One DMF Identify differences
Separate DMF
• 当涉及API生产的DMF需要重新审核时, 就会触发该API的制造审查。
Type IV DMFs -赋形剂、色素、调
味剂、香料或生产这些物质所用的物 料 • compendia excipient的CMC通常无需审核,因此无
• 如果中间体来自第三方,需要提交DMF
DMFs 制造地点
Same process 相同工艺 Same Site 相同地点 One DMF Identify differences Multiple processes 多重工艺 One DMF Identify differences
Multiple Site 多个地点
•美国DMF (Drug master file)介绍 •美国DMF撰写 •DMF case study–案例学习
Drug Master File U. S. A. 美国DMF
Drug Master Files
A Drug Master File (DMF),药物主档案,是 一份提交给美国FDA的信息资料, 通常包括药品制 剂或者原料药(API)的化学,生产和质量控制 (CMC, chemistry, manufacturing and controls) 的相关信息 ,容许FDA审阅这些资料,接受由第三方来提交申 请。
US FDA Draft Guidance for Industry January 2003 “ Drug Product Chemistry, Manufacturing, and Controls Information”
DMF指南中文版DMF指南(Drug Master File)是指向监管机构提交药物注册申请的非公开文件,用于保护药物生产商的专有技术和商业信息。
DMF申报资料正文及撰写要求3.2.S.1 基本信息3.2.S.1.1药品名称提供原料药的中英文通用名、化学名,化学文摘(CAS)号以及其它名称(包括国外药典收载的名称)3.2.S.1.2 结构提供原料药的结构式、分子式、分子量,如有立体结构和多晶型现象应特别说明。
3.2.S.1.3 理化性质提供原料药的物理和化学性质(一般来源于药典和默克索引等),具体包括如下信息:性状(如外观,颜色,物理状态);熔点或沸点;比旋度,溶解性,溶液pH, 分配系数,解离常数,将用于制剂生产的物理形态(如多晶型、溶剂化物、或水合物),粒度等。
3.2.S.2 生产信息3.2.S.2.1生产商生产商的名称(一定要写全称)、地址、电话、传真以及生产场所的地址、电话、传真等。
3.2.S.2.2 生产工艺和过程控制(1)工艺流程图(包括关键参数和溶剂信息):(2)工艺描述:按工艺流程来描述工艺操作,以注册批为代表,列明各反应物料的投料量及各步收率范围,明确关键生产步骤、关键工艺参数以及中间体的质控指标。
3.2.S.2.3 物料控制1 物料清单:按照工艺流程图中的工序,以表格的形式列明生产中用到的所有物料(如起始物料、反应试剂、溶剂、催化剂等),并说明所使用的步骤,确认关键物料。
物料控制信息2 物料规格和检测方法:提供以上物料的质量控制信息,明确引用标准,提供内控标准(包括项目、检测方法和限度),并提供必要的方法学验证资料。
3 提供关键物料供应商COA。
3.2.S.2.4关键步骤和中间体的控制1 关键步骤:列出所有关键步骤(包括终产品的精制、纯化工艺步骤)及其工艺参数控制范围。
2 中间体:列出并描述生产工艺过程中所得中间体的质量控制标准和分析检测方法3.2.S.2.5 工艺验证和评价对无菌原料药应提供工艺验证资料,包括工艺验证方案和验证报告。
SECTION A: 地址文件 ADDRESS FILE1. 企业地址提供地址,联系方式2. 生产地址提供地址,联系方式3. 相关代理3.1 本国联络人指出本国联络人,联系方式3.2 美国代理FDA要求国外生产商在美国指定一个文件代理,须明确该代理的职责。
SECTION B:承诺声明 STATEMENT of COMMITMENT我们承诺严格按照文件所描述的生产条件及规程生产***产品,我们承诺在生产操作中遵守cGMP.没有与文件描述不一致的地方,任何重大变更都将呈报FDA及该DMF的授权引用人征得其审核和批准。
We hereby commit to producing strictly according tomanufacturing conditions and procedures described in the DMF as well as cGMP.No deviation of description in this document is permitted.Any major amendment will be submitted to FDA and also submitted to the person(s) authorized to refer to the document for their review and approval. 我们特此证明,我们不会在任何情况下接受违反联邦食品,药品和化妆品法案1992年修订本501(a)或(b)与本申请文件有关部分的人的服务。
15 January 2007GUIDELINE ONACTIVE PHARMACEUTICAL INGREDIENT MASTER FILE(APIMF) PROCEDURE1(The APIMF procedure guideline does not apply to biological APIs.)TABLE OF CONTENTS1 INTRODUCTION (2)2 SCOPE (2)3 MAIN GUIDELINE TEXT (2)3.1 Content of the APIMF (2)3.2 Use of APIMF Procedure (2)3.3 Content of the PD when the APIMF Procedure is Used (3)3.4 Changes and updates to the APIMF (4)ANNEX 1 - OVERVIEW APIMF CONTENTS (5)ANNEX 2 - TEMPLATE LETTER OF ACCESS (7)ANNEX 3 - PART OF COVERING LETTER (8)ANNEX 4 - LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS (9)ANNEX 5 - GLOSSARY (10)1This guideline is based on the approach described in the document CPMP/QWP/227/02 Rev 2 Consultation draft GUIDELINE ON ACTIVE SUBSTANCE MASTER FILE PROCEDURE (London, 27 April 2005) of the European Medicines Agency1 INTRODUCTIONThe main objective of the APIMF procedure is to allow valuable confidential intellectual property or "know-how" of the Manufacturer of the active pharmaceutical ingredient (API) to be protected, while at the same time allowing the Applicant or holder of Prequalification Dossier (PD) to take full responsibility for the finished pharmaceutical product (FPP) and the quality and quality control of the API. The Prequalification Team thus has access to the complete information that is necessary for an evaluation of the suitability of the use of the API in the FPP.2 SCOPEThis Guideline is intended to assist Applicants/PD holders in the compilation of the API information of their dossiers for a prequalification dossier application (PDA) or a prequalification dossier variation (VPD) of a FPP. It is also intended to help APIMF holders in the compilation of their APIMFs.3 MAIN GUIDELINE TEXT3.1 Content of the APIMFThe overall content of the APIMF should contain detailed scientific information as indicated in Section 2. ACTIVE PHARMACEUTICAL INGREDIENT(s) [API(s)] of the “Guideline on Submission of Documentation for Prequalification of Multi-source (Generic) Finished Pharmaceutical Products (FPPs) Used in the Treatment of HIV/AIDS, Malaria and Tuberculosis”.The scientific information in the APIMF should be physically divided into two separate parts, namely the Open Part (OP) and the Restricted Part (RP). The OP contains the information that the APIMF holder regards as non-confidential to the Applicant/PD holder, whereas the RP contains the information that the APIMF holder regards as confidential, see Annex 1. It is emphasized that the OP is still a confidential document that cannot be submitted by anyone to third parties without the written consent of the APIMF holder. In all cases the OP should contain sufficient information to enable the Applicant/PD holder to take full responsibility for an evaluation of the suitability of the specifications for the API to control the quality of this API for use in the manufacture of a specified FPP.The RP shall contain the remaining information, such as detailed information on the individual steps of the manufacturing method (reaction conditions, temperature, validation and evaluation data of critical steps) and the quality control during the manufacturing method of the API. Information that is relevant to the Applicant/PD holder (see notes 2 and 5 of ANNEX 1 regarding residual solvents and impurities, respectively) should be discussed in the RP but should also be submitted in the OP.In addition to the OP and RP, the APIMF should contain a table of contents, and a separate summary for the OP and the RP. Both summaries should be presented as a Pharmaceutical Quality Information Form (PQIF). The OP and RP should each have a version number. The structure of the version numbers should be unique and follow a logical order. Preferably the following structure is used: Name APIMF holder / Name active pharmaceutical ingredient/ OP or RP/ version number / date in yyyy-mm-dd.3.2 Use of APIMF ProcedureAn APIMF can only be submitted in support of a PDA or VPD. The relationship between the quality of the API and its use in the FPP needs to be justified in this PDA or VPD. Although the APIMF procedure is developed to keep intellectual property of the API confidential, it is also permissible to use the procedure when there is no confidentiality issue between the Applicant/PD holder and the API manufacturer (e.g. when the Applicant/PD holder manufactures the API itself). It is expected that the API manufacturer is also the holder of the APIMF.The APIMF procedure should be used for APIs where a professed standard is declared (namely no monograph exists in the Ph. Eur., Ph. Int. or USP), or where a monograph exists but a manufacturer’sin-house standard is declared.The APIMF procedure can also be used when APIs are included in the Ph. Eur., Ph. Int. or USP.A Drug Master File of an API (active substance, drug substance) assessed by a drug regulatory agency in the International Conference on Harmonization (ICH) regions and associated countries - including among others the EU, Japan and USA - is accepted without further evaluation as a prequalified APIMF on condition that evidence of such regulatory acceptance has been submitted. The holder of the DMF should also declare in writing that there have been no changes to the DMF content and manufacture of batches of API to be supplied for Applicants/PD holders.The APIMF holder should give permission to WHO to assess the data in the APIMF in relation to a specific PDA/VPD, in the form of a 'Letter of Access', see Annex 2. The APIMF holder should submit to the Applicant/PD holder:a copy of the latest version of the OP.a copy of the PQIF on the latest version of the OP.the Letter of Access.In addition, the APIMF holder should submit to WHO:the APIMF accompanied by a covering letter, see Annex 3.the Letter of Access.The APIMF holder should provide the APIMF to WHO only once, independently from the number of the PD holders and the number of PDAs/VPDs. The submission of the relevant documentation by the APIMF holder to WHO must be synchronised to arrive at approximately the same time as the first PDA or the first VPD is received from the FPP manufacturer that references the APIMF.Where the APIMF procedure is used, the Applicant/PD holder should submit the PDA or VPD to WHO together with the Letter of Access.WHO requires that any APIMF updates made in relation to one PD should apply to all. It is the APIMF holder's responsibility to notify the PD holders and WHO about any changes to the OP and/or RP, so that the PD holders can update all affected PDs accordingly and file the appropriate variation(s) to WHO as necessary.3.3 Content of the PD when the APIMF Procedure is UsedThe Applicant/PD holder is responsible for ensuring that he has access to all relevant information concerning the current manufacture of the API.The specifications used by the Applicant/PD holder to control the quality of the API should be laid down unambiguously in the PD. The Applicant/PD holder should quote the OP version number / date in yyyy-mm-dd , or should include a copy of the OP in the PD dossier.The version of the OP in the PD dossier should be the most recent and it should be identical to the OP as supplied by the APIMF holder to WHO as part of the APIMF.The Applicant/PD holder should include all relevant details from the OP in the PQIF of the PD dossier. Issues of the APIMF that are specifically relevant to the FPP under consideration should be highlighted in the PQIF of the PD.In the case of a single supplier and where the APIMF procedure or CEP procedure is used, the specifications of the Applicant/PD holder in the PD dossier should in principle be identical to those of the APIMF holder or the CEP holder. The Applicant/PD holder does however not need to accept redundant specifications, unnecessarily tight specification limits or outdated analytical methods. In cases where the Applicant/PD holder uses a different analytical method than that described in the APIMF, both methods should be validated. Technical specifications relevant for the FPP, which are normally not part of the specifications in the APIMF (e.g. particle size), should be part of the specifications of the Applicant/PD holder.In cases where there is more than one supplier, there should be one single compiled specification that is identical for each supplier. It is acceptable to lay down in the specification more than one acceptance criterion and/or analytical method for a single parameter with the statement “for API from supplier X”(e.g. in case of residual solvents).3.4 Changes and updates to the APIMFAs for FPPs, APIMF holders should keep the content of their APIMFs updated with respect to the actual synthesis / manufacturing process. The quality control methods should be kept in-line with the current regulatory and scientific requirements. APIMF holders shall not modify the contents of their APIMF (e.g. manufacturing process or specifications) and must inform each Applicant/PD holder and WHO when a change in an APIMF requires the filing of a VPD. Before implementation, any change to the APIMF should be reported by every PD holder to WHO by means of an appropriate variation procedure. A covering letter should be provided. In cases where the contents of the APIMF cannot be changed for a certain period of time, the APIMF holder should still provide the aforementioned data to the PD holder and WHO making reference to this reason and requesting a later date of implementation.The APIMF holders' covering letter to WHO should contain the following information (if available): A tabular list summarizing the changes carried out since the first compilation of the APIMF. An overview comparing the old and new content of the APIMF.Information as to whether the change has already been accepted, rejected or withdrawn by another drug regulatory authority in the ICH region and associated countries.The names of the relevant Applicants and PD holders. The new OP and/or RP with each new version number.An updated PQIF,if relevant.A discussion of the potential impact on the quality of the API as a result of the change(s).At the occasion of the 3-yearly renewal of a FPP, PD holders are required to declare that the quality of the product, in respect of the methods of preparation and control, has been regularly updated by variation procedure to take account of technical and scientific progress, and that the product conforms with current WHO/Prequalification quality guidelines. They will also declare that no changes have been made to the product particulars other than those approved by WHO.PD holders should therefore verify with their APIMF holders whether the above declaration can be met in respect to the API particulars. In case changes have not been notified to the PD holder and WHO, the necessary variation procedure should be initiated without delay.ANNEX 1 - OVERVIEW APIMF CONTENTSTable 1 PQIF format Open RestrictedPart PartGeneral information from literature x2.1 Nomenclature x2.2 Properties of API xStructure xX 2.3 Site(s) of manufacture xManufacturer(s) xprocess1) 2)2.4 ManufacturingControl of materials XControl of critical steps and intermediates 3) 4)Process validation and/or Evaluation XManufacturing Process Development XCharacterization xElucidation of Structure and other Characteristics xSelected physicochemical andother relevant properties xImpurities x 5)Control of API x2.5 Specifications xAnalytical procedures xValidation of analytical procedures xBatch analysis xJustification of specification x 6)Reference standards or Materials x2.6 Container Closure System x2.7 Stability xStability summary and conclusion xPost-approval Stability Protocol and Stability xCommitmentStability data x1)Flow chart and textbook-level narrative is regarded as sufficient, if detailed information ispresented in the Restricted Part. However, full validation data on the sterilization process may be requested in the Open Part (in cases where there is no further sterilization of the final product).2)Detailed information.3)In so far as the information is also relevant for the Applicant/PD holder.4)In so far as the information is related to the detailed description of the Manufacturing processand in so far as this information is not relevant for the Applicant/PD holder.5)In so far as the information is related to the detailed description of the Manufacturing processand in so far as the APIMF holder sufficiently justifies that there is no need to control these impurities in the final API.6)In so far as the information is related to the detailed description of the Manufacturing process,control of materials and process validation.ANNEX 2 - TEMPLATE LETTER OF ACCESS[Address of WHO][Date and place]LETTER OF ACCESSNumber of Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient Master File:Manufacturing site: [name and address]Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient Master File holder: [name and address]The aforementioned Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient Master File holder hereby authorizes the [WHO including all PQ Team Members and their experts] to refer to and review the above mentioned Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient Master File in support of the following Prequalification Application(s) or Prequalified Dossier Variation(s) submitted by [name / Prequalification holder / Applicant] on [planned date of submission]:[Name of product and prequalification code number, if known] [Name of Applicant or PD holder] The aforementioned Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient Master File holder commits to ensure batch-to-batch consistency and to inform [name of PD holder/Applicant] and WHO of any change in the OP or RP parts of the Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient Master File.Signature for the Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient Master File holder [Name and address] [Signature]ANNEX 3 - PART OF COVERING LETTERThis Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient Master File is submitted in relation to the PDA / VPD: [Name of product in prequalification procedure][Name of Applicant/PD holder for the application concerned]and describes <changes to> the manufacturing process and specifications of the (or one of the) active pharmaceutical ingredient(s) of this PDA or VPD.[Name active pharmaceutical ingredient]The version number of this Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient Master File isOpen part: version [version number]Restricted part: version [version number]This Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient Master File has previously been submitted for assessment in combination with a PDA / VPD for a pharmaceutical product within the prequalification project: Refer to the prequalification code and name of the FPP and the FPP manufacturer.ANNEX 4 - LIST OF ABBREVIATIONSAPI Active Pharmaceutical IngredientAPIMF Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient Master FileCEP European procedure for a certificate of suitability of monographs of the European pharmacopoeia (here on chemical purity)ICH International Conference on HarmonizationOP Open (Applicants) Part of the APIMFPD Prequalification dossierPDA Prequalification Dossier Application (including line extensions)Ph. Eur. European PharmacopoeiaPh. Int. International Pharmacopoeia of WHOPQIF Pharmaceutical Quality Information FormRP Restricted Part (of APIMF)USP United States PharmacopoeiaVPD Variation to a prequalified dossierWHO World Health Organization20, AVENUE A PPIA –CH-1211G ENEVA 27–S WITZERLAND –T EL CENTRAL +41227912111–F AX CENTRAL +41227913111– WWW.WHO.INTANNEX 5 - GLOSSARYActive pharmaceutical ingredient manufacturerA party involved in the Manufacturing chain of the active pharmaceutical ingredient, including agents, brokers, traders, distributors, repackers or relabellers.Active pharmaceutical ingredient Master File holderThis is the company that has the ultimate responsibility for the Active pharmaceutical ingredient Master File.ApplicantThis is the company requesting prequalification for a pharmaceutical product. Prequalification dossier holderThis is the company that is responsible for the pharmaceutical product on the market Manufacturing chainA clear flow chart or written text explaining the Manufacturing and distribution route of the active pharmaceutical ingredient from the first starting materialQualityAccording to ICH Q6A that is “The suitability of either a drug substance or drug product for its intended use. This term includes such attributes as the identity, strength and purity.” SpecificationAccording to ICH Q6A that is “A list of test, references to analytical procedures, and appropriate acceptance criteria which are numerical limits, ranges or other criteria to which a drug substance or drug product should conform to be considered acceptable for its intended use. Conformance to specifications means that the drug substance and/or drug product, when tested according to the listed analytical procedures will meet the listed acceptance criteria. Specifications are critical quality standards that are proposed and justified by the Manufacturer and approved by regulatory authorities.”。
编写DMF知识培训 Drug Master File
药物管理当局的要求 不注册不能获得市场准入 制剂生产商对原料药审核 无此文件制剂生产商不能对原料进行评审 贸易推销 作为提供服务的一个部分
1. Drug Mster File Guideline(内容旧格式) 2. 按照CTD格式进行编写 格式 纸质 纸质或eCTD
FDA:Food and Drug Administration 美国食品药品管理局 EDQM:European Directorate for the Quality of Medicines (欧洲药品质量理事会) SFDA:State Food and Drug Administration(国家食品药品管 State Administration( 理局) TGA:Therapeutic Goods Administration(澳大利亚药物管 ( 理局) 理局) MCC:Medicines Control Council (南非药品管理局)
1. Drug Master File Guideline:基本不用 2. CTD格式 Common Technical Document CTD文件是美、欧、日三方国际协调会议(International Conference of Harmonization,简称ICH)共同认可 的药品申请文件格式,由五个模块组成.
图书:SFDA培训中心图书信息 美国FDA的CGMP现场检查》 现场检查》 《美国 的 现场检查 《美国药品申报与法规管理》 美国药品申报与法规管理》 原料药质量控制系列文件及APIC“Q7如何实施”》 如何实施” 《ICH原料药质量控制系列文件及 原料药质量控制系列文件及 如何实施
• 生产地址• EDMF 持有人工艺(S.2.2):请提供:简要描述、工艺流程图。
格式如下:• 简要描述[模板]:A在Pd/C催化剂的作用下与H2发生还原反应(温度,pH,时间等等),生成B (中间体I);之后B与C发生酰基化反应(温度,pH,时间等等),得到粗品?(中间体II);中间体II经过脱色、过滤、结晶(温度,pH,时间等等),离心、洗涤、干燥(温度,pH,时间等等),得到?精品。
• 工艺流程图描述[模板]:包括起始物料、中间体、试剂、原料药的分子式、分子量、收率、化学结构等。
格式如下(中间体的格式要求与物料一致,参见下表):•物料列表[模板]:物料列表结构确证(S.3.1):请提供原始数据:一批元素分析(样品,与理论值对照);一批IR/UV/NMR/MS (样品和欧洲药典标准品对比)谱图。
Table of Contents3.2.S.1 General Information3.2.S.1.1 NomenclatureINN :Compendial name:Chemical name:Company or laboratory code:Other non-proprietary name:CAS No.:3.2. S.1.2 StructureStructural formula (relative and absolute stereochemistry, the molecular formula, and the relative molecular mass) (就API来讲,需要提供哪些信息,仅仅提供API 的有机化学结构吗?)3.2. S.1.3 General PropertiesPhysicochemical and other relevant properties of the drug substance: solubility, melting point, chemical family and therapeutic category, etc. (Q6A and Q6B )这部分容包括:大致的描述(例如,外观、颜色、物理状态,等);熔点和沸点;旋光度;溶解度(水和非水);溶液的pH值;分配系数;电离常数;用于product drug的原料药的物理形态的鉴别(例如,多晶型、溶化物或水合物);生物活性。
3.2. S.2 Manufacture3.2. S.2.1 Manufacturer(s)每个公司的、地址和各自的职责(包括合同制造商、合同检测分析试验室、每个生产现场、检测分析现场),提供以下信息:具体地址、所在城市、省区和国家、营业执照。
FDA :tEm~~ftt:~a}jlifD~ma}jY DMF Jj)z{g1!1i9 *~pg~o :tE$~:d.:~~, FDA ~m 0.t1Hm'Fla~~*ffl:boli9!~Ui~o ~O* DMF $ :t!l~;f-+~JE0.x* m?5Ji.$.Ii9'Fla~, FDA J.I6\~~:&tll:im~, mtlljz~o DMF *~~Y!tl*p.~~*$1!HHE~f~iEo ~O* DMF pg~:d.:Y', :tE FDA ~*rJ.l6'~:fHE, ~#:d.:~'Fla~atrB], ~~~m? 1i95Ji.$mo
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(Job is never completed until the paper work is done.) FDA m1~~.1tJt
3. 摘要(Summary):提供DMF的概述,包括涉及产品的基本信息(如药物的属性、剂型、用途)、申请人信息和DMF提交的目的。
以下是一些常见章节:a) 特征和标准(Characterization and Specifications):包括药物的物理性质、理化稳定性、生物等效性、市场上已批准的参比制剂等。
b) 成分(Ingredients):详细列出所有药物的成分,包括活性成分和辅助成分。
d) 证明文件(Documentation):提供有关药品质量控制的所有文件、记录和报告。
总之,请确保DMF的格式符合下述FDA要求:1. 使用清晰、易读的字体和字号,如Times New Roman,字号122.缩进、行间距和段落格式设置要一致,以提高可阅读性。
药品管理档案(DMF)指南 中文版
目录I. 导言II. 定义III.药品管理档案(DMF)的类型IV. 药品管理档案(DMF)的申报A. 传输信件1. 首次申报文书2. 修正B. 管理信息1. 首次申报文书2. 修正C. 药品管理档案(DMF)内容1. 药品管理档案(DMF)的类型a.第一类:生产地点、厂房设施、操作步骤和人员b.第二类:原料药、原料药中间体、生产前述物质使用的原材料,或药品c.第三类:包装物料d.第四类:赋形剂、着色剂、香料、香精,或生产这些物质的原材料e.第五类:FDA一般认可的参考信息2.一般性知识和建议a.环境评价b.稳定性D.格式、装订和邮递V. 查阅药品管理档案(DMF)的授权A. 给FDA的授权信函B. 给申请者、开发商和其他持有者的副本VI.药品管理档案(DMF)处理和审查政策A.与药品管理档案(DMF)相关的政策B.药品管理档案(DMF)审查VII.持有者义务A. 药品管理档案(DMF)应注明各种改变B. 有权查阅药品管理档案(DMF)的人员的名单C.文件的年度更新D.代理商的委任E.所有权转移IX. 药品管理档案(DMF)的终止药品管理档案(DMF)指南I.导言药品管理档案(DMF)是提交给FDA的文书,它可以用来提供有关一种或一种以上人药的制造、加工、包装和贮存中使用的设施、工艺方法和物品的详细秘密信息。
Table of Contents3.2.S.1 General Information3.2.S.1.1 NomenclatureINN :Compendial name:Chemical name:Company or laboratory code:Other non-proprietary name:CAS No.:3.2. S.1.2 StructureStructural formula (relative and absolute stereochemistry, the molecular formula, and the relative molecular mass) (就API来讲,需要提供哪些信息,仅仅提供API的有机化学结构吗?)3.2. S.1.3 General PropertiesPhysicochemical and other relevant properties of the drug substance: solubility, melting point, chemical family and therapeutic category, etc. (Q6A and Q6B )这部分内容包括:大致的描述(例如,外观、颜色、物理状态,等);熔点和沸点;旋光度;溶解度(水和非水);溶液的pH值;分配系数;电离常数;用于product drug的原料药的物理形态的鉴别(例如,多晶型、溶化物或水合物);生物活性。
3.2. S.2 Manufacture3.2. S.2.1 Manufacturer(s)每个公司的姓名、地址和各自的职责(包括合同制造商、合同检测分析试验室、每个生产现场、检测分析现场),提供以下信息:具体地址、所在城市、省区和国家、营业执照。
Guidance for IndustryM4Q: The CTD—Quality Guidance for IndustryM4Q:CTD—Quality……第二部分:质量总体概述MPDULE2: QUALITY OVERALL SUMMARY2.3 质量总体概述简介 INTRODUCTION TO THE QUALITY OVERALL SUMMARY2.3.S 原料药 DRUG SUBSTANCE [NAME,MANUFACTURER]2.3.S.1 总体信息General Information [name, manufacturer]2.3.S.2 制造商Manufacture [name, manufacturer]2.3.S.3 物理和化学特征Characterization [name, manufacturer]2.3.S.4 原料的生产控制程序Control of Drug Substance [name, manufacturer]2.3.S.5 参照标准或参照品Reference Standards or Materials [name, manufacturer]2.3.S.6 包装/封闭系统Container Closure System [name, manufacturer]2.3.S.7 稳定性Stability [name, manufacturer]2.3.A 附件APPENDICES2.3.A.1 设施和设备Facilities and Equipment2.3.A.2 外来体安全性评估Adventitious Agents Safety Evaluation2.3.A.3 新型辅料Novel Excipients2.3.R 各国药监部门要求的内容第三部分:质量部分的具体要求MODULE3: FORMAT OF THE QUALITY SECTION OF THE CTD3.1 目录 MODULE3 TABLE OF CONTENTS3.2 数据 BODY OF DATA3.2.S 原料药 DRUG SUBSTANCE [NAME, MANUFACTURER]总体信息General Information [name, manufacturer]3.2.S.1.1学术名称 Nomenclature [name, manufacturer]3.2.S.1.2 结构 Structure [name, manufacturer]3.2.S.1.3 一般特征 General Properties [name, manufacturer]制造商Manufacture [name, manufacturer]3.2.S.2.1 制造商 Manufactures [name, manufacturer]3.2.S.2.2 制造工艺及生产过程中的控制描述 Description of Manufacturing Process and Process Controls [name, manufacturer]3.2.S.2.3 材料的控制 Control of Materials3.2.S.2.4 关键工艺环节和中间体的控制 Controls of Critical Steps and Intermediates [name, manufacturer]3.2.S.2.5 工艺验证或评估 Process Validation and/or Evaluation [name, manufacturer]3.2.S.2.6 生产工艺开发状况 Manufacturing Process Development [name, manufacturer]产品特性Characterization [name, manufacturer]3.2.S.3.1 结构和其它特征的描述 Elucidation of Structure and other Characteristics [name, manufacturer]3.2.S.3.2 杂质 Impurities [name, manufacturer]原料药生产的控制Control of Drug Substance [name, manufacturer]3.2.S.4.1 参数 Specification [name, manufacturer]3.2.S.4.2 分析程序 Analytical Procedures [name, manufacturer]3.2.S.4.3 分析程序的验证 Validation of Analytical Procedures [name, manufacturer]3.2.S.4.4 批化验 Batch Analyses [name, manufacturer]3.2.S.4.5 参数的和理性论证 Justification of Specification [name, manufacturer]参照标准或材料Reference standards or Materials [name, manufacturer]包装密封系统Container Closure System [name, manufacturer]稳定性Stability [name, manufacturer]3.2.S.7.1 稳定性概括和结论 Stability Summary and Conclusions [name, manufacturer]3.2.S.7.2 批准后的稳定性方案及对稳定性的承诺 Postapproval Stability Protocol and Stability Commitment [name, manufacturer]3.2.S.7.3 稳定性数据 Stability Data [name, manufacturer]3.2.A 附件 APPENDICES3.2.A.1 设施和设备 Facilities and Equipment3.2.A.2 外来体安全性评估 Adventitious Agents Safety Evaluation3.2.A.3 新型材料 Novel Excipients3.2.R 各国要求的信息 REGIONAL INFORMATION3.3 文献资料索引 LITERATURE REFERENCESM4Q: 药品注册中的常用技术文件……质量技术文件应有五个部分组成:第一部分使各个国家/地区要求的部分;第二、三、四、五是共用部分。
美国DMF申报资料清单及编制格式第一篇:美国DMF申报资料清单及编制格式美国DMF申报资料清单则原料药厂家需提供如下资料:1、工厂资料:工厂名称、地址、联系人姓名、联系电话、传真、电子邮件地址、产品名称:国际非专利名(INN)、药典名称(USP, EP, BP, JP等)、化学名、美国采用名称(USAN)、英国采用名称、化学文摘号。
、产品性质:性状、溶解性、pH值、比旋光度、熔点(或沸点)、多晶型性(如果有,需要分析其工艺形成、分离去除、质量指标、化验方法、性能特征(IR, UV, NMR, MS…)等)、手性、异构体、颗粒度、堆密度。
(2)请给出各步合成过程的反应流程图(Reaction Diagram)。
史上最全|药物主文件DrugMasterFile(DMF)1、DMF一份较完整的DMF文件2、FDA指南:药物主文件(DMF)3、美、欧、中化药DMF资料要求对比4、DMF文件编制要求及重点内容分析5、原料药注册法规要求DMF解读6、美国FDA DMF list 3Q2019EXCEL7、DMF流程8、美国DMF目录及要求9、原料药出口DMF注册文件中的杂质研究10、美国DMF1.5 药物主文件1.5.1 DMF简介药物主文件,即Drug Master File (DMF),是呈交FDA的存档待审资料,资料内容包括有关在制造、加工、包装、储存、批发人用药品活动中所使用的生产设施、工艺流程、质量控制及其所用原料、包装材料等详细信息。
2012出台的《仿制药收费法案》,要求在2012年10月1日后首次被仿制药引用的二类原料药DMF,需要缴纳DMF费,FDA对付费后的DMF作完整性审查(Completeness Assessment),此审查只检查资料的完整性,不审核具体内容,通过完整性审查后的DMF会被收录在'可被引用'列表中,并且FDA只会审评引用此列表中DMF的ANDA申请。 FDA只对DMF做形式审查事实上FDA既不'审批'已备案的DMF资料,也不对DMF资料发表同意或不同意的观点。
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Table of Contents3.2.S.1 General Information3.2.S.1.1 NomenclatureINN :Compendial name:Chemical name:Company or laboratory code:Other non-proprietary name:CAS No.:3.2. S.1.2 StructureStructural formula (relative and absolute stereochemistry, the molecular formula, and the relative molecular mass) (就API来讲,需要提供哪些信息,仅仅提供API的有机化学结构吗?)3.2. S.1.3 General PropertiesPhysicochemical and other relevant properties of the drug substance: solubility, melting point, chemical family and therapeutic category, etc. (Q6A and Q6B )这部分内容包括:大致的描述(例如,外观、颜色、物理状态,等);熔点和沸点;旋光度;溶解度(水和非水);溶液的pH值;分配系数;电离常数;用于product drug的原料药的物理形态的鉴别(例如,多晶型、溶化物或水合物);生物活性。
3.2. S.2 Manufacture3.2. S.2.1 Manufacturer(s)每个公司的姓名、地址和各自的职责(包括合同制造商、合同检测分析试验室、每个生产现场、检测分析现场),提供以下信息:具体地址、所在城市、省区和国家、营业执照。
3.2. S.2.2 Description of Manufacturing Process and Process Controls流程图需要包含的内容:*要包含关键的工艺步骤(例如,具体的反应、提取、分离、提纯、加工以及原料药的放行检测等);*每步工艺中适用的原料的名称和代号;*起始物料、中间体和结构上复合的试剂、后合成原料和原料药的化学结构(包括包括立体化学结构和生物鉴定);*化学起始物料、中间体、后合成原料和原料药的分子式、分子重量;*每步骤中适用的溶剂、试剂和辅助材料;*关键的工艺控制以及在哪一点开始执行这些工艺控制;*操作参数(包括温度、压力、pH值);*指明在节能型下一个反应步骤之前,某些中间体是否仍在原来的位置还是被分离,以及那些中间体是最后的中间体;*每步反应预期的产率。
Flow diagram of the synthetic process: molecular formulae, weights, yield ranges, chemical structures of starting materials, intermediates, reagents and drug substance reflecting stereochemistry, and identify operating conditions and solvents.起始物料:详细描述,指出从哪一步开始,判断将哪一个中间体或物质作为起始物料很重要,对于起始物料开始使用的前面的步骤应用图表表示出来,同时要对于起始物料应像加描述,包括鉴别和杂质等。
Sequential procedural narrative of the manufacturing process: quantities of raw materials, solvents, catalysts and reagents reflecting the representative batch scale for commercial manufacture, identification of critical steps, process controls, equipment and operating conditions (e.g., temperature, pressure, pH, time), etc. An appropriate description should be given of each stage of the manufacture, includingwhere applicable:- solvents, reagents and quantities used- catalysts used- conditions of reactions where these are critical- information on intermediates- details of the final purification including solvents and process aids involved- process controls carried out throughout the procedure or information on process controls and specifications. The controls of critical steps and intermediates have to be described in S 2.4.Scale of manufacture, range, and yieldThe description of the process should indicate the scale of manufacture and the range for which the considered process may be used. It is often helpful to indicate the yield or yield range produced at each stage.Alternate processes: if we have.Reprocessing steps: if we have. Identified and justified. (Q5A, Q5B, and Q6B).3.2. S.2.3 Control of Materials包括起始物料、试剂、溶剂、辅助材料和稀释剂等,提供流程图说明这些材料被应用于那个步骤,同时在S.2.2的描述中也要提到这些内容。
More detailed information and recommendations on the information to support proposed starting materials for synthetic drug substances and starting materials of plant or animal origin are included in Attachment 1 and 2, respectively.2.试剂、溶剂、辅助材料:a. 试剂、溶剂、辅助材料列表b. 标准:提供每个材料对应的标准和所有的检测项,同时对于每个检测项提供对应的检测程序。
包括对水的相应的检测和标准3.稀释剂:有时候某些原料药用于生产分散在稀释剂中drug product,因此需要提供对这些稀释剂控制情况的信息。
其信息的详细程度应与drug product赋形剂的一致。
Usage and the quality (description, Identification, Tests (verify the speciality), Assay, Impurity) and control of the materialDemonstrate that these materials meet the requirements of their intended use.(Q6A and Q6B )对于活性物质的起始物料:对于s2.2中提到的起始物料,要给出完整的质量标准、完整的杂质报告,并提供与杂质和安全性极限方面有关的判断。