







(×)5.一定量的气体,从始态A变化到终态B,体系吸收100 J的热量,对外作功200 J,这不符合热力学第一定律。






(×)10.在一个容器中:H2(g)+Cl2(g) = 2HCl(g)。


(×)11.稳定单质在298.15 K时,标准摩尔生成焓和标准摩尔熵均为零。

(×)12.标准状态规定的压力为101.325 kPa。

(×)13.因为ΔU=Q p,ΔH=Q V,所以Q p、Q V是特定条件下的状态函数。


(×)15.反应Na(s) + 1/2 Cl2 (g) = NaCl (s)的标准摩尔反应焓Δr H mθ等于NaCl (s)的标准摩尔生成焓。

(√)16.CaCO3在常温下不分解,是因为其分解反应是吸热反应;在高温( T > 1173K )下分解,是因为此时放热。

(×)17.在刚性密闭容器中,有下列理想气体的反应达到平衡:A(g)+B(g)=C(g) ,若在恒温下加入一定量的惰性气体,则平衡将不移动。























































期末复习1 答案一、单选题1、能够引起经济法律关系发生、变更和终止的人们有意识的活动,称为( D )。

A、经济行为B、法律事实C、法律事件D、法律行为2、根据合伙企业法律制度的规定,普通合伙企业的合伙协议未约定合伙人之间利润分配和亏损分担比例的,其利润分配和亏损分担的原则是( A )。


其中,丙以房产出资30 万元。


后查明,丙作为出资的房产仅值20 万元,丙现有可执行的个人财产 6 万元。

下列处理方式中,符合公司法规定的是( B )。


甲方在交货前发现乙方经营状况严重恶化,根据《中华人民共和国合同法》的规定,甲方( C )。

A、可行使同时履行抗辩权B、可行使后履行抗辩权C、可行使不安抗辩权D、可解除合同5、甲公司从乙农场购入10 头种牛,乙农场违约,将部分带有传染病的种牛交付责任与侵权责任竞合时,甲公司要求乙农场承担责任的方式是( D )。

A、只能要求乙农场承担违约责任B、只能要求乙农场承担侵权责任C、要求乙农场既承担违约责任又承担侵权责任D、在违约责任或侵权责任中选择其一要求乙农场承担6、下列说法正确的是( D )。

A、子公司不具有独立的法律地位,其所产生的法律责任由母公司承担B、分公司具有独立的法律地位,可以独立承担法律责任C、子公司与分公司均不具有独立的法律地位,他们所产生的责任分别由母公司和总公司承担D、母公司和子公司都是独立的法人,各自独立承担法律责任7、甲、乙、丙分别按50% 、40% 、10% 的比例以个人财产出资创办一家普通合伙企业,后因经营不善,企业对外负债10 万元,而企业全部资产仅 5 万元,现债权人丁要求偿还10 万元,依照法律,此10 万元债务应( C )。















()答案:错误( 13)弯道环流原理都应用在有坝引水枢纽中。

( )答案:错误(14)无坝取水口一般设置在河道的凸岸。

( )答案:错误(15)坝基设有防渗帷幕和排水幕的实体重力坝,可以减少坝基面上的浮托力。

( )答案:错误(16)拱圈中心角2At增加对稳定有利,对应力不利。

()答案:错误( 17)泄水隧洞的线路选择是确定一条隧洞长度最小的路线。

( )答案:错误( 18 )枢纽布置就是将枢纽建筑物紧凑地布置在一起。

( )答案:错误( 19 )挡水建筑物的作用:是拦截河流,形成水库或雍高水位。


( ) 答案:正确( 20)重力坝的工作原理是在水压力及其它荷载的作用下,主要依靠坝体自身重量产生的抗滑力来满足稳定的要求答案:正确单项选择题( 1 )土坝坝体由于不均匀沉降而产生( )a、纵缝;b、横缝;c、水平缝;d、竖向裂缝。



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茶文化期末复习题库及参考答案一、单项选择题1.“茶之为饮,发乎神农氏,闻于鲁周公”出自哪部茶学专着A.大观茶论B.茶经C.茶录D.茶述答案:B2.中国茶文化的第一个高峰是在哪个朝代A.唐代B.宋代C.元代D.明代答案:A3.清神、全真是哪位茶人提出的茶道功用A.皎然B.卢仝C.陆羽D.赵佶答案:A4.大观茶论的作者是谁A.赵佶B.李白C.神农氏D.陆羽答案:A5.文学史上第一篇以茶为题材的散文是A.孙楚的出歌B.西晋杜育的荈赋C.王微的杂诗D.晋宋时期的搜神记答案:B6.神农百草中记载了神农尝百草中毒,吃了一种植物得以解毒,这种植物是A.北沙参B.莲子C.茶叶D.金银花答案:C7.“罢造龙团,唯采茶芽以进”是历史上哪位皇帝提出的A.朱元璋B.赵佶C.朱棣D.乾隆答案:A8.“清、敬、怡、真”的茶精神思想是以下哪位学者提出的主要观点A.陈文华B.林治C.周渝D.吴振铎答案:D9.一碗喉吻润,两碗破孤闷;三碗搜枯肠,唯有文字五千卷;以上文字出自哪首茶诗A.走笔谢孟谏议寄新茶B.谢木韫之舍人赐茶C.饮茶歌诮崔石使君D.一字至七字诗茶答案:A10.“其性精清,其味淡洁,其用涤烦,其功致和;”出自哪部茶学着作A.大观茶论B.茶经C.茶述D.茶录答案:C11.饮茶历史上一个重要的变革,由烹煮饮茶法,变成了清饮泡茶法的时期是A.明清时期B.唐朝D.元朝答案:A12.茶字是由哪个汉字演变出来的呢A.荼B.槚C.茗D.茶答案:A13.茶字萌芽于哪个朝代A.隋朝B.汉朝C.唐朝D.明朝答案:B14.以下不属于乌龙茶的选项是A.大红袍B.铁观音C.大叶乌龙D.正山小种答案:D15.茶字确定于哪个朝代B.汉朝C.唐朝D.明朝答案:C16.煮茶法的形成与是在下列哪个朝代A.隋朝B.汉朝C.唐朝D.明朝答案:C17.黄茶的最大特点是A.黄汤黄叶B.高香持久C.绿叶红镶边D.汤色清亮答案:A18.哪个国家是世界上最早发现茶树和利用茶树的国家A.日本B.韩国C.英国D.中国19.下列几种茶中哪种不属于“世界知名”四大红茶A.印度阿萨姆红茶B.祁门红茶C.正山小种D.斯里兰卡高地红茶答案:C20.俗称的乌龙茶是哪一类茶A.青茶B.黄茶C.绿茶D.花茶答案:A21.黑茶的干茶颜色是A.纯黑色B.深褐绿色C.灰色D.紫黑色答案:B22.哪一类茶叶最先产生A.红茶B.绿茶D.黑茶答案:B23.茶叶最初的利用方式是A.药用B.食用C.饮用D.药食同源答案:A24.白茶最初是怎样形成的A.绿茶制作失误形成的B.发酵过度C.发酵过轻D.偶然发现的白叶茶树采摘而成的茶答案:D25.铁观音的故乡是哪里A.安徽B.安溪C.安阳D.鞍山答案:B26.藏族同胞特色调饮饮茶方式是B.奶茶C.酥油茶D.盐茶答案:C27.下列哪位历史人物与酥油茶有着重大关系呢A.太平公主B.文成公主C.王昭君D.赵飞燕答案:B28.高档绿茶,特别是芽叶细嫩的名茶,适用多少度水温冲泡B.沸水度左右度左右答案:C29.哪一个朝代紫砂茶具开始出现的呢A.秦朝B.魏晋南北朝C.宋朝D.唐朝30.下列哪项不属于泡茶三要素A.茶叶用量B.泡茶水温C.冲泡时间D.茶壶质地答案:D31.我们日常饮用绿茶适合用什么器皿A.塑料杯B.金杯C.铁碗D.玻璃杯答案:D32.擂茶是哪一类人的特色饮茶方式A.客家人B.傣族人C.锡伯族人D.藏族人答案:A33.白族特色的调饮饮茶方式是A.三道茶B.奶茶D.盐茶答案:A34.我们常说的饮茶方式除了清饮还有哪种A.调饮B.煮茶C.煎茶D.吃茶答案:A35.在哪一时期的陶瓷茶具明显取代了过去的金属、玉制茶具A.秦朝B.魏晋时期C.唐宋时期D.明清时期答案:C36.现今饮茶取水要点中,下列选项说的不正确的是A.泡茶用水最好要“活”B.泡茶用水最好要“甘”C.泡茶用水最好要“清”D.泡茶用水最好要是南零泉水答案:D37.乌龙茶适用多少度水温冲泡度左右度左右答案:A38.茶马古道最初的主要作用在于哪一方面A.运送丝绸B.运送大米C.茶马互易D.运送金银答案:C39.茶马古道有几条主线条条条D.很多条答案:B40.文成公主与下列选项中哪项最为紧密A.奶茶B.酥油茶C.红茶D.青茶41.古代的茶税和榷茶最初始于哪个朝代A.秦朝B.南北朝C.明朝D.唐朝答案:D42.鸦片战争与哪种茶叶有着千丝万缕的联系A.红茶B.黄茶C.绿茶D.黑茶答案:A43.诗人朱星诸所题六言诗一首:“洛下备罗案上,松陵兼列径中,总待新泉治火,相从栩栩清风;”下列画中题了此诗的是哪一幅A.萧翼赚兰亭图B.山窗清供C.事茗图D.调琴啜茗图卷答案:B44.下列选项中不属于大观茶论概括的茶道精神是B.致清C.导和D.修身答案:D45.下列选项中,描述唐太宗为了得到晋代书法家王羲之写的书法真迹,派谋士萧翼从辩才和尚手中骗取真迹的故事的着名茶画是哪一幅A.萧翼赚兰亭图B.山窗清供C.事茗图D.调琴啜茗图卷答案:A46.首次在诗中提出“茶道”一词的作者是谁A.陆羽B.神农氏C.皎然D.李白答案:C47.七碗茶歌的作者是谁A.卢仝B.李白C.李商隐答案:A48.我国乃至世界现存最早、最完整、最全面介绍茶的第一部专着是什么A.大观茶论B.神农本草C.茶经D.天工开物答案:C49.历史上有名的宝塔茶诗的作者是诗中提到“茶,香叶,嫩芽,慕诗客,爱僧家;”A.李白B.白居易C.卢仝D.元稹答案:D50.被誉为"茶叶百科全书"的着作是哪一部A.大观茶论B.茶经C.齐民要术D.梦溪笔谈答案:B51.山窗清供的作者是谁A.朱星诸C.薛怀D.皎然答案:C52.唐伯虎自作题诗:“日常何所事茗碗自矜持;料得南窗下,清风满鬓丝;”的画是哪一幅A.兰亭序B.山窗清供C.事茗图D.调琴啜茗图卷答案:C53.“君不见,昔时李生好客手自煎,贵从活火发新泉”这首诗出自苏轼的哪首诗呢A.行香子B.水调歌头C.次韵曹辅寄壑源试焙新芽D.试院煎茶答案:D54.周昉是唐代着名仕女画家,擅长表现贵族妇女、肖像和佛像,下列作品中哪一个是其所画的与茶有关的画作A.调琴啜茗图卷B.簪花仕女图C.执扇仕女图D.仕女图答案:A55.大观茶论的作者是谁A.宋徽宗B.明太祖C.陆羽D.皎然答案:A56.我国历史上唯一由皇帝撰写的茶书是哪一部A.神农本草B.大观茶论C.周易D.荈赋答案:B57.茶经的作者是谁A.宋徽宗B.明太祖C.陆羽D.皎然答案:C58.陈韵是指经过陈化处理的哪种茶所产生出来的独特韵味B.毛尖C.普洱茶D.乌龙茶答案:C59.黄山毛峰茶所透出的茶韵是什么A.岩韵B.幽韵C.冷韵D.雅韵答案:C60.“岩韵”是指乌龙茶中的哪一茶种所具有的醇厚的感觉A.岭头单枞B.武夷岩茶C.罗汉沉香D.奇兰答案:B61.茶韵中的韵味是按照什么而分的A.气味B.味道C.形状D.茶叶的特质62.午子绿茶的茶韵是什么A.幽韵B.雅韵C.冷韵D.岩韵答案:A63."东方美人茶"实际上是下列哪种茶A.白毫乌龙茶B.冻顶乌龙茶C.安徽铁观音D.普洱茶答案:A64.茶韵中有音韵、岩韵、雅韵、冷韵、幽韵与A.陈韵B.香韵C.味韵D.形韵答案:A65.茶韵中音韵是指什么A.茶叶的声音B.泡茶的声音C.铁观音的观音韵D.乌龙茶的韵味答案:C66.苏轼次韵曹辅寄壑源试焙新芽中的仙山灵草湿行云,其中灵草是指什么A.茶芽B.灵芝C.金银花D.野菊花答案:A67.西湖龙井的独特韵味是什么A.香韵B.冷韵C.形韵D.雅韵答案:D68.自从哪个朝代开始,茶礼被引入了老百姓的日常生活之中A.唐朝B.宋朝C.明清D.当代答案:C69.荣西禅师写了一本茶学着作,是以下哪一部呢A.茶养生记B.茶录C.茶述D.问茶答案:A70.以下与茶相关的养生思想,哪一项不属于道家提出的呢A.尊人B.虚无C.贵生D.无己答案:B71.哪位古代茶人茶性的体验为“其性精清,其味淡洁,其用涤烦,其力致和”A.赵佶B.陆羽C.裴汶D.皎然答案:C72.下列哪个选项不属于佛教认为的茶的三德呢A.提神B.有益静思C.帮助消化D.让人忘记凡尘一切73.下列选项中,那一项是道家为了要在茶道达到“至虚极,守静笃”的境界而提出的致静法门A.尊人B.贵生C.坐忘D.无己答案:C74.茶道一词是由谁首先提出来的A.皎然B.陆羽C.卢仝D.荣西禅师答案:A75.中国茶道强调“道法自然”,包含了哪三个层次A.物质、行为、精神B.自身、他人、社会C.天、地、人D.你、我、他答案:A76.第一位把中国禅宗茶理带到日本的僧人是谁A.玄奘C.皎然D.荣西禅师答案:D77.第一个从中国学习饮茶,把茶种带到日本的人是谁A.玄奘B.最澄C.郑和D.皎然答案:B78.中华民族的“国饮”是指A.水B.酒C.牛奶D.茶答案:D79.红茶在哪一时期传入英国世纪世纪世纪世纪答案:A80.茶与茶文化向国外传播,最早可以追溯到什么时期A.公元三至四世纪B.公元四至五世纪C.公元五至六世纪D.公元六至七世纪答案:B81.我国近代的茶文化复苏是在哪一时期A.上个世纪八十年代B.上个世纪九十年代C.上个世纪七十年代D.上个世纪六十年代答案:A82.十世纪时,蒙古商队来华从事贸易时,将中国砖茶从中国经西伯利亚带至哪一地区A.美洲B.欧洲C.西亚D.中亚答案:D83.现在哪个国家是世界上产茶量最多的国家A.中国B.日本C.印度D.美国答案:B84.极富盛名的日本茶道源于哪里A.中国B.阿根廷C.印度D.英国答案:A85.日本正宗茶道是谁创立的呢,并提出“和静清寂”的茶道精神A.最澄B.千利休C.荣西禅师D.陆羽答案:B86.现在的日本茶道分为两种,一种是煎茶道,另一种是A.煮茶道B.点茶道C.抹茶道D.蒸青茶道答案:C87.世界三大饮料是指A.咖啡、可可、茶B.咖啡、可乐、牛奶C.茶、可乐、牛奶D.茶、纯净水、牛奶答案:A二、多项选择题88.中国的茶道精神融合了哪些文化之精髓A.伊斯兰教文化B.儒家文化C.道家文化D.佛家文化答案:BCD89.饮茶的起源到目前为止仍然是众说纷纭,大致说来,有哪几种观点A.三国说B.先秦说C.西汉说D.魏晋说答案:ABCD90.自茶被饮用之后,也就开启了茶文化的历史,两晋南北朝是茶文化酝酿形成时期,此后,经历了哪几个发展阶段呢A.隋唐五代B.宋代D.当代答案:ABCD91.以下选项哪些不属于我们常说的六大茶类A.黄茶B.灰茶C.白茶D.花茶答案:BD92.以下哪些选项体现了大观茶论中强调茶的精神和美学A.清B.和C.烈D.韵答案:ABD93.下列文献哪部提到了茶A.娇女诗B.杂诗C.荈赋D.出歌答案:ABCD94.以下属于乌龙茶的选项是B.铁观音C.大叶乌龙D.正山小种答案:ABC95.茶叶的利用经历了哪几个阶段A.粥茶法B.饼茶煮茶法C.研膏团茶点茶法D.散茶泡茶法答案:ABCD96.下列选项中属于茶的别称的是哪些A.槚B.蔎C.茗D.荈答案:ABCD97.下列几种茶中哪种属于“世界知名”四大红茶A.印度阿萨姆红茶B.祁门红茶C.大吉岭红茶D.斯里兰卡高地红茶98.下列选项与鸦片战争有关的是A.茶叶B.鸦片C.丝绸D.大米答案:AB99.泡茶三要素有哪些A.茶叶用量B.泡茶水温C.冲泡时间D.茶壶质地答案:ABC100.白族三道茶中的“三道”分别是指什么A.“苦茶”B.“糖茶”C.“回味茶”D.“得道茶”答案:ABC101.紫砂茶具泡茶特点是什么A.有特殊的香味B.泡茶无熟汤味C.能保真香D.传热慢不烫手答案:BCD102.现今饮茶取水要点中,下列选项施法正确的是A.泡茶用水最好要“活”B.泡茶用水最好要“甘”C.泡茶用水最好要“清”D.泡茶用水最好要“轻”答案:ABCD103.我们常说的饮茶方式有哪几种A.清饮B.调饮C.煮茶D.煎茶答案:AB104.竹筒香茶是哪几家少数民族习惯的饮茶方式A.傣族B.藏族C.拉祜族D.壮族答案:AC105.通过茶马古道运送的货物有哪些A.茶叶B.马匹C.内地土特产D.布匹、五金、日用百货等答案:ABCD106.下列选项中能够体现茶马古道的历史意义的是A.茶马古道带动了藏区社会经济的发展B.茶马古道促进了藏区社会的城镇化发展C.茶马古道促进了藏族与汉族及其他民族的文化交流D.茶马古道扩张了内地的领土面积答案:ABC107.下列哪个朝代涉及到了茶税A.唐代B.秦朝C.元朝D.明朝答案:ACD108.下列选项中大观茶论概括的茶道精神是A.致静B.致清C.导和D.韵高答案:ABCD109.下列艺术作品中,与茶有关的是A.萧翼赚兰亭图B.山窗清供C.事茗图D.仕女图答案:ABC110.下列诗中,哪首写到了茶A.走笔谢梦谏议寄新茶B.饮茶歌诮崔石使君C.寒夜D.试院煎茶答案:ABCD111.茶经的特点以下有哪些A.世界现存最早介绍茶的专着B.世界现存最全面介绍茶的专着C.世界现存最完整介绍茶的专着D.从养生角度介绍茶的专着答案:ABC112.明代突出的茶艺思想有哪些A.主张茶禅一味B.主张契合自然,茶与山水、天地、宇宙交融C.茶人友爱、和谐的思想深深影响各阶层民众D.茶不是一种大众化的饮品,而是一种高雅的情怀答案:BC113.下列选项中属于茶韵的是A.陈韵B.香韵C.音韵D.雅韵答案:ACD114.下列与东方美人茶有关的是A.小绿叶蝉B.祁门红茶C.英国维多利亚女王D.膨风茶答案:ACD115.西湖龙井的雅韵是指A.色绿B.香郁C.味甘D.形美答案:ABCD116.道家提出的与茶相关的养生思想有哪些A.尊人B.虚无C.贵生D.无己答案:ACD117.中国茶道强调“道法自然”,包含了哪三个层次A.物质B.行为C.天地D.精神答案:ABD118.下列哪个选项属于佛教所指的茶的三德A.提神B.有益静思C.帮助消化D.让人忘记凡尘一切答案:ABC119.唐朝时茶人裴汶对茶性的总结有哪些A.其性精清B.其味淡洁C.其用涤烦D.其功致和120.世界三大饮料是指哪些饮品A.牛奶B.咖啡C.可可D.茶答案:BCD121.千利休创立了日本正宗茶道,他提出了怎样的茶道精神A.清B.静C.和D.寂答案:ABCD122.现在的日本茶道分为两种,分别是A.煮茶道B.点茶道C.抹茶道D.煎茶道答案:CD三、判断题123.晋宋时期的搜神记、神异记等志怪小说集、孙楚的出歌、张载的登成都白菟楼、左思的娇女诗、王微的杂诗是早期的涉茶诗;124.大观茶论的作者是宋徽宗赵佶;答案:正确125.陆羽是中华茶道的开拓者之一,他饮茶歌诮崔石使君诗中提出:“一饮涤昏寐”,“再饮清我神”,“三饮便得道”,“此物清高世莫知,世人饮酒徒自欺”,“孰知茶道全尔真,唯有丹丘得如此”;答案:错误126.明清时代出现了一个饮茶文化的巨大变革,那就是从唐宋时代的烹煮饮茶法,变成了清饮泡茶法;答案:正确127.现今流行的六大茶类都是在唐朝基本形成的;答案:错误128.张载的登成都白菟楼是文学史上第一篇以茶为题材的散文;答案:错误129.茶一开始是被人们食用的,饮用在食用的基础上形成,茶的利用方式也就是饮用和食用;答案:错误130.七碗茶诗的作者是唐代诗僧皎然;答案:错误131.唐代裴汶茶经指出:“其性精清,其味淡洁,其用涤烦,其功致和;”清、淡、和是茶的品性和功用;答案:错误132.饮茶的起源到目前为止仍然是众说纷纭,大致说来,有先秦说、西汉说、三国说、魏晋说;答案:正确133.我们现在所喝的白茶,是指偶然发现的白叶茶树采摘而成的茶;答案:错误134.乌龙茶,又称为青茶,是半发酵茶类的总称;青茶介于绿茶、红茶之间,先是红茶制法,再按绿茶制法,从而形成了青茶制法;答案:错误135.煮茶法的形成与流行是在唐代,茶开始走进寻常百姓,饮茶不再是官宦贵族的特权专享;答案:正确136.在明代之前,人们生产制作的茶全部是红茶,其他的几类茶均是在红茶之后产生的;答案:错误137.我国是世界上最早发现茶树和利用茶树的国家,茶树最早原产于中国的云南和中原地区;其中云南的一株,树龄已达1700年左右;答案:错误138.在制茶的过程中,人们通过不同的制造工艺,制成各类色、香、味、形品质特征不同的六大茶类,即绿茶、黄茶、花茶、白茶、红茶、青茶;答案:错误139.现在的茶字,萌芽于汉代,确定于唐代;它是由荼字演变儿来的,荼字此前身兼二职,即指一种野菜,又指茶叶;答案:正确140.茶最初的利用方式主要是药用和食用;当时人们是生嚼茶叶来解毒治病;答案:正确141.青茶与鸦片战争的爆发有着重要关联;答案:错误142.在唐代,煮茶法逐渐过渡到点茶法;人们逐渐重视茶叶原有的色香味,调味品逐渐减少;出现了用蒸青法制成的散茶,茶类生产由茶饼为主趋向以散茶为主;答案:错误143.我国的不同地区、不同民族有着不同的饮茶习俗,其中比较着名的还有客家擂茶;擂茶是中国茶文化中一种较古老的吃茶方法;答案:正确144.以饮茶时是否添加其他佐料来区分的话,就只有两种饮用方式:即”清饮法”和”调饮法”;答案:正确145.泡茶用水最好选“活”、”甘”、”清”、”轻”之水,就是说水品为活水,水味要甘甜,水质要清净,水质为软水;答案:正确146.白族三道茶的第一道茶为“清甜之茶”,它寓意是客人进门要先尝茶之“清甜”;答案:错误147.泡茶三要素:第一是茶叶用量,第二是泡茶水温,第三是冲泡时间;答案:正确148.明清时期,陶瓷茶具明显取代过去的金属、玉制茶具,这与明清陶瓷工艺生产的发展直接有关;答案:错误149.喝酥油茶是藏族同胞一种独特的风俗;藏族同胞有句俗语说的好,宁可三日无粮,不可一日无茶;答案:正确150.“茶性必发于水,八分之茶,遇十分之水,茶亦十分矣;八分之水,试十分之茶,茶只八分耳;”这是张大复在梅花草堂笔谈提到的;答案:正确151.泡饮时,取茶叶入茶壶、茶杯,开水冲泡,留下茶渣不食,进入完全的”调饮法”;而清代则更加普及和发展了调饮法;答案:错误152.紫砂茶具由陶器发展而成,属陶器茶具的一种;紫砂茶具起始于秦,盛于明清,流传至今;答案:错误153.文成公主进藏和亲不但让唐、吐蕃两个王朝保持了一百年的和平、给吐蕃带去了先进的生产方式;还是茶叶历史上的一次重要传播;答案:正确154.茶马古道的线路有且只有一条,现在我们已经无法看到其往日的光辉了;答案:错误155.鸦片战争与绿茶有着非常重要的历史渊源;答案:错误156.所谓茶马古道,实际上就是一条地道的马帮之路,只限于茶马互易;答案:错误157.古代的茶税和榷茶茶叶专卖始自唐代;公元780年,唐朝为了平息兵变,增加军饷,开始对茶征税,这是中国历史上最早的茶税;答案:正确158.对于藏族与汉族和其他民族的文化交流,茶马古道功不可没;茶马贸易的兴起使大量藏区商旅、贡使有机会深入祖国内地;同时,藏传佛教也是伴随着茶马古道的千年历程逐渐向内地渗透;答案:正确159.调琴啜茗图卷,为宋代的周昉所画,周昉是宋代着名仕女画家,擅长表现贵族妇女、肖像和佛像;宋代饮茶之风已相当普及,从此画中的仕女听琴品茗可以反映出宋代茶饮之风的流行,说明品饮茗茶已成为当时贵族风雅生活的一部分;答案:错误160.宋代诗人杜耒的有首名诗寒夜,把寒夜饮茶的境界做了精到独绝的描述;答案:正确161.茶经被誉为“茶叶百科全书”,是唐代陆羽所着,公元780年问世;此书奠定了中国茶道文化的基础,陆羽也因此被后世誉为茶圣;答案:正确162.明代的茶艺思想,有两个突出特点:一是哲学思想加深,主张契合自然,茶与山水、天地、宇宙交融;二是民间俗饮不断发展,茶人友爱、和谐的思想深深影响各阶层民众;答案:正确163.宋徽宗时期,茶文化兴盛,宋徽宗本人不仅嗜茶、爱茶,还对茶学有很深入的研究,并亲自他撰写了大观茶论,这是我国历史上唯一由皇帝撰写的茶书;答案:正确164.唐代阎立本所绘的萧翼赚兰亭图,画面描述的就是唐太宗为了得到晋代书法家王羲之写的兰亭序,派谋士萧翼从辩才和尚手中骗取真迹的故事;答案:正确165.茶经极有见地,他在序中写道:“至若茶之为物,擅瓯闽之秀气,钟山川之灵禀,祛襟涤滞,致清导和,则非庸人孺子可得而知矣;中澹闲洁,韵高致静,则非遑遽之时可得而好尚矣;”答案:错误166.唐代诗人元稹,与白居易交好,常常以诗唱和,所以人称“元白”;元稹有一首宝塔茶诗,题名一字至七字诗茶;答案:正确167.大观茶论是中国第一部系统地总结唐代及唐代以前有关茶事的综合性茶业着作,是中国古代最完备的一部茶书;答案:错误168.“我今贫病长苦饥,分无玉碗捧蛾眉;且学公家作茗饮,砖炉石铫行相随;”是李白在试院煎茶中描绘的诗句;答案:错误169.历代茶诗中,最为出名的当属唐代卢仝的饮茶歌诮崔石使君,和皎然的走笔谢梦谏议寄新茶又称七碗茶诗;答案:错误170.唐伯虎一生爱茶,与茶结下不解之缘;他爱茶,喝茶写茶画茶,事茗图是他茶画中一幅体现明代茶文化的名作;答案:正确171.宋徽宗从文化角度对茶道精神进行了高度概括,并把茶道精神概括为“致清、导和、韵高、致静”八个字,较为全面而准确地揭示了中国茶道精神的本质,茶道精神也是他在我国历史上首次提出的;答案:错误172.卢仝,唐代诗人,号玉川子,济源今河南人;卢仝一生爱茶成癖,被后人尊为茶中亚圣;答案:正确173.清代画家朱星诸的山窗清供图,这幅画可以说是别有韵味,还有一首诗是五代胡峤的诗句:“沾牙旧姓余甘氏,破睡当封不夜侯”另有一首诗人薛怀所题的六言诗:“洛下备罗案上,松陵兼列径中,总待新泉治火,相从栩栩清风;”答案:错误174.六安瓜片其外形扁平挺秀,色泽绿翠,内质清香味醇,泡在杯中,芽叶色绿,好比出水芙蓉,栩栩如生,素以“色绿、香郁、味甘、形美”四绝称着;故而以“雅韵”称之;答案:错误175.冷韵所指“轻香冷韵状元茗”,这也就是太平猴魁茶所透出的茶韵;答案:错误176.音韵即指大红袍的观音韵;是大红袍好茶的品质和特性的象征答案:错误177.戏作小诗君莫笑,从来佳茗似佳人;是苏轼在次韵曹辅寄壑源试焙新芽诗中所述的诗句;答案:正确178.我们所说的幽韵则特指午子绿茶的茶韵;答案:正确179.普洱茶的陈香显着浓郁,甘冽纯正,“气感”较强,冷嗅陈香悠长,是一种独特的陈韵;答案:正确180.东方美人茶即是洞顶贵妃茶;答案:错误181.楚云散尽,燕山飞雪,江湖归梦,从此祛机;是黄庭坚写的一首与茶有关的诗; 答案:正确182.世人总结,茶韵中有音韵、岩韵、陈韵、雅韵、冷韵、幽韵之分;答案:正确183.“岩韵”是指乌龙茶中的武夷岩茶品种所具有的“岩骨花香”、俗称“岩石味”,是一种味感特别醇厚而能长留口中、回味持久深长的感觉,又称“茶底硬”;答案:正确184.最澄的茶学着作茶养生记,从养生角度出发,介绍茶乃养生妙药,延龄仙术并传授我国宋代制茶方法及泡茶技术,并自此有了“茶禅一味”的说法;答案:错误185.道家学说为茶道注入了“天人和一”的哲学思想,树立了茶道的灵魂;同时,还提供了崇尚自然,崇尚朴素,尊人和贵生、坐忘和无己的养生思想;答案:正确186.第一位把中国禅宗茶理带到日本的僧人,是宋代从中国学成归去的最澄1141~1215;答案:错误187.很多的道家高人都把茶当作忘却红尘烦恼,逍遥享乐的一大乐事;对此,道教南宗五祖之一的陈楠泥丸,在水调歌头咏茶一词中描述得很妙;答案:错误188.茶人们习惯于把有托盘的盖杯称为“三才杯”;杯托为“地”,杯盖为“天”,杯子为“人”;意思是天大、地大、人更大;如果连杯子、托盘、杯盖一同端起来品茗,这种拿杯手法称为“天人合一”;答案:错误189.正因为道家“天人合一”的哲学思想融入了茶道精神之中,中国茶人心里充满着对大自然的无比热爱;答案:正确190.受老子思想的影响,中国茶道把“静”视为“四谛”之一;答案:正确191.佛教认为,茶有三德:一为提神,夜不能寐,有益静思;二是帮助消化,整日打座,容易积食,饮茶可以助消化;三是使人不思淫欲;答案:正确192.茶即是一种中正平和之物,通过煮茶品茶能平和人的心情,茶能消除人的烦恼;唐人裴汶对茶性的体验为“其性精清,其味淡洁,其用涤烦,其功致和”;。






























3 .如果说中国传统学术是一座大厦,那么经学就是这座大厦的基柱。

4. 在五经之中,《周易》是古代占卜之书。

5. 《诗经》的价值,一在于文学价值,一在于文化价值。

6. 西汉出现了三种尚书,即《今文尚书》、《古文尚书》和“伪尚书”。


8. “仁”和“礼”是孔子思想的两个基点。

9. 《左传》、《公羊传》和《毂梁传》合称“春秋三传”。

10. 班固在《汉书·艺文志》中说“左史记言,右史记事。


11. 司马光主持编篡的《资治通鉴》是一部编年体史书。

12. 司马迁把“究天人之际,通古今之变,成一家之言”作为其建立史学体系的追求。

13. 阅读《三国志》不仅要注意其正文,更要注意阅读裴松之的注文。

14. 在先秦,墨学和儒学是并称的两大显学。

15. 先秦名家“合同异”一派是以惠施为代表的。

16. 战国晚期的苏秦和张仪成为纵横家的代表人物。

17. 秦汉以后的中国子学,可按五个历史阶段来区分,即两汉子学、魏晋玄学、隋唐子学、宋明理学和清代子学。

18. 玄学的逻辑基础是汉魏之际清议之风所带来的名实之辩。

19. 经史子集四部中,集部多是文章、诗赋的汇编。

20. 研究《楚辞》的代表性著作有王逸的《楚辞章句》、洪兴祖的《楚辞补注》和朱熹的《楚辞集注》。




英美概况期末考试复习范围选择题部分需准备的内容:1.P3: British Isles are made of ?a)The British Isles are made up of two large islands and hundreds of small ones.The twolarge island islands are Great Britain and Ireland.b)英国由两块大岛屿和上百的小岛屿组成。

两块大岛屿分别是大不列颠和爱尔兰2.P10: average rainfall in Britaina)The average annual rainfall in Britain is over 1,000 min.b)英国年降水量是1,000毫米3.P12: Anglo-Saxons (laid the foundation of the English states)a)The English are Anglo-Saxons,...b)英国是由盎格鲁-撒克逊人建立的。

4.P18: Celts’ religiona)The Celts' religion was Druidism.b)柯尔特人的宗教是德鲁伊教5.P20: three Teutonica)In the mid-5th century a new wave of invaders, Jutes, Saxons, and Angles came to Britain.b)三支日耳曼部族:朱特,撒克逊和盎格鲁6.P21: Saxons established their kingdom in?a)Then the Saxons,users of the short-sword from northern Germany,established theirkingdoms in Essex,Sussex and Wessex.b)撒克逊人在伊赛克斯,苏赛克斯和维赛克斯建立王国。



生化期末复习题及答案一、名词解释1、同聚多糖:由一种单糖组成的多糖,水解后生成同种单糖,如淀粉、纤维素等2、氧化磷酸化;在真核细胞的线粒体或细菌中,物质在体内氧化时释放的能量供给ADP与无机磷合成ATP 的偶联反应。

3、多酶复合体: 几种功能不同的酶彼此嵌合在一起构成复合体,完成一系列酶促反应4、限制性内切酶;一种在特殊核甘酸序列处水解双链DNA的内切酶。

Ⅰ型限制性内切酶既能催化宿主DNA 的甲基化,又催化非甲基化的DNA的水解;而Ⅱ型限制性内切酶只催化非甲基化的DNA的水解5、结构域:多肽链在二级结构或超二级结构的基础上形成三级结构的局部折叠区域,它是相对独立的紧密球形实体,称为结构域6、脂肪酸ω-氧化:脂肪酸的ω-碳原子先被氧化成羧基,再进一步氧化成ω-羧基,形成α、ω-二羧脂肪酸,以后可以在两端进行α-氧化而分解。




( 是指从6-磷酸葡萄糖开始,经过氧化脱羧、糖磷酸酯间的互变,最后形成6-磷酸果糖和3-磷酸甘油醛的过程)8、竞争性抑制作用:通过增加底物浓度可以逆转的一种酶抑制类型。




在膜内外都含有肉毒碱,脂酰CoA和肉毒碱结合,通过特殊通道进入膜内然后再与肉毒碱分离(脂酰CoA 通过形成脂酰肉毒碱从细胞质转运到线粒体的一个穿梭循环途径。

)10、呼吸链:又称电子传递链,是由一系列电子载体构成的,从NADH或FADH2向氧传递电子的系统11 增色效应;当双螺旋DNA熔解(解链)时,260nm处紫外吸收增加的现象。

《中国现代文学专题》期末复习题 及答案 -3

《中国现代文学专题》期末复习题 及答案 -3

















高等有机化学期末复习题 答案

高等有机化学期末复习题 答案

C _OC2H5
1. (S)-3-溴-3-甲基己烷在 H2O-丙酮中得外消旋的 3-甲基-3-己醇。 解答:(S)-3-溴-3-甲基己烷为一叔卤代烷,它在 H2O-丙酮中的反应为 SN1 反应,反应历程为:

C Br
.. HOH
3. 解答:
+ __
.. H2O
_ H+
4. 解答:
.. H
+ Br _ Br
OC2H5 Br _ CH3OH
_ HBr
.. N_ Br
重排 _
_ Br
CH3O.. H
meso-2,3-二 溴 丁 烷
( Br- 进 攻 在 溴鎓离子的 另 一 个 碳 上 得 到 相 同 的 产 物 )
Br C
H3C a _ b CH3 Br
Br C
Br C



外科护理期末复习题及答案1. 下列骨折属于不稳定性骨折的是A.嵌插骨折B.螺旋形骨折(正确答案)C.横形骨折D.青枝骨折2. 骨筋膜室综合征最早期的症状是A.肢体疼痛进行性加剧(正确答案)B.局部表面温度升高C.指呈屈曲状态D.局部肿胀3. 影响骨折愈合的最重要因素是A.年龄B.健康状况C.血供(正确答案)D.软组织损伤4. 骨折固定后I-2周内功能锻炼的方法是A骨折部以下关节活动B.伤肢肌肉进行舒缩活动C.骨折部以上关节活动D.全身各部肌肉及关节活动,骨折部位上下关节除外(正确答案)5. 下列关于骨折的现场急救,错误的是A.取清洁布类包扎伤口B.开放性骨折应现场复位(正确答案)C.重点检查有无内脏损伤D.就地取材,固定伤肢6. 肩关节脱位典型的临床表现是A.患肢活动受限B.方肩畸形(正确答案)C.患肢缩短D.异常活动7. 下列关于气胸病人闭式胸膜腔引流的护理措施,错误的是A.锁骨中线第2肋间插管引流积气B.长玻璃管口在水面下3cmC短玻璃管与大气相通D.水封瓶距离引流口30cm(正确答案)8. 24正常肘关节的功能位是A.屈曲60度B.届曲90度(正确答案)C.伸直90度D.伸直60度9. 26髋人字形石膏的开窗部位是A.上腹部(正确答案)B.下腹部C.中腹部D.中上腹部10. 陈旧性骨折是指在骨折后A.2周以上B.3周以上(正确答案)C.4周以上D.5周以上11. 易发生休克的骨折是A.股骨骨折(正确答案)B.胫排骨骨折C预椎骨折D.尺桡骨双骨折12. 下列关于休克的原则,错误的是A.尽快恢复有效循环血量B.积极处理引起休克的原发病灶C.早期使用碱性溶液纠正酸碱失衡(正确答案)D.应用血管活性药物维持组织灌注13. 下列关于外科病人营养支持的原则,错误的是A.血浆蛋白B.首选肠外营养(正确答案)C.提供的营养素应全面D.注意监测病人各种营养指标14. 下列关于术后不适的护理措施的叙述,错误的是A.切口疼痛可遵医嘱给与止痛的药物B.病人呕吐时将头偏向一侧C.发生腹胀可行肛管排气D.一旦发生尿潴留立即给予导尿(正确答案)15. 烧伤伤及皮肤的真皮层,水疱疱底创面红白相间,痛觉迟钝,属于烧伤分度中的A.1度烧伤B.深2度烧伤(正确答案)C.浅2度烧伤D.3度烧伤16. 下列关于腹外疝的术后护理措施,错误的是A.术后应早期下床活动(正确答案)B.嵌顿性疝术后应预防性应用抗生素C.密切观察伤口渗血渗液情况D.注意保暖,防止受凉引起咳嗽17. 休克代偿期(休克早期)的突出表现是A.血压下降,脉压变小B.血压基本正常而脉压变小(正确答案)C.血压下降脉压正常D.精神兴奋,烦躁不安18. 下列哪项不需要使用肠内营养A.下肢骨折(正确答案)B.昏迷C.消化道瘘D.大面积烧伤19. 某男性,46岁,左小腿及双足不慎被烫伤,其烧伤面积为A.6%B.9%C.13.5(正确答案)D.12%20. 基础代谢率的常用公式为A.基础代谢率=脉率×脉压-111B.基础代谢率=(脉率+脉压)-111(正确答案)C.基础代谢率=(脉率-脉压)-111D.基础代谢率=(脉率-脉压)+11121. 细胞外液中最主要的形离子是A.钠离子(正确答案)B.钾离子C钙离子D.绩离子22. 下列关于腹股沟疝的治疗原则,错误的是A.一岁以内的婴儿应进行手术治疗(正确答案)B.年老体弱者可佩戴医用疝带C.手术是最有效的方法D.伴有严重疾病不宜手术者可佩戴医用疝带,防止疝块突出23. 牌破裂最常引起哪种类型的休克A.过敏性休克B.低血容量性休克(正确答案)C.感染性休克D.损伤性休克24. 直疝的特点不包括A.进人阴囊(正确答案)B.半球形C.多见于老年人D.嵌顿机会较少25. 急性腹膜炎早期呕吐多因A.神经性呕吐B.反射性呕吐(正确答案)C.胃肠痉挛D.麻痹性肠梗阻26. 下列关于肠梗阻的术前护理措施,不正确的是A.维持体液平衡B.禁食、胃肠减压C.应用吗啡类止痛剂缓解腹痛(正确答案)D.绞窄性肠梗阻应及时应用抗生素药物治疗27. 绞窄性肠梗阻的临床床特点不包括A病情发展迅速,早期出现休克B.腹胀对称(正确答案)C.呕吐物为血性D腹痛发作急骤28. 下列哪种类型的肠梗阻需要手术治疗A麻痹性肠梗阻B痉挛性肠根阻C绞窄性肠梗阻(正确答案)D单纯性粘连性肠梗阻29. 急性阑尾炎腹痛起始于上腹或脐周的原因是A胃肠功能紊乱B阑尾肌层反射性痉挛C壁层腹膜受刺激。



大学英语(4)期末复习资料(附参考答案)一、语法(75题)Grammar: Choose the best choice to complete the sentences.1.I every week.A go swimmingB goes swimmingC went swimming2.I work yesterday.A doesn’t go toB didn’t go toC don’t go to3.my father phone me last night?A DoB DoesC Did4.What in their spare time?A do the students often readB the students often readC the students do often read5.I was reading the newspaper Joyce came over to chat.A at thenB whenC where6.I sleep well when I was younger.A don’t used toB didn’t used toC didn’t use to7.We everything together, but now we don’t.A use to doB used to doC used do8.There have been a lot of changes 1978.A sinceB fromC for9.Her brother in the army for three years.A have beenB has beenC was10.I haven’t paid DJ Richard .A sinceB alreadyC yetst year I often that library.A went toB go toC goes to12.anything wrong with the machine?A Are thereB Is thereC Do there13.Who gave you those flowers?A /B doC did14.I some drinks when I noticed this woman.A am makingB makeC was making15.Did you play basketball?A use toB used toC be used to16.She has just Shanghai.A went toB gone toC go to17.You borrow my bike tomorrow.A mustB canC should18.You go there.A don’t have toB need not toC don’t need19.The nights be cold.A areB shouldC will20.Hurry up, we’ll be late.A orB andC but21.I go to the party.A might notB not mightC mustn’t22.He be ill. He looks so pale.A canB mustC mustn’t23.I can’t promise you .A somethingB anythingC nothing24.Jim is Jack.A as tall thanB as taller asC as tall as25.He is boy in our class.A the tallestB the most tallC a tallest26.you don’t know the answer, ask me.A SinceB BecauseC If27.You smoke here.A mustn’tB needn’tC don’t28.Paris tonight. Look -- here’s the plane ticket.A I’m flying toB I fly toC I can fly to29.My car consumes gas than hers.A fewB lessC little30.Mary has more books her brother.A asB likeC than31.He is of the five brothers.A the youngerB the youngestC the most young32.If it rains, I stay at home.A willB mightC must33.My car outside the school yesterday.A is parkingB was parkC was parked34.I’ve bought a new house.A justB yetC really35.When we got there, the basketball match .A has already startedB had already startedC had already starting36.They were warmly by the local people.A welcomedB welcomeC welcoming37.If I you, I would refuse the money.A amB wasC were38.If you dropped the glass, it break.A willB wouldC can39.He told me that he me a special present.A will buyB would boughtC had bought40.This house last year.A was builtB is builtC was build41.the end of that year, Henry had collected more than a thousand foreign stamps.A OnB AtC By42.She said that she about her date.A was really excitedB was really excitingC is really excited43.Jenny a day’s work.A already has doneB has already doneC has done already44.The song was composed an 8-year-old boy.A withB atC by45.He said that he her the day before.A sawB have seenC had seen46.I met an old friend of mine .A on my way homeB on way homeC on my way to home47.He went ________.A to upstairsB upstairsC stair up48.He has an ________ jacket.A black old leatherB leather old blackC old black leather49.The film ________ I saw last night is about a young teacher.A whichB whoC what50.He is sorry ________ the news.A hearB to hearC that hear51.My grandpa is wearing a ________ belt.A red long plasticB long plastic redC long red plastic52.We have friends all over ________ world.A theB aC /53.I asked him how he liked ________ Paris.A aB theC /54.There must be life out there ________.A anywhereB somewhereC everywhere55.I hate ________bright colours like red and yellow.A wearingB to wearC wear56.The ________have a lot of time to do their own research work.A there studentsB students thereC there are students57.I ________him singing.A have never heardB never have heardC have heard never58.The old man walked home________.A slowB slowerC slowly59.He often comes to school ________.A lateB latelyC in late60.The girl ________answered the phone was polite enough.A whichB thatC what61.Your shoes need ________.A polishB polishedC polishing62.________ abroad can be very exciting.A TravellingB TravelC Travelled63.I enjoy ________with you.A workB to workC working64.I found my ________ paintings.A two first small oilB first two small oilC first small two oil65.I considered ________ better not to go.A itB thatC /66.I would like ________ more money on clothes.A spendingB to spendC spend67.She has two cats. ________big cat is white, and ________ small one is black.A the, aB A, theC The, the68.________ is power.A The knowledgeB KnowledgeC A knowledge69.We ________ visit our friends in Germany in April. They invited us last week.A are going toB willC are about to70.The weather is________ than it was yesterday.A more badB more worseC worse71.It is one of the best concerts I________.A went toB have ever been toC had gone to72.China is no longer what it________.A used to beB was used to beingC used to being73.The workers are busy________models for the exhibition.A to makeB with makingC making74.________you change your mind, I won’t be able to help you.A WhenB UnlessC While75.I have taken many photos. I’m going to get the film________.A developedB developingC to be developed二、完型填空(7篇)Cloze: Read the article and choose the best choice to fill the gaps.1.From: U2L2 P23Close EncountersThese days, you can find love in all kinds of places. We talked to four couples from around the world who met their partner in a memorable way.TammyI was very sceptical about meeting people ____1____ the Internet. But one day I was ____2____ the net and decided to go into a chat room. It was quite boring until a guy ____3____ Brad came in. We chatted for a long time and then ____4____ photos. It was difficult because we were both going out with someone at the time and we were living in ____5____ states, but eventually we arranged to meet. And now we’re together!AlbertI live in an old people’s home and I really thought I was ____6____ old to meet anybody special. I wasn’t looking ____7____ love, but I suppose I needed a friend. One day, I was ____8____ the newspaper in the garden when Joyce came over to have a chat. We talked and talked, day after day, and we became very ____9____. Now, we do everything together. I have one regret –that I didn’t ____10____ Joyce years ago!1 A on B in C through2 A surf B surfed C surfing3 A call B called C calling4 A exchanged B charged C changed5 A the same B other C different6 A so B too C very7 A at B for C after8 A reading B making C writing9 A sleepy B tired C close10 A meet B love C marryKey: ACBAC BBACA2.From: U2L2 P23Close EncountersThese days, you can find love in all kinds of places. We talked to four couples from around the world who mettheir partner in a memorable way.PetraIt ____1____ one night at our local nightclub. I was dancing, and suddenly I ____2____ the feeling that someone was watching me. I looked around and saw a boy on the other side of the room staring at me. I ____3____ to be brave and walked over to him. Hans was very shy but we had a drink and started talking. We just clicked and we quickly became friends.RicardoIt was New Year’s Eve and I ___4____ some people around to my house to celebrate. I planned a quiet party but my friends brought other friends and by twelve o’clock there were lots of people. I was ____5____ some drinks in the kitchen when I noticed this woman on her ____6____. She didn’t seem to know anybody, so I ____7____ over to her and ____8____ myself. She said, “So you’re not Antonio, then?!”She was at the wrong party–she had made a____9____ with the address! I asked her to stay and we got on really ____10____…and now we’re together.1 A came B happened C went2 A had B felt C sensed3 A told B liked C decided4 A invited B loved C asking5 A washing B making C playing6 A side B self C own7 A ran B went C leaned8 A introduced B asked C talked9 A fuss B wrong C mistake10 A good B well C fineKey: BACAB CBACB3.From: U5L3 P7315 months that can change your lifeTeachers and students agree – a gap year is a unique experience that can ____1____ your life forever. Gap years usually____2____when a student leaves schools in June and last ____3____ they start higher education in October of the following year. Prince William’s decision to have a gap year in Patagonia was typical of ____4____ people in the UK – they take a____5____ from studying and see some of the world ____6____ going on to university or____7____. It’s ____8____ opportunity to enjoy a bit of adventure, travel, maybe ____9____ some work experience or spend some time ____10____ other people.1 A change B live C have2 A finish B begin C continue3 A so that B but C until4 A young B old C rich5 A breath B nap C break6 A when B before C after7 A college B work C school8 A a B / C an9 A gain B lose C won10 A help B helping C helpedKey: ABCAC BACAB4.From: U8L2 P119Paparazzi Pirate: Blog 139I had just woken up when I ____1____a call from Pepe at La Gaviota restaurant. He told me that some big names were coming for lunch. I left my house as soon as I had phoned my editor to check what shots he wanted. I arrived at 11 am and ____2____ behind the bushes with my camera.I had been there ____3____ about two hours before an interesting car arrived. I saw George Clooney and his new girlfriend get out.____4____, I coul dn’t get a good photo. Then, suddenly, I realised that they were going to the back door of the restaurant. I got on my motorbike and____5____their limousine. This time, I took a ____6____ shot of Clooney; he even smiled at me! I put the film in my pocket.Just then Clooney’s bodyguard saw me. He wanted the film. We fought and I just managed to ____7____. I rushed to the office on my bike, but when I arrived andsearched____8____ the film, I realised that it had ____9____out of my pocket during the fight. I felt really ____10____!1 A accepted B dialed C got2 A hid B hidden C hides3 A with B for C till4 A Furthermore B Besides C Unfortunately5 A ran B chased C rushed6 A perfect B bad C ugly7 A escape B win C defeat8 A on B by C for9 A hopped B fallen C escaped10 A good B relaxed C stupidKey: CABCB AACBC5.From: U12L2 P180THE YOUNG AND ANGRY: in their own wordsA Tree DwellerNoah Rose, 29, is living in a tree house to protest about a new road ____1____ the local council is planning to build.“Sometimes you can get a bit bored of ____2____ in a tree house. I mean, you don’t have any of the basic things that you’re used to. I’m here because I really feel that th is road should not be ____3____. It will just add to pollution and ____4____ some beautiful countryside. I know we’ll succeed ____5____ the end–I’m sure we can beat the Department of Transport. Who needs more roads anyway?”A SquatterNancy Barrett, 23, lives in a squat in New Cross Road. The police want to evict her and other squatters from the houses in the area.“We have tied ourselves ____6____ the house, so the police can’t move us out. They’ve got no right. This house has been empty ____7____ years and nobody owns it. We live here peacefully and don’t do any ____8____ to anyone. We don’t believe ____9____ capitalism or consumerism, and that’s why this protest is important. A home is a home and you shouldn’t have to be grateful to the banks for that. ____10____happens, I know we’ll have to leave in the end. It’s depressing but that’s how it is –the police always win.”1 A what B who C which2 A living B live C to live3 A build B built C building4 A destroy B protect C love5 A by B in C at6 A with B on C to7 A in B for C by8 A harm B good C use9 A on B at C in10 A Whatever B However C WhoeverKey: CABAB CBACA6.From: U12L3 P1842050 – A Day in the Life of Citizen KYZ606 and his Pet Computer DanielFriday8:00 When I wake up, my pet computer, Daniel, smiles at me and says “Good morning”. He makes me a coffee and chooses my “look” for the day.9:00 At the office again. I want sunshine today so Daniel changes the lighting and air conditioning to create a ____1____day. It’s great here, because I don’t have to think –the computers do everything. While Daniel organizes my schedule, I talk to friends ____2____my mobile videophone.11:30 At the gym. My computer knows exactly ____3____I need to do. I don’t like doing so ____4____exercise, but Daniel says I’ll have a heart attack at the age of 53 if I don’t.13:00 Lunch in the office restaurant. We press some ____5____on the food-ordering machine, and the pills arrive quickly through a hole in the table. Everything tastes really good today.13:30 Back in the office, there’s nothing to do so I take a ____6____. Daniel will wake me up when I’ve had enough sleep.16:00Daniel has woken me up, but there’s no work to do so I do a bit of ____7____online. I love shopping.Daniel helps me find a shirt that will look good at the party tonight. He really knows what I like.19:00 Back at home, I watch a football match, although it’s not very exciting ____8____Daniel tells me the result before the end. He does that with films as well – I get really annoyed with him.21:00 Party in full swing. As soon as I arrive, Daniel chooses me a partner ____9____will be compatible. She seems very nice. I order another whisky and a red warning light goes on – I am drinking too much again!23:00 Time ____10____bed. Daniel prepares my pyjamas and my dreams for the night. I think I would prefer to dream on my own, but anyway… It’s been a good day… I think!1 A rainy B sunny C cloudy2 A on B in C through3 A which B that C what4 A much B many C more5 A cards B keys C buttons6 A nap B walk C shower7 A chatting B shopping C looking8 A so that B because C however9 A which B what C who10 A for B to C withKey: BACAC ABBCA7.From: U1L2 P10London: Melting Pot of CulturesA ChinaChinese people first came to Britain ____1____ 1885. The first arrivals were mostly seamen ____2____ worked on steamships. In the 1950s, many Chinese people settled in the central Soho area of London. This area is ____3____ Chinatown. Here, you can experience a taste of China by ____4____ in London’s best Chinese ____5____ and shopping for Chinese vegetables, herbal medicines and gifts.B The CaribbeanDuring the 1950s, people from the Caribbean islands ____6____ in London to start a new life. Their reggae music, steel drums and culture ____7____ all now part of the capital’s atmosphere, especially duri ng the Notting Hill Carnival, Europe’s ____8____ and most vibrant street party. When does it ____9____ place? You can catch it every year at the end of August. One of the ____10____ of the Caribbean community is in Brixton, in the south of London.1 A on B at C in2 A whom B who C whose3 A called B call C calling4 A eating B eat C to eat5 A hotels B bars C restaurants6 A got B arrived C reached7 A is B will be C are8 A largest B smallest C newest9 A make B take C give10 A tents B cents C centresKey: CBAAC BCABC三、阅读理解(14篇)(1)阅读判断题(7篇)Reading: Read the article and judge whether the following sentences are true (T) or false (F).1.From: U1L1 P6ProfilesCarolinaHi, I’m Carolina and I’m 21 years old. I live in Berlin, but I was born in the south of Italy. We moved here from Italy when I was 14 because of my father’s work. I’m half German, half Italian. I started working in the family business a few years ago – we have a jeweller’s shop. I work in the shop every afternoon except Sundays, but it’s a bit boring. The city is OK but I never have time to enjoy it – everything is so hectic. I often miss Italy.RashidMy name’s Rashid. I’m 24 and I live in London. I’m Ind ian, but I was born here in the UK. My parents came here from Bombay (we call it Mumbai now) at the end of the 1960s. London’s a great place to be for me because Istudy architecture and there are lots of interesting buildings around. Every day I see somet hing new. I don’t want to live anywhere else.LindaMy name’s Linda. I’m 25 and live in a small town outside Vancouver. My mother is Spanish and my father comes from Lagos in Nigeria. We speak English, French and Spanish at home. I work as a teacher in th e local school. It’s a great job but very tiring because I get up very early every morning. Before, I worked as a secretary –I didn’t like it at all! I really like the town I live in, although it’s very cold in winter. Cities like Vancouver are just too b ig for me.1 Everybody’s parents have different nationalities.2 Everybody likes cities.3 Linda likes her job.4 Carolina is the most positive about her city.5 Rashid was born in Bombay.Key: FFTFF2.From: U3L3 P42Rat race rebelsMost of us are trapped in a nine-to-five office routine and many of us would like to escape. We interviewed three people who have said “No!” to this rat race…FionaAfter university, I was on the dole for a few months. I didn’t have any money, so I was really pleased to get an office job… but it was very boring! I gave it up and went to do voluntary work for the VSO – V oluntary Service Overseas – in Rwanda. I teach old people and children to read and write. It’s not the most comfortable of jobs but it’s great to be doing something of real use for once.AndyI used to be a freelance news journalist. It was very stressful and I had to travel a lot. I applied for loads of other jobs with no success, so I started to think about my real interest –football! Now, I work from home and write football articles for press agencies around the world. It’s a full-time job but I have much more free time. I’m my own boss and I can get up when I want!EmmaI used to be a teacher and I worked 40 hours a week. Then, I saw the movie American Beauty and thought I could change my life too! I did a course in acupuncture and shiatsu massage. I took four years to get qualified but now I have set up my own business. Shiatsu is very popular these days because people are so stressed and you can earn quite good money.1 Fiona didn’t have a job for a while.2 Andy has turned an interest into a profession.3 Fiona has her own company.4 Fiona feels she is doing something useful.5 Andy was influenced by a film that he saw.Key: TTFTF3.From: U6L2 P71Your Weekend in Lisbon with Sunshine ToursCongratulations on booking your holiday with Sunshine Tours!!Here’s your travel itinerary for the long weekend. THURSDAY 18th JuneA Sunshine Tours rep will meet you at Lisbon airport and a coach will take you to your hotel.FRIDAY 19th JuneIn the morning,we will take one of the city’s famous yellow trams up to the Castelo de São Jorge, with fabulous views over the city. The afternoon is free for you to explore the Baixa district with its interesting shops and cafés. In the evening, we will go to the Bairro Alto area for dinner and to hear the wonderfully melancholy fado music. SATURDAY 20th JuneA day of contrasts. In the morning, a trip to the oldest neighbourhood, Alfama. Its little cobbled streets arecharming but it is also one of the poorest parts of the city. We will have lunch in the central Praça do Comércio and then take the metro to the modern Parque das Nações — the site of the Expo, which has some stunning architecture. In the evening, you are free to enjoy whatever part of the city you wish.SUNDAY 21st JuneA coach will take us out of the city to visit Sintra, summer residence of the kings of Portugal. Here, we will see the breathtaking Palácio Nacional and walk around Sintra’s beautiful woods and parks. On our way back, we will stop at Cascais, just half an hour from the capital. This is a real Portuguese beach resort, full of local people and crammed with restaurants, beach cafés and discos. After a relaxing dinner on the beach, the coach will take us back to the hotel. Our return flight leaves early on Monday morning.1 There is nothing organized on the Friday afternoon.2 On Saturday afternoon, you will visit an old part of the city.3 Cascais is popular with Portuguese people.4 You will spend Sunday evening outside Lisbon.5 You are going to return on Sunday night.Key: TFTTF4.From: U6L2 P85ChocoholicsEverybody loves chocolate. A cup of cocoa before going to bed or a Mars bar on the bus – the British are obsessed with it. The average Briton eats 10kg of chocolate a year. Women eat far more chocolate than men, an amazing 67% of total chocolate consumption. And the most popular snack is KitKat – fifty are eaten every second in the UK.Chocoholics are people with a chocolate obsession. But are they addicts? Not according to recent research. This shows that chocolate is not as addictive as coffee – in fact,there is no proof that chocolate creates addiction at all. And it’s a lot better for you than we thought. Some scientists say that it releases the same chemicals that your body produces when you are in love. Now that can’t be a bad thing!Some more good news –it doesn’t raise your cholesterol level or give you acne, as people believe, and it can even be good for your teeth! It does, however, contain caffeine and is bad if you get headaches. So the least sensible time to eat it is at night.The British lo ve chocolate but they are not as obsessed as the Swiss. The Swiss are officially the world’ greatest chocolate eaters – but then Swiss chocolate is the best!1Women buy less chocolate than men.2There is evidence that chocolate is addictive.3Chocolate contains caffeine.4You should avoid chocolate if you suffer from migraines.5The world’s greatest chocolate eaters are the British.Key: FFTTF5.From: U8L3 P121Found Safe and SoundThe monkey who escaped from Bristol Zoo last weekend was discovered by school children yesterday. Police say that the animal, who was found in a school playground, was fine but a little hungry. The zoo admitted that it needed to improve its security.Discovered…Naked and DrunkHollywood resident Helen Hicks was stopped by police early on Sunday morning after dancing around her neighbourhood with no clothes on. Hicks has drunk half a bottle of vodka after an argument with her rock guitarist boyfriend Johnny Hedges. A friend says that Ms Hicks was suffering depression.HospitalisedLion tamer Sergei Ivanov was seriously injured by his lion, Sheba, during last night’s performance of the Moscow Circus. Ivanov has worked in the circus for over 25 years. He was taken to Springfields General Hospital last night. Doctors say that he is lucky to be alive.Caught on CameraSuper-rich male model Justin Orlando’s love affair with British pop singer Ross Curtis was exposed this week. Thetwo men were photographed together in a London restaurant. Orlando, who has never tried to hide his sexuality, said that he was very happy with his new partner.1 The monkey was found by school children.2 The zoo said they were responsible for the monkey’s escape.3 Helen took her clothes off as a joke.4 Sergei hadn’t had much experience with animals.5 Justin wanted to hide his sexuality.Key: TTFFF6.From: U9L1 P132Digital NativesDavid is not very comfortable with new technology and he does not have many gadgets. Lucy loves new technology. She owns a games console, an MP3 player, and a mobile phone with a built-in digital camera. David is a teacher. Lucy is his student.Like Lucy, many children grow up using computers almost every day and often know more about technology than adults. Educator Marc Prensky calls children like Lucy “digital natives”. Digital natives can quickly learn how to use new gadgets and new software, while non-digital natives spend a lot of time reading manuals and worrying about computer viruses. In fact, many parents try to save time by asking their children to teach them how to use new technology!The divide between digital natives and non-digital natives can cause problems at school because students and teachers grow up with very different ideas about technology. Many teachers think that playing computer games is a waste of time and that technology has made children unable to concentrate. However, many students think their classes are slow and boring, and want to use computers to study.Prensky believes that digital natives have learned a lot from technology, but that they learn things in a different way. For example, reading a website is different from reading a book, so digital natives are good at finding the information they need and choosing what they want to read. So perhaps teachers need to change the way they teach and use more technology in class – because the number of digital natives will keep increasing!1 David is a digital native.2 Marc Prensky is interested in teaching with technology.3 Digital natives are comfortable using laptops and flash drives.4 Many teachers think computer games are only for having fun or killing time.5 People read books and websites in the same way.Key: FTTTF7.From: U10L2 P153SpanglishIn which city can you read signs like “Aparca your car aquí” or “Cuidado con los pickpockets”? Travelguide investigates.1.2 million Hispanics live in the Big Apple and one in five New Yorkers speaks Spanish at home. In the last ten years, the Hispanic population has grown by 400 000. This reflects the enormous increase in the Hispanic population in the States. There are now 42 million Hispanics resident in the USA, representing 15% of the total population.There is a new language, SPANGLISH – a strange mixture of Spanish and English – which is invading the city. The New York Times recently said that it had become the city’s third official language. Its use is colloquial and often limited to short sentences and signs. Many New Yorkers now wear socketines on their feet, drop something on the carpeta, shop for grocerias and have cornfley(“cornflakes”) for breakfast.Norma Rodríguez, a 45-year-old Cuban living in Washington Heights, says it forms a part of her life now: “Sometimes, you don’t realize that you’re mixing the two languages. You just hear them both all the time and find that you’re inventing new words.” Other people, however, are fighting against this new street language. Bu sinessman Juan Cortés sees it as a sign that the Spanish language is being destroyed. “It’s difficult, but I try not to speak it –it feels vulgar to me.”Meanwhile, a surprising number of academics have spoken in favour of Spanglish. JoséMaría Ruiz, from NY。



飞行危险天气---雷暴(141)如果根据你的目的机场有飑,你预计会有什么样的风A.风速突然增大至至少8米/秒到10米/秒,持续至少一分钟B.最大阵风至少18米/秒,持续时间一分钟或更长C.风向变化至少20°且迅速改变,此风与最小风之间的风速改变至少为5米/秒答案:B(142)形成雷暴的基本条件是A.充足的水汽和上升运动B.充足的水汽、不稳定的大气和上升运动C.浓积云、充足的水汽和暖锋答案:B.(143)热带雷暴形成的原因A.地形有抬升作用B. 地面水汽蒸发C. 地面受热不均答案:C.(144)最恶劣的天气条件,如有破坏性的大风,强烈的球雹,龙卷的,常与下述哪种天气系统相伴出现?A.快速移动的暖锋B.缓慢移动的暖锋C.飑线和处于移动状态的雷暴答案:C.(145)雷暴来临之前,地面风是向()吹去。

A.雷暴云区B.雷暴前方C.雷暴前进的右方答案:A.(146)较强的雷暴云常出现A. 垂直闪电B. 远电C. 水平闪电答案:A(147)在深厚的雨层云中隐藏着暖锋雷暴,常常是A. 白天增强,晚上减弱B. 晚上增强,白天减弱C. 无明显的变化答案:B.(148)在雷暴的生存周期中,哪个阶段的特征是云中充满下降气流?A. 积云阶段B. 成熟阶段C. 消散阶段答案:C.(149)雷暴在积云阶段所具有的特征是A. 滚轴状云底B. 云中充满上升气流C. 频繁的闪电答案:B.(150)有关雷暴阶段的正确说法是A. 雷暴的发展阶段其实是一个正在发展的降水云团B. 地面开始下雨表示雷暴已进入成熟阶段C.地面开始下雨表示雷暴已进入消散阶段答案: B.(151)什么类型的雷暴最有可能发生陆龙卷A. 热雷暴的成熟阶段B.在暖锋前面形成的雷暴C.与冷锋或飑线相联系的稳定性雷暴答案:C.(152)雷暴在消散阶段可能会演变成A. 积云性层积云, 高积云B.荚状层积云, 高积云C.堡状层积云, 高积云答案:A.(153)在成熟阶段的雷暴单体中, 气流的情况是A. 盛行下降气流B.盛行上升气流C.升降气流并存答案: C.(154)什么样的雷暴通常产生大冰雹, 狂风等恶劣的天气现象?A. 气团雷暴B.暖锋雷暴C.飑线雷暴答案:C.(155)关于强烈雷暴的气流结构,下面说法正确的是A. 强烈雷暴的前面是上升气流, 中、后部是下降气流,下降气流能促使暖气流上升B. 强烈雷暴中心为上升气流而周围是下降气流C. 强烈雷暴在起始阶段即有较强的下降气流答案:A.(156)冷锋雷暴在夏季最为常见,这是由于A.夏季空气常呈暖湿不稳定状态B.夏季地面温度较高C.夏季地面水汽蒸发较多答案: A.(157)白天,热雷暴移动到江河湖泊上空,一般会A.由于水汽增多而降水增强B.因降水蒸发在冷水面上形成雾C.减弱或消散答案:C.(158)若航线上出现了孤立分散的雷暴,宜采用下列何种方法飞过A.选择下风一侧,离开云体,目视距离不小于5千米绕过B.选择上风一侧,离开云体,目视距离不小于10千米绕过C.迅速从云下飞过答案: B.(159)遇到下述何种雷暴飞机不宜从云下飞过A.热雷暴B.锋面雷暴C.地形雷暴答案:C.(160)雷暴中下沉气流所造成的外流,最远可出现在A.雷暴云后方20千米处B.雷暴云前方20-30千米处C.雷暴云前方30-40千米处答案: B.(161)在处于雷暴区边缘的机场起飞或着陆时,要特别注意的危险天气是A. 低空风切变B. 冰雹和暴雨C. 积冰和雷击答案: A.(162)根据冰雹的形成条件,分析并判定下列哪种情况是正确的。



社会心理学原理与应用期末复习范围(2015年6月)题型分布:1、单选题 10道题每题1分 10分2、多选题 10道题每题2分 20分3、名词解释 5道题每题6分 30分4、案例分析题 1道题 20分5、论述题 1道题 20分一、单项选择题(每小题1分,共10分)1、在整个社会心理学发展的历程中,哪类取向一直占据着首要地位并主导着社会心理学的研究方向?A、社会学B、心理学C、人类学D、哲学2、社会化的核心是哪项?A、道德社会化B、政治社会化C、法律社会化D、性别角色社会化3、哪位学者首先提出儿童的自我概念是通过“镜像过程”形成起来的“镜像自我”,即别人对于儿童的态度反应(表情、评价与对待)就像一面镜子?A、米德B、库利C、弗洛伊德D、埃里克森4、社会认知的基本特性不包括哪一项?A、互动性B、间接性C、整体性D、矛盾性5、在利他行为的诸多理论中,我们所做的很多源于最大化我们的报酬和最小化我们的成本的动机。


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2013-2014(2)六年级英语期末复习范围一.语音A. 找出一个发音不同的单词(一至四单元练习册)1.( B)A. eat B. ready C. peach D. meat2.( D )A. week B. meet C. beef D. coffee3.( A) A. food B. look C. good D. book4.( A ) A. beach B. heavy C. weather D. breakfast5.( B)A. head B. really C. sweater D. readyB. 判断下列各组画线字母的读音,相同画“V”,不同画“X”(小卷的阶段检测和期末复习)1. exciting thick ( x )2. dug usually ( x )3. fresh next ( v )4. date cave ( v )5. hole strong ( x )6. told got ( x )7. travel across ( x ) 8. beautiful like ( x )9. excuse busy ( x ) 10. decide clever ( x )11. full use ( x ) 12. place palace ( x )13. woman office ( x ) 14. glue true ( x )15. spend tell ( v ) 18. topic drink ( v )19. bone front ( x ) 20. subway supermarket ( x ) 二.词汇A.写出下列单词的适当形式(小卷)1.eight (序数词)_____eighth__________many (近义词) ____much________________2.diary (复数) ____diaries______________ we (反身代词) __ourselves______________e (现在分词) __coming__________study (过去式) ____studied_______________4.take (过去式) ___took____________he (反身代词) ___himself_________________5.knife(复数) knives________________stop (现在分词) ___stopping______________e (形容词) __useful_____________there (同音词) ____their________________7.more (原形_____many____________busy (比较级) _____busier______________8.taught (原形) __teach_______________proper(副词) __properly_________________9.build(过去式) __built____________begin(反义词) _____end___________________10.save(现在分词) __saving_____________kind(副词) ______kindly_______________11.snow(形容词) ____snowy_______________ B. 用所给单词的适当形式填空(一至四单元练习册和小卷的阶段检测)1.The book is very interesting (interest) and exciting (excite).2.You should do it by yourself (you).3.He felt ___happy_______ (happy) during his holiday.4.Each of the __dictionaries_________________ ( dictionary ) is very useful.5.The children was very __excied______, because the story was so __exciting__( excite ).6.The __bones__________ ( bone ) of Peking Man were found there .7.Peking Man’s head was like a ___monkey’s___________ ( monkey ) .8.On the ____cave__________ ( cave ) wall , we can see many drawing .9.There are a lot of paper ___monkeys_________ ( monkey ) here .10.I want my house more beautiful than __yours_________ ( you ).11.There are two Chinese _dictionaries____________ ( dictionary ) on the desk .12.Can you make the trousers __shorter_________ ( short ) , it’s too long .13.This is ___my______( my ) book . _Yours________( your) is in the bag .14.The classroom is _ours___________ ( our ).15.Are these watches ____hers_______( her )? No, ___her___( her ) watches are at home .16.They aren’t ___his_______( his ) teapots. They are __theirs________( their ).17.The big mirror is _his_________ ( his ).18.That is not __my________( my ) comb. It’s __hers_________ ( her ) .19.Is this computer __yours________(your ) ?20.This hairdryer isn’t my sister’s . It’s ____mine_______( my ) .21.Give ____her____ ( she ) a piece of paper , please .22.There are many new ___buses_______ ( bus ) in our city .23.Tianjin is one of the ___biggest________ ( big ) ___cities________ ( city ) in China .24.I think the _ninth________ ( nine ) unit is easy .25.Each of ___them________ ( they ) has a dictionary .26.Thank you for __your_________ ( you ) help .27.There are many new ___buses________ ( bus ) in our city .28.Li Lei is sitting between Zhang Jun and ___me________ ( I ) .29.There are a lot of ___interesting______________(interest) places in Beijing.30.The ____first__________(one)student he knew here was GaoWei.31.There are many big ___cities_________(city) in the world.32.The people around ___us___________(we) are very friendly.33.This is a map of _____China___________(Chinese).34.This is an ____interesting____________(interest) book.35.Mary is a careful girl, and she does her work ____carefully__________(careful).36.The question is ___the easiest________________(easy) of all.37.Each of ___them_______ ( they ) has an English- Chinese dictionary.38.The CN Tower is __the tallest______________( tall) tower in the world.39.Yesterday, our English teacher told us an _interesting________( interest) story in class.40.I ’m very ___pleased_________( please) to see you again.41.Please answer my _____fourth________( four) question.C. 用所给动词的适当形式填空(二至四单元练习册)1.I ____watched___________ ( watch ) a cartoon on Saturday .2.Her father ____read___________ ( read ) a newspaper last night .3.We _____went____ to a zoo yesterday , but we didn’t ___go__________ to a park .( go )4.___Did_________ you ___visit__________ ( visit ) your friends last Spring Festival ?5._____Did___ he __fly______ ( fly ) a kite last Sunday ? -- Yes, he __did_______ ( do ) .6.He used stones ___to kill_________ ( kill ) animals for food .7.He made fire __to cook_______ ( cook ) and _to keep_______ ( keep ) warm in winter .8.I saw him __playing__________ ( play ) football just now .9.What ____did________ she ___find_________ ( find ) in the garden last morning ?10.It __was_____________ ( be ) Ben’s birthday last Friday .11.Mary ___read_______ a newspaper yesterday evening . She likes____reading_______newspapers . But she didn’t __read_____ a newspaper the day before yesterday . ( read )12.He __jumped__________ ( jump ) high on last Sports Day .13.Today is June 15th . Helen ___watered_________ ( water ) the flowers on June 13th .14.It _was___________ ( be ) November 2nd yesterday . Mr White ______went______ ( go )to his office by car .15.Peking Man ____was found__________ ( find ) ____at____ Zhoukoudian near Beijing .16.He enjoyed ___reading___________ ( read ) this book .17.He made things ____to cook___________ ( cook ) .18.It was very cold that day . I had to _put___________ ( put ) my coat on .19.I ____read________ ( read ) an interesting book yesterday evening .20.My mother ______brought__ ( bring ) many gifts from Shanghai during her last holiday .21.They ____dug________ ( dig ) a big hole in the ground yesterday .22.We ____took________ ( take ) many pictures when we were on the mountains .23.The farmers ___water___________ ( water ) the plants every day .24.I ____wanted________ ( want ) to be a scientist when I was a young girl .25.Amy ____went________ ( go ) to Japan by plane last year .26.We always __plant__________ ( plant ) many trees on Tree Planting Day .27.--- _____Did_______ ( do ) you go to the park last Sunday ? --- Yes , I did .28.You can __make___________ ( make ) a ship like this .29.The boy’s mother is busy _____washing______ ( wash ) her clothes .30.___Did_______ you usually _____go______( go ) to the park last year ?31.We are happy _to see__________ ( see ) you here .32.Tom ___doesn’t come___________ ( not come ) from America . He’s English .33.What time ___does_______ she ___do_______ ( do ) morning exercises ?34.We ___will go_________ ( go ) to the City Zoo next Sunday .35.He ___will __go_____ ( go ) to Shanghai by air tomorrow .36.What about __flying______ ( fly ) kites this afternoon ?37.Lucy likes _flying_________ ( fly ) kites .38.Would you please _not close__________( not close ) the window, it’s not cold .39.What ___did______ you ____do_____ ( do ) at this time yesterday ?40.You can ____go_______ ( go ) straight along the street .41.He __thought________ ( think ) hard and then had an idea .42.They are very happy __to see_________ ( see ) their teacher .43.The girl with long hair __doesn’t have_________ ( have ) any books .44.In Yunnan it seldom __snows___ ( snow ). But last winter it __snowed_( snow ) heavily .45.Mr. Wang likes ___taking_________ ( take ) photos very much .46.We __will go____________ ( go ) to the City Zoo next Sunday .47.Lisa is going_to visit__________ (visit) Shenyang.48.Tom and Peter will ___take____________(take) the subway to school.49.We ___went_________________(go) to the museum last week.50.The students are ___going__________(go) to climb the mountain this Sunday.51.They ______visited_____(visit) the science museum last Friday.52.The boys _are talking__________(talk) about the famous places in the world now.53.Look! Lucy __is doing_____________(do) her homework.54.Would you like ___to go___________(go) to the City Zoo with me?55.Do you enjoy __visiting_____________(visit) Beijing?56.How __did_________ you __speng_______(spend) your holiday last month?57.I want to visit England and I am trying____to learn______(learn) English now.58.I’ m going to _play__________(play) the piano today.59.Look! The farmers are ___putting___________(put) apples in the baskets.60.They __will fly_____________(fly) to Shanghai tomorrow.61.He ____thought____________(think) hard and then had an idea.三.选择填空(一二单元和五六单元的练习册、小卷的二单元和六单元、阶段练习、期末检测)1.( C ) I ______ a football match last night.A. watchB. watchesC. watchedD. am watched2.( D ) ___ the eve of the Spring Festival we usually _____ up late.A. In, stayedB. At, staysC. On, are stayD. On, stay3.( B ) They often go there ___ their friends.A. andB. withC. ofD. at4.( A ) We ___ Shanghai last month.A. went to visitB. visitC. go to visitD. are visiting5.( C ) ----How was your holiday? ---- .A. Very wellB. Yes, it isC. It was fantasticD. T hat’s OK6.( B ) Our parents in America last year.A. liveB. livedC. livesD. living7.( C ) your teacher to the cinema with you yesterday?A. Does; goB. Does; wentC. Did; goD. Did; went8.( A ) Did you enjoy _________ last night, Tom?A. themselvesB. ourselvesC. yourselfD. yourselves9.( D ) Hurry up! We ______ you.A. wait forB. waited forC. waiting forD. are waiting for10.( D ) How will you spend your holiday, Linda? I _____ to Sanya with my family.A. goB. am goC. goingD. am going11.( B ) Spring Festival is coming. We can see ______ people in the shop.A. a lotB. a lot ofC. a fewD. much12.( D ) Don’t ______ school again.A. late forB. be lateC. to lateD. be late for13.( A )There isn’t ______ bread in the fridge. Would you like to buy ______ for us?A. any; someB. some; someC. any; anyD. some; any14.( A )---Can birds fly? ---Yes, ______ can.A. theyB. themC. theirD. its15.( C )His mother is ill. He has to _____ her at home.A. take careB. look forC. look afterD. look at16.( C )Peter _________ me something about the activity.A. sayB. saysC. toldD. speak17.( B ) Mary ________12 years old tomorrow.A. is going to beB. will beC. isD. was18.( D ) He _________ to eleven last night.A. goes on to workB. went on to workC. goes on workingD. went on working19.(B )I often _____ his homework after supper. But yesterday evening I_______a news paper.A. do; readedB. do; readC. did; readD. did; readed20.( C ) The tailor made her a new ________A clothes B. cloth C dress D clothing21.( A ) They _______home _______the same time yesterday.A. got. atB. get. atC. getting. onD. are getting. on22.( B ) I _______very ______to hear that last night.A. am. excitingB. was. excitedC. am. excite D was. excite23.( D )It _________me an hour to do my homework last Sunday.A. takeB. takingC. takesD. took24.( A )---_______ were you born?----I was born on January 22nd,1985A. WhenB. WhereC. WhatD. How25.( C )This pair of trousers _________not his .His trousers _______ on the chair.A. is; isB. are; areC. is; areD. are; is26.( C ) Tom was born ________April1st,and I was born ________April, tooA. in, inB. in, onC. on, inD. on, on27.( B ) _______was your mother born? She was born _______GuangzhouA. When; inB. Where; inC. Where; atD. When; /28.( C ) Dinosaurs lived ________ years ago .A. two millionsB. million ofC. millions ofD. a million of29.( B ) My mother enjoys ________ to pop music .A. hearingB. listeningC. listenD. to hear30.( A ) Class is over . Let’s ________ a rest .A. haveB. hadC. hasD. to have 31.( C ) I like to keep my room ________ .A. cleaningB. cleanedC. cleanD. to clean32.( D ) These animals ________ dinosaurs .A. callB. are callC. calledD. are called33.( B ) --- Can you _____ me the way to the school , please ? --- OK .A. speakB. tellC. toldD. ask34.( A ) He went to Shanghai with his parents _____ .A. two month agoB. two months beforeC. two month beforeD. two months ago35.( B ) --- Where were you _____ Monday ? --- I was _____ the shop.A. at ; inB. on ; atC. in; atD. at ;on36.( A ) Some dinosaurs ate ______ , _____ , and _____ .A. grass ; plants ; meatB. grass ; plants ; meatsC. grasses ; plants ; meatsD. grass ; plant ; meats37.( B ) --- _____ he ill last week ? --- Yes .A. IsB. WasC. WereD. Are38.( B ) _____ morning exercises is good for our health .A. DidB. DoingC. DoesD. Do39.( C ) It _____ March 12 yesterday . They _____ to plant trees .A. is ; goB. was ; goC. was ; wentD. is ; are going40.( C ) He _____ his homework last night . Tonight he _____ TV .A. does ; watchesB. did ; watchedC. did ; is going to watchD. is going to do ; watched41.( B ) I bought a gift _____ my mother on _____ Day .A. for ; Mothers’B. for ; Mother’sC. to ; Mother’sD. to ; Mothers’42.( C ) --- _____ you go to plant trees yesterday ? --- Yes , I _____ .A. Are ; amB. Do ; doC. Did ; didD. Did ; do43.( D ) Thank you very much _____ me the news .A. toldB. tellingC. to tellD. for telling44.( D ) _____ kind girl she is !A. HowB. WhatC. How aD. What a45.( A ) I met a friend of mine _____ .A. on my way homeB. on my way to homeC. in my way homeD. in my way to home46.( B )There is an interesting book. I ______ reading it.A. wantB. enjoyC. likesD. should47.( A )Tom’s mother never gives her son _______ money.A. muchB. a fewC. someD. a lot48.( B )We have _____ art lesson in ______ afternoon.A. a;/B. an;theC. the;anD. /;a49.( C )Mary has ____ orange schoolbag. She likes ____ colour very much.A. an; aB. a; theC. an; theD. the; a50.( A )There isn’t _ bread in the fridge. Would you like to buy ___ for us?A. any;someB. some;someC. any;anyD. some;any51.(C )Today we are going to learn _____ lesson.A. firstB. twoC. the thirdD. the four52.( B )September is the ________ month of the year.A. eighthB. ninthC. eightD. nine53.( D )We should listen to the teacher ______ in class.A. friendlyB. usuallyC. slowlyD. carefully54.( D )Lisa ______ us some good news yesterday.A. talkedB. spokeC. saidD. told55.( B )—School is over. Let’s go home now. —OK. Let’s ___ the lights.A. turn onB. turn offC. openD. close56.( C ) I’m not good at ______ in Chinese.A. to writingB. to writeC. writingD. write57.( B )Don’t you want _______ our planet beautiful?A. too keepB. to keepC. keepingD. to keeping58.( C )It is one of the ______ theme parks in the world.A. greatB. more greaterC. greatestD. most great59.( B )My studies in primary school ______ coming to an end.A. isB. areC. amD. be60.( B )I ____ to this neighbourhood last week.A. moveB. movedC. movingD. is moving61.( A )We should help ______ animals.A. to protectB. protectingC. protect toD. protects62.( A )In winter, some birds _______ the south.A. fly toB. flies toC. flyD. to fly 63.( B )Lucy _____ like meat _____ .A. not; allB. doesn’t; at allC. not; at allD. doesn’t; too64.( A )Let me ________ you the names of the animals.A . tell B. to tell C. telling D. tells65.( A )We learned ____ from the references.A. a lotB. manyC. a lot ofD. lots of66.( A )We hunt ______ wild animals for our food or clothes.A. too manyB. too muchC. many tooD. much too67.( A )They are going to stay here _____ a few days.A. forB. atC. withD. on68.( B )The Great Wall is _______ the north of Beijing.A. atB. toC. inD. on69.( D )—Did you go to plant trees yesterday? —_____ .A. No, I wasn’tB. Yes, I wasC. No, I weren’tD. Yes, I did70.( B )Mary often________ with her friends on weekends.A. go shoppingB. goes shoppingC. go shopD. goes shop71.( C )The weather in Chongqing is ________ than that in Beijing.A. hotB. hottestC. hotterD. the hottest72.( B )Lucy has her birthday party on October 15th. ______ you come with me? Sure.A. WhatB. WillC. WhenD. Why73.( C )Listen! Who________ in the next room?A. singsB. singingC. is singingD. to sing74.( C )The Yellow River is the second ________ in China.A. longB. longerC. longestD. the longest75.( D )Peter is going to Shanghai _______ a train.A. byB. ofC. withD. on76.( A )—Thanks for your wonderful dinner. I have to go now.—It’s raining hard. Don’t _______ until it stops.A. leaveB. getC. stayD. come77.( B )Shandong is _______ the north of Jiangsu.A. inB. onC. withD. at78.( B )Australia is quite different _______ Canada in weather.A. atB. fromC. forD. on79.( A )My aunt _______ me something about the trip.A. toldB. saidC. spokeD. talked80.( A )One of the boys _______ standing near the river.A. isB. areC. amD. be81.( B )—Where’s Sydney? —It’s in _______.A. the USAB. AustraliaC. CanadaD. England82.( C ) _______ the visitors _______ have a rest?A. Will; going toB. Will; goC. Are; going toD. Do; going83.( A )I have a good friend _______________ Mary.A called B. is called C. call D calling84.( A )There are about __________ students in this school.A. five thousandB. five thousandsC. five thousands ofD. thousand of85.( C )I began to learn English four years ___________.A. beforeB. afterC. ago D later86.( C )He ___________ his father now.A. look likeB. was likeC. is likeD. like87.( B )Who works ___________ in your class?A. hardB. harderC. hardestD. hardly88.( A )He used stones to kill animals ___________ food.A. forB. toC. withD. from89.( B )Trees can _____________ the air fresh and clean.A. hopeB. makeC. helpD. let90.( B )I ____________ up a little late this morning.A. getsB. getC. gotD. am getting91.( B )Today __________ warm, but yesterday ___________ cold.A. is; isB. is; wasC. was; isD. was; was92.( A )We learn to make some______________ from our art class.A. art workB. are workingC. arts workD. arts works93.( D )Will you please _____ a spade _____ the hole?A.make, dig B.to use, to dig C.using, dig D. use, to dig 94.( C )We are working hard to _____ our country _____.A.let, green B.keep, greener C.make, greener D. turn, green 95.( B )He _____ me something about the trip.A.said B.told C.spoke D.talked96.( A )His mother is ill.He has to _____ her at home.A.look after B.take care C.look like D.watch97.( B )Each of the family _____ a bike to ride.A.have B.has C.get D.makes98.( D )I like Tianjin because it is my hometown and it’s also one of _____ in China.A.the cities B.the big cities C.the biggest D.the biggest cities 99.( A )There _____ a little water in the glass.A.is B.are C.isn’t D.aren’t100.( A )--How do you read this number“200,000”?________.A. Two hundred thousandB. Two hundred thousandsC. Two hundreds thousandD. Two hundred of thousand101.( B )It’s good to go swimming ___________.A. in this time of yearB. at this time of yearC. for this time of yearD. on this time of year102.( A )_______ me today’s paper, and________ this banana to your father.A. Bring, takeB. Take, bringC. Carry, bringD. Take, carry 103.( A )— Can you _______ it in English?— Yes, I can.A. speakB. talkC. sayD. singing104.( D )— _________watching TV this evening? —OK.A. WhatB. HowC. WhoD. What about 105.(C )What are you going to do _______ evening?A. in thisB. todayC. thisD. every106.( B )Yao Ming is________ NBA player.A. aB. anC. theD./107.( C )The boy is on his way________ .A. to the schoolB. to thereC. homeD. to the Class One 108.( C )Tom’s family is going on a trip_______ China _______ the holiday.A. of; inB. of; duringC. around; duringD. at; during 109.( A )The Great Wall is _________ wall in the world.A. the longestB. longC. longerD. longest110.( C )— __________ is Peter going to stay in China? — For a few days.A. HowB. How oftenC. How longD. When111.( B )Mrs Black is interested in ________little animals.A. keepB. keepingC. to keepD. keeps112.( C )The capital of America __________ Washington D.C.A. calledB. callsC. is calledD. calling113.( A )The sun rises in the________ .A. eastB. southC. westD. north114.( B )I saw a bird ________ to the north.A. flyB. flyingC. flysD. flied115.( A )I can’t find the key ________ the door.A. toB. ofC. atD. on116.( C ) ________ a cold night we went to Shanghai ________.A. On;take trainB. On;by a trainC. On;by airD. In;by bikes 117.( C )You should ________ your son ________ the hospital. He was ill.A. took;onB. take;atC. take;toD. taking;to118.( B )We should ___ the Great Wall. It is one of the ___ wonders _____ the world.A. save;great;ofB. protect;greatest;ofC. build;great;onD. make;greatest;at119.( D )—Huangshan isn’t in the south of Anhui Province, is it? —________.A. Yes, it isn’tB. No, it isn’tC. No, it isD. Yes, it is120.( B )They are going ________ Sydney Opera House.A. seeB. to seeC. sawD. to seeing121.( C )—Tell me where ________ yesterday. —He was at home.A. was heB. is heC. he wasD. he is122.( B )You shouldn’t ________ the light ________ when you go out.A. leave;inB. leave;onC. left;atD. with;on123.( B )They________ tomorrow morning.A. go to BeijingB. are going to BeijingC. went to BeijingD. will go Beijing124.( C )He ________ to be a teacher last year. But now he ________ to be a doctor.A. wants;wantedB. want;wantC. wanted;wantsD. wanted;wanting125.( D )________her way to school she ________ some pens and books.A. In;buysB. At;boughtC. On;buiesD. On;bought 126.( B )Huangshan is famous________ its beautiful mountains.A. asB. forC. atD. of127.( B )Can you ________ the key ________ the door?A. look for;ofB. find;toC. found;atD. look;at128.( D )Turn left at the ________ crossing.A. a secondB. twoC. twiceD. second129.( C )I had no time ________ TV.A. watchB. watchingC. to watchD. watches130.( C ) You’ll be late ________you don’t hurry.A. orB. afterC. IfD. with131.( C )When I came into the room, I saw him ________ at the desk.A. write atB. writing inC. writingD. writes at132.( B )The students each________ many interesting books.A. hasB. haveC. isD. are133.( A )My uncle came here ________ the evening of October.A. onB. inC. atD. for134.(A )I hear he lives in one of the ________ in Shanghai.A. tallest buildingsB. tallest buildingC. taller buildingsD. taller building 135.( A )Your father did some reading this morning,________?A. didn’t heB. wasn’t heC. did heD. was he136.(A )Is there ________ useful book on the shelf?A. aB. anC. anyD. some137.( B )Lesley prefers________.A. sing and danceB. singing to dancingC. to sing to danceD. to sing than dancing138.( C )I would like you________ a picture for me.A. drawingB. drawC. to drawD. drew139.( B )He told me about ________.A. enjoy themB. enjoying themselvesC. enjoys theirD. enjoying they 140.( C )There was ________ train ________ the two cities last year.A. not;inB. no;onC. no;betweenD. not;between 141.( D )All of us learned English ________ different ways.A. atB. in theC. onD. in142.( D )I ________ the radio before I went out yesterday.A. turn onB. turned onC. turn offD. turned off143.( A ) Did you _____ to plant trees yesterday ?A. goB. wentC. goes144.( B ) First , _____ the soil . Next , put the seeds in the soil .A. dugB. digC. digging145.( C ) There are many holes _____ the ground .A. on B at C. in146.( B ) Last Friday _____ June 1st .A. isB. wasC. are147.( A ) _____ air is fresh and clean in the nature park .A. TheB. AC. /148.( C )—__ ? —I come from Australia.A. Where are you come fromB. Where do you liveC. Where do you come from 149.( B ) The girl is busy _______ her clothes.A. to washB. washingC. wash150.( C )We learned some history last week.A. forB. fromC. about151.( C )Mr. Wang ______ go fishing this morning.A. beB. shallC. will152.( A )One of the people ____ a friend of ____ .A. is; mineB. are; mineC. my; is153.(B )We live the north ___ China.A. in;toB. in;ofC. on;of154.( B )She __ the teacher carefully, but didn’t anything.A . listens to; hear B. listened to; hear C. hears; listened to155.( A )There ____ a ruler and two pens on the desk.A. isB. areC. am156.( C ) ______ book on the table is mine.A. AB. SomeC. The157.( C )It’s eleven o’clock in the evening. I must ____________bed.A. to go toB. to goC. go to158.( B )Please come __________ here. Don’t go _______________ there.A. to; toB. /; /C. at; to159.( B )Do you know how ____________ a toy car?A. makingB. to makeC. make160.( A )We waste too _________________ water.A. muchB. manyC. any161.( B )________________ you want to keep our planet beautiful?A. Can’tB. Don’tC. Not162.( C )There are many wild animals ______________ in the world.A. liveB. livesC. living163.( C )We should ______________ quiet in class.A. beingB. to beC. be164.( B )Don’t make the oceans _____________ .A. to dirtyB. dirtyC. be dirty165.( B )Tell people _______________ wild animals.A. to not huntB. not to huntC. not hunt166.( A )We can do a lot of things ___________ our planet.A. aboutB. atC. in167.( A )We shouldn’t wear fur ___________ leather clothes.A. orB. andC. but168.( A )We should ____________ good _____________ animals.A. be;toB. are;toC. be;for169.( B )Thank you very much ______________ me the news.A. toldB. for tellingC. to tell四.按要求改写句子(一、二、六单元的练习册)1.I was at home during the holiday. (对划线部分提问)Where were you during the holiday?2.Our holiday was fantastic. (对划线部分提问)How was your holiday?3.I had a good time. (改为一般疑问句)Did you ____ have ___ a good time?4.Does your brother play basketball every afternoon? (用yesterday作时间状语)Did your brother play basketball yesterday ?5.Sanya is a beautiful city. (改为感叹句)What a beautiful __city________ Sanya is!6.I was at the shop last Sunday. (改为一般疑问句)Were __ you __ at the shop last Sundy _ ?。
