金融 Unit (10)

Unit 1 EMU Has Exchange Rate Policy Implications for Transition Countries Seeking EU Membership[Key Words]European Economic and Monetary Union (EMU) 欧洲经济货币联盟EMU reference values 欧洲经济货币联盟参考标准The new exchange rate mechanism (ERM 2) 新汇率机制IMF’s Fiscal Affairs Department 国际货币基金组织财政部The currency risk premium 货币风险溢酬Asymmetric real shocks 非对称性实际冲击An independent monetary and exchange rate policy 独立的货币汇率政策Macroeconomic stability 宏观经济稳定性Budget balance 预算平衡Synchronized cycles 同步的循环Biased toward agriculture and industry 偏重于工农业Non-core EU members 欧盟非核心成员国A managed float (exchange rate arrangement) 有管理的浮动汇率制An undeclared margin against the deutsche mark 钉紧德国马克,保持一个不公开的差额A pre-announced crawling peg 预先公布的缓慢钉紧汇率制度A currency board arrangement 货币局制度、联系汇率制度External current account 对外经常性项目账户The capital account 资本账户Legal reserve requirement systems 法定存款准备金制度Sterilized intervention 对冲操作The nominal exchange rate 名义利率Exchange rate regimes 汇率制度Appropriate flanking policies 适当的配套政策Containment of fiscal imbalances 遏制财政失衡A prudent monetary stance 审慎的货币政策Fixed parity 固定平价Purchasing power parity (PPP) 购买力平价Interest rate parity (IRP) 利率平价Gold parity 金平价Widen the official margins 放宽官方波动幅度Shadow the Euro unilaterally 单方面暗中钉紧欧元Full capital account liberalization 资本项目的完全放开[Notes]1. Including convergence toward EMU reference values and adherence to the new exchange rate mechanism (ERM2) created for nonparticipating EU members.2. That is, those that have opted out, or been left out, of EMU.3. Albeit4. Entering the EMU currency area entails both cost and benefits for candidate countries.5. Also, the currency risk premium, reflected in the interest rate, would fall and eventually vanish.6. An important potential cost of joining a currency area is that it impairs a country’s ability to absorb asymmetric real shocks in the absence of an independent monetary and exchange rate policy.7. And, conversely, participation in a currency area leads to trade expansion and thus to more synchronized cycles.8. Their economic structure is only moderately more biased toward agriculture and industry relative to services than that of non-core EU members, except Greece.9. At one end of the spectrum, the Czech Republic follows a managed float subordinate to the inflation target set by the central bank.10. The current macroeconomic situation in these countries is broadly characterized by sustainable growth, underpinned by rapidly increasing labor productivity, and by a deceleration in inflation to low double-digit or high single-digit rates.11. The effect is compounded by a surge in foreign direct investment.12. Insufficient financial and enterprise restructuring has rendered the Czech economy vulnerable.13. All five countries-to varying degrees-will need to make steady progress toward increased wage flexibility, containment of fiscal imbalances supported by a prudent monetary stance, and financial sector restructuring.14. However, accession countries should exercise caution in widening the band during a period of turbulence in the foreign exchange market.15. To preserve credibility, the authorities should declare the country’s commitment to reinstate the former parity following a temporary deviation due to a speculative attack.16. *The other dilemma enters on the requirement of full capital account liberalization while the candidate countries remain vulnerable to destabilizing capital flows prompted by rapid shifts in investor sentiment.[Exercise 2]1.美国是个移民国家,他号称接纳了那些不愿或不能回到自己祖国去的许多人。

M10 Unit1 单词表1.rainfall n.降雨;降雨量2.cattle牛3.*severity n.严重性4.catastrophe n.灾难,灾祸5.Irish爱尔兰的;爱尔兰人的,爱尔兰人;爱尔兰语6.put pressure on给……施加压力7.politician政治家,政客8.statesman n.国务活动家,国家领导人9.mosquito蚊子10.yearly adv.每年adj. 每年的11.on top of另外,此外12.claim夺走(生命)13.global全球的,世界性的14.*crisis n.危机15.target vt.将……作为目标16.at risk处于危险状态17.pregnant怀孕的18.elderly上了年纪的,年纪较大的19.unemployed失业的20.without doubt毫无疑问21.crossroad n.十字路口22.at a crossroads处在抉择的关键时刻23.currently adv.现在,当前24.short-term短期的25.long-term长期的26.switch转换,转变27.import进口;输入28.*infrastructure n.基础建设,基础设施29.smoothly adv.平稳地;顺利地;平滑地30.irrigation n.灌溉31.electricity n.电力;电32.be dependent on依靠,以来;随……而定33.male n.男性adj. 男性的34.breadwinner n.养家活口的人,挣钱养家的人35.housewife家庭主妇36.*community社区37.homeless无家的,无家可归的38.wire n.金属丝,铁丝;电线39.conventional传统的,常规的40.output n.产量41.belly n.肚子,腹部42.artificial虚假的,假装的;人造的,人工的43.firstly adv.第一,首先44.secondly adv.第二,其次45.grain粮食,谷物46.nutritional够营养的47.thirdly adv.第三48.dignity (n.) 尊严49.in debt负债50.repay vt.偿还;报答,回报51.loan n.贷款52.interest n.利息53.repayment n.偿贷,还债54.finance (n.) 金融,财政, 财源,财政收入55.weaken vt.&vi.(使)变弱,削弱56.campaign vi.发起运动57.squeeze n.拮据,紧缺;挤压58.designer n.设计师59.casual随意的,非正式的, 不经意的,漫不经心的60.handy手边的,随手可用的61.typewriter n.打字机62.basement n.地下室63.creativity n.创造力64.catering n.餐饮业65.sleepy困倦的,瞌睡的66.eagle n.鹰67.passer-by 路过者,行人68.*contest n.竞赛69.grand盛大的,豪华的70.grand opening正式开业,盛大开业71.hand-sewn手工缝制的72.belt n.腰带,皮带,带子73.handkerchief n.手帕74.show off展示,炫耀75.bookworm n.书虫,酷爱读书76.counter n.柜台77.suitcase n.手提箱,78.bell n.铃,钟79.bare不加掩饰的,不加发挥的;赤裸的,无遮蔽的80.*sustainable可持续的81.put into practice将……付诸实施82.grandchild孙子,孙女83.in danger处于危险状态84.shower n.淋浴85.boil vt.&vi.(使)沸腾86.power(vt) 给……提供动力, 驱动87.electrical电的,用电的88.petrol汽油89.fossil fuel矿物燃料90.coal n.煤91.non-renewable不可再生的92.oilfield n.油田93.coal seam煤层94.foreseeable可以预见的95.*carbon dioxide二氧化磷96.poison n.毒,毒药97.contribute to促成,引发98.push for努力争取99.alternative可供选择的,二选一的100.solar energy太阳能101.*hydroelectricity n.水力电气,水电102.*conscious意识到的,注意到的103.increasingly adv.日益,愈加104.generator n.发电机;发生器105.storage储藏,储存106.tank n.箱,罐,桶,槽;坦克107.heat vt.给……加热108.*windmill风车109.flour面粉110.*wind turbine n.涡轮,风力涡轮机,风轮机111.*hydroelectricity水力发电的112.power plant发电厂113.*transmit vt.传输,传遍114.*tentative尝试的,试探的,试验性的115.*nevertheless adv.然而,不过116.operator n.操作员117.systematic系统的M10 Unit2 单词表1.on the move在旅途中,在迁徙中2.mobility流动,迁移3.edition n.(报纸或杂志的)一期;版本,版4.look at思考,考虑,研究5.age(vi) 变老6.head(vi) vi.朝(特定方向)前进7.freeway<美>高速公路8.year-round全年的,常年的9.seasonal季节的,季节性的10.*resident居民,11.account for占据,是……的原因,对……做出解释或者说明12.pension n.退休金13.changeable易变的14.cocoa n.可可饮料15.slip vi.&n.滑倒;滑,滑动16.retirement退休17.*landscape地形;风景18.ambulance救护车19.bathroom浴室,盥洗室;卫生间20.homeowner业主,房产主21.walk-in大得能容人走进的22.bathtub浴缸,澡盆23.bingo n.宾戈(一种赌博游戏)24.herb芳草;草本植物25.seagull n.海鸥26.mobile移动的,流动的27.Oceania大洋州28.inn <美>旅馆,饭店;路边小旅店29.Midwestern(美国)中西部的30.local.当地居民31.flesh 肉体,肉32.one’s (own) flesh and blood亲骨肉,亲人33.rent房租34.partner伴侣;同伴,合伙人35.accountant会计,会计师36.database数据库37.clerk职员,办事员38.pence(penny的复数)便士39.allowance津贴40.brunch n.早午餐41.buffet自助餐42.hostess女主人43.headline(报刊的)标题44.numb麻木的45.physicist物理学家46.biologist生物学家47.botany n.植物学48.biochemistry n.生物化学,生化49.*analytical分析的,善于分析的wyer律师51.firm公司w firm律师事务所53.adjustment调整,调节54.bungalow n.平房,小屋55.go bowling打保龄球56.skateboard滑板57.astronomer天文学家58.telescope望远镜59.bakery面包店60.botanical植物的,植物!学的61.*brain drain人才流失62.*reverse vt.使反向,使倒转63.*reversal n. 倒转,颠倒64.currency n.货币,通货65.pound英镑66.exchange交换;兑换;交流67.returnee回国人员;返回者68.take advantage of利用69.high-level高层的,高级的70.preferential优惠的,特惠的;优先的71.sponsorship n.赞助,资助72.word of mouth言传,口口相传73.hook (vt) vt.吸引;使沉迷,使上瘾;用钩子钩住n.钩,吊钩74.make use of利用75.*entrepreneur n.企业家76.wander vi.&vt.漫游,闲逛77.*Rom(复数Roma)罗姆人,吉卜赛人78.*nomadic游牧的79.have sth in common在……方面有共同点80.closed adj.封闭的,排外的81.submit vi.服从,顺从,听任vt递交,呈递82.submit to服从,顺从,听任83.vote vi.&n.选举,投票84.vain徒劳的;自负的85.in vain徒劳,徒然86.roundabout迂回的;转弯抹角的,不直截了当的87.chain n.一系列,一连串;链条88.rag n.破布;( rags )破旧伏服89.in rags衣衫褴褛90.fortune telling算命,占卜91.liar说谎者,惯于说谎的人92.*pilgrim n.朝圣者,朝拜者93.collision碰撞,冲突94.hearing n.申辩的机会95.passport n.护照96.citizenship n.公民身份97.take to开始从事,喜欢,沉溺于98.suspect n.嫌疑犯,犯罪嫌疑人99.*Nazi n.纳粹100.gay同性恋者101.*Jewish犹太的102.plot密谋,秘密策划103.terror恐惧104.in terror处于恐惧状态105.in large numbers大量地106.nursery n.托儿所107.ray光束pensate vi.补偿109.in part部分地110.non-governmental非政府的,非官方的M10 Unit3 单词表1.Aids艾滋病2.far-off遥远的3.scream尖叫,尖叫声4.bath澡盆,浴缸;洗澡,沐浴5.leak vt.&vi.漏,渗漏;泄漏6.bathe给……洗澡vi.洗澡,沐浴7.sob vi.&n.呜咽,哭泣8.*immune免疫的9.*deficiency n.缺陷10.*syndrome n.综合征,综合症状11.*Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome获得性免疫缺陷综合征12.*HIV人类免疫缺陷病毒,艾滋病病毒13.*immunodeficiency n.免疫缺陷14.*human immunodeficiency virus人类免疫缺陷病毒,艾滋病病毒(通称;HIV)15.cure n.治疗,疗法16.*infect vt.感染17.outward外部的;外表的;向外的,adv.向外,往外;表面上18.carrier病毒携带者19.*HIV-positive HIV阳性的20.flu流感21.unprotected末采取防护措施的,无防护的22.sex n.性,性生活;性别23.percent百分之……;百分比24.*infection n.感染25.*syringe注射器26.*transfusion n.输血;输液27.pregnancy n.怀孕28.childbirth分娩,生产29.breastfeed vi.&vt.哺乳,喂奶30.abortion n.流产,堕胎;夭折,中止31.subscribe to同意,赞成,订阅(报纸、杂志等)32.*estimate估计33.*epidemic流行的,传染的,流行病34.soul n.灵魂,心灵;精神,精力35.body and soul身心36.distribution分布;分发,发放37.scar伤痕,疤痕38.prescription处方,药方39.reporter n,记者,通讯员40.grandson孙子41.granddaughter孙女42.choke vi.窒息,噎住,呛43.choke back控制住,忍住44.penny便士45.*case study个案研究,个案分析46.jog (v.) vi.慢跑47.lemon n.柠檬48.lemon-flavoured柠檬味的49.sour酸的,酸味的50.tasteless没有昧道的;没有品位的;无鉴赏力的51.*antibiotic抗生素52.lemonade柠檬汁53.promote vt.提升,提拔54.chairwoman n.(公司等的)女总裁,女董事长;(会议等的)女主席,女主持人55.drawer n.抽屉56.blank(纸等)空白的,无文字说明的57.swallow vt.&vi.吞,咽58.bleed流血,出血59.faint vi.晕倒,昏厥60.salad n.色拉61.scold vt.&vi.责骂,责备62.unnecessarily没有必要地63.youthful年轻的;年轻人的64.messy办难对付的,棘手的;脏乱的,凌乱的65.*rebel vi.反抗,反叛,叛逆66.class n.类别67.addictive(药物等)使人上瘾的68.physically adv.生理上地69.psychologically adv.心理上地70.*upper n.兴奋剂71.*sore疼痛的72.jaw n.下巴73.toothache牙痛74.in some cases在某些情况下75.*speed n.安非他明(一种兴奋剂)76.capsule n.胶囊77.pill n.药片,药物78.*suppress vt.抑制;镇压79.thirst n.口渴;渴望80.digest/vt.&vi.消化81.*nicotine n.尼古丁82.cigar n.雪茄83.*caffeine n.咖口非因84.smoker n.吸烟者85.*downer n.镇定剂86.forgetful健忘的,易忘的87.*depression n.消沉,沮丧88.*heroin n.海洛因,吗啡89.*inject vt.注射90.spoonful n.一匙91.slide (v.) vi.滑行,滑动vt. 使滑行,使滑动92.*LSD迷幻药93.blood sugar血糖94.acute急性的,剧烈的95.*mood心情,情绪96.*prescribe vt.开处方,开药97.in prison坐牢,被监禁98.penalty n.惩罚,处罚99.death penalty死刑100.stain n.污点,瑕疵101.rewind vt.倒回(录像带或磁带等) (102.erase vt.擦掉,抹去103.*rehabilitation n.康复,复原104.*ease vt.减轻,减缓;使安心,使放松105.withdrawal戒毒期,脱瘾期,停止,取消;收回,撤回106.additional另外的,附加的,额外的107.session(从事某种活动的) 一段时间108.anchor n.依靠,支柱;锚109.in the first place首先,一开始110.well-being (n.) n.幸福,安康M10 Unit4 单词表1.order秩序2.*cybercrime n.网络犯罪3.theoretical理论上的;理论的4.term n.术语,名词puter-related与电脑相关的6.offence n. 犯罪,冒犯;罪过7.criminal offence刑事犯罪8.9.*hack vi.非法侵入(他人的计算机系统)10.*fraud n. 诈骗;欺诈行为11.offensive冒犯的,攻击性的,令人不快的12.hatred n. 憎恨,仇恨stly adv.最后14.identify vt.认定;识别,鉴别15.related to与……相联系,与……有关16.intellectual智力的17.*intellectual property知识产权18.*property n.财产,拥有之物19.classification n.分类20.cheque n.支票21.receiver接收者,收件人22.individual n.个人,个体23.ripe时机成熟的,适宜的;熟的,成熟的24.cybercriminal网络罪犯25.break into侵入,闯入,破门而入26.furthermore adv.此外,而且27.accuracy n.精确,准确28.annually adv.每年29.*blackmail n.勒索,敲诈30.deposit vt.储蓄,存钱31.bank account银行账户32.*complicate vt.使……变得复杂33.regarding prep.关于34.pass vt.通过(法律)35.visa n.签证36.*cooperation合作,协作37.technological.科技的38.keep up跟上,不落后39.airspace领空40.*multinational多国的,跨国的41.no doubt无疑地42.referee仲裁人,调解人;裁判员43.steward干事,管理者;(飞机、轮船等的)乘务员44.tight严密的;紧的45.*modem调制解调器,猫46.revision n.修改,修订47.software n.(计算机)软件48.*incite vt.煽动49.view vt.阅览,观看50.unsuitable不合适的,不适合的51.applicant n.申请者52.workings(复数)运转,运行,工作53.walnut n.胡桃,核桃;胡桃树54.cafeteria n.自助餐厅,自助餐馆mp n.灯,台灯spy vt.&vi.瞥见,发现,当间谍n.间谍56.tin n.金属盒,罐57.class monitor班长58.lid n.盖子59.overcoat n.大衣,外套me蹩脚的,差劲的;瘸的61.suspension n.暂停,中止62.get into a bad habit养成坏习惯63.define vt.给……下定义;对……做详细说明64.*trademark n.商标65.apply to适用于,应用于66.architectural建筑的,建筑上的67.creator n.创造者68.draft n.草稿69.similarly adv.同样地,类似地70.raw未加工的,未处理的;生的,没有煮熟的71.motor n.马达,发动机72.wheel轮子73.strait n.(常作straits)困境,窘境;海峡74.*fake假的,伪造的,冒充的n.假货,赝品;捏造的报道,虚构的故事75.*pirate vt.剽窃,盗版,盗印76.designer由著名设计师设计的77.underwear n,内衣裤78.aboard adv.在飞机(轮船、火车等上79.welcome aboard欢迎搭乘班机80.*enforce vt.执行;加强,强化81.signature n.签字82.be faced with面临,面对83.piracy n.盗版0-p producer n.生产者,制作者;制片人certificate n.证书,证明书84.pose vt.构成,造成(困难、危险、挑战);摆姿势85.suck vt.吸,吮;吸取,消耗86.further vt.促进,增进87.*trustworthy值得信赖的,可信任的88.payment报酬;支付,付款89.apology n.道歉90.take…to court把……告上法庭91.。

mortgage抵押barter物物交换rates of exchange汇率credit union信用社double coincidence of wants需求双重巧合stock index股票指数surplus unit资金盈余单位deficit unit资金短缺单位 a means of payment for goods购货的支付手段repayment of debts债务偿还interest rate fluctuation利率波动financial asset金融资产money supply货币供给checking account支票账户Federal Reserve note联邦票据Federal Reserve bank联邦银行market mutual funds市场互助资金overnight loans隔夜贷款financial institution金融机构economic life经济生活be converted into转换成 a medium of exchange交换媒介unit of account记账单位stock market股票市场circulate流通,发行suspend使中止quota配额,定额,限额agreement协定,协议redeem将(纸币)兑换成硬币,用(股票等)兑取现金inflation通货膨胀,(物价)暴涨appreciate增值,涨价surveillance看守,监视,监督,检查International Monetary System国际货币体系balance of payments收支平衡International Monetary Fund (IMF)国际货币基金(组织) Bretton Woods System布雷顿森林体系The General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade(GATT)关贸总协定par value面值IMF system国际货币基金体系paper gold/SDRs纸黄金/特别提款权favorable payments balances国际收支顺差the gold standard金本位The Jamaica System牙买加体系Plaza Agreement广场协议Louvre Accord卢浮宫协议European Monetary System欧洲货币体系security证券denomination(货币)计值单位,面额commission佣金marketable适于销售的auction拍卖yield收益,回报default违约secure抵押,担保acceptance承兑fraudulent欺诈的fixed interest income固定利息收入bearish market 熊市bullish market牛市risk/return tradeoff风险回报考量mutual fund互助资金coupon bonds息票债券compound bonds复利time deposit定期存款tie up占用,冻结secondary market二级市场account receivable应收账款money market investment货币市场投资cash investment现金投资money market instrument货币市场工具Treasury Bills(T-bills)国债,国库券certificate of deposit(CD)大额存单commercial paper商业票据bankers’ acceptance银行承兑汇票Eurodollars欧洲美元repo回购协议dividend红利,股息hedge套期保值opportunity cost机会成本preferred stock优先股real assets不动产common stocks普通股EPS(Earning Per Share)每股收益fall short of不符合,达不到investment decision投资决策real interest rate实际利率excepted returns预期回报personal risk个人风险timing risk时机风险tenure risk时期风险company risk公司风险financial risk财务风险management risk管理风险market risk市场风险liquidity risk流动风险interest risk利率风险inflation risk通货膨胀风险exchange rate risk汇率风险reinvestment risk再投资风险national and international risk国家和国际风险economic risk经济风险industry risk工业风险tax risk税收风险political risk政治风险impact作用,影响survival生存havoc破坏,混乱unpredictability不可预期swap掉期,互换,做交易subsidiary子公司,辅助物indebtedness亏欠,欠债invoice发票,开发票offset抵消,冲销,补偿monetary units货币单位foreign currency外币in the absence of缺少,如果没有forward foreign exchange market远期外汇市场foreign currency swap外汇掉期spot transaction即期交易forward transaction远期交易parent company母公司home currency本币forward delivery远期交割set off抵消,抵补citizenship公民credit贷记debit借记reserve储备resident居民multinational corporations跨国公司balance of payments国际收支double-entry bookkeeping复式记账法capital and financial account资本与金融账户investment income投资收益tangible trade有形贸易trade deficit贸易赤字trade surplus贸易盈余intellectual properties知识产权capital inflow资本流入capital outflow资本流出portfolio investment间接投资,(有价)证券投资money market instruments货币市场工具official reserve assets官方储备资产foreign direct investment(FDI)外国直接投资address开立order指定的人bearer来人affiliate分支机构remittance汇款collection托收present提示cash兑现withdraw提取protest做拒绝证书round整数的bill of exchange汇票sight draft即期汇票arrival draft货到付款汇票time draft远期汇票grace period宽限期be bound to一定的,必定的collecting bank代收行remitting bank托收行crossed cheque划线支票open cheque现金支票traveler’s cheque旅行支票in one’s presence当某人面Traveler’s Letter of Credit旅行信用证Economists define money(or equivalently, the money supply)as anything that is generally accepted in repayment for goods or services or in repayment for debts.经济学家将货币(或货币供给)定义为在商品或服务的支付中或在偿还债务中被普遍接受的任何东西。
Business English 金融学词汇

Unit 1 Money New Words and expressions:attribute 属性,特性double coincidence of wants 需求的双重巧合acceptability 可接受性engrave 雕刻bronze 青铜amplify 放大,增强division 分工flexibility 灵活性exercise 使用,运用check 支票efficiency 效力saving deposite 储蓄存款purchasing power 购买力yardstick 尺度,标准apportion 分配bill 纸币substitute 代替,替换fluctuation 波动in discharge of 偿清principle 本金Notes1. checking account 支票账户2. saving deposits 储蓄存款3. currency 通货4. medium of exchange 交易媒介5. standard of value 价值尺度6. store of value 价值储藏7. standard of deferred payment 延期支付标准8. travelers check 旅行支票9. demand deposit 活期存款10. treasury bills 短期国债Unit 3 Determination of Interest Rate Movement New words and expressions:adjust 调整macroeconomic control 宏观经济调控monetary policy 货币政策elaborate 详细描述item 项目installment 分期付款inverse 相反的afford 足以,负担得起repayment 偿还,付还outweigh 超过return 汇报favorable 有利的insensitive 不敏感的generate 使发生,产生inflow 流入reward 报酬,奖赏postpone 暂缓,延期corresponding 相当的,对称的intermediary 中介的,中间人Notes1. macroeconomic control 宏观经济调控2. saving and investment theory 储蓄投资理论3. liquidity preference theory 流动行偏好理论4. loanable funds theory 可贷资金理论5. demand for loanable funds 可贷资金的需求6. net present value(NPV) 净现值7. account receivables 应收账款8. supply of loanable funds 可贷资金的供给9. reserves 法定存款准备金10. depository institutions 存款机构Unit 4 Balance of Payments New words and expressios:resident 居民citizenship 公民principle 原则current account 经常账户entry (写进账本的)项目remittance 汇款capital account 资本账户draw on 提取error 错误omission 遗漏subsidiary 所有权owenership 所有权debit 借记credit 贷记render 移交,交出distillery 制酒厂creditorship 债权债务关系asset 资产liability 债务artificially 人为地pension 养老金the rest of something 其他的部分deficit 逆差surplus 顺差outflow 流出Notes1. balance of payments 国际收支平衡表2. double-entry system 复式记账原理3. unilateral transfer 单方面转移4. bookkeeping 簿记5. portfolio investement 投资债券6. convertible currency 可兑换通货Unit 5 Basic Theories of Balance of Payment New words and experssions;elasticity 弹性approach 方法,理论responsive 响应的,做出响应的coefficient (数)系数retard 延迟,阻止,妨碍plot 划,划分due to 因为curve 曲线temporary 暂时的,临时的perverse 相反的,不正当的in the long run 从长期看in the short run 从短期看substitute 代替品alter 改变absorption 吸收output 产出expenditure 支出,花费consist of 由...组成consumption 消费consume 消费exceed 超出,超过,多于dominant 占优势的,有统治权的,支配的focus on 集中premise 前提disequilibrium 失衡determinant 决定因素assumption 假定,设想aggregate 合计的,总计的,集合的。

Chapter One Functions of Financial Markets 一.Translate the following sentences into Chinese.1.China’s banking industry is now supervised by the PBC and CBRC. In addition, the MOFis in charge of financial accounting and taxation part of banking regulation and management.目前中国银行业主要由中国人民银行和银监会进行监管。
2.Currently Chinese fund management companies are engaged in the following business:securities investment fund, entrusted asset management, investment consultancy, management of national social security funds, enterprise pension funds and QDII businesses.目前中国的基金管理公司主要从事以下业务:证券投资基金业务、受托资产管理业务、投资咨询业务、社保基金管理业务、企业年金管理业务和合格境内机构投资者业务等。
3.China's economy had 10% growth rate in the years before the world financial crisisof 2008. That economic expansion resulted from big trade surpluses and full investment.Now China is seeking to move away from that growth model. The country is working to balance exports with demand at home.在2008年世界经济危机之前的那些年,中国经济增长速度曾达到10%。

金融英语Financial EnglishChapter 1Banks in modern society(现代社会中的银行)Unit 1Basic roles and services of a bank(银行的基本职能和服务)What is a bank?(如何定义银行?)It may be advisable to define a bank as an institution for doing financial work.(可以将银行定义为从事金融工作的机构。
)Notes bankingA modern bank provides many services.(现代银行提供多种服务)。
One of the most important of these is regular pass book saving. (其中最重要的一项就是存款储蓄,).If you go to a bank to open a saving account, (如果你去银行开立储蓄户头,)first of all you’ll be asked to fill out a signature card. (首先你得填写签名卡。
)【Saving account Deman d-deposit or checkin g-accounts, tim e-deposit.】Then you’ll be given a passbook in which your initial deposit would be recorded.(然后你就会得到一张存折,上面记载了你的初次存款。
)All deposits and withdrawals from your account are entered into your passbook.(你账上所有存、取款都将记入你的存折。
)This means that the passbook contains an actual record of saving you have at any one time. (这就是说存折实实在在记录着你每一次的储蓄情况。

精心整理unit 1(confront) 1.他为这次面试中可能面对的问题准备好了答案。
( touch )3.他们俩沿着河边手挽着手散步,有说有笑,非常愉快。
( hand in hand )4.他听到这令人激动地消息之后,眼睛里涌出欢乐的泪水。
( well up )5.上海人容易听懂苏州话,因为上海话和苏州话有许多共同之处。
( in common )亨利和妻子正在研究能否在三年内买一幢新房子。
( look into ) 6. 对女儿再三请求到国外去深造,他最终让步了。
(give in to) 7.我们把所有的贵重物品都锁好了,然后才出去度假( lock away ) 8.虽然咱们分手了,但我希望咱们依然是好朋友,像以前一样互相关心,互相帮助( part ) 9.( summon ) 10.在紧急关头,军长召集全体军官开会,制定新的克敌战略战术。
unit 2( head ) 1一个有外交部长率领的政府代表团昨天抵达南非开始对该国进行为期三天的友好访问( awfully funny ) 2看看这些讽刺社会弊端的漫画真是很有意思,令人捧腹大笑计算机是最有用的教学工具之一,所有的功课以及所有的问题和答案都可在屏幕上显示出来。
3 show on a scree(send for) 4小张的母亲前天突然病倒,他赶紧派人请来医生给他母亲治疗(disappoint ) 5他去年高考失败,但他并未为感到沮丧。
他继续努力,今年考上了一所名牌大学6这个中学生有许多英语单词发音不准,必须狠下功夫学好音标,掌握标准的语音( pronounce)在这个知识爆炸、信息爆炸的时代,我们必须不断学习,注意知识更新,才能适应专业工作的需7 要(become adjusted to)(tuck)8.那男孩吧衬衫塞进裤腰里,将皮包夹在腋下,看上去俨然一副老板模样。

UNIT 3DIVERSE CUL TURES主题语境:人与社会——重大政治、历史事件,文化渊源一、单词分类识记——用时少·见效高识记单词写对Ⅰ.知其意1.chip n. ________________2.cheese n. ________________3.mission n.________________4.graffiti n.[pl.] ________________5.immigrant n. ________________6.china n.________________7.bar n.________________8.diagram n. ________________9.minority n. ________________10.souvenir n.________________11.herbal adj. ________________Ⅱ.写其形1.________ v i.发生;出现2.________ ad v.在市中心;往市中心3.________ n.地区;区域4.________ ad v.以后;后来5.________ n.日志;日记;报纸;刊物6.________ v i.& v t.逃走;逃脱;避开;被忘掉n.逃跑;逃脱;解脱7.________ ad v.特别;格外adj.顶好的;超级的8.________ adj.温和的;和善的;轻微的9.________ n.衣服;服装10.________ n.项目;一件商品(或物品);一条(新闻)核心单词练透1.Mike________ (寻找) help from his friends when he was in trouble, but they turned him down.2.Having got used to the ________ (气候) in the countryside, the old couple prefer not to move to the city.3.Ten students ________ (挑选) from each class took part in the debate held in the school hall yesterday afternoon.4.The company ________ (声称) that their products can make you slim without dieting.拓展单词用活[记全记牢]1.definite adj.确实的→________ ad v.肯定;确实2.history n.历史→________ adj.(有关)历史的3.earn v t.& v i.挣得;赚得;赢得;博得→________ n.利润;收入,工资4.minor adj.较小的→________ n.少数民族;少数派;少数人→________ (反)n.多数,大多数5.finance n. 财政,财政学;金融→________ adj.财政的;财务的;金融的→________ ad v. 财政上;金融上6.poison n.毒物;毒药;毒素v t.毒死;毒害→________ adj.引起中毒的;有毒的;分泌毒素的7.fold v t. 包;裹;折叠v t.& v i. (可)折小;(可)叠平→ ________(反) v. (使)展开;打开8.neat adj. 极好的;整洁的;整齐的→________ ad v. 极好地;整洁地;整齐地9.contain v t. 包含;含有;容纳→________n.容器[用准用活]10.There are ________ cultures in our country,but it's the ________ that makes our motherland wonderful. (diverse)11.He went to America to seek his ________ and imagined he would be very ________,but ________,he couldn't even make ends meet. (fortune)12.With the problems ________,they finally reached a new ________.(settle)13.I don't have anything ________ to wear for the party,so I must buy an evening dress that ________ me perfectly. (suit)14.He loves ________ stamps and he often shows off his ________ in front ofothers.(collect)15.The workers are ________ the bridge damaged by the flood,and the bridge under________ connects the road with the town.(construct)16.Tom applied for ________ to the graduate program at Northwestern University but wasn't ________ into it at last.(admit)二、短语语境记忆——不枯燥·兴趣高记全记牢用准用活1.________________(朝……)前进;(向……)去2.________________ 寻找成功致富之路;闯世界3.________________ 谋生4.________________ 一系列或一连串(事件)5.________________ 除了……外(还);此外6.________________ 导致;引起7.________________仅举几例8.________________第一手;亲自9.________________主题公园;主题乐园10.________________ 把……与连接在一起选用左栏短语填空1.These young people are willing to come to a foreign country to ________________.2.It is not easy to ________________ if one doesn't have any skills in the modern society.3.She gave________________ lectures at the University of Warwick last year on contemporary British writers.4.The couple spend their spare time in the way they like, such as reading, hiking and swimming, ________________.5.Science has ________________ many changes in our daily life, which inspires me to be a scientist.三、句式仿写用活——造佳句·表达妙句式背诵句型1what 引导感叹句(教材原句)And what a city—a city that was able to rebuild itself after the earthquake that occurred in 1906. 这是一座多么了不起的城市啊——一座在1906年地震后能够重建的城市。

金融学专业词汇(中英文对照)金融学专业词汇(中英文对照)目录1. 货币与货币制度 (3)2. 国际货币体系与汇率制度 (4)3. 信用、利息与信用形成 (5)4. 金融范畴的形成与发展 (7)5. 金融中介体系 (7)6. 存款货币银行 (9)7. 中央银行 (10)8. 金融市场 (10)9. 资本市场 (13)10. 金融体系结构 (14)11. 金融基础设施 (14)12. 利率的决定作用 (15)13. 货币需求 (16)14. 现代货币的创造机制 (17)15. 货币供给 (17)16. 货币均衡 (18)17. 开放经济的均衡 (18)18. 通货膨胀和通货紧缩 (19)19. 货币政策 (20)20. 货币政策与财政政策的配合 (21)21. 开放条件下的政策搭配与协调 (22)22. 利率的风险结构与期限结构 (22)23. 资产组合与资产定价 (23)24. 商业银行业务与管理 (25)25. 货币经济与实际经济 (26)26. 金融发展与经济增长 (26)27. 金融脆弱性与金融危机 (27)28. 金融监管 (27)1.货币与货币制度货币:(currency)外汇:(foreign exchange)铸币:(coin)银行券:(banknote)纸币:(paper currency)存款货币:(deposit money)价值尺度:(measure of values)货币单位:(currency unit)货币购买力:(purchasing power of money)购买力平价:(purchasing power parity,PPP)流通手段:(means of circulation) 购买手段:(means of purchasing)交易的媒介:(media of exchange)支付手段:(means of payment)货币需求:(demand for money)货币流通速度:(velocity of money)保存价值:(store of value)汇率:(exchange rate)一般等价物:(universal equivalent)流动性:(liquidity)通货:(currency)准货币:(quasi money)货币制度:(monetary system)本位制:(standard)金本位:(gold standard)造币:(coinage)铸币税:(seigniorage)本位币:(standard money)辅币:(fractional money)货币法偿能力:(legal tender powers)复本位制:(bimetallic standard)金汇兑本位:(gold exchange standard)金平价:(gold parity)金块本位制:(gold bullion standard)2.国际货币体系与汇率制度浮动汇率制:(floating exchange rate regime)货币局制度:(currency board arrangement)联系汇率制度:(linked exchange rate system)美元化:(dollarization)最优通货区理论:(theory of optimum currency area)货币消亡:(money disappearance)外汇:(foreign currency)外汇管理:(exchange regulation)外汇管制:(exchange control)可兑换:(convertibility)不可兑换:(inconvertibility)经常项目:(current account)资本项目:(capital account)汇率:(exchange rate)牌价:(posted price)直接标价法:(direct quotation)间接标价法:(indirect quotation)单一汇率:(unitary exchange rate)多重汇率:(multiple exchange rate)市场汇率:(market exchange rate)官方汇率:(official exchange rate)黑市:(black market)固定汇率:(fixed exchange rate)浮动汇率:(floating exchange rate)管理浮动:(managed float)盯住汇率制度:(pegged exchange rate regime)固定钉住:(fixed peg)在水平带内的盯住:(pegged within horizontal bands)爬行钉住:(crawling peg)外汇指定银行:(designated foreign exchange bank)货币的对外价值:(external value of exchange)货币的对内价值:(internal value of exchange)名义汇率:(nominal exchange rate)实际汇率:(real exchange rate)铸币平价:(mint parity)金平价:(gold parity)黄金输送点:(gold transport point)国际借贷说:(theory of international indebtedness)流动债权:(current claim)流动负债:(current liablity)国际收支说:(theory of balance payment)汇兑心理说:(psychology theory of exchange rate)货币分析说:(monetary approach)金融资产说:(portfolio theory of exchange rate determination)利率平价理论:(theory of interest rate parity)外汇风险:(exchange risk)中国的外汇调剂:(foreign exchange swap)3.信用、利息与信用形成信用:(credit)利息:(interest)收益:(yield)资本化:(capitalization of interest)高利贷:(usury)利率:(interest rate)债权:(claim)债务:(debt obligation)借入:(borrowing)贷出:(lending)盈余:(surplus)赤字:(deficit)跨时预算约束:(intertemporal budget constraint)资金流量:(flow of funds)部门:(sector)借贷资本:(loan capital)实体:(real)商业信用:(commercial credit)银行信用:(bank credit)本票:(promissory note)汇票:(bill of exchange)商业本票:(commercial paper)商业汇票:(commercial bill)承兑:(acceptance)背书:(endorsement)直接融资:(direct finance)间接融资:(indirect finance)短期国库卷:(treasury bill)中期国库卷:(treasury note)长期国库卷:(treasury bond)国债:(national debt)公债:(public debt)资本输出:(export of capital)国际资本流动:(international capital flow)国外商业性借贷:(foreign direct investment,FDI)国际游资:(hotmoney)4.金融范畴的形成与发展财政:(public finance)公司理财:(corporate finance)投资:(investment)保险:(insurance)财产保险:(property insurance)人身保险:(mutual life insurance)相互人寿保险:(mutual life insurance)信托:(trust)租赁:(leasing)5.金融中介体系金融中介:(financial intermediary)金融机构:(financial institution)借者:(borrower)贷者:(lender)货币中介:(monetary intermediation)权益资本:(equity capital)中央银行:(central bank)货币当局:(monetary authority)存款货币银行:(deposit money bank)商业银行:(commercial bank)投资银行:(investment bank)商人银行:(merchant bank)财务公司:(financial companies)储蓄银行:(saving bank)抵押银行:(mortgage bank)信用合作社:(credit cooperative)保险业:(insurance industry)跨国银行:(multinational bank)代表处:(representative office)经理处:(agency)分行:(branch)子银行:(subsidiary)联营银行:(affiliate)国际财团银行:(consortium bank)中国人民银行:(People’s Bank of China)政策性银行:(policy banks)国有商业银行:(state-owned commercial banks)资产管理公司:(assets management company)证券公司:(securities company) 券商:(securities dealer)农村信用合作社:(rural credit cooperatives)城市信用合作社:(urban credit cooperatives)信托投资公司:(trust and investment companies)信托:(trust)金融租赁:(financial leasing)邮政储蓄:(postal savings)财产保险:(property insurance)商业保险:(commercial insurance)社会保险:(social insurance)保险深度:(insurance intensity)保险密度:(insurance density)投资基金:(investment funds)证券投资基金:(security funds)封闭式基金:(closed-end investment funds)开放式基金:(open-end investment funds)私募基金:(private placement)风险投资基金:(venture funds)特别提款权:(special drawing right,SDR)国有化:(nationalization)6.存款货币银行货币兑换商:(money dealer)银行业:(banking)贴现率:(discount rate)职能分工型商业银行:(functional division commercial bank)全能型商业银行:(multi-function commercial bank)综合性商业银行:(comprehensive commercial bank)单元银行制度:(unit banking system)总分行制度:(branch banking system)代理行制度:(correspondent banking system)银行控股公司制度:(share holding banking system)连锁银行制度:(chains banking system)金融创新:(financial innovation)自动转账制度:(automatic transfer services,ATS)可转让支付命令账户:(negotiable order of withdrawal account,NOW)货币市场互助基金:(money market mutual fund,MMMF)货币市场存款账户:(money market deposit account,MMDA)不良债权:(bad claim)坏账:(bad loan)不良贷款:(non-performing loans,NPL)存款保险制度:(deposit insurance system)金融资本:(financial capital)7.中央银行中央银行:(central bank)一元式中央银行制度:(unit central bank system)二元式中央银行制度:(dual central bank system)复合中央银行制度:(compound central bank system)跨国中央银行制度:(multinational central bank system)发行的银行:(bank of issue)银行的银行:(bank of bank)最后贷款人:(lender of last resort)再贴现:(rediscount)在抵押:(recollateralize)国家的银行:(the state bank)8.金融市场金融市场:(financial market)证券化:(securitization)金融资产:(financial assets)金融工具:(financial instruments)金融产品:(financial products)衍生金融产品:(derivative financial products) 原生金融产品:(underlying financial products) 流动性:(liquidity)变现:(encashment)买卖差价:(bid-ask spread)做市商:(market marker)到期日:(due date)信用风险:(credit risk)市场风险:(market risk)名义收益率:(nominal yield)现时收益率:(current yield)平均收益率:(average yield)内在价值:(intrinsic value)直接融资:(direct finance)间接融资:(indirect finance)货币市场:(money market)资本市场:(capital market)现货市场:(spot market)期货市场:(futures market)机构投资人:(institutional investor)资信度:(credit standing)融通票据:(financial paper)银行承兑票据:(bank acceptance)贴现:(discount)大额存单:(certificates of desposit,CDs)回购:(counterpurchase) 回购协议:(repurchase agreement)隔夜:(overnight)银行同业间拆借市场:(interbank market)合约:(contract)远期:(forward)期货:(futures)期权:(options)看涨期权:(call option)看跌期权:(put option)期权费:(option premium)互换:(swap)投资基金:(investment funds)契约型基金:(contractual type investment fund)单位型基金:(unit funds)基金型基金:(funding funds)公司型基金:(corporate type investment fund)投资管理公司:(investment management company)共同基金:(mutual fund)对冲基金:(hedge fund)风投基金:(venture fund)权益投资:(equity investment)收益基金:(income funds)增长基金:(growth funds)长期增长基金:(long-term growth funds)高增长基金:(go-go groeth funds)货币市场基金:(money market funds)养老基金:(pension fund)外汇市场:(foreign exchange market)风险资本:(venture capital)权益资本:(equity capital)私人权益资本市场:(private equity market)有限合伙制:(limited partnership)交易发起:(deal origination)筛选投资机会:(screening)评价:(evaluation)交易设计:(deal structure)投资后管理:(post-investment activities)创业板市场:(growth enterprise market,GEM)二板市场:(secondary board market)金融创新:(financial innovation)金融自由化:(financial liberalization)全球化:(globalization)离岸金融市场:(off-shore financial center)9.资本市场权益:(equity)剩余索取权:(residual claims)证券交易所:(stock exchange)交割:(delivery)过户:(transfer ownership)场外交易市场:(over the counter,OTC)金融债券:(financial bond)抵押债券:(mortgage bond)担保信托债券:(collateral trust bonds)信用债券:(trust bonds)次等信用债券:(subordinated debenture)担保债券:(guaranteed bonds)初级市场:(primary market)二级市场:(secondary market)公募:(public offering)私募:(private offering)有价证券:(security)面值:(face value)市值:(market value)股票价格指数:(share price index)有效市场假说:(effective market hypothesis)弱有效市场:(weak efficient market)中度有效市场:(semi-efficient market)强有效市场:(strong efficient market)股份公司:(stock certificate)股票:(stock certificate)股东:(stock holder)所有权:(ownership)经营权:(right of management)10.金融体系结构功能主义金融观:(perspective of financial function)金融体系格局:(pattern of financial system)激励:(incentive)公司治理:(corporate governance)路径依赖:(path dependency)市场主导型:(market-oriented type)银行主导型:(banking-oriented type)参与成本:(participative cost)影子银行体系:(the shadow banking system)11.金融基础设施金融基础设施:(financial infrastructures)支付清算系统:(payment and clearing system)跨境支付系统:(cross-border inter-bank payment system,CIPS)全额实时结算:(real time gross system)净额批量清算:(bulk transfer net system)大额资金转账系统:(whole sale funds transfer system)小额定时结算系统:(fixed time retail system)票据交换所:(clearing house)金融市场基础设施:(financial market infrastructures)中央交易对手:(central counterparties,CCPs)双边清算体系:(bilateral clearing system)系统重要性支付体系核心原则:(the core principles for systemically important payment system)证券清算体系建议:(the recommendations for central counterparties)中央交易对手建议:(the recommendations for central counterparties)金融业标准:(financial standards)盯市:(mark-to-market)公允价值:(fair value)金融部门评估规划:(financial sector assessment program)12.利率的决定作用可贷资金论:(loanable funds theory of interest)储蓄的利率弹性:(interest elasticity of saving)投资的利率弹性:(interest elasticity of investment)本金:(principal)回报率:(returns)基准利率:(benchmark interest rate)无风险利率:(risk-free interest rate)补偿:(compensation)风险溢价:(risk premium)实际利率:(real interest rate)名义利率:(nominal interest rate)固定利率:(fixed interest rate)浮动利率:(floating rate)官定利率:(official interest rate)行业利率:(trade-regulated rate)一般利率:(general interest rate)优惠利率:(preferential interest rate)贴息贷款:(loan of interest subsidy)年利率:(annual interest rate)月利率:(monthly interest rate)日利率:(daily interest rate)拆息:(call money interest)13.货币需求货币需求:(demand for money)货币数量论:(quantity theory of money)货币必要量:(volume of money needed)货币流通速度:(velocity of money)交易方程式:(equation of exchange)剑桥方程式:(equation of Cambridge)现金交易说:(cash transaction approach)现金余额说:(cash balance theory)货币需求动机:(motive of the demand for money)交易动机:(transaction motive)预防动机:(precautionary motive)投机动机:(speculative motive)流动性偏好:(liquidity preference)流动性陷阱:(liquidity trap)平方根法则:(square-root rule)货币主义:(monetarism)恒久性收入:(permanent income)机会成本变量:(opportunity cost variable)名义货币需求:(nominal demand for money)实际货币需求:(real demand for money)客户保证金:(customer’s security marign)金融资产选择:(portfolio selection)14.现代货币的创造机制纯流通费用:(pure circulation cost)原始存款:(primary deposit)派生存款:(derivative deposit)派生乘数:(withdrawal multiplier)现金损露:(loss of cashes)提现率:(withdrawal rate)创造乘数:(creation multiplier)现金:(currency)基础货币:(base money)高能货币:(high-power money)货币乘数:(money multiplier)铸币收入:(seigniorage revenue)15.货币供给货币供给:(money supply)准货币:(quasi money)名义货币供给:(nominal money supply)实际货币供给:(real money supply)股民保证金:(shareholder’s security margin)货币存量:(money stock)公开市场操作:(open-market operation)贴现政策:(discount policy)再贴现率:(rediscount rate)法定准备金率:(legal reserve ratio)财富效应:(wealth effect)预期报酬率变动效应:(effect of expected yields change)现金持有量:(currency holdings)超额准备金:(excess reserves)外生变量:(exogenous variable)内生变量:(endogenous variable)16.货币均衡均衡:(equilibrium)投资饥渴:(huger for investment)软预算约束:(soft budget constraint)总需求:(aggregate demand)总供给:(aggregate supply)面纱论:(money veil theory)流:(flow)余额:(stock)17.开放经济的均衡国际收支:(balance of payments)居民:(resident)非居民:(nonresident)国际收支平衡表:(statement for balance of payments)经常项目:(current account)资本和金融项目:(capital and financial account)储备资产:(reserve assets)净误差与遗漏:(net errors and missions)自主性交易:(autonomous transaction)调节性交易:(accommodating transaction)偿债率:(debt service ratio)顺差:(surplus)逆差:(deficit)最后清偿率:(last liquidation ratio)资本流动:(capital movements)项目融资:(project finance)外债:(external debt)资本外逃:(capital flight)冲销性操作:(sterilized operation)非冲销性操作:(unsterilized operation)债务率:(debt ratio)负债率:(liability ratio)差额:(balance)18.通货膨胀和通货紧缩通货膨胀:(inflation) 恶性通货膨胀:(rampant inflation)爬行通货膨胀:(creeping inflation)温和通货膨胀:(moderate inflation)公开性通货膨胀:(open inflation)显性通货膨胀:(evident inflation)隐蔽性通货膨胀:(hidden inflation)输入型通货膨胀:(import of inflation)结构性通货膨胀:(structural inflation)通货膨胀率:(inflation rate)。

Chapter One Functions of Financial Markets 一.Translate the following sentences into Chinese.1.China’s banking industry is now supervised by the PBC and CBRC. In addition, the MOFis in charge of financial accounting and taxation part of banking regulation and management.目前中国银行业主要由中国人民银行和银监会进行监管。
2.Currently Chinese fund management companies are engaged in the following business:securities investment fund, entrusted asset management, investment consultancy, management of national social security funds, enterprise pension funds and QDII businesses.目前中国的基金管理公司主要从事以下业务:证券投资基金业务、受托资产管理业务、投资咨询业务、社保基金管理业务、企业年金管理业务和合格境内机构投资者业务等。
3.China's economy had 10% growth rate in the years before the world financial crisisof 2008. That economic expansion resulted from big trade surpluses and full investment.Now China is seeking to move away from that growth model. The country is working to balance exports with demand at home.在2008年世界经济危机之前的那些年,中国经济增长速度曾达到10%。

“高职高专商务英语专业规划教材”Unit 1 Financial Market Research练习参考答案I.Read through the text and answer the following questions.1.A financial market is a mechanism that allows people to easily buy andsell (trade) financial securities (such as stocks and bonds), commodities (such as precious metals or agricultural goods), and other fungible items of value at low transaction costs and at prices that reflect the efficient-market hypothesis.2.The raising of capital ;the transfer of risk and international trade3.Capital markets,commodity markets,money markets, derivative markets,insurance markets and foreign exchange markets .4.Financial markets fit in the relationship between lenders andborrowers.5.Individuals, companies, governments, municipalities and publiccorporations.II. Paraphrase the following expressions or abbreviations and translate them into ChineseCheck the answers from the Special Term Lists.III. Fill in the blanks with the proper wordsThe global financial crisis, brewing for a while, really started to show its effects in the middle of 2007 and into 2008. Around the world stock markets have fallen, large financial institutions have collapsed or been bought out, and governments in even the wealthiest nations have had to come up with rescue packages to bail out their financial systems.On the one hand many people are concerned that those responsible for the financial problems are the ones being bailed out, while on the other hand, a global financial meltdown will affect the livelihoods of almost everyone in an increasingly inter-connected world. The problem could have been avoided, if ideologues supporting the current economics models weren’t so vocal, influential and inconsiderate of others’ viewpoints and concerns.IV.Translation.1.金融市场包括很多方面,包括资本市场,华尔街,甚至是市场本身。

金融专业术语英语词汇unit onen of modity money商品货币legal tender法定货币fiat money法定通货a medium of exchange交换媒介legal n法律制裁face value面值liquid assets流动资产illiquidl assets非流动资产the liquidity scale流动性指标real XXX定期存款bond债券XXX payment支付手段a store of value储藏手段a standard of value价值标准certificate of deposits存单repurchase agreements回购协议travelers'checks旅行支票money market mutual funds货币市场互助基金small-XXX小额按期存款large-XXX大额定期存款XXX隔夜回购和谈XXX-XXX历久回购和谈checking accounts,demand deposit,XXX活期存款XXX大额可让渡提款单unit tworeserve储备note票据discount贴现circulate流通XXXpaper currency纸币credit XXX制unit banking单一银行制out of n退出畅通流畅capital stock股本at par以票面代价计XXXthe gold standard金本位reserve 筹办金比率XXXthe stock market crash股市风暴the Federal Reserve System联邦储蓄体系the XXXunit threedeficit吃亏roll展期wholesale批发default不履约merical paper商业票据XXX欧洲美元treasury bills国库券floating-rate浮动比率fixed-rate固定比率default risk拖欠风险credit rating信誉级别tax n税收money market货币市场capital market资本市场original maturity原始到期期限surplus funds过剩基金unit fourpremium升水discount贴水par平价deficit赤字XXXeurodollar market欧洲美元市场spot rate即期汇率forward rate远期汇率cross rate交叉汇率arbitrage n套汇交易space arbitrage地点套汇time arbitrage时间套汇interest arbitrage套利direct n直接标价法indirect n间接标价法decimal system十进制long n多头short n空头XXX丹麦克郎Nkr挪威克郎Yen日元Can$加拿大元Lit 意大利里拉Aus$澳大利亚元DG荷兰盾BF比利时法郎£英镑unit fiveover-the-counter market场外交易市场XXX总成交额invoice,债务,投资组合not-for-profit cooperative非盈利性组织triangular arbitrage三角套汇the XXX(SWIFT)XXX the clearing house interbank payments system(CHIPS)纽约银行同业清理体系unit sixquota配额guaratee保函fixed exchange rate牢固汇率balance of nal payment国际进出buffer stock缓冲存货extended facilities补偿信贷便利XXX国债;政府借款XXX价格波动,价格涨落export earning出口收益enlarged access policy延期进入政策credit policy信用政策financial nal terms特惠条件XXXearning capacity收益能力debt restructuring债务重组,债务调整financial settlement财务清算XXX布雷顿森林协议XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX(IBRD)国际复兴与开发银行unit seven。

2010年度重庆市高等学校双语教学示范课程《金融英语》授课教案重庆工商大学融智学院金融系信用管理教研室《金融英语》课程组二0一一年十一月《金融英语》授课教案Chapter 1:About Money (第一章关于货币)[教学目的] 温习在《金融学》中已经学过的有关货币起源、特点、职能及类型的基础知识,掌握相应的英语词汇和表达方式。
[教学时数] 2学时[教学方法与手段] 多媒体教学,讲授I.Origin of MoneyPrimitive society ( during early times)特点在于:self-sufficient, which means that each economic unit produced all it consumed and consumed all it produced, so their wants could be met by themselves.此处辨析解释economy, economic的含义。
由此引出Barter物物交换,以物易物1)requirement: double-coincidence of wants 需求的双重耦合(举例说明)2)drawbacks of barter:① Wants cannot be precisely matched;② The problem of value determination.③ The indivisibility of large items.II.What is Money?(逐点讲解)Functions(职能)1)medium of exchange (交易媒介)2)measurement of value (价值尺度)3)store of value (贮藏手段)4)standard of deferred payment (支付手段)Characteristics:1) Generally acceptable 2) Durable 3) Portable4) Divisible 5) Uniform 6) Counterfeit proof7) Stable in valueIII.Money in Modern SocietyIV.Writing: About Money in My Mind课后自主学习阅读材料:The International Financial World (国际金融界)附:The International Financial W orldEconomic activity began with the caveman, who was economically self-sufficient. He did his own hunting, found his own shelter, and provided for his own needs. As primitive populations grew and developed, the principle of division of labor evolved. One person was more able to perform some activity than another, and therefore each person concentrated on what he did best. While one hunted, another fished. The hunter then traded his surplus to the fisherman, and thus each benefited from the variety of diet.In today’s complex economic world neither individuals nor nations are self-sufficient. Nations have utilized different economic resources; people have developed different skills. This is the foundation of world trade and economic activity. As a result of this trade and activity, international finance and banking have evolved. For example, the U.S is a major consumer of coffee, yet it does not have the climate to grow any of its own. Consequently, the U.S must import coffee from countries that grow coffee efficiently. On the other hand, the U.S has large industrial plants capable of producing a variety of goods, such as chemicals and airplanes, which can be sold to nations that need them. If nations traded item for item, such as one automobile for 10,000 bags of coffee, foreign trade would be extremely cumbersome and restrictive. But instead of barter, which is the trade of goodswithout an exchange of money, the U.S. receives money in payment for what it sells. It pays for Brazilian coffee with dollars, which in turn can buy textiles from Great Britain, which can then buy tobacco from the U.S. Foreign trade, the exchange of goods between nations, takes place for many reasons. The first, as mentioned above, is that no nation has all of the commodities that it needs. Raw materials are scattered around the world. Large deposits of copper are mined in Peru and Zaire, diamonds are mined in South Africa, and petroleum is recovered in the Middle East. Countries that do not have these resources within their own boundaries must buy from countries that export them.Foreign trade also occurs because a country often does not have enough of a particular item to meet its needs. Although the U.S. is a major producer of sugar, it consumes more than it can produce internally and thus must import sugar.Third, one nation can sell some items at a lower cost than other countries. Japan has been able to export large quantities of radios and television sets because it can produce them more efficiently than other countries. It is cheaper for the U.S. to buy these from Japan than to produce them domestically. According to economic theory, Japan should produce and export those items from which it derives a comparative advantage. It should also buy and import what it needs from those countries that have a comparative advantage in the desired item.Finally, foreign trade takes place because of innovation or style. Even though the U.S. produces more automobiles than any other country, it still imports large quantities of autos from Germany, Japan, and Sweden, primarily because there is a market for them in the U.S.For most nations, exports and imports are the most important international activities. When nations export more than they import, they are said to have favorable balance of trade. When they import more than they export, an unfavorable balance of trade exists. Nations try to maintain a favorable balance of trade, which assures them of the means to buy necessary imports. Some nations base their entire economy on the concept of importing raw materials, processing them into manufactured goods, and then exporting the finished goods. The subsequent profits enable these nations to import the food they need.In addition to visible trade, which involves the import and export of goods and merchandise, there is also invisible trade, which involves the exchange of services between nations.As an example of invisible trade, Brazilian coffee is usually transported by ocean vessels because these steamships are the cheapest method of transportation. Nations such as Greece and Norway and Hong Kong have large maritime fleets, which can provide this transportation service. When an exporter arranges for this kind of transportation, he rents space in the cargo compartment of a ship for one voyage.The prudent exporter purchases insurance for his cargo’s voyage. While at sea, a cargo is vulnerable to many dangers, the most obvious being that the ship may sink. In this event, the exporter who has purchased insurance is reimbursed. Otherwise, he may suffer a complete loss. Thus, insurance is another service in which some nations specialize. Great Britain, because of the development of Lloyd’s of London, is a leading exporter of this service, earning fees for insuring other nations’ foreign trade.Some nations possess little in the way of exportable commodities or manufactured goods, but they have a mild and sunny climate. During the winter, the Bahamas attract numbers of tourists, particularly from the northeastern U.S., who spend money for hotel accommodations, meals, taxes, and so on. Tourism, therefore, is another form of invisible trade.Invisible trade can be as important to some nations as the export of raw materials or commodities is to others. In both cases, the nations earn money to buy necessities.The different kinds of trade that nations engage in are varied and complex, a mixture of visible and invisible trade. Most nations are more dependent on exports than on any other activity. The earnings from exports pay for the imports that they need and want. A nation’s balance of payments is a record of these complex transactions. The two most important categories in any nation’s balance of payments are its visible and invisible trade. A third very important category is investments.Investments are the means by which nations utilize the capital of other nations to build factories and develop mines fro their own industrial base. The railroads of the U.S. and South America were built by British capital. This capital paid for the costs of construction, including materials and the wages of the workers, and the locomotives and freight cars.Investment can have a crucial impact on a nation’s balance of payments. When an investment is made, capital enters a country, enabling it to import manufactured materials to build a new manufacturing plant and to pay workers to build it. Once the plant is operative, it provides both jobs and taxes for the host country and, in time,produces new manufactured goods for export. In this way, investment acts as a catalyst in economic growth for the developed countries, as well as developing countries throughout the world.In subsequent years, an investment should yield a profit. Dividends, sums of money paid to shareholders of a corporation out of earnings, can then be remitted to the investing country. From the perspective of the balance of payments, in the year the investment is made, the host country credits income to its balance of payments, and the investing country records a debit. This is reversed in the following years. The dividends then represent an expense for the host country and income for the investing country.After calculating all of the entries in its balance of payments, a nation has either a net inflow or a net outflow of money. It should be noted that the statistics used in determining a deficit (shortage) or surplus (excess) are inexact; information is reported by a variety of sources, and there are bound to be mistakes and omissions. The statistical difference between these sources is balanced by an entry entitled ―Net Errors and Omissions‖. The final result is either an increase or a decrease in the nation’s reserves.These reserves may be compared to an individual’s saving. For a nation, they are maintained in holdings of gold and official deposits in foreign currencies, such as U.S. dollars, pounds sterling, deutsche marks, and so on. A deficit in the balance of payments can be accommodated by drawing on (removing some of) the reserves, that is, the previous savings. But if a nation’s balance of payments continues in deficit for some time, then the reserves will be insufficient to cover further withdrawals, and additional measures must be taken.The most direct means of correcting a deficit in the balance of payments and having an immediate impact is by reducing imports. This can be accomplished by imposing tariffs, quotas, or both. If successful, the cost of imports rises in the local market, and the imported goods are comparatively more expensive to the consumer than the locally made goods. When a quota is imposed, the quantity previously imported and paid for is reduced.In either case, the net effect is the reduction of the nation’s outflow of money. Other measures may limit invisible trade expenditures. For example, citizens may be prohibited from taking more than a specified amount of money with them when they travel abroad. Capital for investments abroad can be restricted by requiring governmental approval for any new foreign investments.If these measures are insufficient, a country may devalue its currency. This immediately makes imports more expensive and exports more competitive, since the importing country can now pay for the first country’s imports with less of their currency than previously. In time, these advantages are eliminated.Gold, and to a lesser extent silver, have been the traditional reserves. At one time, gold moved freely from country to country, but successive constraints have been imposed in the past 50 years. Today, gold counts as only one form among many in the reserves of a country.Notes1. Balance of payments: the difference between a nation’s total payments to, and receipts from, foreign nations during a specific period. 国际收支2. Balance of trade: the difference between the value of imports and exports, including in some instances the related freight and insurance premiums. 贸易差额3. Capital: Funds invested by individual or corporate share-holders to establish an enterprise. 资(本)金Chapter 2:Commercial Banking (商业银行)[教学目的]本章是介绍商业银行的基本知识,包括私人业务和公司业务。
unit 10 Money

华粤高考复读学校英语教学案◇课题:Unit 10 Money◇课时:2课时◇使用时间:第19周◇教学目标:夯实基础,学会运用基础解决问题◇教学重点:以高考的标准灵活运用基础知识,解决实际问题◇教学难点:如何掌握并恰当地运用知识◇教学方法:讲练结合◇教学过程:第一、二课时一、基础回放(5分钟) : 单元话题的短语及相关表达1. 过上富裕的生活___________________________________________2. 赚大钱___________________________________________3. 节省下来更多的钱来做___________________________________________4. 胡乱花钱___________________________________________5. 通过现金支付___________________________________________6. 经济上的压力___________________________________________7. 用金钱鼓励孩子学习___________________________________________8. 付钱给某人___________________________________________9. 金融危机___________________________________________10.有助于发展当地经济___________________________________________二、考点探究1. 熟练掌握本单元的单词、短语和句型的用法。
2. 广东高考2007阅读理解A篇:通货膨胀的影响下, 做何投资可以保值甚至增值;广东高考2010读写任务:对用金钱鼓励孩子学习的现象进行议论。
三、考点精讲1. 词类转换按要求写出下列单词的适当形式。

division of labor 劳动分工commodity money 商品货币legal tender 法定货币fiat money 法定通货a medium of exchange交换媒介legal sanction法律制裁face value面值liquid assets流动资产illiquidl assets非流动资产the liquidity scale 流动性指标real estate 不动产time deposit 定期存款bond 债券stock股票thrift institutions 存款机构financial institution 金融机构commercial banks商业银行a means of payment 支付手段 a store of value储藏手段a standard of value价值标准certificate of deposits存单repurchase agreements 回购协议travelers'checks 旅行支票money market mutual funds 货币市场互助基金small-denomination time deposits小额定期存款large-denomination time deposits大额定期存款bank overnight repurchase agreements 银行隔夜回购协议bank long-term repurchase agreements 银行长期回购协议checking accounts,demand deposit,checkable deposit 活期存款negotiable order of withdrawal accounts 大额可转让提款单unit tworeserve 储备note 票据discount贴现circulate流通central bank 中央银行credit union 信用合作社paper currency 纸币credit creation 信用创造branch banking 银行分行制unit banking 单一银行制out of circulation 退出流通capital stock股本at par以票面价值计electronic banking电子银行the gold standard金本位reserve ratio 准备金比率banking holding company 公司银行the stock market crash 股市风暴the Federal Reserve System联邦储备系统the Federal Reserve Board 联邦储备委员会unit threedeficit 亏损roll展期wholesale批发default不履约auction拍卖collateralize担保markup价格的涨幅dealer交易员broker经纪人pension funds 养老基金face amount面值commerical paper商业票据Fed fund 联邦基金eurodollar欧洲美元treasury bills 国库券floating-rate 浮动比率fixed-rate 固定比率default risk 拖欠风险credit rating信誉级别tax collection税收money market货币市场capital market资本市场original maturity 原始到期期限surplus funds过剩基金premium升水discount贴水par平价deficit赤字future期货capital movements资本流动foreign exchange dealings外汇交易balance of payment国际收支eurodollar market欧洲美元市场spot rate 即期汇率forward rate远期汇率cross rate交叉汇率arbitrage transation套汇交易space arbitrage地点套汇time arbitrage时间套汇interest arbitrage 套利direct quotation直接标价法indirect quotation间接标价法decimal system十进制long position多头short position空头banker's acceptance银行承兑汇票swedish kronor瑞典克郎Sfr 瑞士法郎DM德国马克FFr法国法郎Dkr丹麦克郎Nkr挪威克郎Yen日元Can$加拿大元Lit意大利里拉Aus$澳大利亚元DG荷兰盾BF比利时法郎£英镑unit fiveover-the-counter market场外交易市场turnover总成交额invoice发票,发货单portfolio债务,投资组合not-for-profit cooperative非盈利性组织triangular arbitrage三角套汇the society for worldwide interbank financial telecommunication(SWIFT)环球银行金融电讯协会the clearing house interbank payments system(CHIPS)纽约银行同业清算系统unit sixquota 配额guaratee保函fixed exchange rate固定汇率balance of payment deficit国际收支逆差international reserve国际储备credit tranche drawing信贷份额借款credit tranche信贷份额credit tranche facilities信贷份额贷款便利international payment国际收支buffer stock缓冲存货extended facilities补偿信贷便利government borrowing国债;政府借款price fluctuation价格波动,价格涨落export earning 出口收益enlarged access policy 延期进入政策credit policy信用政策financial intermediary 金融中介concessional terms特惠条件trade credit商业信贷earning capacity收益能力debt restructuring债务重组,债务调整financial settlement财务清算Bretton Woods Agreement布雷顿森林协议International Monetary Fund 国际货币基金组织International Development Association(I.D.A.)国际开发协会International Fincance Corporation(I.F.C.)国际金融公司Bank for International Settlements(B.I.S.)国际清算银行International Bank for Resonstruction and Development(IBRD)国际复兴与开发银行unit sevensyndication辛迪加underwrite包销,认购hedge对冲买卖、套期保值innovation到期交易spread利差principal本金swap掉期交易eurobond market 欧洲债券市场Federal Reserve Bank (FRB)联邦储备银行euronote欧洲票据fixed term time deposit定期支付存款unsecured credit无担保贷款neogotiable time deposit议付定期存款lead bank牵头银行inter-bank money market银行同业货币市场medium term loan 中期贷款syndicated credit银团贷款merchant bank商业银行portfolio management 有价债券管理lease financing租赁融资note issurance facility票据发行安排floating-rate note 浮动利率票据bearer note不记名票价underwriting facility包销安排bond holder债券持持有者back-up credit line备用信贷额promissory note(P.N..p/n)本票interest rate controls 利率管制interest rate ceiling 利率上限interest rate floor 利率下限deposit insurance 存款保险London Interbank Offered Rate(LIBOR)伦敦同业优惠利率revolving cerdit 循环信用证,即revolving letter of credit non interest-bearing reserves无息储备金。
金融专业英语 Unit 10 Financial Derivatives

10.1.1 The development of financial derivatives
But in 1972, the Chicago Mercantile Exchange started trading futures contracts on currencies. The Chicago Board Options Exchange, where stock options are traded, was founded in 1973. In the late 1970s and early 1980s, the swaps market took off. The financial derivative market developed rapidly in last three decades of last century.The gross market value of over-the-counter derivatives rose from US$11.6 trillion to $15.5 trillion during the first half of 2020.
and describe the feature of various financial tives.
Professional Terms
Underlying item 标的物 Long position 多头 Short position 空头 over-the-counter (OTC) 场外市场 Speculator 投机商 Open outcry system 公开喊价制度 Market maker 做市商 Clearing house 清算所 Forward 远期合约 Future 期货合约 Delivery 交割 Broker 交易员

.1.现金业务:cash business2.转账业务:transfer business3.汇兑业务:currency exchange business4.委托收款:commission receivables5.发放贷款:loans6.贷款收回:loan recovery7.贷款展期:loan extension8.办理银行汇票:apply for bank drafts9.收息:interest10托收:collection其他相关:帐目编号account number存户depositor存款单pay-in slip存款单a deposit form自动存取机a banding machine存款deposit存款收据deposit receipt私人存款private deposit存单certificate deposit.存折deposit book信用卡credit card本金principal透支overdrafts overdraw双签a counter sign背书to endorse背书人endorser兑现to cash兑付to honor a cheque拒付to dishonor a cheque止付to suspend payment支票cheque ,check支票本cheque book记名支票order cheque不记名支票bearer cheque横线支票crossed cheque空白支票blank chequerubber cheque 空头支票cheque stub, counterfoil 票根cash cheque 现金支票traveler's cheque 旅行支票cheque for transfer 转帐支票outstanding cheque 未付支票canceled cheque 已付支票forged cheque 伪支票Bandar's note 庄票,银票banker 银行家president 行长savings bank 储蓄银行Chase Bank 大通银行National City Bank of New York 花旗银行Hongkong Shanghai Banking Corporation 汇丰银行Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China 麦加利银行Banque de I'IndoChine 东方汇理银行central bank, national bank, banker's bank 中央银行bank of issue, bank of circulation 发行币银行commercial bank 商业银行,储蓄信贷银行member bank, credit bank 储蓄信贷银行discount bank 贴现银行exchange bank 汇兑银行requesting bank 委托开证银行issuing bank, opening bank 开证银行advising bank, notifying bank 通知银行negotiation bank 议付银行confirming bank 保兑银行paying bank 付款银行associate banker of collection 代收银行consigned banker of collection 委托银行clearing bank 清算银行local bank 本地银行domestic bank 国内银行overseas bank 国外银行unincorporated bank 钱庄branch bank 银行分行trustee savings bank 信托储蓄银行trust company 信托公司financial trust 金融信托公司unit trust 信托投资公司trust institution 银行的信托部credit department 银行的信用部commercial credit company(discount company) 商业信贷公司(贴现公司)neighborhood savings bank, bank of deposit 街道储蓄所credit union 合作银行credit bureau 商业兴信所self-service bank 无人银行land bank 土地银行construction bank 建设银行industrial and commercial bank 工商银行bank of communications 交通银行mutual savings bank 互助储蓄银行post office savings bank 邮局储蓄银行mortgage bank, building society 抵押银行industrial bank 实业银行home loan bank 家宅贷款银行reserve bank 准备银行chartered bank 特许银行corresponding bank 往来银行merchant bank, accepting bank 承兑银行investment bank 投资银行import and export bank (EXIMBANK) 进出口银行joint venture bank 合资银行money shop, native bank 钱庄credit cooperatives 信用社clearing house 票据交换所public accounting 公共会计business accounting 商业会计cost accounting 成本会计depreciation accounting 折旧会计computerized accounting 电脑化会计general ledger 总帐subsidiary ledger 分户帐cash book 现金出纳帐cash account 现金帐journal, day-book 日记帐,流水帐bad debts 坏帐investment 投资surplus 结余idle capital 游资economic cycle 经济周期economic boom 经济繁荣economic recession 经济衰退economic depression 经济萧条economic crisis 经济危机economic recovery 经济复苏inflation 通货膨胀deflation 通货收缩devaluation 货币贬值revaluation 货币增值international balance of payment 国际收支favourable balance 顺差adverse balance 逆差hard currency 硬通货soft currency 软通货international monetary system 国际货币制度the purchasing power of money 货币购买力money in circulation 货币流通量note issue 纸币发行量national budget 国家预算national gross product 国民生产总值public bond 公债stock, share 股票debenture 债券treasury bill 国库券。

• thrift institutions 存款机构 financial institution 金融机构 commercial banks商业银行 a means of payment 支付手段 a store of value储藏手段 a standard of value价值标准 • capital stock股本 at par以票面价值计 electronic banking电子银行 banking holding company 公司银行 the gold standard金本位 the Federal Reserve (Board) 联邦储备委员会 the stock market crash 股市风暴 reserve ratio 准备金比率 deficit 亏损,赤字 default不履约,违约 broker经纪人
• • • • • • • • • • • •
economic recession 经济衰退 economic depression 经济萧条 economic crisis 经济危机 economic recovery 经济复苏 inflation 通货膨胀 deflation 通货收缩 devaluation 货币贬值 revaluation 货币增值 international balance of payment 国际收支平衡 favourable balance 顺差 adverse balance 逆差 hard currency 硬通货 Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank 亚洲基础设施投资银行, 简称亚投行, AIIB
• premium升水 discount贴水 par平价 future期货 capital movements资本流动 foreign exchange dealings外汇交易 balance of payment国际收支平衡 spot rate 即期汇率 forward rate远期汇率 cross rate交叉汇率 decimal system十进制 invoice发票,发货单 letter of credit 信用证 • signature 签字 • banking hours, business hours 营业时间
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Understand the meaning of the dialogue Be able to orally express the meaning of the
phrases: so far as I understand, intervene in, used to, prior to, amidst, in some sense, so long as, do/does do, etc. Understand the meaning of the vocabulary listed and their usage in real-life communication Be able to write down the relevant figures Obtain the basic information about the exchange risk and be able to write the reading report
5.What is another reason for China to strive to keep RMB from devaluing?
Orally give your answers in pairs. Skim the text or listen to the tape again
1. We used to do as you said, but we started two exchange rates prior to 1994.
2. I remember your RMB devalued the second time in 1994.
3. That was the last, since then it has never been devalued again even in 1997.
2.Is what Fred said true according to Mr Li? 3.What will happen if a country’s exchange
reserve is falling?
4.What did China do to keep its currency stable?
2. I remember your RMB devalued the second time in ______________.
3. That was the last, since then it has never been devalued again even in 1997 That was the last, since then it has never been devalued again even in ______________.
and check your answers.
Listen to the tape the third time, and write down the answers for the following Chinese expressions:
1.据我了解…… 2.在……(方面)进行干预 3.过去常常 4.在……之前 5. 在……中
Listen to the tape again and find the answers for the following questions.
1.What is Fred’s understanding on China’s foreign exchange rate and system?
DISCUSS: 1.What does a country need if the country
has to buy something from foreign countries? 2.How could a country guarantee the availability of the foreign currency whenever the country is in need of it? 3.Is there any risk in foreign currency reserve?
6.在某种意义上 7.只要…… 8.中国确实牺牲了很多
1.So far as I understand, … 2.intervene in ed to do… 4.prior to 5.amidst 6.China did sacrifice a lot 7.in some senERAL UNDERSTANDING
Listen to the tape and answer the following questions.
Who are the speakers in the conversation? What are they talking about?
Listen to the tape, and complete the following sentences with the missing information.
1. We used to do as you said, but we started two exchange rates prior to ______________.