基于Apple Darwin的摄像机客户端推送器的设计与实现中期检查表



对改进措施的实施情况进行跟 踪和评估,确保改进效果得到 有效落实,提高项目质量水平

04 项目风险评估
识别项目实施过程中可能出现的 风险因素,包括技术、资源、时 间、成本等方面。
对识别出的风险因素进行量化和 定性评估,确定风险等级和影响 程度。
• 项目背景介绍 • 项目进度报告 • 项目质量评估 • 项目风险评估 • 项目团队管理 • 项目问题和解决方案 • 项目未来展望
01 项目背景介绍
介绍项目的名称和主要 内容。
明确项目的负责人或团 队。
提供项目的开始和结束 时间。
详细描述下一步的工作计划,包括 具体任务、负责人、时间安排等。
详细描述下一步的工作计划,包括 具体任务、负责人、时间安排等。
03 项目质量评估
在项目开始阶段,制定详细的质量计划,明确质量目标、质量标 准和质量控制方法。
对项目团队成员进行质量管理培训,提高全员的质量意识和技能水 平。
培养积极的团队文化,增强团队凝聚力和归属感。鼓励 团队成员共同参与团队活动,增进彼此的了解和信任, 提高团队的协作效率。
06 项目问题和解决方案

Cyberoam Appliance模型CR15iNG、CR15wiNG、CR10iNG的应用签名数

Cyberoam Appliance模型CR15iNG、CR15wiNG、CR10iNG的应用签名数

Application Signature Database Release Notes Version 6.12.87--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Release InformationUpgrade Applicable onApplication Signature Release Version 6.12.86Cyberoam Appliance ModelsCR15iNG,CR15wiNG,CR10iNGUpgrade Information Upgrade type:Automatic Compatibility Annotations:NoneIntroductionThe Release Note document for Application Filter Database version 6.12.87includes support for both,the new and the updated Application Signatures.The following sections describe the release in detail.New Application SignaturesThe Cyberoam Application Filter controls the application traffic depending on the policy configured,by matching them with the Application Signatures.Application Signatures optimize the detection performance and reduces the false alarms.Report false positives at along with the application details.The table below provides details of signatures included in this release.Application Signature Database Release Notes Version:6.12.87Date:28th July,2016This Application Filter Release include Zero(0)Application Signature to address Zero(0)Application Category.Also,a total of One Thousand and Ninety Eight(1098)Application Signatures are updated for Ten(10) Application Categories.Application Name RevNo.Risk Category Applicable fromVersionFacebook Chat9.82InstantMessenger10.04.0Build214Manual Proxy Surfing10.04Proxy andTunnel10.04.0Build214TeamViewerConferencing10.13Conferencing10.04.0Build214 DCERPC7.81Infrastructure10.04.0Build214Skype12.54InstantMessenger10.04.0Build214Skype Services12.55GeneralInternet10.04.0Build214 Torrent Clients P2P37.65P2P10.04.0Build214Freegate Proxy35.45Proxy andTunnel10.04.0Build214Ultrasurf Proxy12.05Proxy andTunnel10.04.0Build214TOR Proxy12.25Proxy andTunnel10.04.0Build214Psiphon Proxy9.25Proxy andTunnel10.04.0Build214Secure Socket LayerProtocol7.81Infrastructure10.04.0Build214Orkut Android7.34MobileApplications10.04.0Build214Orkut Website7.34SocialNetworking10.04.0Build214Hotspotshield Proxy 6.75Proxy andTunnel10.04.0Build214OkCupid Android 5.04MobileApplications10.04.0Build214 eMule P2P Client 4.55P2P10.04.0Build214More than One QNAME(Questions)in singleDNS query4.53Infrastructure10.04.0Build214Ethernet/IP TCP/UDP Traffic 1.11IndustrialControl System10.06.1Build631Internet Download Manager(IDM)1.24DownloadApplication10.06.1Build631∙Application Name&Version:Name and version number of the Application that can be identified by Cyberoam Application Filter.These Application Filtering signatures support prior versions of respective application.∙Rev No.:Threat signature revision number.∙Risk:Describes the level of risk for the application.The levels of risks are described in the table below:Risk Level Risk Criteria1Very Low2Low3Medium4High5Very High∙Category:Identifies the category of the Application.∙Applicable from Version:Application filters are available in a specified Cyberoam Firmware Version and above.Important NoticeCyberoam Technologies Pvt.Ltd.has supplied this Information believing it to be accurate and reliable at the time of printing,but is presented without warranty of any kind,expressed or ers must take full responsibility for their application of any products. Cyberoam Technologies Pvt.Ltd.assumes no responsibility for any errors that may appear in this document.Cyberoam Technologies Pvt.Ltd.reserves the right,without notice to make changes in product design or rmation is subject to change without notice.USER’S LICENSEUse of this product and document is subject to acceptance of the terms and conditions of Cyberoam End User License Agreement (EULA)and Warranty Policy for Cyberoam UTM Appliances.You will find the copy of the EULA at /documents/EULA.html and the Warranty Policy for Cyberoam UTM Appliances at .RESTRICTED RIGHTSCopyright1999-2015Cyberoam Technologies Pvt.Ltd.All rights reserved.Cyberoam,Cyberoam logo are trademark of Cyberoam Technologies Pvt.Ltd.Corporate HeadquartersCyberoam Technologies Pvt.Ltd.901,Silicon Tower,Off.C.G.Road,Ahmedabad–380006,INDIAPhone:+91-79-66065606Fax:+91-79-26407640Web site:。


三、项目的突破阶段(2019.4-2019.5.30) 1.数据处理方面 2.无线数据发射 3.数据采集
接下来我们将介绍和演示模型的部分核心内容: 1、数据处理模块 2、无线数据传输模块 3、数据采集模块
1.系统性的学习了《51单片机C语言教程》— 入门、提高、开发
有了前面的基础,无线数据传输也取得了较大突破,以后无 人区的信号,将通过此技术传回来。
void main() { while(1) { ST(); MT(1); END(); delayms(1000); } }
普布卓玛 杜亚 薛占强 扎顿 曾洪春女士/先生: 您们好!
你等撰写的论文《基于STC单片机中断系统的简易实用节能型智能闹钟 设计与实现》经审稿并讨论,拟定在《华中师范大学学报(自然科学版)< 教学与研究卷>》2019年第二期发表(预计十月出版)。
基于STC单片机中断系统的简易实用节 能型智能闹钟设计与实现的部分程序
清华大学 经济管理学院 国际金融与贸易系 朱宝宪 副教授
目前我们已经从理论和实践两方面突破了模型的多个核心技术,成功的完成了模 型各模块的调试,模型进入最后组装、优化和整体调试阶段,各项工作正按计划 进行。
一、项目起步阶段(2019.5-2019.10) 1.我们成员凭自愿筹集了启动资金,用于搜集资料和项目的开支,申请了理学院 401实验室。 2.实验之初,由于错误理论的指导和低估了项目的难度,各种实验先后失败。 3.在困难面前,我们没有放弃,我们毅然改变思路,开始学习全新的理论。 二、项目的发展阶段(2019.10-2019.4) 1.完成了对郭天祥,《51单片机C语言教程》—入门、提高、开发—电子工业出 版社,这本书系统性的学习

中期检查评审表 模板

中期检查评审表 模板

该同学认真系统的总结了自己两年大学生活的学习经历和思想状态, 并且对余下两年的大学生活做了较好的规划, 展示出了当代大学生积极向上的精神风貌, 答辩过程中举止大方, 语言通
顺, 自然流畅, 并圆满的回答了大家的提问, 展现出了良好的心理素质。


该同学在论文的情感自然的流露, 总结了两年大学生活的得与失, 答辩过程中表现良好, 但是对于今后两年的学习与生活规划不是很到位, 没有明确目标, 对于人生观、价值观的理解也有待进一步提高, 进入社会后需加强锻炼。




Darwin 5.5.5 代码分析文档---sinkin(jinzhcheng@) 2007.10 DarwinStreamServer是苹果公司开发的流媒体视频服务器。




(2)、select_startevents函数initialize the select() implementation of the event queue.(3)、QTSServer::Initialize函数继续调用QTSSModule、QTSServerPres、QTSSMessages、RTSPRequestInterface、RTSPSessionInterface、RTPSessionInterface、RTPStream、RTSPSession、QTSSFile、QTSSUserProfile等类的Initialize函数,进行dictionary的初始化。


this->SetDefaultIPAddr() // set default IP addr& DNS name// begin listening,注意这里传的是false参数。

this->CreateListeners(false,fSrvrPrefs,inPortOverride)(4)、TaskThreadPool::AddThreads(numThreads) // numThreads为1到这里,第一个线程创建、运行、被添加到线程池里。



中期检查表1. 引言中期检查表用于评估一个项目的中期进展情况。


2. 中期检查表模板2.1 项目概述项目名称项目编号项目负责人项目开始日期项目预计完成日期2.2 目标与进展目标任务列表进展情况制定项目计划- 列出项目里程碑- 制定项目时间表- 确定项目资源需求完成项目需求分析- 收集与分析需求- 确定项目功能设计项目架构- 设计系统结构- 确定技术选型开发项目核心功能- 实现核心功能模块- 进行单元测试编写项目文档- 编写用户手册- 编写技术文档进行系统集成与测试- 集成各个模块- 进行系统测试完成项目部署与交付- 部署系统到生产环境- 完成项目交付完善项目文档和知识转移- 完善项目文档- 进行知识转移进行项目评估与改进- 进行项目评估- 提出改进意见其他待完成的任务-2.3 问题与挑战问题/挑战解决方案进度延迟资源不足技术难题外界因素或预算限制导致的项目变更2.4 风险与风险管理风险风险等级风险应对措施风险实施状态人员流失(项目核心成员离职等)高资源不足(硬件、软件等)中需求变更高技术问题(无法实现某些功能等)高预算被削减中没有明确的项目需求低2.5 项目团队评估姓名角色能力评估表现评估备注项目经理开发人员测试人员项目支持人员3. 结论通过中期检查表的使用,可以对项目的中期进展情况进行全面评估,及时发现并解决项目面临的问题和挑战。



教师自选课题实习ຫໍສະໝຸດ 位课题理论研究实验研究
理论研究实验研究工程设计工程技术研究 软件开发


农业电气化与自动化专业毕业论文--基于单片机的无线监控软件的实践 开题报告

农业电气化与自动化专业毕业论文--基于单片机的无线监控软件的实践 开题报告
1.2.4 系统的协调器在设备初始化后就自动地建立网络,并允许设备加入网络。协调器如果发现自己没有形成网络,就将通过NLME_NETWORK_FORMATION.request原语来启动一个新网络的建立,并通过NLME_PERMIT_JOINING.request原语来允许设备与网络连接。终端设备在初始化后自动地检测网络,并加入网络。
2.1.5 系统的终端设备
我校电气工程系有优秀的教职工,先进的实验设备,浓厚的学术氛围。目前ZigBee网络已经是当今世界的技术热点,可以在网上找到数量巨大的相关信息,也可以方便地学习到这方面的知识,并可以找到一些主要的源程序。而且它所拥有的一些全新的特点,将使它在各个领域得到非常广阔的应用。ZigBee技术的核心是几万行的ZigBee/802.15.4 C51源代码。而微芯公司提供源代码开放协议栈。

Appllca Presenter Presenter Pro 说明书

Appllca Presenter Presenter Pro 说明书

A p p l I c a用户手册Presenter/Presenter Pro一台PC可以显示和控制4台其他的远程显示器注意:此包含在此文档中的信息如有改变恕不另行通知。



内容引言 (4)机箱的组成部分 (4)Presenter 介绍 (5)外部的兼容性 (5)安装和运行 (6)Presenter安装之前的注意事项 (6)快速启动 (7)安插Presenter PCI卡 (8)连接远程显示器(Presenter) (9)连接远程显示器(Presenter Pro) (9)系统启动 (10)安装ApplicaXP软件 (11)安装Presenter 2软件 (12)准备系统CAT5电缆 (12)附表 (13)说明书 (13)技术支持 (14)故障排除 (14)有限责任声明 (15)引言机箱的组成部分数量描述部件号1 Presenter PCI 卡A P U4-G-1014 CAT5至VGA电缆A P C B-C V-0011 Applica XP和presenter软件(CD)A P S-X P-P R数量描述部件号1 Presenter PCI 卡A P U4-G-1011 4孔UXGA/音频转换器S LX-T X4004 UXGA/音频接收机S LX-R X1001 Applica XP/presenter 软件(CD)A P S-X P-P R1 12伏电压适配器P S-12D2A-U SPresenter 介绍如果你需要创建一个特别的演示,Applica Presenter就可以满足你的这个需要。



基于Apple Darwin的Android客户端播放器的设计与实现任务书

基于Apple Darwin的Android客户端播放器的设计与实现任务书

华中农业大学楚天学院毕业论文(设计)任务书课题类型:论文□√设计□√填表时间: 2016年 10 月 9 日学生姓名专业班级计算机科学与技术指导教师所在单位信息工程学院课题题目基于Apple Darwin的Android客户端播放器的设计与实现主要研究内容伴随移动互联网的快速发展,移动客户端的使用数据量正在的逐步的逼近PC端,而这一现象主要的推力应归公于手机APP应用的迅速发展。

在本课题中,从软件使用者的角度出发,构建一个基于Apple Darwin的Android客户端播放器,支持流媒体播放、移动端的直播、设置等全套功能。



(3)播放模块:直接调用类Class PlayerManager接口实现。




2017.04初~2017.05 完成毕业论文撰稿。

必读参考文献(选择3-5篇专题文献作参考)[1] 刘炎芬.流媒体技术及其应用[J].山西科技,2014:4-5[2] 韩超,梁泉.Android系统原理及开发要点详解[J],2016:1125-1179[3] 马跃,高春,董庆文等.流媒体音视频切换矩阵的设计与实现[J].小型微型计算机系统,2015:2534-2537[4] 张伟,都志辉,李三立.达尔文流媒体服务器用户认证扩展与应用[J].小型微型计算机系统,2014:706-710[5] 刘卫国,姚昱禹.Android与J2ME平台间即时通信的研究与实现[J].计算机系统应用,2014:225-226指导教师签名:专业负责人审查签名:。

vMEyeCloud iPhone手机监控客户端英文手册说明书

vMEyeCloud iPhone手机监控客户端英文手册说明书

vMEyeCloud iPhone Cellphone Monitoring client English manualWritten by:the testdepartmentWrite the date:2013.9.2Version:V1.0ContentsContents (2)1. Introduction (3)1.1 Brief Introduction (3)1.2 Main Functions (3)2. Installation (4)2.1 Acquire vMEyeCloud (4)3. Application Running (5)3.1 Interface Description (5)3.2 Live Preview (8)3.3 Main Menu Instruction (10)3.4 Switch Channel (12)3.5 PTZ Control (14)3.6 Local Video (15)3.7 Photos (16)3.8 Remote Playback (16)3.9 Online Alarm (17)3.10 Intercom (18)3.11 Push Settings (18)3.12 Switch Language (20)1.Introduction1.1 Brief IntroductionvMEyeCloud is the video surveillance application developed for iPhone OS. This application can be used on iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad, supports iOS that is higher than 3.0 released.This document mainly introduces how to set and use vMEyeCloud software for iOS.1.2 Main FunctionsMain Functions:●Support Chinese, English;●View the cameras on real time via wifi and GPRS;●Login by user or by device;●Support serial number, IP address and DDNS access;●Support multi-channel switching (32 channel max);●Support remote play;●Support device configuration, modification and delete;●Support Pan, Tilt & Zoom control;●Support Snap-shot and view;●Support video records and view;●Support alarm reminding;●Support intercom;●Support alarm push notification;2.Installation2.1 Acquire vMEyeCloudUsers can acquire this app either through downloading from App Store or from the manufacturers.As downloading from App Store, you may first search “vMEyeCloud”, and install it on line, as the following picture shows:2.1aThen click “Install”, the application will be automatically installed into your mobile phone, like the below picture shows 2.1b:2.1b3.Application Running3.1 Interface DescriptionAfter successfully installed the application into mobile phones, it is ready to run,just click the vMEyeCloud icon to run the application. Access to landinginterface, log By User or By Device. Like 3.1a:3.1a 3.1b● By User, like 3.1a: User name and password is gotten from Cloud server, whichusers login to / to register. Add and save the devices on server, and get the device list after logging (Mark: Click “Cloud” when logging, otherwise, can only see the device list, but cannot connect successfully).● By Device, device list as 3.1b: Click “Add” on top left of “Device List”, to access“Device Detail”. You can add manually or click “Search” to add the devices on LAN, like 3.1c, 3.1d, 3.1e:3.1c 3.1d 3.1eName: The names of equipment, which can help you identify different devices,for examples, you can type the names based on the location of the equipment.The name will be showed on the topside title bar of display interface.Connection: P2P and Address. P2P adopts serial number to connect; Addressadopts the traditional IP address or DDNS and port to connect the device.Serial No.: Users can get the serial number from the system information-serialnumber on PC or the label on devices. You can also click QR scan to access.Address: DVR/IPC IP address or DDNS. (Must be an Internet address)Port: It means TCP port, and you can acquire TCP port in the setting informationof the device. Please use the default port: 34567.User ID: the default user name of terminal device is “admin”.Password: the default password of terminal device is blank, match with username, .Max Channel: the channels of your DVR supported, 32 channels max.After editing, please click “Save” to save the information. Click “Back”, turn back to “Device List”, you will see the name, serial number, address ect.Click “Edit” on top right to get delete icon, to delete the device; click “” onright to change the information of the devices, like 3.1f:3.1f3.2 Live Previewwindows to choose the channels, double click the windows to enlarge it, and alsogesture to zoom in, like 3.2a as below:3.2aInstructions of the functions on live preview interface as below: Function Key DescriptionBack to Main MenuChannel selecting: You can select the channels playingSelect the group of channels/Play / StopSnapshotVideo RecordsQuick Access Device List, edit and select the deviceAlert PromptIntercomLeft Slip to Display PTZ Control ButtonControl the directions of the camera/Zoom in / Zoom outConvergence control and Control aperture3.3 Main Menu InstructionAccess to the main menu by clicking “”and see corresponding operation options, including device list, photos, local video, options and about ect, like 3.3a:3.3a 3.3bLocal Video: If vMEyeCloud has record function, after clicking video records, you will see the details of the records. The name of the recordfile will be generated by system default according to recording time.●Remote Playback: Check the videos on the device●Photos:Save the snapshot on the phone when viewing the camerasthrough the phone; after clicking Photos, you will see the photos as thumbnail. Enlarge the photos by clicking it.●Settings: After clicking Settings, you will see all settings as below:Auto play: Select “AutoPlay”, it will display the video surveillance automatically on your next login. If turn it off, it will not display your lasttime video on the next login.Screen Setting: You can set the live view screen as 1, 4, 6 and 16channels at the same time (16 ch only display i frame, the frame will jumpfor a few seconds, mainly based on the i frame time interval you set.) Priority Type: “Fluency” mode may be 1 or 2 seconds delay but play in a smooth stream. While “Real Time” mode gets the real time data to display.Alert Sound: Set the type of alert sound.Play Audio: Trigger the voice prompt type alarm:no need ,once or loop.Video Scale: Set preview cameras according to device’s actual scale orstretching automatically according to the windows.Work in WIFI network: Will only work in WIFI after setting.Push Setting:Push the alarm to the mobile by setting the device. Refer to3.11.●About:The related information of the application.3.4 Switch Channel●Switch the channels within the same device:Switch the channels within the same device, you could select the numbers of the display windows showed in Area 2 in 3.4a to switch the channels; if the number of the channels is over 8 channels, you could select Area 3 to switch channel-group, then select the other numbers in this channel-group to switch the channels;3.4a●Switch the channels within different devices:If you want to switch to the channels on other devices, steps as below:Click “+” on display interface, like Area 1 in 3.4a, then access device list interface;Select the device which switched to, will show the channel list ofthis device, like 3.4c;3.4cSelect the channels which to display on this channel list, will be back to live view interface.3.5 PTZ ControlLeft slip “” to “PTZ Control”, like 3.5a and 3.5b as below:3.5a 3.5bFunction keys of PTZ control as below::control PTZ direction;:zoom in and zoom out;:Convergence control;:change aperture3.6 Local VideoThe videos will be saved on the phone after recording the videos. Steps as below:●Play Video:Click “”to access main menu interface, select “local video” to access “local video” list interface, like 3.6a:Click the video record, for example 20130729165737.mp4, to view this video record.3.6aDelete:Click“”to access the main menu interface, select “record” to access “record” list interface, like 3.6a:Click “Edit”, select the needed record, like 3.4b, save the record toalbum for checking and saving; delete the selected record byclicking “Delete”;Click “Cancel” and back to “Local Playback;Click “Back” to the main menu;3.6b3.7 PhotosThe photos are the snap-shot when viewing the cameras which saved on the album. You also can check and batch save and delete ect. The steps are the same as Remote PlaybackThe application can visit the device remotely, collect the records saved from thedevice, to remote playback. Select time, device and channel and click “Search”, then click any record to playback.3.8a3.9 Online AlarmThere is any alarm prompt from any channels when previewing, you will receive a message, which tell you the device name, channel and alarm type; click “Edit” to delete the message or clean them, like 3.9a:3.9a3.10 IntercomIntercom for the selecting device. Click “” and active as “”. Talk between application and device for each other, to intercom.3.11 Push Settings1. Access setting-Push settings-Push settings, turn on the push alarm function for the needed and supported device, click the open icon for the corresponding device on the right side, like 3.11a:3.11a 3.11b 2. Back to Push settings interface after opening it. If you set the push message as do not disturb, the message will not be sent. The sound can be on and off as well, like3.11b.3. Log out the application after saving the settings. The alarm messages will be sent to the mobile automatically when there is the alarm on the device. The message will popup on the message box on mobile; if there are multiple messages, they will be saved in notice bar. The message is including device name, channels and alarm type. Click it to access the application and display the alarm channel, like 3.11c & 3.11d:3.11c 3.11d(Mark: This Push function will work based on the supported device and turn on the alarm function.)3.12 Switch LanguageWhen you switch the language on your phone, the language of the application will be changed as well. For example, it’s switched to English on your phone; the language of the application will be switched to English as well.。


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IPD_PSSD_T_0128 发布决策评审-汇报胶片模板_V1.1.

IPD_PSSD_T_0128 发布决策评审-汇报胶片模板_V1.1.

价值观:客户第一 | 阳光沟通 | 团队协作 | 拥抱变化 | 学习成长

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价值观:客户第一 | 阳光沟通 | 团队协作 | 拥抱变化 | 学习成长


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与竞争对手相比,我们将有哪些优势,可以从市场、研发、客服、 生产、财务等各个领域进行分析
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2003/8 GA

2004/01 GA
2004-8 GA
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IPC-1601-印制板操作和贮存指南英文版 (2)精选全文完整版

IPC-1601-印制板操作和贮存指南英文版 (2)精选全文完整版

IPC-1601 PRINTED CIRCUIT BOARD HANDLING AND STORAGEGUIDELINESStrawman Draft – September 20071 INTRODUCTION1.1 Background Historically, the printed circuit board (pcb) industry relied on military specifications and guidelines to define packaging methods to preserve the quality and reliability of pcbs and assemblies during shipment and storage. Most of these specifications and guidelines are now irrelevant, obsolete or outdated, leaving the industry without any currently effective guidelines. Additionally, the proliferation of new alternative final finishes has produced new concerns and needs. Overwhelming attendance at a panel discussion held at the IPC Fall Works meeting in Minneapolis in 2004 produced many requests to develop a guideline that our industry could use to achieve effective handling, packaging, and storage practices. This guideline is the result of those inputs.1.2 Purpose This guideline is intended to provide useful information on handling, packaging materials, environmental conditions and storage methods, for pcbs and assemblies. The scope of coverage will be from the manufacture of the bare pcb all the way to possible return of the assembled pcb for warranty repair. As a guideline, this information is to be used with, and is secondary to, established requirements in such documents as the IPC-455X (a series of documents for alternate final finishes) series of documents. Effective use of this guideline should prevent damage and maintain reliability of pcbs and assemblies.1.3 Target Audience The target audience includes all phases of pcb design, manufacture, assembly, shipping, storage, and possible warranty activities. Resources for this information include all of these functions, as well as the material and equipment suppliers.1.4 Terms and Definitions The definition of all terms used herein shall be as specified in IPC-T-50 and as defined below.2 APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS2.1 IPCIPC-T-503 BOARD FABRICATION AND PACKAGING (HANDLING)3.1 Board Materials All materials used in the manufacturing of printed boards must be protected from environmental, handling and storage damage. It is customary for manufacturers to have FOD procedures( spell out)ISO, OEM flow down to suppliers in place that outline these preventive practices. Primary areas of concern for printed board materials are:3.1.1 Bonding materials, pre-preg and foils3.1.1.1 Environmental concerns These materials are sensitive to damage from exposure to moisture and humidity. They must have a degree of protection starting from material manufacture and storage, through transportation to the using facility, and within the using facility. Typically, these materials are stored and used in a controlled environment where the temperature and humidity controlled within limits specified by the manufacturers of these materials. The normal ranges are XX-XX % humidity and XX-XX temperature. Temperature and humidity recorders are a normal part of the control process for the storage and use locations, and may also be used during the transportation of these materials. Please refer to your material manufacturer’s recommendations for guidance on your materials. Handling and processing concerns The infrastructure of the manufacturing location, as well as the equipment used to manufacture these materials, must be designed and evaluated to provide protection from damage and the introduction of foreign materials that may be detrimental to the finished product. Boxes, trays, and carts can be designed to protect these materials during transportation and use. Processing equipment must be evaluated to assure that it is capable of processing these materials reliably without causing damage to these materials or the finished product.3.2 INNER LAYER PRODUCTION CONCERNS3.2.1 Photo tooling3.2.1.1 Temperature and Humidity The temperature and humidity in the area that the photo tools are used and stored must be in the same ranges that the area that the photo tools are manufactured. This will ensure that the scaling of the imaged product matches the intended scaling of the photo tooling. Temperature and humidity recorders are typically used in these areas to assist in controlling this environment. Handling and Storage Photo tools are usually placed into protective envelopes, and stored in a manner that provides a reasonable amount of air movement around the photo tool to prevent entrapment of moisture. This moisture may degrade the photo tool prematurely. These protective envelopes also provide protection from abrasion and the introduction of foreign materials. Protective carriers may be designed to protect photo tools during transportation from the manufacturing area to the area of use where this transportation is required.3.2.2 Process Equipment3.2.2.1 Capability Equipment used for processing inner layers must be designed for handling the inner layer sizes, thicknesses, and material types used. Processing equipment must be verified capable of processing these materials without incurring damage. Maintenance A preventive maintenance program should be developed and implemented to prevent the equipment from becoming in-capable of processing product reliably.3.3 Handling of the Finished Board- Assignee- Tom Kemp- Rockwell (Vegas)3.3.1 Handling during sub-processes (between facilities)3.3.2 Marking of the Board3.3.3 Handling for Bare Board Test3.3.4 ESD (Embedded Components?)3.3.5 Customer Returns4 Marking – Bare Board and/Or Packaging- Assignee- Joe Kane- BAE4.1 Lead Free/ RoHS complianceWhere required by statute or by the user, packaging shall be marked in accordance with RoHS Directive 2002/95/EC, with exceptions noted in the Annex, or other applicable statutes. This applies to PCB’s that only contain permissible levels of lead, mercury, cadmium, hexavalent chromium, polybrominated biphenyls, and polybrominated diphenyl ethers.A suitable identification symbol such as the following may be used on packaging or packaging labels:Where required by the user, surface finish and other attributes of PCB’s and packaging shall be marked in accordance with J-STD-609.4.2 ESDPackaging for ESD-sensitive PCB’s shall be marked per ANSI/ESD S20.20, including the ESD protective symbol:S8.1EOS/ESDSymbolProtective4.3 MoisturePCB’s enclosed in dry packaging may be marked with a suitable warning or moisture sensitivity caution symbol in a similar fashion to the marking requirements of J-STD-033:MoistureCautionSensitivitySymbol4.4 Not greater than 97% Tin:PCB’s that include tin (Sn) plating that is more than 97% pure tin may be at risk for developing tin whiskers. Where required by the user, packaging may include a suitable warning, such as the following:Note that tin finishes containing more than 97% tin may be considered “pure” according to some military or industry specifications for the purpose of assessing the risk of tin whisker growth, but this definition does not necessarily assure compliance with the RoHS Directive (see Paragraph 4.1).4.5 Other markingsOther markings (e.g. date codes, U.L.) shall be as specified by the user.Referenced Documents: (Move to Section 2.0?)ANSI/ESD S20.20 Protection of Electrical and Electronic Parts, Assemblies and Equipment (Excluding Electrically Initiated Explosive Devices)Directive 2002/95/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 January 2003 on the restriction of the use of certain hazardous substances in electrical and electronic equipment (RoHS Directive)EOS/ESD S8.1 Protection of Electrostatic Discharge Susceptible Items - Symbols - ESD AwarenessIPC/JEDEC J-STD-033 Handling, Packing, Shipping and Use of Moisture/Reflow Sensitive Surface Mount DevicesJ-STD-609 Marking and Labeling of Components, PCBs and PCBAs to Identify Lead, Lead Free and Other Attributes5 Shipment of Bare Board – Assignee- Mike Paddack- Boeing5.1 Marking of the Package5.2 Packaging Materials/Testing (Bags, Seal Test of Bags, etc.)5.3 Packaging Methods5.3.1 Rigid Boards5.3.2 Flexible Boards (Fixturing)5.3.3 Board Cleanliness5.3.4 Baking5.3.4.1 Time5.3.4.2 Temperature5.3.4.3 Use Life5.3.4.4 Use of Vacuum5.3.5 Customer Returns6 Storage Prior to Assembly– Assignee- Don Youngblood- Honeywell6.1 Storage Conditions (Temperature, Humidity, Atmosphere)6.1.1 Storage Containers6.1.2 Storage Location6.1.3 Shelf Life6.1.4 Desiccant/Humidity Indicators (Bag Size, Number Required, etc.)7 Assembly Processes7.1 Handling Prior to Assembly – Assignee- Dave Hillman-Rockwell Collins7.1.1 Board Type Considerations7.1.2 Surface Finish Considerations7.2 Handling during Assembly7.2.1 Equipment ConsiderationsPrintersConsideration of stress, strain and ESD must be maintained at the same time as that of cleanliness. The printer and its associated stencils must be cleaned so that neither fresh solder paste or dried, old paste are deposited where not required/needed. The preventative maintenance (PM) schedule of the machine should be such that there is no danger of machine oils or greases coming in contact with the printed circuit board; the solder paste; stencil; support blocks, pins, grid, or plates (depending upon the machine type); or stencil cleaning equipment/cloth.The placement of the supporting accessories in the printer must be such as to prevent board warpage and subsequent solder paste bleed on application. The pressure of the squeegee must be such as to not exacerbate the situation.ConveyorsAll conveyor belts and conveyor edge fingers must be kept free of the above-mentioned contaminants. The PM schedule must be such to maintain the equipment in an essentially pristine condition with regards to potential contamination of the printed circuit board as it traverses the manufacturing process. Similar statements about the same types of materials can be made for the placement equipment and reflow oven.The width and parallelism of the conveyorized system must be checked regularly to make sure that the board does not fall out of the system bind or bow. In extreme cases of the latter, the potential exists, although rare, that copper traces and/or carbon inks, etc. could be cracked, resulting in intermittents or complete opens.Placement EquipmentThe placement equipment needs to be checked for two additional items: component placement force and the presence of loose components inside the machine. Excessive placement force could result in solder paste shorts, misplacement of components, component cracking, components bouncing off the board or cracking of the board itself. The latter would be an extreme case. Examples of small chip components found under larger PQFPs and array devices are embarrassing and not unheard of and can be avoided by maintaining proper machine cleanliness.Two concerns for board handling in the reflow oven have not been addressed yet. These are flux residues and orphan solder balls. Reflow ovens PMs should pre-empt cases of evaporated/sublimed solder paste flux/flux/glue/underfill material falling from the roof or ducting of the oven onto the printed circuit board. Internal oven cleanliness is especially important for convection reflow ovens. Small orphan solder balls can be ejected from the solder paste and potentially kept aloft by air/nitrogen currents in the oven. Appropriate wiping down and vacuuming (with a HEPA filter equipped vacuum) will eliminate this possible contamination problem.DepanelingSaw, routers and other depaneling equipment must be chosen for the process and maintained such that the circuit packs are not subjected to undo forces or contamination. During process qualification at the very least visual inspection of the boards excised from the panel should be completed. Better yet, acoustic microscopy inspection of chip components and the solder joints of leaded components should be done. Ideally strain gages should be used during the excising process to check that the stresses applied do not reach levels above limits set by the company and the component supplier.7.2.2 Handling during CleaningHandling of bare circuit boards and printed circuit packs can sometimes be blasé right before cleaning. Personnel may assume that the cleaning process will remove any contamination that they may have contributed to the board or the pack. However, the cleaning process may be set up to only remove a particular type or types of contaminationand may not remove the materials added by the handler. Therefore, it is strongly suggested that handling protocols used in other parts of the process by maintained.7.2.3 Cleanliness of Reusable ContainersReusable container cleanliness should be checked regularly. Three of the most important contaminants to check for are fiber glass filaments, solder balls and dirty solvents. The first could become lodged in connectors and not allow proper connector mating. Solder balls could end up on printed circuit packs, violating electrical clearest rules if the container was tipped up with one or more assemblies in the container. Closed containers, especially those with no drain holes could trap solvent containing a host of contaminants. If carriers are used with cleaning equipment, mesh type containers are recommended. 7.2.4 Handling in Test/InspectionThe company should have a schedule of cleaning protocols for the test equipment, especially for “bed of nails” testers. Preferably this should be tied to the number of circuit packs tested and not a unit of time. It is also dependent on pre-cleaning and the types of solder paste and flux used, as this will determine the amount and type of residues that could end up on the test pins.It is important to maintain cleanliness at any visual inspection stations inserted in the SMT process. This includes, but is not limited to the proper use of edge handling, gloves and clean implements (probes, tweezers, etc.).7.2.5 Handling for Conformal Coat7.2.6 Curing Storage7.2.7 ESD8 Assembly Shipping – Assignee-?8.1 Packaging for Shipping8.1.1 Cleanliness of the board assembly8.1.2 RFID8.1.3 Baking8.1.3.1 Time8.1.3.2 Temperature8.1.3.3 Use Life8.1.4 Shock Indicators9 Assembly Storage – Assignee-?9.1 Short Term (What is that?)9.2 Long Term9.3 Functional Qualification (Coupons?)10 Field Returns/Service– Assignee-11.1 Testing11.2 Evaluation/Repair。



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Wmicrotracker Installation Guide and User Manual

Wmicrotracker Installation Guide and User Manual

Wmicrotracker®Installation Guideand User ManualDual Mode Infrared Imaging systemMulti-Worm Path Tracking (Machine Learning Algorithm) + Infrared Light scattering detectionData Acquisition System: SMARTHardware Version: SMART V 1.2Software Version: SMART V1.1 (2022)Thank you for acquiring the SMART system.The following document will guide you through the installation process.This product is protected under international patents:P20060105084AR,PCT/IB2007/054628, EPO&US patent granted,owned by the Argentinian National Research Council CONICET and licensed to PHYLUMTECH S.A;and P20190100121AR,PCT/ES2020/070029,EPO&US patent owned by PHYLUMTECH S.A.Any partial or total copy is prohibited and will be subject to law penalties.Product provided for use “AS IS”.No modifications allowed without PHYLUMTECH permission.When the client acquires this product, the client understands and accepts these rules.For research purposes only. Not for human diagnostic use. (©2022). Made in Argentina.ContentsI.About the SMART-Included Components-Additional Requirements-Product Dimensions and Manufacturing II.Data output examplesIII.Installation and Setup Guide-Software Installation-Hardware SetupIV.Software Use-Software Launch-Main Screen Components and OperationI.About the SMARTWMicrotracker SMART is a modular bug tracking system to quantify small organisms behavior in small Petri dish format(35mm Petri dish).It allows reliable quantification of animal population anism compatibility includes: C.elegans and related nematodes, zebrafish larvae, drosophila larvae, and small insects.It has the capability to work in 2 different modes:1-Face-down IR Imaging:Allows the Multi Worm Path Tracking using NGM cultures.2-IR Light Scattering:allows the overall quantification of small animal movement in liquid and NGM culture using a big microbeam infrared array.Some technical characteristics:- non invasive acquisition- undisturbed by bacteria.- Compatible with RNAi and compound screenings.Using this approach it is possible to evaluate multiple protocols using agar cultured animals,liquid culture media and air cultured insects.Preferred microplate culture format for SMART is 35 mm clear petri dishes;Recommended:●35 mm (Greiner Bio-One #627161)NOTE: Petri plate must be run with the lid on. It is recommended to seal the plate with film.Included ComponentsAdditional Requirements●IBM PC compatible with the following minimum requirements:○Pentium Core i3 processor or above○2Gb of RAM memory○ 1 USB port available to power WiFi access point.○MSWindows 7 (or higher) operating system○> 1Gb of free HD space for experiment images storage.●Ambient operating temperature of10ºC to40ºC with humidity below50%.Thisrange is for optimal functionality of equipment only;biological samples may have unique temperature requirements.●Minimize the vibration and dust in your working area.●Do NOT locate the instrument near a clear window or bright light.Product Dimensions and Manufacturing●LWH 10cm x 10cm x 22cm (3.94in x 3.94in x 8.66in).●Manufacturing Technology: 3D PrintingII. Data output Examples: Path Tracking modeC.elegans Levamisole curve [Toxicity/Anthelmintics research] WMicrotracker SMART is able to get and plot the path tracking of a population of worms, calculating average movement speed in real time.A kinetics plot comparing levamisole concentration treatment(0to200uM)is shown below.The plots show the correlation between levamisole concentration and movement speed decrease.Using a 5 minute acquisition lapse every hour, the WMicrotracker SMART is able to quantify the effect of levamisole paralysis on C.elegans worms.Protocol:1. Grow synchronized populations of adult day-1 worms in seeding NGM plates (OP50).2. Remove worms from plates using M9 buffer and transfer them in a sterile 2ml micro tube.3. Let the worms settle. Decant the supernatant taking care not to disturb the pellet.4. Perform a wash with 2 ml of M9 buffer. Briefly shake or invert the tube5. Repeat the decantation step. Throw out the supernatant.6. Add 2 ml of M9 buffer.7. Count the number of worms in 10 µl in triplicate and calculate the average.8. Prepare a suspension to get [25 worms/10 µl]9. Transfer 10 µl of worm solution to a 35mm plate. Wait until the drop is absorbed.10.5minutes later,register worm activity using WMicrotracker SMART during5minutes. Immediately before the acquisition,stimulate the worms by subjecting the plate to mechanical stimulus (tap 3x).Microplate preparation:•NGM was prepared following standard procedure.•Levamisole is added to the55°C NGM agar solution immediately after the addition of the salts and cholesterol.• Levamisole plates were not seeded with OP50.•The assay is performed on plates that had been allowed to template to room temperature prior to the start of the experiment.•Before adding the worms to each plate,make a ring of100mM copper sulfate around the edge of each plate to prevent worms from crawling out of the agar.•When adding the worms,be careful not to scratch the agar–worms tend to crawl into any break in the agar surface.C.elegans detection curve [Optimization of animal number]As shown below,the software is able to automatically recognize and follow up to80%of the particles.Experiments can be performed using 10 to 30 worms per 35mm Petri dish. Protocol:1. Grow synchronized populations of adult day-1 worms in seeding NGM plates (OP50).2. Remove worms from plates using M9 buffer and transfer them in a sterile 2ml micro tube.3. Let the worms settle. Decant the supernatant taking care not to disturb the pellet.4. Perform a wash with 2 ml of M9 buffer. Briefly shake or invert the tube5. Repeat the decantation step. Throw out the supernatant.6. Add 2 ml of M9 buffer.7. Count the number of worms in 10 µl in triplicate and calculate the average.8.Prepare one plate extra with more than10worms to train the software.(See Manual Page12- 1.d. Silhouette detection).9.Transfer to35mm NGM plates without food the different number of worms:1/5/10/20/40.Check at the magnifying glass the number of worms transferred. Wait until the drop is absorbed.10.5minutes later,register worm activity using WMicrotracker SMART during5minutes.Immediately before the acquisition, stimulate the worms by subjecting the plate to mechanical stimulus (tap x3). Notes:•Before adding the worms to each plate,make a ring of100mM copper sulfate around the edge of each plate to prevent worms from crawling out of the agar.•When adding the worms,be careful not to scratch the agar–worms tend to crawl into any break in the agar surface.III. Installation & Setup GuideSoftware InstallationWe recommend periodically referencing the Phylumtech website for software updates.1.You’ll find the Software Installation.zip folder for downloading at Software downloadzone(https:///home/en/support/).To download right-click the link and choose "save link as".2.Unzip the files and copy WMicrotracker_smart folder to c:\wmicrotracker_smartfolder and follow the instructions:a.Plug the USB-Wifi communication device.It will create a WiFi Network called“”b.Connect your computer to the WiFi network“”using thepassword “WMicroSMART”c.Run the WMicrotracker_smart_vXX.exe executable fileAdditional comments:-Because the WMicrotracker SMART uses a direct WiFi communication protocol,unless you have a wired LAN,the internet will not be available on your PC when you connect to the device.Hardware Turn on and Setup1.Plug the USB-Wifi communication device2.Connect your computer to the WiFi network“”using the password“WMicroSMART”.3.Plug in the power supply(5VDC Switching Power Supply with1Amp output)to anyregular Power Outlet and the microUSB cable to the back of your SMART.The display will turn ON.4.The display will turn ON and will show the network configured password while tryingto connect to the “” WiFi network (wait a few seconds).If after1minute the equipment fails to connect,check“”network availability, and restart the equipment by unplugging it for a few seconds.5.After successful connection,the display will show the assigned IP(identificationnumber)in the Wi-Fi network.This number is used to link the acquisition software to the device.Note:This random number is automatically assigned by the Access Point(WiFi router) at connection time.IV. Acquisition SoftwareSoftware Launch1.Run the“WMicroSmart”executable file from the folder you chose during the installation step. The application should start immediately with this “Start Window”.2.Press Start New acquisition to connect your SMART.The following window will appear:plete the Device ID with the IP indicated on the display. For example;4.Press the Connect button.If the connection succeeds,you will enter the data acquisition WindowData acquisition Window: Screen Components and Operation1. Plate Setup& training is shown when you configure the IP device in the software.a.Plate Layout:i.Petri plate Box:-Currently the WMTK SMART has been validated to work with 35 mm format.The picture is a photo of the plate during the last connection with the device.While setting the focus of the device you will be able to see the plate in real time.b. MODE Menu:i.a.“Tracking Mode”for C.elegans and similar nematodes cultured on agar:-In this mode,the system exploits the optical property of light phase transition (air-worm-agar)to magnify worm silhouettes when exposed to infrared light.A similar phenomena has been described in FIM applications(A Multi-Purpose Worm Tracker Based on FIM|bioRxiv).High resolution images are processed using machine learning algorithms to identify single worms and to track their trajectories.-The petri dish must be placed face down(with the lid down and the appropriate plate adapter)for detection of worms cultured on NGM.It is only compatible with adult stage C.elegans and similar sized worms.i.b. “Tracking Mode”for small aquatic animals and insects:-The petri dish must be placed face up(with the lid up and the appropriate plate adapter) for detection of organisms higher than 1mm.ii.“Microbeam” Mode:The microgrid plate adapter possesses a grid composed of more than 2.000 microholes,100um wide.Activity detection for this mode is based on determining frame to frame microbeam lights fluctuation by using a pixel to pixel image subtraction algorithm.If the pixel neighbor difference is bigger than a threshold, then an activity accumulator is incremented.This calculation mode uses low resolution video images with no single worm detection.-The petri dish must be placed face up(with the lid up)with the appropriate microgrid plate adapter.c. Focus and Plate position:i.The arrows allow you to move the position of the registration area(red circle) of your petri dish. “Up”, “Down”, “>” Right, “<” Left.ii.“Diameter”:Allows you to enlarge or reduce the registration area(red circle) of your petri dish.It is important to place the red circle on the edge of the35mm-base dish.iii.Focus:Allows you to acquire real time images in order to adjust the lens focus using the focus wheel on theback of the SMART.The time toadjust the focus is set to20seconds.If it is not achieved in thattime, you can press it again.d. Silhouette detection (only enabled for tracking mode):i.“New”button:Allows the software to be trained to recognize silhouettes.To select silhouettes of organisms in the image,just click with the left mouse button on the particle (click 5 to 10 representative organisms). For example;Box size:increase or decrease the size of the box so that the whole microorganism fits inside.The reference box size for C.elegans is35to45pixels according to the worm stage.Then press the “APPLY” button and the shadows of the animals will turn redFinally, press “OK” to save the training parametersii.“Test training”Allows to check the performance of recorded silhouette recognition patterns.2.Image acquisition screen is shown when you select the“Next>”button on theFirst screen Setup.a. Status Bar:i.“Status Bar”:-Shows as a yellow bar the progress of the run time.b. Data Acquisition:i.“Acquisition” Lapse time:- Set the total run time for the petri plate reading, in minutes- Current software version allows 5 minute lapse time by default.c. Project folder Menu:i.You can create and name a new project folder by typing in the box.ii.You can call a previous project name if you display the box.Project folder will be saved inside your software installation folder.STARTING acquisition:After configuring the run, press the START button to initiate acquisition.A pop-up window will appear to enter the acquisition name.Write a name for your experiment in order to recognize future data recalls.The window will show the results progression, and real time image acquisition.Depending on the mode initially selected“TRACKING”or“MICROBEAM”,the registration mode and the information displayed in the report will be different.Below each of the modes will be detailed individually:⇨TRACKING ModeThe system will start capturing1image per second,processing each image in real time to detect and follow single animals within the plate.OUTPUT Results/ReportReport file [report.csv]:- Report file contains quantification results grouped by user defined time-block:Average population results:#Particles detected (average number per frame)Particle speed [mm/s]Traveled distance [mm/particle]Rotation Index->an index representing the change in rotation of animal body shapes.It is useful for lifespan experiments,or animals that stay in place doing small movements, but not long trails.Single particles results:A list of results for every single detected particle.●Additional data output recording is explained on Annex IANNEX IFile recording description:Additional files:The following raw data files will be located into project acquisition folder:\img foldercontains all images captured during the acquisition lapse.This images can be used to generate a .GIF or .AVI video using ImageJ softwareImages are enumerated by System_ID + Frame Timing (in seconds).Each image file size is about 50 to 100kbytes\bmp folderit contains the exported images for incremental worm trailsWorm_trails.csvThis is the data file containing worm tracks.The data can be processed by the user with his own algorithm to determine additional outputs(such as particle vector direction, distribution of particles within plate, etc). Data is structured in the following way:*Additional information includes worm shaperundata.datIt contains acquisition configuration ( system_ID, folder, project date, acquisition lapse) training.datIt contains the parameters used by machine learning algorithmsdescriptor.datIt contains a sample of box frames used for trainingxy_worms.txt and xy_worms.binIt contains information(ascii or binary)about each particle detected on each frame.This data is used by the software to build Worm trails.IR Microbeam Ligth Scattering MODE*To be included in future manual versionsExample of capture of microbeams:Activity detection for this mode is based on determining frame to frame microbeam lights fluctuation by using a pixel to pixel image subtraction algorithm.Example of worm population activity detected in 35mm Petri dish with NGM agar:Using this method is possible to quantify locomotor activity of worm population cultured in liquid or agar medium,and get statistical information of worm population location (useful for chemotaxis experiments)*for more information and application of this acquisition method data check WMicrotracker ARENA user MANUAL.For more information contact us *******************。



目录摘要 (I)关键词 (I)Abstract (I)Key words (I)1 系统的可行性研究概述 (1)1.1 系统研究的意义 (1)1.2 系统研究的目的 (1)1.3 国内外研究现状 (1)1.4 课题研究内容 (2)2 主要技术分析与简介 (2)2.1 DSS分析 (2)2.1.1 DSS概要及主体框架 (2)2.1.2 核心流媒体框架 (3)2.1.3 DSS服务器调用模块的主要流程 (4)2.2 开发平台的软件介绍 (4)2.3 TS流简介 (5)2.4 流媒体系统结构图 (5)2.5 H.264编解码规范 (6)2.6 Darwin支持的两种视频转发模式 (7)2.6.1 先拉后推 (7)2.6.2 先侦听后推送 (7)2.7 流媒体技术概述 (8)3 摄像机推送器的设计与实现 (8)3.1 摄像机主要模块 (8)3.2 摄像机各模块的设计与实现 (9)3.2.1 语音对讲模块的设计与实现 (9)3.2.2 参数配置模块的设计与实现 (10)3.2.3 报警模块的设计与实现 (11)3.2.4 实时数据流模块的设计与实现 (11)3.2.5 云台控制模块的设计与实现 (12)3.3 模块的加载过程 (13)3.3.1 采集模块 (14)3.3.2 推送模块 (14)3.4 推送模块的设计与实现细节 (15)3.5 RTSP请求的处理 (15)3.6 EasyPusher函数 (15)3.7 摄像机配置 (16)3.8 推送音视频数据的缓存设计 (17)4 系统测试 (18)4.1 测试方法 (18)4.2 TS推送测试 (18)4.3 摄像机功能测试 (19)5 总结 (22)参考文献 (23)致谢 (24)摘要本课题是基于苹果公司的Darwin Streaming Server,这是苹果公司的一个开源项目,对它做一些功能扩展,以满足系统的需求。




VMP平台软件操作手册一、视频浏览 (2)二、云台控制 (2)三、电视墙画面控制 (3)四、录像回放 (4)五、录像备份 (5)一、视频浏览● 1、进入管理控制中心主界面后,在界面左侧【服务器列表栏】下选择所需浏览摄像机的名称直接拖动到右边的显示窗口中(如图A 所示),窗口将显示正在连接的图像。

● 操作要点:服务器列表栏中选择摄像机—用鼠标把摄像机直接拖放到窗口上显示视频画面。

图A二、云台控制● 1、在主界面左上方的【云台控制区】上进行操作摄像机云台控制。

(如图B 所示)图B 云台方位 预置巡航点镜头拉近拉远、镜头焦距、镜头光圈 云台速度调节●2、在服务器列表栏中选择摄像机拖放到窗口上,鼠标点击要进行云台控制的窗口画面,在云台控制区上进行云台控制操作。









)PS:状态提示蓝色:连接成功(如图C :1-1窗口)黑色:无摄像机连接(如图C:1-2 1-3 1-4窗口)灰色:电视墙解码器不在线图C四、录像回放●登录网络播放器进入主界面,勾选要回放录像的摄像机,在文件搜索栏中选择日期、时间(其余默认即可),点击下方“搜索”按钮,在【回放文件列表】栏里将显示搜索范围内摄像机的所有录像,勾选要播放的文件,将该文件拖放到窗口中,录像回放成功。

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基于Apple Darwin的摄像机客户端推送器的设计与实现