,准确的描述学术的预言,预测应得,值得失败错误的联想,协会因此,如此可能性残疾,无能力完全地大使馆控告,谴责闪电*起草选词填空1.We’ve been asked to ______________________ some new ideas.2.Be quiet—let me _____________________ my homework.3.Every time they went dancing they __________________ in a bad mood.4.I’d like to eat out, but _____________________ I should be trying to savemoney.5._______________________(毫无疑问) that he was the killer.6.Dad, this broken vase _________________________ Susie.wrence’s novel _______________________ a work of genius eventually.8.Wild flowers ________________ orchids and primroses are becoming rare.9.Why don’t you come along __________________?10.He ______________________(参与) a heated argument.How to use EQ to solve conflicts在我们的日常生活中,冲突无处不在,无时不有,我们如何利用情商来更好地解决冲突呢?Conflicts (冲突) arise on a daily basis at home, work or even during fun events. Using EQ in solving conflicts benefits everyone involved. With the following techniques, you will deal with conflicts in a proper manner and your relationships with the people around you will be better.The first step is to listen to the other person. Listen carefully to what he is really saying, not just the bits and pieces you want to hear.Save the judgments for later. While you are actively listening to him, do not judge his opinion. Make sure that you are objectively (客观地) gathering the information he is speaking about to you.Repeat his side of the conflict. Make sure that you really understand what he is saying and that you haven’t changed his statement with any personal opinions you may have.Identify with his feelings. Try to understand how he feels and why he would feel that way. Put yourself in his shoes and see if the situation appears different to you than it did before.Respond only after he has finished his words. Letting him finish his thought is important because it shows that you value what the other person is saying, even if you do not agree with it.Understand that you may have to agree ordisagree. Everyone does not have to be on thesame page after a discussion. Regardless of theresult, it is important to end the conversation witha hand shake, hug or smile.True or False1. You should judge others’opinions while they are talking to you when solving conflicts.2. Trying to understand others can be helpful in solving conflicts.True or FalseFFTTFFTVocabulary:1. a gifted child, a gifted pianist, a generous gift, a wedding gift, have a gift for music, He has many outstanding gifts.2. describe, description, beyond description3. 时间状语从句,趁热打铁; 让步状语从句,尽管,虽然,尽管我承认他的长处,但我也看到了他的不足; 并列连词,而,然而,有些人浪费粮食,然而有些人却吃不饱Phrases:on an aircraft; pay little attention, a gifted student; talk sb into doing sth; improve one’s grade; collect one’s thoughts; get to know each other; give the following descriptions; get sb hired; predict one’s future success; be mistaken in doing; be open to new ideas; have positive attitudes towards life; deal with difficult situations; a leading expert; students with disabilities; try new things; get on with other people; be accused of stealing money; be scared of the lightning选词填空come up with; concentrate on; ended up; on the other hand; There is little doubt; has nothing to do with; was recognised as; such as, as well; was involved in How to use EQ to solve conflilctsFTLesson 2 Personalities and Jobs Words to describe people:喜爱运动的自信的独立的整洁的自私的敏锐的聪明的外向的耐心的礼貌的愉快的慷慨的勇敢的敏感的随和的严格的忠诚的谦虚的直率的有进取心的有条理的有决心的认真的严肃的友好的友善的有社交能力的冷峻的冷静的积极的诚实的可信赖的勤奋的幽默的有创造力的根据句子对职业的描述,写出职业名称1. An ________________ is a person who designs buildings.2. An ________________ is a person who is trained for travellingin a spacecraft.3. An ________________ is a person whose job is to keep financial accounts.4. An ______________ is a person who uses scientific knowledge to design, construct, and maintain engines and machines or structures such as roads, railways, and bridges.5. A ____________ is a person who is qualified to examine and treat people’s teeth.6. ________________ are people whose job is to put out fires.7. A ________________ is a person who writers poems.8. A ________________ is a shopkeeper who cuts up and sells meat.9. A ________________ is a person who works in an office, bank, or law court and whose job is to look after the records or accounts.10. On a bus, the ________________ is the perosn whose job is to see tickets to the passengers.Vocabulary:1. confident: feeling or showing trust in oneself or one’s ability自信的微笑_______________________ 自信的态度_______________________ 有信心能成功feel ________________________他对胜利充满信心. He is confident _________________________.2. patient: having or showing patienceYou’ll have to be _____________________ my mother, for she’s going rather deaf.3. satisfaction n. satisfy v.He nodded in ___________________.满意地Nothing ________________ him, he’s always complaining. 满足符合要求_____________________ 满足好奇心________________4. aboard adv. on or into a ship, an aircraft, a train or a busAll aboard! 请各位上船/ 飞机/ 车等We went aboard. 我们上了船/ 飞机/ 车等Welcome aboard! 欢迎乘坐这船/ 飞机/ 车等Listen and fill in the blanks:Teacher: Today we’re going to focus on jobs and personalities. Think of some jobs and what kinds of people do them. What characteristics do these people have? Wang Shu: Er… people who work with computers are usually quiet, shy people. Teacher: Xiao Dong, what’s your reaction to that? Do you agree?Xiao Dong: To some extent, yes. They’re also not usually very athletic. But it seems to me that they have to be creative.Teacher: You’re right there. Next, Li Liang.Li Liang: A tour guide. I’m certain that this is a very exciting job. Tour guides need to be independent, outgoing and have a desire to share information. They must also be able to deal with many different situations and problems.Teacher: What do you think, Cao Wen?Cao wen: I agree. I think tour guides must also get a lot of satisfaction out of seeing other people enjoying themselves.Teacher: That’s a good point. … Other jobs?Xiao Dong: Farmers. As I see it, farmers are very important. Without their harvests every year, we would all go hungry!Teacher: And their characteristics?Xiao Dong: A farmer needs to be patient and know a lot about animal biology.Li Liang: Also, the weather is hard on farmers but they must never give up. Teacher: Right, but that’s true for everyone, isn’t it?Students: Mm, yes.Wang Shu: I’d like to be a farmer and grow fruit like pineapples and peaches, but I think I prefer to work in the city! I’d like to be a cook in a big hotel. Cooks also have to be creative and they need to be able to handle a kitchen and get things done on time.Teacher: I think you’d make a great cook, Wang Shu. OK, what about some other jobs? I would have thought that some of you might like to work in…Cao Wen: Medicine? Doctors and nurses?Teacher: Yes, good. What kind of a person is a doctor or a nurse? Does anyone have views on this?Li Liang: I feel that to be a nurse takes a lot of kindness. They have to be very caring people and are willing to help others.Xiao Dong: Yes, they certainly can’t be selfish.Teacher: I couldn’t agree more. What about a doctor?Cao Wen: They need to be kind too—and good liseners. They should also be confident so that people trust them. I’m hoping to be a doctor.Wang Shu: Tha t’s cool, Cao Wen! Good for you!Teacher: So many jobs require getting on well with other people. Can you think of any jobs where this isn’t a requirement? We’ll discuss this tomorrow…根据句子对职业的描述,写出职业名称Architect, astronaut, accountant, engineer, dentist, Firefighters, poet, butcher, clerk, conductorV ocabulary:1. a confident smile, a confident mannerfeel confident of succeeding/ that one will succeedHe is confident of victory.2. You’ll have to be patient with my mother, for she’s going rather deaf.3. He nodded in satisfaction.Nothing satisfies him, he’s always complaining.符合要求satisfy one’s demand 满足好奇心satisfy one’s curiosityLesson 3 Making Guesses about PeopleVocabulary:1. upset:A large wave _____________________. (打翻了船)Our arrangements for the weekend __________________ by her visit.(打乱)The decision is likely to _______________ everyone. (使烦恼)2. frighten, frightening, frightenedSorry, I didn’t mean to ______________ you.________________ children were calling for their mothers.It is ________________ to think it could happen again.3. competition n. compete v.拳击比赛_____________________ 棋类比赛_____________________选美比赛_____________________He came first in the ______________________. 他获诗歌比赛第一名We’re _____________________ several other companies for the contract (合同).单词填空1. It’s my f_____________ for not making your new job clearer.2. Miriam was too _____________ (frighten) to tell her family what had happened.3. Liverpool were knocked out of the ____________ (compete) in the third round.4. A c______________ is a small house, usually in the country.5. There’s always a _______________ (possible) that he might go back to Seattle.6. His head had struck the sink and ________________ (blood).语法练习1. You ________________ all those clothes! We have a washing machine to do that sort of things.A. needn’t have washedB. shouldn’t have washedC. must not have washedD. cannot have washed2. John’s score on the test is the highest in the class; he ______________ last night.A. should studyB. should have studiedC. must have studiedD. must have to study3. The room is in a terrible mess; it _______________ cleaned.A. can’t have beenB. shouldn’t have beenC. mustn’t have beenD. wouldn’t have been4. Nobody knows how people first came to these islands. They ________________ from South America on rafts.A. must have sailedB. can sailC. might have sailedD. should have sailed5. Mary was not in her bedroom yesterday afternoon. She ________________ in her classroom.A. should have beenB. must have beenC. must beD. should be6. Bob said he was going to join our club but he didn’t. He ___________ his mind.A. can’t have changedB. wouldn’t have changedC. must have changedD. shouldn’t have changed7. You _____________ to town to see the film yesterday. It will be on TV tonight.A. needn’t goB. had better not goC. should not goD. needn’t have gone8. We ______________ the letter yesterday, but it didn’t arrive.A. must receiveB. ought to receiveC. must have receivedD. ought to have receivedVocabulary1. A large wave upsetthe boat.Our arrangements for the weekend were upset by her visit.The decision is likely to upset everyone.2. Sorry, I didn’t mean to frighten you.Frightened children were calling for their mothers.It is frightening to think it could happen again.2.拳击比赛boxing competitions 棋类比赛chess competition选美比赛beauty competitionHe came first in the poetry competition.他获诗歌比赛第一名We’re in competition with/ competing with several other companies for the contract (合同).单词填空1. fault2. frightened3. competitin4. cottage5. possibility6. was bleeding 语法练习1-8 ACAC BCDD。

高中英语 Unit13 People基础写作作文导学案(无答案)北师大版必修5 学案

高中英语 Unit13 People基础写作作文导学案(无答案)北师大版必修5 学案
6. 事业及成就、评价
致力于_____________________ 有……的天赋_________________________________
做……工作___________________ 擅长_______________________________________
在……取得很大/快速进步 __________________________________________________
5. 教育背景(schooling / education background)
被……大学录取 / 考取……大学 ____________________________________________
被授予……___________________ 获得……奖项 ____________________________
2. 外貌、性格:appearance, character/personality
3. 教育背景:education
4. 事业及成就:career and achievements;big events in his or her life
5. 评价:evaluation (what other people think of him/her)
Task 2 Linking words

Unit 13《People》—Lesson 1 EQIQ 学案(北师大必修5)

Unit 13《People》—Lesson 1 EQIQ  学案(北师大必修5)

U13-L1-2 EQ:IQ (Grammar: Past Participle)★阅读短文并在粗体字中找出在句中作谓语的过去分词(填在表格中).Professor Salovey is the inventor of the term EQ. He gives the following description: At work, IQ gets you hired①but EQ gets you promoted②. Supported③by his research, he suggests that a person’s EQ might matter more than his IQ in his future success.Professor Mayer is recognized④as the leading expert in the study of changes to people’s EQs. He has done⑤a research on senior high students. The result shows that normal students who make friends with disabled⑥students are more understanding and helpful. The disabled⑦students also become more positive about life. Therefore, to lead a happy and successful life requires a high EQ—the higher, the better.作用谓语例词序号★Summary 1 (过去分词的作用)1.和助动词一起构成___________ 的谓语()2.和be动词一起构成____________ 的谓语()3. 用于★Summary 2(过去分词的含义)过去分词的两个特点:____________, ___________,练习一:用哪种形式?-ing or -ed?1. The ________ (excite) fans cheered at the pop star _______(sing) on the stage.2. She saw the thief _________ (climb) into the house through the _________ (break) window.练习二: 完成下列句子。


成为(处于) 他最后成了公司的主管人. Heendedup(as)headofthefirm. 我们动身去北京,可最后却去了新疆. WesetoffforBeijing,butendedupinXinjiang. 一开始我们并不喜欢它,可最后我们却为之欢呼.
Itdoesn’tmattertomeifImissmytrain,becausethere’sanotheronel ater.
他来不来有关系吗? Doesitmatterwhetherhewillcomeornot?
4.ProfessorMayer,recognizedbymanyasaleadingexpertinth estudyofchangestopeople’sEQs,recentlyreleasedthefinding sofastudyonseniorhighschoolstudents.



Unit13 people一. 本周教学内容:Unit 13 People(I)Teaching aims:知识目标:1. 掌握本单元出现的重要词汇及其用法。

2. 通过阅读本单元的阅读材料掌握一些有用的句型,提高阅读能力。

3. 锻炼学生的听说能力。

4. 学习和掌握Past Participles的用法并学习使用情态动词表示猜测的用法。



Teaching important and difficult points:1. Learn about Past Participles and model verbs to make guesses.2. Write a description of a person.本课时教学目标:掌握本单元出现的重要词汇及其用法.beard n.(下巴上的)胡须moustache 髭须whiskers 颊须,连鬓胡子blond n. 金发碧眼的人,尤其指女人adj. 浅黄色的,金色的blond hair 金色的头发teenager n. 青少年,十几岁的孩子adj. teenage 十几岁的,青少年的from side to sidefrom all sides / from every side 从各个方面e.g. We must study this problem from all sides.我们必须全方面地研究这个问题。

side by side 肩并肩stand by one’s side 站在某人旁边,从道义上支持某人take sides with sb. / take the side of sb. 同意某人的观点,支持某人pay attention (to) 注意pay little / no / much attention to不注意/很注意e.g. Much attention has been paid to the question.come up with 提出The question that they came up with is very important.请对比put up withcatch up withgifted adj. = talented 有天分的,有才华的a gifted singer / studentbe gifted in / at sth.n. 天份,才华,礼物have a gift for sth. 对……有天份a man of many gifts 一个多才多艺的人a birthday gift 一份生日礼物vt. 赠送gift sb. with sth. / gift sth. to sb.promise n. 诺言keep one’s promise / break one’s promisev. 许诺,答应He promised to support me.I want you to promise me one thing .She promised me to see the film.It promises to be warm this afternoon.promising adj. 有前途的She is a promising singer .matter n. 物质,事物vi. 重要—I forgot to bring you the dictionary.—It doesn’t matter.It matters that you haven’t finished your work on time.concentrate 集中,专心致志于vi. We should concentrate on / upon how to prevent water pollution . vt. I always concentrate my attention on what the teacher says in class . concentration n.a boy of little concentration 一个不专心的男孩注意比较center on / focus ontalk sb. into doing sth. ask / beg / try to persuade sb. to do sth. solution n. 解决方法常与介词to连用the solution to this matter同类的词还有:the key to the lockthe answer to the questionthe entrance to the buildingthe index to the bookdescribe vt. 描述,形容,叙述Words can’t describe my joy .We don’t agree to describe him as a hero .description n. 描述beyond description 难以形容种类of all descriptions 各种各样的disabled adj. 残疾的He was disabled in the accident .the disabled 残疾人(总称)The disabled are taken good care of in that city .disability n.His disability prevents him from getting a job .( 无能,不可数)People with physical disabilities are called the disabled .(残疾,可数)fail v. fail to do sth. 忘记做,没能做Don’t fail to ring me .fail in doing sth. 做某事失败了Tom failed in passing the driving test .failure n. 失败Failure is the mother of success .失败是成功之母。

北师大版高中英语Unit 13 Lesson 1 阅读导学案与课件

北师大版高中英语Unit 13 Lesson 1 阅读导学案与课件

It is commonly considered that people with high IQs have high EQs too. Two experts tell us the relation between IQ and EQ is not so simple and EQ may matter more if people want to achieve success.
Tips of the argumentation
1. Subject (论题)
• Success comes with a high EQ.
2. Argument sentences (论点)
• • • • • • • EQ is more important than IQ EQ could be improved. IQ gets you hired; EQ gets you promoted. Best and quick-witted Ss may fail. Low EQ people find it harder to survive. Normal Ss become willing to…and better understanding… Disabled Ss become more positive… and more eager…
Assessment evaluation measurement 1. gain vt. 获得,增加;赢得,赚得; 2. associate vt. 联想,联系…with… [拓展]:名词 association 联想,关系;协会 in association with 与……合作 形容词 associated 有关联的,相关的 3. concentrate v 集中(思想,注意力等)on 4. deserve vt. 应得,值得,应受 5. accuse vt. 指控;谴责 6. talk sb into doing



Unit 13 Lesson 1 EQ:IQ 第1课时【学习目标】1。

To be able to talk about EQ and IQ and be aware of the importance of EQ to success了解情商(EQ)和智商(IQ)以及情商对成功的重要性2。

To understand the meanings of the new words according to thewords provided in context and derivation(派生法)运用上下文线索和派生法猜测词义一、温故而知新Review and think:复习与思考teach(v)–teach er(n.)farm (v)—farm er(n。

)( 动词后加后缀er表示动作的发出者)talent(n。

)-—talent ed(adj)disease(n。

)—-diseas ed(adj。

) (名词_ 就变成了形容词,“有……的”)urgent(adj)—urgenc y(n。

)emergent(adj)—emergen cy(n.)(以t结尾的形容词变为名词的方法是:__________)graduate(vt)-gradua tion(n。

)educate(vt)—education (n。

)(以t/te结尾的动词变为名词的方法________________________)immediate(adj)—-immediate ly(adv)important(adj) –important ly(adv)(形容词变为副词的方法是:_________________________)able(adj。

)—a bility(n。

) 能干的capable (adj.)—capability (n。

)(以able 结尾的形容词的名词是改________ 为______________ )二、课前预习导学I. Write the corresponding form of the following words according to what you have learned from the learning strategies :1。

北师大版高中英语unit13 lesson 1 EQ IQ导学案

北师大版高中英语unit13 lesson 1 EQ IQ导学案

Unit 13 Lesson 1 EQ: IQ(导学案)Part I Reading Comprehension1. Which of the following can show that a person has a high EQ?A.A person is very smart and intelligent.B.A person got good grades in the test.C.A person got himself promoted by his great efforts.D.A person got hired by a big company in the interview.2. What does the expression "if not more important than IQ"mean in Chinese?A.即使和智商一样重要B.即使不比智商重要C.即使和智商一样不重要D.即使比智商重要3.From the passage,we know EQ .A . is not very importantB. is as important as IQC . can lead us to successD.can make a person famous4.Which of the statements is TRUE according to the passage?A. The best and smartest students can always do well in the examsB. IQ can get you promoted and EQ can get you hired.C . Professor Mayer invented the term EQ .D. People who have high EQs can accept new ideas easily .5.From this passage,we can infer that .A . people with high IQs can survive easily in the worldB.we can certainly have a high EQ if we have a high IQC. it is possible to improve a person's EQD. people with low IQs have a harder time surviving in lifePart 2 Important words and phrases1.strength n.长处,优势;力量,体力strengths and weaknesses 长处和短处build up one's strength 增强体力strong adj.强壮的,坚固的→strength n.长处,优势;力量,体力→strengthen v.加强,巩固●They held the party to (strength) the relationship of the two companies.●When it comes to yourself, do you have any particular (strength) andweaknesses?2.concentrate vi. & vt.集中(思想、注意力等);(使)汇集于concentrate on 全神贯注于,集中精力于concentrate one's efforts/attention on(doing)sth.集中精力/注意力于(做)某事“专心于,全神贯注于”的其他表达:be buried/lost/absorbed infocus onput one's heart intofocus/fix one's mind/attention onconcentrate v.→concentration n.专心,专注;集中,聚集●After gaining some weight, she is concentrating herself _______ losing someweight.●It's the sort of work that calls for a high level of ________(concentrate).3.pay attention to 注意pay attention to中的to是介词,后接名词、代词或动名词。

北师大版高中英语必修五Unit 13《People》word导学案4

北师大版高中英语必修五Unit 13《People》word导学案4

Unit 13 People 导学案(4)Lesson 3 Making Guesses about peopleTips: Eat to live, but not live to eat.吃饭是为了生存,但生存不是为了吃饭。

Learning aims:1.Get the general ideas of the text2.Grammar---Modals for guessingLearning important point: Modals for guessing情态动词猜测用法Learning difficult point: Modals for guessingLearning guides: 通过观察,归纳总结语法规律Learning processes:Step I 短语集结(在P12-13中划出下列词组)A级1.run down ___________2.give sb a hug ______________3.since then ___________4.have sth./sb. doing__________5.get lost______________6.separate from _____________7.on one’s way _________ 8.at the moment ____________9.lose one’s way _________10.at the top of the muntain _____________11.go abroad______________ 12.tell sb. off____________13.fail the exam____________Step II 文句分析B级1.I saw she had tears running down her cheeks at lunch today and one of the other teachers gave her a hug.译文:__________________________________________2.Their friends are really upset and have been waiting anxiously for more news.译文:_________________________________________have been waiting 是现在完成进行时,表示动作发生在过去并持续到现在。



定远中学 自辅导学案 科目:高二·英语 拟定人:岳玲玲第1页 总第 1 页 Good Begun Half Done 。

. 第 2 页 总第2 页课题: Unit13 PeopleLesson 1 and 3【目标要求】 [学习目标] 1.理解文意,提高阅读能力; 2.掌握文中重点单词、短语和语法并能灵活运用它们。

【过程方法】 [lesson1重点词汇过关]1. 改善记忆力2. 集中精力于3. 以…告终4. 涉及,卷入5. 不确定6.控告某人某事7.使某人提升 8.继续干 9.做…是错的10.艰难做… 11.厌倦 12.在血统上,生来13.就…而言,从…方面来说 14.公认为15.在某方面是顶尖专家 16.残疾人17.不愿干 18.更好认识/理解19. 确信,自信 20.走在前面,进步;生活/事业取成功21.过着幸福成功的生活 22.以最好可行方法23.对…做出反应/应答 24.诉诸法律25.害怕 26.决心干某事27.完成此项工作 28.想起29.劝服某人 30.持有积极的态度31.起草[lesson3重点词汇过关]1. 让泪直流_2. 拥抱某人3. 向某人撒谎某事4. 独自地5. 迷路6. 把 ……分离7.落后 8.走错了路 9. 此刻, 现在10.一套 11. ….是令人宽心的 重点句背诵 1. 他们认为他们的智商是决定一生将做得多优秀之所在。

2. 人们通常认为无法改变这一事实。

3. 尽管你的智商告诉你是多么聪慧,可情商却告诉你是怎样充分地运用你的智慧。

4. 工作中,是智商让你解雇,可是情商让你提升。

5. 人们普遍认为,高智商的人思想开放,并且生活乐观。

6. 他们也很少为难题所困。

7. 另一方面,毫无疑问低情商的人经常很困难与人相处和应对困境。

8.我看见她在午饭时泪水直流,其中一个老师上前拥抱了她. 9. 他们可能落后了而且走错了路.10.找到他们将是巨大的安慰.词汇点击 1. accuse v . 指责,谴责;控告;告发 accuse sb.of...指控某人犯……错/罪 be accused of...被指控犯了……错/罪 accused adj.被指责的,被控告的 She accused him of stealing her money. 拓展blame sb.for sth./doing sth.因(做)某事责备某人 scold sb.for sth./doing sth.为(做)某事批评某人 punish sb.for sth./doing sth.为(做)某事而惩罚某人 charge sb.with sth.因某事控告某人 The boy was punished by his father for his stealing money. 即时训练The manager________one of the hotel servants of stealing the money. 2. concentrate v . 集中(思想、注意力等);全神贯注 concentration n . 专心;专注concentrate (sth.)on (doing )sth.集中于;专心于……concentrate one’s a ttention/efforts/thoughts on...把注意力/努力/思想集中到……be concentrated in/on/upon sth.集中于,专心于…… We should concentrate all our efforts on improving education. 拓展focus/fix one ’s attention on...集中注意力于…… put one ’s mind/heart in(into)专心于…… be absorbed in...一心一意于…… apply oneself/one ’s mind to...专心于…… pay attention to 专心, 注意…… 即时训练There is too much noise outside ,I can hardly________my attention on my book. 3. talk sb.into doing sth. 劝服某人做某事 talk sb.out of (doing ) sth.说服某人打消……的念头 persuade sb.to do/into doing sth.说服某人做某事 persuade sb.out of doing sth.说服某人停止做某事,劝阻……定远中学 自辅导学案 科目:高二·英语 拟定人:岳玲玲第3页 总第 3 页 Good Begun Half Done 。



Unit 13 PeopleWang Yuan was appointed as Special Advocate for EducationTFBOYS成员王源被任命为联合国儿童基金会青年教育使者,呼吁人们关心偏远山区儿童的教育问题。


The well­kno wn Chinese singer and actor,a member of the pop band TFBOYS,Wang Yuan was today appointed by United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund (UNICEF) as Special Advocate for Education.“I am very proud to join UNICEF China as Special Advocate for Ed ucation.It's not only an honour but also a responsibility.From now on,I will be more active in promoting education and development for China's children,and do as much practical work as I cation is a right,we should never allow it to be a privilege.Let's work hard to make education even better in the future.”Wang Yuan remarked at the announcement event at UNICEF's Beijing office.UNICEF works with the Government of China to promote and support high quality education for all of China's children.It works with partners to implement (实施) Child Friendly School model in remote and disadvantaged areas of China.A child friendly school is one that is designed for the best interest of the child.UNICEF believes that children come first and every child,no matter who they are,no matter what part of China they come from,has a right to receive high quality education.“It is my great pleasure to welcome Wang Yuan as a Special Advocate for Education for UNICEF China,”said Dr.Douglas Noble.“We are thankful to Wang Yuan fo r joining us in this important endeavor (尝试) to promote high quality education for every child.We look forward to continued collaboration with our partners,with all the hard­working teachers and students,in promoting,protecting and fulfilling the rights of all children in China.”Wang Yuan will visit the UNICEF­supported Child Friendly School project in the remote rural communities in China,support awareness­raising programmes and appear at key public events.[诱思导读]阅读短文,回答下列问题。

北师大版高中英语必修五Unit 13《People》word导学案1

北师大版高中英语必修五Unit 13《People》word导学案1

Unit 13 People导学案(1)Lesson 1 EQ:IQTips:Those who have courage to master their lives are heroes.有勇气主宰自己命运的人才是英雄。

Learning aims:1:学习并掌握重点词组、句型2会分析复杂结构的句子,正确理解句义Learning important point: 掌握本课的语言点Learning difficult point: 分析句子结构Learning processes:Step 1:学习Before you start 部分,找出下列词组,理解其含义。

(B级)1. from side to side __________2. come up with __________3. concentrate on ____________4. talk ... into doing __________ =(归纳同义短语)_______________________5. get into ___________6. draw up___________练一练:选词填空get into accurately draw up come up with concentrate on talk ... into doing ...1. Ally ________ me ________ going skiing with her.2. Mom asked me to _____________ more ______ my schoolwork.3. That’s the best idea he can ______________ .4. _________ a list of things you want to finish on Sunday.5. I lost my temper and a quarrel with Jack.6. You speak fluently but not enough.Step 2: 学习Language focus 部分,找出下列重点句子,分析句子成份,理解含义,掌握词组用法。

Unit 13 People Lesson 1 EQ :IQ 教学设计3-优质公开课-北师大必修5精品

Unit 13 People Lesson 1 EQ :IQ 教学设计3-优质公开课-北师大必修5精品

Unit 13 People Lesson 1 EQ :IQ 教学设计Teaching difficulties:1、This lesson is a reading passage. It plays a very important part in the English teaching of this unit.2、This lesson is the second part of Unit 1which is helpful to make the Ss learn the rest of this unit, for thetask in the unit is to practice reading and there are some sentences which can be used to introduce the grammar3、Of course, the Ss should receive some moral education. Let the Ss understand that success comes witha high EQ, which can be improved.Teaching aims:1 Knowledge aim: Understand the main idea of the text.2. Ability aim: Learn the skill “skimming and scanning”.3. Emotional aim: Make the Ss pay attention to improve their EQ, which is the same important as IQ. Teaching points:To know the differences between IQ and EQ as well as their relationshipTo practice the past tenseTo improve the reading skillTeaching stepsStep 1. GreetingsGreet the whole class as usual.Step 2. Warm-up and preparation for readingTell students to finish the following interesting quiz.1. in the rocking aircraft situationa) you are a gifted student but you are too nervous to do anythingb) you are calm and know you should read emergency instructions2. in the leader situationa) draw up an agenda and discuss it with the groupb) give the members time to get to know each othera) shows how intelligent you areb) shows how you use your intelligence2. Ask student to talk about this question---what’s EQ and IQ in the ir opinion.Purpose: Arouse the students’ interest of study.Bring in new subject: EQ:IQStep 3. Fast readingRead the passage as quickly as they can. I show the questions on the screen and let them get the main idea of the text: EQ is as important or more important than IQFind the main idea of each paragraph1.Success is not simply the result of a high IQ2.The difference between IQ and EQ3.There’s no definite association between IQ and EQ.. Purpose: Improve the students’ reading skills of skimming.Understand the general idea of each paragraph.Step 4.listening and Intensive readingListening and read the passage carefully again. This time ask students to decide the statement is ture or false and answer the following detailed questions:Exercise1: True or False?1. Whether we can succeed or not depends more on IQ than EQ.2. People with high EQs get along well with other people.3. A person can’t have both high EQ and IQ.4. A person’s IQ can’t be improve d while his EQ can be changed.Exercise 2 :Answer the following questions:.1 What does the recent research say about a person’s success and his or her IQ?Success in not simply the result of a high IQ.2 What does Prof. Salovey study?He is an expert in the study of EQ and the inventor of the term3 How does Professor Salovey describe EQ and IQ?At work, it is IQ that gets you hired but it is EQ that gets you promoted.4 Why do some smart students end up failing exams according to Prof. Salovey?Perhaps their failure is because of their low EQ.Purpose: Further understand the text and use reading ability of scanning to find out some different sentences and details of the text.Step 5.Important words and complex sentencesGuessing new words1. Professor Salovey gives the following description: At work, it is IQ that gets you hired but it is EQ that get you promoted. [dɪˈskrɪpʃən] n. 描述,形容;类型;说明书2. Supported by his academic research, the professor suggests that when predicting someone’s future success, their character might actually matter more than their IQ.Academic [ækə'demik] adj. 学校的;教学的;学术的n. 大学生;大学教师;学者predict [pri'dikt] v. 预知;预言;预计;预报3. Why do some of the smartest students in your class, who you think deserve good grades, sometimes end up failing exams? Perhaps their failure is because of their low EQ.deserve [dɪˈzɜːv] v. 应受,应得,值得4. People are often mistaken in thinking that those with high IQs always have high EQs as well. This association can exist, but it is just as possible for someone with a low IQ to have a high EQ.mistaken [mɪˈsteɪkən adj. 错误的;弄错的v. mistake的过去分词;弄错association [əˌsəʊsɪˈeɪʃən] n. 联合,联系;联合体,社团;协会Sentence analysis1.Even if they never see their results, they feel that their IQ is what determines how well they are going to do in life.2.… have you ever wondered why some of the smartest students in your class, who you think deserve good grades, sometimes end up failing exams?Purpose: Train the Ss’ ability of understanding and using language.Step 6. Homework1 Retell the passage according to the topic sentences2.Write a short passage to present your ideas about EQ or IQPurpose: I mean to give them emotional education. Although one’s IQ may be given by birth, we can improve our EQ to make up it.。

高中英语 Unit13 People Lesson 1(1)导学案(无答案)北师大版必修5 学案

高中英语 Unit13 People Lesson 1(1)导学案(无答案)北师大版必修5 学案
练习:Mrs White showed her students some old maps _________ from the library.
A. to borrow B. to be borrowed C. borrowed D. borrowing
作表语的过去分词(短语)多表示主语的内心感受或所处的状态,相当于形容词。常见的有:excited, interested, tired, bored, surprised, astonished, amused, pleased, delighted, disappointed, worried, confused, puzzled等。
Ihad to shout to make myselfheardabove the music.
Iwill have my bikefixedwhile you are cooking.
练习:Even the best writers sometimes find themselves _________ for words.
Book5Unit 13Lesson1Grammar导学案
Learning Objective:
1. Be familiar with the new words in EQ:IQ
2.Go through the text and use some reading skills to finish the exercise.
1)表示感觉和心理状态的动词,如feel, hear, notice, see, watch, find等后跟宾语补足语。
She found her pocketpickedon the way home. /They found the guestsgone.

高中英语(Uint 13 People Lesson1)导学案(无答案)北师大版必修5 学案

高中英语(Uint 13 People Lesson1)导学案(无答案)北师大版必修5 学案

U13 Lesson1 EQ:IQ【Learning aims】1.To be able to get the main idea of the passage2.mand the usage of the new words and phrases3.Understand the difference between EQ and IQStep one: Self- studyTask 1. What’s the type of the passage? Novel? Drama? Essay? Or argumentation?_____________________________________________________________________________________________ Task 2完成《全优课堂》P2的预读理解Fast ReadingAnswer:__________________Task 3 Careful Reading: fill in the blanksTask 4 Language focusPhrases: 翻译,并在P8-9中做出标记.from side to side _______________ pray to ________________e up with ________________ concentrate on_________________talk sb. into doing sth.__________________ take a break ___________________draw up ________________ a solution to ___________________end up ______________________ be open to__________________have/has a lot to do____________________ get ahead____________________react to__________________ be accused of_____________________Language points (语言点)1.deserve vt. 应得,值得They deserve our praise. 他值得我们称赞。



Unit13People -lesson1 EQ:IQ学案(北师大版必修5)Teaching Aims:To be able to talk about EQ and IQTo practise using Past Participles with various functions in sentencesTeaching difficulties:To practise using Past Participles with various functions in sentencesTeaching Aids: computerTeaching procedures:Ⅰ. Warming upT: Today we study lesson 1 EQ: IQ. What does EQ stand for?S:T: yes. Emotional Quotient. It tells you how well you use your smartness. Do this test to find out your EQ. Then compare and discuss your results with a partner.Do the exercise1.T: How many points do you get in the EQ test?S:T: Now we know the meaning of EQ. we often hear someone refer to IQ, so we are familiar with IQ. What does IQ stand for?S:T: Intelligence Quotient. Tells you how well you use your smartness.Which do you think is more important? EQ or IQ? Why?ⅡReadingNow read the text you will learn something important about EQ and IQ. Do the exercise true or false.1. The article is mainly talking about the relationship between EQ and IQ.2. Whether we can succeed or not more depends on IQ than EQ.3. High EQ can make people get along well with other people.4. High EQs can make you full of confidence for life since you face many difficulties.5. EQ is always the opposite of IQ.6. A person can’t have both high EQs and IQs.7. A person’s IQ can’t be improve while EQ can be changed.Answers: 1. F 2. F 3.T 4. T 5.F 6 .F 7.TⅢ listening and readingFirstly listen to the cassette. Secondly read the text aloud. Thirdly answer the following questions. Do the exercise 2.Do the exercise correct mistakes1.It is IQ which gets you hired and EQ that gets you promoted2. Many quick-witted students fail exams, perhaps it is because differences in person’s EQ.3. It is little doubt that those with low EQs have a harder time surviving in life.4. They also showed better understanding of the disabled students’ feeling.5. They suggest a link between EQ, IQ, genetics and environment.6. The social scientists said that they were possible to improve a person’s EQ.7. The book is very worth reading.8. It is hoped we can win the game in the end.Answers: 1. which 改为that 2. because后面加of 3. It 改为There 4. understanding 前加a 5. environment前加the 6. they were 改为it was7. very改为well 8. hoped后面加thatⅣ DiscussionDo you think EQ and IQ tests should be a part of job recruitment? Why?ⅤvocabularyDo the exercise 4Ⅵ Language points1. talk …into doing劝服某人做某事We finally talked father into buying a new car.我们总算说服爸爸买了一辆新车。

高中英语 Unit13 People Lesson 1(2)导学案(无答案)北师大版必修5 学案

高中英语 Unit13 People Lesson 1(2)导学案(无答案)北师大版必修5 学案
1.___________n. 形容,描述.→ _________v. 描述
2.__________vt. 预言;预测→____________ n. 预言,预测→______________adj. 可预言的
3.____________adj.错误的→_____________n. 错误
A.IQ is as important as EQ
B.IQ is more important than EQ
C.EQ is more important than IQ
D.both IQ and EQ are important
2. Which of the following statements about IQ is TRUE?
4..____________n. 可能性→ __________adj.可能的→_____________adv.可能地
5. ____________n. 残疾;无能→____________adj.残疾的
6. ____________ adj. 有天赋的→___________n. 天赋
7. ____________n. 失败→___________v.失败

高中英语 Unit 13 People Lesson 1 warm up教案 北师大版必修5-北师

高中英语 Unit 13 People Lesson 1  warm up教案 北师大版必修5-北师

Unit 13 lesson 1 & warm up[教学目标]1、学习并掌握重点单词、短语、句型2 会分析复杂结构的句子,正确理解句义3、提高学生的阅读理解能力[知识梳理]及[典型例题]lesson 1 & warm up重点单词、短语、句型讲解1. connection n.联系;连接(教材P7)Connection to the gas supply was delayed for three days.接通煤气延迟了三天。

His job is in connection with business.他从事与商业有关的工作。

常见的结构①connection between...and...……与……的联系in connection with 与……有关have a connection/no connection with 和……有/无联系②connect v.(使)连接;与……有联系;联运connect...with...把……和……联系起来connect...and/with/to...把……和……连接起来be connected with 与……有联系③connected adj.相连的;有关系的Tell me all you know in connection with that matter.把你知道的关于那件事的所有情况都告诉我。

The two ideas are closely connected,and should be dealt with together.这两种观点关系密切,应一起讨论。

当堂检测当堂检测用connect的适当形式填空①What is the ________between the two ideas?2.e up with 提出;想出;产生;Analyse your problems and e up with a plan to improve your grade.(教材P8) 分析你的问题,找出一个提高分数的计划。

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Book5 Unit 13 Lesson 1 Grammar导学案
Learning Objective:
1. Be familiar with the new words in EQ:IQ
2. Go through the text and use some reading skills to finish the exercise.
3. Use some new words to complete the summary of the text



The recovered animal will be released soon.
Mrs White showed her stud ents some old maps _________ from the library.
B. stuck
C. to be stuck
D. to have stuck
Even the best writers sometimes find themselves _________ for wo
is being rebuilt now.
11) _______(choose) from 1,500 army pilots to work as an astronau t, Yang Liwei felt
