为什么孔子的英文名叫Confucius我们看到孔子介绍时,会看到孔子名字的英文介绍Confucius,那为什么会这么叫呢?这里面又有什么故事?下面是为你搜集的相关内容,希望对你有帮助!为什么孔子的英文名叫ConfuciusConfucius 这个词最初并不是英文,而是拉丁文。
16 世纪,来自欧洲的天主教耶稣会传教士带着向这个东方大国传播天主教的使命踏上明代中国的土地上时,他们很快发现,当时的中国人,至少是那些处在社会上层的、受过教育的、甚至担任官职的中国人,都信奉一位距离当时已经有两千多年的“哲学家”的教诲,并试图把他的教诲应用到从治国安邦到生活琐事等一系列事务中去。
Confucius loves education career, devoting all his life to education activities. He is insatiable in learning. Not only teach by precept, but also do examples, in their own model behavior influence students. He loves his students, students also respect him very much, a harmonious relationship between teachers and students. He is a glorious and typical teacher of ancient China . Confucius' education activities not only has cultivated many students, but he put forward the practice of education theory, which lays the foundation of the ancient Chinese education
When Confucius was 3 years old, his father was die . under Yan ZhengZai’s education, He loved learning. Confucius had a difficulty youth. He aspired to learn at15. 30 years old, he was learned, become a famous scholar, and taught others, also creating a private school. His idea is “kindness", that is “to love“.
公元 公元前 551 年,出生于春秋后期的鲁国(现在山东省南) 。
孔子的父亲叔梁纥是有名 的武士,建过两次战功,并拥有自己的封地。
孔子的父亲在 他三岁时去世,他的母亲颜征在是孔子父亲的小妾,为了避 免孔子父亲正室夫人虐待他们母子,只能带着孔子离开封地。
因此,童年的孔子和母亲清苦 清苦 鼓励,孔子勤奋 勤奋 劳累 度日。
受母亲的支持 支持 和好学。
在他 17 岁的时候,他的母亲由于过度、体弱多病而去世。
虽然孔子有一个爱他且温 和的妻子,他还是离开了他的家,去为他的学说而奋斗。
孔 子试图恢复 恢复 周朝鼎盛时期的华夏文明, 建立一个伟大的、和谐的、以人为本的社会。
Kong Qiu, as Confucius is commonly known, is a combination of his surname and his given name, and he was also known asZhong Ni, which is his courtesy name. He was born in 551 BC in the Lu state (This state was in the southwest of modern-day Shandong Province) in the later days of the Spring and Autumn Period. Confucius was from a warrior family. His father Shulianghe was a famous warrior who had military exploits in two battles and owned a fiefdom. Confucius lost his father when he was three years old, and then his mother Yan Zhengzai took him and left the fiefdom because as a concubine, she wanted to avoid mistreatment fromShulianghe's formal wife. Thus, Confucius lived in poverty with his mother since childhood. With the support and encouragement of his mother, Confucius was very diligent in his studies. When Confucius was seventeen years old, his mother died as a result of illness and overwork. Three years later, Confucius married a young woman who was from the Qiguan family of the Song state. Though he had a mild tempered wife who loved him, he left his family to strive for his ideals. Confucius sought to revive the perfect virtue of Huaxia (Chinese civilization) and the classical properties of the Western Zhou Dynasty to build a great, harmonious and humanistic society. 孔子的哲学强调个人与统治集团的道德 道德 ,社会关系的合理性,以及公正 公正和真诚 真诚。
例句:Confuciuss many words are wisdom. 翻译:孔子的很多话都是至理名言。
confucius 双语例句
例句 1. The sayings of Confucius offer guidance on this matter.
例句 2. Confucius is considered the greatest of the ancient Chinese sages.
例句3. We go to the Confucius Temple and enjoy various lanterns there every year on Lantern festival.
例句 4. Confucius, a pioneer in the field of education.
例句 5. As Confucius said thousands of years ago.
例句6. Inspiration for Modern Education from Educational Method and Thinking of Confucius.
全国人大常委会原副委员长许嘉璐,文化 部副部长周和平,日本前内阁官房长官武村正 义与来自中国内地和香港、澳门、台湾地区以 及韩国、新加坡、马来西亚、美国、法国、英 国、比利时、丹麦、澳大利亚等22个国家和地 区、86个儒学研究机构的172位专家学者、各 界人士共襄盛举。这些来自不同国度、不同民 族、不同文化的专家学者、各界人士,围绕儒 学的历史研究、儒学的当代价值、儒学的现代 阐释、儒学的世界传播、儒学与和谐文化等议 题,进行了深入研讨与广泛对话。
灭商后,周武王封商纣王的庶兄,商朝忠正的名臣 微子启于宋(夏邑)。 微子启死后,其弟微仲即位, 微仲即为孔子的先祖。自孔子的六世祖孔父嘉之后, 后代子孙开始以孔为氏,其曾祖父孔防叔为了逃避 宋国内乱,从宋国逃到了鲁国。孔子的父亲叔梁纥 (叔梁为字,纥为名)是鲁国出名的勇士,叔梁纥 先娶施氏曜英,生九女而无一子,其妾生一子孟皮, 但有足疾。在当时的情况下,女子和残疾的儿子都 不宜继嗣。叔梁纥晚年与年轻女子颜征在再下孔子。 孔子的伟大思想与孔子母亲有很大关系,其母颜征 在和他的外祖父颜襄对孔子产生了深远影响,颜征 在的教学理念简直是先进了两千年。
“子”,古代对成年男子的尊称,在春秋战 国时期,拥有一定社会地位的成年男子都可 以称为“子”,而且都希望别人称自己为 “子”,因为“子”还是一种爵位,所谓 “公侯伯子男”也。但是,真正能获得别人 以“子”相称的,一般是两种人:要么在社 会上公信力较高的,如“老师”;要么就是 较有道德的贵族;孔子、老子属于前者。而 孔子是我国古代最伟大的政治家、思想家、 教育家和军事家。儒家学派创始人,世界最 著名的文学名人。与孟子并称“孔孟”,孔子
论语The Analects of Confucius孔子(前551-前479)名丘,字仲尼,英文:Confucius。
confucius的用法和例句【释义】confuciusn.孔子(中国哲学家,教育家)【短语】1Confucius Institute孔子学院;孔子学堂;孔子;孔子学院孔子课堂孔子学校汉学院孔子学堂中华传统文化2disciples of confucius孔子弟子列表;孔子弟子3Beijing Temple of Confucius北京孔庙4Analects of Confucius论语5The Analects of Confucius论语6Confucius Temple孔庙;夫子庙;孔子庙;吉林文庙7Rediscover Confucius重新发现孔子;重新发觉孔子8Taipei Confucius Temple台北市孔庙;台北孔庙9Confucius and Mencius孔孟;孔孟之道;鲁能乃孔孟;框定孔孟【例句】1As Confucius grew up he wanted to learn things.随着孔子长大,他想学习一些东西。
2Confucius was good at music when he was fifteen.孔子十五岁时就擅长音乐。
3Confucius was a pioneer in the field of education.孔子是教育领域的先驱。
4Confucius educated about3,000students in his lifetime.孔子一生中大概教过3000名学生。
5Confucius is considered the greatest of the ancient Chinese sages.孔子被认为是古代中国最伟大的圣人。
6The doodle is the latest in the recent rehabilitation of Confucius.在近来孔子复兴热中,这个涂鸦是最新的表现。
7When he was a man,Confucius became the ruler of the city of Changtu.孔子成年后,成为了昌图市的统治者。
孔子英语作文小学Confucius, also known as Kong Zi, was a great Chinese philosopher, educator, and founder of Confucianism. 孔子,又称孔子,是一位伟大的中国哲学家、教育家,儒家学派的创始人。
He was born in 551 BC in the State of Lu, which is now part of present-day Shandong Province, China. 他出生在公元前551年的鲁国,现今是中国山东省的一部分。
Confucius' teachings emphasized moral values, ethics, family relationships, and social harmony. 孔子的教导强调道德价值观、伦理道德、家庭关系和社会和谐。
His ideas have had a profound and lasting impact on Chinese culture and society for over two millennia. 他的思想对中国文化和社会产生了深远而持久的影响,至今影响深远。
Confucius believed in the importance of education and self-cultivation as the keys to personal and societal improvement. 孔子认为教育和自我修养是促使个人和社会进步的关键。
He emphasized the importance of learning and self-improvement, striving for harmony in oneself and in society. 他强调学习和自我提高的重要性,努力使自己和社会和谐统一。
Confucius was a Chinese thinker and social philosopher of the Spring and Autumn Period.
孔子是我国古代 伟大的思想家和 教育家,儒家学 派创始人。
Confucius is very good at teaching ,there are many students. Confucius thoughts have been Confucius' developed into a system of philosophy known as Confucianism 孔子很擅长教学,有很多的学生。孔子的思想发展成了儒 家。Biblioteka THE END孔府
the Mansion of Confucius
the Temple of Confucius
the Cemetery of Confucius
Confucius thoughts have great influence on Chinese culture.
孔子的思想对中 国文化有极大的 影响。
Is it a pleasure after all to practice in due time what one has learnt? 学而时习之,不亦说乎?《论语· 学而》 Is it not a delight after all to have friend come from afar? 有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎?《论语· 学而》 Do not impose upon others what you do not desire yourself. 已所不欲,勿施于人。《论语· 卫灵公》
介绍孔子 Confucius
• 孔子之所以著名是因为他在古
• Confucius is famous because he
made many wise sayings in ancient China that helped many people learn about nature, the world and human behavior.
代的中国说过许多智慧的话, 帮助人们认识自然、世界和人 的行为规范。
Wise Confucius
他的观点和我们学校要进行的品德教育 “我将要”不谋而合。
His ideas were very similar to the Characte Education ‘I wills’ for the school . They were:
what is just to your advantage.
• “己所不欲,勿施于人。”
want yourself.
• do to others what you would
Confucius 孔子
The reason why the name of the Spring and Autumn Dynasty is because a man wrote a book called "Spring and Autumn."
之所以有春秋的名字, 是因为有个人写了一本 书,名字叫《春秋》。
Confucius 孔子
The ancient Chinese thinker and educator.
中国古代伟大的 思想家和教育家。
Confucቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱus 孔子
• 孔子(公元前551-公元前479年)是中国古代
孔子的英文简介孔子,儒家学派创始人,中国著名的大思想家、大教育家,下面是店铺为你整理的孔子的英文简介,希望对你有用!孔子简介Confucius (September 28, 551 BC - April 11, 479 BC), sub-surname, Kong, Mingqiu, word Zhongni, Lu Guoyi people (now Shandong Qufu), ancestral home Song Li Li ( This summer Xia Yi), China's famous big thinker, big educator. Confucius pioneered the atmosphere of private lectures, the founder of the Confucian school.Confucius had been employed by Lao Tzu, led some of the disciples travel around the country for fourteen years, the late revision of six classics, namely, "poetry" "book" "ceremony" "music" "easy" "Spring and Autumn." According to legend, he has three disciples, of which seventy-two sage. After the death of Confucius, his disciples and their disciples to Confucius and his disciples of words and deeds and thoughts recorded, compiled into the Confucian classics "The Analects of Confucius."Confucius in ancient times was revered as "heavenly holy", "days of wood duo", was one of the most scholars in the community at that time, was later rulers respect for the saints, holy, holy first division, Dacheng The holy text of the beginning of the first division, million Shi table. Its Confucianism has a far-reaching impact on China and the world, Confucius was listed as "the world's top ten cultural celebrities" first. Confucius was revered as the ancestor of Confucianism (non-Confucianism). With the expansion of Confucius influence, Confucius worship became once and even God, and the ancestral god of the country. 孔子成就Moral thoughtConfucius built a complete "moral and moral" thought system: at the individual level advocate "benevolence, ritual" virtue and virtue. The moral system of thought is based on the theory of goodness and sorcerer (" Humane and heaven, authentic meet, humane and timely into a methodology of the perfect ideological system.Confucius's Ren said, embodies the humanitarian spirit, Confucius's ritual, it embodies the spirit of ritual, that is, the modern sense of the order and system. Humanism This is the eternal theme of mankind, for any society, any time, any government is applicable, and order and institutional society is the establishment of human civilization, the basic requirements of society. Confucius's spirit of humanism and order is the essence of ancient Chinese social and political thought.Confucius in his later years of the highest ideal called "Datong", in the world of Datong, the world's people, not only their own family for the pro, not only to their parents and children for love, but love each other, love all the people The So that the old end, strong use, the children can get warm and caring, lonely people and people with disabilities have to rely on, men have their own things, women have a satisfactory destination. There is no fraud in the world, no thieves, the road is not picked up, the night is not closed, everyone stresses the letter repair, election Yin Teng can, the road trip also, the world for the public.political ideologyThe core content of Confucius' political thought is "ritual" and "benevolence". On the strategy of governing the country, he advocated "governing morality" and using morality and ritual to govern the country is the most noble way of governing thecountry. This strategy is also called "rule of virtue" or "rule of law". This strategy to Germany, the courtesy of the people, strict hierarchical system, the aristocracy and the common people divided by the rulers and the rulers. Breaking the aristocracy and the common people between the original an important line.Confucius lived in the Western Zhou Dynasty patriarchal tradition of deep Lu, when the ruling power of the Zhou dynasty has been in name only, the princes fighting each other constantly, there has been "Wang Daowei, ritual waste, regime loss, family vulgar" social reality , "Jun is not Jun, Chen Chen, father is not the father, son of child" has become the characteristics of that era. The intensification of social contradictions hinders the development of productive forces, and the human spirit and beliefs have also been unprecedentedly devastated. These together constitute the historical and social conditions of Confucius' political thought. "Ren" and "Li" are the basic spirit of his political thought.Confucius' highest political ideal is to establish the "world for the public" of the Datong society. "Datong" the basic characteristics of society is: Avenue smooth, "the world for the public", which can "choose Yin and can, faith repair Mu", "people are not only pro-pro, not only son of his son, so old end, The use of the young people, young people have long, lonely lonely people who have nothing to do, "conspiracy to cheat, theft can not afford, this is an idealized legend of Yao and Shun era of primitive social scene, but also Confucius The vision of the highest ideal society. "Well-off society" is a lower political goal advocated by Confucius. "The well-off society," the basic characteristics of society is: the road hidden, "the world for home", "the pro-pro, the child of his son, the goods forthemselves", and this rich and poor, A series of rules and regulations, ethics, "to the monarch and grandchildren, to Benedict and his son, to the brothers, to and the couple", "to stand in the field, to Xianxiong know", accordingly also set " , By, "to seek is for, and the soldiers from this." This society is clearly not "Datong" as perfect as the world, but there are normal order, polite, benevolence, faith, justice, so called well-off. This society actually describes the "prosperity" of class society after "private ownership".Confucius' "Datong" society, "well-off" social ideal has far-reaching impact on China's later generations. Later, different periodicals, different stages of the thinkers put forward the different content of the vision of the blueprint and the goal, this idea for the progressive thinkers, reformers also have some inspiration, Hong Xiuquan, Kang Youwei, Tan Sitong and Sun Yat-sen are affected.Economic thoughtConfucius' economic thought is the most important thing of righteousness and lightness, "righteousness" and "enriching the people". This is also the main content of Confucian economic thought, has a greater impact on future generations.Confucius called "righteousness", is a kind of social morality, "Lee" refers to people's pursuit of material interests. In the relationship between "righteousness" and "profit", Confucius puts "righteousness" in the first place. He said: "see the righteousness." Ask people in the material interests of the face of BC, the first should be considered how to meet the "righteousness." He believes that "justice and then take", that is only in line with "justice", and then to get. Confucius even in the "Analects of Confucius Zi" advocated "rare words", that is to say"benefit", but not not "benefit". "Zuozhuan into the public two years" records, do not meet the moral things and get rich, just as clouds, disdain with unreasonable means to obtain wealth. Confucius also believes that the treatment of "righteousness" and "benefit" attitude, can distinguish between "gentleman" and "villain". A moral "gentleman", easy to understand the "righteousness" of the importance of the lack of moral cultivation of the "villain", only know "benefit" and do not know "justice." This is Confucius in the "Analects of Confucius in the" said "gentleman Yu Yi, villain Yu Li." Some people think that since Confucius "righteousness", it is bound to underestimate the manual labor. This view is wrong. "The Analects of Confucius" in the record of his disciples who want to learn agriculture Fan Chi very dissatisfied, called him "villain", it is because Confucius that people have greater ideals and pursuits, to bear the greater responsibility. He wants his students to be the bearers of value rather than a doctrineConfucius in the history of China, the first proposed similar to the quality of human talent, personality differences mainly because of the acquired education and social environmental impact ("similarity is also similar"). So that everyone may be educated, everyone should be educated. He advocated "teach no class", founded private school, wide recruit students, breaking the slave owners aristocratic school education monopoly, the scope of education extended to civilians, conform to the trend of social development. He advocated "learning and gifted", learning and spare capacity, went to an official. His education aims to cultivate a gentleman in politics, and a gentleman must have a high moral quality of cultivation, so Confucius stressed that theschool education must be moral education in the first place ("disciples into the filial piety, out of Ti, Panting the public, and the pro-people. Line of spare capacity, then the text ").Confucius in the teaching methods require teachers to "teach no class", "by the state economy" education concept, "individualized", "heuristic" methodology, pay attention to T ong Meng, enlightenment education. He educated students to have honest learning attitude, to be modest and studious, often review the knowledge learned, so that "warm and know the new", new knowledge extended broad, in-depth, "one and the other."The main contents of Confucius' moral education are "ritual" and "benevolence". Which "ceremony" for the moral norms, "benevolence" for the highest moral standards. "Ceremony" is the form of "benevolence", "benevolence" is the content of "ritual", with the spirit of "benevolence", "ritual" really fulfilled. In the moral cultivation, he proposed to establish ambition, self-denial, practice line, introspection, courage to turn over and other methods. "Learning and learning" is the dominant thought of Confucius' teaching thought. While advocating the shamelessly asked, modesty, he emphasizes the combination of learning and thinking ("learning without thinking, thinking and not learning is almost"), but also must "learn to use", the knowledge learned social practice.He first proposed heuristic teaching. He said: "Do not be angry, do not speak without hair." Means that teachers should seriously think in the students, and has reached a certain degree of just right to inspire and enlighten, he is the first practice in teaching practice teaching Family. Through the conversation and individual observation and other methods, he understood and familiar with the personality characteristics of students, on thisbasis, according to the specific circumstances of each student, to take different educational methods, cultivate a virtue, speech, politics, literature and other talents The Confucius loves education and is engaged in educational activities all his life. He learns tirelessly and tirelessly. Not only teaching, more emphasis on teaching, to their own model behavior students. He loves students, students also respect him, teacher-student relationship is very harmonious. He is a typical example of the ancient Chinese teachers.Confucius' educational activities not only cultivate many students, but also put forward the theory of education on the basis of practice, laying a theoretical foundation for ancient Chinese education. Because of the conservative political attitude of Confucius, the reform of the economic system also reflects the conservative thinking. For example, Lu Xuan Gong fifteen years (AD 594 BC) to implement the "early tax mu", from the legal recognition of the legal status of private land, is the Spring and Autumn period of major economic reform; but according to "Zuo Zhuan" Spring and Autumn "when the record" early tax mu ", the purpose is to criticize its" indecent assault ". And the people are not rich, the monarch is not rich. In the "The Analects of Confucius Yao Yue" also recorded, Confucius advocated "for the benefit of the people and benefit", that is beneficial to the people to do things. On the other hand, he also advocated tax to be lighter, corvee apportionment do not delay agriculture. "The Analects of Confucius," the record, Confucius also on the time for the people to preach, ask the government do not be too extravagant, pay attention to thrift. He said: "extravagant is not bad, thrifty is solid. With its not inferior, Ninggu." At the same time, also advocated "section with love." This includes the use ofConfucius' "benevolence" in the economic field.AestheticsThe core of Confucius' aesthetic thought is the unity of "beauty" and "goodness", and also the unity of form and content. Confucius advocated "poetry teaching", that is, the combination of literature and art and political morality, the literature and art as a means of changing social and political means, cultivate an important way of sentiment. And Confucius believes that a perfect person, should be in poetry, ritual, music self-cultivation. Confucius' aesthetic thought has a great influence on the later literary theory.Confucius in the easy to learn clearly put forward the "beauty in which", "a matter of opinion" and other famous aesthetic proposition. Published by the People's Publishing House, "the boy asked easy" on the basis of Yi Zong proposed the United States - masculine, feminine beauty; the beauty of life; the beauty of freedom; That "the beauty of yin and yang, the beauty of life, the beauty of freedom, and beauty can be described as aesthetics of the case."Historical thoughtAn important proposition of Confucius' history is "straight", that is, the study of history to seek truth from facts, not only to attach importance to the basis, but also to "know it, I do not know I do not know" ("politics"), he tried to oppose those arrogant not straight "He is not straightforward, but he does not want to do so, and he does not believe, and I do not know it." ("Taber").Confucius' view of history is not only reflected in the attitude of history and history, but also in the historical development view. Confucius believes that history is constantly "gains and losses", he said: "Yin Yin Xia Li, the profit and loss can be seen also; Zhoubecause of Yin Li, the profit and loss can be seen" ("government"), Zhou is in the summer, On behalf of the foundation to reach an unprecedented civilization. History is not a retrogression, but come from behind, is the development of the forward. Although this idea is very hazy, but it is the history of Chinese history, the evolution of the valuable beginning.Tourism conceptConfucius is rich in life. He realized the incisive philosophy of life from the long travel career and formed a unique view of tourism. Confucius' "tour" has three main forms: tour, study, tour. In other words, Confucius in the tour to ask the teaching, travel in the official Shi Shi, travel in the affectionate, travel in the enlightenment. His travel behavior and study, into the official is inseparable. Confucius' travel ideas can be broadly summarized as follows:Confucius' s View of Distance and NearConfucius said: "gentleman Huaide, villain nostalgia", "people and the nostalgia, not enough for the men." Means a gentleman do not nostalgia for their homeland, should learn through the four parties to learn and realize the lofty ideals and aspirations. It can be seen that Confucius "re-travel", against "Huohuo", "nostalgia" and other psychological and behavior, even to live in love, nostalgia for the gentleman and villain distinction. But Confucius also said: "parents in, not far tour, travel must have", clearly expressed his idea of promoting near travel. "Parents in, not far tour" is also Confucianism to promote the implementation of filial piety, serve their parents, pay attention to the embodiment of human thought.So Confucius both "re-travel", but also against "far travel" to promote "near tour", would it be self-contradictory? Confucius'near-sight and distant view is not contradictory, but the unity of opposites, similar to the relationship between "fish and bear's paw". Travel and near travel, in fact, reflects the Confucian "loyalty" and "filial piety", serve the country and serve the parents of the unity of opposites. Although Confucius advocated "near travel", but also do not blindly exclusion of travel, although advocating the implementation of filial piety, but more advocated "rule the country world." In the end suitable for travel or near travel, choose the standard is whether there is "good". In fact, follow the Confucius travel around the country 14 years of disciples there are many parents who are alive. Confucius opposed only to the legitimate purpose but beyond the reasonable degree of "travel".Confucius focus on cultural tours, natural tour, advocate "landscape than Germany"Confucius life trip to the world, pay attention to listening and enjoyment ceremony, creating a precedent for Chinese cultural tourism. According to historical records: "Confucius was the West into the room, asked the ceremony in the old Dan, Xue Yu Changhong, view of the emperor of the rule." Zuiwangyi not wine, Confucius thought is to learn from the old Dan music. In addition, Confucius visit, and Qi Taishi exchange on the "music" of the views and to achieve the realm of ecstasy. "The Analects of Confucius and": "Son in the Qi Wen" Shao ", learn, March I do not know meat, said: 'not figure for the music of the Sri Lanka also.'" Confucius travel in the four parties to learn, appreciate the ancient ceremony Music civilization, which in fact is now talking about cultural tourism.In addition to promoting the cultural journey to listen to music, Confucius also focus on the natural landscape of the tour.For the landscape of the natural landscape, Confucius pay more attention to the "beauty" of the feelings, such as familiar for us: "Know who Lok water, benevolent Leshan; know who move, benevolent static; knowledge of music, benevolent life." In Confucius, The clever and flowing water has a metaphysical commonality; the generosity of the benevolent is interlinked with the solemn and steady mountains. This is the "landscape than Germany," the aesthetic, experience. "Bi" refers to the symbol or comparison, "moral" refers to the moral or spiritual quality, means that in the enjoyment of landscape natural landscape, according to its characteristics analogy of people's moral character, that is, the natural landscape of humanization.Confucius advocates tourism to be healthy, against lionConfucius said: "Benefit three music, loss of three music. Festival rituals, music people of goodness, music more virtuous friends, benefits carry on. Le proud music, music lost travel, music Yan Le, loss carry on." Said to be proud of to play, to play around, idle for fun, the size of the feast for the music, are harmful to the happy. Visible, Confucius against idle, swinging pleasure, unrestrained play and other lost travel behavior. He believes that lost travel beyond the individual physical and mental capacity and social ritual license, lost travel is a temporary, limited, and will bring their own great damage.Concept of life◎ angry forgotten, happy to forgetConfucius 62 years old, had described himself as: "It is also people, angry, happy to forget, I do not know the old will be to the cloud Seoul." At that time, Confucius has led his disciples around the country 9 years, gone through hardships, not only did not get Princes of the appointment, but also almost killed, butConfucius is not easy to retreat, is still optimistic about uphold their own ideals, and even know that it can not do it.◎ poor musi c RoadIn the eyes of Confucius, justice is the highest value of life, in the rich and the poor and moral contradictions, he would rather be poor will not give up morality. But his poor music and music can not be seen as not seeking wealth, just to maintain the Road, this is not consistent with historical facts. Confucius also said: "rich and expensive, people do not have their own, not the way, not the same. Poor and cheap, people of evil also; not its Road, not to also." " But also for the rich, but also for the whip of the people, I also, if not, from my good.◎ learning and tireless, tireless tirelesslyConfucius is known for his knowledge, and he has a strong interest in all kinds of knowledge. Therefore, he is versatile and knowledgeable. He was famous at the time and was almost regarded as an omniscient saint. But Confucius did not think that Confucius said: "Confucius schoolless division, who has knowledge, who there is something he did not know, he worship who is a teacher, so that" three lines, will be Have my teacher, choose the good and from it, its poor and changed.◎ straight and lineConfucius nature of integrity, but also advocate straight and line, he said: "I also in the people who, who destroyed who reputation, such as the reputation of those who have the test." Sri Lanka people also, the reason why the three generations of the line also. "" Historical Records "contained more than thirty-year-old Confucius in his eloquence in the Lao Tzu, parting when I gave the words:" clever and close to the dead, good people who also. Bo debate the majority of the body, This is the reminder ofConfucius in good faith, but also pointed out that some of the problems of Confucius, is to see the problem is too deep, the speech is too sharp, hurt some of the status of the people, Of people, will bring their own great danger.◎ good with peopleConfucius founded the moral theory of benevolence, and he himself was a very kind person, compassionate, helpful and sincere and generous. "Do not want to do, do not impose on people", "gentleman adult beauty, no adult evil", "bow and thick and thin people" and so on, are his life criteria. Confucius said: "I have five and learn to learn, thirty standing, forty and no doubt, fifty and know destiny, sixty and earning, seventy and from the heart, not overdue." This is the life of their own Stage of the summary.。
和任何的其他中国传统文化一样,作为一部经典著作,《论语》有很明显的时○孔子燕居像(明代)A portrait of Confucius painted during the Ming DynastyCONFUCIUS IN CHINA AND CONFUCIUS IN THE WORLD○孔子墓前修学结业的外国人。
图/张仁玉Foreigners receiving their course completion certificates in front of Confucius’ tomb代特征,有很强烈的远古韵味,里面有很多激动人心的东西,当然也有一些和当今时代相背离的东西。
那么,孔子的英文意思是什么呢?The English meaning of 孔子 (Confucius) refers to the name of the renowned ancient Chinese philosopher, educator, and politician, who is also the founder of Confucianism, oneof the major schools of thought in China.孔子的英文音译为"Confucius",其中的“Confu”源自孔子的春秋时代的封地鲁国,而“cius”是常见的姓氏后缀。
Confucius是孔子的英文译名,孔子是中国古代的伟大思想家、教育家和政治家。他的思 想被称为儒家思想,对中国乃至整个东亚地区的文化和社会产生了深远影响。以下是一些关 于Confucius的双语例句:
1. Cortance of moral values and ethical behavior in society.(孔子强调道德价值观和伦理行为在社会中的重要性。)
2. Confucius believed in the importance of education for personal and societal development.(孔子相信教育对个人和社会发展的重要性。)
3. Confucius's teachings emphasized the cultivation of virtues such as benevolence, righteousness, and filial piety.(孔子的教导强调修养仁、义、孝等美德。)
4. Confucius's philosophy emphasized the importance of harmonious relationships within the family, society, and the state.(孔子的哲学强调家庭、社会和国家内部的和谐关 系的重要性。)
Confucius, also known as Kong Zi or Kong Fuzi, was a Chinese philosopher, teacher, and political theorist. He lived during the Spring and Autumn Period of Chinese history, which lasted from approximately 771 to 476 BCE. Confucius's teachings, which focused on ethics, morality, and social relationships, have profoundly influenced Chinese culture for over two millennia.One of Confucius's most famous works is the "Analects,"a collection of his teachings and conversations with his disciples. Written after his death by his followers, the Analects provides valuable insights into Confucius's philosophical thoughts and principles. It covers a wide range of topics, including governance, education, ethics,and personal conduct.The Analects emphasizes the importance of moral cultivation and self-improvement as the foundation for creating a harmonious society. Confucius believed in the concept of "ren," often translated as "benevolence" or "humanity," which he considered the highest moral virtue.He advocated for individuals to cultivate virtues such as filial piety, loyalty, honesty, and humility in their daily lives.Central to Confucian thought is the idea of the "junzi," or "gentleman" or "noble person." The junzi is someone who embodies moral integrity, wisdom, and social responsibility. Confucius believed that society could achieve stability and prosperity if its leaders andcitizens aspired to become junzi and followed theprinciples of benevolence, righteousness, propriety, wisdom, and sincerity.Confucius's teachings also emphasize the importance of education in moral development and self-cultivation. Hebelieved that education should focus not only on acquiring knowledge but also on cultivating moral character andethical behavior. Confucian education aims to instill in individuals a sense of duty, responsibility, and reverence for tradition and authority.In addition to the Analects, Confucius's other notable works include the "Book of Rites" (Li Ji), the "Book of Documents" (Shang Shu), and the "Spring and Autumn Annals" (Chunqiu). Together, these texts form the foundation of Confucianism, a philosophical and ethical system that has shaped Chinese civilization for centuries.Confucianism has had a lasting impact not only in China but also in other East Asian countries such as Japan, Korea, and Vietnam. Confucian values continue to influence various aspects of society, including politics, education, ethics, and interpersonal relationships.In conclusion, Confucius's works, particularly the Analects, are essential texts for understanding his philosophical teachings and their enduring significance inChinese culture and beyond. His emphasis on moral cultivation, social harmony, and ethical leadership continues to resonate with people around the world, making him one of the most influential figures in human history.。
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.Today, I will represent our group to introduce a famous person: Confucius, here. (停顿)And I will talk about him from three aspects.As follows:First of all, who is Confucius?Second, what are Confucius’s ideas and views?Third, how and why could Confucian thought in 21st century still retains the interest of people all over the world?一、简介(Introduction)Confucius, known in China as Kongzi, given name Qiuand alias ['eɪlɪəs] Zhongni, was a native of Zouyi of the State of Lu during the Spring and Autumn Period.He put two thoughts forward as “Ren” and “li”.For the reason that Confucius lived in times of many wars, his thoughts about ren cannot be useful. So he devote much time on education. What’s more, he took his disciples [dɪ'saɪp(ə)l] around other countries.As a great thinker, educator and founder of Confucianism, Confucius is an ancient sage(圣人) to the Chinese People. His words and life story were recorded by his disciples and theirstudents in The Analects ['ænəlekts].二、思想主张(Ideas and views)Ren and li are the two core concepts of Confucius’ doctrine about people.First: Li (主张“礼”):Confucius placed emphasis on li with the aim of preserving social order, stability and harmony. Therefore, the Analects says, “The role of li is to maintain harmony among people.” (礼之用,和为贵)Confucius ceremony, is not only the king's gift, the gift of father and son, but the gentleman unmoved attitude in the face of all. (礼的应用,以遇事做得恰当和顺为可)Second: Ren (主张“仁”):Confucius’s most important interpretation of Ren is“Love people”. This love is not only the universal love, furthermore, it should begin with the love for one’s parents. So he said: ”The greatest love for people is the love for one’s parents ”.(仁者,人也,亲亲为大)仁爱就是人的属性,将爱父母亲放在第一位。
"Ren"is a kind of the personality charm which is enough to convince people first of all. What’s more, "Ren" is a way of life cultivation. Last but not least, "Ren" is part of Confucius helping the people. (“仁”首先是一种足以使人诚服的人格魅力。
)Third: Education (主张“因材施教”): Teaching according to some of the acts (因材施教) are the summarize for Confucius of generalizations.It,is based on the specific circumstances of different objects,with different educational methods.To do this,we must first know the st udents strengths,weaknesses and their respective characteristics. For example, our team, I am a speaker, Zhuang is the producer of slides, and other members search the information together.三、当今社会对世界的影响(Influence towards people all overthe world)中方:(Influence in China)In the development of thousands of years in China, Confucianism [kən'fjʊʃə,nɪzm] became the Chinese traditional culture representative. It has influenced the world for about 2,000 years.I think that there are three thoughts making sense as follows. The first thought is about the relationship of Heaven and human beings.(关于天堂和人类的关系)Confucius was the first person who regarded “heaven” as nature and this was an innovative idea in his time. He required people to hold Heaven in awe. In the 21st century, the opinion “standing in awe of the ordinances['ɔːdɪnəns] of Heaven”(保持敬畏的天堂)still holds true, so we should indeedlisten to the voice of nature as we develop our economy and build a harmonious world.(倾听大自然的声音,发展我们的经济,构建和谐的世界)The second thought is about Humanity, which includes two core concepts: Ren and Li. (仁和礼的影响) T oday the Confucian doctrine of “Do not do toward others anything you would not want to be done to you” (己所不欲,勿施于人)still holds true for humankind. He placed emphasis on Li with the aim of preserving social order, stability and harmony. (他强调,礼的目的在于维护社会秩序,稳定和和谐)In the 21st century, people also emphasize the importance of the love and the social manners or rules.(爱和社会礼仪的重要性或者规则)So many of the Confucian can give us a guide how to love others and behave ourselves. (这么多的儒家可以给我们一个指导如何去爱他人,为人处事之道)The third thought is about the education.(教育)He also believed the basic goal of education was to cultivate “persons of virtue”. (基本的思想是培养有道德的人)In the 21st century, we also need the comprehensive [kɒmprɪ'hensɪv] talents(综合型人才)to make contribution to our world. With the idea of equality, most of kids today can be educated equally. (平等的观念,孩子才可以受到同等的教育)西方:(Influence in occident < n.西方国家;欧洲国家>)The exact time of the Confucianism was introduced into the west, have been identified for 1593 years. French philosopher Voltaire [vɔl'ter], Germany Leibnitz ['laibnits] had been systematically [,sɪstə'mætɪklɪ] studied "the book of changes"《易经》and the thoughts of Confucius, and is under the influence of Confucianism. It is based on the study of yi jing, Leibniz put forward his binary system二进位制, the influence on western world is very big. 儒家思想传入西方,被确认的准确时间为1593年。