MEPC[1].159(55)revised sewage standard
挪威船级社CLEAN(DESIGN)的标准要求及其 在集装箱船轮机设计上的应用姚 飞1 董 越1 李 华2 段玉龙1 马天帅3(1. 中国船舶及海洋工程设计研究院 上海 200011; 2. 中国船级社江苏分社 南京 210011; 3. 海装装备项目管理中心 北京 100071)摘 要:…随着海洋环境保护的要求日益严格,各主要船级社均提出了自己的环保船级符号。
关键词:集装箱船;船级符号;CLEAN(DESIGN);轮机设计中图分类号:U662.1;U674.13+1………文献标志码:A………DOI:10.19423/ki.31-1561/u.2023.02.088 Standard Requirements of DNVGL CLEAN(DESIGN)and Application in Machinery Design for Container Vessel YAO Fei1 DONG Yue1 LI Hua2 DUAN Yulong1 MA Tianshuai3(1. Marine Design & Research Institute of China, Shanghai 200011, China;…2. China Classification Society Jiangsu Branch, Nanjing 210011, China;…3. Marine Equipment Project Management Center, Beijing 100071, China)Abstract: With the increasingly stringent requirements of marine environmental protection, all major classification societies have proposed their own environmental protection class notations. Among them, the additional class notation of DNVGL CLEAN(DESIGN)additional notation sets requirements for the design, operation and equipment of ships to reduce the ship’s environmental impact from air emissions, sea discharges and hazardous materials from ship to shore. The environmental notation CLEAN(DESIGN)is quite stringent in the DNVGL rules, which is rarely used in the design of container vessels in recent years. A dual-fuel container vessel is a green ship that has the notation CLEAN(DESIGN). In the process of research and development, the container vessel has broken through a series of design essentials, such as the arrangement of engine room and liquid tanks, sewage treatment and fuel tank protection, reaching a new level of green environmental protection for container vessels. This article systematically summarizes the requirements of CLEAN(DESIGN)notation for the machinery design of container vessels, and studies the influence of this notation on the machinery design of container vessels.收稿日期:2022-09-01;修回日期:…2022-09-27作者简介:姚…………飞(1993-),男,硕士,助理工程师。
amendments contained in the Annex;
REQUESTS FURTHER the Secretary-General to transmit to the Members of
the Organization which are not Parties to the 1973 Convention, as modified by the 1978
NOTING FURTHER that the revised Annex VI was adopted by resolution MEPC.176(58) and entered into force on 1 July 2010,
HAVING CONSIDERED draft amendments to the revised Annex VI,
Annex; and
any other sea area, including any port area, designated by the
Organization in accordance with the criteria and procedures set
forth in Appendix III to this Annex."
communicated to the Organization their objection to the amendments;
欧盟GMP附录15确认和验证欧盟GMP附录15确认和验证ANNEX 15 附件15Qualification and Validation确认和验证Table of Contents 目录1. Qualification and Validation 确认和验证2. Planning for Validation 验证计划3. Documentation 文件4. Qualification 确认5. Process Validation 工艺验证6. Cleaning Validation 清洁验证7. Change Control 变更控制8. Revalidation 再验证9. Glossary 术语表Qualification and Validation 确认和验证Principle 原理1.This Annex describes the principles of qualification and validation which are applicable to the manufacture of medicinal products. It is a requirement of GMP that manufacturers identify what validation work is needed to prove control of the critical aspects of their particular operations. Significant changes to the facilities, the equipment and the processes, which may affect the quality of the product, should be validated. A risk assessment approach should be used to determine the scope and extent of validation.1.本附件描述了确认和验证的原理,适用于医药产品的生产者。
环保会第MEPC.157(55)号决议2006年10月13日通过关于船舶未经处理生活污水排放速率标准的建议海上环境保护委员会,忆及《国际海事组织公约》关于由防止和控制海洋污染的国际公约赋予海上环境保护委员会(本委员会)职责的第38(a)条,注意到第MEPC.115(51)号决议,本委员会以该决议通过了经修订的《防污公约》附则IV,已于2005年8月1日生效,还注意到《防污公约》附则IV第11.1.1条的规定,认识到储存在污水舱的未经处理的生活污水不得随即排放,而应该以主管机关根据本组织制订的标准而批准的适当速率排放,审议了散装液体和气体分委会第10次会议提出的建议,1. 通过了关于船舶未经处理生活污水排放速率标准的建议,其正文列于本决议的附件;2. 建议会员国接受基于所附标准的排放速率,3. 鼓励排放要求高的船舶经营人保持其实际排放计算,以便向主管机关和港口或沿岸国当局表明其符合要求。
附件关于船舶未经处理生活污水排放速率标准的建议1 引言1.1 经修订的《73/78防污公约》附则IV第11.1.1条要求,可以在距最近陆地12海里以外排放的未经处理的生活污水不得随即排放,而应该以主管机关根据本组织制订的标准而批准的适当速率,在船舶以不小于4节的速度航行时排放。
1.2 适当排放速率适用于船上污水舱储存的未经处理生活污水的排放。
1.3 本标准并不包括用水或中水稀释后的生活污水的排放速录计算。
2 定义2.1 “扫水量”系指船宽×吃水×航行距离。
2.2 “未经处理的生活污水”系指为没有经认可形式的生活污水处理厂处理过,或未经粉碎或消毒的生活污水。
3 排放速率3.1 最大允许排放速率为扫水量的1/200,000(或200,000分之一),计算如下:= 0.00926 V D BDRmax其中:为最大允许排放速率(m3/h)DRmaxV 为船舶在该段时间的平均速度(节)D 为吃水(m)B 为船宽(m)3.2 第3.1段中所列的最大允许排放速率指的是在任何24小时的时间段计算出的平均速率,或如果排放时间段小于24小时,在时间段内的平均速率,在每小时的基础上测量时可以超过,但不高于20%。
SWCM TypeMarine Sewage Treatment PlantManualImplement of IMO MEPC.159 (55) ResolutionDongtai City Dongfang Marine Fitting Co., Ltd.Marks:1 The sewage treatment plant as a TypeⅡmarine sanitation device, MSD can be used on un-inspected vessels.2 The device is designed to operate in salt or fresh water.3 The test pressure of the tank is 0.021MPa.4 The effluent quality of the device is in compliance with the standards ofIMO MEPC159(55, and 33CFR159 for type II device.WARNING:1 The plant cannot be installed in explosive atmosphere.2 Paint tar epoxy as that coat on inside surface of the tank, welding should not be worked on the surface of the tank.3 It needs clear space at front of device 600 mm and right side of device 300 mm to allow for operation and maintenance of the device.4 Any anti-virus agent can’t be used in the progress of device using.Type descriptionSWC M --- xxRated number of persons allowedMembrane Biological Reactor (MBR)SWCM seriesContents1 Preface2 Main technical performance3 System principles4 System description5 Electric control principle6 Operation7 Installation8 Troubleshooting9 Maintenance10 Scope of supply11 Contact usAttachment: System diagramNoteThe EPA standards state that in freshwater lakes, freshwater reservoirs or other freshwater impoundments whose inlets or outlets are such as to prevent the ingress or egress by vessel traffic subject to this regulation or in rivers not capable of navigation by interstate vessel traffic subject to this regulation. Marine sanitation devices certified by the U.S. Coast Guard installed on all vessels shall be designed and operated to prevent the overboard discharge of sewage, treated or untreated, or of any waste derived from sewage.The EPA standards further state that this shall not be construed to prohibit the carriage of Coast Guard-certified flow-through treatment devices which have been secured so as to prevent such discharges.They also state that waters where a Coast Guard-certified marine sanitation device permitting discharge is allowed include coastal waters and estuaries, the Great Lakes and impoundments accessible through locks, and other flowing waters that are navigable interstate by vessels subject to this regulation.(33CFR159)1 PrefaceThis plant is applicable to treat the sewage, which means human body wastes and the wastes from the toilets on vessels and which is also called “black water”, to meet the effluent standards of IMO MEPC.159(55), and discharge the effluent to overboard. It is also applicable to treat galley & shower drainage which is called “grey water” on condition that the “grey water” should be pretreated or should select a bigger capacity model to match with.Marine Sewage Treatment Plant belongs to the key devices for prevention of pollution form ships in seas and oceans according to the revised Annex IV of the International Convention of the Prevention of Pollution (MARPOL 73/78). The MEPC.2 (VI) resolution adopted on 3 December 1976 is the present guidelines on implementation of effluent standards and performance tests for STP, which is called “old standards”. This device is according to the MEPC.159(55) resolution enacted on 13 October 2006, which is called “new standards”. The c onvention (MARPOL 73/78) provides that all STPs installed on board on or after 1 January 2010 should meet the MEPC.159(55) resolution.Summary all the rules and effluent standards as followings:principle of biologic membrane to digest the organic pollutant, which can treat sewage effectively and reach at the IMO new effluent standard or other stricter requirements.The device is patent product, provided with independent innovation intellectual property. WarningMechanical HazardsBefore maintenance is performed on motor driven equipment, the main circuit switch should be off and labeled “OUT OF SERVICE”. Only authorized maintenance personnel can make repairs to equipment.Electrical HazardsThe equipment is supplied with high voltage that is dangerous and could prove fatal if contacted by personnel. Under no circumstances should any door or cover be removed or tapered in any way. To avoid electrical shock, remove the electrical power by placing the main circuit switch on “off” position, do this before performing any maintenance on electrical equipment or motors. Personnel should exercise extreme caution when opening the door of the electric control cabinet.Disease HazardsSewage is a common mode of transmission for parasite organisms such as bacteria, fungi, protozoa, viruses and worms; some of these may be pathogenic, meaning they have the capacity of causing serious communicable diseases. Most diseases associated with sewage result from hand to mouth transfer of the pathogenic organisms. Good personnel habits by those servicing or in any way coming in contact with the equipment are imperative.After coming in contact with sewage on any contaminated equipment items, personnel should thoroughly clean themselves with a disinfectant soap solution. This precaution is an absolute requirement before eating, drinking, smoking or performing any hand to mouth functions. Skin abrasions, punctures, or any other wounds require immediate and proper medical attention.2 Main technical performance2.1 Table of main technical performanceDongtai City Dongfang Marine Fitting Co., Ltd. Page 7 of 293 System principle3.1 Process principle; please refer to 321DF-1M-00XTThe device adopts activated sludge, contact oxidizing and principle of biologic membrane to digest the organic pollutant, which can treat sewage effectively and meet the IMO new effluent standard or other stricter requirements.The treatment procedures of the plants are shown as following:Sewage inlet aeration contact oxidation setting membrane sterilize dischargeIn the 1st stage aeration tank, the activated sludge mainly consisting of aerobic bacteria form sticky flock is used to absorb and digest the organic substance to carbon dioxide and water under the condition of aeration, and produce new activated sludge in the meantime. The bacteria will die owing to the decreasing of organic pollution substance. The death bacteria are digested by the protozoa and the metazoan, which attached in the active sludge. The 95% of the sewage is easy-digested organic substance, they are oxidized entirely.The s oft bio-film stuffing is hung in the 2nd stage contact oxidizing compartment. The bio-film, which can digest organic substance, is floated in water. Most of the protozoa and the metazoan live in the fiber film. The organic substance is further digested by the protozoa on film. If restarting plant after stopped for some while, the restarting time is much quicker than that of conventional aeration starting time, because of the bacteria existing in the spore on the membrane. Meanwhile, the soft stuffing, similar as “cotton boll”, is able to expand as over nutrition and absorb superfluous activated sludge, or digest themselves as lack of nutrition, which is also c alled “endogenous respiration”. The “cotton boll” will be shrunk and wait for the future nutrition.Then the sewage enters into setting tank and the sludge will settle as no aeration and with help of solid filter material. The activated sludge sediment accumulated in the setting tank is to be returned to the 1st stage aeration tank by the method of air lifting for reproducing of aerobe medium. The SV3 is opened each 30min and duration for 5min to return the sludge to 1st stage aeration tank. Please refer to the procedures in Figure 3The clear supernatant liquid then flows into membrane tank, and creates good operational conditions for membrane module. The membrane module placed in membrane tank is animmerged type and can create biochemical reaction, which is also called membrane bio-reactor (MBR). The membrane is made of hollow fiber ultra filtration material, through which the permeated clean water is sucked by vacuum pump, then disinfected by ultraviolet ray (or ozone), it can meet effluent standard, and discharge overboard or to clean holding tank on ships.It is designed automatic aeration procedure for the sludge sediment in membrane tank, the activated sludge in sediment tank also can be transferred to aeration tank automatically by “air lif ting” in regular. During this period, the activated sludge is in “hypoxia” status and achieves "simultaneous nitrification and deni trification,” which is useful to the "nitrogen and phosphorus removal" to reduce the ammonia content in effluent. It can solv e the problem of “bubble” caused by traditional continue aeration for active sludge.The vacuum pump is operated as per the Figure 1 procedure, i.e. running for 9min and stop for 1min automatically in regular, during the time of stopping, the scale on the membrane threads drops by no suction force, and aeration at same time, it is good for scrubbing the membrane threads to prolong the cleaning period. T he membrane can be cleaned “on-line” due the membrane tank is single closed structure, easily without taking out. The scale on the membrane threads can be cleaned quickly by feeding chemical into membrane tank, and aeration at same time, working as washing machine. Then the membrane flow flux can be recovered to original status. If only soaking but no aeration, the effect may be poor.The sludge discharge cycle depends on the sewage quality and load, It is appropriate to discharge the residual sludge once 6 to 9 months.3.2 Air pumpAir pump is used for transporting air to the plant. The air pump consists of main engine, air bag, base, lubrication, cooling parts etc. Main engine consists of pump body, rotor and sliding-vane etc. The rotation axis of the rotor is eccentric allocated to the cylinder. Self-lubricating sliding-vanes are fixed on the seven wedges of the rotor. The sliding vane owing to centrifugal force contacts the cylinder to form seven air chambers. When the motor drives the rotor through the clutch. The volume of each air chamber changes with the rotation of the rotor to form the vacuum. Compensate air halfway, then compress it to the rated pressure and discharge the compressed air without the oil.The air pump is classified into main air pump and lifting air pump, the both structures are same, but the functions are different.3.3 Cutting and discharge pumpCutting and discharge pump is the open impeller centrifugal pump, the sewage is cut and macerated by cutting pump to recycle or discharge it to overboard at the emergency time. The sewage in all tanks can be discharged empty, so long as open the corresponding bottom valves.3.4 Vacuum pumpVacuum pump is a centrifugal pump with stronger ability of self-suction, but it is better to keepsome water in the pipes to avoid the problem for restarting. It can create a certain difference pressure and make the water permeate the membrane. If the membrane is blocked for pollution and not suction smoothly, the discharge capacity will come down, and cause the equipment to alarm at high level. Perform the procedure of Figure 1,it can prolong the service life of membrane.3.5 Ultraviolet ray sterilizerThe principle of ultraviolet ray sterilization is that adopt its waves to kill the remainder bacteria, and make content of coli form in effluent meet the requirement of discharge standard. Its main element is lamp pipe to take care. Please see the “manual book”321DF-1M-00SM1 of “JX-UV type UV Disinfection Device”, if maintenance:3.6 Electric control boxThe electric box is provided with the function of electric operation, protection and procedure control for the equipment.There are three functions provided by the control procedure:“Manual” for commissioning and breeding bacteria“Automatic” for 24h continuous running in normal operation.“High sea” the sewage, even if untreated, can be discharged overboard in high sea orun-regulated sea area.4 System description4.1 Discharge pipe systemThe inlet of the cutting pump and part-time for discharge pump is connected with the aeration, the contact oxidizing, the settling and the membrane tank and to be separated by ball valve. Generally, the ball valve V1, V7 of aeration tank is normal opened, when the condition is in emergency, open the emergency discharge valve V6, close V7, the smashed water is discharged overboard or to international shore connector directly through discharge pump. Close V1 and open valve V6,V7,V8 to discharge the supernatant from settling tank, the normal effluent is discharged from membrane tank by vacuum pump.4.2 Ventilation systemThere is an air-collecting dome on the top of the aeration tank. The dome can be used to collect the air escaped from water, in the other function; it can be used to restrain the swaying of the liquid in the tank. The vent pipe is connected from air-collecting domes outlet to the ventilation system of the ship. Anti-fire sparking net shall be installed on the pipe end (shipyards supply). Although the waste gas produced by aerobic bacteria does not contain odors and methane like acommon storage tank, it should be kept far away from residential areas or windows of living house. The model of anti-fire sparking net can be selected according the dimension of vent inlet. (Please see the details in “marine pipe accessories” or consult our company) .Note: When designing and installing vent pipe lines on ships and oil platforms , transport pockets should not exist in pipe lines to prevent transport pockets blocking up pipe lines, In addition vent pipe should be smooth , can’t be added any addendum..4.3 Air pipesThe compressed air from the main air pump A1 enters into the aeration tank and contact oxidizing tank through V11. The compressed air from the lifting air pump A2 is divided into three ways through V10, one way is to solenoid valve SV1 for aeration in membrane tank. The other 2ways are to membrane tank and settling tank for air lifting the sludge automatically in regular through the solenoid valves SV2, SV3 on the two pipes. The solenoid valve SV2is opened for 5min every 30min, to lift the sludge in membrane tank, after the solenoid valve SV2 is opened for 5min,SV3 is opened immediately to lift the sludge in setting tank.After the solenoid valve SV3 is opened for 5min, solenoid valve VS4 is opened immediately, stop after 1min to blow down the sullage on the surface of water in setting tank (see figure4).When the lifting air pump A2 is at the location of “Auto”, it is ensured that no matter which one of SV1,SV2,SV3,SV4 is opened, the lifting air pump A2 is started up at the same time.If any one of SV1, SV2, and SV3 is opened, meanwhile the lifting air pump A2 should be opened. If the three valves are all closed, meanwhile the lifting air pump A2 should be closed.In case that either air pump is fixing, open V9, and then close either V10 or V11, to maintain the air supply. It is dangerous that the plant is working without air supply.4.4 Emergency overflow pipeWater will overflow from the emergency outlet on the top of the settling tank when automatic control and high level warning are out of order and the troubles have not been resolved. The emergency outlet on the top of settling tank is connected to the bilge of the ship by overflow pipe. The emergency overflow pipe should be provided by ship.Note: When designing and installing the emergency overflow pipe lines on ships and oil platforms, overflow pipes should be kept smooth and can not be add any addendum.4.5 Flushing water pipeThe flushing water pipe is provided by ship, the flush pressure should not exceed 0.1MPa as for cleaning.4.6 ConnectionsFlange of external connectionsNote: the external connection flange of this plant is designed as per the National Standard GB2506-89, but also can be modified as per the results of negotiation between the customer and company, technology department .Additional: Keep the air vent and overflow outlet unblocked, don’t add any additional substance!In addition, all devices can reserve a gray water inlet DN65. If the users want to treat the kitchen gray water and bath gray water, they can purchase our Oil Skimmer and Hair Filter. After oil skimming, fiber and hair filtration, the kitchen gray water and the bath gray water can flow into device from gray water inlet to engage in biological treatment. 4.7 Standard shore connectionIn order to connect the shore connection to match discharge pipe in ships, the discharge outlet and emergency discharge outlet should be equipped with standard shore connector complying with the requirements as followings:Standard dimension of discharge connection flangeconnector should be 38mm. For merchant fleets i.e. passenger ferries, the discharge connector can be equipped, which is approved by appropriate authority, such as quick-connect coupling.Figure 1,In normal water-level,Vacuum pump is opened for 9min and stopped forFigure 3, After the SV2 is opened for 5min, the lifting pump SV3 is opened for 5minimmediately to lift the sludge in settling tank.Figure 4,After the SV3 lift the sludge in settling tank for 5min,SV4 is opened for 1min immediately to blow down the sullage on the surface of water in setting tank.5 Electric control system principles5.1 Refer to electric circuit diagram (321DF-1M-00YL-2)When the cutting pump position switch (S2) is turned to “manual” position, contactor K1 will be on, and pump P1 will be continually running and H1 will be on The indicator lamp H1 will light. When the cutting pump position switch (S2) i s turned to “stop” position, contactor K1 will be off and pump P1 will be stopped.When the cutting pump position switch (S2) is turned to “auto” position:(1) When procedure control switch S1 has not been turned to “high sea” position, If the level is lower than L1, P1 is run controlled by the PLC control as follows, run for 20min and stop for 20min. It is in the low load running condition.(2) When procedure control switch S1 is turned to “high sea” position, The plant will be run according the high sea discharge procedure; when the tank level reaches the L2 or M2 level switch position, K1 will be on and P1 will be in continuous operation. When the level drops down to the L2 position,K1 will be off and the cutting pump will be stopped. When carrying out the high sea auto-discharge, the V6, V8 are opened, the V5, V7 are closed by manual and supernatant from sediment tank is discharged overboard by cutting pump without the membrane process. Refer to schematic diagram (321DF-3M-00XT).5.2 When the procedur e control switch S1 is turned to “manual/breeding bacteria”, or “high seas” position, the vacuum pump P2 should not be run in manual or auto mode.When the control switch S1 is turned to “auto” position:(1) When the position switch S3 is turned to the “manual” position, the contactor K2 will be on, P2 will be in continuous operation mode, the operational indicator lamp H2 will light and UV-lamp will not light. This function is only applicable to check the system function.(2) When the position switc h S3 is turned to the “auto.” position and the tank level reaches the L2 M2 position, and under the condition of aeration by VS1 and lifting air pump, the vacuum pump start to work automatically. Even when the tank level is lower than the M2 position, the vacuum pump can still activate if required, until the tank level reaches L2.Note: The vacuum pump should not be allowed to operate without water.When the tank level is above the L2 position, the vacuum pump (P2) will be opened 9min and 1minute off, during this cycle the aeration does not stop. The one minute off portion of the cycle is a self cleaning step to facilitate the removal of the scale build up from the surface of membrane. Only under the condition of aeration by SV1 and lifting air pump,P2 can work..5.3 When the change-over switch S4 for the main air pump is turned to “auto” position, for the purpose of “breeding bacteria”, and the level is higher than L1 position, the main air pump operation will be controlled by the PLC control in this way, open 20min, stop 20min (alternatively open 30min, stop 10min). The tank level should be kept between L1 and M1position. When the position switch S4 for the main air pump is turned to “manual” position, K3 will be on and the main air pump A1 will run all the time. An air supply is required continuously during the process of “breeding bacteria”(Note: If there is nobody watching the device, the change-over switch S4 for the main air pump should be turned to “manual” position.)5.4 The lifting air pump A2 can be operated manually and stopped. If the change-over switch S5 is turned to “manual”, the lifting air pump A2 will work continually. It is just applicable to short commissioning! There will be idle running of air pump unless opening SV1 manually at the same time. When the change-over switch S5 is turned to “auto”, no matter which one of SV1,SV2,SV3,SV4 is opened, the lifting air pump will work.When the change-over switch S5 is turned to “auto”, procedure switch S1 is also turned to “auto”, and the vacuum pump is working, controlled by PLC, the solenoid valve SV2 is opened for 5min every other 30min to lift the sludge in membrane tank cooperated with lifting air pump. After SV2 is opened for 5min,SV3 is opened for 5min later of sludge .lifting in setting tank,SV4 is opened for 1min immediately to blow air cooperated with lifting air pump to make the sullage for away from water outlet pipe of settling tank, so the sullage can’t enter into the membrane tank(see Figure 6)When the change-over switch is turned to “auto”, and the procedure switch S1 is turned to “high sea”, the device also can air lift sludge automatically, its control principle is same as the situation when S1 is turned to “auto”.When the lifting air pump S5 is turned to “auto”, no matter which one of solenoid valves SV1,SV2,SV3.SV4 is needed to be opened, the contactor will be on, and the lifting air pump A2 will be started up synchronously to supply air. When all of SV1,SV2,SV3,SV4 are not opened, the lifting air pump A2 should be stopped to avoid running.5.5 “Procedure control” switch S1 has three positions, ensure every procedure is separated. When carrying out the “high sea discharge” procedure, the membrane tank does not work, but the aeration tank and settling tank still work normally. The solenoid valve SV3 is opened for 5min every 30min, to return the sludge to the aeration tank. Although sewage water does not enter into membrane tank, if there is residual water inside membrane tank aeration is required, preventing odors or gas build up. If there is no water inside tank, SV1 and A2 should be closed manually. This time, it can be used to do membrane cleaning; however, care should be taken to ensure water does not spill out of the settling tank.5.6The four solenoid valves all can be cont rolled by “manual” or “auto”, normally they are all placed in “auto” position, when the solenoid valves have failed or need to be run under“manual” condition, they can be opened by switches separately.5.7. UV-lamp can be controlled by “manual” or “auto”, normally it is under“auto” condition, when it is needed to run under“manual” condition, the change-ove r switch can be turned to “manual” position.5.9 Please refer to the secondary electric wiring diagram of SWCM-STP: 321DF-1M-00YL-2. The level switches can be floated-ball type, or electrode type with normal open and normal close contact points, consistently use the normally open contact point. The low level, middle level, high level of the aeration tank is denoted by L1, M1, H1 separately. The low level, middle level, high level of settling tank is denoted by L2, M2, H2 separately. When the plant is placed in horizontal position, the fluid in aeration tank and settling tank should be at same level, but actually the fluid level in settling tank would be slightly lower than the level in aeration tank because of the suction of vacuum pump P2. When the vessel is pitching and rolling, the fluid level difference may be bigger, so the vacuum pump is operated by the level switches of membrane tank, and cutting pump is operated by the level switches of aeration tank. But when the high sea discharge procedure is operated, the fluid discharged is come from settling tank, so the cutting pump is operated by the level switches of settling tank. Please ensure proper connection.5.9 The process alarm includes the alarms occurring in the following conditions: high level of aeration tank, high level of settling tank and motor overload protection of pumps RT1~RT4. When encounter a process alarm, first judge the cause, take appropriate measures. You can press the button TA1 of “sound attenuation”, the sound of alarm died away. The alarms and the operation items can be sent out to engine control room.5.10 The electric control box is PLC type; please refer to the elements arrangement diagram of SWCM-STP: 321DF-1M-00YL-5. 17 indicator lamps are located on the corresponding location of PLC panel, 10change-over switches and sound attenuation button are below.6 Operation description6.1 Preparation before starting6.1.1 Check the tightness of tank body, valves and pipe accessories, open the flush water valve V15 and feed water into plant until the water level is up to M1 position.6.1.2 Check the power of electric box to see whether it complies with the design requirements; Check the rotation direction of all pumps, which should be adjusted as incorrect. Engage or turn on the power switch and all sub-switches6.1.3 Breeding bacteriaThe new plant should have the “breeding bacteria” procedure carried our before o peration. Warning: The membrane should not be operated in the raw sewage.Turn the procedure control switch S1 to “manual” position, it’s also called “breeding bacteria” mode. The pumps P1, P2 are turned to “stop” position, air pump A1 is turned to the “Auto” position and the lifting air pump A2 is turned to “manual” position, and all the solenoid valves are turned to “auto” position. Close the valves V1, V2, V3, V4, V5, V6, V7, V8 and V9manually. Open (manually) valves V10, V11. At this point the plant is completely controlled by personnel and should be monitored closely.Open sewage inlet valve the sewage will enter into the plant slowly until the level reaches the M2 position, then close it. Manually open V1, V7, the pump P1 will macerate the sewage in aeration tank, and carry out “stagnate aeration” where sewage or sludge is not exchanges so that the bacteria can breed. One day later stop the air pump A1, for 1h, and manually turn on the lifting air pump A2 and solenoid valve SV3 to transfer the settled sludge to the aeration tank by “air lifting” and manually stop, 2min later by turning off SV3 and turning off the A2 lifting air pump.More nutrients, such as chemical fertilizers can be fed into tank according the density of sewage. Open V6, V8, close V1, V7 manually, start P1 pump to discharge some water in the setting tank until down to L2 water level. Then close V6, V8, open V1, V7, and let raw sewage enter again, repeat the above operation. It requires about 3~4 weeks to breed enough activated sludge. Note: If the activated sludge seed material can be feed into plant directly, it will speed up the process of breeding bacteria.Take a sample of sewage in a 100ml glass cylinder and observe the breeding state of the activated sludge. When it reaches one-third sediment, after 30min, it indicates that the sludge volume is equal to 33%and the” breeding bacteria” process has been completed.6.2 Normal operations6.2.1 Manually open V1,V5, V7,V8, V10, V11, V12, V13, and close V2,V3,V4, V6, V9, V14; turn the cutting pump P1 to “auto” position.When the tank level is up to L1 position, the cutting pump P1 will continuously run and macerate the sewage automatically. When the level is low (down to L1 position) the cutting pump P1 will run a 40 minute cycle of 20 min opening and 20 min closing.6.2.2 Turn the procedure control switch S1 to “auto” position.6.2.3 Turn the main air pump A1 to “manual” position. A1 will run continuously. The air enters into the aeration and contact oxidizing tanks.6.2.4 Turn the lifting air p ump A2 to “auto” position, A2 will be operated according the procedure, from Figure 2, 3 and 4, turn UV switch, all solenoid valves SV1—SV4 to “auto”position.。
INTERNATIONAL MARITIME ORGANIZATIONResolution MPEC.60(33)adopted on 30 October 1992GUIDELINES AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR POLLUTION PREVENTION EQUIPMENT FOR MACHINERY SPACE BILGES OF SHIPSTHE MARINE ENVIRONMENT PROTECTION COMMITTEE,RECALLING Article 38(a) of the Convention on the International Maritime Organization concerning the functions of the Committee,NOTING resolution A.393(X) by which the Assembly adopted the Recommendations on International Performance and Test Specifications for Oily-Water Separating Equipment and Oil Content Meters and invited Governments to adopt and apply them to the maximum possible extent which they found reasonable and practicable and to report to the Organization the results of such application, and also invited the Committee to review the Guidelines and Specifications at an appropriate time,NOTING FURTHER the provisions of regulation 16(5) of Annex I of the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships, 1973, as modified by the Protocol of 1978 relating there to (MARPOL 73/78), in which reference is made to the above-mentioned specifications,RECOGNIZING the advancement of technology, as well as the amendments to Annex I of MARPOL 73/78 on its operational discharge requirements which were adopted by the Marine Environment Protection Committee in 1992 and which are expected to enter into force on 6 July 1993,HAVING CONSIDERED, at its thirty-third session, the revised Guidelines and Specifications developed in the light of the requirements of Annex I of MARPOL 73/78,1. ADOPTS the Guidelines and Specifications for Pollution Prevention Equipment for Machinery Space Bilges of Ships, the text of which is set out at annex to this resolution, which supersedes the recommendations contained in resolution A.393(X);2. INVITES Governments to:(a) adopt the new revised Guidelines and Specifications and apply them so that all equipmentinstalled on board on or after 30 April 1994 meets these revised Guidelines and Specifications in so far as is reasonable and practicable; and(b) provide the Organization with information on experiences gained from their application and, inparticular, on successful testing of equipment against the Specifications;3. REQUESTS the Secretariat, on the basis of information received, to maintain and update a list of approved equipment and to circulate it once a year to Governments;4. FURTHER INVITES Governments to issue an appropriate "Certificate of Type Test" as referred to in paragraph5. 2 .1 or the Specifications and to recognize such certificates issued under the authority of other Governments as having the same validity as certificates issued by them.ANNEXGUIDELINES AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR POLLUTION PREVENTION EQUIPMENT FOR MACHINERY SPACE BILGES OFSHIPSTABLE OF CONTENTS1 Introduction2 Background3 Definitions4 Technical specifications5 Specifications for testing of equipment6 Installation requirementsANNEXPart 1 - Test and performance specifications for oil filtering equipmentPart 2 - Test and performance specifications for oil content meters for 15 ppm bilge alarmsPart 3 - Specifications for environmental testing for pollution control equipmentPart 4 - Method for the determination of oil contentPart 5 - Documentation of approval1 INTRODUCTION1.1 General1.1.1 The specifications in respect of oil filtering equipment are considered to be applicable foruse in conjunction with oily bilge-water and ballast water from fuel oil tanks, as these are of a lowor medium capacity, and are conditioned by the need to avoid discharging oily mixtures with an oil content more than 15 ppm of the mixtures.1.1.2 It is recognized that the development and testing of high capacity separating equipmentdesigned for dealing with effluent from cargo tanks on tankers pose special problems and such equipment dose not require to be tested under these specifications. Such development and tests should not be hindered and Administrations should be prepared to accept deviations from these specifications when they are considered necessary in this context.1.1.3 It should be understood that a gravitational filtering equipment cannot be expected to beeffective over the complete range of oils which might be carried on board ship, nor can it deal satisfactorily with oil of very high relative density or with a mixture presented to it as an emulsion.Cleansing agents used for cleansing purposes in machinery spaces may cause these emulsions in bilge water. To avoid this, only those cleansing agents which do not affect the performance of the equipment should be used, and care should be taken that the bilge water is fed to the filtering equipment after the emulsion has broken. Considering that not all designs of equipment are affected in the same way by cleansing agents, the manufacturers of filtering and monitoring equipment should supply recommendations concerning the use of cleansing agents, and these recommendations should be followed in shipboard practice.1.1.4 Where a range of filtering equipment of the same design, but of different capacities,requires certification in accordance with these specifications, and where the largest capacity in the range dose not exceed 50 ㎥per hour, the Administration may accept tests in two capacities within the range, in lieu of tests on every size, providing that the two tests actually performed are from the lowest quarter and highest quarter of the range.1.1.5 Regulations referred to in these Guidelines and Specifications are those contained in AnnexI of MARPOL 73/78.1.2 Purpose1.2.1 These Guidelines and Specifications contain requirements regarding the design, installation,performance and testing of pollution prevention equipment required by regulation The purpose of these Guidelines and Specifications is:.1 to provide a uniform interpretation of the requirements of regulation 16;.2 to assist Administrations in determining appropriate design, construction and operational parameters for pollution prevention equipment when such equipment is fitted in ships flying the flag of their States;.3 to define test and performance requirement for pollution prevention equipment; and.4 to provide guidance for installation requirements.1.3 Applicability1.3.1 These Guidelines and Specifications apply:.1 to installations fitted to ships, the keel of which are laid or which are at a similar stage ofconstruction on or after 30 April 1994; and.2 to new installations fitted on or after 30 April 1994 to ships, the keel of which were laid orwhich were at a similar stage of construction before 30 April 1994 in so far as is reasonableand practicable.1.3.2 The Guidelines and Specifications adopted under resolution A.393(X) are not applicable toships to which these new Guidelines and Specifications apply.1.3.3 Installations fitted to ships the keel of which were laid or which were at a similar stage ofconstruction before 30 April 1994 should comply either with the requirements contained in the Guidelines and Specifications adopted under resolution A.393(X) or with the requirements contained in these Guidelines and Specification.1.4 Summary of requirements1.4.1 The approval requirements for pollution prevention equipment specified in these Guidelinesand Specifications are summarized below:.1 the oil filtering equipment should be tested for type approval in accordance with theprocedures described in part 1 of the annex, subject to environmental tests specified part 3 ofthe annex; and.2 the oil content meter for the bilge alarms should be tested for type approval in accordancewith part 2 of the annex, subject to the environmental tests specified in part 3 of the annex.2 BACKGROUND2.1 The requirements of Annex I of MARPOL 73/78 relating to pollution prevention equipment forships are set out in regulation 16, which stipulates that ships of 400 tons gross tonnage and above should be installed with approved equipment.2.2 Regulation 16(5) stipulates that the effluent from oil filtering equipment should not exceed 15 ppm.The bilge alarm shall activate to indicate when this level cannot be maintained.3 DEFINITIONS3.1 Pollution prevention equipment3.1.1 For the purpose of these Guidelines and Specifications pollution prevention equipmentinstalled in a ship in compliance with regulation 16 comprises:.1 oil filtering equipment (15 ppm); and.2 15 ppm bilge alarms.3.2 Oil filtering equipment3.2.1 Oil filtering equipment may include any combination of a separator, filter or coalescer, andalso a single unit designed to produce an effluent with oil content not exceeding 15 ppm.3.3 Bilge alarm3.3.1 The bilge alarm arrangements specified in regulation 16(5) are referred to in theseGuidelines and Specifications as a "bilge alarm".3.4 ppm3.4.1 "ppm"means parts of oil per million parts of water by volume.4 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS4.1 Oil filtering equipment4.1.1 The equipment should be strongly constructed and suitable for shipboard use, bearing inmind its intended location on the ship.4.1.2 It should, if intend to be fitted in locations where flammable atmospheres may be present,comply with the relevant safety regulations for such spaces. Any electrical equipment which is part of the equipment should be based in a non-hazardous area, or should be certified by the Administration as safe for use in a hazardous area. Any moving parts which are fitted in hazardous areas should be arranged so as to avoid the formation of static electricity.4.1.3 The equipment should be so designed that it functions automatically. However, provisionsshould be made for emergency manual control.4.1.4 Changing the feed to the oil filtering equipment from oily-water to oil, or from oil and/or waterto air should not result in the discharge overboard of any mixture containing more than 15 ppm of oil.4.1.5 The system should require the minimum of attention to bring it into operation. In the case ofequipment used for engine room bilge, there should be no need for any adjustment to valves and other equipment to bring the system into operation, and when fitted in unattended machinery spaces the equipment should be capable of operating for at least 24 hours of normal duty without attention.4.1.6 All working parts of the equipment which are liable to wear or to damage should be easilyaccessible for maintenance.4.2 Oil content meters4.2.1 These Specifications relate to oil content meters for bilge alarms.4.2.2 The meters should corrosion in condition of the marine environment.4.2.3 The meters should, if intended to be fitted in locations where flammable atmospheres maybe present, comply with the relevant safety regulations for such spaces. Any electrical equipment which is part of the meter should be placed in a non-hazardous area, or should be certified by the Administration as safe for use in a hazardous atmosphere. Any moving parts which are fitted in hazardous areas should be arranged so as to avoid the formation of static electricity.4.2.4 The meter should not contain or use any substance of a dangerous nature, unless adequatearrangements, acceptable to the Administration, are provided to eliminate any hazards introduced thereby.4.2.5 It is desirable that the reading should not be affected by the type of oil. If it is, it should notbe necessary to calibrate the meter on board ship, but pre-set alterations in the calibration in accordance with instructions drawn up at the time of manufacture are permitted. In the latter case, means should be available to check that the correct calibration has been selected for the oil in question. The accuracy of the reading should at all times remain within the limit specified in paragraph 2.2.1 of part 2 of the annex.4.2.6 The response time of the meter, that is, the time which elapses between an alteration in thesample being supplied to the meter and the meter showing the correct response, should not exceed 20 seconds.4.2.7 The meter should be fitted with an alarm device which can be set to operate automatically atany pre-stated value either to alert the crew of the ship or to operate control valves. The meter for the bilge alarm should be fitted with an alarm device which should be pre-set by the manufacturer to activate when the affluent exceeds 15 ppm. These alarms should also operates automatically if at any time the meter should fail to function, require a warm-up period or otherwise be de-energized.4.2.8 It is recommended that a simple means be provided aboard ship to check on instrument drift,and to confirm the accuracy and repeatability of the instrument reading.5 SPECIFICATIONS FOR TYPE APPROVAL TESTING OF POLLUTION PREVENTION EQUIPMENT5.1 Testing requirements5.1.1 The production model of pollution prevention equipment, for which the approval will apply,should be identical to the equipment, type-tested in accordance with the Test and Performance Specifications contained in part 1 or 2 of the annex to these Guidelines and Specifications. The equipment should also be type-tested in accordance with the specifications for environmental testing contained in part 3 of the annex.5.2 Approval and certification procedures5.2.1 Pollution prevention equipment which in every respect fulfil the requirements of theseGuidelines and Specifications may be approved by the Administration for fitting on board ships.The approval should take the form of a certificate of type approval specifying the main particulars of the apparatus and any limiting conditions on its usage necessary to ensure its proper performance. Such certificate should be issued in the format shown in part 5 of the annex. A copy of the certificate of type approval for pollution prevention equipment should be carried on board ships fitted with such equipment at all times.5.2.2 A certificate of type approval for an oil content meter should be issued for the bilge alarm.5.2.3 Approved pollution prevention equipment may be accepted by other countries for use ontheir vessels on the basis of the first trials, or after new tests carried out under the supervision of their own representatives. Should equipment pass a test in one country but fail a test of a similar nature in another country, then the two countries concerned should consult one another with a view to reaching a mutually acceptable agreement.6 INSTALLATION REQUIREMENTS6.1 Oil filtering equipment6.1.1 For future inspection purposes on board ship, a sampling point should be provided in avertical section of the water effluent piping as close as is practicable to the equipment outlet.Recirculating facilities should be provided to enable the oil filtering equipment to be tested with the overboard discharge closed at initial and periodic surveys.6.1.2 Means should be taken to ensure that, in practice, the rated capacity of the equipment is notexceeded by:.1 connecting only pumps of a capacity equal to, or less than, that of the equipment: or.2 permanently restricting the discharge to the equipment where larger pumps may beconnected.6.1.3 In any case, equipment should not be supplied from a pump which has a capacity morethan 1.5 times the rated capacity of the equipment.6.1.4 The equipment should be fitted with a permanently attached plate giving any operational orinstallation limits considered necessary by the manufacturer or the Administration.6.2 Oil content meters for bilge alarms6.2.1 The layout of the shipboard installation should be arranged so that the overall responsetime between an alteration in the mixture being pumped and the alteration in the meter reading should be as short as possible and in any case not more than 40 seconds, to allow for remedialaction being taken before the oil content of the mixture being discharged exceeds the permissible limit.6.2.2 The arrangement on board ship for the extraction of samples from the discharge line to themeter should give a truly representative sample of the effluent. Sampling points should be arranged in all discharge pipes which have to be monitored for compliance with the Convention.6.2.3 Where the Convention requires records, the oil content meter should be so designed andconstructed that any operation carried out on them is automatically registered by the meter.ANNEXThe annex provides detailed Test and Performance Specifications for pollution prevention equipment and contains:Part 1 - Test and Performance Specifications for Type Approval of Oil Filtering EquipmentPart 2 - Test and Performance Specifications for Type Approval of Oil Content Meters for Bilge AlarmsPart 3 - Specifications for Environmental Testing for Type Approval of pollution prevention equipmentPart 4 - Method for the Determination of Oil ContentPart 5 - Documentation of ApprovalPART 1 - TEST AND PERFORMANCE SPECIFICATION FOR TYPE APPROVAL OF OIL FILTERING EQUIPMENT1.1 General1.1.1 These Test and Performance Specifications for Type Approval relate to oil filtering equipment.In addition, the electrical and electronic systems of the equipment should be tested in accordance with the Specifications for Environmental Testing contained in part 3 of this annex.1.1.2 The equipment being tested should comply with the relevant requirements of the technicalspecifications contained in section 4.1 of these Guidelines and Specification.1.2 Test Specifications1.2.1 These Specifications relate to oil filtering equipment of low to medium capacity. Oil filteringequipment should be capable of giving an effluent containing not more than 15 ppm of oil irrespective of the oil content (from 0 % to 100 %) of the feed supplied to it.1.2.2 The oil/water mixture, with which the system has in practice to deal, depends on:.1 the position of the oil/water interface, with respect to the suction point, in the space being pumped;.2 the type of pump used;.3 the type and degree of closure of any control valve in the circuit; and.4 the general size and configuration of the system.It is, therefore, desirable that the test rig be so constructed as to include not only the equipment, but also the pump and the most important of the valves, pipes, etc. (for an example see figures 1a and 1b). The pipework should be designed for a maximum liquid velocity of 3 ㎧.1.2.3 The tests should be carried out with a supply rate equal to the full throughput for which the equipment is designed.1.2.4 Tests should be performed using two grades of oil. The tests described in 1.2.10 and 1.2.11 should be carried out using either:.1 a residual fuel oil (test oil A1/) of a relative density of not less than 0.94 at 15℃and of a viscosity of not less than 17 centistokes at 100℃(220 centistokes at 37.8℃), and a light distillate fuel oil (test oil B1/) having a relative density of not less than 0.83 at 15℃: or.2 for ships which use residual fuel oil of higher density and viscosity than that referred to above, the test should be carried out with a residual fuel oil (test oil C1/) of relative density not less than0.98 at 15℃and a viscosity of not less than 25 centistokes at 100℃(440 centistokes at 37.8℃),and a light distillate fuel oil (test oil B1/) having a relative density of not 0.83 at 15℃.If the equipment is fitted with heating facilities to allow the separated oil retained in it to be discharged when the automatic discharge valve is activated, the Certificate of Type Approval should be endorsed under the heading limiting conditions imposed with the following statement:"The equipment is fitted with heating facilities"'1.2.5 If the filtering equipment includes an integrated feed pump, this equipment should be tested with that pump supplying the required quantity of oil and water to the equipment at its rated capacity. If the equipment is to be fed by the ship's bilge pumps, then the unit will be tested by supplying the required quantity of oil and water mixture to the inlet of a centrifugal pump operating at not less than 1.000 rpm. This pump should have a delivery capacity of not less than 1.5 times the rated capacity of the equipment at the delivery pressure required for the test. The variation in oil/water ratio will be obtained by valves on the oil and water suction pipes adjacent to the pump suction, and the flow rate of oil and water or the oil content of the supply to the equipment should be monitored. If a centrifugal pump is used, the excess pump capacity should be dissipate by either a by-pass to the suction side, or by a throttle valve or standard orifice plate on the discharge side. In all cases, to ensure uniform conditions, the piping arrangements immediately prior to the equipment should be such that the influent to the equipment should have a Reynolds Number of not less than 10.000 as calculated infresh water, a liquid velocity of not less than 1㎧and the length of the supply pipe from the point of oil injection to the equipment should have a length not less than 20 times its diameter. A mixture inlet sampling point and a thermometer pocket should be provided near the equipment inlet and an outlet sampling point and observation window should be provided on the discharge pipe. Figures 1a and 1b give diagrammatic representations of two possible test rig, though it should be noted that the water and oil from the equipment need not be led back to the supply tanks. Where the water and oil are re-circulated during the test, additional sampling points should be fitted in the water and oil lines to the mixture pump in order to check the quality of the water and oil being supplied to the pump.1/ The reference is made to appendix for the Certificate of Type Approval for oil filtering equipmentFigure 1 - Diagrammatic arrangements of test facilitiesTypical test rigs:Figure 1aFigure 1bIn order to approach isokinetic sampling, i.e. the sample enters the sampling pipe at stream velocity, the sampling arrangement should be as shown in figure 2 and, if a cock is fitted, free flow should be effected for at least one minute before any sample is taken. The sampling points should be in pipes running vertically.Figure 2 - Diagram of sampling arrangementsA Distance A, not greater than 400 mm.B Distance B, sufficient to insert sampling bottle.C Dimension C, straight length should not be less than 60 mm.D Dimension D, pipe thickness should not be greater than 2 mm.E Detail E, chisel-edged chamfer (30°)1.2.6 The following tests should be carried out:.1 for residual fuel oils of relative density of not less than 0.94 at 15℃, with water having a relative density of not more than 1.015 at 15℃.2 for residual fuel oils of relative density of 0.98 and above at 15℃, with water having a relative density of not more than 1.015 at 15℃.1.2.7 In the case of equipment depending essentially on gravity, the feed to the system of the test water and oil water mixture should be maintained at a temperature not greater than 40℃, and heating and cooling coils should be provided where necessary. In other forms of separation where the dependence of separation efficiency on temperature is not established, tests should be carried out over a range of influent temperatures representing the normal shipboard operating range of 10。
船舶未经处理生活污水排放速率标准计算书CALCULATION OF STANDARDS FOR THE RATEOF DISCHARGE OF UNTREATED SEWAGE FROM SHIPS船名XXXXNAME OF SHIP:XXXX1.说明:a)根据经MEPC.164(56)决议修订的《73/78 防污公约》附则IV 第11.1.1条的规定:“船舶在距最近陆地3 海里以外,使用主管机关按照本附则第9.1.2 条所认可的设备,排放业经粉碎和消毒的生活污水,或在距最近陆地12 海里以外排放未经粉碎或消毒的生活污水。
但不论哪种情况,不得将集污舱中储存的生活污水,或来自装有活动物处所的生活污水即刻排光,而应在船舶以不低于4 节的航速航行时,以适当的速率排放;排放速率应经主管机关根据本组织制订的标准1予以认可。
c)本计算书系根据上述标准进行计算,将和 MEPC157(55)号决议(见附件)一起存放于船上。
2.船舶主要参数:船名:XXXX船舶呼号:XXXXIMO 编号: XXXXXXX船旗国:XXXX铺设龙骨日期:XXXX总吨位: XXXX船长(柱间长):XXXX型宽:XXXX型深:XXXX最小吃水:XXXX最大夏季吃水:XXXX最大航行速度(节):XXXX集污舱容积(m3):XXXX3.最大允许排放率的计算:最大允许排放率DR max=0.00926V max D max B= XXXX其中,DR max为最大允许排放率(m3/h),V max为船舶最大航行速度(节),D max为船舶最大夏季吃水(m),B 为船宽(m)。
最大允许排放率指的是任何 24 小时的时间段计算出的平均速率,或如果排放时间小于24 小时,在时间段内的平均速率,在每小时的基础上测量时可以超过,但不高于20%。
船舶未经处理生活污水排放速率标准计算书CALCULATION OF STANDARDS FOR THE RATEOF DISCHARGE OF UNTREATED SEWAGE FROM SHIPS船名XXXXNAME OF SHIP:XXXX1.说明:a)根据经MEPC.164(56)决议修订的《73/78 防污公约》附则IV 第11.1.1条的规定:“船舶在距最近陆地3 海里以外,使用主管机关按照本附则第9.1.2 条所认可的设备,排放业经粉碎和消毒的生活污水,或在距最近陆地12 海里以外排放未经粉碎或消毒的生活污水。
但不论哪种情况,不得将集污舱中储存的生活污水,或来自装有活动物处所的生活污水即刻排光,而应在船舶以不低于4 节的航速航行时,以适当的速率排放;排放速率应经主管机关根据本组织制订的标准1予以认可。
c)本计算书系根据上述标准进行计算,将和 MEPC157(55)号决议(见附件)一起存放于船上。
2.船舶主要参数:船名:XXXX船舶呼号:XXXXIMO 编号: XXXXXXX船旗国:XXXX铺设龙骨日期:XXXX总吨位: XXXX船长(柱间长):XXXX型宽:XXXX型深:XXXX最小吃水:XXXX最大夏季吃水:XXXX最大航行速度(节):XXXX集污舱容积(m3):XXXX3.最大允许排放率的计算:最大允许排放率DR max=0.00926V max D max B= XXXX其中,DR max为最大允许排放率(m3/h),V max为船舶最大航行速度(节),D max为船舶最大夏季吃水(m),B 为船宽(m)。
最大允许排放率指的是任何 24 小时的时间段计算出的平均速率,或如果排放时间小于24 小时,在时间段内的平均速率,在每小时的基础上测量时可以超过,但不高于20%。
近20年来,陆上重现“序批式”SBR处理工艺,“方兴未艾”,其显著优点是省去沉淀池,在一个池内实现进水-曝气-沉淀-撇水-休闲五个功能。污水是一批一批处理的,不是推流式,在高峰负荷时,推流式会失控,而序批式由PLC控制。大大节约了尺寸,从这一点看,序批式处理工艺在船上的推广使用比陆上更为有意义。同时,其曝气是断续的,不是连续的,所以又称“间隙式曝气”处理工艺,犹如A/O 系统,不同的是由PLC控制不让其达到厌氧状态,而仅是“缺氧”状态,在同一池内呈现“同步硝化反硝化反应”,达到“脱氮除磷”的目标。同时,看到序批式中没有“污泥返送”这一动作。经到船上调查发现,船员不大可能随时去看管污水处理装置和去观察沉淀柜玻璃观察窗,见到有污泥,就开一下返送空气阀;见不到污泥,就关住返送空气阀。如常年不开返送空气阀,则污泥堆积,满出至清水柜,污泥流失,水质变坏。如常年开着返送空气阀,则,污泥提送完后就返送沉淀水,前后混流,沉淀柜也起不到作用。序批式工艺,毋须“气提”,无此弊病,还减少了空气量。
SBR具有紧凑、高效和能为MBR创造优越的条件,利用上清液供给膜又被称为“干净的MBR”, 极适用于船上。污水入口→缓冲柜→序批柜→清水柜→膜组→消毒→排放 回流
关于实施MEPC.187(59)决议(对MARPOL附则 I的修订)换发IOPP证书以及FORM A和B的通告
No. 157Dec. 31, 2010 关于实施MEPC.187(59)决议(对MARPOL附则 I的修订)换发IOPP证书以及FORM A和B的通告各有关船公司:国际海事组织环保会于 2009 年 7 月 17 日以MEPC.187(59)决议通过了《1973 年国际防止船舶造成污染公约 1978 年议定书》附则修正案,该决议将于 2011 年 1 月 1 日起生效。
1. 修改的主要内容(1)油类记录簿的格式再次进行了修订;(2)增加了“残油(油泥)、残油(油泥)舱、含油舱底水、含油舱底水储存柜”的定义;(3)新增了对残油(油泥)舱的布置要求,公约条文如下(即第12条第2条款),该条文适用于400总吨及以上的新船和现有船:“2.可通过第13条所述的标准排放接头或其他任何认可的处理措 施从残油(油泥)舱直接处理残油(油泥)。
”(4)IOPP证书附件格式A 或格式B,再次进行了修订。
2. CCS对上述要求的进一步说明:(1)请各船公司为所属船舶配备新版油类记录簿,对2011年1月1日后未能及时配备新版油类记录簿的船舶,至少暂时按照MEPC.187(59)决议内容,作出修订页补充到原油类记录簿并及时予以记录;(2)公约第1条中“残油(油泥)舱”的定义:残油(油泥)舱系指储存残油(油泥)的舱柜,通过标准排放接头或其他任何认可的处理措施可从该舱直接处理油泥。
(3)请各船公司对所属船舶残油(油泥)舱的布置情况予以核查: a)核查残油(油泥)舱与舱底水管系是否相连的目的是防止残油(油泥)舱及其排放、处理系统中的残油(油泥)不会再被驳至舱底水及其处理系统中;b)如果舱底泵将舱底水排放至标准排放接头的独立管路与残油(油渣)泵排放残油(油泥)至标准排放接头的独立管路连接并共用同一个标准排放接头,在进入共用管段之前必须在各自的管路上设有单向截止阀,以防止残油(油泥)舱及其排放和处理系统中残油(油泥)再次被驳至舱底水及其处理系统中;c)残油(油泥)舱的指定泵(designated pump),是指用于残油(油泥)处理的,其压力端只能连接到甲板上通岸接头、残油(油泥)舱、或者其他的经认可的残油(油泥)处置设施,如焚烧炉、副锅炉或IOPP证书附件A、B中3.2条列出的其它残油处理设施的排放泵;d)残油(油泥)舱泄放管,如采用先泄放至集油盘/漏斗,再收集至含油舱底水储存柜或舱底水井的布置,可视为满足“视觉观察后续沉积水处理的监控设施”的要求;e)由于无法通过残油(油泥)泵经标准通岸接头直接排放,用于焚 烧炉焚烧前或辅锅炉燃烧前储存残油(油泥)的残油(油泥)日用柜(还有诸如废油日用柜、废油沉淀柜等)以前被列在Form A/B 3.2.3项的“燃油与油渣混合油柜”一栏,现应列入Form A/B 3.1项,并满足残油(油泥)舱的相关要求;(4)需要更换IOPP证书及其附件格式A 或格式B。
20.00 m5.00 m20.00 m16.0 kts最大夏季吃水Max. Summer draft:IMO 编号( IMO No.)SHIP NAME:XXXXXXX XXXXXXX 最小吃水(Minimum draft ):船宽( Breadth):船舶呼号(CALL SIGN):铺设龙骨日期:船名XXXXXXX 船舶未经处理生活污水排放速率计算书(根据 MEPC157(55))CALCULATION OF THE PERMISSIBLE DISCHARGE RATE OF UNTREATED SEWAGE FROM SHIPSIN ACCORDANCE WITH MEPC157(55)船旗国:FLAG STATE:XXXXXXX XXXXXXX 批准单位:APPROVED BY:批准日期:DATE OF APPROVAL:XXXXXXXDATE OF KEEL LAID:XXXX-XX-XX 最大航行速度Max. Service speed:XXXX-XX-XX1. 说明 Introduction:a) 根据经MEPC.164(56)决议修订的《73/78 防污公约》附则IV 第11.1.1 条的规定:“船舶在距最近陆地3 海里以外,使用主管机关按照本附则第9.1.2 条所认可的设备,排放业经粉碎和消毒的生活污水,或在距最近陆地12 海里以外排放未经粉碎或消毒的生活污水。
但不论哪种情况,不得将集污舱中储存的生活污水,或来自装有活动物处所的生活污水即刻排光,而应在船舶以不低于4 节的航速航行时,以适当的速率排放;排放速率应经主管机关根据本组织制订的标准予以认可。
”According to MARPOL ANNEX IV Regulation11.1.1with amendment by MEPC.164(56)(Discharge of sewage)“the ship is discharging comminuted and disinfected sewage using a system approved by the Administration in accordance with regulation9.1.2of this Annex at a distance of more than3nautical miles from the nearest land,or sewage which is not comminuted or disinfected,at a distance of more than12nautical miles from the nearest land,provided that, in any case,the sewage that has been stored in holding tanks,or sewage originating from spaces containing living animals,shall not be discharged instantaneously but at a moderate rate when the ship is en route and proceeding at not less than4knots;the rate of discharge shall beapproved by the Administration based upon standards developed by the Organization;.b) 本组织制订的标准系指由国际海事组织MEPC.157(55)号决议通过的“船舶排放未经处理的生活污水的速率标准的建议”。
MEPC.157(55)决议(2006年10月13日通过)未经处理的生活污水排放率标准建议案海上环境保护委员会,忆及国际海事组织公约第38(a)条关于防止和控制海上污染的国际公约赋予海上环境保护委员会(本委员会)的职能,注意到本委员会MEPC. 5(5 )决议通过的经修订的MARPOL附则IV,该附则已于2005年8月 日生效,还注意到MARPOL附则IV第 . . 条的规定,认识到不应将储存于集污舱内的未经处理的生活污水顷刻排空,而应以主管机关根据本组织制定的标准认可的适度速率进行排放,审议了散货、液货和气体分委会在其第 0次会议上提出的建议,. 通过未经处理的生活污水排放率标准建议案,其文本载于本决议附件;2. 建议各成员国政府按所附的标准认可排放率;3. 鼓励对排放可能有高要求的船舶营运人保存实际排放计算书,以便证明符合主管机关、港口或沿岸国当局的要求。
第88页附 件未经处理的生活污水排放率标准建议案1 引言. 经修订的MARPOL 73/78附则IV第 . . 条要求,可在距最近陆地 2 n mile以上海域排放的未经处理生活污水不得顷刻排空,而应在航速不小于4 kn的航行途中以适度的排放率进行排放,而该排放率应经主管机关根据本组织制定的标准认可。
.2 适度的排放率适用于排放已储存于集污舱内的未经处理的生活污水。
.3 本标准在排放率计算中并未考虑生活污水和水或灰水稀释的情况,因此所述排放率系保守的估计。
2 定义2. 扫海体积(swept volume)系指船宽 × 吃水 × 航程。
2.2 未经处理的生活污水系指未经已获型式认可的生活污水处理装置处理,或未经粉碎和消毒的生活污水。
3 排放率3. 最大许用排放率为扫海体积的 /200,000(二十万分之一),见下式:DRmax= 0.00926 V D B式中:DRmax 为最大许用排放率(m3/h);V为船舶在所述时间内的平均航速(kn);D为吃水(m);B为船宽(m)。
一承自己的技术, “固定介质方法” 是根据以前的污水处理进行开发,以最大限度地接触表面的微生物,使其 能够最佳的处理污水。 在污水处理装置里的微生物倾向于粘附在表面之上。 这个意思是微生物将只围绕腔体 的表面生存,而不是在中心生存。这个倾向阻碍了整个过程。 活性碳的开发避免了这个延迟。 腔内填满介质可以增加污水微生物的接触面积。 假如您不想有任何迟缓并要 求迅速进行这个过程,这是一个最完美的发明。
1988. 7. 7. 1991.11 1999. 6 2000.10
成立 发展并生产滤式滑油及滑油净化器 发展并生产管壳式制淡装置 发展并依照IMO规范生产生物介质类型污水处理 装置, 被韩国政府认可。 污水处理装置获得韩国知识产权局颁发的实用 新型专利证书 获得ISO9001证书 获得DNV. CE标志 发展并生产生物介质型污水处理装置新型号。 按照新规范IMO (MEPC.159(55)), 并通过韩国政府 认证.获得国内及国际专利权。 污水处理新型号获得DNV. CE标志
一承探索了很长时间找到了最好的水处理答案。 我们考虑了很多不同的方法包括膜反应器系统,但是最后 我们选择了活性炭方法。 我们采用活性炭的原理的原因是保证维护成本和最小尺寸。 相比于其它系统替换活性碳的价钱要便宜的 多,而且更小外形和更高的效率,并且活性炭可以在一段时间内重新生成。
80℃ 以上 35 35 60 60 95 48 1.5 30 AC 220 / 380 / 415 / 440V, 50 / 60Hz, 3ϕ 3.0 95 100 100 140 140
m3/hr m m3/hr m
尺 寸
MEPC157(55)THERA...ANNEX 14RESOLUTION MEPC.157(55)Adopted on 13 October 2006RECOMMENDATION ON STANDARDS FOR THE RATE OF DISCHARGEOF UNTREATED SEWAGE FROM SHIPSTHE MARINE ENVIRONMENT PROTECTION COMMITTEE,RECALLING Article 38(a) of the Convention on the International Maritime Organization concerning the functions of the Marine Environment Protection Committee (the Committee) conferred upon it by international conventions for the prevention and control of marine pollution,NOTING resolution MEPC.115(51) by which the Committee adopted the revised MARPOL Annex IV, which entered into force on 1 August 2005,NOTING ALSO the provisions of regulation 11.1.1 of MARPOL Annex IV,RECOGNIZING that untreated sewage that has been stored in holding tanks shall not be discharged instantaneously but that the discharge is to be undertaken at a moderate rate approved by the Administration based upon the standards developed by the Organization,HAVING CONSIDERED the recommendations made by the Sub-Committee on Bulk Liquids and Gases at its tenth session, 1. ADOPTS the Recommendation on standards for the rate of discharge of untreated sewage from ships, the text of which is set out in the Annex to the present resolution;2. RECOMMENDS member Governments to accept the rate of discharge based upon the annexed Standards,3. ENCOURAGES operators of ships that may have high discharge requirements to keep calculations of actual discharges to demonstrate compliance to the Administration and to port or coastal State authorities.ANNEXRECOMMENDATION ON STANDARDS FOR THE RATE OF DISCHARGEOF UNTREATED SEWAGE FROM SHIPS1 INTRODUCTION1.1 Regulation 11.1.1 of the revised Annex IV of MARPOL 73/78 requires that untreatedsewage, which may be discharged at more than 12 nautical miles from the nearest land, should not be discharged instantaneously but at a moderate rate of discharge when the ship is en route and proceeding at a speed not less than 4 knots, while the rate should be approved by the Administration based upon standards developed by the Organization.This Recommendation provides the standard and guidance for the approval and calculation of a moderate rate of discharge.1.2 A moderate rate of discharge applies to the discharge of untreated sewage that has beenstored in holding tanks.1.3 This standard does not incorporate the dilution of sewage with water or greywater intocalculations of the discharge rate. Therefore the rate is a conservative estimate and it is recognised that discharges of sewage in accordance with this standard will present a higher level of protection to the marine environment due to mixing prior to the actual discharge in addition to the mixing action of the ship’s wake.2 DEFINITIONS2.1 Swept volume means ship breadth x draft x distance travelled.2.2 Untreated sewage means sewage that has not been treated by a type approved sewagetreatment plant, or that has not been comminuted and disinfected.3 DISCHARGE RATE3.1 The maximum permissible discharge rate is 1/200,000 (or one 200,000th part) of sweptvolume as follows:DR max = 0.00926 V D BWhere:DR max is maximum permissible discharge rate (m3/h)V is ship’s average speed (knots) over the periodD is Draft (m)B is Breadth (m)3.2 The maximum permissible discharge rate specified in 3.1 refers to the average rate ascalculated over any 24 hour period, or the period of discharge if that is less, and may be exceeded by no more that 20% when measured on an hourly basis.4 APPROVAL OF RATE BY ADMINISTRATION4.1 The Administration should approve the rate of discharge specified in 3.1 based upon theship’s maximum summer draft and maximum service speed1. Where sewage is to be discharged at a different combination of draft and speed one or more secondary discharge rates may also be approved2.5 METHOD OF CALCULATION5.1 The calculated swept volume of the ship is to be determined for drafts up to and includingthe summer draft assigned in accordance with Article 3 of International Convention on Load Lines, 1966.5.2 Where a ship is to discharge sewage from a holding tank using a pump calibrated at afixed rate, the pump can either be:-calibrated at a the rate permitted at 4 knots; or-calibrated for a specific minimum ship’s speed in excess of 4 knots.5.3 Where the intended actual discharge rate exceeds that permissible at 4 knots, the actualdischarge rate may need to be reduced or the speed increased. The rate and speed is to be detailed in the approval issued by the Administration.6 COMPLIANCE WITH THE RATE6.1 Before undertaking a sewage discharge in accordance with this standard, the crewmember responsible for sewage operations should ensure that the ship is en route, is more than 12 nautical miles from the nearest land and the navigation speed is consistent with the discharge rate that has been approved by the Administration. Ships with high discharge requirements are encouraged to keep notes of calculations of the actual discharges to demonstrate compliance with the approved rate._________________1The attention of ship operators and personnel is drawn to the reduction in permissible rate of discharge at reduced draft and/or speed.2Presentation may be tabular, refer to table below. For ships other than those having a high requirement for untreated sewage discharge, such as passenger ships and livestock carriers, the discharge rate criterion will generally not beexceeded at ship speed of 4 knots. DISCHARGE RATE (m3/h) SPEED (kt) 4 6 8 10 12 DRAFT (m)5 4.63 6.94 9.26 11.57 13.896 5.56 8.33 11.11 13.89 16.677 6.48 9.72 12.96 16.20 19.458 7.41 11.11 14.82 18.52 22.229 8.33 12.50 16.67 20.83 25.00***。
电催化氧化处理海上平台生活污水张子臣;王万福;霍志坚;陈卫江;王岩松;叶怡然【摘要】针对现有海上设施生活污水处理设备所采用的生化工艺存在处理效果不稳定、不能达到国际海事组织(IMO)MEPC.159(55)标准的污水处理要求等问题,采用电催化氧化工艺进行海上设施生活污水处理,考察了电流密度、温度和电导率对处理效果的影响.结果表明,电流密度对处理效果的影响较大,电导率次之,温度影响最小.在电流密度10 mA·cm-2、电导率15 mS·cm-1、温度10~35 ℃的条件下,电催化氧化处理效果较好,即进水COD 浓度600~980 mg·L-1、BOD5浓度200~400 mg·L-1经处理后,出水COD浓度降至100~115 mg·L-1、BOD5浓度降至10~15 mg·L-1,达到MEPC.159(55)及我国《海洋石油勘探开发污染物排放限制》(GB 4914-2008)标准要求.%Since the traditional treatment of biochemical wastewater is unstable and this process cannot meet the demand of IMO MEPC.159(55),an electrocatalytic oxidation process for domestic sewage treatment was explored.The effects of current density,temperature and conductivity on treatment efficiency were discussed.The results showed that,the current density had the most influence on the treatment efficiency,followed by conductivity,and temperature.When the current density was 10 mA·cm-2,the conductivity was 15 mS·cm-1 and the temperature was 10~35 ℃,eletrocatalytic oxidation had good treatment effect,namely,the concentration of COD and BOD5 of influent were 600~980 mg·L-1 and 200~400 mg·L-1,after treatment,the concentration of COD and BOD5 of effluent were 100~115 mg·L-1 and 10~15 mg·L-1,which met the requirements of MEPC.159(55)and the standard "pollutant emission limits for offshore petroleum exploration and development" (GB 4914-2008).【期刊名称】《化学与生物工程》【年(卷),期】2017(034)001【总页数】4页(P62-65)【关键词】电催化氧化;海上平台生活污水;排放标准【作者】张子臣;王万福;霍志坚;陈卫江;王岩松;叶怡然【作者单位】中海油能源发展股份有限公司安全环保分公司,天津 300452;中海油能源发展股份有限公司安全环保分公司,天津 300452;中海油能源发展股份有限公司安全环保分公司,天津 300452;中海油能源发展股份有限公司安全环保分公司,天津 300452;中海油能源发展股份有限公司安全环保分公司,天津 300452;中海油能源发展股份有限公司安全环保分公司,天津 300452【正文语种】中文【中图分类】X703.1海洋平台作为原油开采设施,长期坐落在海域中,平台上的工作人员日常产生的生活污水未经处理排放必然会对海洋造成污染。
美国现行药品生产质量治理标准(cGMP)目录A-总那么 (3)B-组织与人员 (3)C-厂房与设施 (4)D-设备 (7)E-成份、药品容器和密封件的操纵 (8)F-生产和加工操纵 (11)G-包装和标签操纵 (13)H-贮存和销售 (16)I-实验室操纵 (17)J-记录和报告 (20)K-退回的药品和回收处置 (25)A.总那么211·1 范围(a) 本部份的条例包括人用或兽用药品制备的现行最低限度的药品生产质量治理标准(GMP)。
(b) 在本章里的这些针对药品的现行GMP条例和本章600至800的所有部份针对人用生物制品的现行GMP条例,除非明确还有说明者外,应以为是对本部份条例的补充,而不是代替。
(c) 在考虑经提议的,发表在1978年9月29日联邦注册表(FR)上一项免去时,假设产品及其所有成份是以人用物品形式作一样销售和消费,且这些产品依照其预期用途,亦可列入药品的范围内,那么不该付这些非处方药(OTC)实施本部份条例,直至进一步的通知为止。
211·3 概念本章210·3的概念适用于本部份。
B. 组织与人员211.22 质量操纵部门的职责(a) 本部门有批准和拒收所有成份、药品包装容器、密封件、中间体、包装材料、标签及药品的职责与权利。
(b) 适当的实验室查验设备、批准(或拒收)的各类成份、药品容器、密封件、包装材料及药品,质量操纵部门是能够取得的。
(c) 本部门有批准或驳回阻碍药品的均一性、效价或含量、质量及纯度的所有程序或规格标准的职责。
SEWAGE使用规定 (2)
Ship speed
X Remark Not less than 4 Kts
Remark: 1. 排放過程中不能有浮物, 及海水不能變色 2. 第三項 Holding tank 在12海浬外排放時, 其排放的速度必須要經領海所屬國同意 始可行之. 3. 如接管至岸上, 其接管必須要依Regulation 11規定的尺寸
適用範圍: Regulation 1 新造船的定義: a. 已簽約或已放龍骨的船 b. 27.SEP.2003後3年或更晚接的新造船. Regulation 2 現成船的定義生效日起後5年後要符合ANNEX IV 所有的規定
(原先 27.Sep.2003 規定為 生效日後10年要符合ANNEX IV 所有的規定)
BOD SS COLIFORM BACTERIA(MPN) 生化需氧量 懸浮固體 大腸桿菌群 低於 50 ppm 低於 50 ppm 低於 200/100 ml
衛生水處理方法是利用生化層,在櫃內中央包覆著生化填料, 而衛生水圍著中央生化填料循環同時曝露在空氣中。當衛生水接觸 到生化層時,細菌滋長在中央生化填料表面,於是有机物(MOD)會 被產生生化性的氧化作用所處理。 主要設備: 生化過濾櫃、殺菌室、空氣壓縮機、排出幫浦等。
空氣壓縮機: 1.將設備附近的自然空氣吸入、加壓。 2.將強壓空氣利用攪動產生氣泡,供應至生化過濾櫃。 排出幫浦: 將處理完成的衛生水,收集至一定數量後, 液位感應器做動排出幫浦排出船 外。
廁所使用時注意事項: 1.在任何情況下,不可關閉空氣壓縮機電源。如果發生, 則微生物將死掉,任何調整對衛生水處理裝置都無效。 2.當心勿將任何異物掉入衛生設備。 3.勿使用任何有乙烯成份的紙張。 4.廁所使用完畢勿忘沖水。 5.當使用清潔廁所所使用的化學藥劑,(鹽酸、馬桶清潔劑等) ,會造成侵蝕,需 直接排外。(只在無限制水域)在化學藥劑使用後, 必須以潤濕劑與水混合。如果化學藥劑進入處理系統,操作會有妨礙。 6.廁所一般性的沾污,清潔方式是以抹布浸泡在微溫的肥皂溶液,然後擦試。 如果沾污無法去除,用海綿沾天然清潔劑擦試。勿用擦試粉,內含微小粒子 會刮傷陶瓷面及金屬表面, 是造成長期污損的原因。
序批式处理工艺的优点: ⑴可以克服活性污泥膨胀这个活性污泥系统中人们遇到的最
棘手的问题之一,污泥膨胀主要由稳定的连续曝气产生不 好的丝状菌而引起的,被称为“活性污泥法的癌症”。序 批式工艺利用厌氧、好氧控制丝状菌的生长、繁殖,而对 多数菌胶团细菌不会产生不利的影响; ⑵序批式处理过程有厌氧阶段,污水中的氨氮NH3-N在经过 硝化和反硝化的反应后,会转化成氮气和水; ⑶序批式的污泥负荷率高,去除有机污染物速率大; ⑷序批式没有手动气提返送污泥过程,可减少曝气量; ⑸序批式沉降过程不受干扰,沉降效果好,为后续的膜法处 理创造了较好的运行条件,延长膜的使用寿命。
MBR技术在污水处理中的应用开始于20世纪60年代末,80年 代以前,由于制膜水平的限制,造成了膜使用寿命较短,很难 进行大规模的应用;进入20世纪80年代以后,随着材料科学的 发展与制膜水平的提高,推动了膜生物反应器(MBR)技术向前 发展,在污水处理中的应用也日趋成熟。
特别是日本、英国、美国等发达国家已非常广泛地应 用于污水处理厂,据有关统计,目前在世界范围内,实际运 行的MBR系统已经超过500多套,处理效果较好。我国于1991 年开始将研究和实验将超滤膜应用到污水处理中,取得了很 好的效果,MBR在陆上很多成功的应用方案,为船用提供了
⑸ 灰水试验:根据船检认可的试验大纲,将灰水进入受试装置 进行2天的试验。
⑹ 零负荷试验:停止向装置内加入污水五天后,重新加入污 水运行,取样分析。
⑴ 2007年5月CCS型式认可
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ANNEX 26RESOLUTION MEPC.159(55)Adopted on 13 October 2006REVISED GUIDELINES ON IMPLEMENTATION OF EFFLUENT STANDARDS AND PERFORMANCE TESTS FOR SEWAGE TREATMENT PLANTSTHE MARINE ENVIRONMENT PROTECTION COMMITTEE,RECALLING Article 38(a) of the Convention on the International Maritime Organization concerning the functions of the Marine Environment Protection Committee (the Committee) conferred upon it by international conventions for the prevention and control of marine pollution, NOTING resolution MEPC.2(VI) adopted on 3 December 1976 by which the Marine Environment Protection Committee adopted, at its sixth session, the Recommendation on International Effluent Standards and Guidelines for Performance Tests for Sewage Treatment Plants and invited Governments to apply the Effluent Standards and Guidelines for approving sewage treatment plants; to take steps to establish testing programmes in accordance with the Guidelines for Performance Tests; and provide the Organization with a list of sewage treatment plants meeting the standards,NOTING ALSO resolution MEPC.115(51) adopted on 1 April 2004 by which the Marine Environment Protection Committee adopted, at its fifty-first session, the revised MARPOL Annex IV and which entered into force on 1 August 2005,NOTING FURTHER the provisions of regulation 9.1.1 of MARPOL Annex IV, in which reference is made to the above-mentioned guidelines,RECOGNIZING that resolution MEPC.2(VI) should be amended in order that current trends for the protection of the marine environment and developments in the design and effectiveness of commercially available sewage treatment plants be reflected; and the proliferation of differing unilateral more stringent standards that might be imposed worldwide be avoided,HAVING CONSIDERED the recommendation made by the Sub-Committee on Bulk Liquids and Gases, at its tenth session,1.ADOPTS the Revised Guidelines on Implementation of Effluent Standards and Performance Tests for Sewage Treatment Plants, the text of which is set out in the Annex to this resolution;2. INVITES Governments to:(a)implement the Revised Guidelines on Implementation of Effluent Standards andPerformance Tests for Sewage Treatment Plants and apply them so that allequipment installed on board on or after 1 January 2010 meets the RevisedGuidelines in so far as is reasonable and practicable; andANNEX 26Page 2(b)provide the Organization with information on experiences gained from theirapplication and, in particular, on successful testing of equipment against theStandards;3. FURTHER INVITES Governments to issue an appropriate “Certificate of type approval for Sewage Treatment Plants” as referred to in paragraph 5.4.2 and the annex of the Revised Guidelines and to recognize such certificates issued under the authority of other Governments as having the same validity as certificates issued by them; and4. SUPERSEDES the Recommendation on International Effluent Standards and Guidelines for Performance Tests for Sewage Treatment Plants contained in resolution MEPC.2(VI).ANNEX 26Page 3ANNEXREVISED GUIDELINES ON IMPLEMENTATION OF EFFLUENT STANDARDS AND PERFORMANCE TESTS FOR SEWAGE TREATMENT PLANTSTABLE OF CONTENTS1 Introduction2 Definitions3 General4 Standardsconsiderations5 Testing6 Renewal and additional surveys7 Familiarization of ship personnel in the use of the sewage treatment plantANNEXForm of Certificate of Type Approval for Sewage Treatment Plants and AppendixANNEX 26Page 4REVISED GUIDELINES ON IMPLEMENTATION OF EFFLUENT STANDARDS AND PERFORMANCE TESTS FOR SEWAGE TREATMENT PLANTS1INTRODUCTION1.1 The Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC) of the International Maritime Organization (IMO) adopted resolution MEPC.2(VI) Recommendation on International Effluent Standards and Guidelines for Performance Tests for Sewage Treatment Plants in 1976.1.2 This document contains the Revised Guidelines on Implementation of Effluent Standards and Performance Tests for Sewage Treatment Plants (Guidelines). These Guidelines are intended to assist Administrations in establishing operational performance testing programmes for sewage treatment plants for the purpose of type approval under regulation 9.1.1 of Annex IV of the Convention.1.3 These Guidelines apply to sewage treatment plants installed on board on or after 1 January 2010.2 DEFINITIONSAnnex IV – the revised Annex IV of the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (MARPOL 73/78) as amended by resolution MEPC.115(51).Convention – the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships 1973/1978 (MARPOL 73/78).Geometric mean – the n th root of the product of n numbers.Greywater – is drainage from dishwater, shower, laundry, bath and washbasin drains.Testing onboard – testing carried out on a sewage treatment plant that has been installed upon a ship.Testing ashore – testing carried out on a sewage treatment plant prior to installation e.g. in the factory.Thermotolerant coliforms – the group of coliform bacteria which produce gas from lactose in 48 hours at 44.5ºC. These organisms are sometimes referred to as “faecal coliforms”; however, the term “thermotolerant coliforms” is now accepted as more appropriate, since not all of these organisms are of faecal origin.3 GENERAL3.1 An approved sewage treatment plant must meet the standards in section 4 and the tests outlined in these Guidelines. It should also be noted that, when ships are operating approved sewage treatment plants, Annex IV also provides that the effluent shall not produce visible floating solids or cause discolouration of the surrounding water.ANNEX 26Page 5 3.2 It is acknowledged that the performance of sewage treatment plants may vary considerably when the system is tested ashore under simulated shipboard conditions or onboard a ship under actual operating conditions. Where testing ashore demonstrates that a system complies with the standards, but subsequent onboard testing does not meet the standards, the Administration should determine the reason and take it into account when deciding whether to type approve the plant.3.3 It is recognized that Administrations may wish to modify the specific details outlined in these Guidelines to take account of very large, very small or unique sewage treatment plants.4 STANDARDS4.1 For the purpose of regulation 4.1 of Annex IV, a sewage treatment plant should satisfy the following effluent standards when tested for its Certificate of Type Approval by the Administration:.1 Thermotolerant Coliform StandardThe geometric mean of the thermotolerant coliform count of the samples ofeffluent taken during the test period should not exceed 100 thermotolerantcoliforms/100 ml as determined by membrane filter, multiple tube fermentation oran equivalent analytical procedure..2 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Standard(c)The geometric mean of the total suspended solids content of thesamples of effluent taken during the test period shall notexceed 35 mg/l.(d)Where the sewage treatment plant is tested onboard ship, themaximum total suspended solids content of the samples of effluenttaken during the test period may be adjusted to take account of thetotal suspended solid content of the flushing water. In allowingthis adjustment in maximum TSS, Administrations shall ensuresufficient tests of TSS are taken of the flushing water throughoutthe testing period to establish an accurate geometric mean to beused as the adjustment figure (defined as x). In no cases shall themaximum allowed TSS be greater than 35 plus x mg/l.Method of testing should be by:.1 filtration of representative sample through a 0.45 µm filtermembrane, drying at 105°C and weighing; or.2 centrifuging of a representative sample (for at least five minuteswith mean acceleration of 2,800-3,200 g), drying at least 105°Cand weighing; or.3 other internationally accepted equivalent test standard.ANNEX 26Page 6.3 Biochemical Oxygen Demand and Chemical Oxygen DemandAdministrations should satisfy themselves that the sewage treatment plant isdesigned to reduce both soluble and insoluble organic substances to meet therequirement that, the geometric mean of 5-day Biochemical Oxygen Demand(BOD5)of the samples of effluent taken during the test period does not exceed25 mg/l and the Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) does not exceed 125 mg/l.The test method standard should be ISO 15705:2002 for COD andISO 5815-1:2003 for BOD5, or other internationally accepted equivalent teststandards..4 pHThe pH of the samples of effluent taken during the test period shall bebetween 6 and 8.5..5 Zero or non-detected valuesFor thermolerant coliforms, zero values should be replaced with a valueof 1 thermotolerant coliform/100 ml to allow the calculation of the geometricmean. For total suspended solids, biochemical oxygen demand and chemicaloxygen demand, values below the limit of detection should be replaced with onehalf the limit of detection to allow the calculation of the geometric mean.4.2 Where the sewage treatment plant has been tested ashore, the initial survey should include installation and commissioning of the sewage treatment plant.CONSIDERATIONS5 TESTING5.1 Testing of the operational performance of a sewage treatment plant should be conducted in accordance with the following subparagraphs. Unless otherwise noted, the subparagraphs apply to testing both onboard and ashore.5.2Raw sewage quality5.2.1 Sewage treatment plants tested ashore - the influent should be fresh sewage consisting of faecal matter, urine, toilet paper and flush water to which, for testing purposes primary sewage sludge has been added as necessary to attain a minimum total suspended solids concentration appropriate for the number of persons and hydraulic loading for which the sewage treatment plant will be certified. The testing should take into account the type of system (for example vacuum or gravity toilets) and any water or greywater that may be added for flushing to the sewage before treatment. In any case the influent concentration of total suspended solids should be no less than 500 mg/l.5.2.2 Sewage treatment plants tested onboard - the influent may consist of the sewage generated under normal operational conditions. In any case the average influent concentration of total suspended solids should be no less than 500 mg/l.ANNEX 26Page 7 5.3 Duration and timing of test5.3.1 The duration of the test period should be a minimum of 10 days and should be timed to capture normal operational conditions, taking into account the type of system and the number of persons and hydraulic loading for which the sewage treatment plant will be type approved. The test should commence after steady-state conditions have been reached by the sewage treatment plant under test.factors5.4 Loading5.4.1 During the test period the sewage treatment plant should be tested under conditions of minimum, average and maximum volumetric loadings..1 For testing ashore, these loadings will be as laid down in the manufacturer’s specifications. Figure 1 shows suggested timings for sampling each loading factor..2 For testing onboard, minimum loading will represent that generated by the number of persons on the ship when it is alongside in port, and average and maximumloadings will represent those generated by the number of persons on the ship atsea and will take account of meal times and watch rotations.5.4.2 The Administration should undertake to assess the capability of the sewage treatment plant to produce an effluent in accordance with the standards prescribed by section 4 following minimum, average and maximum volumetric loadings. The range of conditions under which the effluent standards were met should be recorded on the Certificate of Type Approval. The form of the Certificate of Type Approval and appendix is set out in the annex to these Guidelines.5.5 Sampling methods and frequency5.5.1 Administrations should ensure that the sewage treatment plant is installed in a manner which facilitates the collection of samples. Sampling should be carried out in a manner and at a frequency which is representative of the effluent quality. Figure 1 provides a suggested frequency for sampling, however, the frequency should take account of the residence time of the influent in the sewage treatment plant. A minimum of 40 effluent samples should be collected to allow a statistical analysis of the testing data (e.g. geometric mean, maximum, minimum, variance).5.5.2 An influent sample should be taken and analyzed for every effluent sample taken and the results recorded to ensure compliance with section 4. If possible, additional influent and effluent samples should be taken to allow for a margin of error. Samples should be appropriately preserved prior to analysis particularly if there is to be a significant delay between collection and analysis or during times of high ambient temperature.5.5.3 Any disinfectant residual in samples should be neutralized when the sample is collected to prevent unrealistic bacteria kill or chemical oxidation of organic matter by the disinfectant brought about by artificially extended contact times. Chlorine (if used) concentration and pH should be measured prior to neutralization.ANNEX 26Page 8Figure 1: Suggested hydraulic loading factors and sampling frequency for testing sewage treatment plants. May be modified as necessary to take account of characteristics ofindividual sewage treatment plantstesting of effluent5.6 Analytical5.6.1 The Administration should give consideration to the recording of other parameters in addition to those required (thermotolerant coliforms, total suspended solids, BOD5, COD, pH and residual chlorine) with a view to future technological development. Parameters which might be considered include total solids, volatile solids, settlable solids, volatile suspended solids, turbidity, total phosphorus, total organic carbon, total coliforms and faecal streptococci.residual5.7 Disinfectant5.7.1 The potential adverse environmental effects of many disinfectant residuals and by-products, such as those associated with the use of chlorine or its compounds, are well recognized. It is, therefore, recommended that Administrations encourage the use of ozone, ultra-violet irradiation or any other disinfectants which minimize adverse environmental effects, whilst pursuing the thermotolerant coliform standard. When chlorine is used as a disinfectant, the Administration should be satisfied that the best technical practice is used to keep the disinfectant residual in the effluent below 0.5 mg/l.considerations5.8 Scaling5.8.1 Only full-scale marine sewage treatment plants should be accepted for testing purposes. The Administration may certify a range of the manufacturer’s equipment sizes employing the same principles and technology, but due consideration must be given to limitations on performance which might arise from scaling up or scaling down. In the case of very large, very small or unique sewage treatment plants, certification may be based on results of prototype tests. Where possible, confirmatory tests should be performed on the final installation of such sewage treatment plants.ANNEX 26Page 9 5.9 Environmental testing of the sewage treatment plant5.9.1 The Administration should be satisfied that the sewage treatment plant can operate under conditions of tilt consistent with internationally acceptable shipboard practice.5.9.2 Tests for certification should be carried out over the range of temperature and salinity specified by the manufacturer, and the Administration should be satisfied that such specifications are adequate for the conditions under which the equipment must operate.5.9.3 Control and sensor components should be subjected to environmental testing to verify their suitability for marine use. The Test Specifications section in part 3 of the annex to resolution MEPC.107(49) provides guidance in this respect.5.9.4 Any limitation on the conditions of operation should be recorded on the Certificate.5.9.5 The Administration should also consider requiring the manufacturer to include in the operating and maintenance manuals, a list of chemicals and materials suitable for use in the operation of the sewage treatment plant.5.10 Other considerations5.10.1 The type and model of the sewage treatment plant and the name of the manufacturer should be noted by means of a durable label firmly affixed directly to the sewage treatment plant. This label should include the date of manufacture and any operational or installation limits considered necessary by the manufacturer or the Administration.5.10.2 Administrations should examine the manufacturer’s installation, operating and maintenance manuals for adequacy and completeness. The ship should have on board at all timesa manual detailing the operational and maintenance procedures for the sewage treatment plant.5.10.3 Qualifications of testing facilities should be carefully examined by the Administration asa prerequisite to their participation in the testing programme. Every attempt should be made to assure uniformity among the various facilities.6 RENEWAL AND ADDITIONAL SURVEYS6.1 Administrations should endeavour to ensure, when conducting renewal or additional surveys in accordance with regulations 4.1.2 and 4.1.3 of Annex IV, that the sewage treatment plant continues to perform in accordance with the conditions outlined in regulation 4.1.1 of Annex IV.7 FAMILIARIZATION OF SHIP PERSONNEL IN THE USE OF THE SEWAGETREATMENT PLANT7.1 Recognizing that the appropriate regulations relating to familiarization are contained within the Ships Safety Management Systems under the International Safety Management Code, Administrations are reminded that ship staff training should include familiarization in the operation and maintenance of the sewage treatment plant.ANNEX 26Page 10ANNEXFORM OF CERTIFICATE OF TYPE APPROVALFOR SEWAGE TREATMENT PLANTS AND APPENDIXCERTIFICATE OF TYPE APPROVALFOR SEWAGE TREATMENT PLANTSThis is to certify that the Sewage Treatment Plant, Type.............................................................................., having a designed hydraulic loading of ............ cubic metres per day, (m3/day), an organic loading of ............ kg per day Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) and of the design shown on Drawings Nos. ....... manufactured by .............................................................................................................................................has been examined and satisfactorily tested in accordance with the International Maritime Organization resolution MEPC.159(55) to meet the operational requirements referred to in regulation 9.1.1 of Annex IV of the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships, 1973/78 as modified by resolution MEPC.115(51).The tests on the sewage treatment plant were carried outashore at∗ ........................................................................................................................................................ onboard at∗...................................................................................................................................................... and completed on ........................................................................................................................................... The sewage treatment plant was tested and produced an effluent which, on analysis, produces:(i) a geometric mean of no more than 100 thermotolerant coliforms/100 ml;(ii) a geometric mean of total suspended solids of 35 mg/l if tested ashore or the maximum total suspended solids not exceeding 35 plus x mg/l for the ambient water used for flushing purposes if tested on board;(iii) a geometric mean of 5-day Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD5) of no more than 25 mg/l; (iv) a geometric mean of Chemical Oxygen Demand of no more than 125 mg/l;(v) pH of the effluent is between 6 and 8.5.The Administration is satisfied that the sewage treatment plant can operate at angles of inclination of 22.5° in any plane from the normal operating position.Details of the tests and the results obtained are shown on the Appendix to this Certificate.A plate or durable label containing data of the manufacturer's name, type and serial numbers, hydraulic loading and date of manufacture is to be fitted on each sewage treatment plant.A copy of this Certificate shall be carried on board any ship equipped with the above described sewage treatment plant.Official stamp Signed ....…………………………………………….…Administration of ………………………………………Dated this………..……day………..of…….…20.…∗Delete as appropriate.MEPC 55/23 ANNEX 26Page 11I:\MEPC\55\23.doc APPENDIX TOTest results and details of tests conducted on samples from the Sewage Treatment Plant in accordance with resolution MEPC.159(55):Sewage Treatment Plant, Type ....................................................................................................................................... Manufactured by ............................................................................................................................................................. Organization conducting the test .................................................................................................................................... Designed hydraulic loading ................................................................................................... m3/dayDesigned organic loading ............................................................................................. kg/day BODNumber of effluent samples tested ....................................................................................................Number of influent samples tested ....................................................................................................Raw sewage (influent) quality Total Suspended SolidsMaximum hydraulic loading ...................................................................................................m3/dayMinimum hydraulic loading ...................................................................................................m3/dayAverage hydraulic loading ......................................................................................................m3/dayGeometric Mean of TotalSuspended Solids Mean of the thermotolerantcoliform count ................................................................................................ coliforms/100 mlGeometric Mean of BOD5 of disinfectant used ...................................................................................................................If Chlorine - residual Chlorine:Maximum ............................................................................................................. mg/lMinimum .............................................................................................................. mg/lGeometric Mean ................................................................................................... mg/lWas the sewage treatment plant tested with:Fresh Water flushing? .................................................................................... Yes/No∗Salt Water flushing? ....................................................................................... Yes/No∗Fresh and Salt Water flushing? ...................................................................... Yes/No∗Greywater added? ..............................................................Yes – proportion: /No*Was the sewage treatment plant tested against the environmental conditions specified in section 5.9 of resolution MEPC.159(55):Temperature ....................................................................................................Yes/No*Humidity .........................................................................................................Yes/No*Inclination .......................................................................................................Yes/No*Vibration .........................................................................................................Yes/No*Reliability of Electrical and Electronic Equipment .........................................Yes/No*Limitations and the conditions of operation are imposed:Salinity .........................................................................................................................Temperature .................................................................................................................Humidity ......................................................................................................................Inclination.....................................................................................................................Vibration ......................................................................................................................Results of other parameters tested .....................................................................................................Official stamp Signed ........................................................................................... Administration of …………………………………….........Dated this ……….….…... day of ………………… 20....***∗Delete as appropriate.。