1. 创建线程要创建一个线程,需要使用C++中的thread类。
创建线程的基本语法如下:```#include <thread>void myFunction(){// do something}int main(){std::thread t(myFunction); // 创建线程t.join(); // 等待线程结束return 0;}```2. 传递参数如果需要向线程传递参数,可以通过将参数传递给线程构造函数来实现。
```#include <thread>void myFunction(int x){// do something with x}int main(){int x = 42;std::thread t(myFunction, x); // 向线程传递参数t.join(); // 等待线程结束return 0;}```3. 多线程同步在多线程编程中,同步是一项重要的任务。
```#include <mutex>std::mutex myMutex; // 定义互斥锁void myFunction(){myMutex.lock(); // 获取互斥锁// do something with shared resourcemyMutex.unlock(); // 释放互斥锁}int main(){std::thread t1(myFunction);std::thread t2(myFunction);t1.join();t2.join();return 0;}```条件变量是一种允许线程在特定条件下等待的机制。
C#中的多线程-同步基础C#中的多线程 - 同步基础1同步概要在第 1 部分:基础知识中,我们描述了如何在线程上启动任务、配置线程以及双向传递数据。
标准的排它锁构造是lock(Monitor.Enter/Monitor.Exit)、Mutex与 SpinLock。
有两种经常使⽤的信号设施:事件等待句柄(event wait handle )和Monitor类的Wait / Pluse⽅法。
Framework 4.0 加⼊了CountdownEvent与Barrier类。
CLR 与 C# 提供了下列⾮阻塞构造:Thread.MemoryBarrier 、Thread.VolatileRead、Thread.VolatileWrite、volatile关键字以及Interlocked类。
C#多线程编程实战(⼀):线程基础1.1 简介为了防⽌⼀个应⽤程序控制CPU⽽导致其他应⽤程序和操作系统本⾝永远被挂起这⼀可能情况,操作系统不得不使⽤某种⽅式将物理计算分割为⼀些虚拟的进程,并给予每个执⾏程序⼀定量的计算能⼒。
1.2 创建线程using System;using System.Threading;namespace MulityThreadNote{class Program{static void Main(string[] args){Thread t1 = new Thread(new ThreadStart(PrintNumbers));//⽆参数的委托t1.Start();Thread t2 = new Thread(new ParameterizedThreadStart(PrintNumbers));//有参数的委托t2.Start(10);Console.ReadLine();}static void PrintNumbers(){Console.WriteLine("Starting...");for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++){Console.WriteLine(i);}}//注意:要使⽤ParameterizedThreadStart,定义的参数必须为objectstatic void PrintNumbers(object count){Console.WriteLine("Starting...");for (int i = 0; i < Convert.ToInt32(count); i++){Console.WriteLine(i);}}}}注释:我们只需指定在不同线程运⾏的⽅法名,⽽C#编译器会在后台创建这些对象1.3 暂停线程using System;using System.Threading;namespace MulityThreadNote{class Program{static void Main(string[] args){Thread t1 = new Thread(PrintNumbersWithDelay);t1.Start();PrintNumbers();Console.ReadLine();}static void PrintNumbers(){Console.WriteLine("Starting...");for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++){Console.WriteLine(i);}}static void PrintNumbersWithDelay(){Console.WriteLine("Starting...");for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++){Thread.Sleep(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(2));Console.WriteLine(i);}}}}注释:使⽤Thread.Sleep(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(2));暂停线程1.4 线程等待using System;namespace MulityThreadNote{class Program{static void Main(string[] args){Console.WriteLine("Starting...");Thread t = new Thread(PrintNumbersWithDelay);t.Start();t.Join(); //使⽤Join等待t完成PrintNumbers();Console.WriteLine("THread Complete");Console.ReadLine();}static void PrintNumbers(){Console.WriteLine("Starting...");for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++){Console.WriteLine(i);}}static void PrintNumbersWithDelay(){Console.WriteLine("Starting...");for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++){Thread.Sleep(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(2));Console.WriteLine(i);}}}}注释:使⽤t.Join(); 等待t完成1.5 终⽌线程using System;using System.Threading;namespace MulityThreadNote{class Program{static void Main(string[] args){Console.WriteLine("Starting Program...");Thread t1 = new Thread(PrintNumbersWithDelay);t1.Start();Thread.Sleep(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(6));t1.Abort(); //使⽤Abort()终⽌线程Console.WriteLine("Thread t1 has been aborted");Thread t2 = new Thread(PrintNumbers);PrintNumbers();Console.ReadLine();}static void PrintNumbers(){Console.WriteLine("Starting...");for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++){Console.WriteLine(i);}}static void PrintNumbersWithDelay(){Console.WriteLine("Starting...");for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++){Thread.Sleep(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(2));Console.WriteLine(i);}}}}注释:使⽤Thread实例的Abort⽅法终⽌线程1.6 检测线程状态using System;using System.Threading;namespace MulityThreadNote{class Program{static void Main(string[] args){Console.WriteLine("Start Program...");Thread t1 = new Thread(PrintNumbersWithStatus);Thread t2 = new Thread(DoNothing);Console.WriteLine(t1.ThreadState.ToString());//获取实例线程状态 t2.Start();t1.Start();for (int i = 0; i < 30; i++)}Thread.Sleep(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(6));t1.Abort();Console.WriteLine("thread t1 has been aborted");Console.WriteLine(t1.ThreadState.ToString());Console.WriteLine(t2.ThreadState.ToString());Console.ReadLine();}private static void PrintNumbersWithStatus(){Console.WriteLine("Starting...");Console.WriteLine(Thread.CurrentThread.ThreadState.ToString());//获取当前线程状态for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++){Thread.Sleep(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(2));Console.WriteLine(i);}}private static void DoNothing(){Thread.Sleep(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(2));}}}注释:使⽤Thread.ThreadState获取线程的运⾏状态。
第1篇一、实验目的1. 理解多线程的概念和作用。
2. 掌握多线程的创建、同步和通信方法。
3. 熟悉Java中多线程的实现方式。
4. 提高程序设计能力和实际应用能力。
二、实验环境1. 操作系统:Windows 102. 开发工具:IntelliJ IDEA3. 编程语言:Java三、实验内容本次实验主要完成以下任务:1. 创建多线程程序,实现两个线程分别执行不同的任务。
2. 使用同步方法实现线程间的同步。
3. 使用线程通信机制实现线程间的协作。
四、实验步骤1. 创建两个线程类,分别为Thread1和Thread2。
```javapublic class Thread1 extends Thread {@Overridepublic void run() {// 执行Thread1的任务for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {System.out.println("Thread1: " + i);}}}public class Thread2 extends Thread {@Overridepublic void run() {// 执行Thread2的任务for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {System.out.println("Thread2: " + i);}}}```2. 创建一个主类,在主类中创建两个线程对象,并启动它们。
```javapublic class Main {public static void main(String[] args) {Thread thread1 = new Thread1();Thread thread2 = new Thread2();thread1.start();thread2.start();}```3. 使用同步方法实现线程间的同步。
```javapublic class SynchronizedThread extends Thread {private static int count = 0;@Overridepublic void run() {for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {synchronized (SynchronizedThread.class) {count++;System.out.println(Thread.currentThread().getName() + ": " + count);}}}}public class Main {public static void main(String[] args) {Thread thread1 = new SynchronizedThread();Thread thread2 = new SynchronizedThread();thread1.start();thread2.start();}```4. 使用线程通信机制实现线程间的协作。
Java多线程详解——⼀篇⽂章搞懂Java多线程⽬录1. 基本概念程序(program)程序是为完成特定任务、⽤某种语⾔编写的⼀组指令的集合。
4、Java中Runnable和Callable有什么不同相同点:1. 两者都是接⼝;(废话)2. 两者都可⽤来编写多线程程序;3. 两者都需要调⽤Thread.start()启动线程;不同点:1. 两者最⼤的不同点是:实现Callable接⼝的任务线程能返回执⾏结果;⽽实现Runnable接⼝的任务线程不能返回结果;2. Callable接⼝的call()⽅法允许抛出异常;⽽Runnable接⼝的run()⽅法的异常只能在内部消化,不能继续上抛;注意点:Callable接⼝⽀持返回执⾏结果,此时需要调⽤FutureTask.get()⽅法实现,此⽅法会阻塞主线程直到获取‘将来’结果;当不调⽤此⽅法时,主线程不会阻塞!5、如何避免死锁?1. 加锁顺序按照顺序加锁是⼀种有效的死锁预防机制。
为什么wait和notify⽅法要在同步块中调⽤?主要是因为Java API强制要求这样做,如果你不这么做,你的代码会抛出IllegalMonitorStateException异常。
还有⼀个原因是为了避免wait 和notify之间产⽣竞态条件。
多线程 注意事项
1. 线程安全性:在多线程编程中,线程与线程之间共享同一块内存空间,因此需要关注线程安全性。
2. 线程同步:线程同步是保证多个线程按照一定的顺序协同工作的一种机制。
3. 死锁:当多个线程相互等待对方释放资源时,可能会导致死锁。
4. 线程优先级:线程在操作系统中会分配一个优先级,优先级高的线程会获得更多的系统资源。
5. 线程创建和销毁的开销:创建线程和销毁线程都需要一定的系统资源。
6. 上下文切换开销:当一个处理器从一个线程切换到另一个线程时,需要保存当前线程的上下文状态以及加载新线程的上下文状态,这个过程称为上下文切换。
7. 资源管理:多线程需要共享系统资源,如内存、文件、网络连接等。
中考阅读真题天天练 Day 13(解析版)
while当……时候;until直到;after在……之后。根据“Mr. King stopped me...I was on my way home”可知此处是指在我回家的路上,while符合语境,故选A。
Linlin from China
Museums often teach me a lot. I have ever been to many museums, such as the ones in Harbin Xian and so on. But the Hangzhou National Tea Museum is my favorite. It’s in this museum that I knew about the history of tea. I watched the tea art performances(表演). They showed how to make a perfect cup of tea with tea sets.
中考阅读真题天天练Day 13
At the age of seven, I started school in London. There I met a____21____, Mr. King. He influenced my whole life. Mr King taught me maths. He was humorous. Sometimes, he told us funny stories. So his lessons made us____22____.
5、终⽌线程:Abort:抛出 ThreadAbortException 异常让线程终⽌,终⽌后的线程不可唤醒。
Interrupt:抛出ThreadInterruptException 异常让线程终⽌,通过捕获异常可以继续执⾏。
6、线程优先级:AboveNormal BelowNormal Highest Lowest Normal,默认为Normal。
(三) 线程⽣命周期1. 未启动状态:当线程实例被创建但 Start ⽅法未被调⽤时的状况。
2. 就绪状态:当线程准备好运⾏并等待 CPU 周期时的状况。
3. 不可运⾏状态:死亡状态:当线程已完成执⾏或已中⽌时的状况。
已经调⽤ Sleep ⽅法已经调⽤ Wait ⽅法通过 I/O 操作阻塞(四) Thread 常⽤⽅法:public void Interrupt() 中断处于 WaitSleepJoin 线程状态的线程。
public void Join() 在继续执⾏标准的 COM 和 SendMessage 消息泵处理期间,阻塞调⽤线程,直到某个线程终⽌为⽌。
public void Start() 开始⼀个线程public static void Sleep(int millisecondsTimeout) 让线程暂停⼀段时间⼀普通线程分为两种,⼀种是不需要给⼦线程传参数,Thread t = new Thread(new ThreadStart(void () target)); 另⼀种是要给⼦线程传⼀个参数,Thread t = new Thread(new ParameterizedThreadStart(void (object) target));// 普通线程private void btn1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e){progressBar.Value = 0;Thread tt = new Thread(new ThreadStart(DoWork1)); = "不带参数普通线程";tt.Start();Thread t = new Thread(new ParameterizedThreadStart(DoWork2)); = "带参数普通线程";t.IsBackground = true;t.Start(100);_msg += "当前线程的执⾏状态:" + t.IsAlive + "\r\n";_msg += "当前托管线程的唯⼀标识:" + t.ManagedThreadId + "\r\n";_msg += "线程名称:" + + "\r\n";_msg += "当前线程的状态:" + t.ThreadState;MessageBox.Show("消息:\r\n" + _msg, "提⽰", MessageBoxButtons.OK);}// 线程⽅法private void DoWork1(){for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++){// 跨线程访问 UI,BeginInvoke 采⽤异步委托progressBar.BeginInvoke(new EventHandler((sender, e) =>{progressBar.Value = i;}), null);}}// 线程⽅法private void DoWork2(object obj){for (int i = 0; i < (int)obj; i++){progressBar.BeginInvoke(new EventHandler((sender, e) =>{progressBar.Value = i;}), null);}}普通线程⼆线程池public static bool QueueUserWorkItem(WaitCallback);public static bool QueueUserWorkItem(WaitCallback, object);线程池默认为后台线程(IsBackground)private void btn3_Click(object sender, EventArgs e){ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(DoWork2, 100);// 或者ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem((s) =>{int minWorkerThreads, minCompletionPortThreads, maxWorkerThreads, maxCompletionPortThreads; ThreadPool.GetMinThreads(out minWorkerThreads, out minCompletionPortThreads);ThreadPool.GetMaxThreads(out maxWorkerThreads, out maxCompletionPortThreads);MessageBox.Show(String.Format("WorkerThreads = {0} ~ {1}, CompletionPortThreads = {2} ~ {3}",minWorkerThreads, maxWorkerThreads, minCompletionPortThreads, maxCompletionPortThreads)); DoWork2(100);});}// 线程⽅法private void DoWork2(object obj){for (int i = 0; i < (int)obj; i++){// Thread.Sleep(50);progressBar.BeginInvoke(new EventHandler((sender, e) =>{progressBar.Value = i;}), null);}}线程池三 BackgroundWorkerprivate void btn4_Click(object sender, EventArgs e){progressBar.Value = 0;BackgroundWorker bw = new BackgroundWorker();bw.WorkerReportsProgress = true;// 是否报告进度更新// 线程执⾏bw.DoWork += new DoWorkEventHandler((obj, args) =>{for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++){bw.ReportProgress(i);}});// UI主线程显⽰进度bw.ProgressChanged += (obj, progressChangedEventArgs) =>{progressBar.Value = progressChangedEventArgs.ProgressPercentage;};// 线程执⾏完成后的回调函数bw.RunWorkerCompleted += (obj, runWorkerCompletedEventArgs) =>{MessageBox.Show("⼦线程执⾏完成!");};if (!bw.IsBusy){bw.RunWorkerAsync();}}BackgroundWorker三 Task(.NET 4.0以上版本)private void btn5_Click(object sender, EventArgs e){progressBar.Value = 0;Task<bool> t = new Task<bool>(maxValue => DoWork((int)maxValue), progressBar.Maximum);t.Start();t.Wait();// 任务完成后继续延续任务Task cwt = t.ContinueWith(task => MessageBox.Show("The result is " + t.Result));}// 线程⽅法private bool DoWork(int maxValue){for (int n = 0; n < maxValue; n++){progressBar.BeginInvoke(new EventHandler((sender, e) =>{progressBar.Value = n;}), null);}return true;}Task四异步委托public delegate string MyDelegate(object arg);private void btn6_Click(object sender, EventArgs e){MyDelegate myDelegate = new MyDelegate(DoWork3);IAsyncResult result = myDelegate.BeginInvoke(100, DoWork2Callback, "回调函数参数");// 异步执⾏完成string resultStr = myDelegate.EndInvoke(result);}// 线程函数private string DoWork3(object arg){for (int n = 0; n < (int)arg; n++){progressBar.BeginInvoke(new EventHandler((sender, e) =>{progressBar.Value = n;}), null);}return"Finished";}// 异步回调函数private void DoWork2Callback(IAsyncResult arg){MessageBox.Show(arg.AsyncState.ToString());}异步委托五附跨线程访问UI之 SynchronizationContext (同步上下⽂)private void btn2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e){SynchronizationContext context = SynchronizationContext.Current;new Thread(() =>{for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++){// Send⽅法是发送⼀个异步请求消息//context.Send((s) =>//{// progressBar.Value = i;//}, null);// Post⽅法是发送⼀个同步请求消息context.Post((s) =>{progressBar.Value = i;}, null);}}).Start();}SynchronizationContext六 Task+事件+控制(暂停、继续):using System;using System.Threading;using System.Threading.Tasks;using System.Windows.Forms;namespace TaskTest{public partial class Form1 : Form{public event EventHandler<MyEventArgs> MyNotify;private delegate void DelegateSetProgress(MyEventArgs e);CancellationTokenSource tokenSource;CancellationToken token;ManualResetEvent reset;public Form1(){InitializeComponent();MyNotify += new EventHandler<MyEventArgs>(GetProgress);}private void SetProgress(MyEventArgs e){if(progressBar1.InvokeRequired){Invoke(new DelegateSetProgress(SetProgress), e);}else{progressBar1.Value = e.value;txtMessage.AppendText(e.text);}}private void btnStart_Click(object sender, EventArgs e){tokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource();token = tokenSource.Token;reset = new ManualResetEvent(true); // 初始化为true时执⾏WaitOne不阻塞MyNotify(null, new MyEventArgs() { value = 0, text = $"程序已经启动\n" });Task.Run(() =>{for (int i = 1; i <= 100; i++){if (token.IsCancellationRequested) return;reset.WaitOne();MyNotify(null, new MyEventArgs() { value = i, text = $"进度为:{i}/100 \n" }); Thread.Sleep(100);}},token);}private void GetProgress(object sender,EventArgs e){SetProgress(e as MyEventArgs);}private void btnPause_Click(object sender, EventArgs e){btnPause.Text = btnPause.Text == "暂停" ? "继续" : "暂停";if (btnPause.Text == "暂停")reset.Set();elsereset.Reset();}private void btnStop_Click(object sender, EventArgs e){tokenSource.Cancel();}}public class MyEventArgs : EventArgs{public int value = 0;public string text = string.Empty;}}。
1.在Java中,以下哪个类提供了创建线程的构造器?o A. Threado B. Runnableo C. Callableo D. ExecutorService答案: A解析: Thread类在Java中提供了创建线程的构造器,可以用于实例化线程对象。
2.下列哪个是C语言中创建进程的函数?o A. pthread_createo B. forko C. execo D. wait答案: B解析: fork函数用于在C语言中创建新的进程。
3.在Java中,如果一个线程调用了另一个线程的join方法,那么调用线程将处于什么状态?o A. 运行状态o B. 就绪状态o C. 阻塞状态o D. 死亡状态答案: C解析: 调用join方法的线程会进入阻塞状态,直到被join的线程运行结束。
4.以下哪个关键字用于在C语言中创建线程?o A. threado B. create_threado C. _threado D. pthread_create答案: D解析: pthread_create是POSIX线程库提供的创建线程的关键函数。
5.Java中,以下哪个方法可以获取当前线程的ID?o A. getCurrentThreadID()o B. Thread.currentThread().getId()o C. Id()o D. getId()答案: B解析: Thread.currentThread().getId()用于获取当前线程的ID,currentThread()返回当前正在执行的线程的Thread对象。
6.在多线程编程中,以下哪个关键字可以用于实现线程互斥?o A. volatileo B. synchronizedo C. statico D. final答案: B解析: synchronized关键字用于在Java中实现线程互斥,确保同一时间只有一个线程可以访问特定的代码块或方法。
9.2.2 线程的生命周期
“Running”(运行)状态: 表明线程正在运行,该线己经拥有了对处理器的控制权,其代码目前正在运行。这个线程将一直运行直到运行完毕,除非运行过程的控制权被一优先级更高的线程强占。
9.2.2 线程的生命周期
“Blocked”(堵塞)状态: 一个线程如果处于"Blocked"(堵塞)状态,那么暂时这个线程将无法进入就绪队列。处于堵塞状态的线程通常必须由某些事件才能唤醒。至于是何种事件,则取决于堵塞发生的原因:处于睡眠中的线程必须被堵塞一段固定的时间;被挂起、或处于消息等待状态的线程则必须由一外来事件唤醒。 “Dead”(死亡)状态: Dead表示线程巳退出运行状态,并且不再进入就绪队列。其中原因可能是线程巳执行完毕(正常结束),也可能是该线程被另一线程所强行中断(kill)。
9.1 多线程的概念
多线程具有以下特点: (1)多个线程在运行时,系统自动在线程之间进行切换; (2)由于多个线程共存于同一块内存,线程之间的通信非常容易; (3)Java将线程视为一个对象。线程要么是Thread类的对象,要么是接口Runnable的对象。 (4)当多个线程并行执行时,具有较高优先级的线程将获得较多的CPU时间片; (5)优先级是从0到10的整数,并且它仅表示线程之间的相对关系; (6)多个线程共享一组资源,有可能在运行时产生冲突。必须采用synchronized关键字协调资源,实现线程同步。
图8-1 线程生命周期示意图
பைடு நூலகம்
睡眠时 间结束
notify All
第1篇1. 什么是多线程?多线程是一种程序执行方式,允许程序同时执行多个线程,每个线程可以执行不同的任务。
2. 多线程有哪些优点?(1)提高程序的执行效率,充分利用多核CPU资源;(2)防止程序阻塞,提高用户体验;(3)简化程序设计,使程序结构更清晰。
3. 什么是线程?线程是程序执行的最小单元,是进程的一部分。
4. 什么是线程池?线程池是一组预先创建的线程,用于执行多个任务。
5. 什么是同步?同步是线程之间的一种协调机制,确保同一时间只有一个线程访问共享资源。
6. 什么是互斥锁?互斥锁是一种同步机制,用于保护共享资源,确保同一时间只有一个线程访问该资源。
7. 什么是条件变量?条件变量是一种线程间的通信机制,用于线程之间的同步。
二、多线程实现方式1. Java中的多线程实现方式(1)继承Thread类:通过继承Thread类,重写run()方法,创建线程对象。
2. C中的多线程实现方式(1)继承Thread类:与Java类似,通过继承Thread类,重写Run()方法,创建线程对象。
3. Python中的多线程实现方式(1)使用threading模块:Python中的threading模块提供了创建线程、同步机制等功能。
简单代码实现:using System;using System.Threading.Tasks;namespace Threading{class Program{public static Int32 ThreadSum(Int32 n){Int32 sum = 0;for (; n > 0; --n)sum += n;return sum;}static void Main(string[] args){var t = new Task<Int32>(n => ThreadSum((Int32)n), 100);t.Start();var cwt = t.ContinueWith(task => Console.WriteLine("The result is {0}", t.Result));Console.ReadKey();}}}Task类⽰例代码using System;using System.Threading.Tasks;public class Example{public static void Main(){Task t = Task.Factory.StartNew( () => {int ctr = 0;for (ctr = 0; ctr <= 1000000; ctr++){}Console.WriteLine("Finished {0} loop iterations",ctr);} );t.Wait();}}更多内容参考:⼆、异步执⾏委托的异步执⾏代码:BeginInvoke() 和 EndInvoke()using System;namespace Threading{public delegate string MyDelegate(object data);class Program{public static string Thread1(object data){return data.ToString();}public static void ThreadCallback(IAsyncResult data){Console.WriteLine("ThreadCallback = > " + data.AsyncState);}static void Main(string[] args){var mydelegate = new MyDelegate(Thread1);IAsyncResult result = mydelegate.BeginInvoke("Thread1 Para", ThreadCallback, "Callback Para");//异步执⾏完成var resultstr = mydelegate.EndInvoke(result);Console.WriteLine(resultstr);Console.ReadKey();}}}委托异步执⾏⽰例代码三、线程同步线程同步:指多个线程协同、协助、互相配合。
多线程实现的⼏种⽅式多线程实现⼀共有四种⽅式,如下图:- pthread的使⽤ - 定义pthreadtypedef __darwin_pthread_t pthread_t; - 创建pthreadint pthread_create(pthread_t * __restrict, const pthread_attr_t * __restrict,void *(*)(void *), void * __restrict); - 范例void * run(void *param){for (NSInteger i = 0; i<50000; i++) {NSLog(@"------buttonClick---%zd--%@", i, [NSThread currentThread]);}return NULL;}- (IBAction)buttonClick:(id)sender {pthread_t thread;pthread_create(&thread, NULL, run, NULL);pthread_t thread2;pthread_create(&thread2, NULL, run, NULL);}- NSThread - 创建和启动线程NSThread *thread = [[NSThread alloc] initWithTarget:self selector:@selector(run) object:nil];[thread start]; - 主线程相关⽤法+ (NSThread *)mainThread; // 获得主线程- (BOOL)isMainThread; // 是否为主线程+ (BOOL)isMainThread; // 是否为主线程 - 获取当前线程NSThread *current = [NSThread currentThread]; - 线程的名字- (void)setName:(NSString *)n;- (NSString *)name; - 其它⽅式创建线程 - 创建线程后⾃动启动线程[NSThread detachNewThreadSelector:@selector(run) toTarget:self withObject:nil]; - 隐式创建并启动线程[self performSelectorInBackground:@selector(run) withObject:nil]; - 上述2种创建线程⽅式的优缺点 - 优点:简单快捷 - 缺点:⽆法对线程进⾏更详细的设置 - 线程的状态NSThread *thread = [[NSThread alloc] initWithTarget:self selector:@selector(run) object:nil];[thread start]; - 阻塞(暂停)线程+ (void)sleepUntilDate:(NSDate *)date;+ (void)sleepForTimeInterval:(NSTimeInterval)ti;// 进⼊阻塞状态 - 强制停⽌线程+ (void)exit;// 进⼊死亡状态注意:⼀旦线程停⽌(死亡)了,就不能再次开启任务 - 多线程的隐患 - 资源共享 - 1块资源可能会被多个线程共享,也就是多个线程可能会访问同⼀块资源 - ⽐如多个线程访问同⼀个对象、同⼀个变量、同⼀个⽂件 - 当多个线程访问同⼀块资源时,很容易引发数据错乱和数据安全问题 - 解决⽅法:互斥锁 - 互斥锁使⽤格式@synchronized(锁对象) { // 需要锁定的代码 }注意:锁定1份代码只⽤1把锁,⽤多把锁是⽆效的 - 互斥锁的优缺点 - 优点:能有效防⽌因多线程抢夺资源造成的数据安全问题 - 缺点:需要消耗⼤量的CPU资源 - 互斥锁的使⽤前提:多条线程抢夺同⼀块资源 - 相关专业术语:线程同步 - 线程同步的意思是:多条线程在同⼀条线上执⾏(按顺序地执⾏任务) - 互斥锁,就是使⽤了线程同步技术 - 原⼦和⾮原⼦属性 - OC在定义属性时有nonatomic和atomic两种选择 - atomic:原⼦属性,为setter⽅法加锁(默认就是atomic) - nonatomic:⾮原⼦属性,不会为setter⽅法加锁 - nonatomic和atomic对⽐ - atomic:线程安全,需要消耗⼤量的资源 - nonatomic:⾮线程安全,适合内存⼩的移动设备 - iOS开发的建议 - 所有属性都声明为nonatomic - 尽量避免多线程抢夺同⼀块资源 - 尽量将加锁、资源抢夺的业务逻辑交给服务器端处理,减⼩移动客户端的压⼒- GCD的使⽤ - 什么是GCD - 全称是Grand Central Dispatch,可译为“⽜逼的中枢调度器” - 纯C语⾔,提供了⾮常多强⼤的函数 - GCD的优势 - GCD是苹果公司为多核的并⾏运算提出的解决⽅案 - GCD会⾃动利⽤更多的CPU内核(⽐如双核、四核) - GCD会⾃动管理线程的⽣命周期(创建线程、调度任务、销毁线程) - 程序员只需要告诉GCD想要执⾏什么任务,不需要编写任何线程管理代码 - GCD中有2个核⼼概念 - 任务:执⾏什么操作 - 队列:⽤来存放任务 - GCD的使⽤就2个步骤 - 定制任务 - 确定想做的事情 - 将任务添加到队列中 - GCD会⾃动将队列中的任务取出,放到对应的线程中执⾏ - 任务的取出遵循队列的FIFO原则:先进先出,后进后出 - GCD中有2个⽤来执⾏任务的常⽤函数 - ⽤同步的⽅式执⾏任务// queue:队列 block:任务dispatch_sync(dispatch_queue_t queue, dispatch_block_t block); - ⽤异步的⽅式执⾏任务dispatch_async(dispatch_queue_t queue, dispatch_block_t block); - 同步和异步的区别 - 同步:只能在当前线程中执⾏任务,不具备开启新线程的能⼒ - 异步:可以在新的线程中执⾏任务,具备开启新线程的能⼒ - GCD中还有个⽤来执⾏任务的函数,在前⾯的任务执⾏结束后它才执⾏,⽽且它后⾯的任务等它执⾏完成之后才会执⾏:// 这个queue不能是全局的并发队列dispatch_barrier_async(dispatch_queue_t queue, dispatch_block_t block); - 队列的类型 - GCD的队列可以分为2⼤类型 - 并发队列(Concurrent Dispatch Queue) - 可以让多个任务并发(同时)执⾏(⾃动开启多个线程同时执⾏任务) - 并发功能只有在异步(dispatch_async)函数下才有效 - 串⾏队列(Serial Dispatch Queue) - 让任务⼀个接着⼀个地执⾏(⼀个任务执⾏完毕后,再执⾏下⼀个任务) - 并发队列 - ⾃⼰创建的 - 全局 - 串⾏队列 - 主队列 - ⾃⼰创建的 - 同步和异步主要影响:能不能开启新的线程 - 同步:只是在当前线程中执⾏任务,不具备开启新线程的能⼒ - 异步:可以在新的线程中执⾏任务,具备开启新线程的能⼒ - 并发和串⾏主要影响:任务的执⾏⽅式 - 并发:允许多个任务并发(同时)执⾏ - 串⾏:⼀个任务执⾏完毕后,再执⾏下⼀个任务 - 并发队列// 使⽤dispatch_queue_create函数创建队列dispatch_queue_tdispatch_queue_create(const char *label, // 队列名称dispatch_queue_attr_t attr); // 队列的类型// 创建并发队列dispatch_queue_t queue = dispatch_queue_create("com.samyang.queue", DISPATCH_QUEUE_CONCURRENT); // GCD默认已经提供了全局的并发队列,供整个应⽤使⽤,可以⽆需⼿动创建使⽤dispatch_get_global_queue函数获得全局的并发队列dispatch_queue_t dispatch_get_global_queue(dispatch_queue_priority_t priority, // 队列的优先级unsigned long flags); // 此参数暂时⽆⽤,⽤0即可// 获得全局并发队列dispatch_queue_t queue = dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 0);// 全局并发队列的优先级#define DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_HIGH 2 // ⾼#define DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT 0 // 默认(中)#define DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_LOW (-2) // 低#define DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_BACKGROUND INT16_MIN // 后台 - 串⾏队列// GCD中获得串⾏有2种途径// 使⽤dispatch_queue_create函数创建串⾏队列// 创建串⾏队列(队列类型传递NULL或者DISPATCH_QUEUE_SERIAL)dispatch_queue_t queue = dispatch_queue_create("com.samyang.queue", NULL);/*使⽤主队列(跟主线程相关联的队列)主队列是GCD⾃带的⼀种特殊的串⾏队列放在主队列中的任务,都会放到主线程中执⾏使⽤dispatch_get_main_queue()获得主队列*/dispatch_queue_t queue = dispatch_get_main_queue(); - 各种队列的执⾏效果- 注意:使⽤sync函数往当前串⾏队列中添加任务,会卡住当前的串⾏队列 - 延时执⾏ - iOS常见的延时执⾏// 调⽤NSObject的⽅法[self performSelector:@selector(run) withObject:nil afterDelay:2.0];// 2秒后再调⽤self的run⽅法// 使⽤GCD函数dispatch_after(dispatch_time(DISPATCH_TIME_NOW, (int64_t)(2.0 * NSEC_PER_SEC)), dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{ // 2秒后执⾏这⾥的代码...});// 使⽤NSTimer[NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval:2.0 target:self selector:@selector(test) userInfo:nil repeats:NO]; - ⼀次性代码(⽐如说单例模式singleton)// 使⽤dispatch_once函数能保证某段代码在程序运⾏过程中只被执⾏1次static dispatch_once_t onceToken;dispatch_once(&onceToken, ^{// 只执⾏1次的代码(这⾥⾯默认是线程安全的)}); - 快速迭代// 使⽤dispatch_apply函数能进⾏快速迭代遍历dispatch_apply(10, dispatch_get_global_queue(0, 0), ^(size_t index){// 执⾏10次代码,index顺序不确定}); - 队列组 -有这么1种需求 - ⾸先:分别异步执⾏2个耗时的操作 - 其次:等2个异步操作都执⾏完毕后,再回到主线程执⾏操作// 如果想要快速⾼效地实现上述需求,可以考虑⽤队列组dispatch_group_t group = dispatch_group_create();dispatch_group_async(group, dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 0), ^{// 执⾏1个耗时的异步操作});dispatch_group_async(group, dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 0), ^{// 执⾏1个耗时的异步操作});dispatch_group_notify(group, dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{// 等前⾯的异步操作都执⾏完毕后,回到主线程...});- NSOperationNSOperationQueue的队列类型主队列[NSOperationQueue mainQueue]凡是添加到主队列中的任务(NSOperation),都会放到主线程中执⾏⾮主队列(其他队列)[[NSOperationQueue alloc] init]同时包含了:串⾏、并发功能添加到这种队列中的任务(NSOperation),就会⾃动放到⼦线程中执⾏NSOperation的作⽤配合使⽤NSOperation和NSOperationQueue也能实现多线程编程NSOperation和NSOperationQueue实现多线程的具体步骤先将需要执⾏的操作封装到⼀个NSOperation对象中然后将NSOperation对象添加到NSOperationQueue中系统会⾃动将NSOperationQueue中的NSOperation取出来将取出的NSOperation封装的操作放到⼀条新线程中执⾏NSOperation的⼦类NSOperation是个抽象类,并不具备封装操作的能⼒,必须使⽤它的⼦类使⽤NSOperation⼦类的⽅式有3种NSInvocationOperationNSBlockOperation⾃定义⼦类继承NSOperation,实现内部相应的⽅法NSInvocationOperation创建NSInvocationOperation对象- (id)initWithTarget:(id)target selector:(SEL)sel object:(id)arg;调⽤start⽅法开始执⾏操作- (void)start;⼀旦执⾏操作,就会调⽤target的sel⽅法注意默认情况下,调⽤了start⽅法后并不会开⼀条新线程去执⾏操作,⽽是在当前线程同步执⾏操作只有将NSOperation放到⼀个NSOperationQueue中,才会异步执⾏操作NSBlockOperation创建NSBlockOperation对象+ (id)blockOperationWithBlock:(void (^)(void))block; - 通过addExecutionBlock:⽅法添加更多的操作- (void)addExecutionBlock:(void (^)(void))block;注意:只要NSBlockOperation封装的操作数 > 1,就会异步执⾏ - NSOperationQueue - NSOperationQueue的作⽤ - NSOperation可以调⽤start⽅法来执⾏任务,但默认是同步执⾏的 - 如果将NSOperation添加到NSOperationQueue(操作队列)中,系统会⾃动异步执⾏NSOperation中的操作 - 添加操作到NSOperationQueue中- (void)addOperation:(NSOperation *)op;- (void)addOperationWithBlock:(void (^)(void))block; - 最⼤并发数 - 什么是并发数 - 同时执⾏的任务数 - ⽐如,同时开3个线程执⾏3个任务,并发数就是3 - 最⼤并发数的相关⽅法- (NSInteger)maxConcurrentOperationCount;- (void)setMaxConcurrentOperationCount:(NSInteger)cnt; - 队列的取消、暂停、恢复取消队列的所有操作- (void)cancelAllOperations;- 提⽰:也可以调⽤NSOperation的- (void)cancel⽅法取消单个操作 - 暂停和恢复队列- (void)setSuspended:(BOOL)b; // YES代表暂停队列,NO代表恢复队列- (BOOL)isSuspended; - 操作优先级 设置NSOperation在queue中的优先级,可以改变操作的执⾏优先级- (NSOperationQueuePriority)queuePriority;- (void)setQueuePriority:(NSOperationQueuePriority)p; - 优先级的取值NSOperationQueuePriorityVeryLow = -8L,NSOperationQueuePriorityLow = -4L,NSOperationQueuePriorityNormal = 0,NSOperationQueuePriorityHigh = 4,NSOperationQueuePriorityVeryHigh = 8 - 操作依赖 - NSOperation之间可以设置依赖来保证执⾏顺序 - ⽐如⼀定要让操作A执⾏完后,才能执⾏操作B,可以这么写[operationB addDependency:operationA]; // 操作B依赖于操作A - 可以在不同queue的NSOperation之间创建依赖关系 注意:不能相互依赖,⽐如A依赖B,B依赖A - 操作的监听 - 可以监听⼀个操作的执⾏完毕- (void (^)(void))completionBlock;- (void)setCompletionBlock:(void (^)(void))block; - ⾃定义NSOperation - ⾃定义NSOperation的步骤很简单 - 重写- (void)main⽅法,在⾥⾯实现想执⾏的任务 - 重写- (void)main⽅法的注意点 - ⾃⼰创建⾃动释放池(因为如果是异步操作,⽆法访问主线程的⾃动释放池) - 经常通过- (BOOL)isCancelled⽅法检测操作是否被取消,对取消做出响应。
2021届高考英语小题狂练—湖南专版(Day 13)
2021高考英语小题狂练—湖南专版(Day 13)Passage (A)The Young Scholars ProgramThe University of Maryland’s Young Scholars Program is a perfect summer camp for academically talented teenagers who want to earn college credits, pursue academic interests or discover college life at the University of Maryland. The program is challenging and rewarding. Students have the opportunity to show that they can be successful in a university environment.The ActivitiesDuring three weeks of exploration, teens preview the university experience, study with students who share similar interests and communicate with the best teachers of the University of Maryland in a dynamic and challenging classroom environment. Students can have trips to nearby Washington, DC and enjoy movie nights and activities at the student union(学生活动大楼). Seminars featuring speakers in academic fields further enrich the learning experience.The CoursesThe Young Scholars Program offers college courses that are at the cutting edge(前沿) of theory, thought and technology. Classes generally meet every day from Monday to Friday. The program is a great introduction to the University of Maryland, and participants can benefit from the Uni versity of Maryland’s vast resources, including libraries, computers and instructional labs.The RewardsUpon program completion, teens will go home with better preparations for the college experience—both academically and socially. In addition, students earn three college credits that post to the University of Maryland transcript (成绩单).The ApplicationThe application process includes submission of the application, high school transcript and a letter of recommendation.Ages: 14-18Mailing address: The University of Maryland College ParkFor more information, call 3014057762.1. What is the benefit of joining in the program?A. Developing various interests.B. Learning from the best students.C. Earning enough college credits.D. Experiencing college life in advance.2. What can teens do in the program?A. Find a part-time job in the library.B. Travel to Washington, DC regularly.C. Attend a meeting for academic discussion.D. Join the students’ union of the University of MarylanD.3. How many days will students spend attending classes in the program?A. 5 days.B. 15 days.C. 21 days.D. 30 days.Passage (B)This little South American Magellanic penguin swims 5,000 miles,to a beach in Brazil,every year in order to be reunited with the man who saved its life.It sounds like something out of a fairy tale,but it’s true!The 71-year-old retired bricklayer Joao,who lives in an island village just outside Rio de Janeiro,Brazil,found the small Magellanic penguin lying on rocks at his local beach in 2011.The penguin was covered in oil and running out of time fast.Joao rescued the penguin,naming it Din Din,cleaned the oil off its feathers and fed him a daily diet of fish to rebuild its strength.After a week of recovery,Joao attempted to release the penguin back into the wild.However,Din Din had already formed a family bond with his rescuer and wouldn’t leave.“He stayed with me for 11 months and then,just after he changed his coat with new feathers,he disappeared,”Joao recalls.“I love the penguin like it’s my own child and I believe the penguin lovesme,”Joao told Globo.“No one else is allowed to touch him.He pecks (啄) them if they do.He lies on my lap,lets me give him showers,and allows me to feed him.”Professor Krajewski,a biologist who interviewed the fisherman for Globo,told The Independent,“I have never seen anything like this before.I think the penguin believes Joao is part of his family and probably a penguin as well.”However,environmentalists warn that,while hundreds of the Magellanic species are known to naturally migrate (迁徙) thousands of miles north in search of food,there has been a worrying rise in the phenomenon of oceanic creatures washed up on Brazil’s beaches.Professor David Zee,from Rio de Janeiro’s State University,said the increase is due in part to global climatic changes.Professor Zee added that sea animals face increased danger from leaked tanker oil.Luckily the ending for Joao and Din Din has been a happy one,even though it is illegal in Brazil to keep wild animals as pets.Professor Krajewski said,“Professionals who work with animals try to avoid relationships like this occurring so they are able to reintroduce the animals into the wild.But in this single case the authorities allowed Din Din to stay with Joao because of his kindness.”4.Every year Din Din swims a long distance to a beach in Brazil to .A.avoid being his rescuerC.escape from ocean currentsD.find much more fish5.When Din Din was found in 2011,.A.he was dyingB.he was running on the beachC.he was resting on a rockD.he was cleaning oil off his feathers6.What can we learn about Joao from the passage?A.He is not allowed to keep the penguin as a pet by the authorities.B.He overprotects the penguin by keeping him away from others.C.His contact with the penguin is encouraged by professionals.D.His kindness wins the penguin’s trust.7.The story in the passage mainly shows .A.the environmental impact on wildlifeB.the love between humans and wildlifeC.the tendency of wildlife to bond with humansD.the protection of threatened wildlife by mankindPassage (C)As the temperature approached as high as 90℉last July 4th,three police officers went into a Foods Market to get something 1to drink.Once inside,they were asked by a security guard to help with a 2woman.The woman in question was obviously 3,and her cheeks were wet with tears.The officers looked inside her bag.All they saw were containers of 4.“I’m hungry,”she explained 5.Caught red-handed,the woman no doubt expected to be treated as a 6.But the police had other 7.“We’ll pay for her food,”one of them told the 8security guard.She would not be 9.Drying her wet 10,the woman repeated,“Thank you.Thank you.”She wasn’t the only one touched by this act of 11.Customers at the store were so impressed by what they’d 12that some even posted a photo on Twitter.13,attention was never what the officers sought.They were 14 by a far more common emotion.When we look at someone’s face and see that he/she needs you,it’s pretty 15as a human being to walk away from something like B.sweet C.clean D.cold2.A wounded B.suspected C.reported D.wrong3.A.scared B.disappointed C.puzzled D.annoyed4.A.clothes B.medicine D.food5.A.politely B.loudly C.seriously D.hopelessly6.A.thief B.beggar C.victim D.customer7.A.facts B.secrets C.ideas D.reasons8.A.rude B.surprised C.patient D.embarrassed9.A.arrested B.employed C.kept D.doubted10.A.bag B.hands C.packet D.cheeks11.A.caution B.sympathy C.justice D.faith12.A.ignored B.expected C.witnessed D.recognized13.A.However B.Therefore C.Besides D.Instead14.A.attracted B.controlled C.required D.driven15.A.typical B.amazing C.difficult D.sillyPassage (D)Top 3 Self-Discipline TechniquesSelf-discipline is the key to leading a healthier, happier and more successful life. _ 1 We have shared some self-discipline techniques bel ow. Follow these self-discipline techniques to start living a better life.Start small.The journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step, as the proverb goes. 2 Instead, stamina(耐力) is built up by doing a little more than the previous day’s target. The same goes for discipline. Start by trying to carry out self-discipline techniques little by little every day for big results. Increase your goals over time.3Staying self-disciplined requires motivation. It can be hard to stay motivated if you feel like you haven’t made any progress so far. Tracking progress makes you aware of how much you’ve done and encourages you to keep going.Exercise your willpower.4 Some days, sticking to the task is going to be difficult but by reminding yourself of the end in mind and how much the goal means to you, you will be able to ignore temporary temptations for long term gain.The above-mentioned self-discipline techniques have been proven to be extremely effective. 5 And it is the key to living a happy and fulfilling life.A. Measure your goals.B. Build a support system.C. However, it is easier said than done.D. Willpower and self-discipline go hand in hanD.E. Self-discipline is linked to effective time management.F. Self-discipline is a feature found in many successful people.G. You don’t train for a marathon by running 10 kilometers on the first day.Passage (E)We were down at the beach and trying 1.(find) a place to park in one of the numerous, and somewhat pricey, public parking lots. We were trying to get down to the beach 2.time towatch the sunset—one of my all time favorite 3.(thing) to do. After several failed attempts, we 4. (final) found one spot in the last lot so we pulled into the only space available.As we were on our way to pay the price of parking there, a woman came up to us and said she 5. (pay) for two hours (all the time we needed) but she had just been called back home and asked 6. we would like to have her parking pass. She refused to take any money for it and insisted that we 7. (take) it. We gladly accepted it and thanked her for her kindness.It was truly a “paying it forward” experience that we have often done, but one 8.hasn’t been done to us that often. Such gratitude for that—so much more than the price of the parking pass.9. (accept) the kindness of others is part of this process. We felt that and blessed by that kindness.We got down to the beach in time to watch the sun setting because of this woman’s 10. (kind) and we were so grateful. It was a wonderful experience and the sunset was such a glorious sight!A:参考答案:DCBB:本文是一篇说明文。
多线程的好处?可以提⾼ CPU 的利⽤率。
在多线程程序中,⼀个线程必须等待的时候,CPU 可以运⾏其它的线程⽽不是等待,这样就⼤⼤提⾼了程序的效率。
多线程需要协调和管理,所以 CPU 需要花时间来跟踪线程。
线程太多会导致控制太复杂,最终可能造成很多 Bug。
static void Main(string[] args){ = "It's Main Thread";Console.WriteLine( + " [Status:" + Thread.CurrentThread.ThreadState + "]");}通过 Thread 类的静态属性 CurrentThread 可以获取当前正在执⾏的线程。
很容易理解 CurrentThread 为什么是静态的--虽然有多个线程同时存在,但是在某⼀个时刻,CPU 只能执⾏其中⼀个!在.net framework class library 中,所有与多线程机制应⽤相关的类都是放在System.Threading命名空间中。
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04.实现线程的方式1_继承Thread类编写步骤:1).自定义线程类,继承自"Thread"类;2).重写run()方法--在线程中做的事情可以写在这里3).启动线程:1).创建自定义线程类的对象;2).调用对象的start()方法;示例代码:1).线程类:public class MyThread extends Thread{@Overridepublic void run() {for(int i = 0;i < 1000 ; i++){System.out.println("i = " + i);}}}2).启动线程:public static void main(String[] args) {//主线程启动线程MyThread t = new MyThread();t.start();for(int k = 0;k < 1000 ; k++){System.out.println("k = " + k);}}3).注意事项:1).启动线程,调用的是线程的start()方法,不是run();如果调用run()方法只是普通的方法调用,不会启动线程。
MyThread t1 = new MyThread();MyThread t2 = new MyThread();MyThread t3 = new MyThread();t1.start();t2.start();t3.start();05.Thread类的常用方法1).getName和setName()方法:1).getName()方法:每个线程默认都有一个名字:Thread-[索引]可以通过Thread类的getName()方法获取;2).setName(String n):为线程设置名字;2).public static void sleep(long millis):让当前线程休眠指定的毫秒数;3).public static Thread currentThread():获取当前正在执行的线程对象。
示例代码:1).自定义类,实现Runnable接口:public class MyRunnable implements Runnable{@Overridepublic void run() {for(int i = 0;i < 1000 ; i++){System.out.println(Thread.currentThread().getName() + " i = " + i);}}}2).启动线程:public static void main(String[] args) {//1.创建自定义Runnable实现类对象MyRunnable myRun = new MyRunnable();//2.创建一个Thread对象Thread t = new Thread(myRun);//3.调用Thread对象的start()方法t.start();// new Thread(new MyRunnable()).start();for(int k = 0; k < 1000 ; k++){System.out.println("k = " + k);}}两种方式的对比:1).第一种继承Thread类:子类之后就不能继承别的类,所以对子类形成了一个限制;2).第二种实现Runnable接口:子类之后可以很灵活的实现其他接口,或者继承其它类,所以就不受限制。
07.线程的匿名内部类的使用1).new Thread(){Thread的子类类体}.start();示例代码:new Thread(){public void run() {for(int i = 0;i < 1000 ; i++){System.out.println("i = " + i);}};}.start();2).new Thread(Runnable子类对象).start();示例代码:new Thread(new Runnable(){@Overridepublic void run() {for(int i = 0;i < 1000 ; i++){System.out.println("i = " + i);}}}).start();08.多线程的安全性问题1).什么是"多线程的安全性问题":多个线程共同访问同一个资源(方法、文件、数据库...),那么对于这个"共同的资源"就受到多个线程"并发性"访问。
2).安全性问题产生的前提:1).多个线程共同访问同一共享资源;09.解决多线程的安全性问题_线程同步线程同步的方式:1).同步方法【常用】:public synchronized int getTicket(){//一个线程进来,其它线程等待//这个线程执行完毕,再进入一个线程执行}2).同步代码块:public int getTicket(){synchronized(锁对象){//同步代码}.........synchronzied(){}}说明:1).锁对象:可以是任何对象,它仅代表任何线程必须持有同一个"锁对象",才可以达到同步的目的;3).Lock锁(JDK1.5以后的)代码模板:Lock l = ...;l.lock();//加锁try {// 同步代码} finally {l.unlock();//解锁}10.同步方法11.Lock接口12.线程的状态图见:线程状态图=============================================================================== ==========================学习目标总结:01.能够描述Java中多线程运行原理1).分时调度;轮训每个进程/线程,为每个进程/线程平均分配CPU时间;2).抢占式调度:根据进程/线程的优先级。
02.能够使用继承类的方式创建多线程class MyThread extends Thread{public void run(){}}//启动线程main(){MyThread t = new MyThread();t.start();}03.能够使用实现接口的方式创建多线程class MyRunnable implements Runnable{public void run(){......}}//启动线程main(){MyRunnable myRun = new MyRunnable();Thread t = new Thread(myRun);t.start();}04.能够说出实现接口方式的好处Java中"继承"只能是单继承;使用接口的方式,可以使子类减少限制,子类还可以继续实现其他接口,或者继承其它类。
05.能够解释安全问题的出现的原因多个线程无序的访问同一共享资源;06.能够使用同步代码块解决线程安全问题public void show(){synchronized(锁对象){...}}07.能够使用同步方法解决线程安全问题public synchronized void show(){......}08.能够说出线程5个状态的名称1).新建2).就绪3).运行4).阻塞5).死亡几种过程:1).新建-->就绪-->运行-->死亡2).新建-->就绪-->运行-->就绪-->运行-->死亡3).新建-->就绪-->运行-->阻塞-->就绪-->运行-->死亡。