




FTE(Fault Tolerant Etherent)容错以太网,是冗余网络结构的单网,通过Honeywell的FTE驱动,及商用的网络设备实现的。



2、交换机之间的级联线(cross link)构成单网。




树网:连接到A交换机上A口形成的网叫A网(Yellow tree)。

连接到B交换机上B口形成的网叫B网(Green tree)。

Localhost 接收数据节点。



Console操作站(C站):过程数据及相关的报警和事件,直接来自于控制器;其他数据信息来自于服务器;Console Extension操作站(CE):过程数据及相关的报警和事件,还有其他数据信息,全部信息都来自与C站。


每套C300控制器最多支持64个IO Units(IOU)。



Control Firewall(CF9)控制防火墙:在FTE网络中是成对出现的,8+1口,其中有一个专门的网线路口用于向上连接交换机,其余的8个网口可以连接控制器。

Honeywell HD1系列微型开关产品说明说明书

Honeywell HD1系列微型开关产品说明说明书

HD1 SERIESMICRO SWITCH Technology004997Issue 2VALUE PROPOSITIONThe HD1, Honeywell’s sealed subminiature MICRO SWITCH family, provides a small-footprint switching solution to assist in hitting overall system-level size and design goals in high volume applications.The HD1 switch provides a fully certified, reliable, and repeatable solution over the lifetime of the product.Slow-action mechanism enables compact switch footprint and design.APPLICATIONSPresenceDetectionEnsures door latchingand safe operationFlow SwitchEnables safe andefficient water usagePower SwitchReliable systemcontrol for motors,pumps, fansOperatorControlsInterface controlfor system auxiliaryfunctionsPressureSwitchDetection andwarning of highpressure or overpressure eventsUnless otherwise stated, all characteristic measurements tested according to UL, EN and IEC standards and conditions. Parameters and acceptance criteria validated and confirmed in a certified lab environment. Technical details available upon request.2 Sensing and Internet of Things 3FIGURE 1. PRODUCT NOMENCLATUREHD1Switch TypeElectrical Rating10HD1 SeriesSealedSwitchTerminationCircuit Code1Mounting1Wire SizeA01Actuator TypeA**** Standard wire length is 150 mm [5.91 in] long. Other lengths available upon requestMax. Operating Force @ PlungerSWire Type****M—Special DesignatorMA special designator code is used to indicate some non-standard feature such as a special actuator,wire color, connector, etc.Review product specification to determine the nature of the non-standard feature. This code will consist of up to three alphanumeric characters. A blank designates no difference from the standard listing.4 Datum reference is pillarsACTUATORDatum reference is base of switch for pcb terminalsDatum referenceis top of switch if no pillar or no pcb terminalsNote: “Honeywell” name will be tool marked and rating symbols will be laser marked.FIGURE 2. HD1 SERIES DIMENSIONSPACKAGE DIMENSIONS PILLAR DIMENSIONSZD HDApplications that requireflexibility in design with special configurations available Cost-sensitive applications requiring configurability in actuation and termination Applications that require slow-action mechanism and small overall design footprintLogic level and power-duty (3 A, 125 Vac) amp ratings Industry standard switch footprint and global certifications ideal for “low-cost-of-failure” applications Smallest sealed switch footprint in the Honeywell MICRO SWITCH WARRANTY/REMEDYHoneywell warrants goods of its manufacture as being free of defective materials and faulty workmanship during the applicablewarranty period. Honeywell’s standard product warranty applies unless agreed to otherwise by Honeywell in writing; please refer to your order acknowledgment or consult your local sales office for specific warranty details. If warranted goods are returned to Honeywell during the period of coverage, Honeywell will repair or replace, at its option, without charge those items that Honeywell, in its sole discretion, finds defective. The foregoing is buyer’s sole remedy and is in lieu of all other warranties, expressed or implied, including those of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. In no event shall Honeywell be liable for consequential, special, or indirect damages.While Honeywell may provide application assistance personally, through our literature and the Honeywell web site, it is buyer’s sole responsibility to determine the suitability of the product in the application.Specifications may change without notice. The information we supply is believed to be accurate and reliable as of this writing.However, Honeywell assumes no responsibility for its use.004997-2-EN | 2 | 02/21© 2021 Honeywell International Inc. All rights reserved.m WARNINGIMPROPER INSTALLATION• Consult with local safety agenciesand their requirements whendesigning a machine-control link, interface and all control elements that affect safety.• Strictly adhere to all installationinstructions. Failure to comply with theseinstructions could result in death or serious injury.m WARNINGMISUSE OFDOCUMENTATION•The information presented in this product sheet is for reference only. Do not use this document as a product installation guide.•Complete installation, operation, and maintenance information is provided in the instructions supplied with each product.Failure to comply with theseinstructions could result in death or serious injury.HoneywellSensing and Internet of Things 830 East Arapaho Road Richardson, TX FOR MORE INFORMATIONHoneywell Sensing and Internet of Things services its customers through a worldwide network of sales offices and distributors. For application assistance, current specifications, pricing, or the nearest Authorized Distributor, visit or call:USA/Canada +302 613 4491Latin America +1 305 805 8188Europe +44 1344 238258Japan +81 (0) 3-6730-7152Singapore +65 6355 2828Greater China+86 4006396841RELATED DOCUMENTATION• Submin Comparison Chart • Applying Precision Switches • ZD datasheet • ZW datasheet。



1. 在操作电动阀门之前,必须确保已经切断了电源,并且阀门处于关闭状态。

2. 在操作过程中,严禁将手指或其他物体伸入阀门内部,以免造成意外伤害。

3. 操作人员必须熟悉电动阀门的操作方法和相关安全规定,严禁未经培训和授权的人员进行操作。

1. 打开电源,确保电动阀门处于待命状态。

2. 通过控制面板或遥控器设置要求的阀门开启角度。

3. 验证阀门开启角度是否符合要求,如有问题,应及时对阀门进行调整或维护。

4. 操作完毕后,关闭电源,将阀门恢复到关闭状态。

1. 定期检查电动阀门的电源线路和控制系统,确保其正常运行。

2. 对电动阀门的零部件进行定期润滑和清洁,延长使用寿命。

3. 若发现电动阀门存在故障或异常情况,应立即停止使用,并联系专业维修人员进行维护和修理。

1. 在操作电动阀门时,应注意周围环境和其他设备的安全。

2. 严禁擅自调整电动阀门的参数和功能,以免影响正常使用。

3. 如遇到紧急情况或突发故障,应立即停止使用,并及时报告相关部门。



VC6013,VC4013 风机盘管电动阀
VC 系列阀门为平衡式冷热水二通和三通阀,应用于风机盘 管的 XE70 和 XE88 控制系统中。
这类阀门所需功耗最小,只有在改变阀门位置时才需供电, 执行头可以拆,而不影响水系列的完整性。
VC6013/VC4013 系列风机盘管电动二通阀
风机盘管阀/三 通/三线 SPDT
风机盘管阀/三 通/三线 SPDT
3/4" NPT INT/240V/50-60Hz/电

6.9 3/4"焊接 INT/240V/50-60Hz/电缆 400kPa
1"BSPP/240V/50-60Hz/电缆 400kPa
3.4 1/2"BSPP/240V/50-60Hz/电缆 400kPa
风机盘管阀/两 通/两线 SPDT
风机盘管阀/两 通/两线 SPDT
风机盘管阀/三 通/两线
风机盘管阀/三 通/两线
风机盘管阀/三 通/三线 SPDT
风机盘管阀/三 通/三线
风机盘管阀/两 通/三线 SPDT
风机盘管阀/两 通/三线 SPDT
风机盘管阀/两 通/三线
风机盘管阀/两 通/三线
风机盘管阀/两 通/三线 SPDT

VC4013AA1000 VC4013AF1000 VC4013AJ1000
VC6013/VC4013 系列风机盘管电动二通阀
风机盘管阀/两 通/两线 SPDT



Impulse X4 系列便携式复合气体检测仪操作说明书!重要提示:!在首次使用仪器以前请认真阅读本手册,您将会掌握仪器正确的使用方法和了解仪器的功能,包括操作,维护,功能设置等容。


!如果在使用过程中,遇到的故障或问题在本手册中没有提到,请直接联系制造商Zellweger Analytics,或联系当地的代理商/服务商。


·如果需要使用存储卡,请选用Zellweger Analytics 提供的存储卡(订货号2566-0435),使用其它的存储卡有可能损坏仪器的本质安全结构。



















执行器安装执行器安装安装注意事项:1、电源电压正确,执行器型号与所选阀门匹配;2、安装过程中,请确保电源断开;3、带电操作或调试时小心谨慎,以免误伤操作人员及 损坏设备;4、配电后,为防止粉尘及水滴进入,请旋紧接线口;5、当两个以上开关型执行器并联安装时,必须在执行 器前加装继电器,以避免过热或停止。

安 装 指 导V4系列电 动 蝶 阀安装步骤安装步骤一、装上适当的连轴器,然后与阀连接,执行器不可倒装。

连接时,请注意,驱动器与阀的位置,驱动器与阀的位置必须相同,驱动器的位置,如图一、二所示为关,如图 三、四为开。

图一 图二图三图四机械限位OM-2~OM-12/OM-P2~OM-P12行程调节 OM-1/OM-P1行程调节电子限位的转角范围为0度~90度,机械限位的转角范围为-2度~92度; 电子限位优先于机械限位;LS3、LS4跳脱的时间,需比LS1,LS2提早大约1秒;凸轮跟随轴的转动而转动,当凸轮触动到微动开关时,是设定为停止电动驱动器运转。

凸轮 功能调节Cam1 全开 顺时针:增加开启度数,直至全开; 逆时针:减少开启度数。

Cam2 全关逆时针:增加关闭度数,直至全关 Cam3 全开位置反馈一起转动,出厂设置:87° Cam4全关位置反馈限位调整步骤限位调整步骤开关型开关型::1、松脱止附螺栓;(注:OM-1无机械限位装置)2、把阀板全关,设定全关限位,调整Cam2和Cam4,可利用2.5mm六角形扳手调整;(凸轮顶到限位开关,端子1、6间能测量到供应电压;D、F间(OM-1为A、E)电阻为零)3、旋紧全关止附螺栓,退一圈;4、把阀板全开,设定全开限位,调整Cam1和Cam3,可利用2.5mm六角形扳手调整;(凸轮顶到限位开关,端子1、5间能测量到供应电压;A、C间(OM-1为A、B)电阻为零)5、旋紧全开止附螺栓,退一圈,调整完毕。

Honeywell 传感器和开关应用说明书

Honeywell 传感器和开关应用说明书

Sensors and Switches for Valves and Flow Meters An Application NoteBackgroundFlow meters can measure and regulate volumetric flow, velocity from which the volumetric flow is determined, and mass flow. Valves control or regulate the flow of gases or fluids by partially obstructing, opening or closing the pipeline that carries the media. In many applications, they are operated manually by a lever, pedal, or wheel. Valves are often used in oil and gas, chemical manufacturing, water reticulation and mining applications. Automatic valves with diaphragms or pistons are often actuated by changes in pressure, temperature or flow.SolutionsHoneywell manufactures a wide range of sensors and switches, from simple on/off switches to electronic sensors designed to deliver system control, fluid level indication, temperature regulation, along with protection from overheating and starting/stopping the compressor. Honeywell components provide enhanced reliability, minimize down time, and improve robustness in most harsh environments.Various package options are available, including stainless steel, and those designed for hazardous and harsh-duty applications.Hazardous-location limit switches – These specialized switches perform a number of functions, including monitoring the position ofthe valve stem, actuator or wheel position, providing on-off position on manual process valves, providing real-time valve status information for improved productivity and safety. As these limit switches are enclosedin an explosion-proof housing, any flame path is extinguished inside which mitigates the risk of causing an explosion at the switch part.These switch components provide feedback for the user to take actionin order to prevent explosions in hazardous environments. Hazardous-location switches are employed in valves in outdoor, above-ground, potentially explosive environments such as oil and gas or water treatment applications.Limit Switches – Employed to monitor the position of the valve stemor actuator, limit switches are primarily used on valves in non-explosive environments such as waste water treatment plants, power generation plant or other factory applications. They also allows users to remotely monitor the valve stem, actuator lever, or wheel position for improved productivity and reduced total installed cost in hazardous locations.Figure 1. Industrial Valve ApplicationValves serve a variety of purposes in industrial applications, although their main purpose is to control media through a system.Wireless Limit Switches – Allows users to remotely monitor valve stem, actuator lever, or wheel position for improved productivity and safety, while reducing total installed cost with an economical wireless point-to-point solution.Basic Switches –Snap-action switches monitor the position of the valve handle by indicatingif the switch is actuated. These switches are employed on valves used in both non-explosive environments such as waste water treatment plants and/or other factory applications and also explosive/hazardous applications. Invalve monitoring applications, basic switches perform position sensing on cams with no power consumption. In addition to valves, Honeywell’s V15W2 Series is suitable for use in hazardous environments such as refrigeration, HVAC,appliances, and paint booths.Hall-effect Speed Sensors and Sensor ICs – In flow meter applications Honeywell’s speed sensors measure flow by monitoring revolutions of the impeller (an inside propeller). Eachrevolution of the impeller equates to the delivery of a certain amount of fluid. For example, if the user sets a fluid level of five gallons per minute,the speed sensor counts the impeller rotation so that the correct amount of fluid is delivered. Invalve monitoring application, Hall-effect sensor ICS measure position sensing on cams.Position Sensors – In flow meter applications, Hall-effect magnetic position sensors are usedto determine valve position. In valve monitors, position sensors deliver continuous position status with enhanced reliability and accuracy.Pressure Transducers and Switches – In valve actuator applications, pressure transducers and switches measure the pressure of the diaphragm to help regulate and control the flow within the pipeline. The sensors can measure differential pressure by comparing values across the valve. They can also give an indication of valve position related to opening and closing by measuring the pressure value at that time.Snap-Action SwitchPosition SensorSMART Position SensorHall-Effect Position Sensor ICwith Actuatorsin hazardous locationsLimit SwitchLearn more aboutthe XYR6000OneWireless™ SensorClick here to view Hazardous Area Limit SwitchesRead more about MICRO SWITCH Limit Switches12Explosion-Proof Valve Position IndicatorMICRO SWITCH VPX • Valve position indicator in explosion-proof housing2334Basic SwitchMICRO SWITCH BZ, V7, V15, V15W2, and ZW Series • Large, miniature, and subminiature basic switchesHazardous Location Limit SwitchMICRO SWITCH LSX, CX, and BX Series • Premium limit switches in explosion-proof housingLimit SwitchMICRO SWITCH HDLS, GL, and Double Break Series • Premium heavy duty and standard global limit switches14Figure 4. Switches in Valve Actuators and PositionersClick here to view VPX Series Valve Position IndicatorsGet details on the SMART PositionSensor familyFigure 5. Sensing and Switching Products Used in Valve ActuatorsHazardous Location Position Sensor XYR6000 OneWireless™ SeriesAllows users to remotely monitor valve stem, actuator lever, or wheel position for improved productivity and safety, while reducing total installed cost in hazardous locations; part of a scalable ISA100 mesh networkHazardous Area Limit SwitchMICRO SWITCH™ LSX/CX/BX/EX SeriesMonitors valve stem, actuator lever, or wheel position, providing real-time position status for improved productivity and safety in hazardous locationsLimit SwitchMICRO SWITCH™ HDLS, GLS, and Double Break SeriesMonitors valve stem, actuator lever, or wheel position, providing real-time position status for improved productivity and safetyPosition SensorSMART Position Sensor, SPS Series 75 mm Linear Monitors valve stem or actuator position1234Stainless Steel Media Isolated Pressure Sensor or Pressure Switch MLH, PX2, or PX3 Series Pressure Sensor or HP, HE, ME, LP, or LE Series Pressure SwitchMeasures diaphragm pressure6Valve Actuator(Kammer valve actuator photoused with permission of Flowserve.)Wireless Limit SwitchMICRO SWITCH™ HDLS and GLS SeriesAllows users to remotely monitor valve stem, actuator lever, or wheel position for improved productivity and safety, while reducing total installed cost with an economical wireless point-to-point solution5Learn more about MICRO SWITCH Basic SwitchesReview Limitless™ Wireless SwitchesFind out more on Hall-effect Speed SensorsFigure 6. Sensing and Switching Products Used in Valves and Flow MetersSMART Position Sensor SPS Series75mm analog and 225 mm analog and digital linear configuration Position Sensor SR SeriesDigital position sensorHall-Effect Sensor LCZ or 3000 SeriesSingle, zero speed sensor (LCZ) or high resolution VRS sensor (3000)Basic SwitchMICRO SWITCH BZ, V7, V15, V15W2, and ZW SeriesLarge, miniature, and subminiature basic switchesHazardous Location Limit Switch MICRO SWITCH VPX, CX, LSX, and BX SeriesPremium limit switches in explosion-proof housingLimit SwitchMICRO SWITCH HDLS, GLS,and Double Break SeriesPremium heavy duty and standard global limit switchesFlow MeterClick here to view Pressure TransducersMore information available here on Hall-effect Sensor ICsTypes of ValvesSpecifically, there are several main types of valves: 1) Manual process valves, 2) Valve actuators/positioners, 3) Valve monitors/indicators, 4) Valves and flowmeters, and 5) Sanitary and food/beverage valves.Manual Process Valves – Manual process valves in industrial facilities control the flow of liquid, gas, slurry, or steam. Eighty percent require operators to manually open, close, or otherwise control the valve. At any given time, users may not know the actual position of the valve. Process plants, including refineries, chemical, pharmaceutical, and water treatment plants as well as power generation installations, all need a better way to verify status with or without human intervention, especially in hazardous or hard-to-reach locations. (See Figures 2 and 3)Valve Actuators/Positioners – A valve actuator is a pneumatic or electric mechanism used in process control systems to automatically open or close valves. Actuators can be used with either linear or rotary valves in industrial, medical, food/beverage, and transportation applications. In standard valves, when the valveis given a command to open to a certain point, there is no feedback to verify that it has opened to that position. Valve positioners utilize a source of power to operate and continuously adjust a valve. The power source can be a manual gearbox or an electronic device with control and measuring devices; Available with hydraulic, pneumatic, and electric operating mechanics, these are often used in pipelines, process plants and in remote areas. Postioners can be used for opening or closing a valve to control the rate of fluid flow based on a signal from a central control system. With a valve positioner, the command is given and the valve positioner reads the opening, verifies position, and readjusts (if necessary) to the exact position needed which allows for excellent precision in the valve setting. (See Figures 4 and 5)Valve Monitors/Indicators – Mechanical or electrical valve monitors and indicators are used in process control to show valve position. They provide an electrical signal, and sometimes visual feedback, to accurately monitor and verify that a valve is in the correct position. Valve monitors are mostly used in conjunction with a valve positioner/actuator to provide information from remote locations that are not easilyaccessed, or where power isn’t readily available. Potential applications include chemical, pharmaceutical, power generation and oil and gas processes. (See Figures 4 and 5)Valves and Flowmeters – Valves control or regulate the flow of gasses or fluids by partially obstructing, opening or closing the pipeline that carries the media. Valves are often usedin oil and gas, chemical manufacturing, water reticulation and mining applications. In many of these applications, the valves are operated manually by a lever, pedal or wheel. Automatic valves with diaphragms or pistons are often actuated by changes in pressure, temperature or flow.Flow meters can measure and regulate volumetric flow, velocity from which the volumetric flow is determined, and mass flow. The turbine flow meter translates the mechanical action of the turbine rotating in the liquid flow around an axis into a user-readable rate of flow (gpm, lpm, etc.). The turbine wheel is set in the path of a fluid stream. The flowing fluid impinges on the turbine blades, imparting a force to the blade surface and setting the rotor in motion. Nearly all flow meters mustbe installed so that there is a significant runof straight pipe before and after the locationof the flow meter. This is intended to allow the straight pipe run to “smooth out” any turbulence produced by the presence of valves, chemical injectors and diffusers, and changes in pipe direction. (See Figure 5)Sanitary and Food/Beverage Valves – Sanitary and food and beverage valves are engineered for pressure control in sanitary (or “clean”) environments. They are usually manufactured with stainless steel for sanitary and high-purity applications. These valves are often constructed as a ball valve around a fullbore design that ensures the product passes through the valve with no restrictions on the flow with minimal pressure drop.Sanitary and food and beverage valves are often found in pharmaceutical, biotechnology, food and beverage, cosmetics, chemical and other industries where sanitary process control is required for steam, gases, and liquids such as water-for-injection systems.000697-7-EN | 7 | 04/21© 2021 Honeywell International Inc.Honeywell Advanced Sensing Technologies830 East Arapaho Road Richardson, TX 75081 /astFor more informationHoneywell Advanced Sensing Technol-ogies services its customers through a worldwide network of sales offices and distributors. For application assistance, current specifications, pricing or the nearest Authorized Distributor, visit /ast or call:Asia Pacific +65 6355-2828Europe +44 (0) 1698 481481USA/Canada+1-800-537-6945Warranty/RemedyHoneywell warrants goods of its manufacture as being free of defective materials and faulty workmanship during the applicable warranty period. Honeywell’s standard product warranty applies unless agreed to otherwise by Honeywell in writing; please refer to your order acknowledgment orconsult your local sales office for specific warranty details. If warranted goods are returned to Honeywell during the peri-od of coverage, Honeywell will repair or replace, at its option, without charge those items that Honeywell, in its sole dis-cretion, finds defective. The foregoing is buyer’s sole rem-edy and is in lieu of all other warranties, expressed or implied, including those of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. In no event shall Honeywell be liable for consequential, special, or indirect damages.While Honeywell may provide application assistance per-sonally, through our literature and the Honeywell web site, it is buyer’s sole responsibility to determine the suitability of the product in the application.Specifications may change without notice. The information we supply is believed to be accurate and reliable as of this writing. However, Honeywell assumes no responsibility for its use.m WARNINGPERSONAL INJURYDO NOT USE these products as safety or emergency stop devices or in any other application where failure of the product could result in personal injury.Failure to comply with these instructions could result in death or serious injury.m WARNINGMISUSE OF DOCUMENTATION• The information presented in this product sheet is for reference only. Do not use this document as a product installation guide.•Complete installation, operation, and maintenance information is provided in the instructions supplied with each product.Failure to comply with these instructions could result in death or serious injury.。



Page 4 of 36
V5011P 系列冷/热水阀门(DN25—DN50)
应用 • V5011P 螺纹连接二通阀可用于蒸汽, 水和 50% 以上甘醇的 HVAC 应用,它 可用于二位或连续调节控制,不能用于燃气应用。
冷/热水阀执行器(开关/浮点型) ........................................................................32
ML6425A 弹簧复位电动阀门执行器(DN25—DN80) .......................................................32 ML6420A 非弹簧复位电动阀门执行器(DN25—DN80) ...................................................34 ML6421A/B 非弹簧复位电动阀门执行器...............................................................................35
260 KPa 700 KPa 700 KPa 460 KPa 260 KPa
850 KPa 700 KPa 700 KPa 700 KPa 700 KPa
Page 6 of 36
V5211F 系列冷/热水阀门(DN65—DN80)
冷/热水阀 (二通阀,PN25)..............................................................................19


应用 • V5211F 螺纹连接二通阀可用于蒸汽, 水的 HVAC 应用,它可用于二位或连 续调节控制,不能用于燃气应用。
霍尼韦尔楼宇自控产品订货渠道 ............................................................................2 冷/热水阀 (二通阀,PN16)................................................................................2
冷/热水阀 (二通阀,PN25)..............................................................................19
V5025A 系列冷/热水阀门(DN15—DN150).......................................................................19
Page 4 of 36
V5011P 系列冷/热水阀门(DN25—DN50)
应用 • V5011P 螺纹连接二通阀可用于蒸汽, 水和 50% 以上甘醇的 HVAC 应用,它 可用于二位或连续调节控制,不能用于燃气应用。
冷/热水阀 (三通阀,PN16)..............................................................................13
V5013P 系列冷/热水阀门(DN32—DN50) .........................................................................13 V5329A 系列冷/热水阀门(DN65—D80)(法兰连接) .....................................................15 V5050A 系列冷/热水阀门(DN100—D150)(PN16)............................................................17

Honeywell SV2 Series智能安全闭合阀说明书

Honeywell SV2 Series智能安全闭合阀说明书

Powerful intelligence. Breakthrough functionality. SV2 Series Intelligent Safety Shut-off ValveIn a competitive industry, every advantage matters.It’s about staying ahead of the curve. Giving customers a compelling reason to choose you. If you don’t think a valve can give you that edge – think again.The SV2 Series will change how you go to market. Improve how you deliver solutions. And dramatically increase the value you offer customers. So you can drive revenue and grow market share like never before.MEET THE VALVE THAT CHANGES EVERYTHINGinterface speeds troubleshooting and service. And that’s just the beginning.INTELLIGENT FEATURES ENABLE DIFFERENTIATED SOLUTIONSWe believe intelligence should address critical business issues and solve customer challenges. That’s why we developed every single intelligent feature in the SV2 Series platform from voice-of-customer feedback. To help you deliver smarter solutions truly aligned with your audience’s needs.IMPRESSIVE CAPABILITIES IN ONE STREAMLINED PACKAGEIMPROVED ENERGY EFFICIENCY• Premix electronic regulation for higher turndown• Premix flexible start eliminates ignition back-pulse issues for smoother light-off• Variable fuel/air ratio across the whole firing curvefor excess air reductionINCREASED UPTIME AND PRODUCTIVITY• Electronic leak detection can be completed inminutes instead of hours• Embedded valve proving eliminates separate components and speeds setup• Electronic mass flow sensor delivers accurate and repeatable control, eliminating the need to readjust (premix valves only)• Open-protocol Modbus communication can interface with a Building Automation System (BAS) for real-time, remote system monitoringEASIER COMPLIANCE MANAGEMENT• Embedded valve proving and leak detection helps mitigate costly leaks and potential fines• P roof of closure switch to help meetcode requirementsMODULAR DESIGN SIMPLIFIES ANDSPEEDS PRODUCT DEVELOPMENTTime to market is everything. But it can’t come at the expense of cost management. With integrated functions and modular components, the SV2 Series delivers unparalleled business efficiencies that enable you to get solutions to market faster while also helping you control costs.REDUCED LABOR AND WARRANTY COSTS• Electronic leak detection eliminatestime-consuming manual process• O n-board diagnostics and historical datalogs reduce need for service calls• I ntuitive, icon-based user interface forfaster troubleshooting• F ield-replaceable electronics and components enable users to service or replace individualcomponents instead of the entire valveFASTER ASSEMBLY, INSTALL AND COMMISSIONING• 3-in-1 smart pressure module covers high gas,low gas and valve proving• E mbedded valve proving, eliminates separate devices • N ormally open vent valve (NOVV) port in all bodies • S ide-flexible electronics, large wire terminalsand robust connectors speed install• H uman machine interface (HMI) with setup and test wizards for easier setup and programming REDUCED INVENTORY AND CONVERSION COSTS • V1 and V2 in a single body• S everal integrated functions mean fewer SKUs, reducing inventory carrying costs • M ultiple global agency approvals including CE, CSA, FM, UL, and CSD-1 help contain conversion costsHMIEMBEDDED VPS, LEAK DETECTIONBUS INTEGRATION UNIVERSALSTATUS SYMBOLSSIDE FLEXIBLEELECTRONICS 3-IN-1 SMARTPRESSURE MODULEUNIVERSAL FLANGESNOVV PORTREDEFINE INTELLIGENCEGame changing features.Compelling benefits.It’s the solution that deliversa competitive advantage.COMMERCIALMake-up airSteam and hydronic boilers Schools and universities Multi-unit dwellings Hospitals LIGHT INDUSTRIAL Paint booths Heat treat Ovens and kilnsSMARTER SOLUTIONS FOR MORE CUSTOMERSREADY TO CONFIGURE?Build your product SKU using one selection from each input below, and go to /SV2 to order.STEP 1: FUNCTIONSTEP 2: GENERAL SPECSSTEP 3: ELECTRONICSSTEP 4: PRESSURE REGULATIONSTEP 5: FUEL/AIRSTEP 6: PACK TYPESTEP 7: CUSTOMIZATION NOTES1. V2F TEMPERATURE RANGE: +5°F TO 145°F (-15°C TO 63°C) MAX INLET PRESSURE: 10PSI (0.7KG/MM2) (689MBAR) V2V TEMPERATURE RANGE: +5°F TO 145°F (-15°C TO 63°C) MAX INLET PRESSURE: 7.25PSI (0.5KG/MM2) (500MBAR)2. MOST VOLTAGES ARE -15% / +10% VAC100-120VAC VOLTAGE FOR C/D VALVES IS -6% / +10% VAC ALL VOLTAGES EXCEPT 24VAC ARE CLASS A 3. PORT THREAD INCLUDES NOVV PORT AND PRESSURE TAPS NPT ONLY AVAILABLE ON 24 VAC AND 100-120 VAC MODELS BSP ONLY AVAILABLE ON 200-240 VAC MODELS 4. OPTIONS 1 AND 2 ONLY AVAILABLE ON V2V MODELSOPTIONS 1 AND 3 ONLY AVAILABLE ON 200-240 VAC MODELS IN EU (NO ELECTRICAL CONNECTORS INCLUDED)5. POC NOT AVAILABLE ON NEMA 1/IP20 ENCLOSURES WITHOUT CONDUIT CONNECTIONS OR 200-240 VAC MODELS.ONLY 1 POC AVAILABLE ON V2V CAPACITY D MODELS WITH 24 VAC OR 100-120 VAC AND NEMA 1/IP20 ENCLOSURES WITH CONDUIT CONNECTIONS.6. PRESSURE MODULE REQUIRED FOR VPS AND LEAK DETECTION FUNCTIONALITY 5=BASIC: ONLY AVAILABLE ON V2F MODELS9=ELITE: ONLY AVAILABLE WITH NEMA 1/IP20 WITH CONDUIT CONNECTIONS. CANNOT BE USED WITH NOVVS.7. THE REQUIRED MODULE DEPENDS ON THE GAS QUALITY RANGE WITH A SINGLE SIZE GAS INJECTOR. GAS INJECTOR DIAMETELEGACY VALVE EQUIVALENTSIt’s easy to migrate to the SV2 Series Intelligent Safety Shut-off valve from our legacy valves.EXAMPLE SKU BREAKDOWNOnce you’ve selected one SKU from each input, this is how your SV2 Series product SKU will look.The above SKU shown (V2F2BN415LNNNU0000) is an on/off valve with 120 VAC, proof of closure, and NEMA 4.NOTE: opening time and characteristics may vary between legacy and SV2 Series valves.Learn More/SV2For More InformationThe Honeywell Thermal Solutions family ofproducts includes Honeywell Combustion Safety, Honeywell Combustion Service, Eclipse, Exothermics, Hauck, Kromschröder and Maxon. To learn more about our products, visit or contact your Honeywell Sales Engineer.Honeywell Process SolutionsHoneywell Thermal Solutions (HTS)1250 West Sam Houston ParkwaySouth Houston, TX 77042 02-00061© 2018 Honeywell International Inc.。

Honeywell DT 系列微动开关 说明书

Honeywell DT 系列微动开关 说明书

双刀双掷 安装尺寸(仅供参考)
安装孔接受直径 3,53/.139 的销钉或螺钉 图1
DT 系列 直杠杆
9,4/.37 D× 3,8/.15W 滚轮
图4 图例: 0,0 = mm 0.00 = in
Honeywell/Commercial Switch-Sensor 霍尼韦尔开关与传感器
销钉 柱塞
电气数 据和
UL 代码
10A J
O.F. 最大
N oz 3,34-5,56 12-20
特性: O.F.-动作力; R.F.-释放力; P.T-预行程; O.T-超行程; D.T.-差动行程; O.P.-操作位置
R.F. 最小
N oz 0,56 2
P.T. 最大
mm in 1,91 .075
外形图 图 9
DT-2RV3-A7 直杠杆 10A 1,11-1,95 0,14
0,25 2,92-4.83 18.3
.010 .115-.190 .719
外形图 图 3
DT-2RV-A7 直杠杆 10A 0,97-1,67 0,28
1,57 12,4-19,2 21,8
Honeywell/Commercial Switch-Sensor 霍尼韦尔开关与传感器
上海: Tel:021-62370237 北京: Tel:010-84583280 深圳: Tel:0755-5181226 广州: Tel:020-38791169 e-mail:jian.bo.zhou@/ /sensing

Honeywell SX 系列基本微动开关 说明书

Honeywell SX 系列基本微动开关 说明书

■ 特点◆ 低操作力,最大3 oz. (85 克)◆ 灵敏低差动行程最大为0.001英寸◆ 电源负载能力7A—镀银触点◆ 低能耗应用可选镀金触点◆ 分叉镀金触点可选,最大可靠性◆ 长机械寿命,一千万次操作,95%完好率◆ 温度范围 :-65o F~+250o F(-54℃~121℃)◆ 耐高温设计,可在+400o F (204℃)下工作100小时◆ 各种完整和附加驱动件可选◆ 数种端子类型可供选择◆ MIL-S-8805资质产品可选◆ UL 认证号#E12252, CSA 认证号#LR41372■ 断开1SX超小型基本开关■可选端子SX 开关提供数种端子类型可供选择。

T 型与T2型端子具有更简便的焊接配线附件。



■基本信息SX 超小型基本开关具有小精度尺寸,微型开关中的快速连接开关。



耐用铍铜弹簧耐磨酚醛底座与外壳延伸孔便于更精确的安装外壳安全接合至底座与Amp Inc.编号640024-1标准结合安装力矩圆头2-56UNC 438螺丝—最大为2英寸H391, H39290o 型针脚0,0 = mm 0.00 = inches单位表示:■针脚柱塞■订购指南(根据电气负载能力上升排列)Dim. Dwg. 图1(91SX39-T 和 93SX34-T 图2除外)■完整摆杆■订购指南特性:O.F.-动作力;R.F.-释放力;P.T.-预行程;O.T.-超行程;D.T.-差动行程;O.P.-操作位置Dim. Dwg. 图3Dim. Dwg. 图3Dim. Dwg. 图4Dim. Dwg. 图5Dim. Dwg. 图6311SX2-T(24.5mm)直摆杆5 Amps A 0.310.05 2.920.640.898.26±1.91313SX2-T 同上,带镀金触点1 Amp D0.310.052.920.640.898.26±1.91311SX3-T(24.5mm)直摆杆5 Amps A 0.200.03 4.700.61 1.527.75±2.92313SX3-T 同上,带镀金触点1 Amp D0.200.034.700.611.527.75±2.92311SX4-T(1.1mm)模拟滚轮摆杆5 Amps A 0.580.11±0.91313SX4-T 同上,带镀金触点1 Amp D0.580.±0.91311SX5-T(11.7mm)模拟滚轮摆杆5 Amps A 0.310.05 2.670.560.8914.86±1.65313SX5-T 同上,带镀金触点1 Amp D0.310.052.670.560.8914.86±1.65■附加驱动件■订购指南特性:O.F.-动作力;R.F.-释放力;P.T.-预行程;O.T.-超行程;D.T.-差动行程;O.P.-操作位置; F.P.-自由位置*所有特性适用于如下所示1SX-T 装配的驱动件Dim. Dwg. 图7Dim. Dwg. 图8Dim. Dwg. 图9Dim. Dwg. 图9Dim. Dwg. 图10**开关与柱塞末端JX-40反转安装。

Honeywell SE SX 系列 环境密封微动开关 说明书

Honeywell SE SX 系列 环境密封微动开关 说明书

环境密封的微动开关SE 和XE 系列模压硅橡胶 柱塞密封 不锈钢柱塞塑料封闭式 阳极化铝外壳微动开关浇铸环氧树脂总体介绍SE 和XE 开关是由MICRO SWITCH 提供的最小的环境密封开关两种型号都在耐腐蚀的铝外壳中封装了微动开关从而将精密开关触点密封避免玷污SE 开关包括一个SM 微动开关而XE 开关则包括较小的SX 微动开关在极端温度下较长时间保持按压状态的开关可能会延长开关释放时柱塞的返回在使用中如有该情况存在请与800声讯电话联系可提供特殊设计特 点• 根据MIL-S-8805 3类罩壳防水密封设计• 动力负荷开关容量可达7A • 温度容差可达+221°F(105°C) • 高温结构可用至+300°F (149°C)• 数种辅助执行器 • 端子型式可选择• 军用标准结构符合MIL-S- -8805• 所有4SE 开关均经UL 和CSA 认证• 4XE 开关经UL 认证电气额定值电 路 电气额定值代码单刀双掷 A 5A 电阻3A 电感(海平面)5A 电阻 2.5A 电感(50,000 ft)28 vdc 5A 电阻5A 电感125或250vac 60Hz D UL 额定值7A 250 vac 60Hz B UL 和CSA 额定值 5A 250vac 60Hz E 7A 电阻4A 电感(海平面)7A 电阻2.5A 电感(50,000 ft)28 vdcC 7A 电阻4A 电感(海平面) 7A 电阻 2.5A 电感(50,000 ft)28 vdc7A 电阻4A 电感(海平面)115 vac 400 HzR 1A 电阻0.50A 电感28 vdcSE 开关订货指南特性: O.F. 动作力; R.F. 释放力; P.T. 预行程; O.T. 超行程; D.T. 差动行程O.P. 操作位置特 性目录号 推荐 用于电气 额定 值代码O.F. N oz. R.F.最小 N oz. P.T.最大 mm in. O.T.最小 mm in. D.T.最大 mm in.O.P. mm in. 1SE1 大部分应用场合 A 1,39-4,73 5-17 1,11 4 1,27 .050 0,08 .003 0,1 .004 10,8 .425 1SE2 单刀单掷-常闭 A 1,39-4,73 5-17 1,11 4 1,27 .050 0,08 .003 0,1.004 10,8 .425 1SE3 单刀单掷-常开 A 1,39-4,73 5-17 1,11 4 1,27 .050 0,08 .003 0,1 .004 10,8 .425 4SE1 UL 和CSA 列举的引线 B 1,39-4,73 5-17 1,11 4 1,27 .050 0,08 .003 0,1 .004 10,8 .425 5SE1 防油 氟硅酮密封 A 1,39-4,73 5-17 1,11 4 1,27 .050 0,08 .003 0,1 .004 10,8 .425 1ft 引线(也 有其他长度供应) 图1 7SE1 低动作力 A 1,11-2,22 4-8 0,56 2 1,27 .050 0,08 .003 0,1 .004 10,8 .425 12SE4-T 高回程力 A 1,39-5,28 5-19 1,11 4 1,27 .050 0,08 .003 0,1 .004 10,8 .425 1SE1-T 用于用户 引线 A 1,39-4,73 5-17 1,11 4 1,27 .050 0,08 .003 0,1 .00410,8 .425图2环境密封的微动开关SE 系列SE 开关用辅助执行器的订货指南 (开关不包括执行器)特性: O.F. 动作力; R.F. 释放力; P.T. 预行程;O.T. 超行程; D.T. 差动行程O.P. 操作位置用安装在1SE1上的执行器测定的特性说明执行器长度A mm in.O.F .最大 N. oz. R.F .最小 N. oz. P.T.约 mm in. O.T.最小 mm in. D.T .最大 mm in. O.P. mm in. F.R. mm in. 图3 JE-1直刀形叶片 (包括安装用五金件)16,8 .663,34 120,56 23,81 .1500,38 .0150,64 .02511,2 .44015±0,76 .590±.030图4 JE-4滚轮刀形叶片滚轮相对开关轴旋转90°(包括安装用五金件)16,8 .663,34 120,56 23,81 .1500,38 .0150,64 .02516,3 .64020,1 .790 约图5 JE-5滚轮刀形叶片 (包括安装用五金件)14,2 .5603,34 120,56 23,81 .1500,38 .0150,64 .02516,3 .64020,1±0,76 .790±.030图6 JE-17反向位置滚轮刀形叶片(包括安装用五金件)14,2 .5603,34 120,56 23,81 .1500,38 .0150,64 .02516,3 .64020,1±0,76 .790±.030图7 JE-21滚轮杠杆 13,7 .5401,6760,28 12,54 .1000,25 .0100,41 .01616,3 .64018,8±0,76 .740±.030图8JE-22串列式滚轮杠杆7,8 .7004,73 171,11 42,54 .1000,15 .0060,3 .01216,8±1,3 .660±.05019,3±1,3 .760±.050环境密封的微动开关XE系列XE开关订货指南特性: O.F. 动作力; R.F. 释放力; P.T. 预行程;D.T. 差动行程O.P. 操作位置特性推荐用于电气额定值代码O.F.最大Noz.R.F.最大Noz.P.T.最大mmin.O.T.最小mmin.D.T.最大mmin.O.R.mmin.±.020(0,51) 1ft引线(亦有其他长度供应)1XE1(MS27994-1)大部分应用场合MIL-S-8805要求C 1,39-4,735-171,1141,27.0500,1.0040,13.00510,8.4251XE201(MS27994-4)一般用途MIL-S-8805要求MIL-W-22759/11导线C 1,39-4,735-171,1141,27.0500,1.0040,13.00510,8.4251XE3单刀单掷-常开 C1,39-4,735-171,1141,27.0500,1.0040,13.00510,8.4251XE301(MS27994-5)金触点MIL-W-22759/11导线R 1,39-4,735-171,1141,27.0500,1.0040,13.00510,8.4254XE1UL列出UL和CSA列出的引线D 1,39-4,735-171,1141,27.0500,1.0040,13.00510,8.4255XE1防油氟硅酮密封C 1,39-4,735-171,1141,27.0500,1.0040,13.00510,8.425图914XE1 小动作力可在+300°F(149°C)下使用E 2,50最大90,5620,76.0300,1.0040,13.00510,9.43014XE1-T用于用户引线可在300°F(149°C)下使用E 2,50最大90,5620,76.0300,1.0040,13.00510,9.430图101XE1-T(MS27994-3)用于用户引线 C1,39-4,735-171,1141,27.0500,1.0040,13.00510,8.425XE开关用辅助执行器订货指南(开关不包括执行器)特性: O.F. 动作力; R.F. 释放力; P.T. 预行程; O.T.超行程; D.T. 差动行程O.P. 操作位置F.P. 自由位置特性1XE1装有执行器目录号说明O.F.最大NOZR.F.最大Noz.P.T.约mmin.O.T.最小mmin.D.T.最大mmin.O.R.mmin.F.R.mmin.图11JM-1 直刀形叶片 5,84210,8333,18.1250,23.0090,3.01210,8±0,76.425±.03014±0,76.550±.030 图12JM-5 滚轮刀形叶片 5,84210,8333,18.1250,23.0090,3.01215,9±0,89.625±.03519,1±0,89.750±.035图3图4 图5直径宽滚轮含油铜滚轮直径直径宽宽滚轮 含油铜滚轮图8环境密封的微动开关SE 系列SE 安装尺寸(仅供参考)SE 开关20号引线脚安装孔可用销钉或22,1/.087最大直径的螺钉图1图2SE 辅助执行器直径宽含油铜滚轮直径宽含油铜滚轮图6图70,0 = mm 图例:0,00 = in.环境密封的微动开关XE系列XE安装尺寸(仅供参考)XE开关不锈钢柱塞不锈钢柱塞20号引线脚安装孔可用销钉或22,1/.087最大直径的螺钉图9图10XE辅助执行器直径宽滚轮图11图120,0 = mm图例:0,00 = in.SUNSTAR传感与控制/TEL:0755-********FAX:0755-********E-MAIL:**************SUNSTAR商斯达实业集团是集研发、生产、工程、销售、代理经销、技术咨询、信息服务等为一体的高科技企业,是专业高科技电子产品生产厂家,是具有10多年历史的专业电子元器件供应商,是中国最早和最大的仓储式连锁规模经营大型综合电子零部件代理分销商之一,是一家专业代理和分銷世界各大品牌IC芯片和電子元器件的连锁经营綜合性国际公司,专业经营进口、国产名厂名牌电子元件,型号、种类齐全。

霍尼韦尔 81-9049 防爆电动控制头 使用手册说明书

霍尼韦尔 81-9049 防爆电动控制头 使用手册说明书

A UTC Fire & Security Company•Explosion Proof:–UL Listed as Suitable for Hazardous Locations Class I Div 1 Groups C and DClass II Div 1 Groups E, F and G•FM Approved•Compatible with UL Listed and FM Approved Suppression Systems:–FM-200® Systems, Including the ADS–Carbon Dioxide Systems–FE-13™ Systems •Operated By:–Control Panel–Mechanical Manual Actuator •Nominal 24 Vdc Operation•Low Current Consumption •Operates:–Cylinder Valves–Stop Valves–Directional Valves•Wide Operating Temperature Range •Rugged Brass BodyDESCRIPTIONThe Explosion Proof Control Head is designed to operate FM-200®, ADS, Carbon Dioxide and FE-13™ cylinder valves, stop valves and directional valves. The Explosion Proof Control Head can be operated electronically from the Detection and Control system, or by local manual operation via an affixed manual control head. The Explo-sion Proof Control Head has a continuous current draw, which must be accommodated for at the Control Panel. The actuating pin latches in the released position and must be mechanically reset prior to re-arming the sys-tem.A suitable Control Panel, Listed and/or Approved for use with the Explosion Proof Control Head, shall be provided for supervision of the releasing circuit per NFPA require-ments.The Explosion Proof Control Head is designed and rated for use in the following hazardous areas: Class I Division1 Group C and D and Class II Division 1 Group E, F and G.Figure 1. Assembly Drawing INSTALLATIONThe Explosion Proof Control Head can be mounted directly on either the cylinder valve, stop/directional valve.Tighten the swivel nut securely in place.Care should be taken to ensure that the actuating pin is in the set positionwhen attaching the control head to the cylinder or the stop/directional valve. Accidental system discharge could occur, which could cause property damage, personal injury and/or death.When installing the Explosion Proof Control Head in haz-ardous locations, wiring connections must be terminated in explosion proof junction boxes.The lead wires must be connected using the indicated polarity (red to positive, black to negative) in order to obtain correct operation.MAINTENANCERegular scheduled maintenance should be performed on the Explosion Proof Control Head to ensure that the unit operates correctly if and when required.MONTHLYThe Explosion Proof Control Head should be inspected for any signs of physical damage, deterioration, corro-sion, distortion, cracks, dirt ingress and loose couplings. Tighten any loose couplings. Replace damaged or miss-ing caps. Replace control head if damage is found. Ensure that all explosion proof control heads are in the “set” position.SEMI-ANNUALLYThe Explosion Proof Control Head should be tested for proper operation.Remove control heads from all master cylinders within the hazard area being tested. Let the Explosion Proof Control Head hang freely from the flexible electrical con-duit connections. Operate the Explosion Proof Control Head, either by actuation at the system control panel or via manual operation of an electric pull station. Ensure that the control head has operated. Observe that the actuating pin has moved to the fully released position. If any control heads have not operated, check circuit for electric continuity. Replace all damaged control heads. Repeat operation test if any control heads have been replaced. Replace any damaged control head, which fails to reset properly. Make certain that electric control heads are in the set position before reconnecting to agent cylin-ders. Reattach all control heads to threaded ports on cyl-inder valves and tighten swivel nuts securely. SPECIFICATIONSPart Number:81-100000-001 Applications:FM-200, ADS, Carbon Dioxideand FE-13 Suppression Sys-temsApproval/Listing:Releasing Device–UL, FMHazLoc–UL, FMHazLoc Ratings:Class I Division 1 Group Cand DClass II Division 1 Group E, Fand GOperating Voltage:************************Current Draw:At 24 Vdc– 270 mA continuousAt 30 Vdc– 500 mA continuousWiring Connections:Wire Size–18 AWGLead Length–36 in. (914 mm)Ambient Temperature:-40°F to 130°F (-40°C to 55°C)Construction:Material–Brass bodyWeight–8.1 lb. (3.7 kg)Dimensions: 3 in. D x 7.8 in. L(76 mm D x 198 mm L)ORDERING INFORMATIONAll Explosion Proof Control Headsshould be removed from agent cylin-ders (Carbon Dioxide, FM-200 or FE-13) to avoid accidental system dis-charge, which could cause propertydamage, personal injury and/or death.A UTC Fire & Security Company。

Modutrol IV 电动阀门链接器 Q5001 说明书

Modutrol IV 电动阀门链接器 Q5001 说明书

PRODUCT DATA63-2425-01Q5001 Valve Linkage for Modutrol IV MotorAPPLICATIONThe Q5001 Valve Linkage connects a Modutrol Motor to a 2- or 3-way valve. It is used primarily on steam and water valves such as the V5011 or V5013.FEATURES•Q5001 Valve Linkage is applicable to 2-way or 3-way valves in modulating or two position service.•Linkage requires no adjustment when used withHoneywell valves and Modutrol IV Motors (can also be used with Modutrol III motors).•Q5001 Valve Linkage replaces Q601 and Q618 Valve Linkages.•Linkage mounts directly to the valve bonnet; motor mounts on linkage bracket.•Easy-to-read position indicator.•Valve stem lift height cam selectable.•Overtravel permits tight closeoff without excessive motor strain.•Easy mounting and valve connection.•Available brackets make linkages adaptable to many valve bodies.•80 lb, 160 lb, and 320 lb stem force models available.ContentsApplication ........................................................................1Specifications ...................................................................2Ordering Information ........................................................2Installation ........................................................................4Operation and Checkout ..................................................8Replacement ....................................................................9Q5001 VALVE LINKAGE FOR MODUTROL IV MOTOR63-2425—012ORDERING INFORMATIONWhen purchasing replacement and modernization products from your TRADELINE® wholesaler or distributor, refer to the TRADELINE® Catalog or price sheets for complete ordering number.If you have additional questions, need further information, or would like to comment on our products or services, please write or phone:1.Your local Honeywell Automation and Control Products Sales Office (check white pages of your phone directory).2.Honeywell Customer Care1885 Douglas Drive NorthMinneapolis, Minnesota 55422-4386In Canada—Honeywell Limited/Honeywell Limitée, 35 Dynamic Drive, Toronto, Ontario M1V 4Z9.International Sales and Service Offices in all principal cities of the world. Manufacturing in Australia, Canada, Finland, France, Germany, Japan, Mexico, Netherlands, Spain, Taiwan, United Kingdom, U.S.A.SPECIFICATIONSIMPORTANT:The specifications given in this publication do not include normal manufacturing tolerances.Therefore, an individual unit may not exactly match the listed specifications. Also, this product is tested and cali-brated under closely controlled conditions and some minor differences in performance can be expected if those conditions are changed.TRADELINE MODELSTRADELINE MODELS are selected and packaged to provide ease of stocking, ease of handling and maximum replace-ment value. TRADELINE model specifications are the same as those of standard models unless specified other-wise.Table 3 on page 4TRADELINE MODELS AVAILABLE:Q5001D1000 Valve Linkage: 3/4 in. lift, 80/160 lb force.Q5001D1018 Valve Linkage: 3/4 in. lift, 160/320 lb force.Q5001D1026 Valve Linkage: 1-1/2 in. lift, 160/320 lb force.TRADELINE FEATURES:•Selectable close-off force to meet application requirements.Table 1 on page 3•Special pack with Tradeline Cross Reference on label.STANDARD MODELSQ5001A,B Valve Linkage for Modutrol IV Motors.See Table 1 on page 3 for model specifications. (Can also be used with Modutrol III motors.)LIFT: Selectable based on cam selection. See Table 3 on page 4 for part numbers of alternate cams.•Q5001A is shipped with 3/4 in. lift cam, part number 220861A.•Q5001B is shipped with 1-1/2 in. lift cam, part number 220867A.CLOSE-OFF FORCE:See Table 2 on page 4 for motor/valve/linkage selection.VALVE BONNET SIZE:See Table 2 on page 4 for bonnet size.TEMPERATURE RATINGS:-40° to 150° F [-40° to 66° C] ambient air temperature.-40° to 337° F [-40° to 169° C] valve bonnet temperature.MOTOR REQUIRED:See Table 3 on page 4.MOTOR STROKE:160 degree rotation, mechanically normally open or nor-mally closed.VALVE ACTION:Determined by motor rotation, cam orientation and valve type. Cam mounting option (up or down) allows proper control action with normally open or normally closed motors and valves.DIMENSIONS: See Fig. 1.WEIGHT: 6.2 pounds.ACCESSORIES:4074ETB: Anti-spin clip, valve button and set screws for 1/4 in. [6 mm] valve stem.Cams: See Table 3 on page 4 for merchandise cam part numbers.Q5001 VALVE LINKAGE FOR MODUTROL IV MOTOR363-2425—01Fig. 1. Approximate Q5001 Valve Linkage dimensions in in. [mm].NOTE:High torque spring return motor shown. Medium torque spring return and nonspring return motors require less clearanceon auxiliary end of motor. Linkage for 3/4 in. stroke and 1-3/8 in. valve bonnet shown. Linkage for large valve bonnet and larger stroke maximum 12 in. of clearance is required.aIf valve stroke is not 3/4 in. [19 mm], a merchandise cam must be purchased.b If valve stroke is not 1-1/2 in. [38 mm], a merchandise cam must be purchased.Table 1. Standard Models.Model Valve Stem ForceLift Adjust-ment Bonnet Connect Bonnet Size (O.D.)Stem Connect Anti-Spin Linkage Replaced (lb)N Q5001A100680355.93/4 fixedSetscrew1-3/8Button and clipNoQ618A1016,Q618A1032,Q618A1040,Q618A1014, Q601L, M a Q5001A1014160711.73/4 fixed Setscrew 1-3/8Button and clip No Q618A1008,Q618A1024, Q601J, K a Q5001A102232013553/4 fixed Setscrew 1-3/8Button and clip No Q601Q a Q5001B1004160711.71-1/2 fixed Setscrew 1-7/8Button and clip Yes Q601E b Q5001B101232013551-1/2 fixed Setscrew 1-7/8Button and clip Yes Q601P bQ5001D1000Tradeline 80, 160355.9-711.73/4 fixed Setscrew 1-3/8Button and clip Yes Q601J, K, L, M a Q618A Q5001D1018Tradeline 160, 320711.7-13553/4 fixedSetscrew1-3/8Button and clipYesQ601J, K, Q Q618A1008a ,Q618A1024Q5001D1026Tradeline160, 320711.7-13551-1/2 fixed Setscrew 1-7/8Button and clip YesQ601E, P bQ5001 VALVE LINKAGE FOR MODUTROL IV MOTOR63-2425—014aMerchandise cam required.aRefer to Modutrol Motor specifications to select motor with equal or greater torque. Modutrol IV Motors are available with 25 and 60 lb-in. outputs (spring return); 35, 75, 150 and 300 lb-in. (nonspring return).bThe 320 lb stem force linkage must be used with a 300 lb-in. motor.INSTALLATIONWHEN INSTALLING THIS PRODUCT…1.Read these instructions carefully. Failure to follow them could damage the product or cause a hazardous condi-tion.2.Check the ratings and description given on the product to make sure the product is suitable for your application.3.Installer must be a trained, experienced service techni-cian.4.After installation is complete, check out product opera-tion as provided in these instructions.5.Refer to the instruction sheet packed with the valve body for information on installing the valve.6.Refer to the instruction sheet packed with the Modutrol IV Motor for wiring diagrams and additional installation information for the motor.LocationSelect a location that allows ample clearance for adjustment and maintenance. Allow at least 4 in. [102 mm] above the linkage to remove the valve assembly for maintenance.Linkages may be mounted in a variety of positions. The 320 lb stem force linkage must be assembled to a 300 lb-in. Modutrol IV Motor. The linkage and motor may be rotated 360 degrees around the valve stem. However, in all installations, the motor shaft must be horizontal to ensure proper gear train lubrication and the valve stem must be above horizontal.Table 2. Valve-Linkage Selection Guide.Honeywell Valve TypeValve Body Style Pipe Size (in.)Linkage Bonnet Size (O.D.)Lift (in.)V5011A 2-way Flanged 2-1/2, 3Q5001A, D 1-3/83/4V5011A, B 2-way Flanged 4, 5, 6Q5001B, D1-7/81-1/2V5011F 2-way Screwed 1/2, 3/4, 1, 1-1/4, 1-1/2, 2, 2-1/2, 3Q5001A, D 1-3/83/4V5011G 2-way Screwed 1/2, 3/4, 1, 1-1/4,1-1/2, 2, 3Q5001A, D 1-3/83/4V5013B 3-way mixing Flanged 2-1/2, 3Q5001A, D 1-3/83/4V5013B 3-way mixing Flanged 4, 5, 6Q5001B, D 1-7/81-1/2V5013C 3-way diverting Flanged 2-1/2, 3Q5001A, D 1-3/83/4V5013C 3-way diverting Flanged 4, 5, 6Q5001B, D 1-7/81-1/2V5047A 2-way Screwed 1, 1-1/4, 1-1/2Q5001A, D 1-3/89/16a V5047A 2-way Screwed 2Q5001A, D 1-3/83/4V5051A2-wayFlanged2-1/2, 3, 4, 5, 6Q5001B, D1-3/81-1/2Table 3. Cam Selections Available.Cam NumberType Lift Required Torque a (lb-in.)Application80 lb stem force 160 lb stem force 320 lb stem force b 220858A Custom 9/16 in.2550100V5047A, 1 in. to 1-1/2 in.220861A Standard 3/4 in.2550100V5011/V5013, 1/2 in. to 3 in.;V5047A, 2 in.220863A Custom 1 in.3060120220864A Custom 1-1/8 in.3060120220865A Custom 1-1/4 in.50100200220867AStandard1-1/2 in.50100200V5011/V5013, 4 in. to 6 in.Q5001 VALVE LINKAGE FOR MODUTROL IV MOTOR563-2425—01that the set screws holding the valve linkage to the valve body are properly tightened to preventimproper operation or damage to the equipment. The torque for tightening these screws should be in the range of 72 to 120 lb-in.MountingToolsTools required for installing the linkage are:•5/32 in. hex wrench.•7/16 in. open end or box end wrench.Mount Linkage to Valve1.Loosen the two valve bracket set screws, if necessary, and slide the linkage over the valve stem and bonnet until the valve bracket rests on the shoulder of the valve bonnet.2.Tighten the two valve bracket set screws to secure the linkage to the valve. Make sure that the set screws hold-ing the valve linkage to the valve body are properly tight-ened to prevent damage to the equipment. The torque for tightening these screws should be in the range of 72 to 120 lb-in.Connect Valve Stem to Linkage Slide (Modutrol IV)1.Position the stem and stem button so that the sides are parallel to the entry of the anti-spin clip (Fig. 2). This will allow using the clip without disassembling and turning the stem and button as described in step 5.Fig. 2. Installing anti-spin clip2.Move the slide up or down until the top slot matches the slot in the stem button as indicated in Fig. 4.3.Push clip retainer lever to the left.4.Insert clip into upper slot until clip stops reach linkage slide front plate. The clip must engage the slot on the stem button and rear slide plate slot for proper valve operation.5.OPTIONAL: To insert the anti-spin clip, push clip retainer lever to the left, and insert the anti-spin clip in the middle slot. Insert until clip contacts linkage slide front plate. If clip will not fully insert, remove anti-spin clip and stem button clip. Turn stem and button until the button sides are parallel to the entry of the anti-spin clip. Replace stem button clip and anti-spin clip.6.Release clip retainer lever. When slide is moved, entireslide and valve stem should move up and down together.that the set screws holding the cam to the motor shaft are properly tightened to prevent damage to the equipment. The torque for tightening these screws should be in the range of 72 to 120 lb-in.Mount Cam to Motor1.Place 1/2 in. diameter plastic washer on motor shaft.2.Select cam appropriate to linkage and valve combination (standard model Q5001 Linkages include only one cam). Refer to Table 3 on page 4 for alternate cam selections.3.Determine correct position of the cam to provide proper valve operation. To achieve normally closed operation (stem down to close valve), the cam must be mounted on the power end of the motor as shown in Fig. 3. For a normally closed motor, the shaft rotates clockwise on an increase in signal, lifting the valve stem. If normally open operation is desired, install the cam rotated 180 degrees.4.Loosen the two cam set screws, if necessary, and slide the cam over the motor shaft to the stops and tighten the set screws. Make sure the set screws holding the cam to the motor shaft are properly tightened to prevent dam-age to the equipment. The torque for tightening these screws should be in the range of 72 to 120 lb-in.Fig. 3. Mounting the cam on the Modutrol MotorMounting the Motor Without Power1.On Tradeline selectable stem force models, select the proper hole for the pin to obtain the desired closeoff force needed for your application. The stem force holes are labeled on the slide.2.If the cam is pointing upward, go to Step 5. If the cam is pointing downward, slide motor and cam assembly into the linkage, aligning the motor mounting holes with the linkage mounting holes and mount the motor on the link-age bracket using the enclosed 1/4-20 x 1 in. bolts. The linkage will raise the motor power end off the linkageQ5001 VALVE LINKAGE FOR MODUTROL IV MOTOR63-2425—016motor bracket. It may be necessary to squeeze themotor auxiliary end of the linkage bracket slightly to align the mounting holes.3.Start all four motor bolts, then tighten the bolts on the power end first, pulling the motor snugly to the linkage motor bracket and compressing the linkage springs.4.Tighten the auxiliary end mounting bolts.5.If the cam is pointing upward, remove motor wiring cover (on nonspring return motors) and raise the linkage slide.6.Tilt the motor power end face down about 30° and slide motor and cam assembly into linkage opening at an angle to align one power end bolt hole. Make sure that the cam is between the linkage rollers. See Fig. 5(A).Fig. 4. Stem force pin position selection.Q5001 VALVE LINKAGE FOR MODUTROL IV MOTOR763-2425—01Fig. 5. Mounting Modutrol Motor to Q5001 Valve Linkage with cam pointing up.7.Install bolt but do not tighten.8.Rotate motor to align the other power end bolt hole (B) and install second bolt, but do not tighten at this time.9.Install auxiliary end mounting bolts and tighten (C), pull-ing auxiliary end of motor snugly to linkage motorbracket. It may be necessary to squeeze the motor auxil-iary end of the linkage bracket slightly to align the mount-ing holes.10.Tighten power end mounting bolts.NOTE:If motor and linkage are assembled without power,the operation and checkout must be performed to guarantee proper performance.Mounting the Motor With Power Available (Optional Means)1.For easier assembly, run the motor to mid-stroke. Refer to Modutrol Motor Specification for instructions on oper-ating the motor.2.OPTIONAL: Remove the upper force pin, push up the lever arm as indicated in Fig. 4 and replace pin in posi-tion to hold the lever arm away from the opening to allow the cam and motor assembly to slide into position easily. Repeat for the lower force pin. The lower force pin must be placed in the outer hole, because the valve stem but-ton limits the lever movement, preventing inner hole alignment. Refer to Fig. 4.3.Slide motor and cam assembly into opening, align the motor mounting holes with the linkage mounting holes and assemble the motor to the motor brackets using the enclosed 1/4 - 20 x 1 in. bolts, but do not tighten. It maybe necessary to squeeze the motor auxiliary end of the Q5001 Valve Linkage slightly to align the mounting holes. See Fig. 1.4.If levers were held out of the way in Step 2, remove the force pins and allow levers to return to operating posi-tion. Insert pins in the proper hole for the pin to obtain the desired closeoff force needed in your application and rotate to the locked position as shown in Fig. 4.5.Tighten the 1/4 x 20 x 1 in. motor bolts.NOTE:Both upper and lower stem force pins must be in thesame force hole location to make sure that proper seal off force for the valve is applied. Failure to lock arms in location with stem force pins will prevent the valve from closing.Final AssemblyAfter checkout (see “Operation and Checkout” on page 8), install the position indicator on the cam. The center of theindicator should coincide with the center of the motor shaft, see Fig. 3. This will allow the indicator to show position of the valve through the cover of the motor.The indicator is shipped with arrow label for normally closed valve operation. On a normally open valve, install the spare indicator label at 180° to the original label.Place the cover on the linkage by positioning the cover with the hole centered over the indicator, label oriented upwards. Press the cover over the linkage frame until the indents snap into place on the frame. Run the valve through two operating cycles to make sure that no binding occurs during operation.Q5001 VALVE LINKAGE FOR MODUTROL IV MOTOR63-2425—018OPERATION AND CHECKOUTThe Q5001 Valve Linkage operates the valve in a 160-degree stroke. See Fig. 6. As shown, a normally closed spring return motor will rotate the cam through the 160-degree stroke to lift the stem the distance prescribed by the selected cam. On loss of power, the spring will return the motor, linkage and valve to the closed position.For normally open spring return models, reverse the closed and open captions in Fig. 6.After installation and adjustment are completed, run valve/linkage/motor combination through two or more full cycles to make sure the combination operates properly.Refer to the appropriate Modutrol IV Motor instruction sheet for information on running the motor during checkout.1. A 2-way valve should close off tightly at the closed end ofits stroke.2. A 3-way valve should close off tightly at both ends of itsstroke. See Table 4 on page 8.3.The motor should be free to run through its completestroke without stalling.4.The linkage should operated freely without binding.LubricationThe Q5001 does not require any lubrication.Spring CompressionSpring compression for the Q5001 is shown in Table 4 onpage 8.If spring compression is less than minimum or more than maximum, verify that the correct cam was used. If the correct cam was used, remove valve stem clip and adjust valve stem button after set screw has been loosened. See Table 4 on page 8.Measure spring compression by measuring the distancebetween the lever end and the end of the spring slot. See Fig. 7.Fig. 6. Q5001 operation.Maximum spring compression = 11/32 in. [8.7 mm].Table 4. Minimum Spring Compression in in. [mm] (SeeFig. 6.).O.S. Number Stem Force Load80 lb 160 lb320 lbQ5001A10063/64 [1.2]Q5001A10143/32 [2.4]Q5001D10003/64 [1.2]3/32 [2.4]Q5001D10183/64 [1.2]3/32 [2.4]Q5001D10263/64 [1.2]3/32 [2.4]Q5001 VALVE LINKAGE FOR MODUTROL IV MOTOR963-2425—01Fig. 7. Spring compression.REPLACEMENTWhen replacing a motor or linkage in a valve application, make sure that the motor stroke is 160° to operate Q5001 withHoneywell V5011 two-way and V5013 threeway valves. Refer to Installation section for further details. Refer to Mount Cam to Motor and Mounting the Motor in the Installation section for details on mounting and removing the Modutrol Motor from the linkage.Q5001 VALVE LINKAGE FOR MODUTROL IV MOTOR63-2425—0110Q5001 VALVE LINKAGE FOR MODUTROL IV MOTOR 1163-2425—01Automation and Control SolutionsHoneywell International Inc.Honeywell Limited-Honeywell Limitée 1985 Douglas Drive North35 Dynamic Drive Golden Valley, MN 55422Toronto, Ontario M1V Q5001 VALVE LINKAGE FOR MODUTROL IV MOTOR® U.S. Registered Trademark© 2008 Honeywell International Inc.63-2425—01 M.S. Rev. 12-08By using this Honeywell literature, you agree that Honeywell will have no liability for any damages arising out of your use or modification to, the literature. You will defend and indemnify Honeywell, its affiliates and subsidiaries, from and against any liability, cost, or damages, including attorneys’ fees, arising out of, or resulting from, any modification to the literature by you.。

Honeywell V19系列微控开关技术手册说明书

Honeywell V19系列微控开关技术手册说明书

V19 SERIESMICRO SWITCH Technology32349182Issue CVALUE PROPOSITIONThe V19, Honeywell’s unsealed MICRO SWITCH family provides a cost-conscious switch solution to assist in hitting overall system-level cost and design goals in high volume applications. The V19 switch provides a fully certified, reliable, and repeatable solution over the lifetime of the product. RAST 2.5, 5, and 7 termination stylesavailable for automated manufacturing requirements (white goods).APPLICATIONSPresence DetectionEnsures door latching and safe operationFloat SwitchOn/off power to stop overflow conditionsFlow SwitchEnables safe and efficient water usagePower SwitchReliable system control for motors, pumps, fansOperator ControlsInterface control for system auxiliary functionsUnless otherwise stated, all characteristic measurements tested according to UL, EN, and IEC standards and conditions. Param-eters and acceptance criteria validated and confirmed in a certified lab environment. Technical details available upon request.2 /astAdvanced Sensing Technologies 3FIGURE 1. PRODUCT NOMENCLATUREV19Switch TypeTemperatureGradeSLever PositionElectrical Rating05V19 Series MICRO SwitchTerminal TypeCircuit Code—ZAOperating Force(at pin plunger max)200Mounting HolesKLever Type06C—Housing Type2* Terminal style "V" and housing type "3" are offered together, only allowed with electrical rating "05"* Operating forces 015, 025 and 050 are only allowed with electrical rating "05"* Operating forces 300 and 400 are only allowed with electrical rating "16"Graph coming soon.FIGURE 2. LOAD LIFE CURVE• Current rating of a switch at a given voltage represents the maximum electrical load the switch is designed to control• Based on connection of the circuit to either the normally open or normally closed throw of the switch• Assumes the plunger of the switch is driven to full over travel and full release actuation4 /astAdvanced Sensing Technologies 56 /astFIGURE 3. V19 SERIES STANDARD SWITCH DIMENSIONSFIGURE 4. V19 SERIES HOUSING DIMENSIONSFIGURE 5. V19 SERIES RAST 2.5 SWITCH DIMENSIONSØ2,90 [0.114]Advanced Sensing Technologies 78 /astFIGURE 6. V19 SERIES C-STYLE QUICK CONNECT •FIGURE 7. V19 SERIES H-STYLE RAST-5 250# 6,35 MM WIDE X 0,8 MM THICK [0.25 IN WIDE X 0.031 IN THICK]CONNECTORFIGURE 8. V19 SERIES E-STYLE QUICK CONNECT •FIGURE 9. V19 SERIES N-STYLE RAST-7 250# 4,80 MM WIDE X 0,5 MM THICK [0.189 IN WIDE X 0.020 IN THICK]CONNECTORFIGURE 10. V19 SERIES P-STYLE STRAIGHT PCB TERMINALStyle C[0.032 ±0.001]Style PAdvanced Sensing Technologies 9STANDARD LEVER OPTIONS • DIMENSIONSFIGURE 11. V19 SERIES A01/STRAIGHT SHORT LEVERFIGURE 12. V19 SERIES A02/STANDARD STRAIGHT LEVERFIGURE 13. V19 SERIES A03/LONG STRAIGHT LEVERFIGURE 14. V19 SERIES A04/SIMULATED ROLLER LEVERFIGURE 15. V19 SERIES A05/SHORT ROLLER LEVERFIGURE 16. V19 SERIES A06/ROLLER LEVERNOTE: These dimensions apply for the “A” lever position. For the “B” leverposition, please add 5,8 mm [0.224 in].Position APosition BV15V19Applications requiring precision, long term reliability, and design flexibility in electrical ratingsCost sensitive applications requiring configurability in actuation, termination, and operating characteristicsApplications in major and small appliances or designs that require simple configurationsIndustry standard switch footprintand global certifications ideal for“low-cost-of-failure” applicationsMultiple Contact Material OptionsContact variants to enable design WARRANTY/REMEDYHoneywell warrants goods of its manufacture as being free of defective materials and faulty workmanship during the applicablewarranty period. Honeywell’s standard product warranty applies unless agreed to otherwise by Honeywell in writing; please refer to your order acknowledgment or consult your local sales office for specific warranty details. If warranted goods are returned to Honeywell during the period of coverage, Honeywell will repair or replace, at its option, without charge those items that Honeywell, in its sole discretion, finds defective. The foregoing is buyer’s sole remedy and is in lieu of all other warranties, expressed or implied, including those of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. In no event shall Honeywell be liable for consequential, special, or indirect damages.While Honeywell may provide application assistance personally, through our literature and the Honeywell web site, it is buyer’s sole responsibility to determine the suitability of the product in the application.Specifications may change without notice. The information we supply is believed to be accurate and reliable as of this writing.However, Honeywell assumes no responsibility for its use.32349182-C-EN | C | 05/211© 2021 Honeywell International Inc. All rights reserved.m WARNINGIMPROPER INSTALLATION• Consult with local safety agenciesand their requirements whendesigning a machine-control link, interface and all control elements that affect safety.• Strictly adhere to all installationinstructions. Failure to comply with theseinstructions could result in death or serious injury.m WARNINGMISUSE OFDOCUMENTATION•The information presented in this product sheet is for reference only. Do not use this document as a product installation guide.•Complete installation, operation, and maintenance information is provided in the instructions supplied with each product.Failure to comply with theseinstructions could result in death or serious injury.HoneywellAdvanced Sensing Technologies 830 East Arapaho Road Richardson, TX /astFOR MORE INFORMATIONHoneywell Advanced Sensing Technolo-gies services its customers through a worldwide network of sales offices and distributors. For application assistance, current specifications, pricing, or the nearest Authorized Distributor, visit /ast or call:USA/Canada +302 613 4491Latin America +1 305 805 8188Europe +44 1344 238258Japan +81 (0) 3-6730-7152Singapore +65 6355 2828Greater China+86 4006396841RELATED DOCUMENTATION• V Basics Range Guide • Applying Precision Switches • V7 Datasheet • V15 Datasheet。

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(用于介质温度在 150°C 至220°C的196000-001 (20mm
行程) 43196000-002 (20mm
执行器推力 执行器行程 阀门口径 mm
V5011P V5211F V5328A V5013P V5329A

141 233
322 (
尺寸 Fig. 2. ML7420A (mm)
ML7420A (0/2...10 V)
2…10V 0(2)…10V
24V 24V~ 1
12 3456
辅助开关 250 Vac / 5(3) A
动 执于控1)。行执制作当器行信对的器号方应动最则向L作顶阀E方端门D灯向连(出亮可接厂时通件设,过位置输位于)入;于执0当行P(C2对器)BV应最左dL底侧cE控端按D制灯。钮信暗W号时3进则,行阀输选门入择连0(接2(见)件V图位dc
辅 以零ML在件助74执号2开行:0A器关系的列全执行行程器43位可19置以1进6连8行0接-调220个节5辅。助开关,这种双辅助开关可
24 Vac ±15%; 50/60 Hz
5 VA
阀门连接件位于顶端. 两通阀:”开”, 三通阀 口 关 A-AB :” ” ① 阀门连接件位于底端. 两通阀:”关”, 三通阀 口 开 A-AB :” ” ①
20mm 1 min ≥ 600 N
— —
1.3 Kg
① 出厂设置。 可以通过PCB上的按钮W3实现反向动作 (见图1)。
600 N
20 mm

关断压差 (kPa)
65 2½
1000 1000 160
80 3
1000 1000 100
135×(161) 67.4
: 402mm)
• 无需连杆,安装简单快捷 • 低能耗,免维护 • 行程自适应模式 • 终点限位开关 • 手动开关 • 0(2)~10 Vdc 输入信号, 2~10 Vdc 位置反馈信号 • 动作方向可选 • 故障安全位置可选(控制信号缺失时) • 防腐设计
动作方向 信号输入
信号输入 故障时阀位
模当信拟阀号输门出连反信接馈号件位2..于.10执V行d器c可最反底馈端执时行,器输连出接信杆号的为实1际0 V位d置c。。
信 使位程用置的号电中(见位间输图计位1入W置)。1故(出可50厂选%障设择)。置当为输输入入信信号号故故障障时时,执,行连器接的件阀将门位连于接全件行
1.5 mm2
两开M个关20和M. 1电8及位M计2附0接件口用于辅助
表 1. 选型表
型号 供电电压 功耗 输入信号: 0(2) Vdc 输入信号: 10 Vdc 额定行程 运行时间(50 Hz ) 推力 弹簧复位时间 弹簧复位方向 重量
模1信 当)。拟对号输应当入L输对E信应D入灯号LE暗YD可时灯通,亮过输时位入,于型输P号入C为型B2右号..侧.为10按0.V.钮.d1cW0。V2进dc行(出选厂择设(见置图); 注节意。: 按钮W3和W2以及电位计W1可在移开上盖后进行调
器内达M概L与置到7述4阀的特2门弹定0系阀簧的列杆组阀执件杆,行使推实器执力现由行时阀同器门,步的的内电输上部机出下开驱力运关动限动关,制闭。通在。过出一厂个设卡置子范连围接内执。行当 非按针手手 以弹下旋动手动簧旋转旋动复钮钮开,操位并自关执作执顺动执行行时解行器器针锁器连旋接(。。M转件只L7向,有42上执在0运行关A)动器闭带连电。有接源如手件后果动向才执旋下可行钮运以器,动进返在行回;失手自反电动动之情操控,况作制逆下则时。可 所时超 制有,。越的执执行选行器项器会都运带行有到超全越开功或能全关(见的接位线置图,)。不当再超受越输功入能信作号用的控
接 附执最件行大线安器允装预许说装电。明有缆尺M2寸0的: 2电00缆m管/,1.并5 m且m配2有2个M20及M18接口用于 注意: 为了避免故障发生,请连接24 Vac电源并接地 (见接线
图)。 进 将同自执此执时适行过入行按应器程器住过将完自和程自成W2适阀动后。和门全,W应3组关执>2模装然行秒好后器(式见全会,图开运给1行执。),到行指两触器示个发供灯指之不24示前再V灯a的闪c开电位烁始。置表闪示。烁过,程此完时成进。入 注意: 自适应模式需要手动进入,一个自适应过程完成后,
-40...+70 °C (5...95%RH)
最高 使用高温组件时可 150 °C ( 达220°C )
或 y=0~10 Vdc 2~10 Vdc
阻抗100 KΩ
,最大输出 x=2~10Vdc
III (EN60730-1) IP54 (EN60529) V0 (UL94)
塑料 ABS-FR 强化塑料 铸铝
出M暖L2通7..4空.120调0AV系系d统c列的。电位动置阀反门馈执信行号器. 它可们为可阀广门泛提应供用调于节加型热控,制通并风且及输
工作环境温度 贮工存作环介境质温温度度
输入信号 位置反馈信号
电气保护等级 防防护火等等级级
上盖 基座 支架
℃( -10~+50 5~95% RH)