华为物联管理平台构建实践V2.0 - 无视频(1)
目录1 概述 (4)1.1 定义 (4)1.2 基本概念和假设 (4)1.3 目标 (4)1.4 与其他规范和技术的关系 (5)1.5 角色 (5)1.5.1 引擎开发者 (5)1.5.2 绑定开发者 (5)1.5.3 JBI环境提供商 (5)1.5.4 J2EE平台提供商 (6)1.5.5 JBI应用开发者 (6)2 JBI环境的结构 (6)2.1 基于WSDL的通信模型 (6)2.1.1 抽象服务模型 (6)2.1.2 具体服务模型 (7)2.2 规格化消息 (7)2.3 顶层架构 (8)2.4 规格化消息交换 (8)2.5 管理 (9)2.5.1 组件安装 (9)2.5.2 生命周期管理 (10)2.5.3 服务单元部署 (10)2.6 组件框架 (10)2.7 规格化消息路由 (10)2.8 组件 (10)2.8.1 服务引擎 (10)2.8.2 绑定组件 (11)3 规格化消息路由 (11)3.1 关键概念 (11)3.1.1 服务消费者和提供者 (11)3.1.2 规格化消息 (12)3.1.3 分发通道(DC) (12)3.1.4 运行时端点激活 (12)3.1.5 服务调用和消息交换模式(MEP) (12)3.1.6 消息交换(ME) (13)3.1.7 端点(endpoint) (15)3.2 ME的组成元素 (15)3.2.1 交换摘要 (16)3.3 规格化消息 (17)3.3.1 规格化定义 (17)3.3.2 规范化消息的结构 (17)3.3.3 处理方法 (17)3.3.4 二进制附件 (17)3.3.5 WSDL1.1的支持 (17)3.4.1 激活 (18)3.4.2 消息交换 (19)3.4.3 路由ME (22)3.4.4 动态端点引用的使用 (24)3.5 NMR API (25)3.5.1 Message API (25)3.5.2 Service API (29)3.5.3 查询已激活的端点 (36)3.5.4 Endpoint Reference API (36)3.5.5 应用举例 (37)3.5.6 服务提供者元数据 (37)4 管理 (38)4.1 概述 (38)4.2 关键概念 (38)4.2.1 组件安装 (38)4.2.2 共享库安装 (39)4.2.3 部署 (39)4.2.4 部署的生命周期 (40)4.2.5 组件的生命周期 (41)4.2.6 类的装载 (41)4.2.7 JMX的使用 (41)4.2.8 Apache Ant的使用 (42)4.3 包装 (42)4.3.1 安装和部署描述信息 (42)4.3.2 安装包 (47)4.3.3 服务部件(SA)包 (48)4.3.4 服务单元(SU)包 (49)4.4 安装服务 (49)4.4.1 共享库安装 (49)4.4.2 组件安装 (50)4.4.3 组件卸载 (52)4.5 组件生命周期 (52)4.6 部署服务 (55)4.6.1 SU部署处理 (56)4.6.2 SA解除部署处理 (56)4.6.3 连接元数据处理 (56)4.7 SU生命周期 (57)4.8 SA的生命周期 (58)4.9 MBean的状态和结果字符串 (59)4.10 ANT脚本支持 (61)4.10.1 Including 任务定义 (62)4.10.2 异常处理 (62)4.10.3 错误报告 (62)4.10.4 Error Suppression (62)4.10.5 JBI环境远程访问:URL模版 (62)4.10.6 Ant 任务 (62)5 框架 (65)5.1.1 Bootstrapper (65)5.1.2 组件接口 (66)5.1.3 组件生命周期 (66)5.1.4 SU管理 (68)5.2 JBI提供的环境特性 (68)5.2.1 组件上下文 (68)5.2.2 安装(Bootstrap) (70)5.2.3 Loggers (70)5.3 类装载 (71)5.3.1 类和资源的加载方式和加载顺序 (71)5.3.2 共享库 (72)5.3.3 Execution Class Loader (72)5.3.4 Bootstrap Class Loader (74)5.4 错误提示 (74)6 附录:事务的使用 (75)6.1 服务质量(QoS) (75)6.1.1 可靠性 (75)6.1.2 事务 (75)6.1.3 持久化 (76)1概述服务的提供者和消费者从不共享同一个线程!JBI可插入式的组件可以提供服务和消费服务,为了提供服务,组件需要提供一个(或一组)功能(function)。
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意义 表示在键盘上同时按下几个键。如“Ctrl+Alt+A”表示同时 按下“Ctrl”、“Alt”、“A”这三个键。 表示先按第一键,释放,再按第二键。如“Alt,F”表示先 按“Alt”键,释放后再按“F”键。
意义 快速按下并释放鼠标的一个按钮。 连续两次快速按下并释放鼠标的一个按钮。 按住鼠标的一个按钮不放,移动鼠标。
格式 “”
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格式 加“”的字符
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NovaStor DataCenter 6 Installation Manual
Nova Stor®DataCenter 6Installation ManualCopyrightThe information in this publication is subject to change without notice and is provides “AS IS” WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND. THE ENTIRE RISK ARISING OUT OF THE USE OF THIS INFORMATION REMAINS WITH RECIPIENT: IN NO EVENT SHALL NovaStor BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, CONSEQUENTIAL, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, PUNITIVE OR OTHER DAMAGES WHATSOEVER (INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, DAMAGES FOR LOSS OF BUSINESS PROFITS, BUSINESS INTERRUPTION OR LOSS OF BUSINESS INFORMATION), EVEN IF NovaStor HAS BEEN AD-VISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES.Table of Contents1 Command Server-Installation 4 1.1 Linux pre-install check 5 1.2 Commandserver firewall rules 5 1.3 Installation in graphic mode 6 1.4 Installation in text mode 10 1.5 Commandserver services 13 1.6 Start/stop of UNIX/Linux service 131.6.1 Classic init 131.6.2 systemctl 141.6.3 upstart 141.7 Start/stop of Windows services 152 Client Installation 16 2.1 Linux pre-install check 17 2.2 Client firewall rules 17 2.3 Installation in graphic mode 17 2.4 Installation in text mode 21 2.5 Client service 24 2.6 Start/stop of UNIX/Linux service 242.6.1 Classic init 242.6.2 systemctl 252.6.3 upstart 25 2.7 Start/stop of Windows services 26 2.8 Silent install 261Command Server-InstallationDownload the installation program now. For each NB DataCenter version there is a dedicated FTP user account on NovaStor FTP server .You can get the credentials from NovaStor support sending a mail to***********************.The NB DataCenter installer packages are located in the sub-directory/dc_installer/.The file naming convention for the commandserver installers is:CmdSrv-DataCenter-version-OperatingSystemType-installer.[exe|run]Where OperatingSystemType can be one ofThe extension exe is used for OperatingSystemType == windows, all otherOperatingSystemType use the file extension run. Example for the Linux 32bit CS installer package name:CmdSrv-DataCenter-5.00.00-linux-installer.runAll commandserver installers bring a number of components and install it below the NB DataCenter install directory. The components are:Automation engine the schedulerEJB container the persistency layer for DB accessesDerby DB the central management DBDispatcher the commanderExecutor the command executorThe remainder of this section shows the GUI and the commandline installation of a CS on Linux system. The installation look-and-feel as well as the installation procedure is identical for all operating systems.The result of the installation is written to file installdir/DataCenter-installLog.log in any case.Linux pre-install checkSome Linux distributions (Ubuntu) do not contain a proper /bin/sh executable, instead a link to /bin/dash exists. In order to make the installation of the commandserver properly, replace the link by /bin/bashln –s /bin/bash /bin/shor use the Debian reconfigure commandsudo dpkg-reconfigure dashby answering the question if dash shall be installed as /bin/sh with No. Otherwise you may get problems in later parts of the installation process (set-up)and the EJB container will not be available.Commandserver firewall rulesFirewall rules:IncomingBaseport+0 (GUI) Baseport+1 (Executor) OutgoingBaseport+0 (GUI) Baseport+1 (Executor)1.1 1.2Installation in graphic modeTransfer the appropriate installer package into a directory of your proposed commandserver system.On Windows, you can start the installer right away, yet it is recommended to start the executable in admin mode (right-click the file, choose “run as admin”). On Linux/UNIX, pre-requisite is an appropriate X-display as you can set it withexport DISPLAY=$MyXDisplay:0.0. The installation screenshots following are taken from a Linux GUI installation. They are identical on Windows or UNIX.1.Double-click or commandline-start CmdSrv-DataCenter-5.00.00-linux-x64-installer.run (or CmdSrv-DataCenter-5.00.00-linux-installer.run on a 32bitLinux).2.Click [Forward].1.33.Specify an installation directory and click [Forward].4.The client node name is the system name in the central management data-base. Select a name and click [Forward].5.Specify either resolvable hostname (FQDN or short) or IP address for[Command Server] and the base network port for [Port]. The base network port defines the start of a range of ports which are used for the central man-agement communication to and from the commandserver.6.Click [Forward].7.Click [Forward].8.Check the settings in the pre-installation summary and correct the settings(navigate [Back] and change the settings) if necessary. Otherwise click [Forward].9.Click [Forward].⇨Intermediately, the above status screen will be shown. It indicates that the startup procedure of the EJB container may take up to 2 minutes.Once the EJB is started, the final installer screen appears:10.Click [Finish] to start the DataCenter GUI.Installation in text modeThe installer executable changes to text mode if a graphical display could not beopened.1.Enter the installation directory or choose the default.1.42.Enter 1 to choose the hostname of the system (the default).3.Specify either resolvable hostname (FQDN or short) or IP address for[Command Server] and the base network port for [Port]. The base network port defines the start of a range of ports which are used for the central man-agement communication to and from the commandserver.4.Enter y to install the data mover package.5.Enter to continue.6.Enter y to perform the install.7.To start the GUI on Linux, define a DISPLAY and start the GUI executable.Commandserver servicesThe names of the services installed on a commandserver are:derbythe central management DB openejb the DB communication layerautomation-engine the schedulerrcmd-dispatcherthe commander rcmd-executor the command executorStart/stop of UNIX/Linux serviceThe start/stop/status commands for the services differ depending on which InitDaemon is used (rc/classic, upstart or system).Classic initAn entry in /etc/inittab for the respective executable is made. The respawn op-tion is used to automatically restart the executable.Example /etc/inittab entry:0:2345:respawn:/opt/novastor/DataCenter/rcmd-executor/rcmd-executor runSpecial start/stop scripts are shipped which are located in the service respectivesubdirectories of the installation directory.1.5 1.6 1.6.1Command syntax example:$installdir/rcmd-executor/rcmd-executor stop$installdir/rcmd-executor/rcmd-executor startsystemctlThe systemctl config file location is/etc/systemd/system/{servicename}.serviceCommand syntax for systemctl:systemctl start {servicename}.servicesystemctl start {servicename}.servicesystemctl start {servicename}.serviceExample:systemctl status rcmd-executor.serviceupstartThe upstart config file location is/etc/init/{servicename}.confCommand syntax for upstart:start servicenamestart servicenamestop servicenameThe commands can be called interactively. Nevertheless they are called at eachsystem startup and start the NovaStor Datacenter service executables.1.6.2 1.6.3Example:status rcmd-executorStart/stop of Windows services1.7The service names on Windows areWhere port is the actual network port number of the service.The start/stop mechanisms for Windows services are either the sc command or the graphical service manager interface command (Start->services.msc).Examples the sc command (open a DOS box to run the command):Stop of DerbyDBsc stop DerbyDBStart of OpenEJB Serversc start OpenEJBServer2Client InstallationDownload the installation program now. For each NB DataCenter version there is a dedicated FTP user account on NovaStor FTP server .You can get the credentials from NovaStor support sending a mail to***********************.The NB DataCenter installer packages are located in the sub-directory/dc_installer/.The file naming convention for the client installers is:CmdSrv-DataCenter-version-OperatingSystemType-installer.[exe|run]Where OperatingSystemType can be one ofThe extension exe is used for OperatingSystemType == windows, all otherOperatingSystemType use the file extension run. Example for the Linux 32bit CS installer package name:Client-DataCenter-5.00.00-linux-installer.runAll client installers brings one component and install it below the NB DataCenter install directory. The component is the command executor (rcmd-executor).The result of the installation is written to file installdir/DataCenter-installLog.log in any case.Linux pre-install checkSome Linux distributions (Ubuntu) do not contain a proper /bin/sh executable, instead a link to /bin/dash exists. In order to make the installation of the commandserver properly, replace the link by /bin/bashln –s /bin/bash /bin/shor use the Debian reconfigure commandsudo dpkg-reconfigure dashby answering the question if dash shall be installed as /bin/sh with No.Otherwise you may get problems in later parts of the installation process.Client firewall rulesFirewall rules:IncomingBaseport+1 (Executor)OutgoingBaseport+0 (GUI)Baseport+1 (Executor)Installation in graphic modeTransfer the appropriate installer package into a directory of your proposed commandserver system.On Windows, you can start the installer right away, yet it is recommended to start the executable in admin mode (right-click the file, choose “run as admin”). On Linux/UNIX, pre-requisite is an appropriate X-display as you can set it withexport DISPLAY=$MyXDisplay:0.02.1 2.2 2.3. The installation screenshots following are taken from a Linux GUI installation. They are identical on Windows or UNIX.1.Double-click or commandline-start Client-DataCenter-5.00.00-linux-x64-installer.run (or Client-DataCenter-5.00.00-linux-installer.run on a 32bitLinux).2.Click [Forward].3.Specify an installation directory and click [Forward].4.The client node name is the system name in the central management data-base. Select a name and click [Forward].5.Specify either resolvable hostname (FQDN or short) or IP address for[Command Server] and the base network port for [Port]. The base network port defines the start of a range of ports which are used for the central man-agement communication to and from the commandserver.All clients working with one commandserver must use the same base port as the commandserver does. The base port determines the target ports used for the connection from the client to the commandserver, from clients to other clients and from commandserver to clients.On Windows will be opened for the respective ports optionally by the installer.6.Click [Forward].7.Click [Forward].8.Click [Forward].9.Click [Forward].10.The installation is complete. Click [Finish] to quit the installer.Installation in text modeIf no graphical environment is available, the installer works in interactivecommandline mode.1.Enter the installation directory or choose the default.2.42.Enter 1 to choose the hostname of the system (the default).3.Specify either resolvable hostname (FQDN or short) or IP address for[Command Server] and the base network port for [Port]. The base network port defines the start of a range of ports which are used for the central man-agement communication to and from the commandserver.4.Enter y to install the data mover package.5.Enter to continue.6.Enter y to perform the install.Client serviceThe name of the service installed on a client is rcmd-executor (the commandexecutor).Start/stop of UNIX/Linux serviceThe start/stop/status commands for the services differ depending on which InitDaemon is used (classic, upstart or system).Classic initAn entry in /etc/inittab for the respective executable is made. The respawn op-tion is used to automatically restart the executable.Example /etc/inittab entry:0:2345:respawn:/opt/novastor/DataCenter/rcmd-executor/rcmd-executor runSpecial start/stop scripts are shipped which are located in the service respectivesubdirectories of the installation directory.2.5 2.6 2.6.1Command syntax:$installdir/rcmd-executor/rcmd-executor stop$installdir/rcmd-executor/rcmd-executor startsystemctlThe systemctl config file location is/etc/systemd/system/{servicename}.serviceCommand syntax for systemctl:systemctl start {servicename}.servicesystemctl start {servicename}.servicesystemctl start {servicename}.serviceExample:systemctl status rcmd-executor.serviceupstartThe upstart config file location is/etc/init/{servicename}.confCommand syntax for upstart:start servicenamestart servicenamestop servicenameThe commands can be called interactively. Nevertheless they are called at eachsystem startup and start the NovaStor Datacenter service executables.2.6.2 2.6.3Example:status rcmd-executorStart/stop of Windows servicesThe service name on Windows isWhere port is the actual network port number of the service.The start/stop mechanisms for Windows services are either the sc command orthe graphical service manager interface command (Start->services.msc).Examples the sc command (open a DOS box to run the command):Stop of Command Executorsc stop rcmd-executor@port:32334Start of Command Executorsc start rcmd-executor@port:32334Silent installThe NovaStor DataCenter Client silent installation enables to install clients onUNIX, Linux and Windows without GUI intervention.Therefore installer is called from the commandline with the main option--mode unattended. Additional options to define the object of installation are--installDir <dirname>Installation DirectoryDefault Linux/UNIX: /opt/novastor/DataCenterDefault Windows: C:\Program Files\NovaStor\DataCenter2.7 2.8--RcmdClient <name>Remote Client name in commandserver DBDefault: Client hostname--commandServer <address>Command Server name or addressDefault: none--baseport <portnumber>Command Server Base PortDefault: 32325--installHiback [0|1]Install the new Datamover Software PackageDefault: 1--rcmdExecutorEnable [Yes|No]Enable Executor to receive commands from CommandServer through local firewall.(No) keeps current firewall settings,(Yes) creates incoming rule for baseport+1.Default: NoThese options can either be specified in a commandline call of the client installer or they can be put into one option file. The syntax of the option file is{optionname}={value}For examplemode=unattendedinstallDir=/home/novastor/MyDataCenterinstallHiback=1commandServer= this example it contains the directives to install an NovaStor DataCenter client in directory /home/novastor/MyDataCenter. This client shall be controlled by commandserver working on base port 32333. Hiback Datamover shall be installed. If Hiback is already installed, the install directory of the existing Hiback installation will be taken, otherwise Hiback will be installed ininstallDir/Hiback.The LINUX command line call sequence for a silent install is./Client-DataCenter-5.00.00-linux-installer.run –-optionfile filenameWhere filename has to be substituted by the name of the file containing the op-tions settings.The Linux command line does not differ from the Windows equivalent except that the installer executable name differs. The result is written to fileinstallDir/DataCenter-installLog.log in any case.。
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零视技术 h5s 视频平台 用户手册说明书
linkingvision(H5STREAM)用户手册Copyright © 零视技术2020 All rights reserved版本记录内容1.0发布说明 (6)1.1版本 2.00 (6)2.0范围 (6)3.0参考链接 (6)4.0常用术语 (7)5.0内容概述 (8)6.0内网直播 (9)6.1视频源支持 (9)6.2运行平台支持 (9)6.3国产CPU支持 (10)6.4直播协议支持 (10)6.5视频加密支持 (10)7.0云直播 (11)8.0软件安装 (12)8.1安装准备 (12)8.2安装 (13)8.3打开管理界面 (16)8.4安装license (17)8.5端口 (18)8.6菜单 (20)9.0配置视频源和设备 (21)9.1文件源配置 (22)9.2RTSP RTMP 源配置 (23)9.3ONVIF 源配置 (24)9.4RTMP推流源配置 (26)9.5海康SDK 设备配置 (26)9.6大华SDK 设备配置 (27)9.7海康ISC平台配置 (28)9.8天地伟业NVR SDK配置 (31)9.9指定协议访问单个视频 (31)10.0视频操作 (34)10.1实时预览 (34)10.2音频对讲 (35)10.3H5STREAM录像搜索回放 (36)10.4H5STREAM抓图搜索预览 (37)10.5设备录像搜索回放归档 (37)10.6高级回放 (38)10.7巡更 (39)10.8报警预览 (39)11.0监控点配置 (41)11.1监控点 (41)12.0视频上传 (43)12.1视频语音对讲 (43)12.2视频上传 (45)13.0GB28181配置 (46)13.1h5s GB28181 设备统一编码配置 (46)13.2h5s GB28181 服务端配置 (46)13.3配置海康NVR/IPC (47)13.4配置大华NVR/IPC (49)13.5配置宇视IPC (50)14.0WebRTC配置 (51)14.1介绍 (51)14.2Cloud云模式配置 (51)14.3转发模式配置 (52)15.0云推流模式配置 (54)15.1云推流内网服务器配置 (54)15.2推流云服务器配置 (54)16.0转码配置 (55)16.1转码支持介绍 (55)16.2默认H.265转H.264配置 default (56)16.3自定义转码配置 (57)17.0视频配置 (60)17.1视频加载图片配置 (60)18.0用户管理 (62)18.1用户密码修改 (62)18.2WEB管理界面全认证默认开启 (62)19.0标准协议 (64)19.1标准协议URL规则 (64)20.0网络配置 (65)20.1HTTPS证书配置 (65)21.0微信支付宝扫码 (66)21.1介绍 (66)21.2扫码播放摄像机视频 (66)1.0发布说明1.1版本2.00更新界面操作.2.0范围文档包含h5stream互联网直播方案的使用场景,安装指南,开发接口定义和使用。
PTS02-112 ME
PTO Manufacturing EngineeringAdministrator: Core Controls (Kerry L. Paskell) Revision Date: 27-Oct 10 1. P urposeThis document defines the engineering specifications for uniquely identifying components and assemblies for the purpose of tracking their production history throughout its life cycle. In addition, this specification will define as a standard, the marking and verification process, mark content, and station performance.2. S cope/Activities AffectedThe scope of this document shall include PTO components that require traceability starting in December 2004.Component Scope: V- Engine, I-Engine, Diesel Engine, Transmission, Axle and other component manufacturing.The agreed level of traceability should be defined by PTO and Purchasing management.3. R elated Attachments or FormsSpecificationsA ppendix A DataMatrixA ppendixB Global Transport Label (Lot Label) SpecificationsA ppendix C Hardware Performance Specifications and Requirements (Ford Facilities)A ppendix D Level 1 barcode and text specificationsA ppendix E Traceability Station Equipment Checklist4. R elated References or ProceduresQLS-CM PLC Interfacing Logic Guide v2.4.2.ISO/IEC 15415:2004(E), Information Technology - AIDC Techniques - Bar Code Print Quality Test Specification – Two Dimensional Symbols.AIM DPM-1-2006, Direct Part Mark (DPM) quality guidline.ESBC3P 1K266 AA, Part Marking Specification for component Suppliers. See FordDoc system.AIAG B-17, 2D Direct Parts Marking Guideline.5. D efinitionsSee Glossary located at the end of the document.6. E xclusionsNone.7. P rocedureSee Attachment I8. G eneral RulesNone.9. Q uality RecordsRecords created during the process shall comply with the requirements of GIS1. The administrator must ensure the document is accessible through indexing and/or filing mechanisms.PTO Manufacturing EngineeringAdministrator: Core Controls (Kerry L. Paskell) Revision Date: 27-Oct 10 10. R ecord of Revision HistoryRevision DescriptionPagesAffectedAuthorized by Date1 Complete Revision ALL Tim Baranek 01 Mar. 20042 Removed Level 2-3 from CPEM title, addedLevel 1 label specifications, revised Level 2-3 direct mark specification, added cycletimes for marking, revised Roles &Responsibilities, added Cognex 5100camera as prime and removed laser supplierrequirement.All Tim Baranek 02 Aug 20043 Revised Roles and responsibilitiesAdded QLS-CM Data Storage FormatAdded clarification to DPM data content andadded specifications for Combinedtraceability and Process data DPM.All CPEM Team 29 Nov.20054 Change Document name to TraceabilitySpecificationAdded GPDS timing chartMade changes to R&R'sAdded clarification to DPM data content andstorage.Added DPM title block examplesChange document to a specificationAllCoreTraceabilityTeam20 June20075 Added AIM DPM-1-2006 marking standardAdded WERS released ES spec for partmarkingAdded part print requirements for codeAdded traceability process strategyAdded QLS-CM Network ArchitectureAdded PC min. hardware requirements1,9 - 27CoreTraceabilityTeam10 Nov. 20086 Added marking method and locationguidelines in section 4.Added reader connectivity requirements.Commonize data content for all traceableparts and end item assemblies.Added 2D matrix to level 1 label specificationAdded traceability equipment check list.10,23–26,30CoreTraceabilityteam12 Jan. 201011. A pprovalThrough the ME Controlled Documents Change Management System -D ecision Record : 2010-00247PTO Manufacturing EngineeringAdministrator: Core Controls (Kerry L. Paskell) Revision Date: June 21, 2010Attachment I1.PRINCIPLES OF TRACEABILITY (4)2.GPDS TIMING CHART (5)3.IMPLEMENTATION TEAM STRUCTURE (6)3.1.R OLES AND R ESPONSIBILITIES (6)4.TRACEABILITY CONSIDERATIONS (10)4.1.W HICH PARTS SHOULD BE TRACED (10)4.2.S ELECTING A MARKING METHOD (11)4.3.L OCATION OF THE MARK (11)4.4.P ART PRINT TITLE BLOCK (12)5.TRACEABILITY PROCESS STRATEGY (ACTIVE/PASSIVE) (14)5.1.R EADING 2D CODES: (14)5.2.C HECKING Q UARANTINE (15)5.3.QLS-CM U PLOADS (15)5.4.P ROCESS F LOW E XAMPLES FOR R EADING 2D,&Q UARANTINE CHECK (16)5.5.P ROCESS F LOW E XAMPLE FOR QLS-CM U PLOAD (17)6.QLS-CM NETWORK ARCHITECTURE (18)7.DATA STORAGE FORMAT (19)8.GLOSSARY (20)APPENDIX A LEVEL 1 TRACEABILITY LABEL SPECIFICATION (22)APPENDIX B LEVEL 2-3 TRACEABILITY DATA MATRIX CONTENT SPECIFICATIONS (26)APPENDIX C GLOBAL TRANSPORT LABEL SPECIFICATION (LOT TRACEABILITY) (27)APPENDIX D PERFORMANCE SPECIFICATIONS AND REQUIREMENTS (29)APPENDIX E TRACEABILITY STATION EQUIPMENT CHECKLIST (31)PTO Manufacturing EngineeringAdministrator: Core Controls (Kerry L. Paskell) Revision Date: June 21, 2010Attachment I1. P rinciples of TraceabilityA Collect and Preserve DataProcess owner owns the data (archive responsibility). Supplier or Ford plant (specific process area) which owns the process of the part creation will be responsible for the dataretention.Readers capture only the minimum data necessary to preserve integrity of traceability (e.g.lot control vs. part control when possible)B Ensure Process RobustnessWhoever writes must verify performance to quality, content and read rates at all read stations. If supplier marks a part, supplier will verify that mark’s quality is kept to a minimumgrade of "C". This minimum is to be used as an indicator that maintenance is needed onmarking equipment. (See Grading Specification in Reference material).Components are traceable using original identificationsIdentification should never increase part complexityC Use Common and Standard MethodsWrite once, read many timesTraceability goals are global and solutions are globally accessible (emphasis on commonality of the process and universal solutions)Like parts can be cross shipped among different Powertrain plantsD Add Value, Reduce CostTraceability value added is proportional to the amount of the value stream capturedData collection occurs at entry point to the value streamAdministrator: Core Controls (Kerry L. Paskell) Revision Date: June 21, 2010Attachment I3. I mplementation Team Structure3.1. R oles and Responsibilities(Note: Lead R&Rs are indicated, all others are support)Advanced Manufacturing Technology Development (AMTD)Provide and publish concept ready and implementation ready technologies for marking and reading methodologies (Lead). (h ttps:///eRoom/MPE/Traceability/0_9e698 Monitor Traceability applications in the field and make recommendations for traceability methodologies improvements (Lead)Evaluate all suppliers of equipment to pick the best equipment for the job (marking, verifying, reading and integration equipment) (Lead)Core Traceability TeamAnnual review and update of traceability specification (Lead)Support product, manufacturing and operations.Review and include enhancements based on PTO's Manufacturing Engineering Preventative Corrective Action System (PCAS) input (Lead)Administrator: Core Controls (Kerry L. Paskell) Revision Date: June 21, 2010Attachment IProduct DevelopmentTraceability Scope & GPDS DeliverablesIdentify the parts to be tracedIdentify the parts to be lot vs. individually tracedTraceability Assumptions - SI StudyTraceability Assumptions - SC Study (location and methodology)Finalize Traceability Scope/AssumptionsDetermine who will mark the part (Supplier or plant)Identify where to mark on part: DPM (location for DPM, Human readable)Check comparator programs to establish a common location on the part for DPM (Lead)Co-Develop product code were traceability and process data needs to be combined with ME processIssue drawings indicating Direct Part Mark Location and content (Lead)Identify sub-assembly label locationSelect marking methodology from implementation ready list (see AMTD R&R)Supply print with SOW to Purchasing (Lead) Note Reference ESBC3P 1K22Review Tier 1 quotes from PurchasingEnsure that supplier/plant is capable to produce Global Transport Label and DPMWork with component suppliers to ensure feasibility for prototypes (Lead)Choose Level 1 label size and location on Powertrain (Lead)Verify Level 1 Label complies with V.O. and OBL Requirements (Lead)Verify Direct Part Mark and Global Transport Label at PSW (Lead)Ensure that adequate production representative components are available for equipment test and signoffManufacturing Engineering (Process and Program Management)Traceability Scope & FPDS Deliverables (Lead)Identify the parts to be traced (using this specification as a guideline and a example score card decision matrix) (Lead)Identify the parts to be lot vs. individually traced (Lead)Traceability Assumptions - SI Study (Lead)Traceability Assumptions - SC Study (location and methodology) (Lead)Finalize Traceability Scope/Assumptions (Lead)Determine who will mark the part (Supplier or plant) (Lead)Identify where to mark on part: DPM (location for DPM and Human readable) (Lead)Check comparator programs to establish a common location on the part for DPMDevelop product code were traceability and process data needs to be combined (Lead)Identify sub-assembly and Level 1 (engine and transmission) label location (Lead)Select marking methodology from implementation ready list (see AMTD R&R) (Lead)Develop manufacturing process flowchart (Lead)Develop machine control integration specification (along with Tier 1)Identify the upload points for the Traceability information to the host (QLS-CM) (Lead)Develop special cases strategy (e.g.: reject parts, kitting, etc…), define quarantine process (Lead)Issue Equipment specifications to Purchasing for plant marked parts (Lead)Review Tier 1 quotes from PurchasingIdentify label location for lot (Lead)Administrator: Core Controls (Kerry L. Paskell) Revision Date: June 21, 2010Attachment IWork with machine tool suppliers to ensure feasibility for prototypes (Lead)Ensure that adequate production representative components are available for equipment test and signoffConfirm Level 1 label barcodes can be readProduction validation (Burst Run) (Lead)Material Planning and LogisticsOwn Global Transport label specification (see Covisint Web site)Communicate Global Transport Label to externally purchased component vendors (Lead) Information TechnologyDevelop detail IT integration specification (Lead)Identify the upload points for the Traceability information to the host (QLS-CM)Verify that PLC will handle trafficking of data to RF tag (if applicable) and to QLS-CM following standard architectureVerify database availability to store and access the Traceability information (Unique/Lot ID and Birth History) (Lead)Develop Robust QLS-CM communication protocol (Lead)Indentify cycle time required at upload and quarantine points based on amount of dataProvide QLS-CM functionality matrix that program management can select their deliverables from (Lead)Validate data integrity from RF tag to Data baseEnsure QLS-CM reports accurate data (Lead)Validate System functionality (Lead)ControlsDevelop machine control integration specification (Lead)Support special cases strategy (e.g.: reject parts, kitting, etc…), define quarantine processVerify that traceability data can be received by PLC's via the standard PLC network from readers (Lead)Verify that PLC will handle trafficking of data to RF tag (if applicable) and to QLS-CM following standard architecture (Lead)Support production validation (Runoffs/Burst Run)Validate machine/vision controls conform to specification (Lead)Validate PLC/QLS-CM interface logic follow guidelines needed by QLS-CM (Lead)Validate System functionality with ITPlant Manufacturing EngineerCo-Develop manufacturing process flowchartMaintain ownership of all plant floor marking and vision equipment(including controls programs)Establish and maintain scheduled preventative maintenance tasks for traceability equipment.Review equipment performance by monitoring camera read rates and evaluating mark quality for each traceability station on a regular basis.Single point of contact for all plant traceability equipment- reporting traceability issues and camera read rates to Core team through launch (Job 1 +6 months).Review equipment performance with IT QLS-CM/Birth History data quarterly.Administrator: Core Controls (Kerry L. Paskell) Revision Date: June 21, 2010Attachment ICo-Establish with ME controls, a means of storing failed camera images that will assist in trouble shooting problems.Interface with local plant IT and Production departments to ensure traceability integration is standardized as per traceability and controls specifications.Resident EngineerVerify Level 1 label location can be accessed and read at point of Component Data Collection II (CDCII) (Lead)Production validation (Burst Run)Supplier Technical AssistanceEnsure Supplier is capable of producing DPM parts to Six Sigma Capabilities of a "C" Grade or better. (No image filters used to mask quality of mark). (See ISO grading Specification inReference material.)Validate Global Transport Label requirements for Lot Traceability from externally purchased component vendorsEnsure that supplier/plant is capable to produce Global Transport Label and DPM (Lead) Tier 1 Machine Tool Supplier (OEM)Integration must adhere to THIS SPECIFICATION (Lead)Develop robust machine control integration as per Ford specifications.Demonstrate 6 Sigma performance capability of integrated traceability stationsUse Ford standard template for Cognex Readers. eRoom Link https:///eRoom/MPE/Traceability/0_8b8a5Tier 1 Parts SupplierMake certain that all parts adhere the Product Engineering Specifications (Lead)Verify the marks data content and quality standard with Ford STA.Verify and maintain the quality of each mark to a Six Sigma Capability of "C" grade or better.(Lead). (See ISO grading Specification in Reference material.)Demonstrate and Document marking process capability that satisfies 6 Sigma performance requirementsProvide traceable parts for prototype builds (Lead)Keep traceability & birth history data for seven years (Lead)Provide Global Transport Label with PSW (Lead)Provide read verification at PSW for components with direct part marks (Lead)Administrator: Core Controls (Kerry L. Paskell) Revision Date: June 21, 2010Attachment I4. T raceability considerations4.1. W hich Parts should be tracedFor the purpose of this specification, traceability is broken down into three levels of requirements.Each level refers to the type of component, sub-assembly or assembly. A sample of common components and its level of traceability can be viewed in Fig 4.3. An example of how to determine which components should be traced can be seen in fig. 4.1.Level 1 traceability refers to the end item Powertrain assembly that will be associated to a vehicle's identification number (VIN). This is a mandatory requirement for all PTO assemblies that are associated to the vehicle by Vehicle Operations (VO).Level 2 traceability refers to any component or sub-assembly that is considered an "Inverted Delta", and is mandatory to trace. However, if the process of installing a component, like achieving a specific torque value when fastening the component to the end item assembly, is considered to be the "Inverted Delta", then it is not mandatory to trace that component but should still be evaluated as a level 3 component.Level 3 traceability refers to any other component or sub-assembly deemed necessary to trace by the engineering team. Reasons to trace a component or sub-assembly should be based on quality concerns, both internal and external, as well as feasibility and cost.The following decision matrix is an example of how a team can determine whether each component in the end item assembly should be traceable or not.Fig. 4.1 Traceable Part Decision Matrix ExampleInverted Delta Component ComponentMachined byFordSuppliertracks itscomponenttraceabilityElectronicComponent orelectroniccharacteristicdata requiredWarranty/QualityConcernsCost toReplaceComponentTrace parts thattotal 3 or moreCPMT no./Part Name 0 – No3 – Yes0 – No1- Linear2 - CNC0-no1-consider2-yes0 - No1 - Yes0-Low1- Med2-high<$xxx=0>$xxx=1TotalStatusCommentsTransmissionCase 0 2 0 0 0 1 3TraceValve Body 0 2 0 0 1 1 4 TraceValve Plate 0 2 0 0 1 1 4 TraceTorque converter 0 0 2 0 0 1 3 TracePark Lever 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 Not Traced Consider Lot traceabilityAdministrator: Core Controls (Kerry L. Paskell) Revision Date: June 21, 2010Attachment I4.2. S electing a Marking MethodWhen choosing a marking method, please refer to the AIAG B-17 2-D Direct Parts Marking Guideline to better understand which marking methods are better suited for the material and surface finish of the component. When selecting the marking method the following should be considered: Material being marked – The hardness and composition of materials will have different affects on all the marking technology available. See AIAG B-17 specification for furtherdetails.Surface roughness – Rough surfaces can create shadows or reflections that may be misinterpreted by the decoding software. Therefore, each element or cell of the 2D codemust be at least five times greater than the surface roughness. Additional surface preparationmay be required to achieve this requirement. See chart of example material roughness andminimum cell sizes table 4.2.Marking area –The available marking area of the component will determine the size of the 2D code which in turn will determine the capability of the marking technology. The size of the 2Dmatrix should be as large as practical not as small as possible.Cycle time – Each marking method has a different effect on cycle time where dot peen DPM has the longest cycle time and label printing has the shortest cycle time.Table 4.2 Recommended Minimum Symbol Cell Size by Surface Condition (AIAG B-17)Processing Category ProcessingMethodRoughnessRa μ in. (μm)Minimum CellSize - in. (mm)Cast surface Ferrous Green Sand 1000 (25.4) 0.035 (0.89)Non-ferrous Sand 500 (12.7) 0.030 (0.76)Permanent Mold 250 (6.35) 0.025 (0.64)Investment Mold 125 (3.18) 0.020 (0.51)Die Cast 32-63 (0.8-1.6) 0.015 (0.38)Blasting Shot Peening 32-2000 (0.8-50.8) 0.030 (0.76)Sand Blasting 32-2000 (0.8-50.8) 0.030 (0.76)Grit Blasting 32-2000 (0.8-50.8) 0.030 (0.76)Machined Profiled 500 (12.7) 0.030 (0.76)Milled 32-125 (0.8-3.18) 0.015 (0.38)Shape Turned 63-125 (1.6-3.18) 0.015 (0.38)Blanchard 16-32 (0.4-0.8) 0.007 (0.18)Ground 4-63(0.1-1.6)0.007(0.18)Lapped 4-16(0.1-0.4)0.007(0.18)4.3. L ocation of the MarkThe location of the mark can have an impact the readability of the code. Therefore, the 2D mark shall be a reference dimension on the part print. The selection of the mark location should take into consideration the following factors:Surface finish – It is always best to have a machined finish for dot peen 2D marks. This is also true for laser marked codes, but not always necessary.Administrator: Core Controls (Kerry L. Paskell) Revision Date: June 21, 2010Attachment IFlatness – The 2D should be marked on a flat surface where possible. In cases where the mark has to be marked on a curved surface, the size of the 2D shall be no greater than 16%of the diameter or 5% of the circumference of the part.Visibility – The selected location of the mark must be visible throughout the manufacturing process where the 2D is to be read.Quiet Zone – The selected location of the 2D mark shall be large enough to accommodate a clear area of two or more cell size around the 2D. Example a 15 mm square 2D shall have aminimum of 1.5 mm clearance around the 2D.See AIAG B-17 part marking specification for more details.4.4. P art Print Title BlockAll Traceable parts using a 2D matrix must be identified on part print for surface condition if applicable, size, location, marking method and mark content. With regards to size of a 2D matrix keep in mind that the 2D matrix should be as large as practical not as small as possible. Therefore ifa size tolerance is placed on the print it should only limit the lower end of the tolerance. Based onpart geometry and available space marks have been made as small as 4 mm square and as large as 20 mm square.Figure 4.4.1 Example title block for Laser marks or Labels:Laser etched 20X20 data matrix code no smaller than XX.X mm minimum square.Black 2D code with white background, finder bar home point in lower left corner.Expected mark quality using the *ISO 15415 shall be grade C or better.Code content – supplier code, Julian date (YYDDD), serial number, Ford part number.Example: G93BA0712********T4P 7F343 AAReference: Traceability Specification ESBC3P 1K266 AAFigure 4.4.2 Example title block for Dot Peen marks:Pin stamp 20x20 data matrix code no smaller than XX.X mm minimum square.Surface roughness will be maintained to a max. of 32 μ” AA Ra 0.8 μmExpected mark quality using the *AIM DPM-1-2006 shall be grade C or better.Code content – supplier code, Julian date (YYDDD), serial number, Ford part number.Example: G93BA0712********T4P 7F343 AAReference: Traceability Specification ESBC3P 1K266 AA* Either ISO or AIM standards may be applied for mark quality guideline, ISO 15415 is the standard developed for labels, AIM DPM is the standard developed for direct part marking.Human readable goal is 100% of matrix content. However, if cycle time or space is an issue, reduction of human readable must be agreed upon between the facility that marks the part and the recipient of the part. If reduction of human readable is necessary, the serial number should be considered the highest priority.Administrator: Core Controls (Kerry L. Paskell)Revision Date: June 21, 2010Attachment IFig 4.3 Sample PTO components and its level of TraceabilityTraceability Level Engine Component Requirement Typical Mark location Proven Marking Method Level 1 Engine Label Required Valve coverLabel Level 2 Fuel Rail/IAFM Required Top of fuel railLaser/Label Diesel vacuum pump.RequiredLevel 3 Cylinder Head Required Machined Exhaust Face Pin Stamp*/Laser Cylinder BlockRequiredMachined Front padPin Stamp*/LaserCrankshaft RequiredCounterweight Face/center of hubPin Stamp*/Laser Camshaft Recommended Machined flat Laser Connecting Rod Program DiscretionHead Gasket Program Discretion Top SurfaceLaser Piston Program DiscretionCrownOff centerLaserLevel 1 TransmissionLabelRequiredLabel Level 2 Park components,shift lever, parkinggearRequired Transmission Case Required As cast surface Laser/Label Level 3 TransmissionConverter HousingRequired As cast surfaceLaser/Label Valve Upper Body RequiredAs cast surface on thesideLaser Valve Lower Body RequiredAs cast surface on thesideLaserTorque Converter Required Machined Pilot Hub Pin Stamp* /Laser Clutch Sub assembly Highly Recommended Flat surface visible after assemblyLaser CarriersHighly Recommended Flat surface visible afterassembly Laser Oil PumpHighly Recommended Flat surface visible afterassembly Laser Clutch ModuleHighly Recommended Flat surface visible afterassembly LaserOutput shaftHighly Recommended Flat surface visible afterassembly LaserNote: This list of components is an example of parts that are historically traced. Components that arenot listed or not labeled as required should be evaluated by the product and process teams for consideration.* A pin stamped 2D code should only be considered for use on a flat machined surface.Administrator: Core Controls (Kerry L. Paskell) Revision Date: June 21, 2010Attachment I5. T raceability Process Strategy (Active/Passive)Traceability stations that read a 2D code, checks for quarantine, or upload data to QLS-CM can operate as active or passive systems. In active mode if a station fails to read the unit identifier (2D code) or a system error occurs during quarantine or an upload, production will stop until operation can be completed. An active mode strategy should only be used in critical operations where part specific information is required to complete the process. The standard process strategy is passive mode. POSMON/FIS warnings or faults must be enabled while in a passive mode, to alarm the necessary support when a system failure or 2D misread occurs.5.1. R eading 2D codes:In passive mode if a station fails to read the unit identifier, the station will generate a new unique identifier.The newly created unit identifier will be of the same length as a readable 2D for that station which retains sufficient information to allow for time based quarantine. A detailed example of a machine generated unit identifier can be seen in Figure 5.1.Figure 5.1: An example structure of a PLC generated unit identifier used only when 2D code isunavailable5 Characters 5 Digits6 Digits WERS Part IDPlant's GSDB code Year Day of Year (HH MM SS) Space SpaceTC11A 0 7 3 6 5 1 3 2 8 5 6S T 1 3 0 7 0 0 6 N R5 Character Plant code* 5 Digit Julian date PLC Time Stamp Station facility ID ** WERS Part # Base***StationStatus ****Notes: The unique identifier in Figure 5.1 will containThe Julian Date of when the component was assembled.The Plant's GSDB code will be used in the first five characters of the PLC generated unit identifier.The 6 Digit PLC Time stamp using the 24 hour clock replaces the serial number field.The station facility ID replaces the WERS Part number prefix, must be same length as WERS prefix of a readable component.WERS part number base will be used to identify the component.Station status replaces the WERS suffix which would indicate the traceable status of the component.NR (No Read) would indicate the camera did not read the part in the station and was manually accepted.CB (Camera Bypassed) would indicate the camera did not read the part in the station and the part was automatically accepted.There are three passive modes of operations:Operator controlled Passive ModeStation controlled Passive ModeContinuous Passive ModeAdministrator: Core Controls (Kerry L. Paskell) Revision Date: June 21, 2010Attachment I5.1.1. O perator Controlled Passive Mode:This mode is designed to be used in stations where operators can access and reposition the parts to be read. In the event the traceability code can not be read, the part is to be properly positioned before rescanning the 2D. If the part cannot be read after several attempts, a "Single Cycle Bypass"button on the HMI will be activated. This will result in the PLC generating a unit identifier as described in figure 5.1 with "NR" as the station status. This mode is not to be used for error proofing WERS part number complexity.5.1.2. S tation Controlled Passive Mode:This mode is designed to be used in stations where operators do not have access to the parts to be read. In the event that the traceability code cannot be read, the PLC will automatically generate a unit identifier as described in figure 5.1. If the station fails to read 3 parts consecutively, the station will stop and display an appropriate fault message. This is to avoid prolonged production without traceability.5.1.3. C ontinuous Passive Mode:A continuous passive mode strategy may be selected for situations where the 2D reader has failedduring production or a large quantity of stock may have unreadable codes. This function will automatically generate the unique identifier when an unreadable code is introduced ignoring the three (3) consecutive rejects.While in continuous passive mode the station will still operate reading & storing the 2D matrix and completing quarantine if possible. Continuous passive mode (password protected) will turn off automatically after a preset time period determined by the process owner (e.g. at the end of each shift).5.2. C hecking QuarantineTraceability stations that query QLS-CM for quarantine parts are to follow the guidelines in the PTS02-083ME, Attachment 15 - PLC/QLS-CM Programming Standard. Unless otherwise desired by process owner, this function will be designed as a passive check as not to affect stations cycle time or production up time. The station must be designed to allow for a minimum response time of 3 - 5 sec from QLS-CM. In the event QLS-CM does not respond within the allotted time or responds with a system error, the stations shall set a POSMON /FIS warning and the process continued assuming the part is not on a quarantine list. The component can be checked at the next station that checks for quarantine parts.5.3. Q LS-CM UploadsStations that upload traceability and birth history data to QLS-CM will follow the guidelines laid out in the PTS02-083ME, Attachment 15 - PLC/QLS-CM Programming Standard. Stations designated to upload birth history and traceable data must be designed to allow for a minimum upload time of 3 seconds plus1 second per 1700 bytes of additional data, before a response from the host can be expected. These data transfer rate does not include data collection time at the station level, like RF tag and Camera read times. In the event that QLS-CM does not respond within the allotted time, a POSMON warning will be set to alert team leader and system support. In addition, the PLC will reset the upload status bit to indicate the process failed, this will alert downstream upload points to recover the missed data.。
初始化 渲染
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Unmoun t
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MicroAp p
MicroAp p
1. 微应用的注册、异步加载和生命周期管理 2. 微应用之间、主从之间的消息机制 3. 微应用之间的隔离措施 4. 微应用的框架无关、版本无关 5. 公共依赖的库、业务逻辑(utils)以及版本管理 6. 微应用独立调试、和主应用联调 7. 微应用的发布流程 8. 微应用打包优化问题 9.微应用专有云场景的出包方案 10.渐进升级:平滑改造老项目
云生态⤬ 微前端
OpenA PI
数字化转型 云计算的红利
O penAPI
U I组件库
idea 2:OpenComponents(2014)
MicroApp Configure
华为SMC2.0 产品概述
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SMC2.0 业务管理系统 产品概述
1 产品定位和特点 ...................................................................................................................4
SMC2.0 默认用户的权限分布图如图 1-4 所示。
图1-4 分级用户权限
SMC2.0 集成了 NLOG 视频会议网络侦测工具,提供丰富的报表和话单,便于对 会议系统的运营情况进行分析:
查看会场网络状态数据 查看活动会议丢包告警
文档版本 V1.0(2012-07-03)
华为专有和保密信息 版权所有 © 华为技术有限公司
文档版本 V1.0(2012-07-03)
华为专有和保密信息 版权所有 © 华为技术有限公司
第 3 共 20
SMC2.0 业务管理系统 产品概述
1 产品定位和特点
1.1 产品定位
本产品概述面向 HUAWEI SMC2.0 V100R001 版本。
随着视讯业务的发展,用户已经不仅仅满足与支持会议的调度与控制、设备配置 管理以及呼叫控制等简单零散功能的业务管理系统,作为整个视讯系统中最直 观、最频繁被用户接触的部分,更加人性化的架构设计,更加简单方便的使用, 更加友好的操作方式和交互界面已经越来越由简单的概念变成用户实际的使用 需求。
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大华医疗行业安防系统解决方案浙江大华技术股份有限公司行业事业部/文教卫事业部目录第一章. 行业背景 (5)第二章. 需求分析 (7)第三章. 设计原则及依据 (9)3.1 设计原则 (9)3.2 设计依据 (10)第四章. 总体设计 (12)4.1 方案框图 (12)4.1.1 医疗单位方案框图 (12)4.1.2 远程管理中心方案框图 (13)4.2 大华医疗安防整体解决方案子系统设计 (13)第五章. 详细设计 (16)5.1 监控中心功能与设计 (16)5.1.1 设计需求 (16)5.1.2 系统设计 (16)5.1.3 系统特点 (18)5.2 视频监控子系统功能与设计 (18)5.2.1 设计需求 (19)5.2.2 系统设计 (19)5.2.3 系统特点 (25)5.3 智能停车场子系统功能与设计 (25)5.3.1 设计需求 (25)5.3.2 系统设计 (25)5.3.3 系统特点 (28)5.4 门禁子系统功能与设计 (29)5.4.1 设计需求 (29)5.4.2 系统设计 (29)5.4.3 系统特点 (32)5.5 报警管理子系统功能与设计 (32)5.5.2 系统设计 (33)5.5.3 系统特点 (34)5.6 远程会诊子系统功能与设计 (35)5.6.1 设计需求 (35)5.6.2 系统设计 (35)5.6.3 系统特点 (36)5.7 远程探视子系统功能与设计 (36)5.7.1 设计需求 (36)5.7.2 系统设计 (37)5.7.3 系统特点 (38)5.8 智能分析子系统功能与设计 (38)5.8.1 设计需求 (38)5.8.2 系统设计 (39)5.8.3 系统特点 (42)5.9 大屏显示子系统功能与设计 (42)5.9.1 设计需求 (42)5.9.2 系统设计 (43)5.9.3 系统特点 (44)5.10 电子巡更子系统功能与设计 (44)5.10.1 设计需求 (44)5.10.2 系统设计 (45)5.10.3 系统特点 (46)5.11 传输网络系统功能与设计 (46)5.11.1 设计需求 (46)5.11.2 系统需求 (47)5.11.3 系统特点 (48)5.12 存储系统功能与设计 (48)5.12.1 设计需求 (48)5.12.2 系统设计 (49)5.13 远程管理中心功能与设计 (50)5.13.1 设计需求 (50)5.13.2 系统设计 (50)5.13.3 系统特点 (51)第六章. 大华医疗安防整体解决方案亮点 (52)6.1 智能视频分析应用 (52)6.2 智能运维 (54)6.3 可视化医疗废弃物管理 (55)6.4 解决车难管、车难停问题 (56)6.5 协助医疗单位提升业务能力 (57)6.6 提升医疗单位品牌价值 (57)第七章. 产品推荐 (58)7.1 前端设备 (58)7.2 存储设备 (67)7.3 智能分析服务器 (71)7.4 软件平台 (72)7.5 大屏显示 (73)7.6 出入口管理系统 (74)第八章. 部分案例 (82)第一章.行业背景随着社会经济的高速发展,我国逐年加大对医疗体制改革和建设的投入,医疗行业发展迅猛,医疗单位数量和规模也在不断扩大,中国医疗事业正迎来蓬勃发展的机遇期。
双碳经营虚拟仿真实验教学设计与实践目录一、内容概述 (1)二、实验目标与任务 (1)三、实验教学设计原则 (2)四、实验教学设计内容 (2)4.1 实验教学内容概述 (4)4.2 实验教学方法与手段 (5)4.3 实验教学资源配置 (6)五、实验教学内容与过程设计 (7)5.1 理论课程设计与实践活动规划 (8)5.2 教学实践活动时间安排与实施流程设计 (10)5.3 实验教学内容中的双碳经营案例分析 (11)六、虚拟仿真实验平台构建与应用 (12)6.1 虚拟仿真实验平台的技术架构和功能模块划分 (14)6.2 平台应用流程与操作指南 (15)6.3 平台效果评估与优化建议 (16)七、实践教学实施过程及成效分析 (17)一、内容概述“双碳经营虚拟仿真实验教学设计与实践”是一种创新的教育方法,它将虚拟仿真技术应用于碳排放管理的教学实践中。
1.[单选题]NB-loT 最大耦合线损(MCL)是()dB?A)144B)164C)174答案:B解析:2.[单选题]以下迭項中,属于系統可靠性的是()?A)虚拟家可靠性B)数据加密C)流量控制D)敏感信息屏蔽答案:A解析:3.[单选题]如果发送的 AT 命令的 Data 部分为 010*******,则该数据字节长度应设置为?A)5B)20C)10D)40答案:A解析:4.[单选题]自前智慧家庭的方案中,主要使用的是哪种协议?A)SMTPB)CoAPC)MQTTD)HTTP答案:D解析:5.[单选题]NB-IoT终端要求支持什么操作?()A)半双工B)单工C)全双工D)以上都可以答案:A解析:6.[单选题]NB-IoT上行支持的最大重传次数是()解析:7.[单选题]提供终端接入协议适配功能的模块是() ?A)CIGB)loCMC)APIGWD)MangoDB答案:A解析:8.[单选题]在OceanConnec的试验中,下载程序的时候发现报错“Fatal error:ST-Link,Failed to identify,target MCU_Check hardware and interface selected”的原因是什么?A)未设置Debugger Driver为ST-LinkB)未设置ST-Link interface为SWDC)IAR环境安装问题D)程序错误答案:B解析:9.[单选题]用户在 SPPortal 通过()接下发各类管理配置命令到 OceanConnect 的 DMServer?A)HessionB)SOAPC)XML-RPCD)REST答案:A解析:10.[单选题]SotRadio 连接平台的端为()?A)8843B)8743C)8090D)需与华为平台支持方确认获取答案:D解析:11.[单选题]物联网的概念最早是在哪一年被提出的?()A)1990B)1995C)1999D)2005答案:C解析:12.[单选题]基于“开发者自行开发的服务端应用”的描述,是指的是?()A)智能应用B)北向应用13.[单选题]In-band场景部署NB-IoT时,在5MHZ的带宽情况下,不能选择以下哪个RB位置?A)2B)7C)4D)22答案:C解析:14.[单选题]eLTE-JoT 通过()技术提高传输效率,提升系统容量?A)小包快传B)HARQ+ARQC)跳频技术D)PSM答案:A解析:15.[单选题]以下选项中,() 是专门为行业物联市场开发的基于3GPP标准的窄带无线物联解决方案?A)eLTE_IoTB)WiFiC)PLC-loTD)Z-Wave答案:A解析:16.[单选题]如果需要发送的AT命令的data部分为010203405 ,则长度应设置为( )A)5B)10C)40D)以上都对答案:A解析:17.[单选题]SoftRadio 添加设备中的终端注册验证码填写格式正确的是?A)TEST&_test123B)TESTS$_test123C)test&_testD)test$_test答案:B解析:18.[单选题]NB-IoT 最大耦合线损(MCL)是多少()dB?A)144B)154C)164D)174答案:CA)独立部署B)带内部署C)保护带部署D)低频带部署答案:A解析:20.[单选题]以下选项中,属于Huawei LiteQS的中断机制好处的是() ?A)在外设不需要CPu时CPU可以执行其它任务B)使CPU把大里时间耗费在等待、查询外设状态的操作上tpaC)外设需要CPU时需要等待当前任务结束D)降低系统实时性以及执行效率答案:A解析:21.[单选题]NB-IoT下行采用()技术A)SC-FDMAB)OFDMAC)TDMAD)CDMA答案:B解析:22.[单选题]NB-IoT技术标准冻结于( )A)2016Q1B)2016Q2C)2016Q3D)2016Q4答案:B解析:23.[单选题]我们所说的边缘计算是()?A)安装在应用末端的高性能服务器B)在掌近终端设备或数据源头的边缘节点,融合联接.计算、存储.控制和应用,满足用户实时、智能、数据聚合和安全需求C)处理正常业务之外的逻辑单元D)非核心业务的边缘化数据中心机房答案:B解析:24.[单选题]NB-IoT更长周期的定期位置更新,TAU最大可达()A)2.56hB)2.92hC)310hD)620h答案:C解析:解析:26.[单选题]终端在PSM(省电模式)下时,业务平台下发的控制指令不能实时到达终端,下行的控制指令需要先缓存在运营商的()中?A)基站B)业务平台C)loT 平台D)核心网答案:C解析:27.[单选题]延迟接LOS_TaskDelay()的参数的单位是?()A)secondB)msC)usD)tick答案:D解析:28.[单选题]eLTE40T通过什么()技术实现在免授权频道上的可靠连接?A)小包快传B)功率谱密度提升C)践频技术D)PSM答案:C解析:29.[单选题]对 OceanConnect 平台进行版本升级,需要通过以下哪个 Portal?A)Operation PortalB)OSS PortalC)User PortalD)SP Portal答案:B解析:30.[单选题]LiteOS 开放的 API 接口不具有下列()功能?A)兼容 LinuxB)容易理解内核C)屏蔽底层差异D)接口设计友好答案:A解析:31.[单选题]网关启动后,设备携带 Deviceld 和密码接入 OceanConnect,OceanConnect 对其鉴权确认合法性,如果台法则返回()32.[单选题]NB-IoT通过以下哪个KPI指标评估网络覆盖?()A)RSRPB)SINRC)重叠覆盖率D)PSM答案:B解析:33.[单选题]HuaweiLireOS 内核的基础特性中不包含以下()选项?A)轻量级B)与 Linux 相互兼容C)低功耗D)快速启动答案:B解析:34.[单选题]NB-IoT中NSSS的发送周期为() ?A)2msB)10msC)20msD)640ms答案:C解析:35.[单选题]下面哪种IoT解决方案最有可能采用的是MQTT协议?()A)智能水表B)智能电表C)共享单车D)智慧农业答案:C解析:36.[单选题]LiteOS Kernel 关于事件的说法正确的是A)不可以向任务发送同一事件类型B)一个任务只能等待一个事件C)事件不提供数据传输功能D)事件与任务相关联答案:C解析:37.[单选题]下列选项中不属于华为AR网关的关键技术是?A)RFMesh技术B)能耗管理技术C)边缘计算技术38.[单选题]终端使用 NB-IoT 方案接入时,平台的 Profile 文件中 protocolType 字段是什么A)ZigBeeB)Z-WaveC)MQTTD)CoAP答案:D解析:39.[单选题]室外型智能停车车检器使用的传感器主要是()?A)红外B)超声波C)地磁传感器D)摄像头答案:C解析:40.[单选题]以下通信技术中,不属于无线短距离的通信技术的是()?A)蓝牙B)WIFIC)Z-WareD)NB-IoT答案:D解析:41.[单选题]NB-LOT 工作在()模式下是最省电的?A)PSMB)DRXC)EDRXD)PSRP睡眠模式答案:A解析:42.[单选题]staticUINT32Example_TaskHi(VOID){UNIT32uwRet=LOS_CK;Printf("EnterTaskHihandler.\r\n");}下列选项中输出结果正确的是?A)EnterTaskHihandler.\r\nB)EnterTaskHiHandler.C)EnterTaskLoHandler.D)DelayTaskFailed.答案:B解析:43.[单选题]关于 OceanConnect 平台特点,以下不属于权限答理的是()?A)接入鉴权第2部分:多项选择题,共32题,每题至少两个正确答案,多选或少选均不得分。
运营与应用DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1006-6403.2023.04.002新基建要求下的运营商“空天地一体”广域云网产品设计与实践[安万里 黄卓君]云计算服务经历了从单一公有云、单一私有云到混合单云(单公+单私),再到混合多云(多公+多私)的形态演进。
在运营商云网融合战略的基础上,提出了覆盖空天地一体及云、网、边、安的端到端政企专网业务构建方案,依托骨干IP 网络、5G 、卫星、异构多云资源池、云网操作系统、SDN 控制器,开发了提供点对点专线、单点入云、多点组网入云等功能场景于一体的复合型云网融合产品。
黄卓君广州中山大学通信与信息系统专业硕士研究生,现工作于中国电信股份有限公司广州研究院,主要研究方向为电信IP 承载与接入网络。
关键词:云网融合 空天地一体 专网 SDN 多云摘要1 引言随着以5G 、AI 、云计算为代表的新一代信息技术逐渐发展成熟,党和国家高度重视新型信息基础设施建设,2021年10月18日下午中央政治局就推动我国数字经济健康发展进行第三十四次集体学习,习近平总书记在主持学习时强调,要加快新型基础设施建设,加强战略布局,加快建设高速泛在、天地一体、云网融合、智能敏捷、绿色低碳、安全可控的智能化综合性数字信息基础设施,打通经济社会发展的信息“大动脉”。
运营商作为网络强国建设的主力军,凭借自身网络基础覆盖好、IDC 资源布局广泛、云网融合一体化等特点,在提供云网基础设施服务方面具有得天独厚的优势,必将担起新基建的责任重担,同时其以国家队的角色提供的“网随云动、云网一体”的云网融合服务更值得其他云服务商及最终客户的信赖。
物联⽹智慧⽣活实训平台(物联⽹技术教学应⽤与维护)物联⽹智慧⽣活实训平台修订历史记录⽇期版本说明作者审核⼈1、⽬录1.产品概述 (5)2.产品外观 (6)3.产品特点 (7)4.功能介绍 (9)4.1.功能清单 (9)4.2.实训功能 (11)4.3.场景功能 (15)5.系统组成 (19)5.1.关键设备介绍 (19)5.2.应⽤软件系统 (23)5.2.1智能远程医疗系统 (23)5.2.2智能商业应⽤系统 (25)5.2.3智能环境监控实训系统 (27)5.2.4智慧社区应⽤场景 (28)5.2.6云服务平台后台管理介绍 (31)5.2.7物联⽹云服务平台标准数据展⽰ (34)5.2.8云服务平台案例—智能家居web版 (36)5.2.9云服务平台案例—智能家居android版 (38)5.2.10云服务平台案例—农科院⽔产养殖 (38)6.实训项⽬ (39)6.1.实训项⽬:移动互联终端配置 (39)6.2.实训项⽬:智能健康应⽤部署 (40)6.3.实训项⽬:智能商业应⽤部署 (40)6.4.实训项⽬:智能环境应⽤部署 (41)6.5.实训项⽬:智能商业应⽤开发 (42)6.6.实训项⽬:智慧社区应⽤开发 (42)6.7.实训项⽬:物联⽹⽹关搭建配置 (43)6.8.实训项⽬:ZigBee⽆线传感⽹开发与配置 (44)6.9.实训项⽬:应⽤案例部署与开发 (44)7.对应典型职业活动 (44)8.包装清单 (46)9.产品服务 (47)9.1.产品交付安装及部署服务 (47)9.2.产品使⽤及实训培训服务 (48)9.3.故障处理及问题咨询服务 (49)1.产品概述物联⽹智慧⽣活实训平台(NES-PTSEC32),作为全国职业院校技能⼤赛中职组“物联⽹技术应⽤与维护”赛项指定器材,是XXX专门针对中职院校设计,⽤于物联⽹、计算机、电⼦、⽹络等相关专业的物联⽹技术实训教学产品。
县级 CMS
NMS 主要功能
NMS(Net Manager Server):主要提供对AAA、CMS、VTDU、
类设备提供支撑平台,具体服务包括: 配置管理:从AAA获取设备列表并生成及合并网络拓扑树,对
• • • •
概述 系统结构 功能说明 容量
一个AAA服务器管理1024×5120全球眼设备; 计费计时精确到秒; 计费系统支持三个月的计费数据存储。 NMS服务器 一个网管服务器管理1024个用户;256用户并发登录; 一个网管服务器管理1024个全球眼设备; CMS服务器
CMS 在系统中的位置
VTDU 主要功能
系统功能 :设备注册 、穿越NAT功能 、异常重启恢复功
能 、码流中断通知 、时钟同步
码流转发功能 :分布式处理 、码流转发方式 、重传重组
网管功能 :获取VTDU设备属性 、系统状态监控 、码流
统计报告 、重启动 、码流中断通知 、软件升级功能 、异
• • • •
概述 系统结构 功能说明 容量
ULS AAA(3AS) 3AC User Login Server Authentication、Authorization、Accounting 3AS Client 用户登录服务器 认证、授权、计费服 务器 3AS客户端
VTDU:视频分发单元 NRS:视频存储单元
第1章概述 (3)1.1 建设背景 (3)1.2 建设目标 (3)1.3 建设原则 (3)第2章视频监控子系统 (5)2.1 系统架构 (5)2.2 前端设计 (6)2.2.1 前端结构设计 (6)2.2.2 适用场景设计 (6)2.2.3 IPC功能亮点 (7)第一章 (11)第二章 (11)2.1 (11)2.2 (11)2.3 监控中心设计 (11)2.3.1 系统结构设计 (11)2.3.2 存储部分 (11)2.3.3 解码拼控部分 (15)2.3.4 大屏显示部分 (21)第3章业务可视化子系统 (27)3.1 音视频采集 (27)3.1.1 办案场所视频采集 (27)3.1.2 执法信息采集 (31)3.2 存储方式设计 (35)3.2.1 存储架构设计 (35)3.2.2 存储容量计算 (36)3.2.3 存储设备推荐 (36)3.3 管理平台设计 (36)3.4 音视频资源库设计 (37)3.4.1 业务架构 (37)3.1 与警综系统(执法办案系统)对接 (39)第4章智能一卡通子系统 (40)4.1 门禁子系统 (40)4.1.1 系统架构 (40)4.1.2 前端设计 (41)4.1.3 传输网络设计 (43)4.1.4 管理中心设计 (44)4.1.5 系统功能 (44)4.1.6 系统优势 (48)4.2 考勤子系统 (49)4.2.1 系统架构 (49)4.2.2 系统功能 (50)4.2.3 系统优势 (51)4.3 电梯层控子系统 (52)4.3.1 系统架构 (52)4.3.2 系统功能 (54)4.3.3 系统优势 (55)4.4 巡查子系统 (55)4.4.1 系统架构 (55)4.4.2 系统功能 (56)4.4.3 系统优势 (57)4.5 消费子系统 (57)4.5.1 系统架构 (57)4.5.2 系统功能 (58)4.5.3 系统优势 (59)第5章报警子系统 (60)5.1 系统架构 (60)5.2 系统设计 (61)5.2.1 前端布点设计 (61)5.2.3 传输网络设计 (63)5.2.4 接处警中心设计 (63)5.3 系统功能 (64)5.4 系统优势 (65)第6章系统运维管理 (66)6.1 统一门户界面 (66)6.2 运维监控 (67)6.2.1 视频设备监控 (67)6.2.2 视频质量诊断 (67)6.3 告警中心 (68)6.3.1 告警阀值配置 (68)6.3.2 告警执行策略 (68)6.3.3 告警通知 (69)6.3.4 告警统一展现 (69)6.4 统计报表 (70)6.4.1 监控点视频诊断统计 (70)6.4.2 录像情况统计 (70)6.5 运维考核 (71)第7章管理平台软件 (72)第1章概述1.1建设背景公安机关执法办案音视频管理系统是指对公安机关执法办案过程中产生的音视频资料进行统一采集与管理的系统。
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网络复杂,如何整合PAGEREF _Toc478061468 \h 8HYPERLINK \l "_Toc478061469" 2.3.2 品牌众多,如何接入PAGEREF _Toc478061469 \h 8HYPERLINK \l "_Toc478061470" 2.3.3 安全隐患,如何规避PAGEREF _Toc478061470 \h 8HYPERLINK \l "_Toc478061471" 2.3.4 体量巨大,如何管理PAGEREF _Toc478061471 \h 8HYPERLINK \l "_Toc478061472" 第三章系统总体设计PAGEREF _Toc478061472 \h 9HYPERLINK \l "_Toc478061473" 3.1 设计理念PAGEREF _Toc478061473 \h 9HYPERLINK \l "_Toc478061474" 3.1.1 分级分类按需接入PAGEREF _Toc478061474 \h 9HYPERLINK \l "_Toc478061475" 3.1.2 可信可控安全联网PAGEREF _Toc478061475 \h 9HYPERLINK \l "_Toc478061476" 3.1.3 一机一档加强管控PAGEREF _Toc478061476 \h 10HYPERLINK \l "_Toc478061477" 3.1.4 资源共享惠民服务PAGEREF _Toc478061477 \h 10HYPERLINK \l "_Toc478061478" 3.2 总体架构PAGEREF _Toc478061478 \h 10HYPERLINK \l "_Toc478061479" 3.2.1 整体架构图PAGEREF_Toc478061479 \h 10HYPERLINK \l "_Toc478061480" 3.2.2 系统拓扑图PAGEREF_Toc478061480 \h 13HYPERLINK \l "_Toc478061481" 3.2.3 数据流向图PAGEREF_Toc478061481 \h 15HYPERLINK \l "_Toc478061482" 3.3 联网技术要求PAGEREF_Toc478061482 \h 15HYPERLINK \l "_Toc478061483" 3.3.1 通信协议结构PAGEREF_Toc478061483 \h 15HYPERLINK \l "_Toc478061484" 3.3.2 联网方式 PAGEREF _Toc478061484 \h 19HYPERLINK \l "_Toc478061485" 3.3.3 视音频编/解码及封装格式PAGEREF _Toc478061485 \h 21HYPERLINK \l "_Toc478061487" 3.3.4 统一寻址规则PAGEREF_Toc478061487 \h 22HYPERLINK \l "_Toc478061488" 3.3.5 转码要求 PAGEREF _Toc478061488 \h 25HYPERLINK \l "_Toc478061489" 第四章整合及汇聚接入建设PAGEREF _Toc478061489 \h 27HYPERLINK \l "_Toc478061490" 4.1 设计概述PAGEREF _Toc478061490 \h 27HYPERLINK \l "_Toc478061491" 4.2 社会视频资源分类 PAGEREF_Toc478061491 \h 27HYPERLINK \l "_Toc478061492" 4.2.1 按建设主体分类 PAGEREF_Toc478061492 \h 27HYPERLINK \l "_Toc478061493" 4.2.2 按行业属性分类 PAGEREF_Toc478061493 \h 28HYPERLINK \l "_Toc478061494" 4.2.3 按承载网络分类 PAGEREF_Toc478061494 \h 29HYPERLINK \l "_Toc478061495" 4.2.4 按技术架构分类 PAGEREF_Toc478061495 \h 30HYPERLINK \l "_Toc478061496" 4.3 网络传输链路整合 PAGEREF_Toc478061496 \h 31HYPERLINK \l "_Toc478061497" 4.3.1 互联网链路整合 PAGEREF_Toc478061497 \h 31HYPERLINK \l "_Toc478061498" 4.3.2 行业专网链路整合PAGEREF _Toc478061498 \h 35HYPERLINK \l "_Toc478061499" 4.3.3 社会资源接入网建设PAGEREF _Toc478061499 \h 36HYPERLINK \l "_Toc478061500" 4.4 社会视频资源接入 PAGEREF_Toc478061500 \h 41HYPERLINK \l "_Toc478061501" 4.4.1 监控设备接入PAGEREF_Toc478061501 \h 41HYPERLINK \l "_Toc478061502" 4.4.2 监控平台对接PAGEREF_Toc478061502 \h 44HYPERLINK \l "_Toc478061503" 4.5 视频存储备份设计 PAGEREF_Toc478061503 \h 47HYPERLINK \l "_Toc478061504" 4.5.1 常规存储要求PAGEREF_Toc478061504 \h 47HYPERLINK \l "_Toc478061505" 4.5.2 重要视频备份要求PAGEREF _Toc478061505 \h 47HYPERLINK \l "_Toc478061506" 4.5.3 视频存储容量估算PAGEREF _Toc478061506 \h 48HYPERLINK \l "_Toc478061507" 4.6 社会视频接入平台设计PAGEREF _Toc478061507 \h 48HYPERLINK \l "_Toc478061508" 4.6.1 平台架构 PAGEREF _Toc478061508 \h 49HYPERLINK \l "_Toc478061509" 4.6.2 平台技术路线PAGEREF_Toc478061509 \h 50HYPERLINK \l "_Toc478061510" 4.6.3 平台模块组成PAGEREF_Toc478061510 \h 51HYPERLINK \l "_Toc478061511" 4.6.4 平台业务功能PAGEREF_Toc478061511 \h 53HYPERLINK \l "_Toc478061512" 4.6.5 平台管理功能PAGEREF_Toc478061512 \h 63HYPERLINK \l "_Toc478061513" 4.6.6 平台运维功能PAGEREF_Toc478061513 \h 64HYPERLINK \l "_Toc478061515" 4.6.7 平台部署 PAGEREF _Toc478061515 \h 68HYPERLINK \l "_Toc478061516" 4.7 社会视频资源基础档案库设计PAGEREF _Toc478061516 \h 71HYPERLINK \l "_Toc478061517" 4.7.1 信息采集 PAGEREF _Toc478061517 \h 71HYPERLINK \l "_Toc478061518" 4.7.2 建档录入 PAGEREF _Toc478061518 \h 72HYPERLINK \l "_Toc478061519" 4.7.3 信息展示 PAGEREF _Toc478061519 \h 74HYPERLINK \l "_Toc478061520" 4.7.4 统计分析 PAGEREF _Toc478061520 \h 76HYPERLINK \l "_Toc478061521" 4.8 整合接入安全性设计PAGEREF _Toc478061521 \h 76HYPERLINK \l "_Toc478061522" 4.8.1 前端设备安全PAGEREF_Toc478061522 \h 77HYPERLINK \l "_Toc478061523" 4.8.2 网络边界安全PAGEREF_Toc478061523 \h 77HYPERLINK \l "_Toc478061526" 4.8.3 网络入侵防护PAGEREF_Toc478061526 \h 81HYPERLINK \l "_Toc478061527" 4.8.4 系统应用安全PAGEREF_Toc478061527 \h 85HYPERLINK \l "_Toc478061528" 第五章共享及惠民服务建设PAGEREF _Toc478061528 \h 86HYPERLINK \l "_Toc478061529" 5.1 设计概述PAGEREF _Toc478061529 \h 86HYPERLINK \l "_Toc478061530" 5.2 公安综合应用建设 PAGEREF_Toc478061530 \h 86HYPERLINK \l "_Toc478061531" 5.2.1 服务治安巡防工作PAGEREF _Toc478061531 \h 86HYPERLINK \l "_Toc478061532" 5.2.2 服务反恐维稳工作PAGEREF _Toc478061532 \h 86HYPERLINK \l "_Toc478061533" 5.2.3 服务指挥调度工作PAGEREF _Toc478061533 \h 87HYPERLINK \l "_Toc478061534" 5.2.4 服务侦查破案工作PAGEREF _Toc478061534 \h 87HYPERLINK \l "_Toc478061535" 5.2.5 服务社会管理工作PAGEREF _Toc478061535 \h 87HYPERLINK \l "_Toc478061536" 5.3 政府共享服务建设 PAGEREF_Toc478061536 \h 87HYPERLINK \l "_Toc478061537" 5.3.1 分类管理、分类应用PAGEREF _Toc478061537 \h 87HYPERLINK \l "_Toc478061538" 5.3.2 多部门联动资源共享PAGEREF _Toc478061538 \h 88HYPERLINK \l "_Toc478061539" 5.3.3 应急指挥、快速反应PAGEREF _Toc478061539 \h 88HYPERLINK \l "_Toc478061540" 5.4 视频惠民服务建设 PAGEREF_Toc478061540 \h 88HYPERLINK \l "_Toc478061541" 5.4.1 公共交通动态状况PAGEREF _Toc478061541 \h 88HYPERLINK \l "_Toc478061542" 5.4.2 校园安全可视监控PAGEREF _Toc478061542 \h 88HYPERLINK \l "_Toc478061543" 5.4.3 商家店铺动态监控PAGEREF _Toc478061543 \h 89HYPERLINK \l "_Toc478061544" 5.4.4 社区周边视频应用PAGEREF _Toc478061544 \h 89HYPERLINK \l "_Toc478061545" 5.5 平台服务接口PAGEREF_Toc478061545 \h 89HYPERLINK \l "_Toc478061546" 第六章核心设备介绍PAGEREF _Toc478061546 \h 91HYPERLINK \l "_Toc478061547" 6.1 安全接入盒子PAGEREF_Toc478061547 \h 91HYPERLINK \l "_Toc478061548" 6.2 社会资源接入终端 PAGEREF_Toc478061548 \h 92HYPERLINK \l "_Toc478061549" 6.3 安全接入网关PAGEREF_Toc478061549 \h 94HYPERLINK \l "_Toc478061550" 6.4 视频安全网闸PAGEREF_Toc478061550 \h 95HYPERLINK \l "_Toc478061551" 6.5 视频接入网关PAGEREF_Toc478061551 \h 97HYPERLINK \l "_Toc478061552" 6.6 联网网关PAGEREF _Toc478061552 \h 98HYPERLINK \l "_Toc478061553" 6.7 存储设备PAGEREF _Toc478061553 \h 99HYPERLINK \l "_Toc478061554" 第七章方案优势特点PAGEREF _Toc478061554 \h 101HYPERLINK \l "_Toc478061555" 7.1 多网络透明接入PAGEREF_Toc478061555 \h 101HYPERLINK \l "_Toc478061556" 7.2 多品牌无缝兼容PAGEREF_Toc478061556 \h 101HYPERLINK \l "_Toc478061557" 7.3 多措施安全联网PAGEREF_Toc478061557 \h 101HYPERLINK \l "_Toc478061558" 7.4 多服务共享惠民PAGEREF_Toc478061558 \h 101概述应用背景随着平安城市建设的不断推进和深入,我县视频监控点位的规模和覆盖范围日益扩大。
PVG网络视频管理平台发布时间: 2009-5-5 11:40:58PVG(Power Video Gateway)网络视频管理平台系统概述图像信息管理系统应用的目标,是需要实现类似于互联网应用对图像资源的随时获得和无限扩充。
PVG®网络视频管理平台符合SOA(Service-Oriented Architecture)体系结构,采用面向视频联网的分布式体系结构设计,应用目录分布式对象管理技术,将监控系统的设备和用户进行抽象和统一化处理,将业务流和控制流分离,构筑出类似于Internet的视频网络-视频互联网(Video Internet)。
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全域应用使能✓软硬件一体化✓新功能扩展困难✓现场配置✓本地维护✓硬件平台化✓软件APP化✓远程运维关键体验硬件平台化集中器APP台区环境监测APP配电变压器监测APP省网地市网APP APP APP容器容器容器容器APP业务数据管理数据省级物联管理平台国网总部物联管理平台目前问题应用使能物联管理平台支持各专业智能应用的快速迭代和远程升级,通过APP应用的部署扩展终端的业务功能范围,实现业务功能的灵活扩展。
核心功能模型管理设备管理连接管理规则引擎服务开放应用管理服务开放运维数据接口消息接口服务接口IOT Agent/LiteOS网关子设备注册网关子设备删除网关子设备上下线数据上报命令下发安全规则引擎规则管理数据解析数据转发场景关联模型管理连接管理协议适配接入网关安全认证设备管理应用管理产品模板导入导出远程同步模型校验设备实例设备影子状态监控边缘管理容器管理设备升级设备标签远程配置认证鉴权加密证书告警日志工作台配置监控应用升级应用监控模型描述了设备的属性、命令和对外提供服务能力,是物联网的基础。
Ua 、Ub 、Uc P 、QControl (Command )Dead Zone (Command )Ia 、Ib 、Ic属性和命令抽象……电压(数据上报)功率(数据上报)开关控制(命令下发)死区配置(命令下发)电流(数据上报)电力设备服务能力……Analog Discret 设备Service 归纳Ua 、Ub 、Uc Ia 、Ib 、Ic P 、Q DI 、DOCommandDead Zone CfgDevice Profile电力设备模型设计物联管理平台电力设备快速建模Analog Discrete Accumulate Freeze EventElectrical_Energ yParameter Command ……模型管理产品模板导入导出远程同步模型校验连接管理通过适配接入设备协议的多样性,屏蔽设备差异;基于安全的数据通道完成终端设备数据的采集、转发。
CoAP物联管理平台联接管理协议适配接入网关安全认证设备管理…MQTT网关IP化HPLC&RF RS485IoT Agent…命令下发数据上报HPLC协议转换进线开关局放智能漏报分布光伏智能电表RFID 边缘物联网关协议适配接入网关安全认证●MQTT●CoAP●HTTPS●WebSocket●数据模型●数据采集●数据转发●弹性扩容●一机一密/一型一密●CA证书认证●TLS\DTLS安全传输●JT/T 808核心功能三:设备管理设备管理功能提供统一的设备创建,设备基础信息管理、设备状态监控、边缘管理、远程配置等,允许用户对接入物联网平台的设备进行查看、禁用/启用操作等。
企业中台数据中台数据分类上报应用内部业务外部业务命令下发数据分类上报连接管理设备管理模型管理服务开放API 开放消息开放数据开放应用管理规则引擎数据开放API 开放消息开放●支持多种数据库●灵活调度●数据安全防护●设备管理和业务逻辑●业务编排能力●接入安全●支持分步式消息●通用消息组件●接入安全核心功能六:应用管理在国网的应用管理体系内,构建应用管理平台,实现应用从开发、测试、发布、使用、退出的全生命周期的管理机制和技术支撑体系。
地市电力公司提出需求APP 应用中心物联管理平台边缘物联代理APP1APP2容器IoT AgentXX 检测机构APP1APP2APP 安装APP 更新APP 下载安装APP 文件APP 开发测试申请APP 检测APP 运行状态上报APP 运行状态监控APP 发布软件公司对外:构建APP Store 平台,实现APP 检测、发布、运维、升级等对内:应用按需配置,实时下发技术优势一:自主可控服务器泰山服务器操作系统数据库负载均衡消息中间件ELB其他ELK 证书管理欧拉操作系统华为物联网管理平台可兼容ARM 服务器和X86服务器,其中ARM 服务器不受他国出口管制限制;所有组件均为开源或自研,开源组件符合知识产权要求,均进行了针对性的深度适配和加固,性能、可靠性、安全更有优势,具备快速解决问题的能力;技术优势二:松耦合⏹物联网平台与硬件解耦:支持X86、ARM等服务器⏹物联网平台与云平台解耦:支持在SuSE、欧拉操作系统部署;SuSE、欧拉操作系统已与微软、AWS,Vmware,天翼云、华为云、腾讯云等主流云平台完成部署⏹物联网平台与数据库解耦:平台内部使用GaussDB、MySQL等数据库,外部对接多种数据库,包括:Oracle、MySQL、SQLServer、PostgreSQL、MongoDB、FI Kafka、FI Hive、FI MPPDB、FI HDFS、Redis、Kafka等技术优势三:满足全球最高安全标准终端安全传输安全物管平台安全应用安全GDPR :欧盟通用数据保护条例,法国雪铁龙集团物联网项目交付实践;终端安全管理●终端配置管理、安全参数更新●一键式网关日志收集●终端软件和固件升级(安全补丁)安全接入与防攻击●终端接入认证和鉴权●应用层认证、加密、完保●物联网协议防攻击●异常终端隔离(冻结)●IPSEC VPN ●专线●TLS ●DTLS ●SSH系统加固●最小化安全●目录和文件权限管理●进程权限控制●内核参数调整●账户密码策略组网安全●安全组/ACL●内外部组网隔离、业务和管理组网隔离●WAF/anti-DDOS/IDS ●跳板机安全管理●账户管理、授权、鉴权●密码策略●日志管理●APP 接入认证和鉴权●流控(SP/应用)●API 日志●Web 安全框架●浏览器指纹●双因子认证●数据收集最小化●个人数据声明●敏感数据加密●密钥管理●访问控制●匿名处理●安全传输●备份和容灾●老化删除●用户销户删除●存留期管理运行环境安全●软件包数字签名与校验●虚拟机/容器/插件隔离●HIDS●共享密钥认证(PSK )●证书认证、证书管理NA 对接安全SP portal 接入安全不同租户应用/数据隔离●访问控制●数据逻辑隔离自身安全(合作伙伴能力)•系统加固•软件包数字签名•安全管理•近场协议安全华为物联管理平台采用集群负载均衡模式,支撑海量终端设备接入时的负荷分担,以及平台的平滑扩容。
负载均衡服务开放负载均衡核心服务服务开放接入负载均衡负载均衡核心服务1核心服务2核心服务N…消息接口数据接口服务接口核心服务3AZ2AZ1LVS/NGNIXLVS/NGNIX SRVSRV ETCD kafkaKafkaGaussDBGaussDBPortal1GRManager GRManager GRManager GRManagerGRManager GRManagerETCD ETCD ETCD ETCDEIP/ELBAPIGW APIGW 同步SRV SRV SRV SRV APIGW APIGW APIGW APIGW GaussDB GaussDB Portal2LBSRVDBLBSRVDBIP1-私网IP2-私网LVS/NGNIXLVS/NGNIX 内部发起服务内部发起服务LVS/NGNIXLVS/NGNIX主备心跳检测服务器采用主备双机或集群方式部署服务实例采用集群方式运行 物联管理平台支持两地三中心主备容灾支持优先级调度,入口流量限速、数据加密和号码屏蔽N+M 虚拟机用于需要将负荷分担的一组服务部署在多个虚拟机中。
高可靠目录1234平台定位产品介绍华为实践未来展望华为公司物联网的定位和战略定位平台的搭建者生态的推动者连接的创新者战略平台战略连接战略生态战略和合作伙伴共建健康物联网生态,共同发布多样化的垂直行业解决方案搭建公私云统一的物联网平台,提供全球化的物联网服务有线、无线多种接入方式,满足多场景客户需求华为在物联网领域长线投资3300 研发和设计人员投入无线1,200物联网操作系统LiteOS 300物联网平台600边缘计算网关800物联网解决方案300物联网标准和协会100华为物联网落地众多行业华为积极布局垂直行业物联管理50 +行业覆盖物联网平台构建丰富的行业生态1000+企业规模商用50,000+开发者3000+合作伙伴快照2018-10-07 下午11.47.09屏幕照2018-10-07 下午11.53.14屏幕照2018-10-07 下午11.47.09屏幕照2018-10-07 下午11.47.09消防市政环保车联网交通园区水务燃气路灯停车物流农业电力物联网标准组织的领导者•华为是世界级标准(oneM2M 、3GPP 、IETF 、IEEE )的核心贡献者,处于世界标准第一阵营;•华为承担了30+标准组织的领导职位;•华为支持IEEE P2815 智能配变终端技术规范指南立项,为国网公司在泛在电力物联网的首个国际标准。