西方文明史 (2)



西方文化史 (2)


Xerxes (519-465 BC)
• the sort of overweening man who closed his eyes to human boundaries and whom the gods delighted in cutting down
• 所有的傲慢收获的将是 泪水。 泪水。 • 神明最终将和人们清算 • 他们的傲慢欠下的账。 他们的傲慢欠下的账。 ——埃斯库罗斯 埃斯库罗斯
• A group of men at the great Olympic Games, competing in athletics or in horseracing, drama, music, or poetry; or it could be the audience at a production of an Aeschylean tragedy at the City Dionysia in the theatre of Dionysus in Athens. For to the Greeks there were no sharp divisions between the intellectual, physical, and spiritual sides of human nature.
• The Greek found the main significance of life not in the relation of man with God, but in man’s relations with himself and with his fellows.
Meaning of life
The Greek gods
• The Greek gods were superior to men, in power, beauty, and immortality, but they were not ethically superior, and, unlike Yahveh, they did not demand that men follow an exacting code of morality. The Greeks looked not to their gods for an ethical code, but to their own reason and innate sense of the good. The result was a culture that seems remarkably serene and guilt-free.
西方文明史reaction paper之Plato2

This material talks about death.In this material, the speaker said that death might be a good thing. Because through death, you may enter a new world where you can communicate with those great man who had excellent minds and were full of wisdom but died before you. Besides, death is just like an everlasting sleep during which we won’t dream so that we can have a sound and sweet sleep better than we have ever had. And the speaker also mentioned that human beings could not prevent and avoid death, instead, we could only face it bravely when it came.The speaker also stressed the significance of modesty and virtue. He meant that virtue was the first thing to be considered.I have been wondering about what death is but I still cannot find out an answer. When I was young, I had no idea of life and death. It never bothered me. But after my grandma died when I was in high school, I began to consider this question seriously. I wonder what we would be after we die. Would our souls enter the transmigration or would our souls just linger in this world? Or, would we have nothing left at all? I really cannot figure out these questions. I dare not imagine the posthumous world. Every time I think about death I would feel sad. I am afraid of death. At present, I have no courage to face it. But as I have more experience, I may learn to face death calmly some day. Our lives seem too short and tiny. I should cherish my limited life.。
最新版西方文明史精品课件Chapter 2 The Roman Republic (1)

Symbols of Royalty
ivory chair purple robes fasces 束棒
the US House of Representatives
Roman Republican Government
II. The Senate - about 300 members of noble or patrician class. A. Senators appointed for life, must have held elected office before. B. Appointed commanders, assigned funds, but could not pass laws. C. Originally “elected” kings, had a conservative effect on Roman culture and politics.
Rmbly - Included all adult male citizens Assembly of the Centuries
A. made up of the entire army B. Wealthier citizens voted first and influenced results C. elected the consuls and several other magistrates D. voted on bills the Senate put before it
fought over Sicilian city Second Punic War - (219-202 BCE) Hannibal of Carthage led army across Alps into Italy. Third Punic War - (149-146 BCE) North Africa becomes Roman province.
西方文化史 第二章汇总

大卫王开创了希伯来 历史最辉煌的篇章。 耶路撒冷从此成为希 伯来人心中永恒的都 城。大卫王亦被视为 希伯来历史上最伟大 的君主。
大卫王死后,其子所罗门王(Solomon ,在位时间约公元前968年—公元前928年)继 位。他于公元前956年前后在耶路撒冷兴建了 犹太教的圣殿。圣殿在耶路撒冷的建造和启用 是希伯来民族历史上的一个极其重要的事件。
•到了公元前333年前 后,马其顿王亚力山 大大帝的东征打破了 那里的平静,犹太人 生活的家园和近东其 他地区一道旋即成为 希腊帝国的一部分。
•希腊式生活方式导致了 对犹太人的传统生活方 式的冲击和宗教信仰的 迫害,犹太民族在忍无 可忍的情况下,于公元 前165年举行了史称的 “玛喀比起义”,正是 这一胜利使得犹太人开 创的一神信仰得以留存。
当罗马帝国取代希腊成为世界霸主后, 犹太人开始生活在罗马人的统治下,公 元70年,犹太人当时的政治中心耶路撒 冷终于被罗马军队攻破,战死者数以万 计。破城的罗马人放火焚毁了犹太人的 第二圣殿。第二圣殿时期到此结束。
•罗马统治者为了防止 犹太人再进行反抗, 宣布禁止犹太人在圣 地圣城居住。至此, 犹太人完全失去了在 自己家园生活的权利, 向外流散过程加剧。 犹太民族的历史进入 了长达1800年的“大 流散时期”。
希伯来文明的核心是被称 为“犹太教”的部分,犹 太教还是一个有着基本信 仰,明确教义,拥有宗教 典籍和有组织形态的宗教。 其基本思想主要包括一神 论、契约观、末世论等。


)(《西方的没落》The Decline of the West第2卷举出9个高等文化:(1)埃及文化;(2)巴比伦文化;(3)印度文化;(4)中国文化;(5)希腊罗马文化;(6)阿拉伯文化;(7)墨西哥文化;(8)西欧文化;(9)俄罗斯文化。


鼓吹自然法的执政官、 查士丁尼与随从 法学家 西塞罗
5、万民法体系: 公元7世纪的查士丁尼皇帝设立专门委员会 编纂罗马法,形成了包括《查士丁尼法 典 》、《法学总论》(《法学阶梯》)、 《学说汇编》、《查士丁尼新律》 (《新 敕令》)四种法律文献在内的法律汇编, 统称为《查士丁尼民法大全》,这是罗马 法体系最终完成的标志。
万神殿(Pantheon )是至今完整保存的唯一一座罗马帝国 时期建筑:又称潘提翁神庙。公元前27年兴建、公元120 年重建,万神殿意指必须供奉罗马全部的神。
它是迄今遗存的古罗马建筑工程中最卓越的代表,也是古 罗马帝国国威的象征。
第一、罗马帝国制定和实施罗马法的目的是为了 维系和稳定庞大帝国的统治。 第二、罗马法巨大的历史影响。 德国著名法学家耶林在其著作《罗马法精神》一 书中说:“罗马帝国曾三次征服世界,第一次以 武力,第二次以宗教(基督教),第三次以法律。 武力因罗马帝国的灭亡而消失,宗教随着人民思 想觉悟的提高、科学的发展而缩小了影响,唯有 法律征服世界是最为持久的征服。”
泰伦斯(普布留斯· 伦提乌斯· 菲尔,前 泰 阿 190?-159)流传下来6部喜剧。这些喜剧比较 严肃,不如普劳图斯的生动活泼,但结构严谨, 语言优雅,因此在文艺复兴之后被看成喜剧的 典范。
1、 结构特征:雄伟、实用,注重内部空 间。
(1).古罗马大角斗场:公元72年,由维斯巴西 安皇帝开始修建,公元80年由其子蒂托斯皇帝隆 重揭幕。 占地20000平方米,围墙周长527米,长轴188米, 短轴156米,墙高57米,相当于一座19层的现代 楼房的高度。场内可容5万观众。围墙分四层砌成, 一、二、三层均为半露圆柱装饰。每两根半露圆 柱之间是一座长方形拱门,一、二、三层合计有 拱门80座
初中历史 西方文明之源2 人教版精品课件

2.扩张: 布匿战争: 罗马——迦太基 公元前3—2世纪 取得地中海霸权
古罗马奴隶处境十分悲惨,他们除了要从 事繁重的劳动外,奴隶主还专门挑选身强力 壮的奴隶送上角斗场,让他们自相残杀或同 野兽博斗,用鲜血和生命来供奴隶主消遣。 这种惨无人道的行经, 激化奴隶与奴隶主的 矛盾,终于导致了公 元前73年斯巴达克起 义。
1.建立: 公元前8世纪: 罗马城建立
能中1一实.建人行独。立裁当:,国拥家公有遇元至到前高紧无急8世尚情的况纪权,:力经。元罗由老马于院城执提政名建官,立任执期政短官, 两元老人院又是互古相罗牵马制公兼,元有所前立以法真50和正9管掌年理握:权国罗的家国大马家权建机的立关是元,共老制和院订国丁。
小心翼翼珍藏着,和母亲在一起的美好时光。母亲身体一直不好,最后的几年光景几乎是在医院渡过,然而和母亲在一起的毎一刻都是温暖美好的。四年前,母亲还是离开了这个世界,离开了我。生命就是如此脆弱,逝去和別离,陈旧的情绪某年某月的那一刻如水泻闸。水在流,云在走,聚散终有时,不贪恋一生,有你的这一程就是幸运。那是地久天长的在我的血液中渗透,永远在我的心中,在我的生命里。 时光就是这么不经用,很快自己做了母亲,我才深深的知道,这样的爱,不带任何附加条件,不因万物毁灭而更改。只想守护血浓于水的旧时光,即便峥嵘岁月将容颜划伤,相信一切都是最好的安排。那时的时光无限温柔,当清水载着陈旧的往事,站在时光这头,看时光那头,一切变得分明。执笔书写,旧时光的春去秋来,欢喜也好,忧伤也好,时间窖藏,流光曼卷里所有的宠爱,疼惜,活色生香的脑海存在。

两河流域Mesopotamia Civilization——出现Uruk Lagash Umma Ur Babylon 这些小城在兴盛与战争之间起起落落。
特别的一个是Babylon,它的统治者Hammurabi颁布《the Code of Hammurabi》, 但最后Babylon还是被Hittite赫梯族人灭亡了。
Nile Delta——尼罗河两侧的沙漠阻碍了外族的入侵,因此,埃及人一直也没有战争意识,Focus on culture。
Upper and Lower Egypt合并。
人们认为king是神明herd the man。
The great temple-tombs=pyramid which constructs by peasants。
当权者变得越发骄奢,religion replace the royal power。
进入Middle Kingdom,所有人民都被允许参政议政。
Hebrew——是Semite的一支,他们与Mesopotamia城邦进行贸易,过着wandering shepherd的生活,认为urban生活是curse。
Philistines非利士人入侵,使得Isreal Kingdom建立,对抗外族入侵,建立Jerusalem。
此后,Isreal 先后被Assyrians,Babylon,Persians占领,特别是巴比伦,它Exile Isreal。
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英文学院研究生学期课程论文课程名称西方文明史任课教师王晓红论文标题The Fall and Decline of Roman Empire姓名郝旭姣班级英语语言文学2班学号2010493日期2011.3.28INTRODUCTIONThe Roman Empire was one of the most powerful empires in the history of mankind. In fact, it may even be considered the most powerful empire to have ever existed. However, the mighty empire of Rome has fallen. The Roman Empire emerged from the Roman Republic when Julius Caesar and Augustus Caesar transformed it from a republic into a monarchy. Rome reached its zenith in the 2nd century, and then fortunes slowly declined with many revivals and restorations along the way. This was a period in which the state structure, undermined by the barbarian invasions which provoked famine and destruction, was in deep economic and political crisis, and the population in Rome and in the countryside lived in precarious conditions.The decline of the Roman Empire is one of the events traditionally marking the end of Classical Antiquity and the beginning of the European Middle Ages. Throughout the 5th century, the Empire‟s territories in Western Europe and northwestern Africa, including Italy, fell to various invading or indigenous peoples in what is sometimes called the Migration period. Although the eastern half still survived with borders essentially intact for several centuries until the Arab expansion, the Empire as a whole had initiated major cultural and political transformations since the Crisis of the Third Century, with the shift towards a more openly autocratic and ritualized form of government, the adoption of Christianity as the state religion, and a general rejection of the traditions and values of Classical Antiquity. “The decline of the Roman Empire was not a single event but a gradual process that lasted several centuries.”(奥托.基弗,174) This process was characterized by increasing economic inequality, incompetent political and military leadership, foreign invasions and political instability resulting in repeated usurpations and all-out civil war. On the other hand, under some strong emperors, the Empire enjoyed stretches of respite from its woes.There are many elements that lead to the final blow.For years, the well-disciplined Roman army held the barbarians of Germany back. Then in the third century A. D. the Roman soldiers were pulled back from the Rhine-Danube frontier to fight civil war in Italy. This left the Roman border open to attack. Gradually Germanic hunters and herders from the north began to overtake Roman lands in Greece and Gaul. Then in 476 A. D. the Germanic general Odacer or Odovacar overthrew the last of the Roman Emperors, Augustulus Romulus. From then on the western part of the Empire was ruled by Germanic chieftain. Roads and bridges were left in disrepair and fields left untilled. Pirates and bandits made travel unsafe. Cities could not be maintained without goods from the farms, trade and business began to disappear. The Roman Empire had become too big to control easily. Soldiers or families in distant parts of the Empire adopted local customs and the Empire was made up not only of natives from the Italian peninsula, but barbarians from the conquered lands. Corruption became rampant. Slavery and a large discontented mass of people appeared. The reasons for the decline of the Empire are still debated today and likely multiple. Above there are generally three causes for the fall and decline of Roman Empire: social causes, economical causes, and political causes.PART ONESOCIAL CAUSESThe social cause is manifested in many aspects. Slavery and a large discontented mass of people; a decline in the traditional Roman citizenry; moral decay; patriotism declined as people lost their allegiance to the state; Christianity challenged the traditional Roman character traits. These are all the elements that lead to the collapse of the Roman Empire, and the following are some important aspects which have a close relationship with the decline.1.1Decline in morals and valuesEven during PaxRomana --A long period from Augstus to Marcus Aurelius when the Roman Empire was stable and relatively peaceful there were 32,000 prostitutes in Rome. “Emperors like Caligula and Nero became infamous for wasting money on lavish parties where guests drank and ate until they became sick.”(Ru, 72) The most popular amusement was watching the gladiatorial combats in the Colosseum. Emperors like Nero and Caligula became infamous for wasting money on lavish parties where guests ate and drank until they became ill. These were attended by the poor, the rich, and frequently the emperor himself. As gladiators fought, vicious cries and curses were heard from the audience. One contest after another was staged in the course of a single day. “Should the ground become too soaked with blood, it was covered over with a fresh layer of sand and the performance went on.” (Cavafy and J. M. Coetzee, 123)There are a large distance between the rich and the poor. Wealthy Romans lived in a domus, or house, with marble walls, floors with intricate colored tiles, and windows made of small panes of glass. Most Romans, however, were not rich, they lived in small smelly rooms in apartment houses with six or more stories called islands. Each island covered an entire block. At one time there were 44,000 apartment houses within the city walls of Rome. The more shaky wooden stairs a family had to climb, the cheaper the rent became. The upper apartments that the poor rented for $40 a year were hot, dirty, crowed, and dangerous. Anyone who could not pay the rent was forced to move out and live on the crime-infested streets. Because of this cities began to decay. This phenomenon caused a lot of people became discontented with the government.1.2 ChristianityT here were several reasons for the fall of the Roman Empire. Each one interweaved with the other. Many even blame the initiation of Christianity for the decline. Christianity made many Roman citizens into pacifists, making it more difficult to defend against the barbarian attackers. Also money used to build churches could have been used to maintain the Roman Empire.When Constantine establishedreligious toleration in the Roman Empire, he took upon himself the title of Pontiff. Although he was not necessarily a Christian himself (he wasn‟t baptized until he was on his deathbed), he gave Christians privileges and oversaw major Christian religious disputes. He may not have understood how the pagan cults, including those of the emperors, were at odds with the new monotheistic religion, but they were, and in time the old Roman religions lost out. Although the path from pagan to Christian Rome had a few more hurdles, it was from the time of Constantine that Roman Christianity is dated. At this early point, however, the emperors of Rome controlled the religion since emperors held the power to appoint bishops. Over time, Church leaders became influential and took away power from the emperor. Christian beliefs conflicted with the working of empire.PART TWOECONOMICAL CAUSESHistorian Michael Rostovtzeff and economist Ludwig von Mises both argued that unsound economic policies played a key role in the impoverishment and decay of the Roman Empire. There are many causes economical causes, for example, productivity declined, too much dependence on foreign products, the high cost of government military and welfare, and parts of the empire were not taxed while other were overtaxed and so on.2.1 InflationMany historians argue that the rapid growth of the empire over a relatively short time and the economic inflation that followed contributed substantially to the empire‟s decay. Due to the vast size of the empire, it required an enormous budget to maintain the infrastructure necessary for its survival, including roads (essential for communication, transportation, and the moving of armies) and aqueducts (many cities relied on the water thus provided). Moreover, the empire faced enemies on all sides due to its expansion into their territories, and huge sums of silver and gold wererequired to keep up its armies. To cope with both problems, the empire was forced to raise taxes frequently, and also to adulterate its coins, causing inflation to skyrocket into hyperinflation. The roman economy suffered from inflation (an increase in prices) beginning after the reign of Marcus Aurelius. Once the Romans stopped conquering new lands, the flow of gold into the Roman economy decreased. Yet much gold was being spent by the Romans to pay for luxury items. This meant that there was less gold to use in coins. As the amount of gold used in coins decreased, the coins became less valuable. To make up for this loss in value, merchants raised the prices on the goods they sold. Many people stopped using coins and began to barter to get what they needed. Eventually, salaries had to be paid in food and clothing, and taxes were collected in fruits and vegetables. This in turn caused major economic stresses that some historians regard as central in Rome‟s decline. According to Historian Michael Rostovtzeff and economist Ludwig von Mises , by the 2nd century AD, the Roman Empire had developed a complex market economy in which trade was relatively free. Tariffs were low and laws controlling the prices of foodstuffs and other commodities had little impact because they did not fix the prices significantly below their market levels. After the 3rd century, however, debasement of the currency led to inflation. The price control laws then resulted in prices that were significantly below their free-market equilibrium levels.2.2 Low tradesThe Roman Empire produced few exportable goods. Material innovation, whether through entrepreneurialism or technological advancement, all but ended long before the final dissolution of the Empire. By the 3rd century the monetary economy had collapsed. Monetary taxation was replaced with direct requisitioning, for example taking food and cattle from farmers. Individuals were forced to work at their given place of employment and remain in the same occupation. Farmers became tied to the land, as were their children, and similar demands were made on all other workers, producers, and artisans as well. Workers were organized into guilds and businessesinto corporations called collegian. Both became de facto organs of the state, controlling and directing their members to work and produce for the state. In the countryside people attached themselves to the estates of the wealthy to gain some protection from state officials and tax collectors. These estates, the beginning of feudalism, mostly operated as closed systems, providing for all their own needs and not engaging in trade at all. The low production directly caused the low trade. The economic was becoming loom, so the quality of life also became lower.PART THREEPOLITICAL CAUSESThe roman never solved the problem of succession except during a brief period of time, and the government became increasingly run by the rich and military. As for the citizens, they have gradually lost interest in government as it became distant from them, what‟s more the military became not loyal to the country-it became a job not a mission.3.1 succession problemAmong the problems one of the most difficult problems was choosing a new emperor. Unlike Greece where transition may not have been smooth but was at least consistent, the Romans- never created an effective system to determine how new emperors would be selected. The choice was always open to debate between the old emperor, the S enate, the Praetorian Guard (the emperor‟s private army), and the army. Gradually, the Praetorian Guard gained complete authority to choose the new emperor, who rewarded the guard who then became more influential, perpetuating the cycle. Then in 186 A. D. the army strangled the new emperor, the practice began of sellingthe throne to the highest bidder. During the next 100 years, Rome had 37 different emperors - 25 of whom were removed from office by assassination. This contributed to the overall weaknesses, decline and fall of the empire.3.2 military declineIn The Complete Roman Army(2003) Adrian Goldsworthy, a British military historian sees the causes of the collapse of the Roman Empire n ot in any …decadence‟ in the make-up of the Roman legions, but in a combination of endless civil wars between factions of the Roman Army fighting for control of the Empire. “his inevitably weakened the army and the society, upon which it depended, making it less able to defend itself against the growing of numbers of Rome‟s enemies”(爱德华. 吉本,119)Army still remained a superior fighting instrument to its opponents, both civilized and barbarian; This is shown in the victories over Germanic tribes at the Battle of Strasbourg (357) and in its ability to hold the line against the Sassanid Persians throughout the 4th century. But, says Goldsworthy, “weakening central authority, social and economic problems and, most of all, the continuing grind of civil wars eroded the political capacity to maintain the army at this level.”Writing in the 5th century, the Roman historian Vegetius pleaded for reform of what must have been a greatly weakened army. The historian Arther Ferrill has suggested that the Roman Empire – particularly the military – declined largely as a result of an influx of Germanic mercenaries into the ranks of the legions. This “Germanization” and the resultant cultural dilution or “barbarization” led not only to a decline in the standard of drill and overall military preparedness within the Empire, but also to a decline of loyalty to the Roman government in favor of loyalty to commanders.CONCLUSIONDuring the procedure of the development of Roman Empire, there are many conflicts between the civilization and barbarisms. Griffiths and Tiffin have written: “in English the OED defines …uncivilized‟ as …existing in the lowest stage of culture (1588)‟ ; …pertaining to or characteristic of savages(1614)‟ . ” In some degree the behavior of the roman people is cruel. The empire people invade the town,break the peace-full social environment and ecosystem violently, destroy plants and slaughter wild animals aimlessly, torture and kill innocent people inhumanly, and finally declare a war which will cause immense disaster to the native people,the small town people, and the empire soldiers, it concludes that the so-called civilized empire people are the barbarians in deed, and the so-called barbarians are not brutal at all. This truly barbaric country has many problems as has concerned. The decline of Rome was the natural and inevitable effect of immoderate greatness. Prosperity ripened the principle of decay; the causes of destruction multiplied with the extent of conquest; and as soon as time or accident had removed the artificial supports, the stupendous fabric yielded to the pressure of its own weight," the Empire could never have lasted longer than it did without radical reforms that no Emperor could implement. The Romans had no budgetary system and thus wasted whatever resources they had available. From the ancient times to now, Victory because of plainness and failure because of corrupt ion! , this is a unchanged proverb for thousand year s. On a certain degree, on one hand, loyal and plainness make Rome g o to the glorious; on the other hand, extravagant make the stronger Rome empire can‟ t get away from the history regulation and become t he past of history . The experience and lesson of the rise and fall of Rome Empire are very worth descendant‟s seriously keeping in mind.WORKS CITEDAchcroft, Bill, Gareth Griffiths,and Helen Tiffin. 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