


交换机实验指导指导: 赖庆平一个VLAN的配置实验要求通过本实验理解并掌握VLAN的原理及其相关配置Switch>enable //一般模式Switch#configure terminal //特权模式Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z. Switch(config)#interface fastEthernet 0/2 //进入端口Switch(config-if)#switchport mode access //该端口设置成二层模式Switch(config-if)#switchport access vlan 10 //划入VLAN10 Question:在二层交换环境下,VLAN内的用户能相互通信吗?不同VLAN的用户能通信吗?Switch#show vlan //类似一张身份证VLAN Name Status Ports---- -------------------------------- --------- -------------------------------1 default active Fa0/1, Fa0/3, Fa0/4, Fa0/5Fa0/6, Fa0/7, Fa0/8, Fa0/9Fa0/10, Fa0/11, Fa0/12, Fa0/13 Fa0/14, Fa0/15, Fa0/16, Fa0/17 Fa0/18, Fa0/19, Fa0/20, Fa0/21 Fa0/22, Fa0/23, Fa0/242 007 active3 008 active4 switch active5 VLAN0005 active6 VLAN0006 active10 VLAN0010 active Fa0/2一个Trunk的配置实验要求通过本实验掌握VLAN的帧格式,何为中继链路?Switch(config-if)#switchport trunk encapsulation dot1q//2950不配置该项Switch(config-if)#switchport mode accessSwitch(config-if)#switchport mode trunkSwitch(config-if)# switchport trunk allowed vlan 10//只允许 VLAN10通过(默认情况下允许所有VLAN通过. )Question:进入特权下用show vlan 查看该端口(中继链路)在那个VLAN???一个STP的配置实验要求通过本实验掌握如何设置根交换,如何达到负载均衡?Switch(config)#spanning-tree vlan 1 root primary// 某交换机设置成VLAN 1的根交换interface FastEthernet0/23switchport trunk encapsulation dot1qswitchport mode trunkspanning-tree vlan 1 port-priority 32 //优先级是16的倍数spanning-tree vlan 1 cost 200 //COST值可以任意设置spanning-tree vlan 2 port-priority 16spanning-tree vlan 2 cost 100interface FastEthernet0/24switchport trunk encapsulation dot1qswitchport mode trunkspanning-tree vlan 1 port-priority 16spanning-tree vlan 1 cost 100spanning-tree vlan 2 port-priority 32spanning-tree vlan 2 cost 200Switch#show spanningInterface Role Sts Cost Prio.Nbr Type---------------- ---- --- --------- -------- --------------------------------Fa0/1 Desg FWD 19 128.1 P2pFa0/23 Root FWD 19 128.23 P2pFa0/24 Altn BLK 100 16.24 P2pQuestion: 查看(show spanning)是在根交换机上看还是在非根交换机上看呢?如果要达到负载均衡,应该如何去配置呢?如何去检验是否达到均衡了呢?一个VTP的配置实验要求了解VTP的工作环境,检验能否学习到服务端上的配置服务端的配置Switch(config)#vtp mode server //服务端Device mode already VTP SERVER.Switch(config)#vtp password 123456 //秘码Password already set to 123456Switch(config)#vtp domain 123456 //域名Changing VTP domain name from jyy to 123456Switch(config)#vtp version 1 //版本号VTP mode already in V1.Switch(config)#vtp pruning //剪切,减少洪泛Pruning switched on客户端的配置Switch(config)#vtp mode clint //服务端Device mode already VTP CLINTSwitch(config)#vtp password 123456 //秘码Password already set to 123456Switch(config)#vtp domain 123456 //域名Changing VTP domain name from jyy to 123456Switch(config)#vtp version 1 //版本号VTP mode already in V1.Switch(config)#vtp pruning //剪切,减少洪泛Pruning switched onQuestion:客户端和服务端连接端口应该如何配置呢?查看客户端能否和服务端同步?一个VLAN间通信的配置实验要求三层交换机的工作原理,什么是路由功能,掌握OSPF和RIP的原理及配置interface Vlan1ip address!interface Vlan2ip address!Switch(config)#interface fastEthernet 0/2Switch(config-if)#switchport mode accessSwitch(config-if)#switchport access vlan 2Switch(config)#ip routing //启用路由功能Switch(config)#router ospf 1Switch(config-router)#network area 0Switch(config-router)#network area 0QUESTION:在看VLAN1的用户能否和VLAN2的用户通信?一个单向访问控制列表配置实验要求理解单向访问的控制,理解ICMPip access-list extended laiinevaluate qingpingdeny ip any access-list extended laioutpermit icmp any reflect qingping timeout 10 permit udp any reflect qingping timeout 200 permit tcp any reflect qingping timeout 300 permit ip any anyinterface Vlan1ip address access-group laiout in!interface Vlan2ip address access-group laiin in!interface Vlan100ip address access-group laiin in!QUESTION:访问控制列表和单向访问控制列表的区别在那儿?一个端口保护配置实验要求把特定的某台PC在特定帮定在指定端口Switch(config-if)#switchport mode access Switch(config-if)#switchport port-security Switch(config-if)#switchport port-security violation {protect | restrict | shutdown } Switch(config-if)#switchport port-security mac-address stickySwitch(config-if)#switchport port-security maximum 1Switch(config-if)# switchport port-security mac-address 00-90-F5-10-79-C1 Switch(config-if)#switchport port-security aging static //打开静态映射 Switch(config-if)#switchport port-security mac-address sticky XXXX.XXXX.XXXX //为端口输入特定的允许通过的mac地址STION :在实际工作环境中,某端口特定分配给某部门的某个用户,安全是不是更高一个AAA配置实验要求掌握授权\论证\统计原理aaa new-modelaaa authentication login default local-case line enable!username lai password 0 laiip subnet-zero!interface Vlan1ip address ip route-cache!ip http server!line con 0line vty 0 15login authen deflautQUESTION: 在实际工作中如果接服务器,在交换机上应该如果配置呢?一个链路聚合配置实验要求掌握PAGP和LACP的应用做链路汇聚的端口必须是属于同一个VLAN或者都为Trunk口interface Port-channel 1 (创建汇聚组1)exitinterface fastEthernet 0/23channel-group 1 mode active (LACP模式)interface fastEthernet 0/24channel-group 1 mode active (LACP模式)把24号通道设置成为主通道lacp port-priority 100 设置该端口为主要流量通道(LACP port-priority 值越小优先级越高,同样值,端口编号小的更高)接上流量监控软件查看流量流向一个HSRP配置实验要求掌握双机热备的应用及原理interface Vlan1ip address 1 ip 1 priority 150standby 1 preempt!interface Vlan2ip address 2 ip 2 priority 100!router ripnetwork查看交换机状态变化.在终端设备下观察通信情况一个VLAN映射配置实验要求理解ACL和VLAN映射的作用及应用spanning-tree mode pvstspanning-tree extend system-id!!vlan access-map lai 10action dropvlan access-map lai 20action dropmatch ip address 101vlan filter lai vlan-list 1access-list 101 permit ip host host映射能控制本VLAN内用户的通信?。



什么是网关的MAC地址?和网关的IP地址有什么区别?这和网卡的MAC地址相同吗?悬赏分:0 - 解决时间:2006-11-3 20:21提问者:伤心淡梦- 二级最佳答案MAC地址是网卡的物理地址,它由48位二进制数表示。





IP地址与MAC地址之间并没有什么必然的联系,MAC地址是Ethernet NIC(网卡)上带的地址,为48位长。

每个Ethernet NIC厂家必须向IEEE组织申请一组MAC地址,在生产NIC时编程于NIC卡上的串行EEPROM中。

因此每个Ethernet NIC生产厂家必须申请一组MAC地址。


Ethernet 芯片厂家不必负责MAC地址的申请,MAC地址存在于每一个Ethernet包中,是Ethernet 包头的组成部分,Ethernet交换机根据Ethernet包头中的MAC源地址和MAC目的地址实现包的交换和传递。

IP地址是Internet协议地址,每个Internet包必须带有IP地址,每个Internet 服务提供商(ISP)必须向有关组织申请一组IP地址,然后一般是动态分配给其用户,当然用户也可向ISP申请一个IP地址(根椐接入方式),这就是为什么在配置Windows NT/95/98的“拨号网络”时,一般让系统给自动分配IP地址。


D. E. F. None of the above Answer: A, C
QUESTION NO: 9 You have a Class C network, and you need ten subnets. You wish to have as many addresses available for hosts as possible. Which one of the following subnet masks should you use? 你有一个 C 类网络,你需要 10 个子网,并且你希望每个子网拥有最 大数量的可用主机地址,可用以下那个子网掩码? A. B. C. D. E. None of the above Answer: C QUESTION NO: 10 Which of the following is an example of a valid unicast host IP address? 以下那个答案是一个有效的单播(unicast)主机 ip 地址?
QUESTION NO: 1 ber 10011101. Convert it to its decimal and hexadecimal equivalents. (Select two answer choices) 请将二进制数 10011101,转换成十进制或者十六进制。 A. 158 B. 0x9D C. 156 D. 157 E. 0x19 F. 0x9F Answer: B, D
E. 252 Answer: D






1. HTTP(Hypertext Transfer Protocol)报文格式:-请求报文格式:```<Method> <Request-URI> <HTTP-Version><Headers><Entity-Body>```-响应报文格式:```<HTTP-Version> <Status-Code> <Reason-Phrase><Headers><Entity-Body>```2. TCP(Transmission Control Protocol)报文格式:-TCP报文格式如下:```Source Port Destination PortSequence Number Acknowledgment NumberData Offset Reserved Control BitsWindow Checksum Urgent PointerOptions (if any)Data```3. UDP(User Datagram Protocol)报文格式:-UDP报文格式如下:```Source Port Destination PortLength ChecksumData```4. IP(Internet Protocol)报文格式:-IPv4报文格式如下:```Version IHL Type of Service Total LengthIdentification Flags Fragment Offset Time to Live Protocol Header Checksum Source IP AddressDestination IP AddressOptions (if any)Padding (if necessary)Data```-IPv6报文格式如下:```Version Traffic Class Flow Label Payload Length Next HeaderHop LimitSource IPv6 AddressDestination IPv6 AddressOptions (if any)Padding (if necessary)Data```5. ICMP(Internet Control Message Protocol)报文格式:-ICMP报文格式如下:```Type Code ChecksumIdentifier Sequence NumberData (Optional)```6. Ethernet报文格式:- Ethernet报文格式如下:```Destination MAC AddressSource MAC AddressEthernet TypePayload```7. DNS(Domain Name System)报文格式:-DNS报文格式如下:```DNS Message HeaderDNS Message Question SectionDNS Message Answer SectionDNS Message Authority SectionDNS Message Additional Section```8. FTP(File Transfer Protocol)报文格式:-FTP报文格式如下:```Arguments```9. SMTP(Simple Mail Transfer Protocol)报文格式:-SMTP报文格式如下:```Arguments```这些是常见的网络协议的报文格式,它们用于在计算机网络中进行数据传输和通信。



(新版)华为HCIP认证考试题库大全-下(多选题部分)多选题1.QUESTION184MPLS封装有不同的方式,下列选项中关于封装方式的说法,正确的是:(多选)A、MPLS封装有帧模式和信元模式B、Ehernet和PPP使用帧模式封装C、ATM使用信元模式封装D、信元模式封装时,如果报文中一句携带了MPLSHeader,第一个信元会保留该M PLSHeader用于转发。






答案:ABC4.QUESTION24关于IP地址分配的描述,正确的是A、除非使用ANYCAST,否则全网的IP地址必须保持唯一性B、IPV4地址空间被分为A,B,C三类C、分配地址的时候,如果统一使用/24位的掩码长度可以简化网络设计D、为了提高TP地址的使用效率,我们一般采用VLSM,按照需要确定掩码长度答案:AD5.QUESTION337BGP公认团体属性有:(多选)A、NO-EXPORT(0xFFFFFF01)B、NO-ADVERTISE(0xFFFFFF02)C、AdvertiseD、Internet答案:ABD6.QUESTION294关于DR,下面描述正确的是A、在网段DR选举中,邻居关系和邻接关系描述正确OR优先级相同时,IP地址大的当选B、源DR负责向RP用多播发送REGISTER报文C、接收端DR负责向组播源敬RP发送JOIN报文D、共享网段上ASSERTWINNER可以不是网段DR答案:ACD7.QUESTION334如图所示,路由器ASBR1(RouterID:引入一条RI P路由10.0.0.0/24。

VMware vSphere 6 Foundations Beta Exam 2V0-620题库

VMware vSphere 6 Foundations Beta Exam 2V0-620题库

VMware 2V0-620 Exam中英文对照QUESTION NO: 1By default, each ESXi 6.x host is provisioned with a certificate from which root certificate authority缺省情况下,每个ESXi 6.x主机会从以下哪个根证书授权提供一个认证 A. RedHat Certificate Authority RedHat 认证授权B. VMware Certificate Authority VMware认证授权C. DigiCert Certificate Authority DigiCert认证授权D. Verisign Certificate Authority Verisign认证授权Answer: BExplanation:QUESTION NO: 2Which vSphere 6 Enterprise Edition feature will allow an organization to ensure that critical multi-threaded applications have the maximum possible uptime vSphere6企业版的哪个功能将允许一个组织,以确保重要的多线程应用程序有最大可能的正常运行时间?A. Fault Tolerance 容错B. High Availability 高可利用性C. Distributed Resource Scheduler 分布式资源程序D. App HA 应用HAAnswer: AExplanation:QUESTION NO: 3Which vSphere 6 Standard Edition feature will allow an organization to ensure that critical multi-threaded applications have the maximum possible uptime vSphere6标准版的哪个功能将允许一个组织,以确保重要的多线程应用程序有最大可能的正常运行时间?A. Fault Tolerance 容错B. High Availability 高可利用性C. Distributed Resource Scheduler 分布式资源程序D. App HA 应用HAAnswer: BExplanation:QUESTION NO: 4Which vSphere 6.x feature will allow an organization to utilize native snapshots vSphere6.x的哪个功能将允许一个组织利用本地快照?A. Virtual Volumes 虚拟卷B. Virtual SAN 虚拟SANC. VMFS3D. VMFS5Answer: AExplanation:QUESTION NO: 5Which two components can be used when configuring Enhanced Linked Mode (Choose two.) 哪两个组件可以在配置增强的链接模式中使用?(选择两项)。



第1章报文捕获解析1.1 捕获面板报文捕获功能可以在报文捕获面板中进行完成,如下是捕获面板的功能图:图中显示的是处于开始状态的面板IP地址别名:right-click on the IP address in question and select SmartWhois:1.2 捕获报文查看软件提供了强大的分析能力和解码功能。

如下图所示,对于捕获的报文提供了一个Expert 专家分析系统进行分析,还有解码选项及图形和表格的统计信息。








HTTP捕获:POP3及登陆信息捕获:捕获TCP任务重建:HTML解析:统计分析对于Matrix,Host Table,Portocol Dist. Statistics等提供了丰富的按照地址,协议等内容做了丰富的组合统计,比较简单。

1.3 设置捕获条件基本的捕获条件有两种:1、链路层捕获,按源MAC和目的MAC地址进行捕获,输入方式为十六进制连续输入,如:00E0FC123456。




















1.配置以太网端口Cisco的各种命令均可以简写,只要不与其他命令重复即可,如"configure terminal(终端配置)"可以写成"conf t",但这也并不是说可以乱写,配置多了就会发现它的一些基本缩写规律的,在此之前最好还是参照有关书籍进行。



思科路由器配置基础思科路由器配置基础思科(Cisco)路由器是智能信息网络的基础,为当今要求最严格的网络服务,包括IP 通信、视频、客户关系管理、金融交易和其他实时应用提供了高可用性、全面的安全性、易管理性和先进的服务质量( QoS )。


但路由器的第一次设置必须通过第一种方式进行,此时终端的硬件设置如下:波特率:9600数据位:8停止位:1奇偶校验: 无二、命令状态1. router>路由器处于用户命令状态,这时用户可以看路由器的连接状态,访问其它网络和主机,但不能看到和更改路由器的设置内容。

2. router#在router>提示符下键入enable,路由器进入特权命令状态router#,这时不但可以执行所有的用户命令,还可以看到和更改路由器的设置内容。

3. router(config)#在router#提示符下键入configure terminal,出现提示符router(config)#,此时路由器处于全局设置状态,这时可以设置路由器的全局参数。

4. router(config-if)#; router(config-line)#; router(config-router)#;…路由器处于局部设置状态,这时可以设置路由器某个局部的参数。

5. >路由器处于RXBOOT状态,在开机后60秒内按ctrl-break可进入此状态,这时路由器不能完成正常的功能,只能进行软件升级和手工引导。

6. 设置对话状态这是一台新路由器开机时自动进入的状态,在特权命令状态使用SETUP命令也可进入此状态,这时可通过对话方式对路由器进行设置。



军事方面英语词汇1 军事通信 military communications2 军事通信系统 military communications system3 无线电通信 radio communications4 超长波通信 super-long wave communications5 甚长波通信 very long wave communications6 长波通信 long—wave communications7 中波通信 medium wave communications8 短波通信 short—wave communications9 微波通信 microwave communications10 毫米波通信 millimeter wave communications11 无线电台通信 radio set communications12 无线电接力通信 radio relay communications13 散射通信 scatter communications14 卫星通信 satellite communications15 扩展频谱通信 spread spectrum communications16 移动通信 mobile communications17 无线电波通信 radio wave communications18 电离层 ionosphere19 有线电通信 wired communications20 被复线通信 field wire communications21 架空明线通信 open wire communications22 电缆通信 cable communications23 光通信 optical communications24 光纤通信 optical fiber communications25 运动通信 messenger service26 军邮 army postal service27 简易信号通信 simplified signal communications28 旗语通信 flag signal communications29 电话通信 telephone communications30 载波电话通信 carrier telephone communications31 电报通信 telegraphy communications32 载波电报通信 carrier telegraphy communications33 电码 code34 图像通信 image communications35 电视广播 videocast36 静态图像通信 still picture communications37 会议电视 video conferencing38 可视电话 video telephone39 交互型可视图文 videotex40 传真通信 facsimile communications41 数据通信 data communications42 计算机通信 computer communications43 数字通信 digital communications44 模拟通信 analog communications45 多路通信 multiplex communications46 无线电台网 radio communications works47 有线电通信网 telecommunications networks48 数据通信网 data communication networks49 计算机通信网 computer communication network50 综合业务数字网 integrated service digital networks51 军事通信装备 military communications equipment52 电话机 telephone set53 传真机 facsimile equipment54 超长波电台 super—long wave radio station55 甚长波电台 very long wave radio station56 长波电台 long wave radio station57 短波电台 short wave radio set58 超短波电台 ultra—short wave radio set59 调幅电台 amplitude modulation radio set60 单边带电台 single sideband radio set61 调频电台 frequency modulation radio set62 呼救电台 life-saving radio set63 跳频电台 frequency hopping radio set64 接力机 radio relay equipment65 卫星通信地面站 satellite communication earth station66 通信卫星 communication satellite67 天线馈线 antenna feeder68 调制解调器 modem69 电话交换机 telephone switching system70 人工电话交换机 manual telephone switching system71 自动电话交换机 automatic telephone swithing system72 程控电话交换机stored program control telephone switching system73 电报交换机 telegraph switching system74 数据交换机 data switching system75 被复线 field wire76 架空明线线路 open wire communication line77 通信电缆 communication cable78 光纤通信设备 optical fiber communication equipment79 光纤 optical fiber80 通信保密 communications security81 保密通信 secure communications82 无线电密语通信 radio cryptoword communications83 保密机 security equipment84 密码机 crypto equipment85 密钥 cipher key86 无线电通信对抗 radio communication electronic warfare87 通信对抗装备 communication electronic warfare equipments88 帧中继 Frame Relay(FR)89 全球定位系统 Global Position—-finding System (GPS)90 移动通信特别小组 Group Special Mobile(GSM)91 高速率数字用户环路 High--bit—-rate Digital Subscriber Line (HDSL)92 信息高速公路 Information Super Highway93 网络电话 Internet Phone(IP)94 局域网 Local Area Network95 城域网 Metropolitan Area Network (MAN)96 多媒体扩展技术 Multi—-Media Extend (MMX)97 全动态视频压缩技术 Motion Picture Experts Group (MPEG)98 分组拆装设备 Packet Assembler Dissembler(PAD)99 微型计算机 PC:Personal Computer100 网络计算机 NC: Network Computer101 多媒体个人电脑 MMX:Multimedia Personal Computer102 千字节 KB:Kilo Byte103 兆字节 MB:Mega Byte104 千兆字节 GB:Giga Byte105 计算机辅助教学 CAI:Computer-Aided instruction106 计算机辅助设计 CAD:Computer—Aided design107 国际标准化组织 ISO:International Standard Organization 108 虚拟现实 VR:virtual reality109 模拟数据 ANALOG DATA110 附件 ATTACHMENT111 骨干网 BACKBONE112 带宽 BANDWIDTH113 波特率 BAUD RATE114 二进制数据 BINARY DATA115 比特 BIT116 书签 BOOKMARK117 每秒比特数 BPS118 浏览器 BROWSER119 电缆调制解调器 CABLE MODEM120 缓存目录 CACHE DIRECTORY121 通用网关节口 CGI:Common gateway interface122 频道 CHANNEL123 通讯端口 COM PORT COM124 数据库 DATA BASE125 数据压缩 DATA COMPRESSION126 拨号连接 DIAL-UP CONNECTION127 拨号连接软件 DIAL-UP NETWORKING SOFTWARE 128 数码相机 DIGITAL CAMERA129 域名系统 DNS:domain name system130 域名 DOMAIN NAME131 下载 DOWNLOAD132 电子邮件 E—MAIL133 电子邮件地址 E-MAIL ADDRESS134 加密 ENCRYPTION135 纠错 ERROR CORRECTION136 以太网 ETHERNET137 常见问题 FAQ:frequently asked question138 免费软件 FREEWARE139 文件传输协议 FTP:file transfer protocol140 网关 GATEWAY141 图形交换格式 GIF:graphic interchange format142 网页 HOME PAGE143 超文本标记语言 HTML:hyper text mark language144 超文本传输协议 HTTP:hyper text tranfer protocol145 超级终端 HYPER TERMINAL146 超文本 HYPER TEXT147 国际互联网 INTERNET148 网间协议 IP:internet protocol149 ip地址 IP ADDRESS150 目录服务器 LIST SERVER151 注册 LOGIN152 邮件服务器 MAIL SERVER153 邮寄目录 MAILING LIST154 多媒体 MULTIMEDIA155 网络 NETWORK156 节点 NODE157 在线 ON-LINE158 离线 OFF—LINE159 密码 PASSWORD160 增强保密邮件 PEM:privacy enhanced mail161 插件 PLUG—IN162 投寄 POST163 点对点通信协议 PPP:point to point protocol164 远程登录 REMOTE LOGIN165 路由器 ROUTER166 搜索器 SEARCH ENGINE167 共享软件 SHAREWARE168 签名 SIGNATURE169 简单邮件传输协议 SMTP:simple mail transfer protocol170 冲浪 SURFING171 传输控制协议/网际协议 TCP/IP:transfer control protocol/internet protocol 172 全球资源定位器 URL:uniform resource locator173 广域信息服务器 WAIS(Wide Area Information Servers)174 万维网页 WEB PAGE175 万维网站 WEB SITE176 万维网搜索器 WEB-WIDE SEARCH ENGINE177 万维网 WORLD WIDE WEB178 中央处理器 CPU(Central Processing Unit)179 网民 Cyber Citizen180 软件开发 Software Development181 内容开发 Content Development182 信息化 Informationization,Network—based Information Flow183 软件包 Software Packages184 申请注册域名 Domain Name Application and Registration185 虚拟空间 Virtual Space186 便携式电脑 Portable Computer,Laptop; Notebook Computer187 个人数字助理 PDA-—Personal Digital Assistant188 掌上电脑 Palm Computer189 网络管理员 Network Administrator190 原始设备制造商 OEM:Original Equipment Manufacturer191 即插即用 PNPlug and Play战场英语1 缴枪不杀 Lay down arms,or we’ll fire!2 我们优待俘虏 We are kind to captives!3 你们被包围了,出来投降吧! You're surrounded!Come out and surrender!4 我们不杀俘虏 We don't kill our captives!5 不要受战争贩子的蒙骗 Don't be deceived by the warmonger!6 不要做无谓的牺牲Don’t die for nothing !7 赶快出来投降,保证你们生命安全! Come out and surrender right away security of life will be guaranteed!8 谁迫使你们离开幸福的家庭,漂亮的妻子和可爱的孩子 Who made you leave your happy home,your charming wife and yourloving children?9 你们在打一场无指望的仗 You are fighting a losing battle!10 我们保证你们:生命安全 You are to be guaranteed:security of life!11 我们保证你们:不没收私人财务 You are to be guaranteed:chattle personal will not be confiscated!12 我们保证你们:不被虐待 You are to be guaranteed:freedom from maltreatment.13 我们保证你们:受伤者给予治疗 You are to be guaranteed:medical care if wounded.14 举起手来! Hands up!15 举起手出来! Come out with your hands up!16 一个一个的出来! Come out one by one!17 不许动! Freeze!18 站住,否则我们开枪了! Stop,or will shoot!19 别耍花样! Don’t play any tricks!20 别害怕!Don’t be afraid!21 站队! Line up!22 走! Get moving!23 跟着那个人走! Follow that man!24 我们尊重你们的人格! We’ll respect your personality!25 我们不搜你们的腰包We’ll never search your pocket!26 我们将释放你们we’ll set you free!27 长官快命令你们的人投向 Commanding officer,order your soldiers to surrender!28 这是你们的最后一次机会 This is the last chance for you!29 顽抗到底,死路一条If you don’t accept our advice,you will turn into a dead road.30 请你们珍惜生命 Please treasure your life!31 别误会 Don't misunderstand!32 你们进行的是一场侵略战争 You're arousing an aggressive war!33 你们的亲人在想念你们 Your family members are missing you!34 不要再为你们的长官卖命了Don’t again sacrifice your life to your commanding officer!35 我们说话算数,说到做到 Our words do count,you must believe us!36 把武器交出来 Hand out your arms!37 可以立功赎罪 Atone for your crimes by performing meritorious!38 不要说话 Please keep quiet!39 请服从我的命令 Please obey my order!40 退下子弹,把枪给我 Unload bullets,take gun to me!41 联合国 United Nations42 国防部 Department of defence43 总部司令部 Headquarters44 空军战术指挥中心 Tactical Air Control Center45 参谋 Staff officer46 机动 Manoeuvre47 军事 Military affairs48 军衔 Military Rank49 战斗分界线 Combat Boundary50 预备役部队 Reserve Component51 战斗兵种 Combat Arm52 进攻 Offence53 防御 Defence54 前进 Advance55 医疗中心 Medical Center56 军 Army Corps57 师 Division58 特遣队 Task Force59 旅 Brigade60 营 Battalion61 连 Company62 将军 General63 副长官 Adjutant64 连长 Company Commander65 上校 Colonel66 中校 Lieutenant colonel67 少校 Major68 陆军上尉 Captain69 中尉 Lieutenant70 少尉 second Lieutenant71 值班军官 Officer in charge72 军士长 Fires Sergeant73 上士 Sergeant First Class74 中士 Staff sergeant75 上等兵 Private First Class76 士兵 Sergeant77 战俘 Prisoner of war78 战场空中遮蔽 Battlefield Air Interdiction79 近距离空中支援 Close Air Support80 战斗电子战情报 Combat Electronic Warfare Intelligence81 射击指挥 Command/Fire82 战斗支援 Combat Support83 电子对抗 Electronic Counter Measures84 电子搜索目标 Electronic Warfare Support Measure85 电子战 Electronic Warfare86 战斗地域前沿 Forward Edge of The Battle Area87 火力支援 Fire Support88 军事情报 Military Intelligence89 战斗条例 Order of Battle90 作战计划 Operation Plan91 战斗命令 Operation Order92 战斗警戒 Operation Security93 调整线 Phase Line94 空中支援 Tine Over Target95 高射炮 Air Defence Artillery96 装甲直升机 Attack Helicopter97 装甲输送机 Armored Personnel carrier98 反坦克导弹 Anti Tank Guided Missile99 集束炸弹 Cluster Bomb Unit100 弹药筒 Cartridge101 制导炸弹 Guided Bomb Unit102 ”霍克”防空导弹 Homing—all—the—way-killer 103 多管火箭筒 Multiple Rocket Launcher104 观察直升机 Observation Helicopter。

CCNA题库V104.2 补充新题 64Q(题库改版后新题目)

CCNA题库V104.2 补充新题 64Q(题库改版后新题目)


CCNA题库战报交流群:82327397欢迎备考CCNA的朋友加入,一起讨论交流,通过CCNA考试!CCNA最新题库/最新战报发布区:/forum-261-1.htmlCCNA考试代号:640-802考试时间:中文110分钟英文110+30=140分钟通过分数:825题库版本:V104.2Exam AQUESTION 1Which two commands correctly verify whether port security has been configured on port FastEthernet 0/12on a switch?(choose two)A.SW1#show swithport port-security interface FastEthernet 0/12B.SW1# show swithport port-secure interface FastEthernet 0/12C.SW1# show port-secure interface FastEthernet 0/12D.SW1#show running-configAnswer: CDQUESTION 2Which component of VPN technology ensures that data can be read only by its intended recipient?A.data integrity B.encryption C.key exchange D.authenticationAnswer: DQUESTION 3Refer to the exhibit.What is the effect of the configuration that is shown?A.It tells the router or switch to try establish an SSH connection first and if that fail to use telnet.B.Itconfigures a cisco network device to use the SSH protocol on incoming communications via the virtualterminal ports.C.It allows seven failed login attempts before the VTY lines are temporarily shutdown.D.It configures the virtual terminal lines with the password 030752180500.E.It configures SSH globally for all logins.Answer: BQUESTION 4Which IPV6 routing protocol uses multicast group FFO2::8 to send updates?A.RIPng B.OSPFv3C.IS-IS for IPv6D.staticAnswer: Cb b s .h h 010.co mWhich of the following are true regarding the debug output shown in the graphic?(choose two)A.This router was configured with the commands:RtrA(config)#router ripRtrA(config-router)#version 2RtrA(config-router)#network router was configured with the commands:RtrA(config)#router ripRtrA(config-router)#network will be displayed in the routing table.work will be displayed in the routing table.E.This router was configured with the commands:RtrA(config)#router ripRtrA(config-router)#network was disabled on this router.Answer: BCQUESTION 6The network administrator is asked to configure 113 point-to-point links.Which IP addressing scheme best defines the address range and subnet mask that meet the requirement and waste the fewest subnet and host addresses?A. subnetted with mask subnetted with mask subnetted with mask subnetted with mask subnetted with mask Db b s .h h 010.co mVLAN 3 is not yet configured on your switch.What happens if you set the switchport access vlan 3commmand interface configuration mode?A.The command is accepted and the respective VLAN is added to vlan dat.B.The command is rejected.C.The command is accepted and you must configure the VLAN manually.D.The port turns amber.Answer: AQUESTION 8Which parameter can be tuned to affect the selection of a static route as a backup.when a dynamic protocol is also being used?A.link bandwidth B.hop count C.link costD.administrative distanceE.link delayAnswer: DQUESTION 9Refer to the exhibit. In the Frame Relay network, which ip address would be assigned to the interfaces with point-to-poin PVCs?A.DLCI 16: 17: 99: 28: b s .h h 010.co mB.DLCI 16: 17: 99: 28: 16: 17: 99: 28: 16: 17: 99: 28: BQUESTION 10Why will a switch never learn a broadcast address?A.Broadcast frames are never sent to swiches.B.Broadcast addresses use an incorrect format for the switching table.C. A broadcast address will never be the source address of a frame.D.Broadcasts only use network layer addressing.E.A broadcast frame is never forwarded by a switch.Answer: CQUESTION 11Wich command can you use to manually assign a static IPV6 address to a muter interface?A.ipv6 address PREFIX_1::1/64B.ipv6 autoconfig 2001:db8:2222:7272::72/64C.ipv6 autoconfigD.ipv6 address 2001:db8:2222:7272::72/64Answer: DQUESTION 12The EIGRP configuration in the Glencoe router uses a single network statement.From the output shown in the graph would advertise these networks in EIGRP?b b s .h h 010.co mwork area 478work area 478Answer: BQUESTION 13Which IPsec security protocol should be used when confidentiality is required?A.AH B.MD5C.PSK D.ESPAnswer: DQUESTION 14What is the function of the command switchport trunk native vlan 999 on a…(此处文字不清楚).?A.It designates VLAN 999 for untagged traffic.B.It blocks VLAN 999 traffic from passing on the trunk.C.It creates a VLAN 999 interface.D.It designates VLAN 999 as the default for all unkown tagged traffic.Answer: DQUESTION 15Which command can be used from a PC to verfy the connectivity between host that connect thro…(字体不清)…?A.tracert address B.ping address C.arp addressD.traceroute addressAnswer: AQUESTION 16In which solution is a router ACL used?A.protecting a server frome unauthorized accesB.controlling path selection,based on the route metricC.reducing router CPU utilizationD.filterring packets that are passing through a routerAnswer: DQUESTION 17Which statement is true, as relates to classful or classless routing?b b s .h h 010.co mA.RIPV1 and OSPF are classless routing protocols.B.Classful routing protocols send the subnet mask in routing updates.C.Automatic summarization at classful boundaries can cause problems on disc……D.EIGRP and OSPF are classful routing protocols and summarize routes by def……Answer: CQUESTION 18A router has two FastEthernet interfaces and needs to connect to four vlans in the local network.How can you accomplish this task,using the fewest physical interfaces and without decreasing network performance?A.Add two more FastEthernet interfaces.B.Add a second router to handle the vlan traffic.e a hub to connect the four vlans with a FastEthernet interface on router.D.Implement a router-on-a-stick configuration.Answer: DQUESTION 19Refer to the exhibit.How many broadcast domains are configured on switch2?A.5B.20C.4D.1Answer: CQUESTION 20What is the effect of using the service password-encryption command?A.nly passwords configured after the command has been entered will be encrypted.B.Only the enable password will be encrypted.C.Only the enable secret password will be encryptedD.It will encrypt the secret password and remove the enable secret password from the configuration.E.It will encrypt all current and future passwords.Answer: Eb b s .h h 010.co mQUESTION 21Refer to the exhibit.A technician has installed SwithchB and needs to configure it for remote access from the management workstation connected SwitchA Which set of commands is required to accomplish this task?A.SwitchB(config)#interface FastEthernet 0/1SwitchB(config)#ip address shutdownB.SwitchB(config)#ip default-gateway vlan 1SwitchB(config)#ip address shutdown C.SwitchB(config)#interface vlan 1SwitchB(config)#ip address default-gateway shutdownD.SwitchB(config)#ip default-network vlan 1SwitchB(config)#ip address shutdownAnswer: BQUESTION 22Refer to the exhibit.The speed of all serial links is E1 and the speed of the all Ethernet links is 100Mb/s.A static route will be established on the Manchester router to the direct traffic toward the internet over the most direct path available.What configuration on the Manchester router will establish a router toward the internet for traffic that originates from workstation on the Manchester LAN?b b s .h h 010.co mA.ip route route route route route route FQUESTION 23What Frame Relay mechanism is used to build the map illustrated in the accompanying graphic?A.inverse multiplexingB.LMI mapingC.Inverse ARPD.ARPE.Proxy ARPAnswer: CQUESTION 24Refer to the exhibit.A network engineer is troubleshooting an internet connectivity problem on the computer.What is causing the problem?b b s .h h 010.co mA.wrong DNS serverB.wrong default gatewayC.incorrect IP addressD.incorrect subnet maskAnswer: CQUESTION 25How many broadcast domains are shown in the graphic assuming only the default vlan is configured on the switches?b b s .h h 010.co mA.oneB.sixC.twelveD.twoAnswer: AQUESTION 26How dose a DHCP server dynamically assign IP address to host?A.Addresses are allocated after a negotiation between the server and the host to determine the length ofthe agreement.B.Addresses are assigned for a fixed period of time.At the end of period,a newquest for an address mustbe made ,and another address is then assigned.C.Addresses are leased to host.A host will usually keep the same address by periodically contacting theDHCP sever to renew the lease.D.Addresses are permanently assigned so that the host uses the same address at all times.Answer: CQUESTION 27Which type of EIGRP route entry describes a feasible successor?A. a primary route,stored in the routing table B. a backup route,stored in the routing table C. a backup route,stored in the topology table D.a primary route,stored in the topology tableAnswer: CQUESTION 28What is the purpose of the inverse ARP?A.to map a known DLCI to an IP addressB.to map a known IP address to a MAC addressC.to map known SPID to a MACaddressD.to map a known DLCI to a MAC addressE.to map a known IP address to a SPID.F.to map a known MAC address to an IP addressAnswer: AQUESTION 29What is the default maximum number of equal-cost paths that can be placed into the routing of a cisco OSPF router?A.16B.2C.unlimitedD.4Answer: Db b s .h h 010.co mQUESTION 30Which IPV6 routing protocol uses multicast group FF02::9 to send updates?A.RIPng B.OSPFv3C.staticD.IS-IS for IPv6Answer: AQUESTION 31What are two benefits of using NAT?(choose two)A.NAT protects network security because private networks are not advertised.B.NAT accelerates the routing process because no modifications are made on the packets.C.Dynamic NAT facilitates connections from the outside of the network.D.NAT facilitates end-to-end communication when IPsec is enable.E.NAT eliminates the need to re-address all host that require extemal access.F.NAT conserves addresses through host MAC-level multiplexing.Answer: AEQUESTION 32Which three statements about RSTP are true?(choose three)A.RSTP significantly reduces topology reconverging time after a link failure.B.RSTP expends the STP port roles by adding the alternate and backup roles.C.RSTP port atates are blocking,discarding,learing,or forwarding.D.RSTP also uses the STP proprsal-agreement sequence.E.RSTP use the same timer-baseed process as STP on point-to-point links.F.RSTP provides a faster transition to the forwarding state on point-to-point links than STP does.Answer: ABFQUESTION 33Refer to the exhibit.The serial0/0 interface of the Tampa router connects the Oriando router.Which two statements are true about the connection between these two routers?(choose two)b b s .h h 010.co mA.The only device with which the Tampa router will negotiate a data link is the Orlando router.B.The link is addressed on the *zero*subnet network.C.The link uses a three-way handshake for authentication.D.The link uses a two-way handshake for authentication.E.Data exchanges between the Oriando and Tampa routers are encrypted.Answer: BCQUESTION 34A switch is configured as a vtp sever with a domain name of CCNA.Which cisco ios privileged modecommand,followed by a reload of the swith,will reset the VTP management domain name of the switch to a NULL value?A.#vtp domain unset B.#delete vlan.dat C.#no vtp domain D.#vtp domain nullAnswer: BQUESTION 35If an Ethernet port on a router was assigned an IP address of,what is the maximum number of hosts allowed on this subnet?A.4094B.1024C.8190D.2046b b s .h h 010.co mE.4096Answer: AQUESTION 36Which two statements about static NAT translations are true?(choose two)A.They are always present in the NAT table.B.They allow connection to be initiated from the outside.C.They can be configured with access lists, to allow two or more connections to be initiated from theoutside.D.They require no inside or outside interface markings because addresses are statically defined.Answer: ABQUESTION 37Which of these represents an IPv6 link-local address?A.FE08::280e:611:a:f14f:3d69B.FE81::280f:512b:e14f:3d69C.FE80::380e:611a:e14f:3d69D.FEFE:0345:5f1b::e14d:3d69Answer: CQUESTION 38What are three features of the IPV6 protocol?(choose three)plicated header B.plug-and-play C.no broadcasts D.checksums E.optional IPsec F.autoconfigurationAnswer: BCFQUESTION 39Assuming default setting,how can you erase the VTP database of VLANs on a CISCO IOS switch running in VTP server mode?A.Enable VTP pruningB.From privileged mode ,erase the startup configuration file,then reload.C.From privileged mode ,erase the vlan date file, then reload.D.Cycle the switch power.Answer: CQUESTION 40Refer to the exhibit.which address and mask combination a summary of the routes learned by EIGRP?b b s .h h 010.co mA. EQUESTION 41Refer to the exhibit A frame on vlan 1on switch s1 is sent to switch s2 when the frame is received on vlan 2,what causes this behavior?A.trunk mode mismatchesb b s .h h 010.co mB.vlans that do not correspond to a unique IP subnetC.native vlan mismatchesD.allowing only vlan 2 on the destination.Answer: CQUESTION 42Refer to the exhibit.The network administrator normally establishes a telnet session with the switch from host A.However,host A is unavailable.The administrator ′s attempt to the switch from host B fails,but pings to the other two hosts are successful.what is the issue?A.Host B and the switch need to be in the same subnet.B.The switch needs and appropriate default gateway assigned.C.The switch interface connected to the router is down.D.Host B need to be assigned an IP address in vlan 1.Answer: BQUESTION 43What value is primarily used to determine which port becomes the root port on each nonroot switch in a spanning-tree topology?A.lowest port MAC addressB.port priority number and MAC address.C.VTP revision numberD.highest port priority number.E.path costAnswer: EQUESTION 44Refer to the exhibit.Router 1 was just successfully rebooted.identify the current OSPF router ID for Router 1.b b s .h h 010.co mA. AQUESTION 45Why do large OSPF networks use a hierarchical design?(choose three)A.to confine network instability to single areas of the network.B.to reduce the complexity of router configuration C.to speed up convergenceD.to lower costs by replacing routers with distribution layer switchesE.to decrease latency by increasing bandwidthF.to reduce routing overheadAnswer: ACFQUESTION 46A network administrator receives an error message while tring to configure the Ethernet interface of a router with IP address statement explains the reason for this issue?A.The address is a broadcast address B.The Ehernet interface is faultyC.VLSM-capable routing protocols must be enable first on the router.D.This address is a network address.Answer: DQUESTION 47Which two are advantages of static routing when compared to dynamic routing?(choose two)A.Security increases because only the network administrator may change the routing tables.B.Configuration complexity decreases as network size increases.C.Routing updates are automatically sent to neighbors.D.Route summarization iscompued automatically by the router.E.Routing traffic load is reduced when used in stub network linksF.An efficient algorithm is used to build routing tables,using automatic updates.G.Routing tables adapt automatically to topology changes.b b s .h h 010.co mAnswer: AEQUESTION 48A company has a small network,consisting of a single switch and a single router.The switch has been configured with two vlans,and route-on-a-stick is being configured on the router for inter-vlan routing.A trunk is configured to connect the switch to the router.What is the minimum number of router subinterfaces that are required for all the vlans to communicate?A.one B.three C.two D.zeroAnswer: CQUESTION 49Which command can be a router to verify the layer 3 path to a host?A.traceroute address B.tracert address C.ssh address D.telnet addressAnswer: AQUESTION 50Which dose the frame-relay interface-dlc i command configure?A.remote DLCI on the main interface B.local DLCI on the main interface C.local DLCI on the subinterface D.remote DLCI on the subinterfaceAnswer: CQUESTION 51What is the OSPF default frequency,in seconds,at which a cisco router sends hello packets on a multi-access network?A.10B.40C.30D.20Answer: AQUESTION 52Refer to the exhibt.Host A has tested connectivity to a remote network.What is the default gateway for host A?b b s .h h 010.co mA. AQUESTION 53Which commands is necessary to permit SSH or Telnet access to a cisco switch that is otherwise configured for these vty line protocols?A.transport type allB.transport output allC.transport preferred allD.transport input allAnswer: DQUESTION 54Which command shows your active Telnet connections?A.show sessionB.show cdp neighborsC.show usersD.show queueAnswer: AQUESTION 55Which two states are the port states when RSTP has converged?(choose two)A.blocking B.learning C.disabled D.forwarding E.listeningAnswer: ADb b s .h h 010.co mQUESTION 56There are no boot system commands in a router configuration in NVRAM.What is the fallback sequence that router will use to find an ios during reload?A.Flash,TFTP server,ROM B.Flash,NVRAM,ROMC.ROM,NVRAM,TFTP serverD.NVRAM,TFTP server,ROME.TFTP server,Flash,NVRAMAnswer: A QUESTION 57Refer to the graphic.A host is connected to switch port Fa0/3 with a crossover cable.The host and switch have…as shown.However,the port indicator on switch port Fa0/3 is not on,and the host can notcommunicate with…to vlan 2 on the same switch.Based on the information given.what is the problem?A.The switch has been assigned an incorrect subnet mask.B.Switch port FA0/3 is not configured as a trunk port C.Switch port FA0/3 has been blocked by STPD.The switch and the hosts must be in the same subnetE.The cable is the wrong typeAnswer: E QUESTION 58Refer to the exhibit.Which user-mode password has just been set?A.Telnet B.Auxiliary C.SSH D.Consoleb b s .h h 010.co mAnswer: AQUESTION 59DNS servers provide what service?A.they run a spell check on host names to ensure accurate routingB.they map individual hosts to their specific IP addressC.they convert domain names into IP addressD.Given an IP address,they determine the name of the host that is…Answer: CQUESTION 60Which command enables RSTP on a switch?A.spanning-tree mode rapid-pvstB.spanning-tree uplinkfastC.spanning-tree backbonefastD.spanning-tree mode mst Answer: A QUESTION 61Which two are features of IPv6?(choose two)A.multicast B.broadcast C.allcastD.podcastE.anycast Answer: AE QUESTION 62Which statement about access lists that are applied to an interface is true?A.you can apply multiple access lists with the same protocol or in different…B.you can config one access list,per direction,per layer 3 protocolC.you can place as many access lists as you want on any interfaceD.you can apply ony one access list on any interfaceAnswer: DQUESTION 63Which item represents the standard IP ACL?A.access-list 50 deny 110 permit ip any anyC.access-list 2500 deny tcp any host eq 22D.access-list 101 deny tcp any host o mAnswer: AQUESTION 64What is one benefit of PVST+?A.PVST+reduces the CPU cycles for all the switches in the networkB.PVST+automatically selects the root bridge location,to provide optimiz…C.PVST+allow the root switch location to be optimized per vlan.D.PVST+supports Layer 3 load balancing without loops.Answer: Cmoc.1hh.sbb。



Refer to the exhibit. Which three statements correctly describe Network Device A? (Choose three.)A. With a network wide mask of, each interface does not require an IP address.B. With a network wide mask of, each interface does require an IP address ona unique IP subnet.C. With a network wide mask of, must be a Layer 2 device for the PCsto communicate with each other.D. With a network wide mask of, must be a Layer 3 device for the PCsto communicate with each other.E. With a network wide mask of, each interface does not require an IP address. Answer: BDEQUESTION 54What is the principle reason to use a private IP address on an internal network?A. Subnet strategy for private companies.B. Manage and scale the growth of the internal network.C. Conserve public IP addresses so that we do not run out of them.D. Allow access reserved to the devices.Answer: CWhich IP address can be assigned to an Internet interface?A. BExplanation/Reference:This question is to examine the concept of the private IP address.Class A: -- B: -- C: -- 56What will happen if a private IP address is assigned to a public interface connected to an ISP?A. Addresses in a private range will be not routed on the Internet backbone.B. Only the ISP router will have the capability to access the public network.C. The NAT process will be used to translate this address in a valid IP address.D. Several automated methods will be necessary on the private network.E. A conflict of IP addresses happens, because other public routers can use the same range. Answer: AQUESTION 57When is it necessary to use a public IP address on a routing interface?A. Connect a router on a local network.B. Connect a router to another router.C. Allow distribution of routes between networks.D. Translate a private IP address.E. Connect a network to the Internet.Answer: ERefer to the exhibit. Which VLSM mask will allow for the appropriate number of host addresses for Network A?A. /25B. /26C. /27D. /28Answer: AQUESTION 71Refer to the exhibit. Which subnet mask will place all hosts on Network B in the same subnet with the least amount of wasted addresses?A. BQUESTION 72Refer to the exhibit. Which mask is correct to use for the WAN link between the routers that will provide connectivity while wasting the least amount of addresses?A. /23B. /24C. /25D. /30Answer: DQUESTION 79On the network, what is the last IP address that can be assigned to a host?A. AQUESTION 80The ip subnet zero command is not configured on a router. What would be the IP address of Ethernet0/0 using the first available address from the sixth subnet of the network CQUESTION 81For the network, which option is a valid IP address that can be assigned to a host?A. BQUESTION 82How many addresses for hosts will the network provide?A. 510B. 1022C. 1024D. 2048Answer: BQUESTION 89When a DHCP server is configured, which two IP addresses should never be assignable to hosts? (Choose two.)A. network or subnetwork IP addressB. broadcast address on the networkC. IP address leased to the LAND. IP address used by the interfacesE. manually assigned address to the clientsF. designated IP address to the DHCP serverAnswer: ABQUESTION 99The network default gateway applying to a host by DHCP is Which option is the valid IP address of this host?A. Cvalid IP address range of the network, which is 100Which two addresses can be assigned to a host with a subnet mask of (Choose two.)A. BDQUESTION 101The network administrator has asked you to check the status of the workstation's IP stack by pinging the loopback address. Which address would you ping to perform this task?A. BQUESTION 102Workstation A has been assigned an IP address of Workstation B has been assigned an IP address of The two workstations are connected with a straight-through cable. Attempts to ping between the hosts are unsuccessful. What two things can be done to allow communications between the hosts? (Choose two.)A. Replace the straight-through cable with a crossover cable.B. Change the subnet mask of the hosts to /25.C. Change the subnet mask of the hosts to /26.D. Change the address of Workstation A to Change the address of Workstation B to ABQUESTION 103Your ISP has given you the address to assign to your router's interface. They have also given you the default gateway address of After you have configured the address, the router is unable to ping any remote devices. What is preventing the router from pinging remote devices?A. The default gateway is not an address on this subnet.B. The default gateway is the broadcast address for this subnet.C. The IP address is the broadcast address for this subnet.D. The IP address is an invalid class D multicast address.Answer: BQUESTION 147Refer to the exhibit. Which value will be configured for Default Gateway of the Local Area Connection?A. BQUESTION 155Which of the following host addresses are members of networks that can be routed across the public Internet? (Choose three.)A. CEFQUESTION 156Given a subnet mask of, which of the following addresses can be assigned to network hosts? (Choose three.)A. BCDQUESTION 167A national retail chain needs to design an IP addressing scheme to support a nationwide network. The company needs a minimum of 300 sub-networks and a maximum of 50 host addresses per subnet. Working with only one ClassB address, which of the following subnet masks will support an appropriate addressing scheme? (Choose two.)A. BEQUESTION 168Given the address, which of the following are valid host addresses on this subnet? (Choose two.)A. ACQUESTION 176Which of the following IP addresses fall into the CIDR block of (Choose three.)A. BCEQUESTION 196Which of the following describe private IP addresses? (Choose two.)A. addresses chosen by a company to communicate with the InternetB. addresses that cannot be routed through the public InternetC. addresses that can be routed through the public InternetD. a scheme to conserve public addressesE. addresses licensed to enterprises or ISPs by an Internet registry organizationAnswer: BDQUESTION 204The network has been divided into eight equal subnets. Which of the following IP addresses can be assigned to hosts in the third subnet if the ip subnet-zero command is configured on the router? (Choose three.)A. ACDQUESTION 221Refer to the exhibit. All of the routers in the network are configured with the ip subnet-zero command. Which network addresses should be used for Link A and Network A? (Choose two.)A. Network A - Network A - Network A - Link A - Link A - Link A - BDQUESTION 222Which two subnetworks would be included in the summarized address of /20? (Choose two.)A. /30B. /30C. /18D. /22E. /22F. /18Answer: DEQUESTION 225Which three IP addresses can be assigned to hosts if the subnet mask is /27 and subnet zero is usable? (Choose three.)A. ACDQUESTION 19Which of the following IP addresses can be assigned to the host devices? (Choose two.)A. BF[文档可能无法思考全面,请浏览后下载,另外祝您生活愉快,工作顺利,万事如意!]。



交换机IP地址分配我们将从以下几个方面阐述配置交换机的初始配置:交换机出厂的默认配置配置交换机的IP地址及网关S4909交换机出厂的默认配置属性 缺省值IP地址与子网掩码 无默认网关 无Enable管理密码 未定义交换机名 SwitchTelnet密码 无配置交换机的IP地址及网关由于在交换机的出厂默认配置中,没有定义IP地址与子网掩码以及默认网关,对于一台新出厂的交换机,用户不能直接通过网络管理它。


配置交换机的步骤如下:先把交换机通过带外连接到PC上,打开超级终端,并把速率设置为9600bps,然后把交换机上电,按如下配置例子完成初始化配置过程:--- System Configuration Dialog ---At any point you may enter a question mark '?' for help.Use ctrl-c to abort configuration dialog at any prompt.Default settings are in square brackets '[]'.Continue with configuration dialog? [yes/no]:yEnter IP address: IP netmask: you like to enter a default gateway address? [yes]:yIP address of default gateway: host name [Switch]:nnnThe enable secret is a one-way cryptographic secret useinstead of the enable password when it exists.Enter enable secret:8888Would you like to configure a Telnet password? [yes]:yEnter Telnet password:8888The following configuration command script was created:interface VLAN 1ip address!ip default-gateway Switchenable secret 0 8888enable secret level 1 5 8888!endUse this configuration? [yes/no]:yBuilding configuration...OK配置完成后,交换机会根据用户输入的配置自动创建一个配置文件,下次起机后便使用该配置文件,而无须用户再干预。



1在Internet中能够提供任意两台计算机之间传输文件的协议是选择一个答案a. SMTPb. FTPc. WWWd. TelnetQuestion 2Internet的核心协议是选择一个答案a. DHCPb. FTPc. TCP/IPd. DNSQuestion 3计算机技术结合通信技术,二者融合,于是产生了()选择一个答案a. 图灵机b. 超级计算机c. 专用计算机d. 计算机网络Question 4图灵机由四部分组成:(1)条无限长的纸带;(2)一个读写头;(3)___ ;(4)一个状态寄存器。

选择一个答案a. 一套控制规则b. 一块内存条c. 一个理想擦头d. 一个转轮Question 5计算机科学发展与大规模集成电路的发展紧密相关。


Question 6硬盘通常安装在主机箱内,所以硬盘属于内存。

答案:对错误Question 7从关系运算中,选择运算是从列的角度进行的运算。

答案:对错误Question 8关于word中的插入表格命令,下列说法中错误的是______ 选择一个答案a. 可以自动套用格式b. 只能是2行3列c. 行列数可调d. 能调整行、列宽Question 9SQL语句中排序关键字是选择一个答案a. Group byb. Order byc. Whered. CreateQuestion 10在PowerPoint中,“格式”菜单中的命令()可以用来改变某一幻灯片的布局。

选择一个答案a. 字体b. 幻灯片版式c. 背景d. 幻灯片配色方案11如果想将幻灯片的方向更改为纵向,可通过选择命令来实现。

选择一个答案a. “文件”→“打印”b. “格式”→“应用设计母版”c. “文件”→“页面设置”d. “格式”→“幻灯片版式”Question 12以下函数能够实现求和功能的是()选择一个答案a. Countb. Sumc. Avgd. MaxQuestion 13常用工具栏上“新建”幻灯片和格式工具栏上“新建幻灯片”的功能是不一样的。



本栏目责任编辑: 冯蕾网络通讯与安全MPLS VPN 的私网IP 地址路由问题分析王柱( 辽宁工程技术大学技术与经济学院, 辽宁阜新123000)摘要: 随着Internet 的爆炸性增长, 传统IPv4 地址即将耗尽、传统路由器的处理能力也接近极限, 为了解决这些问题, 在ISP 骨干网中组建MPLS VPN, 通过在PE 上测试VPNv4 路由信息的方法, 从理论上证明基于MPLS 技术组建的VPN 在一定程度上缓解了这些矛盾。

关键词: MPLS VPN; VR F; R D; R T; 私网IP 地址中图分类号: TP 393 文献标识码: A 文章编号: 1009- 3044(2007)01- 10073- 01Private Network IP Address Rout e Question Analysis of MPLS VPNWANG Zhu(Technological and Economic School,LiaoNing Technical University,Fuxin 123000,China) Abstract: With the exposing increase of internet, traditional IPv4 address is about to run out, and the traditional router handling ability is almost near the limit, to solve these problems, MPLS VPN is constructed in IS P bone network, it is theoretically proven that VPN constructed with MPLS technique solve these problems to some extend by the way of testing VPNv4 route information on PE.Key words: MPLS VPN; VR F; R D; R T; private network IP address1MPLS VPN 基本原理MPLS( Multi- Protocol Label S witching, 多协议标签交换)是一种将具有相同转发处理方式的分组归为一类( Forwarding Equiva- lent Class, 转发等价类FEC) 的分类转发技术。



25. QuestionWhat is the binary equivalent of the decimal number 232?o 11101000o 11000110o 10011000o 1111001026. QuestionWhat is the decimal equivalent of the binary number 10010101?o149o 157o 168o 1921. QuestionHow many bits are in an IPv4 address?o32o 64o 128o 2562. QuestionWhich two parts are components of an IPv4 address? (Choose two.)o subnet portiono network portiono logical portiono host portiono physical portiono broadcast portion3. QuestionWhat does the IP address represent?o network addresso multicast addresso host addresso broadcast address4. QuestionWhat is the purpose of the subnet mask in conjunction with an IP address?o to uniquely identify a host on a networko to identify whether the address is public or privateo to determine the subnet to which the host belongso to mask the IP address to outsiders5. QuestionWhat subnet mask is represented by the slash notation /20?o QuestionA message is sent to all hosts on a remote network. Which type of message isit?o limited broadcasto multicasto directed broadcasto unicast7. QuestionWhat are three characteristics of multicast transmission? (Choose three.)o The source address of a multicast transmission is in the range of to A single packet can be sent to a group of hosts.o Multicast transmission can be used by routers to exchange routing information.o The range of to is reserved to reach multicast groups on a local network.o Computers use multicast transmission to request IPv4 addresses.o Multicast messages map lower layer addresses to upper layer addresses.8. QuestionWhich three IP addresses are private ? (Choose three.)o QuestionWhich two IPv4 to IPv6 transition techniques manage the interconnection of IPv6 domains? (Choose two.)o trunkingo dual stacko encapsulationo tunnelingo multiplexing10. QuestionWhich of these addresses is the shortest abbreviation for the IP address:3FFE:1044:0000:0000:00AB:0000:0000:0057?o 3FFE:1044::AB::57o 3FFE:1044::00AB::0057o 3FFE:1044:0:0:AB::57o 3FFE:1044:0:0:00AB::0057o 3FFE:1044:0000:0000:00AB::57o 3FFE:1044:0000:0000:00AB::005711. QuestionWhat type of address is automatically assigned to an interface when IPv6 is enabled on that interface?o global unicasto link-localo loopbacko unique local12. QuestionWhat are two types of IPv6 unicast addresses? (Choose two.)o multicasto loopbacko link-localo anycasto broadcast13. QuestionWhat are three parts of an IPv6 global unicast address? (Choose three.)o an interface ID that is used to identify the local network for a particular hosto a global routing prefix that is used to identify the network portion of the address that has been provided by an ISPo a subnet ID that is used to identify networks inside of the local enterprise siteo a global routing prefix that is used to identify the portion of the network address provided by a local administratoro an interface ID that is used to identify the local host on the network14. QuestionAn administrator wants to configure hosts to automatically assign IPv6 addresses to themselves by the use of Router Advertisement messages, but also to obtain the DNS server address from a DHCPv6 server. Which address assignment method should be configured?o SLAACo stateless DHCPv6o stateful DHCPv6o RA and EUI-6415. QuestionWhich protocol supports Stateless Address Autoconfiguration (SLAAC) for dynamic assignment of IPv6 addresses to a host?o ARPv6o DHCPv6o ICMPv6o UDP16. QuestionWhich two things can be determined by using the ping command? (Choose two.)o the number of routers between the source and destination deviceo the IP address of the router nearest the destination deviceo the average time it takes a packet to reach the destination and for theresponse to return to the sourceo the destination device is reachable through the networko the average time it takes each router in the path between source and destination to respond17. QuestionWhat is the purpose of ICMP messages?o to inform routers about network topology changeso to ensure the delivery of an IP packeto to provide feedback of IP packet transmissionso to monitor the process of a domain name to IP address resolution 18. QuestionWhat is indicated by a successful ping to the ::1 IPv6 address?o The host is cabled properly.o The default gateway address is correctly configured.o All hosts on the local link are available.o The link-local address is correctly configured.o IP is properly installed on the host.19. QuestionA user is executing a tracert to a remote device. At what point would a router,which is in the path to the destination device, stop forwarding the packet?o when the router receives an ICMP Time Exceeded messageo when the RTT value reaches zeroo when the host responds with an ICMP Echo Reply messageo when the value in the TTL field reaches zeroo when the values of both the Echo Request and Echo Reply messages reach zero20. QuestionWhat field content is used by ICMPv6 to determine that a packet has expired?o TTL fieldo CRC fieldo Hop Limit fieldo Time Exceeded field21. QuestionFill in the blank.The decimal equivalent of the binary number 10010101is 149 .22. QuestionFill in the blank.The binary equivalent of the decimal number 232 is 1110100023. QuestionFill in the blank.What is the decimal equivalent of the hex number 0x3F? 63。



使用nslookup网络故障排查流程步骤When troubleshooting network issues, using the nslookup command can be a valuable tool. This command allows users to query DNS servers to obtain detailed information about domain names and IP addresses. When encountering network problems, following a systematic nslookup troubleshooting process can help pinpoint and resolve the issue.在排查网络故障时,使用nslookup命令可以成为一个有价值的工具。



The first step in using nslookup to troubleshoot network issues is to open the command prompt or terminal on the computer. Once the command prompt is open, the user can enter "nslookup" followed by the domain name or IP address they want to query. This will initiate the nslookup tool and provide the user with a ">" prompt where they can enter specific commands.使用nslookup排查网络问题的第一步是在计算机上打开命令提示符或终端。



HCNA-HNTD(H12-211)中文题库H10.24(2014.10.24更新)Exam AQUESTION 1当指定接口运行在RIPv2组播方式时,以下说法正确的是()(选择2个正确答案)A. 只接收RIPv2组播报文B. 不接收RIPv1广播报文C. 接收RIPv1广播报文D. 接收RIPv1组播报文Correct Answer: ABSection: (none)QUESTION 2下面哪条命令是把PPP的认证方式设置为PAP?A. ppp papB. ppp chapC. ppp authentication-mode papD. ppp authentication-mode chapCorrect Answer: CSection: (none)QUESTION 3某公司申请到一个C类IP地址段,但要分配给6个子公司,最大的一个子公司有26台计算机。


A. Answer: DSection: (none)QUESTION 4下列关于eSight 的描述中,错误的是()。

A. eSight可用于监控和管理企业网络B. eSight只能管理华为的网络设备C. eSight支持WLAN设备管理和热点覆盖的监控D. eSight支持配置文件的备份和流量分析Correct Answer: BSection: (none)QUESTION 5客户访问FTP服务器时出错,检查发现服务器与客户端之间的连通性没有问题,则有可能是哪些服务器端口被堵塞而导致的问题?(选择2个答案)A. 21B. 80C. 20D. 50649Correct Answer: ACSection: (none)QUESTION 6命令ip address ppp-negotiate有什么作用?A. 开启向对端请求IP地址的功能B. 开启接收远端请求IP地址的功能C. 开启静态分配IP地址的功能D. 其他选项都不正确Correct Answer: ASection: (none)QUESTION 7下列哪项WLAN标准的传输速率大于1Gbps?A. 802.11bB. 802.11gC. 802.11nD. 802.11acCorrect Answer: DSection: (none)QUESTION 8一台AR2200路由器需要恢复初始配置,则下面哪些描述是正确的?(选择2个答案)A. 重置saved configurationB. 清除current configurationC. 重启该AR2200路由器D. 重新指定下次启动加载的配置文件Correct Answer: ACSection: (none)QUESTION 9如图所示,两台交换机都正常运行STP,SW A上使用了配置命令STP root primary,SWB上使用了配置命令STP root secondary,则下面哪个端口将被堵塞?A. 交换机A的G0/0/1B. 交换机B的G0/0/2C. 交换机B的G0/0/1D. 交换机A的G0/0/2Correct Answer: CSection: (none)QUESTION 10如图所示,RTA和RTB都在运行RIPv1。

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