

ASME SEC II A A20042008.4.11

ASME SEC II A A20042008.4.11

SUMMARY OF CHANGESThe2004Edition of this Code contains revisions in addition to the2001Edition with2002and2003Addenda.The revisions are identified with the designation04in the margin and,as described in the Foreword,become mandatory six months after the publication date of the2004Edition.To invoke these revisions before their mandatory date,use the designation“2004Edition”in documentation required by this Code.If you choose not to invoke theserevisions before their mandatory date,use the designation“2001Edition through the2003Addenda”in documentation required by this Code.Changes given below are identified on the pages by a margin note,04,placed next to theaffected area.Location Page ChangeList of Sections iii Updated to reflect04Foreword xi–xiii Editorially revisedSpecification Removal xxxix AddedAcceptable ASTM Editions xlvii–lvi Revised in its entirety,and columns forSections VIII-3and XII added SA-47/SA-47M159–165SA-47redesignated as SA-47/SA-47Mand revised in its entiretySA-53/SA-53M167–193Revised in its entiretySA-134221–225Revised in its entiretySA-135227–235Revised in its entiretySA-194/SA-194M297–313Revised in its entiretySA-209/SA-209M327–331Revised in its entiretySA-217/SA-217M355–359Revised in its entirety --``,,`,,,`,````,`,``,,,`,``,,,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---SA-268/SA-268M449–457Revised in its entiretySA-302/SA-302M495–498Revised in its entiretySA-312/SA-312M513–524Revised in its entiretySA-334/SA-334M563–572Revised in its entiretySA-350/SA-350M595–605Revised in its entiretySA-358/SA-358M639–647Revised in its entiretySA-376/SA-376M721–730Revised in its entiretySA-387/SA-387M731–737Revised in its entiretySA-437/SA-437M815–819Revised in its entiretySA-449821–828Revised in its entiretySA-476/SA-476M861–866SA-476redesignated as SA-476/SA-476M and revised in its entirety SA-537/SA-537M1019–1023Revised in its entiretySA-540/SA-540M1025–1034Revised in its entiretylixLocation Page ChangeSA-553/SA-553M1053–1057Revised in its entiretySA-564/SA-564M1087–1095Revised in its entiretySA-572/SA-572M1131–1135AddedSA-6661207–1216Revised in its entiretySA-6711219Paragraph1.3.3corrected by errata SA-688/SA-688M1245–1255Revised in its entiretySA-6911257–1264Revised in its entiretySA-6931265–1272Revised in its entiretySA-703/SA-703M1281–1300Revised in its entiretySA-705/SA-705M1301–1308(1)Title revised(2)Revised in its entiretySA-724/SA-724M1315–1318(1)Title revised(2)Revised in its entiretySA-747/SA-747M1357–1361(1)Title revised(2)Revised in its entiretySA-7511377–1383Revised in its entiretySA-790/SA-790M1441–1451Revised in its entiretySA-803/SA-803M1453–1463Revised in its entiretySA-814/SA-814M1475–1482Revised in its entiretySA-832/SA-832M1495–1500Revised in its entiretySA-9611547–1557Revised in its entiretySA-999/SA-999M1573–1585AddedSA-1008/SA-1008M1587–1596Revised in its entiretySA-1017/SA-1017M1619–1622AddedMandatory Appendix I1645AddedNOTE:Volume54of the Interpretations to Section II,Part A of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code follows the last page of the Edition to Section II,Part A.lx--``,,`,,,`,````,`,``,,,`,``,,,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---。






化学分析按ASME B&PVC 第ⅡC篇SFA-5.28/5.28M,见下表:






T—223 背散射
背散射线的控制: 将一个高度不小于 1/2in 和厚度不小于 1/6in 的铅字 “B” , 在曝光时,贴到每个胶片暗盒的背面,以测定背散射是否到达胶片。
T—224 识别系统(底片上的标识)
⑴ 在射线底片上,应能给出永久性的定位标记和识别标记,包括合同号、零 件号、焊缝号或部件号等; ⑵ 识别系统不一定要求以射线照相影像的方式显示; ⑶ 在任何情况下,这些标记不能遮蔽被检的区域;
T—260 校验
T—261 射线源尺寸
⑴ 制造厂或供货单位提供的有关射线源或焦点尺寸的书面文件,均可作为 射线源尺寸验证之用; ⑵ 当得不到供货单位的书面文件的情况下,可依据相关标准进行实测: (a) X 射线机可采用针孔法测量或根据 SE—1165 测定焦点尺寸。 (b) Ir—192 射线源可根据 SE—1114 工业射线源焦点尺寸的标准测定方法 来测定。
T—222 表面修整
⑴ 材料(包括铸件)任何表面的不规则不应遮蔽或者混淆任何不连续的成像; ⑵ 焊缝表面焊波或焊缝表面高低不平在射线底片上形成的影像不应遮蔽任何 缺陷的影像或与之相混淆。所有对接焊缝接头的完工表面可与母材平齐,或有合 理而均匀的凸起。被检焊缝及其热影响区内外表面均应符合要求。 余高高度应符合 ASMEⅠ卷和Ⅷ卷的有关规定。锅炉焊缝表面不得有引起应 力集中的缺陷:焊波粗劣、沟槽、焊瘤、过渡不圆滑、凹坑。咬边深度≯0.8mm 或 10%t(取两者较小值,t 为母材厚度) 。容器由焊接引起的厚度减薄≯0.8mm 或 10%t(取两者较小值,t 为母材厚度) 。
⑷ 透照时定位标记应放在工件上,而不能放在暗盒上; ⑸ 在许可时定位标记应能永久地标在零件上或标注在一张图上。在射线底片 要求的保存期内能根据射线底片在工件上精确地定出被检区域的位置。 ⑹ 底片上的定位标记应能表明,所要求的检验区域已全部查



ASME II C篇04版2005增补

ASME II C篇04版2005增补

ASME锅炉及压力容器规范国际性规范II材料C篇 焊条、焊丝及填充金属2005增补ASME锅炉及压力容器委员会压力容器分委员会编著中国《ASME规范产品》协作网(CACI)翻译、发送2006年3月1日2005增补发送说明经美国机械工程师学会(ASME)许可,中国《ASME规范产品》协作网(CACI)翻译出版了2004版ASME锅炉及压力容器规范和相关规范。










来信请寄:北京市西城区月坛南街26号中国《ASME规范产品》协作网邮政编码:100825电子邮箱:caci@中国《ASME规范产品》协作网2006年3月2005年度增补增补修改内容04中文版页码章节/部位 05全面修改,见本增补第3页至第4页。


9~41 SFA-5.1151~171 SFA-5.8全文修订,见本增补第45页至第73页。


304~311 SFA-5.16向锅炉及压力容器委员会提交技术咨询函导则1 引言(a)本附录为规范的使用者向规范委员会提出技术询问提供指导,参见ASME锅炉及压力容器规范第II卷、C和D篇关于在规范中申请增加新材料的批准指南。




124研究与探索Research and Exploration ·工艺流程与应用中国设备工程 2023.11 (上)1 实验过程选用的焊丝信息如下:牌号:ESAB OK 69;型号:AWS A5.28M/ASME SFA-5.28:ER100S-GEN ISO 16834-A G Mn3Ni1CrMo;焊丝化学成分详见表1;焊丝机械性能详见表2;母材S700MC(EN10149)化学成分详见表3;保护气体:80%Ar+20% CO 2,保护气体流量:25L/min;机器人使用:Motoman NX100,Motoman 焊接机器人是世界先进的焊接机器人,本实验使用的型号为:NX100,图1为Motoman 焊接机器人待机时的整体图片,图2是Motoman 焊机机器人的铭牌,详细说明了工作时的参数;电源使用:TransPlus Synergic 5000。

浅谈焊接机器人使用MAG 焊接不同工艺参数对焊缝熔深的影响吕忙忙,纪晓琦(科乐收农业机械(山东)有限责任公司,山东 高密 261500)摘要:随着我国工业化的进程,近年来,我国的自动化技术越来越成熟,而焊接机器人是工业自动化应用很广泛的领域,焊接机器人的广泛使用代替了部分传统手工焊,但焊接机器人与手工焊接的工艺参数存在一定的差别,不同的机器人焊接参数和焊枪姿态对于焊缝有着不同的影响。



关键词:焊接电流;焊接电压;焊枪角度;焊缝熔深中图分类号:TG457.11;TD528.32 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1671-0711(2023)11(上)-0124-03本实验选用的焊材为ESAB 品牌的焊丝,其化学成分如表1所示,符合EN ISO 16834-A 标准要求,其机械性能如表2所示。




根据设计图纸标明的按照ASME规范2001版第8.1篇(ASME SEC 。


1 2001 EDITION)分类的A类,B类,C类,D类焊接接头,给每个接头编号,规定每个接头所遵循的焊接工艺指导书(WPS),材料类别号或者组别号,以及焊接方法和可行的焊接位置。

2.焊接工程师按照质量手册的要求参照焊接接头识别卡编写第零版焊接工艺指导书(WPS Rev。


2.1 WPS,以及后来的PQR,WPQ等等所有ASME文件的格式最好对照ASME规范2001版第九卷(ASME SEC 。

Ⅸ)末尾的附录中的样表的格式,WPS当中,必须包括对所有重要变素的描述,见QW252—260.2.2 WPS当中的变素按照ASME规范2001版第九卷(ASME SEC 。

Ⅸ 2002 EDITION)QW250的叙述。

QW252(OFW)燃料氧气焊,QW253(SMAW)焊条电弧焊,QW254(SAW)埋弧焊,QW255(GMAW and FCAW)气体保护焊及药芯焊丝气体保护焊,QW256(GTAW)钨极氩弧焊,QW257(PAW)等离子焊,QW258(ESW)电渣焊,QW259(EGW)电气焊,QW260(EBW)电子束焊。



Ⅷ DIV. 1 2001 EDITION)的UW-28的规定,对所遵循的每一项焊接工艺作出工艺评定(PQR).3.1 焊接工艺评定的材料与设计图纸相同,SA662—C+SA662-C;SA662—C+SM-400。

SA662-C按照ASME规范第九卷(ASME SEC .Ⅸ)中QW-420材料的分组,类别属于P-No。

ASME S(PP)钢印取证建议准备方案

ASME S(PP)钢印取证建议准备方案

ASME S(PP)钢印取证建议准备方案1.预备阶段时长壹(1)个月;时间:AI第一次访问之前的一个月之前;中文标准购买:从中石油ASME协作网(CACI);标准熟悉:标准必须从ASME购买正版纸质标准(以前有借标准的,现在已经行不通了,每套标准均有单独的授权号)Section ISection II- A / C / D D为公制单位的;Section VSection IXB16.5;B31.1SNT-TC-1ACP-189;ACCP, Rev 3, November 1997B36.10M;质保工程师:向ASME机构提出取证申请书及购买标准;熟悉提供的手册样本;初步建立质保体系人员,列出人员清单;熟悉Section I 附录A-300;熟悉Section 1 and B31.1b结构及内容;配备翻译;设计工程师及工艺工程师:II-D 表1A; VIII-1 (PG,PW,PWT);材料工程师:II-A:(SA-516 + SA-20);(SA-106 + SA-530);(SA-105 + SA961);(SA-210 + SAII-C:SFA-5.1 ;SFA-5.18;SFA-5.9;SA-5.17焊接工程师:II-C:SFA-5.1 ;SFA-5.18;SFA-5.9;SA-5.17Section I:PW;PWT;IX:QW-1XX;QW-2XX;QW-3XX;QW-4XX;无损检测工程师:(每个方法至少4年工作经验,高中毕业)无损检测人员资格要求:PW-50;附录A-260;附录A-270;SNT-TC-1A ;外聘ASME培训老师(III级);2 第二阶段:(指导与实践)为期1.5个月授权检验师(AI)见面会:为期2天;了解前期准备情况,熟悉各责任工程师;介绍ASME& NB ,ASME标准构成及其运用方法;质保手册各要素的介绍;确立ASME示范产品(材料厚度等需要按照市场材料调节);确立示范产品的焊接方案:工艺评定和焊工资格;ASME材料的确立(采购准备);工艺工程师的工艺交流;无损检测人员的确认(II & III 人员);计量工程师的交流;质保工程师:手册及程序文件的编制完成,特别表格的确认;设计工程师:完成图纸和计算书;编制材料请购单MR和采购技术要求PS;工艺工程师:编制流程图PFC及验收单COL;材料工程师/采购工程师:按照MR/PS编制采购单PO;采购材料并入库(包括板,管,锻及焊材等);焊接工程师:完成工艺评定和焊工考试,填写资料表格PQR/WPS/WPQ/WOPQ等;编制焊卡JIC和合格焊工清单;无损工程师:编制无损检测人员管理细则(WP);编制程序文件(RT/UT/MT/PT等);配置设备;完成对本厂III/II级人员的培训及考试,初步填表任命;本厂III级完成对无损检测设备的计量;计量工程师:列出ASME计量设备清单;并计量;3 第三阶段:自我完善为期1个月;3.1 手册与程序文件(除无损)人员:质量经理:文员:手册Quality Control System Manual;AI 签字;材料代码标识系统AI 签字;ASME质量控制体系审查导则质量经理编制手册的发放;程序文件的发放;3.2 设计控制人员:设计:校核:批准:文员:客户委托设计的技术文件(含模拟合同);图纸AI 签字;设计计算书AI 签字;材料请购单Material Requistion (板材,管子,锻件,封头成形,焊接材料)采购技术要求Material Purchasing Specification (若需要)工作令号的指定文件的发放(图纸)文件的发放(材料请购单MR和采购技术要求MPS)注:焊接材料MR由焊接工程师编制;3.3 材料的控制人员:采购员:采购经理:仓库保管员:入库验收检验员:材料工程师:编制采购合同(Purchasing Order):(板材,管子,锻件,封头成形,焊接材料)根据MR/MPS编制,要有商务合同;并且在商务合同上注明“技术要求按照PO-XXX Rev.0的要求”;入库检验验收(检验员)焊材验收合格标识材料质保书(材料工程师审核签字盖章)材料合格章不一致品报告(NCR);材料代码登记表(材料工程师)核查材料检验过程中测量器具的有限期和合格证3.4 焊接控制人员:焊接技术员:焊接责任工程师:一级库管理员:二级库管理员:焊工:焊工钢印清单焊接材料请购单MR编制;焊接接头识别图JIC(配置WPS/焊接位置);编制WPSs进行工艺评定PQR,并完成记录;焊工考试,并编制WPQs和合格焊工清单;编制合格焊工的连续记录;焊材库的台帐(建议挂牌),发放(包括工艺评定和焊工考试)焊材库温湿度控制(仪表与记录);焊材烘焙记录,烘箱的计量(证书需要注明温度范围);现场保温桶的使用和领用焊材标识;3.5 制造,检验人员:工艺员:工艺责任工程师:检验员:检验责任工程师:设备:演示立式容器;工艺编制流程图PFC / 下料图,并发放;工艺检验编制流转卡COL;检验检验要点:材料需要标识;材料焊工需要标识;焊接AI指定Spot RT位置检验射线布片位置标识;无损对接错边量,接头装配符合图纸要求;检验点焊质量检验焊缝余高;角焊缝的焊接高度(必须符合图纸要求);检验焊接记录检验封头样板及检验记录;检验筒体和封头坡口;AI检验点:“W”筒体和封头的对接;AI培训“H”接管1与筒体的点焊;预检“H”接管2与筒体的点焊;联检现场流程图PFC,流转卡COL;直尺;焊尺;测温仪,封头样板等;出具范产品的数据报告MDR-“U-1A”检验3.6 不一致品的控制人员:质量经理检验员材料工程师由质量经理负责:NCR编号需要标注在流转卡上扣留标签(Hold)拒收标签(Reject)3.7 无损检测按照每个方法人员:NDE level III RT UT MT PTNDE leve II RT UT MT PT外聘无损检测III级人员作为培训老师本单位的聘书;III级证书(外单位凭书)(复印件);评定记录(复印件);外单位的ASME证书(复印件);外单位无损检测人员考试,管理规程(WP)(复印件);连续工作记录(从任命到现在)(复印件);视力检验记录(从任命到现在)(复印件);编制无损检测人员考试,管理规程(Written Practice)编制无损检测人员培训计划;编制程序文件RT UT MT PT ;无损检测人员III级人员单位III级凭书无损检测人员评定记录;学历证书;无损检测证书复印件;工作经验(高中毕业,要求II以上时间至少4年;理工大专毕业,要求II以上至少2年;理工本科毕业,要求II以上至少1年);培训时间(至少包括I/II级时间,一般控制80小时以上);基础考试(55题/ 一套题包括四个方法)方法考试(65题/ RT UT MT PT );专业(20题/ RT UT MT PT );视力检查记录;连续操作记录;无损检测程序文件演示UT/MT/PT 无损检测人员III级AI见证;出具演示报告无损检测人员III级AI签字;无损检测人员II级人员单位无损检测II级凭书无损检测人员评定记录;学历证书;无损检测证书复印件;工作经验(工作经验一年以上,最好国内II级证);培训时间(至少包括I/II级时间,一般控制80小时以上);基础考试(40题/ RT UT MT PT );方法考试(40题/ RT UT MT PT );实践考试(20题/ RT UT MT PT );视力检查记录;连续操作记录;无损检测合格人员清单RT设备需要与程序文件相一致密度片:外校或新购一年有效;黑度计:RT III级计量90天有效;射线机:需在RT程序文件中体现;像质计ASTM 1A / ASTM 1B 至少各两付付合格证;B标记备多个高13mm, 厚1.6mm ;曝光室暗室已知缺陷试板RT III级出具缺陷图并签证确认UT设备UT仪器UT III级计量三个月有效;探头(直/斜45º,60º,70º)探头线ASME标准试块T=19mm ;孔直径3.2mm;深38mm ;可直接购买“济南模具厂”或自做并出具尺寸报告,UT III级签字确认;UT仪器校验试块自做并出具尺寸报告,UT III级签字确认;国内其他试块已知缺陷试板UT III级出具缺陷图并签证确认,编号钢印;耦合剂机油MT设备MT仪器MT III级计量一年有效;MT提升力校验试块大于或等于4.5Kg 称重设备计量合格证自校并出具重量报告,MT III级签字确认,编码钢印;已知表面缺陷试板MT III级出具缺陷图并签证确认,编号钢印;光照度计外校一年有效;照明设备安全灯36V/100W 或手提探照灯照明设备最小距离测试报告(MTIII级,1000Lx)磁膏或瓶装悬浮液反差增强剂梨形杯测量悬浮液中磁粉浓度浓度(1.5 ~ 4ml/100m l );PT设备清洗剂CL离子含量证书渗透剂CL离子含量证书显像剂CL离子含量证书产品射线报告RT Report 纵缝 / 环缝各一张UW-52 Spot合格;3.7 计量列出ASME计量设备清单;计量,带合格证;所有ASME设备贴有ASME特殊标记ASME特殊标记所有计量器具贴有计量合格标记计量合格标记计量要求:证书需要追溯至实物;计量标准按照国家标准或行业标准;计量要求精度要求,范围能够覆盖使用范围(例如焊材烘箱100~500度);计量证书需要体现母表的编号和有效期;4 第四阶段:力求完美为期半个月,预检;5 第五阶段:修心养性,功成圆满联检;口罩必须戴早点回来私家车回来的火车的先隔离。



ASME铁基材料焊接工艺评定试样检验合格标准1.拉伸试样:试样的抗拉强度不小于:(QW-153 .1)(a)母材的规定最小抗拉强度(b)如母材是由两种规定最小抗拉强度不同的材料构成,则取较小值。




2.导向弯曲试验:(QW-163)在弯曲后的凸面上沿任何方向测量,在焊缝和热影响区内都不得有超过1/8in (3.2mm)的开口缺陷。


ASME铁基材料焊接技能评定试件(样)检验合格标准1. 拉伸试样:(QW-153 .1)试样的抗拉强度不小于(a)母材的规定最小抗拉强度(b)如母材是由两种规定最小抗拉强度不同的材料构成,则取较小值。




2. 导向弯曲试验:(QW-163)在弯曲后的凸面上沿任何方向测量,在焊缝和热影响区内都不得有超过1/8in (3.2mm)的开口缺陷。






2004中文版ASME规范 第Ⅱ卷 B篇 非铁基材料 2006增补

2004中文版ASME规范 第Ⅱ卷 B篇 非铁基材料 2006增补

15.1 删除第 1~2 行“不能满足本标准要求的材料可拒收,且应在自买方收
到材料的 60 天内通知制造厂。”。
SB-550/ 副标题 改为:(除 14.1 和 15.1 节有编辑上的修改外,与 ASTM 标准 B 550/B
1.2 本节修改为:
1.2 英制单位为本标准认定的单位制,圆括号里的数值为单位转化 为公制单位的数值,此值仅作为参考使用,不为本标准认可。
表 1 增加 35 级,36 级和 37 级的拉伸性能要求,另见本增补第 31 页。
表 2 增加 35 级,36 级和 37 级的化学成分要求,另见本增补第 31 页。
正文第 3 段
第 3 段后增加内容:“新材料的申请应伴有来自 ASME 证书持有者和 最终用户,或指定材料且关于按规范某部分的某一条进行产品制造与 证书持有者签订合同的机构的联络信。信中应陈述询问者姓名以及是 以上三种机构中的哪一种。”
右栏第 1 行 中 “ …… 。 为 取 得 这 些 文 件 复 印 件 的 信 息 将 保 留 在 这 两 个 篇 段第 3 行 里。……”修改为“……。为取得这些文件复印件的信息将保留在这
等于 0.078 到小于等于 0.78in.(大于等于 2.0 到小于等于 20mm)范围
sp 内。
W.a S3.3 整体的不平直度不大于表 12 所列允许值的 50%。
CZ S3.4 把 39in.(1000mm)长的直尺放在板材表面任何位置,局部





美国AWSE锅炉及压力容器焊接标准标准号标准名称SFA-5.1 碳钢手工电弧焊焊条(Carbon steel Electrodes for Shielded Metal Arc Welding)SFA-5.2 碳钢和低合金钢氧-可燃气焊接填充丝(Carbon and Low Alloy Steel Rods for Oxyfuel Gas Welding)SFA-5.3 铝和铝合金药皮焊条(Aluninum and Aluninum Alloy Electrodes for Shielded Metal Arc welding) SFA-5.4 不锈钢手工电弧焊焊条(Stainless Steel Electrodes for Shielded Meral Arc Welding)SFA-5.5 低合金钢手工电弧焊焊条(Low-Alloy Steel Electrodes for Shielded Meral Arc Welding)SFA-5.6 铜和铜合金药皮焊条(Covered Copper and Copper Alloy Arc Welding Electrodes)SFA-5.7 铜和铜合金焊丝和填充丝(Copper and Copper Alloy Bare Welding Rods and Electrodes)SFA-5.8 钎焊和熔钎焊钎料(Filler Metals for Brazing and Braze Welding)SFA-5.9 不锈钢焊丝和填充丝(Bare Stainless Steel Welding Electrodes and Rods)SFA-5.10 铝和铝合金焊丝和填充丝(Bare Aluminum and Aluninum Alloy Welding Electrodes and Rods)SFA-5.11 镍和镍基合金手工电弧焊焊条(Nickel and Nickel-Alloy Welding Electrodes for Shielded Metal Ara Welding) SFA-5.12 弧焊和切割用钨和钨合金电极(Tungsten and Tungeten-Alloy Electrodes for Arc Welding And Cutting) SFA-5.13 堆焊用实芯焊丝和焊条(Solid Surfacing Welding Rods and Electrodes)SFA-5.14 镍及镍合金裸填充丝和焊丝(Nickel and Nickel-Alloy Bare Welding Electrodes and Rods)SFA-5.15 铸铁焊丝、焊条和填充丝(Welding Electrodes and Rods for Cast Iron)SFA-5.16 钛和钛合金焊丝和填充丝(Titanium and Titanium Alloy Welding Rods and Electrodes)SFA-5.17 埋弧焊用碳钢焊丝和焊剂(Carbon Steel Electrodes and Fluxes for Submerged Arc Welding)SFA-5.18 碳钢气体保护电弧焊填充丝(Carbon Steel Electrodes and Rods for Gas Shielded Arc Welding)SFA-5.20 碳钢弧焊药芯焊丝(Carbon Steel Electrodes for Flux Cored Arc Welding)SFA-5.21 埋焊组合填充焊丝和焊条(Composite Surfacing Welding Rods and Ekectrodes)SFA-5.22 弧焊用不锈钢药芯焊丝和钨极气体保护焊用不锈钢药芯填充丝(Stainless Steel Electrodes for Flux Cored Arc Welding and StainlessSteel Flux Cored Rods for Gas Tungsten Arc Welding)SFA-5.23 埋弧焊用低合金钢焊丝和焊剂(Low-Alloy Steel Electrodes and Fluxes for Submerged Arc Welding)SFA-5.24 锆和锆合金焊丝和填充丝(Zirconium and Zirconium Alloy Welding Electrodes and Rods)SFA-5.25 电渣焊用碳钢和低合金钢焊丝和焊剂(Carbon and Low-Alloy Steel Electrodes and Fluxes for Electrogas Welding)SFA-5.26 碳钢和低合金钢气电焊焊丝(Carbon and Low-Alloy Steel Electrodes for Electrogas Welding)SFA-5.28 低合金钢气保护电弧焊焊丝和填充丝(Low -Alloy Steel Electrodes and Rods for Gas Shielded Arc Welding)SFA-5.29 药芯焊丝电弧焊用低合金钢焊丝(Low -Alloy Steel Electrodes for Flux Cored Arc Welding)SFA-5.30 可熔化嵌条(Consumable Inserts)SFA-5.31 钎焊和熔钎焊钎剂(Fluxes for Brazing and Braze Welding)SFA-5.01 填充金属采购导则(Filler Metal Procurement Guidelines)。



美国ASME锅炉及压力容器焊接标准时间:2002-05-18 11:36:12(第II卷第C分卷)标准号标准名称SFA-5.1 碳钢手工电弧焊焊条(Carbon steel Electrodes for Shielded Metal Arc Welding)SFA-5.2 碳钢和低合金钢氧-可燃气焊接填充丝(Carbon and Low Alloy Steel Rods for Oxyfuel Gas Welding)SFA-5.3 铝和铝合金药皮焊条(Aluninum and Aluninum Alloy Electrodes for Shielded Metal Arc welding) SFA-5.4 不锈钢手工电弧焊焊条(Stainless Steel Electrodes for Shielded Meral Arc Welding)SFA-5.5 低合金钢手工电弧焊焊条(Low-Alloy Steel Electrodes for Shielded Meral Arc Welding)SFA-5.6 铜和铜合金药皮焊条(Covered Copper and Copper Alloy Arc Welding Electrodes)SFA-5.7 铜和铜合金焊丝和填充丝(Copper and Copper Alloy Bare Welding Rods and Electrodes)SFA-5.8 钎焊和熔钎焊钎料(Filler Metals for Brazing and Braze Welding)SFA-5.9 不锈钢焊丝和填充丝(Bare Stainless Steel Welding Electrodes and Rods)SFA-5.10 铝和铝合金焊丝和填充丝(Bare Aluminum and Aluninum Alloy Welding Electrodes and Rods)SFA-5.11 镍和镍基合金手工电弧焊焊条(Nickel and Nickel-Alloy Welding Electrodes for Shielded Metal Ara Welding) SFA-5.12 弧焊和切割用钨和钨合金电极(Tungsten and Tungeten-Alloy Electrodes for Arc Welding And Cutting) SFA-5.13 堆焊用实芯焊丝和焊条(Solid Surfacing Welding Rods and Electrodes)SFA-5.14 镍及镍合金裸填充丝和焊丝(Nickel and Nickel-Alloy Bare Welding Electrodes and Rods)SFA-5.15 铸铁焊丝、焊条和填充丝(Welding Electrodes and Rods for Cast Iron)SFA-5.16 钛和钛合金焊丝和填充丝(Titanium and Titanium Alloy Welding Rods and Electrodes)SFA-5.17 埋弧焊用碳钢焊丝和焊剂(Carbon Steel Electrodes and Fluxes for Submerged Arc Welding)SFA-5.18 碳钢气体保护电弧焊填充丝(Carbon Steel Electrodes and Rods for Gas Shielded Arc Welding)SFA-5.20 碳钢弧焊药芯焊丝(Carbon Steel Electrodes for Flux Cored Arc Welding)SFA-5.21 埋焊组合填充焊丝和焊条(Composite Surfacing Welding Rods and Ekectrodes)SFA-5.22 弧焊用不锈钢药芯焊丝和钨极气体保护焊用不锈钢药芯填充丝(Stainless Steel Electrodes for Flux Cored Arc Welding and StainlessSteel Flux Cored Rods for Gas Tungsten Arc Welding)SFA-5.23 埋弧焊用低合金钢焊丝和焊剂(Low-Alloy Steel Electrodes and Fluxes for Submerged Arc Welding)SFA-5.24 锆和锆合金焊丝和填充丝(Zirconium and Zirconium Alloy Welding Electrodes and Rods)SFA-5.25 电渣焊用碳钢和低合金钢焊丝和焊剂(Carbon and Low-Alloy Steel Electrodes and Fluxes for Electrogas Welding)SFA-5.26 碳钢和低合金钢气电焊焊丝(Carbon and Low-Alloy Steel Electrodes for Electrogas Welding)SFA-5.28 低合金钢气保护电弧焊焊丝和填充丝(Low -Alloy Steel Electrodes and Rods for Gas Shielded Arc Welding)SFA-5.29 药芯焊丝电弧焊用低合金钢焊丝(Low -Alloy Steel Electrodes for Flux Cored Arc Welding)SFA-5.30 可熔化嵌条(Consumable Inserts)SFA-5.31 钎焊和熔钎焊钎剂(Fluxes for Brazing and Braze Welding)SFA-5.01 填充金属采购导则(Filler Metal Procurement Guidelines)。



四、ASME 第II卷 A篇(6)
ASME钢管分为传热管(也称管子,tube)和 输送管(也称管道,配管,pipe) 1) ASME钢管对P, S的含量规定较松 2) ASME钢管对C, Mn含量的规定范围也比较宽,C含量只规定上限,Mn范围 规定较宽,还规定可以降碳提锰,提高钢管的综合性能 3) ASME钢管的力学性能 4) ASME钢管的压扁试验规定
在ASME的BPV规范中,凡经ASME的BPV材料分委会(SCII)认 可的AWS(美国焊接协会)材料标准,都在原标准前加字母SF,即成 为ASME的技术条件,如AWS A5.4 被ASME采用后就改成为 SFA5.4。
三、ASME 材料表示方法(1)
ASME材料表示方法,是在ASTM材料表示方法的标准号前加“S”,在 AWS材料表示方法的标准号前加“SF”表示: ASTM A105/A105M, ASME 则为SA-105/SA-105M (M-Metric的缩写,表示公制(米制),没有M表示英制 ) ASTM B165, AWS A5.8, ASME 则为SB165 ASME 则为 SFA5.8
ASME II 卷的组成(ASME Section II) A 篇:铁基材料 B 篇:非铁基材料(有色金属) C 篇:焊丝、焊条和填充金属 D 篇:性能
在ASME的锅炉压力容器规范中,凡经BPV材料分委会(SCII)认可 的ASTM材料标准,都在原标准前加字母S,即成为ASME的技术条件, 如ASTM A662/A662M被ASME采用后就改成为 SA662/SA662M。
• 如果某一材料同时满足二种或多种材料标准、级 别、类别或类型的全部要求,则可以用双重或多 重标志来标识材料。 • 如 SA-53 Gr. A/ SA- 106 Gr. A • SA-213 TP304 / SA-213 TP 304L • SA-213 TP304/ SA-213 TP304 H



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SPECIFICATION FOR LOW-ALLOY STEEL ELECTRODES AND RODS FOR GAS SHIELDED ARCWELDINGSFA-5.28(Identical with AWS Specification A5.28-96.)1.ScopeThis specification prescribes requirements for the clas-sification of low alloy steel electrodes(solid,composite stranded,and composite metal cored)and rods(solid)for gas metal arc welding(GMAW),gas tungsten arc welding (GTAW),and plasma arc welding(PAW).PART A—GENERAL REQUIREMENTS2.Classification2.1The solid electrodes(and rods)covered by this specification are classified according to the chemical com-position of the electrode,as specified in Table1,and the mechanical properties of the weld metal,as specified in Tables3and4.The composite metal cored and stranded electrodes covered by this specification are classified according to the chemical composition and mechanical properties of the weld metal,as specified in Tables2,3, and4,and the shielding gas employed.2.2Electrodes and rods under one classification shallnot be classified under any other classification in this specification,except that ER80S-D2may also be classi-fied as ER90S-D2,provided that classification require-ments for both are met.2.3The welding electrodes and rods classified under this specification are intended for gas shielded arc weld-ing,but that is not to prohibit their use with any other process(or any other shielding gas or combination of shielding gases)for which they are found suitable.6113.AcceptanceAcceptance1of the electrodes and rods shall be in accordance with the provisions of ANSI/AWS A5.01, Filler Metal Procurement Guidelines.24.CertificationBy affixing the AWS specification and classification designations to the packaging or the classification to the product,the manufacturer certifies that the product meets the requirements of this specification.35.Units of Measure and Rounding-OffProcedure5.1U.S.customary units are the standard units of measure in this specification.The SI units are given as equivalent values to the U.S.customary units.The stan-dard sizes and dimensions in the two systems are not identical and,for this reason,conversion from a standard size or dimension in one system will not always coincide with a standard size or dimension in the other.Suitable conversions,encompassing standard sizes of both,can be made,however,if appropriate tolerances are applied in each case.5.2For the purpose of determining conformance with this specification,an observed or calculated value shall 1See Section A3,Acceptance(in the Annex),for further information concerning acceptance,testing of the material shipped,and ANSI⁄AWS A5.01,Filler Metal Procurement Guidelines.2AWS Standards can be obtained from the American Welding Society, 550N.W.LeJeune Road,Miami,FL33126.3See Section A4,Certification,(in the Annex)for further information concerning certification and the testing called for to meet this requirement.Copyright ASME InternationalProvided by IHS under license with ASME Licensee=Westinghouse Newington, NH/5945819003Not for Resale, 07/08/2005 01:57:36 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHSSFA-5.282004SECTION IIT A B L E 1C H E M I C A L C O M P O S I T I O N R E Q U I R E M E N T S F O R S O L I D E L E C T R O D E S A N D R O D SW e i g h t P e r c e n t a ,bO t h e r A W S U N S E l e m e n t s C l a s s i fic a t i o n cN u m b e r dCM n S i P S N i C r M o V T i Z r A l C u eT o t a lC a r b o n -M o l y b d e n u m S t e e l E l e c t r o d e s a n d R o d sE R 70S -A 1K 112350.121.300.30–0.700.0250.0250.20—0.40–0.65————0.350.50C h r o m i u m -M o l y b d e n u m S t e e l E l e c t r o d e s a n d R o d sE R 80S -B 2K 209000.07–0.120.40–0.700.40–0.700.0250.0250.201.20–1.500.40–0.65————0.350.50E R 70S -B 2L K 205000.050.40–0.700.40–0.700.0250.0250.201.20–1.500.40–0.65————0.350.50E R 90S -B 3K 309600.07–0.120.40–0.700.40–0.700.0250.0250.202.30–2.700.90–1.20————0.350.50E R 80S -B 3L K 305600.050.40–0.700.40–0.700.0250.0250.202.30–2.700.90–1.20————0.350.50E R 80S -B 6fS 502800.100.40–0.700.500.0250.0250.64.50–6.000.45–0.65————0.350.50E R 80S -B 8gS 504800.100.40–0.700.500.0250.0250.58.00–10.50.8–1.2————0.350.50E R 90S -B 9h ,i S 504820.07––0.300.0100.0101.008.00–9.500.80–1.100.15–0.25—— i c k e l S t e e l E l e c t r o d e s a n d R o d sE R 80S -N i 1K 112600.121.250.40–0.800.0250.0250.80–———0.350.50E R 80S -N i 2K 212400.121.250.40–0.800.0250.0252.00–2.75——————0.350.50E R 80S -N i 3K 312400.121.250.40–0.800.0250.0253.00–3.75——————0.350.50M a n g a n e s e -M o l y b d e n u m S t e e l E l e c t r o d e s a n d R o d sE R 80S -D 2jK 109450.07–0.121.60–2.100.50–0.800.0250.0250.15—0.40–0.60————0.500.50E R 90S -D 2O t h e r L o w -A l l o y S t e e l E l e c t r o d e s a n d R o d sE R 100S -1K 108820.081.25–1.800.20–0.550.0100.0101.40–2.100.300.25–0.550. R 110S -1K 210150.091.40–1.800.20–0.550.0100.0101.90–2.600.500.25–0.550. R 120S -1K 210300.101.40–1.800.25–0.600.0100.0102.00–2.800.600.30–0.650. R X X S -G —N o t S p e c i fie d kN O T E S :a .T h e fil l e r m e t a l s h a l l b e a n a l y z e d f o r t h e e l e m e n t s f o r w h i c h v a l u e s a r e s h o w n i n t h i s t a b l e .I f t h e p r e s e n c e o f o t h e r e l e m e n t s i s i n d i c a t e d i n t h e c o u r s e o f t h i s w o r k ,t h e a m o u n t o f t h o s e e l e m e n t s s h a l l b e d e t e r m i n e d t o e n s u r e t h a t t h e i r t o t a l (e x c l u d i n g i r o n )d o e s n o t e x c e e d t h e l i m i t s s p e c i fie d f o r “O t h e r E l e m e n t s ,T o t a l .”b .S i n g l e v a l u e s a r e m a x i m u m .c .T h e s u f fix e s B 2,N i 1,e t c .,d e s i g n a t e t h e c h e m i c a l c o m p o s i t i o n o f t h e e l e c t r o d e a n d r o d c l a s s i fic a t i o n .d .S A E /A S T M U n i fie d N u m b e r i n g S y s t e m f o r M e t a l s a n d A l l o y s .e .C o p p e r d u e t o a n y c o a t i n g o n t h e e l e c t r o d e o r r o d p l u s t h e c o p p e r c o n t e n t o f t h e fil l e r m e t a l i t s e l f ,s h a l l n o t e x c e e d t h e s t a t e d l i m i t .f .S i m i l a r t o f o r m e r c l a s s E R 502i n A W S S p e c i fic a t i o n A 5.9-81.g .S i m i l a r t o f o r m e r c l a s s E R 505i n A W S S p e c i fic a t i o n A 5.9-81.h .N i o b i u m (C o l u m b i u m )0.02–0.10%i .N i t r o g e n 0.03–0.07%j .T h i s c o m p o s i t i o n w a s f o r m e r l y c l a s s i fie d E 70S -1B i n A W S S p e c i fic a t i o n A 5.18-69.k .I n o r d e r t o m e e t t h e r e q u i r e m e n t s o f t h e “G ”c l a s s i fic a t i o n ,t h e e l e c t r o d e m u s t h a v e a m i n i m u m o f o n e o r m o r e o f t h e f o l l o w i n g :0.50p e r c e n t n i c k e l ,0.30p e r c e n t c h r o m i u m ,o r 0.20p e r c e n t m o l y b d e n u m .C o m p o s i t i o n s h a l l b e r e p o r t e d ;t h e r e q u i r e m e n t s a r e t h o s e a g r e e d t o b y t h e p u r c h a s e r a n d s u p p l i e r .612Copyright ASME InternationalProvided by IHS under license with ASMELicensee=Westinghouse Newington, NH/5945819003 Not for Resale, 07/08/2005 01:57:36 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS--````,,`,`,,,````,``,,,`,``,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---PART C —SPECIFICATIONS FOR WELDING RODS,ELECTRODES,AND FILLER METALSSFA-5.28T A B L E 2C H E M I C A L C O M P O S I T I O N R E Q U I R E M E N T S F O R W E L D M E T A L F R O M C O M P O S I T E E L E C T R O D E S aW e i g h t P e r c e n t b ,cO t h e r A W S U N S E l e m e n t s C l a s s i fic a t i o n dN u m b e r eCM n S i P S N i C r M o V T iZ r A l C uT o t a lM a n g a n e s e -M o l y b d e n u m W e l d M e t a lE 90C -D 2W 192300.121.00–1.900.900.0250.030——0.40–0.60————0.350.50C h r o m i u m -M o l y b d e n u m W e l d M e t a lE 70C -B 2L W 521300.050.40–1.000.25–0.600.0250.0300.201.00–1.500.40–0.65————0.350.50E 80C -B 2W 520300.05–0.120.40–1.000.25–0.600.0250.0300.201.00–1.500.40–0.65————0.350.50E 80C -B 3L W 531300.050.40–1.000.25–0.600.0250.0300.202.00–2.500.90–1.20————0.350.50E 90C -B 3W 530300.05–0.120.40–1.000.25–0.600.0250.0300.202.00–2.500.90–1.20————0.350.50N i c k e l S t e e l W e l d M e t a lE 80C -N i 1W 210300.121.500.900.0250.0300.80–1.10—0.30————0.350.50E 70C -N i 2W 220300.081.250.900.0250.0301.75–2.75——————0.350.50E 80C -N i 2W 220300.121.500.900.0250.0301.75–2.75——————0.350.50E 80C -N i 3W 230300.121.500.900.0250.0302.75–3.75——————0.350.50O t h e r L o w -A l l o y W e l d M e t a lE X X C -GN o t S p e c i fie d fN O T E S :a .C h e m i c a l r e q u i r e m e n t s f o r c o m p o s i t e e l e c t r o d e s a r e b a s e d o n a n a l y s i s o f t h e i r w e l d m e t a l i n t h e a s -w e l d e d c o n d i t i o n a n d u s i n g t h e s h i e l d i n g g a s s p e c i fie d i n T a b l e 3.b .T h e w e l d m e t a l s h a l l b e a n a l y z e d f o r t h e s p e c i fic e l e m e n t s f o r w h i c h v a l u e s a r e s h o w n i n t h i s t a b l e .I f t h e p r e s e n c e o f o t h e r e l e m e n t s i s i n d i c a t e d i n t h e c o u r s e o f t h i s w o r k ,t h e a m o u n t o f t h e s e e l e m e n t s s h a l l b e d e t e r m i n e d t o e n s u r e t h a t t h e i r t o t a l (e x c l u d i n g i r o n )d o e s n o t e x c e e d t h e l i m i t s p e c i fie d f o r “O t h e r E l e m e n t s ,T o t a l .”c .S i n g l e v a l u e s s h o w n a r e m a x i m u m s .d .S o l i d e l e c t r o d e s a r e g e n e r a l l y r e c o m m e n d e d f o r g a s t u n g s t e n a r c w e l d i n g (G T A W )o r p l a s m a a r c w e l d i n g (P A W ).e .S A E /A S T M U n i fie d N u m b e r i n g S y s t e m f o r M e t a l s a n d A l l o y s .f .I n o r d e r t o m e e t t h e r e q u i r e m e n t s o f t h e G c l a s s i fic a t i o n ,t h e e l e c t r o d e m u s t h a v e a s a m i n i m u m o f o n e o r m o r e o f t h e f o l l o w i n g :0.50p e r c e n t n i c k e l ,0.30p e r c e n t c h r o m i u m ,o r 0.20p e r c e n t m o l y b d e n u m .C o m p o s i t i o n s h a l l b e r e p o r t e d ;t h e r e q u i r e m e n t s a r e t h o s e a g r e e d t o b y t h e p u r c h a s e r a n d s u p p l i e r .613Copyright ASME InternationalProvided by IHS under license with ASMELicensee=Westinghouse Newington, NH/5945819003 Not for Resale, 07/08/2005 01:57:36 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS--````,,`,`,,,````,``,,,`,``,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---SFA-5.282004SECTION IITABLE3TENSION TEST REQUIREMENTSNOTES:a.The use of a particular shielding gas for classification purposes shall not be construed to restrict the use of shielding gas mixtures.Afillermetal tested with other gas blends,such as Argon/O2or Argon/CO2may result in weld metal having different strength and elongation.Classification with other gas blends shall be as agreed upon between the purchaser and supplier.b.Yield strength at0.2%offset and elongation in2in.(51mm)gage length.c.Postweld heat-treated condition in accordance with Table7.d.Shielding gas shall be as agreed to between purchaser and supplier.e.Not specified(As agreed to between purchaser and supplier).f.These classifications were previously ER80S-B2,E80C-B2,ER90S-B3L,and E90C-B3L respectively in AWS A5.28–79.The strength levelshave been adjusted downward as shown,in order to accurately reflect the capability of the classification’s chemical composition ranges.614Copyright ASME InternationalProvided by IHS under license with ASME Licensee=Westinghouse Newington, NH/5945819003No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHSNot for Resale, 07/08/2005 01:57:36 MDTPART C—SPECIFICATIONS FOR WELDING RODS,ELECTRODES,AND FILLER METALS SFA-5.28TABLE4IMPACT TEST REQUIREMENTSAWS Average Impact Strength a TestingClassification(minimum)ConditionER70S-A1ER70S-B2LE70C-B2LER80S-B2E80C-B2ER80S-B3LNot Required—E80C-B3LER90S-B3E90C-B3ER80S-B6ER80S-B8ER90S-B9ER80S-Ni120ft·lbf at−50°F(27J@−46°C)As-WeldedE80C-Ni1ER80S-Ni2E70C-Ni220ft·lbf at−80°F(27J@−62°C)PWHT bE80C-Ni2ER80S-Ni320ft·lbf at−100°F(27J@−73°C)PWHT bE80C-Ni3ER80S-D2ER90S-D220ft·lbf at−20°F(27J@−29°C)As-WeldedE90C-D2ER100S-1ER110S-150ft·lbf at−60°F(68J@−51°C)As-WeldedER120S-1ERXXXS-G As agreed between—EXXC-G purchaser and supplierNOTES:a.Both the highest and lowest of thefive test values obtained shallbe disregarded in computing the impact strength.For classifications requiring20ft-lbf(27J);Two of the remaining three values shall equal or exceed20ft-lbf(27J);one of the three remaining values may be lower than20ft-lbf(27J)but not lower than15ft-lbf(20J).The average of the three shall not be less thanthe20ft-lbf(27J)specified.For classifications requiring50ft-lbf(68J):Two of the remaining three values shall equal or exceed50ft-lbf(68J);one of the three remaining values may be lower than50ft-lbf(68J)but not lower than40ft-lbf(54J).The average of the three shall not be less thanthe50ft-lbf(68J)specified.b.Postweld heat treated in accordance with rounded to the nearest1000psi for tensile and yield strength,and to the“nearest unit”in the last right-hand place offigures used in expressing the limiting valuefor other quantities in accordance with the rounding-off method given in ASTM E29,Recommended Practice615for Using Significant Digits in Test Data to Determine Conformance with Specifications.4PART B—TESTS,PROCEDURES,AND REQUIREMENTS6.Summary of Tests6.1The tests required for each classification are speci-fied in Table5.The purpose of these tests is to determine the chemical composition,the mechanical properties,and soundness of the weld metal.The base metal for the weld test assemblies,the welding and testing procedures to be employed,and the results required are given in Sections 8through12.6.2The optional test for diffusible hydrogen in Sec-tion13,Diffusible Hydrogen Test,is not required for classification[see note(a)of Table5].7.RetestIf the results of any test fail to meet the requirement, that test shall be repeated twice.The results of both retests shall meet the requirement.Specimens for retest may be taken from the original test assembly or from one or two new test assemblies.For chemical analysis,retest need be only for those specific elements that failed to meet the test requirement.If the results of one or both retests fail to meet the requirement,the material under test shall be considered as not meeting the requirements of this specification for that classification.In the event that,during preparation or after completion of any test,it is clearly determined that prescribed or proper procedures were not followed in preparing the weld test assembly or test specimen(s),or in conducting the test,the test shall be considered invalid,without regard to whether the test was actually completed,or whether test results met,or failed to meet,the requirement,that test shall be repeated,following proper prescribed proce-dures.In this case,the requirement for doubling the num-ber of test specimens does not apply.8.Weld Test Assemblies8.1At least one weld test assembly is required,and two may be required(depending on the electrode—solid as opposed to composite—and the manner in which the sample for chemical analysis is taken),as specified in Table5.They are as follows:4ASTM specifications may be obtained from the American Society for Testing and Materials(ASTM),100Barr Harbor Drive,Consho-hocken,PA19428-2959.Copyright ASME InternationalProvided by IHS under license with ASME Licensee=Westinghouse Newington, NH/5945819003Not for Resale, 07/08/2005 01:57:36 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS--````,,`,`,,,````,``,,,`,``,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---SFA-5.282004SECTION IITABLE5REQUIRED TESTSChemical AnalysisAWS Diffusible Classification Electrode Weld Metal Radiographic Test Tension Test Impact Test Hydrogen TestSolid ElectrodesER70S-A1ER70S-B2LER80S-B2ER80S-B3LRequired Not Required Required Required Not Required aER90S-B3ER80S-B6ER80S-B8ER90S-B9ER80S-Ni1ER80S-Ni2Required Not Required Required Required Required aER80S-Ni3ER80S-D2Required Not Required Required Required Required aER90S-D2ER100S-1ER110S-1Required Not Required Required Required Required aER120S-1ERXXS-G Required b Not Required Required Required Not Required aComposite Metal Cored ElectrodesE70C-B2LE80C-B2Not Required Required Required Required Not Required aE80C-B3LE90C-B3E70C-Ni2E80C-Ni1Not Required Required Required Required Required aE80C-Ni2E80C-Ni3E90C-D2Not Required Required Required Required Required a EXXC-G Not Required Required b Required Required Not Required a NOTES:a.Optional diffusible hydrogen test is required only when specified by the puchaser and the manufacturer puts the diffusible hydrogen designatoron the label(See A2.2and A8.2in the Annex).b.To be reported.See A7.15in the Annex.(1)The groove weld in Fig.1for mechanical proper-ties and soundness of the weld metal for both composite and solid electrodes(2)The weld pad in Fig.2for chemical analysis ofthe weld metal from composite stranded and composite metal cored electrodesThe sample for chemical analysis of weld metal from composite electrodes may be taken from the reduced section of the fractured all-weld-metal tension test speci-men or from the corresponding location in the groove616weld in Fig.1,thereby avoiding the need to make a weld pad.Alternatively,the sample from the groove weld may be taken from any location in the weld metal above the tension test specimen.In case of dispute,the weld pad in Fig.2shall be the referee method.8.2Preparation of each weld test assembly shall be as prescribed in8.3,8.4,and8.5.The base metal for each assembly shall be as required in Table6,and shall meet the requirements of the ASTM specification shownCopyright ASME InternationalProvided by IHS under license with ASME Licensee=Westinghouse Newington, NH/5945819003Not for Resale, 07/08/2005 01:57:36 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS--````,,`,`,,,````,``,,,`,``,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---PART C—SPECIFICATIONS FOR WELDING RODS,ELECTRODES,AND FILLER METALS SFA-5.28FIG.1GROOVE WELD TEST ASSEMBLY FOR MECHANICAL PROPERTIES AND SOUNDNESS617Copyright ASME InternationalProvided by IHS under license with ASME Licensee=Westinghouse Newington, NH/5945819003No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHSNot for Resale, 07/08/2005 01:57:36 MDTSFA-5.282004SECTIONIIFIG.2PAD FOR CHEMICAL ANALYSIS OF WELD METAL FROM COMPOSITE ELECTRODESthere,or an equivalent specification.Testing of the assem-bly shall be as prescribed in 9.2,9.3,and Sections 10through 12.8.3Groove Weld8.3.1For all classifications,a test assembly shall be prepared and welded as specified in Fig.1,using base metal of the appropriate type specified in Table 6,and the preheat and interpass temperature specified in Table 7.The electrode used shall be 0.045in.(1.1mm)or 1⁄16in.(1.6mm)size (or the size that the manufacturer produces that is closest to one of these,if these sizes are not produced).Welding shall be in the flat position,and the assembly shall be restrained (or preset)during welding to prevent warpage in excess of 5degrees.An assembly that has warped more than 5degrees from plane shall be dis-carded.It shall not be straightened.The test assembly shall be tack welded,and welding shall begin at the preheat temperature specified in Table 7.This interpass temperature shall be maintained for the remainder of the weld.Should it be necessary to interrupt welding,the assembly shall be allowed to cool in still air to room temperature.The assembly shall be preheated to the temperature shown in Table 7before welding is resumed.When welding has been completed and the assembly has cooled,the assembly shall be prepared and618tested as specified in Sections 10,11,and 12in the as-welded or postweld heat-treated condition,as specified in Tables 3and required,the test assembly shall be postweld heat-treated before removal of mechanical test specimens.This postweld heat treatment may be done either before or after the radiographic examination. furnace shall be at a temperature not higher than 600°F (320°C)when the test assembly is placed in it.The heating rate,from that point to the specified holding temperature in Table 7,shall not exceed 400°F per hour (220°C per hour). test assembly shall be maintained at the temperature specified in Table 7for 1hour (−0,+15minutes). the one hour holding time has been completed,the assembly shall be allowed to cool in the furnace to a temperature below 600°F (320°C)at a rate not exceeding 350°F (190°C)per hour.The assembly may be removed from the furnace at any temperature below 600°F (320°C)and allowed to cool in still air to room temperature.Testing of the assembly shall be as specified in Sections 10through 12.8.4Weld Pad.A weld pad shall be prepared using composite stranded and composite metal cored electrodesCopyright ASME InternationalProvided by IHS under license with ASMELicensee=Westinghouse Newington, NH/5945819003 Not for Resale, 07/08/2005 01:57:36 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS--````,,`,`,,,````,``,,,`,``,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---PART C—SPECIFICATIONS FOR WELDING RODS,ELECTRODES,AND FILLER METALS SFA-5.28TABLE6BASE METAL FOR TEST ASSEMBLIESAWS Classification Base Metal ASTM Standard a Base Metal UNS Number bER70S-B2LE70C-B2LA387Grade11K11789ER80S-B2E80C-B2ER80S-B3LE80C-B3LA387Grade22K21590ER90S-B3E90C-B3ER80S-B6A387Grade5S50200ER80S-B8A387Grade9S50400ER90S-B9A387Grade91S50460A516Grade60,65,or70K02100,K02403,or K02700 ER80S-Ni1A537Class1or2K12437,K21703,or K22103A203Grade A or B,or HY-80steelJ42015E80C-Ni1in accordance with MIL-S-16216E70C-Ni2A203Grade A or B or HY-80steelER80S-Ni2K22103,K21703,or J42015in accordance with MIL-S-16216E80C-Ni2ER80S-Ni3A203Grade D or E or HY-80steel K31718or K32018E80C-Ni3in accordance with MIL-S-16216J42015ER70S-A1ASTM A36,A285Grade C,K02600,ER80S-D2A515Grade70,or K03101,E90C-D2A516Grade70K02700ER90S-D2ER100S-1ER100S-GE100C-GER110S-1HY-80or HY100steelER110S-G J42015or J42240in accordance with MIL-S-16216E110C-GER120S-1ER120S-GE120C-GERXXS-GSee note aEXXC-GNOTES:a.For any weld metal classification in this specification,ASTM A36,A285Grade C,A515Grade70,or A516Grade70may be used.Inthat case,the groove faces and the contacting face of the backing shall be buttered,as shown in Figure1,using the electrode being classifiedor an electrode of the same weld metal composition as that specified for the electrode being tested,or using an electrode of the specifiedcomposition classified in another AWS low-alloy steelfiller metal specification.Alternately,for the indicated weld metal classification,thecorresponding base metals may be used for weld test assemblies without buttering.In case of dispute,buttered A36steel shall be the refereematerial.b.ASTM/SAE Unified Numbering System for Metals and Alloys.619--````,,`,`,,,````,``,,,`,``,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---Copyright ASME InternationalProvided by IHS under license with ASME Licensee=Westinghouse Newington, NH/5945819003No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHSNot for Resale, 07/08/2005 01:57:36 MDTSFA-5.282004SECTION IITABLE7PREHEAT,INTERPASS,AND POSTWELD HEAT TREATMENT TEMPERATURESPreheat and InterpassTemperature a PWHT Temperature a AWS Classification°F°C°F°CER70S-A1ER80S-B2ER70S-B2L275–325135–1651150±25620±15E80C-B2E70C-B2LER90S-B3ER80S-B3L375–425185–2151275±25690±15 E90C-B3E80C-B3LER80S-B6350–450177–2321375±25745±15ER80S-B8400–500205–2601375±25745±15ER90S-B9300–500150–2601375±25745±15ER80S-Ni2ER80S-Ni3E70C-Ni2275–325135–1651150±25620±15E80C-Ni2E80C-Ni3ER80S-D2ER90S-D2E90C-D2ER80S-Ni1275–325135–165None b None b E80C-Ni1ER100S-1ER110S-1ER120S-1ERXXXS-GConditions as agreed upon between supplier and purchaserEXXC-GNOTES:a.These temperatures are specified for testing under this specification and are not to be considered as recommendations for preheat,interpass,and postweld heat treatment in production welding.The requirements for production welding must be determined by the user.They may ormay not differ from those called for here.b.These classifications are normally used in the as-welded condition.620Copyright ASME InternationalProvided by IHS under license with ASME Licensee=Westinghouse Newington, NH/5945819003No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHSNot for Resale, 07/08/2005 01:57:36 MDTas shown in Fig.2,except when,as permitted in8.1,the sample for analysis is taken from the groove weld(Fig.1)or the fractured tension test specimen.Base metal of any convenient size which will satisfy the minimum requirements of Fig.2,and is of a type specified in Table 6,shall be used as the base for the weld pad.The surface of the base metal on which thefiller metal is deposited shall be clean.The pad shall be welded in theflat position with multiple layers to obtain undiluted weld metal(4 layers minimum thickness).The electrode size shall be 0.045in.(1.1mm)or1⁄16in.(1.6mm),or the size that the manufacturer produces that is closest to one of these, if these sizes are not produced.The preheat temperature shall not be less than60°F(16°C)and the interpass tem-perature shall not exceed that specified in Table7.Any slag shall be removed after each pass.The pad may be quenched in water between passes(temperature of the water is not specified).The dimensions of the completed pad shall be as shown in Fig.2.Testing of this assembly shall be as specified in9.2and9.3.The results shall meet the requirements of9.4.9.Chemical Analysis9.1A sample of the solid electrode or rod shall be prepared for chemical analysis.Solidfiller metal,when analyzed for elements that are present in a coating(copper flashing,for example),shall be analyzed without remov-ing the coating.When thefiller metal is analyzed for elements other than those in the coating,the coating shall be removed if its presence affects the results of the analy-sis for the other elements.9.2Composite stranded and metal cored electrodes shall be analyzed in the form of weld metal,notfiller metal.The sample for analysis shall be taken from weld metal obtained with the electrode and a shielding gas as specified in Tables2and3.The sample may be taken from the weld pad prepared in accordance with8.4,from an area of the groove weld as specified in8.1,or from the reduced section of the fractured tension test specimen. In case of dispute,the weld pad is the referee method. The top surface of the pad described in8.4and shown in Fig.2shall be removed and discarded.A sample for analysis shall be obtained from the underlying metal,no closer than3⁄8in.(9.5mm)to the surface of the base metal in Fig.2,by any appropriate mechanical means. The sample shall be free of slag.When the sample is taken from the groove weld or the reduced section of the fractured tension test specimen, that material shall be prepared for analysis by any suitable mechanical means.9.3The sample obtained as specified in9.1or9.2 shall be analyzed by accepted analytical methods.The referee method shall be ASTM E350,Standard Method for Chemical Analysis of Carbon Steel,Low Alloy Steel, Silicon Electrical Steel,Ingot Iron and Wrought Iron.9.4The results of the analysis shall meet the require-ments of Table1for solid electrode or Table2for com-posite electrodes for the classification of electrode under test.10.Radiographic Test10.1The groove weld described in8.3.1and shown in Fig.1shall be radiographed to evaluate the soundness of the weld metal.In preparation for radiography,the backing shall be removed,and both surfaces of the weld shall be machined or ground smooth.Both surfaces of the test assembly,in the area of the weld,shall be smooth enough to avoid difficulty in interpreting the radiograph.10.2The weld shall be radiographed in accordance with ASTM E142,Standard Method for Controlling Quality of Radiographic Testing.The quality level of inspection shall be2-2T.10.3The soundness of the weld metal meets the requirements of this specification if the radiograph shows no cracks,no incomplete fusion,and no rounded indica-tions in excess of those permitted by the radiographic standards in Fig.3.In evaluating the radiograph,1in. (25mm)of the weld on each end of the test assembly shall be disregarded.10.3.1A rounded indication is an indication(on the radiograph)whose length is no more than3times its width.Rounded indications may be circular,elliptical, conical,or irregular in shape,and they may have tails. The size of a rounded indication is the largest dimension of the indication,including any tail that may be present. The indication may be of porosity or slag.Indications whose largest dimension does not exceed1⁄64in.(0.4 mm)shall be disregarded.Test assemblies with indica-tions larger than the largest indications permitted in the radiographic standards(Fig.3)do not meet the require-ments of this specification.11.Tension Test11.1One all-weld-metal tension test specimen shall be machined from the groove weld described in8.3.1and shown in Fig.1as required in Table5.The dimensions of the specimen shall be as shown in Fig.4.11.2Before testing,the specimen may be aged at200 to220°F(93to104°C)for up to48hours,then allowed to cool to room temperature.Refer to A8.3for a discus-sion on the purpose of aging treatments.--````,,`,`,,,````,``,,,`,``,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---。
