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1、两河流域Mesopotamia(3500 BCE-): Ur乌尔, Sumer苏摩尔, Akkad阿卡德, Babylonia巴比伦
贡献:楔形文字cuneiform --- First Written Language
农业:Sumer: barley大麦was the main crop, but wheat, flax亚麻, dates, apples, plums李子, and grapes were also grown
畜牧业Husbandry 最早的白羊毛,羊(meat and milk; butter and cheese )比牛多
2、古印度Ancient Egypt
3、古埃及ancient Egypt
1)大规模动员劳动力来建造大工程Large scale mobilization动员of labors for huge projects.例Pyramid 2)天文学和建筑学Development in Astronomy and Architecture
3)书写系统Writing system
4)行政体系Administration system
4、古中国ancient China 四大发明:gunpowder、Compass、printing、Papermaking
二)、犹太文明Judaic Heritage
单一神论Monotheism( the belief in one God. God is all powerful ) Judaism Christian Beliefs
三)、Greco-Roman Heritage
1、古希腊罗马文明总结Summery of Greco-Roman Heritage
1)Philosophy and way of thinking: Logic (Combined with Christianity to influence the daily
life of the west)
2)Political system
2、Greek Heritage
贡献: a. Logic, philosophy, science, literature, arts, political thoughts, historiography, poetics, esthetics, etc.
b. Handcraft, architecture, navigation, military arts, political and legal systems, et
哲学Philosophy: Pre-Socrates
1)爱琴海时代Aegean civilizations
•黑暗时代Greek Dark Age (1200-750 BCE)
•荷马时代The Homeric Age (ca. 800 BCE)
2)古希腊时代(700-500 BCE)Ancient Greek Civilizations
•民族报和城邦Ethnos and Polis (City-state)
•科林斯、斯巴达与雅典Corinth, Sparta and Athens
•贵族、专制、民主Athens---Aristocracy, Tyranny and Democracy
贡献:文学和艺术Literature and arts:Homer 和Iliad伊利亚特& Odessa 奥德赛
戏剧Dramas: Tragedy and Comedy
史学:Herodotus (c. 484 BC–c. 425 BCE) , the father of History史学之父
讲述了希腊波斯战争The Histories tells the story of the Greco-Persian Wars ,Written about 440 BCE 代表人物:苏格拉底Socrates. 469 BC–399 BC
•伯利克里Pericles, the popular Athenian democratic leader(461-429 BCE)
Hellenic Age
•The Persian War波斯战争
•Athenian Imperialism雅典帝国主义
•The Peloponnesian War (431- 404 BCE)
•Macedonian Unification of Greece希腊马其顿统一
3)Hellenistic Age泛希腊时代
•Alexander the Great亚历山大大帝
•Diffusion of Greek culture希腊文化扩散
2)Roman Heritage 贡献:法律建筑
a. Ancient Rome
b. Republic Rome
c. Roman Empire
四)日耳曼文明Germanic Heritage
1、Commune Systems
3、Common Laws重点
•the law of ancient Rome from the time of the founding of the city in 753 BCE until the fall of the Western Empire in the 5th century CE. It remained in use in the Eastern, or Byzantine, Empire until 1453. As a legal system, Roman law has affected the development of law in most of Western civilization as well as in parts of the East. It forms the basis for the law codes of most countries of continental Europe and derivative systems elsewhere.
代表人物:Julius Caesar
American civilization例如:玛雅文明Maya
第二部分:中世纪Middle Ages
一、奴隶制的衰落Fall of Slavery System
1、罗马帝国的瓦解Collapse of Roman Empire CE 476
2、基督教的兴起Rise of Christian Church Belief in afterlife来世
3、外族人的入侵Barbarian Invasions
*二、西方封建制特点Features of Western Feudalism
1)领主和他们的附庸Lords and their vassals
2)封地和农奴Fief and serfs
•东西方封建体制的差异Differences between Western and Chinese Feudal Systems
1)Lord vs. State
2)遗产继承和社会地位的变动Heredity vs. Social Mobility
注:Feudalism was the expression of a society in which every man was bound to every other by mutual ties of loyalty and service.
The firstborn son inherited the entirety of a parent's wealth, estate, title or office. In the absence of children, inheritance passed to the collateral relatives, in order of seniority of the collateral line.
三、Feudalism and New Technologies
1)军事:来自中国Military: From China, Stirrup
2)生产力的发展Increase productivity
3)家庭成为主要的生产组织Household becomes the major unit of production
四、Decline of Feudalism
1、人口大减Depopulation of Europe
1)战争Wars: (such as crusades十字军东征1095---1272)
2)黑死病1347 - 1350 Black Death: one third to half of the population died.
3)人口减少对其影响The impact of depopulation on the feudalism.
第二部分:资本主义的兴起Emergence of Capitalism
一、文艺复兴The Italian Renaissance
1、简介:The Renaissance was a cultural movement that profoundly affected European intellectual life
in the early modern period. Beginning in Italy, and spreading to the rest of Europe by the
16th century, its influence affected literature, philosophy, art, politics, science, religion, and
other aspects of intellectual enquiry.
•意大利的地理位置Geographical positions of Italy
•与东方的商业往来Commercial exchanges with the Orient
•财富的积累Accumulation of Wealth
•City States城邦: Venice, Florence, Milan, Naples and Papal States
2、特点Features of Renaissance: Humanism
1)重视个人成就Emphasis on Individual Achievements
2)重视现世,而不是来世Emphasis on this life, not afterlife
3)重视在多方面的成绩Emphasis on comprehensive accomplishments in arts, literature,
science, politics and everything.
humanists asserted "the genius of man ... the unique and extraordinary ability of the human mind Humanism was not a philosophy per se本身、本质上, but rather a method of learning. In contrast to the medieval 中世纪scholastic mode方式, which focused on resolving解决contradictions矛盾between authors, humanists would study ancient texts in the original, and appraise估计、评价them through a combination of reasoning推理and empirical evidence实验数据.
二、意大利文艺复兴的贡献Achievements of Italian Renaissance
1、在艺术:In arts: 达芬奇Leonardo da Vinci, 《Mona Lisa》《The Last Supper》
Raphael, Leonardo da Vinci, Sandro Botticelli, and Michelangelo Buonarroti.
2、在文学In Literature: Dante, Petrarch, Bocaccio
3、在科学In science: Da Vinci
4、在政治In politics: Machiavelli: The Prince
三:民族国家的兴起Emergence of Nation States
一)背景:贸易和市场的扩张Trades and expanding markets
•国家意识Sense of Nation
•国家对教会State vs. Church
•Absolute Monarchy 君主制and despotism专制: Theories and practice
•The Orient and Empires
四:资产阶级革命Bourgeois Revolutions
一)英国资产阶级革命English Revolution
1、君主专制政体Absolute Monarchy
Rule of the House of Stuart斯图亚特王室
2、革命前的社会阶级Social Classes before the revolution
Merchants 商人
Gentlemen and New Gentry 绅士和新贵族
Yeomanry (free-holders & copy-holders) 自耕家
1) 社会经济背景Social and Economic Background
工商业Manufacture and Commerce
制造业,分散工场Manufacturing —Putting out system
农业革命Agricultural Revolutio n
圈地,资本主义农场Enclosure , Capitalist Farming
国际贸易Foreign Trade
•文艺复兴Renaissance 例:Thomas More, Shakespeare, Milton米尔顿, etc.
•清教运动Puritanism 例: The Chosen Salvation
4、从革命到斯图亚特王朝复辟From Civil Wars to the Restoration
从两次内战到共和国 From Civil Wars to Commonwealth
•Royalists保皇派 or cavaliers骑士派 vs roundheads圆颅派
5、革命形势的形成Political Crisis be the Revolution
1)君主专制统治的特点Characteristics of English Despotism
Weak Monarch君主; Parliament; Noble system
2)斯图亚特当政The Reign of Stuarts
Feudalist封建 Land system, Taxes and financial policy, foreign policy, Religious prosecutions, conflicts between the monarch and the bourgeois
3)代表人物:克伦威尔Oliver Cromwell
4、光荣革命Glorious Revolution
1)国内革命的结果Consequences of Civil Wars
•封建社会关系崩溃Collapse of Feudal Social Relations
•资本主义经济的发展Development of Capitalist Economy
•变更土地所有权Change of Landownership
•资产阶级政治理论Political theories of Bourgeoisie
2)1688光荣革命Glorious Revolution 1688詹姆斯二世James II
•资产阶级政治体系的建立Establishment of Bourgeois Political System
•君主立宪制Constitutional Monarchy
3)威廉和玛丽William of Orange and Marry, Protestant daughter of James II
4)权利法案Bill of Rights
•国王不能颁布法律The king could not suspend law.
•不经议会允许不能征税No taxes without the consent of Parliament
•在议会中言论自由Freedom of speech in Parliament
•请愿的权利和过度罚款,保释,或残忍的惩罚Right of petition and free of excessive fines,
bail, or cruel punishment
5)第一位首相罗伯特沃尔波尔Robert Walpole the first British prime minister.
6)革命意义:Significance of English Revolution
•资产阶级政权的首次胜利The first major political victory of Capitalism
•革命在妥协中结束Revolution ended in Compromise妥协
•披着宗教的外衣Revolution in religious disguise伪装, so also called Puritan Revolution
二)美国资产阶级革命(1775-1783) American Revolution
1、三种殖民地Thirteen colonies: 、
•north, middle and south;
proprietary; autonomous自治的、有自主权的 and crown
北部:小农和手工业North: small farmers and manufacturing;
中部:大农业Middle: Large scale farming;
南部:奴隶种植园South: Slave plantation
2、美利尘民族的形成Nation in the making
1)有益忽视Benevolent negligence
2)民族市场的形成Formation of National market
3)民族意识的形成Sense of nation
4)殖民地与宗主国的矛盾Conflicts between colonies and the mother nation
1)七年战争结束The end of 7 years war 1763
2)英国殖民政策Colonial policies of the Great Britain
Sugar Act, Stamp Act, Townshend Acts
3)波士顿惨案Boston Massacre 1770 波士顿大屠杀Boston Massacre
4)第一次大陆会议The First Continental Congress
5)波士顿茶党和不可容忍的法律Boston Tea Party and Intolerable Acts
波士顿倾茶案 Boston Tea Party
6)1775战争的第一枪Shots heard round the world: Lexington and Concord,
•列克星敦战Battle of Lexington
7)立宪会议Constitutional Conference
4、独立宣言起草人Thomas Jefferson
汉密尔顿Alexander Hamilton
麦迪逊James Madison,美国宪法之父
5、权利法案(前十条修正案)Bill of Rights
•Right of expression, assembly, petition, of religion, etc.
•Right to bear arms.
•Right of just trial.
•Rights of people: Internal laws vs. International practice.
三)、法国资产阶级革命French Revolution
1、背景:启蒙运动(17—18世纪)Ideological Background:Enlightenment
口号:自由平等博爱Liberty、 Equalit 、Fraternity
a European intellectual movement of the 17th and 18th centuries in which ideas concerning God, reason, nature, and man were synthesized合成 into a worldview 世界观that gained wide assent 赞同、认同and that instigated煽动、鼓动 revolutionary developments in art, philosophy, and politics.
•Enlightenment was a desire for human affairs to be guided by rationality 理性rather than by faith, superstition迷信, or revelation; a belief in the power of human reason人类理性 to change society and liberate the individual from the restraints限制 of custom or arbitrary专制 authority; all backed up by a world view increasingly validated by science rather than by religion or tradition.
2)代表人物: Important figures
•I n all Europe, a lot of scientists, men of letters, philosophers are considered the most important figures of the Enlightenment: such as Thomas Paine托马斯潘恩, Benjamin Franklin 本杰明富兰克林, Thomas Jefferson, Kant康德, Adam Smith亚当斯密, John Locke洛克, David Hume大卫休谟, Edward Gibbon, Goethe歌德, Gottfried Leibniz莱布尼兹, Carl Linnaeus, Gotthold Ephraim Lessing, so on.
卢梭Rousseau the Inequality Among Mankind
Voltaire believed in the supremacy至高无上 and efficacy of human reason
Diderot狄德罗, Denis1713-1784
孟德斯鸠Montesquieu His major work:< The Spirit of Laws >
3)特点:The Characteristics of the Enlightenment
• 1. 理性Reason -- Science as the highest human pursuit.
• 2. 自然神论 Deism -- natural God against Catholic Church天主教
• 3.社会契约 Social Contract – Democracy against despotism
• 4.浪漫主义 Romanticism
三级会议The meeting of the Estates General: May 5, 1789
3、三个阶段The First Stage of the French Revolution, 1789-1792
1)第一阶段1789-1792The First Stage of the French Revolution,
Storming of the Bastille巴士底狱
The Tennis Court Oath at Versailles凡尔赛
a)宣布人民的权利The Declaration of Rights of Man and Citizen
人权宣言的颁布(1789 4 26)Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen
[1789] Adopted by the National Assembly国民大会 during the French Revolution on August
26, 1789, and reaffirmed by the constitution of 1958
b)在1789年8月4日,国民议会•同意取消特权原则On August 4, 1789 the National Assembly agreed to abolish the principle of privilege.
c)封建土地制度被废除Feudal Land system was abolished.
A、外部和内部对革命的威胁The Internal and External Threats to the Revolution
•财政危机、通货膨胀和国外战争困扰着革命政府Fiscal crisis, inflation and foreign war were in front of the revolutionary government.
•反动派的威胁War threats of foreign reactionary forces from the fall of 1791 also challenged stability.
马拉之死The Death of Marat
4、拿破仑时代The Era of Napoleon
•拿破仑越过阿尔卑斯山击败奥地利1800 Bonaparte took the French Army across the Alps, eventually defeating the Austrians at Marengo
击败普鲁士French Army entered Berlin on 27 October 1806
衰落和失败Decline and Fall
1.Causes of decline and fall
1)和封建主义的和解 Reconciliation with feudalism、
2)战争 Wars
b)欧洲人民不再支持拿破仑的战争European People’s resistance to Napoleon
Wars and Nationalism
c)法国资产阶级和人民对拿破仑的战争也日益不满Internal discontent with Napoleon wars
d)法国军力衰弱Military decline
(二)帝国的垮台The Fall of the first Empire
(三)波旁王朝复辟和“白日政变‖Restoration of the Bourbons and 100 days
1).波旁王朝复辟the restoration
2).白日政变100 days
6、维也纳会议和神圣同盟Congress of Vienna
•正统原则principle of orthodoxy
•遏止原则principle of containment
•神圣同盟Holly Alliance
1. By overthrowing the Old Regime, the revolution paved ways to the political rule of bourgeoisie.
2. The revolution shook the foundation of feudalism in Europe and influenced the world. Equality and liberty were declared the basic principles for all human race.
内部:财政危机Fiscal crisis, inflation and foreign war were in front of the revolutionary government.
外部:外国反动派War threats of foreign reactionary forces from the fall of 1791 also challenged stability. 奥地利和普鲁士Austria and Prussia
1789.5.5; 三级会议召开,后改名―制宪会议‖{第三等级:}
7.14 巴黎人民攻占巴士底狱【爆发】
1791.9 《1791年宪法》—君主立宪制确立(~1792.9)
1792.8.10 ―八月起义‖{吉伦特派:工商业资产阶级}
1793.1 处死路易十六
6.2 雅各宾派掌权{中小资}秋罗伯斯比尔为首的公安委员会推行―恐怖政策‖
1794.7.27 ―热月革命‖{热月党人}【法国大革命高潮阶段的结束】
1799.11.9 ―雾月政变‖,拿破仑任第一执政,颁新宪法,建立独裁统治
1804.3 《法兰西民法典》(=《拿破仑法典》)
1804.12.2 拿破仑加冕,称拿破仑一世
1812. 兵败俄国【开始崩溃】
1813.10 兵败莱比锡【开始瓦解】
1814.3 反法盟军、路易十八进入巴黎,拿破仑后被放逐厄尔巴岛
1815.3.1. 拿破仑登陆法国
3.20. 拿破仑重登皇位
6.18. 滑铁卢兵败
6.22. 拿破仑退位,不久被流放圣赫勒拿岛【第一帝国最终覆灭、波旁王朝复辟】
1824. 查理十世继位
1830.7 查理十世签《七月赦令》【导火线】
7.27 ―七月革命‖(~7.29―光荣的三日‖){大资}
1830.7.29. 路易·菲利浦被推上王位,三色旗为国旗
1831.&1834. 里昂工人起义
1848.6. ―六月革命‖失败{工人}
1851. 波拿巴发动军事政变,解散议会,开始独裁
1852 初颁布新宪法
1870.7. 普法战争爆发
1870.9.4. 共和派在市政大厅宣布废黜波拿巴家族,建立共和国
1875. 宪法修正案确认共和制【法国共和政体最终确立】