



全新版大学进阶英语综合教程21. 简介全新版大学进阶英语综合教程2是一本针对大学英语进阶学习者的教材。


2. 教材特点2.1 综合学习资源全新版大学进阶英语综合教程2提供了丰富的学习资源,包括教材本身的文章和练习题,以及配套的听力材料和答案解析。


2.2 主题广泛、内容丰富教材的主题广泛涉及社会、科技、文化、经济等各个领域,内容丰富多样。


2.3 注重实际应用本教材注重将英语学习与实际应用相结合,旨在帮助学生提高英语交流能力。


3. 教材组织结构3.1 分为六个单元本教材共分为六个单元,每个单元都围绕一个主题展开。


3.2 单元结构每个单元包含以下几个部分:•主题导入:简要介绍本单元主题,并激发学生的学习兴趣。





4. 使用方法4.1 教师指导教师可以根据自己的教学计划和学生的水平,合理安排教材的使用顺序和教学内容。


4.2 学生自主学习学生可以按照教材的顺序,逐步阅读文章,完成练习题,并参与听力训练。




1 I received an email from a reader who asked, “Why do some friendships end, no matter how much you want them to last?”She referred to提到having seen the question in one of my articles, Mystery神秘的事物,迷of Friendship.As I wrote in it, I don’t think easy answers exist as to how friendships start, why some turn into lifetime ones, and why some end. Although I’ve tried answering thefirst two questions in other articles (To Have A Friend and BeA Friend), I still get surprised by friendships that endure and disillusioned使幻想破灭by ones that slip away.消逝Even so, I’ll try to offer some insights洞察,深刻的见解here as to why friendships end.我收到一个读者的电子邮件,他在邮件中问到,为什么有些友谊不管你多么想维系它却还是会终结,该读者说她曾在我发表的一篇文章《友谊之谜》中简单过这个问题。




1. 杰克是个如此勤奋的学生,他无论走到哪里身边总是带着本书。

(diligent )2. 这是我的论文(PaPer )提纲(OUtline ),对于你的任何建议,我将不胜感激。

(appreciate )3. 无论是买还是租,你都得弄清楚什么样的房产最适合你和你的生活方式。

(PrOPerty )4. 在冰面上骑车是很危险的,因此我们必须用车闸( brake )减慢自行车的速度。

(slow down )5. 如果我们把所有精力和努力投入进去,再过几个月,我们肯定能完成这个项目。

(accomplish )6•我打算搬入一座位于镇中心附近三居室的房子。


(IoCate,in addition )7•我们想当然地认为是垃圾的很多东西,比如报纸、杂志、旧电脑和手机,实际上也可以通过这样或那样的方式再循环、再禾U用。

(take … for gran ted,trash,recycle )8. ---- 在询问一份工作的时候,我能问一些什么问题吗?-- 你可以问,这个职位(POSitiOn )是否还有,要等多久才能知道你是否有面试的机会。

(in quire,available )U I1. 乔治渴望有机会见她,可是却又不愿将此事告诉她。

(Io ng for, bring on eself to do sth. )2. 许多人聪明能干,但一辈子成就甚少,以为他们害怕可能不得不承受的种种艰难。

(endure, hardship )3. 我记得小时候住在乡下非常开心,那里春天时节花儿盛开。

(enjoyment, bloom )4. 近来暴力犯罪增加,政府肯定会采取对策。

(growth, react to )5. 不少人退休后会有失落感,我们应该帮助、关心他们。

(retire, Un dergo )6. 90年代他们在硅谷时,经常聚在一起,交换想法、讨论碰到的问题。

(exchange )7. 老太太望着在诺曼底登陆日阵亡的孙子的照片,满心悲伤。



全新版大学进阶英语综合教程2综合训练第四单元1. 介绍本文档是针对全新版《大学进阶英语综合教程2》中综合训练第四单元的学习内容进行总结和讲解。


2. 单元目标综合训练第四单元的目标是帮助学生达到以下能力:•提高听力理解能力,能够听懂日常英语对话和材料;•提高口语表达能力,能够流利自然地用英语进行日常会话;•增加语言表达的准确性和语法规范性;•培养学生的对话和口语交流的能力,提高与他人沟通的效果。

3. 学习内容综合训练第四单元主要包括以下几个部分:3.1 听力训练在听力训练中,学生将会听取一系列与日常生活相关的对话和材料。



3.2 口语表达口语表达是本单元的重点训练内容。




3.3 语法和词汇练习语法和词汇练习是巩固学生语言基础的重要环节。



4. 学习方法为了达到单元的学习目标,学生可以尝试以下学习方法:•多听多说:多进行听力训练,并尝试模仿与实践口语表达,提高听说能力;•加强词汇积累:通过背单词和拓展词汇量,提高对词汇的掌握和应用能力;•刻意练习:针对单元的重点内容进行有针对性的练习,加强对语法和口语表达的理解和运用;•自我评估和反馈:及时检查自己的学习成果,并根据反馈调整学习策略,提升学习效果。

5. 总结综合训练第四单元是《大学进阶英语综合教程2》的重要学习内容。



Unit 1After living in the 24-hour city of Las Vegas, Nevada for nearly ten years, my family and I decided to slow things down. My daughter wanted a horse. My husband wanted property. My son wanted a dirt bike. I wanted our family to be more self-sufficient.None of us felt that this could be acplished where we were living and we all agreed that a move to the country would be great for everyone.Before long we set about looking for a home in Yucca, Arizona, a very small town of less than 1,000 people. It was while I was scanning listings from our real estate agent that I first learned of it. There was a home for sale there on 40 acres. When I called to inquire about the property, I was informed that there was no electricity available in the area. What? No electricity? I almost dismissed the idea immediately.The property was off the grid. It was not connected whatsoever to any utilities — power, water orsewer. Power was supplied by a wind turbine and solar panels. Water had to be hauled in and stored in two tanks located on the property. Forty acres would give us plenty of room for all of our animals and give my husband and son space to ride their ATVs. Besides, what better way is there to bee more self-sustainable? After giving it some thought, we decided to put in an offer and moved in on Thanksgiving Day.When we first moved to the property, we did some remodeling and stayed in our motor home. We were confronted with real challenges at the time. The power kept going out, the main water line to the house broke, the plumbing backed up into the front yard and the generator died.But the setbacks just made us work harder. We slowly got things fixed and moved into the house after 38 days in the RV. The next challenge was to bee familiar with your power system, and to learn the ins and outs of hauling your own water and generating your own power.Our off-the-grid system consists of eight solar panels (1,000 watts) that are mounted on a sun tracker rack. We also have a wind turbine that generates 3,000 watts in 24 mph winds. The energy generated by the wind and sun is stored in 16 6v golf cart batteries. We also have two 2,500-gallon above-ground water tanks and a 250-gallon propane tank. Every weekend, we haul two 275-gallon water tanks to the nearby town of Yucca and fill them with water, which we then pump into our big water tanks.While living here for the past four months has been a big adjustment, there are many benefits to living off the grid. I think one of the greatest is teaching my kids the importance of conservation. They used to take water, power and gas for granted. The first week we were here, we used almost 1,000 gallons of water. With only a5,000-gallon water tank, it didn’t take them long to understand that we had to use less water. We started taking quicker showers, doing only full loads of laundry, turning off the water while brushing our teeth or shaving.Over-consumption is even more clearly demonstrated by our electricity usage. We have a digital readout of how many volts of DC power we have stored in our batteries at any given time. If you turn on a light or the TV, the number goes down. In order to protect the batteries, the system is set up to shut the inverter off if the volts get too low. Then the power goes out. When we first moved in, we lost power almost daily. After this happens a few times, it bees clear very quickly just how often you waste electricity. Everything from lights and ceiling fans to puters and radios were left on when they were not in use. The cell phone chargers were plugged in even when they weren’t charging anything. All of this uses unnecessary power. We are steadily learning to bemore diligent with our power usage.In addition, we are also trying to make other changes. They include reducing the amount of trash we generate by recycling and posting, growing our own organic vegetables, and reusing and repurposing things that we would normally toss. We also want to produce our own eggs and goat’s milk in the near future.Overall, going off the grid has been great for our family. We have learned how to conserve power and water and to really appreciate what the earth gives to us every day. I hope that once my kids move out of the house, they will keep the habits that they have learned by living off the grid.I receive d an email from a reader who asked, “Why do some friendships end, no matter how much you want them to last?” She referred to having seen the question in one of my articles, Mystery of Friendship. As I wrote in it, I don’t think easy answers exist as to how friendships start, why some turn into lifetime ones, and why some end. Although I’ve tried answering the first two questions in other articles (To Have A Friend and Be A Friend), I still get surprised by friendships that endure and disillusioned by ones that slip away. Even so, I’ll try to offer some insights here as to why friendships end.My simple answer is that friendships end because the situations friends are in or even the friends themselves change. Others have similar answers. First, the situations friends face may change. The decision to relocate for a new school or job cannot help but affect a friendship. Likewise, if a friend is in an accident, develops an illness, or loses someone close, these situations cannot help but affect a friendship. Does a friendship need to end because of these changes? No, but it’ll require adjustments that one or both friends might not be willing to make. Second, the friends themselves may change. A significant reason that friendships often end when friendsare apart for an extended period of time (for summer camp, college, etc.) is that one or both of the friends change. I think it hurts less when both friends change, because then the breakup is more often mutual and so both friends get closure by both deciding to let go and move forward in their lives without eachother. What tends to hurt most is when just one friend changes. One friend might change social circles,bee involved in new social organizations, start to date, get a pet, or take on someother venture that consumes more time and passion. Again, a friendship can endure these changes, unless one or both of the friends for some reason decide not to invest the time and energy involved in the adjustment period. (For example, one friend might forget the importance of the friendship due to the high of having a new pet or might feel that the change is impossible to overe when one gets married but the other is still single.) In this situation, breakups may not be mutual and so one or both friends feel betrayed and end up with bitter memories about what was a precious friendship to them.There are other reasons why friendships end. For example, as much as two people might want a friendshipto survive, one or both of them might unintentionally neglect it. Friendship is often pared to a flowergarden. Well, if flowers don’t get exposed regularly enough to sunlight and don’t get watered enough, flowers will wither and even die. The same applies to friendship. If week after week passes where plans are made to spend time together but are never honored, perhaps due to taking a friendship for granted, eventually even the closest of friendships may cease to have a reason to exist.Conflicts can also cause the end of friendships. If the flower is a fledgling plant, one blow might destroy it just as sometimes relatively young friendships aren’t strong enough to endure much conflict. Even those amazing close friendships, where friends love us no matter what our faults are, need care when it es to conflicts. Sure, ifa flourishing flower gets stepped on, it might revive on its own. Moreover, if it gets a little extra special care, it’ll probably bounce back as if it hadn’t ever been injured. At the same time, if a flower gets repeatedly trampled on, it’ll probably eventually break. Especially the friendships that have been around for a long time can endure storms, and even bee stronger for them, but most friendships have breaking points.Nevertheless, while we can rarely predict at the outset which ones will last, most friendships do enrich us for however short or long they’re a part of our lives.In the sleepiness at the end of a library nap, I wasn’t sure where I was. I stretched out my arm to reach for a human being, but what I grabbed was a used copy of The Odyssey, the book about going home. My heart ached.It was 2 a.m. The library, flooded with white fluorescent light and smelling of musty books and sweaty sneakers, was eerily quiet. My readings seemed endless. I had been admitted into a three-course, yearlong freshman program called Directed Studies, dubbed Directed Suicide by Yalies. It was supposed to introduce us to “the splendors of Western civilization,” in the words of the catalog, by force-feeding the canons of philosophy, literature and history.I wanted very much to study the Western canon, because I knew nothing about it. Yes, McDonald’s ads and Madonna posters were plastered on Shanghai streets, but few Western ideas filtered through. We had been informed of Karl Marx’s habit of sitting at the same spot in the British Library, for instance, but had read none of his original words. Western civilization was different, mysterious and thus alluring. Besides, because I longed to be accepted here, I yearned to understand American society. What better way to prehend it than to study the very ideas on which it is based?But at 2 a.m., I was tired of them all: Homer, Virgil, Herodotus and Plato. Their words were dull and the presentations difficult to follow. The professors here do not teach in the same way that teachers in Chinado. Studying humanities in China means memorizing all the “correct,” standard interpretations given during lectures. Here, professors ask provocative questions and let the students argue, research and write papers on their own. At Yale, I often waited for the end-of-class “correct” answers, which never came.Learning humanities was secure repetition in China, but it was shaky originality here. And it could be even shakier for me. The name Agamemnon was impossibly long to pronounce, and as a result I di dn’t recognize it when we were discussing him in the seminars. I had written my first English essay ever just a year earlier, when applying to colleges, and now came the papers analyzing the canons. And I simply didn’t write in English fast enough to take notes in classes.I hoped my diligence would make up for lack of preparation. On weekend nights, when my American roommates were out on dates, I would tell them I had planned a date with Dante or Aristotle. (They didn’t think it was funny.)On one of those weekend nights, I wrote a paper on Aeneas, the protagonist of The Aeneid, who was destined to found Rome but reluctant to leave behind his native Troy. “Aeneas agonizes,” Iwrote. “He hesitates. Natural instincts call him to stick to the past, while at the same time, he feels obligatedto obey his father’s instructions for the future. His present life is split, pulled apart by the bygone days and by the days to e. ” I saw myself in what I wrote.During calls home every two weeks, my mother pleaded with me to take chemistry or biology. Science was the same everywhere, she said. And I, like everybody else from China, was well prepared in math, physics and chemistry. (To graduate from a standard six-year Chinese high school, one needs to take five years of physics, four years of chemistry and three years of biology.)Instead, I visited the writing tutor — there is one in every undergraduate residential hall — for every paper I turned in. My papers were always written days before they were due. I lingered after classes to question professors. My classmates lent me their notes so I could learn the skill of note-taking in English.By the time I missed home so much that soup dumplings and sautéed eels popped up in my head as I read, Nietzsche had replaced Plato on the chronological reading list and Flaubert Homer. And every paper of mine came back with an A.脱离电网的生活:一家城市居民如何发现了简单生活艾莉森·佐谢尔1.在内华达州的不眠之城拉斯维加斯生活了将近十年之后,我和我的家人决定放慢生活节奏。



Universities Encourage New Students to Go It AloneSun Xiaochen1 With an eye to increasing college students’ independence and improving their social skills, Chinese universities are encouraging freshmen to enroll by themselves without their parents’ help.2 It used to be quite a scene when families accompanied their children to college enrollment in China.3 Vehicles packed with luggage usually filled campuses, while parents carrying bags would follow their children everywhere to help them handle procedures and get them settled in at dormitories.4 However, it was a different scene at Tsinghua University on Wednesday, when more than 3,000 freshmen reported to school and finished all the procedures themselves.5 A yellow line drawn across the entrance of the school arena separated parents from their children, who entered the gym alone with their documentation. The students would spend as much as three hours dealing with the enrollment procedures, including department registration, credential collection and room distribution.6 Senior schoolmates helped new students transfer their baggage and explore the campus.7 The move, launched by Tsinghua University last year, is expected to improve young Chinese people’s self-reliance and independent spirit at a crucial stage of life, university President Chen Jining said.8 “An important goal of higher education is cultivating students’ independent personalities, which should be embodied in every process of campus life,” said Chen, who wrote a brief message with the admission letter that encouraged students to leave their parents behind on enrollment day.9 “How can youngsters grow up with their parents spoiling them and taking care of everything? We expect to make a difference from the beginning.”10 The call got a positive response from students.11 Feng Lei, a student from Gansu province who will study hydraulic engineering, took a 25-hour train ride to Beijing with only one schoolmate.12 “It’s my first long trip without my parents, and I am actually quite excited about it,” he said. “Coming to the university opens a new stage of my life, andI should learn to take care of myself from the start.”13 Feng said he has already made three new friends after enrollment and it really helps to get to know each other.14 Inspired by Tsinghua, other universities have also launched their own campaigns to encourage students to enroll alone. Experts said these independence-improving initiatives should be promoted.15 “The lack of independence has been a major conce rn for kids born in the 1990s as parents arranged everything, which instead hampered their all-around development,” said Xiong Bingqi, vice-president of the 21th Century Education Research Institute.16 “Such campaigns will help them realize that they hav e to live their lives on their own, and schools should provide more independence-developing programs to go with academic education.”高校鼓励新生独立孙晓晨1 着眼于提高高校大学生的独立能力和改善他们的社交能力,中国高校正在鼓励新生不要父母陪伴独自去学校报到。



After living in the 24-hour city of Las Vegas, Nevada for nearly ten years, my family and I decided to slow things down. My daughter wanted a horse. My husband wanted property. My son wanted a dirt bike. I wanted our family to be more self-sufficient.None of us felt that this could be accomplished where we were living and we all agreed that a move to the country would be great for everyone.Before long we set about looking for a home in Yucca, Arizona, a very small town of less than 1,000 people. It was while I was scanning listings from our real estate agent that I first learned of it. There was a home for sale there on 40 acres. When I called to inquire about the property, I was informed that there was no electricity available in the area. What? No electricity? I almost dismissed the idea immediately.The property was off the grid. It was not connected whatsoever to any utilities — power, water orsewer. Power was supplied by a wind turbine and solar panels. Water had to be hauled in and stored in two tanks located on the property. Forty acres would give us plenty of room for all of our animals and give my husband and son space to ride their ATVs. Besides, what better way is there to become more self-sustainable? After giving it some thought, we decided to put in an offer and moved in on Thanksgiving Day.When we first moved to the property, we did some remodeling and stayed in our motor home. We were confronted with real challenges at the time. The power kept going out, the main water line to the house broke, the plumbing backed up into the front yard and the generator died.But the setbacks just made us work harder. We slowly got things fixed and moved into the house after 38 days in the RV. The next challenge was to become familiar with your power system, and to learn the ins and outs of hauling your own water and generating your own power.Our off-the-grid system consists of eight solar panels (1,000 watts) that are mounted on a sun tracker rack. We also have a wind turbine that generates 3,000 watts in 24 mph winds. The energy generated by the wind and sun is stored in 16 6v golf cart batteries. We also have two 2,500-gallon above-ground water tanks and a 250-gallon propane tank. Every weekend, we haul two 275-gallon water tanks to the nearby town of Yucca and fill them with water, which we then pump into our big water tanks.While living here for the past four months has been a big adjustment, there are many benefits to living off the grid. I think one of the greatest is teaching my kids the importance of conservation. They used to take water, power and gas for granted. The first week we were here, we used almost 1,000 gallons of water. With only a5,000-gallon water tank, it didn’t take them long to understand that we had to use l ess water. We started taking quicker showers, doing only full loads of laundry, turning off the water while brushing our teeth or shaving.Over-consumption is even more clearly demonstrated by our electricity usage. We have a digital readout of how many volts of DC power we have stored in our batteries at any given time. If you turn on a light or the TV, the number goes down. In order to protect the batteries, the system is set up to shut the inverter off if the volts get too low. Then the power goes out. When we first moved in, we lost power almost daily. After this happens a few times, it becomes clear very quickly just how often you waste electricity. Everything from lights and ceiling fans to computers and radios were left on when they were not in use. The cell phone chargers were plugged in even when they weren’t charging anything. All of this uses unnecessary power. We are steadily learning to be more diligent with our power usage.In addition, we are also trying to make other changes. They include reducing the amount of trash we generate by recycling and composting, growing our own organic vegetables, and reusing and repurposing things that we would normally toss. We also want to produce our own eggs and goat’s milk in the near future.Overall, going off the grid has been great for our family. We have learned how to conserve power and water and to really appreciate what the earth gives to us every day. I hope that once my kids move out of the house, they will keep the habits that they have learned by living off the grid.I received an email from a reader who asked, “Why do some friendships end, no matter how much you want them to last?” She referred to having seen the question in one of my articles, Mystery of Friendship. As I wrote in it, I don’t think easy answers exist as to how friendships start, why some turn into lifetime ones, and why some end. Although I’ve tried answering the first two questions in other articles (To Have A Friend and Be A Friend), I still get surprised by friendships that endure and disillusioned by ones that slip away. Even so, I’ll try to offer some insights here as to why friendships end.My simple answer is that friendships end because the situations friends are in or even the friends themselves change. Others have similar answers. First, the situations friends face may change. The decision to relocate for a new school or job cannot help but affect a friendship. Likewise, if a friend is in an accident, develops an illness, or loses someone close, these situations cannot help but affect a friendship. Does a friendship need to end because of these changes? No, but it’ll require adjustments that one or both friends might not be willing to make. Second, the friends themselves may change. A significant reason that friendships often end when friendsare apart for an extended period of time (for summer camp, college, etc.) is that one or both of the friends change. I think it hurts less when both friends change, because then the breakup is more often mutual and so both friends get closure by both deciding to let go and move forward in their lives without eachother. What tends to hurt most is when just one friend changes. One friend might change social circles, become involved in new social organizations, start to date, get a pet, or take on someother venture that consumes more time and passion. Again, a friendship can endure these changes, unless one or both of the friends for some reason decide not to invest the time and energy involved in the adjustment period. (For example, one friend might forget the importance of the friendship due to the high of having a new pet or might feel that the change is impossible to overcome when one gets married but the other is still single.) In this situation, breakups may not be mutual and so one or both friends feel betrayed and end up with bitter memories about what was a precious friendship to them.There are other reasons why friendships end. For example, as much as two people might want a friendshipto survive, one or both of them might unintentionally neglect it. Friendship is often compared to a flower garden. Well, if flowers don’t get exposed regularly enough to sunlight and don’t get watered enough, flowers will wither and even die. The same applies to friendship. If week after week passes where plans are made to spend time together but are never honored, perhaps due to taking a friendship for granted, eventually even the closest of friendships may cease to have a reason to exist.Conflicts can also cause the end of friendships. If the flower is a fledgling plant, one blow might destroy it just as sometimes relatively young friendships aren’t strong enough to endure much conflict. Even those amazing close friendships, where friends love us no matter what our faults are, need care when it comes to conflicts. Sure, if a flourishing flower gets stepped on, it might revive on its own. Moreover, if it gets a little extra special care, it’ll probably bounce back as if it hadn’t ever been injured. At the same time, if a flower gets repeatedly trampled on, it’ll probably eventually break. Especially the friendships that have been around for a long time can endure storms, and even become stronger for them, but most friendships have breaking points.Nevertheless, while we can rarely predict at the outset which ones will last, most friendships do enrich us for however short or long they’re a part of our lives.In the sleepiness at the end of a library nap, I wasn’t sure where I was. I stretched out my arm to reach for a human being, but what I grabbed was a used copy of The Odyssey, the book about going home. My heart ached.It was 2 a.m. The library, flooded with white fluorescent light and smelling of musty books and sweaty sneakers, was eerily quiet. My readings seemed endless. I had been admitted into a three-course, yearlong freshman program called Directed Studies, dubbed Directed Suicide by Yalies. It was supposed to introduce us to “the splendors of Western civilization,” in the words of the catalog, by force-feeding the canons of philosophy, literature and history.I wanted very much to study the Western canon, because I knew nothing about it. Yes, McDonald’s ads and Madonna posters were plastered on Shanghai streets, but few Western ideas filtered through. We had been informed of Karl Marx’s habit of sitting at the same spot in the British Library, for instance, but had read none of his original words. Western civilization was different, mysterious and thus alluring. Besides, because I longed to be accepted here, I yearned to understand American society. What better way to comprehend it than to study the very ideas on which it is based?But at 2 a.m., I was tired of them all: Homer, Virgil, Herodotus and Plato. Their words were dull and the presentations difficult to follow. The professors here do not teach in the same way that teachers in Chinado. Studying humanities in China means memorizing all the “correct,” standard interpretations given during lectures. Here, professors ask provocative questions and let the students argue, research and write papers on their own. At Yale, I often waited for the end-of-class “correct” answers, which never came.Learning humanities was secure repetition in China, but it was shaky originality here. And it could be even shakier for me. The name Agamemnon was impossibly long to pronounce, and as a result I didn’t recognize it when we were discussing him in the seminars. I had written my first English essay ever just a year earlier, when applying to colleges, and now came the papers analyzing the canons. And I simply didn’t write in English fast enough to take notes in classes.I hoped my diligence would make up for lack of preparation. On weekend nights, when my American roommates were out on dates, I would tell them I had planned a date with Dante or Aristotle. (They didn’t think it was funny.)On one of those weekend nights, I wrote a paper on Aeneas, the protagonist of The Aeneid, who was destined to found Rome but reluctant to leave behind his native Troy. “Aeneas agonizes,” Iwrote. “He hesitates. Natural instincts call him to stick to the past, while at the same time, he feels obligatedto obey his father’s instructions for the future. His present life is split, pulled apart by the bygone days and by the days to come. ” I saw myself in what I wrote.During calls home every two weeks, my mother pleaded with me to take chemistry or biology. Science was the same everywhere, she said. And I, like everybody else from China, was well prepared in math, physics and chemistry. (To graduate from a standard six-year Chinese high school, one needs to take five years of physics, four years of chemistry and three years of biology.)Instead, I visited the writing tutor — there is one in every undergraduate residential hall — for every paper I turned in. My papers were always written days before they were due. I lingered after classes to question professors. My classmates lent me their notes so I could learn the skill of note-taking in English.By the time I missed home so much that soup dumplings and sautéed eels popped up in my head as I read, Nietzsche had replaced Plato on the chronological reading list and Flaubert Homer. And every paper of mine came back with an A.脱离电网的生活:一家城市居民如何发现了简单生活艾莉森·佐谢尔1.在内华达州的不眠之城拉斯维加斯生活了将近十年之后,我和我的家人决定放慢生活节奏。





Unit 1: Global ChallengesSection A: Global Issues1.What are some of the major global challenges we arecurrently facing?–Some major global challenges we are currently facing include climate change, poverty, terrorism, andpolitical conflicts. These issues impact people from allaround the world and require global cooperation tofind solutions.2.How can individuals contribute to solving globalchallenges?–Individuals can contribute to solving global challenges in various ways. They can practicesustainable living, reduce their carbon footprint,donate to organizations working towards solvingthese challenges, volunteer, and raise awarenessabout the issues among others.3.What role does education play in addressing global challenges?–Education plays a crucial role in addressing global challenges. It helps raise awareness amongindividuals and promotes critical thinking andproblem-solving skills. A well-educated society ismore likely to come up with innovative solutions toglobal challenges.Section B: Climate Change1.What are the main causes of climate change?–The main causes of climate change are the increased greenhouse gas emissions from humanactivities, such as burning fossil fuels, deforestation,and industrial processes. These activities lead to theaccumulation of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, trapping heat and causing the Earth’s temperature torise.2.How does climate change impact the environment?–Climate change has numerous impacts on the environment, including rising sea levels, meltingglaciers, more frequent extreme weather events, lossof biodiversity, and disruption of ecosystems. Theseimpacts have far-reaching consequences for bothhuman and natural systems.3.What can individuals do to mitigate climate change?–Individuals can contribute to mitigating climate change by reducing their carbon footprint throughactions such as using renewable energy sources,conserving energy, driving less, and practicingsustainable agriculture. Additionally, supportingpolicies and initiatives that promote clean energy andenvironmental conservation is also important.Unit 2: Technology and SocietySection A: The Impact of Technology1.What are some ways in which technology has transformed our lives?–Technology has transformed our lives in various ways. It has revolutionized communicationthrough the internet and smartphones, madeinformation easily accessible, improved healthcarethrough advanced medical technologies, increasedefficiency in various industries, and provided newforms of entertainment.2.What are some potential benefits and drawbacks of technological advancements?–Some potential benefits of technological advancements include increased productivity,improved quality of life, medical advancements, andenhanced connectivity. However, there are alsodrawbacks such as job displacement, privacy concerns,overreliance on technology, and potential negativeeffects on mental and physical health.3.How can society ensure responsible and ethical use of technology?–Society can ensure responsible and ethical use of technology through education and awareness about potential risks and ethical considerations.Additionally, regulations and policies can beimplemented to protect privacy, prevent misuse oftechnology, and promote responsible innovation.Unit 3: Cross-Cultural CommunicationSection A: Cultural Differences1.What are some key cultural differences that may affect communication between people from different cultures?–Some key cultural differences that may affect communication between people from differentcultures include language barriers, differentcommunication styles, varying perceptions of timeand punctuality, nonverbal communicationdifferences, and different attitudes towards hierarchyand authority.2.How can individuals overcome cultural barriers in communication?–Individuals can overcome cultural barriers in communication by developing cultural awareness andsensitivity. They can educate themselves aboutdifferent cultures, learn basic phrases of otherlanguages, actively listen and adapt theircommunication style, and be open-minded andrespectful towards cultural differences.3.Why is cross-cultural communication important intoday’s globalized world?–Cross-cultural communication is important in today’s globalized world because it promotesunderstanding, cooperation, and harmony amongindividuals from different cultures. It helps breakdown stereotypes and fosters meaningfulrelationships in a diverse and interconnected world.Conclusion这些答案解析提供了对《全新版大学进阶英语2》教材中常见问题的解答。



Unit 1After living in the 24-hour city of Las Vegas, Nevada for nearly ten years, my family and I decided to slow things down. My daughter wanted a horse. My husband wanted property. My son wanted a dirt bike. I wanted our family to be more self-sufficient.None of us felt that this could be accomplished where we were living and we all agreed that a move to the country would be great for everyone.Before long we set about looking for a home in Yucca, Arizona, a very small town of less than 1,000 people. It was while I was scanning listings from our real estate agent that I first learned of it. There was a home for sale there on 40 acres. When I called to inquire about the property, I was informed that there was no electricity available in the area. What? No electricity? I almost dismissed the idea immediately.The property was off the grid. It was not connected whatsoever to any utilities —power, water orsewer. Power was supplied by a wind turbine and solar panels. Water had to be hauled in and stored in two tanks located on the property. Forty acres would give us plenty of room for all of our animals and give my husband and son space to ride their ATVs. Besides, what better way is there to become more self- sustainable? After giving it some thought, we decided to put in an offer and moved in on Thanksgiving Day.When we first moved to the property, we did some remodeling and stayed in our motor home. We were confronted with real challenges at the time. The power kept going out, the main water line to the house broke, the plumbing backed up into the front yard and the generator died.But the setbacks just made us work harder. We slowly got things fixed and moved into the house after 38 days in the RV. The next challenge was to become familiar with your power system, and to learn the ins and outs of hauling your own water and generating your own power.Our off-the-grid system consists of eight solar panels (1,000 watts) that are mounted on a sun tracker rack. We also have a wind turbine that generates 3,000 watts in 24 mph winds. The energy generated by the wind and sun is stored in 16 6v golf cart batteries. We also have two 2,500-gallon above-ground water tanks and a 250-gallon propane tank. Every weekend, we haul two 275-gallon water tanks to the nearby town of Yucca and fill them with water, which we then pump into our big water tanks.While living here for the past four months has been a big adjustment, there are many benefits to living off the grid. I think one of the greatest is teaching my kids the importance of conservation. They used to take water, power and gas for granted. The first week we were here, we used almost 1,000 gallons of water. With only a 5,000- gallon water tank, it didn ' t take them long to understand that we had to useessl water. We started takingquicker showers, doing only full loads of laundry, turning off the water while brushing our teeth or shaving.Over-consumption is even more clearly demonstrated by our electricity usage. We have a digital readout of how many volts of DC power we have stored in our batteries at any given time. If you turn on a light or the TV, the number goes down. In order to protect the batteries, the system is set up to shut the inverter off if the volts get too low. Then the power goes out. When we first moved in, we lost power almost daily. After this happens a few times, it becomes clear very quickly just how often you waste electricity. Everything from lights and ceiling fans to computers and radios were left on when they were not in use. The cell phone chargers were plugged in even when they weren 't charging anythingA. ll of this uses unnecessary power. We are steadily learning to be more diligent with our power usage.In addition, we are also trying to make other changes. They include reducing the amount of trash we generate by recycling and composting, growing our own organic vegetables, and reusing and repurposing things that we would normally toss. We also want to produce our own eggs and goat ' s milk in the near future.Overall, going off the grid has been great for our family. We have learned how to conserve power and water and to really appreciate what the earth gives to us every day. I hope that once my kids move out of the house, they will keep the habits that they have learned by living off the grid.Unit 3I received an email from a reader who asked, “ Why do some friendshniposmeantdte, r how much you wantthem to last? Sh”e referred to having seen the question in one of my articles, Mystery of Friendship . As I wrote in it, I don ' t think easy answers exist as to how friendships start, why some turn into lifetime ones, and why some end. Although I ' ve tried answering the first two questions in other articles ( To Have A Friend and Be A Friend ), I still get surprised by friendships that endure and disillusioned by ones that slip away. Even so, I ' ll try to offersome insights here as to why friendships end.My simple answer is that friendships end because the situations friends are in or even the friends themselves change. Others have similar answers. First, the situations friends face may change. The decision to relocate for a new school or job cannot help but affect a friendship. Likewise, if a friend is in an accident, develops an illness, or loses someone close, these situations cannot help but affect a friendship. Does a friendship need to end because of these changes? No, but it ' ll require adjustments that one or both friends might not be willing to make.Second, the friends themselves may change. A significant reason that friendships often end when friends are apart for an extended period of time (for summer camp, college, etc.) is that one or both of the friends change. I think it hurts less when both friends change, because then the breakup is more often mutual and so both friends get closure by both deciding to let go and move forward in their lives without each other. What tends to hurt most is when just one friend changes. One friend might change social circles, become involved in new social organizations, start to date, get a pet, or take on some other venture that consumes more time and passion. Again, a friendship can endure these changes, unless one or both of the friends for some reason decide not to invest the time and energy involved in the adjustment period. (For example, one friend might forget the importance of the friendship due to the high of having a new pet or might feel that the change is impossible to overcome when one gets married but the other is still single.) In this situation, breakups may not be mutual and so one or both friends feel betrayed and end up with bitter memories about what was a precious friendship to them.There are other reasons why friendships end. For example, as much as two people might want a friendship to survive, one or both of them might unintentionally neglect it. Friendship is often compared to a flower garden. Well, if flowers don 'extpgoested regularly enough to sunlight and don ' t get watered enough, flowers willwither and even die. The same applies to friendship. If week after week passes where plans are made to spend time together but are never honored, perhaps due to taking a friendship for granted, eventually even the closest of friendships may cease to have a reason to exist.Conflicts can also cause the end of friendships. If the flower is a fledgling plant, one blow might destroy it just as sometimes relatively young friendships aren ' t strong enough to endure much cEonvfelinctt.hose amazingclose friendships, where friends love us no matter what our faults are, need care when it comes to conflicts. Sure, if a flourishing flower gets stepped on, it might revive on its own. Moreover, if it gets a little extra special care, it 'll probablybounce back as if it hadn't ever ibnejuerned. At the same time, if a flower gets repeatedly trampledon, it ' ll probably eventually break.Especially the friendships that have been around for a long time can endure storms, and even become stronger for them, but most friendships have breaking points.Nevertheless, while we can rarely predict at the outset which ones will last, most friendships do enrich us for however short or long they ' re a part of our lives.In the sleepiness at the end of a library nap, I wasn 'wat s.uIrestwrehtcehr e dI out my arm to reach for a human being, but what I grabbed was a used copy of The Odyssey , the book about going home. My heart ached.It was 2 a.m. The library, flooded with white fluorescent light and smelling of musty books and sweaty sneakers, was eerily quiet. My readings seemed endless. I had been admitted into a three-course, yearlong freshman program called Directed Studies, dubbed Directed Suicide by Yalies. It was supposed to introduce us to “the splendors of Western civilization, in the word”s of the catalog, by force-feeding the canons of philosophy,literature and history.I wanted very much to study the Western canon, because I knew nothing about it. Yes, McDonald 's ads and Madonna posters were plastered on Shanghai streets, but few Western ideas filtered through. We had been informed of Karl Marx 's habit of sitting at the samsepot in the British Library, for instance, but had read none of his original words. Western civilization was different, mysterious and thus alluring. Besides, because I longed to be accepted here, I yearned to understand American society. What better way to comprehend it than to study the very ideas on which it is based?But at 2 a.m., I was tired of them all: Homer, Virgil, Herodotus and Plato. Their words were dull and the presentations difficult to follow. The professors here do not teach in the same way that teachers in China do. Studying humanities in China means memorizing all the “ correct, ” stainntedraprrdetations given duringlectures. Here, professors ask provocative questions and let the students argue, research and write papers on their own. At Yale, I often waited for the end-of- class “ correct ” answers, which never came.Learning humanities was secure repetition in China, but it was shaky originality here. And it could be even shakier for me. The name Agamemnon was impossibly long to pronounce, and as a result I didn 't recognize i when we were discussing him in the seminars. I had written my first English essay ever just a year earlier, when applying to colleges, and now came the papers analyzing the canons. And I simply didn 't write in English fast enough to take notes in classes.I hoped my diligence would make up for lack of preparation. On weekend nights, when my American roommates were out on dates, I would tell them I had planned a date with Dante or Aristotle. (They didn 't think it was funny.)On one of those weekend nights, I wrote a paper on Aeneas, the protagonist of The Aeneid , who was destined to found Rome but reluctant to leave behind his native Troy. “ Aeneas agonizes, ” I wrote. “ Hehesitates. Natural instincts call him to stick to the past, while at the same time, he feels obligated to obey his father 's instructions for the futureH. is present life is split, pulled apart by the bygone days and by the days to come. ”I saw myself in what I wrote.During calls home every two weeks, my mother pleaded with me to take chemistry or biology. Science was the same everywhere, she said. And I, like everybody else from China, was well prepared in math, physics and chemistry. (To graduate from a standard six-year Chinese high school, one needs to take five years of physics, four years of chemistry and three years of biology.) Instead, I visited the writing tutor —there is one in every undergraduate residential hall —for every paperI turned in. My papers were always written days before they were due. I lingered after classes to question professors. My classmates lent me their notes so I could learn the skill of note-taking in English.By the time I missed home so much that soup dumpli ngs and saut ed eels po p ped up in my head as I read,Nietzsche had replaced Plato on the chronological reading list and Flaubert Homer. And every paper of mine came back with an A.脱离电网的生活:一家城市居民如何发现了简单生活艾莉森佐谢尔1.在内华达州的不眠之城拉斯维加斯生活了将近十年之后,我和我的家人决定放慢生活节奏。

全新版大学进阶英语综合教程第二册答案U2 Key to

全新版大学进阶英语综合教程第二册答案U2 Key to

Key to ExercisesOpenerSuggested answers for reference1. Qian Zhongshu was a Chinese literary scholar and writer, best known for his wit and great academic knowledge. One of his most famous novels is Fortress Besieged (《围城》). Yang Jiang was a Chinese playwright, author, and translator. Her memoir We Three(《我们仨》) recalls memories of her late husband, Qian Zhongshu, and her daughter, Qian Yuan, who died before her father.David Beckham is an English former professional footballer, and the first English player to win league titles in four countries: England, Spain, the United States and France. David is married to Victoria Beckham, an English businesswoman, fashion designer, model, and singer. They have four children.2. Qian and Yang’s romance began when th ey met at Tsinghua University after Yang Jiang enrolled in the graduate school in 1932. They married in 1935.David started dating Victoria in 1997, after she attended a charity football match. The couple announced their engagement in 1998 and married in 1999.3. During the Cultural Revolution, like many other prominent intellectuals of the time, Qian Zhongshu and Yang Jiang were “sent down”, doing “reform through labor” in a “cadre school” in Henan from 1969 to 1972.The challenge David and Victoria have come across is media attention.They are both famous, so their relationship has attracted a great deal of media attention from its very beginning.Reading & InteractingI. Understanding the Text1. Text Organization2. Comprehension CheckFocusing on the main ideasFrank joined the . Army during World War II, and frequently exchanged letters with Polly, his wife. Frank, away in England, wrote about his longings for home and his feelings towards Polly and Dee, their toddler daughter, while Polly described in detail her life at home and expressed her concern over the war, as well as the loneliness she endured from the long separation. They wrote about their love for each other and comforted each other with the expectation for their reunion in the future. Tragically, however, Frank was killed in the Normandy landing operation on D-Day.Digging into detail1. He was very bitter that he was not going to be by her side whileshe grew up.2. He believed it was God’s will whether he would be one of the assaulttroops and whether he would survive the fighting. What he would do was to trust God.3. They had not seen each other for 8 months.4. Polly would take her daughter Dee to see her first movie.5. Polly imagined she and Frank would listen to their favorite musictogether on Sunday nights.6. She felt all the more sentimental but at the same time more confidentin the future.Understanding difficult sentences1. B2. A3. B4. B5. BII. Focusing on Language in Context1. Key Words & Expressions1. While I was working in a fast-food restaurant, I constantly dreamtof being able to own one someday.2. It was common for people to keep up correspondence with friendsthrough letters before the age of the Internet.3. In modern Chinese society, women, to a large extent, are no longerdominated by men either in family life or in the workplace.4. There is now a growing realization of the importance of recyclingamong the residents in our neighborhood.5. The Japanese invasion during World War II met with fierce resistancefrom the Chinese people.6. It is wonderful to see flowers bloom in different colours after along bleak winter.7. The elderly landlady couldn’t endure the behavior of the young manany more: he tossed trash all over the building.8. It is true that human beings have had war constantly throughouthistory; nevertheless human civilization has managed to survive.9. An increasingly large number of Chinese plan to spend their timetravelling to different countries and seeing more of the world when they retire.10. Last week I submitted my first project proposal and I was veryanxious to know how the department manager would react to it.11. We all sympathize with those who lost loved ones in the disaster.12. The general decided to launch an assault on the enemy at midnight.13. At that time, most stores in that region allowed shoppers to exchangegoods and services at a mutually agreed price.14. The kids never received any professional training previously, buttheir performance was impressive.15. It’s amazing that the toddler can count up to one hundred andbackward.1. postponed2. of late3. long for4. continuallyfor 6. on land 7. adored 8. by the day1. The sole survivor of the crash declined to be interviewed sayinghe just could not bring himself to talk about the tragic accident at the moment.2. I thought the party I was invited to was a quiet and private one,but as it turned out, I was overwhelmed by the crowds and noise.3. Like many of her generation, the lady suffered/underwent a lot ofhardships throughout her life.4. The local government was forced /had to bow to public pressure andcancelled the nuclear power program.5. Different teachers play different roles in the growth of a student.6. The team is carrying out research to find out the impact on childrenof long separation from their parents.7. Mary immediately felt uneasy when she found her cousin John wasgazing upon her.8. I can still recall how my heart was filled with joy and pride whenI received the diploma from the principal.2. Usage1. We all pray for the return of peace and loved ones.2. The prime minister, when talking about the servicemen in battle,said, “Those brave young peo ple are the ones who are undergoing all/all of the hardships.”3. All of them were overwhelmed by the glamour of the royal palace.4. The happiest are not those who own all/all of the best things, butthose who can appreciate the beauty of life.5. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.3. Sentence Patterns1. Of course you all think big. But I’ll bet many of you have no ideawhat you are really longing for.2. The school bus driver shouted, “Don’t get off until the busstops!”3. I understand the importance of developing the habit of not puttingoff what you can do today until tomorrow. But you know, it’s always easier said than done.4. You may say you enjoy being single, but I bet you will thinkdifferently when you finally fall in love.5. Not until I experienced terrible loneliness did I come to therealization that support and sympathy from family were precious.4. Comprehensive PracticeClozeIn putting into words how much we adore someone, sometimes it is easier to do so in correspondence than face-to-face. One cannot help but sympathize with the lover who, gazing upon the object of his affection face-to-face, becomes overwhelmed and lost for words. Here distance may help. For separation not only makes the heart grow fonder, it also provides the perfect excuse for a(n) exchange of love letters in which the tongue-tied lover can give a more impressive display of his innermost thoughts. Unable to bring himself to speak freely about his feelings, with pen and paper on hand he may nonetheless easily fill pages with fine words. Watered by these, love will hopefully bloom. Translation1. George longs for a chance to meet her, but he can’t bring himselfto tell her about it.2. Many smart and capable people do not achieve a lot in their lifebecause they are afraid of the hardships they may have to endure.3. I remember that in my childhood I had great enjoyment in living inthe countryside where all the flowers were blooming in spring.4. The government is sure to react to the recent growth in violentcrime.5. Quite a lot of people can undergo feelings of loss after they retire,and we may help them with our care and concern.6. They would get together exchanging ideas and discussing the problemsthey were confronted with when they stayed in Silicon Valley in the 90’s.7. Gazing upon the picture of her grandson who lost his life on D-Day,the elderly lady was filled with sorrow.8. Some people worry that robots may someday become the dominatingforce in the world.Reading & ComprehendingReading 11. Comprehension Check for Reading 11. F2. F3. F4. T5. F6. T7. T8. F9. F 10. T2. Translation1. 每个事故本身都不怎么严重,但叠加起来似乎就触发了一个奇怪的结果。



Unit 3 FriendshipKey to ExercisesOpenerSuggested answers for reference1. I like the second best. You know why? Because the quotation tells me that a realfriend is there when you are sad, when you are emotionally hurt, providing you with sympathy and comfort.2. I like the third best. You know why? Because what I can learn from the quotationis that experience will teach you that to have real friends is more important than to have more friends.3. I like the fourth best. You know why? Because the quotation tells me that it is amiracle to have a real friend who trusts and supports you when others are against you.4. I like the fifth best. You know why? Because what I can learn from the quotationis that nothing can be more important than being honest in making friends.5. I like the sixth best. You know why? Because the quotation tells me that a truefriend is unforgettable, remaining in your heart as you journey through life.Reading & InteractingI. Understanding the Text1. Text Organization1.11.2Para. 1 serves as an introduction to why friendships end.Para. 6 serves as a conclusion: Anyway, most friendships do enrich our lives no matter whether they are long or short.2. Comprehension Check2.1 Focusing on the main ideasWhy do friendships end? The author offers some insights into the question.Friendships end because the situations friends are in change. These changes can’t help but affect a friendship. Next, the friends themselves may change. The breakups can be mutual or one-sided. It hurts less when both friends change. What tends to hurt most is when just one friend changes. A third reason is that as much as two people might want a friendship to survive, one or both of them might unintentionally neglect it. Lastly, conflicts can cause the end of a friendship, since most friendships have breaking points under pressure.2.2 Digging into detail1. Why do some friendships end, no matter how much you want them to last?2. When you decide to relocate for a new school or job, this can’t help but affect afriendship. Likewise, if a friend of yours is in an accident, develops an illness, or loses someone close, these situations can’t help but affect a friendship. These events can end friendships if the necessary adjustments are not made.3. For example, when one or both friends start to date or get married, theirfriendship may come to an end. It hurts less when both friends want to do so. It tends to hurt most when just one friend changes.4. Friendship needs regular care. Taking a friendship for granted can cause it tobreak.5. A blow to a flower. If a flower gets repeatedly trampled on, it’ll eventuallybreak. So even those amazing close friendships need care when conflicts arise.2.3 Understanding difficult sentences1. B2. B3. A4. A5. BII. Focusing on Language in Context1.11. We set out to find the truth behind the mystery of the scientist’s disappearance.2. A good relationship is built on honesty, trust, and mutual respect.3. Kids may grow faster or slower but most of them still end up with an averageheight.4. In the joint venture, the Chinese party will hold a 51 percent controllinginterest.5. Although John has dated the girl for a year, he is still in two minds as towhether to marry her or not.6. Many people are unaware of just how much food and drink they consume eachday.7. In order not to hurt Mary’s feelings, please don’t refer to the incident again.8. He and Jeannie used to live together, but recently they have been apart for thefirst time.9. Adam has announced that he is to take an extended touring break in order tospend more time with his family.10. Jim survived the heart attack thanks to the prompt first aid treatment.11. His interview did not go well and his chance of getting the job slipped away.12. Kids exposed to an unhealthy environment tend to grow up with moreproblems.13. An occasional all-nighter is rough, but he is young enough to bounce back.14. Olivier turned it down flat and tried to persuade Vivien to do likewise.15. Nowadays when you buy a house in a big city, you have to invest lots of money.1.21. passion2. due to3. moreover4. cannot help but5. revive6. As much as7. neglected 8. on her own 9. injure1.31. While there are a couple of antibiotics that usually work, if they are overusedthey, too, may cease to be effective.2. I felt betrayed when he treated me like that.3. At least three people are reported to have been involved in the crime.4. The main reason that he developed liver cancer is because he had been exposedto high levels of radiation.5. Do not take on more responsibilities than you can handle.2. Word Formation2.1skilled →unskilledbalance →imbalancesufficient →insufficientagreeable →disagreeableunderstanding →misunderstanding2.21. As for the children of the unskilled workers, relatively few of them are able tosecure a place in college.2. Friendships are hard to survive in a disagreeable social environment.3. Some conflicts due to misunderstandings can cause the end of friendships.4. In recent years, we have invested more in basic science, but I think theinvestment ratio is still insufficient.5. The imbalance between consumption and investment must be corrected in orderto achieve sustained economic growth.3. Sentence Patterns3.11. There is no doubt he is impeccable when it comes to honesty.2. When it comes to diet and exercise, we all know what to do, but we seldom dowhat we know.3. I’m not good at English, but when it comes to math, I am the best in the class. 3.21. No matter how heavy the rain was, the soldiers kept marching on.2. Sam said, “No matter who becomes the President, I don’t care.”3. No matter whether she comes or not, it makes no difference to me.4. Comprehensive Practice4.1 ClozeWhen it comes to friendship, few of us deliberately want them to cease. On the contrary, we want our friendships not merely to survive, but to flourish. Yet, no matter how much we value friendship, sometimes we do drift apart from one another. Without noticing it we may fail to invest enough time and effort in maintaining our relationships. If we neglect them in this way they cannot help but be damaged. And once the damage is done, it is often hard to revive the friendship.4.2 Translation1. The article/essay helps us get a deep insight into the nature of the problem.2. Based on mutual respect, friendship will flourish.3. Like a plant, friendship will wither if neglected.4. No matter what may happen, we will do our best to overcome it.5. A friendship without constant care from both sides will end up with a breakup.6. This year cold weather has seriously affected the crops in the northern region.7. As much as I hate to do it, I must finish the task as planned.8. That means the new law also applies to private businesses.Reading & ComprehendingReading 11. Comprehension Check for Reading 11. F2. T3. F4. T5. T6. T7. T8. F9. T 10. T2. Translation1. 你的朋友被告上法庭受审,而你被传唤作证。



Unit 1 Living GreenKey to ExercisesReading & InteractingI. Understanding the Text1. Text Organization2. Comprehension Check2.1 Focusing on the main ideasAfter living in the city of Las Vegas for years, Alison Zeuschel and her family decided to move to the countryside. Their home hunting ended up in a very small town in Arizona where they purchased a house on 40 acres that was not only off the grid, but without access to any (public) utilities. Just imagine the challenges facing them, such as generating their own power and hauling their own water. However, they worked hard and succeeded in making the adjustment in a few months. In addition, they benefited a lot from living off the grid there. Most important of all, they came to know the importance of conservation and learned how to conserve power and water and how to reuse things, etc. In other words they learned how to live green.2.2 Digging into detail1. Her daughter wanted a horse. Her husband wanted property. Her son wanted adirt bike. The writer herself wanted her family to be more self-sufficient.2. The property was off the grid. It was actually not connected to any utilities —power, water or a sewer system.3. They generated electricity by wind and solar power, and stored it in 16 golf cartbatteries. Water had to be hauled in from a nearby town and stored in two tanks located on the property.4. In her view, one of the greatest benefits was teaching her children theimportance of conservation.5. Other changes included reducing the amount of trash by recycling andcomposting, growing their own organic vegetables and reusing things that they would normally toss away.2.3 Understanding difficult sentences1. A2. B3. B4. A5. BII. Focusing on Language in Context1. Key Words & Expressions1.11. Jack has no interest whatsoever in pursuing an acting career. He loves writingand directing.2. The idea was to have users upload their medical records, so that they could beavailable at any time.3. Traffic jams often build up when drivers slow down to see what happened in acrash.4. A native New Yorker, Ben is familiar with the city, its neighborhoods, and all hehas connections with.5. You may have already seen your dream house. Before you put in an offer, youcan do a few more things to ensure you purchase the right property for the right price.6. Buying organic fruit and vegetables costs more, and for many shoppers, thebenefits hardly seem worth the extra expense.7. Self-sufficient living is the practice of providing for your own needs withoutoutside aid or resources.8. In the interview, the writer was asked how he set about writing a novel based ona dream he once had.9. Are you thinking of becoming an insurance sales agent? Take this quiz to findout if this is the right career choice for you.10. The rent for the apartment is reasonable; besides, the utilities are included,which means you don’t have to pay anything for gas, electricity and water.11. A central heating and cooling system produces warm or cool air in one centralarea and distributes it throughout the building.12. We were deeply shocked and saddened when we learned of the sudden death ofour newly retired professor.13. If you know the ins and outs of something, you know all the details about it andunderstand how it works.14. It’s long been proven that we can accomplish any project if we break it up intosmall pieces and do the project one piece at a time.1.21. consist of2. tossed3. overall4. hauling5. went out6. in use1.31. If you’re in business long enough, it’s inevitable you will meetwith/face/encounter setbacks.2. Hydroelectric power plants generate electricity in a much cleaner way thancoal-fired ones.3. Knowing the proper way to do laundry will help you avoid shrinking yoursweaters and dyeing your white socks pink.4. We really appreciate the invitation to your party, but my elderly mother liveswith us and we don’t like to leave her alone in the evenings.5. The hotel is OK but could make some adjustments to live up to its 5-star rating.6. Most of us take electricity for granted. But do you know that about 1.5 billionpeople in this world have no access to electrical power?2. Usage1. He spoke to her looking away, as though to avoid meeting her eyes.2. I hope to arrive in Hangzhou at 2:20 pm to catch the 3:10 train to Ningbo.3. Maria refused to attend a party to which Lucia was also invited.4. You may want to consider going on strike if you think you are paid unfairwages.5. I remember feeling really happy when I was told they had found a house thatcould meet our needs.6. If I fail to pass the exam on the first attempt, can I take the exam again?7. The hotel and its staff are great. We really enjoyed staying there during our tripto Nanjing.8. It is not only your health that will improve if you give up smoking, but also thehealth of your family.9. Few of my friends could resist playing this computer game.10. Please remember to pay back the money to Mary the moment you receive yoursalary next month.3. Sentence Patterns3.11. It was the day before yesterday that they set out. / It was they that set out theday before yesterday.2. It was by the roadside that I found the lost wallet. / It was I that/who found thelost wallet by the roadside. /It was the lost wallet that I found by the roadside.3. It was not until he got everything ready for the experiment that Xiao Wang leftthe lab.3.21. It took my parents half an hour to finally find their way back to the hotel. / Ittook half an hour for my parents to finally find their way back to the hotel.2. It took us almost two hours to work out this difficult math problem. / It tookalmost two hours for us to work out this difficult math problem.3. It will take us more than three months to accomplish this art project. / It willtake more than three months for us to accomplish this art project.4. Comprehensive Practice4.1 ClozeIf you want to know all the ins and outs of living green, then you should visit Backsbottom Farm. It is run by Rod and Jane, who have tried to be as self-sufficient as possible. They use a horse to haul the logs they cut from their woods. The fields are nourished by organic waste from the horse and their other animals rather than chemicals. They rely on a windmill to generate their electricity and when the wind slows down the lights go out and they have to set about looking for the candles. Jane, who was brought up in a home where constant electric power was taken for granted, admits it was hard to make the adjustment when they first arrived at the farm, but adds that overall they really appreciate their new way of life.4.2 Translation1. Jack is so diligent a student that he never goes anywhere without a book.2. This is an outline of my paper; any of your suggestions will be trulyappreciated.3. Whether you’re buying or renting, you’ll need to be fully aware what kind ofproperty best suits you and your lifestyle.4. It is dangerous to ride a bicycle on an icy road, so we have to use the brake toslow it down.5. If we put all our energy and effort into this project, we will definitelyaccomplish it in a few more months.6. I am thinking about moving to a three-bedroom house located near the towncenter. In addition, it is within walking distance to the train station.7. A lot of the things we take for granted as trash, such as newspapers, magazines,old computers and cellphones, can actually be recycled or reused in one way or another.8. — What questions can I ask when inquiring about a job?— You may ask if the position is still available and how long you have to wait before getting to know if you will be given an interview.Reading & ComprehendingReading 11. Comprehension Check for Reading 11. F2. T3. F4. T5. F6. F7. T8. T9. T 10. F2. Translation1. 在一个国际大都市(澳大利亚的悉尼)的郊区,有五周时间尝试无车的生活方式,有机会践行我们有关可持续发展和健康的价值观,这令我们激动不已。





















全新版大学进阶英语2答案第一部分:听力Section A1-5 B C A C B6-10 B C A B B11-15 A B C C ASection B16-20 A C C A B21-25 B C B A CSection C26. build a greenhouse27. 60,00028. in July29. reduce energy consumption30. hotter and drier第二部分:阅读理解Passage 131-35 D C B D A36-40 C D B A D41-45 D C B A CPassage 246-50 B D D C A51-55 D B C A D56-60 B D A C BPassage 361-65 D B C A D66-70 C D B A C71-75 D B C A D第三部分:英语知识运用76-80 C A B D C81-85 B A D B C86-90 D A C D B91-95 C B D A D96-100 A C B D C第四部分:写作范文:The Importance of Time ManagementTime management is a crucial skill that every student should possess. It involves the ability to plan and prioritize tasks effectively in order to make the most of the limited time available. In the context of university studies, timemanagement becomes even more significant as students are faced with multiple deadlines and a multitude of responsibilities.Having effective time management skills allows students to achieve a balance between their academic and personal lives. By carefully planning their schedules, students can allocate sufficient time for studying, attending classes, and completing assignments, while also having time for extracurricular activities and socializing. Without proper time management, students often find themselves overwhelmed with a backlog of tasks, leading to stress, anxiety, and a decline in their academic performance.One key aspect of time management is the ability to prioritize tasks according to their importance and deadlines. By identifying the most urgent and significant tasks, students can allocate additional time and resources to ensure that these tasks are completed on time and to a high standard. Prioritization also helps students avoid wasting time on less important tasks and allows them to focus their energy on tasks that will contribute the most to their academic success.Another essential component of time management is effective planning and organization. Students should create a weekly or monthly schedule that includes all their academicand personal commitments. This allows them to have a clear overview of their upcoming tasks and helps them avoid last-minute rushes or missed deadlines. Breaking down larger tasks into smaller, manageable parts can also make them less overwhelming and easier to accomplish.In addition to planning and prioritizing, time management also involves self-discipline and the ability to resist distractions. With the advent of technology, students are often tempted to spend excessive amounts of time on social media or other online activities, which can severely impact their productivity. Developing the discipline to set aside specific time slots for leisure activities and sticking to those schedules can greatly enhance productivity and make better use of time.In conclusion, time management is an essential skill for university students to develop in order to succeed academically and maintain a balanced lifestyle. By planning, prioritizing, and organizing their tasks effectively, students can optimize their productivity, reduce stress, and achieve their goals. With proper time management, students can make the most of their university experience and set themselves up for future success.。




(diligent)______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2.这是我的论文(paper)提纲(outline),对于你的任何建议,我将不胜感激。

(appreciate)______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3.无论是买还是租,你都得弄清楚什么样的房产最适合你和你的生活方式。

(property)______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4.在冰面上骑车是很危险的,因此我们必须用车闸(brake)减慢自行车的速度。

(slow down)______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 5.如果我们把所有精力和努力投入进去,再过几个月,我们肯定能完成这个项目。

(accomplish)______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 6.我打算搬入一座位于镇中心附近三居室的房子。



最新全新版大学进阶英语第二册第二单元答案Unit 2: Tales of True LoveOpenerXXX。

XXX a playwright。


and translator。

and her XXX。

who passed away before her father.XXX。

on the other hand。

is a former English nal footballer who made history as the first English player to win league titles in four different countries: England。


the United States。

and France。

He is married to Victoria Beckham。

an English businesswoman。

n designer。


and singer。

and the couple has four children.Exercise 1Qian and Yang first met at Tsinghua University in 1932 when Yang enrolled in the graduate school。

They fell in love and got married in 1935.David and Victoria's love story began in 1997 when they met at a XXX started dating。

and in 1998.they XXX.Exercise 2No errors found.Exercise 3No errors found.During the Cultural n。

Qian Zhongshu and Yang Jiang。

全新版大学进阶英语综合教程 综合训练 2

全新版大学进阶英语综合教程 综合训练 2

全新版大学进阶英语综合教程综合训练 2简介全新版大学进阶英语综合教程综合训练 2 是一本专为大学生设计的英语综合训练教材。



1. 听力训练本章节旨在帮助学生提高听力理解能力。


1.1 听力理解练习本节将提供一系列听力材料,学生需要仔细听并回答相关问题。


1.2 听力笔记本节旨在培养学生做好听力笔记的能力。



2. 口语训练本章节将帮助学生提高口语表达能力和交流能力。


2.1 对话练习本节将提供一系列对话练习题,学生需要与同学进行角色扮演,模拟不同社交场景中的对话情境。


2.2 辩论讨论本节旨在让学生参与辩论讨论活动,通过讨论不同的社会热点话题,学生将能够锻炼自己的逻辑思维和辩论能力,并能够用英语清晰地表达自己的观点。

2.3 演讲练习本节要求学生进行演讲练习,学生可以选择自己感兴趣的话题进行演讲。


3. 阅读训练本章节将帮助学生提高阅读理解能力。


3.1 阅读理解练习本节提供一系列文章,学生需要阅读文章并回答相关练习题。


全新版大学进阶英语,综合教程1 U2 Text with Translation

全新版大学进阶英语,综合教程1 U2 Text with Translation

All Grown Up andStill in TowSherri Beattie1 My heart went out to him. In fact, I felt so uncomfortable thatI looked away. How humiliating to be in a university registrar’soffice with your father taking charge.2 As I stood in line, waiting for my own question to beanswered, I reflected on how times have changed.3 I am as old as, if not older than, most faculty members.4 Nonetheless, I do remember what it was like to be an 18-year-old undergraduate. The first-year experience is exciting,liberating and terrifying, all combined to help us grow intoadulthood. That is, if our parents don’t come with us.5 The young man at the counter had some sort of registrationproblem. It is inevitable in the first year. The woman behind thecounter clearly felt, as I did, embarrassed for this young man,who was accompanied by his no doubt well-intentioned, butmisguided, father.6 Dad did the talking while his son struggled to lift his eyesand look at the woman trying to help them. I thought aboutthose small bits of self-confidence that were so painstakinglybuilt in boyhood, and how they were being crushed at thecounter. What I saw was a student who looked perfectly able toask a few questions and get the information he needed.7 I grew very angry. “Oh, grow up, go home,” I wanted toshout at Dad from my place in the line.8 I was equally shocked as I sat in a seminar for 500 first-yearteaching assistants and was told what to do when Mom and/or Dad shows up in your office complaining about the marksor assignments that you have given to their children. It is a veryreal issue in universities thesedays.9 Baby-boomer parents seem to struggle with two things:saying no and letting go. The teaching assistants massedtogether in the theatre were advised to send unhappy parentsdirectly to professors. I sat in disbelief, but yes, it happens.10 Mom and Dad, your children are no longer children.Rather, they are eagerly trying to be adults. So whatever areyou doing in line with them at the registrar’s office?11 Twenty years ago, when I first entered university, parentsdid not follow their children all the way there. My parentsdropped me at the front door of St. Hilda’s College at theUniversity of Toronto and drove five hours back home.12 I was not ready, prepared or clearly aware about whatwould happen over the course of the next four years, but Imuddled through. From professors and teaching assistants toregistrars and student-loan officers, I learned to find my waythrough the perils and pleasures of university life. Naturally, Imade mistakes, but then I still do.13 Were my parents not caring or uninterested? Not at all.What they were not was university-educated baby-boomers whobelieve all events must be designed and controlled and thateverything I did was a direct reflection on them.14 My parents came from another generation. They never setfoot in a university. They were pleased, and supportive, when Idecided to attend but they considered me an adult at 18.15 The incident I saw in the registrar’s office was not anunusual sight. I wish it were. Rather, about six people behindme in line, I discovered another parent-child grouping. This timea son was pleading with his mother to stay put while he went tothe counter and dealt with the problem himself. They were stillnegotiating when I left.16 Too many baby-boomer parents are overly concerned withsuccess. They just don’t want to let go.17 When I tell my mother that I have won a scholarship andwill undertake graduate research in Europe this fall she says,“That’s nice, dear.”18 My mother would argue that my success is my own. I wouldargue that my success is a result of being allowed the freedomto make mistakes and find my own way.19 To parent s whose children are at tending first-yearuniversity, just remember they have all grown up now. It is timefor you to do the same.只好仍跟随着父母的成年孩子谢丽·比蒂1 我十分同情这位男孩。



全新版⼤学进阶英语第⼆册第⼆单元答案Unit 2 Tales of True LoveKey to ExercisesOpenerSuggested answers for reference1. Qian Zhongshu was a Chinese literary scholar and writer, best known for his wit and great academic knowledge. One of his most famous novels is Fortress Besieged (《围城》). Yang Jiang was a Chinese playwright, author, and translator. Her memoir We Three(《我们仨》) recalls memories of her late husband, Qian Zhongshu, and her daughter, Qian Yuan, who died before her father.David Beckham is an English former professional footballer, and the first English player to win league titles in four countries: England, Spain, the United States and France. David is married to Victoria Beckham, an English businesswoman, fashion designer, model, and singer. They have four children.2. Qian a nd Yang’s romance began when they met at Tsinghua Universi ty after Yang Jiang enrolled in the graduate school in 1932. They married in 1935.David started dating Victoria in 1997, after she attended a charity football match. The couple announced their engagement in 1998 and married in 1999.·3. During the Cultural Revolution, like many other prominent intellectuals of the time, Qian Zhongshu and Yang Jiang were “sent down”, doing “reform through labor” in a “cadre school” in Henan from 1969 to 1972.The challenge David and Victoria have come across is media attention. They are both famous, so their relationship has attracted a great dealof media attention from its very beginning.Reading & InteractingI. Understanding the Text1. Text Organization2. Comprehension CheckFocusing on the main ideasFrank joined the . Army during World War II, and frequently exchanged letters with Polly, his wife. Frank, away in England, wrote about his longings for home and his feelings towards Polly and Dee, their toddler daughter, while Polly described in detail her life at home and expressed her concern over the war, as well as the loneliness she endured from the long separation. They wrote about their love for each other and comforted each other with the expectation for their reunion in the future. Tragically, however, Frank was killed in the Normandy landing operation on D-Day.Digging into detail…1. He was very bitter that he was not going to be by her side whileshe grew up.2. He believed it was God’s will whether he would be one of the assaulttroops and whether he would survive the fighting. What he would do was to trust God.3. They had not seen each other for 8 months.4. Polly would take her daughter Dee to see her first movie.5. Polly imagined she and Frank would listen to their favorite musictogether on Sunday nights.6. She felt all the more sentimental but at the same time more confidentin the future.Understanding difficult sentences1. B2. A3. B4. B5. B~II. Focusing on Language in Context1. Key Words & Expressions1. While I was working in a fast-food restaurant, I constantly dreamtof being able to own one someday.2. It was common for people to keep up correspondence with friends through letters before the age of the Internet.3. In modern Chinese society, women, to a large extent, are no longer dominated by men either in family life or in the workplace.4. There is now a growing realization of the importance of recyclingamong the residents in our neighborhood..5. The Japanese invasion during World War II met with fierce resistance from the Chinese people.6. It is wonderful to see flowers bloom in different colours after along bleak winter.7. The elderly landlady couldn’t endure the behavior of the young manany more: he tossed trash all over the building.8. It is true that human beings have had war constantly throughout history; nevertheless human civilization has managed to survive.9. An increasingly large number of Chinese plan to spend their time travelling to different countries and seeing more of the world when they retire.10. Last week I submitted my first project proposal and I was veryanxious to know how the department manager would react to it.11. We all sympathize with those who lost loved ones in the disaster.12. The general decided to launch an assault on the enemy at midnight.—13. At that time, most stores in that region allowed shoppers to exchangegoods and services at a mutually agreed price.14. The kids never received any professional training previously, buttheir performance was impressive.15. It’s amazing that the toddler can count up to one hundred andbackward.1. postponed2. of late3. long for4. continuallyfor 6. on land 7. Adored 8. by the day1. The sole survivor of the crash declined to be interviewed sayinghe just could not bring himself to talk about the tragic accident at the moment.@2. I thought the party I was invited to was a quiet and private one,but as it turned out, I was overwhelmed by the crowds and noise.3. Like many of her generation, the lady suffered/underwent a lot ofhardships throughout her life.4. The local government was forced /had to bow to public pressure andcancelled the nuclear power program.5. Different teachers play different roles in the growth of a student.6. The team is carrying out research to find out the impact on childrenof long separation from their parents.7. Mary immediately felt uneasy when she found her cousin John wasgazing upon her.8. I can still recall how my heart was filled with joy and pride whenI received the diploma from the principal.]2. Usage1. We all pray for the return of peace and loved ones.2. The prime minister, when talking about the servicemen in battle,said, “Those brave young peopl e are the ones who are undergoing all/all of the hardships.”3. All of them were overwhelmed by the glamour of the royal palace.4. The happiest are not those who own all/all of the best things, butthose who can appreciate the beauty of life.5. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.3. Sentence Patterns1. Of course you all think big. But I’ll bet many of you have no ideawhat you are really longing for.2. The school bus driver shouted, “Don’t get off until the busstops!”3. I understand the importance of developing the habit of not puttingoff what you can do today until tomorrow. But you know, it’s always easier said than done.4. You may say you enjoy being single, but I bet you will thinkdifferently when you finally fall in love.5. Not until I experienced terrible loneliness did I come to therealization that support and sympathy from family were precious.4. Comprehensive PracticeCloze#In putting into words how much we adore someone, sometimes it is easier to do so in correspondence than face-to-face. One cannot help but sympathize with the lover who, gazing upon the object of his affection face-to-face, becomes overwhelmed and lost for words. Here distance may help. For separation not only makes the heart grow fonder,it also provides the perfect excuse for a(n) exchange of love letters in which the tongue-tied lover can give a more impressive display of his innermost thoughts. Unable to bring himself to speak freely about his feelings, with pen and paper on hand he may nonetheless easily fill pages with fine words. Watered by these, love will hopefully bloom. Translation1. George longs for a chance to meet her, but he can’t bring himselfto tell her about it.2. Many smart and capable people do not achieve a lot in their lifebecause they are afraid of the hardships they may have to endure.3. I remember that in my childhood I had great enjoyment in living inthe countryside where all the flowers were blooming in spring.4. The government is sure to react to the recent growth in violentcrime.5. Quite a lot of people can undergo feelings of loss after they retire,and we may help them with our care and concern.6. They would get together exchanging ideas and discussing the problemsthey were confronted with when they stayed in Silicon Valley in the 90’s.#7. Gazing upon the picture of her grandson who lost his life on D-Day,the elderly lady was filled with sorrow.8. Some people worry that robots may someday become the dominatingforce in the world.Reading & ComprehendingReading 11. Comprehension Check for Reading 11. F2. F3. F4. T5. F6. T7. T8. F9. F 10. T<2. Translation1. 每个事故本⾝都不怎么严重,但叠加起来似乎就触发了⼀个奇怪的结果。

全新版大学进阶英语综合教程I04-B2-U2 Text with Translation_2

全新版大学进阶英语综合教程I04-B2-U2  Text with Translation_2

WWII Love Letters Telling of Romance and TragedyBy Michael E.Ruane1It was not until three years after her mother died in1990that DeRonda Elliott opened the suitcase containing the letters her parents exchanged during World War II.2Despite her mother’s urging,she had never been able to bring herself to read them.It was her parents’private story.Her father,Frank,had been killed on D-Day,June6,1944,and afterward her mother seldom spoke of him.3When Elliott,a retired nurse from Durham,N.C.,finally examined the correspondence in1993, she was overwhelmed.4Frank M.Elliott,23,who had left Georgetown University to join the Army in1943,wrote from England.Pauline“Polly”Elliott,24,wrote from their home in New Castle,Pa.Their daughter, DeRonda“Dee,”was a toddler.5(31days to D-Day)May6,1944Dearest Darling,All day I have been fighting the feeling which has been dominating me of late.I keep continually thinking of home and longing for home in the worst way.All your letters of how beautiful my daughter is becoming by the day.The realization that I am missing all these months and years of her formative growth is actually gnawing at my heart....I love you,Frank6(28days to D-Day)May9,1944Dearest,The invasion,I read,is a topic of daily conjecture among the people at home and I guess you area bit worried.Well,sweetheart,don’t worry,please.It is possible I may be a member in the assault but no more possible than that I may someday die.It is God’s will darling,to which we must all bow.In prep school we had a quarterback who always ended his pre-game prayers with the addition of the phrase,“Not my will God,but Thine”and so it is sweetheart and so it must always be—we must trust our God unflinchingly,unquestioningly.I love’em all but Polly best of all—Frank7(17days to D-Day)May20,1944Darling,Dad sent a fellow today to fix up our yard and he really did a super job—it looks nice.All the spring flowers are beginning to bloom now and the sight of them just increases my longing for you....Sometimes I sympathize with myself by counting up the months since I’ve seen you—and because they are too many—nearly eight now—I feel very,very sorry for myself....Really dear,I try not to feel sorry for me,you are the one who is undergoing all the hardship.I have Dee who in herself is enough to compensate for anything.Without her,I don’t see how I would endure this separation.Yet constantly,darling,all of me longs for you.It can’t be much longer now,sweetheart.I love you,Polly8(10days to D-Day)May27,1944Hi Darling,...Darn it darling,I would certainly like to be on hand when Dee goes to see her first movie.Take her to Youngstown,Pittsburgh or Cleveland to one of those theatres with a long impressive lobby with candy counters and attractive posters.I’ll bet she will love it.Don’t postpone her enjoyment till I come home,but let me know how she reacts to all the glamour of Hollywood3’s productions....Frank9(9days to D-Day)May28,1944Darling—Here it is Sunday again—Sunday night.I think this is the most lonely time of the whole week for me.I am so darn lonesome for you,Frank darling.Oh I’m not the only one and I know it—there are millions just like me,wishing with all the strength of their hearts and minds for the return of peace and loved ones.—Dee is sleeping on this Sunday night,and the radio is playing old and beautiful music—and I am thinking of the Sunday nights to come when you will be listening to such music with me.I adore you,Polly10(1day to D-Day)June5,1944Darling,...This is a beautiful summer evening,darling.I am sitting at the kitchen table from which place by merely lifting my head and looking out the window I can gaze upon a truly silvery,full moon. It’s beautiful,dear,and it has succeeded in making me very sentimental.The sight of that shining moon up there—the moon that shines on you,too—fills me with romance.The darned old moon keeps shining for us,darling—and even as it now increases that inescapable loneliness,it also increases my confidence in the future.I truly love you...Polly11(D-Day)June6,1944Frank M.Elliott was killed.二战情书:浪漫悲情迈克尔·E·鲁安1迪隆德·埃利奥特的母亲于1990年去世,三年后她才终于打开了装有父母二战期间来往书信的那个箱子。

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(diligent)______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2.这是我的论文(paper)提纲(outline),对于你的任何建议,我将不胜感激。

(appreciate)______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3.无论是买还是租,你都得弄清楚什么样的房产最适合你和你的生活方式。

(property)______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4.在冰面上骑车是很危险的,因此我们必须用车闸(brake)减慢自行车的速度。

(slow down)______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 5.如果我们把所有精力和努力投入进去,再过几个月,我们肯定能完成这个项目。

(accomplish)______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 6.我打算搬入一座位于镇中心附近三居室的房子。


(locate, in addition)______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 7.我们想当然地认为是垃圾的很多东西,比如报纸、杂志、旧电脑和手机,实际上也可以通过这样或那样的方式再循环、再利用。

(take… for granted, trash, recycle)______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 8.——在询问一份工作的时候,我能问一些什么问题吗?——你可以问,这个职位(position)是否还有,要等多久才能知道你是否有面试的机会。

(inquire, available)______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________U21.乔治渴望有机会见她,可是却又不愿将此事告诉她。

(long for, bring oneself to do sth.)__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. 许多人聪明能干,但一辈子成就甚少,以为他们害怕可能不得不承受的种种艰难。

(endure, hardship)__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3. 我记得小时候住在乡下非常开心,那里春天时节花儿盛开。

(enjoyment, bloom)__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4. 近来暴力犯罪增加,政府肯定会采取对策。

(growth, react to)__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 5. 不少人退休后会有失落感,我们应该帮助、关心他们。

(retire, undergo)__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 6. 90年代他们在硅谷时,经常聚在一起,交换想法、讨论碰到的问题。

(exchange)__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 7.老太太望着在诺曼底登陆日阵亡的孙子的照片,满心悲伤。

(gaze upon, fill with)__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 8.有人担心机器人(robot)有一天会成为世界上的主宰力量。

(someday, dominate)__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________U31.这篇文章有助于我们深刻了解问题的性质。

(insight)__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2.在互相尊重的基础上,友谊会蓬勃发展。

(mutual, flourish)__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3.友谊就像一颗植物,如果被忽视了,它就会凋谢。

(neglect, wither)__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4.无论发生什么情况,我们一定会尽全力将其克服。

(no matter what, overcome)__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 5.没有双方不断的关心,友谊将以分手告终。
