y The official name of Windows 2000 is Microsoft Windows 2000 Operating System. y The official name of Windows XP is Microsoft Windows XP Operating System. y The official name of Windows Vista is Microsoft Windows Vista Operating System. y The official name of Windows 7 is Microsoft Windows 7 Operating System. y The official name of Windows Server 2003 is Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Operating System. y The official name of Windows Server 2008 is Microsoft Windows Server 2008 Operating System. y Microsoft, Windows, Windows NT, and the brand names and product names of other Microsoft products are
Running the AddressBook Viewer.......................................................................................... 6 Running the AddressBook Viewer from the start menu......................................................... 6 Running the AddressBook Viewer from a N/W-Fax driver .................................................... 7
雅马哈 DGX-505 -305 电子琴 说明书
GM System Level 1
“GM System Level 1”(通用 MIDI 系统标准 1)是在MIDI 标准的基础上制定的,它确保任何兼容 GM 的 音 乐 数据 均 能在 任 何 兼容 GM 的音 源 发生 器 上 准确 无 误地 播 放 出来,而 不 论 厂商 如 何。所 有支 持 GM System Level的软件和硬件产品均贴有 GM标志。
本乐器使用电池或外接电源 (适配器)。除本手册提及、铭牌上标明或 雅马哈专门推荐的电源 / 适配器之外,切勿将本乐器接到其它电源 / 适 配器上。
本乐器只应与随机配件或雅马哈推荐的琴架、谱架或支架一起使用。如 果使用琴架等附件,请遵循配件所附全部安全标志和说明进行操作。
顾名思义,“XGlite”是雅马哈高品质XG 音源产生格式的简化版。自然您可以使用 XGlite音源发生器播放 任何 XG乐曲数据。不过请注意,控制参数和效果极可能会被简化,因此某些乐曲的播放效果与原始数据可 能会有所不同。
雅马哈 XF格式是对SMF (Standard MIDI File,标准MIDI 文件)标准的增强,其功能更加丰富,并具有 开放式可扩展性,便于将来扩展。播放包含歌词数据的 XF文件时,本乐器能显示歌词。
保存数据 保存并备份数据
•在切断电源之前,如果没有保存面板设置和某些其它类型的数 据 (第 49 页),则这些数据将丢失。在切断电源之前,请务必 将需要保存的数据保存到内置闪存 (第 49 页)。保存的数据可 能会 因故 障 或不 正确 的操 作而 丢失。请 将重 要数 据 保存 到 SmartMedia 卡 (请参阅第 75 页)。
打印机驱动程序可以提供软件应用程序没有直接提供的下述打 印选项:
• 颜色管理 — 可以使用默认颜色进行打印,然后调整颜色、亮 度、对比度和饱和度。
• 布局 — 选择布局选项,如方向、份数、锐化和缩放。 • 打印速度 — 在从标准打印速度到超精细的范围中进行选择,
2013 年 12 月
1 入门
欢迎阅读适用于 MICROSOFT WINDOWS 操作系统的 KODAK 305 Photo Printer 驱动程序用户指南。打印机驱动程序可以让 您使用打印机的功能。
安装了 305 打印机驱动程序,您可以通过软件应用程序使用打 印机功能。例如,您的应用程序决定您的打印作业的分页位 置、字体选择,以及页面设置。打印机驱动程序将此类信息转 换成打印机准备输出,并将打印任务发送给打印机。打印机驱 动程序可以提供软件应用程序中没有的其它打印选项。
2013 年 12 月
2 安装和卸载打印机驱动程序
下述安装说明假定您熟悉 MICROSOFT WINDOWS 操作系统和 专用术语。
KODAK D4000 Duplex Photo Printer
305 Photo Printer
2013 年 12 月
TM/MC/MR 经 Eastman Kodak Company 许可:Kodak Kodak Alaris Inc. 2400 Mount Read Blvd., Rochester, N.Y. 14615
• Windows 2000 的官方名称是 Microsoft Windows 2000 操作系统。 • Windows XP 的官方名称是 Microsoft Windows XP 操作系统。 • Windows Vista 的官方名称是 Microsoft Windows Vista 操作系统。 • Windows Server 2003 的官方名称是 Microsoft Windows Server 2003 操作系统。 • Windows Server 2008的官方名称是Microsoft Windows Server 2008操作系统。 • Microsoft, Windows, Windows NT 和其它微软产品的商标和产品名称是微软公司在美国和其他国家的商标。 • Apple, AppleTalk, Macintosh, Mac, Mac OS, Safari, TrueType和LaserWriter是苹果股份有限公司在美国和其他国家的商 标。 • Adobe, Adobe Acrobat, Adobe Reader, Adobe Acrobat Reader和PostScript是Adobe系统公司的商标。 • Mozilla, Firefox和Firefox标识是Mozilla基金会在美国和其他国家的商标。 • IBM, AT 和AIX是国家商用机器公司的商标。 • NOVELL, NetWare和NDS是Novell公司在美国的商标。 • TopAccess是东芝泰格信息系统有限公司的商标。 • 本手册中的其他公司名称和产品名称分别是其相应公司的商标。
关于东芝数码复印机之代码---》“解鼓”toshiba新增加部份08代码 08-340 鼓寿命计数值设定(当08-689设为“1”时有效)接受值 0---99999;默认值 168S/208S =27000 258s=33000注:当08-355中的数值(鼓计数显示)达到设置值(08-340鼓寿命设置值)的10倍时,“更换鼓”将显示在LCD上当08-340中鼓寿命设置值为0,就不会显示“更换鼓”08-673 鼓想关计数器值清零(当08-689设为“1”时有效)进行08-673的操作后,下列计数值将被清零;08-355 鼓计数显示08-401 鼓寿命计数理光FT5840/5627/5827调整代码1-001 功能:调整先端对位设置:0-32 预设值=16 每级0.5MM1-003 功能:调节每个纸路在对位处的供纸时序设置:0-32 预设值=16 每级1MM1-008 功能:卡纸检测,忽略传感器信号以检测为目的设置:0:OFF 1:ON1-103 功能:定影空转2分钟设置:0:OFF 1:ON1-104 功能:选择定影灯温度控制方式设置:0:ON/OFF 1:相位控制1-105-1 功能:定影温度控制设置:170-190 预设值=1801-105-2 功能:节能定影温度控制设置:0-5 预设值=01-105-3 功能:定影温度调整(副定影灯)设置:160-190 预设值=1751-106 功能:定影灯显示1-108 功能:选择是否强制启动设置:0:OFF 1:ON1-902 功能:调节双面器齐纸侧挡板的停止位置设置:0-32 预设值=16 每级0.5MM1-905 功能:调节双面器齐纸后挡板的停止位置设置:0-32 预设值=16 每级0.52-001 功能:鼓充电电压调整,每级30V,设置:0-32 预设值=162-002-1 功能:鼓充电压显示,实际值为显示值*102-002-2 功能:鼓充电压显示,VSP图样2-003 功能:鼓充电压调整,每级10V设置:0-32 预设值=162-101-1 功能:调节前端删边空白设置:0-32 预设值=16 每级0.52-101-2 功能:调节后端删边空白设置:0-32 预设值=16 每级0.52-201-1 功能:调节复印的显影偏压,每级20V设置:1-9 预设值=5 1:最深 9:最浅2-201-2 功能:调节手动ID第7级的显影偏压设置:1:-40V 2:+(-)0V 3:-80V 4:-120V2-203 功能:显影偏压调整,用于VSP图样,每级20V设置:1-10 预设值=62-206-1 功能:显示显影偏压,显示值*102-206-2 功能:显示用于制作VSP样本的显影偏压2-207 功能:强制补粉30秒,复印键开始,清除键中断2-208-1 功能:补粉方式选择设置:1:TD传感器补粉方式 2:定量补粉方式 3:检测补粉方式(预设值)2-208-2 功能:TD传感器补粉方式的补粉率,预设值=7%设置:1:7% 2:15% 3:30% 4:60%2-208-3 功能:定量补粉方式的补粉率,预设值=6%设置:1:2% 2:4% 3:6% 4:11%2-214 功能:TD传感器的初期设定,按下复印键2.5分钟自动停止,输出为2.5V[只有加入新显影剂后使用次方式] 2-215-1 功能:显示当前TD传感器的输出2-215-2 功能:显示TD传感器参考输出2-220 功能:显示TD传感器初期设定输出,显示2.5V(执行SP2-214后)2-222 功能:选择检测补粉方式的补粉率,预设值=7%设置:1:7% 2:15% 3:30% 4:60%2-301 功能:转印电流调整设置:0-32 预设值=142-801 功能:搅拌显影剂“START”开始“CLEAR STOP”结束2-802 功能:显示鼓充电辊温度[0-60度]2-812 功能:鼓反转调整设置:0-32 预设值=162-901 功能:鼓充电辊清洁间隔设置:0:每1000张 1:每500张 2:每200张 3:每100张2-902 功能:不是用3-001 功能:ID传感器初期设定,调节至4.0V3-002 功能:显示ID传感器初期设定值3-103-1 功能:显示ID传感器输出(VSP)3-103-2 功能:显示ID传感器输出(VSG)设置:VSP=0.01-2.50 VSG=4.0 VSP/VSG=0.13-105 功能:VL强制检测3-106 功能:检测由SP3-105 检测到的初期VLP/VLG值3-107 功能:显示当前VLP/VLG的值3-111 功能:显示当前VRP/VRG的值3-112 功能:VR强制检测“START”检测开始3-123 功能:鼓的初始化(只有安装新鼓后必须执行)3-801 功能:自动过程控制方式选择设置:0:OFF 1:ON3-901 功能:执行暴光灯熄灭的空运转,显影器必须取出3-902 功能:强制过程控制4-001 功能:暴光灯电压调整设置:50-75 预设值=63 每级0.54-002 功能:显示当前的暴光灯电压设置:50-854-008 功能:垂直倍率调整(送纸方向的倍率)设置:0-32 预设值=16 每级0.1%4-001-1 功能:镜头水平原位调整,01:第一纸盘 02:第二纸盘 03:第三纸盘 04:第四纸盘至 05:第五纸盘 06:手送纸 07:LCT 08:基准调整 09:ADF4-001-9 设置:0-32 预设值=16 每级0.2MM4-013 功能:扫描架空运转4-101 功能:水平倍率调整(垂直于送纸方向的倍率)设置:0-32 预设值=16 每级0.2%4-102 功能:镜头误差较正设置:0-16 预设值=8 每级0.1%4-103 功能:聚焦调整,调节第三反光镜的位置设置:0-150 预设值=75 每级0.054-201 功能:自动ADS增益调整,输出2.7V4-202 功能:ADS初期增益显示4-203 功能:ADS实际增益显示4-301 功能:APS传感器功能检查4-302 功能:安装了选购件APS传感器后将其设置为1设置:0:没有安装 1:已经安装4-303 功能:APS A5/HLT检测,选择是否强制检测设置:0:NO 1:YES4-901 功能:APS尺寸优先设置:0:81/2*13 1:8*13 2:81/4*134-902 功能:APS 8K/16K检测设置:0:NO 1:YES5-001 功能:点亮操作面板上的全部显示5-002 功能:优先纸路选择设置:1:第一纸盘 2:第二纸盘 3:第三纸盘 4:第四纸盘 5:第五纸盘 6:LCT 5-003 功能:APS优先选择设置:1:APS 2:手动5-004 功能:ADS优先选择设置:1:ADS 2:手动5-013 功能:计数器递增或递减设置:1:递增 2:递减5-017 功能:最大复印数量设置:1-999 预设值=9995-019 功能:各纸路纸尺寸设定5-101 功能:自动复位时间设定设置:0-999 预设值=605-102 功能:自动节能时间设定设置:0-999 预设值=605-103 功能:自动纸盘切换设置:0:关 1:开5-104 功能:A3/DLT加倍计数设置:0:关 1:开5-106 功能:选择图象浓度等级较正设置:0:浓 1:通常 2:浅5-107-1 功能:用于控制左,右白边移动的白边宽度调整量至5-107-2 设置:A4机型0-15,预设值=5 LT机型0-0.60,预设值=0.205-108 功能:调节边框删除方式下的边框删除白边宽度设置:1:5MM 2:10MM5-110 功能:中央删除白边调整设置:8-25 预设值=205-113 功能:投币锁安装设置:0:不安装 1:安装5-115 功能:指定是否使用双面图象移动(背面白边)设置:0:NO 1:YES5-121 功能:T/C(总数计数器)计数时序设置:0:供纸 1:出纸5-305 功能:自动关机时间设定设置:0-999 预设值=0(不是用)每级1分钟5-401 功能:用户代码方式设置:0:钥匙计数器 1:用户代码5-402 功能:拥护代码计数器检查设置:按住“.”键显示,用“+”和“-”键检查各用户代码5-404-1 功能:对显示在缩/放指示出的用户代码计数器复位,按R/#号键5-404-2 功能:复位所有UC计数器5-405 功能:用户代码号码设定,最大3位数设置:1-999 最多输入50个代码,用“+”和“-”检查输入代码5-407-1 功能:删除个别用户代码5-407-2 功能:删除所有用户代码5-408 功能:已登记用户代码号码显示5-501-1 功能:PM周期设定设置:1-9995-501-2 功能:PM周期报警方式设定设置:0:OFF 1:ON5-504 功能:卡纸的RDS/CSS报警等级5-505 功能:SC的RDS/CSS报警等级5-507 功能:消耗品的RDS/CSS报警等级5-801 功能:内存全清5-802-1 功能:连续空运转5-802-2 功能:一次空运转5-803 功能:输入检查方式,显示各传感器数拒5-804 功能:输出检查方式,开启个别电器部件5-810 功能:SC复位5-811 功能:机号输入5-812 功能:输入维修电话号码5-816 功能:RDS/CSS功能设定5-817 功能:修理时间传送5-905 功能:APSA4/LT横送优先设置:0:OFF 1:ON5-906 功能:手动装订复位时间设定设置:1-999 预设值=205-907 功能:封页方式选择设置:1:封面/封底 1:封面5-908 功能:图象移动/删除选择设置:1:删除方式 2:移动方式5-909 功能:数字键缩放/尺寸倍率设置:1:尺寸倍率 2:数字键缩放功能5-910 功能:操作面板的选择语言设置:1:英语 2:法语 3:德语 4:意大利语 5:西班牙语 6:瑞典语 7:葡萄牙语8:丹麦语 9:挪威语 10:芬兰语 11:荷兰语6-001 功能:SADF自动复位时间设定设置:1-99 预设值=56-002 功能:ADF自由尺寸设定设置:0:OFF 1:ON6-003 功能:自动分页选择设置:0:OFF 2:ON6-005 功能:双面复印时,是否在最后的奇数原稿后添加一张空白复印品设置:0:不增加 1:增加6-006-1 功能:单面原稿DF对位调节设置:0-32 预设值=166-006-2 功能:双面原稿DF对位调节设置:0-32 预设值=166-009 功能:ARDF空运转6-010 功能:选择ARDF时是否自动选择APS方式6-011 功能:厚/薄原稿方式选择设置:0:厚纸方式 1:薄纸方式6-101 功能:指定用何种分页器设置:0:无分页器 1:装用A557 2:装用A556 3:不使用 4:只A568分页器适配6-102 功能:选择使用何种分页堆叠限制设置:0:OFF 1:ON6-104 功能:装订张数限制设置:0:OFF 1:ON6-107 功能:分页器空运转7-001 功能:总运转时间显示(小时)7-002 功能:显示已扫描原稿的总数7-003 功能:收费计数器显示7-004 功能:计数器初期设定7-101-1 至功能:显示各种尺寸的复印总数7-101-57-203 功能:转鼓计数器显示7-204-1至功能:显示各纸盘的供纸总数7-204-87-205 功能:ARDF供纸计数显示7-206 功能:显示装订计数器7-301-1 功能:等倍方式计数显示7-301-2 功能:缩小方式计数显示7-301-3 功能:放大方式计数显示7-401 功能:显示发生的保修总数7-402 功能:显示各维修代码的报修计数器7-501 功能:显示卡纸总数7-502 功能:显示卡纸总数7-503 功能:显示原稿卡纸总数7-504-1至功能:显示各卡纸部位卡纸总数7-504-67-505-1 功能:显示ARDF输入部卡纸总数7-505-2 功能:显示ARDF输出部卡纸总数7-801-1至功能:主ROM版本显示7-801-47-803 功能:PM计数器检查7-804 功能:PM 计数器复位,按R/#键7-807-1 功能:SC计数器清除及各类维修代码7-807-2 功能:复印纸卡纸计数器复位7-807-3 功能:原稿卡纸计数器复位7-808 功能:计数器全部清除7-810 功能:复印计数器清除7-811 功能:DF计数器清除分享]东芝169维修手册(内部资料)下载吧东芝T169维修呼叫代码和调整代码一:出错代码C01:主电机锁死C21:灯架初始化错误C25:扫描单元检测器出错C26:暴光灯未连接或浪涌检测出错C38:替换的静电复印单元出错C41:电源接通时热敏电阻不正常或加热器未连接C43:定影器断接之后复印机处于预热状态,或待机状态后的热敏电阻不正常C44:定影器断接之后复印机处于预热状态,或待机状态后的加热器不正常C45:在加热器的末端,热敏电阻未连接C56:PFC与主电机之间通信出错C57:主机与IPC之间通信出错C71:供纸马达锁定出错C73:EE-PROM初始化出错C74:出口/反转出感器检测到错误的调整C81:风扇马达锁定出错C82..阅读全文 | 邓小明 | 390次浏览 0篇评论 | 分类:邓小明的复印机维修资料东芝169维修故障代码2006-5-23 14:39 东芝169维修故障代码表一:出错代码 C01:主电机锁死 C21:灯架初始化错误 C25:扫描单元检测器出错 C26:暴光灯未连接或浪涌检测出错 C38:替换的静电复印单元出错 C41:电源接通时热敏电阻不正常或加热器未连接C43:定影器断接之后复印机处于预热状态,或待机状态后的热敏电阻不正常 C44:定影器断接之后复印机处于预热状态,或待机状态后的加热器不正常 C45:在加热器的末端,热敏电阻未连接 C56:PFC与主电机之间通信出错C57:主机与IPC之间通信出错 C71:供纸马达锁定出错 C73:EE-PROM初始化出错 C74:出口/反转出感器检测到错误的调整 C81:风扇马达锁定出错 C82:引导传感器调整出错 C95:电源风扇未连接 C96:定影风扇未连接 C97:真..阅读全文 | 邓小明 | 321次浏览 0篇评论 | 分类:邓小明的复印机维修资料东芝169维修手册2006-5-23 14:32 东芝169维修手册二:调整模式05项目调整205:显影器偏压DC调整初始值=156 范围0-255210:栅压初始值调整初始值=106 范围0-255220:转印变压器DC输出高调整初始值=180 范围0-255221:转印变压器DC输出中心调整初始值=155 范围0-255222:转印变压器DC输出低调整初始值=111 范围0-255233:分离输出高调整初始值=67 范围0-255234:分离输出中心调整初始值=49 范围0-255235:分离输出低调整初始值=35 范围0-255261:激光电源600DPI初始值调整初始值=42 范围0-255304:扫描器输送倍率(0.1/级)初始值=128 范围0-255305:扫描器输送不对齐(0.126MM/级)初始值=128 范围85-171306:CCD扫描..阅读全文 | 邓小明 | 348次浏览 0篇评论 | 分类:邓小明的复印机维修资料东芝169.168出现鼓维护清除方法2006-5-22 18:48 东芝169.168出现鼓维护清除方法东芝169出现鼓维护东芝169出现鼓维护应怎样清除?08-673 鼓想关计数器值清零(当08-689设为“1”时有效)进行08-673的操作后,下列计数值将被清零;08-355 鼓计数显示08-401 鼓寿命计数按0和8,开机,键入673,确定就好了用,08---340,把27000的数值生高一些,然后"set"即可!东芝209显标更换鼓组件,只要把代码0/8—689的值改为1,0/8—340内的值设为你想要的数就可以,设为0就会为最大值东芝168S解鼓 -代码.关于东芝数码复印机之代码---》“解鼓”toshiba新增加部份08代码08-340 鼓寿命计数值设定(当08-689设为“1”时有效)接受值 0---99999;默认值 168S/208S =27000..阅读全文 | 邓小明 | 348次浏览 1篇评论 | 分类:邓小明的复印机维修资料东芝1550.1560.1568.1668复印机2006-5-22 18:42 东芝1550.1560.1568.1668复印机维修代码按02/04键同时打开电源,进入输入/输出检查状态显示ch,退出同时按09键1 主电机on 11 Off2 供纸离合器on 12 Off3 定位离合器on 13 Off6 调色器电机on 16 Off7 冷却风扇on 17off10 总计数器按p键20 扫描电机按p键移动50% 再按p键200%21 镜头电机按p键移动50% 再按p键200%22 反光镜电机按p键移动50% 再按p键200%31 转印输出按p键on 再按p键off32 分离输出按p键on 再按p键off33 暴光灯输出按p键on 再按p键off34 予转印偏压按p键on 再按p键off40 上纸盒电机按p键on 再按p键off41 上纸..阅读全文 | 邓小明 | 265次浏览 0篇评论 | 分类:邓小明的复印机维修资料成功解决了EPSON C1100 出现E511代码的方法!2006-4-30 10:39 昨天不知怎的,我的EPSON C1100 出现了E511代码故障,在坛子里查了EPSON的相关资料,发现EPSON的其他机型的E511代码是“电机故障”,我想C1100也应是一样的,于是仔细检查了,发现晒鼓传动的部份沾了很多灰(加粉所至),于是清洁了一下,重新装好开机,OK,一切正常。
Safety.book Page 1 Friday, March 24, 2017 4:35 PMђ㣓⭫㝇 ⭞⭞ 䈭䰻䈱Safety.book Page 2 Friday, March 24, 2017 4:35 PMSafety.book Page 3 Friday, March 24, 2017 4:35 PM3目录简介 (5)安全使用电脑、组件和附件 (6)电源 (6)通信 (12)主机 (14)系统/外设 (20)如何更舒适地使用电脑 (25)良好的工作姿势 (25)使用外接键盘、鼠标或显示器操作电脑 (26)打字方式 (27)休息及变换工作任务 (27)移动过程中使用电脑的提示 (27)搬运电脑 (27)寻求额外的帮助 (28)检查清单 (28)您购买的电脑系统可能会带有包含最先进的数据存储技术的可刻录和/或可擦写光盘驱动器及相关软件。
同其它新技术一样,您必须先阅读并遵循随附的或以电子方式提供的相关用户指南和/ 或手册中所有的设置及使用指引。
Safety.book Page 4 Friday, March 24, 2017 4:35 PM4商标Wi-Fi是Wi-Fi Alliance的注册商标。
关于东芝数码复印机之代码---》“解鼓”toshiba新增加部份08代码 08-340 鼓寿命计数值设定(当08-689设为“1”时有效)接受值 0---99999;默认值 168S/208S =27000 258s=33000注:当08-355中的数值(鼓计数显示)达到设置值(08-340鼓寿命设置值)的10倍时,“更换鼓”将显示在LCD上当08-340中鼓寿命设置值为0,就不会显示“更换鼓”08-673 鼓想关计数器值清零(当08-689设为“1”时有效)进行08-673的操作后,下列计数值将被清零;08-355 鼓计数显示08-401 鼓寿命计数理光FT5840/5627/5827调整代码1-001 功能:调整先端对位设置:0-32 预设值=16 每级0.5MM1-003 功能:调节每个纸路在对位处的供纸时序设置:0-32 预设值=16 每级1MM1-008 功能:卡纸检测,忽略传感器信号以检测为目的设置:0:OFF 1:ON1-103 功能:定影空转2分钟设置:0:OFF 1:ON1-104 功能:选择定影灯温度控制方式设置:0:ON/OFF 1:相位控制1-105-1 功能:定影温度控制设置:170-190 预设值=1801-105-2 功能:节能定影温度控制设置:0-5 预设值=01-105-3 功能:定影温度调整(副定影灯)设置:160-190 预设值=1751-106 功能:定影灯显示1-108 功能:选择是否强制启动设置:0:OFF 1:ON1-902 功能:调节双面器齐纸侧挡板的停止位置设置:0-32 预设值=16 每级0.5MM1-905 功能:调节双面器齐纸后挡板的停止位置设置:0-32 预设值=16 每级0.52-001 功能:鼓充电电压调整,每级30V,设置:0-32 预设值=162-002-1 功能:鼓充电压显示,实际值为显示值*102-002-2 功能:鼓充电压显示,VSP图样2-003 功能:鼓充电压调整,每级10V设置:0-32 预设值=162-101-1 功能:调节前端删边空白设置:0-32 预设值=16 每级0.52-101-2 功能:调节后端删边空白设置:0-32 预设值=16 每级0.52-201-1 功能:调节复印的显影偏压,每级20V设置:1-9 预设值=5 1:最深 9:最浅2-201-2 功能:调节手动ID第7级的显影偏压设置:1:-40V 2:+(-)0V 3:-80V 4:-120V2-203 功能:显影偏压调整,用于VSP图样,每级20V设置:1-10 预设值=62-206-1 功能:显示显影偏压,显示值*102-206-2 功能:显示用于制作VSP样本的显影偏压2-207 功能:强制补粉30秒,复印键开始,清除键中断2-208-1 功能:补粉方式选择设置:1:TD传感器补粉方式 2:定量补粉方式 3:检测补粉方式(预设值)2-208-2 功能:TD传感器补粉方式的补粉率,预设值=7%设置:1:7% 2:15% 3:30% 4:60%2-208-3 功能:定量补粉方式的补粉率,预设值=6%设置:1:2% 2:4% 3:6% 4:11%2-214 功能:TD传感器的初期设定,按下复印键2.5分钟自动停止,输出为2.5V[只有加入新显影剂后使用次方式] 2-215-1 功能:显示当前TD传感器的输出2-215-2 功能:显示TD传感器参考输出2-220 功能:显示TD传感器初期设定输出,显示2.5V(执行SP2-214后)2-222 功能:选择检测补粉方式的补粉率,预设值=7%设置:1:7% 2:15% 3:30% 4:60%2-301 功能:转印电流调整设置:0-32 预设值=142-801 功能:搅拌显影剂“START”开始“CLEAR STOP”结束2-802 功能:显示鼓充电辊温度[0-60度]2-812 功能:鼓反转调整设置:0-32 预设值=162-901 功能:鼓充电辊清洁间隔设置:0:每1000张 1:每500张 2:每200张 3:每100张2-902 功能:不是用3-001 功能:ID传感器初期设定,调节至4.0V3-002 功能:显示ID传感器初期设定值3-103-1 功能:显示ID传感器输出(VSP)3-103-2 功能:显示ID传感器输出(VSG)设置:VSP=0.01-2.50 VSG=4.0 VSP/VSG=0.13-105 功能:VL强制检测3-106 功能:检测由SP3-105 检测到的初期VLP/VLG值3-107 功能:显示当前VLP/VLG的值3-111 功能:显示当前VRP/VRG的值3-112 功能:VR强制检测“START”检测开始3-123 功能:鼓的初始化(只有安装新鼓后必须执行)3-801 功能:自动过程控制方式选择设置:0:OFF 1:ON3-901 功能:执行暴光灯熄灭的空运转,显影器必须取出3-902 功能:强制过程控制4-001 功能:暴光灯电压调整设置:50-75 预设值=63 每级0.54-002 功能:显示当前的暴光灯电压设置:50-854-008 功能:垂直倍率调整(送纸方向的倍率)设置:0-32 预设值=16 每级0.1%4-001-1 功能:镜头水平原位调整,01:第一纸盘 02:第二纸盘 03:第三纸盘 04:第四纸盘至 05:第五纸盘 06:手送纸 07:LCT 08:基准调整 09:ADF4-001-9 设置:0-32 预设值=16 每级0.2MM4-013 功能:扫描架空运转4-101 功能:水平倍率调整(垂直于送纸方向的倍率)设置:0-32 预设值=16 每级0.2%4-102 功能:镜头误差较正设置:0-16 预设值=8 每级0.1%4-103 功能:聚焦调整,调节第三反光镜的位置设置:0-150 预设值=75 每级0.054-201 功能:自动ADS增益调整,输出2.7V4-202 功能:ADS初期增益显示4-203 功能:ADS实际增益显示4-301 功能:APS传感器功能检查4-302 功能:安装了选购件APS传感器后将其设置为1设置:0:没有安装 1:已经安装4-303 功能:APS A5/HLT检测,选择是否强制检测设置:0:NO 1:YES4-901 功能:APS尺寸优先设置:0:81/2*13 1:8*13 2:81/4*134-902 功能:APS 8K/16K检测设置:0:NO 1:YES5-001 功能:点亮操作面板上的全部显示5-002 功能:优先纸路选择设置:1:第一纸盘 2:第二纸盘 3:第三纸盘 4:第四纸盘 5:第五纸盘 6:LCT 5-003 功能:APS优先选择设置:1:APS 2:手动5-004 功能:ADS优先选择设置:1:ADS 2:手动5-013 功能:计数器递增或递减设置:1:递增 2:递减5-017 功能:最大复印数量设置:1-999 预设值=9995-019 功能:各纸路纸尺寸设定5-101 功能:自动复位时间设定设置:0-999 预设值=605-102 功能:自动节能时间设定设置:0-999 预设值=605-103 功能:自动纸盘切换设置:0:关 1:开5-104 功能:A3/DLT加倍计数设置:0:关 1:开5-106 功能:选择图象浓度等级较正设置:0:浓 1:通常 2:浅5-107-1 功能:用于控制左,右白边移动的白边宽度调整量至5-107-2 设置:A4机型0-15,预设值=5 LT机型0-0.60,预设值=0.205-108 功能:调节边框删除方式下的边框删除白边宽度设置:1:5MM 2:10MM5-110 功能:中央删除白边调整设置:8-25 预设值=205-113 功能:投币锁安装设置:0:不安装 1:安装5-115 功能:指定是否使用双面图象移动(背面白边)设置:0:NO 1:YES5-121 功能:T/C(总数计数器)计数时序设置:0:供纸 1:出纸5-305 功能:自动关机时间设定设置:0-999 预设值=0(不是用)每级1分钟5-401 功能:用户代码方式设置:0:钥匙计数器 1:用户代码5-402 功能:拥护代码计数器检查设置:按住“.”键显示,用“+”和“-”键检查各用户代码5-404-1 功能:对显示在缩/放指示出的用户代码计数器复位,按R/#号键5-404-2 功能:复位所有UC计数器5-405 功能:用户代码号码设定,最大3位数设置:1-999 最多输入50个代码,用“+”和“-”检查输入代码5-407-1 功能:删除个别用户代码5-407-2 功能:删除所有用户代码5-408 功能:已登记用户代码号码显示5-501-1 功能:PM周期设定设置:1-9995-501-2 功能:PM周期报警方式设定设置:0:OFF 1:ON5-504 功能:卡纸的RDS/CSS报警等级5-505 功能:SC的RDS/CSS报警等级5-507 功能:消耗品的RDS/CSS报警等级5-801 功能:内存全清5-802-1 功能:连续空运转5-802-2 功能:一次空运转5-803 功能:输入检查方式,显示各传感器数拒5-804 功能:输出检查方式,开启个别电器部件5-810 功能:SC复位5-811 功能:机号输入5-812 功能:输入维修电话号码5-816 功能:RDS/CSS功能设定5-817 功能:修理时间传送5-905 功能:APSA4/LT横送优先设置:0:OFF 1:ON5-906 功能:手动装订复位时间设定设置:1-999 预设值=205-907 功能:封页方式选择设置:1:封面/封底 1:封面5-908 功能:图象移动/删除选择设置:1:删除方式 2:移动方式5-909 功能:数字键缩放/尺寸倍率设置:1:尺寸倍率 2:数字键缩放功能5-910 功能:操作面板的选择语言设置:1:英语 2:法语 3:德语 4:意大利语 5:西班牙语 6:瑞典语 7:葡萄牙语8:丹麦语 9:挪威语 10:芬兰语 11:荷兰语6-001 功能:SADF自动复位时间设定设置:1-99 预设值=56-002 功能:ADF自由尺寸设定设置:0:OFF 1:ON6-003 功能:自动分页选择设置:0:OFF 2:ON6-005 功能:双面复印时,是否在最后的奇数原稿后添加一张空白复印品设置:0:不增加 1:增加6-006-1 功能:单面原稿DF对位调节设置:0-32 预设值=166-006-2 功能:双面原稿DF对位调节设置:0-32 预设值=166-009 功能:ARDF空运转6-010 功能:选择ARDF时是否自动选择APS方式6-011 功能:厚/薄原稿方式选择设置:0:厚纸方式 1:薄纸方式6-101 功能:指定用何种分页器设置:0:无分页器 1:装用A557 2:装用A556 3:不使用 4:只A568分页器适配6-102 功能:选择使用何种分页堆叠限制设置:0:OFF 1:ON6-104 功能:装订张数限制设置:0:OFF 1:ON6-107 功能:分页器空运转7-001 功能:总运转时间显示(小时)7-002 功能:显示已扫描原稿的总数7-003 功能:收费计数器显示7-004 功能:计数器初期设定7-101-1 至功能:显示各种尺寸的复印总数7-101-57-203 功能:转鼓计数器显示7-204-1至功能:显示各纸盘的供纸总数7-204-87-205 功能:ARDF供纸计数显示7-206 功能:显示装订计数器7-301-1 功能:等倍方式计数显示7-301-2 功能:缩小方式计数显示7-301-3 功能:放大方式计数显示7-401 功能:显示发生的保修总数7-402 功能:显示各维修代码的报修计数器7-501 功能:显示卡纸总数7-502 功能:显示卡纸总数7-503 功能:显示原稿卡纸总数7-504-1至功能:显示各卡纸部位卡纸总数7-504-67-505-1 功能:显示ARDF输入部卡纸总数7-505-2 功能:显示ARDF输出部卡纸总数7-801-1至功能:主ROM版本显示7-801-47-803 功能:PM计数器检查7-804 功能:PM 计数器复位,按R/#键7-807-1 功能:SC计数器清除及各类维修代码7-807-2 功能:复印纸卡纸计数器复位7-807-3 功能:原稿卡纸计数器复位7-808 功能:计数器全部清除7-810 功能:复印计数器清除7-811 功能:DF计数器清除分享]东芝169维修手册(内部资料)下载吧东芝T169维修呼叫代码和调整代码一:出错代码C01:主电机锁死C21:灯架初始化错误C25:扫描单元检测器出错C26:暴光灯未连接或浪涌检测出错C38:替换的静电复印单元出错C41:电源接通时热敏电阻不正常或加热器未连接C43:定影器断接之后复印机处于预热状态,或待机状态后的热敏电阻不正常C44:定影器断接之后复印机处于预热状态,或待机状态后的加热器不正常C45:在加热器的末端,热敏电阻未连接C56:PFC与主电机之间通信出错C57:主机与IPC之间通信出错C71:供纸马达锁定出错C73:EE-PROM初始化出错C74:出口/反转出感器检测到错误的调整C81:风扇马达锁定出错C82..阅读全文 | 邓小明 | 390次浏览 0篇评论 | 分类:邓小明的复印机维修资料东芝169维修故障代码2006-5-23 14:39 东芝169维修故障代码表一:出错代码 C01:主电机锁死 C21:灯架初始化错误 C25:扫描单元检测器出错 C26:暴光灯未连接或浪涌检测出错 C38:替换的静电复印单元出错 C41:电源接通时热敏电阻不正常或加热器未连接C43:定影器断接之后复印机处于预热状态,或待机状态后的热敏电阻不正常 C44:定影器断接之后复印机处于预热状态,或待机状态后的加热器不正常 C45:在加热器的末端,热敏电阻未连接 C56:PFC与主电机之间通信出错C57:主机与IPC之间通信出错 C71:供纸马达锁定出错 C73:EE-PROM初始化出错 C74:出口/反转出感器检测到错误的调整 C81:风扇马达锁定出错 C82:引导传感器调整出错 C95:电源风扇未连接 C96:定影风扇未连接 C97:真..阅读全文 | 邓小明 | 321次浏览 0篇评论 | 分类:邓小明的复印机维修资料东芝169维修手册2006-5-23 14:32 东芝169维修手册二:调整模式05项目调整205:显影器偏压DC调整初始值=156 范围0-255210:栅压初始值调整初始值=106 范围0-255220:转印变压器DC输出高调整初始值=180 范围0-255221:转印变压器DC输出中心调整初始值=155 范围0-255222:转印变压器DC输出低调整初始值=111 范围0-255233:分离输出高调整初始值=67 范围0-255234:分离输出中心调整初始值=49 范围0-255235:分离输出低调整初始值=35 范围0-255261:激光电源600DPI初始值调整初始值=42 范围0-255304:扫描器输送倍率(0.1/级)初始值=128 范围0-255305:扫描器输送不对齐(0.126MM/级)初始值=128 范围85-171306:CCD扫描..阅读全文 | 邓小明 | 348次浏览 0篇评论 | 分类:邓小明的复印机维修资料东芝169.168出现鼓维护清除方法2006-5-22 18:48 东芝169.168出现鼓维护清除方法东芝169出现鼓维护东芝169出现鼓维护应怎样清除?08-673 鼓想关计数器值清零(当08-689设为“1”时有效)进行08-673的操作后,下列计数值将被清零;08-355 鼓计数显示08-401 鼓寿命计数按0和8,开机,键入673,确定就好了用,08---340,把27000的数值生高一些,然后"set"即可!东芝209显标更换鼓组件,只要把代码0/8—689的值改为1,0/8—340内的值设为你想要的数就可以,设为0就会为最大值东芝168S解鼓 -代码.关于东芝数码复印机之代码---》“解鼓”toshiba新增加部份08代码08-340 鼓寿命计数值设定(当08-689设为“1”时有效)接受值 0---99999;默认值 168S/208S =27000..阅读全文 | 邓小明 | 348次浏览 1篇评论 | 分类:邓小明的复印机维修资料东芝1550.1560.1568.1668复印机2006-5-22 18:42 东芝1550.1560.1568.1668复印机维修代码按02/04键同时打开电源,进入输入/输出检查状态显示ch,退出同时按09键1 主电机on 11 Off2 供纸离合器on 12 Off3 定位离合器on 13 Off6 调色器电机on 16 Off7 冷却风扇on 17off10 总计数器按p键20 扫描电机按p键移动50% 再按p键200%21 镜头电机按p键移动50% 再按p键200%22 反光镜电机按p键移动50% 再按p键200%31 转印输出按p键on 再按p键off32 分离输出按p键on 再按p键off33 暴光灯输出按p键on 再按p键off34 予转印偏压按p键on 再按p键off40 上纸盒电机按p键on 再按p键off41 上纸..阅读全文 | 邓小明 | 265次浏览 0篇评论 | 分类:邓小明的复印机维修资料成功解决了EPSON C1100 出现E511代码的方法!2006-4-30 10:39 昨天不知怎的,我的EPSON C1100 出现了E511代码故障,在坛子里查了EPSON的相关资料,发现EPSON的其他机型的E511代码是“电机故障”,我想C1100也应是一样的,于是仔细检查了,发现晒鼓传动的部份沾了很多灰(加粉所至),于是清洁了一下,重新装好开机,OK,一切正常。
东芝 拨号显示器 使用说明书
拨号显示器使用说明书D -R ,D -L ,D -C ,D 381.前言对采购本产品表示真挚的感谢!使用本产品前请详细阅读本“使用说明书”,并正确的进行使用。
1-1. 打开包装时首先,确认以下几点(1)确认产品是否有误。
1-2. 如有不良情况发生,请咨询产品实际购买处。
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Toshiba Business Phones Quick Reference GuideTraining Videos and User Guides are available online at Index .Phone Button Overview (3)Making A Call (4)Answering A Call (4)Placing a Call on Hold (5)Muting A Call (5)Paging (5)Call Transfers (6)Call Parking (6)Adjusting Volume (6)Speed Dials (7)Conference Calls (8)Caller ID (8)Using Voicemail (9)Call Forwarding (10)DP 5000 Series Telephone Button Overview .A.Status LED (message and ringing)B.LCD DisplayC.SoftkeysD.Programmable Feature ButtonsE.Message Waiting LEDF.Microphone Mute ButtonG.Speaker Phone ButtonH.Volume Adjustment ButtonI.Hold ButtonJ.MicrophoneK.Adjustable Tilt StandUsing the Handset1.To make an outside call, lift the handset, then dial 9 followed by the number.2.To make an inside call, lift the handset, then dial the extension number of the station you want tocall. If you have a feature button for the station you can lift the handset and press the feature button.Once connected, you can continue to use the handset or switch to speakerphone by pressing“Spkr” and replacing the handset.Using the Speaker Phone1.To make an outside call, press “Spkr”, then dial the 9 followed by the number.2.To make an inside call, press “Spkr”, then dial the extension number of the station you want to call. Ifyou have a feature button for the station you can just press the feature button.When connected, you can continue to use the speakerphone or lift the handset and continue theconversation.Answering a call .Incoming calls will ring on your telephone and be accompanied by a green flashing PDN button (your extension button). The status light on the top of your phone will also flash:RED for incoming external callGREEN for incoming internal call.1.To Answer lift the handset or press “Spkr”.To place a call on Hold1. To place a call on Hold, press the “Hold” button.2. To return to the held call, press the held line’s flashing line or Intercom button.If you do not return to the held call after a few minutes, the call begins to ring back to your phone.If you are busy on another call, you hear two tone bursts. If the held party hangs up, the call is released. To place a call on Exclusive Hold1.While on a call, press Hold twice. This places the call on Exclusive Hold; no one else will be able toaccess that line.Microphone Mute Button .Mute on the DP5000-series telephones mutes not only the microphone but also the handset microphone as well. The MIC button on the telephones toggles between Mic and Mute.To Mute a Call1.During a conversation, press the “Mic” key, the red indicator will turn off; the microphone andhandset are muted.2.Press the “Mic” key again to resume communication, the red indicator will turn on.Paging . To make an All Call Page1. With the handset off-hook, press the All Page button. This pages all phones in the All Call Page Group,and may page external speakers (depends on programming).2. Make your announcement, then hang up.NOTE: The page button will be one of your programmable feature buttons, and its location may vary between different phone systems. Not all systems may have this feature enabled.Simple Transfer (unsupervised)1. While on a call, press “Cnf/Trn”.2. Dial the extension number and the call is transferred and hand up.Transfer with Announcing the call (supervised)1. While on a call, press “Cnf/Trn”.2. Dial the extension number who you want to transfer the call to. Stay on the line to announce the call.If the party you are transferring to wants the call just hang up. If they do not want the call press the green flashing line or intercom button to get the original caller back.Call Parking . To Park a CallWhile on the call press "PARK" and then the EXTENSION of whom you wish to park it to.Press "Page" and announce who the call is parked for and what extension you parked it on.Hang up when you are done.To Answer a Parked CallA.If you are at the extension the call was parked to , Press the "PARK" key. You now have the call.B.If you are at another phone, Press the “PARK” key, then dial the extension the call was parked to. Younow have the call.Volume Control . To adjust handset volume1.During a call, press and hold “Vol” up or down. When you hang up, volume returns to a defaultlevel.To adjust the speaker volume for internal/external calls and background music1.Press “Spkr” , press and hold “Vol” up or down to adjust volume level.2.Press “Spkr” to exit.To adjust Ring Tone volume1.With an idle phone and handset on-hook, press and hold “Vol” until the ring volume is satisfactorySpeed dials are organized into "Personal" and "System Wide" categories. Personal will only be available from the phone they were programmed on. System wide speed dials are available on any phone.The speed dials are each assigned a 3 digit code.100-199 Are Personal Speed dial numbers200-899 Are System Speed DialsDialing a Speed Dial1.To dial a speed dial number hit the "Spdial" key then the 3 digit number of the speed dialyou wish to dial.Speed Dial StorageTo save a Speed Dial:1. Press #98762. Press "Spdial" Key3. Enter 3 digit speed dial code you wish to save4. Press 9 then dial the phone number5. Press "Spdial" Key to save6. Repeat starting at Step 2 as necessaryTo Add a Name to a Speed Dial entry1. Press #98762. Press "Spdial" Key3. Enter 3 digit code of entry you wish to modify4. Press "Spkr" Key5. Enter Name using DialPad, The6. Press "Spdial" Key to Save7. Repeat starting at step 2 as necessaryTo setup a conference call1. While on a call, press “Cnf/Trn”.2. Call another station or outside line.3. When the called party answers, press “Cnf/Trn”. All parties are conferenced.Note: If you receive a busy tone or if the station does not answer, press the flashing green line button to return to the original call.4. Repeat Steps 1~3 to add more lines. You can conference up to eight parties.To conference two outside callers1. While talking on an outside call, press “Cnf/Trn”.2. Access an outside line by dialing 9 followed by the number you wish to dial.3. After the party answers, press “Cnf/Trn” twice and hang up.Note: If you receive a busy tone or if the station does not answer, press the flashing green line button to return to the original call.Caller ID . To scroll through a list of numbers that called your telephoneNote: The following steps require your telephone to have a programmed feature button forCaller ID.1. Press the “Caller ID” button.2. Use “Vol” Key or NEXT and PREV softkeys below the LCD screen to scroll through the numbers.3. Press the CALL softkey to dial the number.To log into voicemail the first time1.Dial 850 or press the V.M. Login key if it is programmed2.Voicemail will answer and ask for a security code. The default code is your extension + 997. Example,Your extension is 2005. Your security code would be 2005997.3.The system will greet you with a new user tutorial. It will guide you through recording your name,personal greeting and changing the security code.To check messages1.Dial 850 or press the V.M. Login key if it is programmed.2.Voicemail will answer and ask for your security code. Enter your voicemail security code followed by#. If you have not setup voicemail before refer to the above instructions.3.The system will greet you with the number of messages you have. Press 1 to play messages. Listen tothe prompts or use the softkeys below the LCD to save or delete messages.4.Hang up when you are done.To check messages from outside the system1.Call into voicemail. To do this will depend on how your system is configured. If a human answers thephone during the day the easiest way is to ask them to transfer you to any voicemail box. If you havea personal DID call your number and wait for your own voicemail to pick up. At night time mostsystems will have the voicemail answer the calls.2.When you hear the voicemail greeting play press the * key.3.The system will ask you for your user ID. This is your extension number.4.The system will ask you for your security code. Enter it now.5.You will now hear the voicemail menu for your mailbox. You can check messages, or change yourgreeting just as if you were internal to the system.Call Forwarding allows you to forward calls to your office phone to an outside number.To Program your Call Forwarding Button1.Press the Intercom Key, Then # 9 8 7 6 . The phone will say “User Programing Mode”2.Press the Call Forward key3.Press 9, Type in the number you wish to forward to, press #4.Press the Call Forward key again. The phone will say “Data Programed”5.Lift the handset and hang it back up again. Your phone will exit programing mode.To Use the Call Forwarding Key1.To enable call forwarding press the Call Forward button. The light next to the button will light redwhen it is enabled. Your phone is now forwarding to the number you programed.2.To disable call forwarding press the Call Forward button so the light goes out next to the button.Notes about Call ForwardingWhen your phone is forwarding to an external number your internal voicemail will not pickup. As an example lets say your forwarding to your cell phone. When you get a call at your office phone it will forward to your cell phone and your cell phone voicemail will be what answers if you do not pick up the call.Depending on the system configuration the Caller ID of the forwarded call will appear to come from your office phone system. If this is happening it is a limitation of the phone company and can not be changed.。
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Phoenix/Sacramento 10AP
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Drawer_Name 28-Apr-2008
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ICS9LPRS489AGLF Clock generator HDMI LCM CRT HDD ODD Hyper Flash
关于东芝数码复印机之代码---》“解鼓”toshiba新增加部份08代码 08-340 鼓寿命计数值设定(当08-689设为“1”时有效)接受值 0---99999;默认值 168S/208S =27000 258s=33000注:当08-355中的数值(鼓计数显示)达到设置值(08-340鼓寿命设置值)的10倍时,“更换鼓”将显示在LCD上当08-340中鼓寿命设置值为0,就不会显示“更换鼓”08-673 鼓想关计数器值清零(当08-689设为“1”时有效)进行08-673的操作后,下列计数值将被清零;08-355 鼓计数显示08-401 鼓寿命计数理光FT5840/5627/5827调整代码1-001 功能:调整先端对位设置:0-32 预设值=16 每级0.5MM1-003 功能:调节每个纸路在对位处的供纸时序设置:0-32 预设值=16 每级1MM1-008 功能:卡纸检测,忽略传感器信号以检测为目的设置:0:OFF 1:ON1-103 功能:定影空转2分钟设置:0:OFF 1:ON1-104 功能:选择定影灯温度控制方式设置:0:ON/OFF 1:相位控制1-105-1 功能:定影温度控制设置:170-190 预设值=1801-105-2 功能:节能定影温度控制设置:0-5 预设值=01-105-3 功能:定影温度调整(副定影灯)设置:160-190 预设值=1751-106 功能:定影灯显示1-108 功能:选择是否强制启动设置:0:OFF 1:ON1-902 功能:调节双面器齐纸侧挡板的停止位置设置:0-32 预设值=16 每级0.5MM1-905 功能:调节双面器齐纸后挡板的停止位置设置:0-32 预设值=16 每级0.52-001 功能:鼓充电电压调整,每级30V,设置:0-32 预设值=162-002-1 功能:鼓充电压显示,实际值为显示值*102-002-2 功能:鼓充电压显示,VSP图样2-003 功能:鼓充电压调整,每级10V设置:0-32 预设值=162-101-1 功能:调节前端删边空白设置:0-32 预设值=16 每级0.52-101-2 功能:调节后端删边空白设置:0-32 预设值=16 每级0.52-201-1 功能:调节复印的显影偏压,每级20V设置:1-9 预设值=5 1:最深 9:最浅2-201-2 功能:调节手动ID第7级的显影偏压设置:1:-40V 2:+(-)0V 3:-80V 4:-120V2-203 功能:显影偏压调整,用于VSP图样,每级20V设置:1-10 预设值=62-206-1 功能:显示显影偏压,显示值*102-206-2 功能:显示用于制作VSP样本的显影偏压2-207 功能:强制补粉30秒,复印键开始,清除键中断2-208-1 功能:补粉方式选择设置:1:TD传感器补粉方式 2:定量补粉方式 3:检测补粉方式(预设值)2-208-2 功能:TD传感器补粉方式的补粉率,预设值=7%设置:1:7% 2:15% 3:30% 4:60%2-208-3 功能:定量补粉方式的补粉率,预设值=6%设置:1:2% 2:4% 3:6% 4:11%2-214 功能:TD传感器的初期设定,按下复印键2.5分钟自动停止,输出为2.5V[只有加入新显影剂后使用次方式] 2-215-1 功能:显示当前TD传感器的输出2-215-2 功能:显示TD传感器参考输出2-220 功能:显示TD传感器初期设定输出,显示2.5V(执行SP2-214后)2-222 功能:选择检测补粉方式的补粉率,预设值=7%设置:1:7% 2:15% 3:30% 4:60%2-301 功能:转印电流调整设置:0-32 预设值=142-801 功能:搅拌显影剂“START”开始“CLEAR STOP”结束2-802 功能:显示鼓充电辊温度[0-60度]2-812 功能:鼓反转调整设置:0-32 预设值=162-901 功能:鼓充电辊清洁间隔设置:0:每1000张 1:每500张 2:每200张 3:每100张2-902 功能:不是用3-001 功能:ID传感器初期设定,调节至4.0V3-002 功能:显示ID传感器初期设定值3-103-1 功能:显示ID传感器输出(VSP)3-103-2 功能:显示ID传感器输出(VSG)设置:VSP=0.01-2.50 VSG=4.0 VSP/VSG=0.13-105 功能:VL强制检测3-106 功能:检测由SP3-105 检测到的初期VLP/VLG值3-107 功能:显示当前VLP/VLG的值3-111 功能:显示当前VRP/VRG的值3-112 功能:VR强制检测“START”检测开始3-123 功能:鼓的初始化(只有安装新鼓后必须执行)3-801 功能:自动过程控制方式选择设置:0:OFF 1:ON3-901 功能:执行暴光灯熄灭的空运转,显影器必须取出3-902 功能:强制过程控制4-001 功能:暴光灯电压调整设置:50-75 预设值=63 每级0.54-002 功能:显示当前的暴光灯电压设置:50-854-008 功能:垂直倍率调整(送纸方向的倍率)设置:0-32 预设值=16 每级0.1%4-001-1 功能:镜头水平原位调整,01:第一纸盘 02:第二纸盘 03:第三纸盘 04:第四纸盘至 05:第五纸盘 06:手送纸 07:LCT 08:基准调整 09:ADF4-001-9 设置:0-32 预设值=16 每级0.2MM4-013 功能:扫描架空运转4-101 功能:水平倍率调整(垂直于送纸方向的倍率)设置:0-32 预设值=16 每级0.2%4-102 功能:镜头误差较正设置:0-16 预设值=8 每级0.1%4-103 功能:聚焦调整,调节第三反光镜的位置设置:0-150 预设值=75 每级0.054-201 功能:自动ADS增益调整,输出2.7V4-202 功能:ADS初期增益显示4-203 功能:ADS实际增益显示4-301 功能:APS传感器功能检查4-302 功能:安装了选购件APS传感器后将其设置为1设置:0:没有安装 1:已经安装4-303 功能:APS A5/HLT检测,选择是否强制检测设置:0:NO 1:YES4-901 功能:APS尺寸优先设置:0:81/2*13 1:8*13 2:81/4*134-902 功能:APS 8K/16K检测设置:0:NO 1:YES5-001 功能:点亮操作面板上的全部显示5-002 功能:优先纸路选择设置:1:第一纸盘 2:第二纸盘 3:第三纸盘 4:第四纸盘 5:第五纸盘 6:LCT 5-003 功能:APS优先选择设置:1:APS 2:手动5-004 功能:ADS优先选择设置:1:ADS 2:手动5-013 功能:计数器递增或递减设置:1:递增 2:递减5-017 功能:最大复印数量设置:1-999 预设值=9995-019 功能:各纸路纸尺寸设定5-101 功能:自动复位时间设定设置:0-999 预设值=605-102 功能:自动节能时间设定设置:0-999 预设值=605-103 功能:自动纸盘切换设置:0:关 1:开5-104 功能:A3/DLT加倍计数设置:0:关 1:开5-106 功能:选择图象浓度等级较正设置:0:浓 1:通常 2:浅5-107-1 功能:用于控制左,右白边移动的白边宽度调整量至5-107-2 设置:A4机型0-15,预设值=5 LT机型0-0.60,预设值=0.205-108 功能:调节边框删除方式下的边框删除白边宽度设置:1:5MM 2:10MM5-110 功能:中央删除白边调整设置:8-25 预设值=205-113 功能:投币锁安装设置:0:不安装 1:安装5-115 功能:指定是否使用双面图象移动(背面白边)设置:0:NO 1:YES5-121 功能:T/C(总数计数器)计数时序设置:0:供纸 1:出纸5-305 功能:自动关机时间设定设置:0-999 预设值=0(不是用)每级1分钟5-401 功能:用户代码方式设置:0:钥匙计数器 1:用户代码5-402 功能:拥护代码计数器检查设置:按住“.”键显示,用“+”和“-”键检查各用户代码5-404-1 功能:对显示在缩/放指示出的用户代码计数器复位,按R/#号键5-404-2 功能:复位所有UC计数器5-405 功能:用户代码号码设定,最大3位数设置:1-999 最多输入50个代码,用“+”和“-”检查输入代码5-407-1 功能:删除个别用户代码5-407-2 功能:删除所有用户代码5-408 功能:已登记用户代码号码显示5-501-1 功能:PM周期设定设置:1-9995-501-2 功能:PM周期报警方式设定设置:0:OFF 1:ON5-504 功能:卡纸的RDS/CSS报警等级5-505 功能:SC的RDS/CSS报警等级5-507 功能:消耗品的RDS/CSS报警等级5-801 功能:内存全清5-802-1 功能:连续空运转5-802-2 功能:一次空运转5-803 功能:输入检查方式,显示各传感器数拒5-804 功能:输出检查方式,开启个别电器部件5-810 功能:SC复位5-811 功能:机号输入5-812 功能:输入维修电话号码5-816 功能:RDS/CSS功能设定5-817 功能:修理时间传送5-905 功能:APSA4/LT横送优先设置:0:OFF 1:ON5-906 功能:手动装订复位时间设定设置:1-999 预设值=205-907 功能:封页方式选择设置:1:封面/封底 1:封面5-908 功能:图象移动/删除选择设置:1:删除方式 2:移动方式5-909 功能:数字键缩放/尺寸倍率设置:1:尺寸倍率 2:数字键缩放功能5-910 功能:操作面板的选择语言设置:1:英语 2:法语 3:德语 4:意大利语 5:西班牙语 6:瑞典语 7:葡萄牙语8:丹麦语 9:挪威语 10:芬兰语 11:荷兰语6-001 功能:SADF自动复位时间设定设置:1-99 预设值=56-002 功能:ADF自由尺寸设定设置:0:OFF 1:ON6-003 功能:自动分页选择设置:0:OFF 2:ON6-005 功能:双面复印时,是否在最后的奇数原稿后添加一张空白复印品设置:0:不增加 1:增加6-006-1 功能:单面原稿DF对位调节设置:0-32 预设值=166-006-2 功能:双面原稿DF对位调节设置:0-32 预设值=166-009 功能:ARDF空运转6-010 功能:选择ARDF时是否自动选择APS方式6-011 功能:厚/薄原稿方式选择设置:0:厚纸方式 1:薄纸方式6-101 功能:指定用何种分页器设置:0:无分页器 1:装用A557 2:装用A556 3:不使用 4:只A568分页器适配6-102 功能:选择使用何种分页堆叠限制设置:0:OFF 1:ON6-104 功能:装订张数限制设置:0:OFF 1:ON6-107 功能:分页器空运转7-001 功能:总运转时间显示(小时)7-002 功能:显示已扫描原稿的总数7-003 功能:收费计数器显示7-004 功能:计数器初期设定7-101-1 至功能:显示各种尺寸的复印总数7-101-57-203 功能:转鼓计数器显示7-204-1至功能:显示各纸盘的供纸总数7-204-87-205 功能:ARDF供纸计数显示7-206 功能:显示装订计数器7-301-1 功能:等倍方式计数显示7-301-2 功能:缩小方式计数显示7-301-3 功能:放大方式计数显示7-401 功能:显示发生的保修总数7-402 功能:显示各维修代码的报修计数器7-501 功能:显示卡纸总数7-502 功能:显示卡纸总数7-503 功能:显示原稿卡纸总数7-504-1至功能:显示各卡纸部位卡纸总数7-504-67-505-1 功能:显示ARDF输入部卡纸总数7-505-2 功能:显示ARDF输出部卡纸总数7-801-1至功能:主ROM版本显示7-801-47-803 功能:PM计数器检查7-804 功能:PM 计数器复位,按R/#键7-807-1 功能:SC计数器清除及各类维修代码7-807-2 功能:复印纸卡纸计数器复位7-807-3 功能:原稿卡纸计数器复位7-808 功能:计数器全部清除7-810 功能:复印计数器清除7-811 功能:DF计数器清除分享]东芝169维修手册(内部资料)下载吧东芝T169维修呼叫代码和调整代码一:出错代码C01:主电机锁死C21:灯架初始化错误C25:扫描单元检测器出错C26:暴光灯未连接或浪涌检测出错C38:替换的静电复印单元出错C41:电源接通时热敏电阻不正常或加热器未连接C43:定影器断接之后复印机处于预热状态,或待机状态后的热敏电阻不正常C44:定影器断接之后复印机处于预热状态,或待机状态后的加热器不正常C45:在加热器的末端,热敏电阻未连接C56:PFC与主电机之间通信出错C57:主机与IPC之间通信出错C71:供纸马达锁定出错C73:EE-PROM初始化出错C74:出口/反转出感器检测到错误的调整C81:风扇马达锁定出错C82..阅读全文 | 邓小明 | 390次浏览 0篇评论 | 分类:邓小明的复印机维修资料东芝169维修故障代码2006-5-23 14:39 东芝169维修故障代码表一:出错代码 C01:主电机锁死 C21:灯架初始化错误 C25:扫描单元检测器出错 C26:暴光灯未连接或浪涌检测出错 C38:替换的静电复印单元出错 C41:电源接通时热敏电阻不正常或加热器未连接C43:定影器断接之后复印机处于预热状态,或待机状态后的热敏电阻不正常 C44:定影器断接之后复印机处于预热状态,或待机状态后的加热器不正常 C45:在加热器的末端,热敏电阻未连接 C56:PFC与主电机之间通信出错C57:主机与IPC之间通信出错 C71:供纸马达锁定出错 C73:EE-PROM初始化出错 C74:出口/反转出感器检测到错误的调整 C81:风扇马达锁定出错 C82:引导传感器调整出错 C95:电源风扇未连接 C96:定影风扇未连接 C97:真..阅读全文 | 邓小明 | 321次浏览 0篇评论 | 分类:邓小明的复印机维修资料东芝169维修手册2006-5-23 14:32 东芝169维修手册二:调整模式05项目调整205:显影器偏压DC调整初始值=156 范围0-255210:栅压初始值调整初始值=106 范围0-255220:转印变压器DC输出高调整初始值=180 范围0-255221:转印变压器DC输出中心调整初始值=155 范围0-255222:转印变压器DC输出低调整初始值=111 范围0-255233:分离输出高调整初始值=67 范围0-255234:分离输出中心调整初始值=49 范围0-255235:分离输出低调整初始值=35 范围0-255261:激光电源600DPI初始值调整初始值=42 范围0-255304:扫描器输送倍率(0.1/级)初始值=128 范围0-255305:扫描器输送不对齐(0.126MM/级)初始值=128 范围85-171306:CCD扫描..阅读全文 | 邓小明 | 348次浏览 0篇评论 | 分类:邓小明的复印机维修资料东芝169.168出现鼓维护清除方法2006-5-22 18:48 东芝169.168出现鼓维护清除方法东芝169出现鼓维护东芝169出现鼓维护应怎样清除?08-673 鼓想关计数器值清零(当08-689设为“1”时有效)进行08-673的操作后,下列计数值将被清零;08-355 鼓计数显示08-401 鼓寿命计数按0和8,开机,键入673,确定就好了用,08---340,把27000的数值生高一些,然后"set"即可!东芝209显标更换鼓组件,只要把代码0/8—689的值改为1,0/8—340内的值设为你想要的数就可以,设为0就会为最大值东芝168S解鼓 -代码.关于东芝数码复印机之代码---》“解鼓”toshiba新增加部份08代码08-340 鼓寿命计数值设定(当08-689设为“1”时有效)接受值 0---99999;默认值 168S/208S =27000..阅读全文 | 邓小明 | 348次浏览 1篇评论 | 分类:邓小明的复印机维修资料东芝1550.1560.1568.1668复印机2006-5-22 18:42 东芝1550.1560.1568.1668复印机维修代码按02/04键同时打开电源,进入输入/输出检查状态显示ch,退出同时按09键1 主电机on 11 Off2 供纸离合器on 12 Off3 定位离合器on 13 Off6 调色器电机on 16 Off7 冷却风扇on 17off10 总计数器按p键20 扫描电机按p键移动50% 再按p键200%21 镜头电机按p键移动50% 再按p键200%22 反光镜电机按p键移动50% 再按p键200%31 转印输出按p键on 再按p键off32 分离输出按p键on 再按p键off33 暴光灯输出按p键on 再按p键off34 予转印偏压按p键on 再按p键off40 上纸盒电机按p键on 再按p键off41 上纸..阅读全文 | 邓小明 | 265次浏览 0篇评论 | 分类:邓小明的复印机维修资料成功解决了EPSON C1100 出现E511代码的方法!2006-4-30 10:39 昨天不知怎的,我的EPSON C1100 出现了E511代码故障,在坛子里查了EPSON的相关资料,发现EPSON的其他机型的E511代码是“电机故障”,我想C1100也应是一样的,于是仔细检查了,发现晒鼓传动的部份沾了很多灰(加粉所至),于是清洁了一下,重新装好开机,OK,一切正常。
Style File Format (伴奏文件格式)是雅马哈原创的伴奏文件格式,它采用独特的转换机制,能提供基于 各种和弦类型的高品质自动伴奏。
Smart Media™
这是用于数据存储的卡式介质。“SmartMedia”是东芝公司的注册商标。 与带卡槽的电子乐器配合使用时,SmartMedia 卡可用于存储和调出 MIDI数据及其它类型的数据。
顾名思义,“XGlite”是雅马哈高品质XG 音源产生格式的简化版。自然您可以使用 XGlite音源发生器播放 任何 XG乐曲数据。不过请注意,控制参数和效果极可能会被简化,因此某些乐曲的播放效果与原始数据可 能会有所不同。
雅马哈 XF格式是对SMF (Standard MIDI File,标准MIDI 文件)标准的增强,其功能更加丰富,并具有 开放式可扩展性,便于将来扩展。播放包含歌词数据的 XF文件时,本乐器能显示歌词。
保存到 SmartMedia 卡
• 为防止因介质损坏而导致数据丢失,建议用户将重要数据保存 到两张 SmartMedia 卡上。
对于因使用不当或改装本乐器导致的损坏,或是数据丢失、数据损坏,雅马哈概不承担任何责任。 不使用本乐器时,请务必切断电源。 在使用电源适配器的情况下,即使电源开关处在 “STANDBY”(电源关)位置,本乐器内依然通有电流,只是维持在最低水 平。预计长时间不使用本乐器时,请务必从壁式交流插座上拔下交流电源适配器。 请务必遵循当地法规处置废旧电池。
4 DGX-505/305 使用说明书
• 请勿将电池丢弃到火中。 • 请勿试图给非充电型电池充电。 • 当电池耗尽或预计长时间不使用本乐器时,请从乐器中取出电
池,以防发生电池漏液。 • 电池应存放在儿童无法触及的位置。 • 如果电池发生漏液,应避免接触漏出的液体。如果眼睛、嘴或皮
东芝 A2-85E6-305 一体式智能坐便器 安装使用说明书
272632333130292825242323222221212020191817241610897543114 15手动排水的方法 ………………………侧按键说明及操作 …………………喷杆手动清洁拆下电子盖产品质量保证书产品规格产品安全使用期限产品电路及水路原理图相关信息冲洗功能演示一13A2-85E6-305A2-85E6-400【常温】【常温】担由此引起的一切损失。
表1 智能坐便器能效水效等级指标角阀角阀供水管水压表水桶矿泉水瓶供水的流压应保持在静压0.15MPa(动压0.09MP)~静压0.75MPa之间,供水流量>22L/min,静压0.15MP(动压0.09MPa时)。
具体条件要求如下:条件一:静压测试静压测试方法:1、关闭角阀,将马桶供水管从角阀上取下;2、拿出水压表(自带供水管),并将水压表供水管安 装在角阀上;3、打开角阀,并测试水压的静压数值。
条件二:流量测试流量测试方法:1、关闭角阀,将马桶供水管从角阀上取下;2、拿接水容器(盆或桶)放在角阀下方接水;3、打开角阀计时10秒关闭,然后测试10秒的 出水量 ,用500mL的矿泉水瓶装,确认能装几瓶。
500mL 500mL500mL 500mL 500mL 500mL进水时请将连接坐便器水管的角阀打开,水管的角阀连接再生水管道等的情况下,请于购买时店铺或者售后服务中心等联络。
东芝电子 DISHWASHER 用户手册说明书
E n g l i s hDISHWASHERINSTRUCTION MANUALModel:Read these instructions carefully before using your DISHWASHER, and keep it carefully.DW-14F2CIS(SS)-UA DW-14F2CIS(BS)-UASAFETY INSTRUCIONSAll instructions described should be carefully read and followed.These instructions are precautions to prevent the risks of serious injury or death of the user, and any damages to property.(*1) Serious injury - injury which requires hospitalization, lengthy treatment, or blindness, hot and cold skin burn, electric shock, broken bones or poisoning.(*2) Injury - injury, skin burn or electric shock which does not require hospitalization or lengthy treatment.(*3) Property loss - extended loss of houses, furniture, domestic animals or pets.02E n g l i s h03040506Handle the package of the dishwasher with extreme care.All packages are recyclables.Plastic parts are marked with abbreviation of international standard;TreatmentsPE Polyethylene, e.g., tableted package material Polystyrene, e.g., packing material Polymethyl, e.g., plastic clip Polymer, e.g., control panel Polypropylene, e.g., inner wallPS POM ABS PPE n g l i s hSuch warning sign is used to prevent dangers to you and others.Please follow it strictly.After reading, please store it properly for use just in case.07Start upCleaning and care Filter cleaning Spray arms cleaning Care and maintenanceRecognize the dishwasher Dishwasher features Control panel Use the dishwasher Water softenerAdding salt to the softener Adding rinse aid to the dispenser 10111301020304Rinse aid and detergent 1617182627281914Please carefully read the instruction manual before using the dishwasher,and this is helpful for the use and maintenance of the product.ContentsProgram Setting Washing program 08Changing the program mid-cycle Put additional dishes in End of washing programBasket used tips Install dishwasher bowl basket 2021Adding rinse aid to the dispenser 24141515UV light2509TroubleshootingBefore connecting customer service center Error code Installation Product dimension Power connection 052930333536Specification06Water connection Connection of drain hoses3131Recognize the dishwasherDishwasher featuresImportant:Before using the dishwasher for the first time, read following instructions to ensure the best results.Salt container FilterLower spray armDispenser10Cutlery basket Upper basket Upper spray arm Cutlery rackCup rackLower basketControl panelE n g l i s h1112Following table shows best cleaning procedures and amount of dishwashing powder required according to the dirty level of the dishes, as well as the Washing programDishwashing powder (g)Highest WaterTemperatureTime (min)Power (K wh)Water (L)ProgramProgram SettingE n g l i s h60℃AUTO DAILY 150-1855/301 or 2 pieces 0.9-1.111~1565℃2105/301 or2 pieces0.9310GLASS 60℃1305/301 piece0.91365℃90351 piece 1.3512.5RAPID55℃300.751125HYGIENE 70℃175 1.513.5351 piece INTENSIVE SOAK 70℃175 1.617.5/150.024/5/301 or2 piecesStart up Changing the program mid-cycle1. The plug shall be firstly plugged into the socket. Power supply shall be of2. Make sure that the water supply is turned on to full pressure.3. Open the door, press "ON/OFF" button turn on the dishwasher.4. Press the button of desired program, the corresponding indicator will light up.5. Then, close the door, the dishwasher will start its cycle.A wash cycle can only be changed if it has been running for a short time otherwise, the detergent may have already been released and the dishwasher may have already drained the wash water. If this is the case, the dishwasher needs to be reset and the detergent dispenser must be refilled. To reset the dishwasher, follow the instructions below:1. Open the door a little to stop the dishwasher, after the spray arm stop working, you can open the door completely.2. Press the Program button for more than 3 seconds, the dishwasher will enter standby mode.3. Press the Program button to select the desired program.4. Then, close the door, the dishwasher will start its cycle.143 seconds220-240V AC 50Hz type, with socket of 10 A 220-240V AC.Put dishes inadditional Additional dishes can be placed in at any time before dishwasher program start. If you want to reload dishes in the process of washing, please follow instructions below:1. Open the door a little to stop the dishwasher, after the spray arm stop working, you can open the door completely.2. Put the additional dishes in.4. Close the door, the dishwasher will start after 10 seconds.End of washing program After the program finishes, the machine show "End" after the buzzer beeps for 8 seconds. Turn off the machinePress ON/OFF button to turn off the dishwasher.Hot dishes are more likely to be damaged. The dishes shall be cool for about 15 minutes and then taken out from the dishwasher.Open the door carefully Clear the dishwasherIt is normal that the dishwasher still remains wet inside.E n g l i s h 15The dishwasher is designed to allow for adjustment in the amount of salt consumed based on the hardness of the water used. This is intended to optimise and customise the level of salt consumption.Please follow the steps below for adjustment in salt consumption.0 - 56 - 1112 - 1718 - 2223 - 3435 - 55GermandHSalt consumption (gram/cycle)0 - 910 - 2021 - 3031 - 4041 - 6061 - 980 - 67 - 1415 - 2122 - 2829 - 4243 - 690 - 0.941.0 - 2.02.1 - 3.03.1 - 4.04.1 - 6.06.1 - 9.80912203060French fH Mmol/l Water softener level British Clarke WATER HARDNESSH1H2H3H4H5H6dH=1.25Clarke=1.78fH=0.178mmol/l°°°1The water softener must be set manually, using the water hardness dial.The water softener is designed to remove minerals and salts from the water, which would have a detrimental or adverse effect on the operation of the appliance.The more minerals there are, the harder your water is.The softener should be adjusted according to the hardness of the water in your area. Your local Water Authority can advise you on the hardness of the water in your area. 1. Open the door and s witch on the appliance 2. Press the Program button for more than 5 seconds when the salt indicatorflashes means entering the water softener settings.set model within 60 seconds after the appliance was switched on .3. Press the Program button to select the proper set according to your localenvironment, the sets will change in the following sequence:H1->H2->H3->H4->H5->H6.4. Without any operation in five seconds, the machine will exit from set mode, the machine is into standby status..,Use the dishwasherWater softenerAdjusting salt consumptionThe manufactory setting: H3Contact your local water board for information on the hardness of your water supply.161. Remove the lower basket and unscrew the reservoir cap.2. Place the end of the funnel (supplied) into the hole and pour in about 1.5kg of dishwasher salt.3. Fill the salt container to its maximum limit with water, It is normal for a small amount of water to come out of the salt container.4. After filling the container, screw back the cap tightly.5. The salt warning light will stop being after the salt container has been filled with salt.6. Immediately after filling the salt into the salt container, a washing program should be started (We suggest to use a short program). Otherwise the filter system, pump or other important parts of the machine may be damaged by salty water. This is out of warranty.Please follow the steps below for adding dishwasher salt:Adding salt to the softenerE n g l i s h 17Function of the rinse aid and detergentThe rinse aid is released during the final rinse to prevent water from forming droplets on your dishes, which can leave spots and streaks. It also improves drying by allowing water to roll off the dishes. Your dishwasher is designed to use liquid rinse aids.When to refill the rinse aidThe regularity of the dispenser needing to be refilled depends on how often dishes are washed and the rinse aid setting used.The Low Rinse Aid indicator ( ) will appear in the display when more rinse aid is needed.Do not overfill the rinse aid dispenser.Function of detergentThe chemical ingredients that compose the detergent are necessary to remove, crush and dispense all dirt out of the dishwasher. Most of the commercial quality detergents aresuitable for this purpose.18To achieve a better drying performance with limited rinse aid, the dishwasher is designed to adjust the consumption by user. Follow the below steps.1. Open the door and s witch on the appliance .2. Within 60 seconds after step 1, press the Program button more than 5 seconds, and then press the Delay “+” button to enter the set model, the rinse aid indication blinks as 1 Hz frequency.3. Press the Program button to select the proper set according to your using habits , the sets will change in the following sequence: D1->D2->D3->D4->D5->D1. The higher the number, the more rinse aid the dishwasher uses.4. Without operation in 5 seconds or press the Power button to exit the set model, the set success.Adjusting the rinse aid reservoirAdding rinse aid to the dispenserE n g l i s h 191. Open the cap by sliding the release catch.2. Open the cap by pressing down the release catch.For better cleaning result, especially if you have very dirt items, pour a small amount of detergent onto the door. The additional detergent will activate during the pre-wash phase.Adding detergent to the dispenser20Dishes and knives should not be placed in other utensils, and they can’t overlaid each other.Do not place glass close to each other to avoid damage.For long knives, placing upright is very dangerous.Precautions before and after the bowl basket is placedInstall dishwasher bowl basketSuggestionUse the dishwashing machine rationallyPurchase dishes suitable for dishwasher.Use a suitable mild dishwashing powder. If necessary, consult the manufacturer for more information.For special appliances, try to select a washing program that with a lower temperature.Do not take out the glass dishes immediately after the program ends to prevent damage.Limited use:Not for:Wooden, ivory, porcelain or pearl shank tool Non heat-resistant plastic products Cohesive knives or dishes Tin or copper vessels Crystal glass Rusty steel products Wooden utensils Synthetic fiber productsStale non heat-resistant cutters with glue adhesive partAfter several cleanings, some glassware will become dullColor of smooth dishes may fade out if often washedSilver or aluminum products tend to change color during cleaning(For the best use of dishwasher, follow the instructions below. For different models, the characteristics and appearance of the basket will be different) Clear larger food residues.Soften the residue of burnt food left on the pan. It is not necessary to rinse dishes with water first. Place the dishes in the dishwasher as follows:Cups, glasses, pots and so on are placed face down.For curved or concave and convex vessels, place them diagonally so that the water flows out. All utensils should be placed safely and must not be overturned.All utensils should be placed that the arms can rotate freely during washing.The open of hollow tablewares (such as cups, glasses, pots, etc.) should face downward so that water does not easily remain in the container or grooves.Long or sharp knives (eg. meat cleavers) should be placed horizontally in the basket.Do not use the dishwasher overloaded so that you can get better cleaning performance.E l i 21Loading the lower basketUse the upper rack for small or delicate items such as small plates,cups, saucers, glasses, and dishwasher-safe plastic items.Place items so that the open end faces down for cleaning and drying. Do not stack items on top of each other.The lower rack is recommended for dinner plates, soup bowls, dishes, pots, pans, lids, and grill trays. Plates should be positioned vertically and facing the center of the rack.Make sure that large items do not interfere with the rotation of the spray arms, and do not prevent the detergent dispenser from opening.2277988107711The cutlery rack is best suited for washing flatware and most cooking or serving utensils. The separators on the cutlery racks help keep flatware separated to avoid damage and improve cleaning.E n g l i s h234711111111111111222233334444444444444555555555555558Adjusting the upper basketThe height of the upper basket can be easily adjusted to accommodate taller dishes in either the upper or lower basket. We recommend adjust the height of the upper basket before loading dishes.To adjust the height of the upper rack, follow these steps:each side until the basket locks into place in the upper position. It is not necessary to lift the adjuster handle.release the basket and lower it to the lower position.Basket used tips24Sliding cutlery rackThe cutlery rack can slide to the right or left at will.raise upwardsfold backwardsFolding back the rack shelvesThe spikes of the lower basket are used for holding plates and a platter. They can be lowered to make more room for large items.E n g l i s h25Folding back the cup shelvesTo make room for taller items in the upper basket, raise the cup rack upwards. You can then lean the tall glasses against it. You can also remove it when it is not required for use.The UV light with antibacterial effect is installed in the sump. When the door is opened, the blue indicator will light up and the UV light closed. When the door is closed, the blue indicator is off , and the UV light will light up at the certaintime.UV lightCleaning and careThe filtering system in the base of the wash cabinet retains coarse debris from the washing cycle. The collected coarse debris may cause the filters to clog. Check the condition of the filters regularly and clean them if necessary under running water.Follow the steps below to clean the filters in the wash cabinet.Filter cleaningLift the filter upwards and out of the dishwasher.The coarse filter can be detached from the main filter by gently squeezing thetabs at the top and pulling it away.For a more thorough clean, use a softcleaning brush.filter insert, and rotate clockwise tothe close arrow.26the jets. Replace them after rinsing them thoroughly.It is necessary to clean the spray arms regularly for hard water chemicals will clog the spray arm jets and bearings.To clean the spray arms, follow the instructions below:rotate the spray arm counterclockwise to remove it.Spray arms cleaningE n g l i s h27Care and maintenanceThe door and the door sealClean the door seals regularly with a soft damp cloth to remove food deposits.When the dishwasher is being loaded, food and drink residues may drip onto the sides of the dishwasher door. These surfaces are outside the wash cabinet and are not accessed by water from the spray arms. Any deposits should be wiped off before the door is closed. The control panelControl panel can be wiped with a slightly wet cloth. After cleaning, make sure it is completely dry.Do not use Sharp tools, Scratch sponge, or Rough detergent anywhere in the machine.28The UV lightUV light does not require extra cleaning. If it breaks accidentally in the process of use, please cut off the power supply to suspend the use and ask someone to clean and replace it.Height (H)Width (W)Depth (D1)Depth (D2)845mm 598mm600mm (with the door closed)1175mm (with the door opened 90°)InstallationProduct dimensionE n g l i s h29Power connectionPower requirementsPlease check the label of rated value of power supply system for knowing rated voltage and connect the machine to appropriate power supply. 10A fuse is required and time-delay fuse or circuit breaker is recommended. Only separate circuit is suitable for this machine. Machine connectionMake sure that supplied voltage and frequency correspond to those on rating plate. Plug can only be connected to a properly grounded socket. If the socket that the machine must be connected to is not suitable for the plug, replace the socket, and do not use a power adapter that may cause overheating and burning.Grounding InstructionsThis appliance must be earthed. In the event of a malfunction or breakdown, earthing will reduce the risk of electric shock by providing a path of least resistance for the electric current.This appliance is equipped with a cord having an equipment-earthing conductor and an earthing plug. The plug must be plugged into an appropriate outlet that is installed and earthed in accordance with all local standards and requirements.Connect the cold water supply hose to a threaded 3/4(inch) connector and make sure that it is fastened tightly in place.If the water pipes are new or have not been used for an extended period of time, let the water run to make sure that the water is clear. This precaution is needed to avoid the risk of the water inlet to be blocked and damage the appliance.Water connectionIf there is no grounding in your place, the power cord with air switch will make a protection. When users touch the shell with electricity of the appliance, it will cut the power immediately to protect from constant electric shock.When power supply safely, the indicator(A) lights up. If the electric shock happens, the switch(B) will eject. After the problem has been solved, please press the switch(B) to reset.For your safty and proper operation of theappliance, make sure the appliance is grounded.Please securely fix the drain hose in either position A or position BInsert the drain hose into a drain pipe with a minimum diameter of 4 cm, or let it run into the sink, making sure to avoid bending or crimping it. The height of drain pipe must be less than 1000mm. The free end of the hose must not be immersed in water to avoid the back flow of it.Connection of drain hosesE n g l i s hHow to drain excess water from hosesIf the sink is 1000 higher from the floor, the excess water in hoses cannot be drained directly into the sink. It will be necessary to drain excess water from hoses into a bowl or suitable container that is held outside and lower than the sink.Water outletConnect the water drain hose. The drain hose must be correctly fitted to avoid water leaks. Ensure that the water drain hose is not kinked or squashed.Extension hoseIf you need a drain hose extension, make sure to use a similar drain hose.It must be no longer than 4 meters; otherwise the cleaning effect of the dishwasher could be reduced.Syphon connectionThe waste connection must be at a height less than 100 cm (maximum) from the bottom of the dish. The water drain hose should be fixed .TroubleshootingPlease check the chart below before connecting customer service centerBefore connecting customer service centerE n g l i s hWhen failure occurs, error code will appear to remind you:Error codeE n g l i s hSpecification。
东芝 T5-R3B1 分体式智能坐便器 安装使用说明书
电源务必与带接地的三孔电源插头连接。 ※ 否则会成为触电等的原因。
在有可能发生冻结内部积水时,请务必采取 防冻措施。( 27页) ※ 否则冻结内部积水引起的破损会导致火灾、室
长时间使用时,请将坐圈温度调整为【关】。 ※ 长时间使用【关】以外的温度时,会有导致
请使用产品附带的安装配件 (旧软管组件不能重复使用)。 ※ 否则会有漏水或无法安装的情况。
● 请勿使用AC220V以外的电压。
● 请勿使电路过载。
※ 否则可能会引发火灾
※ 否则会手柄断裂脱落造成受伤的危险。
若产品出现故障,请立即关机并拔下电源 线插头送附近特约网点请专业人员维修, 绝对不能私自拆卸或者改造本产品。
身体、感知、智力能力缺陷或经验和常识缺 乏的人(如下列人员)使用时,请陪伴者将 坐圈温度调整为【关】。 � 儿童 � 老年人 � 病人 � 无法调节自身温度者 � 皮肤较弱者 � 服用了安眠药等催眠的药物者 � 饮酒过量者 � 极度疲劳者 ※ 否则长时间使用【关】以外的温度时,会有导
T5-85B6 即热式暖风款
T5-86B6 即热式全能款
T5-R3B1 即热式基本款
T5-R5B1 即热式暖风款 T5-R6B1 即热式全能款
安全注意事项…………………… 1 ~ 3
使用注意事项………………………… 4
各部件的名称…………………… 5 ~ 7
东芝TOSHIBA B-SX5T heat transfer Printer user manual说明书
清洗强度调节/ 产品简介02/ 包装内容01智能坐便器1前置净滤器24集成角阀(含钢网过滤器)3电池盒组件(含CR-P2锂电池1块)遥控器组件(含支架1个,膨胀螺钉2颗)567号电池7油泥说明书及其他印刷材料8x 2将地面清洁干净,同时将水分擦干。
/ 安装04150mm305/400mm300m m300m m带接地、防水、防溅电源插座十字标记地面排污口供水角阀油泥陶瓷排污口/ 安装须知03水压的确认最低动态工作水压为0.14MPa,另外最高静态水压为0.75MPa。
托布沙P300 3.5英寸内部硬盘说明书
Personal StorageInternal Hard DrivesP300Performance that meets demands3TB2TB1TB500GBColorToshiba’s P300 3.5” internal hard drive delivers a high performancefor professionals. With its dual-stage actuator, you can count onsmooth, responsive computing. What’s more, your data and media issecured with a ramp loading design, as well as a shock sensor. TheP300 is available in capacities up to 3 TB.Use for:• Powerful desktop workstations• All-in-one PCs• Desktop PCs• External enclosures• Gaming computers3.5" SATA Hard Drive7200 rpm64 MB bufferAdvanced FormatPerfect for: Challenging applications including gaming,photo editing and video review ManualUM_P300_international.pdfFirmware & DriverFW_P300.zipProduct SpecificationsAcoustics (idle mode)27 dB typ. (3 TB & 2 TB), 25 dBtyp. (1 TB & 500 GB)Acoustics (seek mode)28 dB typ. (3 TB & 2 TB), 26 dBtyp. (1 TB & 500 GB) Advanced Format (AF)YesAverage latency 4.17 msBox Content• 3.5-inch internal HDD - P300High-Performance Hard Drive• Quick Start Guide• Warranty leafletBuffer size64 MBConsumption – Low Power Idle 5.2 W typ. (3 TB & 2 TB), 3.7 W typ.(1 TB & 500 GB) Consumption – Read/Write 6.4 W typ.Dimensions147 (L) x 101.6 (W) x 26.1 (H) mm Form factor 3.5-inchHalogen Free YesInterface SATA 6.0 Gbit/s Native Command Queing (NCQ)supportedRoHS compatible YesRotational speed7,200 rpmS.M.A.R.T Support NoShock (non-operating)3,430 m/s2 {350 G} (2 ms halfsine) (500 GB & 1 TB)2,920 m/s2 {350 G} (2 ms halfsine) (2 TB & 3 TB)Shock (operating)686 m/s2 {70 G} (2 ms half sine) Supply voltage5VDC (±5%) / 12VDC (±10%) Temperature (operating / non-operating)0 to 60° C / -40 to 70 °C Unrecoverable error rate 1 per 10E14 bits read Vibration (non-operating)10.2 m/s2 {1.04 G} (2 to 200 Hz) Vibration (operating) 6.57 m/s2 {0.67 G} (5 to 500 Hz) Weight (approx.)680 g max. (3 TB & 2 TB)450 g max. (1 TB & 500 GB)Product RangePart number Capacity Color HDWD130EZSTA (Retail) 3 TB-HDWD130UZSVA (Bulk) 3 TB-HDWD120EZSTA (Retail) 2 TB-HDWD120UZSVA (Bulk) 2 TB-HDWD110EZSTA (Retail) 1 TB-HDWD110UZSVA (Bulk) 1 TB-HDWD105EZSTA (Retail)500 GB-HDWD105UZSVA (Bulk)500 GB-ContactToshiba Electronics Europe GmbHHansaallee 18140549 DüsseldorfGermany。
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Screens and Operation Procedures
y Illustrations for a control panel and a touch panel shown in this manual are those of the e-STUDIO4520C Series. The details on the touch panel menus may differ depending on how the equipment is used, such as the status of the installed options.
Describes handy information that is useful to know when operating the equipment. Pages describing items related to what you are currently doing. See these pages as required.
How to read this manual
Symbols in this manual
In this manual, some important items are described with the symbols shown below. Be sure to read these items before using this equipment.
Series name e-STUDIO6530C Series e-STUDIO4520C Series e-STUDIO3510C Series e-STUDIO451C Series e-STUDIO855 Series e-STUDIO853 Series e-STUDIO850 Series e-STUDIO455 Series e-STUDIO453 Series e-STUDIO452 Series e-STUDIO283 Series e-STUDIO282 Series
Chapter 1 OVERVIEW
Features and Functions ........................................................................................................... 6 Supported Models .................................................................................................................... 7 System Requirements.............................................................................................................. 8
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Thank you for purchasing TOSHIBA Multifunctional Digital Systems or Multifunctional Digital Color Systems. This manual explains the instructions for TopAccessDocMon. Read this manual before using your Multifunctional Digital Systems or Multifunctional Digital Color Systems. Keep this manual within easy reach, and use it to configure an environment that makes best use of the e-STUDIO’s functions.
Operator’s Manual for TopAccessDocMon
©2008, 2009 TOSHIBA TEC CORPORATION All rights reserved Under the copyright laws, this manual cannot be reproduced in any form without prior written permission of TTEC. No patent liability is assumed, however, with respect to the use of the information contained herein.
Model and series names in this manual
In this manual, each model name is replaced with the series name as shown below.
Model name e-STUDIO5520C/6520C/6530C e-STUDIO2020C/2330C/2820C/2830C/3520C/3530C/4520C e-STUDIO2500C/3500C/3510C e-STUDIO281C/351C/451C e-STUDIO555/655/755/855 e-STUDIO523/603/723/853 e-STUDIO520/600/720/850 e-STUDIO205L/255/305/355/455 e-STUDIO353/453 e-STUDIO352/452 e-STUDIO203L/233/283 e-STUDIO202L/232/282
Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in death, serious injury, serious damage, or fire in the equipment or surrounding objects. Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, may result in minor or moderate injury, partial damage to the equipment or surrounding objects, or loss of data.
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2 Preface
Preface.................................................................................................. 1
Preface 1
y The official name of Windows 2000 is Microsoft Windows 2000 Operating System. y The official name of Windows XP is Microsoft Windows XP Operating System. y The official name of Windows Vista is Microsoft Windows Vista Operating System. y The official name of Windows 7 is Microsoft Windows 7 Operating System. y The official name of Windows Server 2003 is Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Operating System. y The official name of Windows Server 2008 is Microsoft Windows Server 2008 Operating System. y Microsoft, Windows, Windows NT, and the brand names and product names of other Microsoft products are