

3.诗人在诗的开头写景为什么选取“杨花”“子规”来写? (第一句选取了“杨花”与“子规”两个意象,有什么作用?)答:点明了暮春时令,点明主旨,营造悲凉、伤感的基调气氛。
4.诗人在“杨花落尽子规啼”—句里写了哪些景物?渲染了怎样的气氛? 答:杨花和子规鸟。


《闻王昌龄左迁龙标遥有此寄》题集一、选择题1. 李白的《闻王昌龄左迁龙标遥有此寄》中,“杨花落尽子规啼”描绘的是哪个季节的景象?A. 春季B. 夏季C. 秋季D. 冬季答案:A2. 在这首诗中,“闻道龙标过五溪”中的“龙标”指的是什么?A. 王昌龄的官职B. 王昌龄的别称C. 王昌龄的诗歌D. 王昌龄的剑答案:A3. “我寄愁心与明月”中的“愁心”表达了诗人怎样的情感?A. 对朋友的思念B. 对自己的忧伤C. 对生活的无奈D. 对未来的迷茫答案:A4. “随君直到夜郎西”中的“夜郎”在古代是指哪个地区?A. 今天的贵州省B. 今天的云南省C. 今天的广西省D. 今天的广东省答案:A5. 李白在诗中提到“子规啼”,子规是下列哪种鸟的别称?A. 杜鹃B. 黄鹂C. 布谷鸟D. 鹊答案:A6. “杨花落尽子规啼”中的“杨花”实际上是指什么?A. 杨树叶B. 柳絮C. 桃花D. 杏花答案:B7. “闻道龙标过五溪”中的“五溪”位于哪个省份?A. 湖南省B. 湖北省C. 广东省D. 广西省答案:A8. 李白在诗中将自己的情感寄托给“明月”,这种手法在文学创作中通常被称为什么?A. 比喻B. 拟人C. 象征D. 托物言志答案:D9. 《闻王昌龄左迁龙标遥有此寄》这首诗体现了哪种文学风格?A. 唐宋八大家B. 江西诗派C. 唐代边塞诗D. 盛唐山水诗答案:C10. 李白在诗中表达了对友人的深情,以下哪项不是诗中表达情感的方式?A. 通过自然景象描绘B. 通过直接抒情C. 通过历史典故D. 通过托物言志答案:C二、填空题1. 《闻王昌龄左迁龙标遥有此寄》这首诗是李白为好友王昌龄被贬谪而作,诗中的“杨花落尽子规啼”描绘了_______(填“春季”或“秋季”)的景象。
答案:春季2. 诗中“闻道龙标过五溪”表明王昌龄被贬至边远的地区,其中“五溪”指的是古代位于_______(填“湖南”或“湖北”)西部的少数民族地区。


闻王昌龄左迁龙标遥有此寄 中考题

(2分,每个要点1分)13. 答案示例一:海内存知己,天涯若比邻。

三、我寄愁心与明月,随风直到夜郎西 赏析题 1.诗中“我寄愁心与明月,随风直到夜郎西”抒发了作者 怎样的感情? 答:作者对故友贬谪遭遇的关心、同情、思念牵挂之情。 2.“我寄愁心与明月,随君直到夜郎西!”,这一名句运 用了什么修辞方法?这样写有什么好处?请简要分析。 (赏析“我寄愁心与明月,随君直到夜郎西!”) 答:修辞及表达情感角度:拟人。将月亮人格化,赋予了 明月以人的情感色彩。诗人通过丰富的想象,把明月当作 使善解人意的知心人,把自己对朋友的怀念和同情带到夜 郎西。生动形象地表达了诗人的同情无奈,以及对友人的 关心与牵挂。
(2)下列对本诗的理解和分析,不正确的一项是( B ) A.诗歌首句写景,次句叙事,后两句抒情。 B.首句写景兼点时令,突出了杨花的美丽和子规啼叫的 悦耳,使人赏心悦目。 C.诗中将无知无情的明月当成善解人意的人,寄托了诗 人对友人的怀念和同情 D.诗歌想像奇特,体现了李白诗的浪漫主义风格。
二、杨花落尽子规啼,闻道龙标过五溪 赏析题 杨花 、 子规 1.首句中写出了_____ ______,等意象。 2.寓情于景是一种较为常见的表现手法,“杨花落尽子规 飘零之感 ,子规有 伤别之意 啼”杨花,含___________ ________。这句诗表 伤感哀怨 之情。 达了作者对故友贬谪遭遇的__________ 3.诗人在诗的开头写景为什么选取“杨花”“子规”来写? (第一句选取了“杨花”与“子规”两个意象,有什么作 用?) 答:点明了暮春时令,点明主旨,营造悲凉、伤感的基调 气氛。杨花象征离别与漂泊,子规啼声悲哀别离,表达了 作者对故友贬谪遭遇的悲苦哀怨之情。
一、选择题 (1)对这首诗赏析有误的一项是() D A.题目中的“左迁”指降职,李白听说好友王昌龄被贬 为龙标县尉,于是写了这首诗。 B.首句写“杨花落尽”和“子规啼”,点明时令,融情 于景,为后面的抒情作了铺垫。 C.第二句中“过五溪”三字看似平淡,其实是写出了龙 标的荒远和李白对友人的同情。 D.后两句运用了夸张的修辞方法,表达了诗人的忧愁、 无奈及对友人的关切之情。

闻王昌龄左迁龙标遥有此寄诗歌赏析中考试题汇编李白杨花落尽子规啼;闻道龙标过五溪..我寄愁心与明月;随君直到夜郎西..思想内容表现对友人深深的同情和关切..名句赏析后两句;面对朋友被贬往荒凉僻远的地方;自己远隔千里;无法相送;诗人只好委托明月把一颗愁心带到朋友的身边;伴随朋友前往贬谪之地;分担他的痛苦..月亮本是无知无情的;但诗人通过丰富的想像;赋予了月亮以人的情感色彩;将月亮人格化了..五年中考试题汇编闻王昌龄左迁龙标遥有此寄李白杨花落尽子规啼;闻道龙标过五溪..我寄愁心与明月;随风直到夜郎西..1首句中有哪些意象;请写出来..2分2诗中“我寄愁心与明月;随风直到夜郎西”抒发了作者怎样的感情 2分参考答案1杨花;子规2分;如果答“扬花纷纷”“子规悲鸣”类的答案只可得1分..2抒发了诗人对远方的友人的关心;思念和同感情..答到一点得1分;答到两点或两点以上可得2分闻王昌龄左迁龙标遥有此寄李白杨花落尽子规啼;闻道龙标过五溪..我寄愁心与明月;随风直到夜郎西..选自语文七年级上注①左迁:贬官降职;②杨花;柳絮;③子规;杜鹃鸟;又称布谷鸟:④五溪:指雄溪、蒲溪、酉溪、沅溪、辰溪;其流域在今湖南西、贵州东;⑤夜郎;这里指湖南省黔阳县..⑴“杨花”“子规”在诗中象征什么诗人为什么要写“杨花落”“子规啼”⑵诗歌后两句语言凝练;内涵丰富;你从中读出了哪三层意思选答两层参考答案22.⑴运用比喻;诗人抓住“新月”与“小船”外形上“弯弯”这一共同特征;将两个相距遥远的物体联系在一起;这两句诗是全诗的引子;后面内容都围绕这两句诗或引出诗歌后面内容..⑵花香、夜暖、春天;强烈的赞美之情和浓烈的思乡之情..23.⑴象征飘零之感和离别之痛;点明特定时令;渲染或“烘托”暮春环境..⑵诗人只能把自己的愁思托付给明月;诗人和朋友可以同时看到高照的明月;希望明月尽快带去诗人对朋友的问候..闻王昌龄左迁龙标遥有此寄李白杨花落尽子规啼;闻道龙标过五溪..我寄愁心与明月;随风直到夜郎西..1.诗人在“杨花落尽子规啼”—句里写了哪些景物渲染了怎样的气氛 2分2.从“我寄愁心与明月;随风直到夜郎西”两句中;你解读出了诗人哪些情感 3分参考答案1.杨花和子规鸟..渲染了无限悲凉感伤的气氛..2.诗人听说友人将左迁龙标时的惆怅和恋恋不舍之情..闻王昌龄左迁龙标遥有此寄李白杨花落尽子规啼;闻道龙标过五溪..我寄愁心与明月;随君直到夜郎西..1.诗人通过哪些景物表达离别伤感的愁绪 2分_____________________________________________________________________2.在“我寄愁心与明月;随君直到夜郎西”一句中;诗人运用了拟人、想象、情景交融等手法;请任选一个角度;结合诗句内容分析其作用..2分_____________________________________________________________________ 参考答案14.杨花、子规、明月、风两个即可15.示例①拟人修辞;把明月当作使者;表达对友人的同情与关切..示例②奇特的想象;把无知无情的明月;想像成善解人意的知心人;把自己对朋友的怀念和同情带到夜郎西..示例③情景交融或以景传情、借景抒情;把明月之景与对朋友的思念之情交融在一起;表达自己对朋友的怀念和同情..2017·沈阳中考下面两首诗闻王昌龄左迁龙标遥有此寄唐李白杨花落尽子规啼;闻道龙标过五溪..我寄愁心与明月;随风直到夜郎西..别夔州官吏①唐刘禹锡三年楚国巴城守;一去扬州扬子津..青帐②联延喧驿步③;白头俯伛④到江滨..巫山暮色常含雨;峡水秋来不恐人..惟有九歌⑤词数首;里中留与赛蛮神⑥.注释①此诗是诗人调任之际所作..②青帐:指饯别宴席所设的青色帐篷..③步:码头..④白头俯伛:指当地年老的百姓俯身曲背..⑤九歌:这里指诗人在夔州所作的九首竹枝词.⑥蛮神:夔州在西南边地;故称当地供奉的是蛮神..对两首诗理解和分析不恰当的一项是_D_A.闻王昌龄左迁龙标遥有此寄中诗人托明月以达情;表现了他对贬谪好友的关切和同情;写的深切动人..B.别夔州官吏写于诗人调任之际;三、四两句通过写人们送行的场面;表现他们对诗人的惜别之情..C.闻王昌龄左迁龙标遥有此寄中“花落尽子规啼”和别夔州官吏中“峡水秋来不恐人”都是写景兼写时令..D.闻王昌龄左迁龙标遥有此寄表达了诗人对友人的牵挂;别夔州官吏则流露出诗人对隐居生活的向往..。

2、《闻王昌龄左迁龙标遥有此寄》中融情人景,含有飘零之感、离别之恨的句子1、对这首诗赏析有误的一项是( D )A.题目中的“左迁”指降职,李白听说好友王昌龄被贬为龙标县尉,于是写了这首诗。
2、下面是对李白《闻王昌龄左迁龙标遥有此寄》的分析,不正确的一项是( D )A.首句中,“杨花”且“落尽”是先点时令,这样的“暮春”在古诗中是一个花与泪同落的季候,这就奠定了全诗伤感的基调。





02 七上《闻王昌龄左迁龙标遥有此寄》选择题专练-冲刺2024年中考语文古代诗歌课内篇目常考题型专练



毕业论文Title:The Difference of Cultural Connotations Between Chinese and English Animal Words题目: 中英动物词汇文化内涵差异学生姓名王子璇学号BC1111104指导教师程兰讲师年级2011级11班专业英语系别英语系摘要美国作家、学者奈达指出:来自不同国家和文化背景的人们有越来越多的交流。
关键词:动物词;差异;文化内涵AbstractAmerican writer, scholar Nida pointed: “people from different countries and cultural backgrounds has more and more exchanges, as the most active and flexible part of language, animal words only have different connotations in different cultures.”Animal words have been widely used in human life, and these words has their own cultural connotations. On one hand, the words containing the same animal image have the same or similar connotation. On the other hand due to the different geographical environment, history, religion, customs, the connotations of animal words in English do not necessarily coincide with those in Chinese. Through the study the similarities and differences of the same animal and different animal cultural connotations in Chinese and English we can promote cross-cultural exchange between China and England.Key words: animal words; difference; cultural connotationContents摘要 (i)Abstract (ii)Chapter 1 Introduction (1)Chapter 2 Relationship between Word and Culture (3)2.1 Definition of Word (3)2.2 Definition of Culture (3)2.3 Relationship (4)Chapter 3 A Comparison of Connotation of Animal Words in English and Chinese53.1 Animal Words with Similar Cultural Connotations (5)3.1.1 Identical Animal Words with Similar Cultural Connotations (5)3.1.2 Different Animal Words with Similar Cultural Connotations (7)3.2 Identical Animal Words with Different Cultural Connotations (8)Chapter 4 The Causes of the Difference Between Cultural Connotations (10)4.1 Geographic Environment (10)4.2 History (12)4.3 Religion and Belief (13)4.4 Custom (14)Chapter 5 Conclusion (15)Bibliography (17)Acknowledgements (18)The Difference of Cultural Connotations Between Chinese andEnglish Animal WordsChapter 1 IntroductionWith the social development and advancement, the exchange of China and England will become more and more frequently. But the problem is different countries have different culture, the cultural differences will be an obstacle to China's diplomacy. English as the official language used in the most countries, it is necessary to carry out a certain understanding to it. So we can have a degree of certainty about intercultural communication. Language and culture can not be separated from each other. Language is the carrier of culture and it reflects culture. And Language is influenced and shaped by culture. If we don’t have enough cultural knowledge, we can’t understand and use language correctly. Language is affected and restrained by culture. Word is the most active and sensitive factor of a language.Different language environment results different words have different cultural connotation, animal word is the significant part of word, comprehend those animal words meaning and cultural connotations are benefit for intercultural communication between China and English. If we can not comprehend the relationship of animal words cultural connotation in Chinese and English, it will make misunderstanding in the intercultural communication. In order to avoid misunderstanding in cross-culture communication, we should understand some common words cultural connotation both in China and Britain. This paper aims to make a comparison about the difference of animal words cultural connotation between Chinese and English.First, the author uses conception of culture and word to direct the relationship between word and culture, then through the relationship between animal words with them to proof the importance of animal words.Second, compare about the difference of animal words cultural connotationbetween Chinese and English. The author mainly analyzes the difference of animal words from the following three parts: same animal words with similar cultural connotation; different animals with similar cultural connotation; same animal with different cultural connotations. These differences caused by several reasons. There are four mainly reasons that cause difference among them: geographical environment; history; religion; custom.Comparative analysis is an effective method to learn animal word cultural connotation, and it is beneficial for students to study word cultural connotation. It can improve the ability of communication in English. Animal words have a wide variety of cultural connotations, we should attach importance to it and study it.Chapter 2 Relationship between Word and CultureIt’s si gnificant to understand the theoretical basis of cultural connotation between Chinese and English animal words. This paper’s focus is on the concepts of words and culture, if we want to discuss the relationship between them, we must know what they are clearly.2.1 Definition of WordWord is extremely familiar and significant in human life because every day we use language to communicate with others, language is constituted by words, to specify our practical instructions, to express of our thinking inside. Without words our communication will become extremely difficult.Language is the basis of communication and it is essential for us. We use it for communication everyday, our live depend on it. Word is the basic unit of language composition, language is consist by words, so that it can express the people's emotions. Animal words occupy a lot of percentages of words in terms of the total amount.2.2 Definition of CultureCulture, so far we have not summed up a satisfactory definition of it. Precisely bec ause this is a difficult task. Benedict states “It is culture, their common thought and rules that truly combine man together”. British anthropologist Tylor also point s culture is “complex whole which includes knowledge, faith, art, moral customs ability a nd habits of every living person.” In 1993, Wadhaugh asserts “a society’s culture consists of whatever it is one believe in some form and observe it acceptable to its members, and to do so in any role that they accept for any one of themselves.”These thought of culture almost covers belief, knowledge and social habits, etc.And these thought are worthy of scrutiny and they are wisdom of several generations. Scholars define “culture”for different research purposes. But they agreed that cultural is not inherent. Culture is gradually formed in society instead by genetic inheritance.2.3 RelationshipThe relationship between word and culture is paid close attention from man. In the history of human development, the word plays a vital role. Words and history are coexistence, and indispensable for human beings. Without the word, culture is unable to exist. They rely on each other and influence each other. From another aspect, without the knowledge of culture we can not shape the word. If we want to communicate with foreign countries we must learn foreign word, so that we can know their culture well. There are a lot of cultural differences between Chinese and English. Thus, the emphasis of study should be put on the contradistinction of different cultures.By and by animals play more and more important roles in the people's living. In the long period of time, animal words have got their own cultural connotations in different nations. During this course, people associate their feelings, happenings and natural phenomena with various animals. Many animals have become a kind of symbolism in people's language and thinking, and animal words play very important parts in communication. The conceptual meaning of a word is its definition given in a dictionary. Owing to the different cultures and histories in two languages, animal words' connotations do not necessarily coincide with those in the other. When dealing with the connotations of animal words, it is helpful for us to know about the cultural factors. Because language derives from the real life and reflects the real life, to know just animal words' conceptual meanings are not enough for English learners. Similarities and differences of connotations in two languages should be taken into considerations in cross-cultural communication.Chapter 3 A Comparison of Connotation of Animal Words inEnglish and ChineseIt is necessary to consider the status of animal words cultural differences in Chinese and English intercultural communication. Because whether in China or England the animal words have lots of cultural connotations. Different animals reflect the special culture of different countries. They play the significant part in the change of implication of animal words because of man's habits and customs, histories, daily life, and so forth. Thus, the same animal will have different cultural connotations in certain situations. So in some cases, animal words have a certain degree of similar connotation. Importantly, however, they have great differences in some extent.3.1 Animal Words with Similar Cultural ConnotationsOn one hand, identical animal words may have similar cultural connotations between English and Chinese which are totally correspondent. On the other hand, different animal words may also have similar cultural connotations.3.1.1 Identical Animal Words with Similar Cultural ConnotationsAs human beings live in the same world, they have more or less the same thought about species of animals. The same animals have the same living habits, although the culture between China and English are not same, the partial same animals still have similar cultural connotation. For example, “猴”and “monkey”, “狐狸”and “fox”, “wolf” and “狼” and so on.Chinese“猴” is match ed with the word “monkey” in Engli sh, and also it has similar extension and content in two languages. For example if a child who is very witty but mischievous, and get into a little trouble, people will say he is“像只小猴子一样淘气”in China,and English will say the child “like a naughty monkey”. So monkeywith the meaning of being naughty both in Chinese and English. In ancient times, there always have some person ordered some monkeys to do something very funny, and those monkey did it makes man laugh. That is why man use the word “耍猴”to describe “juggle somebody”, “laugh a t somebody”or “make somebody gaffe in” . There is a phrase “make the monkey to somebody” means “fool somebody .” So the connotation of monkey is similar in Britain and Chinese.The impression “fox” means “crafty and clever” either Chinese or English, so the connotation of fox is similar in England and China. Generally an animal’s living hobbies and obvious feature will decide it’s meaning, fox is a very typical example. So if an English man say someone “as sly as a fox” it will understand by Chinese correc tly. Fox also be considered as a sly animal in China, so Chinese man always say “狐疑不决(foxy and undetermined)”; In English, there spread a proverb about fox: “When the fox preaches, then take care of your geese. (每当狐狸说教,当心鹅群被盗).”“Wolf” is always used to describe people who are vicious and greedy, for example: “make a sleeping wolf wake up(自找麻烦)”;“meet a wolf(张口结舌)”;“beat wolves (出卖朋友)”;“cry wolf (狼来了)”;“do not weak up a sleeping wolf(莫惹事非)”; there are similar cultural connotation phrases in Chinese for example: “引狼入室”; “狼子野心” ; “狼狈为奸” .“Wolf”also has the meaning of being horny, so if some people wants to take liberties with others, he will make “a wolf-whistle(调情口哨)”and its expression are same as the “色狼”in China. In general, wolf’s cultural connot ation has no discrepancy in English and Chinese.We always use donkey to describe a stupid people, so the phrase “as stupid as a donkey”can be translated into “他笨得像头驴”in China. Parrot is a kind of bird imitates human speaking but they don’t know it s real meaning. Therefore parrot is given a mark in English as “to imitate people without thinking meaning.” We also use “鹦鹉学舌” in China to express same meaning.Definitely, these examples present the cultural connotations which are not totally same between English and Chinese. Although the Chinese and English culture aredifferent, some of the identical animal have the same cultural connotation, it makes us even know different cultures will have similarity in some respects. People living in different culture env ironment, but same as the human being the fundamental way’s of thinking and living are still exist some similarity.3.1.2 Different Animal Words with Similar Cultural ConnotationsWhen people want to empress some feelings, people like to find an animal and pin their feelings. Due to the different culture they use different animals to empress the same feelings. For example: “tiger”and “lion”, “cow” and “horse”.“Tiger”is considered as the king of all animals, but in Britain, people think “lion”is the same as “tiger”in China. When Chinese say “拦路虎”it will equal to English phrase “a lion in the way” , and Chinese phrase“像老虎一样勇敢” is equal to “as brave as a lion” in English. They both have the connotations of the strength and courage. There are s everal groups of contrast about tiger and lion.“An ass in lion’s skin” means someone looks very outwardly strong but inwardly weak, in China “狐假虎威”also have the similar meaning. So Chinese tiger’s cultural connotation and English lion’s cultural connotation are similar.In ancient China “cow” is an indispensable farming tools, with the cow’s help, they can save lots of time and manual, so in people’s mind “cow” is work hard without any complain. But in Britain “horse” play s this role, so when we say someone is very strong, as “像头牛一样健壮” and it means “strong like a horse” in English. We say people work hard we can say “老黄牛” in Chinese and say “a willing horse” in English to express the same meaning. When Chinese say someone “吹牛” his meaning is “someone exaggerated the facts”, it is equal to English “talk about a horse”. So there are similar cultural connotations between Chinese cow and English horse.In a word, different word in different culture perhaps have the similar meaning because of the same living habits.3.2 Identical Animal Words with Different Cultural ConnotationsDifferent countries have different culture, identical animals were given different cultural connotations, so there are many identical animal words have different cultural connotations, for example “牛” and “bull”, “狗” and “dog”, “猫头鹰” and “owl” .China is well known as an ancient agricultural country, “bull”as the main farming tools play a significant roll in the history, it is indispensable when people labor life. Therefore, the cow’s image has good reputation in ancient China, people also add their emotion reflected into language. There are a lot of cattle-related proverbs in Chinese, such as“of a multitude of books” (汗牛充栋); “parental love(老牛舐犊)”; “reformation of brigands(卖剑买牛)”; “to hang books on the bull's horn(牛角挂书)”;“obtain more than lost(亡羊得牛)”,and so on.In addition, Chinese people also used "bull" to describe a people. For example, use "sturdy as bull" to describe a person who has a strong body, with "the strength of bull" describing someone with great strength, with "work hard like old bull" to describe a person bears the burden of responsibility. People in English speaking countries did not regarded "bull" as "farmhouse treasure ", but as "the dishes". In their mind, bull is covered with disadvantages, for example " a bull rush into a china shop" means a people easy to get excited, "like a bull at a gate" means someone fiercely and recklessly. English people will say"rage throw the bull" when someone talk rubbish.The “dog” is a prime example. “Do g" is considered to be English people's best friend, but despicable in Chinese. English people love dogs, because they think dog is reliable, honesty and cute. So there are lots of phrase about dogs “A top dog” means VIP(very significant people); “a smart dog”means a clever people; “lucky dog” means lucky people; “Help a lame dog in a ladder” means to help people in distress. At the same time “old dog” mean s an old man who worth to respect.In Chinese’s mind dog have the meaning of being loyal , but most time, the meaning of dogs is derogative, for examples “鸡鸣狗盗”; “狐朋狗友”; “狼心狗肺”.In Britain, “owl” is considered to be the incarnation of intelligence and wisdom, italways appears in cartoon or stories as a teacher. People will say someone “as wise as an owl” i f he is very clever. So in English eyes owl is the symbol of wise. In contrast, Chinese considered encountering an owl will misfortune, it will bring bad luck to people who see it. “猫头鹰进宅,好事不来” this proverb proved Chinese people's idea precisely."Cat" is a small furry animal often domesticated as pets or mousetrap. In English speaking culture, "The cat",usually used to describe a woman who wicked . There are a lot of ways to describe it, “old cat” means a old woman who is bad tempered, a "cool cat" can be used to describe a fashionable person. “A cat live with a dog” can describe someone often quarrel with his roommate. "Cat nap" means a nap in the chair. In China, people like keeping cats as pet because of its cute looks. When we say “she is a cat”, it means she is very cute and docile. The "cat’s food" is not food of cat, we will say when a person has a poor appetite. "Cat's eye" is not a cat's eye, it is a precious stone; "A cat cry foe a mouse", refers to crocodile tears. Though the same animal almost have the same living habits, because of the different culture and some other reasons which makes people have completely different comprehension. Naturally, because of the different countries have different culture Even the identical animal will have different meaning.Chapter 4 The Causes of the Difference Between CulturalConnotationsThe different cultural connotations of animal words are caused by kinds of reasons. With the frequently increasing intercultural communication between China and England, we should know the difference and the causes of it. The language inherits the culture and the culture control the language. Because different countries have a variety of difference, so the difference of animal words cultural connotation can be analyzed according to the following reasons.4.1 Geographic EnvironmentThe animal words in China and English have lots culture connotations differences. Geography is one of the reasons. Environment is an important factor of shaping the cultural connotation.“Cow” has made too many contributions in Chinese agricultural history, so“c ow” is considered as the symbol of “hardworking without complaint”. Britain is a n island nation, their lives are inseparable with fish. So fish has a very nice image in their minds. So there is a proverb: “The best fish swim near the bottom;” and also “ If you want best fish you should go to the sea.;” as the same meaning as Chinese “不入虎穴,焉得虎子.” “It is a silly fish that is caught twice with the same bait (智者不上两次当)” .Precisely because Britain is an island country, this led to the changeable weather of Britain. We all know climate will influence people’s life in a great extent. Language influenced by environment, so word have a close relationship with geography. For example “It rains cat s and dogs (倾盆大雨)”;“A swallow can not make a summer(一燕不成夏)”; “pig can see the wind(猪燥兆风暴)”;China has thousands of years of farming history. So there are lots of animal words expression about agriculture, s uch as: “oriole sing, wheat cutting(黄鹂唱歌. 麦子要割)”;“Cicadas called, cut rice. Cicadas cry, beans late.(知了叫, 割早稻. 知了喊, 种豆晚. )” “Wild goose coming , planting wheat.(大雁来,种小麦. )”.Through analyzing different geographical environment we get a conclusion. Because Britain is a country that composed by the island, their territory are not broad enough, it makes them aggressive, they must expand cross-cultural exchange if they need seeking to develop with outside. We need to spend more time studying it.China as a mainland country has rich land and significant resources, Chinese people think agricultural income brought sufficient to satisfy all their simple demand. It makes China become lack of communication with the outside world. Therefore, China needs to improve diplomatic skills.Environmental differences make geographical differences, it caused the difference above. In fact, when we study animal words, we should focus on those geographical knowledge that benefits for us to understanding, understanding the environmental differences makes us easy to study the difference of animal words cultural connotations in English and Chinese.Under the influence of different geographic environments, some animals have connotation vacancies in one country.Beavers is well known in western countries but only few people know it in China. Reportedly it is be expert in build their nests that use the branches they biting down. Beavers is an active animal, and they have agile physique. So English man always say someone “an eager beaver”if he is a witty and diligent. But “an eager beaver”is a derogatory phrase.In summary, geographical environment is one of the reasons of the animal cultural connotation differences.We should understand that geographical knowledge about cultural connotations of animals so that we can know more knowled ge about animal word’s culture connotation. If we can use these knowledge expertly, learning animal word cultural connotation will become easily..4.2 HistoryDifferent countries have different processes of development, we call it history. Different histories make culture is not same in different countries. History is one of the most significant factor affecting the cultural connotation. Studying different histories are benefit for understanding the difference of animal words culture connotations. Because the history of Britain and China are quite different, the cultural connotation of animal words will be different.Dragon, as the most significant totem of China, dragon cultural implication with the heaven and man oneness that Chinese attach importance to. In ancient China “dragon”means noble, dignified, domineering, it was the symbol of power. So, in China formerly feudal society, people believe their emperor is “真龙天子”(the dragon’s son). Everything of emperors are closely linked with the dragon, there clothes was called “龙袍”(dragon robe) because of his cloth embroidery or patterns of dragon. Their seats are“龙椅” (dragon chair); their children are call “龙种”(dragon children).China is a country with a long history. Its culture has inherited five thousand years. In China long three thousand years feudal history, dragon’s position has been paramount, only the royal family can use this word. With the the abolition of feudal system, dragon become a word with derogatory meaning. People use dragon to express their wishes and blessings. Such as “望子成龙,龙腾虎跃,生龙活虎”.The rapid development of China's described as “腾飞的巨龙”. However, the meaning of the dragon in the UK and China are not same, but opposite. In British mind, dragon symbolizes a ferocious monster, and will take disaster to people. So dragon-related phrase in China will be translated into tiger instead in English.Xiezhi(獬豸)is an auspicious with the sheep's body and Kirin’s appearance, it have the power to judge good and evil, and misbehaving people will be punished. Therefore, l ater, people put his portrait into the judge’s official uniform of feudal era. But its horn have nothing special. Although there is only one angle on its head, it has no relationship with unicorn. Unicorn only appeared in the British legendary. It is different withXiezhi(獬豸), it have brought fear for humans and animals. Unicorn acted quickly and very powerful. Unicorn behalf of the noble, proud and pure, it is a mythical beasts in fantasy.In Britain “cook goose”means making someone's plan fail or beating someone. But it just mean to use goose make a dish. This story originated from an old story, in the middle Ages of Britain, a city was surrounded by their enemies suddenly. At this time a resident made a mistake, he killed a goose and hanged it on a tower. Those enemies can not accept such mortification, they frenzied attack that city and conquered the city quickly. Then they cooked that goose which was killed by the inhabitant.Since then, “cook goose” got the meaning of beating someon e. Such as “We must cook their goose, otherwise our efforts will be in vain. (我们必须战胜他们,否则我们的努力就白费了.)”Different histories created different culture, different culture resulted in different cultural connotations of animal words.4.3 Religion and BeliefReligion is a cultural phenomenon, and the influence is obvious and profound, and it was particularly evident in the language. Because the religious beliefs are not the same in different countries. In China Buddhism spreads very widely and there are a lot of believers. In England their animal words meaning are influenced by Christian in a large extent. So “一贫如洗” is means “as poor as a mouse in the church” in English.In Chinese folk legends, a thousand years old bat will become a white bat, and someone will live longer if he eat it. In China bat has the same pronunciation with blessing(福) . Therefore bat in China meaning “lucky”; “Everything goes well”,Bat always appear with deer and it pronounce “福禄”in China. Red bats more is consi dered a sign of good fortune, because the "red bat" has the same pronunciation with “洪福”. In England , people think bat is devil because its ugly appearance and cruel habit. They think they are evil things. We can understand its image from the idiom “blind like a bat”; “crazy as a bat”.The Bible has become part of the British, as Christians, they believe in the words of the Bible. There are many animal words became religious overtones under the influence of the Bible's. For example: “sheep” “goat”and “lamb” , “sheep” means a mercifu lness person. In contrast, “goat” refers to the person vicious, “lamb”means the Jesus suffering for people.There are a lot animals cultural connotations affected by Buddhism. “佛口蛇心”(honeyed words but evil intent ), it means a very vicious people seems like kind.From many examples it can be seen that religion and belief are the important factors affecting cultural differences. If we don’t know the religion and belief, it will be difficult for us to understand the cultural connotation correctly.4.4 CustomCustoms are habits in some areas formed small things. Different customs make the word “dog” appeare d differences in the cultural connotation in Chinese and English. Though both Chinese and Britain people like keep a dog as a pet, but dogs has the different status in their hearts.In China dog is just a kind of gatekeeper, people keep it for safe or hunt, they do not think dog is their friends, they think dog is dirty. Dog is regard as the derogatory term in China when people use it in someone. This kind of thought will not change in a short time. Chinese think dog is an animal makes people sickening, “Every dog has his day.”(每人都有得意之时). In Chinese people’s mind dog is servant of people, but it is friends of British people. In England dogs have their own food, there own house, own cloth, the most unexpected is that they have their own doctor. When they are weak, they will get several days holiday. Some British people use the word dog to instead friend, it makes Chinese greatly puzzled.A little difference of customs can make a great difference in cultural connotation. We should pay attention on customs difference if we want know more about the different between Chinese and English animal words.。
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