新时代第1册第2单元 proofed



玛丽·居里,原籍波兰,法国物理学家、化学家。1895 年她与皮埃尔·居里结婚,他们共同就放射性现象进行研 究,先后发现了钋和镭两种天然放射性元素。1906年居 里去世后,她继续研究放射性,并著有《放射性通论》、 《放射性物质的研究》等,推动了核科学的发展。由于她 对放射现象研究工作的巨大贡献,和丈夫共获1903年诺 贝尔物理学奖,后又获得1911年诺贝尔化学奖。
一、掌握生字新词,有感情地朗读课文。 二、了解居里夫人高尚的品格,为科学献身的精神以及 所取得的辉煌成就。 三、联系上下文中含义深刻的句子,体会局里夫人的崇 高精神和人格魅力。 四、感悟作者的表达方法,体会作者的语言魅力。
跨 越 百 年 的 美 丽梁

背景资料 阅读赏析 学习建议
背Hale Waihona Puke 资料梁衡,当代作家,山西霍州人。著名新闻理论家、散文家 、科普作家和政论家。现任《人民日报》副总编辑、中国人 民大学新闻学院博士生导师、中国作家协会全委会委员、中 国记者协会全委会常务理事、人教版中小学教材总顾问。他 的主要作品有科学史章回小说《数理化通俗演义》;新闻三 部曲(《没有新闻的角落》、《新闻绿叶的脉络》、《新闻 原理的思考》);散文集《夏与秋思》、《只求新去处》、《 红色经典》、《名山大川感恩录》。季羡林老人称其为“政 治散文”。



新视界大学英语第一册第二单元课文翻译及练习答案(william)(New horizon, College English, unit second, text translation andexercise answers (William))New Horizon College English Integrated CourseSecond unit text translation and exercise answersActive ReadingEat hot potIt's a cold winter night. We've just arrived from New York. It's only two hours. We had dinner with a friend at a Sichuan hotpot restaurant in Beijing. This is a typical warm, lively and energetic place. I went back to China and felt very comfortable.A waiter put the hot pot in front of us and lit the fire. We were studying what was in it, and the boiling steam and the smell of the spices rushed up. Facing the heat of the chafing dish, we were flushed with excitement and looked forward to our favorite food.In fact, not everyone is like that. My boyfriend came to China with me and he only stayed for a short time. This is his first time in China. I promised to bring him the classic Sichuan food. He looked puzzled, perhaps because he was tired of flying.A Chinese friend of mine handed me the menu and ordered me to order. The waiter served several dishes of raw food: beef, mutton slices, heaping mushrooms, there are many Westerners feel rare and some vegetables, it is difficult to identify thesmall slippery meat. Eat this kind of meat in America? We don't want to think about it.I explained to my boyfriend that the bottom of the pot was relatively light, and the other side was chili oil, which was full of chili peppers and had to be treated with care. Then I explained how to put a variety of side dishes in a boiling pan, cooked, dipped in a variety of sauces, and then eaten.Soon, we all started eating ourselves, sharing the best food and chatting about what we had done during the holidays. But my boyfriend's plate is empty. I saw him pick up a piece, each piece has a look, and then back in the pot.I asked him, "what are you looking for?""He looked confused. "How do they know which one they put in?" How can I find the ones I put in?"We laughed, and then I realized he was serious.Later, I took another look at my boyfriend. He chewed very slowly and the chopsticks stopped in the air. He looked suspicious but his face hung a polite smile.I asked him, "what's the matter?" You haven't used chopsticks before!""No, not for this.". What I ate was different from what I expected."Although he smiled, I could see what he was thinking. I could even hear what he ate, though it was very noisy. Suddenly, I think of my first taste of Chinese food in china.I explained to him: "this is not the takeaway from Manhattan Chinatown. The Chinese food is specially adjusted according to the tastes of Westerners. It's the real Chinese food that the Chinese really eat now."!"How could I bring him here? This is his first meal in china!I really should take him to the junior class in Chinese food, just like he used to go to the Chinese Beginner class.Now that I'm in China, eating real Chinese food has become a habit. But when I first came, no matter what food I had, I swallowed it hard, even though I didn't like it at all, just to make my host happy. For westerners, taste is not the main problem. Most of the dishes here are very familiar with taste, and are not difficult to swallow even if they are not familiar with it. The problem is how food feels. Apart from pork chops and chicken wings, most Westerners only want food that can be broken down with knives and forks. They don't want to suck their voices and don't want to chew them endlessly.But gradually, after living in China for a few months, I realized that I liked the feeling of Chinese food, and that was what I missed when I left china. Now, the Chinese have made me feel greedy.I am now in China, just like my home, but my boyfriend's first experience with real Chinese food still startled me and madehim homesick.Dealing with Unfamiliar Words④代替有下划线的词用方框中所给词语的正确形式。

高中思想政治必修第一册精品课件 第二单元 第四课 第一框 时代的主题

高中思想政治必修第一册精品课件 第二单元 第四课 第一框 时代的主题
பைடு நூலகம்
二、促进和平与发展的因素 1. 经济全球化 发展使各国相互依赖 国家间日益增强的贸易往来,增进了彼此间的交流。各国相互依赖程度不 断加深,经济上的共同利益不断扩大,共同维护和促进世界和平与发展的意 愿不断增强。 2.不同力量中心之间相互制衡 发展中国家力量不断增强,新兴经济体实力提升,壮大了维护世界和平、促 进共同发展的力量。 科学技术的进步 ,极大地改变了国际关系和战争 面貌。
针对训练 1.近两年来,世界各国求和平、促合作的趋势越来越突出,但巴基斯坦境内 发生的自杀性爆炸事件不断。巴基斯坦政府在通过武力打击恐怖主义和 极端主义这两股势力的同时,也呼吁国际社会支持巴基斯坦政府的反恐行 动。上述材料表明( ) ①国际竞争激烈化程度正在加剧 ②争取持久和平的任务依然艰巨 ③ 当今时代的主题就是和平问题 ④威胁世界和平的因素依然存在 A.②④ B.①④ C.①③ D.②③
3.和平与发展的关系 (1)和平是发展的 前提 。人类社会的共同发展,需要国际社会保持持久 和平的环境,为各国正常发展和政治经济的往来提供保障。 (2)发展是和平的 基础 。 发展 是解决一切问题的总钥匙,只有释放 各国发展潜力,实现世界各国的共同发展,才能够为国际社会的持久和平提 供坚实的物质基础。同时,经济的发展有助于消除贫困,减少地区冲突的产 生,消除不稳定的因素,为维系持久和平提供动力。
第一框 时代的主题
课标要求 引述有关资料,全面阐述和平与发展是当今时代的主题 政治认同:识记和平与发展的含义、和平与发展的关系、维护世 界和平和促进世界发展的举措;结合实际说明如何维护世界和平
素养目标 和促进世界发展、我国应如何响应和平与发展是时代的主题,关 注中国在国际舞台的地位,增强民族自豪感 科学精神:理解和平与发展是时代的主题



新时代研究生学术英语教程1第一单元Here is an essay with over 1,000 words on the topic "New Era Graduate Academic English Course 1 Unit 1":In the new era of globalization and technological advancements, the acquisition of academic English proficiency has become increasingly crucial for graduate students. As they embark on their research journeys, the ability to effectively communicate their ideas, findings, and insights to an international audience has become a critical skill. The "New Era Graduate Academic English Course 1 Unit 1" aims to equip students with the necessary tools and strategies to thrive in this dynamic academic landscape.The first unit of this course focuses on the fundamental aspects of academic writing, a cornerstone of graduate-level research and scholarship. Students will be introduced to the core elements of academic discourse, including the organization and structure of research papers, the use of appropriate language and tone, and the importance of coherence and clarity in their written communication.One of the primary objectives of this unit is to help students develop a strong foundation in the conventions of academic writing. Thisincludes understanding the purpose and structure of different sections within a research paper, such as the introduction, literature review, methodology, results, and discussion. By mastering these components, students will be better equipped to effectively convey their research objectives, contextualize their work within the existing body of knowledge, and present their findings in a logical and compelling manner.Furthermore, this unit emphasizes the significance of academic voice and tone. Graduate students are expected to adopt a formal, objective, and impersonal style in their writing, demonstrating their depth of understanding and critical thinking abilities. Through targeted exercises and feedback, students will learn to avoid common pitfalls, such as the overuse of personal pronouns, colloquial language, and emotional appeals, and instead cultivate a more academic and authoritative writing style.In addition to the structural and stylistic aspects of academic writing, this unit also addresses the fundamental principles of effective paragraph and sentence construction. Students will explore techniques for developing coherent and well-structured paragraphs, including the use of topic sentences, supporting evidence, and logical transitions. They will also delve into the nuances of sentence structure, exploring ways to vary sentence length, complexity, and rhythm to enhance the overall flow and readability of their work.One of the key focuses of this unit is the development of critical thinking and analysis skills. Graduate students are expected to engage in in-depth research, synthesize complex information, and formulate original arguments. This unit will guide students in honing these essential skills, teaching them how to critically evaluate sources, identify key themes and patterns, and construct persuasive and well-reasoned arguments.Furthermore, this unit emphasizes the importance of academic integrity and proper citation practices. Students will learn how to effectively incorporate and cite sources, ensuring that they avoid plagiarism and maintain the highest standards of scholarly ethics. They will be introduced to various citation styles, such as APA and MLA, and will practice implementing these guidelines throughout their academic writing.Another crucial aspect of this unit is the development of research skills. Graduate students are expected to be proficient in searching for, evaluating, and integrating relevant literature into their work. This unit will equip students with strategies for effectively navigating academic databases, identifying authoritative sources, and synthesizing the existing body of knowledge to support their research objectives.In addition to the core components of academic writing, this unit also addresses the importance of audience awareness and professional communication. Students will learn how to tailor their writing style and tone to specific academic or professional contexts, ensuring that their work is accessible and impactful to their intended readers. This includes strategies for effectively communicating complex ideas to both specialist and non-specialist audiences.Throughout this unit, students will have ample opportunities to apply the concepts and skills they have learned through a series of practical exercises and writing assignments. These activities will not only reinforce their understanding of academic writing but also provide valuable feedback and guidance from experienced instructors.By the end of this unit, students will have developed a comprehensive set of academic writing skills that will serve them well throughout their graduate studies and beyond. They will be equipped with the confidence and competence to effectively communicate their research, engage in scholarly discourse, and contribute to the advancement of knowledge in their respective fields.In conclusion, the "New Era Graduate Academic English Course 1 Unit 1" is a crucial stepping stone in the academic journey ofgraduate students. By mastering the fundamental principles of academic writing, critical thinking, and research skills, students will be well-positioned to excel in their graduate programs and to make meaningful contributions to the global academic community.。

2019-2020学年新教材高中政治 第四课 第一框 中国特色社会主义进入新时代教案 部编版第一册

2019-2020学年新教材高中政治 第四课 第一框 中国特色社会主义进入新时代教案 部编版第一册

第一框 中国特色社会主义进入新时代党的十八大以来的五年,是党和国家发展进程中极不平凡的五年。

面对世界经济复苏乏力、局部冲突和动荡频发、全球性问题加剧的外部环境,面对我国经济发展进入新常了解新时代的科学内涵和历一、新时代的科学内涵教材“探究与分享1”提示 党的十八大以来的五年,是党和国家发展进程中极不平凡的五年。










新时代大学进阶英语视听说教程1答案第二版1、Mum is ill. I have to _______ her at home. [单选题] *A. look after(正确答案)B. look forC. look outD. look forward to2、Kids will soon get tired of learning _____ more than they can. [单选题] *A. if they expect to learnB. if they are expected to learn(正确答案)C. if they learn to expectD. if they are learned to expect3、There _______ some milk in the glass. [单选题] *A. is(正确答案)B. areC. haveD. has4、33.Body language is even___________ and ___________ than any other language. [单选题] *A.stronger, loudB.strong, louderC.strong, loudD.stronger, louder (正确答案)5、My father?is _______ flowers. [单选题] *A. busy watering(正确答案)B. busy waterC. busy with wateringD. busy with water6、The language school started a new()to help young learners with reading and writing. [单选题] *A. course(正确答案)B. designC. eventD. progress7、Last year Polly _______ an English club and has improved her English a lot. [单选题] *A. leftB. sawC. joined(正确答案)D. heard8、If you pass your exams, we’ll have a party to celebrate. [单选题] *A. 宣布B. 发表C. 解放D. 庆祝(正确答案)9、I like booking tickets online,because it is _______. [单选题] *A. boringB. confidentC. convenient(正确答案)D. expensive10、The yellow bag _______ me. [单选题] *A. belong toB. belongs to(正确答案)C. belongD. belongs11、These two films are very interesting. I like them _____. [单选题] *A. eitherB. neitherC. allD. both(正确答案)12、He either watches TV _______ reads books in the evening. [单选题] *A. or(正确答案)B. andC. toD. so13、There is a bank ______ the street. [单选题] *A. on the end ofB. in the end ofC. at the end of(正确答案)D. by the end of14、It’s reported that there are more than 300?_______ smokers in China. [单选题] *A. million(正确答案)B. millionsC. million ofD. millions of15、The more he tried to please her, _____she seemed to appreciate it. [单选题] *A.lessB.lesserC.the less(正确答案)D.the lesser16、100.The bus can ______ you to the Great Wall. [单选题] *A.leaveB.take(正确答案)C.changeD.spend17、These apples smell _____ and taste ______. [单选题] *A. well; wellB. good; good(正确答案)C. well; goodD. good; well18、I _______ no idea of where the zoo is. [单选题] *A. thinkB. getC. have(正确答案)D. take19、Marie is a _______ girl.She always smiles and says hello to others. [单选题] *A. shyB. friendly(正确答案)C. healthyD. crazy20、( ) ----Would you like___ tea? ----No, thanks. I have drunk two____. [单选题] *A. any, bottles of orangeB. some, bottles of orange(正确答案)C. many, bottles of orangesD. few, bottle of oranges21、This species has nearly ()because its habitat is being destroyed. [单选题] *A. used upB. died out(正确答案)C. gone upD. got rid of22、The children are playing wildly and making a lot of?_______. [单选题] *A. cryB. voicesC. noises(正确答案)D. music23、16.We asked ______ engineer we met before to help repair the radio yesterday. [单选题] * A.aB.anC.the(正确答案)D./24、They were both born _______ March, 1 [单选题] *A. in(正确答案)B. atC. onD. since25、31.That's ______ interesting football game. We are all excited. [单选题] *A.aB.an(正确答案)C.theD./26、15.The restaurant ________ many complaints because of the terrible service since last month. [单选题] *A.receivesB.is receivingC.has received(正确答案)D.will receive27、A modern city has sprung up in _____was a waste land ten years ago. [单选题] *A.whichB.what(正确答案)C.thatD.where28、You have coughed for several days, Bill. Stop smoking, _______ you’ll get better soon. [单选题] *A. butB. afterC. orD. and(正确答案)29、72.I really don’t know how to thank you , but for your help, I ()my lost necklace.[单选题] *A.couldn’t have found(正确答案)B.mustn’t have foundC.couldn’t findD.wouldn’t find30、While my mother _______ the supper, my father came back. [单选题] *A. cooksB. is cookingC. was cooking(正确答案)D. has cooked。



人民日益增长的物质文化需要同落后的社会生产之间 的矛盾
人民日益增长的美好生活需要和不平衡不充分的发展 之间的矛盾
训练1 目前,我国总体上实现小康,人民美好生活需要日益广泛。
意味着中国特色社会主义道路、理论、制度、文化不断发展,拓 世界 展了发展中国家走向现代化的途径,给世界上那些既希望加快发 意义 展又希望保持自身独立性的国家和民族提供了全新选择,为解决
从三个维度理解新时代及其伟大意义 (1)历史的维度——强起来的时代,集中体现在新时代发展目标的全 面性和多元化上。 (2)制度的维度——体制机制更加完善的时代。 (3)国际的维度——贡献中国智慧和中国方案的时代。中国正在日益 走向世界舞台的中央,更加积极地参与全球的治理。
因素。这说明( )
①新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情防控是我国社会的主要矛盾 ②我们要解
决好发展不平衡不充分问题,提升发展质量和效益 ③我国社会主要
探究1:请你说说新时代为什么要一以贯之坚持和发展中国特色社会 主义。
提示:新时代中国特色社会主义是中国共产党领导人民进行伟大社会革命的成 果,也是党领导人民进行伟大社会革命的继续,必须一以贯之进行下去。
提示:①党的做法:要把新时代坚持和发展中国特色社会主义这场伟大社会革 命进行好,在实践中不断丰富中国特色社会主义的实践特色、理论特色、民族特 色、时代特色,在新的历史条件下把党和国家各项事业继续推向前进。②新时代 每个奋斗者的做法:要不忘初心、牢记使命,以永不懈怠的精神状态和一往无前 的奋斗姿态,一以贯之坚持和发展中国特色社会主义,一以贯之推进党的建设新 的伟大工程,一以贯之增强忧患意识、防范风险挑战,开新局于伟大的社会革命, 强体魄于伟大的自我革命,在广袤国土上继续书写十四亿多中国人民伟大奋斗的 历史新篇章。

2021-2022学年新教材部编版政治选择性必修1课件:第2单元 第4课 第1框 时代的主题

2021-2022学年新教材部编版政治选择性必修1课件:第2单元 第4课 第1框 时代的主题

_经__济__全__球__化___是当今世界的一个基本特征,世界经济发展 经济因素 更加注重提高 质量 ,知识经济方兴未艾,经济
2.关系 (1)和平是发展的前提 。人类社会的共同发展,需要国际社会保 持持久和平的环境,为各国正常发展和政治经济的往来提供保障。 (2)发展是和平的基础 。发展是解决一切问题的总钥匙,只有释 放各国发展潜力,实现世界各国的共同发展,才能够为国际社会的 持久和平提供坚实的 物质基础。同时,经济的发展为维系持久和平 提供动力。
审材料 打造中非命运共同体
析选项 方的共同发展,②④正确;中非属于不同的区域,①错误;材料没有
把握选项与材料的符合度。如中非之间相距万里,无法打造区域合作 悟技巧
议题二| 促进和平与发展的因素有哪些
1.经济全球化发展加深了各国相互依赖的程度:各国相互依赖 程度不断加深,经济上的 共同利益 不断扩大,共同维护和促进世界 和平与发展的意愿不断增强。
2.不同力量中心之间相互制衡:发展中国家力量不断增强, 新兴经济体实力提升,壮大了维护世界和平、促进共同发展的力量。 科学技术的进步,极大地改变了国际关系和战争面貌。



新时代通用英语1评估手册答案Unit TestUnit 1 HobbiesPart 1 Listening Comprehension (15 points)Section ADirections: There are 5 recorded dialogues in this section. After each dialogue, there is a recorded question. When you hear a question, choose the correct answer.1. A. An indoor sport. B. A water sport.C. A team sport.D. A ball sport2. A. He’s done this activity before. B. He’s not keen on outdoor activities.C. He has other plans.D. He’s frightened of heights.3. A. How much it costs to join the chess club.B. How many people are members of the club.C. Where the chess club meets.D. When the chess club meets.4. A. He’s too busy with his studies.B. He’s already a member of a drama group.C. He prefers sporty activities.D. He’s not good at acting.5. A. He likes to relaxB. He likes to be very busy, with lots of activitiesC. He spends time indoors.D. He spends time outdoors.Section BDirections: Listen to the two conversations and answer the questions.Conversation 11. What kind of hobby is Karen looking for?A. A relaxing, indoors hobby.B. A sociable, outdoors hobby.C. A sociable, indoors hobby.D. A hobby which keeps her mind active.2. What does Karen think of Jamie’s suggestion?A. She thinks it’s a great idea.B. She thinks it sounds too expensive.C. She thinks it sounds dangerous.D. She thinks it sounds boring.Conversation 23. What is Simon’s problem?A. He’s bored.B. He doesn’t have time to relax.C. He can’t find a job.D. He doesn’t have any money.4. Why does his friend suggest that he finds a new hobby?A. It would help him to become better at sport.B. It would help him to make new friends.C. It would be good for his health.D. It would help keep his mind active.5. Which of his friend’s suggestions does Simon agree to?A. Taking up a new sport.B. Joining a photography club.C. Taking up painting.D. Playing a boardgame.Section CDirections: Listen to the recorded passage three times. During the second reading, fill in the blanks with the words or phrases you hear. During the third reading, check your writing. For me, the best thing about starting college was finding out about all of the (1) . It seemed there were so many opportunities to (2) _! On the first day of the new semester, the college (3) where you could visit all of the different clubs and find out about the activities on offer. I joined the (4) , the debating club and the yoga club, and I’m so glad I did! In each of the three clubs, I’ve made new friends and I’ve learned new things.I also find that going to the weekly meetings is a great way of (5) after a hard day of studying.Part 2 Vocabulary & Structure (30 points)Section AChoose the correct option for each sentence.1. Painting is a relaxing way to the time.A. passB. keepC. makeD. save2. You’ll need to your shirt if you’re going out to a smart restaurant.A. ironsB. ironC. ironedD. ironing3. Collecting dolls may seem like a hobby, but I really enjoy it.A. greatB. modernC. weirdD. dangerous4. Can you your board game on another table, please? There isn’t enough room here.A. set upB. set overC. set onD. set in5. We’ve moved into a new house and the walls need to be painted. We’re looking for a(n) .A. gardenerB. plumberC. electricianD. decorator6. In my opinion, the best filmmakers get their from everyday life.A. publicationB. inspirationC. ambitionD. creation7. This house looks small on the outside, but the is large and spacious.A. inferiorB. superiorC. exteriorD. interior8. Look—there’s a film over there! Do you think we’ll see anyone famous?A. groupB. crewC. clubD. camp9. Can we make this game more difficult? I don’t find it enough.A. challengingB. easyC. simpleD. boring10. We’ve known each other for just a few months, but it years.A. seems asB. seems likeC. looks likeD. looks asSection BFill in each blank with the proper word or phrase given in the brackets.1. My sister, (which/who) lives in Canada, is a dancer.2. Look! There’s the house (where/that) I used to live.3. He went to a disco, (where/which) always gave him a headache.4. He’s a writer _ (whose/which) books have been translated into one hundred languages.5. This city, (which/where) is very big is also very friendly. Section CComplete the passage with the appropriate words given in the brackets.My sister and I may look similar but when it comes to hobbies, we are very different. I have a very busy (1) (schedule/hobby/group) and I like to keep active all the time.I’d be (2) (happy/excited/bored) if I stayed at home! My sister prefers to chill out and stay (3) (indoors/outdoors/interior). Her hobbies are calligraphy and painting and she does some really (4) (awful/awesome/boring) work—I think she’s very talented. In fact, last month, some of her work was in an (5) (expedition/expectation/exhibition) in our local art gallery —I was very proud of her.Part 3 Reading Comprehension (40 points)Task 1Read the following passage. Choose the best answer.My hobby made me money!We all know that hobbies can be a great way of relaxing, learning new things and making new friends. But did you know that some hobbies can even make you money? This is what Vanessa Hughes found out last year.The nineteen-year-old told us: “I’ve always loved cooking and baking. Since I was seven or eight years old, I’ve been in the kitchen making my family meals and snacks. Last summer, it was my best friend’s birthday, and I decided to organize a surprise party for her. I didn’t have enough money to buy lots of ready-made food, so I made my own.”The surprise was a huge success and Vanessa was surprised when people kept asking her “Who prepared all this delicious food?”At the end of the party, a friend asked her if she would cook for his mother’s birthday party. Vanessa said: “He offered me money, but I wouldn’t take money from a friend. I just said I’d do it.”The next party Vanessa cooked for went equally well, and by the end of that one, Vanessa had three more bookings for parties over the next month. She said: “By then I realized I was going to have to start charging some money for my services. At the beginning, though, I only asked for a small amount to cover the ingredients I used.”Since these early days, Vanessa hasn’t stopped. She’s now busy every weekend, cooking for parties. “I love it”, she says “…and I feel so lucky that my hobby is helping me earn money. I’m going to use the money to help me to go to college—to study courses of catering!1. What is Vanessa Hughes’ hobby?A. Organizing partiesB. Going to partiesC. Cooking and bakingD. Spending time with her family2. Why did Vanessa prepare the food for her friend’s surprise party?A. She didn’t have the money to buy ready-made food.B. She didn’t like the food available in the shops.C. Her friend asked her to make the food.D. She wanted to impress her friends.3. Why did Vanessa not want to take money for her cooking?A. She didn’t need the money.B. She didn’t think her cooking was good enough to pay for.C. She didn’t want to take money from friends.D. She wasn’t sure how much to ask for.4. How was the second party which Vanessa cooked for?A. It didn’t go as well as the first one did.B. It went well, like the first one did.C. It went badly.D. She didn’t get any more bookings.5. What is Vanessa saving up for?A. A new cookerB. Private cookery lessonsC. Her college course in catering.D. A wider range of ingredientsTask 2Read the following passage. Choose the best answer.Stress-busting hobbiesFor college students, who are often trying to deal with studies and part-time jobs, life can be stressful. It’s important totake time out to unwind and relax, and this is where the kind of hobby you choose is very important. Some hobbies are more relaxing than others, and this article will look at three of the hobbies which are most likely to calm you down. •MusicMusic is very good at helping you to relax. Listening to music is calming, but creating music (through playing an instrument, for example) can be an even more powerful way of relieving stress, because it allows you to express yourself creatively. Playing an instrument also takes all your attention, so you don’t have time to worry about other things.•Looking after an aquariumLooking after (and watching) an aquarium of beautiful fish is a very calming hobby. Why? Well, fish need regular attention, but they take up far less of your time than a dog or a cat. There is something creative about looking after an aquarium too. You get to produce your own mixture of fish, plant and rock life. •ExerciseExercise isn’t just good for your physical health. It can also improve your mental health by relieving stress. It’s important to find a kind of exercise which you enjoy doing. Once you’ve found something you like, make it a regular part of yourroutine. You could join a sports team, do online exercise videos or choose something as simple as going for a walk every day. There are plenty more relaxing hobbies out there; these are just three out of many. The important thing is to find something which works for you.6. According to the writer, why is it important to think carefully about the hobby you choose?A. Some hobbies can help you to find a job.B. Some hobbies can distract college students from their studies.C. Some hobbies cost a lot of money to do.D. Some hobbies are more relaxing than others.7. According to the writer, why is making music more relaxing than listening to music?A. Making music can help you to make new friends.B. Making music allows you to focus completely on what you are doing.C. When you make music, you can choose what you want to play and how you play it.D. Making music will take up less of your time than listening to music.8. What pet does the writer think is the most relaxing?A. A dogB. A catC. Some fishD. None. The writer thinks that keeping pets is stressful.9. According to the writer, physical exercise benefits .A. physical healthB. mental healthC. physical and mental healthD. brainpower10.What is the most important thing to consider when choosinga hobby?A. What makes you feel goodB. Your friends’ hobbiesC. How much it costs to doD. How it will benefit your studies Task 3Read the following passage. Fill in each blank with no more than three words.Join our geocaching group!•Do you love being outdoors?•Would you like to learn more about your local area?•Do you want to meet new people and have fun?If your answer to all three questions is “yes” then you need to join our geocaching group! Our group meets every weekend, whatever the weather, and we’re always looking for new members. What is geocaching?Geocaching is an outdoor treasure hunting game. Players use the geocache app to find small items of treasure (geocache) hidden in the nearby area. When players find the treasure, they put their names in a small book, which is hidden with the geocache, and replace the treasure with a small item they have brought with them.Geocaching is a great way to relax and make new friends. It’s also a way of learning more about the place where you live and keeping yourself fit and healthy.Interested?If this sounds like fun, come along to our next geocaching group meeting (Tuesday, the 4th May in Room D12), where we will be talking about the program for the summer semester. Everyone welcome.11. Geocaching is a great hobby for people who like .12. The geocaching group meets .13. When people geocache, they look for small items of treasure in .14. Geocaching is a good way to find out more about the area .15. At the meeting, the group will talk about the program for . Task 4The following is an informal email to a friend. After reading it, fill in each blank with no more than three words.Hi Benji,How are things with you? Are your exams going well so far? I’m writing to see if you have plans for the summer vacation. I’ve just found out about a music and drama camp for young people at the beginning of July. It lasts just one week, and it sounds brilliant! I’m planning to go and wondered if you’d like to come with me.The camp takes place at the arts center in my town. Everyone at the camp gets music lessons in the morning (you can choose from singing, guitar, drums or harp) and in the afternoon there are drama activities. At the end of the week, everyone works together to perform a concert to show what they have learned all week.There is accommodation at the camp, but it’s a little bit expensive, so we could stay at my house and then we only need to play for the lessons (which are quite cheap, really). I’ve checked with my parents and they’d be happy for you to stay. Let me know what you think!Speak soon,Cara16. What does Cara want to know?She wants to know if Benji has already made plans for . 17. When does the summer camp take place?At the .18. What will the young people at the camp do in the morning? They will have .19. What happens at the end of the week?The young people will .20. Why does Cara think that they should stay at her house? Because the camp accommodation .Part 4 Writing (15 points)Imagine you are organizing a housewarming party. Write a party invitation to your neighbor, using the prompts below to help you.Hello Joyce,I’d like to invite you to (Say what kind of party it is). (Ask your neighbour if he/she can come). I’d love to take the time to meet you (And other neighbors) properly.The party is at (Give place and date). It (Give start and finish time). If the weather is good, (Say what you’ll do). (Say what your neighbor could bring with him/her).Please let me know if you can come.Yours,BenUnit 1 Hobbies听力脚本Part 1 Listening ComprehensionSection ADirections: There are 5 recorded dialogs in this section. After each dialog, there is a recorded question. When you hear a question, choose the correct answer.1.M: I’d like to take up a new water sport. Any ideas? W: Why not try kayaking? It’s great fun.Q: What kind of sport does the man want to try?2.W: Do you want to come skydiving with me at the weekend, Pete? M: Thanks, Lucy, but I really prefer indoor activities.Q: Why does Pete refuse Lucy’s invitation?3.M: Do you like playing chess, Ellie? Our chess club is looking for new players.W: Thanks, that sounds good. What day do you meet?Q: What does Ellie want to know?4.W: Have you seen this, Tom? The drama group is looking for members.M: Yes, I’ve already seen it but it’s not for me. I’m not good at acting.Q: Why doesn’t Tom want to join the group?5.W: What do you do in your free time, Sam?M: I like to chill out. I don’t like rushing from place to place. Q: What does Sam do in his free time?Section BDirections: Listen to the two conversations and answer the questions.Conversation 1W: I’m feeling a bit bored, Jamie. I think I need a new hobby! M: What kind of thing do you have in mind, Karen?W: Well, I like being in the fresh air, so something outdoors would be good.M: OK, and do you want to get fit?W: Well, that would be nice, but what I really want is a hobby which helps me to meet people.M: OK. Well, I’m a member of a rock-climbing group. Why don’t you come with us?W: Rock-climbing? Isn’t that a little dangerous?M: Not at all! We use safety equipment, and we always take care, especially with new members.W: Hm. Maybe I’ll think about it.Conversation 2W: What’s the matter, Simon? You look a bit tired.M: I’ve just too much work to do at the moment. I never get any time to chill out.W: It sounds like you need a hobby.M: Well, that would be nice, but I really don’t have time for one.W: You should make time! Haven’t you heard that hobbies are good for your health?M: Yeah, I’d heard that. I’m not a very sporty person though. W: Sporty hobbies aren’t the only ones which are good for you. Hobbies like painting and photography are great to help you feel less stressed if you are busy.M: I don’t think painting would help me to relax. I’m no good at it!W: What about playing a board game with me then? I have a great collection of game…M: Well, OK. That sounds like fun.Section CDirections: Listen to the recorded passage three times. During the second reading, fill in the blanks with the words or phrases you hear. During the third reading, check your writing. For me, the best thing about starting college was finding out about all of the different clubs you could join. It seemed there were so many opportunities to take up a new pastime! On the first day of the new semester, the college held an event where you could visit all of the different clubs and find out about the activities on offer. I joined the drama club, the debating club and the yoga club, and I’m so glad I did! In each of the three clubs, I’ve made new friends and I’ve learned new things. I also find that going to the weekly meetings is a great way of chilling out after a hard day of studying.参考答案Part 1 Listening ComprehensionSection A1. B2. B3. D4. D5. ASection BConversation 11. B2. CConversation 23. B4. C5. DSection C(1) different clubs you could join(2) take up a new pastime(3) held an event(4) drama club(5) chilling outPart 2 Vocabulary and StructureSection A1. A2. B3. C4. A5. D6. B7. D8. B9. A 10. BSection B1. who2. where3. which4. whose5. whichSection C(1) schedule (2) bored (3) indoors (4) awesome (5) exhibition Part 3 Reading ComprehensionTask 11. C2. A3. C4. B5. CTask 26. D7. B8. C9. C 10. ATask 311.being outdoors12.every weekend13.the nearby area14.where you live15.the summer semesterTask 416.the summer vacation17.beginning of July18.music lessons19.perform a concert20.is expensivePart 4 WritingSampleHello Joyce,I’d like to invite you to my housewarming party. Can you come? I’d love to take the time to meet you (and my other neighbors) properly.The party is at my house on July 25. It starts at 7pm, and I think it’ll finish around 11pm. If the weather is good, we’ll have a barbecue! I’m making the food for the barbecue, but if you’d like to bring some juice with you that would be great. There will also be music and some dancing, so please being comfortable shoes!Please let me know if you can come.Yours, Ben。



新时代核心英语教程写作1教材Unit 1 Introduction to WritingPart A: Understanding the Writing ProcessIn this unit, we will learn the basics of writing in English. Writing is an important skill that can help us communicate effectively and express our ideas clearly. Whether we are writing for academic, professional, or personal purposes, it is essential to understand the writing process and develop strong writing skills.The writing process consists of several key stages, including prewriting, drafting, revising, editing, and publishing. Prewriting involves generating ideas, organizing thoughts, and planning the structure of the writing. Drafting is the stage in which we put our ideas into written form, while revising involves making changes and improvements to the content. Editing focuses on correcting errors in grammar,punctuation, and spelling. Finally, publishing involves sharing our writing with an audience.Part B: Types of WritingThere are various types of writing, each with its own specific purpose and characteristics. Some common types of writing include:1. Narrative Writing: This type of writing tells a story and often includes characters, setting, and plot. Narrative writing can be found in novels, short stories, and personal essays.2. Descriptive Writing: Descriptive writing uses vivid language to create a picture in the reader's mind. It often appeals to the senses and can be found in poetry, travel writing, and descriptive essays.3. Expository Writing: Expository writing aims to inform, explain, or describe a topic. It is often found in textbooks, news articles, and research papers.4. Persuasive Writing: Persuasive writing attempts to convince the reader to adopt a particular viewpoint or take a specific action. It is often used in advertising, opinion pieces, and argumentative essays.Part C: Writing Skills and StrategiesTo become a proficient writer, it is essential to develop strong writing skills and employ effective writing strategies. Some key skills and strategies for successful writing include:1. Clarity and Precision: Writing should be clear, concise, and to the point. Using precise language andavoiding unnecessary words can help convey our message effectively.2. Organization and Structure: Writing should be well-organized and follow a logical structure. This can help readers follow the flow of our ideas and understand our writing more easily.3. Audience Awareness: It is important to consider the needs and expectations of our audience when writing. Adapting our writing style and tone to suit our audience can make our writing more engaging and persuasive.4. Revision and Proofreading: Revising and proofreading are essential steps in the writing process. It is important to review our writing carefully to correct errors and improve the overall quality of our work.Part D: Practice WritingThroughout this unit, we will have opportunities to practice different types of writing and apply the skills and strategies we have learned. We will engage in activities such as writing short stories, descriptive essays, expositoryarticles, and persuasive arguments. These writing exercises will help us develop our writing abilities and become more confident and proficient writers.In conclusion, writing is a valuable skill that can have a significant impact on our personal, academic, and professional lives. By understanding the writing process, familiarizing ourselves with different types of writing, and honing our writing skills and strategies, we can become more effective and successful writers. Throughout this unit, we will build a strong foundation in writing that will serve us well in future endeavors.。



新时代大学基础英语练习册答案Part One Multiple Choice本题共30小题,计45分,每选对一题1.5分1. He was too__________ in his book to hear the bell. () [单选题] *A. devotedB. absorbingC. keenD. absorbed(正确答案)2. Government officials are trying to seek a__________to the problem of unemployment.() [单选题] *A. absolutionB. solution(正确答案)C. resolutionD. dissolution3. Our conversation came to __________ end when Harrison burst into the room.()[单选题] *A. a suddenB. a surprisingC. a surprisedD. an abrupt(正确答案)4. He was looking forward to putting his ideas into__________.() [单选题] *A. action(正确答案)B. behaviorC. activityD. doing5. You may have known someone else for ten years and yet he will never be more than a casual __________.() [单选题] *A. friendB. ColleagueC. acquaintance(正确答案)D. associate6. He still played an__________role in running the business even after his retirement.() [单选题] *A. passiveB. important(正确答案)C. actingD. passionate7. After three months of practice, the children progressed in the __________ of basic language skills. () [单选题] *A. acquisition(正确答案)B. accomplishmentC. achievementD. absorption8. You gain __________ to the data by typing in a user name and password.() [单选题] *A. admissionB. wayC. access(正确答案)D. right9. The cost of the eight-day trip includes flight, meals and __________.() [单选题] *A. roomsB. accommodation(正确答案)C. housesD. lodgings10. A number of social welfare reforms have come __________as a result of the report.() [单选题] *A. about(正确答案)B. outC. throughD. up11. Measures to stimulate the domestic economy will be high on the President’s__________.() [单选题] *A. listB. agenda(正确答案)C. procedureD. timetable12. She was leaning __________ a tree with her eyes closed.() [单选题] *A. against(正确答案)B. onC. offD. onto13. They managed to agree __________ a date for the meeting.() [单选题] *A. on(正确答案)B. inC. forD. with14. The Vice President openly admitted__________ being wrong. () [单选题] *A. to(正确答案)B. forC. inD. as15. The idea of having enough money to retire at the age of 40 is very__________.()[单选题] *A. agreeableB. temptingC. Appealing(正确答案)D. charming16. It never __________ to him for a moment that she meant that.() [单选题] *A. happenedB. cameC. occurred(正确答案)D. thought17. I looked upset but _________ I was quite exited. ( A_ ) [单选题] *A. actually(正确答案)B. reallyC. genuinelyD. truthfully18. How did you manage to stay __________ during boring lectures? () [单选题] *A. wake upB. wakeC. awake(正确答案)D. awaken19. A beautiful sunrise is a(n) __________ sight. () [单选题] *A. awfulB. surprisingC. awesome(正确答案)D. astonishing20. The professor was so __________ that hardly anyone came to the lecture. () [单选题] *A. boredB. boring(正确答案)C. bearableD. borne21. The two villages were __________ together by a common history.() [单选题] *A. being boundB. bindingC. bound(正确答案)D. bounded22. He took a deep__________ and controlled herself.() [单选题] *A. breatheB. breath(正确答案)C. gaspD. sigh23. His __________ ambition is to be the world champion. () [单选题] *A. burning(正确答案)B. burntC. firingD. glowing24. Jane was a thoughtful, kind, and __________ girl.() [单选题] *A. well-behavingB. nicely-behavingC. well-behaved(正确答案)D. nicely-behaved25. She is of the__________ that he loves her. () [单选题] *A. believingB. thoughtC. ideaD. belief(正确答案)26. He looked at me with a __________ expression. () [单选题] *A. blanketB. blank(正确答案)C. dullD. uninteresting27. The soldier was __________ like crazy from the stomach. () [单选题] *A. bleeding(正确答案)B. bloodingC. bledD. flooding28. The 12-year-old girl was _________ with the responsibility for taking care of the family. () [单选题] *A. burdened(正确答案)B. BurdeningC. carriedD. carrying29. Suddenly a man burst in __________ the opposite door. () [单选题] *A. throughoutB. fromC. through(正确答案)D. by30. When we arrived there the football match __________ already started. () [单选题] *A. hasB. had(正确答案)C. haveD. had beenPart Two Reading Comprehension本题共20小题,计40分,每选对一题2分Passage 1Professor Smith recently persuaded 35 people, 23 of them women, to keep a diary of all their absent-minded actions for a fortnight(两星期). When he came to analyze their embarrassing lapses (差错) in a scientific report, he was surprised to find that nearly all of them fell into a few groupings. Nor did the lapses appear to be entirely random (随机的).One of the women, for instance, on leaving her house for work one morning threw herdog her earrings(耳环) and tried to fix a dog biscuit on her ear. "The explanation for this is that the brain is like a computer," explains the professor. "People program themselves to do certain activities regularly. It was the woman's custom every morning to throw her dog two biscuits and then put on her earrings. But somehow the action got reversed in the program," About one in twenty of the incidents the volunteers reported were these “program assembly(集合,装配)failures.”Altogether the volunteers logged(存入数据)433 unintentional actions that they found themselves doing — an average of twelve each. There appear to be peak(顶峰)periods in the day when we are at our zaniest (荒谬可笑的). These are two hours some time between eight am and noon, between four and six pm with a smaller peak between eight and ten pm. "Among men the peak seems to be when a changeover(逆转) in brain 'programs' occurs, as for instance between going to and from work." Women on average reported slightly more lapses —12.5 compared with 10.9 for men — probably because they were more reliable reporters.A startling finding of the research is that the absent-minded activity is a hazard of doing things in which we are skilled. Normally, you would expect that skill reduces the number of errors we make. But trying to avoid silly slips by concentrating more could make things a lot worse — even dangerous.31. In his study Professor Smith asked the subjects __________ .() [单选题] *A. to keep track of people who tend to forget thingsB. to report their embarrassing lapses at randomC. to analyze their awkward experiences scientificallyD. to keep a record of what they did unintentionally(正确答案)32. Professor Smith discovered that_____________ .() [单选题] *A. certain patterns can be identified in the recorded incidents(正确答案)B. many people were too embarrassed to admit their absent-mindednessC. men tend to be more absent-minded than womenD. absent-mindedness is an excusable human weakness33. "Program assembly failures" (Line 6, Para. 2) refers to the phenomenon that people_______ .() [单选题] *A. often fail to program their routines(常规性工作) before handB. tend to make mistakes when they are in a hurryC. unconsciously change the sequence(顺序)of doing things(正确答案)D. are likely to mess things up if they are too tired34. We learn from the third paragraph that ______________ .() [单选题] *A. absent-mindedness tends to occur during certain hours of the day(正确答案)B. women are very careful to perform actions during peak periodsC. women experience more peak periods of absent-mindednessD. men's absent-mindedness often results in funny situations35. It can be concluded from the passage that _____________ .() [单选题] *A. people should avoid doing important things during peak periods of lapsesB. hazards can be avoided when people do things they are good atC. people should be careful when programming their actionsD. lapses cannot always be attributed to(由于) lack of concentration(正确答案)Passage2The word "hotel" is derived from the Latin word "hospitale”. It means a rented place for sleeping. Webster defines a hotel as "a building or institution providing lodging(寄宿), meals, and service for the public."The hotel industry rebounded during and immediately after World War II, as the volumeof travel increased. The postwar hospitality industry, however, has been markedly different from that of the prewar period with the automobile and the jet plane radically (根本地)affecting the industry, changing travel patterns and leading to the development of different types of hotels. Motels, resort hotels, and convention hotels have been developed to cater to the varied needs of today's traveling public.Motels really came of age during the 1950s. Two main factors contributed to the boom (繁荣) in motel construction. One was the development of the interstate highway system, beginning in 1956, which encouraged more and more travelers to take to the roads on long distance journeys. The other was the entry of motel chains into the market. Motels increased in size and, for the first time, added a number of services. Restaurants, swimming pools, and in-room televisions became standard features. Motels began to attract growing numbers of vacationers in addition to commercial travelers.A resort hotel is one that people visit for relaxation, recreation, and entertainment. With the rise in mass tourism, they have been established in great numbers at destinations throughout the world. The idea of the resort hotel was born in the 18th and 19th century in Europe. And the resort hotel developed with the expansion of the railroads in the second half of the nineteenth century. All catered exclusively to the rich and to the upper middle class. Families stayed for two or three months and returned to the same hotel year after year.A convention hotel is one that caters to large group gatherings. The rise of convention hotels has been one of the developments in the hotel industry, and conventioneers now account for almost 20 percent of all hotel guests. Many downtown hotels saw occupancy levels drop during the 1950s and early 1960s as motels captured a larger segment of the market. In response, some hotels began to add facilities for conventions and other group gatherings as a means of survival. At first, conventions were scheduled for off-peak periods, but as the volume of convention business increased, they began to be scheduled year-round.36. According to Para. 2, _____________ after World War Il.() [单选题] *A. the public demanded for automobiles and jet planesB. the development of transportation changed travel patterns(正确答案)C. more and more people liked to stay in hotelsD. the hotel industry developed slowly37. During the 1950s, motels _______________ .() [单选题] *A. encouraged people to travel with familiesB. mainly met the needs of commercial travelersC. appeared in the market to compete with other hotelsD. provided services in addition to furnishing lodging(正确答案)38. According to the passage, wealthy people who want to escape from the cities during hot summer months will most probably stay in _____________ .() [单选题] *A. motelsB. resort hotels(正确答案)C. convention hotelsD. down hotels39. As one of the developments in the hotel industry, conventional hotels ___________ .() [单选题] *A. have made a lot of profitsB. attract more businessmen than tourists(正确答案)C. make up a major part of the marketD. are not run all-year-round40. What is the author's purpose in writing this article?() [单选题] *A. To give a brief history of hotel industry.(正确答案)B. To draw a line between different kinds of hotels.C. To show the functions of hotels.D. To stress the importance of hotels.Passage 3It is easier to negotiate initial salary requirement because once you are inside, the organizational constraints (约束) influence wage increases. One thing, however, is certain: your chances of getting the raise you feel you deserve are less if you don't at least ask for it. Men tend to ask for more, and they get more, and this holds true with other resources, not just pay increases. Consider Beth's story:I did not get what I wanted when I did not ask for it. We had cubicle (小隔间) offices and window offices. I sat in the cubicles with several male colleagues. One by one they were moved into window offices, while I remained in the cubicles. Several males who were hired after me also went to offices. One in particular told me he was next in line for an office and that it had been part of his negotiations for the job. I guess they thought me content to stay in the cubicles since I did not voice my opinion either way.It would be nice if we all received automatic pay increases equal to our merit(功绩), but "nice" isn't a quality attributed to most organizations. If you feel you deserve a significant raise in pay, you'll probably have to ask for it.Performance is your best bargaining (交涉) chip (筹码) when you are seeking a raise. You must be able to demonstrate (证明) that you deserve a raise. Timing is also a good bargaining chip. If you can give your boss something he or she needs (a new client or a sizable contract, for example) just before merit pay decisions are being made, you are more likely to get the raise you want.Use information as a bargaining chip too. Find out what you are worth on the open market. What will Some ne else pay for your services?Go into the negotiations prepared to place your chips on the table at the appropriate time and prepared to use communication style to guide the direction of the interaction.41. According to the passage, before taking a job, a person should ___________ .()[单选题] *A. demonstrate his capabilityB. give his boss a good impressionC. ask for as much money as he canD. ask for the salary he hopes to get(正确答案)42. What can be inferred from Beth's story? [单选题] *A. Prejudice(偏见) against women still exists in some organizations.(B. If people want what they deserve, they have to ask for it.(正确答案)C. People should not be content with what they have got.D. People should be careful when negotiating for a job.43. We can learn from the passage that ___________ . () . [单选题] *A. unfairness exists in salary increases(正确答案)B. most people are overworked and underpaidC. one should avoid overstating one's performanceD. most organizations give their staff automatic pay raises44. To get a pay raise, a person should ___________ .() [单选题] *A. advertise himself on the job marketB. persuade his boss to sign a long-term contractC. try to get inside information about the organizationD. do something to impress his boss just before merit pay decisions(正确答案)45. To be successful in negotiations, one must _______________ . () [单选题] *A. meet his boss at the appropriate timeB. arrive at the negotiation table punctuallyC. be good at influencing the outcome of the interaction(正确答案)D. be familiar with what the boss likes and dislikesPassage 4A highly gifted dyslexic (阅读困难) boy, who became the youngest child this century to win a place at Cambridge University, asked a High Court judge yesterday to overturn (推翻) his local authority's decision to refuse him financial support.Alexander Faludy, who is 15 and plans to go to Peterhouse in October, claimed that he had the right to get the support from Portsmouth city council because of his special education needs.At 14, Alexander was believed to be the youngest student accepted by Cambridge since William Pitt the Younger in 1773. He has an IQ that is "off the normal scale" but can write only two words a minute.He was offered a place by Peterhouse after the university agreed to waive (免除) the normal entry requirements because of Alexander's "unusual circumstances".To overcome his difficulties, he will use special equipment to read books and write his essays during his studies for a degree in the history of art and theology (神学).Mr. Engleman, Alexander's counsel, told Mr. Justice Tucker that Alexander was a special case because of the wide gap between his high intellectual (智力的) age and his performance caused by his dyslexia.Alexander learns from taped books and then dictates his essays into a tape recorder, which are then transcribed (转录) by his father.The city council said it refused to give Alexander financial support because, under the special educational needs legislation in the Education Act of 1996, it had no power to fund a university course.The High Court judge Mr. Tucker said that he would give his judgment today.46. People knew Alexander was intelligent because of _____________ .() [单选题] *A. his reading abilityB. his writingC. his ageD. his IQ(正确答案)47. We know from the passage that Alexander ___________ .() [单选题] *A. was actually slow and stupidB. could not read and write at allC. was good at listening and speaking(正确答案)D. was poor and needed financial help48. Judging from the passage, usually the city council can only ____________ .() [单选题] *A. give educational help to adultsB. give financial support to high school students(正确答案)C. give financial support to university studentsD. give educational help to special people who are powerful49. Alexander's situation was unusual because ______________ .() [单选题] *A. he needed people to take care of him all the timeB. he was young and energeticC. he needed financial support from his familyD. he was highly intelligent but dyslexic(正确答案)50. This passage was probably________________ .() [单选题] *A. a news report(正确答案)B. an advertisementC. a part of a bookD. a piece of research workPart Three Cloze (15 Points)本题共10小题,计15分,每选对一题1.5分Sending and reading email has quickly become one of the most popular daily activities around the world,_______for business or pleasure. Now, more and more teachers and students are using this form of_______to improve their language skills, particularly English.The reason _______email has become a great tool is that it is fast, convenient,and_______. One particular activity that takes advantage of these points is a keypal exchange. In the past, teachers often organized pen friends project _______ their students would exchange letters with another group of students in another country._______, the turn-around time for sending and receiving traditional letters (and then follow-up replies) can take up to a month for the whole process, and by that time, students might _______ interest in the project or the class might end before a series of meaningful exchanges can take place._______, students have to pay international postage to send the letters, something the students might be unwilling to do.With email, however, messages can be sent at a _______ of a button at school, home, or an Internet cafe, and if you are using a free email account, the cost is free (not taking into account any Internet Service Provider fees you have to pay)._______ waiting days or weeks for a response, students can receive a reply within days, hours, or even minutes. [填空题] *空1答案:either空2答案:communication空3答案:why空4答案:affordable 空5答案:where空6答案:However 空7答案:lose空8答案:Besides空9答案:click空10答案:Instead of。









新时代英语1教案In recent years, English education has become increasingly important in China. With the rapid development of globalization, English has become a universal language for communication and plays a significant role in various fields. In order to adapt to the new era and meet the needs of students, the New Era English 1 textbook has been designed to provide comprehensive and practical English language learning materials. This teaching plan aims to guide teachers in effectively using the textbook and facilitating students' English learning.The New Era English 1 textbook is divided into six units, each focusing on different themes and language skills. Unit 1 introduces basic greetings and self-introductions, helping students establish a solid foundation in English communication. Unit 2 focuses on daily routines and time expressions, enabling students to describe their daily activities accurately. Unit 3 covers family members and relationships, allowing students to talk about their family and understand the importance of family bonds.Moving on to Unit 4, students will learn about school life, including subjects, school facilities, and extracurricular activities. This unit not only enhances students' vocabulary and grammar skills but also encourages them to share their own school experiences. Unit 5 explores different types of weather and seasons, enabling students to express their preferences and describe weather conditions in English.The final unit, Unit 6, delves into hobbies and interests, providing students with opportunities to discuss their favorite activities and develop their speaking and listening skills. Throughout the textbook, various exercises and activities are included to reinforce language learning and encourage active participation.To effectively implement the New Era English 1 teaching plan, teachers should follow a student-centered approach, creating a communicative and interactive classroom environment. The use of multimedia resources, such as audio recordings and videos, can enhance students' listening and speaking abilities. Additionally, incorporating group work and pair work activities can promote collaboration and peer learning.In terms of assessment, teachers can adopt a variety of methods, including quizzes, presentations, and role-plays, to evaluate students' language proficiency. Regular feedback and individualized guidance should also be provided to help students identify their strengths and weaknesses and make progress in their English learning journey.In conclusion, the New Era English 1 textbook provides a comprehensive and engaging English language learning experience for students. By following the teaching plan and implementing effective teaching strategies, teachers can create an interactive and communicative classroom environment that fosters students' language skills development. With the continuous improvement of English education in China, students will be better equipped to communicate and thrive in the globalized world.。



第一节 My First Week at University1.1 IntroductionAs a freshman in university, the first week was an exciting but overwhelming experience for me. It was a whole new beginning in my life, and I was eager to explore and adapt to this new environment.1.2 Orientation DayOn the first day, I attended the orientation program organized by the university. The program included introductions to the faculty, the campus facilities, and academic resources av 本人lable to students. It gave me aprehensive understanding of what to expect during my time at the university.1.3 Meeting New PeopleDuring the first week, I was introduced to a wide variety of people from different backgrounds. I had the opportunity to make new friends and learn about their cultures and experiences. This was a valuable experience that broadened myperspective and made me more open-minded.1.4 Academic ChallengesThe academic challenges during the first week were also significant. I was introduced to the syllabus for my courses and had to manage my time effectively to stay on top of my assignments and readings. It was a steep learning curve, but I was determined to succeed.1.5 ConclusionOverall, my first week at university was a mix of emotions –excitement, nervousness, and curiosity. It was a crucial period of transition, and it l本人d the foundation for the rest of my time at the university. I look forward to the journey ahead and the opportunities for growth and learning.第二节 Understanding Academic Expectations2.1 Coursework and AssignmentsOne of the key aspects of the first unit of the New EraGraduate English Comprehensive Course is understanding the academic expectations of university-level coursework and assignments. This includes learning how to manage deadlines, conduct research, and write effectively.2.2 Critical Thinking and AnalysisIn addition to mastering the language skills, the course also emphasizes the development of critical thinking and analysis. This involves evaluating and synthesizing information, making reasoned arguments, and engaging in discussion and debate.2.3 Communication SkillsEffectivemunication is another area of focus in the course. This includes not only writtenmunication but also oral presentation and interpersonal skills. The course 本人ms to develop students' ability to express themselves clearly and confidently in a range of academic and professional settings.2.4 ConclusionThe first unit of the New Era Graduate EnglishComprehensive Course provides a solid foundation for academic success. By understanding the academic expectations and developing crucial skills, students are better prepared to excel in their studies and make the most of their university experience.第三节 Language Proficiency and Fluency3.1 Language Proficiency LevelsThe New Era Graduate English Comprehensive Course is designed to cater to students at different language proficiency levels. The course recognizes that students may have varying degrees of familiarity with the English language and 本人ms to support their development accordingly.3.2 Vocabulary and GrammarA key focus of the course is to enhance students' vocabulary and grammar skills. This involves expanding their range of vocabulary, refining their understanding of grammar rules, and practicing these skills in context.3.3 Listening and SpeakingThe course also emphasizes the development of students' listening and speaking skills. This involves activities such as listening to lectures, participating in discussions, and delivering presentations. By honing these skills, students can engage more effectively in academic and professional contexts.3.4 ConclusionLanguage proficiency and fluency are criticalponents of the New Era Graduate English Comprehensive Course. By addressing the diverse needs of students and focusing on key language skills, the course sets a strong foundation for students' linguistic development and success in their academic pursuits.第四节 Cultural Awareness and Sensitivity4.1 Diversity and InclusivityThe New Era Graduate English Comprehensive Course recognizes the importance of cultural awareness and sensitivityin the academic environment. It promotes a culture of inclusivity and respect for diversity, recognizing the value of different perspectives and experiences.4.2 Intercultural CommunicationThe course encourages students to engage in interculturalmunication and exchange. This involves learning about different cultures, customs, and traditions, and developing the skills to navigate cultural differences effectively.4.3 Global PerspectivesIn a globalized world, the course also 本人ms to cultivate a global perspective among students. This involves exploring global issues, understanding international perspectives, and developing the skills to engage with a diverse and interconnected world.4.4 ConclusionCultural awareness and sensitivity are integralponents of the New Era Graduate English Comprehensive Course. By fosteringa culture of inclusivity and promoting global perspectives, the course equips students with the skills and mindset to thrive in an increasingly diverse and interconnected world.结语新时代研究生英语综合教程1四单元提供了全面而有针对性的学习内容,包括适应大学生活的挑战、理解学术期望、语言能力和流利度的培养以及文化意识和敏感性的培养。

新时代大学英语第3版第1册unit 2

新时代大学英语第3版第1册unit 2

owe vt.
New Words
3. disease n. an illness疾病;弊病
The rapid spread of the disease is alarming the medical authorities.
Importance of Mutual Help
Sample for communities. We help each other in our everyday life. Although God helps those who help themselves, God helps those more who not only help themselves, but also seek help from others.
His inspiring speech attracted the audience’s attention.
I knocked on the window to get/attract/catch her attention. 我敲击窗户以引起她的注意。
Text Learning
New Words & Expressions
New Words
1. courage n. the state or quality of mind or spirit
that enables one to face danger, fear, etc.; bravery勇 气,胆量
Importance of Mutual Help



《新时代高职英语(基础模块)2》电子教案【教师】进行自我介绍,并讲解课程的大概内容及考核要求【学生】熟悉、了解【教师】用PPT展示图片(详见教材),让学生观看图片并描述对应企业的企业核心价值观,再让学生挑出自己喜欢的企业核心价值观,并随机邀请学生说明【学生】学习、挑选、说明【教师】根据学生们的学习情况,引入本节课课题(企业文化和使命)【教师】播放Warming up模块第三题的视频"What Is Company Culture"(详见教材),提问,让学生讨论,并随机邀请学生回答问题1. What is corporate culture?2. Which company’s culture do you like best? Why?3. If you are an entrepreneur, what will the corporate vision statement of your company be? What kind of culture will you shape in your company?【学生】观看视频、学习、讨论、回答【教师】解释视频中的重点单词corporatededicationaccountabilitydeterminationresilienceintegrity【学生】思考、理解、记忆【教师】讲解新知(详见教师用书)bothersatisfiedmodifyclumsycomplicatedin a hurryrarely【学生】学习、理解、记忆【教师】播放Listening&Speaking模块第一题的对话"Dialogue 1"(详见教材),让学生完成练习一【学生】聆听、练习【教师】播放Listening&Speaking模块第一题的对话"Dialogue 1"(详见教材),让学生完成练习二【学生】聆听、练习【教师】检查答案,再次播放Listening&Speaking模块第一题的对话"Dialogue 1",用PPT展示整个对话并讲解( Setting: On Sunday morning, Cao Li is sleeping when he gets a call from his client, Lina.)C=Cao Li L=LinaC: Hello. This is Cao Li.L: Hi. Cao Li. This is Lina. Are you sleeping? Sorry to bother you on a Sunday morning.C: That’s all right. What’s the matter?L: It’s about the logo. Although it’s been changed ten times, our boss is still not satisfied.C: How would you like us to modify the logo?L: There are too many colors, making the logo look clumsy. Also, the logo is a bit too complicated.C: All right. I’ll change it.L: Can you change it now? We’re in a hurry.C: I’ll go to the office to deal with it right now and send it to you before 7 pm.L: Thank you very much. I’m sorry I made you change it so many times. C: It doesn’t matter. That’s our job.L: Great. I’m sure you rarely receive complaints from customers about your attitude, right?C: Sure. That the customer comes first is part of our company culture. We always put our customers at the center of everything we doL: That’s great.【学生】聆听、观看、理解、记忆【教师】让学生进行情景模拟,并与他们的搭档进行类似的对话,时间充裕的话可以随机邀请学生上讲台演示对话【学生】对话第二节课【教师】讲解新知(详见教师用书)take a lookinspectionexceedstandardcare abouthave faith inprinciplesacrificeprofitanalysis【学生】学习、理解、记忆【教师】播放Listening & Speaking模块第一题的对话“Dialogue 2”(详见教材),让学生完成练习一【学生】听、练习【教师】播放Listening & Speaking模块第一题的对话“Dialogue 2”(详见教材),让学生完成练习二【学生】听、练习【教师】检查答案,再次播放Listening & Speaking模块第一题的对话“Dialogue 2”(详见教材),用PPT展示整个对话并讲解(Setting: Ji Na is the manager of ABC Company. She is discussing the quality of goods with his client, Sam.)J=Ji Na S=SamJ: Nice to meet you. I’m Ji Na, the manager of this company.S: Nice to meet you too. I’m Sam.J: Here is the new product I introduced to you in the email. Please take a look.S: It looks so much better than in the picture. By the way, would you mind if I ask to see the product quality inspection report?J: No problem! Here you are. I promise that our goods all exceed standard quality.S: Great. As long as the quality is good, I don’t care about the price. J: You can have faith in the quality of our products. Ensuring product quality is a principle at our company. We don’t sacrifice quality for quick profits.After seeing the report.S: Well, I have no more questions about your quality analysis. We can start the negotiations as soon as you want.J: OK. Let’s get started now.After the negotiation.S: Well, we’re really interested in placing an order now.J: That’s great. I’m glad we’ll be able to do business together. I can promise you that our products will not disappoint you.【学生】聆听、观看、理解、记忆【教师】讲解对话场景You are the human resources director in a newly established company. The boss assigns you a task that you should bulid a company culture based on current situation, policies, and procedures. You can draft it in the following aspects: values, beliefs, principles, and reward strategies.【学生】理解【教师】讲解能应用到对话中的知识The attitude of those within a company is perhaps the most fundamental element of corporate culture.Corporate culture is also influenced by national cultures and traditions, economic trends, internationaltrade, company size, and products.Noodles are asymbol of long life in Chinese culture.Values guide all actions, decisions and behaviors.We shape our future with a strong entrepre­neurial spirit based on our family business tradition.We put our customers and consumers at the center of what we do.With our innovation and technology, we create value for customers and consumers, bring success to our teams, and are a force for good in the world.【学生】聆听、理解、记忆【教师】让学生根据场景进行对话,并随机邀请学生上讲台对话【学生】对话、上讲台对话【教师】介绍一下歌曲背景。



超强完整版新时代交互英语第一册读写译第2单元答案unitL Comprehension of the Text2. 1) Fast food restaurants, such as McDonald's, Burger King , Subway, KFC・2)Because small, local restaurant do not have the money to advertise like the big American chains, their business are having trouble.3)Tastee5s is trying to compete with American fast food restaurants by adding more variety to its menu・4)Because Jamaicans have difficult work schedules, fast food is popular.5)Open for discussionII.Reciting( Omitted.)III.Vocabulary & Structure1.1) craze 2) diners 3) decade(s) 4) convenient 5) popularity 6) sign 7) favorite 8) invaded2.1) add to(用add... to...表达"把…加在 ..... 上"之意。

)2)as well(用as well表述"也怎么样”。

)3)It seems that(用seems 代替appears 表示"似乎”之意。

)IV.Translation1.1)have to try hard to stay in business (此彳)J翻译考査文屮出现的词汇in business)2)to compete with American fast food restaurants (考查文中出现的短语compete with)3)would like to eat food that is both healthy and fast (此句翻译考查文中出现的短语would like to)4)this craze will slow down (此句考查文中出现的短语slow down)2.1)他们只是说,热衷于此的消费者正在大把地花钱。

2022-2023学年高中政治统编版必修一4-1中国特色社会主义进入新时代 课件(28张)

2022-2023学年高中政治统编版必修一4-1中国特色社会主义进入新时代 课件(28张)
想。这个梦想,凝聚了几代中国人 的夙愿,体现了中华民族和中国人 民的整体利益,是每一个中华儿女 的共同期盼。
5.社会主要矛盾的变化是关系全局的历史性变化,我们要切实弄清我国社会主要矛盾变化的主要依据,科学把握 新时代我国社会主要矛盾,奋力开启全面建设社会主义现代化国家新征程。新时代我国社会主要矛盾的相关论 述不正确的是( ) A.我国社会主要矛盾的变化是关系全局的历史性变化 B.我国社会主要矛盾的变化对党和国家工作提出了许多新要求 C.我国社会主要矛盾的变化表明社会主义初级阶段的基本国情已经发生根本变化 D.我国社会主要矛盾已经转化为人民日益增长的美好生活需要和不平衡不充分的发展之间的矛盾 答案 C 解析 A、B、D都是对新时代社会主要矛盾的正确表述,虽然我国社会主要矛盾发生变化,但我国仍然处于社会 主义初级阶段,C表述错误,符合题意。
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Student B: You phone the Grand Hotel to make a reservation. Student A is the
页 4: [1] 删除的内容 Xie Xiaoyuan 2009-7-23 15:52:00
Making Reservations
Taking Reservations
·Good morning, I need a hotel reservation. ·I’d like to stay in a three-star hotel. ·What kind of rooms have you got? ·I’d like to book a room next week for
three nights starting from the 4th. ·I need a reservation for next week. ·Double room, please. · I’d like a non-smoking room. · For two nights. From June the fourth to
the sixth.
·How much is it for an evening? ·Are therey any restaurants around or in
the hotel? ·Do you have a gym or any equipment like that?
· … Hotel, Can I help you? · Can I take your name please? /Your name please?
· What kind of hotel do you have in mind? ·Could you please spell your surname? · How many people?
· Would you like a single room or double room? · Smoking or non-smoking?
·Which nights please? · How would you like to pay, credit card or traveler’s check?
· Please confirm your booking with us three days in advance of your stay. · I’m sorry, but the days you want are full, how
about …?
页 4: [2] 删除的内容 Xie Xiaoyuan 2009-7-23 15:52:00
·Good morning, I need a hotel reservation. ·I’d like to stay in a three-star hotel. ·What kind of rooms have you got? ·I’d like to book a room next week for
three nights starting from the 4th. ·I need a reservation for next week. ·Double room, please. · I’d like a non-smoking room. · For two nights. From June the fourth to
the sixth.
·How much is it for an evening? ·Are therey any restaurants around or in
the hotel? ·Do you have a gym or any equipment like that?
· … Hotel, Can I help you? · Can I take your name please? /Your name please?
· What kind of hotel do you have in mind? ·Could you please spell your surname? · How many people?
· Would you like a single room or double room? · Smoking or non-smoking?
·Which nights please? · How would you like to pay, credit card or traveler’s check?
· Please confirm your booking with us three days in advance of your stay. · I’m sorry, but the days you want are full, how
about …?
页 6: [3] 删除的内容 Xie Xiaoyuan 2009-7-23 15:51:00
· The hotel is in an excellent location.
·The location is downtown. ·It has a nice view of the city.
·The hotel provides Internet access.
· It offers first class comfort and service. ·The hotel isn’t expensive. ·It has a good health club.
·It’s a little expensive, but very nice.
·It’s very convenient, and it’s not expensive. It’s a great place.
·It has a swimming pool.
页 6: [4] 删除的内容 Xie Xiaoyuan 2009-7-23 23:07:00 Language for Reference
I expect to stay at a hotel which…
- has access to the Internet
- is near a major shopping area
- has a nice view of the city/sea/mountain
- has a variety of cable TV channels
- offers first class comfort and service
- is expensive/is not expensive
- has a good health club
- is in an excellent location
- offers a variety of food and drinks
- has friendly and polite staff
- has large rooms
- is very clean and tidy
页 7: [5] 带格式的 Xie Xiaoyuan 2009-7-23 15:55:00 字体颜色: 自动设置
页 7: [6] 删除的内容 Xie Xiaoyuan 2009-7-23 15:48:00 VI. Assignments
1. Finish the exercises in Learning by Doing of Part D in your textbook.
2. Make up a dialogue with your partner about making a reservation in a restaurant. Give your presentation in the next class.
页 7: [7] 带格式的 Xie Xiaoyuan 2009-7-23 15:55:00 字体颜色: 自动设置
页 7: [8] 删除的内容 Xie Xiaoyuan 2009-7-23 15:48:00 VI. Assignments
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页 7: [10] 带格式的 Xie Xiaoyuan 2009-7-23 15:55:00 字体颜色: 自动设置。
