716000974, Revision A
Installing MassLynx Version 4.0 Software
Minimum System Requirements
• • • • • • • • • • • Compaq Deskpro AP200 P3-733 256 MB RAM 9.1 GB Ultra SCSI hard drive 1.44 MB floppy drive, 3-1/2 inch 40x CD-ROM drive 17 inch sVGA monitor Microsoft® serial mouse Two Intel Pro 100+ network NICs ELSA Gloria Synergy II AGP2x graphics card Embedded audio and integrated premier sound Printer supported by Microsoft Windows NT
716000974, Revision A
Installing MassLynx Version 4.0 Software ....................................................... 1
Minimum System Requirements ............................................................................................... 1 Hardware .............................................................................................. 1 Software.............................................................................................................................. 1 Pre-Installation Tasks................................................................................................................ 2 Determining the File System Type ..................................................................................... 2 Preparing the Instrument .................................................................................................... 4 Upgrading from MassLynx Version 3.5..................................................................................... 5 Before Upgrading ............................................................................................................... 5 During the Upgrade Procedure........................................................................................... 7 After Upgrading .................................................................................................................. 8 Installing MassLynx................................................................................................................... 9 Configuring the Connection to an AutoPurification System or Other Ethernet Instrument..... 26 Checking/Configuring the AutoPurification and ZQ IP Addresses ................................... 26 Installing Waters Instruments Component Software ........................................................ 34 Checking Communications............................................................................................... 39 Installing the OpenLynx Login Software ................................................................................. 43
Simerics PumpLinx教程资料(一)
3.Simerics3.2版接触表面(via MGI)教程(EN).pdf Simerics3.2版接触表面(via MGI)教程。
5.加热盘管流Simerics3.2版模型建立教程(EN).pdf 加热盘管流Simerics3.2版模型建立教程。
一、Simerics PumpLinx教程v3.0
3.Simerics教程v3.0_加热盘管流_后处理(EN).pdf Simerics教程v3.0_加热盘管流_后处理。
Simerics PumpLinx教程v3.2 :
2.Simerics3.2版几何实体面板教程(EN).pdf Simerics3.2版几何实体面板教程。
结果显示表面张力,γcmc 和△G o mic随着温度的升高降低,但是每个分子占据的面积略有增加。
关键词:海藻糖二十碳五烯酸酯、酯基转移反应、分离纯化、结构鉴定、表面特性介绍膳食长链脂肪酸的二十碳五烯酸(EPA,20:5n- 3)属于n-3不饱和脂肪酸(多不饱和脂肪酸),其具有多种生物活性,并有生理功能[1,2]。
Mori [9]也显示EPA可降低体内氧化应激。
哈德曼[10]发现,EPA 可以增加抗癌药物的有效性。
此外,一些文章也显示出n- 3脂肪酸可以对人类癌症治疗有帮助[12-14]。
根据EMC测试结果,分析设备存在的EMC 问题,制定针对性的整改方案,包括滤波、 屏蔽、接地等措施。
对整改后的设备进行EMC复测,评估整改 效果是否符合预期要求,如未达到预期效 果,需进一步调整整改方案。
06 模拟电路仿真与 混合信号分析技 巧
通过模拟外部电磁干扰信号,测试设备在不同干扰强度下的工作性能,以评估其抗干扰 能力。
采用滤波器滤除设备电源线或信 号线上的高频干扰信号,减少电 磁辐射和传导干扰。
利用金属屏蔽体对电磁场进行隔 离,降低电磁辐射和敏感度,提 高设备EMC性能。
通过合理设计接地系统,将设备 内部的干扰信号引入大地,避免 对其他设备造成干扰。
目 录
• Hyperlynx软件简介与安装 • 原理图设计与仿真基础 • 印制电路板(PCB)设计进阶指南 • 高速数字电路设计专题研讨 • 电磁兼容性(EMC)问题解决方案 • 模拟电路仿真与混合信号分析技巧
01 Hyperlynx软件 简介与安装
学习如何根据错误提示和原理图信息, 快速定位并修复错误。
了解如何批量修改和更新原理图中的 元器件和连接。
了解仿真的类型和设置方法,学习如何设置 仿真参数、选择仿真类型等。
掌握如何查看仿真结果,包括波形图、数据 表等。
学习如何根据仿真结果分析电路性能,如时 延、功耗等。
识别每一实验文件中的内标和化合物峰。 学会峰积分 比较化合物和内标物的峰面积 检查峰,会手动调整积分错误的峰,舍去错误的校 准点 做校准曲线,学会曲线的存储和调用 存储、调用定量结果 编辑报告格式,出报告
需要将样品文件输入样品表 如图所示
定量方法 –编辑积分属性
是否平滑后积分 平滑参数
Apex Track积分参数 标准积分参数,点击“+”可展开具体参数 积分域值参数 是否将积分属性应用于其它定量化合物
色谱图窗口 校准曲线窗口
鼠标右键点击样品表区域,会弹出一对话菜单。 选择 Customize Display...
From Chromatogram: Process | Integrate
噪音水平,标准 峰积分时使用。 勾选表示自动 噪音测量 勾选表示平滑 后积分
Quantification by QuanLynx of MassLynx 4.1
准备待分析的标样和样品(通常标样和样品中添加有内标物) 在定量的项目下新建包括质谱方法和液相方法的样品表 采集数据 定义色谱图中化合物的出峰位置 定义峰积分参数 将化合物的定量信息编辑进定量方法 处理标样和样品数据 检查定量曲线 设计并打印定量结果报告
QuanLynx练习数据存在于MassLynx 4.1的Quantify项目下。 通过Quantify样品表可快速浏览这些数据。 共有39个血药浓度实验数据可供练习,为LC-MS/MS定量数 据。样品类型有standard, analyte以及QC。 每一实验包括一个内标和两个化合物的数据。内标在所有实 验样品中的浓度固定不变,标样中两个化合物的浓度相同, 见File Text内的注释。例如:
MassHunter数据分析培训教材 (3)
Sort by Data file/ Type 当调 用多个数据时,可以选择根 据数据类型或者数据名排 列顺序。
1.2 方法管理器窗口
Agilent 5977MSD MassHunter 数据分析现场培训教材
第一章 定性分析
打开软件之前先将数据采集软件光盘(G3336-60065_MassHunter Qualitative Anaylsis DA Software B.06.00 ) X:\DATA\GCMS Pesticide\ 目录下的所有文件夹拷贝到 D:\MassHunter\Data\目录下。此文件夹将包含我们练习 所要使用的所有数据。
ChemStation(化学工作站积分器,主要针对 UV 信号) General(即 MSD Chemstation 里的 RTE 积分器)
Agilent 5977MSD MassHunter 数据分析现场培训教材
Universal(即 MSD Chemstation 里的 Chemstation 积分器) MS/MS(第一代少参数积分器,针对液质信号优化过的积分器,不推荐用于 SQ) MS/MS(GC)(第一代少参数积分器,针对气质信号优化过的积分器,不推荐用于 SQ) Agile(默认积分器,第二代少参数积分器,推荐用于 GC 信号)
双击 Qualitative Analysis B.06.00 图标,打开 MassHunter 定性分析软件。
系统将显示“Open Data File”对话框,转到文件夹 D:\MassHunter\Data \GCMS Pesticide 打开一个全扫描的文 件 Pest - 200 - scan.D。
simulationx 精解与实例
simulationx 精解与实例摘要:一、simulationx 简介1.软件背景2.应用领域二、simulationx 精解1.功能模块解析2.技术特点三、simulationx 实例分析1.实例一:电磁场仿真2.实例二:电路仿真3.实例三:热力学仿真四、实战操作技巧与注意事项1.建模技巧2.仿真设置3.结果分析五、simulationx 在工程中的应用1.工业领域2.科研领域六、未来发展趋势与展望1.技术创新2.市场前景正文:一、simulationx 简介simulationx 是一款强大的仿真软件,起源于德国,应用于各个领域,如电磁场、电路、热力学等。
1.软件背景simulationx 的开发始于20世纪90年代,经过多年的发展,现已成为国际上知名度较高的仿真软件。
2.应用领域simulationx 适用于多种领域,如电气、机械、电子、热力学、流体等。
二、simulationx 精解1.功能模块解析simulationx 包含多个功能模块,如几何建模、网格划分、物理场仿真、求解器设置等。
2.技术特点simulationx 具有以下技术特点:(1)高精度求解器:采用先进的求解算法,确保仿真结果的准确性。
三、simulationx 实例分析1.实例一:电磁场仿真某电机产品在设计阶段,通过simulationx 进行电磁场仿真,预测电机运行时的磁场分布和电磁力。
5740AH - 40 Ton Air/Hydraulic Shop Press 5750AH - 50 Ton Air/Hydraulic Shop PressCONTENTS:Page 1Specifications2Safety Information and Warranty Information 3Parts List4-6Assembly Instructions789Pump and Ram Assembly Instructions Procedure for Bleeding Air Pump Instructions10-11Winch Kit Parts List and Winch Installation Instructions 12Replacement Parts List© Copyright 2020, Sunex Tools ®SAFETY INFORMATIONThis symbol alerts you to the possibility of serious injury or death if instructions are not followed.This symbol alerts you to the possibility of damage to or destruction of equipment if instructions are not followed.Failure to heed these warnings may result in lossof load, damage to the press and/or failure resulting in property damage, personal or fatal injury. Thisoperating manual contains important details concern-ing the safe operation of this tool. The user must read and understand these details before any use of the tool. This manual must be retained for future reference.• Read, study, understand and follow all instructions before operating this press.• Always wear safety goggles, (users and bystanders).•Parts being pressed may splinter, shatter, or be ejected from the press at a dangerous rate of speed. Because there are a variety of press applications, it is the responsibility of the press owner to provide adequate guards, eye protection and protective clothing to the press operator.• Visual inspection of the press should be made before use, checking for signs of cracked welds, bent bed pins, loose or missing bolts, leaks, or any other structural damage. Corrections must be made before using the press.•Do not go near leaks. High pressure hydraulic uid can puncture skin and cause serious injury,gangrene, or death. If injured, seek emergency medical help as immediate surgery is required to remove the uid.• Prior to use make sure the press is securely anchored to a concrete oor.•Keep hands, arms, feet, and legs out of work area. Accidental slippage can result in personal injury.• Always use an accurate force gauge to measure pressing force.• Do not exceed the rated capacity or tamper with the pressure/force settings. When attachments and adapters are used the rated capacity of the system shall be no greater than the rated capacity of the lowest rated component or combination of components that make up the system. • Avoid off-center loads. Offset loads can damage ram and may cause load to eject at a dangerous rate of speed. Do not use any spacer or extender between the press ram plunger and the item being pressed. If there is not enough ram stroke, adjust the height of the movable bolster.•Remove all loads from movable bolster before attempting to adjust bolster height. Beware of possible falling bolster.•Press only on loads supported by movable bolster and press plates included. Do not support loads on oor or press frame legs.• When using any accessories such as press plates or arbor plates, be certain they are centered on the movable bolster and in full contact with both sides of the bolster.• Before applying load, be certain all movable bolster supporting pins are fully engaged. Verify lift cables (if equipped) are slack before pressing on the bolster.• Always use a bearing shield when pressing bearings.•Use caution when positioning work to be pressed to ensure the item to be pressed cannot be ejected at a dangerous rate of speed.• Release hydraulic pressure before loosening any ttings.• Maintain proper hydraulic uid levels.• Do not make any alterations or modi cations to the press.•This product may contain one or more chemicals known to the State of California to cause cancer and birth defects or other reproductive harm. Wash hands thoroughly after handling.•Failure to heed and understand these markings may result in serious or fatal personal injury and/or property damage.OWNER/USER RESPONSIBILITYThe owner and/or user must have an understanding of the manufacturer'soperating instructions and warnings before using this press. Personnel involvedin the use and operation of equipment shall be careful, competent, trained,and quali ed in the safe operation of the equipment and its proper use whenservicing motor vehicles and their components. Warning information shouldbe emphasized and understood.If the operator is not uent in English, the manufacturer's instructions andwarnings shall be read to and discussed with the operator in the operator'snative language by the purchaser/owner, making sure that the operatorcomprehends its contents.Owner and/or user must study and maintain for future reference the manufactur-er’s instructions. Owner and/or user is responsible for keeping all warning labels and instruction manuals legible and intact. Replacement labels and literature are available from the manufacturers.INSPECTIONVisual inspection of the shop press should be made before each use of the press, checking for damaged, loose or missing parts. Each press must be inspected by a manufacturer’s repair facility immediately, if subjected to an abnormal load or shock. Any press which appears to be damaged in any way, is found to be badly worn, or operates abnormally must be removed fromservice until necessary repairs are made by a manufacturers's authorized repair facility. It is recommended that an annual inspection of the press be made by a manufacturer’s authorized repair facility and that any defective parts, decals or warning labels be replaced with manufacturer’s speci ed parts. A list of authorized repair facilities is available from the manufacturer.SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS•CHECK YOUR LOCAL, STATE AND FEDERAL REGULATIONSREGARDING THE SAFE USE OF THIS EQUIPMENT.•Your safety is top priority. Please handle equipment with care.•Fully retract unit and remove all items from the press bed frame.•Support the press bed, and remove the pins.•Raise or lower bed to desired height and reinstall press pins. Be certainpins are fully engaged in the parallel anges of the upright columns.•Position press on a at, level, hard surface, preferably concrete.Make sure all nuts and bolts are tight.•Clear the area of bystanders, especially small children, before using.•Set the press bed to the required height. The press is most effectivewhen the work piece is located 1 inch below the ram’s retracted position.The compression stroke can include the entire 5 inch working range.•The press is designed to exert a force on anything which is positionedbeneath its ram. The work piece can pop out from under the ram at a high rate of speed and injure someone.•Pressing Bearings: It is essential that you use the bearing shield whenpressing bearings on or off.LIMITED WARRANTY:SUNEX INTERNATIONAL, INC. WARRANTS TO ITS CUSTOMERS THAT THE COMPANY’S SUNEX TOOLS ® BRANDED PRODUCTS ARE FREE FROM DEFECTS IN WORKMANSHIP AND MATERIALS.Sunex International, Inc. will repair or replace its Sunex T ools ® branded products which fail to give satisfactory service due to defective workmanship or materials, based upon the terms and conditions of the following described warranty plans attributed to that speci c product. This product carries a ONE-YEAR warranty. During this warranty period, Sunex T ools ® will repair or replace at our option any part or unit which proves to be defective in material or workmanship. Other important warranty information....This warranty does not cover damage to equipment or tools arising fromalteration, abuse, misuse, damage and does not cover any repairs or replace-ment made by anyone other than Sunex Tools ® or its authorized warranty service centers. The foregoing obligation is Sunex Tools ®’ sole liability under this or any implied warranty and under no circumstances shall we be liable for any incidental or consequential damages. Note: Some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the abovelimitation or exclusion may not apply to you. Return equipment or parts to Sunex Tools ®, transportation prepaid. Be certain to include your name and address, evidence of the purchase date, and description of the suspected defect.If you have any questions about warranty service, please write to Sunex Tools ®.This warranty gives you speci c legal rights and you may also have other rightswhich vary from state to state. Repair kits and replacement parts are available for many of Sunex Tools ® products regardless of whether or not the product is still covered by a warranty plan.SHIPPING ADDRESS: MAILING ADDRESS:Sunex Tools Sunex Tools 315 Hawkins Rd. P .O. Box 4215Travelers Rest, South Carolina 29690 Greenville, South Carolina 29608THIS OPERATING MANUAL CONTAINS IMPORTANT SAFETY INFORMATION. READ CAREFULLY AND UNDERSTAND ALL INFORMATION BEFORE OPERATING THIS TOOL. SAVE THIS MANUAL FOR FUTURE USE.WARNING: This product can expose you to chemicals including nickel, which is known to the State of California to cause cancer and birth defects or other reproductive harm.For more information go to .Press Frame - 1Press Bed - 1Press Feet - 2Z Bar - 11/2"-13 x 1-1/2" Hex Head Bolts - 101/2" Nuts - 10Air MotorPump and Ram - 1Pump Extension Handle - 11" x 3" x 14"Press Plates - 2Accessory only -Not needed for assemblyPushing Adapter - 1Accessory only -Not needed for assemblyBearing Shield - 1Accessory only -Not needed for assemblyESTIMATED ASSEMBLY TIME: 30 MINUTESACCESSORIESASSEMBL CONTINUEDPUMP AND RAM ASSEMBL Y INSTRUCTIONSPROCEDURE FOR BLEEDING AIRPUMP INSTRUCTIONSWINCH INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS CONTINUED。
1.PumpLinx 3.2.2安装软件 32位
2.PumpLinx 3.2.2安装软件 64位
3.PumpLinx 3.2.2安装软件 license
4.PumpLinx 3.0.2安装软件
PumpLinx 3.0.2安装软件.PumpLinx是美国Simerics公司专门针对各类泵
的水力学模拟计算开发的CFD(计算流体力学)软件,力求为工程师设计 泵类提供快速可靠的结果。
5.PumpLinx license安装向导.pdf
6.PumpLinx安装问题及解答(1).pdf 提供了PumpLinx安装问题及解答。
6.Simerics用户手册_GUI菜单和工具栏(en) 这是关于GUI的GUI菜单和工具栏功能的使用说明手册
7.Simerics用户手册_一般条款和功能(en) Simerics MP v3.2d使用条款的通用手册
2.Simerics用户手册_结果面板(en) Simerics结果面板的通用手册
它可以求解包括层流/湍流/可压缩/不可压缩/空化/传热/亚音速/超音速 在内的定常或非定常问题,它的独特技术优势包括:专业的运动机械模
ANSYS/LS-DYNA 显式动力学 培训手册
概述 … ANSYS/LS-DYNA 的应用
非线性屈曲 阶越屈曲 声波的传播 失效分析
March 7, 2002 Inventory #001630 1-*
“准” 静态
S F = 0
March 7, 2002 Inventory #001630 1-*
概述 A. 什么是 ANSYS/LS-DYNA?
显式动力学有限元程序的基本目标 用来求解高度非线性瞬态动力学问题 对大范围的接触类型有效 丰富先进的材料模型 强大的大变形分析能力 ANSYS 和LS-DYNA 程序的无缝结合 将LS-DYNA 求解器完全集成到 ANSYS程序中 所有的前后处理使用ANSYS标准格式 GUI 完全类似于通用ANSYS程序 支持隐式-显式顺序求解能力
制造过程的模拟 深拉 液压成形 超弹成形 轧制 挤压 冲压 加工 钻 所有的这些成形过程可以利用LS-DYNA 程序的质量缩放和变化工具速度功能来模拟
概述 … ANSYS/LS-DYNA 的应用
March 7, 2002 Inventory #001630 1-*
管碰撞 (ANSYS News 3/93): 带有50 rad/sec旋转角速度的管的碰撞 CPU 时间 (SGI Octane R12000) < 20 秒
非线性问题: 集中质量矩阵需要简单求逆 方程非耦合,可以直接求解 (显式) 无须对刚度矩阵求逆,所有非线性(包括接触) 都包含在内力矢量中 内力计算是主要的计算部分 无须收敛检查 保持稳定状态需要小的时间步
概述 … 显式-隐式方法的比较
March 7, 2002 Inventory #001630 1-*
基金项目:云南中烟工业有限责任公司科技项目(编号:JB2022XY03);中国烟草总公司重大科技项目(编号:110202101068〔XX 13〕)作者简介:刘劲芸,女,云南中烟新材料科技有限公司助理研究员,硕士。
E mail:yunnan200 2@163.com收稿日期:2022 09 09 改回日期:2022 11 30犇犗犐:10.13652/犼.狊狆犼狓.1003.5788.2022.80792[文章编号]1003 5788(2023)03 0175 08滇红玫瑰精油超临界CO2萃取工艺、挥发性成分及抗氧化活性研究StudyonsupercriticalCO2extractionprocess,volatilecomponentsandantioxidantactivityofroseoilfromDianhongrose刘劲芸犔犐犝犑犻狀 狔狌狀 常 健犆犎犃犖犌犑犻犪狀 蒋卓芳犑犐犃犖犌犣犺狌狅 犳犪狀犵徐重军犡犝犆犺狅狀犵 犼狌狀 陈 婉犆犎犈犖犌犠犪狀 吴 恒犠犝犎犲狀犵(云南中烟新材料科技有限公司,云南昆明 650106)(犢狌狀狀犪狀犜狅犫犪犮犮狅犐狀犱狌狊狋狉犻犪犾犎犻 犜犲犮犺犕犪狋犲狉犻犪犾犆狅.,犔狋犱.,犓狌狀犿犻狀犵,犢狌狀狀犪狀650106,犆犺犻狀犪)摘要:目的:综合利用云产滇红玫瑰花资源,提高产品附加值。
maki's lab讲义
maki's lab讲义1. Introduction to Maki's LabIn this lab manual, we will explore the various aspects of Maki's Lab, a cutting-edge research facility dedicated to advanced scientific and technological breakthroughs. We will delve into the lab's equipment, laboratory procedures, safety protocols, and ongoing research projects. Get ready to embark on an exciting journey into the world of Maki's Lab!2. Lab EquipmentMaki's Lab houses state-of-the-art equipment necessary for conducting groundbreaking research. Some of the key equipment found in the lab includes:- Atomic Force Microscope (AFM): This high-resolution imaging instrument allows researchers to visualize and manipulate materials at the atomic scale. It is instrumental in a wide range of research areas, including nanotechnology, biology, and material science.- Spectrophotometer: The spectrophotometer is utilized to measure the absorption and transmission of light by a substance. It plays a crucial role in various analytical chemistry applications, including quantifying the concentration of substances in a solution and characterizing the properties of materials.- Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) machine: This laboratory device is used to amplify and produce copies of a specific DNA sequence. PCR is a vital technique in DNA cloning, genetic testing, and other molecular biology applications.- High-Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) system: HPLC is an analytical technique used to separate, identify, and quantify components in a complex mixture. It is widely employed in pharmaceutical analysis, environmental testing, and forensic science.3. Laboratory ProceduresTo ensure the smooth operation of experiments and maintain scientific integrity, Maki's Lab follows a set of standard laboratory procedures. Some common procedures you may come across include:- Sample Preparation: This step involves preparing samples for analysis or experimentation. It may include activities like weighing, mixing, diluting, or extracting substances. Proper sample preparation is crucial to obtaining accurate and reliable results.- Experimental Design: Before conducting any experiment, researchers need to carefully plan the study design. This includes identifying research objectives, selecting appropriate methods and controls, and determining the statistical analysis approach. Well-designed experiments are essential for generating valid and interpretable data.- Data Collection and Analysis: Once an experiment is underway, data collection begins. Researchers record observations, measurements, and any other relevant information. After that, data analysis techniques are employed to extract meaningful insights and draw conclusions. Statistical analysis tools and software areoften used in this stage.- Documentation: Detailed documentation of experimental procedures, observations, and results is critical in scientific research. Researchers maintain lab notebooks to record all relevant information, ensuring reproducibility and transparency. Accurate documentation helps maintain the integrity of the research process.4. Safety ProtocolsSafety is of utmost importance in any laboratory setting, andMaki's Lab is no exception. The following safety protocols are strictly adhered to:- Personal Protective Equipment (PPE): Lab personnel are required to wear appropriate PPE, such as lab coats, gloves, safety goggles, and closed-toe shoes, to protect themselves from potential hazards.- Chemical Handling: Proper handling, storage, and disposal of chemicals are vital in maintaining a safe working environment. This includes following guidelines for handling hazardous substances, storing chemicals correctly, and disposing of waste in accordance with environmental regulations.- Emergency Preparedness: Maki's Lab has well-defined emergency protocols in place. These include evacuation procedures, first aid training, and access to emergency equipment like fire extinguishers and eye wash stations.- Equipment Safety: Regular maintenance and calibration of lab equipment are essential to prevent accidents. Lab members aretrained on how to handle equipment correctly and report any malfunction or damage promptly.5. Ongoing Research ProjectsMaki's Lab is involved in a diverse range of cutting-edge research projects in collaboration with leading institutions and industry partners. Some ongoing projects include:- Nanotechnology: Researchers are investigating novel nanomaterials with unique properties for applications in energy storage, electronics, and healthcare.- Drug Delivery Systems: The lab is developing innovative drug delivery systems that enhance the efficacy and safety of various medications, aiming to improve patient experience and outcomes.- Bioengineering: Maki's Lab is at the forefront of bioengineering research, focusing on tissue engineering, regenerative medicine, and biomedical device development.- Artificial Intelligence: The lab is working on applying artificial intelligence algorithms to data analysis and decision-making processes, spanning fields such as healthcare, finance, and robotics. In conclusion, Maki's Lab is a dynamic center of scientific excellence, equipped with cutting-edge technology, strict safety protocols, and a range of ongoing research projects. By immersing ourselves in the world of Maki's Lab, we gain insights into the intricacies of modern scientific research and technological advancements that shape our future.。
maki's lab讲义
maki's lab讲义Maki's Lab是一个创新的实验室,致力于研究和发展新兴科技,推动社会的进步。
本讲义将分享一些与Maki's Lab相关的参考内容。
以下是一些示例:1. 《Maki's Lab的研究领域》本文介绍了Maki's Lab涉及的研究领域。
文章描述了这些领域的前沿发展,以及Maki's Lab所做的贡献。
2. 《机器学习在Maki's Lab的应用》这篇文章探讨了Maki's Lab在机器学习领域的研究和应用。
3. 《Maki's Lab的生物技术项目》该文章详细介绍了Maki's Lab在生物技术领域的研究项目。
4. 《可持续能源研发在Maki's Lab的贡献》这篇文章讨论了Maki's Lab在可持续能源研发方面的工作。
5. 《Maki's Lab的创新项目案例研究》本文通过案例研究的方式介绍了Maki's Lab的一些创新项目。
6. 《Maki's Lab的科研团队简介》这篇文章介绍了Maki's Lab的科研团队,包括各个领域的专家和研究人员。
Copyright Notice
Micromass UK Limited believes that the information in this publication is accurate. However the information is subject to change without notice and should not be construed as a contractual undertaking by Micromass UK Limited. Despite the care that has been given to the preparation of this publication, Micromass UK Limited accepts no responsibility for any loss or any other matter that may arise from any error or inaccuracy that may inadvertently have been included. Copyright 1993-2002 Micromass Ltd. All Rights Reserved. No part of this publication may be copied without the express written permission of Micromass UK Limited.
Micromass ® is a registered trademark of Micromass UK Limited (Reg. U.S. Pat. & Tm. Off.). MassLynx and BioLynx are registered trademarks of Micromass UK Limited. Windows is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation. Other product names mentioned in this manual may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies and are hereby acknowledged.
Masslynx数据处理SOP1、首先有原始数据和Sample list(拔完UPLC-Q-TOF就拷下来的)2、先打开Masslynx-File-Project wizard- 新建一个project 命名,选择project的保存位置,project建成后,自动生成以下文件夹:其中最后一项为配置设置-总文件3、将原始数据导入(复制、粘贴)至Project下的Data文件夹,将Sample list放入Sample DB文件夹中4、因为Sample list比较混乱,含有空白及QC样本并且血样和尿液数据混合在一起,所以要整理Sample list。
5、Open-Sample list-选中原始Sample list-删除空白(必须删除空白),删除QC,分别将尿液中的血液数据剔除,将血液中的尿液数据剔除。
6、得到的尿液数据Sample list另存为LN-Urine-N,保存于Sample DB得到的血液数据Sample list另存为LN-Blood-N,保存于Sample DB7、建立血清正确的Sample list后就可以处理数据了Masslynx-Edit method-property valueFunction 1Initial Retention Time 0.50Final Retention Time 16.0Low Mass 100High Mass 1000Mass Tolerance(Da) 0.05Ose relative retention time NoApex Track Peak ParamatersApply smoothory NoCoulition Parameters: Noise eff… 0.0Deiso… No!处理尿样时:其他参数与blood保持一致,仅以下改变:Final Retention Time 12High Mass 15008、将设置好参数的method 另存为“blood(或其它)”存放在“METHOD”文件9、Masslynx-Process Samples-选择“project”-选中已经建立的“Sample list”-选中所需处理的样品编号“Method”编号对应于Sample list中的编号Processing options 选中☑Detect Peaks☑Collect Markers☑PCA点击OK,即开始处理数据数据处理过程包括:数据处理、色谱峰自动识别、峰对齐及归一化等这一系列过程都是自动完成的10、自动完成后可以得到Trend ViewLoadings ViewScores ViewChromatogram View四种形式的视图11、将Markerlynx Date set 保存为Markerlynx blood12、另存导出markers,对象名称为csv,将csv格式的文件导入SIMCA-P进行PCA、PLS-DA分析。
Masslynx操作说明简介开机步骤1. 分别打开质谱、液相色谱和计算机电源,此时质谱主机内置的CPU会通过网线与计算机主机建立通讯联系,这个时间大约需要1至2分钟。
2. 等液相色谱通过自检后,进入Idle状态,依照液相色谱操作程序,依次进行操作。
a. 打开脱气机 (Degasser On)。
b. 湿灌注(Wet Prime)。
c. Purge Injector。
d. 平衡色谱柱。
3. 双击桌面上的 MassLynx4.1图标进入质谱软件。
注:如果进入Masslynx软件时出现提示:“The embedded system is not responding, The system will run in standalone mode”,则说明质谱内置的CPU(EPC)与电脑主机的通讯联系还未建立,此时无法控制质谱,请稍等后再进入软件,如果打开软件仅为处理数据则没有关系(质谱主机电源未开时进入软件也会有同样提示)。
4. 检查机械泵的油的状态(每星期),如果发现浑浊、缺油等状况,或者已经累积运行超过3000小时,请及时更换机械泵油。
5. 点击质谱调谐图标(MS Tune)进入质谱调谐窗口。
6. 选择菜单“Options –Pump”,这时机械泵将开始工作,同时分子涡轮泵会开始抽真空。
7. 点击真空状态图标,检查真空规的状态,以确认真空达到要求。
8. 确认氮气气源输出已经打开,气体输出压力为90 psi。
9. 设置源温度(Source Temp)到目标温度。
质谱调谐窗口各项参数设定电喷雾电离源(ESI)1. 在质谱调谐窗口选定要使用的离子模式。
2. 点击进入下面Source界面,设定Source界面里的各项参数。
Capillary(KV) 加在ESI源内毛细管上的高压,正离子模式一般是在2.5-3.75KV 之间优化,负离子模式一般是在2.0-3.0KV之间优化。
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- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
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The data acquired through the sample list can be accessed via the following commands from the sample list menu bar:
-Spectrum (generates the spectrum for the sample
highlighted in the sample list)
-Chromatogram (generates the chromatogram for the sample highlighted in the sample list)
The sample list menu bar
Data Display
-Right clicking across ion
chromatogram combines
MS spectra
Chromatogram: Display: Total Ion Current (TIC)
Chromatogram: Display: Total Ion Current (TIC)
Selected Ion Plot (SIP))
Selected Ion Plot (SIP))
-right clicking on
spectrum will also
generate SIP with
error window
established by user
Selected Ion Plot (SIP))
Chromatogram: Display: View
Chromatogram: Display: View
-header options can also be accessed by double clicking on the
header text
Chromatogram: Display: Peak Annotation
Chromatogram: Display: Customize Toolbar
Chromatogram: Display: Move To Last/First
Chromatogram: Display: Move To Last/First
Chromatogram: File: Open (when “new
window”is clicked)
Data opened in Tile mode
Chromatogram: File: Open (when “new
window”is clicked)
window”is clicked)
Data opened in Cascade mode
window”is clicked)
Data opened in Stack mode
1 pmol/礚, 1 礚 load
m/z 400450500550600650700750800850900950100010501100115012001250130013501400145015001550%0
100040113_aldehas_02 312 (22.639) Cm (312:323)
1: TOF MS ES+ 2.86e4540.190
Spectrum: Edit: Copy Picture
Spectrum: Edit: Copy Spectrum List
-Used for importing spectrum into BioLynx
Spectrum: Display: Spectrum & Remove
Spectrum: Display: Range (From & Magnify)
Spectrum: Display: List Spectrum
Spectrum: Display: View
Spectrum: Display: Peak Annotation
Spectrum: Display: Toolbar & Last/First
The same as with chromatogram
Spectrum: Process: Combine
Spectrum: Process: Subtract & Smooth
-correct mass accuracy with
internal standard (applicable
when lockspray data is NOT
collected in a separate function)
Spectrum: Process: Center
-correct mass accuracy
with lockspray data
collected in separate
Spectrum: Process: Mass Measure
-right clicking puts
mass in box.
elemental composition
-data should be
lockmass corrected
Spectrum: Tools: Elemental Composition
Spectrum: Tools: Elemental Composition
Controlling Data Acquisition: Other Tabs and Options
MassLynx Menu: Instrument: Edit
The shutdown editor is used to edit the
automatic shutdown and startup files.
MassLynx Menu: Instrument: Edit Shutdown/Startup
MassLynx Menu: Instrument: Options
Processing Acquired Data
tool bar MassLynx bar:
different tabs &
status bar
MassLynx Menu: Tools: Options
Allows you to select for different parameters
for the display of data
MassLynx Menu: Tools: Options
Allows you to select for different parameters
for the display of data
Allows you to change the colors and font sizes of your data display.
MassLynx Menu: Tools: Colors and Fonts
Allows you to remove any unwanted background and noise from a data file
MassLynx Menu: Tools: Strip
Applies accurate measurments to whole
data files instead on a per-scan basis
MassLynx Menu: Tools: Accurate Mass
Allows you to combine all the
functions into a single data file.
MassLynx Menu: Tools: Combine Functions
Allows you to combine a group
of files that were acquired with
the same acquisition method.
MassLynx Menu: Tools: Combine All Files
Used to calculate the average or
monoisotopic molecular mass of
any chemical formula.
MassLynx Menu: Tools: Molecular Weight