Topic 1 Confucius 孔子

In educational practice, he created flexible teaching methods, promoting the combination of learning and thinking, learning and reviewing as well as teaching and learning. He emphasized on individualized and heuristic [hjuˈrɪstɪ k]启发式的teaching . These ideas are still of great significance in practice today.
相传他有弟子三千,其中七十二贤人。孔子去世后,其弟子 及其再传弟子把孔子及其弟子的言行语录和思想记录下来, 整理编成儒家经典《论语》。
As one of the greatest thinker, educator, philosopher and the founder of the Confucian school and Confucianism in the history of China, Confucius’ legacy [ˈleɡəsi]遗产 lies in the following three aspects:
700多年前,马可·波罗开辟了中意交往的先河,此后的利玛窦、郎世宁进一步拉近了 中意两国人民的距离。
A Brief Introduction
A Brief Introduction
Confucius (551 B.C—479 B.C.) is one of the most famous Chinese people. As the founder of Confucianism, his thought has exerted a deep influence

为什么孔子的英文名叫Confucius我们看到孔子介绍时,会看到孔子名字的英文介绍Confucius,那为什么会这么叫呢?这里面又有什么故事?下面是为你搜集的相关内容,希望对你有帮助!为什么孔子的英文名叫ConfuciusConfucius 这个词最初并不是英文,而是拉丁文。
16 世纪,来自欧洲的天主教耶稣会传教士带着向这个东方大国传播天主教的使命踏上明代中国的土地上时,他们很快发现,当时的中国人,至少是那些处在社会上层的、受过教育的、甚至担任官职的中国人,都信奉一位距离当时已经有两千多年的“哲学家”的教诲,并试图把他的教诲应用到从治国安邦到生活琐事等一系列事务中去。
孔子【英文】 Confucius

• • • • •
The I Jing (“Book of Changes”) The Shu Jing (“Book of History”) The Shih Jing (“Book of Odes” [poetry]) The Li Ji (“Book of Rites”) The Ch’un-ch’iu (“Spring & Autumn Annals”)
The further expression of Confucian philosophy
“The Four Books” (Ssu-chu)
• • • •
Analects (Lun-Yu) The Doctrine of the Mean (Zhongyong) The Great Learning (Ta-hsueh) The Book of Meng-Tzu (Mencius, 371-288 BC)
Confucius (Kung Fu-Tzu)*
(551-479 BCE)
& Confucianism
*Family name = Kung (Kong) Personal name = Zhong-ni Kung Fu-Tzu (Kong Fu-zi) = “Master Kung” “Confucius” = Latinization of “Kung Fu-Tzu”
The primary sources of Confucian philosophy
Confucius claimed to derive his teachings from “the Ancients,” whose wisdom is embodied in “The Five Classics” (Wu Jing)

.Today, I will represent our group to introduce a famous person: Confucius, here. (停顿)And I will talk about him from three aspects.As follows:First of all, who is Confucius?Second, what are Confucius’s ideas and views?Third, how and why could Confucian thought in 21st century still retains the interest of people all over the world?一、简介(Introduction)Confucius, known in China as Kongzi, given name Qiuand alias ['eɪlɪəs] Zhongni, was a native of Zouyi of the State of Lu during the Spring and Autumn Period.He put two thoughts forward as “Ren” and “li”.For the reason that Confucius lived in times of many wars, his thoughts about ren cannot be useful. So he devote much time on education. What’s more, he took his disciples [dɪ'saɪp(ə)l] around other countries.As a great thinker, educator and founder of Confucianism, Confucius is an ancient sage(圣人) to the Chinese People. His words and life story were recorded by his disciples and theirstudents in The Analects ['ænəlekts].二、思想主张(Ideas and views)Ren and li are the two core concepts of Confucius’ doctrine about people.First: Li (主张“礼”):Confucius placed emphasis on li with the aim of preserving social order, stability and harmony. Therefore, the Analects says, “The role of li is to maintain harmony among people.” (礼之用,和为贵)Confucius ceremony, is not only the king's gift, the gift of father and son, but the gentleman unmoved attitude in the face of all. (礼的应用,以遇事做得恰当和顺为可)Second: Ren (主张“仁”):Confucius’s most important interpretation of Ren is“Love people”. This love is not only the universal love, furthermore, it should begin with the love for one’s parents. So he said: ”The greatest love for people is the love for one’s parents ”.(仁者,人也,亲亲为大)仁爱就是人的属性,将爱父母亲放在第一位。

Confucius loves education career, devoting all his life to education activities. He is insatiable in learning. Not only teach by precept, but also do examples, in their own model behavior influence students. He loves his students, students also respect him very much, a harmonious relationship between teachers and students. He is a glorious and typical teacher of ancient China . Confucius' education activities not only has cultivated many students, but he put forward the practice of education theory, which lays the foundation of the ancient Chinese education
When Confucius was 3 years old, his father was die . under Yan ZhengZai’s education, He loved learning. Confucius had a difficulty youth. He aspired to learn at15. 30 years old, he was learned, become a famous scholar, and taught others, also creating a private school. His idea is “kindness", that is “to love“.

State of Lu
Confucius was the founder of Confucianism.He is fam ous for his philosophy. He was declared the "Extrem ely Sage Departed Teacher" (至聖先師). He is also known as the "Great Sage" (至聖), "First Teacher" (先師), and "M odel Teacher for Ten Thousand Ages" (萬世師表).
Confucius Institute
• Confucius Institute is not a general sense of the university but an institute to promote and disseminate [dɪ'semɪneɪt](传播 )Chinese culture and Chinese language established by Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China.
子曰:“溫故而知新,可以為師矣。” The Master said, If a man keeps cherishing his old knowledge, so as continually to be acquiring new, he may be a teacher of others
பைடு நூலகம்
commemoration[kəˌmeməˌre ɪʃən]n.


Winston Sun
That’s where Confucius was born & spent most of his life.
The ancient state Lu
Winston Sun
Thinker Educator Statesman Philosopher Founder of the Confucian school and Confucianism Symbol of Chinese culture
Confucius & Confucianism
Made by Forrest(Zheng Diwen)
Winston Sun
Confucius (Chinese: 孔子; pinyin: Kǒng zǐ )
2561 years old now(551–479 BC)
Lu not dine the ghost and god
Winston Sun
Winston Sun
Confucius Quotes
Winston Sun
Winston Sun
Influence in 17th Century Europe
For almost two thousand years, the Analects had also been the fundamental course of study for any Chinese scholar, for a man was not considered morally upright or enlightened if he did not study Confucius' works. The imperial examination, started in the Jin Dynasty and eventually abolished in late Qing Dynasty (early 20th century), emphasized Confucian studies and expected candidates to quote and apply the words of Confucius in their essays.

全国人大常委会原副委员长许嘉璐,文化 部副部长周和平,日本前内阁官房长官武村正 义与来自中国内地和香港、澳门、台湾地区以 及韩国、新加坡、马来西亚、美国、法国、英 国、比利时、丹麦、澳大利亚等22个国家和地 区、86个儒学研究机构的172位专家学者、各 界人士共襄盛举。这些来自不同国度、不同民 族、不同文化的专家学者、各界人士,围绕儒 学的历史研究、儒学的当代价值、儒学的现代 阐释、儒学的世界传播、儒学与和谐文化等议 题,进行了深入研讨与广泛对话。
灭商后,周武王封商纣王的庶兄,商朝忠正的名臣 微子启于宋(夏邑)。 微子启死后,其弟微仲即位, 微仲即为孔子的先祖。自孔子的六世祖孔父嘉之后, 后代子孙开始以孔为氏,其曾祖父孔防叔为了逃避 宋国内乱,从宋国逃到了鲁国。孔子的父亲叔梁纥 (叔梁为字,纥为名)是鲁国出名的勇士,叔梁纥 先娶施氏曜英,生九女而无一子,其妾生一子孟皮, 但有足疾。在当时的情况下,女子和残疾的儿子都 不宜继嗣。叔梁纥晚年与年轻女子颜征在再下孔子。 孔子的伟大思想与孔子母亲有很大关系,其母颜征 在和他的外祖父颜襄对孔子产生了深远影响,颜征 在的教学理念简直是先进了两千年。
“子”,古代对成年男子的尊称,在春秋战 国时期,拥有一定社会地位的成年男子都可 以称为“子”,而且都希望别人称自己为 “子”,因为“子”还是一种爵位,所谓 “公侯伯子男”也。但是,真正能获得别人 以“子”相称的,一般是两种人:要么在社 会上公信力较高的,如“老师”;要么就是 较有道德的贵族;孔子、老子属于前者。而 孔子是我国古代最伟大的政治家、思想家、 教育家和军事家。儒家学派创始人,世界最 著名的文学名人。与孟子并称“孔孟”,孔子

confucius的用法和例句【释义】confuciusn.孔子(中国哲学家,教育家)【短语】1Confucius Institute孔子学院;孔子学堂;孔子;孔子学院孔子课堂孔子学校汉学院孔子学堂中华传统文化2disciples of confucius孔子弟子列表;孔子弟子3Beijing Temple of Confucius北京孔庙4Analects of Confucius论语5The Analects of Confucius论语6Confucius Temple孔庙;夫子庙;孔子庙;吉林文庙7Rediscover Confucius重新发现孔子;重新发觉孔子8Taipei Confucius Temple台北市孔庙;台北孔庙9Confucius and Mencius孔孟;孔孟之道;鲁能乃孔孟;框定孔孟【例句】1As Confucius grew up he wanted to learn things.随着孔子长大,他想学习一些东西。
2Confucius was good at music when he was fifteen.孔子十五岁时就擅长音乐。
3Confucius was a pioneer in the field of education.孔子是教育领域的先驱。
4Confucius educated about3,000students in his lifetime.孔子一生中大概教过3000名学生。
5Confucius is considered the greatest of the ancient Chinese sages.孔子被认为是古代中国最伟大的圣人。
6The doodle is the latest in the recent rehabilitation of Confucius.在近来孔子复兴热中,这个涂鸦是最新的表现。
7When he was a man,Confucius became the ruler of the city of Changtu.孔子成年后,成为了昌图市的统治者。

孔子的家境相当贫寒。由于身处乱世,孔子所主张的仁政没有施展的空 间,但在治理鲁国的三个月中,使强大的齐国也畏惧孔子的才能,足见孔子 无愧于杰出政治家的称号。政治上的不得意,使孔子将很大一部分精力用在 教育事业上。孔子曾任鲁国司寇,后携弟子周游列国,入东周向老子请教。 最终返回鲁国,专心执教。 孔子打破了教育垄断,开创了私学先驱,弟子多达三千人,其中贤人七 十二,便是著名的七十二贤士。七十二人中有很多为各国高官栋梁,又为儒 家学派延续了辉煌。这“七十二贤士”中,又数颜回,是孔子最爱的弟子。
公元前525年(鲁昭公十七年)郯[tán]子朝鲁, 孔子向郯子询问郯国古代官制。孔子开办私人学 校,当在此前后。 孔子自20多岁起,就想走仕途,所以对天下大事 非常关注,经常思考治理国家的诸多问题,也常 发表一些见解,到30岁时,已有些名气。 孔子年轻时做过几任小官,孔子治理中都(今汶 上县)一年,有点政绩,被升为小司空,公元前 499年(鲁定公十一年)又升为大司寇,摄相事, 鲁国大治。 公元前498年(鲁定公十二年),开始了周游列国 的旅程。
第二天,颜回就借故说家中有事,要请假回去。孔子明白颜回的心事,也不挑 破,点头准了他的假。颜回临行前,去跟孔子告别。孔子要他办完事即返回,并嘱 咐他两句话:「千年古树莫存身,杀人不明勿动手。」 颜回应声「记住了」,便动身往家走。路上,突然风起云涌,雷鸣电闪,眼看 要下大雨。颜回钻进路边一棵大树的空树干里,想避避雨。他猛然记起孔子「千年 古树莫存身」的话,心想,师徒一场,再听他一次话吧,又从空树干中走了出来。 他刚离开不远,一个炸雷,把那棵古树劈个粉碎。颜回大吃一惊:老师的第一句话 应验啦!难道我还会杀人吗? 颜回赶到家,已是深夜。他不想惊动家人,就用随身佩带的宝剑,拨开了妻子 住室的门栓。颜回到床前一摸,啊呀呀,南头睡个人,北头睡个人!他怒从心头起, 举剑正要砍,又想起孔子的第二句话「杀人不明勿动手」。他点灯一看,床上一头 睡的是妻子,一头睡的是妹妹。

Confucius’ equation of Heaven with the creation of life was an innovative idea in his time. The natural process of life creation was the “way of Heaven.” This idea was later developed in The Book of Changes, as it stated “Continuous creation of life is change.” As the natural process of creation of life, Heaven was the source of all living things and the source of all values. This was the “virtue of Heaven.”
Li refers to rituals, traditions and norms in social life. Of these, Confucius regarded burial rituals and ancestral worship rituals as the most important, because they arose from human feelings. He said, “A child should not leave his parents’ bosom until he is three years old.”He naturally loved his parents. The ritual of wearing mourning for a deceased parent for three years was an expression of the child’s love and remembrance.

confucius可作名词,指的是儒家学派创始人“孔子”,例句:Confucius's many words are wisdom. 翻译:孔子的很多话都是至理名言。
一、confucius 读音英式读音:[kən'fjuːʃəs]美式读音:[kən'fjuʃəs]二、confucius 词性及释义(n.):孔子等含义;三、confucius 双语例句例句 1. The sayings of Confucius offer guidance on this matter.孔子的教诲为此事提供了指引。
例句 2. Confucius is considered the greatest of the ancientChinese sages.孔子被认为是古代中国最伟大的圣人。
例句 3. We go to the Confucius Temple and enjoy various lanterns there every year on Lantern festival.我们每年元宵节都到夫子庙逛花灯。
例句 4. Confucius, a pioneer in the field of education.孔子,教育领域的先驱。
例句 5. As Confucius said thousands of years ago:正如孔子几千年前所说:例句 6. Inspiration for Modern Education from Educational Method and Thinking of Confucius.孔子的教育思想和教育方法对当代教育的启示。
例句7. Confucius and the Establishment of the Subject Spirit of Chinese Nation孔子与中华民族人文主体精神的确立。

• He once said “From any three people walking, I will find something to learn for sure.” Later, Confucius began to travel about and instruct disciples. In his life, Confucius had instructed more than 3,000 disciples, some were from poor families.
• In terms of education, Confucius maintained that teachers should enlighten students to think independently and that students should formulate their own opinions when acquiring knowledge from textbooks.
子曰:“过而不改,是谓过矣。” Confucius said,“A fault that is not amended is a real fault.”
子曰:“人无远虑,必有近忧。” Confucius said,“He who does not think of the future is certain to have immediate worries.”
Confucius 孔子
• Confucius(551BC-479BC), whose personal name was Qiu and styled Zhongni, was born in the Lu State. Confucius was a great thinker and educator in the late Spring and Autumn Period. He was also the founder of Confucianism.

和任何的其他中国传统文化一样,作为一部经典著作,《论语》有很明显的时○孔子燕居像(明代)A portrait of Confucius painted during the Ming DynastyCONFUCIUS IN CHINA AND CONFUCIUS IN THE WORLD○孔子墓前修学结业的外国人。
图/张仁玉Foreigners receiving their course completion certificates in front of Confucius’ tomb代特征,有很强烈的远古韵味,里面有很多激动人心的东西,当然也有一些和当今时代相背离的东西。

Confucius是孔子的英文译名,孔子是中国古代的伟大思想家、教育家和政治家。他的思 想被称为儒家思想,对中国乃至整个东亚地区的文化和社会产生了深远影响。以下是一些关 于Confucius的双语例句:
1. Cortance of moral values and ethical behavior in society.(孔子强调道德价值观和伦理行为在社会中的重要性。)
2. Confucius believed in the importance of education for personal and societal development.(孔子相信教育对个人和社会发展的重要性。)
3. Confucius's teachings emphasized the cultivation of virtues such as benevolence, righteousness, and filial piety.(孔子的教导强调修养仁、义、孝等美德。)
4. Confucius's philosophy emphasized the importance of harmonious relationships within the family, society, and the state.(孔子的哲学强调家庭、社会和国家内部的和谐关 系的重要性。)
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Confucius (551 BC-479 BC) Personal name: 丘 Styled 仲尼 Great thinker & educator A descendant of a noble family in the Song State Family decline
Confucius placed a high value on ethical cultivation and a harmonious relationship. Benevolence is in effect the spirit of “Harmony” (和)。 “Harmony” is one of the most important features of the Chinese traditional culture.
Confucius’ Educational Ideas
Private school Pupils included children of aristocrats as well as common people. Confucius changed the tradition that nobody but nobilities had the right to receive education. Travel about and instruct disciples More than 3000 disciples
educational circles
Only through painstaking efforts could one obtain knowledge “I am not born with knowledge” (吾非生而知之者) Be honest in the attitude toward learning “Know what you really understand and admit what you don’t know ” (知之为知之,不知为不知) Learn and constantly review what you learned. 学而时习之
己所不欲, 勿施于人 Do not do to others what you do not want done to yourself.
君子和而不同 Gentlemen are harmonious but different Difference should be recognized, do not judge with a single standard, so that harmony and stabilization of a society would be accomplished.
Learn the new by restudying the old. 温故而知新 Students should be modest in learning from others From any three people walking, I’ll find something to learn for sure. 三人行,必有我师
The divination of good or ill luck with Eight Trigrams
Confucius Thought -仁 (benevolence) Loving people Love and devotion to parents and loyalty to the country filial piety -- the most important thing in the life of a family (respect and obedience) Loyalty – the biggest thing in the society Loyal, honest and faithful to those in higher ranks
Inherited the Confucian thoughts and doctrines. 孔子有个徒弟叫曾子,孔子有个孙子叫子思, 曾子是子思的老师,子思是孟子的老师。 Politician, thinker and educator during the period of warring states. 春秋战国 (公元前770年-公元前221年)
Chaste widows were revered as heroes during the Ming and Qing periods, and deemed so central to China’s culture and the fate of all peoples. memorial archway It is improper for man and woman to hold each other’s hands, pass objects from hand to hand it is not good for man and woman to be too intimated 大门不出,二门不迈
In teaching methodolody Students should be taught in accordance with their aptitude. Confucian educational thoughts and methodology are recorded in the histቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱrical book “The Analects of Confucius” 《论语》 Looked upon physical labor.
三人行,必有我师 From any three people walking, I’ll find something to learn for sure. Travel about and instruct disciples More than 3000 disciples Confucius changed the tradition that nobody but nobilities had the right to receive education.
His later years, compiled and preserved many literary works of ancient time: The Book of Songs《诗经》, the Book of Documents 《尚书》 (historical record of Shang / Zhou Dynasty) the Book of Changes 《周易》
“the Confucius-Mencius Doctrine” (孔孟之道) Spiritual tool in maintaining the feudal system and ruling people. Orthodox ideas of the feudal society
3) Four Books and Five Classics The Great Learning 《大学》 The Doctrine of the Mean 《中庸》 The Analects 《论语》 The Mencius 《孟子》
Women in Confucian thought A virtuous woman was supposed to uphold “three subordinations”: Be subordinate to her father before marriage, To her husband after marriage, and To her son after her husband died. Men could remarry and have concubines, women were supposed to uphold the virtue of chastity when they lost their husbands.
Classic of Changes 《周易》 Classic of Poetry 《诗经》 Classic of Rites 《礼记》 Classic of History 《尚书》 Spring and Autumn Annals 《春秋》
The Dacheng Hall, the main hall of the Temple of Confucius in Qufu
The principles of feudal moral conduct: “the Three Cardinal Guides” (三纲) Ruler Guides Subject Father Guides Son Husband Guides Wife “the Five Constant Virtues”(五常) Benevolence Righteousness Propriety Knowledge sincerity