


地纬定点医疗机构结算系统三版与HIS数据交互引擎式接口方案(1.0版本)地纬定点医疗机构结算系统自HIS取数据方案背景根据业务需求,地纬定点医院结算系统三版(以下称MH3系统)需要自HIS 系统读取参保人员住院期间的费用凭单信息。

为此HIS需要提供一个单独的exe (该exe名字指定为hisdataengine.exe),自HIS数据库中读取数据,供MH3系统调用,用以产生参保人员住院期间的费用凭单信息。



接口程序具体调用步骤如下:1)、hisdataengine.exe自“C:\paratohis.dbf”下读取参数数据2)、根据1)步骤中读取的参数中的worktype值判断读取哪类信息数据3)、自HIS数据库中读取数据4)、把读取到的数据信息放到指定的本地硬盘上的dbf文件中,把本次调用过程中出现的错误信息放到指定的dbf文件中(C:\interfaceerrtext.dbf) 5)、弹出title为N_HISDATAENGINE_OK的window,0.3秒后自动关闭此Woindow。

调用过程参数MH3向HIS传递的数据信息文件名:C:\paratoHIS.dbfMH3向HIS传参的文件格式:Pjh string类型,最大长度30位,该号码必须能够唯一标志参保人员在HIS中的唯一次住院,也必须能够唯一标志参保人员在HIS中的一次结算的费用。

HIS向MH3传回的数据信息:(1).C:\ patientinfo.dbf(自HIS数据库中读取的住院基本信息),读取HIS中的住院基本信息主要是为了校验数据,防止张冠李戴。



6 x 65 x 56.5 400 V/10 A/4 mm2
6 x 65 x 56.5 400 V/10 A/4 mm2
ASK 1 (4 mm2) KDKS 1/35 (4 mm2) SAKS 1/35 5x20 (10 mm2) SAKS 1/35 5x25 (10 mm2)
/ (mm) !/ /
MK 2/12 (2.5 mm2) MK 3/2 ... 12 (2.5 mm2) MK 4/16 (2.5 mm2) MK 6/2 ... 6/6 (6.0 mm2)
/ !/
! (mm) / !
15.0 x 15.0 / 3.20 125 V/24 A/2.5 mm2
15.0 x 16.1 / 3.45 400 V/24 A/2.5 mm2
!"# !"# SAK W Z P !"# !"# !"# !"#
4-5 6-8 9-12 13-24 25-35 36-39
!"#$ /P
!"#$%&'()*+,-./0 !"#$%&'()*+,-./ !"#$ !"#$%& !"#$ !"#$%&'( !"#$%
!"#$ !"#$%&'()*+,#-./01 !



地纬定点医疗机构结算系统与引擎式接口方案 (1.6.1地纬定点医疗机构结算系统自 HIS 取数据方案背景根据业务需求,地纬定点医院结算系统 (以下称 MH 系统)需要自 HIS 系统读取参保人员住 院期间的费用凭单信息。

为此HIS 需要提供一个单独的exe (该exe 名字指定为 HISdataengine.exe ,自HIS 数据库中读取数据,供 MH 系统调用,用以产生参保人员住院期 间的费用凭单信息。

实现方式HIS 与MH 采用自硬盘读取dbf 文件的方式传递参数,在调用HISdataengine.exe 之前MH 会把本次调用所需要的参数放到“ C:\paratoHIS.dbf ”下,HISdataengine.exe 执行完毕之后会 把返回的数据放到硬盘上供 MH 读取。

该 HISDATAENGINE.EXE 需要放在地纬定点医疗机 构结算系统安装路径下的in terface 文件夹下。

接口程序具体调用步骤如下:1) 、HISdataengine.exe 自“ C:\paratoHIS.dbf ” 下读取参数数据2) 、 HIS 根据 1)步骤中读取的参数中的 worktype 值判断读取哪类信息数据 3) 、 HIS 自数据库中读取对应数据HIS 数据交互版本)4)、把读取到的数据信息放到指定的本地硬盘上的dbf 文件中,把本次调用过程中出现的错误信息放到指定的dbf 文件中(C:\interfaceerrtext.dbf)5)、dbf 文件生成完成后,HIS 弹出title 为N_HISDATAENGINE_OK 的window,0.3秒后自动关闭此Window。

让HIS弹出此窗口的目的是为了检测HIS 的dbf 文件是否已经生成。


(用excel打开dbf文件时出现大量乱码,则一定不是Dbase3文件格式)调用过程参数MH向HIS传递的数据信息文件名:C:\paratoHIS.dbfMH向HIS传参的文件格式:Pjh string类型,最大长度30位,该号码必须能够唯一标志参保人员在HIS中的唯次住院,也必须能够唯一标志参保人员在HIS中的一次结算的费用。

Quick Draw II 金属探测器使用手册说明书

Quick Draw II 金属探测器使用手册说明书

OWNER’S MANUALYour Quick Draw®II Metal Detector incorporates patented microprocessor-controlled technology. The Quick Draw®II is a motion detector; movement over an object is required in order for the machine to detect the object and emit a tone. Alternatively, you can sweep a metal object over a motionless searchcoil.THIS METAL DETECTOR HAS TWO TYPES OF OPERATING MODES:1. ALL METAL DETECTIONAll metals will be detected.2. DISCRIMINATE, NOTCH, and AUTO NOTCH ModesIn any of these three detection modes, the detector will emit different tones, depending upon the type of metal present. The characteristics are adjustable. Depending on the detector control settings, some metals will also be eliminated from detection.DISCRIMINATE:Eliminates iron and trash items with the use of theDISC/NOTCH knob.NOTCH:Provides an adjustable rejection "window" to eliminate undesirablemetals from detection. Move the rejection "window" with theDISC/NOTCH knob.AUTO NOTCH:Provides a pre-set rejection "window", automatically eliminatingmost pull-tabs and trash items from detection.CAUTION:• Do not test the detector by placing coins or metal objects on the floor.Most floors contain metal, which will cause interference.• Use 9-VOLT ALKALINE batteries only.• Operating Frequency: 6.5 kHzDO NOT USE INDOORS. LIGHTS AND HOUSEHOLD APPLIANCES EMITELECTROMAGNETIC FIELDS WHICH INTERFERE WITH THE DETECTOR’SOPERATIONYour Quick Draw®II is an advanced technology metal detector, designed for a variety of applications including coinshooting, relic hunting, and general purpose detecting.Before using your Quick Draw®II, it is important to read these instructions. Thisdetecting.TerminologyEliminationDiscriminationIronand nails.Relicthe Quick Draw®to eliminate thesetargets or to alertpresence.2ASSEMBLY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 S-Rod Assembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4Mounting the Coil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 INSTALLING BATTERIES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 DEMONSTRATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 BASIC OPERATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7 Turning on Your Detector . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7Set the Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7Reading the Display . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8Low Battery Indicator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9Depth Indicator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9 SENSITIVITY ADJUSTMENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 HEADPHONES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 MODES OF OPERATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 & 12 AUDIO TARGET-ID . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13IN THE FIELD TECHNIQUES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14 Pinpointing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14Coil Movement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14 & 15 METAL DETECTING APPLICATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16 TROUBLESHOOTING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17 CARE & MAINTENANCE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18 TREASURE HUNTER’S CODE OF ETHICS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19 WARRANTY INFORMATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19 ACCESSORIES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Back Cover3IMPORTANT:Always use ALKALINE batteries for optimal performance.Always remove the batteries for prolonged storage.CHECK THE BATTERIES if your detector exhibits any of the following symptoms:G The unit does not turn on.G Low speaker volume.G Unable to tune detector with the discriminate knob.The Low Battery indicator light will come on and stay on whenever the batteries need replacing. It should flash momentarily when the Power Switch is turned on.IMPORTANT:Your Quick Draw®II metal detector requires two 9-Volt ALKALINE batteries.DO NOT MIX OLD AND NEW BATTERIESFollow these stepsto install the batteries.GGoutward.Gplace.5TURNING ON YOUR DETECTORTurn the left knob (SENSITIVITY) to the right. As the knob clicks to the "On" position, the detector sounds three beeps, the LCD arrows appear momentarily, and the unit pre-sets to the DISC/ALL METAL Mode of operation. SET THE MODE1. ALL METALA. Press the DISC/ALL METAL touchpadB. Turn the right knob (DISC/NOTCH) to the left.The unit will emit sound when passing over all types of metal objects.The ALL METAL Mode offers the greatest depth detection capability.2. DISCRIMINATEA. Press the DISC/ALL METAL touchpadB. Slowly turn the right knob (DISC/NOTCH) clockwise.As you turn the knob clockwise the detector will first eliminate small iron objects such as nails. When rotated clockwise, large iron objects are eliminated, followed by trash items such as foil and aluminum.3. NOTCHPress the NOTCH touchpad, and the detector will automatically reject iron.Turn the DISC/NOTCH knob clockwise for selective elimination of various junk items while still detecting nickels, silver and copper coins, and small gold items. NOTCH eliminates medium tone trash items while still detecting valuable low and high tone metals. (audio tone ID is discussed later).4. AUTO NOTCHPress the AUTO NOTCH touchpad, and the detector will automatically reject iron and most pull-tabs. Nickels and most small gold rings will be retained. The DISC/NOTCH knob creates a rejection "window" which can be moved as it is turned clockwise. With this mode, you can reject screw caps and zinc (post 1982) pennies as the DISC/NOTCH control is turned clockwise, but still detect valuables with low and high tones. Note: If you are not sure of your current mode setting, simply press the desired touch-pad again.7READING THE DISPLAYThe Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) shows the PROBABLE identification of the targeted metal, as well as the PROBABLE depth of the target, in inches.Pass the searchcoil repeatedly over a target, and observe the target readout. The detector will register a repeated, unchanging target identification when a buried target has been located and identified. If, upon repeated passes over the same spot, the target identification reads inconsistently, the target is probably a trash item, or oxidized metal. With practice, you will learn to unearth only the repeatable signals.The segment identifications are highly accurate, when detecting the objects described on the label. For example, if you pass the coil repeatedly over a nickel, your detector will repeatedly register a nickel. However, if you repeatedly register a nickel, for an unknown buried object, you could be detecting some other metallic object with the same magnetic signature as a nickel.GOLD TARGETS Gold objects will register on the left side of the LCD scale. Gold flakes will register under Iron/Foil Small gold items will register under Pull T ab.Medium-sized gold items will register under S-caps.Large gold items will register as Zinc 1¢. SILVER TARGETS:Silver objects will register to the right of the scale, under 25¢, 50¢, or $1, depending on the size of the object. The larger the object, the farther to the right it will register.IRON/FOIL:All sizes of iron and aluminum objects will register on the far-left side of the scale. This could indicate a worthless item such as a nail, or a more valuable historic iron relic. PULL-TAB:All older pull tabs from beverage cans will register here. Most newer pull tabs will register here. Many gold rings will also register here.S-CAPS:Older screw caps from glass bottles will register here. Large gold rings, like a class ring, could also register here. Some non-U.S. coins of recent vintage will also register here.1¢ ZINC:Newer pennies (post-1982) will register here. Many non-U.S. coins of recent vintage will also register here. 10¢:Dimes and pre-1982 pennies will register here. Older, pre-1982, pennies are composed of copper, which has a metallic signature similar to a dime. Caution:The target indications are visual references. Many other types of metal can fall under any one of these categories. You will experience a trash-to-treasure ratio when treasure hunting. The more you practice, the lower you will push your trash-to-treasure ratio. While the Quick Draw®II will eliminate or indicate the presence of most common trash items, it is impossible to accurately classify ALL buried objects. The LCD provides a visual reference to minimize the detection of trash objects. By using the Target-ID in conjunction with discrimination control and the three-tone audio identification system (discussed later), you can further reduce the trash-to-treasure ratio.8This device has been designed to operate with the antennas listed below, and having a maximum gain of 3 dB. Antennas not included in this list or having a gain greater than 3 dB are strictly prohibited for use with this device. The required antenna impedance is 102 ohms.10COIL, 4COIL, 8COIL, 8COIL-7, 8COIL-7BLK, 8COIL-CAMO, 8COIL-UM The following statement is not relevant to metal detectors but is printed here to satisfy legal notification requirement:“To reduce potential radio interference to other users, the antenna type and its gain should be so chosen that the equivalent isotropically radiated power (e.i.r.p.) is not more than that permitted for successful communication.”9USING HEADPHONESUsing headphones (not included) improves battery life, and prevents the sounds from annoying bystanders.It also allows you to hear subtle changes in the sound more clearly, particularly if searching in a noisy location. For safety reasons, do not use headphones near traffic or where other dangers are present. This device is to be used with interconnecting cables/headphone cables shorter than three meters10NOTCH is most useful to “notch out”specific unwanted items. If you encounter certain bothersome trash items, program their rejection into your detector as follows:1)Turn the Disc/Notch knob 100%counterclockwise.2)Pass the undesirable object underthe searchcoil.3)Turn the Disc/Notch knob slowlyclockwise until the object is no longer detected.Use the NOTCH Mode for coin-shooting, jewelry hunting, or for your own customized hunt.To enter the AUTO NOTCH Mode, press the Auto Notch touch pad. In AUTO NOTCH Mode, iron, most pull tabs, and screw caps are automatically eliminated.In addition, you can turn the Disc/Notch control to selectively eliminate more items beyond the pre-programmed ones. The Disc/Notch control operates in this mode in the same manner as outlined in the NOTCH Mode instructions, except that AUTO NOTCH does not eliminate the more valuable nickels.Use AUTO NOTCH for press-and-go treasure hunting in applications like coin-shooting, and jewelry hunting.12MEDIUM TONE Old & New Pull-Tabs, ZincIf a signal does not repeat after swingingthe coil directly overthe suspected target afew times, it is morethan likely trashmetal. False signalscan be caused bytrashy ground,electricalinterference,or by largeirregulartrashACTUALLYCOINSHOOTING:The most popular metal detecting application. When coinshooting, you want to discriminate out pull tabs, screw caps, and iron objects. Beware that highly oxidized steel may also be detected.Control settings required.1) Press DISC/ALL METAL touch pad.2) Turn the Disc/Notch Knob to the 3:00 position.RELIC HUNTING:A relic is a historical object, sometimes of great value. Relics can be foundin abandoned homes, plowed fields or even your own backyard. Research the local library to learn of historical events or places in the area. You can then target your search to a specific area and gain valuable insight into your local history.Control settings required.1) Press DISC/ALL METAL touchpad.2) Turn the DISC/NOTCH knob 100% counterclockwise.Many relics are iron, so you do not want to discriminate. CACHE HUNTING:A cache, pronounced “cash” is a buried or hidden valuable stored inside acase, strong box, or bag. A cache can be hidden in the floor or walls of a house, or buried nearby. Operate in the ALL METAL Mode.Control settings required.1) Press DISC/ALL METAL touchpad.2) Turn the DISC/NOTCH knob 100% counterclockwise. JEWELRY HUNTING:Jewelry can be found wherever people congregate. Beaches, parks, school yards and fair grounds are all littered with lost jewelry. Your greatest challenge is the interference from pull tabs and cans. You must use a Discrimination Mode: AUTO NOTCH is best.Control settings required.1) Press the AUTO NOTCH touchpad.2) Set Disc/Notch knob at 2:00. Dig only the repeatable low and hightones, avoid the broken or non-repeatable tones.OTHER APPLICATIONS:Use your Quick Draw®II to find property markers, machine parts, and lost keys. Keep your detector in ALL METAL Mode for these tasks.Gold prospecting also requires the ALL METAL Mode.1617195-YEAR LIMITED WARRANTYRegister your warranty on-line for a chance to win aFREE DETECTOR.F or details, visit The Quick Draw ®II metal detector is warranted against defects in materials and workmanship under normal use for five years from the date of purchase to the origi-nal owner.Damage due to neglect, accidental damage, or misuse of this product is not cov-ered under this warranty. Decisions regarding abuse or misuse of the detector are made solely at the discretion of the manufacturer.Proof of Purchase is required to make a claim under this warranty.Liability under this Warranty is limited to replacing or repairing, at our option, the metal detector returned, shipping cost prepaid to First T exas Products. Shipping cost to First T exas Products is the responsibility of the consumer.To return your detector for service, please first contact First Texas for a Return Authorization (RA) Number. Reference the RA number on your package and return the detector within 15 days of calling to:First Texas Products L.L.C.1465 Henry Brennan Dr.El Paso, TX 79936Phone: 915-225-0333NOTE TO CUSTOMERS OUTSIDE THE U.S.A.This warranty may vary in other countries, check with your distributor for details.Warranty does not cover shipping costs.According to FCC part 15.21 Changes or Modifications made to this device not expressly approved by the partyresponsible for compliance could void the users authority to operate this equipment.This device complies with FCC Part 15 Subpart B Section 15.109 Class B.Copyright 2014 by First Texas Products, L.L.C.All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this book, or parts thereof, in any form,except for the inclusion of brief quotations in a review.Published by First Texas Products, L.L.C.Bounty Hunter ®is a registered trademark of First Texas Products,L.L.C.1465 Henry Brennan • El Paso, TX 79936 • (915) 633-8354MADE IN USATREASURE HUNTER’S CODE OF ETHICS:• Always check Federal, State, County and local laws before searching.• Respect private property and do not enter private property without the owner’s permission.• Take care to refill all holes and leave no damage.• Remove and dispose of any and all trash and litter found.• Appreciate and protect our inheritance of natural resources, wildlife and private property.• Act as an ambassador for the hobby, use thoughtfulness, consideration and courtesy at all times.• Never destroy historical or archaeological treasures.• All treasure hunters may be judged by the example you set; always conduct yourself with courtesy and consideration of othersACCESSORIESCarry BagRugged double-stitched construction – CBAG-WPouch & Digger ComboPouch with 2 large pockets & 9” heavy duty digging tool. – TP-KIT-WStereo HeadphonesUse with Bounty Hunter metal detectors. Lightweight and adjustable withtrue stereo sound, adjustable volume, 1/8 jack with 1/4 adaptor,4’ cable. – HEAD-WPin PointerPinpoints the exact location of buried metal objects. Audio signal indicatorand vibrator. Runs on 1 – 9-Volt Battery. – PIN POINTER-WBounty Hunter® Sand ScoopLarge scoop with filtering holes.Made of strong plastic. – SAND SCOOPBHCoil CoversProtect your coil from abrasion and damage.10” Coil Cover – 10COVER8” Coil Cover – 8COVER-N4” Coil Cover – 4COVERReplacement/Accessory Searchcoils10” Magnum Coil – 10COIL8” Replacement Standard Coil – 8COIL-N4” Gold Nugget Coil – 4COIL9” Heavy-Duty Digging ToolMetal blade with comfortable plastic handle and depth gauge – TROWEL-2Digging ToolLight and practical wide blade digging tool. – TROWEL-WBounty Hunter® T-Shirt100% cotton with Bounty Hunter® Logo.Sizes:S, M, LG, XL & XXL – BHTSHIRTBounty Hunter® Baseball CapOne size fits all, with Bounty Hunter® logo. – BHCAPGoldProspecting KitsFOR COMPLETE DETAILS VISIT • 1-800-413-4131 MQD2 REV.4082114。



森林之子2飞行代码摘要:1.介绍《森林之子2 飞行代码》2.讲解代码的实现过程3.分析代码的实现原理4.总结《森林之子2 飞行代码》的特点和应用领域正文:《森林之子2 飞行代码》是一款由森林之子团队开发的,基于物理模拟的飞行游戏。



首先,游戏中的代码实现主要是通过Python 语言完成的。

Python 作为一种广泛应用于人工智能和物理模拟领域的语言,具有简洁明了的语法和强大的功能。

在《森林之子2 飞行代码》中,玩家需要编写Python 代码来实现飞行器的各种功能,如起飞、飞行、转向、着陆等。


以起飞为例,玩家需要编写如下代码:```pythonthrottle = 1.0 # 设置油门为全开pitch = 10.0 # 设置机头抬高10 度yaw = 0.0 # 设置机头方向为正前方```通过调整这些参数,玩家可以实现飞行器的各种飞行状态。





最后,我们来总结一下《森林之子2 飞行代码》的特点和应用领域。





KDG2型井下远程断电器产品使用说明书KDG2型井下远程断电器1. 概述本说明书详细地介绍了KDG2型井下远程断电器的使用方法及注意事项,使用者在使用前务必仔细阅读。




1.3品种、规格品种:矿用断电器规格:KDG2型井下远程断电器1.4型号的组成及其代表意义:1.5使用环境条件:1.5.1温度:0 ~ +40℃1.5.2相对湿度:≤98%1.5.3大气压力:85Kpa~110Kpa1.6工作条件:1.6.1交流输入:660V/380V/220V/127V/36V(可选)。



1.7 防爆类型及标志隔爆兼本质安全型;安全标志:Exd[ib]I2.结构特征与工作原理2.1 KDG2型井下远程断电器外型图(详见图1)图3 KDG2型井下远程断电器注释其中1、2、3、4、5、6为接线柱1——内接地;2、3——交流输入;4、5——常开触点;5、6——常闭触点;7——高压继电器;8——电路板;9——变压器;3技术特性3.1主要性能3.1.1能接受和执行井下分站发出的远程断电指令。


3.2主要参数3.2.1 输入的交流电压等级:660V/380V/127V/36V(可选)。

3.2.2 输入控制信号的类型:无源触点/电平信号。

3.2.3 输出控制的断电容量:36V/5A或660V/0.5A。

3.2.4 控制输出方式:常开或常闭。

3.2.5 断电控制距离(分站到断电器之间):不小于2Km.3.2.6 断电显示:红灯——断电指示;绿灯——工作电源指示3.2.7 整机功耗:0.2W4.尺寸、重量4.1外形尺寸:400×300×200mm4.2整机重量:5Kg5.连接、安装5.1交流输入:交流输入由图1大喇叭口1接入,与接线柱2、3相连。

求生之路2 各种参数

求生之路2 各种参数

名称英文名最大装弹保持弹数发射速度(发/DPS(每秒伤每单夹伤害总弹伤害攻击力误伤射程调整上弹时间木制散弹Pump Shot8562500.70.473秒/69287.5200016000金属散弹Chrome Sh8562400.70.473秒/69276192015360微冲Submachin50650200/1/2/90.84 2.35960320100014000消音微冲Slienced 50650250/1/2/120.84 2.35960400125017500木制狙击Hunting R15150900/3/9/451 3.25225337.5135014850手枪Pistol15无限360/1/3/170.751.75单2.342.6单685.2175540无限马格南Magnum8无限800/2/8/380.75 1.75198(0.3秒/发264640无限榴弹炮Grenade L13040016连狙Sniper Ri30180900/3/9/451 3.5240360270018900细连喷Tactical 10902530.70.396秒/200843.333253025300粗连喷Combat Sh10902430.70.396秒/200810243024300 43M-16 Assa50360330/1/3/160.97 2.35684376.2165013530 AK47AK4740360580/4/6/280.97 2.5461.5446.117232023200三连步枪Combat Ri60360440/1/4/210.97 3.35540396264018480机枪M60150150500.97545.5454.583750015000342.6685.2000消防斧Fire Axe3009次/8.3秒(1.00秒间隔)棒球棒Baseball Bat3009次/7.6秒(0.75秒间隔)板球棒Cricket Bat3009次/7.6秒(0.80秒间隔)撬棍Crowbar3009次/8.3秒(0.80秒间隔)电吉他Electric Guitar3009次/8.3秒(1.00秒间隔)平底锅Frying Pan3009次/8.0秒(0.75秒间隔)日本刀Katana3009次/7.0秒(0.80秒间隔)砍刀Machete3009次/6.0秒(0.80秒间隔)警棍Nightstick(Tonfa)3009次/5.58秒(0.65秒间隔)高尔夫棍Golfclub3009次/8.0秒(0.75秒间隔)电锯Chainsaw约20秒3610次/秒(0.175秒间隔)燃烧瓶Molotov土制炸弹Pipe Bomb胆汁Bommer血包:回复掉血量的80%药片:回复临时的50血肾上腺素:回复临时的25血,15秒状态正规名称M31(Benelli M3)M870(Remington 870)UZI(IMI Uzi)MAC-10Mini-14P220Desert Eagle .50-caliberM79H&K41、G3/SG1Benelli M1014(M4 Super 90)Franchi SPAS-12M16A2、M16A3AKMFN SCAR-LM60范围广,Witch站起来时对头部有几率秒杀范围中范围中范围广,击退,斩首率高范围小,击退范围中,几率秒Witch范围中,几率秒Witch范围很小,击退范围中。





馈电输入电压:660/380 /220/127/36V AC(可选)




Distance seeder(散弹炮塔):攻击一般,射距较近。
Pod cannon(加农炮塔):攻击、射距平衡。
Solar intensifier(对空炮塔):只对空中部对有效。
Lightning generator(闪电炮塔):射距远,威力大,但需集中能量才能发出,速度不快。
七、 Walls(防御墙)
Doom dome(圆顶坦克):攻击较强,最大的特色是可以走水路。



K折交叉验证交叉验证的思想 交叉验证主要⽤于防⽌模型过于复杂⽽引起的过拟合,是⼀种评价训练数据的数据集泛化能⼒的统计⽅法。


简单的交叉验证 将原始数据D按⽐例划分,⽐如7:3,从D中随机选择70%的数据作为训练集train_data,剩余的作为测试集test_data(绿⾊部分)。


K折交叉验证 将原始数据D随机分成K份,每次选择(K-1)份作为训练集,剩余的1份(红⾊部分)作为测试集。



python实现 使⽤scikit-learn模块中的⽅法KFold,⽰例如下:1from sklearn.model_selection import KFold2import numpy as np3 x = np.array(['B', 'H', 'L', 'O', 'K', 'P', 'W', 'G'])4 kf = KFold(n_splits=2)5 d = kf.split(x)6for train_idx, test_idx in d:7 train_data = x[train_idx]8 test_data = x[test_idx]9print('train_idx:{}, train_data:{}'.format(train_idx, train_data))10print('test_idx:{}, test_data:{}'.format(test_idx, test_data))1112# train_idx:[4 5 6 7], train_data:['K' 'P' 'W' 'G']13# test_idx:[0 1 2 3], test_data:['B' 'H' 'L' 'O']14# train_idx:[0 1 2 3], train_data:['B' 'H' 'L' 'O']15# test_idx:[4 5 6 7], test_data:['K' 'P' 'W' 'G']。


刚把 hardcore 模式打穿,亲自证明了一下, 目前的 pc 版本来说,以必拿 handcannon 和
soldiersuit 为条件
刚把 hardcore 模式打穿,亲自证明了一下,
目前的 pc 版本来说,以必拿 handcannon 和 soldiersuit 为条件,完全可以中途存档(我 3
模式通关,然后以 hardcore 通关存档开启
一个商店里。 顺便说下,别人的存档文件不一定会兼容你
(PC 版无成就无奖杯无压力)。
1ca0f3cc1 热血江湖
有无限 3 次记录的那个 bug,一旦在 hardcore 模 式中退出游戏,不管你存没存档,两件奖励都 88
各位电脑键盘上都有一个 windows 标志的按
键吧,就在 alt 和 ctrl 中间,如果开全屏游戏, 需要中断的时候就按这个键退出全屏(这时游戏
幕前真的一口气通下来。 在不触发 3 次存档 bug 的前提下以 hardcore



★ 美国海军新型 搜潜无 人艇投入 研 发
据 洛杉 矶 时报 网 站2 0 0 8 年 9 月 1 9 日报 道 , 美 国正 在 研 制 一 种 可 探 测 静音潜 艇 的无 人 遥控艇 , 美海 军官员表示 该型艇 将来可 部署在 波斯湾海域 , 预计服役 时间为2 0 1 1年 。 该 搜潜遥 控 艇 是 一 种 无 人 驾驶 水 面 舰 艇 (US V) , 美 国海 军希 望 该无 人 艇将 能够成 为探 测 敌 方 静音柴 电潜艇 的主 要 工 具 。 搜 潜 无 人 艇将 主要 采用 声纳 系统 来探 测 水下 潜艇可 能 隐藏 的角落 , 并通 过 安全距 离 以外 的海 军船 员进 行控制 。
按 照 计 划 , 首艘 无 人 艇 的服 役 时 问 为2 0 1 1 年 , 将 很有 可 能部署 在 波 斯湾 , 用 以探 测霍尔木兹 海 峡 附近 的伊 朗潜艇 。 搜 潜无 人艇将 由近 海 战斗舰 施 放 和 回收 , 主 要 原 因 是 近 海 战斗舰 吃水较浅, 可 在近 岸海域灵活操控 。
美 国海军希望将 来能够拥有3 2 艘搜 潜无 人 艇 , 每艘无人 艇上 都 将装 备 复杂 的 电子 设 备 。 首批 两 艘 无人 艇 的造 价 为 1 . 9 7 亿 美元 , 将 来 每艘 艇 的造 价 会 降~IJ4 6 0 0 万 美元 。
搜潜无人 艇采用 铝 制船体 , 总长 为 1 2 米 , 重 7 7 0 0 千 克 , 最 多可 携 带2 4 0 0 千 克 的设 备 和 仪 器 , 最 高 时速 为3 5 节 。
这 是俄 罗 斯 近 期 内第 二 次进 行 洲 际弹道 导 弹 试 射 , 此 次 试射是俄 陆海 空 常规部队 以及 战略核部队参与的高姿态军事 演 习 的一 部 分 。

Phoenix G2 消防站警报系统说明书

Phoenix G2 消防站警报系统说明书

Request for Proposal(Sample Language)For aFire Station Alerting SystemUS Digital Designs is the manufacturer of the Phoenix G2 Fire Station Alerting System | | 877-551-8733 Copyright © 2014 US Digital Designs, Inc. Rights reserved under the copyright laws of the United States (revised 8/2014)PROJECT BACKGROUND AND DESCRIPTIONThe [Agency Name] (“Agency”) is seeking bids for the purchase and installation of hardware, software and implementation services for a turnkey fire station alerting system (the “System”).There are currently [Number of Stations] fire stations in the Agency system.The desired System shall interface with the Agency’s existing CAD and radio systems, and will communicate using TCP/IP over the Fire Department’s WAN.The desired System allows the stacking and simultaneous alerting of response units, speeding up deployment of the first responders.This project shall be completed in a manner commensurate with the intended application.APPLICABLE STANDARDS AND PUBLICATIONSThe contractor shall provide all equipment, materials, station installation and supervision to provide a turnkey fire station alerting system.All applicable national, state and local electrical and/or building codes shall be followed.The System shall be compliant with the 2013 edition of the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) Standard 1221 and 1710, as applicable.REQUIREMENTSGeneralThe System shall be designed specifically for use as a station alerting system.The System shall use a single point of power/Power over Ethernet (POE) infrastructure that optimizes the most common and inexpensive CAT5e/CAT6 cabling, allowing repurposing of the Agency’s existing cable structure where available, and minimizing labor costs by using low-voltage contractors for installation.The contractor shall ensure that all components of the System are supported by an uninterruptible power supply. The System shall be designed to be network friendly by distributing quick alerting messages using low-bandwidth (typically 30-50 kb).The System shall be able to handle a minimum of 100 individual fire stations and facilities, and is modular in design to allow for future expansion and upgrades.The System shall have “heart-friendly” features such as escalating audio and subdued lighting at night. Contractor shall highlight the “heart-friendly” features of the System.The System shall be “Made in USA” compliant.CAD Interface and Manual AlertingThe Contractor shall be responsible for fully implementing a CAD Interface to [CAD Manufacturer] CAD system.The System shall be controlled directly from the Agency’s CAD system via a [TCP/IP or Serial] connection. The CAD system presently exists at the [CAD System Location].The System interface to the CAD system shall support dispatch alerts and non-emergency alerts.The System shall capable of alerting by Group, Station or Unit.The System shall provide a means of notifying dispatchers that all components are operating properly; self-diagnosis, system health check (per NFPA 1221).For each dispatch alert message received from CAD, the System shall send a response over the CAD TCP/IP connection indicating the success or failure of each dispatched station, unit or group for the given alert.This System shall be capable of providing manual non-emergency messages to units, stations or groups of stations.Alerts at stations shall start not more than one second after the alerting system receives a dispatch alert from the CAD system.A visual indication shall be provided to dispatchers to indicate if the system is and its components are properly operating.A manual alerting application shall be provided for dispatcher use to alert stations, units or groups in the event the CAD system is not available.Alerting CircuitsThe primary dispatch circuits shall be monitored and a prompt warning shall be provided in the event that a situation that will impact reliability occurs, as per NFPA 1221.The primary alerting circuit shall be over the Agency’s Wide Area Network.The proposed system shall be capable of multiple secondary redundant alerting using Two-tone sequential or DTMF paging, contact closure input, audible sound detection, telephone line ring detection, VoIP/SIP.Dispatch Alerting - GeneralThe System shall provide, at each station, capability to control functions for each of the following: audible tones, lighting, relay activation, and printer interface.The System shall provide a zoning capability such that portions of a station can be alerted without alerting the entire station. The System shall provide a minimum of 4 separate alerting zones per station. Describe how zoning is managed in the System both centrally and at the station. Indicate if the System will allow certain rooms or areas to be able to be alerted individually and if there is an option to select the notifications that will be received for that area. The System shall have the ability to provide a means to silence all station speakers manually, with the Systemallowing the silenced speakers to be overridden by the receipt of a call for service.Dispatch Alerting – AudibleThe fire station alerting system shall provide an audible escalating alert tone that clearly identifies to the units and the type of call that is being dispatched. The alert tone shall immediately precede the dispatch announcement (per NFPA 1221). The System must support the use of at least four customized tones so that different tones can be used toindicate the type of call during the alert notification.Will Fully Comply__________ Will Not Fully Comply_________The fire station alerting system shall provide an audible alert over the speaker system of the station.Will Fully Comply__________ Will Not Fully Comply_________The fire station alerting system shall have its own internal audio amplifiers with full remote volume control capability. Will Fully Comply__________ Will Not Fully Comply_________The fire station alerting system shall be compatible with commercially available P.A. amplifiers supporting consumer audio line level (-10dbm) 600 ohm differential inputs.Will Fully Comply__________ Will Not Fully Comply_________The fire station alerting system shall provide the ability to play building overhead paging through a connection to the station telephone system.Will Fully Comply__________ Will Not Fully Comply_________The fire station alerting system shall have the capability to register VOIP extensions with SIP-based PBX systems, and then configured to alert on ring and/or auto answer to play call audio over the station’s speaker network.Will Fully Comply__________ Will Not Fully Comply_________The fire alerting system shall provide the ability to mute in building paging during dispatch alerts.Will Fully Comply__________ Will Not Fully Comply_________This fire station alerting system shall include a radio interface for redundant dispatching and on-air dispatching. Each dispatched run shall be broadcast over both the alerting network and over the dispatch radio channel.Will Fully Comply__________ Will Not Fully Comply_________The radio interface shall be equipped to detect channel traffic and wait until the channel is free to begin automated dispatching.Will Fully Comply__________ Will Not Fully Comply_________Dispatch Alerting - Automated VoiceThe fire station alerting system shall have the capability, for any incident, to create voice dispatch alerts that announce simultaneously in multiple stations.Will Fully Comply__________ Will Not Fully Comply_________Dispatch information shall allow live dispatcher voice in addition to the automated voice announcement.Will Fully Comply__________ Will Not Fully Comply_________Automated voice announcements supported shall include: dispatch announcements, announcements of move-ups, and non-emergency messages.Will Fully Comply__________ Will Not Fully Comply_________The automated voice dispatch announcement will include, as a minimum, detailed dispatch information, includingapparatus to respond, incident type, street address, and common place name. [Modify to suit local needs]Will Fully Comply__________ Will Not Fully Comply_________Automated voice dispatch announcements shall immediately follow the audible alert tone as per NFPA 1221.Will Fully Comply__________ Will Not Fully Comply_________The fire station alerting system shall provide local system administrators a “DIY” ability to edit the pronunciation of street names, unit types, and other names and words without manufacturer involvement.Will Fully Comply__________ Will Not Fully Comply_________The fire station alerting system shall have the ability to produce automated voice alerts on servers located at the dispatch center, and at fire stations through the station controllers in case of a slow network.Will Fully Comply__________ Will Not Fully Comply_________Dispatch Alerting - Relay Controls and InputsThe fire station alerting system shall provide multiple relay contacts at each station for the purpose of controlling external switched functions. At a minimum, the contacts shall be able to be energized for a configurable period of time upon receipt of a CAD dispatch message. The outputs shall be configurable as normally open or normally closed contact closures. Additionally, the system shall easily expand the number of relay contacts. The vendor should explain how their system works with contacts, including quantity and expandability.Will Fully Comply__________ Will Not Fully Comply_________The fire station alerting system shall provide multiple isolated DC inputs for the purpose of monitoring status of external actions and functions.Will Fully Comply__________ Will Not Fully Comply_________Dispatch Alerting - PrintingThe fire station alerting system shall be capable of providing a dispatch printout with the same information that is announced upon receipt of a CAD dispatch announcement. The printout must also include user comments if this information is provided to the system over the CAD interface.Will Fully Comply__________ Will Not Fully Comply_________The System shall be compatible with current printers (describe printer model) and expandable to laser printers.Will Fully Comply__________ Will Not Fully Comply_________The fire station alerting system shall support simultaneous printing and audible alerting.Will Fully Comply__________ Will Not Fully Comply_________Dispatch Alerting - VisualsThe fire station alerting system should include provisions to display the dispatch information at the station. Devices to be used for display should include LED message signs, color indicator with at least eight color options that can be assigned to units to indicate units assigned to a dispatch, strobe lights for high volume areas, and CEC (consumer electronic control) and HDMI connections to allow displays on TVs, monitors, projectors and video walls.Will Fully Comply__________ Will Not Fully Comply_________The fire station alerting system should have the ability to display alerting information such as assigned units, incident nature, street address, and unit status. Vendors should describe display capabilities and discuss what information is typically displayed, as well as what information might possibly be displayed. Discuss any limits on numbers, types or sizes of displays.Will Fully Comply__________ Will Not Fully Comply_________The fire station alerting system should include multiple turnout timer capability, which will count up in one-second increments upon the receipt of a call. Vendor may propose to have this as a separate timer, or as an integral part of the display. Please indicate in the proposal the number of turnout timers that are supported.Will Fully Comply__________ Will Not Fully Comply_________The fire station alerting system shall include lighting that is designed to have little impact on the building occupant’s night vision when a call is received. This will include red LED lights in the ceiling in the bunkroom area that are bright enough to light the area around the member’s bed and provide a safe amount of light to make their way to the apparatus bay.Will Fully Comply__________ Will Not Fully Comply_________Dispatch Alerting – Remote/RedundantThe fire station alerting system shall have the capability to alert authorized personnel using a mobile application that interfaces with customer’s CAD system, enabling simultaneous alerts to smartphones or tablets. Alerts should include dispatch announcements using the same tones played in stations, administrative alerts, IT support notifications and application update notifications. The mobile application should also have the ability to show incident locations using the smartphone’s built-in mapping capabilities, and enable users to save and search prior notifications.Will Fully Comply__________ Will Not Fully Comply_________The fire station alerting system shall have the capability to remotely alert personnel by generating an alert that can send an email to server via SMTP or ESMTP. This email can be directed to a paging or cell phone system to deliver pages or SMS messages. Messages can be sent when specific Groups, Stations or Units are alerted, or when configured key words are found in the dispatch message. Event messages are delivered when the event occurs and when the event clears.Will Fully Comply__________ Will Not Fully Comply_________Configuration and Software UpdatesThe fire station alerting system shall be centrally managed. Both the Vendor and the Customer’s system specialists shall have full control access. Updates to station software shall be sent from the communications center.Will Fully Comply__________ Will Not Fully Comply_________Authorized administrators shall be able to control, configure and update the fire station alerting system on a browser from any web-enable device. In addition, manual alerting shall be available from a browser from any web-enabled device.Will Fully Comply__________ Will Not Fully Comply_________System MonitoringEach component in this fire station alerting system shall be monitored for online and offline status. This includes all computers, network connections, audio amplifiers and message display units.Will Fully Comply__________ Will Not Fully Comply_________This fire station alerting system shall be capable of remotely alerting support staff of critical events that occur within the alerting system via visual, email/pager, SMS text or a smartphone app. Each method shall be individually enabled or disabled via a configuration application.Will Fully Comply__________ Will Not Fully Comply_________Error and status logs shall be generated for all traffic between the CAD system and any controllers, between any controllers and the fire stations, and between all network components in the fire stations.Will Fully Comply__________ Will Not Fully Comply_________Error and status logs shall be available to the customer’s system specialists via a log viewer application.Will Fully Comply__________ Will Not Fully Comply_________Remote system monitoring from a client application residing on the network (and having appropriate permissions) shall be supported.Will Fully Comply__________ Will Not Fully Comply_________System status information shall be displayed in the fire communication center on a dedicated workstation.Will Fully Comply__________ Will Not Fully Comply_________InstallationThe [Agency Name] shall be permitted to participate and assist in the installation of this system. Customer technical personnel will be in the presence of each installation, system activation and cutover.Will Fully Comply__________ Will Not Fully Comply_________Warranties and Support AgreementsDescribe warranty provided as well as length of warranty.Describe extended yearly warranties available and their cost.Specify your twenty-four hour a day, seven days a week software support capabilities.Specify your eight hours a day, five days a week software support capabilities. Specify in pricing sheet, pricing for single year support and for five-year support.TrainingOperator training shall be provided to the dispatchers and their supervisors. The training schedule shall be completed on site as coordinated with the [Coordinator]. Vendors should describe their approach to provide the most effective training method/process that would allow dispatchers and supervisors to successfully operate the system.Will Fully Comply__________ Will Not Fully Comply________System maintenance, programming and trouble shooting training shall be provided for the customer’s technical staff.Will Fully Comply__________ Will Not Fully Comply________The contractor shall provide a site visit by one of their engineers or system implementers prior to placing any equipment orders to ensure an understanding of what the customer is seeking to accomplish.Will Fully Comply________ Will Not Fully Comply_______MiscellaneousThe contractor shall provide [number] spare sets of station equipment, including the parts not specifically itemized in this document.Will Fully Comply________ Will Not Fully Comply_______The server provided as part of this fire station alerting system shall be provisioned with auto fail-over, in the event that the primary server fails.Will Fully Comply________ Will Not Fully Comply_______ExperienceProvide the number of years that the Vendor has been in existence; describe the services the Vendor specialize in, and the primary markets served.Describe the functions to be performed by each key personnel, and identify the Vendor’s Project Manager.Provide résumés describing the rele vant experience on previous similar projects, qualifications, and other vital information of all key personnel and subcontractors who will be assigned to this project.Provide detailed descriptions of three (3) contracts which the Vendor has either ongoing or completed within the past five (5) years that best demonstrate the Vendor’s experience with services similar in scope to those requested herein. Where possible, list and describe those projects performed for government clients or similar size private entities (excluding any work performed for the Customer).The description should, at a minimum, identify for each contract:a. client,b. contract number and/or title,c. total dollar value of the contract,d. dates covering the term of the contract,e. client contact person, title, email, and phone number,f. statement of whether Proposer was the prime contractor or subcontractor,g. description of technology/System Implementation,h. description of work, andi. results of the project.PRICINGProvide pricing per station and for the complete project. Separate software and equipment costs, installation,training, and maintenance.。






















1. 调制方式2PSK和2DPSK分别代表二进制相移键控和二进制差分相移键控,它们都属于相移键控调制的一种形式。




2. 信号特性在调制方式上的不同导致了2PSK和2DPSK在信号特性上的差异。



3. 频谱利用情况对于频带利用率的考量,需要综合考虑信号调制方式和频谱利用情况。













Sasquatch Kick Machine 2 用户手册系统要求说明书

Sasquatch Kick Machine 2 用户手册系统要求说明书

System RequirementsThis plugin was crafted to be as light as possible on your CPU, enabling you to put this on many tracks without eating up your processing power.Mac: VST2, AU and RTAS require OSX 10.5 or greater. VST3 and AAX require OSX 10.7 or greater.Windows: Windows XP or greater.Available FormatsSasquatch 2 is available in both 32 and 64 bit versions of each format (except RTAS, which is 32 bit only). It is available in the following formats:Mac VST2, VST3, AU, RTAS, AAX NativeWindows VST2, VST3, RTAS, AAX NativeRegistrationThe first time you run Sasquatch 2, it will ask you for your username and serial number. You can find this information in your downloads page. If you do not have a serial number and you would like to demo the plugin you can press “Continue Trial” to use the plugin in trial mode.Downloads page URL: h ttp:///my-account/downloads/Trial ModeWhen Sasquatch 2 is in trial mode, you can use all of the plugin’s functionality. The only difference is that it will not save its settings when you close and reopen the plugin. The preset save function is also disabled, but the default presets will still load.BackgroundSasquatch Kick Machine is sort of our baby. It was the plugin that started it all. Right out of the gate, Sasquatch made an entrance and it has been used heavily by professionals and hobbyists alike.After a few years, we decided it was time to give Sasquatch the update it deserved. Sasquatch 2 is bigger, more versatile and easier to use and we hope that it gets you faster results. Whether you need subtle kick enhancement or completely built from scratch electronic kicks, Sasquatch 2 has you covered.- Boz MillarThe ControlsFor quick reference, Sasquatch 2 provides a short description of each control when you hover your mouse over any knob or button. This manual will give you a more in depth understanding of what these controls do.Header BarPresetsSasquatch 2 comes equipped with its own preset menu. To save a preset, just hit the ‘Save’ icon next to the preset menu, type the name of the preset and hit e nter. If you enter a name of an existing preset, the old preset will be overwritten.Presets can be organized into sub menus by sorting them into folders in your finder/explorer window. Note that the preset menu only supports one layer of sub folders, so if you put presets inside a folder that is inside a folder, the preset scanner will not find them.Presets are shareable across formats, computers and operating systems. This means that if you save a preset in your DAW in OSX, you can send that preset file to a friend who uses a different DAW on Windows and it will work exactly the same.Next to each preset control is a “Reset” button, which resets the controls to their default settings.For convenience, you can scroll through the presets by hitting the next/previous buttons.A/B BankThis lets you quickly compare different settings in the plugin without losing your knob settings. As you make changes to the knobs on the plugin, those changes are saved into whichever bank is selected. Switch banks to change all the values to what is stored in the other bank. Note that when you first open the plugin, all changes are stored to both banks until you switch banks for the first time.HelpOpens this manual.Bypass PluginThis switch enables/bypasses the entire plugin. The plugins background will turn dark when it is disabled. Nothing is worse than adjusting a knob and wondering why it isn’t doing anything, only to find out the plugin is bypassed.Main ControlsSasquatch is broken up into 3 main sections: Boom, Click and Dry. Each of these has its own set of controls for dialing in exactly what you want. The main screen gives you a simple mixer with volume, mute and solo options so you can quickly adjust each section without needing to dive deep into the controls.OomphControls the level of the low frequency generator.ClickControls the level of the Click generator.DryControls the level of the dry sound passthrough.MuteMutes the selected channel.SoloSolos the selected channel. Only one channel can be soloed at a time. Also, when you solo a channel, that channel’s detailed controls will open.DetailsEach channel lets you dive in deep and adjust the parameters if you want more control. Clicking on the D etails b utton exposes these controls.Trigger SectionMonitorAllows you to listen to the sound that is being fed to the trigger.This is helpful for dialing in the most prominent frequencies in theoriginal kick drum so that Sasquatch can more accurately triggerit’s algorithm.LockWhen enabled, all of the parameters in the Trigger section willstay the same when switching through presets. This is so youcan jump through new sounds without messing up your triggersettings.Trigger ModeThe trigger mode determines how Sasquatch will interpret theincoming sound so that it knows when a kick is being hit. It has 3separate modes.Transient - This causes Sasquatch to look for transientsto trigger the algorithm. This mode is best for when youroriginal kick has lots of sustain and you want to replace itwith a tighter sound.Volume- This looks at the raw volume of the trigger to set off the algorithm. This may result in fewer missed triggers if your original kick is really soft, but can limit how short your generated O omph a nd C lick w ill be if you have a sustained original kick sound.MIDI - This allows a MIDI input to trigger Sasquatch, allowing you to play your kick on a MIDI controllerNote: Transient and Volume modes cannot be selected at the same time, but MIDI can be selected whether Volume or Transient is selected.ThresholdAny incoming sound below the threshold will not trigger the O omph a nd C lick g enerators. Use this to prevent Sasquatch from being triggered by bleeding drums.Filter ModeThe filter lets you filter out any unwanted frequencies from your sidechain for better triggeringHigh Pass / Low Pass- This mode is especially helpful for taking out low resonant frequencies and to focus more on the attack.Band Pass- This mode is best for dialing in on a specific frequency. It works well when there’s lots of bleed or noise in the track.Flat - No filter. It just triggers off of the raw audio input.Oomph SectionThis section controls the meat of your kick drum sound. New low frequencies are being generated and follow the volume envelope of your original kick drum, letting you get super clean and super deep low end from your kick drum. Setting up this section is the key to getting your kick to sound its best.WaveformYou can select between 4 different waveforms (Sine, Triangle, Square and Sawtooth). Each waveform has its own characteristic sound and harmonics.LinkIn addition to the 4 main waveform types, you can “unlink” the top half of the waveform from the bottom half. When the L ink b utton is set to unlink, you can choose one waveform for the top half of the wave, and another waveform for the bottom half, which gives you a whole extra level different harmonic characteristics.RoundWhen using harsher waveforms, the upper harmonics can often be a bit too harsh. By turning down the R ound c ontrol, you can turn down those upper harmonics and focus on the low end.Tip: Small speakers usually have a hard time playing back low frequencies. One trick to get deep sound on small speakers is to add subtle harmonics to the low frequencies.This tricks our ears into hearing low frequencies that aren’t really there. Instead of usinga sine wave, try using another waveshape and bring the Round control down to 1. Thiswill make the harmonics very quiet, but still be audible on small systems, giving youdeep kicks even if the speakers can’t play back the low end.SustainThis tells you how long it will take for your low frequency tone to decay. Keep it short for quick percussive hits, make it long for drawn out sustainAttackDetermines how long it takes for the low frequency tone to come up to full volume. Keep it low for harder hitting kicks, make it higher for softer swooshier kicks.DropThis control is the speed at which the frequency of the tone generator will drop from the higher frequency to the lower. This, in combination with the upper frequency setting, will determine the impact of your kick.Note: For a more natural impact, set the Drop between 10ms and 25ms. For a moreelectronic kick sound, move this time a little longer. For bass drops, crank it high.Tone GeneratorThe tone generator has 2 frequencies which control the bulk of how Sasquatch will sound.Root ToneOn the left is the root tone. This is the tone that determines the pitch of your kick drum. This is one of the most important settings in the plugin, so it’s a good idea to get familiar with it.Drop ToneThis frequency determines where tone will start when Sasquatch is first triggered. This replicates the real world effect that happens when you hit a drum head. At the moment of impact, the pitch is slightly higher than it is when it decays. That effect contributes a lot to the sound of the impact of a drum.It’s important to note that this top frequency is only a rough estimate of the frequency that will be played. The actual tone played will be bent sharper the harder it is hit, just like a real drum. If your original kick drum is at a lower level, you may need to set this frequency to a higher setting to get the desired effect.This drop effect can be disabled by turning off the top frequency, in which case Sasquatch will only play a constant tone.MIDI FollowWhen the MIDI Follow option is enabled, the bass frequency will jump to the note that is being pressed on the virtual MIDI keyboard or coming in through the MIDI input. This is an easy way to automate the frequency of the kick drum to different notes.Note: MIDI Follow and MIDI Trigger are two separate options. MIDI Follow only sets thefrequency of the Oomph Root Tone when MIDI is present or the keyboard is clicked. MIDI Trigger tells it to trigger a kick when it is enabled. If MIDI Follow is enabled but MIDI Trigger is disabled, clicking on a note will change the frequency, but not play a kick sound. If MIDI Trigger is enabled but MIDI Follow is disabled, clicking on the keyboard will play a kick sound, but it won’t change the frequency of the kick. In this situation, you could play any note on the keyboard and the kick will sound the same. If both are enabled, then playing a note on the keyboard will play a kick at that frequency.Click SectionThis section lets you simulate the sound of a beater click. It’s a great way to get your kick to cut through a dense mix and add a bit of attack to your kick.SustainThis controls how long the click will last. In general, a short sustain time should be sufficient unless you are going for some other effect.High Pass / Low Pass filterYou can apply a high pass or low pass filter to your click noise. To be perfectly honest, the high pass filter needs to be set pretty high to be audible and is probably best left disabled for normal use.Use the low pass filter to control how harsh the click is. Bring this down for a less dramatic click.ResonanceThese knobs control how much boost is applied at the cutoff frequency.Master SectionDespite being under the Dry knob, this section gives you some options for your master output. All of the filters in this section can be applied to either the wet sound (Oomph and Click) or the dry sound (or both).Bass BoostThis lets you add even more low end. This algorithm is take from the Passive mode in Bark of Dog 2. It gives you a nice clean low end boost while preventing mud.HPFThis is a standard high pass filter. It works best for filtering out the original low end from the dry kick so that it doesn’t clash with the new low end that is being created by Sasquatch.LimiterSometimes you need the low end to be consistent. The limiter prevents the sound from going over the threshold, keeping your kick under control.CreditsPlugin concept and design: Boz MillarGraphic design: Boz MillarThank youA quick thank you is in order for everybody who helped out making this plugin. Thank you to all of our beta testers who had to put up with all the changes we made since the first demo. A huge thanks to the CockOS team (h ttp:///) and Oliver Larkin(h ttp:///) and Tale (h ttp:///combov/) for putting together a great set of tools for creating plugins, and putting up with all our stupid questions.ContactIf you ever run into issues or have any questions, you can send an email to**************************.For information on becoming an affiliate marketer, you can contact us at****************************。



网游天之炼狱DK2单机版[711M][迅雷] 2009-04-12 13:521月21日21点新鲜出炉天之炼狱单机版!, 可以用XP+虚拟机就可以架了绝对可以玩,全套服务端、美化版客户端、架设录像、GM命令,绝对简单可玩,要的快来下了录象中的虚拟机设置不是很清楚这里重新说明一下1.打开虚拟机目录中的“绿化.CMD“2.程序启动完后出现:注意:先别马上退出!录象里这里已经退出了~~这里应该先选择1桥接确定再退出接下来就和录象里一样了这里菜提醒一下客户端窗口进入游戏花屏的话就设置16位进入游戏(桌面右键属性里)还有些朋友会出现进不去游戏的情况(会自动跳出)目前我也不知道求解中.......)外网教程:游戏里有2个帐号分别是111111和222222 密码也是111111和222222注意:帐号里建好的几个人物进入游戏会看不见人其实是开启了GM隐身功能输入命令就现形了*ghost首先需要使用winscp,按默认的登陆镜像Linux文件,远程控制打开/home/darkeden/vs/conf文件夹,你会发现有6个后缀为conf的文件,修改这6个文件,将其内容里的192.168.1.123改为你要设置的IP192.168.220.123上述是修改DK服务端IP的,鬼魅的服务端本身就是192.168.1.123下面在把数据库里面2个表的信息修改为自己的DARKEDEN库里的WorldDBInfo表修改为MYSQL所在的信息GameServerInfo表修改为端所在的信息,这里的192.168.1.123自然要改成你ADSL的外网IP了,数据库连接很容易,如下连接名:随便打主机:下面个3306是连接数据库的端口,不变用户名:elcastle密码:elca110这些都是鬼魅端里默认的下面开始设置,启动服务端,打完root 密码123456后输入netconfig里面第一个IP就是服务端IP,自然是192.168.1.123第二个网关255.255.255.0,默认就好第3个了,填192.168.1.2 (原因是,我走的是NAT,你可以看到虚拟机上VMNET8里NAT 的IP是192.168.1.2)然后查本地DNS,在运行里输入cmd进入DOS模式然后输入ipconfig -all 跳出很多IP,里面DNS Servers里2个IP,2个都是DNS的IP,第一是主用,第二个是备用好,输入完毕,点OK,LINUX里继续打命令service network restart记得把虚拟机网络方式改为NAT喔,然后PING下吧通了就OK了接下来映射下3个端口9997 9998 9999,OK可以进游戏,和外网的朋友一起HAPPY吧忘记了,看端口通不同可以打命令cmd然后netstat -a -n1.装好虚拟机,我的虚拟机版本是6.0.2,用我这个版本或者高于我这个版本的2.打开镜像文件,开启(镜像文件所放的分区必须有8G以上空闲空间)3.进入后会显示LOGIN,登陆用户名:root,密码:1234564.开启游戏命令./start & ,停止游戏命令./stop5.游戏IP 端口:9999PS:因为客户端要连上服务端必须在一个IP段,那么你的本地IP地址要为192.168.1.X,如果你的IP不是这个或者改成这样会影响网络,那么可以用虚拟机虚拟一个网卡填上192.168.1.X的IP游戏账号111111和222222 密码111111和222222角色都有GM权限*command showWarList 查看工会战争列表*command removeWar 结束工会战争*command startRaceWar 开始种族战争*command removeRaceWar 结束种族战争*command LevelWar 等级战争*command saveBloodBibleOwner 保存血书*command killAllMonster 这个是杀死地图上所有怪*command showZonePCNum 显示目前地图总人数*command showPKZonePCNum*command setPKZonePCNum*command suicide 自杀*command heal 加血魔*command setGold 设置背包的钱*command Quest 查看任务*command QuestEnding 结束任务*command NotifyWin # 会出来一个中奖的提示框*command Horn #*command Loud # 扩音机状态#代表秒.用数字代替*command Game*command changeSex 改变性别*command Bulletin 公告*command Firecraker*command SetHP 设置HP*command ResetAttr 初始化属性*command CTF 开始CTF高级*command ViewDamage # 显示伤害#可以用on或者off*command PetStash 打开宠物仓库*command GoodsReload 重新加载物品*command ZoneEvent # 区域时间(针对活动地图)#可以用on或者off*command EventZonePCLimit*command KickOutAll 踢所有玩家下线*command setCastleOwnerGuild 设置城所有者工会*command setCastleOwner # 设置城所有者#可以是SlayerCommon,VampireCommon,OustersCommon *command clearRankBonus 清除阶级技能*command clearInventory 清除包裹*command ghost # 隐身#可以用on或者off*command invincible # 无敌#可以用on或者off*command showMasterLairStatus 显示BOSS任务状态*command regenMasterLair BOSS任务状态*command balanceZoneGroup----*bug_report*CrashReport*save 保存数据*wall # 公告#是内容*allworld *wall 各位玩家玩上好向全服务器发公告*shutdown # 服务器重启#为时间.秒为单位*allworld/*allworld 服务器覆盖*pay*kick # 踢某玩家下线*mute # 禁言#是玩家游戏名*denychat # 禁言(高级)#是玩家游戏名*freezing # 禁止玩家一切行动#是玩家游戏名*deny # 停封玩家账号#是玩家游戏名*info # 查看玩家信息#是玩家游戏名*trace # 追踪某玩家#是玩家游戏名*warp # 坐标瞬间移动#是地图代码*warp 72 65 114*create x y z z z [] () {}制作物品.x是物品类型.y是编号.z是需要设置的属性[]对于可以叠放物品时.为物品数量()圣物时间{}物品等级{10}就是X的物品1-5 力+1-56-10 敏捷+1-511-15 智力+1-516-20 HP+3-1521-25 MP+526-28 吸HP1-329-31 吸mp1-332 无33-34 HP再生+3-535-37 MP再生+1-538-42 命中1-543-47 回避1-548-52 杀伤+1-553-57 防御+1-558-62 耐久+20%-100% 63-65 毒抗5-1566-68 酸抗5-1569-71 抗阻5-1572-74 血抗5-1575-77 视野1-378-82 攻击速度5-2583-87 有效打击2-1088-92 力量6-1093-97 敏捷6-1098-102 智力6-10103-107 HP+4-13108-111 MP+4-13112-114 吸HP4-6115-117 吸MP4-6118-120 HP再生+4-11 121-123 MP再生+4-11 124-128 命中+6-10129-133 回避+6-10134-138 杀伤+6-10139-143 防御+6-10144-148 耐久+120%到-56% 149-151 毒抗20-30 152-154 酸抗20-30 155-157 抗阻20-30 138-160 血抗20-30 161-163 视野4-6164-168 攻击速度30-50 169-173 有效打击6-10 174 HP再生1175-177 幸运1-5178-182 总抗1-9183-185 总能1-3186 力量转敏捷5% 187 力量转智力5% 188 敏捷转力量5%189 敏捷转智力5%190 智力转力量5%191 智力转敏捷5%192 MP消耗+206193 其他种族语言翻译+0194 魔法伤害+10195 损害值+10196 赌博价格+206197 药剂(血瓶)价格+206*credit*grant*set kill_daemonctl onset # #是附加的一些是指具体如下:starstartevent_ratioexp_ratioitem_prob_ratiocombat_bonus_timecombat_bonus_slayer_hp_ratiocombat_bonus_vampire_hp_ratiocombat_bonus_slayer_damagecombat_bonus_vampire_damagepremium_exp_bonus_percentpremium_item_probe_percentzone_group_balancing_minutegamble_item_type_ratiogamble_item_option_ratiosummon_motorcycleenemy_limit_timerare_item_ratiounique_item_ratioactive_master_lair # #可以是on或者off retry_master_lair # #可以是on或者off harvest_festival_item_ratiomaster_blood_drain_start_hpmaster_blood_drain_start_bdmaster_blood_drain_end_hpmaster_blood_drain_end_bdchief_monster # #可以是on或者off chief_monster_rare_item_percentnewbie_transport_to_guild # #可以是on或者offxmas_2002 x y x 和yItemTaxRatio【教程】设置GM先找到下面这张表对应人物的名字的哪行数据人类:slayer 这张表里的compentence字段改为0MO:Ousters 这张表里的compentence字段改为0吸血鬼:Vampire 这张表里的compentence字段改为0好了进游戏看到自己不显示了吧,呵呵,输入命令ghost 人物就显示了【教程】修改地图收费方式打开地图表ZoneInfo.比如要把地牢修改为免费的地牢的代码是1013找到1013.然后就寻找项NoPortalZone把1改为0就可以了。



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高等数学知识在生物化学工程中的应用举例高等数学是生命科学学院校开设的重要基础课程, 数学方法为生物化学的深入研究发展供给了强有力的工具。

下边仅举一些用高等数学基础知识解决生物化学工程中的一些实质问题的例子, 旨在启迪学生如何正确理解和稳固加深所学的知识,而且加强应用数学解决实质问题的意识。

例 1 在化工原理中常用的柏努利方程式中的应用化工生产过程中常于密闭管道内输送液体,使液体流动的主要要素有(1)流体自己的位差;(2)两截面间的压强差;(3)输送机械向流体外作的外功。


定态流动时液体的机械能权衡式为u 2p 2g z(1)2v d p W e h fp 1p 2 该式队可压缩液体和不行压缩液体均合用。

对不行压缩液体,(1)式中vdpp项应视过程性质 (等温、绝热或多变过程) 按热力学原则办理, 对不行压缩液体,其比容 v 或许密度p 21p 2 p 1 p 2p,代入( 1)式有:为常数,故vdpp dppg zu 2 ph f2W e或gz 1u 12 p 1W e gz 2u 22 p 2 h f ( 2)22(2)式称为柏努利方程式。

需要注明的是, u2为动能, gz 为位能, p为静态能, W e 为有效能,h f2为能量消耗, z 为高度差。

例 2 混淆气体粘度的计算常温下混淆气体的计算式为n1y iiMi 2mi 1(3)n1y i M i 2i 1此中 m 为常温下混淆气体的粘合度 ();y i 为纯组分 i 的摩尔分率; i 为混淆气体的温度下,纯组分 i 的粘度(); M i 为组分 i 的分子量( Kg/kmol )。

比如:空气组分约为 O 2 0.21, N 2(均为体积积分率) ,试利用O 2 , N 2 , Ar 的粘度数目,计算常温下 200 C 时空气的粘度?解:常温下空气可视为理想气体,故各组分的体积积分率等于摩尔分率,O 2 , N 2 , Ar 的分子量分别为 32, 28 及,经查表知道常温下20 0 C 时各组分的粘度为O 2 2.03 10 5 Pa sN 2 10 5 Pa sAr10 5 Pa s代入( 3)式计算空气的粘度,即n1y i iMi 2i 1mn1i 1y i M i 210 5 15110 5 132 21028239.9 211132 228 239.9 210 5 Pa s例 3. 在细胞生长计算中的应用跟着细胞的生成生殖, 培育基中的营养物质被耗费, 一些有害的代谢产物在培育液中积累起来, 细胞的生长速度开始降落, 最后细胞浓度不再增添, 进入静止期,在静止期细胞的浓度达到最大值。

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