EM-23046-P16, 规格书,Datasheet 资料
产品规格书SPECIFICATION产品名称N ame.NO:0805白光White产品型号Model.NO:KTR-0805CWD文件编号Document.NO:MQ8032版次REV.NO:K3.0描述Description:■ 2.0×1.25mm贴片发光二极管2.0×1.25mm Chip SMD ■胶体颜色Colloid Color:黄色Yellow■发光颜色Emission Color:白色White■半功率角度Viewing Angle:120°深圳市科特翎科技有限公司SHENZHEN KETERINE TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD.编制Prepared by审核Checked by核准Approved by市场部Market Dept.客户确认CUSTOMER CONFIRMATION确认Confirmed by审核Checked by核准Approved by确认Confirmed by1.外形尺寸Dimensions单位(Units):毫米(mm)注意:所有尺寸单位为mm,如无特殊说明误差范围为±0.1mmAll dimensions area in mm tolerance is±0.1mm unless otherwise noted.2.光电特性Electrical/Optical characteristics (1)最大限度值Absolute Maximum Ratings(TA=25±5ºC)项目Item符号Symbol最大额定值Absolute Maximum Rating单位Unit正向电流Forward Current IF20mA正向峰值电流Pulse Forward Current IFP100mA反向电压Reverse Voltage VR5V功率消耗Power Dissipation PD70mW工作温度Operating Temperature Topr-40ºC To+85ºC°C贮藏温度Storage Temperature Tstg-40ºC To+85ºC°C焊接温度Soldering Temperature Tsld ReflowSoldering:260ºC For10sec. 1/10周期,0.1msec脉宽IFP Conditions:1/10Duty Cycle,0.1msec Pulse Width.(2)样品光电参数Initial Electrical/Optical Characteristics(TA=25±5ºC)符号Symbol 项目Item单位Units最小值Min.规格值Typ.最大值Max.测试条件TestConditionsVF正向电压Forward Voltage V 2.6 3.2IF=10mAIR反向电流Reverse Current uA10VR=7V2θ½发光角度Viewing Angleº120ºIF=10mAø发光强度Luminous Intensitymcd6001080IF=10mATC色温Colour Temperature k700011000IF=10mARA显色指数Color Rendering Index Ra7080IF=10mA 正向电压允许误差±0.05V Tolerance of measurement of Vf is±0.05V.亮度允许误差±10%Luminous Intensity Measurement allowance is±10%.3.特性曲线Characteristic curve4.可靠性RELIABILITY (1)测试项目及结果Test Items and Results实验项目Test Items 参考标准Reference实验条件Test Conditions时间Time样品数Quantity判据Criterion冷热冲击Thermal Shock MIL-STD-202G-40℃(30min)←→100℃(30min)循环200次200cycles220/22湿热循环Temperature And Humidity Cyclic JEITA ED-4701200203-10℃——+65℃,0%-90%RH24hrs./1cycle循环10次10cycles220/22高温储存High Temperature Storage JEITA ED-4701200201Ta=100℃1000h220/22低温储存Low Temperature Storage JEITA ED-4701200202Ta=-40℃1000h220/22高温高湿储存High Temperature High Humidity Storage JEITA ED-4701100103Ta=60℃,RH=90%1000h220/22常温寿命试验Life Test JESD22-A108D Ta=25℃IF=20mA1000h220/22高温寿命High Temperature Life Test JESD22-A108D Ta=80℃IF=20mA1000h220/22低温寿命Low Temperature Life Test JESD22-A108D Ta=-40℃IF=20mA1000h220/22耐焊接热Resistance to Soldering Heat GB/T4937,Ⅱ,2.2&2.3Tsol*=260℃10secs.2次2times220/225.注意事项Cautions(1)焊接条件Soldering Conditions本产品最多只可回焊两次,且在首次回焊后须冷却至室温之后方可进行第二次回焊。
维萨拉工业测量产品手册湿度 | 温度 | 露点 | 二氧化碳 | 沼气 | 油中水分 | 连续监测系统 |溶解气体分析系统 | 过氧化氢 | 压力 | 气象 | 服务支持观测让世界更美好维萨拉的工业测量业务领域产品能够帮助客户了解工艺过程。
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YSI AX460、AX466和AX416单 双输入pH 电解质分析仪说明书
Single and Dual Input Analyzersfor pH/Redox (ORP)AX460, AX466 and AX416■Cost effective–select one or two pH/Redox (ORP) inputs orcombine pH/Redox (ORP) and conductivity in one analyzer ■Reduced installation cost–easy access terminations; reduced panel space ■High functionality at minimum cost–three alarms and two fully isolated current outputs –integral Water/Chemical sensor cleaner control –integral PID controller (AX460)■Expanded monitoring and control–add-on option board provides a total of five alarm relays and four current outputs–service log-book providing historical data ■On line assurance of reliability–comprehensive sensor and instrument self-checking ■Energy saving–high visibility backlit display with auto switch-off function ■Reduced yearly maintenance costs–12 to 30V DC option negates the need for costly safety tests ■Wide range of applicability–water and wastewater treatment –power, pure water –semiconductors –chemicals–pharmaceuticals –pulp & paperMore processing power,higher performanceData SheetSS/AX4PH_6Single and Dual Input Analyzers for pH/Redox (ORP)AX460, AX466 & AX416SS/AX4PH_62The AX400 SeriesAX400 analyzers incorporate the latest technology to provide highly reliable, flexible, feature-packed devices that satisfy a diverse range of process monitoring and control applications.The complete range encompasses solutions for pH/Redox (ORP), conductivity and dissolved oxygen.AX46x analyzers enable continuous measurements of one or two pH or Redox (ORP) points with simultaneous local display and retransmission. AX46x is used with glass, enamel and antimony pH electrodes and metal Redox sensors, providing measurements with exceptional accuracy and performance.AX400 Series analyzers are available for either wall-/pipe- or panel-mounting and are rated to IP66/NEMA 4X.High Functionality as StandardAll versions are supplied with two, fully isolated current outputs as standard, that can be assigned to the measured parameter,sample temperature or any appropriate calculated variables.Three programmable relay set points are available that can also be assigned as required.Innovative features such as power-saving display and a diagnostic current output option all contribute to a low cost of ownership.Plug-and-Produce Expanded ControlAn advanced function card provides an additional two current outputs and two further alarm relays that can be assigned to either measured values or sample temperature.ABB Plug-and-Produce software automatically reconfigures the analyzer if an option board is added later. No user programming is necessary.A real-time clock and logbook are also included making the full-facility versions extremely powerful and versatile.Significantly Reduced Maintenance CostsThe AX400 analyzers are supplied as standard for 85 to 265V AC operation. There are no inner switches to set.They can also be provided for 24V AC or 12 to 30V DC supply and recognize automatically which of the two supplies is being used. 24V DC operation reduces maintenance costs significantly by negating the need for costly, yearly safety tests to ensure compliance with safety procedures.Energy Saving DisplayThe backlit display has been designed to operate in all types of environments and shows both the measured parameter(s) and,on a separate 16-character display line, diagnostic and computed information.On dual-input analyzers both measured parameters are displayed simultaneously.For conservation of energy, the backlight can be set to switch off automatically after 60s of inactivity.Backlight Can Be Set to Switch Off When InactiveAX400 Termination Chamber Makes Access EasyEasy-Access Installation TerminalsE asy access to the terminations ensures rapid and cost-effective installation. The wall-/pipe-mount version has been designed to ensure that cable connection is simple and convenient. Ingress protection of the electronics section is retained even when the terminal compartment cover is opened.AX400 OutputsSingle and Dual Input Analyzers for pH/Redox (ORP)AX460, AX466 & AX416SS/AX4PH_63Waste Treatment pH & Redox (ORP)pH and Redox (ORP) are essential control parameters when removing toxic chromium ions from waste water in metal-finishing applications. Dual pH and Redox analyzers and integral control simplifies installation and reduces investment costs.Dual Input Measurement for Critical DutiesThe AX400 enables two continuous measurements with simultaneous local display and retransmission. This capability provides an on-line validation of the process measurement.Making two simultaneous measurements and configuring one ofJust-in-Time MaintenanceSingle and Dual Input Analyzers for pH/Redox (ORP)AX460, AX466 & AX416SS/AX4PH_64Reduced Maintenance Through In-line CleaningMany installed pH sensors benefit from regular cleaning. When carried out manually, this can be laborious and costly – so is often ignored. Advanced AX400 pH analyzers make it possible to automate sensor cleaning by using a programmable wash-timer contact to activate a cleaning agent valve or pump.Pulsed water-wash and jet-wash chemical clean actions are standard, user-selectable functions. The frequency and duration of the wash can be tuned to meet the requirements of the application.For chemical cleaning a 60 liter (13 gallon) sensor cleaning station can be supplied (model no. AA0010), complete with delivery pump and low level alarm. Chemical cleaning has proved particularly successful on potable drinking water plants where manganese and iron in the sample can create unacceptably high levels of maintenance. E ffective cleaning reduces cost of ownership.Efficient Auto-cleaning Control for One or Two Sensor SystemsCombined Conductivity and pHThe AX416 version measures conductivity and pH with the same analyzer. The option board provides the capability to retransmit pH, conductivity and both sample temperatures. Five programmable alarms can be assigned to suit the needs of the application, enabling even the most demanding requirements to be met.AX460 Integral P, PI and PID ControlThe single input AX460 analyzers incorporate three-term PID Control, offering three modes of sophisticated control: analog,pulse length (time proportional) and pulse frequency. These aresupplied as standard and can be operated in direct- or reverse-acting mode, dependent upon the application.Auto/Manual and Bumpless TransferAn auto/manual feature is incorporated for rapid manual access to the control functions. The controller facilitates bumpless transfer between manual and auto modes, providing the measured variable is within the proportional band and some integral action time has been programmed.Current Acting ControlSimultaneous Conductivity and pH MeasurementSingle and Dual Input Analyzers for pH/Redox (ORP)AX460, AX466 & AX416SS/AX4PH_65Bi-directional ControlBi-directional ControlAs well as single set point control for both acid and base addition, the AX460 analyzer can be configured with independent controllers.To avoid control overlap, a minimum of 0.5pH difference (or deadband) between the set points is essential. The difference between the set points varies depending upon the application.Control of each set point can be configured independently as either P or PI control in this mode. The setting of proportional band or integral action can also be different for each set point.Time Proportioning Control (Pulse Length)With time proportioning control, the AX460 analyzer’s control signal output is in pulses, the duration of which changes in proportion to the system error. The pulses are delivered by varying the length of time that the alarm/control contact is activated.Time Proportioning Control is used generally to control dosing by low-cost solenoid valves or metering pumps and is also known as pulse-length proportional or Mark Space control.Pulse-frequency Proportional ControlPower Failure RecoveryIn the event of a power failure the user can configure the control mode to be Auto, Manual or Last. This optimizes control conditions on power-up to ensure rapid recovery of process control.Time Proportioning ControlPulse-frequency Proportional ControlImpulse pumps dosing chemical reagents are controlled easily by the AX460 analyzer’s pulse-frequency proportional control output. In this case, the pulse length of the alarm/control contact is fixed and the frequency of the delivered pulses increases in proportion to the system error, as set by the proportional band.Diaphragm metering pumps must have a remote pulse input capability in order to utilize this function.Pulse-frequency control in the AX460 analyzer operates by pulsing a relay on for 300ms and off for a period of time determined by the pulse frequency. The pulse frequency (PFr) is adjustable between 1 and 120 pulses per minute. The greater the difference between the measured variable and the set point the greater the pulse frequency.ExampleIf the pulse frequency is set at 120 pulses per minute and the percentage output is 100% then the pulse rate is 2 pulses per second. If the percentage output is reduced to 50%, the pulse rate falls to one pulse per second.Single and Dual Input Analyzers for pH/Redox (ORP)AX460, AX466 & AX416SS/AX4PH_66SpecificationpH/Redox (ORP) – AX460 and AX466InputsOne or two* pH or mV inputs and solution earth One or two* temperature sensorsEnables connection to glass or enamel pH and reference sensors and Redox (ORP) sensors *AX466 only Input resistance Glass >1 x 1013ΩReference 1 x 1013ΩRange–2 to 16pH or –1200 to +1200mV Minimum spanAny 2pH span or 100mV Resolution 0.01pH Accuracy 0.01pHTemperature compensation modesAutomatic or manual Nernstian compensation Range –10 to 200°C (14 to 392°F)Process solution compensation with configurable coefficient Range –10 to 200°C (14 to 392°F)adjustable –0.05 to +0.02%/°C (–0.02 to +0.009%/°F)Temperature sensorProgrammable Pt100, Pt1000 or Balco 3k ΩCalibration RangesCheck value (zero point)0 to 14pH SlopeBetween 40 and 105% (low limit user-configurable)Electrode Calibration ModesCalibration with auto-stability checkingAutomatic 1 or 2 point calibration selectable from:ABB DIN Merck NIST US Tech2 x user-defined buffer tables for manual entry,2-point calibration or single-point process calibrationConductivity – AX416 OnlyRangeProgrammable 0 to 0.5 to 0 to 10,000μS/cm (with various cell constants)Minimum span 10 x cell constant Maximum span 10,000 x cell constant Units of measureμS/cm, μS/m, mS/cm, mS/m, M Ω-cm and TDS AccuracyBetter than ±0.01% of span (0 to 100μS/cm)Better than ±1% of reading (10,1000μS/cm)Operating temperature range –10 to 200°C (14 to 392°F)Temperature compensation –10 to 200°C (14 to 392°F)Temperature coefficientProgrammable 0 to 5%/°C and fixed temperature compensation curves (programmable) for acids, neutral salts and ammonia Temperature sensorProgrammable Pt100 or Pt1000Reference Temperature 25°C (77°F)DisplayTypeDual 5-digit, 7-segment backlit LCD Information16-character, single line dot-matrix Energy-saving functionBacklit LCD configurable as ON or Auto-Off after 60s Logbook*Electronic record of major process events and calibration data Real-time clock*Records time for logbook and auto-manual functions *Available if option board is fittedSingle and Dual Input Analyzers for pH/Redox (ORP)AX460, AX466 & AX416SS/AX4PH_67Relay Outputs – On/OffNumber of relaysThree supplied as standard or five with option board fitted Number of set pointsThree supplied as standard or five with option board fitted Set point adjustmentConfigurable as normal or failsafe high/low or diagnostic alert Hysteresis of readingProgrammable 0 to 5% in 0.1% increments DelayProgrammable 0 to 60s in 1s intervals Relay contactsSingle-pole changeover Rating 5A, 115/230V AC, 5A DC Insulation2kV RMS contacts to earth/groundAnalog OutputsNumber of current outputs (fully isolated)Two supplied as standard or 4 with option board fitted Output ranges0 to 10mA, 0 to 20mA or 4 to 20mAAnalog output programmable to any value between 0 and 22mA to indicate system failure Accuracy±0.25% FSD, ±0.5% of reading (whichever is the greater)Resolution0.1% at 10mA, 0.05% at 20mA Maximum load resistance 750Ω at 20mA ConfigurationCan be assigned to either measured variable or either sample temperatureDigital CommunicationsCommunicationsProfibus DP (with option board fitted)Control Function – AX460 OnlyController TypeP, PI, PID (configurable)Control OutputsOutputCan be assigned a maximum of two relays, two analog outputs or one of each AnalogCurrent output control (0 to 100%)Time proportioning cycle time1.0 to 300.0s, programmable in increments of 0.1s Pulse frequency1 to 120 pulses per minute, programmable in increments of 1 pulse per minute Controller actionReverse, direct or bi-directional (programmable)Proportional band0.1 to 999.9%, programmable in increments of 0.1%Integral action time (Integral reset)1 to 7200s, programmable in increments of 1s (0 = Off)Derivative0.1 to 999.9s programmable in increments of 0.1s,available only for single set point control Auto/ManualUser-programmableAccess to FunctionsDirect keypad accessMeasurement, maintenance, configuration, diagnostics and service functionsPerformed without external equipment or internal jumpersSensor Cleaning FunctionConfigurable cleaning action relay contact ContinuousPulse in 1s on and off times Frequency5 minutes to 24 hours, programmable in 15 minute increments up to 1 hour then in 1 hour increments for 1 to 24 hours Duration15s to 10 minutes, programmable in 15s increments up to 1 minute then in 1 minute increments up to 10 minutes Recovery period30s to 5 minutes, programmable in 30s incrementsSingle and Dual Input Analyzers for pH/Redox (ORP)AX460, AX466 & AX416SS/AX4PH_68…SpecificationMechanical DataWall-/Pipe-mount versions IP66/NEMA4XDimensions 192mm high x 230mm wide x 94mm deep (7.56 in. high x 9.06 in. wide x 3.7 in. deep)Weight 1kg (2.2 lb)Panel-mount versions IP66/NEMA4X (front only)Dimensions 96mm x 96mm x 162mm deep (3.78 in. x 3.78 in. x 6.38 in. deep)Weight 0.6kg (1.32 lb)Cable Entry Types Standard5 or 7 x M20 cable glandsNorth American 7 x knockouts suitable for 1/2 in. Hubble glandPower SupplyVoltage requirements 85 to 265V AC 50/60 Hz24V AC or 12 to 30V DC (optional)Power consumption <10VA InsulationMains to earth (line to ground) 2kV RMSEnvironmental DataOperating temperature limits –20 to 65°C (–4 to 149°F)Storage temperature limits –25 to 75°C (–13 to 167°F)Operating humidity limits Up to 95%RH non condensingEMCEmissions and immunity Meets requirements of:EN61326 (for an industrial environment)EN50081-2EN50082-2Hazardous area approvals CENELEC ATEX IIG EEx n IIC T4Pending FM non-incendive Class I Div. 2 Groups A to D Pending CSA non-incendive Class I Div. 2 Groups A to DPendingSafetyGeneral safety EN61010-1Overvoltage Class II on inputs and outputs Pollution category 2LanguagesLanguages configurable:English French German Italian SpanishSingle and Dual Input Analyzers for pH/Redox (ORP)AX460, AX466 & AX416SS/AX4PH_69Pipe-mount DetailWall-/Pipe-mount Version Overall DimensionsPanel-mount VersionSingle and Dual Input Analyzers for pH/Redox (ORP)AX460, AX466 & AX416SS/AX4PH_6 Electrical Connections10Single and Dual Input Analyzers for pH/Redox (ORP)AX460, AX466 & AX416SS/AX4PH_6114X A .g .e ,1V P r o f t i g i d e d o c e h t 614X A ,e l b i s s i m r e p 16.e l b i s s i m r e p t o n **.)2V P (e l b a i r a V s s e c o r P d n o c e S s a d e t c e l e s s i m c /S m 999,1o t 0n e h w g n i s u o h t n u o m -l e n a p n i e l b a l i a v a t o n P D s u b if o r P †.n o i t a z i l a c i p o r t f o y t i l i b a l i a v a r o f y r o t c a f k c e h C Ordering InformationSingle and Dual Input Analyzers for pH/Redox (ORP)AX460, AX466 & AX416SS/AX4PH_6S S /A X 4P H I s s u e 6ABB has Sales & Customer Supportexpertise in over 100 countries worldwide The Company’s policy is one of continuous product improvement and the right is reserved to modify theinformation contained herein without notice.Printed in UK (08.05)© ABB 2005ABB LimitedOldends Lane, Stonehouse Gloucestershire GL10 3TA UKTel:+44 (0)1453 826661Fax:+44 (0)1453 829671ABB Inc.Analytical Instruments9716 S. Virginia St., Ste. E Reno, Nevada 89521USATel:+1 775 850 4800Fax:+1 775 850 4808。
Agilent Connectivity Hardware for PC-to-Instrument ConnectionsData Sheetwith Agilent GPIBInstrument Control ProductsIntroducing Agilent GPIB Instrument Control Products Agilent connectivity products enable:• Easy connection to GPIB instruments based on simple plug-and-play setup and configuration• Use of PC-standard interfaces that are prevalent even on notebook PCs, such as USB and LAN• A wide selection of interfaces to fit your test system application– PCI, PCIe®, USB and LAN• Use of industry-standard I/O libraries which makes integrationof existing instruments and software programs in a singlesystem easy, even if you use multiple instrument vendors.Table of ContentsConnecting is as easy as 1-2-3 (3)Agilent IO Libraries Suite 16.0 (4)Agilent 82357B USB/GPIB Interface Converter (5)Agilent 82350B High-Performance PCI GPIB Interface Card (6)Agilent 82351A High-Performance PCI Express® (PCIe)GPIB Interface Card (7)Agilent E5810A LAN/GPIB Gateway (8)Agilent GPIB Instrument Control Products Summary (9)Related Agilent Literature (10)Contact Agilent.........................................................................Back coverConnecting is as Easy as 1-2-3Establish a connection in less than 15 minutesAgilent IO Libraries Suite eliminates the many working hours it takes to connect and configure PC-controlled test systems, especially if it involves instruments from multiple vendors. In fact, with IO Libraries, connecting your instruments to a PC is as easy as connecting a PC to a printer. Easily mix instruments from different vendorsAgilent IO Libraries Suite eliminates headaches associated with trying to combine hardware and software from different vendors. The software is compatible with GPIB, USB, LAN and RS-232 test instruments that adhere to the supported interface standards, no matter who makes them.When you install the IO Libraries Suite, the software checks for the presence of other I/O software on your computer. If it finds another ven-dor’s VISA libraries, it automatically installs in a side-by-side mode that allows you to use the existing I/O software and the Agilent software together in multi-vendor systems.Work in the environment that’s comfortable to youIn addition, the IO Libraries are compatible with a variety of applica-tion development environments and programming APIs including Agilent or NI VISA, VISA COM, SICL, Agilent 488 (compatible with NI-488.2), and Agilent VEE. There is flexibility to choose the software and hardware of your choice to get your job done. Works with millions of existing instruments from hundreds of vendorsAgilent connectivity products and IO Libraries are trusted and known for their reliability. The IO Libraries ships with more than 150 instruments from Agilent Technologies. If you already own an Agilent connectivity product or instrument, you can download the latest version of Agilent IO Libraries Suite for free.Agilent IO Libraries Suite 16.0PC softwareOperating system• Windows® 7 32-bit and 64-bit (Starter, Home Basic, Home Premium, Professional, Ultimate,Enterprise)• Windows Vista® SP1 and SP2 32-bit and 64-bit (Home, Home Premium, Business, Ultimate,Enterprise Editions)• Windows XP Pro or Home edition service pack 3 or later, 32-bit onlyPC hardwareProcessor600 MHz class (800 MHz or greater recommended)RAM• Windows XP: 256 MB minimum (1 GB or greater recommended)• Windows Vista or Windows 7: 1 GB minimumHard disk space required 1.5 GBDisplay800 x 600, 256 colorsVB6VISA COM, VISA, SICL, Agilent 488, Excel VBAC/C++, Managed C++VISA COM, VISA, Agilent 488.NET languages (, C#)VISA COM, VISA, Agilent 488LabVIEW VISA, Agilent 488MATLAB VISANote: Agilent IO Libraries Suite supports VEE Pro program development with drivers and/or Direct IO.Connection Expert Automatically scans and configures your instrument IO, helps you get connected quickly and easilyand displays the status of your interfaces and instrumentsInteractive IO Lets you quickly send commands to instruments and read responsesIO Monitor Lets you monitor and debug I/O calls made on any of Agilent’s supported buses using Agilent SICL,VISA, VISA COM, or Agilent IVI instrument drivers (released after September 18, 2010)IO control Provides easy access to the IO Libraries Suite from the Windows system trayviFind32Debug utility uses VISA functions to find resources and lists them in a console windowSee the following URL for more information or for the latest updates: /find/iosuiteAgilent 82357B USB/GPIB Interface ConverterFeatures• Fast and easy connection to GPIB instruments • Uses standard USB and IEEE-488 interfaces • Maximum GPIB transfer rate of 1.15 MB/s • Parallel polling capabilityBest for• Easiest GPIB connectivity • Notebook computer GPIB connectionConnect GPIB instruments quickly and easily to your computer’s USB portThe Agilent 82357B USB/GPIBinterface provides a direct connection from the USB port on your desktop and laptop computers to GPIB instru-ments. Once the software is loaded, your computer automatically detects the 82357B when it is connected to the USB port of the computer.The 82357B is a plug-and-play device. It is also hot-pluggable, making it easy to connect and disconnect without having to shut down thecomputer. No external power supplies are necessary.The 82357B USB/GPIB interface implements USB 1.1 (12 Mbits/s) and is compatible with USB 2.0. The 82357B USB/GPIB interface uses a thin, flexible, high-quality USB cable that is USB 2.0-compliant. The USB cable is shielded, and the connector is specified to 1,500 insertions, ensur-ing a durable connection and reliabledata transfer.Includes Agilent IO Libraries Suite and VISA/SICL programming manuals on CD-ROM AccessoriesNoneBoosting performance with simplest connectivityAgilent 82350B High-Performance PCI GPIB Interface CardFeatures• PCI IEEE-488 interface for PCs • Transfer rates up to 900 KB/s • Dual processor support on the latest Windows operating systemBest for• Maximum GPIB throughput for all configurationsHigh performance formanufacturing test applicationsThe 82350B is Agilent’s highest-performance GPIB interface. With a direct PCI computer connection, transaction overhead is minimized for the best overall performance.The 82350B card de-couples GPIB transfers from PCI bus transfers. Buffering provides connectivity and system performance that is superior to direct memory access (DMA). The hardware is software-configurable and compatible with the plug-and-play standard for easy hardware installation. The GPIB interface card plugs into a 5 volt PCI slot in thebackplane of your PC.Includes Agilent IO Libraries Suite and VISA/SICL programming manuals on CD-ROMAccessoriesGPIB cables/adapter (see page 9)This traditional GPIB connection still offers the highest throughputAgilent 82351A High-Performance PCI Express ® (PCIe) GPIB Interface CardFeatures• Compact half-height size (68.9 mm)• High transfer rate of 1.4 MB/s • High flexibility via up-plugging (to x4 or x8 PCIe slots)• 3.3 V signal level for lower power consumptionBest for• Bandwidth-intensive PC applications • Adding GPIB connection for PCIe based PCs or workstationsHigh transfer rate fordemanding test applicationsThe Agilent 82351A PCIe-GPIB interface card is designed forintegration into next generation PCs or workstations. It offers fast data transmission for various demanding test applications that require data to be transferred to memory fast enough without any loss or overwriting. PCIe (PCI Express) is an evolutionary version of PCI that offers a higher transfer rate across a low number of wires. It is also backward-compatible with PCI software, so you don’t need to perform any code re-configuration. The powerful bus architecture of PCIe allows bidirectional data transmis-sion, and the implementation of anew class of test applications.Includes Agilent IO Libraries Suite and VISA/SICL programming manuals on CD-ROMAccessoriesGPIB cables/adapter (see page 9)New standard for high-speed internal devicesAgilent E5810A LAN/GPIB GatewayFeatures• Remote access and control of GPIB instruments via LAN • Easy setup and use via digital display and web browserBest for• Connection to remote GPIB and RS-232 instrumentation • Shared test systemsRemote access and collaboration with GPIB instruments via your LANThe E5810A can use DHCP, if avail-able, to automatically configure nec-essary network parameters, including its IP address. The gateway can be controlled from multiple locations and by multiple users via your LAN, so it is easy to share control of instru-ments from locations worldwide.For easy remote access, enter the IP address from the digital display as the URL in your web browser and gain access to connected GPIB and RS-232 instruments. Then use your browser to send instrument com-mands interactively, and quickly see your measurement results. Use the digital display and LEDs to check the IP address and troubleshoot locally.System useFor system environments, the E5810A gateway can be mounted on a rack. The rack mount kit (Option 100) allows two devices to be placed side-by-side in one rack width. With its built-in power supply, there are noadditional power modules to mount.Includes Agilent IO Libraries Suite and VISA/SICL programming manuals on CD-ROMAccessories• GPIB cables/adapter (see page 9)• Rack Mount Kit (Option 100)Take advantage of LAN technology for your GPIB instruments and test systemsAgilent GPIB Instrument Control Products Summary CablesAgilent also offers a variety of cables that provide easy and reliable connec-tions. Agilent cables are engineered for exceptional reliability and durability, even under the harshestconditions.Cable Length 10833D GPIB cable0.5 meter 10833A GPIB cable 1 meter 10833B GPIB cable 2 m10833C GPIB cable 4 m10833F GPIB cable 6 m10833G GPIB cable8 mAdaptersThe 10834A GPIB-to-GPIB adapter can help when limited rear-panel space and other design consider-ations make cabling difficult. The 10834A adapter extends the first cable by 2.3 cm away from the rear panel to provide clearance for other connectors, switches, and cables.GPIB board82350B PCI/GPIB card• GPIB connection for PCI-based PCs orworkstations• Maximum throughput for allconfigurations up to 900 KB/s82351A PCIe/GPIB card• GPIB connection for PCIe-based PCsor workstations• High throughput applications up to1.4 MB/sUSB converter82357B USB/GPIB card• GPIB connectivity, even for notebookcomputers• Easiest GPIB instrument set-up to PC LAN converter E5810A LAN/GPIBgateway• Connection to remote GPIB andRS-232 instruments• Test-system sharing and collaborationamong multiple usersCable10833x GPIB cables• Connection between GPIBinstruments (daisy-chain)• Connection from GPIB instrument tothe PCI/GPIB or PCIe/GPIB card• Connection from GPIB instrument tothe LAN/GPIB gatewayAdapter10834A GPIB-to-GPIBadapter• 2.3-cm clearance at GPIB instrument’srear panelTypical configurations of PC-to-instrument connectionRelated Agilent LiteratureThis article is the fourth of a series of four application notes with System Developers in mind. It explains with great depth how you can simplify test integration by taking advantage of open connectivity standards. Meet your throughput requirements yet stay within budget.Where to download: /find/gpibAgilent Email Updates/find/emailupdates Get the latest information on the products and applications you select.LAN eXtensions for Instruments puts the power of Ethernet and the Web inside your test systems. Agilent is a founding member of the LXI consortium.Agilent Channel Partnersw w w /find/channelpartners Get the best of both worlds: Agilent’s measurement expertise and product breadth, combined with channel partner convenience. AdvancedTCA ® Extensions for Instrumentation and Test (AXIe) is an open standard that extends the AdvancedTCA ® for general purpose and semiconductor test. Agilent is a founding member of the AXIe consortium.PCI eXtensions for Instrumentation (PXI) modular instrumentation delivers a rugged, PC-based high-performance measurement and automation system.Agilent Advantage Services is com-mitted to your success throughout your equipment’s lifetime. We share measurement and service expertise to help you create the products that change our world. To keep you com-petitive, we continually invest in tools and processes that speed up calibra-tion and repair, reduce your cost of ownership, and move us ahead of your development curve./quality/find/advantageservicesFor more information on AgilentTechnologies’ products, applications or services, please contact your local Agilent office. The complete list is available at:/find/contactus Americas Canada (877) 894 4414 Brazil (11) 4197 3500Mexico 01800 5064 800 United States (800) 829 4444Asia Pacific Australia 1 800 629 485China 800 810 0189Hong Kong 800 938 693India 1 800 112 929Japan 0120 (421) 345Korea 080 769 0800Malaysia 1 800 888 848Singapore 180****8100Taiwan 0800 047 866Other AP Countries (65) 375 8100 Europe & Middle East Belgium 32 (0) 2 404 93 40 Denmark 45 70 13 15 15Finland 358 (0) 10 855 2100France 0825 010 700**0.125 €/minuteGermany 49 (0) 7031 464 6333 Ireland 1890 924 204Israel 972-3-9288-504/544Italy39 02 92 60 8484Netherlands 31 (0) 20 547 2111Spain 34 (91) 631 3300Sweden0200-88 22 55United Kingdom 44 (0) 118 9276201For other unlisted Countries:/find/contactusRevised: October 14, 2010Product specifications and descriptions in this document subject to change without notice.© Agilent Technologies, Inc. 2011Printed in USA, May 6, 20115989-1889ENPCIe and PCI Express are US registered trademarks and/or service marks of PCI-SIG.Windows, Windows Vista and Microsoft are trademarks or registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.。
Agilent E4406A 矢量信号分析仪商品说明书
1981Agilent E4406AVector Signal AnalyzerAccuracyS p e e d2Fast and accurate measurements To stay competitive, wireless equipment manufacturers need flexible test equipment capable of testing different formats with little change in set-up. The Agilent E4406A vector signal analyzer (VSA) is the perfect fit, offering the best combination of speed and accuracy for making one-button,standards-based measurements.2.5G and 3G formatsFor engineers developing next-generation wireless components and systems, the E4406A provides W-CDMA, cdma2000,1xEV-DO and EDGE/GSM formats. Using one-button measurements, engineers can quickly verify conformance to these new formats. As the standards have evolved, we have continued to enhance existing measurement personalities, and add new ones. The modular architecture of the E4406A makes it simple for you to upgrade and be ready for the latest standards.You develop the wireless future…Easy to useMulti-format3…we provide the signal analysis.An investment for your future The number of wireless technologies deployed around the world is growing and the demand for any particular format can change quickly. The E4406A offers format and frequency flexibility.Comprehensive signal analysis Speeding up production means being ready to manufacture anything and lose no time doing it. The E4406A easily adapts to virtually any popular format:•W-CDMA •cdma2000•1xEV-DO •cdmaOne •EDGE •GSM •NADC •PDC •iDEN •Spectrum •Waveform“We have decreased the (transmitter power calibration)test time by 25%.”–T est Systems Designer4Built for speed…Fast standards-based measurements As a wireless system or componentmanufacturer, you are under pressure to increase throughput while minimizing capital investments. Long test times can severely limit your manufacturing throughput, so we designed the E4406A.Since its introduction, progressive enhancements to the E4406A ensure its performance keeps pace with the ever-increasing need for speed.Today's E4406A is faster than ever. For example, the W-CDMA adjacent channel power ratio (ACPR) measurement is now nearly eight times faster than it used to be.Output radio frequency spectrum (ORFS) is two times faster, W-CDMA code domain power (CDP) is five times faster, and other measurements have improved as well.The E4406A transmitter power calibration uses time record data and built-in algorithms to provide complete transmitter level calibration with incredible speed – with all the accuracy you expect from the affordably-priced E4406A.In addition to high-speed throughput and accuracy in the manufacturing environment,the E4406A is designed to allow research and development engineers to quickly obtain results with minimal keystrokes.The E4406A delivers a logical user interface and a wealth of quick “one button” measurments, enabling designers to quickly try multiple test without getting bogged down in crypitic menus. The E4406A interface provides the edge needed to expediently evaluate new designs and successfully meet the demands of today's competitive environment.Base station transceiver suite of testsTypical spectrum analyzerNow even faster…without giving up accuracy.Fast spectrum measurementsThe E4406A features pre-configured, one-button measurements for many cellular standards and can also be used for narrowband spectrum measurements. Manufacturers can expect to make inter-modulation distortion and other amplitude measurements up to three times faster using the E4406A. AccuracyYou don’t need to reduce measurementspeed to get accurate results. Superiorabsolute level accuracy of ±0.6 dB(±0.4 dB typical) provides unmatchedperformance and minimizes test uncertainty.Combined with a linearity of ±0.25 dBover a 76 dB range, the E4406A is astate-of-the-art measurement tool.Absolute level accuracyNarrow span spectrum measurement over GPIB E4406A VSA spectrum analyzer25 updates/second Typicalspectrumanalyzer56The E4406A VSA…Focused applications including EDGE, GSM,W-CDMA, cdma2000, 1xEV-DO, cdmaOne,and NADC as well as narrow-span spectrum and waveform analysisBaseband measurements with balanced/unbalanced multiple impedance inputsLarge,high-resolution, color display makes viewing multiple traces easyZoomfeature allows users to display selected measurement windowsAutomatic alignment ensures accurate measurement resultsOne-button,standards-based measurements7…comprehensive signal analysis.High-speed LAN, parallel, and GPIB ports provide speed and flexibility whenIntuitive key strokesBuilt-in floppy disk drive provides PC compatibility and data archivingManufacturing8Standards complianceIn manufacturing, you need straightforward pass/fail verification of critical specifications.With built-in test limits you don ’t have to keep track of every standard. The E4406A performs tests to the requirements of current industry standards with free, easy-to-install, firmware updates.Speed and throughputIn the world of high-speed manufacturing every millisecond counts. Identify your throughput restrictions and if measurement speed is creating a bottleneck, consider the significant speed advantage of the E4406A.Transmitter and receiver testingIn combination with the Agilent E4438C ESG vector signal generator, the E4406A offers base station receiver and transmitter testing for major 2G, 2.5G, and 3G wireless formats.The E4406A combined with an E4438C is a test solution that provides the required flexibility, without compromising accuracy, for maximum throughput in base station production with the ability to migrate to new formats.Designed for manufacturing…Development9Verify next-generation designs For R&D engineers developing next-generation wireless components and systems, the E4406A is a low-cost tool that quickly verifies conformance. Your investment is secure because the E4406A has a modular architecture – making it easy to upgrade to the latest standards.Characterize using leading test methodsDigital modulation presents new challenges to amplifier manufacturers.Designers need effective methods to quickly characterize digital signals. The E4406A ’s complementary cumulative-distribution function (CCDF) is useful for determining a signal ’s power statistics,revealing the power peaks relative to the average power for assessing linearity requirements.Flexible power measurements Multicarrier power amplifier (MCPA)designers are faced with new measurement challenges. Designers must characterize intermodulation distortion at many frequency offsets and evaluate the effects of different modulation formats over a wide dynamic range. The E4406A features a fully-configurable ACP measurement that can test up to five frequency offsets and be optimized for dynamic range or speed.…and product development.10GSM with EDGE (Option 202)The EDGE measurement personality performs the latest standards-based measurements, including:•Error vector magnitude (EVM)•Multi-slot power versus time (PvT)•ORFS •IQ offset•Channel plans for 400, 800, 900, 1800, 1900 MHz•GSM measurements from Option BAH The EVM measurement features a unique algorithm to simultaneously display the EVM numerical results and the EDGE constellation diagram using the industry-specified measurement filter.GSM (Option BAH)The GSM measurement personality lets you quickly perform measurements to the latest ETSI standards:•Mean transmitter carrier power •Multi-slot PvT •ORFS•Phase and frequency error (PFER)•IQ offset•Transmitter band spurious•Channel plans for 400, 700, 800, 900, 1800, 1900 MHzThe personality features easy channel and timeslot selections, configurable PvT masks,and a typical ORFS dynamic range of 90 dB.NADC and PDC (Option BAE)Both the North American Digital Cellular (NADC) and Personal Digital Cellular (PDC)measurement personalities are included in this option. The NADC measurements are structured according to the IS-136 TDMA standard. Measurements included in this option are:•ACP •EVM•Occupied bandwidth (for PDC)The personalities feature base station and mobile radio mode set-ups, as well as sync word search capability.iDEN (Option HN1)The iDEN measurement personality performs measurements to the Motorola iDEN specialized mobile radio format. •Occupied bandwidth (OBW)•ACPR•Transmitter bit error rate (BER)TDMA measurement personalities…11W-CDMA (Option BAF)The complexity of W-CDMA demands the flexibility and depth of demodulation capability provided by this personality.Perform the following measurements on the HPSK uplink or downlink QPSK signals:•Code domain •QPSK EVM•Modulation accuracy (composite rho and EVM)•Channel power•Adjacent channel power leakage ratio (ACLR)•Power control •PvT•Intermodulation distortion •Multicarrier power•Spectrum emission mask •OBW •CCDFThis personality has the ability toautomatically determine active channels,to synchronize with any W-CDMA channel,to display code domain power in a multi-rate view, and to demodulate down to the symbol level. Variable capture intervals and pre-defined test models enable the user to perform fast, accurate measurements for manufacturing or in-depth analysis for R&D.cdma2000 (Option B78)The cdma2000 measurement personality offers the logical upgrade path from IS-95 to IS-2000 testing. Measurements support the forward and reverse links.•Code domain •QPSK EVM•Modulation accuracy (composite rho and EVM)•Channel power •ACPR•Intermodulation distortion •Spectrum emission mask •OBW •CCDFAdvanced code domain analysis algorithms display Walch codes for either Hadamard or OVSF coding schemes in a multi-rate view. Other capability includes code domain power error, symbol EVM,symbol power versus time, active channel identification, variable PN offset, quasi-orthogonal functions and demodulated symbol bit displays after de-spreading.… and CDMA measurement personalities.12Expanding measurement potential…cdmaOne (Option BAC)Built on Agilent ’s pioneering efforts in CDMA measurement techniques,this personality provides quick and easy measurement set-ups for the TIA/EIA-95, J-STD-008,IS-97D, and IS-98D band classes:•Modulation accuracy (rho)•Code domain •Channel power •ACPR•Close-in spuriousAlong with the world ’s fastest ACPR measurements, this personality features PN (pseudo-noise sequence) search, time offset, and carrier feed-through analysis.1xEV-DO (Option 204)With digital demodulation analysis, the 1xEV-DO measurement personality provides the most comprehensive, easy-to-use,1xEV-DO measurement solution available in an analyzer. This personality, which performs measurements for both forward link and reverse link signals, provides key transmitter measurements for analyzing systems based on the 3GPP2 and TIA/EIA/IS-856 standards.Forward link•Channel power•Power versus time mask •Spurious emissions and ACP •Intermodulation distortion •OBW•Code domain•Modulation accuracy (composite rho)•QPSK EVM•Power statistics (CCDF)Reverse link •Code domain•Modulation accuracy (composite rho)For forward link, the PvT mask and spurious emissions/ACP measurements support both the idle slot (burst signal) and active slot (full power signal). With the auto-burst search function, you can see the standard-based time mask for the 1xEV-DO idle slot in PvT. Code domain, modulation accuracy (composite rho), and QPSK EVM can also measure for each channel ’s Pilot, MAC, and Data in QPSK/8PSK/16QAM. Designed with flexibility in mind, this personality supports the unique 1xEV-DO forward link signals ’feature of time divisions multiplex (TDM). For reverse link, code domain, and modulation accuracy provide powerful modulation analysis functions for transmitter tests.13IQ inputs (Option B7C)Capitalize on the E4406A ’s demodulation capabilities by extending the measurement range to baseband. The baseband IQ input option enables engineers to measure the complete signal path of a receiver or transmitter and directly compare signals both before and after frequency conversion and IQ (de)modulation.Ideally suited for R&D engineers and manufacturing environments, this option allows measurement of baseband I and Q signals in either balanced or unbalanced systems. Input configurations include 50-ohm unbalanced, 600-ohm balanced, and 1-Mohm balanced or unbalanced –enabling a variety of systems to be directly tested without cumbersome and error-inducing conversion networks.Applicable in-band 3GPP W-CDMA,cdma2000, EDGE/GSM, and Basic mode measurements are supported via RF and IQ inputs, enabling engineers to track down signal degradation both before and after RF/IF conversion.Additional features include auto calibration of input signals, variable dc offsets and a dc to 5-MHz input frequency range (10 MHz in I + jQ mode)....tailored to user requirements.14E4406A VSA/89601Asoftware combinationThe standards-based, one-button test capabilities of the E4406A can be expanded with the flexible digital demodulation and analysis capabilities of the Agilent 89601A PC software. This teaming provides fast and accurate data acquisition with powerful,flexible modulation analysis tools for, both common and evolving communications standards.The 89601A vector signal analysis software is the heart of the Agilent 89600 series of vector signal analyzers. This software provides flexible tools for demodulating and analyzing even the most advanced digital modulations, whether or not they are contained in an established standard. Features include variable block size signal acquisition with user-selectable pulse search and synch words, and a user-con-trollable adaptive equalizer. Filter types include cosine (raised and square-root raised), Gaussian, and low-pass – all with configurable alpha/BT. Supported modula-tion formats for both continuous and burst carriers include FSK (2, 4, 8, and 16 level),BPSK, QPSK, OQPSK, DQPSK, p/4DQPSK,8PSK, QAM (16 to 256 level), VSB (8 and 16 level), EDGE, and MSK.The software also provides signal capture and analysis features, such as the capability to download signal capture files for playback through signal generators,and display high-speed spectrograms.The 89601A software runs on a PC connected to the E4406A, via LAN or GPIB,and provides hardware control and results displays along with modulation analysis.Coupling speed and power…15/find/vsa…with Agilent’s tradition of excellence.Service and supportThe speed and accuracy of the E4406A VSA is only a small part of what you get from Agilent. We strive to provide complete solutions that go beyond our customers ’expectations. Only Agilent offers the depth and breadth of enhancements, software, services, connectivity, accessibility, and support to help you reach your measurement objectives. For more information on the E4406A VSA, including product and application literature, visit our Web site at /find/vsaPre-sales service• rentals, leasing, and financing • application engineering services Post-sales service• standard 3-year global warranty • Worldwide Call Center and Service Center support network • one-year calibration intervals • firmware upgrades downloadable from the Web PC connectivity • 10 baseT LAN port • floppy disk drive • GPIB interface• VXI Plug and Play driversPeripheral and product interfaces • parallel printer port • printer support • VGA monitor output• Agilent E4438C ESG vector signal generator•Agilent 89601A vector signal analysis softwareTraining and access to information • on-site user training • factory service training• Web-based support of frequently asked questions• manuals on CD-ROM and on the Web Software• programming examples on CD-ROM • SCPI (Standard Commands for Programmable Instruments)• PC-based performance verification and adjustment softwareOrdering Array informationE4406A vector signal analyzerModel DescriptionE4406A7 MHz to 4 GHzOption DescriptionDigital Demodulation MeasurementsE4406A-202EDGE with GSM measurementpersonalityE4406A-2041xEV-DO measurementpersonalityE4406A-B78cdma2000 measurementpersonalityE4406A-BAC cdmaOne measurementpersonalityE4406A-BAE NADC, PDC measurementpersonalityE4406A-BAF W-CDMA measurementpersonalityE4406A-BAH GSM measurement personality E4406A-HN1IDEN measurementpersonalityInputs and outputsE4406A-300321.4 MHz IF outputBBIQE4406A-B7C I/Q inputsCalibration documentationE4406A-UK6Commercial calibrationcertificate with test data AccessoriesE4406A-1CM Rack mount kitE4406A-1CN Handle kitE4406A-1CP Rack mount and handle kitE4406A-1CR Rack slide kit* Includes English manual set.。
GL823K Datasheet
GL823KUSB 2.0 SD Card Reader ControllerDatasheetRevision HistoryTable of ContentsCHAPTER 1GENERAL DESCRIPTION (6)CHAPTER 2FEATURES (7)CHAPTER 3PIN ASSIGMENT (8)3.1SSOP16 Pinout (8)3.2Pin Description (9)CHAPTER 4BLOCK DIAGRAM (10)4.1OCCS USB PHY (10)4.2SIE (10)4.3EPFIFO (10)4.4MCU (10)4.5MHE (11)4.6Regulator (11)4.7PMOS (11)CHAPTER 5ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (12)5.1Temperature Conditions (12)5.2Operating Conditions (12)5.3DC Characteristics (12)5.4Memory Card Clock Frequency (12)5.5Maximum Ratings (13)CHAPTER 6PACKAGE DIMENSION (14)CHAPTER 7ORDERING INFORMATION (15)List of FiguresFigure 3.1 – SSOP 16 Pinout Diagram (8)Figure 6.1 – SSOP 16 Pin Package (150 mil) (14)List of TablesTable 3.1 – Pin Description (9)Table 4.1 – Functional Block Diagram (10)Table 5.1 – Temperature Conditions (12)Table 5.2 – Operating Conditions (12)Table 5.3 – DC Characteristics (12)Table 5.4 – SD/MMC Card Clock Frequency (12)Table 5.5 – Maximum Ratings (13)Table 7.1 – Ordering Information (15)CHAPTER 1GENERAL DESCRIPTIONThe GL823K is a USB 2.0 Single-LUN card reader controller which can support SD/MMC Flash Memory Cards. It supports USB 2.0 high-speed transmission to Secure Digital TM(SD), SDHC, SDXC, miniSD TM, microSD TM(T-Flash), MultiMediaCard TM (MMC), RS MultiMediaCard TM (RS MMC), MMCmicro , HS-MMC and MMCmobile. As a single chip solution for USB 2.0 flash card reader, the GL823K complies with Universal Serial Bus specification rev. 2.0, USB Storage Class Specification ver.1.0, and each flash card interface specification.The GL823K integrates a high speed 8051 microprocessor and a high efficiency hardware engine for the best data transfer performance between USB and flash card interfaces. Its pin assignment design fits to card sockets to provide easier PCB layout. Inside the chip, it integrates 5V to 3.3V regulator, 3.3V to 1.8V regulator and power MOSFETs and it enables the function of on-chip clock source (OCCS) which means no external 12MHz XTAL is needed and that effectively reduces the total BOM cost.The GL823K implements USB disconnect function; it can be used for Mobile cable/ OTG reader/ PC card reader application.CHAPTER 2FEATURES●USB specification compliance-Comply with 480Mbps Universal Serial Bus specification rev. 2.0-Comply with USB Storage Class specification rev. 1.0-Support one device address and up to four endpoints: Control (0)/Bulk Read (1)/Bulk Write (2)/Interrupt (3) ●Integrated USB building blocks-USB2.0 transceiver macro (UTM), Serial Interface Engine (SIE), Build-in power-on reset (POR) and low-voltage detector (LVD)●Embedded 8051 micro-controller-Operate @ 60 MHz clock, 12 clocks per instruction cycle-Embedded mask ROM and internal SRAM●Secure Digital TM (SD) and MultiMediaCard TM (MMC)-Supports SD specification v1.0 / v1.1 / v2.0 / SDHC (Up to 32GB)-Compatible with SDXC (Up to 2TB)-Supports MMC specification v3.x / v4.0 / v4.1 / v4.2-Supports 1 / 4 bit data bus-Compliant with Secure Digital TM v5.0●Support boost mode for SD3.0 for better performance●Support non-SD Card Detect pin, non-MS Insertion/Removal pin design to save BOM cost●Support non-SD Write Protection pin design to save BOM cost●Support LED function to indicate power and access status●On chip clock source and no need of 12MHz Crystal Clock input●On-Chip 5V to 3.3V and 3.3V to 1.8V regulators●On-Chip power MOSFET for supplying flash media card power●Support USB disconnection by memory card unplug or manual switch for Mobile cable/ OTG reader/ PCcard reader application●Available in SSOP16 package (150 mil)CHAPTER 3 PIN ASSIGMENT3.1 SSOP16 Pinout38765214D 0D 2P M O S C M D V S S D 1D 3C L KFigure 3.1 – SSOP 16 Pinout Diagram3.2Pin DescriptionTable 3.1 – Pin DescriptionNotation:Type O OutputI InputB Bi-directionalpu internal pull-up when inputpd internal pull-down when inputP Power / GroundA AnalogCHAPTER 4BLOCK DIAGRAMTable 4.1 – Functional Block Diagram4.1OCCS USB PHYThe USB 2.0 Transceiver Macrocell is the analog circuitry that handles the low level USB protocol and signaling, and shifts the clock domain of the data from the USB 2.0 rate to one that is compatible with the general logic. On chip clock source and no need of 12MHz Crystal Clock input.4.2SIEThe Serial Interface Engine, which contains the USB PID and address recognition logic, and other sequencing and state machine logic to handle USB packets and transactions.4.3EPFIFOEndpoint FIFO includes Control FIFO (FIFO0) and Bulk In/Out FIFO●EP0 FIFO FIFO of control endpoint 0. It is 64-byte FIFO and used for endpoint 0 data transfer.●Interrupt FIFO 64-byte depth FIFO of endpoint 3 for status interrupt●Bulk FIFO It can be in the TX mode or RX mode:1. It contains ping-pong FIFO (512 bytes each bank) for transmit/receive data continuously.2. It can be directly accessed by micro-controller4.4MCU8051 micro-controller inside.●8051 Core Compliant with Intel 8051 high speed micro-controller●ROM FW code on ROM●SRAM Internal RAM area for MCU access4.5MHE●MIF Media Interface: SD/MMC●MCFIFO It can access by MCU for memory card short data packet.4.6Regulator●5V to 3.3V Band Gap Regulator for stable voltage supply for USB PHY, PMOS●3.3V to 1.8V For core logic and internal memory.4.7PMOSOn-Chip power MOSFETs for memory card powerCHAPTER 5ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS 5.1Temperature ConditionsTable 5.1 – Temperature Conditions5.2Operating ConditionsTable 5.2 – Operating Conditions5.3DC CharacteristicsTable 5.3 – DC Characteristics5.4Memory Card Clock FrequencyTable 5.4 – SD/MMC Card Clock Frequency5.5Maximum RatingsTable 5.5 – Maximum RatingsCHAPTER 6PACKAGE DIMENSIONInternalNo.Lot CodeDateGL823KAAAAAAAAAAYWWXXXXVersionNo.Figure 6.1 – SSOP 16 Pin Package (150 mil)CHAPTER 7ORDERING INFORMATIONTable 7.1 – Ordering Information。
易 Modicon M200 16 IO 关联控制器数据表说明书
Product datasheetCharacteristicsTM200C16Rcontroller M200 16 IO relayMainRange of productEasy Modicon M200Product or component type Logic controller [Us] rated supply voltage 100...240 V AC Discrete I/O number 16Discrete input numberI8: 1 regular input I2...I5: 4 fast inputI0, I1, I6, I7: 4 high speed input Discrete output number 7 relay Discrete input voltage 24 V Discrete input voltage type DCDiscrete input current 7 mA for inputDiscrete input logic Sink or source (positive/negative) type 1 conforming to EN/IEC 61131-2Discrete output voltage 24 V DC 220 V AC Discrete output current 2 ADiscrete output type Relay normally openPower consumption in VA51…63 VA at 100...240 V AC (with max I/O)ComplementaryMaximum number of I/O expansion module4 with 64 discrete output(s) for transistor output 4 with 71 discrete output(s) for relay output Supply voltage limits 85…264 V Network frequency 50/60 Hz Inrush current50 AVoltage state 1 guaranteed >= 15 V for input Voltage state 0 guaranteed <= 5 V for inputInput impedance 3.3 kOhm for discrete inputResponse time10 ms turn-off, Q0...Q6 terminal(s) for relay output 10 ms turn-on, Q0...Q6 terminal(s) for relay output5 µs turn-off, I0, I1, I6, I7 terminal(s) for high speed input 5 µs turn-on, I0, I1, I6, I7 terminal(s) for high speed inputi s c l a i m e r : T h i s d o c u m e n t a t i o n i s n o t i n t e n d e d a s a s u b s t i t u t e f o r a n d i s n o t t o b e u s e d f o r d e t e r m i n i n g s u i t a b i l i t y o r r e l i a b i l i t y o f t h e s e p r o d u c t s f o r s p e c i f i c u s e r a p p l i c a t i o n s100 µs turn-off, I2...I5 terminal(s) for fast input35 µs turn-on, I2...I5 terminal(s) for fast input100 µs turn-off, I8 terminal(s) for regular input35 µs turn-on, I8 terminal(s) for regular inputConfigurable filtering time0 ms for input3 ms for input12 ms for inputOutput voltage limits30 V DC250 V ACMaximum current per output common4 A at COM 04 A at COM 1Electrical durability100000 cycles AC-12, 240 V, 480 VA, resistive100000 cycles DC-12, 24 V, 48 W, resistiveSwitching frequency0.1 Hz with maximum loadMechanical durability20000000 cycles for relay outputMinimum load10 mA at 5 V DC for relay outputMemory capacity512 byte internal flash with 10000 instructions for backup of programsData storage equipment32 GB micro SD card (optional)Battery type BR2032 Li-CFx (Lithium-Carbon Monofluoride), battery life: 5 year(s)Backup time 3 years at 25 °C (by interruption of power supply)Execution time for 1 KInstruction0.3 ms for event and periodic taskExecution time per instruction0.2 µs BooleanExct time for event task60 µs response timeClock drift<= 90 s/month at 25 °CRegulation loop Adjustable PID regulator up to 14 simultaneous loopsControl signal type Quadrature (x1, x2, x4) at 100 kHz for fast input (HSC mode)Pulse/direction at 100 kHz for fast input (HSC mode)Single phase at 100 kHz for fast input (HSC mode)CW/CCW at 100 kHz for fast input (HSC mode)Counting input number 4 fast input (HSC mode) at 100 kHz 32 bitsIntegrated connection type USB port with mini B USB 2.0 connectorNon isolated serial link serial 1 with terminal block connector and RS485 interfaceNon isolated serial link serial 2 with terminal block connector and RS232/RS485 interfaceIsolated serial link serial 2 with terminal block connector and RS485 interface Transmission rate 1.2...115.2 kbit/s (115.2 kbit/s by default) for bus length of 15 m for RS4851.2...115.2 kbit/s (115.2 kbit/s by default) for bus length of 3 m for RS23212 Mbit/s for USBCommunication port protocol USB port: USB - SoMachine-NetworkNon isolated serial link: Modbus master/slave - RTU/ASCII or SoMachine-NetworkLocal signalling 1 LED (green)PWR:1 LED (green)RUN:1 LED (red)module error (ERR):1 LED (green)SD card access (SD):1 LED (red)BAT:1 LED (green)SL1:1 LED per channel (green)I/O state:Electrical connection Mini B USB 2.0 connectorfor a programming terminalremovable screw terminal blockfor inputsremovable screw terminal blockfor outputsremovable screw terminal block, 4 terminal(s) for connecting the serial link1removable screw terminal block, 3 terminal(s) for connecting the 100-240 V AC power supplyMaximum cable distance between devices Unshielded cable: <50 m for input Shielded cable: <10 m for fast input Shielded cable: <10 m for high speed input Unshielded cable: <150 m for outputInsulation Non-insulated between inputsBetween output and internal logic at 1780 V ACBetween output groups at 1780 V ACBetween supply and internal logic at 1780 V ACBetween input and internal logic at 500 V ACBetween fast input and internal logic at 500 V ACBetween input groups at 500 V ACSensor power supply24 V DC at 250 mA supplied by the controller Marking CEMounting support Top hat type TH35-15 rail conforming to IEC 60715Top hat type TH35-7.5 plate or panel with fixing kit conforming to IEC 60715Height90 mmDepth70 mmWidth110 mmProduct weight0.359 kgEnvironmentIP degree of protection IP20 with protective cover in placeProduct certifications CSACULusIACS E10RCMStandards EN/IEC 61131-2EN/IEC 61010-2-201Electromagnetic compatibility Electrostatic discharge immunity test - test level: 8 kV (air discharge) conforming to EN/IEC61000-4-2Electrostatic discharge immunity test - test level: 6 kV (contact discharge) conforming to EN/IEC61000-4-2Susceptibility to electromagnetic fields - test level: 10 V/m (80 MHz...3 GHz) conforming to EN/IEC61000-4-3Magnetic field at power frequency - test level: 30 A/m conforming to EN/IEC 61000-4-8Electrical fast transient/burst immunity test - test level: 2 kV (power lines) conforming to EN/IEC61000-4-4Electrical fast transient/burst immunity test - test level: 2 kV (relay output) conforming to EN/IEC61000-4-4Electrical fast transient/burst immunity test - test level: 1 kV (I/O) conforming to EN/IEC 61000-4-4Electrical fast transient/burst immunity test - test level: 1 kV (serial link) conforming to EN/IEC61000-4-41.2/50 µs shock waves immunity test - test level: 1 kV (power lines (DC)) conforming to EN/IEC61000-4-51.2/50 µs shock waves immunity test - test level: 2 kV (power lines (AC)) conforming to EN/IEC61000-4-51.2/50 µs shock waves immunity test - test level: 2 kV (relay output) conforming to EN/IEC 61000-4-51.2/50 µs shock waves immunity test - test level: 1 kV (I/O) conforming to EN/IEC 61000-4-51.2/50 µs shock waves immunity test - test level: 1 kV (shielded cable) conforming to EN/IEC61000-4-51.2/50 µs shock waves immunity test - test level: 0.5 kV (power lines (DC)) conforming to EN/IEC61000-4-51.2/50 µs shock waves immunity test - test level: 1 kV (power lines (AC)) conforming to EN/IEC61000-4-5Conducted RF disturbances - test level: 10 V (0.15...80 MHz) conforming to EN/IEC 61000-4-6Conducted emission - test level: 79 dBμV/m QP/66 dBμV/m AV (power lines (AC)) conforming to EN/IEC 55011Conducted emission - test level: 73 dBμV/m QP/60 dBμV/m AV (power lines (AC)) conforming to EN/IEC 55011Radiated emission - test level: 40 dBμV/m QP class A (10 m) conforming to EN/IEC 55011Radiated emission - test level: 47 dBμV/m QP class A (10 m) conforming to EN/IEC 550111.2/50 µs shock waves immunity test - test level: 1 kV (relay output) conforming to EN/IEC 61000-4-5 Shock resistance15 gn for 11 ms30 gn for 6 msImmunity to microbreaks10 msVibration resistance 3.5 mm at 5…8.4 Hz on symmetrical rail1 gn at 8.4…150 Hz on symmetrical rail3.5 mm at 5…8.7 Hz on panel mounting2 gn at 8.7…150 Hz on panel mountingRelative humidity10…95 %, without condensation (in operation)10…95 %, without condensation (in storage)Ambient air temperature for operation0…55 °C (horizontal installation)Ambient air temperature for storage-25…70 °CPollution degree<= 2Operating altitude0...2000 mStorage altitude0…3000 mOffer SustainabilitySustainable offer status Green Premium productREACh Regulation REACh DeclarationEU RoHS Directive Pro-active compliance (Product out of EU RoHS legal scope)EU RoHS DeclarationMercury free YesRoHS exemption information YesChina RoHS Regulation China RoHS declarationEnvironmental Disclosure Product Environmental ProfileCircularity Profile End of Life InformationWEEE The product must be disposed on European Union markets following specific waste collection andnever end up in rubbish binsDimensions DrawingsDimensions Drawings DimensionsMounting and ClearanceMounting and Clearance Mounting on a RailDirect Mounting on a Panel SurfaceMounting PositionClearanceTMCR2•••InstallationTMCR2••• De-InstallationProduct datasheetTM200C16R Connections and SchemaWiring Diagram / Connections SchemaAC Power Supply(*)Type T fuseDigital Inputs Positive Logic (Sink)(*)Type T fuse(**)Fast inputsDigital Inputs Negative Logic (Source)(*)Type T fuse(**)Fast inputsRelay Outputs - Negative Logic (Sink)(*)Type T fuse(1)The COM0 and COM1 terminals are not connected internally.(2) A free wheeling diode or an RC snubberRelay Outputs - Positive Logic (Source)(*)Type T fuse(1)The COM0 and COM1 terminals are not connected internally.(2) A free wheeling diode or an RC snubberUSB Mini-B ConnectionSL1 ConnectionD1 :D1 (A+)D0 :D0 (B-)Shield :ShieldCOM :O V ComProduct datasheetTM200C16R Performance CurvesDerating CurvesDigital InputsX :Ambient temperature (°C / °F)Y :Input voltage (V)Relay OutputsX :Ambient temperature (°C / °F)Y :Output load current (%)。
Typical Features◆Wide input voltage range:85-265VAC/120-380VDC◆No-load power consumption≤≤0.5W◆Transfer efficiency(typ.87%)◆Switching frequency:65KHz◆Protection:Short Circuit,Over Current◆Isolation voltage:2500Vac◆Plastic case,conform to UL94V-0Class◆PCB mountingApplication FieldFA24-220SXXG3N3Series-----a compact size,high efficient power converter offered by Aipu.It features universal input voltage,DC and AC dual-use,low ripple,low temperature rise,low power consumption, high efficiency,high reliability,safer isolation,with good EMC performance.EMC and Safety standard meet international EN55032,IEC/EN61000.It widely used in power,industrial,instrument,smart home applications.For harsh EMC environment,the application circuit in the datasheet is strongly recommended.Typical Product ListPart No.Output SpecificationMax.Capacitive LoadRipple&Noise20MHz(Max)Efficiency@Full Load220Vac(Typical) Power Voltage1Current1Voltage2Current2(W)Vo1(V)Io1(m A)Vo2(V)Io2(m A)u F mVp-p%FA24-220S12G3N32412.02000--200015085 FA24-220S15G3N32415.01600--20008086 FA24-220S24G3N324241000--80010087 Note1:Ripple&Noise of FA24-220S15G3N3,FA24-220S24G3N3should be tested with EMC solution recommended circuit,please see photo1at back.Note2:Due to space limitations,above is only a part of our product list,please contact our sales team for more items.Note3:.”*”is model under developing.Note4:The typical output efficiency is based on that product is full loaded and burned-in after half an hour.Note5:The fluctuation range of full load efficiency(%,TYP)is±2%,full load output efficiency=total output power/module’s input power.Input SpecificationItem Operating Condition Min.Typ.Max.UnitInput Voltage Range AC Input85220265VAC DC Input120310380VDCInput Frequency Range-475063HzInput Current 115VAC//250mA 220VAC//150Surge Current 115VAC//10 220VAC//20Leakage Current-0.5mA TYP/230VAC/50HzExternal fuserecommended value-2A-5A/250VAC slow-fusing Hot plug-UnavailableRemote control terminal-UnavailableOutput SpecificationItem Operating Condition Min.Typ.Max.UnitVoltage Accuracy Full input voltagerangeAny loadVo1--±2.0%Vo2---%Line Regulation Nominal Load Vo1--±2.0% Vo2---%Load RegulationNominal inputVoltage20%~100%loadVo1--±2.0%Vo2---%No load power consumption Input115VAC--0.5W Input220VAC--Minimum loadSingle Output0--% Positive Negative Dualoutput commongrounded---% Positive Negative Dualoutput isolated---Turn-on Delay Time Nominal input voltage,fullload-300-mSPower-off Holding Time Input115VAC(full load)-65-mS Input220VAC(full load)--Output Overshooting Full input voltage range(full load)--10%Dynamic Response 25%~50%~25%50%~75%~50%Overshoot range(%):≤±5%%Recovery time(mS):≤5.0mS mSShort Circuit Protection Input full voltage range Continuous,Self-recovery Hiccup Drift Coefficient--±0.03%-%/℃Over Current Protection Input220VAC≥120%Io,Self-recovery HiccupRipple&Noise Vo=12.0V≤150mV Vo=15.0V≤80mVVo=24.0V≤100Note:Ripple&Noise is tested by Twisted Pair Method,details please see Ripple&Noise Test at back. General SpecificationsItem Operating Condition Min.Typ.Max.Unit Switching Frequency-606570KHz Operating Temperature--40-+75℃Storage Temperature--40-+85Relative Humidity-10-90%RHIsolation Voltage Input-Output,Test1min,leakage current≤5mA2500--VACInsulation Resistance Input-Output@DC500V100--MΩMTBF-≥300,000H@25℃Vibration-10-55Hz,10G,30Min,alongX,Y,ZClass of Case Material-UL94V-0EMC CharacteristicsTotal Item Sub Item Test Standard ClassEMC EMICE CISPR22/EN55032CLASS B(see recommended circuit Photo2)RE CISPR22/EN55032CLASS B(see recommended circuit Photo2)EMSRS IEC/EN61000-4-310V/m Perf.Criteria BCS IEC/EN61000-4-63Vr.m.s Perf.Criteria BESD IEC/EN61000-4-2Contact±4KV/Air±8KV Perf.Criteria BSurge IEC/EN61000-4-5±1KV Perf.Criteria B(see recommendedcircuit Photo2)EFT IEC/EN61000-4-4±2KV Perf.Criteria BVoltage dips,shortinterruptions and voltagevariations immunityIEC/EN61000-4-110%~70%Perf.Criteria BPacking DimensionPacking Code L x W x HG339.0x25.0x22.0mmPin DefinitionPin-out12345Single(S)AC(N)AC(L)GND NP+VoNote:If the definition of pin is not in accordance with the model selection manual,please refer to the label on actual item. Ripple&Noise Test:(Twisted Pair Method20MHZ bandwidth)Test Method:(1)12#twisted pair to connect,Oscilloscope bandwidth set as20MHz,100M bandwidth probe,terminated with0.1uFpolypropylene capacitor and10uF high frequency lowresistance electrolytic capacitor in parallel,oscilloscope set asSample pattern.(2)Input terminal connect to power supply,output terminalconnect to electronic load through jig plate,Use30cm±2cmsampling line.Power line selected from correspondingdiameter wire with insulation according to the flow of outputcurrent.Product Characteristic CurveNote1:Input Voltage should be derated base on Input Voltage Derating Curve when it is85~100VAC/240~265VAC/120~140VDC/340~380VDC.2:Our product is suitable to use under natural air cooling environment,if use it under closed condition,please contact with us. Typical EMC Circuit and Recommended Spec1.Typical Application CircuitPart No.CE1L1CE2TVS1FA24-220S12G3N3NC2uH470uF/16V SMBJ14.0AFA24-220S15G3N3220uF/25V5uH220uF/25V SMBJ17.0A*FA24-220S24G3N3220uF/35V5uH220uF/35V SMBJ26.0ANote:Output filter capacitor C2is electrolytic capacitor,recommend high frequency low resistor electrolytic capacitor,for capacity and current low,please refer to the technical specifications provided by each manufacturer.C2capacitor withstand voltage should derate to80%,capacitor C1is ceramic capacitor,to filter high frequency noise,recommended0.1uF/50V/1206.TVS1tube is a recommend component to protect post-circuit if converter fails.Recommend to external FUSE,Model:3.15A/250V, slow fusing.2.EMC solution recommended circuitPhoto2,EMC for higher requirement circuitComponent Products Module ValueFUSE 3.15A/250Vac 3.15A/250Vac,slow-fusing,necessaryNTC5D-95D-9MOV10D561K10D561KCX10.47uF/275Vac0.47uF/275VacL1 6.8uH/3.0A 6.8uH/3.0A H inductorLF2UU9.830mH min30mH/3.0ANote:1.The product should be used under the specification range,otherwise it will cause permanent damage to it.2.Product’s input terminal should connect to fuse;3.If the product is not worked under the load range(below the minimum load or beyond the load range),we cannot ensure that the performance of product is in accordance with all the indexes in this manual;4.Unless otherwise specified,data in this datasheet are tested under conditions of Ta=25℃,humidity<75%when inputting nominal voltage and outputting rated load(pure resistance load);5.All index testing methods in this datasheet are based on our Company’s corporate standards6.The performance indexes of the product models listed in this manual are as above,but some indexes of non-standard model products will exceed the above-mentioned requirements,please directly contact our technician for specific information;7.We can provide customized product service;8.The product specification may be changed at any time without prior notice.。
图1.AM2302传感器性能相对湿度图2.25℃时相对湿度的典型误差和最大误差电气特性参数条件最小典型最大单位供电电压- 3.35 5.5V 功耗5休眠215-µA 测量-1200-µA 平均-600-µA 低电平输出电压I OL60-300mV 高电平输出电压Rp<25kΩ90%-100%VDD 低电平输入电压下降0-30%VDD 高电平输入电压上升70%-100%VDD Rpu7VDD =5V VIN =VSS1 4.7100kΩ输出电流开-8-mA 三态(关)1020-µA 采样周期-2--s表2.电气特性参数条件最小典型最大单位分辨率--0.1-%RH 量程范围extended10-99.9%RH 精度2--±2见图2%RH 重复性--±0.1-%RH互换性-完全互换响应时间31/e(63%)-<8-s 迟滞-±1-%RH 漂移4典型值-<1-%RH/yr参数条件最小典型最大单位分辨率--0.1-℃精度--±0.5见图3℃量程范围--40-80℃重复性--±0.1-℃互换性-完全互换响应时间81/e(63%)-<8-s 漂移--±0.3-℃/yr 表3.温度特性表图3.温度典型误差和最大误差1正常工作范围:0-80%RH,超出此范围,传感器读数会有偏差(在90%RH湿度下200小时后,漂移<3%RH)。
Eaton Moeller EASY I O 扩展设备 产品说明书
Eaton 197224Eaton Moeller® series EASY I/O expansion, For use with easyE4, 24 V DC, Inputs expansion (number) analog: 4, screw terminal EASY-E4-DC-4PE1Spécifications généralesEaton Moeller® series EASY I/O expansion197224401508089285458 mm 90 mm 36 mm 0.1 kg IEC/EN 61000-6-3 IEC 60068-2-30 CULus per UL 61010 IEC/EN 61131-2 IEC 60068-2-6 IEC 60068-2-27 IEC/EN 61000-6-2 EN 61010 EN 50178CSA-C22.2 No. 61010 IEC 60664 IEC/EN 61000-4-2 UL ListedUL Category Control No.: NRAQ, NRAQ7UL File No.: E205091 DNV GL CEEASY-E4-DC-4PE1Product NameCatalog Number EANProduct Length/Depth Product Height Product Width Product Weight Certifications Model CodeAdditional measurement aids: Filtering (software), smoothing of analog input signal (PT1 behavior), only with set sampling time, selectable per sensor: yesExpandableExpansion deviceMeasuring principle: Two or three wire per sensor, selectable by connection of sensorCard diagnosticDiagnostics below lower measurement range IP20According to EN 50178, EN 61010-2-201, UL61010-2-201, CSA-C22.2 NO. 61010-2-201Rail mounting possibleTop-hat rail fixing (according to IEC/EN 60715, 35 mm)Wall mounting/direct mountingScrew fixing using fixing brackets ZB4-101-GF1 (accessories) Front build in possibleIII2Control relays easyE4TCP/IPMODBUS≤ 5 %12 Bit (0- 4095, digital, scaling per sensor)EASYSOFT-SWLIC/easySoft7easyE4 extensionDC50 mm Drop height, Drop to IEC/EN 60068-2-31 0.3 m 795 - 1080 hPa (operation) -25 °CFeatures Functions Degree of protection Insulation resistance Mounting methodOvervoltage category Pollution degree Product category ProtocolResidual ripple ResolutionSoftwareTypeVoltage typeDrop and toppleHeight of fall (IEC/EN 60068-2-32) - max Air pressureAmbient operating temperature - minHorizontalVertical15 g, Mechanical, according to IEC/EN 60068-2-27, Half-sinusoidal shock 11 ms, 18 Impacts57 - 150 Hz, 2 g constant acceleration10 - 57 Hz, 0.15 mm constant amplitudeAccording to IEC/EN 60068-2-655 °C-40 °C70 °CCondensation: prevent with appropriate measuresClearance in air and creepage distances according to EN 50178, EN 61010-2-201, UL61010-2-201, CSA-C22.2 NO. 61010-2-2015 - 95 % (IEC 60068-2-30, IEC 60068-2-78)8 kV2 kV, Signal cableAccording to IEC/EN 61000-4-42 kV, Supply cable6 kV10 V/m at 0.8 - 1.0 GHz (according to IEC EN 61000-4-3)1 V/m at 2.0 - 2.7 GHz (according to IEC EN 61000-4-3)3 V/m at 1.4 - 2 GHz (according to IEC EN 61000-4-3)10 V (according to IEC/EN 61000-4-6)Class B (EN 61000-6-3)According to IEC/EN 61000-4-5, power pulses (Surge), EMC 0.5 kV, Supply cables, symmetrical, EASY…DC, power pulses (Surge), EMC1 kV, Supply cables, asymmetrical, power pulses (Surge), EMC20 ms≤ 10 ms, Bridging voltage dips 0.2 - 2.5 mm² (22 - 12 AWG), flexible with ferrule 0.2 - 4 mm² (AWG 22 - 12), solid3.5 x 0.8 mm, Terminal screw0.6 Nm, Screw terminals3.4 W (at 24 V DC)12.5 A (for 6 ms)1 W1 W24 V DC (-15 %/+ 20 % - power supply)20.4 - 28.8 V DC0 VACMounting position Shock resistance Vibration resistance Ambient operating temperature - max Ambient storage temperature - min Ambient storage temperature - max Environmental conditionsRelative humidityAir dischargeBurst impulseContact dischargeElectromagnetic fieldsImmunity to line-conducted interference Radio interference classSurge ratingVoltage dips Terminal capacityScrewdriver sizeTightening torqueHeat dissipationInrush currentPower consumptionPower lossRated operational voltage Supply voltage at AC, 50 Hz - min0 VAC20.4 VDC28.8 VDC≥ 1A (T), Fuse, Power supplyScrew terminal≤ 30 m, unscreened, Analog inputs temperature resistance Pt100 or Ni1000 sensors Input type resistance sensor: Platinum sensor Pt100 (according to DIN EN 60751, IEC 751)Input type resistance sensor: Nickel sensor Ni1000 (according to DIN 43760)40 mA4NoneBetween Analog inputs PT100 or Ni1000 and Power supply: no Between Analog inputs PT100 or Ni1000 and expansion units: yesBetween Analog inputs PT100 or Ni1000 and Inputs: noYes, for supply voltage (Siemens MPI optional)0 W 0 W 0 W 0 ASupply voltage at AC, 50 Hz - maxSupply voltage at DC - minSupply voltage at DC - maxShort-circuit protectionConnection typeCable length InputInput currentNumber of inputs (analog)Number of inputs (digital)Number of outputs (analog)Number of outputs (digital)Explosion safety category for gas Potential isolationProtection against polarity reversal Equipment heat dissipation, current-dependent PvidHeat dissipation capacity PdissHeat dissipation per pole, current-dependent PvidRated operational current for specified heat dissipation (In) Static heat dissipation, non-current-dependent PvsNone1 WMeets the product standard's requirements.Meets the product standard's requirements.Meets the product standard's requirements.Meets the product standard's requirements.Meets the product standard's requirements.Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated.Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated.Meets the product standard's requirements.Meets the product standard's requirements.Meets the product standard's requirements.Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated.Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated.Is the panel builder's responsibility.Is the panel builder's responsibility.Is the panel builder's responsibility.Is the panel builder's responsibility.Explosion safety category for dust 10.2.2 Corrosion resistance10.2.3.1 Verification of thermal stability of enclosures Verification of resistance of insulating materials to normal heat10.2.3.3 Resist. of insul. mat. to abnormal heat/fire by internal elect. effects10.2.4 Resistance to ultra-violet (UV) radiation 10.2.5 Lifting10.2.6 Mechanical impact10.2.7 Inscriptions10.3 Degree of protection of assemblies 10.4 Clearances and creepage distances 10.5 Protection against electric shock10.6 Incorporation of switching devices and components 10.7 Internal electrical circuits and connections 10.8 Connections for external conductors 10.9.2 Power-frequency electric strength 10.9.3 Impulse withstand voltageEaton Corporation plc Eaton House30 Pembroke Road Dublin 4, Ireland © 2023 Eaton. Tous droits réservés.Eaton is a registered trademark.All other trademarks are property of their respective owners./socialmediaIs the panel builder's responsibility.The panel builder is responsible for the temperature rise calculation. Eaton will provide heat dissipation data for the devices.Is the panel builder's responsibility.Is the panel builder's responsibility.The device meets the requirements, provided the information in the instruction leaflet (IL) is observed.DA-CE-ETN.EASY-E4-DC-4PE1DA-MN-h1430de MZ049014EN Video easy E4 control relay IL050021ZU DA-CS-dc_4pe1DA-CD-dc_4pe1TT-197224_EASY-E4-DC-4PE1-de_DE eaton-modular-plc-easy-i-o-expansion-dimensions-002.eps eaton-modular-plc-easy-i-o-expansion-3d-drawing-002.eps10.9.4 Testing of enclosures made of insulating material 10.10 Temperature rise10.11 Short-circuit rating10.12 Electromagnetic compatibility 10.13 Mechanical functioneCAD modelGuide utilisateur Installation videosInstructions d'installationmCAD model Notes de venteSchémas。
ECL-230X 产品零件清单说明书
Item 7
9KIT 9A 10KIT 10A 10B 10C 10D 10E 10F 10G 15KIT 15A
20A 20B 20C 25KIT 25A
Order Part# 103544 105435-1 105435-2 105435-3 105435-4 105435-5 105435-6 PP-5572 ECL-405 103692-1 103692-2 103555 103533 103536-1 103551 103652-1 100156-104 101950-505 103546 103660 103660-1 103614 103640 103640-4 103640-6 103640-10 103640-14 PP-5567 PP-5377-106 103645 104073-1 104073-2 104073-3 103534
9V Battery Screw, mach, 8-32 x 3/8" PFH
Rod cover cap Rod guide kit one (not shown) (includes 25A) Rod guide kit two (not shown) (includes 25A) Rod guide kit three (not shown) (includes 25A)
$932.00 $1,067.00 $1,162.00 $1,543.00
$932.00 $985.00
$0.54 $8.40 $136.00 $192.00 $0.27 $5.25 $7.35 $10.50 $24.00 $16.80 $747.00 $805.00 $981.00 $1,357.00 $15.75 $8.40 $3.44 $205.00 $205.00 $53.00 $6.30 $105.00 $5.25 $11.55 $0.14 $5.25 $27.00 $65.00 $260.00 $309.00
OPAx316-Q1 产品数据表说明书
V = 1 +V V R R 11 + sR C((((Product Folder Order Now Technical Documents Tools &SoftwareSupport &CommunityOPA316-Q1,OPA2316-Q1,OPA4316-Q1ZHCSFY0A –NOVEMBER 2016–REVISED JANUARY 2017OPAx316-Q110MHz 、轨到轨输入/输出、低电压、1.8V CMOS 运算放大器1特性•符合汽车类应用的标准•具有符合AEC-Q100标准的下列结果:–器件温度1级:-40℃至+125℃的环境运行温度范围–器件人体放电模型(HBM)静电放电(ESD)分类等级3A–器件带电器件模型(CDM)ESD 分类等级•单位增益带宽:10MHz •低I Q :每通道400µA•宽电源电压范围:1.8V 至5.5V •低噪声:1kHz 时为11nV/√Hz •低输入偏置电流:±5pA •偏移电压:±0.5mV •单位增益稳定•内部射频干扰(RFI)/电磁干扰(EMI)滤波器•扩展温度范围:–40°C 至+125°C2应用•汽车标准:–高级驾驶员辅助系统(ADAS)–车身电子装置和照明–电流感测–电池管理系统3说明OPAx316-Q1系列单通道和双通道运算放大器是新一代低功耗、通用运算放大器的典型代表。
轨到轨输入和输出摆幅、低静态电流(每通道的典型值为400μA )等特性与10MHz 的较宽带宽和超低噪声(1kHz 时为11nV/√Hz )相结合,因此适用于要求兼具快速特性与良好功率比的电路。
ADA-4643 Datasheet说明书
ADA-4643Silicon Bipolar Darlington Amplifi erData SheetAttention: Observe precautions forhandling electrostatic sensitive devices.ESD Machine Model (Class A)ESD Human Body Mode (Class 1B)Refer to Avago Application Note A004R:Electrostatic Discharge, Damage and Control.RFinGNDRFout & VdGND DescriptionAvago Technologies’ ADA-4643 is an economical, easy-to-use, general purpose silicon bipolar RFIC gain block am-plifi ers housed in a 4-lead SC-70 (SOT-343) surface mount plastic package which requires only half the board space of a SOT-143 package.The Darlington feedback structure provides inherent broad bandwidth performance, resulting in useful ope-rating frequency up to 2.5 GHz. This is an ideal device forsmall-signal gain cascades or IF amplifi cation. ADA-4643 is fabricated using Avago’s HP25 silicon bipolarprocess, which employs a double-diff used single poly-silicon process with self-aligned submicron emitter geometry. The process is capable of simultaneous high f T and high NPN breakdown (25 GHz f T at 6 V BVCEO). The process utilizes industry standard device oxide isolation technologies and submicron aluminum multilayer inter-connect to achieve superior performance, high uniformity, and proven reliability.Surface Mount PackageSOT-343Pin Connections and Package MarkingNote:Top View. Package marking provides orientation and identifi cation.“2T” = Device Code“x” = Date code character identifi es month of manufacture.V CC = 5 VRF inputRF Features∙ Small Signal gain amplifi er∙ Operating frequency DC – 2.5 GHz ∙ Unconditionally stable ∙ 50 Ohms input & output∙ Flat, Broadband Frequency Response up to 1 GHz∙ Operating Current: 20 to 60 mA ∙ Industry standard SOT-343 package∙ Lead-free option available Specifi cations900 MHz, 3.5 V, 35 mA (typ.)∙ 17 dB associated gain ∙ 13.4 dBm P 1dB ∙ 28.3 dBm OIP 3∙ 4 dB noise fi gure∙ VSWR < 2.2 throughput operating frequency ∙ Single supply, typical I d = 35 mAApplications∙ Cellular/PCS/WLL base stations ∙ Wireless data/WLAN ∙ Fiber-optic systems ∙ ISMTypical Biasing Confi gurationADA-4643 Electrical Specifi cationsT A = 25° C, Zo = 50 Ω, Pin = -25 dBm, I d = 35 mA (unless specifi ed otherwise)SymbolParameter and Test Condition:I d = 35 mA, Zo = 50 ΩFrequencyUnitsMin.Typ.Max.Std. Dev.V d Device Voltage I d = 35 mA V 3.2 3.5 3.9Gp Power Gain (|S 21|)2100 MHz 900 MHz [1,2]dB15.517.517.018.5∆Gp Gain Flatness 100 to 900 MHz 0.1 to 2 GHz dB 0.51.8F 3dB 3 dB BandwidthGHz3.2VSWR in Input Voltage Standing Wave Ratio0.1 to 6 GHz2.0:1VSWR out Output Voltage Standing Wave Ratio 0.1 to 6 GHz 1.6:1NF 50 Ω Noise Figure100 MHz 900 MHz [1,2]dB 1dB Output Power at 1dB Gain Compression 100 MHz 900 MHz [1,2]dBm 14.713.4OIP 3Output 3rd Order Intercept Point100 MHz [3]900 MHz [1,2]dBm 29.028.3DV/dTDevice Voltage Temperature Coeffi cientmV/°C-5.3Notes:1. Typical value determined from a sample size of 500 parts from 3 wafers.2. Measurement obtained using production test board described in the block diagram below.3. I) 900 MHz OIP 3 test condition: F1 = 900 MHz, F2 = 905 MHz and Pin = -25 dBm per tone. II) 100 MHz OIP 3 test condition: F1 = 100 MHz, F2 = 105 MHz and Pin = -25 dBm per tone.ADA-4643 Absolute Maximum Ratings [1]SymbolParameterUnitsAbsolute MaximumI d Device CurrentmA 70P diss Total Power Dissipation [2]mW 270P in max.RF Input Power dBm 18T j Channel Temperature ︒C 150T STG Storage Temperature ︒C -65 to 150θjcThermal Resistance [3]︒C/W152Notes:1. Operation of this device above any one of these parameters may cause permanent damage.2. Ground lead temperature is 25° C. Derate 6.6 mW/°C for TL >109° C.3. Junction-to-case thermal resistance measured using 150° C Liquid Crystal Measurement method.Block diagram of 900 MHz production test board used for V d , Gain, P 1dB , OIP 3, and NF measurements.Circuit losses have been de-embedded from actual measurements.Product Consistency Distribution Charts at 900 MHz, I d= 35 mAGAIN (dB)300250200150100500V d (V)300250200150100500*********************************=15.5,Nominal=17,USL=18.5Figure 2. V d *********************=3.2,Nominal=3.5,USL=3.9Notes:1. Statistics distribution determined from a sample size of 500 parts taken from 3 diff erent wafers.2. Future wafers allocated to this product may have typical values anywhere between the minimum and maximum specifi cation limits.ADA-4643 Typical Performance Curves (at 25° C, unless specifi ed otherwise)Figure 3. Gain vs. Frequency at I d = 35 mA.Figure 4. P 1dB vs. Frequency at I d = 35 mA.Figure 5. OIP 3 vs. Frequency at I d = 35 mA.Figure 6. NF vs. Frequency at I d = 35 mA.Figure 7. Id vs. V d and Temperature.Figure 8. Gain vs. I d and Temperature at 900 MHz.FREQUENCY (GHz)G A I N (d B )62135420151050FREQUENCY (GHz)P 1d B (d B m )06213542015105FREQUENCY (GHz)O I P 3 (d B m )062135430252015105FREQUENCY (GHz)0621354N F (d B )65432V d (V)I d (m A )706050403020100I d (mA)G A I N (d B )18171615141312Figure 9. P 1dB vs. I d and Temperature at 900 MHz.Figure 10. OIP 3 vs. I d and Temperature at 900 MHz.Figure 11. NF vs. I d and Temperature at 900 MHz.Figure 12. Gain vs. I d and Frequency (GHz).Figure 13. P 1dB vs. I d and Frequency (GHz).Figure 14. OIP 3 vs. I d and Frequency (GHz).I d (mA)O I P 3 (d B m ) d (mA)P 1d B (d B m )20151050-5-10I d (mA)O I P 3 (d B m )I d (mA)N F (d B )16543210I d (mA)G A I N (d B )402010303030302018161412108I d (mA)P 1d B (d B m )2520151050-5-10Figure 15. NF vs. I d and Frequency (GHz).Figure 16. Input Return Loss vs. I d and Frequency (GHz).Figure 17. Output Return Loss vs. I d and Frequency (GHz).I d (mA)N F (d B )65.554.543.53FREQUENCY (GHz)I R L(d B )-5-10-15-20FREQUENCY (GHz)O R L (d B )0-5-10-15-20-25Freq. GHz11 211222K Mag. Ang. dB Mag. Ang. Mag. Ang. Mag. Ang.0.10.172 1.1 17.2 7.246 175.9 0.093 -0.8 0.245 -4.1 1.10.5 0.202 10 17.04 7.113 160.2 0.091 -4.5 0.245 -12.6 1.10.9 0.277 12.3 16.67 6.814 144.7 0.088 -7.4 0.269 -20.4 1.11.0 0.286 9.9 16.56 6.726 141.1 0.087 -7.9 0.274 -23.1 1.11.5 0.349 -2.8 15.98 6.292 124.2 0.083 -9.3 0.28 -37.6 1.11.9 0.375 -11.3 15.54 5.984 111.4 0.080 -9.5 0.273 -48.9 1.22.0 0.382 -13.8 15.44 5.918 108.3 0.080 -9.5 0.271 -51.7 1.22.5 0.397 -24.2 14.93 5.581 93.20.078-8.9 0.249 -65.8 1.23.0 0.402 -34.7 14.475.29 78.60.078 -7.8 0.22 -81.7 1.33.5 0.394 -46 14.025.021 64.2 0.079 -6.6 0.192 -100.9 1.34.0 0.378 -58.7 13.58 4.775 50 0.082 -5.4 0.176 -123.8 1.34.5 0.361 -73.1 13.16 4.55 35.9 0.087 -4.6 0.179 -148.6 1.35.0 0.340 -89.3 12.64 4.284 21.9 0.094 -4.9 0.191 -169.9 1.35.5 0.328 -107.1 12.15 4.05 8.3 0.102 -5.9 0.212 173.3 1.26.0 0.318 -124.8 11.6 3.803 -5.4 0.112 -8.3 0.233 158.2 1.26.5 0.299 -141.1 11.09 3.584 -18.6 0.124 -11.5 0.25 141.6 1.17.0 0.274 -159.7 10.56 3.371 -32 0.138 -16.5 0.27 123 1.17.5 0.243 177.3 9.96 3.149 -45.6 0.150 -22.8 0.3 103.6 1.18.0 0.222 148.7 9.29 2.914 -59.1 0.161 -30 0.337 84.8 1.18.5 0.226 119.9 8.41 2.632 -71.8 0.168 -36.7 0.381 70.1 1.19.0 0.26 95.4 7.62 2.406 -83.7 0.177 -43 0.429 58.4 1.19.5 0.305 75.2 6.67 2.155-96.1 0.187 -49.9 0.48148.4 1.110.0 0.356 60.1 5.82 1.954 -107.1 0.195-57.3 0.529 39.7 1Notes:1. S-parameters are measured on a microstrip line made on 0.025 inch thick alumina carrier. The input reference plane is at the end of the input lead.The output reference plane is at the end of the output lead.Freq. GHz11211222K Mag. Ang. dB Mag. Ang. Mag. Ang. Mag. Ang.0.1 0.151 1.6 17.51 7.504 175.9 0.091 -0.8 0.223 -4.1 1.10.5 0.185 13.1 17.35 7.367 160.1 0.09 -4.2 0.224 -11.7 1.10.9 0.265 14.9 16.98 7.06 144.6 0.087 -7 0.251 -19 1.11.0 0.272 12.4 16.86 6.97 140.9 0.086 -7.5 0.256 -21.7 -0.7 16.27 6.511 123.9 0.082 -8.8 0.264 -36.2 1.11.9 0.367 -9.5 15.82 6.178 111 0.080 -9.1 0.259 -47.6 1.22.0 0.373 -12.1 15.72 6.107 108 0.079 -9.1 0.256-50.3 1.22.5 0.39 -22.7 15.19 5.745 92.8 0.078 -8.5 0.236 -64.4 1.23.0 0.395 -33 14.715.436 78.3 0.077 -7.3 0.209 -80.4 1.33.5 0.387 -44.3 14.235.149 63.9 0.079 -6 0.181 -99.9 1.34.0 0.370 -57.4 13.79 4.89 49.9 0.082 -4.8 0.166 -123.4 1.34.5 0.353 -71.6 13.36 4.657 35.9 0.087-3.9 0.17 -148.9 1.35.0 0.332 -87.7 12.84 4.383 21.9 0.093 -4.2 0.185 -170.6 1.25.5 0.319 -106 12.34 4.141 8.3 0.102 -5.1 0.207 172.5 1.26.0 0.310 -123.6 11.8 3.889 -5.4 0.112 -7.5 0.23 157.5 1.26.5 0.293 -140.2 11.28 3.666 -18.6 0.124 -10.8 0.248 140.9 1.17.0 0.266 -158.8 10.75 3.449 -32 0.138 -15.8 0.27 122.3 1.17.5 0.238 177.8 10.15 3.219 -45.5 0.151 -22.2 0.301 103 1.18.0 0.217 148.5 9.48 2.979 -59 0.161 -29.3 0.34 84.3 1.18.5 0.222 119.5 8.62 2.697 -71.7 0.169 -36.1 0.385 69.6 1.19.0 0.256 95 7.81 2.458 -83.4 0.178 -42.5 0.434 57.9 1.19.5 0.300 74.9 6.88 2.208 -95.8 0.188 -49.5 0.486 47.9 110.0 0.357 59.1 6.01 1.996 -107.2 0.196 -56.9 0.53439.2 1Notes:1. S-parameters are measured on a microstrip line made on 0.025 inch thick alumina carrier. The input reference plane is at the end of the input lead.The output reference plane is at the end of the output lead.Freq. GHz11211222K Mag. Ang. dB Mag. Ang. Mag. Ang. Mag. Ang.0.1 0.137 2.417.72 7.691 175.9 0.09-0.70.207 -4 1.10.5 0.174 15.317.567.547 1600.089 -4 0.209-10.9 1.10.9 0.25717.417.19 7.234 144.5 0.086 -6.8 0.238-17.6 1.11.0 0.267 14.717.087.144140.80.085 -7.2 0.243 -20.3 0.716.47 6.664 123.70.081 -8.50.253-34.8 1.11.9 0.36 -8.416.01 6.317 110.70.079 -8.7 0.249 -46.1 1.12.0 0.367-10.915.91 6.241107.70.079 -8.7 0.247-48.9 1.22.5 0.386-21.615.36 5.86292.5 0.077 -8.1 0.227 -62.9 1.23.0 0.39 -32.114.865.534 78 0.077 -7 0.201 -78.9 1.23.5 0.382-43.414.385.237 63.6 0.078 -5.70.174 -98.4 1.34.0 0.365 -56.4 13.93 4.97149.7 0.081 -4.5 0.159-122.3 1.34.5 0.348 -70.813.5 4.732 35.7 0.086-3.6 0.164-148.3 1.35.0 0.327 -86.8 12.97 4.45 21.7 0.093 -3.9 0.179-170.4 1.25.5 0.314 -105.112.48 4.205 8.20.101-4.8 0.202172.6 1.26.0 0.304-122.811.93 3.947 -5.5 0.112 -7.1 0.226 157.6 1.26.5 0.287 -139.6 11.41 3.721 -18.70.124 -10.40.245 140.9 1.17.0 0.26-159.1 10.88 3.498 -32 0.138 -15.40.268122.3 1.17.5 0.232177.610.28 3.264 -45.6 0.151 -21.80.3 102.9 1.18.0 0.213147.8 9.6 3.02 -59.10.161 -28.90.339 84.2 1.18.5 0.218120.28.7 2.724 -71.7 0.169 -35.80.385 69.5 1.19.0 0.2694.27.95 2.498 -83.70.179-42.10.434 57.9 1.19.5 0.30374 6.98 2.233 -96.20.189-49.20.48747.9 110.0 0.35259.4 6.14 2.027-107.1 0.196 -56.60.53539.1 1Notes:1. S-parameters are measured on a microstrip line made on 0.025 inch thick alumina carrier. The input reference plane is at the end of the input lead.The output reference plane is at the end of the output lead.Freq. GHz11211222K Mag. Ang. dB Mag. Ang. Mag. Ang. Mag. Ang.0.1 0.126 2.4 17.88 7.834 175.9 0.089 -0.7 0.194 -3.8 1.10.5 0.165 18.1 17.73 7.696 159.9 0.088 -3.8 0.196 -9.9 1.10.9 0.252 19.6 17.36 7.377 144.3 0.085 -6.4 0.227 -16.1 1.11.0 0.261 16.4 17.24 7.28 140.6 0.085 -6.9 0.233 -18.8 1.11.5 0.33 2 16.63 6.787 123.3 0.081 -8.2 0.244 -33.2 1.11.9 0.359 -7.4 16.16 6.424 110.3 0.079 -8.4 0.241 -44.4 1.12.0 0.365 -9.8 16.05 6.343 107.2 0.078 -8.4 0.239 -47.2 1.12.5 0.386 -21 15.49 5.948 91.9 0.077 -7.8 0.221 -61 1.23.0 0.387 -31.5 14.985.61 77.4 0.077 -6.7 0.195 -76.8 1.23.5 0.381 -43 14.495.301 63.1 0.078 -5.5 0.168 -96.2 1.34.0 0.363 -56 14.025.025 49 0.081 -4.3 0.153 -120.3 1.34.5 0.344 -70.7 13.58 4.777 35 0.086 -3.5 0.157 -146.9 1.35.0 0.323 -87.3 13.04 4.488 21 0.093 -3.7 0.172 -169.4 1.25.5 0.31 -105.8 12.54 4.235 7.5 0.101 -4.6 0.195 173.4 1.26.0 0.301 -123.6 11.98 3.971 -6.2 0.111 -6.9 0.22 158.2 1.26.5 0.281 -140.6 11.44 3.735 -19.4 0.124 -10.2 0.239 141.4 1.17.0 0.257 -159.9 10.9 3.507 -32.7 0.138 -15.2 0.262 122.5 1.17.5 0.228 176.3 10.29 3.271 -46.3 0.151 -21.5 0.294 103 1.18.0 0.212 145.6 9.61 3.022 -59.8 0.161 -28.6 0.333 84.3 1.18.5 0.218 117.8 8.72 2.728 -72.4 0.169 -35.6 0.38 69.5 1.19.0 0.257 92.7 7.94 2.494 -84.1 0.178 -41.8 0.429 57.9 1.19.5 0.302 72.9 6.98 2.234 -96.4 0.189 -48.9 0.482 47.9 110.0 0.359 57.7 6.11 2.02 -107.7 0.196 -56.4 0.531 39.2 1Notes:1. S-parameters are measured on a microstrip line made on 0.025 inch thick alumina carrier. The input reference plane is at the end of the input lead.The output reference plane is at the end of the output lead.11Ordering InformationPart NumberNo. of DevicesContainerADA-4643-TR1 3000 7” ReelADA-4643-TR2 10000 13” ReelADA-4643-BLK 100 antistatic bag ADA-4643-TR1G 3000 7” ReelADA-4643-TR2G 10000 13” Reel ADA-4643-BLKG 100antistatic bagNote: For lead-free option, the part number will have the character “G” at the end.Package DimensionsOutline 43SOT-343 (SC70 4-lead)Recommended PCB Pad Layout for Avago’s SC70 4L/SOT-343 ProductsDIMENSIONS (mm)MIN.1.151.851.800.800.800.000.150.550.100.10MAX.1.352.252.401. E D HE A A2A1b b1c LNOTES:1. All dimensions are in mm.2. Dimensions are inclusive of plating.3. Dimensions are exclusive of mold flash & metal burr.4. All specifications comply to EIAJ SC70.5. Die is facing up for mold and facing down for trim/form, ie: reverse trim/form.6. Package surface to be mirror finish.1.30(0.051)Dimensions inmm (inches)(0.039)For product information and a complete list of distributors, please go to our web site: Avago, Avago Technologies, and the A logo are trademarks of Avago Technologies in the United States and other countries.Data subject to change. Copyright © 2005-2012 Avago Technologies. All rights reserved. Obsoletes 5989-3753EN AV02-3598EN - June 8, 2012(COVER TAPE THICKNESS)DESCRIPTIONSYMBOL SIZE (mm)SIZE (INCHES)LENGTH WIDTH DEPTH PITCHBOTTOM HOLE DIAMETERA 0B 0K 0P D 12.40 ± 0.102.40 ± 0.101.20 ± 0.104.00 ± 0.101.00 + 0.250.094 ± 0.0040.094 ± 0.0040.047 ± 0.0040.157 ± 0.0040.039 + 0.010CAVITYDIAMETER PITCH POSITIOND P 0E 1.50 ± 0.104.00 ± 0.101.75 ± 0.100.061 + 0.0020.157 ± 0.0040.069 ± 0.004PERFORATIONWIDTHTHICKNESS W t 18.00 + 0.30 - 0.100.254 ± 0.020.315 + 0.0120.0100 ± 0.0008CARRIER TAPE CAVITY TO PERFORATION (WIDTH DIRECTION)CAVITY TO PERFORATION (LENGTH DIRECTION)FP 23.50 ± 0.052.00 ± 0.050.138 ± 0.0020.079 ± 0.002DISTANCEWIDTHTAPE THICKNESSC T t 5.40 ± 0.100.062 ± 0.0010.205 + 0.0040.0025 ± 0.0004COVER TAPE Device OrientationTape DimensionsFor Outline 4TUSER FEEDEND VIEWTOP VIEW。
电力工业加热器 EH-4610 PET 说明书
Instruction ManualHeavy Electric Utility HeaterMODEL:EH-4610PET OWNERS WARNING:The health of some small pets includingbirds are extremely sensitive to the fumes produced during the first-time use of many appliances. These fumes are not harmful to humans but we recommended that you do not use your heater around birds and small pets during its initial use until the manufacturing corrosion coatings burn off.Technical Support : 1-866-206-0888Serviceemail:*****************IMPORTANT I NSTRUCTIONSWhen usi n g el e ctri c al appl i a nces, basi c precauti o ns shoul d al w ays be fol l o wed to reduce the ri s k of fi r e, el e ctri c shock, and injury to persons, including the following:1.Read al l i n structi o ns before i n stal l i n g or usi n g thi s heater.2.Thi s heater i s hot when i n use. To avoi d burns, do not l e t bare ski n touch hot surfaces. Keep combusti b l e materi a l s, such as furni t ure, pi l o ws, beddi n g, papers, cl o thes, and curtai n s at l e ast 3 feet (0.9m) from the front of the heater and keep them away from the sides and rear.3. E xtreme c aution i s n ecessary w hen a ny h eater i s u sed b y o r near children or invalids and whenever the heater i s left operating a nd u nattended.4. A lways u nplug h eater w hen n ot i n u se.5. D o n ot o perate a ny h eater a fter i t m alfunctions. D isconnect 9.To disconnect the heater, turn the controls to the off position and shut off the heater circuit power at the main disconnect panel. 10.Do not insert or allow foreign objects to enter any ventilationor exhaust opening as this may cause an electri c shock or fire, or damage the heater.11. To prevent a possible fire, do not block air intakes or exhaust in any manner. Do not use on soft surfaces, like a bed, where openings m ay b ecome b locked.12. U se this heater only as described in this manual. Any other use not recommended by the manufacturer may cause fire ,electric shock, or i njury t o p ersons.13. A heater has hot and arcing or sparking parts inside. Do notuse i t i n a reas w here g asoline, p aint, o r f lammable v apors o r liquids a re u sed o r s tored.14. Do not install closer than 24 inches to furniture, a nd other objects. Do not install closer than 13 inches to side wall. Do not installpower at servi c e panel and have heater i n spected by a reputabl e closer than 73/8 inches to back wall.el e ctri c i a n before reusi n g.6.Do not use outdoors.7. This h eater i s n ot i ntended f or u se i n b athrooms, l aundry areas and similar indoor locations. Never locate heater where it m ay f all i nto a b athtub o r o ther w ater c ontainer.8. For supply connections, u se wire suitable for at least 75 C. S ee wiring diagram for wire size.15.Mount wi t h bottom of heater at least 2.4m above floor or grade.e copper wire only.17. T his h eater c omes with a red visual alarm t o w arn t hat parts of the heater are getting excessively hot.If the alarm illuminates, immediately turn the heater off and inspect for any objects o n o r a djacent t o t he a irflow or other wise cause h igh temperatures to have occurred. DO NOT OPERATE THE HEATER WITH THE ALARM I LLUMINATING. SAVE THESE I NSTRUCTIONSDESCRIPTIONElectric utility heaters are designed to meet a variety of heating requirements by switching a few wires located in the base of the unit. Heat output range is 34100 BTU per hour. Features horizontal and vertical flow(horizontal air throw approximately.), Built-in thermostat, air high limit thermal cutout.5. The mounting structure and the anchoring hardware must be capable of reliably supporting the weight of the heater and, if used,the mounting bracket.6. All electrical power must be disconnected and the main service box must be locked before inspection,cleaning or servicing the heater.This is a precaution to preventSPECIFICATIONS Can be operated at 240V see Table 1 for ratings) *10000W 240-1-60*10000W 240-3-60MINIMUMAMPS BTU/hour240V 240V41.7 3410024.1 34100MINIMUMserious electrical shock.7. This heater is not suitable for use in hazardouslocations as defined by the national fire protectionassociation(NFPA)in the United states and canada.This heater has hot and arcing(sparking)parts inside.Do not use in areas where gasoline,paint,or flammableliquids are used or stored.8. This heater is not suitable for use in corrosive182DISTANCETO WALL13in.DISTANCETO WALL73/821/.I M U MT ANCEFROMatmospheres such as marine, greenhouses orchemical storage areas.9. This heater must be mounted at least 8 feet off the floor.Improper installation or failure to followthe procedures outlined in thisinstruction manual can result in serious electrical shock.FRONT VIEWFigure 211/2In. 11/2In.2 I n.SIDE VIEWDIS TANCETO FLOOR8 ft .LOCATIN G HEATERInstall heater out of traffic areas maintaining clearancesstated in figure 2.The direction of air flow should notbe restricted(ie:by columns or machinery)and the airflow should wipe exposed walls,rather than blowingdirectly at them.When more than one heater is usedin an area,the heaters should be arranged so that theair discharge of each heater supports the air flow of GENERAL SAFETY INFORMATIONRead and understand installation and operationinstructions and observe all safety instructions.1. Use only copper wire rated at least 75℃.2. Heater air flow must be directed parallel to,or away fromadjacent wall.3. Observe wall,floor,and ceiling clearance requirements.4. All wiring must be conform to national and local electricalcodes in the United states and canada and the heater mustbe grounded as a precaution against possible electrical shock.Heater circuit must be protected with proper fuses.the others to provide best circulation of warm air,asindicated in figure 3.Figure 3! WARNIN G! WARNINGIN S TALLATIO NMOUNTIN G THE BRACKETRefer to Figures 4a and 4b .1. Locate a stud in the ceiling joist .2. R emove the mounting bracket from the heating unit by loosening bracket screws with a wrench and slipping the handle off over the screw heads .3. Place a washer on screws before inserting through the holes in the mounting bracket ,and screw them securely into a ceiling or wall joist .BE TILTED DOWNFigure 5WASHERFigure 4aCEILINGBRACKETCONNECTING THE POWER1. Remove the screw from the front of the unit to connectthe power to the heater .2. A ttach the cable connectors to the unit (See Figure 6a ) and slide the 6 or 10 gauge wire through the cable connector .Fig ure 6aNOTE : For certain applications ,conduit may berequired (See Figure 6b ).Check local electrical codes . If you run the wiring in conduit and wish to be able to turn the heater be sure to purchase enough flexible conduit to allow the heater to be turned .ConduitFlexible ConduitFigure 4bHANGIN G THE H EATERFlexible NM Cable1. Attach the heating unit to the mounting bracket .22. Lift the heater up and into the mounting bracket .3. A lign the bracket screws with the keyhole slots in themounting bracket .4. I f the heater is to be tilted .it must be positioned in the keyhole slots (see figure 5)5. T ighten the bracket screws with a wrench so the unit is securely suspended horizontal or vertical level .3Figure 6b-Connecto rs ,cable ,and hardware used to wire th e heate r,,,3/8 DIAGONALLAG BOLTWASHERBRACKETWALL3. Connect the wire to the power block located in the base of the heater (See Figure 7a and Figure 7b ).4. Turn on the power at the main service .5. Caution - High temperature , risk of fire , keep electrical cords , drapery , furnishings , and othercombustibles at least 3 feet (0.9m ) from the front of t he heater and away f rom the side and rear . 6. Caution -to reduce the risk of fire , do not store or use gasoline or other flammable vapors and liquids in the vicinity of the heater .7. Warning - This appliance must be grounded .BLUESINGLE - PHASEFigure 7aTHREE - PHASEFigure 7b8.(Figure 7c) The diameter of the terminal connection block indicated by the arrow is 7mm. Use a flat-head screwdriver less than 6mm in diameter when connecting the power wire to the heater terminal to ensure the power wire can be securely tightened to the heater terminal.(Figure 7d) Double check that the power wire is securely connected to the heater terminal and cannot be pulled out from the connection by hand.GRE EN( or b are copp er )BLUEGRE EN ( or b are copp er )MULTIPLE VERTICAL A NGLESCEILINGFig ure 8aFigure 8bCONNECTING THE P OWERNOTE:1: The heater equipped with a single-phase power supply, using with athree-phase power supply, the L1(red wire) and L3(blue wire)(see Figure 9a) must be connected to the L2(see Figure 9b).2: If using an external thermostat, the selectionswitch in the control panel must be set to the externalthermostat( ).(see Figure 9c).Thermostat12OPERATIN G IN S TRUCTIO N SSETTIN G THE THERMOSTAT1.Rotate thermostat knob clockwise to high position .ADJUSTIN G AIR FLOW DIR ECTIO N1. Turning the Unit -IF the unit has been installed witha s ingle l ag bolt , a s shown i n t he Figure 4a ,simply2. After room reaches desired comfort level , rotatethermostat knob counter -clockwise until the thermostat clicks off .turn the entire unit as needed to adjust air flow . 2. Tilting the unit -Loosen the bracket screws (SeeFigure 5) 3. To protect the heating element , w hen starting the heater slowly turn the temperature control clockwise . The unit will start the heating element first then the fan . When closing the heater , slowly turn thetemperature control counterclockwise to the off position . The unit will shut off the heating element first and then the fan .NOTE : Heater will cycle on and off to maintain roomtemperature .THERMAL CUTOUTThe heater is equipped with a thermal cutout whichwill automatically shut o ff t he heater i n t he event ofoverheating . The heater will turn on when it 's NOTE :To tilt the heater it must be mounted in bottom keyhole slots of mounting brackets to maintainadequate clearance and prevent possible overheating .Rota t e 3.Adjusting the louvers to the desired position . NOTE : The louvers are designed so they can not be completely closed . Do not attempt to defeat this feature , damage to the unit can result .temperature returns to normal . Should the unit overheatWARNING and cause the thermal cutout to cycle , the cause of the overheating should be determined and corrective action taken before further operation . , Disconnect power to the heater at the main service box before attenpting to adjust the heat output of this unit .WARNING : T he heater must be properly installed before it is used . SETTING THE THERMOSTAT1: Rotate thermostat knob clockwise to high position , POWER INDICATOR will turn yellow . 2: After room reaches desired comfort level rotate thermostat knob counter clockwise to the off position . NOTE : Heater will cycle on and off to maintain room temperature .SELECTION SWITCHbuilt-inthermostatExternal thermostatUsing the SELECTION SWITCH : I for b uilt-in t hermostat , for e xternal thermostat . THERMAL CUT-OUTSELECTION SWITCHThe h eater will a utomatically s hut o ff w hen parts o f i t o verheat. T he h eater will t urn o n again w hen the a bnormal t emperature r eturns t o n ormal l evels. S hould t he u nit overheat and c ause t he t hermal cut-out t o cycle, the c ause o f the o verheating s hould be determined and c orrective action t aken before further o peration.NOTE : when the thermal cut -out is activated , the caution indicator will turn red . In this case , immediately turn the heater OFF and inspect for any objects on or adjacent to the heater that may cause high temperatures . DO NOT OPERATE THE HEATER WITH THE CAUTION INDICATOR GLOWING RED .MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONSMAINTENANCE AND CLEANING1: Before cleaning , make sure the power has been turned off at the circuit breaker panel and that the heating element of the heater is cool .2: To maintain the external appearance of the radiator , it need only be wiped over occasionally with a dry duster . During the summer m onths , o r a t o ther t imes w hen t he a ppliance i s n ot i n u se a nd i s c ompletely c old , i s t he b est t ime t o w ipe o ver w ith a damp cloth .3: Do not use abrasive clearing powders or furniture polish . Do not use chemical or abrasive products , metallic scourers and so on , which may deteriorate the surface , to clean the appliance .4: All other servicing should be performed by qualified service personnel . Do not try to repair the heater yourself . 5: During the summer months, When the appliance is not in use, disconnect the power supply, and cover the whole appliance with a dust cloth. Moreover, keep the appliance in a dry and cool .。
Agilent Protein 230 Kit Quick Start 说明书
1Agilent Protein 230Kit Agilent TechnologiesAgilent Protein 230 Kit Quick Start GuideProtein 230 Kit (reorder number 5067-1517)Protein Chips Protein 230 Reagents (reagent reorder number 5067-1518) & Supplies 25 Protein Chips z (red) Protein 230 Gel-Matrix (4 vials)1 Electrode Cleaner z (blue) Protein 230 Dye Concentrate * (white) Protein 230 Sample Buffer (4 vials)Syringe Kit z (yellow) Protein 230 Ladder 1 Syringe4 Spin Filters*) “This product is provided under an agreement between Molecular Probes, Inc. (a wholly owned subsidiary of Invitrogen Corporation) and Agilent Technologies. The manufacture, use, sale or import of this product may be subject to one or more of U.S. patents, pending applications, and corresponding international equivalents, owned by Molecular Probes, Inc. The purchaser has the non-transferable right to use the product to detect protein and/or nucleic acids in microfluidics analysis systems for one or more of the subfields of research, development, quality control, forensics, environmental analysis, biodefense, food safety testing, veterinary diagnostics, or human diagnostics, according to use indicated on the product label or accompanying product literature. For information on obtaining a license, contact Molecular Probes, Inc., Business Development, 29851 Willow Creek Road, Eugene, OR 97402-9132. Tel: (541) 465-8300. Fax: (541) 335-0354.”Assay PrinciplesAgilent Protein kits contain chips and reagents designed for sizing and analysis of proteins. Each chipcontains an interconnected set of microchannels that sieves proteins by size as they are driven through it by means of electrophoresis. Agilent Protein kits are designed for use with the Agilent 2100 bioanalyzer only.Assay KitsThe Agilent Protein 230 kit is designed for the sizing and analysis of proteins from 14-230 kDa and can be used to analyze cell lysates, column fractions or purified proteins. The complete Protein 230 Kit Guide can be found in the online help of the 2100 expert software.Other protein kits from Agilent:Protein 80 kit (reorder number 5067-1515) Storage Conditions•Keep all reagents and reagent mixes refrigerated at 4 °C when not in use to avoid poor results caused by reagent decomposition.•Store Protein 230 sample buffer and ladder at -20 °C upon arrival. To avoid freeze-thaw cycles, make aliquots depending on your daily use (e.g. 6 µl for ladder). The aliquot in use should be stored at 4°C.•Protect all reagents from light. Remove light covers only when pipetting. The reagents contain dye that decomposes when exposed to light.2Agilent Protein 230 AssayAgilent Protein 230 Kit Quick Start GuideEquipment Supplied with the Agilent 2100 BioanalyzerAdditional Material Required (Not Supplied)Setting up the Chip Priming Station1Replace the syringe:a Unscrew the old syringe from the lid of the chip priming station.b Release the old syringe from the clip. Discard the old syringe.c Remove the plastic cap of the new syringe and insert it into the clip.d Slide it into the hole of the luer lock adapter and screw it tightly to the primingstation.2Adjust the base-plate:a Open the chip priming station by pulling the latch.b Using a screwdriver, open the screw at the underside of the base plate.c Lift the base plate and insert it again in position A. Retighten the screw.•Chip priming station (reorder number 5065-4401)•IKA Vortex mixer (optional)•Pipettes (10 µl, 20 µl, 100 µl, and 1000 µl) with compatible tips •0.5 ml microcentrifuge tubes •Deionized water •1M Dithiothreitol (DTT) solution (recommended) or 2-Mercaptoethanol (BME)•Microcentrifuge•0.5 ml heating block or water bathPhysical Specifications Analytical Specifications TypeSpecificationTypeAgilent Protein 230 AssayAnalysis run time 25minutesSizing range14-230 kDa Number of samples 10samples/chip Typical sizing resolution 10%Sample volume 4µlTypical sizing accuracy 10% CV (BSA, CAII) Kit stability4 months (Storage Temperature see individual box)Sizing reproducibility 3% CV (BSA, CAII)Sensitivity(Signal/Noise>3)6 ng/µl CAII (15 ng/µl BSA) in PBS30 ng/µl (BSA) in 0.5M NaClCAII = Carbonic Anhydrase Quantitative range 15-2000 ng/µl CAII, 30-2000 ng/µl BSA in PBS BSA = Bovine Serum AlbuminQualitative range6-5000 ng/µl CAII, 15-5000 ng/µl BSA in PBS Quantitation reproducibility 20% CV (BSA, CAII)Compatible bufferssee List of Compatible Buffers and Buffer Compounds in your Protein 230 Kit Guide3Agilent Protein 230 Kit Quick Start Guide 3Adjust the syringe clip:a Release the lever of the clip and slide it down to the middle position.Essential Measurement Practices•Handle and store all reagents according to the instructions on the label of the individual box .•Avoid sources of dust or other contaminants. Foreign matter in reagents and samples or in the wells of the chip will interfere with assay results.•Upon arrival make aliquots for the sample buffer and the ladder with the required amount for a typical daily use and store them at -20°C. Keep the vial in use at 4 °C to avoid freeze-thaw cycles.•Allow all reagents and samples to equilibrate to room temperature for 30 minutes before use.•Protect dye, gel-dye mix, sample buffer and ladder from light. Remove light covers only when pipetting. The dye decomposes when exposed to light and this reduces the signal intensity.•Always insert the pipette tip to the bottom of the well when dispensing the liquid. Placing the pipette at the edge of the well may lead to poor results. •Use a new syringe and electrode cleaners with each new kit.•Use loaded chips within 5 minutes. Reagents might evaporate, leading to poor results.•Do not touch the Agilent 2100 bioanalyzer during analysis and never place it on a vibrating surface.•Use 0.5 ml tubes to denature samples. Using larger tubes may lead to poor results, caused by evaporation.Agilent Protein 230 Assay Protocol - Edition April 2007Handling DMSOKit components contain DMSO. Because the dye binds to nucleic acids, it should be treated as a potential mutagen and used with appropriate care.Wear hand and eye protection and follow good laboratory practices when preparing and handling reagents and samples. Handle the DMSO stock solutions with particular caution as DMSO is known to facilitate the entry of organic molecules into tissues.Preparing the Gel-Dye Mix1Add 25µl of protein 230 dye concentrate (blue z ) to one protein 230 gel matrix (red z ) tube. Vortex well and spin down the tube for 15s.2Transfer to a spin filter.3Centrifuge at 2500g ± 20% for 15min.4Label with the date. Use within 4 weeks.!4Agilent Protein 230 Kit Quick Start GuideAgilent Protein 230 Assay Protocol - Edition April 2007Destaining Solution1Pipette 650µl of gel matrix (red z ) into a new spin filter and label the tube and include the date of preparation.2Centrifuge at 2500g ± 20% for 15min. One tube is sufficient for 25chips.Preparing Denaturing Solution1Add 7µl of 1M Dithiothreitol solution (recommended) or ß-mercaptoethanol to the sample buffer vial (200 µl, white ) or add 3.5 Vol-% to your aliquot of sample buffer.2Vortex for 5s.Preparing the Samples and the Ladder1Combine 4µl protein sample and 2µl denaturing solution in a 0.5ml tube.2Place sample tubes and tube with 6µl protein 230 ladder (yellow z ) at 95-100ºC for 5min. Cool down afterwards.3Spin tubes for 15s.4Add 84µl deionized water to samples and ladder and vortex.Loading the Gel-Dye Mix1Adjust the base-plate of the chip priming station to position A and the syringe clip to its middle position.2Put a new protein chip on the chip priming station.3Pipette 12µl of gel-dye mix in the well marked .4Put plunger at 1 ml and close chip priming station.5Press plunger until held by clip, wait 60s, then release clip.6Wait for 5 s. Slowly pull back plunger to 1ml position.7Remove solution in well .8Pipette 12µl of gel-dye mix in and .9Pipette 12µl of destaining solution in well .Loading the Ladder and the Samples1Pipette 6µl of sample in 10sample wells.2Pipette 6µl of the ladder in the well marked .3Place the chip in the Agilent 2100 bioanalyzer and start immediately.Technical Support IIntheU.S./Canada:1-800-227-9770(tollfree);****************************.InEurope:callyourlocal CustomerCareCenter;*************************.InJapan:0120477111;*******************.InAsiaPacific:callyour localCustomerCareCenter;**************************Further Information Visit Agilent Technologies’ unique Lab-on-a-Chip web site. It is offering useful information, support and current developments about the products and the technology: /chem/labonachip ...*G2938-90055**G2938-90055*G2938-90055Part Number: G2938-90055Edition 04/2007Printed in Germany© Agilent Technologies, Inc. 2000, 2001-2007Agilent Technologies Hewlett-Packard-Straße 876337 Waldbronn, Germany。
Intel® Atom™ Processor 230∆SeriesDatasheetApril 2010Document Number: 319977-003INFORMATION IN THIS DOCUMENT IS PROVIDED IN CONNECTION WITH INTEL® PRODUCTS. NO LICENSE, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, BY ESTOPPEL OR OTHERWISE, TO ANY INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS IS GRANTED BY THIS DOCUMENT. EXCEPT AS PROVIDED IN INTEL'S TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SALE FOR SUCH PRODUCTS, INTEL ASSUMES NO LIABILITY WHATSOEVER, AND INTEL DISCLAIMS ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTY, RELATING TO SALE AND/OR USE OF INTEL PRODUCTS INCLUDING LIABILITY OR WARRANTIES RELATING TO FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, MERCHANTABILITY, OR INFRINGEMENT OF ANY PATENT, COPYRIGHT OR OTHER INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHT.UNLESS OTHERWISE AGREED IN WRITING BY INTEL, THE INTEL PRODUCTS ARE NOT DESIGNED NOR INTENDED FOR ANY APPLICATION IN WHICH THE FAILURE OF THE INTEL PRODUCT COULD CREATE A SITUATION WHERE PERSONAL INJURY OR DEATH MAY OCCUR.Intel may make changes to specifications and product descriptions at any time, without notice. Designers must not rely on the absence or characteristics of any features or instructions marked "reserved" or "undefined." Intel reserves these for future definition and shall have no responsibility whatsoever for conflicts or incompatibilities arising from future changes to them. The information here is subject to change without notice. Do not finalize a design with this information.The products described in this document may contain design defects or errors known as errata which may cause the product to deviate from published specifications. Current characterized errata are available on request.Contact your local Intel sales office or your distributor to obtain the latest specifications and before placing your product order. 45-nm products are manufactured on a lead-free process. Lead-free per EU RoHS directive July, 2006. Some E.U. RoHS exemptions may apply to other components used in the product package. Residual amounts of halogens are below November, 2007 proposed IPC/JEDEC J-STD-709 standards.∆ Intel processor numbers are not a measure of performance. Processor numbers differentiate features within each processor family, not across different processor families. Click here for detailsIntel® 64 requires a computer system with a processor, chipset, BIOS, operating system, device drivers, and applications enabled for Intel 64. Processor will not operate (including 32-bit operation) without an Intel 64-enabled BIOS. Performance will vary depending on your hardware and software configurations. See /technology/intel64/index.htm for more information including details on which processors support Intel 64, or consult with your system vendor for more information. Intel® Virtualization Technology requires a computer system with an enabled Intel® processor, BIOS, virtual machine monitor (VMM) and, for some uses, certain platform software enabled for it. Functionality, performance or other benefits will vary depending on hardware and software configurations and may require a BIOS update. Software applications may not be compatible with all operating systems. Please check with your application vendor.Hyper-Threading Technology requires a computer system with a processor supporting Hyper-Threading Technology and HT Technology enabled chipset, BIOS and operating system. Performance will vary depending on the specific hardware and software you see. See /technology/hypertheading/ for more information including details on which processor supports HT Technology.Intel, Intel SpeedStep, and the Intel logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Intel Corporation or its subsidiaries in the U.S. and other countries.*Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of others.Copyright © 2010, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.2 DatasheetContents1 Introduction (6)1.1 Intel® Atom™ Processor 230 Series Features (6)1.2 Terminology (7)1.3 Reference Documents (8)2 Low Power Features (9)2.1 Clock Control and Low-power States (9)2.1.1 Thread Low-power State Descriptions (10)2.1.2 Package Low-power State Descriptions (11)2.1.3 Front Side Bus (11)3 Electrical Specifications (12)3.1 FSB and GTLREF (12)3.2 Power and Ground Pins (12)3.3 Decoupling Guidelines (12)3.3.1 VCCP Decoupling (13)3.3.2 FSB AGTL+ Decoupling (13)3.4 Voltage Identification and Power Sequencing (13)3.5 Catastrophic Thermal Protection (15)3.6 Reserved and Unused Pins (15)3.7 FSB Frequency Select Signals (BSEL[2:0]) (16)3.8 FSB Signal Groups (16)3.9 CMOS Asynchronous Signals (17)3.10 3.10 Maximum Ratings (17)3.11 Processor DC Specifications (18)3.12 AGTL+ FSB Specifications (22)4 Package Mechanical Specifications and Ball Information (23)4.1 Package Mechanical Specifications (23)4.1.1 Package Mechanical Drawings (23)4.1.2 Package Loading Specifications (24)4.1.3 Processor Mass Specifications (24)4.1.4 Processor Pinout Assignment (24)4.2 Signal Description (30)5 Thermal Specifications and Design Considerations (38)5.1 Thermal Specifications (38)5.1.1 Thermal Diode (39)5.1.2 Intel® Thermal Monitor (41)5.1.3 Digital Thermal Sensor (42)5.1.4 Out of Specification Detection (43)5.1.5 PROCHOT# Signal Pin (43)6 Debug Tools Specifications (45)Datasheet 3FiguresFigure 1. Thread Low-power States (9)Figure 2. Package Mechanical Drawing (23)Figure 3. Pinout Diagram (Top View, Left Side) (25)Figure 4. Pinout Diagram (Top View, Right Side) (26)TablesTable 1. Coordination of Thread Low-power States at the Package Level (10)Table 2. Voltage Identification Definition (13)Table 3. Processor VID Pin to VRD11 VID Pin Mapping (15)Table 4. BSEL[2:0] Encoding for BCLK Frequency (16)Table 5. FSB Pin Groups (16)Table 6. Processor Absolute Maximum Ratings (18)Table 7. Voltage and Current Specifications for the Intel® Atom™ Processor (19)Table 8. FSB Differential BCLK Specifications (20)Table 9. AGTL+/CMOS Signal Group DC Specifications (20)Table 10. Legacy CMOS Signal Group DC Specifications (21)Table 11. Open Drain Signal Group DC Specifications (22)Table 13. Pinout Arranged By Signal Name (27)Table 14. Signal Description (30)Table 15. Power Specifications for the Processor (39)Table 16. Thermal Diode Interface (40)Table 17. Thermal Diode Parameters using Transistor Model (40)4 DatasheetRevision HistoryRevision Number Description RevisionDate001 •Initial Release June 2008002 •Update pin-map•Add SSSE3•Changed A[35:2] to A[32:2]•Changed Vboot•Changed Ron and Rodt•Removed L2 Dynamic Cache SizingFebruary 2009003 •Updated Table 7: Removed dI/dt details from the table April 2010§Datasheet 5Introduction6 Datasheet 1 IntroductionThe Intel® Atom ™ Single Core processor 230 sequence is built on Hi-k 45-nanometer process technology. In Nettop’08 platform, Intel Atom Single Core processor 230 sequence supports SiS as well as Intel chipsets. This document contains electrical, mechanical and thermal specifications for the processor .Note: In this document, the Intel Atom Single Core processor 230 series will be referred to asthe “processor”. Intel chipsets are referred to as GMCH and ICH respectively.Note: In is document, the Intel Atom processor 200 series is replaced by Intel Atom Processor 230 Series.1.1 Intel® Atom™ Processor 230 Series Features•Available at 1.6 GHz, •On die, primary 32-kB instructions cache and 24-KB write-back data cache •533-MHz Source-Synchronous front side bus (FSB) •Threading enabled •On-die 512-KB, 8-way L2 cache •Support for IA 32-bit and Intel ® 64 architecture •Streaming SIMD Extensions 2 and 3 (SSE2 and SSE3) support •Micro-FCBGA packaging technologies •Thermal management support via TM1 •FSB Lane Reversal for flexible routing •Supports C0 and C1 states only •L2 Dynamic Cache Sizing • Execute Disable Bit support for enhanced securityThis processor series represents a new family of processors designed from the ground- up on a ground-breaking new low-power microarchitecture. It is manufactured on industry-leading 45 nm process with Hi-K Metal Gate technology.This processor series enables a new class of simple and affordable internet-centric computers called “Entry Level Desktop Platforms” that is best suited for applications focused on internet usage models—communicate, listen, watch, play, share, and learn.IntroductionDatasheet 71.2Terminology Term Definition # A “#” symbol after a signal name refers to an active low signal, indicating a signal is in the active state when driven to a low level. For example, when RESET# is low, a reset has been requested. Conversely, when NMI is high, a nonmaskable interrupt has occurred. In the case of signals where the name does not imply an active state but describes part of a binary sequence (such as address or data), the “#” symbol implies that the signal is inverted. For example, D[3:0] = “HLHL” refers to a hex ‘A’, and D[3:0]# = “LHLH” also refers to a hex “A” (H= High logic level, L= Low logic level). Front Side Bus (FSB) Refers to the interface between the processor and system core logic (also known as the GMCH chipset components). AGTL+ Advanced Gunning Transceiver Logic. Used to refer to Assisted GTL+ signaling technology on some Intel processors. CMOS Complementary metal-Oxide semiconductor. Storage Conditions Refers to a non-operational state. The processor may be installed in a platform, in a tray, or loose. Processors may be sealed in packaging or exposed to free air. Under these conditions, processor landings should not be connected to any supply voltages, have any I/Os biased or receive any clocks. Upon exposure to “free air” (i.e., unsealed packaging or a device removed from packaging material) the processor must be handled in accordance with moisture sensitivity labeling (MSL) as indicated on the packaging material. Enhanced Intel SpeedStep® Technology Technology that provides power management capabilities to low power devices. Processor Core Processor core die with integrated L1 and L2 cache. All AC timing and signal integrity specifications are at the pads of the processor core. Intel® 64 Technology 64-bit memory extensions to the IA-32 architecture. Intel® Virtualization Technology Processor virtualization which when used in conjunction with Virtual Machine Monitor software enables multiple, robust independent software environments inside a single platform. TDP Thermal Design Power VCC The processor core power supply VTT FSB AGTL+ termination voltage with respect to VSS VR Voltage Regulator VSS The processor groundIntroduction8 Datasheet1.3 Reference Documents Document Document NumberIntel® Atom™ Processors 200 Series Specification Update /design/processor/specupdt/319978.pdfIntel® Atom™ Processors 200 Series Thermal and Mechanical Design Guidelines /design/processor/designex/319979.pdfAP-485, Intel® Processor Identification and CPUID Instruction Application Note /design/processor/applnots/241618.htmVoltage Regulator-Down (VRD) 11.0 - Processor Power Delivery Design Guidelines/design/processor/applnots/313214.htm Intel® 64 and IA-32 Architectures Software Developer's ManualsVolume 1: Basic ArchitectureVolume 2A: Instruction Set Reference, A-MVolume 2B: Instruction Set Reference, N-ZVolume 3A: System Programming GuideVolume 3B: System Programming Guide /pr oducts/processor/manual s/index.htm§Low Power FeaturesDatasheet 92 Low Power Features 2.1 Clock Control and Low-power StatesThe processor supports low power states at the thread level and the package level. A thread may independently enter the C1/AutoHALT and C1/MWAIT low power states. When both threads are in a common low-power state the central power management logic ensures the entire processor enters the respective package low power state by initiating a P_LVLx I/O read to the chipset.The processor implements two software interfaces for requesting low power states, MWAIT instruction extensions with sub-state hints and P_LVLx reads to the ACPI P_BLK register block mapped in the processor’s I/O address space. The P_LVLx I/O reads are converted to equivalent MWAIT C-state requests inside the processor and do not directly result in I/O reads on the processor FSB. The monitor address does not need to be setup before using the P_LVLx I/O read interface. The sub-state hints used for each P_LVLx read can be configured in a software programmable MSR.Figure 2-1 shows the thread low-power states. Table 2-1 provides a mapping of thread low-power states to package low power states.Figure 1. Thread Low-power StatesLow Power Features10 Datasheet Table 1. Coordination of Thread Low-power States at the Package Level Thread State Package State 2 C0 C11 C0 Normal Normal C11 Normal AutoHalt NOTES: 1. AutoHALT or MWAIT/C1. 2. To enter a package state, both threads must be in a common low power state. If the threads are not in a common low power state, the package state will resolve to the highest power C state. 2.1.1Thread Low-power State Descriptions C0 State This is the normal operating state for threads in the processor. Thread C1/AutoHALT Powerdown State C1/AutoHALT is a low-power state entered when a thread executes the HALT instruction. The processor thread will transition to the C0 state upon occurrence of SMI#, INIT#, LINT[1:0] (NMI, INTR), or FSB interrupt messages. RESET# will cause the processor to immediately initialize itself. A System Management Interrupt (SMI) handler will return execution to either Normal state or the AutoHALT Powerdown state. See the Intel® 64 and IA-32 Architectures Software Developer's Manuals, Volume 3A/3B: System Programmer's Guide for more information. While in AutoHALT Powerdown state, the processor threads will process bus snoops and snoops from the other thread. The processor will enter a snoopable sub-state (not shown in Figure 2-1) to process the snoop and then return to the AutoHALT Powerdown state. C1/MWAIT Powerdown State C1/MWAIT is a low-power state entered when the processor thread executes the MWAIT(C1) instruction. Processor behavior in the MWAIT state is identical to the AutoHALT state except that Monitor events can cause the processor to return to the C0 state. See the Intel® 64 and IA-32 Architectures Software Developer's Manuals, Volume 2A: Instruction Set Reference, A-M and Volume 2B: Instruction Set Reference, N-Z, for more information.Low Power Features2.1.2Package Low-power State DescriptionsNote:The following state descriptions assume that both threads are in the a common low power state. For cases when only one thread is in a low power state, please seeSection StateThis is the normal operating state for the processor. The processor remains in theNormal state when the threads are in the C0, C1/AutoHALT, or C1/MWAIT state. 2.1.3Front Side BusThe Intel® Atom™ processor has only one signaling mode, where the data andaddress busses and the strobe signals are operating in GTL mode. The reason to useGTL is to improve signal integrity.§Electrical Specifications3Electrical SpecificationsThis chapter contains signal group descriptions, absolute maximum ratings, voltageidentification, and power sequencing. The chapter also includes DC specifications. 3.1FSB and GTLREFIntel® Atom™ processor supports two kinds of signaling protocol: ComplementaryMetal Oxide Semiconductor (CMOS), and Advanced Gunning Transceiver Logic(AGTL+). For FSB data and address bus, only AGTL+ is used.The termination voltage level for the Intel® Atom™ processor CMOS and AGTL+signals is V TT = 1.10 V (nominal). Due to speed improvements to data and addressbus, signal integrity and platform design methods have become more critical than withprevious processor families.The CMOS sideband signals are listed in T able 3-5.The AGTL+ inputs, including the sideband signals listed in Table 3-5, require areference voltage (GTLREF) that is used by the receivers to determine if a signal is alogical 0 or a logical 1. GTLREF must be generated on the system board. Terminationresistors are provided on the processor silicon and are terminated to its I/O voltage(VTT). The appropriate chipset will also provide on-die termination, thus eliminatingthe need to terminate the bus on the system board for most AGTL+ signals.The AGTL+ bus depends on incident wave switching. Timing calculations for AGTL+signals are based on flight time as opposed to capacitive deratings. Analog signalsimulation of the FSB, including trace lengths, is highly recommended when designinga system.3.2Power and Ground PinsFor clean, on-chip power distribution, the processor will have a large number of VTT(FSB AGTL+ reference voltage), VCCP (power) and VSS (ground) inputs. All powerpins must be connected to VCCP power planes while all VSS pins must be connectedto system ground planes. Use of multiple power and ground planes is recommendedto reduce I*R drop. The processor VCCP pins must be supplied the voltage stated inTable 3-73.3Decoupling GuidelinesDue to its large number of transistors and high internal clock speeds, the processor iscapable of generating large average current swings between low and full power states.This may cause voltages on power planes to sag below their minimum values if bulkdecoupling is not adequate. Larger bulk storage, supply current during longer lastingchanges in current demand by the component, such as coming out of an idle condition.Electrical SpecificationsSimilarly, they act as a storage well for current when entering an idle condition from arunning condition. Care must be taken in the board design to ensure that the voltageprovided to the processor remains within the specifications listed in T able 3-7. Failureto do so can result in timing violations or reduced lifetime of the component. For furtherinformation and design guidelines, refer to the Voltage Regulator-Down (VRD) 11.0Processor Power Delivery Design Guidelines.3.3.1VCCP DecouplingV CCP regulator solutions need to provide bulk capacitance with a low Effective SeriesResistance (ESR) and keep a low interconnect resistance from the regulator to thesocket. Bulk decoupling for the large current swings when the part is powering on, orentering/exiting low-power states, must be provided by the voltage regulator solutionFor more details on decoupling recommendations, Refer to the Voltage Regulator-Down(VRD) 11.0 Processor Power Delivery Design Guidelines.3.3.2FSB AGTL+ DecouplingThe processor integrates signal termination on the die. Decoupling must also beprovided by the system motherboard for proper AGTL+ bus operation.3.4Voltage Identification and Power SequencingTable 2. Voltage Identification Definition(V)VID6VID5VID4VID3VID2VID1VID0 VCC0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1.20000 1 0 0 0 1 0 1.18750 1 0 0 0 1 1 1.17500 1 0 0 1 0 0 1.16250 1 0 0 1 0 1 1.15000 1 0 0 1 1 0 1.13750 1 0 0 1 1 1 1.12500 1 0 1 0 0 0 1.11250 1 0 1 0 0 1 1.10000 1 0 1 0 1 0 1.08750 1 0 1 0 1 1 1.07500 1 0 1 1 0 0 1.06250 1 0 1 1 0 1 1.05000 1 0 1 1 1 0 1.03750 1 0 1 1 1 1 1.02500 1 1 0 0 0 0 1.01250 1 1 0 1 1 0 0.93750 1 1 0 1 1 1 0.92500 1 1 1 0 0 0 0.9125Electrical Specifications(V)VID6VID5VID4VID3VID2VID1VID0 VCC0 1 1 1 0 0 1 0.90000 1 1 1 0 1 0 0.88750 1 1 1 0 1 1 0.87500 1 1 1 1 0 0 0.86250 1 1 1 1 0 1 0.85000 1 1 1 1 1 0 0.83750 1 1 1 1 1 1 0.82501 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.81251 0 0 0 0 0 1 0.80001 0 0 0 0 1 0 0.78751 0 0 0 0 1 1 0.77501 0 0 0 1 0 0 0.76251 0 0 0 1 0 1 0.75000 1 1 0 0 0 1 1.00000 1 1 0 0 1 0 0.98750 1 1 0 0 1 1 0.97500 1 1 0 1 0 0 0.96250 1 1 0 1 0 1 0.95001 0 0 0 1 1 0 0.73751 0 0 0 1 1 1 0.72501 0 0 1 0 0 0 0.71251 0 0 1 0 0 1 0.7000The VID specification for the processor is defined by the RS - Voltage Regulator-Down (VRD) 11.0 Processor Power Delivery Design Guidelines.The processor uses seven voltage identification pins, VID[6:0], to support automatic selection of power supply voltages. The VID pins for processor are CMOS outputs driven by the processor VID circuitry. Table 3-2 specifies the voltage level corresponding to the state of VID[6:0]. A “1” in this refers to a high-voltage level and a “0” refers to low-voltage level. For more details about VR design to support the processor power supply requirements, Refer to the Voltage Regulator-Down (VRD) 11.0 Processor Power Delivery Design Guidelines.VRD11 has 8 VID pins (VID[7:0]) compared to 7 VID pins for the processor. VRD11 VID[n] should be connected to processor VID[n-1]. VRD11 VID[0] should be tied to Vss.Electrical SpecificationsTable 3. Processor VID Pin to VRD11 VID Pin MappingProcessor VID Pin Map to VRD11 VID Pin6 75 64 53 42 31 20 10 (tie to ground)Power source characteristics must be stable whenever the supply to the voltageregulator is stable.3.5Catastrophic Thermal ProtectionThe processor supports the THERMTRIP# signal for catastrophic thermal protection.An external thermal sensor should also be used to protect the processor and thesystem against excessive temperature. Even with the activation of THERMTRIP#,which halts all processor internal clocks and activities, leakage current can be highenough such that the processor cannot be protected in all conditions without theremoval of power to the processor. If the external thermal sensor detects acatastrophic processor temperature of 125 °C (maximum), or if the THERMTRIP#signal is asserted, the VCC supply to the processor must be turned off within 500 msto prevent permanent silicon damage due to thermal runaway of the processor.THERMTRIP functionality is not ensured if the PWRGOOD signal is not asserted.3.6Reserved and Unused PinsAll RESERVED (RSVD) pins must remain unconnected. Connection of these pins toVCCP, VSS, or to any other signal (including each other) can result in componentmalfunction or incompatibility with future processors. See section Chapter 4.2 for apin listing of the processor and the location of all RSVD pins.For reliable operation, always connect unused inputs or bidirectional signals to anappropriate signal level. Unused active low AGTL+ inputs may be left as no connects ifAGTL+ termination is provided on the processor silicon. Unused active high inputsshould be connected through a resistor to ground (VSS). Unused outputs can be leftunconnected.Electrical Specifications3.7FSB Frequency Select Signals (BSEL[2:0])Only 133 MHz is supported by the processor. The BSEL[2:0] signals need to be setaccordingly to select the frequency of the processor input clock (BCLK[1:0]). Thesesignals should be connected to the clock chip and the appropriate chipset on theplatform. The BSEL encoding for BCLK[1:0] is shown in T able 3-4.Table 4. BSEL[2:0] Encoding for BCLK FrequencyBSEL[2] BSEL[1] BSEL[0] BCLKFrequencyL L H 133MHzNOTE:All other bus selections reserved.3.8FSB Signal GroupsTo simplify the following discussion, the FSB signals have been combined into groupsby buffer type. AGTL+ input signals have differential input buffers, which use GTLREFas a reference level. In this document, the term “AGTL+ Input” refers to the AGTL+input group as well as the AGTL+ I/O group when receiving. Similarly, “AGTL+Output” refers to the AGTL+ output group as well as the AGTL+ I/O group whendriving.With the implementation of a source synchronous data bus comes the need to specifytwo sets of timing parameters. One set is for common clock signals which aredependent upon the rising edge of BCLK0 (ADS#, HIT#, HITM#, etc.) and the secondset is for the source synchronous signals which are relative to their respective strobelines (data and address) as well as the rising edge of BCLK0. Asynchronous signals arestill present (A20M#, IGNNE#, etc.) and can become active at any time during theclock cycle. Table 3-5 identifies which signals are common clock, source synchronous,and asynchronous.Table 5. FSB Pin GroupsSignal Group Type Signals1AGTL+ Common Clock Input Synchronous toBCLK[1:0]BPRI#, DEFER#, PREQ#, RESET#, RS[2:0]#, TRDY#,DPWR#AGTL+ Common Clock I/O Synchronous toBCLK[1:0]ADS#, BNR#, BPM[3:0]#, BR0#, DBSY#, DRDY#, HIT#,HITM#, LOCK#, PRDY#AGTL+ Source Synchronous I/O Synchronous toassoc. strobeSignals Associated Strobe REQ[4:0]#, A[16:3]#ADSTB0# A[32:17]#, ADSTB1#D[15:0]#, DBI0#, DINV[0]# DSTBP0#, DSTBN0#D[31:16]#, DBI1#, DINV[0]# DSTBP1#, DSTBN1#D[47:32]#, DBI2#, DINV[0]# DSTBP2#, DSTBN2#D[63:48]#, DBI3#, DINV[0]# DSTBP3#, DSTBN3#Electrical SpecificationsSignal Group Type Signals1AGTL+ Strobes Synchronous toBCLK[1:0]ADSTB[1:0]#, DSTBP[3:0]#, DSTBN[3:0]#CMOS Input Asynchronous IGNNE#, INIT#, LINT0/INTR, LINT1/NMI, PWRGOOD,SMI#Open Drain Output Asynchronous FERR#, IERR#, THERMTRIP#Open Drain I/O Asynchronous PROCHOT#3CMOS Output Asynchronous VID[6:0], BSEL[2:0]CMOS Input Synchronous toTCKTCK, TDI, TMS, TRST#Open Drain Output Synchronous to TCKTDOFSB Clock Clock BCLK[1:0]Power/Other COMP[3:0], HFPLL (old name is DBR#2), GTLREF, TEST2/Dclk, TEST1/Aclk, THERMDA, THERMDC, VCCA, VCCP, VTT, VCC_SENSE, VSS, VSS_SENSE, VCCQ[1:0]NOTES:1. 1. In processor systems where there is no debug port implemented on the systemboard, these signals are used to support a debug port interposer. In systems with thedebug port implemented on the system board, these signals are no connects.2. 2. PROCHOT# signal type is open drain output and CMOS input.3. 3. On die termination differs from other AGTL+ signals, refer to your Platform DesignGuidelines for up to day recommendations.3.9CMOS Asynchronous SignalsCMOS input signals are shown in Table 3-5. Legacy output FERR#, IERR# and othernon- AGTL+ signals (THERMTRIP# and PROCHOT#) use Open Drain output buffers.These signals do not have setup or hold time specifications in relation to BCLK[1:0].However, all of the CMOS signals are required to be asserted for more than 4 BCLKsfor the processor to recognize them. See Section 3.11 and Section for the DC and ACspecifications for the CMOS signal groups.3.10 3.10 M aximum RatingsTable 3-6 specifies absolute maximum and minimum ratings. Within functionaloperation limits, functionality and long-term reliability can be expected.At conditions outside functional operation condition limits, but within absolutemaximum and minimum ratings, neither functionality nor long term reliability can beexpected. If a device is returned to conditions within functional operation limits afterhaving been subjected to conditions outside these limits, but within the absolutemaximum and minimum ratings, the device may be functional, but with its lifetimedegraded depending on exposure to conditions exceeding the functional operationcondition limits.。
IR22771S/IR21771S (PbF)Phase Current Sensor IC for AC motor controlFeatures• Floating channel up to 600V for IR21771 and 1200V forIR22771• Synchronous sampling measurement system • High PWM noise (ripple) rejection capability • Digital PWM output • Fast Over Current detection• Suitable for bootstrap power supplies •Low sensing latency (<7.5 µsec @20kHz)DescriptionIR21771/IR22771 is a high voltage, high speed, single phasecurrent sensor interface for AC motor drive applications. The current is sensed by an external shunt resistor. The IC converts the analog voltage into a time interval through a precise circuit that also performs a very good ripple rejection showing small group delay. The time interval is level shifted and given to the output. The max throughput is 40 ksample/sec suitable for up to 20 kHz asymmetrical PWM modulation and max delay is <7.5µsec (@20kHz). Also a fast over current signal is provided for IGBT protection.Product SummaryV OFFSET (max) IR227711200 V IR21771 600VV in range±250mV Bootstrap supply range 8-20 V Floating channel quiescent current (max)2.2 mASensing latency (max)7.5 µsec (@20kHz)Throughput 40ksample/sec(@20kHz)Over Current threshold (max) ±470 mVPackageTypical Connection(Please refer to Lead Assignments for correct pinconfiguration. This diagram shows electricalconnections only)Data Sheet No. PD60234 revBAbsolute Maximum RatingsAbsolute Maximum Ratings indicate sustained limits beyond which damage to the device may occur. All voltage parameters are absolute voltages referenced to V SS ; all currents are defined positive into any lead. The Thermal Resistance and Power Dissipation ratings are measured under board mounted and still air conditions.Symbol DefinitionMin. Max. UnitsIR22771 - 0.3 1225 V V BHigh Side Floating Supply VoltageIR21771 - 0.3 625 VV S High Side Floating Ground VoltageV B - 25 V B + 0.3V V in+ / V in- High-Side Inputs Voltages V B - 5 V B + 0.3V G0 / G1 High-Side Range Selectors V B - 0.3 V B + 0.3V V CC Low-Side Fixed Supply Voltage - 0.3 25 V Sync Low-Side Input Synchronization Signal - 0.3 V CC + 0.3 V PO PWM Output - 0.3 V CC + 0.3 V OC Over Current Output Voltage - 0.3 V CC + 0.3 V dVS/dt Allowable Offset Voltage Slew Rate 50 V/ns P D Maximum Power Dissipation 250 mW R thJA Thermal Resistance, Junction to Ambient 90 ºC/WT J Junction Temperature -40 125 ºC T S Storage Temperature -55 150 ºC T L Lead Temperature (Soldering, 10 seconds) 300 ºCRecommended Operating ConditionsFor proper operation the device should be used within the recommended conditions. All voltage parameters are absolutevoltages referenced to V SS . The V S offset rating is tested with all supplies biased at 15V differential.SymbolDefinition Min. Max. UnitsV BS High Side Floating Supply Voltage (V B - V S )V S + 8.0 V S + 20 V IR22771 -5 1200 VV S High Side Floating Ground VoltageIR21771 -5 600 VV in+ / V in- High-Side Inputs Voltages V S - 5.0 V S + 5.0 V G0 / G1 High-Side Range Selectors Note 1 Note1 V CC Low Side Logic Fixed Supply Voltage 8 20 VSync Low-Side Input Synchronization Signal V SSV CC V f sync Sync Input Frequency 4 20 kHz PO PWM Output -0.3 Note 2 V OC Over Current Output Voltage -0.3 Note 2 V T AAmbient Temperature -40 125 ºCNote 1: Shorted to V S or V BNote 2: Pull-Up Resistor to V CCStatic Electrical CharacteristicsV CC , V BS = 15V unless otherwise specified. Temp=27°C; V in =V in+ - V in .Pin: V CC , V SS , V B , V SSymbol Definition Min Typ Max UnitsTestConditionsI QBS Quiescent V BS supply current 1 2.2 mA f sync = 10kHz,20kHzI QCC Quiescent V CC supply current6mAf sync = 10kHz,20kHz IR22771 50 µA V B= V S =1200V I LK Offset supply leakagecurrentIR21771 50 µA V B = V S = 600VPin: V in+, V in-, Sync, G0, G1, OCSymbol Definition Min Typ Max UnitsTestConditionsV inmax Maximum input voltage before saturation 250 mV V inmin Minimum input voltage before saturation -250 mVV IH Sync Input High threshold 2.2 V See Figure 1 V IL Sync Input Low threshold 0.8 V See Figure 1 V hy Sync Input Hysteresis 0.2 V See Figure 1 I vinp V in+ input current -18 -6 µA f sync = 4kHz to20kHz I pu G0, G1 pull-up Current-20 -8 µA G1, G0 = V B -5V |V octh | Over Current Activation Threshold 300 470 mV R SyncSYNC to V SS internal pull-down612k ΩR onOC Over Current On Resistance 25 75 Ω @ I = 2mA See Figure 3Figure 1: Sync input thresholds Figure 2: Sync input circuitSYNCV SSPin: POSymbol Definition Min Typ Max UnitsTestConditionsV POsInput offset voltage measured by PWM output-50 20 mV R pull-up =500 Ω f sync = 4, 20kHzV threshold =2.75VExt supply=5V (See Figure 6) ∆V POs / ∆Tj Input offset voltage temperature driftTBDµV/°C∆V Pos∆offset between samples on channel1 and channel2 measured at PO (See Note1)-10 10 mV f sync= 10kHzSee Figure 6 G p PWM Output Gain-38 -40.5 -42.5 %/V V in =±250mV ∆G p / ∆Tj PWM Output Gain Temperature DriftTBD%/(V *ºC)CMRRPOPO Output common mode (V S ) rejection 0.2 m %/V V S -V SS = 0,600Vf sync = 10kHzV Polin PO Linearity0.07 0.2 % f sync = 10kHz ∆ V lin / ∆Tj PO Linearity Temperature Drift TBD %/ºC f sync = 10kHz V thPOPO threshold for OC reset0.81.6VOC active (SeeFigure 4)PSRR PO PSRR for PO Output 0.2 %/V V CC =V BS= 8,20V R onPO PO On Resistance 25 75 Ω@ I = 2mASee Figure 3Note1: Refer to PO output description for channels definitionPO or OCV SSAC Electrical CharacteristicsV(V CC, V BS) = 15V unless otherwise specified. Temp=27°C.BIASNote 1: negative logic, see fig. 4 on page 7Note 2: Cload < 5 nF avoids overshootFigure 4: OC timing diagramFigure 5: PO timing diagramFigure 6: ∆offset between two consecutive samples measured at POPOSYNCV in V V min POSYNCV inV max V min DV POs = V POs1-V POs0Lead AssignmentsLead DefinitionsPin Symbol Description1 V CC Low side voltage supply2 NC No connection3 V SS Low side ground supply4 NC No connection5 NC No connection6 OC Over current signal (open drain)7 PO PWM output (open drain)8 Sync DSP synchronization signal9 NC No connection10 NC No connection11 G0 Integrator gain lsb12 G1 Integrator gain msb13 V S High side return14 V IN-Negative sense input15 V IN+Positive sense input16 V B High side supplyTiming and logic state diagrams description** See OC and PO detailed descriptions below in this document Functional block diagram1 DEVICE DESCRIPTION1.1 SYNC inputSync input clocks the whole device. In order to make the device work properly it must be synchronous with the triangular PWM carrier as shown in Figure 8.SYNC pin is internally pulled-down (10 k Ω) to V SS .1.2 PWM Output (PO)PWM output is an open collector output (active low). It must be pulled-up to proper supply with an external resistor (suggested value between 500Ω and 10k Ω).Figure 7: PO rising and falling slopesPO pull-up resistor determines the rising slope of the PO output and the lower value of PO as shown in Figure 7, where RC =τ, C is the total PO pin capacitance and R is the pull-up resistance.uppull on onlow R R R Supply V −+⋅=where R on is the internal open collector resistance and R pull-up is the external pull-up resistance.PO duty cycle is defined for active low logic by the following formula: Eq. 1ncycle n cycle off n T T D _1__+=PO duty cycle (D n ) swings between 10% and 30%. Zero input voltage corresponds to 20% duty cycle.A residual offset can be read in PO duty cycle according to V POs (see Static electrical characteristics).According to Figure 8, it can be assumed that odd cycles are represented by SYNC at high level (channel 1) and even cycles represented by SYNC at low level (channel 2).The two channels are independent in order to provide the correct duty cycle value of PO even for non-50% duty cycle of SYNC signal. Small variation of SYNC duty cycle are then allowed and automatically corrected when calculating the duty cycle using Eq. 1.However, channel 1 and channel 2 can have a difference in offset value which is specified in ∆V POS (see Static electrical characteristics).To implement a correct offset compensation of PO duty cycle, each channel must be compensated separately.1.3 Over Current output (OC)OC output is an open drain pin (active low).A simplified block diagram of the over current circuit is shown in the Figure 9.Over current is detected when |V in |=|V inp -V inm |>V OCth . If an event of over current lasts longer than t dOCon , OC pin is forced to V SS and remains latched until PO is externally forced low for at least t OCoff (see timing on Figure 4). During an over current event (OC is low), PO is off (pulled-up by external resistor).If OC is reset by PO and over current is still active, OC pin will be forced low again by the next edge of SYNC signal.To reset OC state PO must be forced to V SS for at least T OCoff .• Auto reset functionThe auto reset function consists in clearing automatically the OC fault.To enable the auto reset function, simply shortcircuit the OC pin with the PO pin.VFigure 8: PO Duty CycleFigure 9: Over current block diagramV IN+V IN-Cycle 1Cycle 2Cycle 3Cycle 4T cycle3T off_cycle423_2cycle cycle off T T Dn =34_3cycle cycle off T T Dn =IR22771S/IR21771S (PbF)1.4DC transfer functionsThe working principle of the device can be easily explained by Figure 10, in which the main signals are represented.Triangular reference SYNCVin POFigure 10: Main current sensor signals andoutputsPWM out (PO pin) gives a duty cycle which is inversely proportional to the input signal.Eq. 2 gives the resulting D n of the PWM output (PO pin):Eq. 2in n V VD ⋅−=%40%20where V in = V inp -V inmFigure 11: PO Duty Cycle (D n )1.5Filter AC characteristicIR21771/22771 signal path can be considered as composed by three stages in series (see Figure 13).The first two stages perform the filtering action.Stage 1 (input filter) implements the filtering action originating the transfer function shown in Figure 14. The input filter is a self-adaptive reset integrator which performs an accurate ripple cancellation. This stage extracts automatically the PWM frequencyfrom Sync signal and puts transmission zeros at even harmonics, rejecting the unwanted PWMnoise.The following timing diagram shows the principle bywhich even harmonics are rejected (Figure 12).Figure 12:Even harmonic cancellation principleAs can be seen from Figure 14, the odd harmonicsare rejected as a first order low pass filter with a single pole placed in f PWM .The input filter group delay in the pass-band is very low (see GD on AC electrical characteristics) due to the beneficial action of the zeroes.Figure 13: Simplified block diagramFigure 14: Input filter transfer function (10 kHz PWM)The second stage samples the result of the first stage at double Sync frequency. This action can be used to fully remove the odd harmonics from the input signal.To perform this cancellation it is necessary a shift of 90 degrees of the SYNC signal with respect to the triangular carrier edges (SYNC2).The following timing diagrams show the principle of odd harmonics cancellation (Figure 15), in which SYNC2 allows the sampling of stage 1 output during odd harmonic zero crossings. Odd harmonic cancellation using SYNC2 (i.e. 90 degrees shifted SYNC signal) signal will introduce Tsync/4 additional propagation delay.Another way to obtain the same result (odd harmonics cancellation) can be achieved by controller computing the average of two consecutive PO results using SYNC1 (SYNC is in this case aligned to triangular edges, i.e. 0 degree shift).This method is suitable for most symmetric (center aligned) PWM schemes.For this particular PWM scheme another suitable solution is driving the IR2x771 with a half frequency SYNC signal (f SYNC=f PWM/2).In this case the cut frequency of the input filter is reduced by half allowing zeroes to be put at f PWM multiples (i.e. even and odd harmonics cancellation, no more computational effort needed by the controller).Figure 15: Even harmonic cancellation principle1.6 Input filter gain settingG0 and G1 pins are used to change the time constant of the integrators of the high side input filter.To avoid internal saturation of the input filter, G0 and G1 must be connected according to SYNC frequency as shown in Table 1. A too small time constant may saturate the internal integrator, while a large time constant may reduce accuracy. G0 and G1 do not affect the overall current sensor gain.f PWM G0G1 > 16 kHz * V B V B16 / 10 kHz V S V B10 / 6 kHz V B V S< 6 kHz V S V S*Æ 40 kHzTable 1: G0, G1 gain settingsinstantSamplingTriangularStage 1 input:Input signalcomponents(1st and 2ndharmonic only)SamplinginstantErrorStage 1output2 Sizing tips2.1 Bootstrap supplyThe V BS1,2,3 voltage provides the supply to the high side drivers circuitry of the IR22771S/IR21771S. V BS supply sit on top of the V S voltage and so it must be floating.The bootstrap method to generate V BS supply can be used with IR22771S/IR21771S current sensors. The bootstrap supply is formed by a diode and a capacitor connected as in Figure 16.R 21SFigure 16: bootstrap supply schematicThis method has the advantage of being simple and low cost but may force some limitations on duty-cycle and on-time since they are limited by the requirement to refresh the charge in the bootstrap capacitor.Proper capacitor choice can reduce drastically these limitations.Bootstrap capacitor sizingGiven the maximum admitted voltage drop for V BS , namely ∆V BS , the influencing factors contributing to V BS decrease are:− Floating section quiescent current (I QBS ); − Floating section leakage current (I LK )− Bootstrap diode leakage current (I LK_DIODE ); − Charge required by the internal level shifters (Q LS ); typical 20nC− Bootstrap capacitor leakage current (I LK_CAP ); − High side on time (T HON ).I LK_CAP is only relevant when using an electrolytic capacitor and can be ignored if other types of capacitors are used. It is strongly recommend using at least one low ESR ceramic capacitor (paralleling electrolytic and low ESR ceramic may result in an efficient solution).Then we have:HONCAP LK DIODE LK LK QBS LS TOT T I I I I Q Q ⋅+++++=)(__The minimum size of bootstrap capacitor is then:BSTOTBOOT V Q C ∆=minSome important considerationsa) Voltage rippleThere are three different cases making the bootstrap circuit get conductive (see Figure 16)I LOAD < 0; the load current flows in the low side IGBT displaying relevant V CEonCEon F CC BS V V V V −−=In this case we have the lowest value for V BS . This represents the worst case for the bootstrap capacitor sizing. When the IGBT is turned off the Vs node is pushed up by the load current until the high side freewheeling diode get forwarded biasedI LOAD = 0; the IGBT is not loaded while being on and V CE can be neglectedF CC BS V V V −=I LOAD > 0; the load current flows through the freewheeling diodeFP F CC BS V V V V +−=In this case we have the highest value for V BS . Turning on the high side IGBT, I LOAD flows into it and V S is pulled up.b) Bootstrap ResistorA resistor (R boot ) is placed in series with bootstrap diode (see Figure 16) so to limit the current when the bootstrap capacitor is initially charged. We suggest not exceeding some Ohms (typically 5, maximum 10 Ohm) to avoid increasing the V BS time-constant. The minimum on time for charging the bootstrap capacitor or for refreshing its charge must be verified against this time-constant.c) Bootstrap CapacitorFor high T HON designs where is used an electrolytic tank capacitor, its ESR must be considered. This parasitic resistance develops a voltage divider with R boot generating a voltage step on V BS at the first charge of bootstrap capacitor. The voltage step and the related speed (dV BS /dt) should be limited. As a general rule, ESR should meet the following constraint:V V R ESR ESRCC BOOT3≤⋅+Parallel combination of small ceramic and large electrolytic capacitors is normally the best compromise, the first acting as fast charge thank for the gate charge only and limiting the dV BS /dt by reducing the equivalent resistance while the second keeps the V BS voltage drop inside the desired ∆V BS .d) Bootstrap DiodeThe diode must have a BV> 600V (or 1200V depending on application) and a fast recovery time (t rr < 100 ns) to minimize the amount of charge fed back from the bootstrap capacitor to V CC supply.3 PCB LAYOUT TIPS3.1 Distance from H to L voltageThe IR22771S/IR21771S package (wide body) maximizes the distance between floating (from DC- to DC+) and low voltage pins (V SS ). It’s strongly recommended to place components tied to floating voltage in the respective high voltage portions of the device (V B , V S ) side.3.2 Ground planeGround plane must NOT be placed under or nearby the high voltage floating side to minimize noise coupling.3.3Antenna loops and inputs connectionCurrent loops behave like antennas able to receiveEM noise. In order to reduce EM coupling, loopsmust be reduced as much as possible. Figure 17 shows the high side shunt loops.Moreover it is strongly suggested to use Kelvin connections for V in+ and V in- to shunt paths and star-connect V S to V in- close to the shunt resistor as explained in Fig. 18.Figure 18:3.4 Supply capacitorsThe supply capacitors must be placed as close as possible to the device pins (V CC and V SS for the ground tied supply, V B and V S for the floating supply) in order to minimize parasitic traces inductance/resistance.VS VB Vin-Vin+VS VBVin-Case OutlineWORLD HEADQUARTERS: 233 Kansas St., El Segundo, California 90245 Tel: (310) 252-7105。
Belimo LM230A-TP 调节阀门驱动器说明书
LM230A-TPDamper actuator for adjusting dampers intechnical building installations• Air damper size up to approx. 1 m²• Torque motor 5 Nm• Nominal voltage AC 100...240 V• Control Open/close, 3-point• with connecting terminalsTechnical dataElectrical data Nominal voltage AC 100...240 VNominal voltage frequency50/60 HzNominal voltage range AC 85...265 VPower consumption in operation 1.5 WPower consumption in rest position0.5 WPower consumption for wire sizing 3.5 VAConnection supply / control Terminals 4 mm² (cable ø4...10 mm, 3-wire)Parallel operation Yes (note the performance data)Functional data Torque motor5 NmDirection of motion motor selectable with switch 0 (ccw rotation) / 1 (cwrotation)Manual override with push-button, can be lockedAngle of rotation Max. 95°Angle of rotation note can be limited on both sides with adjustablemechanical end stopsRunning time motor150 s / 90°Sound power level, motor35 dB(A)Mechanical interface Universal shaft clamp 6...20 mmPosition indication Mechanical, pluggableSafety data Protection class IEC/EN II, reinforced insulationProtection class UL II, reinforced insulationDegree of protection IEC/EN IP54Degree of protection NEMA/UL NEMA 2Enclosure UL Enclosure Type 2EMC CE according to 2014/30/EULow voltage directive CE according to 2014/35/EUCertification IEC/EN IEC/EN 60730-1 and IEC/EN 60730-2-14UL Approval cULus according to UL60730-1A, UL60730-2-14and CAN/CSA E60730-1The UL marking on the actuator depends onthe production site, the device is UL-compliantin any caseHygiene test According to VDI 6022 Part 1 / SWKI VA104-01, cleanable and disinfectable, lowemissionType of action Type 1Rated impulse voltage supply / control 2.5 kVSafety dataPollution degree 3Ambient humidity Max. 95% RH, non-condensing Ambient temperature -30...50°C [-22...122°F]Storage temperature -40...80°C [-40...176°F]Servicingmaintenance-free WeightWeight 0.35 kg•••••••Safety notesThis device has been designed for use in stationary heating, ventilation and air-conditioning systems and must not be used outside the specified field of application, especially in aircraft or in any other airborne means of transport.Outdoor application: only possible in case that no (sea) water, snow, ice, insolation or aggressive gases interfere directly with the device and that it is ensured that the ambient conditions remain within the thresholds according to the data sheet at any time.Caution: Power supply voltage!Only authorised specialists may carry out installation. All applicable legal or institutional installation regulations must be complied with during installation.The device may only be opened at the manufacturer's site. It does not contain any parts that can be replaced or repaired by the user.To calculate the torque required, the specifications supplied by the damper manufacturers concerning the cross-section and the design, as well as the installation situation and the ventilation conditions must be observed.The device contains electrical and electronic components and must not be disposed of as household refuse. All locally valid regulations and requirements must be observed.Product featuresSimple direct mountingSimple direct mounting on the damper shaft with a universal shaft clamp, supplied with an anti-rotation device to prevent the actuator from rotating.Manual overrideManual override with push-button possible (the gear train is disengaged for as long as the button is pressed or remains locked).Adjustable angle of rotation Adjustable angle of rotation with mechanical end stops.High functional reliabilityThe actuator is overload protected, requires no limit switches and automatically stops when the end stop is reached.AccessoriesElectrical accessoriesDescriptionType Auxiliary switch 1x SPDT add-on S1A Auxiliary switch 2x SPDT add-onS2A Feedback potentiometer 140 Ω add-on P140A Feedback potentiometer 1 kΩ add-on P1000A Feedback potentiometer 10 kΩ add-onP10000A Mechanical accessoriesDescriptionType Shaft extension 170 mm ø10 mm for damper shaft ø6...16 mmAV6-20Shaft clamp one-sided, clamping range ø6...20 mm, Multipack 20 pcs.K-ELA Shaft clamp one-sided, clamping range ø6...10 mm, Multipack 20 pcs.K-ELA10Shaft clamp one-sided, clamping range ø6...13 mm, Multipack 20 pcs.K-ELA13Shaft clamp one-sided, clamping range ø6...16 mm, Multipack 20 pcs.K-ELA16Anti-rotation mechanism 180 mm, Multipack 20 pcs.Z-ARS180Form fit insert 8x8 mm, Multipack 20 pcs.ZF8-LMA Form fit insert 10x10 mm, Multipack 20 pcs.ZF10-LMADescriptionType Form fit insert 12x12 mm, Multipack 20 pcs.ZF12-LMA Form fit insert 8x8 mm, with angle of rotation limiter and position indication, Multipack 20 pcs.ZFRL8-LMA Form fit insert 10x10 mm, with angle of rotation limiter and position indication, Multipack 20 pcs.ZFRL10-LMA Form fit insert 12x12 mm, with angle of rotation limiter and position indication, Multipack 20 pcs.ZFRL12-LMA Position indicator, Multipack 20 pcs.Z-PIElectrical installationCaution: Power supply voltage!Parallel connection of other actuators possible. Observe the performance data.Wiring diagrams AC 230 V, open/closeAC 230 V, 3-pointDimensionsSpindle lengthMin. 37-Clamping range。