Performance Optimization of Long Running Queries Using OLAP Cache








1. 编译器优化:编译器在将代码转化为机器指令的过程中,可以对代码进行一定的优化,进而提高程序的性能。



2. 内存管理优化:内存管理是程序运行过程中的一项重要任务。



3. 并行化与并发优化:随着多核处理器的普及和性能提升,利用多线程和并行计算技术成为了提高程序性能的重要途径。



4. 算法优化:算法是程序性能的核心。



5. IO优化:在许多应用程序中,IO操作是性能瓶颈之一。

通过合理地利用IO 缓冲区、使用非阻塞IO或异步IO技术,可以减少IO操作的等待时间,提高程序的响应速度。


6. 数据存储与访问优化:数据存储和访问方式对程序性能也有重要影响。


7.2.2 模型并行性
解决模型并行单节点内存不足的问题,可以用以下两种形式进行切分。 (1)按模型的层切分到不同设备,即层间(算子间)并行或流水线并行。 (2)将计算图层内的参数切分到不同设备,即层内并行或张量并行。
模型并行性的基本含义是把模型本身进行切分,使得每个GPU卡只需要存模 型的一部分。多个GPU配合起来完成一个完整的小批量。
图7-5 单个计算设备和多个计算设备的示例
微课7.2 分布式训练策略
一个模型训练任务往往会有大量的训练样本作为输入,可以利用一个计算设 备完成,也可以将训练任务拆分成多个子任务,分发给不同的计算设备,实 现并行计算。此后,还需要对每个计算设备的输出进行合并,最终得到与单 个计算设备等价的计算结果,最终实现对整个计算过程的加速。 机器学习模型快速发展,模型参数规模迅速增大的同时,对训练数据量的要 求也呈指数级增长,加剧了对算力的需求,只有通过分布式训练系统才可以 匹配模型不断增长的算力需求,满足机器学习模型的发展需要。分布式训练 的总体目标就是提升总的训练速度,减少模型训练的总体时间。
图7-9 流水线并行
7.2.4 混合并行性
混合并行是将多并行策略如数据并行、流水线并行和张量并行等混合使用。 通过结合不同的并行策略,可以充分发挥各种并行策略的优点,最大限度地 提高计算性能和效率。
微课 分布式训练策略
7.2.3 流水线并行性
流水线并行性使用了经典的管道思想。在模型计算流水线上,每个GPU只负 责模型的一个分片,计算完就交给下一个GPU完成下一个模型分片的计算。 当下个GPU在计算时,上一个GPU开始算下一个小批量属于它的模型分片。 这里需要注意到不同模 型分片使用的参数分片 是否同步的问题,防止 流水线更新参数的问题。








使用pprof工具有以下几个步骤:1. 导入pprof包:在Go程序中导入pprof包,以便使用pprof提供的功能。

2. 启动性能分析:在程序中适当的位置调用pprof.StartCPUProfile()函数或pprof.StartCPUProfile()函数,开始对程序进行性能分析。

3. 停止性能分析:在程序执行完相应的逻辑后,调用pprof.StopCPUProfile()函数或pprof.StopCPUProfile()函数,停止性能分析。

4. 生成分析结果:使用pprof提供的命令行工具,生成性能分析结果的报告文件。

5. 分析报告:使用pprof提供的查看工具,查看生成的性能分析报告,分析程序的性能瓶颈并进行优化。


使用go-torch工具有以下几个步骤:1. 安装go-torch:使用go get命令安装go-torch工具。

2. 生成火焰图:使用go-torch工具对程序进行性能分析,并生成火焰图。

3. 分析火焰图:通过查看生成的火焰图,分析程序在不同函数间的耗时情况,找出性能瓶颈。

4. 优化程序:根据火焰图的分析结果,对程序进行相应的优化操作。






























镍柱纯化HisTrapHPGE HealthcareInstructions 71-5027-68 AH HisTrap affinity columns HisTrap HP, 1 ml and 5 mlHisTrap? HP is a ready to use column, prepacked with precharged Ni Sepharose? High Performance. This prepacked column is ideal for preparative purification of Histidine-tagged recombinant proteins by immobilized metal ion affinity chromatography (IMAC).The special design of the column, together with the high-performance matrix of the Ni Sepharose medium, provides fast, simple, and easy separations in a convenient format.Ni Sepharose High Performance has low nickel (Ni2+) ion leakage and is compatible with a wide range of additives used in protein purification. HP columns can be operated with a syringe, peristaltic pump, or liquid chromatography system such as ?KTA? design chromatography systems.CAUTION! Contains nickel. May produce an allergic reaction..1Pack size available by special order.Connector kit1Union 1/16” female/M6 male is also needed.2Union M6 female/1/16” male is also needed.Table of contents1.Description..............................................................................32.General considerations.....................................................63.Operation.................................................................................74.Optimization........................................................................115.Stripping and recharging..............................................126.Cleaning-in-place.............................................................137.Scaling-up............................................................................138.Storage..................................................................................149.Troubleshooting................................................................1410.Intended use.......................................................................1711.Ordering Information (18)Code No. Product No. supplied 17-5247-01 HisTrap HP 5 × 1 ml 17-5247-05 HisTrap HP 100 × 1 ml 117-5248-01 HisTrap HP 1 × 5 ml 17-5248-02 HisTrap HP 5 × 5 ml 17-5248-05HisTrap HP 100 × 5 ml 1Connectors supplied Usage No. supplied 1/16” male/luer femaleConnection of syringe to top of HiTrap column1Tubing connector flangeless/M6 femaleConnection of tubing (e.g. Peristaltic Pump P1) to bottom of HiTrap column 11Tubing connector flangeless/M6 male Connection of tubing (e.g. Peristaltic Pump P1) to top of HiTrap column 21Union 1/16” female/M6 male Connection to original FPLC? System through bottom of HiTrap column1Union M6 female/1/16” maleConnection to original FPLC System through top of HiTrap column 1Stop plug female, 1/16”Sealing bottom of HiTrap column 2, 5 or 71DescriptionMedium propertiesHisTrap HP 1 ml and 5 ml columns are prepacked with NiSepharose High Performance, which consists of 34 µm highlycross-linked agarose beads with an immobilized chelating group.The medium has then been charged with Ni2+-ions.Several amino acids, for example histidine, form complexes with many metal ions. Ni Sepharose High Performance selectively binds proteins if suitable complex-forming amino acid residues areexposed on the protein surface.Additional histidines, such as in the case of (histidine)6 -tag,increase affinity for Ni2+ and generally make the histidine-tagged protein the strongest binder among other proteins in for example an E. coli extract.Column propertiesHisTrap HP columns are made of biocompatible polypropylenethat does not interact with biomolecules. Columns are deliveredwith a stopper on the inlet and a snap-off end on the outlet. Thecolumns have porous top and bottom frits that allow high flowrates. They cannot be opened or refilled.Columns can be operated with either a syringe and the supplied luer connector, a peristaltic pump, or a chromatography systemsuch as ?KTA design.Note:To prevent leakage, ensure that the connector is tight.Table 1. HisTrap HP characteristics.1Dynamic binding capacity conditions:Note: Dynamic binding capacity is protein-dependent.2H 2O at room temperature 3Ni 2+-stripped mediumMatrixHighly cross-linked spherical agarose, 6%Average particle size 34 µmMetal ion capacity ~ 15 µmol Ni 2+/ml mediumDynamic binding capacity 1 At least 40 mg (histidine)6-tagged protein/ml medium Column volumes 1 ml or 5 ml Column dimensions i.d. × H:0.7 × 2.5 cm (1 ml) 1.6 × 2.5 cm (5 ml)Recommended flow rate 1 and 5 ml/min for 1 and 5 ml column respectivelyMax. flow rates 4 and 20 ml/min for 1 and 5 ml column respectively Max back pressure 20.3 MPa, 3 barCompatibility during use Stable in all commonly used buffers, reducingagents, denaturants, and detergents (s ee Table 2)Chemical stability 30.01 M HCl, 0.1 M NaOH. Tested for 1 week at 40°C.1 M NaOH, 70% acetic acid. Tested for 12 hours.2% SDS. Tested for 1 hour.30% 2-propanol. Tested for 30 min.Avoid in buffers Chelating agents, e.g. EDTA, EGTA, citrate (see Table 2)pH stability 3short term (at least 2 hours): 2 to 14 long term (≤ 1 week): 3 to 12Storage 20% ethanol Storage temperature4°C to 30°CSample:1 mg/ml (histidine)6-tagged pure protein (M r 28 000 or 43 000) inbinding buffer (Q B, 10% determination) or (histidine)6-tagged protein bound from E. coli extractColumn volume: 0.25 ml or 1 ml Flow rate: 0.25 ml/min or 1 ml/min Binding buffer: 20 mM sodium phosphate, 0.5 M NaCl, 5 mM imidazole, pH 7.4Elution buffer: 20 mM sodium phosphate, 0.5 M NaCl, 0.5 M imidazole, pH 7.4The Ni 2+-charged medium is compatible with all commonly used aqueous buffers, reducing agents, denaturants such as 6 M Gua-HCl and 8 M urea, and a range of other additives (see Table 2).Table 2. Ni Sepharose High Performance is compatible with the following compounds, at least at the concentrations given.1See Notes and blank run, p. 10–11.2Tested for 1 week at 40°C.3The strong chelator EDTA has been used successfully in some cases, at 1 mM.Generally, chelating agents should be used with caution (and only in the sample, not the buffers). Any metal-ion stripping may be counteracted by addition of a small excess of MgCl 2 before centrifugation/filtration of the sample. Note that stripping effects may vary with applied sample volume.Reducing agents 15 mM DTE 5 mM DTT20 mM ?-mercaptoethanol 5 mM TCEP10 mM reduced glutathione Denaturing agents 8 M urea 26 M guanidine hydrochloride 2Detergents2% Triton? X-100 (nonionic)2% Tween? 20 (nonionic)2% NP-40 (nonionic)2% cholate (anionic)1% CHAPS (zwitterionic)Other additives500 mM imidazole 20% ethanol 50% glycerol 100 mM Na 2SO 41.5 M NaCl 1 mM EDTA 360 mM citrate 3Buffer substances50 mM sodium phosphate, pH 7.4100 mM Tris-HCl, pH 7.4100 mM Tris-acetate, pH 7.4100 mM HEPES, pH 7.4100 mM MOPS, pH 7.4100 mM sodium acetate, pH 422General considerationsHisTrap HP is supplied precharged with Ni2+ ions. In general, Ni2+ is the preferred metal ion for purification of recombinant histidine-tagged proteins. Note, however, that in some cases it may be wise to test other metal ions, for example Zn2+ and Co2+, as the strength of binding depends on the nature of the histidine-tagged protein as well as the metal ion (see Optimization).We recommend binding at neutral to slightly alkaline pH (pH 7–8) in the presence of 0.5–1.0 M NaCl. Sodium phosphate buffers are often used. Tris-HCl can generally be used, but should be avoided in cases where the metal-protein affinity is very weak, since it may reduce binding strength. Avoid chelating agents such as EDTA or citrate in buffers, see Table2.Including salt, for example 0.5–1.0 M NaCl in the buffers andsamples, eliminates ion-exchange effects but can also have amarginal effect on the retention of proteins.Imidazole at low concentrations is commonly used in the binding and the wash buffers to minimize binding of host cell proteins. For the same reason, it is important to also include imidazole in thesample (generally, at the same concentration as in the washbuffer). At somewhat higher concentrations, imidazole may alsodecrease the binding of histidine-tagged proteins. The imidazole concentration must therefore be optimized to ensure the bestbalance of high purity (low binding of host cell proteins) and high yield (binding of histidine-tagged target protein). This optimalconcentration is different for different histidine-tagged proteins,and is usually slightly higher for Ni Sepharose High Performance than for similar IMAC media on the market (see Data File18-1174-40). Use highly pure imidazole; such imidazole givesessentially no absorbance at 280 nm.As alternatives to imidazole elution, histidine-tagged proteins can be eluted from the medium by several other methods orcombinations of methods – a lowering of pH within the range of2.5–7.5 can be used, for example. At pH values below 4, metal ionswill be stripped off the medium.Note:If the proteins are sensitive to low pH, we recommendcollection of the eluted fractions in tubes containing1 M Tris-HCl, pH 9.0 (60–200 µl/ml fraction) to restore thepH to neutral.Chelating agents such as EGTA or EDTA will also strip metal ionsfrom the medium and thereby cause protein elution, but the target protein pool will then contain Ni2+ ions. In this case, Ni2+ ions can be removed by desalting on a HiTrap? Desalting, a PD-10 Desalting Column, or HiPrep? 26/10 Desalting, (see Table3).Leakage of Ni2+ from Ni Sepharose High Performance is very low under all normal conditions, lower than for other IMAC mediatested. For applications where extremely low leakage duringpurification is critical, leakage can be even further reduced byperforming a blank run (see page 11). Likewise, a blank run should also be performed before applying buffers/ samples containingreducing agents (see page 11).Whatever conditions are chosen, HisTrap HP columns can beoperated with a syringe, peristaltic pump, or chromatographysystem.Note:If Peristaltic Pump P-1 is used, the maximum flow rate that can be run on a HisTrap HP 1 ml column is 3 ml/min.3OperationBuffer preparationWater and chemicals used for buffer preparation should be of high purity. Filter buffers through a 0.22 µm or a 0.45 µm filter beforeuse.Use high purity imidazole as this will give very low or noabsorbance at 280 nm.If the recombinant histidine-tagged protein is expressed asinclusion bodies, include 6 M Gua-HCl or 8 M urea in all buffers and sample. On-column refolding of the denatured protein may bepossible.Recommended conditionsSample preparationFor optimal growth, induction, and cell lysis conditions for your recombinant histidine-tagged clones, please refer to established protocols.Adjust the sample to the composition and pH of the binding buffer by: Adding buffer, NaCl, imidazole, and additives fromconcentrated stock solutions; by diluting the sample with binding buffer; or by buffer exchange, (see Table 3). Do not use strong bases or acids for pH-adjustment (precipitation risk). Filter the sample through a 0.22 µm or a 0.45 µm filter and/or centrifuge it immediately before applying it to the column.To prevent the binding of host cell proteins with exposed histidine, it is essential to include imidazole at a low concentration in the sample and binding buffer (see Optimization).Binding buffer: 20 mM sodium phosphate, 0.5 M NaCl,20–40 mM imidazole, pH 7.4 (The optimal imidazole concentration is protein-dependent; 20–40 mM is suitable for many proteins.)Elution buffer:20 mM sodium phosphate, 0.5 M NaCl, 500 mM imidazole, pH 7.4 (The imidazole concentration required for elution is protein-dependent).Table 3. Prepacked columns for desalting and buffer exchangePurification1Fill the syringe or pump tubing with distilled water. Remove the stopper and connect the column to the syringe (use the luerconnector provided), laboratory pump or chromatographysystem tubing “drop-to-drop” to avoid introducing air into thesystem.2Remove the snap-off end at the column outlet.3Wash the column with 3–5 column volumes of distilled water.4Equilibrate the column with at least 5 column volumes of binding buffer. Recommended flow rates are 1 ml/min or5 ml/min for the 1 and 5 ml columns respectively.In some cases a blank run is recommended before finalequilibration/ sample application (see page 11).5Apply the pretreated sample using a syringe or a pump.6Wash with binding buffer until the absorbance reaches a steady baseline (generally, at least 10–15 column volumes).Note:Purification results are improved by using imidazole insample and binding buffer (see Optimization).7Elute with elution buffer using a one-step or linear gradient.Five column volumes are usually sufficient if the protein ofinterest is eluted by a one-step gradient. A shallow gradient, forexample a linear gradient over 20 column volumes or more,may separate proteins with similar binding strengths.Note:If imidazole needs to be removed from the protein, use HiTrap Desalting, a PD-10 Desalting Column, or HiPrep26/10 Desalting depending on the sample volume (seeTable3).Note:Ni Sepharose High Performance is compatible withreducing agents. However, removal of any weakly boundNi2+ ions by performing a blank run without reducingagents (as described on page 11) before applying buffer/sample including reducing agents is recommended. Do notleave HisTrap HP columns with buffers including reducingagents when not in use.Note:Leakage of Ni2+ from Ni Sepharose High Performance is low under all normal conditions. The leakage is lower than forother IMAC media tested (see Data File Ni Sepharose HighPerformance, 18-1174-40). For very critical applications,leakage during purification can be even further diminishedby performing a blank run (as described below) beforeloading sample.Blank run:Use binding buffer and elution buffer without reducing agents.1Wash the column with 5 column volumes of distilled water (to remove the 20% ethanol).2Wash with 5 column volumes of elution buffer.3Equilibrate with 10 column volumes of binding buffer.4OptimizationImidazole at low concentrations is commonly used in the binding and the wash buffers to minimize binding of host cell proteins. For the same reason, it is important to also include imidazole in thesample (generally, at the same concentration as in the washbuffer). At somewhat higher concentrations, imidazole may alsodecrease the binding of histidine-tagged proteins. The imidazole concentration must therefore be optimized to ensure the bestbalance of high purity (low binding of host cell proteins), and high yield (binding of histidine-tagged target protein). This optimalconcentration is different for different histidine-tagged proteins,and is usually slightly higher for Ni Sepharose High Performance than for similar IMAC media on the market (see Data File NiSepharose High Performance, 18-1174-40). Finding the optimalimidazole concentration for a specific histidine-tagged protein is a trial-and-error effort, but 20–40 mM in the binding and washbuffers is a good starting point for many proteins. Use a high purity imidazole, such imidazole gives essentially no absorbance at280 nm.Ni2+ is usually the first choice metal ion for purifying most(histidine)6-tagged recombinant proteins from nontagged host cell proteins, and also the ion most generally used. Nevertheless, it isnot always possible to predict which metal ion will be best for agiven protein. The strength of binding between a protein and ametal ion is affected by several factors, including the length,position, and exposure of the affinity tag on the protein, the type of ion used, and the pH of buffers, so some proteins may be easier to purify with ions other than Ni2+.A quick and efficient way to test this possibility and optimizeseparation conditions is to use HiTrap IMAC HP 1 ml columns,which are packed with IMAC Sepharose High Performance (notcharged with metal ions). Each column can be charged withdifferent metal ions, for example Cu2+, Co2+, Zn2+, Ca2+, or Fe2+.Instructions are included with each column.A study to compare the purification of six (histidine)6-taggedrecombinant proteins, including three variants of maltose-binding protein, with different metal ions has indicated that Ni2+ generally gives best selectivity between (histidine)-tagged and nontaggedhost-cell proteins (see Application Note 18-1145-18).5Stripping and rechargingNote:The column does not have to be stripped and recharged between each purification if the same protein is going to bepurified; it is sufficient to strip and recharge it after 5–7purifications, depending on the cell extract, extract volume,target protein, etc.Recommended stripping buffer: 20 mM sodium phosphate,0.5 M NaCl, 50 mM EDTA, pH 7.4Strip the column by washing with at least 5–10 column volumes of stripping buffer. Wash with at least 5–10 column volumes ofbinding buffer and 5–10 column volumes of distilled water before recharging the column.Recharge the water-washed column by loading 0.5 ml or 2.5 ml of0.1 M NiSO4 in distilled water on HisTrap HP 1 ml and 5 ml column,respectively. Salts of other metals, chlorides, or sulfates, may also be used (see“Optimization”). Wash with 5 column volumes distilled water, and 5 column volumes binding buffer (to adjust pH) before storage in 20% ethanol.6Cleaning-in-placeWhen an increase in back-pressure is seen, the column can becleaned. Before cleaning, strip off Ni2+ ions using therecommended procedure described above.After cleaning, store in 20% ethanol (wash with 5 column volumes) or recharge with Ni2+ prior to storage in ethanol.The Ni2+-stripped column can be cleaned by the followingmethods;Remove ionically bound proteins by washing the column with several column volumes of 1.5 M NaCl; then wash the columnwith approximately 10 column volumes of distilled water.Remove precipitated proteins, hydrophobically bound proteins, and lipoproteins by washing the column with 1 MNaOH, contact time usually 1–2 hours (12 hours or more forendotoxin removal). Then wash the column withapproximately 10 column volumes of binding buffer, followedby 5–10 column volumes of distilled water.Remove hydrophobically bound proteins, lipoproteins, and lipids by washing the column with 5–10 column volumes 30%isopropanol for about 15–20 minutes. Then wash the columnwith approximately 10 column volumes of distilled water.Alternatively, wash the column with 2 column volumes ofdetergent in a basic or acidic solution. Use, for example,0.1–0.5% nonionic detergent in 0.1 M acetic acid, contact time1–2 hours. After treatment, always remove residual detergentby washing with at least 5 column volumes of 70% ethanol.Then wash the column with approximately 10 column volumesof distilled water.7Scaling-upTwo or three HisTrap HP 1 ml or 5 ml columns can be connected in series for quick scale-up (note that back-pressure will increase).Ni Sepharose High Performance, the medium prepacked inHisTrap HP columns, is supplied preswollen in 25 and 100 ml labpacks (see Ordering Information). An alternative scale-up strategy is thus to pack the medium in empty columns – Tricorn? and XK columns are suitable for this purpose. 8StorageStore HisTrap HP columns in 20% ethanol at 4°C to 30°C.9TroubleshootingThe following tips may be of assistance. If you have any furtherquestions about your HisTrap HP column, please visit/doc/25f3fd1aa76e58fafab0030a.html /hitrap, contact our technical support, or your local representative.Note:When using high concentrations of urea or Gua-HCl,protein unfolding generally takes place. Refolding on-column (or after elution) is protein-dependent.Tips:To minimize dilution of the sample, solid urea or Gua-HCl can be added.Tips:Samples containing urea can be analyzed directly by SDS-PAGE whereas samples containing Gua-HCl must be buffer-exchangedto a buffer with urea before SDS-PAGE.Column has clogged:Cell debris in the sample may clog the column. Clean the column according to the section Cleaning-in-place.It is important to centrifuge and/or filter the sample through a0.22 µm or a 0.45 µm filter, see Sample preparation. Sample is too viscous:If the lysate is very viscous due to a high concentration of host nucleic acid, continue sonication until the viscosity is reduced,and/or add DNase I to 5 µg/ml, Mg2+ to 1 mM, and incubate onice for 10–15 min. Alternatively, draw the lysate through asyringe needle several times.Protein is difficult to dissolve or precipitates during purification:The following additives may be used: 2% Triton X-100, 2% Tween 20, 2% NP-40, 2% cholate, 1% CHAPS, 1.5 M NaCl,50% glycerol, 20 mM ?-mercaptoethanol, 1–3 mM DTT or DTE(up to 5 mM is possible but depends on the sample and thesample volume), 5 mM TCEP, 10 mM reduced glutathione, 8 Murea, or 6 M Gua-HCl. Mix gently for 30 min to aid solubilizationof the tagged protein (inclusion bodies may require longermixing). Note that Triton X-100 and NP-40 (but not Tween)have a high absorbance at 280 nm. Furthermore, detergentscannot be easily removed by buffer exchange.No histidine-tagged protein in the purified fractions:?Elution conditions are too mild (histidine-tagged protein still bound: Elute with an increasing imidazole gradient or decreasing pH to determine the optimal elution conditions.Protein has precipitated in the column: For the nextexperiment, decrease amount of sample, or decrease proteinconcentration by eluting with linear imidazole gradient insteadof imidazole steps. Try detergents or changed NaClconcentration, or elute under denaturing (unfolding)conditions (add 4–8 M urea or 4–6 M Gua-HCl).Nonspecific hydrophobic or other interaction: Add a nonionic detergent to the elution buffer (e.g. 0.2% Triton X-100)or increase the NaCl concentration.Concentration of imidazole in the sample and/or binding buffer is too high: The protein is found in the flow-through material. Decrease the imidazole concentration.Histidine-tag may be insufficiently exposed: The protein is found in the flowthrough material; perform purification of unfolded protein in urea or Gua-HCl as for inclusion bodies.Buffer/sample composition is incorrect: The protein is found in the flowthrough material. Check pH and composition of sample and binding buffer. Ensure that chelating or strongreducing agents are not present in the sample at too highconcentration, and that the concentration of imidazole is nottoo high.SDS-PAGE of samples collected during the preparation of thebacterial lysate may indicate that most of histidine-tagged protein is located in the centrifugation pellet. Possible causes and solutions are:Sonication may be insufficient: Cell disruption may be checked by microscopic examination or monitored bymeasuring the release of nucleic acids at A260. Addition oflysozyme (up to 0.1 volume of a 10 mg/ml lysozyme solution in25 mM Tris-HCl, pH 8.0) prior to sonication may improveresults. Avoid frothing and overheating as this may denaturethe target protein. Over-sonication can also lead tocopurification of host proteins with the target protein.The protein may be insoluble (inclusion bodies): The protein can usually be solubilized (and unfolded) from inclusion bodies using common denaturants such as 4–6 M Gua-HCl, 4–8 Murea, or strong detergents. Prepare buffers containing 20 mMsodium phosphate, 8 M urea, or 6 M Gua-HCl, and suitableimidazole concentrations, pH 7.4–7.6. Buffers with urea shouldalso include 500 mM NaCl. Use these buffers for samplepreparation, as binding buffer and as elution buffer. Forsample preparation and binding buffer, use 10–20 mMimidazole or the concentration selected during optimizationtrials (including urea or Gua-HCl).The protein is collected but is not pure (multiple bands on SDS polyacrylamide gel):Partial degradation of tagged protein by proteases: Add protease inhibitors (use EDTA with caution, see Table2). Contaminants have high affinity for nickel ions: Elute with a stepwise or linear imidazole gradient to determine optimal imidazole concentrations to use for binding and for wash; addimidazole to the sample in the same concentration as thebinding buffer. Wash before elution with binding buffercontaining as high concentration of imidazole as possible,without causing elution of the tagged protein. A shallowimidazole gradient (20 column volumes or more), mayseparate proteins with similar binding strengths. If optimizedconditions do not remove contaminants, further purificationby ion exchange chromotography (HiTrap Q HP orHiTrap SP HP) and/or gel filtration (Superdex? Peptide,Superdex 75 or Superdex 200) may be necessary.Contaminants are associated with tagged proteins: Add detergent and/or reducing agents before sonicating cells. Increase detergent levels (e.g. up to 2% Triton X-100 or2% Tween 20), or add glycerol (up to 50%) to the wash bufferto disrupt nonspecific interactions.Histidine-tagged protein is eluted during sample loading/wash:Buffer/sample composition is incorrect: Check pH and composition of sample and binding buffer. Ensure thatchelating or strong reducing agents are not present in thesample at a too high concentration, and that theconcentration of imidazole is not too high.Histidine-tag is partially obstructed: Purify under denaturing conditions (use 4–8 M urea or 4–6 M Gua-HCl).Column capacity is exceeded: Join two or three HisTrap HP1 ml columns together or change to a HisTrap HP 5 ml column. 10Intended useThe HisTrap HP is intended for research use only, and shall not be used in any clinical or in vitro procedures for diagnostic purposes. 11Ordering InformationProduct No. supplied Code No.HisTrap HP 5 × 1 ml 17-5247-01100 × 1 ml1 17-5247-051 × 5 ml 17-5248-015 × 5 ml 17-5248-02100 × 5 ml1 17-5248-05 Related products No. supplied Code No.100 ml 17-5268-02 HiTrap Desalting 5 × 5 ml 17-1408-01100 × 5 ml1 11-0003-29 PD-10 Desalting Column 30 17-0851-01 HiPrep 26/10 Desalting 1 × 53 ml 17-5087-014 × 53 ml 17-5087-02HisTrap FF 5 × 1 ml 17-5319-01100 × 1 ml1 17-5319-025 × 5 ml 17-5255-01100 × 5 ml1 17-5255-02 HisTrap FF crude 5 × 1 ml 11-0004-58100 × 1 ml1 11-0004-595 × 5 ml 17-5286-01100 × 5 ml1 17-5286-02 HisTrap FF crude Kit 1 kit 28-4014-77 HisPrep? FF 16/10 1 × 20 ml 28-9365-511Pack size available by special order.1 One connector included in each HiTrap package.2 Two, five, or seven stop plugs female included in HiTrap packages depending on the product.3One fingertight stop plug is connected to the top of each HiTrap column at delivery.AccessoriesNo. Supplied Code No.1Tubing connector flangeless/M6 female 12 18-1003-68Tubing connector flangeless/M6 male 1 2 18-1017-98Union 1/16” female/M6 male 1 6 18-1112-57Union M6 female /1/16” male 1 5 18-3858-01Union luerlock female/M6 female 218-1027-12HiTrap/HiPrep, 1/16” male connector for ?KTA design8 28-4010-81Stop plug female, 1/16”2 5 11-0004-64Fingertight stop plug, 1/16”35 11-0003-55Related literatureCode No.Recombinant Protein Purification Handbook, Principles and Methods18-1142-75Affinity Chromatography Handbook, Principles and Methods18-1022-29Affinity Chromatography, Columns and Media Selection Guide。







1. 前端优化前端是用户与网站或应用程序进行交互的界面,因此前端的性能优化尤为重要。

以下是一些前端性能优化的实践:1.1 压缩和合并资源:将CSS和JavaScript文件进行压缩和合并,减少HTTP请求和文件大小,提高页面加载速度。

1.2 图片优化:使用合适的图片格式,并通过压缩和裁剪图片来减少文件大小。

1.3 使用缓存:合理使用浏览器缓存和CDN缓存,减少重复请求,提高页面加载速度。

1.4 异步加载:将不需要立即加载的资源延迟加载,通过异步请求或懒加载的方式,减少页面加载时间。

1.5 响应式设计:为不同的设备提供适配的页面布局和样式,提高页面在移动设备上的加载速度和用户体验。

2. 数据库优化数据库是网站和应用程序存储数据的关键组件,对数据库进行优化可以提高系统的响应速度。

以下是一些数据库性能优化的实践:2.1 索引优化:为频繁查询的字段添加索引,减少数据库的扫描时间,提高查询效率。

2.2 数据库分表:将大表拆分为多个小表,减少单表的数据量,提高查询和写入的效率。

2.3 SQL优化:优化SQL语句的写法,避免全表扫描和不必要的联表查询,减少数据库的负载。

2.4 缓存优化:使用缓存技术将热门数据存储在内存中,减少对数据库的访问,提高系统的响应速度。

3. 服务器优化服务器是网站和应用程序的基础设施,对服务器进行优化可以提高系统的性能和稳定性。

以下是一些服务器性能优化的实践:3.1 负载均衡:使用负载均衡技术将请求分发到多台服务器上,减少单台服务器的负载,提高系统的并发处理能力。

3.2 缓存技术:使用缓存技术将动态生成的内容缓存起来,减少服务器的计算和数据库的访问,提高系统的响应速度。






1. 程序性能分析程序性能分析是为了找出程序中潜在的瓶颈,以便优化程序性能。



1.1 Gprof分析GNU Profiler (Gprof)是GNU工具包中的一个分析器,用于分析程序的性能瓶颈。


以下是使用Gprof进行性能分析的步骤:- 编译源代码时加上-g参数- 运行程序并生成gmon.out文件- 使用Gprof工具分析gmon.out文件1.2 Valgrind分析Valgrind是一个强大的开源工具包,其主要功能是检测程序运行时的内存泄漏和错误。


下面是使用Valgrind进行性能分析的步骤:- 编译源代码时加上-g参数和-fno-omit-frame-pointer参数- 运行程序并使用Valgrind工具进行分析1.3 Perf分析Performance Counters for Linux (Perf)是Linux内核中的一个性能分析工具,通过性能事件统计器来记录程序执行过程中的函数调用情况、CPU占用率等信息,可以非常详细地分析程序的性能问题。

以下是使用Perf进行性能分析的步骤:- 使用perf record命令开始记录执行信息- 使用perf report命令查看报告2. 程序性能优化性能优化是为了提高程序的执行效率,减少程序所占用的计算资源。



始化 方法 和更新规 则 , 用新的 状 态转移策略 构 建新解 , 采 结合快速 插入 邻域局部 搜 索算 法 , 解决蚁 群 算 法 易陷入
局部 收敛 的缺点 , 而提 高算 法的搜 索效率 。基 于典型 算例 的仿 真 实验 , 明 了改进 算 法具有 高效性 和优越 性。 从 表
关键 词 :蚁 群算 法 ; 息 素密度 ; 息素更 新规 则 ;零 空闲流水 线调度 ;最 大完工 时间 ;邻域搜 索 信 信 中图分类 号 :T I ; P 0 . P8 T 316 文 献标 志码 :A 文章 编号 :10 — 65 2 1 ) 3 0 5 — 3 0 13 9 ( 0 1 0 — 8 9 0
Ke o d y w r s: a tc l n p i z to l o t ; p r m o nst p r mo pd tn ls; n —de fo n oo y o tmiai n ag r hm i heo n de iy; heo n u ai g r e u o i l w s o c d i g; l h p s he uln ma s a ke p n:lc 1s ac o a e r h
te p e e td ag rtm s efci e a d s p ro i n f dn p i l rn a p i ls l t n . h r s n e l oi h i f t n u e irt i n i g o t e ro t o ui s e v y i ma o ma o
d i1 .9 9 ji n 10 — 6 5 2 1 . 3 0 7 o:0 3 6 /.s .0 1 3 9 .0 10 . 1 s
An - o o y h u it l o ih f r D -d e fo s o c e u i g p o lm tc l n e rsi ag rt m o O- l w h p s h d ln r b e - c i l



制、 航空航天 、 自适应 容错 和机器 人 等 , 这些 领域 都要 求计算 机在允许 的时 限范围内给出响应 。最低松弛度
优先调度算法 (es l i r , L ) 1 ta t fs L F 是一 种高效 的周 a xy it 期性任 务实时调度算法 。为完成实 时处 理任 务而合理 分 配处 理器 , 从而提 高处 理器 的利用 率 。本 文对最 低
s he u e c d l d,i h r s o ft ee i n mo e ure tts r g n a k,t e e e u in a k wih rws fo te p o e s ra he e d o h p ee e uin tme M alb h x c to ts t d a rm h rc so tt n f te r —x c to i . ta
构造的任务控制块代码如下 。
s ut C t c T B{ca a [ ] r hr me 8 ; n
’ c lt yl; nc e
/ 当前 C U时钟数 / P
最低松弛度优先 算法 L F是动态 调度算法 , L 可通 过在任务运行 过程中的优先级计算 动态地 改变任务 的
teer etda l ei coe t h o fte q e e Peeeuin t sit d cd it ts o t lbo k( C .atrte ts s h al s edi s ls o te tp o h u u . r.x c t i i nr ue no ak c nr lc T B) f h ak i i n o me o o e
3 算法 的改进
为 使 任务 间频 繁 切换 的 次数 和松 弛 度 计 算 次 数 更



时序违例(Temporal Violation)通常指的是在有时间限制的任务或流程中,某些操作未能按时完成的情况。

针对时序违例的优化方法可以包括以下几个方面:1. 流程优化:分析整个流程,识别瓶颈和关键节点,对流程进行优化和调整,以缩短整体的处理时间。


2. 任务调度优化:通过合理的任务调度算法,对任务进行合理的分配和调度,以尽量减少任务之间的等待时间和耗时,从而提高整体的处理效率。

3. 资源管理优化:合理管理和配置资源,包括人力、物力和财力等,在需要的地方增加资源投入,以确保任务得到及时处理。


4. 技术手段优化:利用现代技术手段,如自动化、智能化、数据分析等技术,来提高处理效率和准确性,从而减少时序违例的发生。

5. 风险管理:建立风险管理机制,及时识别潜在的时序违例风险点,采取相应的风险控制措施,以降低时序违例的概率和影响。

6. 数据分析和预测:通过对历史数据的分析和建模,可以预测未来可能出现时序违例的情况,从而提前采取措施来避免或减轻时序违例的发生。

当涉及到具体的时序违例优化时,可以考虑以下具体方法:1. 流程分析和重新设计:对整个流程进行详细分析,找出存在的瓶颈和不必要的步骤。



2. 并行处理和任务调度:将可以并行处理的任务进行分解,并合理安排任务的执行顺序。



3. 资源优化和平衡:合理管理和配置资源,确保在关键时刻有足够的资源可用。



第6章 性能 过早的优化是程序设计中的万恶之源。 -Donald Knuth

第6章 性能 过早的优化是程序设计中的万恶之源。 -Donald Knuth


-Donald Knuth (attributed to C. A. R. Hoare) 性能是只有趣的怪兽。






只优化有问题的部分通常情况下,代码的时间分布不均匀: 80%的时间花在20%的代码上。





6.1 度量工具当然,为了正确测量性能,我们需要一些工具。



6.1.1 黑盒分析你会感兴趣的最基本的高级度量是:在典型情况下,服务器处理请求有多快?即使回答有些模糊,并与典型情况下的实际性能关系不大时,它仍然对测试缓存或部署一组新特性时的回归测试有用。




在这个阶段,我们需要一个基准测试工具──但是首先,先简短地转移到数学世界看看。 统计分析:必须知道的东西正确理解黑盒分析的结果不需要太多的统计分析知识,但有些东西还是必须要知道的。




























nvpmodel指令 -回复

nvpmodel指令 -回复









nvpmodel指令的基本用法如下所示:nvpmodel -qnvpmodel -m [model]其中,`-q`选项用于查询当前的功耗模式,返回当前模式的编号。


在Jetson平台上,有多种功耗模式可供选择,常见的功耗模式包括:- `0`:最大性能模式,所有CPU和GPU核心均工作在最高频率,功耗较高。

- `1`:动态功耗模式,系统在满足性能要求的前提下,尽可能降低功耗。

- `2`:最大效能模式,所有CPU和GPU核心工作在较高频率,功耗略高。

- `3`:最低功耗模式,所有CPU和GPU核心工作在较低频率,功耗最低,适用于资源受限的应用场景。


第一步,我们先查询当前的功耗模式,可以使用以下指令:nvpmodel -q假设返回结果为`2`,表示当前模式为最大效能模式。


第二步,我们执行以下指令将功耗模式设置为最低功耗模式:nvpmodel -m 3执行后,系统将切换到最低功耗模式,所有CPU和GPU核心将工作在较低频率,功耗最低。



Vol.53 No.6June,2021第53卷第6期2021年6月研究与开发无机盐工业INORGANIC CHEMICALS INDUSTRYDoi:10.19964/j.issn.1006-4990.2020-0415铝掺杂富锂锰基正极材料Li 1-2Ni 0.2Mn 0.6O 2的研究周 伟「,陈彦逍「,郭孝东「,向 伟2(1.四川大学,四川成都610065 ; 2.成都理工大学)摘要:针对无钻锰基富锂材料Li ,.2Ni ….2Mn ….6O 2固有的循环稳定性差、循环电压衰减严重等问题,研究了铝掺杂结合固相煅烧法对该材料在微观形貌及结构、电化学性能等方面的影响。

研究结果显示,铝掺杂不仅能促使该材料 的表层形貌更加致密,而且可以为该材料带来更稳定的晶体结构,这有利于该材料在长充放电循环中抵抗因结构降 级带来的一系列不利因素,最终致使其电化学性能更加优异。

此外,当铝掺杂量为1%(物质的量分数)时该材料在高倍率下的放电比容量、循环稳定性、电压保持率等均达到最优效果,在2.0~4.8 V 电压区间内0.1C 倍率下首圈放电比容量高达248.8 mA ・h/g,200圈循环充放电后其放电比容量保持率由未掺杂时的57.9%提升至77.6%,循环电压保持 率也由84.2%提升至85.6%o 以上结果充分显示了 1%铝掺杂对锰基富锂材料Li 1.2Ni 0.2Mn 0.6O 2具有优异的改良效果。

关键词:锂离子电池;正极材料;铝掺杂;Li 1.2Ni o.2Mn o.6O 2中图分类号:TQ131.11 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-4990(2021 )06-0128-06Study on aluminum -doped lithium -rich manganese -based cathode materials of Li 1.2Ni 0.2Mn 0.6O 2Zhou Wei 1 袁 Chen Yanxiao 1, Guo Xiaodong 1 袁 Xiang Wei 2(1.Sichuan University , Che ngdu 610065, China ;1.Che n gdu Univ e rs ity of Te c h n o l ogy )Abstract : In order to solve the inherent problems of poor cycling stability and serious cycling voltage attenuation of cobalt- free Mn-based lithium-rich materials of Li 1.2Ni ().2Mn ().6O 2, the effect of aluminum doping combined with solid phase calcination method on the micromorphology , structure and electrochemical properties of the material were studied in this paper.The resu ­lts showed that the aluminum doping not only made the surface morphology of the material denser , but also brought a morestable crystal structure to the material , which was conducive to the resistance of the material to a series of adverse factors caused by the structural reversion in the long charge-discharge cycle , and finally led to its more excellent electrochemical per-formance.In addition , when the doping amount of aluminum was 1%, the discharge specific capacity , cycle stability and volt­age retention of the material at high rate all achieved the best optimization performance.The discharge specific capacity of the first cycle at 0.1C ratio was as high as 248.8 mA ・h/g in the voltage range of 2.0~4.8 V.After 200 cycles of charging and dis ­charging , the discharge specific capacity retention rate increased from 57.9% to 77.6%, and the cycle voltage retention rate also increased from 84.2% to 85.6%.The above results fully showed that 1% aluminum doping had excellent improvement ef ­fect on Mn-based lithium-rich materials of Li 1.2Ni ().2Mn ().6O 2.Key words : lithium-ion battery ; cathode materials ; aluminum doping ;Li 1.2Ni ().2Mn ().6O 2近年来,新兴智能电子产品及电动汽车市场的快速发展对锂离子电池的能量密度提出了更高的要求,富锂锰基正极材料Li 1.2Ni 0.2Mn 0.6O 2作为新一代高 容量活性材料展现出诱人的发展前景咱T 。





















tekton 代码库过大拉取耗时 -回复

tekton 代码库过大拉取耗时 -回复

tekton 代码库过大拉取耗时-回复如何解决tekton代码库过大拉取耗时的问题1. 引言(大约150-200字):Tekton是一个开源的可扩展的云原生持续集成和持续部署(CI/CD)框架,它由一系列云原生风格的自定义资源组成。




2. 了解拉取代码库耗时的原因(大约200-300字):在解决问题之前,我们首先需要了解导致Tekton代码库拉取耗时的原因。





3. 提高网络连接速度(大约300-400字):首先,我们可以通过提高网络连接速度来降低代码库拉取耗时。




4. 使用快速硬盘(大约300-400字):其次,我们可以升级硬盘为更快的存储设备。




5. 优化代码库结构(大约300-400字):大型的代码库可能包含许多历史记录、庞大的文件以及大量的目录等,这些因素也会导致拉取耗费时间。















在许多编程语言中,尤其是像 C 和C++这样的低级语言中,手动内存管理是常见的。




在一些高级语言,如 Java 和 Python 中,虽然有自动的内存管理机制(垃圾回收),但我们仍然需要注意对象的创建和使用,避免创建过多不必要的对象,以免触发频繁的垃圾回收,影响程序的运行效率。



















- -O0:不进行任何优化。



- -O1:进行一些基本的优化,比如在循环中使用寄存器变量来减少内存访问次数等。


- -O2:进行更多的优化,比如循环展开、内联函数等。


- -O3:进行最高级别的优化。





- -g:生成供调试器使用的调试信息。


- -ggdb:生成供 GDB 调试器使用的调试信息。

与 -g 选项相比,-ggdb 选项会生成更详细的调试信息,可以提供更强大的调试能力。

- -pg:生成供 gprof 分析器使用的性能分析信息。

















































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Performance Optimization of LongRunning Queries Using OLAPCacheApplies to:SAP BW 7.0. For more information, visit the Business Intelligence homepage.SummaryThis article explains how to improve performance of long running queries using Information Broadcasting by pre-filling the OLAP cache and the automation of the same by using process chain and an ABAP program. Authors:Raghavendra Padmanaban T.S, Ananda Theerthan JCompany:Wipro TechnologiesCreated on: 21 October 2009Author BioRaghavendra Padmanaban is working as BI Consultant at Wipro Technologies.Ananda Theerthan J is working as BI Consultant at Wipro Technologies.Table of ContentsIntroduction (3)Creating Query Variant & Broadcaster Settings (3)Enable Cache (9)Automation of Event (11)Cache Monitor (13)Automation of Query Variant (15)Source Code of the Tool Used to Automate the Query Variant (17)Related Content (20)Disclaimer and Liability Notice (21)IntroductionIncrease query performance through Information Broadcasting of key queries by filling the OLAP cache where large number of users accessing a query or have query that access high volume of data. This article explains how to increase performance of long running BEx queries by filling the OLAP cache using information broadcasting which offers functions to optimize performance and for exception reporting. With the BEx Broadcaster, we can precalculate queries, query views, Web templates, reports and workbooks .The broadcasting function that we will be using for tuning query performance is "Filling the OLAP Cache".The distribution type Fill OLAP Cache allows you to precalculate queries and to fill the OLAP cache with the generated data. If the users call Web Applications, queries, reports or workbooks that are based on this data, the access time is significantly reduced and the workload on the application server is considerably less. Whenever a query is run, it looks out for data in cache memory and if not found then hits database using select statements. This increases the time taken to execute a query. Hence the OLAP cache can be prefilled for the value for which the query will be run and next time when the query is actually run, it fetches the data from cache memory rather than database which will increase the performance. Here, we will start by creating a variant for query and use the created variant for filling the OLAP cache.Creating Query Variant & Broadcaster SettingsSteps:1. Open BEx Analyzer.2. Run the query for which OLAP cache needs to be filled.3. Create a global variant in query for the required selection.4. Open BEx Query Designer and navigate to BEx Broadcaster.After successful login, the below screen will be displayed.Click on “create new settings” to create new broadcaster setting. In the distribution type menu select …Fill OLAP Cache‟Next, click on “General Precalculation” tab.Do the setting as shown below.Give the username for background processing having required authorization. If the user doesn‟t have sufficient authorization, the cache process would fail.Select the first option to give a constant value to the variable VAR_01 for which cache will be filled every time the event is triggered. These VAR_01,VAR_02 are static and if this option is selected, cache will be filled for the same value every time the event is triggered. Click on create link to create variable values as shown belowWe will be dealing with dynamic variant option as explained below.Give suitable description for the variable.The next option …Determine from Variants‟ is used to get values from variants created in query. So the pull down menu shows the list of variants created in query. Select the required variant in this screen as cache will be filled based on the variant value.After selecting the required variants, save the setting created by clicking on the …Save‟ button.The filling of OLAP cache is scheduled using the “Schedule” option as shown below.Once the setting is created for a query, the filling of OLAP cache can be scheduled either with an event trigger or on daily, weekly or monthly basis. The option “Execution with Data change in the InfoProvider” is used to fill OLAP cache when ever there is a change in data load status. The option “Direct Scheduling” can be used to schedule this job daily, monthly or weekly basis.Enable CacheThe OLAP cache will be filled only if the cache property is enabled for a particular query or infoprovider.To enable cache for a query, navigate to TCODE RSRT.Input the query technical name and click on properties.Change the cache mode setting as shown below.Note: Cache will be enabled only for the query for which this setting has been made. If there are multiple queries from an info provider, cache should be enabled for all queries individually.To enable cache for an infoprovider,Select the infoproviderNavigate to Environment - > Infoprovider Properties - > Change.Select the cache mode as shown below.Note: If cache is enabled for an infoprovider, cache will be filled for all queries built on the infoprovider.Automation of EventThe OLAP cache is filled for the selected variant once the Event is triggered. So, we need to create a process chain to automate this event trigger.Goto RSPCCreate New Chain as shown belowAfter selecting the “Trigger Event Data Change” process, navigate to the process maintenance screen by double clicking on the process.Select the required infoprovider and activate the chain after connecting the start variant and event trigger process. The chain can be scheduled as per the report frequency and the OLAP cache is filled accordingly. To check whether cache is filled for the selected variant, navigate Tcode RSRCACHE and check as shown below.Cache MonitorOn the Cache Monitor screen you can get information on the global cache parameters, the amount of memory used by the query runtime objects and the current underlying cache structure.Click on “Main Memory”IF the cache is filled successfully, a folder below the query directory is created with the query technical name and the list of variants created for that query is shown. On double clicking the highlighted item, the selection for which the cache is filled can be seen.Automation of Query VariantThe variant which is created in query is static and doesn‟t change dynamically. To make the query variant get dynamic values, we need to automate the process using an ABAP program. The variants created in query, workbook, web application etc are stored in database table rsrparametriza.The field PARAMNM stores the variant technical name and ELTUID stores the query technical name for which the variant is created. The field CONTENT stores the values given for the variant in XML format as shown below.Select the required entry and click on display which will take us to the above screen. Copy the entire contents from the field …CONTENT‟ and paste it in a notepad file which will look as below.<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>#<asx:abap xmlns:asx="/abapxml" version="1.0"><asx:values><PAGE><item><VNAM>0PCALMON</VNAM><DATA_PROV>DATA_PROVIDE R_1</DATA_PROV><RANGE><RRRANGE><SIGN>I</SIGN><OPT>EQ</OPT><LOW>200904</LOW><H IGH/></RRRANGE></RANGE></item><item><VNAM>ZP_COMP</VNAM><DATA_PROV>DATA_PROVID ER_1</DATA_PROV><RANGE><RRRANGE><SIGN>I</SIGN><OPT>EQ</OPT><LOW>XXX</LOW><HI GH/></RRRANGE></RANGE></item></PAGE></asx:values></asx:abap>The values between the tags <VNAM> & </VNAM> are the variable technical names used in query. The tag <RANGE> stores either the single or range values given for a particular variant within <LOW> and <HIGH> tags. We need to identify the LOW and HIGH values for a date field which needs to be changed frequently so that cache can be filled for the required selection. Now, the values between the tags <LOW> and <HIGH> needs to be changed and updated back to the table. A sample program is given on how to update the tablevalues having standard naming convention for the variants. This program finds and updates the date values for which a query variant is created.Note If the format of the XML code in CONTENT field is not maintained correctly, the query doesn‟t run and the entry from rsrparametriza needs to be deleted manually for the query to open.Source Code of the Tool Used to Automate the Query Variant CONSTANTS : lc_pat TYPE c LENGTH 2VALUE'20',lc_parameter TYPE c LENGTH 7VALUE'ZCACHE1' “Give variant name.DATA : l_count TYPE i,l_off TYPE i,l_moff TYPE i,l_mlen TYPE i,l_startdate_old TYPE sy-datum,l_enddate_old TYPE sy-datum,l_startdate TYPE sy-datum,l_enddate TYPE sy-datum,l_month_old type /bi0/oicalmonth,l_month_new TYPE /bi0/oicalmonth.DATA: l_year TYPE i,l_month TYPE i.DATA : lt_variant TYPE TABLE OF rsrparametriza,lw_variant LIKE LINE OF lt_variant.SELECT * FROM rsrparametriza INTO TABLE lt_variantWHERE paramnm LIKE lc_parameter AND objvers = 'A'.LOOP AT lt_variant INTO = 0.CLEAR:l_off,l_moff,l_month,l_year,l_count.WHILE sy-subrc = 0.FIND lc_pat IN SECTION OFFSET l_off OFlw_variant-contentMATCH OFFSET l_moffMATCH LENGTH l_mlen.IF sy-subrc = 0.**- counter to track no.of hitsl_count = l_count + 1.**- fetch value(low) , considering there are no ranges given in variant IF l_count = 1.l_month_old = lw_variant-content+l_moff(6).l_year = l_month_old+0(4).l_month = l_month_old+4(2).IF l_month = 12.l_year = l_year + 1.l_month_new+0(4) = l_year.l_month_new+4(2) = 01.ELSE.l_month_new+0(4) = l_year.l_month_new+4(2) = l_month + 1.ENDIF.ENDIF.**- set the offset for next search.l_off = l_moff + 6.**- if a range variable is used, l_count will be 2 for HIGH value and the above block should be modified.ENDIF.ENDWHILE.REPLACE ALL OCCURRENCES OF l_month_old IN lw_variant-content WITH l_month_new.UPDATE rsrparametriza FROM lw_variant.ENDLOOP.Before running the program, the value of the variant is as shownAfter execution of program,This program can be scheduled based on the report frequency and once this is done, the event should be triggered using process chain so that cache is filled for the updated variant. So when the report is run, the data is fetched from cache memory which is prefilled and this increases the performance of long running queries.Related ContentInformation BroadcastingFilling the OLAP CacheFor more information, visit the Business Intelligence homepage.Performance Optimization of Long Running Queries Using OLAP CacheDisclaimer and Liability NoticeThis document may discuss sample coding or other information that does not include SAP official interfaces and therefore is not supported by SAP. Changes made based on this information are not supported and can be overwritten during an upgrade.SAP will not be held liable for any damages caused by using or misusing the information, code or methods suggested in this document, and anyone using these methods does so at his/her own risk.SAP offers no guarantees and assumes no responsibility or liability of any type with respect to the content of this technical article or code sample, including any liability resulting from incompatibility between the content within this document and the materials and services offered by SAP. You agree that you will not hold, or seek to hold, SAP responsible or liable with respect to the content of this document.SAP COMMUNITY NETWORK SDN - | BPX - | BOC - © 2009 SAP AG 21。
