IEEE Std 929-2000 IEEE Recommended Practice for Utility Interface of Photovoltaic (PV) Systems
The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.3 Park Avenue, New Y ork, NY 10016-5997, USA Copyright © 2000 by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.All rights reserved. Published 3 April 2000. Printed in the United States of America.Print: ISBN 0-7381-1934-2 SH94811PDF: ISBN 0-7381-1935-0 SS94811No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form, in an electronic retrieval system or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher.IEEE Std 929-2000(Revision ofIEEE Std 929-1988)IEEE Recommended Practice for Utility Interface of Photovoltaic (PV) SystemsSponsorIEEE Standards Coordinating Committee 21on Fuel Cells, Photovoltaics, Dispersed Generation, and Energy StorageApproved 30 January 2000IEEE-SA Standards BoardAbstract: This recommended practice contains guidance regarding equipment and functions necessary to ensure compatible operation of photovoltaic (PV) systems that are connected in par-allel with the electric utility. This includes factors relating to personnel safety, equipment protection,power quality, and utility system operation. This recommended practice also contains information regarding islanding of PV systems when the utility is not connected to control voltage and frequency, as well as techniques to avoid islanding of distributed resources.Keywords: islanding, nonislanding inverter, photovoltaic, utility interconnectionIEEE Standards documents are developed within the IEEE Societies and the Standards Coordinating Com-mittees of the IEEE Standards Association (IEEE-SA) Standards Board. Members of the committees serve voluntarily and without compensation. T hey are not necessarily members of the Institute. T he standards developed within IEEE represent a consensus of the broad expertise on the subject within the Institute as well as those activities outside of IEEE that have expressed an interest in participating in the development of the standard.Use of an IEEE Standard is wholly voluntary. The existence of an IEEE Standard does not imply that there are no other ways to produce, test, measure, purchase, market, or provide other goods and services related to the scope of the IEEE Standard. Furthermore, the viewpoint expressed at the time a standard is approved and issued is subject to change brought about through developments in the state of the art and comments received from users of the standard. Every IEEE Standard is subjected to review at least every five years for revision or reaf firmation. When a document is more than five years old and has not been reaf firmed, it is rea-sonable to conclude that its contents, although still of some value, do not wholly re flect the present state of the art. Users are cautioned to check to determine that they have the latest edition of any IEEE ments for revision of IEEE Standards are welcome from any interested party, regardless of membership af filiation with IEEE. Suggestions for changes in documents should be in the form of a proposed change of text, together with appropriate supporting comments.Interpretations: Occasionally questions may arise regarding the meaning of portions of standards as they relate to speci fic applications. When the need for interpretations is brought to the attention of IEEE, the Institute will initiate action to prepare appropriate responses. Since IEEE Standards represent a consensus of all concerned interests, it is important to ensure that any interpretation has also received the concurrence of a balance of interests. For this reason, IEEE and the members of its societies and Standards Coordinating Committees are not able to provide an instant response to interpretation requests except in those cases where the matter has previously received formal consideration.Comments on standards and requests for interpretations should be addressed to:Secretary, IEEE-SA Standards Board 445 Hoes Lane P.O. Box 1331Piscataway, NJ 08855-1331USAAuthorization to photocopy portions of any individual standard for internal or personal use is granted by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc., provided that the appropriate fee is paid to Copyright Clearance Center. To arrange for payment of licensing fee, please contact Copyright Clearance Center, Cus-tomer Service, 222 Rosewood Drive, Danvers, MA 01923 USA; (978) 750-8400. Permission to photocopy portions of any individual standard for educational classroom use can also be obtained through the Copy-right Clearance Center.Introduction[This introduction is not a part of IEEE Std 929-2000, IEEE Recommended Practice for Utility Interface of Photovoltaic (PV) Systems.]This revision of IEEE Std 929 is in response to the maturation of the photovoltaic industry. That maturation has identified the critical need to have the interconnection of photovoltaic (PV) systems to the utility grid be covered under a comprehensive document that includes specific recommendations rather than general guid-ance. The intent of this document is to define the technical requirements of PV system interconnection in a manner that can be adopted as a PV system technical interconnection standard by individual utilities. This document also includes several annexes for tutorial and clarification purposes.A significant effort has been made to coordinate this document with Underwriters Laboratories in the pro-duction of UL 1741, a test procedure that can be performed by an independent body to verify that an inverter intended for u se with a u tility-interconnected PV system meets the recommendations described in this recommended practice. The safety test procedure put forth by the Underwriters Laboratories will, among other things, test the inverter for proper response, as detailed in this recommended practice (inclu ding Annex A), to loss of utility or “out of bounds” utility conditions. One aspect of this testing is to ascertain that the inverter will not operate as a utility-independent island.ParticipantsAt the time this recommended practice was completed, Standards Coordinating Committee 21, on Fu el Cells, Photovoltaics, Dispersed Generation, and Energy Storage, had the following membership:R. DeBlasio, ChairS. Chalmers,Vice ChairA. J. Anderson,SecretaryR. Addiss G. Atmaram M. Azzam T. Basso M. Behnke R. Bonn W. Bottenberg W. Bower B. Brooks P. ButlerJ. BzuraJ. CallP. CappsR. CaryJ. Chamberlin J. ChauD. Conover G. Corey R. D’Aiello D. Dawson J. DrizosT. DuffyJ. Dunlop J. Emming B. Farmer W. Feero M. FlisC. FreitasD. GarrettR. GonsiorawskiR. HammondK. HechtS. HesterR. HoffmanJ. HoffnerS. HoganB. HornbergerT. HundM. JacksonT. JesterS. JochumsB. JonesW. KanzerW. KaszetaG. KellyG. KernJ. KoepfingerB. KroposkiS. KurtzL. LibbyD. LowebergS. MaceraK. MacKamulN. MagnaniA. MikonowiczJ. MoriartyD. MyersC. NapikoskiA. NilssonU. OrtabsiC. OsterwaldP. OverholtJ. PosbicR. RiderT. RuhlmannM. RussellP. RussellK. SandersR. SchmitJ. SmythJ. StevensC. SunJ. SutherlandM. ThomasJ. TurnerJ. TuttleS. VechyJ. VentreC. WhitakerK. WhitfieldJ. WilesR. WillsJ. WohlgemuthT. ZgonenaAt the time this recommended practice was completed, the Utility Working Group of Standards Coordinat-ing Committee 21, on Fuel Cells, Photovoltaics, Dispersed Generation, and Energy Storage, had the following membership who participated in the preparation of this recommended practice:John Stevens, ChairMiles Russell, SecretaryThe following members of the balloting committee voted on this recommended practice:When the IEEE-SA Standards Board approved this standard on 30 January 2000, it had the following membership:Richard J. Holleman, ChairDonald N. Heirman, Vice ChairJudith Gorman, Secretary*Member Emeritus Also included is the following nonvoting IEEE-SA Standards Board liaison:Robert E. HebnerJennifer McClain LongmanIEEE Standards Project EditorMichael Behnke Bill Brooks John Bzura Steve Chalmers Joe Chau Doug Dawson Richard DeBlasio Tom Duffy Chris Freitas D. Lane Garrett Steve Hester John Hoffner Barry Hornberger Bob Jones Greg Kern Leslie Libby Don Loweberg Tron Melzl John Moriarty Chester Napikoski Jean Posbic Jodi Smyth Chase Sun Rick West Chuck Whitaker Robert Wills Tim ZgonenaMike Behnke John Bzura Steve Chalmers Jay Chamberlin Doug Dawson Richard DeBlasio Tom Duffy Bill Feero D. Lane Garrett Bob Hammond John Hoffner Stephen Hogan Bob Jones Greg Kern Tron Melzl John Moriarty Miles Russell John Stevens Chase Sun Chuck Whitaker John Wiles Robert WillsSatish K. Aggarwal Dennis Bodson Mark D. Bowman James T. Carlo Gary R. Engmann Harold E. Epstein Jay Forster*Ruben D. GarzonJames H. Gurney Lowell G. Johnson Robert J. Kennelly E. G. “Al” Kiener Joseph L. Koep finger*L. Bruce McClung Daleep C. Mohla Robert F. Munzner Louis-François Pau Ronald C. Petersen Gerald H. Peterson John B. Posey Gary S. Robinson Akio Tojo Hans E. Weinrich Donald W. ZipseContents1.Overview (1)1.1Scope (1)1.2Purpose (2)2.References (2)3.Definitions (3)4.Power quality (4)4.1Normal voltage operating range (5)4.2Voltage flicker (5)4.3Frequency (6)4.4Waveform distortion (6)4.5Power factor (6)5.Safety and protection functions (7)5.1Response to abnormal utility conditions (7)5.2Direct-current injection (9)5.3Grounding (9)5.4Utility-interface disconnect switch (9)Annex A(normative) Minimum test procedure for a nonislanding PV inverter (11)Annex B(informative) Bibliography (15)Annex C(informative) PV inverters and the utility interface (16)Annex D(informative) Disconnect switches and utility procedures (19)Annex E(informative) Islanding as it applies to PV systems (20)Annex F(informative) The PV inverter under utility fault conditions (22)Annex G(informative) Dedicated distributed transformer (25)IEEE Recommended Practicefor Utility Interface ofPhotovoltaic (PV) Systems1. OverviewThis recommended practice contains guidance regarding equipment and functions necessary to ensure compatible operation of photovoltaic (PV) systems that are connected in parallel with the electric utility. This guidance includes factors relating to personnel safety, equipment protection, power quality, and utility system operation.The document also includes seven annexes—Annex A, Minimum test procedure for a nonislanding PV inverter—Annex B, PV inverters and the utility interface—Annex C, Disconnect switches and utility procedures—Annex D, Islanding as it applies to PV systems—Annex E, The PV inverter under utility fault conditions—Annex F, Dedicated distribution transformers—Annex G, Bibliography1.1 ScopeThis recommended practice applies to utility-interconnected PV power systems operating in parallel with the utility and utilizing static (solid-state) inverters for the conversion of direct current (dc) to alternating current (ac). (This recommended practice does not apply to systems utilizing rotating inverters.)This recommended practice describes specific recommendations for “small” systems, rated at 10 kW or less, such as may be utilized on individual residences. These recommendations will provide greater standardiza-tion for these smaller systems, thereby reducing the engineering and design burden on both the PV system installer and the interconnecting utility.“Intermediate” applications, ranging from over 10 kW up to 500 kW, follow the same general guidelines as small systems. Options to have adjustable setpoints or other custom features may be required by the inter-IEEEStd 929-2000IEEE RECOMMENDED PRACTICE FORconnecting utility, depending on the impact of the PV system on the portion of the utility system to which it is interconnected.“Large” systems, greater than 500 kW, may combine various standardized features as well as custom requirements, depending on the impact of the PV system on the portion of the utility system to which it is interconnected. A greater degree of custom engineering of the utility interface is to be expected as the size of the PV system grows in relation to utility system capacity.1.2 PurposeThis recommended practice will provide value to a wide spectrum of personnel involved with utility-interconnected PV systems, including utility engineers, PV system designers and installers, and PV system owners. The standardized interconnection recommendations included in this recommended practice will minimize custom engineering of many aspects of the interconnection. This document is focused on providing recommended practice for utility interconnection of PV systems in a manner that will allow the PV systems to perform as expected and be installed at a reasonable cost while not compromising safety or operational issues.Small utility-interconnected PV systems should use standardized, listed inverters (listed to test standards, such as UL 1741-19991, which include the testing requirements described in Annex A). The listing process assures that the inverter incorporates fixed voltage and frequency trip settings and incorporates an integral anti-islanding scheme. It is the intent of this recommended practice that small systems designed and installed in accordance with this document and other applicable standards, such as the National Electrical Code® (NEC®) (NFPA 70-1999), will require no additional protection equipment.2. ReferencesThis recommended practice shall be used in conjunction with the following publications. When the follow-ing standards are superseded by an approved revision, the revision shall apply.Accredited Standards Committee C2-1997, National Electrical Safety Code® (NESC®).2ANSI C84.1-1995, American National Standard for Electric Power Systems and Equipment—V oltage Rat-ings (60 Hertz).3IEEE Std 519-1992, IEEE Recommended Practices and Requirements for Harmonic Control in Electrical Power Systems.NFPA 70-1999, National Electrical Code® (NEC®).4UL 1741–1999, Standard for Static Inverters and Charge Controllers for Use in Photovoltaic Power Sys-tems.51Information on references can be found in Clause 2.2The NESC is available from the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 445 Hoes Lane, P.O. Box 1331, Piscataway, NJ 08855-1331, USA (/).3ANSI publications are available from the Sales Department, American National Standards Institute, 11 West 42nd Street, 13th Floor, New York, NY 10036, USA (/).4NFPA publications are available from Publications Sales, National Fire Protection Association, 1 Batterymarch Park, P.O. Box 9101, Quincy, MA 02269-9101, USA.5UL standards are available from Global Engineering Documents, 15 Inverness Way East, Englewood, Colorado 80112, USA (/).IEEE UTILITY INTERFACE OF PHOTOVOLT AIC (PV) SYSTEMS Std 929-20003. DefinitionsFor purposes of this recommended practice, the following terms and definitions apply. IEEE 100-1996 [B7],6 The IEEE Dictionary of Electrical and Electronics Terms, should be referenced for terms not defined in this clause.3.1 inverter: Equipment that converts direct current (dc) to alternating current (ac). Any static power con-verter (SPC) with control, protection, and filtering functions used to interface an electric energy source with an electric utility system. Syn: static power converter (SPC), power conditioning subsystems, power conversion systems, solid-state converters, or power conditioning units.NOTES1—The term “inverter” is popularly used for the converter that serves as the interface device between the PV system dc output and the utility system. However, the definition for SPC more accurately describes this interface device. Because of popular usage, the term “inverter” is used throughout this recommended practice. It should be born in mind that this inverter includes the control, protection, and filtering functions as described in the definition for SPC.2—Because of its integrated nature, the inverter is only required to be totally disconnected from the utility for service or maintenance. At all other times, whether the inverter is transferring PV energy to the utility or not, the control circuits remain connected to the utility to monitor utility conditions. The phrase “cease to energize the utility line” is used throughout this document to acknowledge that the inverter does not become totally disconnected from the utility when a trip function occurs, such as an overvoltage trip. The inverter can be completely disconnected from the utility for inverter maintenance by opening the ac-disconnect switch required by the NEC®.3.2 nonislanding inverter: An inverter that will cease to energize the utility line in ten cycles or less when subjected to a typical islanded load in which either of the following is true:a)There is at least a 50% mismatch in real power load to inverter output (that is, real power load is<50% or >150% of inverter power output).b)The islanded-load power factor is <0.95 (lead or lag).If the real-power-generation-to-load match is within 50% and the islanded-load power factor is > 0.95, then a nonislanding inverter will cease to energize the utility line within 2 s whenever the connected line has a quality factor of 2.5 or less.NOTE—See Annex A for a test procedure that identifies an inverter as a nonislanding inverter.3.3 islanding: A condition in which a portion of the utility system that contains both load and distributed resources remains energized while isolated from the remainder of the utility system.3.4 distributed resource islanding: An islanding condition in which the distributed resource(s) supplying the loads within the island are not within the direct control of the power system operator.3.5 point of common coupling (PCC): The point at which the electric utility and the customer interface occurs. Typically, this point is the customer side of the utility revenue meter.NOTE—In practice, for building-mounted photovoltaic (PV) systems (such as residential PV systems) the customer dis-tribution panel may be considered the PCC for convenience in making measurements and performing testing.3.6 quality factor: Two pi times the ratio of the maximum stored energy to the energy dissipated per cycle ata given frequency.NOTE—In a parallel resonant circuit, such as a load on a power system6The numbers in brackets correspond to those of the bibliography in Annex G.IEEE Std 929-2000IEEE RECOMMENDED PRACTICE FOR Q = R whereQis quality factor Ris effective load resistance Cis effective load capacitance (including shunt capacitors)L is effective load inductanceOr, on a power system, where real power, P , and reactive powers, P qL, for inductive load, and P qC for capacitive load, are known asQ = (1/P )whereQis quality factor Pis real power P qLis inductive load P qC is capacitive load 3.7 resonant frequency: The frequency, f , at which a parallel resonant resistive-inductive-capacitive (RLC)load has unity power factorf = 1/(2!)wherefis the resonant frequency C is effective load capacitance (including shunt capacitors)L is effective load inductanceAlso, the frequency at which the reactive powers P qL and P qC are equal, and hence the parallel RLC load appears equivalent to the load resistance only.3.8 utility-interface disconnect switch: A switch tha t ma y be required a t the interfa ce between the photovoltaic (PV) system and the utility system. This terminology is used to distinguish this switch from others tha t ma y be insta lled for other rea sons, such a s to sa tisfy requirements of the Na tiona l Electrica l Code ®.4. Power qualityThe quality of power provided by the PV system for the on-site ac loads and for delivery to the intercon-nected utility is governed by practices and standards addressing voltage, flicker, frequency, and distortion.Deviation from these standards represents out-of-bounds conditions and may require that the inverter cease to energize the utility line. For intermediate and large systems, the interconnected utility may prefer to have the PV remain connected during some voltage or frequency excursions to assist in riding through distur-bances. Abnormal conditions are discussed in Clause 5.All power quality parameters (that is, voltage, flicker, frequency, distortion) are speci fied at the point of com-mon coupling (PCC) unless otherwise stated in this recommended practice.C L---P qL P qC×C L ×IEEE UTILITY INTERFACE OF PHOTOVOLT AIC (PV) SYSTEMS Std 929-2000Underwriters Laboratories has prepared UL 1741-1999 specifically for PV inverters and PV charge control-lers. The utility interconnection testing in UL 1741-1999 contains tests to confirm that an inverter meets the power quality recommendations of Clause 4 of this recommended practice.4.1 Normal voltage operating rangeUtility-interconnected PV systems do not regulate voltage, they inject current into the utility. Therefore, the voltage operating range for PV inverters is selected as a protection function that responds to abnormal utility conditions, not as a voltage regulation function.Clearly, a large quantity of this current injection has the potential for impacting utility voltage. As long as the magnitude of PV current injection on a utility line remains less than the load on that line, the utility’s voltage regulation devices will continue to operate normally. If the PV current injection on a utility line exceeds the load on that line, then corrective action is required, as the voltage regulation devices do not normally have directional current sensing capability.See 5.1.1 for recommended device response when voltage at the PCC lies outside the specified operating range.4.1.1 Small systems ("10kW)Small PV systems should be capable of operating within the limits normally experienced on utility distribution lines. It is in the best interest of both the interconnected utility and the PV system owner that the operating window be selected in a manner that minimizes nuisance tripping. The operating window for these small PV systems is 106–132 V on a 120 V base, that is, 88–110% of nominal voltage. This range results in trip points at 105 V and at 133 V.In actual practice, the 133 V trip point is related to the PCC voltage, which is not necessarily the inverter ter-minal voltage. If the inverter installation is electrically near enough to the PCC to allow negligible voltage difference between the inverter and the PCC, then the 133 V trip point will apply to the inverter terminals as well as the PCC. However, some systems may have installation restrictions that do not allow negligible volt-age difference between the inverter and the PCC. In such cases, the techniques described in B.9 may be use-ful in allowing for this voltage difference.The recommendation of this clause is that the inverter cease to energize the utility lines whenever the voltage at the PCC deviates from the allowable voltage operating range of 106–132 V.4.1.2 Intermediate and large systemsUtilities may have specific operating voltage ranges for intermediate and large PV systems and may require adjustable operating voltage settings for these larger systems. In the absence of such requirements, the prin-ciples of operating between 88% and 110% of the appropriate interconnection voltage (see 4.1.1) should be followed.4.2 Voltage flickerWhether a particular amount and frequency of voltage flicker are problems is highly subjective. The topic has been documented in several studies in the past, including one by the New England Electric Power Service Co. [B10], and is discussed in 10.5 of IEEE Std 519-1992, particularly Figure 10.3. Any voltage flicker resulting from the connection of the inverter to the utility system at the PCC should not exceed the limits defined by the maximum borderline of irritation curve identified in IEEE Std 519-1992. This require-ment is necessary to minimize the adverse voltage effects to other customers on the utility system.IEEEStd 929-2000IEEE RECOMMENDED PRACTICE FOR4.3 FrequencyThe utility controls system frequency, and the PV system shall operate in synchronism with the utility. Small PV systems installed in North America should have a fixed operating frequency range of 59.3–60.5 Hz. Sys-tems installed in another country should follow the frequency operating window standards of that country.Small isolated utility systems, as are often encountered on islands and in remote areas, may require larger frequency windows for small systems because of prevalent frequency deviations outside the above-speci fied window. Utilities may require adjustable operating frequency settings for intermediate and large systems. See 5.1.2 for action recommended when frequency at the PCC lies outside the speci fied operating range.4.4 Waveform distortionThe PV system output should have low current-distortion levels to ensure that no adverse effects are caused to other equipment connected to the utility system. The PV system electrical output at the PCC should com-ply with Clause 10 of IEEE Std 519-1992 and should be used to de fine the acceptable distortion levels for PV systems connected to a utility. The key requirements of this clause are summarized in the following:—Total harmonic current distortion shall be less than 5% of the fundamental frequency current at rated inverter output.—Each individual harmonic shall be limited to the percentages listed in Table 1. The limits in Table 1are a percentage of the fundamental frequency current at full system output. Even harmonics in these ranges shall be <25% of the odd harmonic limits listed.These requirements are for six-pulse converters and general distortion situations. IEEE Std 519-1992 gives a conversion formula for converters with pulse numbers greater than six.4.5 Power factorThe PV system should operate at a power factor > 0.85 (lagging or leading) when output is > 10% of rating.Most PV inverters designed for utility-interconnected service operate close to unity power factor. Specially designed systems that provide reactive power compensation may operate outside of this limit with utility approval.Table 1—Distortion limits as recommended in IEEE Std 519-1992for six-pulse convertersOdd harmonicsDistortion limit3rd –9th < 4.0%11th –15th < 2.0%17th – 21st < 1.5%23rd –33rd < 0.6%Above the 33rd< 0.3%IEEEUTILITY INTERFACE OF PHOTOVOLT AIC (PV) SYSTEMSStd 929-20005. Safety and protection functionsThis cla use describes recommenda tions a ddressing the proper a nd sa fe opera tion of the PV system.Recommendations include equipment protective functions as well as hardware recommendations to address personnel safety. This clause also includes speci fications regarding the response to electrical disturbances.Annex B discusses the capabilities of inverters and their response to electrical disturbances.UL 1741-1999 conta ins sa fety tests, a s described in the minimum inverter test procedure discussed in Annex A, which con firm the existence of trip settings that adhere to the recommendations in this clause,including testing for the existence of an anti-islanding scheme.5.1 Response to abnormal utility conditionsAbnormal conditions can arise on the utility system that require a response from the connected PV system.This response is to ensure the safety of utility maintenance personnel and the general public, as well as to avoid damage to connected equipment, including the PV system. The abnormal utility conditions of concern are voltage and frequency excursions above or below the values stated in 4.1 and in 4.3 and the complete dis-connect of the utility, presenting the potential for a distributed resource island. (See 3.4 for a de finition of distributed resource islanding, and see 5.1.3 and Annex D for a discussion of islanding as it applies to PV systems.)A PV system should sense utility conditions and cease to energize the utility line when the sensed voltage or frequency lies outside the values stated in 4.1 and 4.3, when the potential for a distributed resource island exists, or when excess dc current injection is sensed. 5.1.1 Voltage disturbancesAll discussions regarding system voltage assume a nominal 120 V base. To help in translating these guide-lines to voltage bases other than 120 V , the limits will also be provided as approximate percentages.The inverter should sense abnormal voltage and respond. The conditions in Table 2 should be met, with volt-ages in root-mean-square (rms) values and measured at the PCC.The purpose of the allowed time delay is to ride through short-term disturbances to avoid excessive nuisance tripping.Table 2—Response to abnormal voltagesVoltage (at PCC)Maximum trip time 1V < 60 (V < 50%)6 cycles 60 " V < 106 (50% " V< 88%)120 cycles 106 " V " 132 (88% "V " 110%)Normal operation 132 < V < 165 (110% < V < 137%)120 cycles 165 " V (137% " V)2 cycles1“Trip time” refers to the time between the abnormal condition being appliedand the inverter ceasing to energize the utility line. The inverter will actually remain connected to the utility to allow the inverter to sense utility electrical conditions for the “reconnect” feature.。
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数字光纤传输产品使用手册- 0 - 目录 1 概述................................................................................................... 2 2 产品特点........................................................................................... 2 3汇聚式设备功能型号对照表......................................................... 4 4设备接口和指示灯............................................................................ 6 4.1汇聚型光端机前端设备发射机.................................... 6 4.2汇聚型光端机汇聚点设备中继汇聚. (6)4.3汇聚型光端机监控中心接收设备局端监控接收机.... 8 4.4子架针对有上架需求客户............................................ 9 4.5 子架电源盘........................................................................... 9 5 技术规格......................................................................................... 10 6 安装使用......................................................................................... 12 6.1 工作前准备.................................................................... 12 6.2 子架安装方法和尺寸.................................................... 12 6.3 汇聚型光端机前端独立设备和汇聚点设备的安装和尺寸.............................................................................................. 13 6.4 端口连接........................................................................ 14 6.4.1 视频连接....................................................................... 15 6.4.2 光纤连接....................................................................... 15 6.4.3 电源连接....................................................................... 16 6.4.4 数据、音频、开关量接口的连接............................... 16 7 随机附件......................................................................................... 20 8 常见故障排除................................................................................. 21 数字光纤传输产品使用手册- 1 - 产品质量保证武汉微创光电股份有限公司保证所制造和销售的产品在发运后1年内不会因为材料或制造工艺的缺陷出现质量问题。
IEEE Standards Association Standards Board Operations ManualThis version is current and posted: November 2010Users are cautioned that updates are made throughout the year. The most current version, in English, is found on the IEEE-SA Web site:/guides/opman/sb-om.pdf"This manual has been translated into Chinese to aid in the understanding of the original IEEE English text version. The IEEE does not take responsibility, nor does it provide any warranty whatsoever, neither expressed nor implied, for any conflicts which may occur due to changes in the syntax and meaning that are inherent to the translation process. In all cases, the IEEE version, published in English, shall serve as the reference document."IEEE-SA标准委员会操作手册目录1. 简介 (1)1.1 范围和目的 (1)1.2 IEEE标准类型 (1)1.3 标准文档 (2)2. 相关文件 (3)3. 缩略语和首字母缩写词 (4)4. IEEE SASB和委员会程序 (5)4.1 IEEE SASB (5)4.2 IEEE SASB常务委员会 (6)4.3 形成标准协调委员会(SCC) (10)4.4 SCC的组织 (11)4.5 SCC的责任 (12)4.6 SCC的解散 (12)5. 标准制定 (14)5.1 支持者(Sponsor) (14)5.2 项目授权 (17)5.3 标准制定会议 (17)5.4 支持者的标准投票 (23)5.5 向IEEE SASB提交建议标准 (30)5.6 采用标准 (30)5.7 试用标准 (31)5.8 上诉 (32)5.9 解释和说明 (35)6. 版权、商标和专利 (38)6.1 版权 (38)6.2 商标 (38)6.3 专利 (39)7. IEEE参与IEEE外的委员会 (42)7.1 IEEE代表出席ANSI认可标准委员会(ASC) (42)7.2 与国际电工委员会(IEC)的IEEE类别D联络 (43)8. 出版 (46)8.1 标准 (46)8.2 草案的出版 (47)9. IEEE标准的维护 (49)9.1 重新确认 (49)9.2 修订 (50)9.3 稳定的标准 (50)9.4 撤销 (51)10. 维护并修改IEEE SASB的操作手册 (53)10.1 IEEE SASB操作手册的解释 (53)IEEE-SA 标准委员会操作手册1.简介1.1 范围和目的IEEE标准协会标准委员会(IEEE SASB)的组织结构和基本程序由IEEE-SA 标准委员会规章规定,本文是对IEEE-SA标准委员会规章的补充,如果冲突,请参照该规章。
ieee使用指南IEEE使用指南第一部分:引言IEEE(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)是全球最大的专业技术组织之一,致力于推动电气和电子工程领域的发展。
第二部分:IEEE Xplore数字图书馆IEEE Xplore数字图书馆是IEEE提供的一个重要资源平台,为学术界和工业界的研究人员提供了大量的科技论文、会议记录、期刊文章和标准文献等。
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共同供應契約電子採購系統立約商作業操作手冊目錄第一篇網際網路簡介 (1)第一章網際網路常識 (1)第一節上網需要些什麼 (1)第二節網際網路的基本名詞 (2)第三節網路資訊安全 (5)第二章如何進入網際網路 (6)第一節撥接網路帳號 (6)第二節非對稱數位用戶迴路 (11)第三節固接專線 (12)第三章GCA簡介 (13)第一節GCA機制 (13)第二節GCA機制在本系統上的應用 (14)第三節適用機關之GCA憑證申請 (14)第二篇共同功應契約電子採購系統介紹 (16)第一章系統概述 (16)第一節緣起 (16)第二節系統目標 (17)第三節系統範圍 (17)第三篇採購與訂單管理 (19)第一章採購與訂單管理系統簡介 (19)第二章採購與訂單管理系統流程 (21)第三章採購與訂單管理系統作業說明 (23)第一節商品查詢 (23)第二節訂單管理 (27)第四篇商品規格上傳 (33)第一篇網際網路簡介第一章網際網路常識第一節上網需要些什麼想要上網,你除了需要一台電腦,數據機、ADSL或專線設備外,還需要上網軟體,除了Windows所附的撥號網路之外,你還需要瀏覽WWW的軟體。
這樣的機構就叫做ISP,也就是Internet Service Provider。
關於用來上網連線的設備,大致上有下面幾類:◆數據機-- 即Modem。
◆ADSL -- 是指現有的電話線上加裝ADSLt數據機(ATU-R),利用ADSL技術,客戶可以在使用電話時亦可同時上網。
◆專線-- 利用固定連接的線路連接電腦跟網際網路。
第二節網際網路的基本名詞◆DNS -- Domain Name Server。
董事会议事规程范本1. 引言本董事会议事规程(以下简称“规程”)旨在规范董事会的会议程序和决策流程,确保董事会有效运作并达成一致意见。
2. 召集会议2.1 召集人员召集人员是指有权召集董事会会议的人员,一般为公司董事长或执行董事。
2.2 会议通知会议通知应至少提前 [X] 天发送给董事成员,以确保董事有充分时间做好准备。
通知应包含以下内容:- 会议时间、地点和形式(线上或线下);- 会议议程;- 会议材料和文件。
2.3 会议文件在会议通知中,应附上与会议议程相关的文件和材料,以便董事对议题有充分了解并作出准确决策。
3. 会议程序3.1 主持会议董事长或执行董事应主持董事会会议,并确保会议按照规程进行。
3.2 议程确定会议议程应事先确定并包括主要议题及讨论时间安排。
3.3 议题讨论在讨论每个议题时,董事有权发表意见、提出问题并就相关事项进行讨论。
3.4 决策方式决策方式可以通过表决、共识或其他方式进行,根据规程规定或者董事会成员的协商达成。
3.5 会议记录会议记录员应记录会议的主要讨论内容、决策结果和行动事项。
4. 其他事项4.1 未尽事宜对于未在本规程中涉及的事宜,应根据公司章程和法律法规的规定进行处理。
4.2 规程修改修改本规程应经董事会通过,并于修改生效后通知董事成员。
5. 结论本董事会议事规程的目的是确保公司董事会的会议程序规范、公正、高效,并促进公司决策的科学性和合规性。
组织操作手册目录1组织操作手册说明2公司组织架构2.1 公司组织机构图2.2 公司关键岗位图2.3 关键业务流程3公司组织机构设置3.1 董事会3.1.1董事会3.1.2董事长3.1.3经营管理审计委员会3.2 总经理3.3 财务部3.4 成本管理部3.5 人力资源部3.6 行政后勤部3.7 发展规划部3.8 (长阳园)项目部3.8.1工程技术部3.8.2销售管理部1组织操作手册说明1.1组织设置是公司战略的重要组成部分;是公司阶段性战略规划任务要求的组织体现;是公司健康、快速、安全发展的重要保障;是员工职业生涯发展的重要基础。
1.2 组织操作手册是公司组织设置的内部法律性文件;是指导各级管理人员及所有员工开展工作的政策指引。
1.3 组织操作手册由人力资源部负责管理;经总经理办公会批准实施。
1.4 组织操作手册的修订由人力资源部负责组织,各机构参与修订。
1.5 本组织操作手册自2003年7月1日起试行。
2 公司组织架构2.1 公司组织机构图说明:集团中心各部门与房地产公司各对应部门合署办公。
2.2 公司关键岗位图2.2关键岗业务流程(见附件)3 公司组织机构设置3.1 董事会3.1.1 董事会主要职权1.决定公司的总体发展战略;2.决定公司的年度战略规划及预算方案;3.决定公司组织机构设置;4.审议批准公司财务管理制度;5.决定高管人员薪酬与考核方案,审议批准公司人力资源管理制度;6.审议批准重大项目投资与兼并收购方案;7.聘任与解聘总经理及经营管理审计委员会主任;8.确定集团融资方案,审议批准融资计划;9.审议批准公司担保方案;10.对公司的经营状况进行定期与不定期的审计与监督;11.对公司的经营成果进行考核,并根据考核结果确定对总经理班子的奖惩与分配。
3.1.2 董事长主要职权1.召集、主持董事会会议;2.提出决议方案,提交董事会审议;3.签发经董事会通过的各项决议与文件;4.督促、检查董事会决议的执行;5.提名总经理及经营管理审计委员会主任;6.在发生特大自然灾害等不可抗力的紧急情况下,对公司事务行使符合法律规定和公司利益的特别处置权,并在事后向董事会报告;7.董事会闭会期间行使董事会相关权力;8.董事会授权的其它事务。
董事会会议议程(完整版)董事会会议议程 (完整版)日期:[填入日期]时间:[填入具体时间]地点:[填入地点]一、会议开场1. 召集人开场发言:[填入召集人姓名]将宣布会议开始,并简要介绍会议目的和议程安排。
二、核对上次会议纪要1. 由[填入秘书姓名]阅读上次会议纪要。
2. 与会人员对上次会议纪要提出修改或补充意见。
3. 盖章确认通过或修订后重新提交。
三、重要报告和决策1. [填入报告名称]:由[填入报告人姓名]进行详细汇报。
2. [填入决策名称]:讨论与决定相关议题。
四、拟定和审议议案1. [填入议案名称]:详细说明议案内容。
2. [填入议案名称]:详细说明议案内容。
3. [填入议案名称]:详细说明议案内容。
4. 与会人员对每个议案提出问题和讨论。
五、其他事项1. 公告事项:[填入涉及公告的事项]2. 提醒事项:[填入需要与会人员注意的事项]3. 其他事项:[填入其他需要讨论或决策的事项]六、会议总结和结束1. 由[填入主持人姓名]进行会议总结和致辞。
2. 宣布下次董事会会议的时间、地点和议程安排。
3. 结束会议。
---注意事项:- 请参会人员提前阅读与准备与会议议程相关的文件和资料。
- 请提前发送与会议相关的文件和资料给参会人员。
- 若有变更或调整,请及时通知与会人员。
- 请各位准时参加会议。
- 请参会人员保持秩序和纪律。
2.董事会的成员2.1 董事会的人数公司的董事会成员应当由不少于三人不多于十五人组成。
2.2 董事候选人的条件董事候选人应当具有高尚的品德和专业背景,诚实守信,无违法记录,不得同时担任其他公司的董事,不得有经济纠纷或矛盾等冲突利益关系。
2.3 董事的任期公司的董事的任期一般为三年。
3.董事会的职责和权利3.1 董事会的职责董事会对公司的管理和发展方向负有最终决策权,对公司的重大决策,例如制定公司的发展战略、招聘公司的高管和调整公司的组织结构等都要进行审议和决策。
3.2 董事会的权利董事会有权利访问企业内部的基层员工、监督公司的业务运营情况,监督公司的企业社会责任履行情况,符合相关法律法规的要求。
3.3 董事会的讨论和决策董事会的经营讨论和决策需要达到董事会的多数意见。
4. 董事会的运作4.1 董事会的议事程序董事会在进行讨论决策时,应当严格按照程序进行。
4.2 董事会会议的召开董事会会议一般每年至少召开四次。
4.3 董事会会议的通知董事会的会议一般应当提前七天以上通知董事和监事,并告知会议议程和议题的核心精神。
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1.2 IEEE的今天:
如今的IEEE从多个方面为公众提供服务和职业发展的支持,其中包括: 会员:IEEE的会员绝大部分是电气、计算机科学、工程学和其他相关学科的 工程师、科学家和专业技术人员。会员的最高级别为会士,由业内同行提名、 IEEE董事会审核批准产生。 出版物:IEEE每年出版的电气电子和计算机科学领域的技术文献约占世界总 量的1/3,而且其文献的引用率在电子、通信和其他领域也名列前茅。 数字图书馆:IEEE数字图书馆库藏丰富,文献目录最早可至1988年,部分内 容还可上溯至1950年。 会议:每年,IEEE在全球主办或协办900多个技术会议,参会人数超过10万人。 标准:IEEE是世界权威的标准制定机构,目前已经为通信、信息技术、发电 产品等制定了许多现行产业标准。其中包括著名的IEEE 802®。 教育:通过开展在线学习,推出培训活动,开展技术认证,IEEE正在逐步满 足会员继续学习的要求。同时,IEEE还积极和产业界、大学和政府合作来提 升尚未进入大学的青少年的科学及工程素养。 资金补助:IEEE基金会每年提供约2百万美元的慈善资金在全球开展相关活动, 主要包括:开展教育和公众信息项目;支持历史研究公共服务;推动技术创新; 增加公众对工程学社会影响的认知等。 奖励:每年,IEEE都会对技术领域为社会做出杰出贡献的个人做出奖励。
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as board scrutinize plans -回复
as board scrutinize plans -回复以下是一篇1500-2000字的文章,详细回答了以"[as board scrutinize plans],以中括号内的内容为主题"的要求。
[as board scrutinize plans],以中括号内的内容为主题在任何组织中,董事会扮演着至关重要的角色。
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X X科技InterScan Gateway Security Appliance标准操作手册SOP目录1 存在的威胁 (2)2 产品总体描述 (3)2.1 功能概览 (3)2.2 硬件规格 (4)3 产品部署分析 (5)4 产品安装步骤 (7)5 产品基本配置 (13)6 产品正常运行测试 (29)7 产品系统升级步骤 (31)8 产品网站资源 (38)1存在的威胁众所周知,病毒、间谍软件、垃圾邮件以及不适当的内容会破坏业务运营,并对员工生产力造成影响。
2产品总体描述2.1功能概览功能特点:全合一的网关安全防止多种威胁和不适当内容进入网络●反间谍软件⏹网关过滤,降低桌面端间谍软件清除负担⏹自动阻断间谍软件Phone Home,保护企业机密信息不外泄⏹提高员工生产力●反垃圾邮件⏹提高邮件应用效率⏹保证不间断邮件系统业务支持⏹结合动态IP信誉评估技术(NRS),提高垃圾邮件的扫描效率和精准度●病毒实时过滤⏹采用XX科技Intelli-trap技术,对已知和未知病毒进行防范⏹降低桌面端恶意软件清除成本,保证业务连续性●反网络钓鱼⏹防护目前比较流行的phishing攻击,阻止客户访问钓鱼网站⏹避免公司财务损失●URL filtering⏹控制员工internet访问的时间、范围和访问量⏹改善员工生产力,避免工作时间访问无关网站⏹限制法律影响●邮件过滤⏹限制法律影响⏹强制邮件收发规范,可以对内容、关键字进行过滤,也可以对附件进行管理●损害清除服务⏹发现中毒机器后,自动调用损害清除服务DCS进行远程清除⏹减轻管理员工作压力●病毒爆发防护策略⏹及时部署防护策略,限制病毒爆发影响范围⏹保护基础网络设施,应对最新病毒威胁⏹独一无二的快速响应机制●部署简便、易于管理⏹基于web的远程管理配置及自动更新⏹在不改变硬件的情况下实现轻松升级,减少IT管理员负担⏹补充已有防火墙和虚拟专用网的安全防护⏹为硬件、软件和可用的长期担保提供一站式支持2.2硬件规格3产品部署分析IGSA建议部署在防火墙的后面,对进出网关的HTTP、FTP、SMTP、POP3数据流进行扫描,且支持透明模式,不需要客户端做任何设置上的修改,实施简单,管理方便,有效应对目前比较流行的间谍软件、钓鱼网站、病毒邮件、垃圾邮件等威胁。
董事会会议SOP征集议案标题会议时间确定会议议程会议地点第一项:会议筹备会议主持人审议内容会准备会议材料前第二项:会议通知短信告知文件通知会议提示第三项:会前检视1、修正会议议题2、资料装袋发放3、清点参会人数(签到表)4、落实委托授权签字5、关注会议签字事项1、主持人2、审议事项及表决会3、会议记录及签字4、书面意见收集及签字审议及决议5、决议及签字: (1)企业名称中(2)开会时间(3)开会地点(4)参加人员(5)决议事项或内容:现经董事会一致同意,决定….即时生效。
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IEEE Standards Association Standards Board Operations ManualThis version is current and posted: November 2010Users are cautioned that updates are made throughout the year. The most current version, in English, is found on the IEEE-SA Web site:/guides/opman/sb-om.pdf"This manual has been translated into Chinese to aid in the understanding of the original IEEE English text version. The IEEE does not take responsibility, nor does it provide any warranty whatsoever, neither expressed nor implied, for any conflicts which may occur due to changes in the syntax and meaning that are inherent to the translation process. In all cases, the IEEE version, published in English, shall serve as the reference document."IEEE-SA标准委员会操作手册目录1. 简介 (1)1.1 范围和目的 (1)1.2 IEEE标准类型 (1)1.3 标准文档 (2)2. 相关文件 (3)3. 缩略语和首字母缩写词 (4)4. IEEE SASB和委员会程序 (5)4.1 IEEE SASB (5)4.2 IEEE SASB常务委员会 (6)4.3 形成标准协调委员会(SCC) (10)4.4 SCC的组织 (11)4.5 SCC的责任 (12)4.6 SCC的解散 (12)5. 标准制定 (14)5.1 支持者(Sponsor) (14)5.2 项目授权 (17)5.3 标准制定会议 (17)5.4 支持者的标准投票 (23)5.5 向IEEE SASB提交建议标准 (30)5.6 采用标准 (30)5.7 试用标准 (31)5.8 上诉 (32)5.9 解释和说明 (35)6. 版权、商标和专利 (38)6.1 版权 (38)6.2 商标 (38)6.3 专利 (39)7. IEEE参与IEEE外的委员会 (42)7.1 IEEE代表出席ANSI认可标准委员会(ASC) (42)7.2 与国际电工委员会(IEC)的IEEE类别D联络 (43)8. 出版 (46)8.1 标准 (46)8.2 草案的出版 (47)9. IEEE标准的维护 (49)9.1 重新确认 (49)9.2 修订 (50)9.3 稳定的标准 (50)9.4 撤销 (51)10. 维护并修改IEEE SASB的操作手册 (53)10.1 IEEE SASB操作手册的解释 (53)IEEE-SA 标准委员会操作手册1.简介1.1 范围和目的IEEE标准协会标准委员会(IEEE SASB)的组织结构和基本程序由IEEE-SA 标准委员会规章规定,本文是对IEEE-SA标准委员会规章的补充,如果冲突,请参照该规章。
1.2 IEEE标准类型IEEE标准包括但并不限于:➢适用于IEEE范围内任何科学或技术领域的术语、定义或者符号列表;➢IEEE范围内与工艺、科学或者技术有关的任何设备、仪器、系统或者现象的参数或性能的测量或测试科学方法的说明;➢与具有工程安装功能的设备、仪器和系统相关的特征、性能和安全要求;➢IEEE范围内任何技术领域的工程原则应用中,反映当前工艺状态的标准。
1.3 标准文档全部IEEE-SA标准草案、会议记录、支持者投票材料和支持者投票意见应该使用英语。
2.相关文件美国国家标准学会(ANSI)基本要求:美国国家标准的法定程序要求(最新版本)IEEE 标准协会操作手册IEEE-SA标准委员会规章PAR表格IEEE-SA标准委员会关于提交建议标准的工作指南和建议标准的提交表格(被认为IEEE-SA提交建议标准的工作指南)IEEE标准格式手册罗伯特议事规则,修订本(最新版本)3.缩略语和首字母缩写词AdCom: IEEE-SA Standards Board Administrative Committee:IEEE-SA标准委员会管理委员会ANSI: American National Standards Institute:美国国家标准学会ASC: ANSI Accredited Standards Committee:ANSI认可标准委员会AudCom: IEEE-SA Standards Board Audit Committee:IEEE-SA标准委员会审计委员会IEEE: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers:电气电子工程师学会NesCom: IEEE-SA Standards Board New Standards Committee:IEEE-SA标准委员会新标准委员会PAR: Project Authorization Request:项目授权请求PatCom: IEEE-SA Standards Board Patent Committee:IEEE-SA标准委员会专利委员会ProCom: IEEE-SA Standards Board Procedures Committee:IEEE-SA标准委员会程序委员会RevCom: IEEE-SA Standards Board Standards Review Committee:IEEE-SA标准委员会标准审查委员会SASB: IEEE-SA Standards Board:IEEE-SA标准委员会SCC: Standards Coordinating Committee:标准协调委员会SDO: Standards-Developing Organization:标准制定组织TC: Technical Committee:技术委员会WG: Working Group:工作组4.IEEE SASB和委员会程序4.1IEEE SASB4.1.1业务执行除非在IEEE SASB规章和本程序中规定,IEEE SASB会议将按照最新版本的罗伯特议事规则进行。议程在会议开始至少两周前,秘书应准备每次会议的初步议程并发送给IEEE SASB的成员,包括联络代表。
IEEE SASB会议上应提供最终议程。
IEEE SASB委员会对IEEE SASB的建议应以“许可议程”的形式包含在议程中。
如上所述,平衡后的议程通常包括主席报告、秘书报告、行动项目、信息和讨论项目、委员会报告和新业务。会议记录在会议结束四个星期后,IEEE SASB的每次会议记录应由秘书发至投票成员、联络代表、IEEE-SA BOG、出席会议的代表、以及任何参与会议行动的人员。
在报告IEEE SASB正式行动时,按照持不同意见者的要求,会议记录应包含不同意见投票记录。
另外,每次IEEE SASB会议决议列表应由秘书在会后四个星期之内公开发布。项目授权请求(PAR)PAR应由支持者在截止日期前提交给IEEE SASB秘书,同时还应提交至新标准委员会(NesCom)秘书处进行审查。
提交分发情况应通知IEEE SASB的全部成员(更多信息请参4.2.2)。建议标准的提交支持者在截止日期前提交至IEEE SASB秘书处的建议标准及所要求的文档,应由秘书提交到RevCom进行审查,提交分发情况应通知IEEE SASB的全部成员(更多的信息见4.2.3)。流通过程中的保密声明和版权通知IEEE SASB及其委员会操作运转方式遵从公开原则。
为此,任何有关保密或版权声明的要求都不会被IEEE SASB接受或者考虑。
在具有版权的材料合并到IEEE标准中时,,IEEE SASB必须在标准批准前从版权拥有者处获得版权许可。
4.1.2联络代表IEEE SASB秘书应将下列信息分发到联络代表以供审查和执行:a)每个提交请求批准的IEEE 项目授权请求。
联络代表应审查每个请求,以确定他/她的组织机构对该项目是否有兴趣;b)每次IEEE SASB会议的议程。